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Computational Thinking and Bebras

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Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 1

Latar Belakang
• Di abad ke-21, di mana teknologi terutama
teknologi informasi dan “komputer” hadir di
mana-mana, selain literasi digital, penguasaan
keilmuan “informatika” diperlukan, agar bangsa
Indonesia tidak hanya menjadi pemakai
teknologi, tetapi dapat ikut memajukan bangsa
dan negara Indonesia lewat hasil karya “digital”
pendukung penyelesaian persoalan kehidupan
yang semakin kompleks dan membuat
kehidupan semakin nyaman.
Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 2
Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 3
Four Cs of 21st century
Critical thinking.

The 5th ‘C’ of 21st Century

Skills? Try Computational
Thinking (Not Coding)

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 4

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 5

Computational Thinking
Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 6

There are many problems that cannot be solved at all with computation;
their solutions will emerge only from social cooperation among groups

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 7

Computational Thinking

• Originally used by Seymour

Papert, MIT, in Mindstorms:
Children, computers, and
powerful ideas, Basic Books Inc.

• Popularized by Jeanette M.
Wing (2006) Computational
Thinking. Communications of
the ACM, 49(3), 33-35.
Bahan Computational
Thinking, Tahun 2018
Computational Thinking
"Computational Thinking is the thought
processes involved in formulating
problems and their solutions so that the
solutions are represented in a form that
can be effectively carried out by an
information-processing agent.“
Jeanette M. Wing
Carnegie Mellon
J. Cuny, L. Snyder, and J. M. Wing.
Demystifying Computational Thinking for
Non-Computer Scientists, 2010

9 Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018

Computational Thinking

Four key techniques

(cornerstones) to CT:
decomposition - breaking down
a complex problem or system into
smaller, more manageable parts
pattern recognition – looking for
similarities among and within
abstraction – focusing on the
important information only,
ignoring irrelevant detail
algorithms - developing a step-
by-step solution to the problem,
or the rules to follow to solve the

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 10

Computational Thinking:
Operational definition for K-12 education
Computational thinking (CT) is a problem-solving process
that includes (but is not limited to) the following characteristics:
• Formulating problems in a way that enables us to use a computer and
other tools to help solve them
• Logically organizing and analyzing data
• Representing data through abstractions such as models and
• Automating solutions through algorithmic thinking (a series of ordered
• Identifying, analyzing, and implementing possible solutions with
the goal of achieving the most efficient and effective combination of
steps and resources
• Generalizing and transferring this problem solving process to a wide
variety of problems

ISTE and CSTA, 2011 Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun

The skill required to tell a computer what to do
is programming.
The thought process behind programming
is computational thinking
Computational Thinking is both a skill to learn and
a way to learn – to create, discover, and make sense
of the world, often with computers as extensions
and reflections of our minds

Computational Thinking 2018 12

Coding is the practice of developing
a set of instructions that a computer
can understand and execute.
Computer science is “the study of
computers and algorithmic
processes, including their principles,
their hardware and software designs,
their applications, and their impact
on society.”
Computational thinking is “a way of
solving problems, designing systems,
and understanding human behavior
that draws on concepts fundamental
to computer science... a fundamental
skill for everyone, not just computer
Coding ~ technical skill
CS ~ academic discipline
CT ~ problem solving process central to CS
Workshop Nasional 13
Kemampuan Informatika
Kurikulum Nasional K-12 Informatika
• Berpikir, yaitu berpikir komputasional (computational thinking) yang
menjadi landasan dan prinsip pemecahan persoalan yang akan diselesaikan
dengan bantuan sistem terkomputerisasi.
• Berkarya dan terampil, yaitu kemampuan dalam menggunakan dan
menghasilkan produk TIK serta berkomunikasi dan berkolaborasi di dunia
digital dengan memanfaatkan sarana TIK.
• Berpengetahuan, yaitu kemampuan tentang
keilmuan informatika yang mencakup lima bidang
pengetahuan yang merupakan pilar pengetahuan Computing Practices

informatika yaitu Teknik Komputer, Jaringan

Komputer/Internet, Analisis Data, Algoritma dan
Pemrograman, dan Dampak Sosial Informatika. E W A P O
• Berkarakter, yaitu berkemampuan dalam C

mendayagunakan teknologi untuk menunjang COMPUTATIONAL THINKING

kehidupan dan berkomunikasi
Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 14
Bagaimana Mengasah
Computational Thinking ?
• Computational Thinking Perlu untuk mulai
diperkenalkan sejak usia dini, dan dilatih terus
menerus seiring perkembangan peserta didik.
• Caranya ?
– Dengan latihan menyelesaikan persoalan dan
diskusi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari
[dipresentasikan lewat contoh-contoh soal Bebras]
– Soal yang sama bisa diulang untuk SD, SMP, SMA
dengan kompleksitas menaik

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 15

+/-50 countries, > 2.166.000 participants @2017

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 16

BEBRAS :: Kontes dalam CT

• BEBRAS (Beaver) – International Challenge on

Informatics and Computational Thinking
• Renamed: earlier was International Contest on
Informatics and Computer Fluency
• Established in 2004, Indonesia joined Bebras
Community since 2016 (observer), 2017 (NBO)
Shift: algorithmic thinking to computational thinking
informatics for informatics to informatics for all

• International website:

• Indonesian website:
• Indonesian contest environment:
What is a Bebras task ?
• Merepresentasikan konsep-konsep
• Dapat dengan mudah dimengerti
• Dijawab dalam waktu 3 menit
• Pendek, umumnya 1 layar
• Dapat dijawab di komputer tanpa
menggunakan software lain maupun
kertas dan pansil
• Menarik dan/atau lucu
Contoh Soal Bebras
Algoritma, Struktur Data

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 19

Contoh Soal SD – Abstraksi, Graf

Ucok si berang-berang mempunyai

permainan dari biji kemiri diikat tali.
Dari 4 gambar berikut, maka yang dapat
membentuk Anjing sebagai berikut ? Anjing

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 20

Contoh soal SMP

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 21

Contoh soal – state machine

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 22

Tantangan Bebras 2018
Ayo berlatih dan ikut
Berpartisipasi dalam
Tantangan Bebras 2018
Tanggal 15 Nov 2018

Akan diadakan sesi latihan

beberapa kali sebelum lomba

Segera buat akun di

CT & Bebras,, 2018 23

Bebras Indonesia

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018 24

Informatics (CS) versus ICT
• Informatics (Computer Science) is concerned
with designing and creating informatics ‘products’
and ‘tools’, such as: algorithms, programs, application
software, systems, methods, theorems, computers, …

• ICT – applications of CS (computing) – concentrates

on how to use and apply informatics and other
information technology tools in working with
can be also creative

Bahan Computational Thinking, Tahun 2018


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