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B.O.W. Grade 8 English Unified

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Republic of the Philipp

Department of Educa
National Capital Reg
Bagumbayan Elementary Scho
M.Naval st., Sipac-Almacen, N

S.Y. 2018-2019
No.of Domain LearningCompetencies
DATE Teaching
11-Jun 1 Viewing Discove rliterature as a means of
Comprehension understanding the human being and the
forces he/she have to contend with

13-Jun 1 Oral Language and Use the correct production of the sounds of
Fluency English when delivering a manuscript or
memorized speech in an oration, in a
declamation or in a dramatic monologue
14-Jun 1 Listening Listen for important points signaled by
volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech

15-Jun 1 Reading Scan for logical connectors to determine the


18-Jun 1 Literature Describe the notable literary genres

contributed by African writers

19-Jun 1 Grammar Use appropriate modifiers

20-Jun 1 Literature Infer thoughts and feelings expressed in a
text listened to

21-Jun 2 Writing Distinguish among types of journalistic

writing (news report, opinion article,

25-Jun 1 Viewing Analyze the elements that make up reality

Comprehension and fantasy based on a material viewed

26-Jun 1 Grammmar Use appropriate cohesive devices in

composing an informative speech

27-Jun 1 Listening Infer thoughts and feelings expressed in a

text listened to

28-Jun 2 Grammar Develop strategies for coping with

Awareness unknownwords and ambigous sentence
structure and discourse

2-Jul 2 Reading Express a different opinion without being

Comprehension difficult
6-Jul 1 Oral Language and Narrate events logically

7-Jul 1 Writing and Write informative article that relate the

Composition culture and values

8-Jul 1 Reading Skim to determine key ideas

9-Jul 1 Listening Listen for important points signaled by
volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech

10-Jul 1 Vocabulary Use various strategies in decoding the

Development meaning of words

13-Jul 1 Grammar Use appropriate logical connectors for

Awareness emphasis
14-Jul 1 Vocabulary Use context clues from the material viewed
Development to determine the meaning of unfamiliar
words or expressions
15-Jul 1 Literature Identify the distinguishing features found in
religious texts, epics, myths,

16-Jul 1 Writing Distinguish among types of journalistic

writing (news report, opinion article, feature
article, and sports news article)

17-Jul 1 Viewing Validate mental images of the information

Comprehension conveyed by a program viewed

20-Jul 1 Literature Describe the notable literary genres

contributed by African writers
21-Jul 1 Writing Organize ideas in one-step word, phrase,
and sentence outline forms

22-Jul 1 Oral Language and Use appropriate prosodic features of speech

Fluency when delivering lines

23-Jul 1 Reading Use the appropriate reading style

Comprehension (scanning, skimming, speed reading,
intensive reading etc.) for one’s purpose
24-Jul 1 Literature Appreciate literature as a means of
understanding the human being and the
forces he/she needs to contend with

28-Jul 1 Listening Summarize information from the text

listened to
29-Jul 2 Writing and Prepare a travel brochure on the traditions
Composition and values of China, Japan and Philippines

31-Jul 1 Reading Explain how the elements specific to a genre

Comprehension contribute to the theme of a particular
literary selection

1-Aug 1 Oral Language and Use appropriate prosodic features of

Fluenc speech when delivering lines

2-Aug 1 Writing and Arrange notes using a variety of graphic

Composition organizers

3-Aug 2 Writing and Organize notes taken from an expository

Composition text

7-Aug 1 Oral Language and Use appropriate prosodic features of speech

Fluency when delivering lines
DATE No.of Domain LearningCompetencies

14-Aug 1 Listening Listen for important points signaled by

Comprehension volume, projection, pitch, stress, intonation,
juncture, and rate of speech

15-Aug 2 Reading Determine if the speaker is neutral or

Comprehension against the issue

17-Aug 1 Listening Employ appropriate listening skills and

Comprehension strategies suited to long descriptive and
narrative texts
Employ projective listening strategies with
longer stories

21-Aug 1 Writing Compose effective paragraphs

22-Aug 1 Literature Describe the notable literary genres
contributed by East Asian writers

23-Aug 1 Writing Compose effective paragraphs

24-Aug 1 Reading Evaluate the personal significance of a

Comprehension literary text / Relate content or theme to
previous experiences and background

28-Aug 1 Listening Describe the notable literary genres

Comprehension contributed by East Asian writers
Identify the distinguishing features of
notable East Asian poems, folktales, and
short stories
29-Aug 2 Literature Describe the notable literary genres
contributed by East Asian writers
Identify the distinguishing features of
notable East Asian poems, folktales, and
short stories

31-Aug 1 Grammar Compose effective paragraphs

Awareness Limit a topic

3-Sep 1 Listening Employ appropriate listening skills and

Comprehension strategies suited to long descriptive and
narrative texts

4-Sep 1 Reading Explain how the elements specific to a

Comprehension genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection

5-Sep 1 Vocabulary Use appropriate idioms


6-Sep 1 Viewing Discern positive and negative messages

Comprehension conveyed in a material viewed

10-Sep 1 Reading Observe correct format in bibliography

Comprehension sources used
11-Sep 1 Oral Language and Use appropriate non-verbal cues when
Fluency delivering lines in an entertainment speech

12-Sep 1 Oral Language and Deliver a self-composed entertainment

Fluency speech using all the needed speech
13-Sep 1 Listening Employ appropriate listening skills when
Comprehension listening to descriptive and long narrative

17-Sep 1 Viewing Predict the gist of the material viewed

Comprehension based on the title, pictures, and excerpts

18-Sep 1 Reading Organize information in tables, graphs, and

Comprehension maps

19-Sep 1 Literature Explain how a selection may be influenced

by culture, history, environment, or other

20-Sep 1 Literature Draw similarities and differences of the

featured selections in relation to the theme

24-Sep 1 Reading Explain visual-verbal relationships

Comprehension illustrated in tables, graphs, and information
maps found in expository texts
25-Sep 1 Grammar EN8G-IIh-9: Use appropriate grammatical
Awareness signals or expressions suitable to each
pattern of idea development:

26-Sep 1 Oral Language and Use appropriate non-verbal cues when

Fluency delivering lines in an entertainment speech
27-Sep 1 Literature Explain how a selection may be influenced
by culture, history, environment, or other

2-Oct 2 Reading Explain visual-verbal relationships illustrated

Comprehension in tables, graphs, and information maps
found in expository texts

4-Oct 2 Writing and Develop paragraphs that illustrate each text

Composition type (narrative in literature, expository,
explanatory, factual and personal recount,

8-Oct 1 Reading Evaluate the personal significance of a

Comprehension literary text

9-Oct 1 Grammar Use appropriate grammatical signals or

Awareness expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
development: problem-solution.

10-Oct 1 Reading Evaluate the personal significance of a

Comprehension literary text
11-Oct 1 Writing and Organize ideas in one-step word, phrase,
Composition and sentence outline forms
12-Oct 2 Grammar Use Adjectives Forms or Degrees

15-Oct 2 Writing and Present ideas using a variety of graphic

Composition organizers

23-Oct 1 Listening Determine the target audience of a

Comprehension listening text and the objective/s of
the speaker
Determine the persons
being addressed in an informative talk, the
objectives of the speaker and his attitudes
towards issues.
• Use attentive listening strategies with
informative texts
24-Oct 1 Speaking (Oral Use the correct sounds of English
Language and during speech delivery

Use appropriate turn-taking strategies

(topic nomination, topic development, topic
shift, turn-getting, etc.) in extended
• Interview to get opinions about certain
• Respond orally to ideas and needs
expressed in face-toface interviews in
accordance with the intended meaningof the
25-Oct 1 Vocabulary Develop strategies for coping with
Development unknown words and
ambiguous sentence structures and
• Identify the derivation of words.
• Define words from context and through
word analysis
(prefix, roots, suffixes)
• Use collocations of difficult words as aids
in unlocking
• Arrive at the meaning of structurally
complex and ambiguous sentences by
separating kernel sentences from
modification structures and expansions
26-Oct 1 Reading Recognize propaganda techniques
Comprehension used in a given text Utilize varied
reading strategies to process information in
a text.
• Note the function of statements made as
the text unfolds
and use it as a basis for predicting what is
to follow. Utilize varied reading
strategies (covert dialogue with the writer
and the sectional approach) to process
information in a text.
• Express emotional reactions to what was
asserted or
expressed in a text
Employ approaches best suited to a text.
• Note the functions of statements as they
unfold and
consider the data that might confirm /
disconfirm hypothesis
5-Nov 1 Viewing Determine the target audience of a
Comprehension material viewed

Write an evaluation paper of a

program viewed

Analyze the elements that

make up reality and fantasy
from a program viewed.
6-Nov 3 Literature Produce a critical review of articles
with the same themes but different

Discover Philippine
and Afro Asian literature as a means
of expanding experiences and outlook and
worthwhile universal human values.
• Express appreciation for worthwhile Asian
traditions and
the values they represe
9-Nov 1 Writing and Create an e-journal of poetry and
Composition prose entries with emphasis on
content and writing style

Use specific cohesive and literary devices

to construct integrative literary and
expository reviews, critiques, research
reports, and scripts for broadcast
communication texts, including screenplays
• Expand ideas in well-constructed
paragraphs observing cohesion, coherence
and appropriate modes ofparagraph
12-Nov 1 Grammar Use subordinating and correlative conjunction

13-Nov 1 Listening Determine the persons being addressed in

Comprehension an informative
talk, the objectives of the speaker and
his/her attitudes
towards issues
*Note clues and links to show the speakers
stand and
*Listen for clues and links to reveal the
speakers’ train of
*Determine the stand of the speaker on a
given issue
14-Nov 1 Speaking (Oral Use appropriate turn-taking strategies (topic
Language and nomination,
Fluency) topic development, topic shift, turn-getting,
etc.) in extended
*Use communication strategies (paraphrase,
and circumlocution) to repair breakdown in

14-Nov 1 Vocabulary *Develop strategies for coping with

Development unknown words and
ambiguous sentence structures and
*Use collocations of difficult words as aids in
15-Nov 2 Reading Use appropriate turn-taking strategies (topic
Comprehension nomination,
topic development, topic shift, turn-getting,
etc.) in extended
*Use communication strategies (paraphrase,
and circumlocution) to repair breakdown in
19-Nov 1 Viewing *Analyze the elements that make up reality
Comprehension and fantasy from
a program viewed
20-Nov 2 Literature *Discover Philippine and Afro Asian
literature as a means of
expanding experiences and outlook and
enhancing worthwhile universal human
*Assess the Asian and African identity as
reflected in their
literature and oneself in the light of what
makes one an Asian or African (through the
different genres)
22-Nov 2 Writing and *Use specific cohesive and literary devices
Composition to construct integrative literary and
expository reviews, critiques, research
reports, and scripts for broadcast
texts, including screenplays
*Expand ideas in well-constructed
paragraphs observing
cohesion, coherence and appropriate modes
of paragraph development (expository,
descriptive, narrative, persuasive, creative)

26-Nov 1 Grammar Use varied adjective complementation

Awareness *Use appropriate idioms, collocations, and
fixed expressions

QUARTER 3 LESSON 3 Arab and Israeli (with Phl. Lit) Overcoming Challenges: The Literat
27-Nov 1 Listening Determine the persons being addressed in
Comprehension an informative talk, the objectives of the
speaker and his attitudes towards issues.
 Listen to get different sides of social,
moral and economic issues affecting a

28-Nov 1 Speaking (Oral Use appropriate turn-taking strategies (topic

Language and nomination, topic development, topic shift,
Fluency) turn-getting, etc.) in extended
 Use communication strategies (e.g.
paraphrase, translation and circumlocution)
to repair breakdown in communication
29-Nov 1 Vocabulary Develop strategies for coping with unknown
Development words and ambiguous sentence structures
and discourse.
Use collocations of difficult words as aids
in unlocking vocabulary
3-Dec 2 Reading Utilize varied reading strategies to process
Comprehension information in a text.
Distinguish between facts and opinions.
Note expressions that signal opinions (e.g.
seems, as I see it).
Utilize varied
reading strategies (covert dialogue with the
writer and the sectional approach) to
process information in a text.

Employ approaches best suited to a text.

for bias.
5-Dec 1 Viewing Compare and contrast one’s own television-
Comprehension viewing behavior with other viewer’s
viewing behavior
6-Dec 2 Literature Discover Philippine and Afro Asian literature
as a means of expanding experiences
and outlook and enhancing worthwhile
universal human values.

Identify oneself with the people of Arabia

and Israel though literature taking
note of the cultural differences so as to get
the heart of problems arising
from them.
10-Dec 2 Writing and Give and respond to feedback on one’s
Composition paper in the revision process
 Use grammatical structure and
vocabulary needed to effectively emphasize
particular points.
Produce an e-journal of poetry and prose
entries with emphasis on content and
writing style
Show respect for intellectual property rights
by acknowledging citations made in reports
and researches.
 Use quotation marks or hanging
indentations for direct quotes.
 Use in-text citation
 Arrange bibliographic entries of text cited
from books and periodicals.

Note: Do writing as differentiate

performance task
12-Dec 2 Grammar Formulate
Awareness  correct complex and compound-complex
 correct conditional statements.
13-Dec 1 Listening Use syntactic, lexical, or context clues to
Comprehension supply items not listened to
13-Dec 1 Speaking (Oral Infer the functions of utterances and
Language and respond taking into account the context
Fluency) ofthe situation and the tone used

17-Dec 1 Vocabulary Identify derivation of words

Development unfamiliar word
18-Dec 2 Reading Express emotional reactions to what was
Comprehension asserted or expressed in a text
Determine the validity and adequacy of
proof statements to support assertions

3-Jan 1 Viewing Organize an independent and systematic

Comprehension approach in critiquing various reading or
viewing selections
7-Jan 1 Literature/ Express appreciation for worthwhile Asian
Vocabulay and African traditions and the values they

Assess the Asian and African identity as

reflected in their literature and oneself in
the light of what makes one an Asian or
8-Jan 1 Writing and Give and respond to feedback on one’s
Composition paper in the revision process.
Use grammatical
structures an vocabulary
needed to effectively emphasize particular
10-Jan 1 Grammar Formulate meaningful expanded sentences
Awareness following balance, parallelism, and

Formulate appropriate
parenthetical expressions


DATE No.of Domain LearningCompetencies

QUARTER 4 - LESSON 1: Literature as Communication: Literary Folio
15-Jan 1 Vocabulary Use various strategies in decoding the
Development meaning of words

16-Jan 1 Reading Identify notable literary genres contributed

by South and West Asian writers

17-Jan 1 Viewing Analyze the elements that make up reality

Comprehension and fantasy based on a material viewed

19-Jan 2 Oral Language Use the correct production of the sounds of

and Fluency English when delivering a manuscript

23-Jan 1 Viewing Predict what is to follow after a segment of

Comprehension a text listened to
24-Jan 1 Grammar Use appropriate modifiers

25-Jan 1 Writing and Identify features of journalistic writing


26-Jan 1 Grammar Compare and contrast one’s

Awareness beliefs/convictions with those presented in a
material viewed

29-Jan 1 Viewing Compare and contrast one’s

Comprehension beliefs/convictions with those presented in a
material viewed

30-Jan 1 Reading Produce an e-literary folio which focuses on

Comprehension the theme, “Changing Perspectives.”

31-Jan 1 Grammar Acquire critical thinking skills essential for

Awareness evaluation, forming judgement and making
5-Feb 2 Oral Language Use the correct production of the sounds of
and Fluency English when delivering a manuscript or
memorized speech in an oration, in a
declamation or in a dramatic monologue
6-Feb 1 Writing and Interpret and follow instructions, directions,
Composition notices, rules and regulations

7-Feb 1 Reading Analyze the elements that make up reality

Comprehension and fantasy based on a material viewed
12-Feb 1 Writing and Use writing conventions to indicate
Composition acknowledgement of source

13-Feb 1 Oral Language Use the correct production of the sounds of

and Fluency English when delivering a manuscript or
memorized speech in an oration, in a
declamation or in a dramatic monologue

14-Feb 1 Literature Explain figurative language used

QUARTER 4 LESSON 2 – Business Communication: Letter of Application

16-Feb 1 Listening Judge the relevance and worth of
Comprehension ideaspresented in the text listened toListen
for details
questions about the text
listened to

19-Feb 2 Speaking (Oral Use the correct production of the sounds of

Language and English when delivering a manuscript or
Fluency) memorized speech in an oration, in a
declamation or in a dramatic monologue
20-Feb 1 Vocabulary Define words from context and through
Development word analysis (prefix, roots, suffixes)

21-Feb 1 Reading
Comprehension Determine the effect
of textual aids like
advance organizers,
titles, non-linear
23-Feb 2 Literature Analyze the elements
illustrations, etc. on that make up reality
and fantasy based of
the understanding on a material viewed .
a tex
Identify the distinguishing features found in
religious texts, epics, myths, drama, and
short stories contributed by South and West
Asian writers

27-Feb 1 Viewing Compare and contrast one’s

Comprehension beliefs/convictions with those presented in a
material viewed
28-Feb 1 Reading Determine the effect of textual aids like
Comprehension advance organizers, titles, non-linear
illustrations, etc. on the understanding of a
text .
generalizations and conclusions based on
the materials
5-Mar 1 Grammar Differentiate formal from informal
Awareness definitions of words

6-Mar 1 Writing and Interpret and follow instructions, directions,

Composition notices, rules and regulations

8-Mar 2 Literature
Determine key ideas, tone, and purposes of
the author
33/09/2019 1 Writing and Use writing conventions to indicate
Composition acknowledgement of sources
QUARTER4- LESSON 3: Academic Communication: Writing Annotation
12-Mar 1 Listening Process speech delivered by making
Comprehension inferences from what has been listened to

13-Mar 1 Oral Language Deliver a manuscript/memorized oral speech

and Fluency with ease and fluency before an audience

14-Mar 1 Literature Explain how the elements specific to a genre

contribute to the theme of a particular
literary selection

16-Mar 1 Grammar Arrive at the meaning of structurally

Awareness complex and ambiguous sentences by
19-Mar 1 Reading Show respect for intellectual property rights
Comprehension by acknowledging sources of information in
journalistic writing

20-Mar 1 Oral Language Use the appropriate prosodic features of

and Fluency speech like pitch, stress, juncture, volume,
and projection, intonation and speech rate



Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
National Capital Region
yan Elementary School Compound
st., Sipac-Almacen, Navotas City


S.Y. 2018-2019

Topics/ Strategies/ References/Pages Code Skills


Activity 7: RUN-ON POEM Learning Module for English EN8VC-IVa-20: Viewing, listening
Grade 8 p.4

Intonation. Stress, Pause Learning Module for English EN8OL-IVa- Speaking

Grade 8 p.5-6 3.11:
Intonation. Stress, Pause Learning Module for English EN8LC-Ia-5.1: Listening/ Speaking
Grade 8 p.10 Listen for

The Hands of the Black Learning Module for English EN8RC-Ia-7.2: Reading/Writing
Grade 8/10

Big Players Learning Module for English EN8LT-Ia-8: Reading.Viewing,

Grade 8 p.17 Writing

Types of Adjectives Learning Module for English EN8G-IVc-15: Writing

Grade 8 p.18
"Why Sinigang?" by Learning Module for English EN8LC-IVb-6.2: Reading ,Writing,
Doreen G Fernandez Grade 8 pp.22-23 Speaking

Using Periodicals Learning Module for English EN8WC-IVb-3.4.Reading,Writing

Grade 8 pp.25-26

Elements of Short Story Learning Module for English EN8VC-IVa-20: Reading

"The Soul of the Great Bell" Grade 8 p.19
(Using graphic organizer)

1. Signals to Connect Learning Module for English EN8G-Ib-8: Writing

2. Different Acts Grade 8 p.

Afro-Asian Enduring Learning Module for English EN8LC-IVb-6.2: Listening

Traditions and Values Grade 8 p.

Types of sentences Learning Module for English EN8G-IVb-13: Grammar

Grade 8 p.21

The Soul of the Great Bell CG Grade 8 p.54 EN8RC-Ib-7.2: Reading,Speaking

The Soul of the Great Bell CG Grade 8 p.56 EN8OL-Ib-3.11: Speaking

Informative Article CG Grade 8 p.66 EN8WC-Ib-1.1: Writing

Indian Culture CG Grade 8 p.101 EN8SS-Ic-1.5.1: Reading

The Pophet by Khalil Gibran CG Grade 8 p.101-102 EN8LC-Ic-5.1: Listening

Idiomatic Expressions CG Grade 8 p.101-43 EN8V-IVc-15: Grammar

TAKE MY PROPOSAL CG Grade 8 p. 104 EN8G-Ie-8: Grammar

Vocabulary Mapping CG Grade 8 p. 109 EN8VC-Ic-8:. Vocabulary

"Characteristic of Indian CG Grade 8 p. 111 EN8LT-IVd-13.1:Speaking


Outlining CG Grade 8 p. 115 EN8WC-IVd-3.4.Reading, Writing

Video Critiquing CG Grade 8 pp. 120 EN8VC-Id-9: Viewing

Elements of Short Story CG Grade 8 pp. 117-119 EN8LT-Id-8: Reading, Writing

Kinds of Sentences CG Grade 8 pp. 123 EN8WC-Id-1.1.6:Writing
According to Structure

The Rubaiyat of Omar CG Grade 8 pp. 127 EN8OL-If-5 Speaking


The Rubaiyat of Omar CG Grade 8 pp. 130 EN8RC-Ie-7: Reading Speaking

Informative Literary Text CG Grade 8 pp. 132 EN8LT-If-7: Reading/Writing

Summarization CG Grade 8 pp. 127 EN8LC-IVe-3.14: Listening

Travel Brochure CG Grade 8 p. EN8WC-Ib-1.1.6:Writing, Speaking

Characterization CG Grade 8 p.139 EN8LT-Ie-2.2: Speaking

Characters Mood CG Grade 8 p.140 EN8OL-If-5: Speaking

Culminating Activity CG Grade 8 p.143 EN8WC-If-6.1: Writing,Speaking

Write an Event Proposal CG Grade 8 p.145 EN8WC-If-6: Writing

Newscasting CG Grade 8 p.151 EN8OL-If-5: Speaking

Topics/ Strategies/ References/Pages Code Skills

Picture Talk Learning Module 2 for EN8LC-Ia-5.1: Listening

English Grade 8 p.9

Makato and the Cowrie Shell Learning Module 2 for EN8RC-IIa- Reading /Viewing
(Thailand)"Sawatdee… English Grade 8 pp. 11-12 2.18:
Hello,Beautiful Bangkok"
by Ethel Soliven - Timbol

Taking down notes using Learning Module 2 for EN8LC-IIa- Listening/ Reading
Graphic Organizer English Grade 8 pp. 13-15 7:EN8LC-IIa-

Summarization Learning Module 2 for EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Writing

English Grade 8 pp. 16
Elements of Short Story Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IIa-9.1: Literature
(plot) English Grade 8 pp. 17

Noting Details Learning Module 2 for EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Listening/ Writinb

English Grade 8 p.
"Sawatdee…Hello,Beautiful Learning Module 2 for EN8RC-IIa- Reading
Bangkok" by Ethel English Grade 8 p.11 2.22:
Soliven - Timbol EN8RC-IIa-

Noting Details Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IIa-9.1: Listening/ Writing

English Grade 8 p.13-14 EN8LT-IIa-9.2:
Elements of Short Story Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IIa-9.1: Reading, Writing
English Grade 8 p.16-18 EN8LT-IIa-9.2:

Coordinating Conjunction Learning Module 2 for EN8WC-IIa-2.8: Writing

English Grade 8 pp.20-21 EN8WC-IIa-

Thailand / Activity 6: LAY Learning Module 2 for EN8LC-IId- Listening

YOUR CARDS English Grade 8 pp. 129-132 2.13:

PAINT A PICTURE Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IId-2.2: Reading / Speaking

/COMPARE AND SHARE English Grade 8 pp. 139-140

WORKING WITH IDIOMS Learning Module 2 for EN8G-IId-9: Vocabulary

English Grade 8 pp. 146-147

The Two Brothers Learning Module 2 for EN8VC-IId-1.3: Viewing

English Grade 8 pp. 148-150 Comprehension

Bibliography/ Formatting Learning Module 2 for EN7RC-IV-e- Reading /Writing

English Grade 8 pp. 151- 153 2.10:
I’M “PUNCH LINING”. CAN Learning Module 2 for EN8OL-IIf-2.6: Speaking
YOU? English Grade 8 p.154

PREPARING A SPEECH Learning Module 2 for EN8OL-IIh-3: Speaking

English Grade 8 p.155
CUL-LIT MISCONCEPTIONS Learning Module 2 for EN8LC-IIi-7: Listening
CHECK English Grade 8 p.161-162

FINDING CONNECTIONS Learning Module 2 for EN8VC-IIh-1.3: Viewing /speaking

(PICTURE AND English Grade 8 p.163-164

MAP OF CONCEPTUAL Learning Module 2 for EN8RC-IIi-2.15: Reading

CHANGE English Grade 8 p.165-166

WHAT’S WITH THE PICS? Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IIi-3: Literature

English Grade 8 p.167

The Taximan’s Story Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IIh-2.3: Speaking/ Literature

English Grade 8 p.168-169

Elements of Short Story Learning Module 2 for EN8SS-IIe-1.2: Literature

English Grade 8 p.173-178
Types of Sentences Learning Module 2 for EN8G-IIh-9: Grammar Awareness
English Grade 8 p. 179-180

TAXI-RIDE ANYONE? Learning Module 2 for EN8OL-IIf-2.6: Speaking/Listening

English Grade 8 p. 181
HERITAGE, CULTURE, AND Learning Module 2 for EN8LT-IIi-3: Literature
DIVERSITY English Grade 8 p. 182-185

What is Intangible Cultural Learning Module 2 for EN8SS-IIh-1.2: Reading/writing

Heritage? English Grade 8 pp, 186-190

I-C-H TERMINOLOGIES Learning Module 2 for EN8WC-IIf-2.2: Writing and

English Grade 8 pp. 191-192 Composition

Outwitting a Crocodile (Kisah Learning Module 2 for EN8LC-IIi-7: Reading

Sang Kancil dengan Buaya) English Grade 8 pp. 192-194

Parenthetical phrase Learning Module 2 for EN8G-IIi-9: Grammar/ Wrting

English Grade 8 pp. 192-195

A DEEPER LOOK ON Learning Module 2 for EN8RC-IIc- Reading

HERITAGE LITERATURE English Grade 8 pp. 196-197 2.22:
OUCH LITERATURE Learning Module 2 for EN8WC-Ib- Writing
English Grade 8 pp. 198-199 1.1.6:
DEGREES OF ADJECTIVES/ Learning Module 2 for EN8G-Ia-7: Grammar
ORDER OF ADJECTIVES IN A English Grade 8 pp. 200-204

CONCEPT MAPPING AND Learning Module 2 for EN8WC-Ia- Writing

MIND MAPPING English Grade 8 pp. 200-205

Interviewing English 8 Learning Module EN8LC-IIIa-7.3 Listening /Writing

Quarter III, pp.3-10

Listening to an Interview
with Writing sample
Interview Questions
• Considering the Interview
• Preparing to Conduct an
Write an integrative
literary and expository
character review of a Korean
being interviewed
Conduct a formal English 8 Learning Module EN8OL-IIIa- Speaking
structured interview of a Quarter III, pp.11 3.11
specific subject

• Conducting the Interview

• Evaluating Performance
through Team Quality Chart
• Answering the Essential
Question through Numbered
Heads Together
• Writing Well Constructed
Paragraphs through
Word Banking English 8 Learning Module EN8V-IIIa- Vocabulary
Quarter III, p. 39 15.3:-15.3:
Produce a frequency
word list the meaning of a
word through structural
analysis (prefixes, roots,

Identify the notable

literary genres contributed
by Southeast Asian writers
Plot Summary "Tale of English 8 Learning Module EN8RC-IIIa-12.1Reading/ Writing
Ch’unhyang" Quarter III, pp.18

Produce a digital chart of

various text types with
clickable features

Summary: "Tale of
Express appreciation for Ch’unhyang"
worthwhile Asian traditions
and the values they tt2199671/plotsummary ).
represent through a
character review
Elements of Reality English 8 Learning Module EN8VC-IIIa- Viewing: Writing
and Fantasy Quarter III, p.22 3.4/4.4/5.4:
the elements that make up
reality and fantasy
from a program viewed and
expand ideas in well
constructed paragraphs
observing cohesion,
coherence and appropriate
modes of paragraph
Comparing and Contrast English 8 Learning Module EN8LT-IIIa-11: Literature: Reading/
"Tale of Ch’unhyang" Quarter III, pp. 24-39 Writing
Identify the notable EN8LT-
literary genres "Tale of Ch’unhyang" IIIa- 11.1:
contributed by
Southeast Asian writers

Identify the distinguishing

features of notable poems, mod/book/view.php?
short stories, dramas, and id=93283&chapterid=3333,
novels contributed by
Southeast Asian writers 51661583/Techniques-for-
Dealing-withDifficult Words
Organize information about English 8 Learning Module EN8SS-IIIa- Writing
a chosen subject using a Quarter III, p.22 1.10:
graphic organizer
Subordinating and English 8 Learning Module EN8RC-IIIa-10: Grammar
Correlative Conjunctions Quarter III, p.38 EN8G-IIIa-3.6:
Share ideas using opinion-
marking signals

Reflecting on what you English 8 Learning Module EN8LC-IIIb-8.2: Listening /Writing

know so far about Asian Quarter III, p.6
and African literature, in
particular, Burmese
literature. Identify the
notable literary genres
contributed by Southeast
Asian writers

Write an editorial article

concerning an issue raised
by the speaker listened to
Oral Reading: Story English 8 Learning Module EN8OL-IIIb-5: Speaking
Telling Engage in a Quarter III, pp.6-7
conversation based from a
selection or text

Observe the use

of correct stress, pitch, and
when delivering a persuasive
speech read using
communication strategies
and expressions that signal

Acrostic Explain the English 8 Learning Module EN8V-IIIb-15.3: Vocabulary

meaning of a word through Quarter III, p. 10 & 12
structural analysis (prefixes, *
roots, suffixes)
dle%20QRG.pdf - United

Take note of
the words used in context
that you will encounter in
reading the informative text.
Reading Text: "Aung English 8 Learning Module EN8RC-IIIb-12.1Reading/ Writing
San Suu Kyi " Quarter III, pp.7-8
Recognize propaganda
techniques used in a
given text. Act.2
Featuring: Aung San Suu Kyi
Fill out the CSI form
based on her background
information. comparing and
contrasting your ideas using
this graphic organizer.
Informative Talks: English 8 Learning Module EN8VC-IIIb- Viewing: Writing
Turn-Taking Strategies in Quarter III, pp. 12-16 3.4/4.4/5.4:

Activity 8: Inroducing the

Burmese People


Act. 10: Literary


any of the following


and present your output
through broadcasting.
Identify the distinguishing English 8 Learning Module EN8LT-IIIb- Literature: Reading/
features of notable poems, Quarter III, pp. 11-15 11.1: Writing
short stories, dramas, and
novels contributed by
Southeast Asian writers

Lit.Text: "The Literatureof

Myanmar" &
. "On the Three

Act. 7: Think as a
Designing the
edges and the like and post
these on one area of the
room or wall/board for
English corner.
Writing a Reflection English 8 Learning Module EN8WC-IIIb- Writing /Reading
Transcode information from Quarter III, Lesson 2, pp.16- 1.1.6:
a graphic organizer to a 17 .
topic or sentence outline 1206559775279278925nicub
Reflect on the activity in
relation to the Burmese g.hi.png
people in their response to
the challenges of modernity .
Practical Activity Pop-

Idioms or English 8 Learning Module EN8G-IIIb-3.6: Grammar

Idiomatic expressions Quarter III, Lesson 2 pp.

Challenges: The Literature of Arabia and Israel Strength in Facing Challenges of Modernity

modals appropriately
PRE- English 8 Learning Module EN8LC-IIIc-7: Listening/ Speaking
ASSESSMENT: Prior Quarter III, Lesson 3, pp.7-
Knowledge 10udge the relevance
Employ different istening and worth of ideas
strategies suited to the topic presented in the text
purpose, and level of listened to
difficulty of the listening text
affecting a community

Observe the use of correct English 8 Learning Module EN8OL-IIIc-5: Speaking / Writing
stress, pitch, and juncture Quarter III, Lesson 3,
when delivering a persuasive pp.11-15

Activity 2: Post
Viewing: I Got It Right

Activity 5A Facts and

Opinions in Informative
Producing a frequency word English 8 Learning Module EN8V-IIIc-15.3: Vocabulary/ Writing
list Activity 27 The word Quarter III, Lesson 3, pp
beyond my thoughts

Activity 29:
Frequency Word List: The
Frame of my understanding

Explain the meaning of a

word through
structural analysis (prefixes,
Differentiate facts from English 8 Learning Module EN8RC-IIIc-
opinions Quarter III, Lesson 3, 2.13:
Reading Text: "Alibaba pp.23-25
and the Forty Thieves"

Activity 6:
Frequency Word List: Burger
Activity 7: Plot Diagram

Activity 8:

Activity 9: The Way I

Understand It (A Concept
Determine the issue and English 8 Learning Module EN8VC-IIIc-18Viewing: Listening/
stand presented in the Quarter III, Lesson 3, pp.14- Writing
material viewed 16/ 28-32

Exercise 1:
Viewing Activity: Opening
Speech_” Islam Is The
Solution" . .

Take note of every

important detail in the video.
Make sure you are able to
identify the key points of the

Activity 3 It’s Clear to Me

The Literature of Saudi English 8 Learning Module EN8LT-IIIc-2.2 Vocabulary
Arabia Quarter III, Lesson 3, pp. EN8V-IIIc- Development/ Reading
18-28 /pp.44-45 15.3
The Literature of Israel EN8LT-IIIc-
Hebrew Literature: A
Short StoryBible:
The Story of

the meaning of a word
through structural analysis
(prefixes, roots, suffixes)

Explain how the elements

specific to a genre contribute
to the theme of a particular
literary selection
Express appreciation for
sensory imagesused Lit.
Text: "Alibaba and the Forty
Thieves" /
The Sound and
Turns of Arab Poetry/

Poem 1: On Fatalism
Produce different text English 8 Learning Module EN8WC-IIIc- Reading/Writing/
types and sub-types Quarter III, Lesson 3, 1.1.6: Speaking
Expand ideas in well- pp.35-40 Expand
constructed paragraphs the content of an
observing cohesion, outline using notes from
coherence and appropriate primary and secondary
modes of paragraph sources
• Give and respond to
feedback on one’s paper in
the revision process
Use grammatical structure
and vocabulary needed
to effectively emphasize
particulauth r points
• Use appropriate modes of
paragraph development to
express one’s ideas, needs,
feelings and attitudes
• Use a variety of cohesive
devices to make th eflow of
thoughts from one sentence
Conditional Sentences: English 8 Learning Module EN8RC-IIIc-10: Wrting/ Speaking
Prediction and Quarter III, Lesson 3, EN8G-IIIc-
Conclusion pp.42-43 11:
Complex and Compound- EN8G-IIIc-36:
Complex in mar/conditionals.htm
Breakdowns. Share ideas
using opinion-marking
signals Use appropriate
Use modals appropriatel
Activity 22 Sentence
Completion (Conditional
Sentences) Activity
23 Skills at Work
Activity 24 Visiting the
Middle East
Use syntactic, lexical, and English 8 Learning Module EN8LC-IIId-8.2: Listening/Writing
context clues to suppl items Quarter III, Lesson 4, pp.4-
not listened to. Write an 5
analysis of how an African
character depicted in a
literary selection respond to
the challenges of modernity.
Activity 1: Picture Hook
Group Oral Reading Text: English 8 Learning Module EN8OL-IIId-5: Speaking/
Nelson Mandela – Quarter III, Lesson 4, pp.6-
Short Biography 8
Engage in
communication situation
based from a selection read
and infer the functions of
utterances and respond
accordingly taking into
consideration the context of
the situation and the tone
Activity 2: Character
Observe the use of
correct stress, pitch, and
juncture when delivering a
persuasive speech

Types of Affixes English 8 Learning Module EN8V-IIId-25: Vocabulary

Identify the root/base words Quarter III, Lesson 4, p.12
through structural analysis.
Activity 5: SQUEEZE IT
Utilize coping reading English 8 Learning Module EN8RC-IIId-12: Reading/
strategies to process Quarter III, Lesson 4, p.10- Writing/Speaking
information in a text 15/ 28-
"The African World-View"
Activity 4: udhr/index.shtml
Africans on Spotlight and
"Free at Last
English 8 Learning Module EN8VC-IIId-18: Viewing /Listening
Speech" 19/republic-act-no-9231-s-
Quarter III, Lesson 4,p.48
Activity 7: Back it 2003/
up Produce
o Nelson Mandela, May 2,
a frequency
1994 word list tch?v=2-_r6B_Z188
and come up
Determine thewith
evaluation paper in
stand presented onthe
Reflect and
Understand Activity 20:
Unpacking ofSCOOP
15: ON
from Slavery"
by Francis Bok with Edward
Explain how the elements English 8 Learning Module EN8LT-IIId- Reading/ Writing
specific to a Quarter III, Lesson 4, pp. 2.2:
genre contributeto the 14-19 EN8LT-IIId-
theme of a particular literary http://www.africantreasures 2.2.4:
selection .com/detail.asp?
figurative language used http://images.yourdictionar
Text: "How the Drums
by: Bryan Donaldson

Activity 8:

Actiity 9: Poem: Africa's

by: Roland Tombekai
Produce a
frequency word list
and come up with an
evaluation paper on selected
African literary selection.

Lit. text:
"The Dark Continent"
Activity 16: Africa: Darken
no more
Write an analysis of a English 8 Learning Module EN8WC-IIId Reading/ Writing
literary selection. Quarter III, Lesson 4, 2.2.16:
pp.20-24/ 39-42
"Open House"
by Musa Nagenda Reader’s Digest April 2005
Activity EN8G-IIId-11:
Activity 13:
"Black and White" an
evaluation paper

Capturing the world of

Reflect and Understand
Activity 15: SCOOP ON
Use appropriate English 8 Learning Module EN8G-IIId-11: Grammar/ Writing
documentation Quarter III, Lesson 4, p.12-
Identify theroot/base words 13/ 25-27 EN8WC-IIId-
through structural analysis. 2.2.16:
Activity 5: SQUEEZE IT mar/conditionals.htm
Activity 6:
Recognizing Parallel
Constructions Activity

Topics/ Strategies/ References/ Pages Code Expected Skills


(pp. 507-542)
SOMETHING OLD, Learning Module 4 for EN8V-IVa-15: Speaking
SOMETHING NEW / MY English Grade 8 pp. 441

LITERATURE AS Learning Module 4 for EN8LT-IVa- Reading

COMMUNICATION English Grade 8 pp. 442-443

Poetry Analysis Table (SIFT) Learning Module 4 for EN8VC-IVa-20: Viewing

English Grade 8 pp. 445

The Anatomy of a Filipino Learning Module 4 for EN8OL-IVa- Speaking

English Grade 8 pp. 448-430 3.11:

Film Grammar Learning Module 4 for EN8LC-IVa-2.5: Viewing/ Reading

English Grade 8 pp.441
Achieving Sentence Fluency Learning Module 4 for EN8G-IVe-15: Gtammar
English Grade 8 pp.444-457

WRITE IT RIGHT! Learning Module 4 for EN8WC-IVa- Writing

English Grade 8 pp.458-459 3.4.1:

PAUSE AND PONDER Learning Module 4 for EN8G-IVa-16: Gtammar

English Grade 8 pp.460-461

TEXT TO TEXT Learning Module 4 for EN8VC-IVc-15: Writing

CONNECTION English Grad 8 pp.462-463

FOLIO ANALYSIS Learning Module 4 for EN8WC-IVc- Reading

English Grade 8 pp. 473- 3.4.2:

Question Creation Chart (Q- Learning Module 4 for EN8G-IVa-16: writing

Chart English Grade 8 pp. 476
Say It Right Learning Module 4 for EN8OL-IVa- Speaking
English Grade 8 pp. 478 3.11:

Writing Learning Module 4 for EN8RC-IVd- Writing

English Grade 8 pp. 14.1

Bumboat Cruise on the Learning Module 4 for EN8VC-IVg-20 Reading

Singapore River‖ English Grade 8 pp.
Annotated Bibliography Learning Module 4 for EN8SS-IVh- Writing
English Grade 8 pp. 533-534 1.6.4:

Choral Interpretation Learning Module 4 for EN8OL-IVc- Speaking

English Grade 8 pp. 530-533 3.11:
Reading Text 3:
Anatomy of a Filip by Prof.
Felix Bautista Activity 6:
Poetry Analysis Making
Module 4 for(Choral
Grade 8 pp. 511-512
Reading Text 1:AFRICA by Interpretation) 2.2.4:
David Diop Reading Text
2:Telephone Conversation

by Wole Soyinka from

Activity 4: Literature as
Communication Explain
figurative language used

Activity 5:
ion WORD MORPHT (pp. 543-585)
Picture Talk Learning Module 4 for EN8LC-IVd-8.2: Writing
English Grad 8 pp 545- 549 EN8LC-
Identify IVc-3.2:
the country
Use graphic
Activity 1: It‘s more fun in /File:Caves_entranceexit.jpg
ASIA! Activity 2:
DEAR ASIANS http://www.firstlightphoto.
Activity 3: KWL CHART net/large/image235.jpgfirstli
Activity 4:

Deliver a speech using Learning Module 4 for EN8OL-IVd- Speaking

correct stress for emphasis English Grade 8 pp 550- 551 3.11:

Activity 5: SAY IT RIGHT

Activity 6: MY
Word Puzzle Activity Learning Module 4 for Speaking
7: Unlocking of Diffculty English Grade 8 p.552

SINGAPORE SOJOURN Learning Module 4 for EN10RC-Ib- Reading

by Tammy Mendoza English Grade 8 pp. 553-556 2.15.2:
Activity 8:

THE ‗SINGA Learning Module 4 for EN8LT-IVc- Reading/Writing

Activity 9: In the English Grade 8 pp. 557-559 13.1:
Beginning Activity
Activity 11: STORY
BOARD Activity 12:
Activity 13: ONE IN

Documentary Film Clip Learning Module 4 for EN8VC-IVi-15: Reading/Viewing

English Grade 8 pp. 560-561
Activity 14: FOR OLD
TIMES‘ SAKE (Observation
Reading text: (an Learning Module 4 for EN10RC-Ie- Reading/ Writing/
editorial) "On sites English Grade 8 pp. 562-565 2.15.2 Speaking
of Cultural Interchange"
by Toh Hsien Min
Evaluate the accuracy of the
information Act. Com.
Questions : PIN.
Activity 16: GO FOR THE
Differenceof Transactional Learning Module 4 for EN10V-Ib-13.9: Grammar/Writing
language and Interactional English Grade 8 pp.
language 562/566-567
Activity 17: PICTO-
Comparingwrite a letter Learning Module 4 for EN8RC-IVd- Writing
of request.and friendly English Grade 8 pp. 568-569 14.1
letters Activity 18:

Poem Analysis Learning Module 4 for EN8LT-IVg- Literature/ Writing/

"Bumboat Cruise on the English Grade 8 pp. 568-572 2.2.5 Speaking
Singapore River by Miriam
Wei Wei Lo Activity 19:
BOAT AHOY! Activity
Activity 22: THINK ABOUT
Writing Request Letter, Learning Module 4 for EN8SS-IVh- Writing: Proof reading
Business Letter, and English Grade 8 pp. 573-582 1.6.4
Use fixed expressions for
business writing
Write a letter of application
and the accompanying
documents (e.g. resume)

Activity 23: ROUGH

Activity 24: MORE
Listen to note important Learning Module 4 for EN8LC-IVf-10: listening
details and infer characters English Grade 8 pp. 588-589
traits http://readerscriticism.blogs
Activity 1: Proud
Asian rat.html

Activity 2: I am known for… Learning Module 4 for EN8OL-IVg-1.5: Speaking/ writing

Activity 3:K-W- English Grade 8 pp. 589-590
L (Korea and It’s Culture)

Activity 4: Comprehenson Learning Module 4 for EN8LT-IVf-2.2: Literature/ Writing/

Check Activity 5: English Grade 8 pp. 590-592 Speaking
Listen to Me

KERNEL SENTENCE Learning Module 4 for EN8G-IVe-14: Writing/ Speaking

Activity 7: CONVINCE ME! English Grade 8 pp. 593-595
Activity 8: TRIMMING UP
BIBLIOGRAPHY Learning Module 4 for EN8SS-IVh-1.6.4 Reading/Writing
Activity 10: English Grade 8 pp. 596-597

Activity 11: FILIPINO Learning Module 4 for EN8OL-IVf-5: Speaking/ writing

YOUTH Activity English Grade 8 pp. 599-600

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