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The Use of Prophylactic Antibiotics Prior To Dental Procedures in Patients With Prosthetic Joints

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The use of prophylactic antibiotics

prior to dental procedures in patients
with prosthetic joints
Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for dental
practitioners—a report of the American Dental
Association Council on Scientific Affairs

Thomas P. Sollecito, DMD, FDS ABSTRACT

RCSEd; Elliot Abt, DDS, MS, MSc;
Peter B. Lockhart, DDS, FDS RCSEd, Background. A panel of experts (the 2014 Panel) convened by the American
FDS RCPS; Edmond Truelove, DDS, Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs developed an evidence-based
MSD; Thomas M. Paumier, DDS; clinical practice guideline (CPG) on the use of prophylactic antibiotics in patients
Sharon L. Tracy, PhD; with prosthetic joints who are undergoing dental procedures. This CPG is intended
Malavika Tampi, MPH; to clarify the “Prevention of Orthopaedic Implant Infection in Patients Undergoing
Eugenio D. Beltrán-Aguilar, DMD, Dental Procedures: Evidence-based Guideline and Evidence Report,” which was
MPH, MS, DrPH; developed and published by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and
Julie Frantsve-Hawley, PhD the American Dental Association (the 2012 Panel).
Types of Studies Reviewed. The 2014 Panel based the current CPG on
literature search results and direct evidence contained in the comprehensive sys-

n 2012, a panel of experts
representing the American tematic review published by the 2012 Panel, as well as the results from an updated
Academy of Orthopaedic literature search. The 2014 Panel identified 4 case-control studies.
Surgeons (AAOS) and the Results. The 2014 Panel judged that the current best evidence failed to demon-
American Dental strate an association between dental procedures and prosthetic joint infection (PJI).
Association The 2014 Panel also presented information about antibiotic resistance, adverse drug
(ADA) (the 2012 reactions, and costs associated with prescribing antibiotics for PJI prophylaxis.
Panel) published a Practical Implications and Conclusions. The 2014 Panel made the
systematic review following clinical recommendation: In general, for patients with prosthetic joint
and accompa- implants, prophylactic antibiotics are not recommended prior to dental procedures
nying clinical to prevent prosthetic joint infection. The practitioner and patient should consider
practice guideline possible clinical circumstances that may suggest the presence of a significant
(CPG) entitled medical risk in providing dental care without antibiotic prophylaxis, as well as the
“Prevention of known risks of frequent or widespread antibiotic use. As part of the evidence-based
Orthopaedic approach to care, this clinical recommendation should be integrated with the
practitioner’s professional judgment and the patient’s needs and preferences.
This article has an accompanying online
Key Words. Antibiotic prophylaxis; evidence-based dentistry; practice guidelines;
continuing education activity available at: prostheses; joint replacement. JADA 2015:146(1):11-16
Copyright ª 2015 American Dental
Association. All rights reserved.

JADA 146(1) January 2015 11


Implant Infection in Patients Undergoing Dental Pro- In their systematic review,1 the 2012 Panel identified
cedures: Evidence-based Guideline and Evidence 1 study that provided direct evidence about dental
Report.”1-3 The 2012 Panel initially considered 222 ques- procedures as risk factors for developing prosthetic hip
tions concerning the relationship between dental pro- and knee implant infections. The study by Berbari
cedures, bacteremia (as an intermediate outcome), and and colleagues7 was a case-control study of 339 patients
the risk of developing a prosthetic joint infection (PJI) as with infected hip or knee prostheses (cases), and the
a clinical end point. The 2012 Panel published a authors matched them with 339 patients who did not
comprehensive evidence-based guideline. The release of have infected hip or knee prostheses (controls) and
this guideline was fol- who were hospitalized in an orthopedic service at the
lowed by calls to the Mayo Clinic Care Network (Rochester, MN) from
ADA Member Service December 2001 through May 2006. The authors
Center hotline request- reviewed and abstracted information from dental
ing additional clarification, which indicated that this records to determine the association between the dental
guideline was 1 of the top 2 issues of concern to dental procedures (exposure) and hip and knee infections.
practitioners. Therefore, the ADA’s Council on Scientific Exposure was measured within the previous 6 months
Affairs convened a panel of experts (the 2014 Panel) to and 2 years before hospital admission and classified as
provide dental professionals with a more specific and low-risk dental procedures (fluoride treatment,
practical set of guidelines, the results of which are restorative dentistry, and endodontic treatment) and
included in this article. high-risk dental procedures (periodontal treatment,
The 2014 Panel considered the direct evidence link- extractions, treatment of a dental abscess, oral surgery,
ing a PJI with a dental procedure but did not reevaluate and dental hygiene), as defined by Berbari and
intermediate outcomes, including bacteremia4 from colleagues.7
manipulation of oral mucosa. The full report of the 2012 The authors controlled for confounding variables
Panel, which includes intermediate outcomes, is by matching control patients to case patients on the
available online.1 The 2014 Panel addressed the basis of joint arthroplasty location, resulting in
following clinical question: For patients with prosthetic exactly the same number of prosthetic hip (n ¼ 164)
joints, is there an association between dental procedures and knee (n ¼ 175) replacements among cases and
and PJI, and, therefore, should systemic antibiotics be controls. The authors also controlled for confounding
prescribed before patients with prosthetic joint implants by providing each patient with a yes versus no pro-
undergo dental procedures? In this article, we present pensity score regarding whether the patient had had
the evidence to answer this question and provide a dental visit during the period of data abstraction.
clinical recommendations. The score took into account several covariates—
including sociodemographic and behavioral infor-
EVIDENCE REVIEW mation, comorbidities, and the American Society of
Because the 2012 Panel1 conducted a comprehensive Anesthesiologists score—that influenced a patient’s
search of the biomedical literature and screened the propensity to visit a dentist. The authors also
results of the search according to defined inclusion controlled for covariates such as antibiotic prophy-
and exclusion criteria, the 2014 Panel chose to use the laxis, sex, and joint effect. The regression models
literature selected by the 2012 Panel as the foundation included all of these covariates and confounding
of this CPG. In addition, the 2014 Panel updated the variables.
literature search and screening process to identify The regression modeling used odds ratios (ORs), and
additional evidence. The methods are presented in the results showed no statistical association between
Appendix 1 (available online at the end of this article). having undergone high-risk dental procedures without
The 2014 Panel assessed each identified study antibiotics and PJIs at either 6-months (OR ¼ 0.8; 95%
according to the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme confidence interval [CI], 0.4-1.7) or 2-years (OR ¼ 0.8;
case-control critical appraisal tool5 and then 95% CI, 0.4-1.6) after the procedure. High-risk dental
summarized the body of evidence to determine the procedures with antibiotics were statistically significant
level of certainty in the effect estimate and at 6 months (OR ¼ 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3-0.9), but not at 2
corresponding strength of the recommendation. years (OR ¼ 0.7; 95% CI, 0.5-1.1). All 4 of these ORs are
Details about the process for generating clinical below the null value of 1, indicating that case patients
recommendations are in Appendix 2 (available online
at the end of this article). The 2014 Panel did not
conduct a meta-analysis because a meta-analysis of
observational studies can produce precise, but possibly ABBREVIATION KEY. AAOS: American Academy of
spurious, estimates of risk owing to the effects of Orthopaedic Surgeons. ADA: American Dental Association.
confounding.6 CPG: Clinical practice guideline. PJI: Prosthetic joint infection.

12 JADA 146(1) January 2015


had lower odds of having undergone dental procedures identified 30 case participants with late (> 6 months
than did control patients. after implant placement) PJI and 100 control patients,
The 2014 Panel identified 3 additional case-control although it was unclear whether or how the control
studies via its updated literature search process.8-10 The patients were matched with the case patients. The
first study was by Skaar and colleagues.9 They extracted authors reviewed dental charts, but they did not
data (International Classification of Diseases, Ninth mention masking of data abstractors or the types of
Revision, Clinical Modification for procedures associated dental procedures that were performed. The authors did
with hospital use in the United States: codes 81.5, 81.51, not account for any confounding factors such as age,
81.52, 81.54, 81.56, 81.57, 81.80, 81.81, 81.84, 81.9, and 996.99) sex, smoking status, or medical conditions. The authors
for the years 1997 through 2006 from the Medicare performed a Fisher exact test, and from the published
Current Beneficiary Survey. The nested case-control data we calculated an OR of 0.07 (95% CI, 0.01-0.56).
study included 168 participants who had undergone total This result provided evidence that there is an
arthroplasty—42 case participants who had PJIs matched association between dental procedures and PJI;
according to age group, sex, and number of comorbid however, the OR and Fisher exact test results implied
conditions with 126 control participants who did not. that those undergoing dental procedures were at lower
Dental data were based on patients’ self-reports, which risk of developing PJI. The methodological limitations
are susceptible to recall bias. The authors reported that of this study affect the validity and generalizability of its
control participants were more likely to have undergone results; furthermore, the results are inconsistent with
invasive dental procedures than were case participants, other studies in which investigators failed to show an
although this result was not significant (main results were association between dental procedures and PJI.
expressed as time to event with hazard ratios [HRs] and
association with ORs: HR ¼ 0.78 [95% CI, 0.18-3.39]; CLINICAL RECOMMENDATION AND RATIONALE
OR ¼ 0.56 [95% CI, 0.18-1.74]; P ¼ .45; neither the HR nor Using eTable 1 (available online at the end of this article)
the OR was significant). Invasive dental procedures, as as a guide, the 2014 Panel judged with moderate certainty
defined by Skaar and colleagues,9 included teeth cleaning that there is no association between dental procedures
(including periodontal procedures), extractions, and and the occurrence of PJIs. The 2014 Panel made this
endodontic procedures. The authors noted that the judgment on the basis of the following 2 considerations.
statistical power for their study was low. Despite the The first was consistency between results, in that the
risk of bias, the study results appeared to be valid, results of 3 of 4 studies failed to show an association
generalizable, and consistent with those of other related between dental procedures and PJI, and the results of the
studies in which investigators failed to demonstrate an fourth study showed a protective effect of dental
association between dental procedures and PJI. procedures on PJI. The second was that although the
The second study also was a nested case-control number of studies was limited, it is unlikely that the
study in which Swan and colleagues10 addressed events results of the additional studies would have changed the
associated with PJI. They identified 17 patients (of 1,641 conclusion. The 2014 Panel made the assumption that the
who underwent arthroplasty between 1998 and 2006 in a evidence regarding hip and knee joint infections can be
tertiary referral center) in whom PJI developed more extrapolated to all joints on the basis of the morphologic
than 3 months postoperatively. The authors identified 51 and physiological characteristics of the tissues involved.
control patients from a central institutional audit This extrapolation is necessary for clinical relevance
database, but it was unclear whether case and control because, to our knowledge, no studies have been
participants were demographically similar. In addition, published addressing the relationship between dental
there was high susceptibility for recall bias because the treatment and infections of other types of prosthetic
exposure data were collected via telephone. The 2 joints. Using the ADA’s methods for generating clinical
factors most associated with PJI were having cellulitis or recommendation statements as described in eTable 2
having more than 4 comorbidities. The authors used (available online at the end of this article), when there is
data for dental procedures as published in the article to moderate certainty of no association, the strength of the
create a 22 table and calculate the OR as 1.53 (95% CI, recommendation is against. The term against means that
0.13-18.03). We did not calculate a P value, but the CI evidence suggests not implementing this intervention or
was wide enough and includes the null value of 1; discontinuing ineffective procedures (eTable 3, available
therefore, it failed to demonstrate an association online at the end of this article).
between dental procedures and PJI. On the basis of this rationale, the 2014 Panel makes
The third study was a nested case-control study in the following clinical recommendation as depicted in the
which Jacobson and colleagues8 recruited case Sidebar at the end of the article: In general, for patients
participants from approximately 2,700 patients with with prosthetic joint implants, prophylactic antibiotics
prosthetic knee or hip joints that had been placed in 1 of are not recommended prior to dental procedures to
2 hospitals from 1970 through 1983. The authors prevent prosthetic joint infection. The practitioner and

JADA 146(1) January 2015 13


patient should consider possible clinical circumstances procedure, it appears that postoperative factors such as
that may suggest the presence of a significant medical drainage or infection after undergoing arthroplasty were
risk in providing dental care without antibiotic prophy- associated more strongly with PJI than are having
laxis, as well as the known risks of frequent or wide- undergone previous surgery or arthroplasty of the index
spread antibiotic use. joint, being immunocompromised, or having a medical
This report is intended to assist practitioners with condition such as diabetes mellitus.
making decisions about the prophylactic use of antibi-
otics to prevent PJIs. The recommendations in this FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS
document are not intended to define a standard of care The following considerations contribute to the argu-
and rather should be integrated with the practitioner’s ment against antibiotic prophylaxis.
professional judgment and the patient’s needs and Antibiotic resistance. There is a long-standing
preferences. and increasing concern that repeated exposure to anti-
biotics is a risk factor for the development of resistant
RISK FACTORS FOR DEVELOPING PROSTHETIC JOINT bacterial species (for example, penicillin-resistant
One case-control study7 identified a number of Adverse drug reactions. Although there are no
nondental risk factors for developing PJI. In this study, data regarding the risk of developing a drug reaction
Berbari and colleagues7 evaluated both preoperative and from 1 dose of amoxicillin prescribed to prevent a
postoperative factors associated with PJI. The most distant site infection such as PJI, older data involving
clinically relevant of these factors were postoperative, prophylaxis regimens that included intramuscular
especially wound drainage after arthroplasty (OR ¼ 18.7; injections and multiple oral doses suggest that more
95% CI, 7.4-47.2). Other postoperative factors associated people who are given antibiotic prophylaxis would
with PJI were wound hematoma after arthroplasty experience drug reactions from penicillin-type drugs—
(OR ¼ 2.5; 95% CI, 1.3-9.5) and postoperative urinary some of which may be fatal—than would be prevented
tract infection (OR ¼ 2.7; 95% CI, 1.04-7.1). The OR for from developing PJI.15 Of all allergens, penicillin is the
surgical site infection could not be calculated because most frequent medication-related cause of anaphylaxis
there were no PJIs among the control subjects. Thus, the in humans, and its use is the cause of approximately
patients at the highest risk of developing PJI had 75% of fatal anaphylaxis cases in the United States each
drainage, an infection, or both after undergoing year.16 Other potential antibiotic-associated adverse
arthroplasty. There were no data regarding whether use reactions include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. There
of prophylactic antibiotics decreased the risk of also is an increased risk of experiencing adverse
developing PJIs in patients with these specific reactions with increasing patient age (that is, in patients
postoperative conditions. 70 years or older),17 which is compounded by the
Other conditions, as defined by Berbari and col- increased frequency of arthroplasty in older patient
leagues,7 with significant ORs (ranging from 1.8 to 2.2) cohorts.18
for PJI independent of dental procedures, were Prolonged treatment with antibiotics is associated
preoperative factors including prior operation/ with infections secondary to changes in the gastroin-
arthroplasty on the index joint, diabetes mellitus, and/or testinal microbial flora, which includes that involved
being immunocompromised (defined7 as rheumatoid in the development of oral thrush. For example,
arthritis or current use of systemic steroids/ Clostridium difficile infection potentially can cause
immunosuppressive drugs or diabetes mellitus or pseudomembranous colitis after patients are prescribed
presence of a malignancy or a history of chronic kidney antibiotics to treat other infections.19 Recognizing that a
disease). However, the magnitude of these ORs may not single dose of antibiotics for prophylaxis of PJI is
be clinically relevant. Observational studies such as unlikely to cause a C difficile infection, comprehensive
those with a case-control design do not involve the use dental care often involves multiple appointments over a
of randomization and are more prone to the effects of short period. In addition, patients may have taken
bias and confounding. Therefore, some epidemiologists antibiotics for other medical conditions in the past,
maintain that in case-control studies significant ORs of increasing their risk of experiencing changes in the
less than 4 may not be large enough to be clinically gastrointestinal flora. The Centers for Disease Control
relevant.11 The upper limit of the 95% CIs for the and Prevention has estimated that annually there
preoperative factors did not include values of 4 or are approximately 250,000 people with C difficile
greater in the results of the case-control study by infections that require hospitalization or already affect
Berbari and colleagues.7 Thus, although these factors hospitalized patients, resulting in 14,000 deaths per
were significant, the effects of these medical conditions year.20 Investigators have identified clindamycin,
on the risk of developing PJI may not be clinically cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones as the inducing
relevant. Independent of having undergone a dental agents.19

14 JADA 146(1) January 2015


Cost. The results of a 2013 report indicate that the use, using antibiotics before dental procedures is
annual cost of amoxicillin administered to patients with not recommended to prevent PJI. Additional case-
hip and knee prostheses before dental procedures in the control studies are needed to increase the level of
United States may exceed $50 million.21 certainty in the evidence to a level higher than
moderate. n
Evidence fails to demonstrate an association between
dental procedures and PJI or any effectiveness for SUPPLEMENTAL DATA
antibiotic prophylaxis. Given this information in Supplemental data related to this article can be found at
conjunction with the potential harm from antibiotic

Dr. Sollecito is the chair and a professor of oral medicine, Department of Dr. Frantsve-Hawley was a senior director, Center for Evidence-Based
Oral Medicine, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Dentistry, American Dental Association, Chicago, IL, when this article was
Philadelphia, PA, and the chief, Oral Medicine Division, University of written. She now is executive director, American Association of Public
Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA. He was the chair of the 2014 Health Dentistry, Springfield, IL.
Dr. Abt is an attending staff member, Department of Dentistry, Advocate Disclosure. None of the authors reported any disclosures.
Illinois Masonic Medical Center, Chicago, IL.
Dr. Lockhart is a professor and chair emeritus, Department of Oral The 2014 Panel acknowledges the efforts of the following people and
Medicine, Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte, NC. organizations for their reviews and comments. This acknowledgment
Dr. Truelove is a professor and the chief of Clinical Services, Department does not imply their endorsement of the final article. Dr. Larry M.
of Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, University of Washington, Seattle, Baddour, Infectious Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Dr. Jennifer L.
WA, and the chair of the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Cleveland, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, GA;
Affairs, Chicago, IL. Dr. Erika J. Ernst, Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists, Austin, TX;
Dr. Paumier is a general dentist in private practice and a member of the Dr. Jennifer Frost, American Academy of Family Physicians, Leawood,
faculty of the general practice dental residency program, Mercy Medical KS; Dr. John Hellstein, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA; Dr. Catherine
Center, Canton, OH. Kilmartin, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Dr. Radi Masri,
Dr. Tracy is an assistant director, Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry, American College of Prosthodontists, Chicago, IL; Dr. Louis G. Mercuri,
American Dental Association, 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, e-mail The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Rosemont, Address correspondence to Dr. Tracy. IL; Dr. Bryan Michalowicz, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN;
Ms. Tampi is a research assistant, Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry, Dr. Douglas Osmon, Infectious Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; Dr.
American Dental Association, Chicago, IL. Javad Parvizi, American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, Rose-
Dr. Beltrán-Aguilar is a senior director, Center for Scientific Strategies & mont, IL; Dr. Bruce Pihlstrom, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Information, American Dental Association, Chicago, IL. MN; Dr. David Sarrett, American Dental Association Council on Dental

JADA 146(1) January 2015 15


Education and Licensure, Chicago, IL; Dr. Ann Eshenaur Spolarich, 9. Skaar DD, O’Connor H, Hodges JS, Michalowicz BS. Dental pro-
American Dental Hygienists’ Association, Chicago, IL; Dr. Mark J. cedures and subsequent prosthetic joint infections: findings from the
Steinberg, The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey. JADA. 2011;142(12):1343-1351.
Rosemont, IL; Dr. Euan Swan, Canadian Dental Association, Ottawa, 10. Swan J, Dowsey M, Babazadeh S, Mandaleson A, Choong PF.
Ontario, Canada; Dr. James A. H. Tauberg, American Dental Association Significance of sentinel infective events in haematogenous prosthetic
Council on Communications, Chicago, IL; Dr. Terry G. O’Toole, Amer- knee infections. ANZ J Surg. 2011;81(1-2):40-45.
ican Dental Association Council on Dental Practice, Chicago, IL; Dr. C. 11. Straus SE, Glaziou P, Richardson WS, Haynes RB. Evidence-based
Rieger Wood III, American Dental Association Council on Dental Ben- Medicine: How to Practice and Teach It. 4th ed. Edinburgh, United
efits Program, Chicago, IL; Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of Kingdom: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2011.
America Guidelines Committee, The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology 12. Helovuo H, Hakkarainen K, Paunio K. Changes in the prevalence
of America, Arlington, VA. of subgingival enteric rods, staphylococci and yeasts after treatment
with penicillin and erythromycin. Oral Microbiol Immunol. 1993;8(2):
1. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Dental 75-79.
Association. Prevention of orthopaedic implant infection in patients 13. Leviner E, Tzukert AA, Benoliel R, Baram O, Sela MN. Development
undergoing dental procedures: evidence-based guideline and evidence of resistant oral viridans streptococci after administration of prophylactic
report. Rosemont, IL: American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons; 2012. antibiotics: time management in the dental treatment of patients suscep-
Available at: tible to infective endocarditis. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1987;64(4):
pdf. Accessed September 20, 2014. 417-420.
2. Rethman MP, Watters W 3rd, Abt E, et al; American Academy of 14. Lockhart PB, Brennan MT, Fox PC, Norton HJ, Jernigan DB,
Orthopaedic Surgeons; American Dental Association. The American Strausbaugh LJ. Decision-making on the use of antimicrobial prophylaxis
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clinical practice guideline on the prevention of orthopaedic implant view. Clin Infect Dis. 2002;34(12):1621-1626.
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16 JADA 146(1) January 2015


Appendix 1 Appendix 2
We conducted an updated literature search in RECOMMENDATIONS
February 2014 by using the identical search strategy as The level of certainty in the effect estimate is judged
that described in Appendix IV of the 2012 Panel’s as high, moderate, or low, according to a grading
article1 to identify any articles published since the system (eTable 1) amended from the ADA Clinical
previous search was conducted in 2011. The updated Practice Guidelines Handbook: 2013 Update.25 The
literature search and full-text review process compelled level of certainty refers to the probability that the 2014
the 2014 Panel to review the list of articles excluded at Panel’s assessment of the effect estimate is correct.
the full-text stage in the 2012 Panel’s manuscript The criteria for assessment include several components
(Table 58 in Appendix III of the 2012 Panel’s article1) of the evidence, including the number of studies,
for the reason that they were retrospective. According number of participants, methodological quality,
to the study selection criteria,1 only retrospective case believability of results, applicability of the results to
series were eligible for exclusion; therefore, the 2014 populations of interest, and consistency of findings
Panel judged that 2 additional case-control studies2,3 across studies.
that had been rejected should be included in the The level of certainty is combined with the net
evidence. We screened all records independently benefit rating as shown in eTable 2 to arrive at clinical
and in duplicate. The eFigure shows the results of recommendation strengths (that is, strong, in favor,
these searching and screening procedures. The articles weak, expert opinion for, expert opinion against, or
that we excluded at the full-text stage are shown against). eTable 3 shows the definitions of these
in eTable 44-20 with reasons for the exclusions. strengths of recommendations.
eTable 521-24 shows the critical appraisal results for The 2014 Panel approved clinical recommendations
each of the four included studies. by means of a unanimous vote. The 2014 Panel sought
comments on this report from other subject matter
experts, methodologists, epidemiologists, and end users
before finalizing the recommendations. The ADA
Council on Scientific Affairs approved the final report
for publication.

JADA 146(1) January 2015 16.e1


341 new records identified 1,157 records 19 records rescreened

through PubMed/Medline identified through from 2012 Panel
and Cochrane database Embase database excluded list for
searches searches the reason “retrospective”

1,517 records 1,497 records

screened by excluded based on
title/abstract title/abstract review

17 full-text articles
excluded, with reasons:
20 full-text articles 5 reviews
assessed by full
text for eligibility 1 guideline
4 case series
7 not dental related

3 studies added
to the qualitative
4 studies in total

eFigure. Results of literature search and screening procedures.

16.e2 JADA 146(1) January 2015


Level of certainty categories.
High The body of evidence usually includes consistent results from well-designed, well-conducted studies in
representative populations. This conclusion is unlikely to be affected strongly by the results of future studies. This
statement is established strongly by use of the best available evidence.
Moderate As more information becomes available, the magnitude or direction of the observed effect could change, and this
change could be large enough to alter the conclusion.
This statement is based on preliminary determination from the current best available evidence, but confidence in
the estimate is constrained by 1 or more factors, such as
- the number or size of studies;
- risk of bias of individual studies leading to uncertainty in the validity of the reported results;
- inconsistency of findings across individual studies; and
- limited generalizability to the populations of interest.
Low More information could allow a reliable estimation of effects on health outcomes.
The available evidence is insufficient to support the statement, or the statement is based on extrapolation from the
best available evidence. Evidence is insufficient, or the reliability of estimated effects is limited by factors such as
- the limited number or size of studies;
- important flaws in study design or methods leading to lack of validity;
- substantial inconsistency of findings across individual studies; and
- findings not generalizable to the populations of interest.

Definitions for the strength of the
Strong Evidence strongly supports providing this
In Favor Evidence favors providing this intervention.
Weak Evidence suggests implementing this
intervention after alternatives have been
Expert Opinion For Evidence is lacking; the level of certainty is low.
Expert opinion guides this recommendation.
Expert Opinion Evidence is lacking; the level of certainty is low.
Against Expert opinion suggests not implementing this
Against Evidence suggests not implementing this
intervention or discontinuing ineffective

JADA 146(1) January 2015 16.e3


Articles excluded at full-text stage.
Bell and Colleagues,4 1990 Narrative review
Chen and Colleagues,5 2014 Not a study; work group question and answer
Dubee and Colleaues,6 2013 No dental exposure
Gomez and Colleagues,7 2011 Question and answer
Jacobsen and Murray,8 1980 Retrospective case series
Jacobson and Matthews,9 1987 Retrospective case series from same population as 1986 article that is
LaPorte and Colleagues,10 1999 Case series
Legout and Colleagues,11 2012 Review
Marculescu and Colleagues,12 No measure of dental outcomes
McGowan and Hendrey,13 1985 Narrative review
Mercuri,14 2012 Narrative review
Sendi and Colleagues,15 2011 Retrospective cohort with no dental exposure
Sendi and Colleagues,16 2011 Retrospective cohort with no dental exposure
Seymour and Colleagues,17 2003 Narrative review
Tornero and Colleagues,18 2012 Retrospective case series
Waldman and Colleagues,19 Retrospective case series
Zywiel and Colleagues,20 2011 No measure of dental exposures

16.e4 JADA 146(1) January 2015


Critical appraisals of the included studies.
Did the Study Address Yes: 1,000 participants from Yes: It addressed sentinel Yes: The population was Yes: The study examined the
a Clearly Focused Medicare Current Beneficiary events associated with selected on the basis of association between dental
Issue? Survey. This was the cohort prosthetic joint infection. outcomes, which were procedures and late
from which the 168 patients with and without prosthetic joint infection.
participants of the case- prosthetic joint infection. The
control study were selected. risk factors (exposure) were
high- and low-risk dental
procedures with and without
Did the Authors Use an Yes: A nested case-control Yes: A nested case-control Yes: A case-control study starts Yes: A nested case-control
Appropriate Method to study is appropriate to study is appropriate to with the outcome and typically study is appropriate for
Answer Their answer the clinical question. answer the clinical question. looks retrospectively for answering the clinical
Question? differences in exposure. Case- question.
control studies are excellent
for rare diseases or outcomes,
and this study addressed the
study question.
Were the Case Yes: Case participants were Yes: Case participants were Yes: Case participants were Yes: The case participants
Participants Recruited recruited from the Medicare patients with prosthetic joint patients with a prosthetic hip were recruited from
in an Acceptable Way? Current Beneficiary Survey infection developing more or knee infection who were approximately 2,700
database from 1997 through than 3 months hospitalized at the Mayo Clinic hospital and dental charts
2006. Case participants postoperatively, in 1,641 (Rochester, MN) from from 2 hospitals in Michigan
were defined clearly as patients undergoing December 2001 through May from 1970 through 1983.
having experienced a arthroplasty between 1998 2006. Case patients appeared The authors identified 30
prosthetic joint infection. and 2006 at a tertiary to represent a geographically patients with late prosthetic
referral center. Seventeen diverse population as well joint infection.
case patients were (Table 2 in the article). At 80%
identified. power, we would need a total
sample of approximately 240
patients, or 120 per group. The
study had 339 patients per
The power calculation is as
p (0.30 – 0.15) O
0:225ð1  0:225Þ ¼ 0:36,
which is the standardized
difference. Using Altman’s
nomogram23 gives the total
sample at 240 patients.
Were the Control Yes: Selection of control Unable to determine: Yes: Selection of control Unable to determine: The
Participants Selected patients in a case-control Control patients were patients in a case-control authors identified 100
in an Acceptable Way? study is complex. The nested identified from a central study is rather complex. This patients without prosthetic
case-control study format institutional audit database. study’s authors selected for joint infection as control
was advantageous in that It is unclear whether they control patients those with a patients. It is unclear
the control patients were were similar to case patients prosthetic hip or knee, whether they were from the
selected from the same treated at the tertiary referral hospitalized on an orthopedic same institutions or were
Medicare Current Beneficiary center. Appropriate selection service, who did not have a matched to case patients in
Survey database during the of control patients is 1 of the prosthetic joint infection. any way.
same period as the case major problems with case- Paired matching was not
patients. control studies, and it is performed (that is, individual
curious why control patients matching to attributes such as
were not selected from the age, sex, or smoking status).
same referral center or However, frequency matching
geographic area. Control was performed on the joint
patients were matched in a arthroplasty location, resulting
3:1 ratio, resulting in 51 in exactly the same number of
control patients. prosthetic hip (n ¼ 164) and
knee (n ¼ 175) replacements
in the case and control groups.

JADA 146(1) January 2015 16.e5




Was the Exposure Unable to determine: The No: The exposure data were Yes: Although measurement Unable to determine:
Accurately Measured authors obtained the dental collected by means of phone bias cannot be ruled out owing Although the authors used
to Minimize Bias? records from the Medicare calls to both case and to uncertainty about what dental charts in this study,
Current Beneficiary Survey, control patients. This exactly was being measured, there is no mention of
but those records were method is highly susceptible the authors obtained and assessor masking or a
based on patient self- to recall or memory bias. analyzed dental records. This detailed explanation of what
reporting. Thus, the method minimized recall bias, type of dental procedures
exposure is susceptible to which commonly is assessed were performed.
recall bias. In addition, there by using a patient’s memory
did not appear to be any for details on exposure.
masking of those assessing Furthermore, investigators
the dental records, raising were masked during dental
the possibility of detection record analysis, minimizing
bias. detection bias.
A. What Confounding A. They were matched for A. Age, sex, and date of A. The authors used A. The authors have not
Factors Have the age, sex, and Charlson surgery were the criteria the geographic location, education accounted for any
Authors Accounted comorbidity index, which authors used for matching. level, history of kidney disease, confounding factors. They
For? measures many different This method has its history of malignancy, diabetes should have accounted for
B. Have the Authors medical conditions. The limitations, and cases should mellitus, use of systemic many, including age, sex,
Taken Account of the authors selected control have been matched based corticosteroids, rheumatoid smoking status, multiple
Potential Confounding cases in a 3:1 ratio. on medical, socioeconomic, arthritis, use of medical conditions,
Factors in the Design, B. Yes: For design owing to and geographic factors. immunosuppressive American Society of
Their Analysis, or matching. Unable to B. Partially: The authors used medications, smoking history, Anesthesiologists status, and
Both? determine for analysis stepwise logistic regression body mass index, American geographic location.
because there was no analysis to examine which Society of Anesthesiologists B. No: The authors
mention of logistic predictor variables (sentinel status, and sex. performed no regression
regression analysis. events, including dental B. Yes: The authors controlled analysis to account for the
procedures) were associated for many important effects of confounding
significantly with prosthetic confounding factors by using variables.
joint infection. many covariates in a
propensity score, which was
calculated using logistic
regression analysis. The
authors used the propensity
score to control for the
propensity to visit a dentist
What Are the Results The authors expressed main The 2 factors most The authors reported the main The authors performed a
of This Study? results as both time to event associated with PJI were results as an OR of 0.8 (95% hypothesis test (Fisher exact
with hazard ratios (HRs) and having more than 4 CI, 0.4-1.6; P ¼ .56) for high- test) and reported that P ¼
association with odds ratios comorbidities (risk ratio risk dental procedures without .0005, although in the text it
(ORs): HR ¼ 0.78 (95% [RR] ¼ 3.4; 95% CI, 1.5-7.7) antibiotics. was stated as .005. A Fisher
confidence interval [CI], and having cellulitis (RR ¼ exact test is a form of c2 test
0.18-3.39); OR ¼ 0.56 (95% 2.7; 95% CI, 1.15-6.3). RR is and is appropriate for
CI, 0.18-1.74); P ¼ .45. not the appropriate obtaining a P value for binary
Neither the HR nor the OR summary statistic to use data when cells contain
was significant, although because risk cannot be values less than 5. We
they indicated a trend for a calculated with case-control performed a crude
reduction in the odds of studies. OR should have calculation for an OR of 0.07,
having dental procedures for been used because it also is confirming strong evidence
the PJI group. HRs were the output of logistic against the null hypothesis
stable and did not move regression analysis. In of no association between
closer to the null value after addition, the P values of dental procedures and
adjustment for confounding 1.000 reported in Table 4 of prosthetic joint infection.
factors. (This is a good thing the article are incorrect, There was no adjusting for
and shows that results are further complicating the confounding, and the results
not likely to be spurious statistical analysis presented imply that dental procedures
owing to confounding). in the article. The crude OR are associated with
we calculated for dental protection from PJI.
infection was 1.53, which by
itself is not clinically relevant
for association with
prosthetic joint infection.

16.e6 JADA 146(1) January 2015




How Precise Are the P values showed extremely The CIs were wide, The CIs were wide, owing to We have no measure of
Results? How Precise weak evidence against the indicating imprecision with the low number of events in precision because the
Is the Estimate of Risk? null hypothesis. CIs were the summary estimate. each group. authors did not report CIs.
rather wide, meaning there
is a lack of precision around
the summary estimates (HR
and OR). However, the CIs
were similar to those in the
Berbari and colleagues22
study, which had a much
bigger sample, which shows
the statistical efficiency of a
nested case-control study—
that is, by 3:1 matching, one
maintains a great degree of
statistical power.
Do You Believe the Yes: Owing to good No: ORs are always further Yes: This study’s authors did a No: Given the lack of
Results? methodology and because away from the null value good job on several fronts information about control
we were not rejecting the than are RRs, and it seems as from a power calculation, patients, and no matching or
null value, the results if more than 4 comorbidities selection of control patients, adjusting for confounding
appeared valid—that is, and cellulitis would have propensity score, masking factors, it is unclear how
observational studies with ORs around 4.5 or 5. The outcomes assessors, and accurate the results
positive results are likely to magnitude of these ORs seeking dental records rather presented actually are.
have false–positive would appear to be clinically than relying on patients’
findings.24 relevant to developing PJI. memories of dental visits.
However, the many
methodological and
statistical shortcomings with
this article render the results
Can the Results Be Yes: The Medicare Current Yes: The patient population Yes: The participants appear to Unable to determine:
Applied to the Local Beneficiary Survey would in this study appears to be be similar to many populations Although the patient
Population? appear to be a similar in nature to the local undergoing this type of population was probably
representative sample of population. orthopedic surgery. representative of patients
patients receiving prosthetic with prosthetic joint
joints. infection, given the
methodological and
statistical shortcomings of
the article, its external
validity can be questioned.
Do the Results of This Yes: This study’s results are Yes: Certainly the Yes: The results are consistent No: The authors of the 3
Study Fit With Other in alignment with those of association between with those of other other case-control studies all
Available Evidence? other case-control studies prosthetic joint infection and observational studies. failed to reject the null value.
showing no association cellulitis and, to a certain, This study’s authors
between dental procedures extent comorbidities fits presented strong evidence
and prosthetic joint with what has been reported against the null value.
infection. in other studies on this topic.

JADA 146(1) January 2015 16.e7


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