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An Approach For Wellbore Failure Analysis Using Rock Cavings and Image Processing PDF

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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

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An approach for wellbore failure analysis using rock cavings and image
Christopher Skea a, Alireza Rezagholilou a, *, Pouria Behnoud Far b, Raoof Gholami a,
Mohammad Sarmadivleh a
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Department of Petroleum Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: There have been interests to link different cuttings/cavings to various wellbore failure types during
Received 4 December 2017 drilling. This concept is essential when caliper and image logs are not available. Identification of wellbore
Received in revised form failure during drilling gives more chance of immediate actions before wireline logging program. In this
28 March 2018
paper, an approach was presented based on the image processing of ditch cuttings. This approach uses
Accepted 3 April 2018
the sphericity and roundness of cuttings as input data to classify caving types and subsequently deter-
Available online 4 July 2018
mine the dominant failure type. Likewise, common definitions of cavings were discussed initially before
a new criterion is suggested. This quantitative criterion was examined by observations from caliper and
Caving shape
acoustic image logs as well. The proposed approach and criterion were implemented on ditch cuttings
Cuttings taken from a well in Western Australia. Results indicate that the primary failure is shear failure
Drilling (breakout) due to high levels of angular cavings. However, another failure due to the fluid invasion into
Image analysis pre-existing fractures was also recorded by blocky cavings.
Wellbore failures Ó 2018 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Roundness Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Sphericity licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

1. Introduction well was drilled to a total depth of 2913.8 m TVDSS (true vertical
depth subsea), and cuttings were collected at various depths. The
Cuttings are a valuable source of information when drilling oil well mainly intersected sandstone, although traces of claystone
and gas wells. One of the major issues that may arise during and siltstone were detected. The wellbore was at risk of instability
drilling is the presence of abnormal cuttings/cavings which due to the long open-hole completion. A detailed evaluation of
indicate that a failure has occurred downhole. The cost induced the ditch cutting samples was undertaken to assess the rela-
by wellbore instabilities is estimated to be 15% of the overall tionship between cavings and wellbore instabilities. The study
drilling budget for the well (Zausa et al., 1997). A quick inter- covers the shape, size and type distributions of cavings in avail-
pretation of these cuttings is vital to remedy the problem, able samples. Accordingly, image processing technique is
avoiding downtime and increased costs. This study aims to ach- employed by using ImageJ software to evaluate the particle’s
ieve a fast and reliable method of cutting analyses using image shape features. This method allows for a depth-dependent char-
processing technique in order to determine the mode and size of acterization of the dominant failure types in the well.
failure without running wireline logging tools. Due to the vast Although this method is a common practice for cuttings,
number of different wells and even greater number of variables, there is very little work on its application or characterization of
this study will focus on ditch cutting produced from a vertical caving. For cuttings, real-time monitoring of particle size dis-
well in the southern part of Perth Basin in Western Australia. The tribution (PSD) is coupled with a Coriolis flow meter measuring
flow density. This system is programmed to identify cuttings vs.
caving ratio based on the shape factor (length/width) and return
volume, and thus can give an alert of escalating caving per-
centage to drilling engineer (Karimi, 2013). Real-time PSD is not
* Corresponding author. feasible for cavings due to their large size. However, the image
E-mail address: (A. Rezagholilou).
analysis technique applied in this paper can be beneficial to
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences.
study samples in required situations. It provides a fast analysis
1674-7755 Ó 2018 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
866 C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

Fig. 1. Cutting mechanism of a drill bit (modified after Mostofi and Franca, 2014).

of caving shape, size and distribution regardless of the size of grind the rock. A PDC cutter induces a shear failure along the shear
cavings presented. planes of the rock face and is suitable for soft to medium strength
rocks (Bar-Cohen and Zacny, 2009).
2. Particle descriptions

2.1. Cuttings

Drill cuttings are an important piece of data coming to the

surface, providing a real-time description of subsurface lithology.
Mud engineers can identify the likely type and location of wellbore
failure by monitoring these cuttings. As a result, good knowledge of
cutting size, shape and color is required for judgment. However,
distinguishing cuttings generated by the drill bit from those created
by the wellbore failure is not an easy and straightforward task due
to a variety of bits and phenomena included in the generation of
cuttings. This section aims to provide an insight into the differences
between the cuttings created by the bits and those induced by
stresses around the wellbore.

2.2. Drill bit cuttings

The type of drill bit is important for size of cutting, and its
selection depends on formation type, required rate of penetra-
tion (ROP) and service-life of a bit. Weight on bit (WOB) and
rotation per minute (RPM) are two important parameters in the
creation of cuttings. RPM induces the tangential force with the
help of WOB, while WOB provides the normal force on the
wellbore floor. When these two forces are transferred to the
wellbore through bit teeth, rocks are crushed, and cuttings are
generated, as shown in Fig. 1.
Size of cutting produced from a roller cone bit depends on the
tooth length and formation hardness. Large tooth roller cone bits
are used in soft formations producing large cuttings while small
tooth bits are employed in hard formations generating very small to
almost powder-like cuttings (Seubert, 1995).
A polycrystalline diamond cutter (PDC), on the other hand, uses
synthetic diamond material as sharp fixed surfaces to scrape or

Table 1
Cutting characteristics with respect to formation types (Egenti, 2014).

Cutting size (in) Rock type Shape Grain density (g/cm3) Bed porosity (%)

Large (0.275) Limestone Angular 2.57 41

Medium (0.175) Limestone Angular 2.57 36
Small (0.009) Sandstone Round 2.6 39
Fig. 2. (a) Naturally fractured (blocky) and (b) weak plane (tabular) cavings
Note: 1 in ¼ 25.4 mm. (Kristiansen, 2004).
C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878 867

The formation type may also have a large impact on the size of
cuttings obtained at the surface. Cuttings produced in hard for-
mations, such as limestone and claystone, are usually large, while
those produced in soft formations, including sandstone and silt-
stone, are more rounded and may not reach the surface in the
original condition (Egenti, 2014). Table 1 shows the general char-
acteristics of cuttings with respect to formation types. As presented
in Table 1, sandstones produce a small cutting size when a PDC bit is
utilized at a shallow depth which indicates the fact that as the bit
grinds the rock, the cementitious material holding individual grains
breaks (Bourgoyne et al., 1986).

2.3. Cavings

Cavings are often the primary cause of wellbore instability and

account for approximately 40% of rig downtime (Gallant et al.,
2007). They usually occur because of rock failure but may not
Fig. 3. Angular caving (Bradford et al., 2000).
necessarily lead to wellbore instability, but they can pose hole
cleaning issues. Induced cavings that appear at shale shakers allow
quick interpretation of the downhole environment, including the
However, diamond-impregnated bits are the best option for ultra- nature of instability and its locations. These cavings can be pro-
hard abrasive rock formations due to their exceptional durability. This duced by several factors such as underbalanced drilling, residual
characteristic keeps them sharp even as they wear (Mostofi and stress relief, pre-existing weak planes, or the mechanical action of
Franca, 2014). They are used when sheets of ultra-hard rock are the drilling process and tools (Kumar et al., 2012).
embedded within softer formations. This eliminates the need for an Under these circumstances, the failure mechanisms can be clas-
additional trip (to pull out of the hole and run back) to replace the worn sified into two main classes: shear failure of intact rock (breakout)
out bits, thereby reducing the time and cost of projects. These differ- and failure along pre-existing weak planes such as fractures, cleavage
ences in the size of cuttings produced between PDC and tri-cone bits or bedding planes (Edwards et al., 2004). The former is referred to as
are due to the PDC bit shearing the formation at a set angle causing isotropic rock failure, and the latter is known as anisotropic rock
ductile failures of a rock mass, so cuttings are relatively constant in size. failure. Rock containing pre-existing planes of weakness can be
The tri-cone bits, on the other hand, cause brittle failure of rock mass, divided into two subcategories. Depending on the well trajectory and
which leads to a variety of large cutting sizes. the ambient stress field, certain bedding and natural fracture orien-
tations may be suitable for initiating shear failure when the in situ
stresses resolved along these planes exceed the sliding friction and
the natural cohesion. If the shear failure is excessive, blocky and
angular rock cavings will spall into the borehole. Drilling fluid would
leak into these cracks and could cause further propagation of shear
failure due to pore pressures, especially when a low viscosity
synthetic/oil-based drilling mud is used (Behnoud Far et al., 2017;
Gholilou et al., 2017; Salemi et al., 2017). Because of the permeable
nature of these shear-induced cracks, they provide a plane of
weakness which allows the drilling fluid to enter into the formation.
Increasing the mud weight may increase anisotropic wellbore failure
and exacerbate the hole cleaning issues, which, if not properly
managed, will create wellbore instabilities. A preventive measure
would modify the mud weight or change the trajectory of the well for
providing additional support to wellbore wall (Zoback et al., 2003).
Fig. 4. Splintery caving from underbalanced drilling (Kumar et al., 2012).
Interpreting caving shape is quite difficult, as multiple failure modes

Table 2
General characteristics of cavings and their treatments (Edwards et al., 2004; Pasic et al., 2007; BP, 2008; Osisanya, 2011; Kumar et al., 2012; Karimi, 2013; Halliburton, 2014).

Shape Description Cause Treatment

Angular Triangular/arrowhead shape Formed in a near vertical well with little Increase mud weight if allowable. Increase flow to ensure good hole
with a rough surface structure bedding or perpendicular to bedding planes. cleaning. If close to fracture pressure, it is recommended to maintain
Low mud weight is unable to support wellbore mud weight while reducing fluid and providing proper hole cleaning
wall and breakout occurs parallel to the
minimum horizontal stress
Tabular Flat parallel faces A combination of wellbore within 15 e20 of Slow drilling advised with small adjustments in mud weight. Minimize
bedding planes and low mud weight results in surge and swap pressures
bedding failure on the high side of the wellbore
Splintery Flat, thin and planar structures Underbalanced drilling in hard rock or areas of Stop drilling and increase mud weight, set casing if it cannot be controlled
high tectonic stresses, or drilling too fast in shale to avoid influx and/or stuck pipe. Reduce ROP.
with low permeability
Blocky Cubic in structure Invasion of drilling fluid into pre-existing Slow drilling advised with small adjustments in mud weight. Change mud
fractures destabilizing rock formation type. Minimize surge and swap pressures
868 C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

Shear stress
Soft rock

Splintery cavings produced

from tensile failure of
strong rock formation when
drilling close to balance
Weak rock

Reducing bottom-
hole pressure

Mixture of splintery and angular
cavings when drilling with a little
or no overbalance in weak shale

Fig. 5. Mohr’s circle illustration of borehole tensile and shear failures for strong and weak formations (modified after BP, 2008).

Fig. 6. Action flowchart when cavings are present at the surface (Zausa et al., 1997).

can co-exist under different circumstances as well as a change of 2.3.1. Tabular/blocky cavings
caving shape due to grinding in wellbore annulus on the way to Anisotropic bedding/fracture plane related cavings may
surface (Karimi, 2013). originate from weak bedding planes or unstable natural frac-
The three main shapes of cavings often used for identifications tures. Cavings in the kinds of natural fracture and bedding
are tabular (or blocky), angular and splintered. Osisanya (2011) and plane have tabular/blocky shapes when produced. However,
Bradford et al. (2000) described these shapes as follows. they are difficult to be removed from the well, and thus re-

Table 3
Summary of preliminary sieving of ditch cutting (2.36 mm sieve).

Depth (m) Sample number Total mass (g) Retained mass (g) Caving (%)

1130e1135 5 307.4 168.8 54.9

1240e1245 10 286.9 108.3 37.7
1245e1250 11 271 154.6 57
1275e1280 13 280.3 172.4 61.5
1280e1285 14 286.8 164.3 57.3
1285e1290 15 268.5 129.1 48.1
C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878 869

Fig. 7. Sample ditch cuttings (left) and cropped image of ditch cuttings with background subtracted (right).

Fig. 8. The watershed of threshold image to identify individual particles (left) and overlaying of the original image over the processed image (right).

Fig. 9. Processed image with overlay (left) and that of the ditch cuttings for analysis (right).
870 C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

low strength of rocks, low mud weight, insufficient mud viscosity,

and improper trajectory and temperature differences can be
problematic. If the surface appears old, they may have come from
rubble zones which consist of rock fragments held together by the
friction (BP, 2008). These rubble zones occur in mechanically weak
areas and may lie near faults, salt domes or other forms of a diaper
(BP, 2008).
Angular cavings can be described by an arrowhead or triangular
shape with curved faces and a rough surface structure (BP, 2008).
To prevent this failure, an increase in the mud weight is suggested,
if the pore/fracture window allows. Careful drilling practices with
a low ROP can also be considered, on these occasions, to mitigate
the borehole cleaning issues. Fig. 3 displays a typical angular

2.3.3. Splintery cavings

Splintery cavings are produced in over-pressured zones,
Fig. 10. A plot describing the grain shape by roundness and sphericity (Swanson,
where tensile failures occur throughout the wellbore circum-
ference. High formation pore pressures pop the cavings out
working of these cavings may alter the shape of the tabular/ with a long and concave shape similar to that shown in Fig. 4.
blocky cavings. When wells are drilled into a tectonically active region, splin-
Tabular cavings are caused by the invasion of drilling fluids into tery cavings are produced. This is because of the movement
the weak planes/fractures causing instability within the wellbore. between tectonic plates, which places significant stresses on the
This failure leads to high caving rates, lost returns, and stuck pipe rock causing it to buckle (Pasic et al., 2007). The hydrostatic
and tools within the hole. Weak plane cavings have flat faces par- pressure required to stabilize the wellbore may be higher than
allel to bedding planes and are often induced by selecting a low the fracture initiation pressure of other exposed formations.
mud weight and drilling a borehole with 15 e20 deviation from Thus, the solution would be to case the hole as quickly as
the direction of bedding (Bradford et al., 2000; BP, 2008). The possible while maintaining a sufficient mud weight (Bowes and
combination of these two factors induces massive failure along Procter, 1997).
weak planes on the high side of the wellbore. The size of splintery cavings may range from very tiny splintery
In vertical wells, however, tabular/blocky cavings are mainly pro- fragments to long slivers, several centimeters in length. The
duced due to destabilization of wellbore wall induced by fluid inva- splintery cavings occur when drilling has a high ROP through low
sion into natural fractures rather than a weak plane, as shown in Fig. 2. permeable rocks. Under this circumstance, a high pore pressure
condition is induced, causing tensile failures. This situation is
intensified in the presence of high tectonic stresses and wellbore
2.3.2. Angular cavings enlargements (Halliburton, 2014). Splintery cavings can be pre-
Angular cavings are generated due to shear failure of the well- vented/mitigated by increasing the weight of the drilling fluid or by
bore. As such, different parameters such as high horizontal stresses, reducing ROP if it is high (Skalle, 2010).

Fig. 11. Graphical demonstration of the suggested relationships between failures and caving types.
C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878 871

2.3.4. Further caving interpretations Considering these complexities, a flowchart like the one shown
In this section, the summary of explanations provided earlier was in Fig. 6 might be useful for taking a corrective action when cavings
used to generate a list of features for cavings, which might be useful appear at the surface.
in the characterization of failure types when certain kinds of cavings In the next section, a case study from Western Australia is
are observed at shakers. Table 2 gives these general characteristics. brought to show how caving analyses and image processing can be
It should be pointed out that the size of cavings at the surface used to identify the type of wellbore failure during drilling before/
might not be an accurate representation of their original shape due without running the wireline logs.
to breaking up induced by different settling velocities and re-
working (BP, 2008). Reductions of bottom-hole pressure may in- 3. Case study well
fluence the type of failures on the wellbore wall in strong and weak
rocks. It can also affect the kind of failures on wellbore wall in The well was drilled in the southern part of Perth Basin,
strong and weak rocks, as shown in Fig. 5. In weak formations, the Western Australia. It was drilled to a total depth of 2913.8 m
breakout produces a mixture of splintery and angular cavings TVDSS and ditch cuttings were collected at various depths. The
(Halliburton, 2014). well mainly lay in sandstone, although traces of claystone and

Fig. 12. Distribution of cavings in the sample from depth of 1130e1135 m.

872 C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

siltstone were detected during drilling. The well completion crushed by finger or hand pressure. This ensures that samples are
report indicated that a 12.7500 tri-cone bit was used up to a depth solid and can be considered as real cavings. Samples collected were
of 845.6 m before replacing it with an 8.500 PDC bit for the rest of dry-sieved using a 2.36 mm sieve, and the weight of coarse portions
the operation. The literature review suggested that the conven- was measured as listed in Table 3.
tional PDC cutting produces cuttings with the size of 1e2 mm.
According to Austin et al. (2014), solid particles larger than 2e 4. Image processing procedure
3 mm produced from a PDC bit are often the sign of cavings.
Therefore, cuttings collected from sieve No. 8 (2.36 mm) are The image of the coarse portion of samples (cavings) was taken
considered as cavings here. On the other hand, cuttings generated and imported to ImageJ software for processing. This method was
by a tri-cone bit may range up to 2e3 cm in size depending on the to obtain quantitative data from the images including area, circu-
formation hardness, making it difficult to distinguish cavings and larity, roundness and perimeter together with the minimum and
cuttings. major axis lengths of particles.
This study evaluates the ditch cuttings at different depths of the Initially, images were cropped to remove any unnecessary areas
well. Samples were examined not to be lumped and not to be such as tray sides, identification tag and scales as shown in the left

Fig. 13. Distribution of cavings in the sample from depth of 1240e1245 m.

C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878 873

side of Fig. 7. Once cropped, the image was scaled as shown in the It was required to control the identification of particles or seg-
right side of Fig. 7. mentation of image by overlaying the original image. Fig. 8 shows
To determine individual ditch cuttings, the background of the hairy lines due to noises in the image that could make false parti-
image was subtracted. However, due to the similar color of ditch cles sizing. Thus, all of these lines within particles were removed.
cuttings, the background subtraction was not so effective. To Once the editing was completed, the final images with and without
resolve this problem, the rolling ball radius was adjusted to maxi- overlay were obtained, as shown in Fig. 9.
mize the definition of particle outlines.
Further processes and particles’ identification were done by 5. Interpretations
transformation to black and white images. Initially, the image was
processed using the image threshold. To do so, an image was trans- In this stage, results of the analysis for each sample in terms of area,
formed to an 8-bit gray scale from RGB color before adding threshold shape descriptor, perimeter and fit eclipse are utilized to classify
values of 140e165 after tries for best visual contrast here. Empty them. The minimum size of particles was set as 2.36 mm to remove
areas of a tray were also manually eliminated. Then, the watershed small particles (cuttings), but not cavings. Classification of particles
method was used in each image to identify the particles individually. during image processing requires quantitative shape criteria. The plot

Fig. 14. Distribution of cavings in the sample from depth of 1275e1280 m.

874 C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

shown in Fig. 10 can be considered as a basis for delineation of cavings Area

and can be developed for classification purposes. Circularity ðsphericityÞ ¼ 4p  (2)
In Fig. 10, roundness and sphericity are described as roughness and
shape of a particle, respectively (Swanson,1981). However, descriptive Circularity and sphericity seem to be similar. They are equal to 1
terms or figures are not suitable for image processing application and for perfect sphere and zero for infinitely elongated shape. There is
definitions are essential. As such, the definitions proposed in ImageJ another definition for sphericity by Tobenna (2010) as the ratio
user’s guide (Ferreira and Rasband, 2012) are selected here, where the between the surface area of a sphere of the same volume and the
roundness and circularity (sphericity) are respectively defined as surface area of the particle of interest. This definition has not been
considered here as the images are two-dimensional.
Area In Fig. 10, the top row has mean value of 0.9 for sphericity. The
Roundness ¼ 4  (1) shapes of the particles in this row are very close to the descriptions
pðMajor axisÞ2
for tabular/blocky cavings. In a similar way, the bottom row has
mean sphericity of 0.3, which more fits to descriptions for splintery

Fig. 15. Distribution of cavings in the sample from depth of 1280e1285 m.

C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878 875

cavings. Accordingly, the two middle rows seem to be descriptive of The authors examined the scattering and distribution of cavings
angular cavings. With image processing, the area, perimeter and in Fig. 10 for each sample after its image processing. The logarithmic
length of major axis for each particle are determined. These inputs regression curve of sphericity against roundness was determined for
are necessary for the calculation of roundness and sphericity. They all samples. This curve was shifted in up and down directions in the
lead to the location of each particle in Fig. 10. vicinity of the top and bottom rows of Fig. 10 to define approximate
Despite the notes above, this figure alone does not appear to be boundaries. The failure types of each sample were also important to
enough to make distinctions between different cavings. It is pre- consider the likely dominant cavings. In the next section, stress and
fered to having more clear boundaries based on comparison of failure condition of each sample are presented.
caving shape vs. its stress or failure condition as well. Therefore, the Hence, three zones are suggested by the authors for identifica-
boundaries can be used to find out the likely cause of the failures tion or classification of cavings, as illustrated in Fig. 11. As such, these
such as tensile (splintery), shear (angular) or bedding failures zones integrate descriptive definitions, quantitive assessments and
(tabular/blocky). mechanical analysis exclusively. In addition to these considerations,

Fig. 16. Distribution of cavings in the sample from depth of 1285e1290 m.

876 C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878

Fig. 17. Distribution of cavings in the sample from depth of 1320e1325 m.

results of acoustic images (circumferential borehole imaging log

(CBIL)) and caliper logs corresponding to the depths of samples are Table 4
Distribution of cavings at different depths.
examined to include the likelihood of any caving types in adjust-
ment of boundaries. Depth (m) Cavings (%)
The further details of analyses are presented in Figs. 12e17. They Blocky/tabular Angular Splintery
are to verify the zones suggested in Fig. 11.
1130e1135 29.75 70.01 0.24
In Fig. 12, shear failure of the wellbore is highlighted by a large 1240e1245 46.32 53.21 0.47
number of angular cavings and evidenced by the image log showing 1245e1250 9.9 90.09 0
breakouts. The moderate amount of blocky cavings is the evidence 1275e1280 19.47 80.40 0.13
of complete failure of wellbore circumference shown at the bottom 1280e1285 29.1 70.69 0.21
1285e1290 25.88 73.54 0.59
of acoustic log.
C. Skea et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 10 (2018) 865e878 877

Table 5
Failure stress analyses for some depth intervals.

Depth (m) Equivalent depth (m) sH (MPa) sh (MPa) sV (MPa) Pp (MPa) Mw To (MPa) sm (MPa) F State

1130e1135 1130 30 20.7 23.3 11 1.2 17.6 23.6 8.1 Shear failure
1240e1245 1240 30.5 23.2 26 12.1 1.2 15.7 22.1 6.5 Shear failure
1275e1280 1275 30.9 23.9 26.8 12.4 1.3 15.4 22 6.2 Shear failure
1280e1285 1280 31 24 26.9 12.5 1.3 15.4 22 6.2 Shear failure
1285e1290 1285 31 24.1 27.1 12.5 1.3 15.3 21.9 6.1 Shear failure
1320e1325 1320 32.3 24.9 27.9 12.9 1.3 16.3 23.1 6.8 Shear failure

Note: sH is the maximum horizontal stress, sh is the minimum horizontal stress, sV is the vertical stress, Pp is the pore pressure, Mw is the mud weight, To is the octahedral shear
stress, sm is the mean normal stress, and F is the MogieCoulomb failure criterion parameter.

Fig. 13 demonstrates the shear failure of the wellbore high- according to Fig. 11. It is based on the frequency of different
lighted by the cavings with angular shapes. There are also signs particles and integration of descriptive definitions in the litera-
of cavings coming from bedding failure, which cannot be ture, stress analyses and image logs (CBIL images) for considered
ignored. The large increase in blocky cavings can be explained by wellbore here.
the large bedding failure shown at the top and bottom of the Applying Fig. 11 for a typical case study, it can be considered that
acoustic log. angular particles produced from shear failure are roughly 70%e90%
In Fig. 14, the shear failure of wellbore wall is highlighted by of cavings. Accordingly, the remained 10%e30% consists of blocky
cavings with angular shapes. The dark region in the middle of the particles produced from pre-existing fractures or weak planes.
CBIL might be due to bedding failure, however, after image analysis, These findings are supported by caliper and CBIL image logs. Small
a large number of angular cavings are present in the sample tray, traces of splintery particles are also present which indicate the
suggesting that there are abnormal stresses within that region, occurrence of tensile failures. However, splintery particles can be
leading to massive shear failure. This is an example where acoustic ignored as other types are more, and it is important to solve the
log images may suggest one type of failure, but evidence from larger wellbore problems first to reduce costs.
caving shapes in conjunction with image analysis describes a
different type of failure. Conflicts of interest
In Fig. 15, the image analysis shows that there are massive ditch
particles produced from a combination of shear and bedding fail- The authors wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of
ures. This is supported by the CBIL image which shows shear fail- interest associated with this publication and there has been no
ures as well as bedding failure within the wellbore. This significant financial support for this work that could have influ-
demonstrates that drilling was done in underbalanced state enced its outcome.
resulting in massive wellbore failure.
In Fig. 16, the shear failure of the wellbore is highlighted by
cavings with angular shapes. The high density of ditch cuttings
lying on the transition line between bedding and shear failures is
The authors owe their deepest gratitude to the technical team of
the evidence of multiple types of failure occurring within the
Perth’s core library for giving the opportunity to investigate ditch
wellbore. Understanding this is important to the remedy problem
as, although an increase in mud weight may alleviate the issues
associated with shear failures, this may arise problems with regard
to bedding failures. References
In Fig. 17, the top of the CBIL suggests a mixture of bedding and
Al-Ajmi AM, Zimmerman RW. Relation between the Mogi and the Coulomb failure
shear failures. Shear failure is the dominant mode of breakout and criteria. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
should be remedied as fast as possible by raising mud weight but 2005;42(3):431e9.
only by small amounts so as not to induce further bedding failure. Austin JA, Cannon SJ, Ellis D. Hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation West of
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