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38 Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

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VOL. 43, FEBRUARY 29, 1972 397

Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

No. L-28589. February 29, 1972.

RAFAEL ZULUETA, ET AL., plaintiffs-appellees, vs. PAN

AMERICAN WORLD AIR WAYS,INC., defendant-appellant.

Remedial law; Postponements; Case at bar, further postponement not

justified.—Where a party knew as early two months and a half that its turn
to present evidence would take place and no valid excuse is offered for its
failure to bring to court its witnesses on the date set for trial, it cannot later
complain that the court abused its discretion for refusing the grant of further
Same; Same; Requisite of motion to postpone trial for absence of
evidence and similar motions.—Although section 4 of Rule 22 of the Rules
of Court refers to motions to postpone trial, it applies with equal force to a
motion for “other hearing dates about two months from today so as to be
able to present defendant’s other witnesses or their depositions,” there being
no plausible reason to distinguish between the same and a motion for
postponement owing to the “absence of evidence.” Failure to comply with
said section 4 renders defendant’s move defective.
Civil law; Damages; Case at bar, no contributory negligence on part of
plaintiff.—The argument that plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence
for failure to reboard the plane within the 30 minutes announced before the
passengers debarked therefrom, might have justified a reduction of damages,
had plaintiff been unwittingly left by the plane, owing to the negligence of
airline personnel, or even, perhaps, wittingly, if he could not be found before
the plane’s departure. It does not and can not have such justification in the
case at bar, plaintiff having shown up before the plane had taken off, and he
having been off-loaded intentionally and with malice aforethought.
Same; Same; Incidents justifying award of moral damages.—Indeed,
the rude and rough reception plaintiff received at the hands of Sitton or
Captain Zentner when the latter met him at the ramp; the menacing attitude
of Zentner or Sitton and the supercilious manner in which he had asked
plaintiff to open his bags and when told that a fourth bag was missing; the
abusive language and highly scornful reference to plaintiffs as monkey s by
one of the airline’s employees; the unfriendly attitude, the

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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

ugly stares and the unkind remarks to which plaintiffs were subjected, and
their being cordoned by men in uniform as if they were criminals, while
plaintiff was arguing with Sitton; the airline officials’ refusal to allow
plaintiff to board the plane on the pretext that he was hiding a bomb in his
luggage and their arbitrary and high-handed decision to leave him in Wake;
Mrs. Zulueta’s having suffered a nervous breakdown for which she was
hospitalized as a result of the embarassment, insults and humiliations to
which plaintiffs were exposed by the conduct of the airline’s employees;
Miss Zulueta’s having suffered shame, humiliation and embarrassment for
the treatment received by her parents at the airport—all these justify an
award for moral damages.
Commercial law; Common carriers; Duties of carriers to their
passengers.—A contract to transport passengers is quite different in kind
and degree from any other contractual relation. And this, because of the
relation which an air-carrier sustains with the public. Its business is mainly
with the travelling public. It invites people to avail of the comforts and
advantages it offers. The contract of air carriage, therefore, generates a
relation attended with a public duty. Neglect or malfeasance of the carrier’s
employees, naturally, could give ground for an action for damages.
Same; Same; Rights of passengers aboard a carrier.—Passengers do
not contract merely for transportation. They have a right to be treated by the
carrier’s employees with kindness, respect, courtesy and due consideration.
They are entitled to be protected against personal misconduct, injurious
language, indignities and abuses from such employees. So it is, that any
rude or discourteous conduct on the part of employees towards a passenger
give the latter an action for damages against the carrier.
Civil law; Damages; Factors to consider in assessing moral damages.
—Among the factors courts take into account in assessing moral damages
are the professional, social, political and financial standing of the offended
parties on one hand, and the business and financial position of the offender
on the other.
Same; Same; Awards for moral damages reduced where plaintiff
contributed to gravity of defendant’s reaction.—To some extent, however,
plaintiff had contributed to the gravity of the situation because of the
extreme belligerence with which he had reacted on the occasion. We do not
overlook the fact that he justly believed he should uphold and defend his
dignity and that of the people of this country; that the discomfort, the
difficulties, and, perhaps, the ordeal through which he had gone to relieve
himself—which were unknown to the airline’s agents

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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

—were such as to put him in no mood to be understanding of the

shortcomings of others; and that said agents should have first inquired, with
an open mind about the cause of his delay, instead of assuming that he was
at fault and of taking an arrogant and overbearing attitude, as if they were
dealing with an inferior. Just the same, there is every reason to believe that,
in all probability, things would not have turned out as bad as they became
had he not allowed himself, in a way , to be dragged to the level or plane on
which the airline’s personnel had place themselves.
Same; Conjugal partnership; Action of wife in compromising suit not
binding without husband’s consent.—The status of a case pending litigation
cannot be affected by a compromise entered into by the wife, without the
husband’s consent, where it is the conjugal partnership that is involved,
except in cases provided by law.
Remedial law; Parties; Joinder of husband in action against wife,
explained.—Article 113 of the Civil Code pursuant to which “the husband
must be joined in all suits by or against the wife, except: x x x (2) if they
have in fact been separated for at least one year x x x” contemplates of a suit
in which the wife is the real party—either plaintiff or defendant in interest,
and, in which, without being so, the husband must be joined as a party, by
reason only of his relation of affinity with her. Said provision cannot
possibly apply to a case, like the one at bar, in which the husband is the
main party in interest, both as the person principally aggrieved and as
administrator of the conjugal partnership.

APPEAL from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Rizal.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

     Jose W. Diokno for plaintiffs-appellees.
          Ross, Salcedo, Del Rosario, Bito & Misa for defendant-


Appeal, taken by defendant Pan American World Airways, Inc.,

from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Rizal, sentencing
said defendant to pay herein plaintiff—Rafael Zulueta, Telly Albert
Zulueta and Carolinda Zu-


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lueta—“the sum of P5,502.85, as actual damages; plus the further

sum of P1,000,000.00 as moral damages; the further sum of
P400,000.00 as exemplary damages; and attorney’s fees in the sum
of P100,000.00,” with the costs against said defendant, hereinafter
referred to as PANAM, for the sake of brevity.
It is not disputed that, on October 23, 1964, the spouses Rafael
Zulueta and Telly Albert Zulueta—hereinafter referred to as plaintiff
and Mrs. Zulueta, respectively—as well as their daughter, Carolinda
Zulueta—hereinafter referred to as Miss Zulueta—were passengers
aboard a PANAM plane, on Flight No. 841-23, from Honolulu to
Manila, the first leg of which was W ake Island. As the plane landed
on said Island, the passengers were advised that they could
disembark for a stopover of about 30 minutes. Shortly before
reaching that place, the flight was, according to the plaintiffs, “very
rough.” Testifying for PANAM, its purser, Miss Schmitz, asserted,
however, that it was “very calm”; but her notes, Exhibit 7—
prepared, upon the request of Captain Zentner, on account of the
incident involved in this case—state that there was “unusually small
amount of roughness,” which His Honor, the Trial Judge, considered
properly as “an admission that there was roughness, only the degree
thereof is in dispute.” In any event, plaintiff testified that, having
found the need to relieve himself, he went to the men’s comfort
room at the terminal building, but found it full of soldiers, in view of
which he walked down the beach some 100 yards away.
Meanwhile, the flight was called and when the passengers had
boarded the plane, plaintiff’s absence was noticed. The take-off was,
accordingly, delayed and a search for him was conducted by Mrs.
Zulueta, Miss Zulueta and other persons. Minutes later, plaintiff was
seen walking back from the beach towards the terminal. Heading
towards the ramp of the plane, plaintiff remarked, “You people
almost made me miss your flight. You have a defective announcing
system and I was not paged.” At this point, the decision appealed
from has the following to say:


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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“(1) Plaintiffs were on their way to the plane in order to board it, but
defendant’s employ ees—Kenneth Sitton, defendant’s airport manager,
according to plaintiffs; Way ne Pendleton, defendant’s airport customer
service supervisor, according to defendant—stopped them at the gate. This
is what the report of Way ne Pendleton, the airport customer service
supervisor, says:

“ ‘. . . I made no comment to the passenger but turned and led the group toward the
ramp. Just as we reached the boarding gate, Mr. Zulueta spoke to me for the first 4/24

time saying, ‘You people almost made me miss y our flight. You have a defective
announcing sy stem and I was not paged.’
“ ‘I was about to make some reply when I noticed the captain of the flight
standing on the ramp, midway between the gate and the aircraft, and talking with the
senior maintenance supervisor and several other persons. The captain motioned for
me to join him which I did, indicating to the Zulueta family that they should wait for
a moment at the gate.’
—Exh. 5

“(2) Thereafter, one of defendant’s employees—Mr. Sitton, according to

plaintiffs; Mr. Pendleton, according to defendants—asked plaintiffs
to turn over their baggage claim checks. Plaintiffs did so, handing
him four (4) claim checks.
“(3) However, only three (3) bags were located and segregated from the
rest of the passenger’s luggage. The items handcarried by plaintiffs,
except for plaintiff’s overcoat, were also brought down. These
handcarried items, however, were not opened or inspected; later,
plaintiffs Mrs. Zulueta and Miss Zulueta were permitted to reboard
the plane with their handcarried luggage; and when the plane took
off, about two and a half hours later, it carried plaintiff’s fourth bag,
his overcoat and the handcarried luggage.
“(4) Once three bags had been identified, and while the search was
going on for the fourth bag, Mr. Sitton, defendant’s airport
manager, demanded that plaintiffs open the bags (actually, they
were closed, but not locked) and allow defendant’s employees to
inspect them. Plaintiff Rafael Zulueta refused and warned that
defendant could open the bags only by force and at its peril of a law
“(5) Mr. Sitton, defendant’s manager, then told plaintiff that he would
not be allowed to proceed to Manila on board the plane and handed
Zulueta the following letters:



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“ ‘24 October 1964

Wake Island     

“ ‘Mr. Zulueta:
Passenger aboard flight 84123


We are forced to offload y ou from flight 84123 due to the fact that you have refused
to open y our checked baggage for Inspection as requested. 5/24

During your stay on Wake Island, which will be for a minimum of one week, you
will be charged $13.30 per day for each member of your party.

K. Sitton
Airport Manager, Wake Island
Pan American World Airway s, Inc.’

—Exh. D.

“(6) All this happened in plain view and within earshot of the other
passengers on the plane, many of whom were Filipinos who knew plaintiffs;
“The departure of the plane was delayed for about two hours.

“(7) Though originally all three plaintiffs had been off loaded, plaintiff
requested that his wife and daughter be permitted to continue with
the flight. This was allowed but they were required to leave the
three bags behind. Nevertheless, the plane did fly with the
plaintiff’s fourth bag; it was found among all other passengers’
luggage flown to Manila upon the plane’s arrival here.
“(8) Upon arrival at Manila, Mrs. Zulueta demanded of defendant’s
Manila office that it re-route plaintiff Rafael Zulueta to Manila at
the earliest possible time, by the fastest route, and at its expense;
defendant refused; so plaintiffs were forced to pay for his ticket and
to send him money as he was without funds.
“(9) On October 27, 1964, plaintiff Zulueta finally arrived at Manila,
after spending two nights at Wake, going back to Honolulu, and
from Honolulu flying thru Tokyo to Manila.


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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“(10) On December 21, 1964, plaintiffs demanded that defendant

reimburse them in the sum of P1,505,602.85 for damages;
but defendants refused to do so; hence this action.”

In its brief, PANAM maintains that the trial court erred: (1) “in not
granting defendant additional hearing dates (not a postponement) for
the presentation of its other witnesses”; (2) “in assuming it to be true
that the reason plaintiff Rafael Zulueta did not come aboard when
the passengers were reboarded was that he had gone to the beach to
relieve himself”; (3) “in not holding that the real reason why
plaintiff Rafael Zulueta did not reboard the plane, when the
announcement to do so was made, was that he had a quarrel with his
wife and after he was found at the beach and his intention to be left
behind at Wake was temporarily thwarted he did everything
calculated to compel Pan American personnel to leave him behind”; 6/24

(4) “in accepting as true plaintiff Rafael Zulueta’s claim of what

occurred when he arrived at the terminal after he was found at the
beach”; (5) “in not holding that the captain was entitled to an
explanation for Zulueta’s failure to reboard and not having received
a reasonable explanation and because of Zulueta’s irrational
behavior and refusal to have his bags examined, the captain had the
right and duty to leave Zulueta behind”; (6) “in condemning the
defendant to pay plaintiffs P5,502.-85 as actual damages plus the
further sum of P1,000,000.-00 as moral damages, and the further
sum of P400,000.00 as exemplary damages, and attorneys’ fees in
the sum of P100,000.00”; and (7) “in not granting defendant’s
counterclaim of attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation.”
PANAM’s first assignment of error refers to the denial of its
motion, dated October 20, 1966, that it “be granted other hearing
dates about two months from today so as to be able to present
defendant’s other witnesses or their depositions.”
It appears that the complaint in this case was filed on September
30, 1965. It was amended on December 1, 1965, and again on April
14, 1966. PANAM answered the second amended complaint on May
6, 1966. After a pre-trial conference, held on May 28, 1966, the case
was set for hearing on June 1, 2 and 3, 1966. By subsequent
agreement of



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

the parties, the hearing was, on June 3, 1966, reset for August 1, 2
and 3, 1966. Plaintiffs rested their case on August 2, 1966, wh
ereupon it was agreed that PANAM’s witnesses would be presented
“at a later date,” months later, because they would “come from far-
flung places like Wake Island, San Francisco, Seattle and it will take
time to arrange for their coming here.” Accordingly the case was
reset for October 17, 18 and 19, 1966, at 8:30 a.m. On motion of the
plaintiffs, the trial scheduled for October 17 was cancelled, without
any objection on the part of PANAM; but, to offset said action,
additional hearings were set for October 18 and 19, in the afternoon,
apart from those originally set in the morn ing of these dates. Before
the presentation of PANAM’s evidence, in the morning of October
18, 1966, plaintiffs’ counsel asked for the names of the former’s
witnesses, so that those not on the witness stand could be excluded
from the courtroom. PANAM’s counsel announced that his
witnesses were Marshall Stanley Ho, Kenneth Sitton, Michael
Thomas, W ayne S. Pendleton, Capt. Robert Zentner and Miss Carol
The defense then proceeded to introduce the testimony of said
witnesses, and consumed therefor the morning and afternoon of 7/24

October 18 and the morning of October 19. Upon the conclusion,

that morning, of the testimony of the last witness for the defense, its
counsel asked that it “be given an opportunity to present our other
witnesses who are not present today, at the convenience of the
Court.” The motion was denied, but, said counsel sought a
reconsideration and the court gave PANAM a last chance to present
its “other witnesses” the next day, October 20. Instead of doing so,
PANAM filed a written motion reiterating its prayer for “other
hearing dates about two months from today so as to be able to
present defendant’s other witnesses or their depositions.” Upon
denial of this motion, PANAM made an offer of the testimony it
expected from one Edgardo Gavino, an unnamed meteorologist,
either Sue Welby and/or Helga Schley, and John C. Craig, Ida V.
Pomeroy, Herman Jaffe, Gerry Cowles and Col. Nilo de Guia.
His Honor, the Trial Judge, did not commit a reversible error in
denying said motion of October 20, 1966. PAN-


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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

AM knew, as early as August 2, 1966, that its turn to present

evidence would take place, as agreed upon, about two (2) months
and a half later, or on October 17, 18 and 19, 1966. PANAM has not
offered any valid excuse for its failure to bring to court the witnesses
mentioned in said motion, despite the assurance given by its counsel,
on August 2, 1966, that the defense would “spare no effort to bring
them here,” or, if they could not be brought due to circumstances
beyond PANAM’s control, to “submit their deposition.” The records
do not show that any such effort to bring the aforementioned
witnesses had been exerted. The defense has not even tried to
explain why the deposition of said witnesses was not taken. What is
worse, the proffered explanation—that the six (6) persons who
testified for the defense were believed, by defense counsel, to be
enough for the three (3) days of October set for the reception of his
evidence —indicates that no effort whatsoever had been made either
to bring the “other witnesses” or to take and submit their
Besides, the testimony allegedly expected of said other witnesses
for the defense—namely: (1) that there was, according to official
records, no turbulence in the flight from San Francisco to Honolulu,
on which the testimony of Carol Schmitz had touched; (2) that Ida V.
Pomeroy and John C. Craig would say that the passengers were
advised not to go beyond the terminal and that the stopover would
be for about 30 minutes only, on which duration of the stopover
Miss Sch mitz had, also testified, as she could have similarly
testified on said advice, had it been given; (3) that either Helga 8/24

Schley or Sue Welby would narrate the sympathy with which Mrs.
Zulueta was allegedly treated during the flight from Wake Island to
Manila, which is not particularly relevant or material in the case at
bar; (4) that Herman Jaffe, Gerry Cowles and Nilo de Guia were,
also, expected to corroborate the testimony of Capt.


1 Marshall Stanley Ho, Kenneth Sitton, Michael Thomas, Way ne S. Pendleton,

Capt. Robert Zentner and Carol Schmitz.
2 Which actually required half only of said time.
3 Edgardo Gavino, Sue Welby or Helga Schley, John C. Craig, Ida V. Pomeroy,
Herman Jaffe, Gerry Cowles, Col. Nilo de Guia, and an unnamed meteorologist.



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

Zentner; and (5) that Edgardo Gavino was expected to corroborate

Michael Thomas regarding the remarks made by the plaintiff to Mrs.
Zulueta and Miss Zulueta when they and other members of the
searching party found him in the early morning of October 23, 1964
—were merely cumulative in nature.
Then, again, PANAM did not comply with section 4 of Rule 22
of the Rules of Court, reading:

“SEC. 4. Requisites of motion to postpone trial for absence of evidence.—A

motion to postpone a trial on the ground of absence can be granted only
upon affidavit showing the materiality of evidence expected to be obtained,
and that due diligence has been used to procure it. But if the adverse party
admits the facts to be given in evidence, even if he objects or reserves the
right to object to their admissibility, the trial must not be postponed.”

Although this provision refers to motions “to postpone trial,” it

applies with equal force to motions like the one under consideration,
there being no plausible reason to distinguish between the same and
a motion for postponement owing to the “absence of evidence.”
The second, third and fourth assignments of error are interrelated.
They refer to the question whether the reason why plaintiff went to
the beach was to relieve himself , as testified to by him, or to remain
in W ake Island because he had quarreled with his wife, as
contended by PANAM’s counsel.
The latter contention, however, is utterly devoid of merit. To
begin with, plaintiff’s testimony about what he did upon reaching
the beach is uncontradicted. Secondly, other portions of his
testimony—such as, for instance, that he flight was somewhat rough,
shortly before reaching Wake Island; that there were quite a number 9/24

of so ldiers in the plane and, later, in the terminal building; that he

did not voluntarily remain in Wake Island, but was “off-loaded” by
PANAM’s agent therein—are borne out by the very evidence for the
defense. Thirdly, PANAM’s efforts to show that plaintiff had
decided to remain in the Island because he had quarreled with Mrs.
Zulueta—which is ridi-


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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

culous—merely underscores the artificious nature of PANAM’s

Fourthly, there is absolutely no direct evidence about said alleged
quarrel. Nobody testified about it. Counsel for the defense has, in
effect, merely concluded that there must have been such quarrel
because, when the searching party located plaintiff, he—according
to Stanley Ho—was “shouting in a loud tone of voice”—not at his
wife, but—“ towards his wife and daughter,” who headed said party
and to which the words spoken were addressed, according to
plaintiff. Capt. Zentner said that plaintiff was “angry with them”—
Mrs. Zulueta and Miss Zulueta—who—Michael Thomas affirmed—
were saying “I am sorry, I am sorry”; whereas, W ayne S. Pendleton
declared that Gavino told him that this “seems to stem from a
domestic issue” between Mr. and Mrs. Zulueta. Surely, this ‘alleged
surmise, not even by Pendleton, but by Gavino—who was not
placed on the witness stand—cannot be taken as competent evidence
that plaintiff had quarreled with his wife, apart from the
circumstance that such quarrel—if it took place and there is
absolutely no evidence or offer to prove that anything had transpired
between husband and wife before reaching Wake Island which may
suggest a misunderstanding between them—does not warrant
jumping at th e conclusion that plaintiff had decided to remain in the
Island, for he would gain nothing thereby.
Needless to say, if plaintiff’s purpose in going to the beach was
to hide from Mrs. and Miss Zulueta and PANAM’s personnel, so
that he may be left in the island, he, surely, would not have walked
back from the beach to the terminal, before the plane had resumed
its flight to Manila, thereby exposing his presence to the full view of
those who were looking for him.
Then, again, the words uttered by him as he saw the search party
and approached the plane—“You people almost made me miss yo ur
flight. You have a defective announcing system and I was not
paged”—and the “belligerent” manner—according to Captain
Zentner—in which
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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

he said it revealed his feeling of distress at the thought that the plane
could have left without him.
The second, third and fourth assignments of error are thus clearly
In connection with the fifth assignment of error, PANAM’s
witness, Captain Zentner, testified that, while he was outside the
plane, waiting for the result of the search, a “man” approached him
and expressed concern over the situation; that the “man” said he was
with the State Department; that he, his wife and their children, who
were on board the aircraft, would not want to continue the flight
unless the missing person was found; that the “man” expressed fear
of a “bomb,” a word he used reluctantly, because he knew it is
violative of a Federal law when said at the wrong time; that when
plaintiff came, Zentner asked him: “why did you not want to get on
the airplane? ”; that plaintiff then became “very angry” and spoke to
him “in a way I have not been spoken to in my whole adult life”;
that the witness explained: “I am Captain of the aircraft and it is my
duty to see to the flight’s safety”; that he (Zentner) then told Wayne
Pendleton—PANAM’s Customer Service Supervisor—to get
plaintiff’s “bags off the plane to verify x x x about the bomb”; that
PANAM’s airport manager (K. Sitton) “got three bags of Mr.
Zulueta”; that his fourth bag could not be located despite a thorough
search; that believing that it must have been left behind in Honolulu,
“we took off”; and that he (Zentner) would not have done so had he
thought it was still aboard.
The lower court did not err in giving no credence to this
Indeed, Captain Zentner did not explain why he seemingly
assumed that the alleged apprehension of his informant was justified.
He did not ask the latter whether he knew anything in particular
about plaintiff herein, although some members of the crew would
appear to have a notion that plaintiff is an impresario. Plaintiff
himself intimated to them that he was well known to the U.S. State


4 According to Wayne Pendleton, plaintiff said: “you people almost made me miss
my flight. I was not called.”


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Department. Apparently, Captain Zentner did not even know the

informant’s name. Neither did the captain know whether the
informant was really working for or in the State Department. In
other words, there was nothing—absolutely nothing—to justify the
belief that the luggage of the missing person should be searched, in
order to ascertain whether there was a bomb in it; that, otherwise, his
presence in the aircraft would be inimical to its safety; and that,
consequently, he should be off-loaded.
In fact, PANAM has not given the name of that “man” of the
State Department. Neither has the defense tried to explain such
omission. Surely, PANAM’s records would have disclosed the
identity of said “man,” if he were not a mere figment of the
imagination. The list of passengers has been marked as Exh. A, and
yet PANAM has not pointed out who among them is the
aforementioned “man”.
The trial court did not believe the testimony of Captain Zentner
and rejected the theory of the defense, for the following reasons:

“(1) The defendant had contracted to transport plaintiff from Honolulu to

Manila. It was its legal obligation to do so, and it could be excused from
comply ing with the obligation only, if the passenger had refused to continue
with the trip or it had become legally or phy sically impossible, without the
carrier’s fault, to transport him.
“(2) In this case, it is plain that Zulueta was desirous of continuing with
the trip. Although defendant’s witnesses claim that Zulueta refused to board
the plane, its own evidence belies this claim. The letter, Exh. ‘D’, shows that
it was defendant who off-loaded Zulueta; not Zulueta who resisted from
continuing the trip. In his testimony before the Court, Capt. Zentner,
defendant’s pilot, said that if a passenger voluntarily left the plane, the term
used would be ‘desistance,’ but the term ‘offload’ means that it is the
decision of the Captain not to allow the passenger or luggage to continue the
flight. However, Capt. Zentner admitted on his testimony that ‘his
drunkenness. . . was of no consequence in my report; (it) . . . had nothing to
do with his being belligerent and unfriendly in his attitude towards me and
the rest of the members of the crew.’ The written report of Capt. Zentner
made in transit from Wake to Manila intimated he might possibly continue;’
but ‘due to drinking, belligerent attitude he was off-loaded along with his
locked bags.’ (Exh. 10). In a later report, Zentner admitted, ‘The decision to
leave Mr.



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

Zulueta and his locked luggage in Wake was mine and mine alone.’ (Exh.
9). Defendant’s airport customer service supervisor, W.S. Pendleton,
reported that: 12/24

“ ‘After the search for Mr. Zulueta had continued for almost 20 minutes and it was
apparent that he was not to be found in the terminal building or immediate vicinity, I
proceeded to the parking lot and picked up my jeep to continue the search in more
remote areas. Just as I was getting underway, a small group of persons approached
from the direction of the beach and a voice called out that the passenger had been
found. Having parked the jeep again, I walked toward the group and was met by
PAA fleet-serviceman E. Gavino who was walking somewhat ahead of the others,
Mr. Gavino remarked to me privately that the trouble seemed to have stemmed from
some domestic difference between the passenger and his wife who was not at his
side and returning with him to the gate.
“ ‘On hearing Mr. Gavino’s remark, I made no comment to the passenger but
turned and led the group toward the ramp. Just as we reached the boarding gate, Mr.
Zulueta spoke to me for the first time saying, ‘You people almost made me miss your
flight. You have a defective announcing system and I was not paged.’
—Exh. 5.

“Evidently, these could not have been the words of a man who refused to
board the plane.
“(3) There was no legal or phy sical impossibility for defendant to
transport plaintiff Zulueta from Wake to Manila, as it had contracted to do.
Defendant claims that the safety of its craft and of the other passengers
demanded that it inspect Zulueta’s luggage and when he refused to allow
inspection that it had no recourse but to leave him behind. The truth is that,
knowing that of plaintiff’s four pieces of luggage, one could still have been
—as it was—aboard, defendant’s plane still flew on to Manila. Surely, if the
defendant’s pilot and employees really believed that Zulueta had planted a
bomb in one of the bags they would not have flown on until they had made
sure that the fourth bag had been left behind at Honolulu or until enough
time had lapsed for the bomb to have been exploded, since presumably it
had to have been set to go off before they reached Manila.
“At any rate, it was quite evident that Zulueta had nothing to hide; for
the report of defendant’s witness, Mr. Stanley L. E. Ho, U.S. Marshall on
Wake, has this to say:


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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“ ‘About twenty minutes later while an attempt was being made to locate another
piece of Mr. Zulueta’s luggage, his daughter, Carolinda approached her father and
wanted to get some clothes from one of the suitcases. Mr. Zulueta asked the
undersigned if it was alright if he opened the suitcases and get the necessary clothes.
To this I stated he was free to open his luggage and obtain whatever he needed. Mr.
Zulueta opened a suitcase and took the dress for her then boarded the aircraft.’
—Exh. 2B. 13/24

“(4) What is evident to the Court is that defendant—acted in a manner

deliberately calculated to humiliate and shame plaintiffs. Although the plane
was held up to wait for plaintiff—for, as the Captain admitted in his
testimony , he did so because he knew that it would be a week before
another plane would come in for Manila (t.s.n., 18 Oct. 1966, pp. 59-62)—
when plaintiff did come, he was met and treated roughly by defendant’s
manager Sitton. Here is what Zulueta testified to:

“ ‘Q.—When you saw your wife and daughter what happened? A.—Then I started
going towards the airplane. At the ramp, I do not know what they call it, as soon as
they arrived there, there was a man who subsequently identified himself as Kenneth
Sitton. He identified himself as the Airport Manager of Wake Island. He did not ask
me what happened, was I sick, he looked at me and said, what in the hell do y ou
think you are? Get on that plane. Then I said, what right have you to talk to me that
way, I am a paying passenger. Do not treat me this. And this started the altercation,
and then he said, do you know y ou held up the plane? And I answered, this is not
my fault, I was sick. Did it not occur to y ou to ask me how I feel; then he said get on
that plane.
“ ‘Q.—What happened? A.—we started discussing kept saying, ‘You get on that
plane’ and then I said, ‘I don’t have to get on that plane.’ After a prolonged
discussion, he said, give me y our baggage tags and I gave him four baggage tickets
or tags. I did not realize what he was up to until finally, I saw people coming down
the airplane and police cars arrived and people were coming down the ramp. I gave
him the four baggage tags and a few minutes late, he brought three baggages and
said, open them up. I said, to begin with, there is one baggage missing and that
missing bag is my bag. Then I said you cannot make me open these baggages unless
you are United States customs authorities and when I arrive in the Philippines they
can be opened by the Philippine Customs authorities. But an Airport Manager cannot
make me open my bags



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

unless you do exactly the same thing to all the passengers. Open the bags of
all the other passengers and I will open my bag.

“ ‘Q.—What did he say: A.—He just kept on saying, open y our bag, and I drew up
my hands and said, if you want, y ou open y ourself or give me a search warrant and
I shall open this bag but give me a search warrant and then I asked, who is the Chief
of Police, and he said, ‘I am the Chief of Police,’ then I said how can you be the
Chief of Police and Airport Manager and then he started to talk about double
compensation and by this time we were both quarreling and he was shouting and so
with me. Then there was a man who came around and said ‘open the bag’ and I said,
show the warrant of arrest and do all the checking and the discussion kept on going,
and finally, I said, look, my fourth bag is missing and he said, ‘I don’t give a damn.’
People at the time were surrounding us and staring at us and also the passengers. My 14/24

wife and daughter all along had been made to sit on a railing and this man screaming
and looking at my wife and daughter. Then he said, will you pull these three
monkeys out of here? And then I said, will you send my wife and daughter up to the
plane which he did. However, they have come down in their slippers and when they
were allowed to return to the plane none of the defendant’s personnel who had
brought down the overcoats, shoes and handcarried items of my wife and daughter
ever offered to bring back these items to the plane, until I demanded that one of the
defendants should help my wife and daughter which he did. And then one man told
me, because you refused to open your bag, ‘we shall hold y ou here in Wake Island.’
And then I asked, are we under arrest? and the man answered, no. And further stated,
your wife and daughter can continue their flight but you will not go to this flight and
we will charge y ou $13.30 a day. Then I said, who are you to tell all these things,
and he answered, I am the manager. I said, put it in writing, then left and in a few
minutes he came back and handed me this letter (witness referring to Exhibit D).’
—t.s.n., August l, 1966, pp. 15-21.

“Anyone in Zulueta’s position would have reached the same way if he

had had a sense of dignity. Evidently, angered by Zulueta’s reaction, irked
by the delay he had caused them, defendant’s employ ees decided to teach
him a lesson by forcing him to open his bags when there was no justifiable
reason to do so:


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Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“(a) Defendant did not make any attempt to inquire from any
passenger or even the crew who knew Mr. Zulueta what his
character and reputation are, before demanding that he open
the bags; if it had done so, Miss Schmitz, the purser, and
Col. Villamor would have vouched for plaintiffs; for Miss
Schmitz believed she had flown before with the Zuluetas
and they had been very nice people.
“(b) Worse, defendant’s manager Sitton admits that Zulueta had
told him who he was and his social position in Manila; still
he insisted that the bags be opened. Moreover, some
passengers had informed the supervisor that Zulueta was
‘the impresario’; but they persisted in their demands.
“(c) Defendant never identified the alleged State Department
men who reportedly approached the Captain and expressed
fear about a bomb, nor did they confront him—if he existed
—with Mr. Zulueta despite Mr. Zulueta’s request.
“(d) Defendant did not take any steps to put the luggage off-
loaded far from its passengers and plane, a strange
procedure if it really believed the luggage contained a
bomb; 15/24

“(e) Defendant continued with the flight knowing one bag—

Zulueta’s bag himself—had not been located and without
verifying from Honolulu if the bag had been found there,
nor even advising Honolulu that a bag possibly containing a
bomb had been left there, again an inexplicable procedure if
they sincerely believed that Zulueta had planted a bomb;
“(f) Defendant’s manager himself took Zulueta and his off-
loaded bags, in his own car, from the terminal building to
the hotel, which is also inconsistent with a serious belief
that the luggages contained a bomb;
“(g) Defendant knew that while Zulueta’s bags were on the
ground, he had opened one of them with the permission and
in the presence of the U.S. Marshall in order to enable his
daughter to get a dress from the bag; nothing suspicious
was seen; still, defendant insisted on refusing to allow
Zulueta to continue unless he opened and allowed
inspection of the bags by them;
“(h) Defendant completely changed his tone and behavior
towards the Zuluetas after the plane had arrived at Manila
and the Captain learned that its Manila manager, Mr.
Oppenheimer, was a friend of Zulueta;
“(i) Meantime, the attitude of Pan American towards the
Zuluetas caused other passengers to resent Zulueta (See
reports of Stewardesses and of Captain Zentner, Exhs. 7, 8,
9 and 10). ‘Many passengers were angry towards the
‘missing passenger,’



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

says Miss Schmitz’s report. ‘A few inquisitive PA (passengers)—one

woman quite rudely stared once we were airborne and left Mr. Zulueta
behind. . . any way I told the woman to sit down—so did Helga—so did the
man near her,’ say Miss Schmitz’s personal notes. This confirms the
testimony of plaintiffs that, all the while the search and discussions were
going on, they were the subject of stares, remarks and whispered comments
from the passe ngers and other persons around the plane.
“(j) Defendant did not allow plaintiff Zulueta to board the plane at all,
even though it was aware that some of his personal belongings, such as his
overcoat were on the plane. Plaintiffs so testified; and though defendant’s
witness Mr. Sitton denied it, claiming that plaintiff was alway s free to board
the plane, this denial is belied by the report of defendant’s own witness, U.S.
Marshall Ho, who said that: 16/24

“ ‘Ten minutes later, Mr. Zulueta asked if he could talk to his wife who was aboard
the aircraft. I then accompanied him and as we got to the ramp, we met Mr. Sitton
who stated he would summon Mrs. Zulueta from the aircraft. Mr. Sitton summoned
Mrs. Zulueta and she met her husband at the foot of the ramp. Mr. Zulueta then
asked his wife and himself to which I replied I was not concerned what he had to
—Exh. 2-B.

“(k) Finally, to add further humiliation and heap indignity on plaintiffs,

when Mrs. Zulueta arrived at Manila and appealed to defendant’s Manila
manager, Mr. Oppenheimer, to see to it that her husband got back as soon as
possible and was made as comfortable as possible, at defendant’s expense,
Mr. Oppenheimer refused to acknowledge any obligation to transport Mr.
Zulueta back to Manila and forcing Mrs. Zulueta to send her husband
$100.00 for pocket money and pay for his fare from Wake to Manila, thru
Honolulu and Tokyo.”

Upon a review of the record, We are satisfied that the foregoing

findings of His Honor, the Trial Judge, are supported by a
preponderance of the evidence.
The last two (2) assignments of error are mer e consequences of
those already disposed of, and, hence, need no extended discussion.
It is urged, however, that plaintiff is, atmost, entitled to actual
damages only, because he was the first to commit a breach of
contract, for having gone over 200 yards away


VOL. 43, FEBRUARY 29, 1972 415

Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

from the terminal, where he could not expect to be paged. But,

PANAM has not pointed out what part of the contract has been
violated thereby, apart from the fact that the award for damages
made in the decision appealed from was due, not to PANAM’s
failure to so page the plaintiff, but to the former’s deliberate act of
leaving him at Wake Island, and the embarrassment and hu miliation
caused to him and his family in the presence of many other persons.
Then, also, considering the flat nature of the terrain in W ake Island,
and the absence of buildings and structures, other than the terminal
and a modest “hotel,” as well as plaintiff’s need of relieving himself,
he had to find a place beyond the view of the people and near
enough the sea to wash himself up before going back to the plane.
It is next argued that plaintiff was, also, guilty of contributory
negligence for failure to reboard the plane within the 30 min utes
announced before the passengers debarked therefrom. This might
have justified a reduction of the damages, had plaintiff been
unwittingly left by the plane, owing to the negligence of PANAM 17/24

personnel, or even, perhaps, wittingly, if he could not be found

before the plane’s departure. It does not, and can not have such
justification in the case at bar, plaintiff having shown up before the
plane had taken off, and he having been off-loaded intentionally and
with malice af orethought, for his “belligerent” attitude, according to
Captain Zentner; for having dared—despite his being one of “three
monkeys,”—the term used by Captain Zentner to refer to the5
Zulueta family—to answer him back—when he (Captain Zentner)
said: “what in the hell do you think you are? ”—in a way he had
“not been spoken to” in his “whole adult life,” in the presence of the
passengers and other PANAM employees; for having responded to a
command of either Zentner or Sitton to open his (plaintiffs) bags,
with a categorical refusal and a challenge for Zentner or Sitton to
open the bags without a search warrant therefor, thereby making
manifest the lack of authority of the aforementioned representative
of PANAM to issue said command and exposing him to ridicule
before said passengers and employees. Besides, PANAM’s


5 Although plaintiff may have mistaken him for Sitton.



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

own witness and employee, Wayne Pendleton, testified that the plane
could not take off at 4:30, as scheduled, because “we were still
waiting for two (2) local passengers.”
Article 2201 of our Civil Code reads:

“In contracts and quasi-contracts, the damages for which the obligor who
acted in good faith is liable shall be those that are the natural and probable
consequences of the breach of the obligation, and which the parties have
foreseen or could have reasonably foreseen at the time the obligation was
“In case of fraud, bad faith, malice or wanton attitude, the obligor shall
be responsible for all damages which may be reasonably attributed to the
non-performance of the obligation.”

This responsibility applies to common carriers. Pursuant to Article

1759 of the same Code:

“ART. 1759. Common carriers are liable for the death of or injuries to
passengers through the negligence or wilful acts of the former’s employ ees,
although such employees may have acted beyond the scope of their
authority or in violation of the orders of the common carriers. 18/24

“This liability of the common carriers does not cease upon proof that
they exercised all the diligence of a good father of a family in the selection
and supervision of their employees.”

Referring now to the specific amounts to damages due to plaintiffs

herein, We note that the sum of P5,502.85 awarded to them as actual
damages is not seriously disputed by PANAM.
As regards the moral and exemplary damages claimed by the
plaintiffs, our Civil Code provides:

“ART. 21. Any person who wilfully causes loss or injury to another in a
manner that is contrary to morals, good customs or public policy shall
compensate the latter for the damage.”
“ART. 2217. Moral damages include phy sical suffering, mental anguish,
fright, serious anxiety, besmirched reputation, wounded feelings, moral
shock, social humiliation, and similar injury. Though incapable of pecuniary
computation, moral damages may be recovered if they are the proximate
result of the defendant’s wrongful act or omission.”
“ART. 2229. Exemplary or corrective damages are imposed. by way of
example or correction for the public good, in addition to the moral,
temperate liquidated or compensatory damages.”


VOL. 43, FEBRUARY 29, 1972 417

Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“ART. 2232. In contracts and quasi-contracts, the court may award

exemplary damages if the defendant acted in a wanton, fraudulent, reckless,
oppressive, or malevolent manner.”

The records amply establish plaintiffs’ right to recover both moral

and exemplary damages. Indeed, the rude and rough reception
plaintiff received at the hands of Sitton or Captain Zentner when the
latter met him at the ramp (“what in the hell do you think you are?
Get on that plane”); the menacing attitude of Zentner or Sitton and
the supercilious manner in which he had asked plaintiff to open his
bags (“open your bag,” and when told that a fourth bag was missing,
“I don’t give a damn”); the abusive language and highly scornful
reference to plaintiffs as monkeys by one of PANAM’s employees
(who turning to Mrs. Zulueta and Miss Zulueta remarked, “will you
pull these three monkeys out of here? ”); the unfriendly attitude, the
ugly stares and unkind remarks to which plaintiffs were subjected,
and their being cordoned by men in uniform as if they were
criminals, while plaintiff was arguing with Sitton; the airline
officials’ refusal to allow plaintiff to board the plane on the pretext
that he was hiding a bomb in his luggage and their arbitrary and
high-handed decision to leave him in Wake; Mrs. Zulueta’s having 19/24

suffered a nervous breakdown for which she was hospitalized as a

result of the embarrassment, insults and humiliations to which
plaintiffs were exposed by the conduct of PANAM’s employees;
Miss Zulueta’s having suffered shame, humiliation and
embarrassment for the treatment received by her parents at the
airport —all these justify an award for moral damages resulting
from mental anguish, serious anxiety, wounded feelings, moral
shock, and social humiliation thereby suffered by plaintiffs.

“The relation between carrier and passenger involves special and peculiar
obligations and duties, differing in kind and degree, from those of almost
every other legal or contractual relation. On account of the peculiar situation
of the parties the law implies a promise and imposes upon the carrier the
corresponding duty of protection and courteous treatment. Therefore, the
carrier is under the absolute duty of protecting his passengers from assault
or insult by himself or his servants.”


6 T.s.n., pp. 72, 79.

7 Lipman v. Atlantic Coast Line R, 93 SE 714: See, also, 4 R.C.L. 1174, 1175.



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

“A contract to transport passengers is quite different in kind and degree

from any other contractual relation. And this, because of the relation which
an air-carrier sustains with the public. Its business is mainly with the
travelling public. It invites people to avail of the comforts and advantages it
offers. The contract of air carriage, therefore, generates a relation attended
with a public duty. Neglect or malfeasance of the carrier’s employees
naturally could give ground for an action for damages.
“Passengers do not contract merely for transportation. They have a right
to be treated by the carrier’s employ ees with kindness, respect, courtesy and
due consideration. They are entitled to be protected against personal
misconduct, injurious language, indignities and abuses from such
employees. So it is, that any rude or discourteous conduct on the part of
employ ees towards a passenger gives the latter an action for damages
against the carrier.”
“A carrier of passengers is as much bound to protect them from
humiliation and insult as from physical injury. x x x It is held in nearly all
jurisdictions, if not universally, that a carrier is liable to a passenger for
humiliation and mental suffering caused by abusive or insulting language
directed at such passenger by an employee of the carrier.”
“Where a conductor uses language to a passenger which is calculated to
insult, humiliate, or wound the feelings of a person of ordinary feelings and 20/24

sensibilities, the carrier is liable, because the contract of carriage impliedly

stipulates for decent, courteous, and respectful treatment, at hands of the
carrier’s employees.”
“The general rule that a carrier owes to a passenger the highest degree of
care has been held to include the duty to protect the passenger from abusive
language by the carrier’s agents, or by others if under such circumstances
that the carrier’s agents should have known about it and prevented it. Some
of the courts have mentioned the implied duty of the carrier, arising out of
the contract of carriage, not to insult the passenger, or permit him to be
insulted, and even where no mention is made of this basis for liability, it is
apparent that it is the ground upon which recovery is allowed.”


8 Air France v. Carrascoso, et al., L-21438, September 28, 1966. See also, 15 ALR
2d 136, Sec. 14, cited in 14 Am. Jur. 2d, p. 481.
9 15 ALR 2nd 133, Sec. 13, cited in 14 Am. Jur. 2d, p. 481.
10 Cave v. Seaboard Airline R. Co., 77 S.E. 1017; See, also: Louisville, N.O. &
T.R. Co. v. Patterson, 13 So. 697.
11 15 ALR 2nd 136.


VOL. 43, FEBRUARY 29, 1972 419

Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

The question is whether the award of P1,000,000 as moral damages

was proper and justified by the circumstances. It has been held that 12
the discretion in fixing moral damages lies in the trial court.
Among the factors courts take into account in assessing mo ral
damages are the professional, social, political and financial standing
of the offended parties on one hand,13 and the business and financial
position of the offender on the other.
In comparatively recent cases in this jurisdiction, also involving
breach of contract of air carriage, this Court awarded the amount of
P25,000, where plaintiff, a first-class passenger in an Air France
plane from Manila to Rome was, in Bangkok, forced by the manager
of the airline company to leave his first class accommodation after
he was already seated because there was a white 14
man who, the
manager alleged, had a “better right” to the seat” ; the amount of
P200,000, where plaintiffs, upon confirmation of their reservation in
defendant airline’s flight from Tokyo to San Francisco were issued
first class tickets, but upon arrival in Tokyo were informed that there
was no accommodation for them in the first class compartment
an d
told they could not go unless they took the tourist class —in both
of which cases the Court found th e airline companies to have acted
in bad faith, or in a wanton, reckless and oppressive manner,
justifying likewise the award of exemplary damages. 21/24


12 Coleongco v. Claparols, L-18616, March 31, 1964; Corpus v. Cuaderno, Sr., et

al., L-23721, March 31, 1965. In the United States, it has been held that the jury has a
wide discretion in awarding damages for mental suffering, and no precise rule is
available by which to determine the quantum of damages properly awarded for this
element of injury. Each case will alone set its own standard of compensation. (Head v.
Georgia P.R. Co., 7 S.E. 217; Southeastern Greyhound Lines v. Freels, 144 SW2d
743; Georgia R. & Bkg. Co. v. Eskew, 12 S.E. 1061, cited in 14 Am. Jur. 2d, p. 604.
13 Domingding, et al. v. Ng, et al., 103 Phil. 111; Northwest Airlines, Inc. v.
Cuenca, et al., L-22425, August 31, 1965; Lopez, et al. vs. Pan American World
Airways, L-22415, March 30, 1966.
14 Air France v. Carrascoso, et al., supra.
15 Lopez, et al. v. Pan American World Airways, supra.



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

None of the passengers invo lved in said cases was, however, off-
loaded, much less in a place as barren and isolated as Wake Island,
with the prospect of being stranded there for a week. The
aforementioned passengers were merely constrained to take a tourist
or third class accommodation in lieu of the first class passage they
were entitled to. Then, also, in none of said cases had the agents of
the carrier acted with the degree of malice or bad faith of those of
PANAM in the case at bar, or caused to the offended passengers a
mental suffering arising from injuries to feelings, fright and shock
due to abusive, rude and insulting language used by the carrier’s
employees in the presence and within the hearing of others,
comparable to that caused by PANAM’s employees to plaintiffs
To some extent, however, plaintiff had contributed to the gravity
of the situation because of the extreme belligerence with which he
had reacted on the occasion. We do not overlook the fact that he
justly believed he should uphold and defend his dignity and that of
the people of this country; that the discomfort, the difficulties, and,
perhaps, the ordeal through which he had gone to relieve himself—
which were unknown to PANAM’s agents—were such as to put him
in no mood to be understanding of the shortcomings of others; and
that said PANAM agents should have first inquired, with an open
mind, about the cause of his delay, instead of assuming that he was
at fault and of taking an arrogant and overbearing attitude, as if they
were dealing with an inferior. Just the same, there is every reason to
believe that, in all probability, things would not have turned out as
bad as they became had he not allowed himself, in a way, to be 22/24

dragged to the level or plane on which PANAM’s personnel had

placed themselves.
In view of this circumstance, We feel that the moral and
exemplary damages collectible by the plaintiffs should be reduced to
one-half of the amounts awarded by the lower court, that is, to
P500,000 for moral damages, and P200,000 for exemplary damages,
aside from the attorney’s fees which should, likewise, be reduced to
On April 22, 1871, Mrs. Zulu eta filed a motion alleging that she
had, for more than two (2) years, been actually


VOL. 43, FEBRUARY 29, 1972 421

Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

living separately from her husband, plaintiff Rafael Zulueta, and that
she had decided to settle separately with PANAM and had reached a
full and complete settlement of all her differences with said
defendant, and praying, accordingly, that this case be dismissed
insofar as she is concerned. Required to comment on said motion,
PANAM expressed no objection thereto.
Upon the other hand, plaintiff prayed that the motion be denied,
upon the gr ound that the case at bar is one for damages for breach
of a contract of carriage, owing to the off-loading of plaintiff Rafael
Zulueta, the husband and administrator of the conjugal partnership,
with the funds of which the PANAM had been paid under said
contract; that the action was filed by the plaintiffs as a family and the
lower court had awarded damages to them as such family; that,
although PANAM had questioned the award of damages, it had not
raised the question whether the lower court should have specified
what portion of the award should go to each plaintiff; that although
Mr. and Mrs. Zulueta had, for sometime, been living separately, this
has been without judicial approval; that Mrs. Zulueta may not,
therefore, bind the conjugal partnership or settle this case separately;
and that the sum given by PANAM to Mrs. Zulueta is believed to be
P50,000, which is less than 3-1/2% of the award appealed from,
thereby indicating the advisability of denying her motion to dismiss,
for her own protection.
Pursuant to a resolution, dated June 10, 1971, deferring action on
said motion to dismiss until the case is considered on the merits. We
now hold that the motion should be, as it is hereby denied. Indeed,
“(t)he wife cannot bind the conjugal partnership 16
without the
husband’s consent, except in cases provided by law,” and it has not
been shown that this is one of the cases so prov ided. Article 113 of
our Civil Code, pursuant to which “(t)he husband must be joined in
all suits by or against the wife, except: x x x (2) If they have in fact
been separated for at least one year x x x”—relied upon by PANAM 23/24

—does not warrant the conclusion drawn therefrom by the latter.

Obviously the suit contem-


16 Article 172 of our Civil Code



Zulueta vs. Pan American World Airways, Inc.

plated in subdivision (2) of said Article 113 is one in which the wife
is the real party—either plaintiff or defendant—in interest, and, in
which, without being so, the husband must be joined as a party, by
reason only of his relation of affinity with her. Said provision cannot
possibly apply to a case, like the one at bar, in which the husband is
the main party in interest, both as the person principally aggrieved
and as administrator of the conjugal partnership. Moreover, he
having acted in this capacity in entering into the contract of carriage
with PANAM and paid the amount due to the latter, under the
contract, with funds of the conjugal partnership, the damages
recoverable for breach of such contract belongs to said partnership.
Modified, as above stated, in the sense that plaintiffs shall
recover from defendant, Pan American World Airways, Inc., the
sums of P500,000 as moral damages, P200,000 as exemplary
damages, and P75,000 as attorney’s fees, apart fro m P5,502.85 as
actual damages, and without prejudice to deducting the
aforementioned sum of P50,000 already paid to Mrs. Zulueta, the
decision appealed from is hereby affirmed in all other respects, with
the costs against said defendant.

          Reyes, J.B.L., Makalintal, Zaldivar, Fernando, Barredo,

Villamor and Makasiar, JJ., concur.
     Castro and Teehankee, JJ., did not take part.

Decision affirmed.

© Copyright 2019 Central Book Supply, Inc. All rights reserved. 24/24

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