Electrical Services Notes
Electrical Services Notes
Electrical Services Notes
1.Provide new materials. Ensure installation and materials comply with the applicable
provisions of the National Electrical Code (NEC) and National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA) standards. Ensure material is Underwriters Laboratories (UL) listed.
1.Provide threaded hub for all conduit entries into the top of enclosure. 1.Field drill flange-mounted remote operator handle if needed, to
Provide and install electrical service conduits, conductors, disconnects, contactors,
No warranty of any
TxDOT assumes no responsibility for the conversion
ensure handle is lockable in both the "On" and "Off" positions.
circuit breaker panels, and branch circuit breakers as shown on the Electrical Service
2.Type galvanized steel (GS) enclosures may be used for Type C panelboards
Data chart in the plans. Faulty fabrication or poor workmanship in material, equipment,
and for Type D and T services that do not use an enclosure mounted 2.When the utility company provides a transformer larger than 50 KVA,
or installation is justification for rejection. Where manufacturers provide warranties
photocell or lighting contactor. Provide GS enclosures in accordance with verify that the available fault current is less than the circuit
and guarantees as a customary trade practice, furnish these to the State.
DMS 11080, 11082, 11083, and 11084. breaker's ampere interrupting capacity (AIC) rating and provide
of this standard to other formats or for incorrect results or damages resulting from its use.
3.Provide all work, materials, services, and any incidentals needed to install a
complete electrical service as specified in the plans.
4.Coordinate with the Engineer and the utility provider for metering and compliance
with utility requirements. Primary line extensions, connection charges, meter
charges, and other charges by the utility company to provide power to the location * ELECTRICAL SERVICE DATA
are paid for in accordance with Item 628. Get approval for the costs associated
with these charges prior to engaging the utility company to do the work. Consult Elec. Plan Service Service Safety Main Two-Pole Panelbd/ Branch Branch Branch
with the utility provider to determine costs and requirements, and coordinate the Service Sheet Electrical Service Description Conduit Conductors Switch Ckt. Bkr. Contractor Loadcenter Circuit Ckt. Bkr. Circuit
work as approved. Load
ID Number Size
** No./Size Amps Pole/Amps Amps Amp Rating ID Pole/Amps Amps
5.The enclosure manufacturer will provide Master Lock Type 2 with brass tumblers SB 183 289 ELC SRV TY A 240/480 100(SS)AL(E)SF(U) 2" 3/#2 100 2P/100 100 N/A Lighting NB 2P/40 26 28.1
keyed #2195 for all custom electrical enclosures. Installing Contractor is to Lighting SB 2P/40 25
kind is made by TxDOT for any purpose whatsoever.
provide Master Lock #2195 Type 2 with brass tumblers for "off the shelf"
Underpass 1P/20 15
enclosures. Master Lock #2195 keys and locks become property of the State.
Unless otherwise approved, do not energize electrical service equipment until
locks are installed. NB Access 30 ELC SRV TY D 120/240 060(NS)SS(E)TS(O) 1 ‚" N/A 2P/60 100 Sig. Controller 1P/30 23 5.3
30 Luminaires 2P/20 9
6.Enclosures with external disconnects that de-energize all equipment inside the
enclosure do not need a dead front trim. Protect incoming line terminations from CCTV 1P/20 3
incidental contact as required by the NEC.
2nd & Main 58 ELC SRV TY T 120/240 000(NS)GS(N)SP(O) 1 ‚" 3/#6 N/A N/A N/A 70 Flashing Beacon 1 1P/20 4 1.0
7.When galvanized is specified for nuts, screws, bolts or miscellaneous hardware,
stainless steel may be used. Flashing Beacon 2 1P/20 4
8.Provide wiring and electrical components rated for 75°C. Provide red, black, * Example only, not for construction. All new electrical services must have
electrical service data chart specific to that service as shown in the plans.
and white colored XHHW service entrance conductors of minimum size 6 American
Standard 3-prong
Wire Gauge (AWG). Identify size 6 AWG conductors by continuous color jacket.
Identify electrical conductors sized 4 AWG and larger by continuous color ** Verify service conduit size with utility. Size may change due to utility meter
requirements. Ensure conduit size meets the National ELectrical Code. receptacle
jacket or by colored tape. Mark at least 6 inches of the conductor's insulation Conduit mounting
and photocell
with half laps of colored tape, when identifying conductors. Ensure each service channel(Unistrut,
entrance conductor exits through a separately bushed non-metallic opening in the Kindorf, B-line
weatherhead. The lengths of the conductors outside the weatherhead are to be or equal)
12 inches minimum, 18 inches maximum, or as required by utility. EXPLANATION OF ELECTRICAL SERVICE DESCRIPTIVE CODE Hot dipped
9.All electrical service conduit and conductors attached to the electrical service ELEC SERV TY X XXX/XXX XXX (XX) XX (X) XX (X) cast iron,
including the riser or the elbow below ground are subsidiary to the electrical
or sand cast
service. For an underground utility feed, all service conduit and conductors after 6"
Schematic Type aluminum outlet Mount Photocell
the elbow, including service conduit and conductors for the utility pole riser
box with cover. 6" to 8" measured
when furnished by the Contractor, will be paid for separately.
Service Voltage V / V from the top of
10.Provide rigid metal conduit (RMC) for all conduits on service, except for the the pole or 18
Disconnect Amp Rating to 20 feet above
• in. PVC conduit containing the electrical service grounding electrode
•" RM
conductor. Size the service entrance conduit as shown in the plans. Ensure 000 indicates main lug only/ finished grade
Conduit, bend
conduit for branch circuit entry to enclosure is the same size as that shown Typically Type T or as directed
to provide •"
on the layout sheets for branch circuit conduit. Extend all rigid metal conduits by Engineer, and
a minimum of 6 inches underground and then couple to the type and schedule of
to 1" clearance
(SS)= Safety Switch Ahead of as allowed by
the conduit shown on the layout for that particular branch circuit. Install a between photo-
Meter-Check with Utility utility company.
grounding bushing on the RMC where it terminates in the service enclosure. cell and pole.
(NS)= No safety Switch Ahead of
Meter-Check with Utility
11.Use of liquidtight flexible metal conduit (LFMC) is allowed between the meter and
service enclosure when they are mounted 90 to 180 degrees to each other. Size the Enclosure Type Service
LFMC the same size as service entrance conduit. LFMC must not exceed 3 feet in GS= Galvanized steel("off the shelf") Support
length. Strap LFMC within 1 foot of each end. LFMC less than 12 inches in length SS= Stainless steel(Custom Enclosure)See MPL
need not be strapped. Each end of LFMC must have a grounding bushing or be
AL= Aluminum (Custom Enclosure)See MPL
terminated with a grounding fitting. The LFMC must contain a grounded (neutral)
conductor. Ensure any bend in LFMC never exceeds 180 degrees. A pull test is TOP MOUNTED PHOTOCELL
Photocell Mounting Location
required on all installed conductors, with at least six inches of free conductor
movement demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer. (E)= Inside Service/Enclosure Install conduit strap maximum 3 feet
Mounted from box. 5 foot maximum spacing
12.Ensure all mounting hardware and installation details of services conform to utility (T)= Top of pole between straps supporting conduit.
company specifications. (L)= Luminaire mounted
(N)= None/No Photocell or
13.For all electrical service enclosures listed under Item 628 on the MPL, the UL 508 Lighting Contactor Required Traffic
enclosure manufacturers will prepare and submit a schematic drawing unique to each Operations
service. Before shipment to the job site, place the applicable laminated schematic Service Support Type Division
drawings and the laminated plan sheet showing the electrical service data chart Standard
GC= Granite concrete
used to build the enclosure in the enclosure's data pocket. The installing contractor
OC= Other concrete
will copy and laminate the actual project plan sheets detailing all equipment and
TP= Timber pole
branch circuits supplied by that service. The laminated plan sheets are to be placed
SP= Steel pole
in the service enclosure's document pocket. Reduce 11 in. x 17 in. plan sheets to
SF= Steel frame
8 • in. x 11 in. before laminating. If the installation differs from the plan
sheets, the installing contractor is to redline plan sheets before laminating. OT= Pole by others or paid
for separately
14.When providing an "Off The Shelf" Type D or Type T service, provide laminated plan EX= Existing pole SERVICE NOTES & DATA
sheets detailing equipment and branch circuits supplied by that service. Reduce TS= Service on traffic
11 in. x 17 in. plan sheets to 8 • in. x 11 in before laminating. Deliver these signal pole
drawings before completion of the work to the Engineer, instead of placing in PS= Pedestal Service
enclosure that has no door pocket.
O= Overhead Service Feed
15.Do not install conduit in the back wall of a service enclosure where it would FILE: ed5-14.dgn DN: TxDOT CK: TxDOT DW: TxDOT CK: TxDOT
from Utility
penetrate the equipment mounting panel inside the enclosure. Provide grounding C TxDOT October 2014 CONT SECT JOB HIGHWAY
U= Underground Service Feed
bushings on all metal conduits, and terminate bonding jumpers to grounding bus. REVISIONS
from Utility
Grounding bushings are not required when the end of the metal conduit is fitted
with a conduit sealing hub or threaded boss, such as a meter base hub.