Abb Switchgear Pricelist PDF
Abb Switchgear Pricelist PDF
Abb Switchgear Pricelist PDF
Electrification products
Price list (`)
Electrification products
ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies cabling systems, including KNX systems designed to
that enable utility and industry customers to improve integrate and automate a building’s lighting, ventilation,
performance while lowering environmental impact. ABB heating, security and data communication networks.
in India serves customers in process, manufacturing and
consumer industries, utilities, the oil & gas sector and ABB’s product range serves the diverse needs of
infrastructure markets through a wide manufacturing and customers, offering value-for-money and high levels of
marketing network. quality and reliability. These products are backed by the
technological expertise of ABB’s centres of excellence
ABB offers a full range of low- and medium-voltage across the globe, each of which excel in a specific range of
solutions to connect, protect, control and measure low voltage products.
a wide range of electrical systems for all major industries,
including the residential sector. ABB’s electrification products offering in India are designed,
The business improves the reliability and efficiency manufactured and tested in-house in conformance with
of electrical installations through modular substation requirements of the ISO 9000 series. These products
packages, distribution automation products, switchgear, conform to the latest IEC standards, EN specifications,
circuit breakers, measuring and sensing devices, control national standards such as IS, BS, VDE, etc., in addition
products, wiring accessories, and enclosures and to the “CE” mark.
Building products 2
Installation products 3
Distribution automation 5
Other details 6
New Click on the Individual
product ordering codes/
type references for more
detail as most of them are
linked with online data
sheets in this price list.
50 Switches
53 ONE20
54-55 Fusegear
70 Enclosed switches
73 Auxiliary contactors
91 Mini contactors
ABB AbilityTM
Emax 2 TruONE
Ekip UP Temperature
Analog Input
— Family Device
ABB Ability™ Electrical Distribution Control Sys- Low voltage switches TruONE ATS
tem enables the collection of relevant informa- and fusegear
Slimline XR ITS 2.1
tion from the ABB devices installed in the
low-voltage power distribution system. Digital inputs interface Ekip Signalling MODBUS TCP
Sub-Metering EQ Meters
These devices can be connected, plug & play, to Power meters M2M
the cloud-computing platform by sharing data ei- Branch monitoring CMS700
ther with Emax 2 (equipped with Ekip Com Hub)
Medium voltage relays REF 542 Plus
or with Ekip E-Hub via Modbus RS-485,
And many others to come...
Modbus TCP and Ekip Link.
ABB AbilityTM
Power Power Maintenance Load Analog or pulse/
State Current Voltages Power Energy factor quality & Diagnostics management digital inputs Protocol
Energy efficiency
• Save up to 20% on maintenance costs
• Save up to 20% on energy bill
• Get proactive alerts and guarantee operations
in 1 minute
• Remove energy inefficiency by up to 10%
Global website for
A B B A b i l i t yTM E D C S
The range of ABB breakers and switches ranks amongst l Switch disconnectors
the most extensive on the market with a full range of l Changeover switches - manual & motorized
innovative solutions for various applications, helping l Auto transfer switches
to optimise resources, reduce energy costs, boost l Cam switches
productivity. l Cable distribution cabinet - Kabeldon
l Fuse gear - easyline and inline
l Moulded case circuit breakers (Fuse switch disconnector)
l Air circuit breakers l Switch disconnector for DC and
l HRC fuse & fuse base photovoltaic application
l Switch disconnector fuse l MCCB for DC and photovoltaic application
keep a system
keep a system
under control...
under control...
Break new SACE Tmax XT
new ground
with cloud-connected
moulded case
case circuit
circuit breakers.
Plant management
management of the
of the future
future – SACE
– SACE Tmax
Tmax XTXT sets
sets standards
standards in in modern
modern plant
and energy management. Access, monitor and control information
and energy management. Access, monitor and control information remotely, remotely,
anywhere, at any
at any time.
time. Improving
Improving efficiency
efficiency andand saving
saving energy.
ArTu. Born certified
Fully checked and certified (IEC 60439-1 and IEC 61439-1 The ArTu K series switchgear is ideal for primary distribution
and 2 Standard) by an external independent organisation switchgear (PowerCenter type) upto 6300A with air and
(Acea Lovag), the ArTu switchgear is a synonym of safety moulded-case circuit-breakers and any internal segregations
and quality. The certification is the fruit of severe tests carried up to Form 4, and for floor-mounted secondary distribution
out on the whole configuration, consisting of metalwork switchgear with moulded-case and modular circuit-breakers.
structures, circuit-breakers and busbar system. The switchgear has been tested for Internal Arc and Seismic.
l CT (Rogowski coil) range of 400 - 6300A (E1, E2, E3, E4 l Same height and depth for the whole range
and E6) with breaking capacity range of 42-150KA l Protection releases provide complete set of standard
l Configured breakers are now available in E1, E2 and protection function, advanced protection functions,
E3 frames measurement functions
l SACE Emax circuit-breakers and their accessories l O p t i o n a l m o d u l e s ( m e a s u r e m e n t s , s i g n a l l i n g ,
conform to the international IEC 60947, EN 60947 CEI communication, wireless com) to upgrade the protection
EN 60947 and IEC 61000 standards and comply with releases
following EC directives “Low Voltage Directive” (LVD) l Neutral protection from OFF to 200%
l “Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive” (EMC) l Low voltage switch disconnectors upto 6300 amps and
nr. 89/336 EEC automatic circuit breakers upto 5000 amps in 1000V DC
l Complete range of common accessories
Note : Prices on request
l Double insulation
E1 - 50KA -Withdrawable moving part - WMP 800A Manual 1SDA055720R1 1SDA055722R1 1SDA055725R1
1000A Manual 1SDA059216R1 1SDA059224R1 1SDA059236R1
1250A Manual 1SDA055752R1 1SDA055754R1 1SDA055757R1
1600A Manual 1SDA055784R1 1SDA055786R1 1SDA055789R1
E2S - 65KA -Withdrawable moving part - WMP 2000A Manual 1SDA055944R1 1SDA055946R1 1SDA055949R1
E3 - 65KA -Withdrawable moving part - WMP 2500A Manual 1SDA056136R1 1SDA056138R1 1SDA056141R1
3200A Manual 1SDA056168R1 1SDA056170R1 1SDA056173R1
E4 - 75KA -Withdrawable moving part - WMP 4000A Manual 1SDA056808R1 1SDA056810R1 1SDA056813R1
1. Withdrawable fixed parts (WFP) and withdrawable moving parts (WMP) are to be ordered together for a draw out complete breaker.
2. To convert the breaker from manual operated (MDO or MF) to electrical operated (EDO or EF), order MDO/EDO conversion kit which comprises closing coil,
opening coil and motor operator. Suitable operating voltage for the conversion kit has to be mentioned.
3. For other current rating and breaking capacity, ACB requirement, contact our nearest sales office.
Tmax moulded-case circuit-breakers guarantee an extremely l Circuit-breakers for AC and DC power distribution;
high performance level while being progressively smaller in size, l Circuit-breakers for zone selectivity;
simple to install and able to provide increasingly better safety l Circuit-breakers for motor protection;
guarantees for the operator. In addition to being ideal for the l Circuit-breakers for application up to 1150V AC and 1500V DC
l T7 and T8 up to 3200A. All Tmax circuit breakers can be enhanced with a vast range
of standardized accessories. This convenience not only cuts
The ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity (Icu) at 415V ranges down on inventory, but creates an extremely flexible and easily
from 18kA to 200kA, or up to 100kA for 690V. The following managed solution.
ranges are available:
Iu (40° C)
Type Ue [V] Category Release Icu (380 - 415 V AC) [kA]
AC DC 16 25 36 50 70 85 100 120 150 200
XT1 160 690 500 A B C N S H
Ekip LS/I
Ekip I
Ekip LSI
XT2 160 690 500 A Ekip LIG N S H L V
Ekip M-I
Ekip M-LIU
Ekip N-LS/I
XT3 250 690 500 A TMD N S
Ekip LS/I
Ekip I
Ekip LSI
250 690 500 Ekip LIG
Ekip M-LIU
Ekip G-LS/I
Ekip N-LS/I
TMA (500 A)
TMG (500 A)
400 690 750 B (400 A) PR221DS
T5 N S H L V
630 1150 1000 A (630 A) PR222DS
Ekip M
TMA (800 A)
630 690 750 B (630A - 800 A) PR221DS
T6 800 N S H L V
1150 1000 A (1000 A) PR222DS
1000 Ekip M
800 PR231/P
1000 PR232/P
T7 690 B S H L V
1250 PR331/ P
1600 PR332/P
Trip Units
Thermal magnetic trip units
l MA - Magnetic only trip unit with adjustable magnetic thresholds for motor protection
l TMD - Adjustable thermal (70-100%of In) and fixed magnetic (10 x In) for power distribution
l TMA - Adjustable thermal (70-100% of In) and adjustable magnetic (5-10 of In) for power distribution
l TMG - Adjustable thermal (70-100% of In) and low fixed magnetic (3 x In) for generator protection
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
16 1SDA066799R1 1SDA080825R1 * 1SDA080827R1 *
20 1SDA066800R1 1SDA080826R1 * 1SDA080828R1 *
25 1SDA066801R1 1SDA067391R1 1SDA080829R1
32 1SDA066802R1 1SDA067392R1 1SDA067411R1
40 1SDA066803R1 n 6,410 1SDA067393R1 n 6,890 1SDA067412R1 n 9,290
50 3 1SDA066804R1 n 1SDA067394R1 n 1SDA067413R1 n
63 1SDA066805R1 n 1SDA067395R1 n 1SDA067414R1 n
80 1SDA066806R1 n 1SDA067396R1 n 1SDA067415R1 n
100 1SDA066807R1 n 1SDA067397R1 n 1SDA067416R1 n
125 1SDA066808R1 n 9,060 1SDA067398R1 n 10,610 1SDA067417R1 n 10,720
160 1SDA066809R1 n 10,400 1SDA067399R1 n 13,690 1SDA067418R1 n 14,290
XT1 160
16 1SDA066810R1 1SDA080840R1 * 1SDA080842R1 *
20 1SDA066811R1 1SDA080841R1 * 1SDA080843R1 *
25 1SDA066812R1 1SDA067400R1 1SDA080844R1 n
32 1SDA066813R1 n 1SDA067401R1 n 1SDA067419R1 n
40 1SDA066814R1 n 8,840 1SDA067402R1 n 9,990 1SDA067420R1 n 11,740
50 4 1SDA066815R1 1SDA067403R1 n 1SDA067421R1
63 1SDA066816R1 n 1SDA067404R1 n 1SDA067422R1 n
80 1SDA066817R1 n 1SDA067405R1 n 1SDA067423R1 n
100 1SDA066818R1 n 1SDA067406R1 n 1SDA067424R1 n
125 1SDA066888R1 n 11,200 1SDA067409R1 n 12,620 1SDA067427R1 n 13,790
160 1SDA066821R1 n 14,290 1SDA067410R1 n 16,340 1SDA067428R1 n 17,360
*TMF trip unit
Stock items
Breaking capacity at 415VAC
Icu Ics(Icu)
N 36kA 75%
S 50kA 50%
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
200 1SDA068058R1 n 16,870 1SDA068220R1 n 18,620
250 1SDA068059R1 n 19,350 1SDA068221R1 n 22,620
XT3 250
200 1SDA068069R1 n 21,820 1SDA068231R1 n 25,200
250 1SDA068070R1 n 24,810 1SDA068232R1 n 26,690
Stock items
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
1.6 1SDA067000R1 1SDA067540R1 1SDA067584R1
2 1SDA067001R1 1SDA067541R1 1SDA067585R1
2.5 1SDA067002R1 1SDA067542R1 1SDA067586R1
3.2 1SDA067003R1 1SDA067543R1 1SDA067587R1
4 1SDA067004R1 1SDA067544R1 1SDA067588R1
11,850 12,970 17,970
5 1SDA067005R1 1SDA067545R1 1SDA067589R1
6.3 1SDA067006R1 1SDA067546R1 1SDA067590R1
8 1SDA067007R1 1SDA067547R1 1SDA067591R1
10 1SDA067008R1 1SDA067548R1 n 1SDA067592R1
12.5 1SDA067009R1 1SDA067549R1 1SDA067593R1
XT2160 16 1SDA067010R1 n 1SDA067550R1 n 1SDA067594R1
20 1SDA067011R1 n 1SDA067551R1 1SDA067595R1
25 1SDA067012R1 1SDA067552R1 n 1SDA067596R1
32 1SDA067013R1 n 1SDA067553R1 n 1SDA067597R1
40 3 1SDA067014R1 n 11,340 1SDA067554R1 n 12,460 1SDA067598R1 17,460
50 1SDA067015R1 1SDA067555R1 n 1SDA067599R1
63 1SDA067016R1 n 1SDA067556R1 n 1SDA067600R1 n
80 1SDA067017R1 1SDA067557R1 n 1SDA067601R1
100 1SDA067018R1 n 1SDA067558R1 n 1SDA067602R1 n
125 1SDA067019R1 n 13,790 1SDA067559R1 n 15,940 1SDA067603R1 n 24,210
160 1SDA067020R1 n 16,850 1SDA067560R1 n 19,710 1SDA067604R1 27,670
200 1SDA068090R1 n 20,430 1SDA068310R1 n 22,980 1SDA068343R1 29,100
XT4 250 225 1SDA068091R1 22,980 1SDA068311R1 23,480 1SDA068344R1 30,640
250 1SDA068092R1 n 23,480 1SDA068312R1 n 24,610 1SDA068345R1 n 31,150
320 1SDA054436R1 n 1SDA054440R1 n 1SDA054444R1 n
29,210 30,890 38,370
T5 400 1SDA054437R1 n 1SDA054441R1 n 1SDA054445R1 n
500 1SDA054456R1 n 35,750 1SDA054461R1 n 38,840 1SDA054465R1 49,530
630 1SDA060202R1 n 41,150 1SDA060204R1 n 42,360 1SDA060206R1 50,450
800 1SDA060214R1 n 53,140 1SDA060216R1 n 55,720 1SDA060218R1 n 56,890
* 40 A onwards
Stock items
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
1.6 1SDA067021R1 1SDA067561R1 1SDA067605R1
2 1SDA067022R1 1SDA067562R1 1SDA067606R1
2.5 1SDA067023R1 1SDA067563R1 1SDA067607R1
3.2 1SDA067024R1 1SDA067564R1 1SDA067608R1
4 1SDA067025R1 1SDA067565R1 1SDA067609R1
15,730 17,060 21,960
5 1SDA067026R1 1SDA067566R1 1SDA067610R1
6.3 1SDA067027R1 1SDA067567R1 1SDA067611R1
8 1SDA067028R1 1SDA067568R1 1SDA067612R1
10 1SDA067029R1 1SDA067569R1 1SDA067613R1
12.5 1SDA067030R1 1SDA067570R1 1SDA067614R1
XT2160 16 1SDA067031R1 1SDA067571R1 1SDA067615R1
20 1SDA067032R1 1SDA067572R1 1SDA067616R1
25 1SDA067033R1 1SDA067573R1 1SDA067617R1
32 1SDA067034R1 1SDA067574R1 n 1SDA067618R1
40 4 1SDA067035R1 15,220 1SDA067575R1 16,540 1SDA067619R1 21,560
50 1SDA067036R1 1SDA067576R1 1SDA067620R1
63 1SDA067037R1 n 1SDA067577R1 n 1SDA067621R1
80 1SDA067038R1 1SDA067578R1 1SDA067622R1
100 1SDA067039R1 n 1SDA067579R1 n 1SDA067623R1
125 1SDA067042R1 n 18,390 1SDA067582R1 n 20,730 1SDA067626R1 26,550
160 1SDA067043R1 n 21,960 1SDA067583R1 n 24,500 1SDA067627R1 32,470
200 1SDA068109R1 n 27,580 1SDA068329R1 n 31,150 1SDA068362R1 35,740
XT4 250
225 1SDA068110R1 28,070 1SDA068330R1 31,660 1SDA068363R1 36,250
250 1SDA068111R1 n 28,590 1SDA068331R1 n 32,170 1SDA068364R1 37,690
320 1SDA054477R1 n 1SDA054479R1 n 1SDA054481R1
35,390 37,640 44,530
T5 400 1SDA054478R1 n 1SDA054480R1 n 1SDA054482R1 n
500 1SDA054487R1 n 45,770 1SDA054489R1 n 50,120 1SDA054491R1 n 60,140
630 1SDA060210R1 n 49,340 1SDA060211R1 n 54,380 1SDA060212R1 62,750
800 1SDA060222R1 n 60,040 1SDA060223R1 n 65,790 1SDA060224R1 68,340
* 40 A onwards
Stock items
Protection : LS/I N S H
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067054R1 1SDA067800R1 1SDA067857R1
18,680 22,460 25,130
25 1SDA067055R1 1SDA067801R1 1SDA067858R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067056R1 1SDA067802R1 1SDA067859R1
16,640 20,430 23,080
100 1SDA067057R1 1SDA067803R1 1SDA067860R1
160 1SDA067058R1 20,730 1SDA067804R1 27,170 1SDA067861R1 31,240
XT4 250 250 1SDA068126R1 27,780 1SDA068475R1 32,680 1SDA068515R1 37,730
T5 400 400 1SDA054317R1 37,770 1SDA054333R1 39,500 1SDA054349R1 50,120
T5 630 630 1SDA054396R1 40,220 1SDA054404R1 42,000 1SDA054412R1 53,340
T6 800 800 1SDA060268R1 61,790 1SDA060278R1 68,500 1SDA060289R1 85,060
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060537R1 95,070 1SDA060547R1 1,02,580 1SDA060561R1 1,22,590
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067090R1 1SDA067833R1 1SDA067890R1
23,700 27,980 31,350
25 1SDA067091R1 1SDA067834R1 1SDA067891R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067092R1 1SDA067835R1 1SDA067892R1
21,650 25,930 29,300
100 1SDA067093R1 1SDA067836R1 1SDA067893R1
160 1SDA067095R1 29,200 1SDA067838R1 36,350 1SDA067895R1 39,420
XT4 250 250 1SDA068147R1 36,250 1SDA068495R1 40,490 1SDA068535R1 43,800
T5 400 400 1SDA054325R1 46,910 1SDA054341R1 53,600 1SDA054357R1 62,650
T5 630 630 1SDA054400R1 54,780 1SDA054408R1 59,650 1SDA054416R1 69,570
T6 800 800 1SDA060273R1 70,750 1SDA060283R1 86,320 1SDA060294R1 1,05,310
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060542R1 1,37,590 1SDA060556R1 1,43,840 1SDA060566R1 1,75,120
Note: XT2/XT4 with Ekip LS/I release ; T5-T6 with PR221 LS/I release
*Extended front (EF) terminals are supplied as standard in T6 1000A MCCB
Stock items
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067072R1 1SDA067815R1 1SDA067872R1
36,770 39,310 47,480
25 1SDA067073R1 1SDA067816R1 n 1SDA067873R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067074R1 n 1SDA067817R1 n 1SDA067874R1
3 34,720 37,280 45,440
100 1SDA067075R1 n 1SDA067818R1 n 1SDA067875R1
160 1SDA067076R1 n 37,280 1SDA067819R1 n 40,340 1SDA067876R1 48,510
XT4 250 250 1SDA068141R1 n 38,810 1SDA068490R1 n 41,360 1SDA068530R1 n 50,550
10 1SDA067108R1 1SDA067851R1 1SDA067908R1
43,710 46,760 56,580
25 1SDA067109R1 1SDA067852R1 1SDA067909R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067110R1 n 1SDA067853R1 n 1SDA067910R1
4 41,660 44,730 54,530
100 1SDA067111R1 n 1SDA067854R1 n 1SDA067911R1
160 1SDA067113R1 n 44,730 1SDA067856R1 n 48,410 1SDA067913R1 58,200
XT4 250 250 1SDA068162R1 n 46,560 1SDA068510R1 n 49,630 1SDA068550R1 60,660
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
T5 400 400 1SDA054323R1 n 56,090 1SDA054339R1 n 58,480 1SDA054355R1 72,680
T5 630 630 1SDA054399R1 n 59,650 1SDA054407R1 n 62,050 1SDA054415R1 n 75,180
T6 800 800 1SDA060271R1 n 92,020 1SDA060281R1 n 96,320 1SDA060292R1 1,07,250
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060540R1 1,25,090 1SDA060554R1 n 1,37,590 1SDA060564R1 1,68,870
T5 400 400 1SDA054331R1 n 63,800 1SDA054347R1 n 65,630 1SDA054363R1 81,450
T5 630 630 1SDA054403R1 n 69,210 1SDA054411R1 n 76,360 1SDA054419R1 1,02,740
T6 800 800 1SDA060276R1 n 1,06,330 1SDA060286R1 n 1,08,820 1SDA060297R1 1,26,220
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA060545R1 n 1,66,380 1SDA060559R1 1,75,120 1SDA060569R1 2,12,650
Note: *Extended front (EF) terminals are supplied as standard in T6 1000A MCCB
Stock items
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 1SDA067072R1 1SDA067815R1 1SDA067872R1
36,770 39,310 47,480
25 1SDA067073R1 1SDA067816R1 n 1SDA067873R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067074R1 n 1SDA067817R1 n 1SDA067874R1
3 34,720 37,280 45,440
100 1SDA067075R1 n 1SDA067818R1 n 1SDA067875R1
160 1SDA067076R1 n 37,280 1SDA067819R1 n 40,340 1SDA067876R1 48,510
XT4 250 250 1SDA068141R1 n 38,810 1SDA068490R1 n 41,360 1SDA068530R1 n 50,550
10 1SDA067108R1 1SDA067851R1 1SDA067908R1
43,710 46,760 56,580
25 1SDA067109R1 1SDA067852R1 1SDA067909R1
XT2 160 63 1SDA067110R1 n 1SDA067853R1 n 1SDA067910R1
4 41,660 44,730 54,530
100 1SDA067111R1 n 1SDA067854R1 n 1SDA067911R1
160 1SDA067113R1 n 44,730 1SDA067856R1 n 48,410 1SDA067913R1 58,200
XT4 250 250 1SDA068162R1 n 46,560 1SDA068510R1 n 49,630 1SDA068550R1 60,660
Note : Consider ordering "Ekip Com" for MODBUS communication (Refer page no 43)
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
T5 400 400 1SDA081522R1 81,830 1SDA081525R1 n 84,200 1SDA081528R1 98,410
T5 630 630 1SDA081523R1 85,390 1SDA081526R1 n 87,770 1SDA081529R1 1,00,910
T6 800 800 1SDA081540R1 1,17,020 1SDA081546R1 1,21,320 1SDA081552R1 1,32,250
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA081541R1 1,50,090 1SDA081547R1 1,62,590 1SDA081553R1 1,93,870
T5 400 400 1SDA081531R1 85,350 1SDA081534R1 91,360 1SDA081537R1 1,07,180
T5 630 630 1SDA081532R1 94,940 1SDA081535R1 1,02,100 1SDA081538R1 1,28,480
T6 800 800 1SDA081543R1 1,31,330 1SDA081549R1 1,33,830 1SDA081555R1 1,51,240
T6 1000* 1000 1SDA081544R1 1,91,380 1SDA081550R1 2,00,110 1SDA081556R1 2,35,580
Note: Order X3 connector - 1SDA055059R1 along with PR222DS/PD-LSIG
*Extended front (EF) terminals are supplied as standard in T6 1000A MCCB
Stock items
T7 1250/1600
PR231/P LS/I S H
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
1250 1SDA062866R1 1,31,140 1SDA062898R1 1,77,940
1600 1SDA062994R1 n 1,50,990 1SDA063026R1 1,95,480
1250 1SDA062874R1 n 1,64,730 1SDA062906R1 2,12,580
1600 1SDA063002R1 1,81,310 1SDA063034R1 2,35,850
1250 1SDA062868R1 n 1,68,620 1SDA062900R1 2,02,300
1600 1SDA062996R1 1,75,210 1SDA063028R1 2,21,670
1250 1SDA062876R1 1,87,280 1SDA062908R1 2,38,650
1600 1SDA063004R1 2,06,080 1SDA063036R1 2,58,020
1250 1SDA062871R1 1,75,210 1SDA062903R1 2,16,570
1600 1SDA062999R1 1,90,110 1SDA063031R1 2,34,770
1250 1SDA062879R1 1,99,990 1SDA062911R1 2,51,210
1600 1SDA063007R1 2,18,760 1SDA063039R1 2,75,990
T7 1250M/1600M
PR231/P LS/I S H
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
1250 1SDA062882R1 1,50,990 1SDA062914R1 1,97,200
1600 1SDA063010R1 1,67,460 1SDA063042R1 2,20,480
1250 1SDA062890R1 1,68,370 1SDA062922R1 2,37,030
1600 1SDA063018R1 2,02,190 1SDA063050R1 2,63,650
1250 1SDA062884R1 1,76,270 1SDA062916R1 2,24,480
1600 1SDA063012R1 1,92,320 1SDA063044R1 2,44,940
1250 1SDA062892R1 2,04,910 1SDA062924R1 2,63,120
1600 1SDA063020R1 2,27,570 1SDA063052R1 2,89,850
1250 1SDA062887R1 1,87,280 1SDA062919R1 2,35,850
1600 1SDA063015R1 2,04,910 1SDA063047R1 2,58,020
1250 1SDA062895R1 2,17,600 1SDA062927R1 2,77,290
1600 1SDA063023R1 2,38,590 1SDA063055R1 3,02,950
Note : For Motorizable T7 M frame, order along with above code, motor operator, shunt opening coil & shunt closing coil of
required voltage.
Stock items
New integrated solution for
energy measurement
l Integrated Energy Metering
l Individual protection LEDs
l Internal Bus for HMI connectivity
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
40 1SDA069601R1 1SDA069611R1 1SDA069621R1
63 1SDA069602R1 1SDA069612R1 1SDA069622R1
XT4 160
100 3 1SDA069603R1 1SDA069613R1 1SDA069623R1
160 1SDA069604R1 1SDA069614R1 1SDA069624R1
XT4 250 250 1SDA069605R1 Upon 1SDA069615R1 Upon 1SDA069625R1 Upon
40 1SDA069606R1 request 1SDA069616R1 request 1SDA069626R1 request
63 1SDA069607R1 1SDA069617R1 1SDA069627R1
XT4 160
100 4 1SDA069608R1 1SDA069618R1 1SDA069628R1
160 1SDA069609R1 1SDA069619R1 1SDA069629R1
XT4 250 250 1SDA069610R1 1SDA069620R1 1SDA069630R1
T5 S H
Frame In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
320 1SDA081043R1 1SDA081044R1 1SDA081045R1
T5 400
400 3 1SDA081048R1 1SDA081049R1 1SDA081050R1
T5 630 630 1SDA081063R1 Upon 1SDA081064R1 Upon 1SDA081065R1 Upon
320 1SDA081053R1 request 1SDA081045R1 request 1SDA081055R1 request
T5 400
400 4 1SDA081058R1 1SDA081059R1 1SDA081060R1
T5 630 630 1SDA081068R1 1SDA081069R1 1SDA081070R1
L = Overload; R = Protection against rotor blockage; I = Instantaneous short circuit; G = Earth fault
U = phase loss (U): With selector in ON position, circuit breaker trips if at least one current phase is lower than 0.1xIn and at least a second one higher than 0.25xIn.
In (A) In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
1 1SDA067044R1 1SDA067760R1 1SDA067770R1
2 1SDA067045R1 1SDA067761R1 1SDA067771R1
4 1SDA067046R1 12,860 1SDA067762R1 13,900 1SDA067772R1 15,260
8.5 1SDA067047R1 1SDA067763R1 n 1SDA067773R1
12.5 1SDA067048R1 n 1SDA067764R1 n 1SDA067774R1
XT2 160 20 1SDA067049R1 n 1SDA067765R1 n 1SDA067775R1
32 1SDA067050R1 n 1SDA067766R1 n 1SDA067776R1
52 1SDA067051R1 n 12,660 1SDA067767R1 n 13,700 1SDA067777R1 15,060
80 1SDA067052R1 n 1SDA067768R1 n 1SDA067778R1
100 1SDA067053R1 n 1SDA067769R1 n 1SDA067779R1
160 1SDA076529R1 15,220 1SDA076530R1 n 15,940 1SDA076535R1 20,930
XT4 250 200 1SDA068121R1 26,910 1SDA068440R1 n 29,300 1SDA068450R1 35,170
* 20 amps onwards
Stock items
Ekip M-I N S H
In (A) In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
20 1SDA067086R1 1SDA067829R1 1SDA067886R1
32 1SDA067087R1 1SDA067830R1 1SDA067887R1
17,000 20,430 21,560
XT2 160 52 1SDA067088R1 1SDA067831R1 1SDA067888R1
100 1SDA067089R1 1SDA067832R1 1SDA067889R1
160 1SDA067063R1 21,040 1SDA067809R1 27,580 1SDA067866R1 29,620
XT4 250 250 1SDA068131R1 n 32,170 1SDA068480R1 n 34,920 1SDA068520R1 41,360
PR221 DS-I N S H
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
400 1SDA054319R1 37,040 1SDA054335R1 n 40,600 1SDA054351R1 49,150
630 1SDA054397R1 n 39,450 1SDA054405R1 n 44,190 1SDA054413R1 52,320
T6 800
PR221 DS-I N S H
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
800 1SDA060269R1 63,790 1SDA060279R1 71,500 1SDA060290R1 87,540
1000 1SDA060538R1 97,840 1SDA060548R1 1,05,570 1SDA060562R1 1,34,560
T7 1250/1600
PR231/P I S H
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
1250 3 1SDA062865R1 1,28,180 1SDA062897R1 1,81,890
1600 3 1SDA062993R1 1,54,190 1SDA063025R1 2,00,060
T7 1250M/1600M
PR231/P I S H
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
1250 3 1SDA062881R1 1,58,500 1SDA062913R1 2,01,830
1600 3 1SDA063009R1 1,71,260 1SDA063041R1 2,25,790
Stock items
Breaking Part N S H
Frame Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`) Ordering code L.P. (`)
XT2 160 1SDA068163R1 1SDA068164R1 1SDA068165R1
XT4 160 3 1SDA068289R1 Upon 1SDA068290R1 Upon 1SDA068291R1 Upon
request request request
XT4 250 1SDA068173R1 1SDA068174R1 1SDA068175R1
In (A) In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P. (`)
25 1SDA067357R1
XT2 63 1SDA067358R1
100 3 Upon
1SDA067359R1 request
160 1SDA068036R1
200 1SDA068037R1
Stock items
In (A) Poles Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`) Ordering code L.P.(`)
630 3 1SDA060311R1 83,920 1SDA060312R1 91,750 1SDA060313R1 1,06,550
Stock items
Separator - PB
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
PB 100mm 4pcs XT1-XT3 3p 1SDA066676R1 690
PB 200mm 4pcs XT1-XT3 3p 1SDA066678R1 870
PB 100mm 6pcs XT1-XT3 4p 1SDA066681R1 1,030
PB 200mm 6pcs XT1-XT3 4p 1SDA066683R1 1,300
PB 100mm 4pcs XT2-XT4 3p 1SDA066675R1 730
PB 200mm 4pcs XT2-XT4 3p 1SDA066677R1 n 1,110
PB 100mm 6pcs XT2-XT4 4p 1SDA066680R1 1,110
PB 200mm 6pcs XT2-XT4 4p 1SDA066682R1 1,670
PB100 4 pcs - Low T4, T5 1SYN850207R0001 980
PB100mm 4pcs T4-5-T7-A3 3P 1SDA054970R1 910
T5 PB 100mm 6pcs T4-5-T7-A3 3P 1SDA054971R1 1,330
PB100 4 pcs - Low T4, T5 1SYN850207R0001 980
PB100 6 pcs - Low T4, T5 - 400A 1SYN850210R0001 n 1,400
Note: For T5 630A contact the nearest sales office
Stock items
Transmitted - RHE
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
RHE XT1-XT3 F/P STANDARD RETURNED(250mm) 1SDA082810R1 n 1,520
RHE XT1-XT3 F/P STANDARD RETURNED (500mm) 1SDA066479R1 1,740
RHE XT2-XT4 F/P STANDARD RETURNED (250mm) 1SDA082811R1 n 2,020
RHE XT2-XT4 F/P STANDARD RETURNED (500mm) 1SDA069055R1 2,240
RHE Normal for Fixed/Plug-in T4-T5 250mm 1SDA070447R1 n 3,260
RHE Normal for Withdrawble T4-T5 1SDA054933R1 n 5,950
RHE Normal for Fixed T6 1SDA060409R1 n 6,230
RHE Normal for Withdrawble T6 1SDA060411R1 7,230
T7 RHE Normal for Fixed/Plug-in T7 1SDA062122R1 n 7,550
Note:- F/P: Fixed/Plug-in ; W:Withdrawable
Electrical signals
Auxillary contact - AUX (Uncabled version)
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
AUX 1Q 250Vac/dc XT1...XT4 1SDA066422R1 n 920
AUX 1Q 24Vdc XT1...XT4 1SDA066423R1 1,430
Stock items
Opening release
Shunt opening release - SOR (Un-cabled version - For Fixed and Plug-in circuit breakers)
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
SOR XT1..XT4 12 VDC 1SDA066313R1
SOR XT1..XT4 24-30 V AC/DC 1SDA066314R1 n
SOR XT1..XT4 48-60 V Ac/DC 1SDA066315R1
XT1....XT4 SOR XT1..XT4 110...127 V ac-110...125 V dc 1SDA066316R1 2,150
SOR XT1..XT4 220...240 V ac-220...250 V dc 1SDA066317R1 n
SOR XT1..XT4 380-440 V ac 1SDA066318R1
SOR XT1..XT4 480-525 V ac 1SDA066319R1
SOR 12V DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054862R1
SOR 24V AC/DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054863R1
SOR 48...60V AC/DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054864R1
T5-T6 SOR 110...120V AC-110...125V DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054865R1 n 3,250
SOR 220...240V AC-220...250V DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054866R1
SOR 380...440V AC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054867R1
SOR 480...500V AC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054868R1
SOR 24V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062065R1
SOR 30V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062066R1
SOR 48V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062067R1
SOR 60V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062068R1
SOR 110...120V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062069R1
T7-T7M-X1 6,360
SOR 120...127V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA063547R1
SOR 220...240V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA063548R1
SOR 240...250V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062070R1
SOR 380...400V AC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062071R1
SOR 415...440V AC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062072R1
Note: For T7 / T7M in Withdrable version sliding contact blocks for fixed and moving parts are necessary.
Stock items
Under voltage release - UVR (Un-cabled version - For Fixed and Plug-in circuit breakers)
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
UVR XT1..XT4 24-30 VAC/DC 1SDA066389R1
UVR XT1..XT4 48 VAC/DC 1SDA069064R1
UVR XT1..XT4 60 VAC/DC 1SDA066390R1
XT1....XT4 UVR XT1..XT4 110-127Vac-110-125Vdc 1SDA066391R1 4,030
UVR XT1..XT4 220-240Vac-220-250Vdc 1SDA066392R1 n
UVR XT1..XT4 380-440 Vac 1SDA066393R1 n
UVR XT1..XT4 480-525 Vac 1SDA066394R1
UVR 24V AC/DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054880R1
UVR 48V AC/DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054881R1
UVR 60V AC/DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054882R1
T5-T6 UVR 110...120V AC-110...125V DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054883R1 n 7,520
UVR 220...240V AC-220...250V DC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054884R1 n
UVR 380...440V AC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054885R1 n
UVR 480...500V AC T4-T5-T6 1SDA054886R1
UVR 24V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062087R1
UVR 30V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062088R1
UVR 48V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062089R1
UVR 60V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062090R1
UVR 110...120V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062091R1
T7-T7M 8,460
UVR 120...127V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA063551R1
UVR 220...240V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA063552R1
UVR 240...250V AC/DC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062092R1
UVR 380...400V AC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062093R1
UVR 415...440V AC T7-T7M-X1 1SDA062094R1
Note: For T7 TM in Withdrable version sliding contact blocks for fixed and moving parts are necessary.
Stock items
Stock items
Key lock
Stock items
Stock items
Stock items
X3 connector
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
X3 Connector for fixed circuit-breaker PR222DS or PR223DS 1SDA055059R1
T5-T6 3,580
X3 Connector for plug-in/withdrawable circuit-breaker 1SDA055061R1
X4 Connector
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
X4 Connector for fixed circuit-breaker 1SDA055060R1
T5-T6 3,580
X4 Connector for plug-in/withdrawable circuit-breaker 1SDA055062R1
Mechanical interlock between circuit breakers - MIR - to be used with copper spreaders only
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
MIR-HB Horizontal Interlock Frame Unit T4-T5 1SDA054946R1
MIR-VB Vertical Interlock Frame Unit T4-T5 1SDA054947R1
MIR-P Plate for Interlock Type D T5 400 (F-P-W) or
T5 T5 630 (F)+T5 400 (F-P-W) or T5 630 (F)
MIR-P Plate for Interlock Type E T5 400 (F-P-W) or 5,200
T5 630 (F) + T5 630 (P-W)
MIR-P Plate for Interlock Type F T5 630 (P-W) + T5 630 (P-W) 1SDA054953R1
MIR-H Horizontal Mechanical Interlock T6 1SDA060685R1
T6 16,460
MIR-V Vertical Mechanical Interlock T6 1SDA060686R1
Note: For interlocking in T4-T5, Order both frame and plate unit
Plugin kit
KIT P MP XT4 3p 1SDA066282R1 6,700
XT4 P FP 3p EF 1SDA068196R1 9,300
Note: Note:
The plug-in version must be composed as follows: The withdrawable version must be composed as follows:
1) Fixed circuit-breaker 1) Fixed circuit-breaker
2) Conversion kit from fi xed into moving part of plug-in 2) Conversion kit from fixed into moving part of withdrawable
3) Fixed part of plug-in 3) Fixed part of withdrawable
4) For T5 630 -circuit-breaker and switch-disconnector in Plug-in and 4) Front for lever operating mechanism or rotary handle or motor operator
withdrawable version In max = 570 A 5) Sliding contacts blocks if the circuit-breaker is automatic or fitted with
electrical accessories (only for T7)
6) For T5 630 -circuit-breaker and switch-disconnector in Plug-in and
withdrawable version In max = 570 A
Plug-in kit
KIT P MP XT4 4p 1SDA066283R1 8,870
XT4 P FP 4p EF 1SDA068198R1 12,500
Frame / Type Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
Socket-plug panel connector with 3PINS (XT1...XT4) 1SDA066409R1 1,270
Socket-plug panel connector with 6PINS (XT1...XT4) 1SDA066410R1 2,520
Socket-plug panel connector with 9PINS (XT1...XT4) 1SDA066411R1 3,830
Socket-plug panel connector with 15PINS (XT1...XT4) 1SDA066412R1 6,330
Socket-plug connector of moving part 12PINS (XT2...XT4) 1SDA066413R1
Socket-plug connector of fixed part 12PINS (XT2...XT4) 1SDA066414R1
Connector 4th pole SOR-PS-SOR (XT2...XT4) 1SDA066415R1 1,260
Connector 4th pole UVR (XT2...XT4) 1SDA066418R1 1,150
ADP 5pin SOR-C /UVR-C T4-T5-T6 P/W 1SDA055173R1 2,180
ADP 6pin AUX -C T4-T5-T6 P/W 1SDA054922R1 n 1,880
ADP 10pin MOE AUE -C T4-T5-T6 P/W 1SDA054924R1 2,400
ADP 12pin AUX -C T4-T5-T6 P/W 1SDA054923R1 3,080
Central block - MP T7 - T7M 1SDA062165R1 5,100
Central Block for T7-T7M
Central block - FP T7 - T7M 1SDA062168R1 7,540
Stock items
l 6 different sizes: from the compact T1 (which can be mounted on DIN rail) to
l T7, available in the two versions, with lever operating mechanism and
motor operator
l Rated insulation voltage up to 1150 V DC/1500V DC
l Advantages like
- excellent performance-dimensions
- vast and complete range of accessories for all requirements
- Complete remote control with MOE options
Rated current In (A) Rated Description Version / Poles Ordering code L.P. (`)
160 T1D/PV 160 4p F FC Cu 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069816R1
200 T3D/PV 200 4p F FC Cu 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069822R1
250 T4D/PV 250 4p F F 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069823R1
500 T5D /PV 500 4p F F 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069824R1
800 1100 V DC T6D/PV 800 4p F F 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069825R1 Upon
1250 T7D/PV 1250 4p F F 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069826R1
1250M T7D/PV 1250 4p F F M 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069827R1
1600 T7D/PV 1600 4p F F 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069828R1
1600M T7D/PV 1600 4p F F M 1100V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA069829R1
Rated current In (A) Rated Description Version / Poles Ordering code L.P. (`)
250 T4D/PV-E 250 4p F F 1500V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA073559R1
500 T5D/PV-E 500 4p F F 1500V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA076898R1 Upon
1250 T7D/PV-E 1250 4p F F M 1500V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA073560R1 request
1600 T7D/PV-E 1600 4p F F M 1500V DC Fixed / 4p 1SDA073561R1
1500V DC
250 KIT 2JUMPER U 2+2PS T4D/PV 250 Kit jumpers 1SDA070454R1
500 KIT 2JUMPER U 2+2PS T5D/PV-E 500 Kit jumpers 1SDA076899R1 Upon
1250 KIT JUMPER U 2+2PS T7D/PV 1250 Kit jumpers 1SDA070429R1 request
1600 KIT JUMPER U 2+2PS T7D/PV 1600 Kit jumpers 1SDA070431R1
l Rated current, In 15...125A
l 1, 2, 3, 4 pole versions
l Icu = 10, 18, 25, 36KA
l Rated current, In 125...250A
l 1, 2, 3, 4 pole versions
l Icu = 18, 25, 36KA
SACE FORMULA A3 l Rated current, In 320...630A
l 3, 4 pole versions
l Icu = 36, 50KA
3 poles 4 poles
kit connection
useful lenght:
F1 = 154mm; Outgoing Outgoing
F2 = 230.5mm F kit connection A2 circuit-breaker
F3 = 307.5mm;
F4 = 384mm
F5 = 461mm
LLOOAADD circuit-breaker
kit connection A1
l The FORMULA link is characterised on the supply side by a upstream and downstream devices
main circuit-breaker which protects the whole distribution
Stock items
Terminals Terminals
Front extended Poles Ordering code L.P. (`) Front extended L.P. (`)
spread terminal - ES 6 pieces spread terminal - ES Poles Ordering code 8 pieces
A1 1SDA082242R1 n 470 A1 1SDA082243R1 n 640
3P 4
A2 1SDA082247R1 n 1,170 A2 1SDA082248R1 n 1,320
Ordering code L.P. (`)
Rotary handle
RHD - Operating mechanism direct handle 1SDA066154R1 n 1,260
RHE - Operating mechanism transmitted handle 1SDA066158R1 n 1,650
SOR-C 220...240 VAC - 220...250 VDC 1SDA066137R1 2,040
Shunt opening release – SOR-C Cabled version
SOR-C 380...440 VAC 1SDA066138R1 1,890
Auxiliary contacts – AUX-C Cabled version AUX-C 1Q + 1SY 250 VAC/DC 1SDA066149R1 n 1,710
UVR-C 220...240 VAC - 220...250 VDC 1SDA066146R1
Undervoltage release – UVR-C Cabled version 3,900
UVR-C 380...440 VAC 1SDA066147R1
Stock items
ABB has a wide portfolio of low voltage switches. They are Change-over and transfer switches 16 – 3200 A
suitable for diverse applications, in motor control centers, ABB’s change-over and transfer switches are designed to
in switch boards and as main switches in various transfer loads from one power source to another in a wide
equipments and machines. From single to 8 poles and variety of applications.
combination switches for change-over, automatic transfer,
bypass, reversing etc. The range includes switches from 16 to 3200 Amperes, which
can be operated manually, remotely by using a motor or
Switch disconnectors 16 – 4000 A automatically.
The switch disconnector is largely used as the main switch
in low voltage switchgears for distribution of power, ABB’s change-over and transfer switches are tested
starting and stopping motors and isolating loads during according to IEC 60947-6-1 and IEC 60947-3 standards.
maintenance. The switches have ratings in AC31 and AC33 utilization
categories, up to 415 V. In motorized switches, the motor
The range from 16 to 125 Amps are either base plate or door operators have a wide voltage operation range.
mounted by snap-on or screw fitting front operated 3, 4, 6
and 8-pole are available as standard. Enclosed switches 16 – 1600 A
The ABB enclosed switches are suitable for power
From 160 to 4000 Amps the switch disconnectors, also distribution in factories and buildings, as local motor
called load break switches, are designed as pole modules isolators and as main switches. Each incoming supply shall
and they are available as 1, 2, 3 and 4-pole versions, front or be provided with a hand operated main switch-disconnector
side operated. according to the Machine Directive EN 60204 and isolate
reliably the electrical equipment from the supply.
Switch disconnectors OTDC and OTDCP 10 – 1600 A ABB enclosed switches are designed and tested to meet
The OTDC range of switch-disconnectors is specially these requirements and complies with IEC 60 947-3.
designed for DC applications. Thanks to a compact design,
efficiency and reliability, OTDC switches bring photovoltaic The enclosed switches are easy to install and safe to use
installations to the next level. in industrial, public and residential environments. The
indication of the handle is always reliable and lockable in the
Switch disconnector fuses 16 – 1250A OFF-position with a standard padlock. ABB’s long experience
The switch disconnector fuse is used as the main switch in switch disconnects guarantees a long and safe use
in low voltage switchgears in industry for distributing power
and protecting motors, cables and other devices against Cam switches 10 – 315 A
short circuits and over loads. ABB’s new OC, OM, ON and OL rotary cam switches offer a
complete range of cam switches for control, instrumentation
The switch disconnector fuses are available for all types of and motor starting applications, maximizing the benefits
fuse links, DIN, BS, NFC, UL, CSA. and optimizing your use of assets. The standard cam
switches provide you with a variety of functionalities for
The range includes single pole to four pole versions, the most common mounting types and applications with
front-or side-operated. The pole module design enables minimum footprint area.
location of the operating mechanism in any position
together with the direction of the terminals giving flexibility
to installation in different types of cubicle designs.
Optimized two-poles
1500V DC switch disconnectors
Small sized and with increased
efficiency and performance
OTDC 10…32A
• Modular design
• Simple and fast installation
• DIN rail or screw mounted
• Tunnel terminals for easy termination
• Shortcircuit bars are pre-installed as standard
• Maximum engergy efficiency
• Available in plastic enclosure
OTDC 100A….1600A
• ABB offers a compact DC switch range for single and multi circuit disconnecting
• Carefully designed arc plates and dual magnetic breaking, breaking power is
optimized across the entire current range.
• As a result of symmetric pole design, the connections are independent of polarity.
The user can make the connections in both ways.
• OTDC is the only DC switch in the market that has visible contacts.
• The mechanism can be located between the poles or on the side of the switch.
• Special four pole versions can be made for double circuit applications.
New • The operation of the switch is not vulnerable to voltage peaks and it is independent
of the user (quick make quick brake).
• The switches are available in direct mounting handle version as well as external door
mounted handle version.
• The power losses are very low, results in high efficiency.
Rated current In (A) Rated voltage Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
10 OTDC16F2 1SCA121454R1001
16 OTDC16F3 1SCA121457R1001
25 OTDC25F3 1SCA121458R1001 n
32 OTDC32F3 1SCA121459R1001 n
100 OTDC100E11K 1SCA127730R1001
160 OTDC160E11K 1SCA127736R1001
200 OTDC200E11K-I 1SCA145988R1001 n
250 OTDC250E11K-I 1SCA145994R1001 n
1000 V DC Upon Request
315 OTDC315F11K 1SCA158258R1001
400 OTDC400F11K 1SCA158266R1001
500 OTDC500F11K 1SCA158274R1001
630 OTDC630F22K 1SCA137209R1001
800 OTDC800EPP22K 1SCA137212R1001
1000 OTDC1000E22K 1SCA143710R1001
1250 OTDC1250E22K 1SCA143716R1001
1600 OTDC1600E22K 1SCA143719R1001
315 OTDC315FV11K 1SCA158260R1001
400 1500 V DC OTDC400FV11K 1SCA158268R1001 Upon Request
500 OTDC500FV11K 1SCA158276R1001
Note: The above are direct mounted handle version, we also offer door mounted handle as suffix P version of same ratings.
Life Cycle Management (LCM) Status of OTDC switch-disconnector range OTDC315E... OTDC800E_ and OTDC250US_...
OTDC600US_and related accesso-ries will change from Active to Classic on January 1st, 2019 and will be available till stock
last, On January 1st 2020 the LCM status will change from Classic to Obsolute
Switches can be used as main switches or for local
isolation in various applications, such as HVAC, residential
water pumps and heat pumps or commercial lighting.
High quality
ABB is synonym of quality: each ONE20 switch is tested and
approved at the factory. The enclosures are made of durable
materials with high UV resistance, which makes it suitable for
indoor or outdoor use.
Maximized safety
The handle can be padlocked in the OFF position with up to
three padlocks and in ON position with one padlock.
• Available in 2-, 3- and 4- pole versions
• Thermal current (Ith) 20A
• Color options: light grey, dark grey, red-yellow
• Weather proof enclosure due to high IP class (IP67) and
• UV resistant material
Easyline - XLP
Fuse Switch Disconnector 1, 2, 3 & 4P for both AC and DC application 160...630A
All units are applicable for AC Voltage, and the 1-pole systems. The whole EasyLine range got a sturdy, uniform
and 2-pole range are also rated for DC voltage. design that is operator friendly and safe with IP 30
In addition to be used as single apparatus, the 3-pole from front in closed position and IP 20 in open position.
range from size 00 to size 3 (160A - 630A) are also EasyLine Fuse Switch Disconnectors are developed and
designed to be used in distribution systems by use type tested according to IEC60947-3 and based on a
of a busbar adapter for easy installation. The Busbar long history, going back to 1958 when we successfully
adapters are available for 40mm, and 60mm distance introduced the manually dependent operated LHB.
in-between centre of the phases for each busbar
l Easy to install
l Easy to operate
l Sturdy design
l Busbar adapters
l UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply, used for the power supply
for computer/servers, storage devices, communication
network systems, industry control systems, etc.
l Telecom power supplies
Designed for the future
ABB is proud to introduce the latest technology of The new generation InLine II also offers the highest level
Fuse Switch Disconnectors to ensure the best stability of personal safety during operation and service.
and highest safety in the power distribution network.
Advantages l Installations
Fuse size Rated Description Delivery batch Ordering code L.P. (`)
current In (A) [pcs]
2 OFAFN000GG2 6 1SCA107747R1001 n
6 OFAFN000GG6 6 1SCA107748R1001 n
10 OFAFN000GG10 6 1SCA107749R1001 n
16 OFAFN000GG16 6 1SCA107750R1001 n
000 210
20 OFAFN000GG20 6 1SCA107751R1001 n
25 OFAFN000GG25 6 1SCA107751R1002 n
32 OFAFN000GG32 6 1SCA107752R1001 n
63 OFAFN000GG63 6 1SCA107753R1001 n
6 OFAFN00GG6 6 1SCA107754R1001
10 OFAFN00GG10 6 1SCA107755R1001
16 OFAFN00GG16 6 1SCA107756R1001
20 OFAFN00GG20 6 1SCA107757R1001
25 OFAFN00GG25 6 1SCA107758R1001
32 OFAFN00GG32 6 1SCA107759R1001 n
00 490
50 OFAFN00GG50 6 1SCA107760R1001 n
63 OFAFN00GG63 6 1SCA107761R1001 n
80 OFAFN00GG80 6 1SCA107762R1001 n
100 OFAFN00GG100 6 1SCA107763R1001 n
125 OFAFN00GG125 6 1SCA107764R1001 n
160 OFAFN00GG160 6 1SCA107765R1001 n
160 OFAF0H160 3 1SCA022627R3170
0 950
200 OFAF0H200 3 1SCA022629R5140 n
32 OFAFN1GG32 6 1SCA107766R1001
50 OFAFN1GG50 6 1SCA107767R1001
63 OFAFN1GG63 6 1SCA107768R1001
80 OFAFN1GG80 6 1SCA107769R1001
1 100 OFAFN1GG100 6 1SCA107770R1001 710
125 OFAFN1GG125 6 1SCA107771R1001
160 OFAFN1GG160 6 1SCA107772R1001 n
200 OFAFN1GG200 3 1SCA107773R1001 n
250 OFAFN1GG250 3 1SCA107774R1001 n
100 OFAFN2GG100 3 1SCA107775R1001
125 OFAFN2GG125 3 1SCA107776R1001
2 250 OFAFN2GG250 3 1SCA107778R1001 1,050
315 OFAFN2GG315 3 1SCA107779R1001 n
400 OFAFN2GG400 3 1SCA107780R1001 n
315 OFAFN3GG315 3 1SCA107781R1001
500 OFAFN3GG500 3 1SCA107783R1001 n
3 630 OFAFN3GG630 3 1SCA107784R1001 n 1,620
n Stock items
Fuse size Rated current Description Delivery batch Ordering code L.P. (`)
In [A] [pcs]
Offset blade tag fuse link
2 OFFNF1GG2 10 1SCA107786R1001 n
4 OFFNF1GG4 10 1SCA107787R1001 n
6 OFFNF1GG6 10 1SCA107788R1001 n
10 OFFNF1GG10 10 1SCA107789R1001 n
16 OFFNF1GG16 10 1SCA107790R1001 n
20 OFFNF1GG20 10 1SCA107791R1001 n
25 OFFNF1GG25 10 1SCA107792R1001 n
32 OFFNF1GG32 10 1SCA107793R1001 n
Offset bolted tag fuse link
6 OFFNA2GG6 10 1SCA107795R1001
10 OFFNA2GG10 10 1SCA107796R1001
16 OFFNA2GG16 10 1SCA107798R1001
A2 100
20 OFFNA2GG20 10 1SCA107827R1001
25 OFFNA2GG25 10 1SCA107800R1001
32 OFFNA2GG32 10 1SCA107801R1001 n
40 OFFNA3GG40 10 1SCA107803R1001 n
A3 50 OFFNA3GG50 10 1SCA107804R1001 130
63 OFFNA3GG63 10 1SCA107805R1001 n
50 OFFNA4GG50 10 1SCA107806R1001
63 OFFNA4GG63 10 1SCA107807R1001
A4 80 OFFNA4GG80 10 1SCA107808R1001 270
100 OFFNA4GG100 10 1SCA107809R1001 n
125 OFFNA4GG125 10 1SCA107810R1001 n
Central bolted tag fuse link
50 OFFNB1GG50 10 1SCA107811R1001
63 OFFNB1GG63 10 1SCA107812R1001
B1 320
80 OFFNB1GG80 10 1SCA107813R1001
100 OFFNB1GG100 10 1SCA107814R1001
125 OFFNB2GG125 10 1SCA107816R1001
B2 160 OFFNB2GG160 5 1SCA107817R1001 n
200 OFFNB2GG200 5 1SCA107818R1001 n 490
250 OFFNB3GG250 1 1SCA107819R1001 n 690
315 OFFNB3GG315 1 1SCA107820R1001 740
B4 400 OFFNB4GG400 1 1SCA107822R1001 1,210
C1 400 OFFNC1GG400 1 1SCA107823R1001 1,840
C2 500 OFFNC2GG500 1 1SCA107824R1001 2,080
C2 630 OFFNC2GG630 1 1SCA107825R1001 2,080
C3 800 OFFNC3GG800 1 1SCA107826R1001 2,630
Fuse size Rated current Description Delivery batch Ordering code L.P. (`)
In [A] [pcs]
20 Control Fuse 100 1SYN833001R2005 n 140
F1 Base
32 100 1SYN833001R2009 n 170
n Stock items
DIN type
32 - 800A SDF supplied with shaft and handle, Mechanism at the end of the switch fuse
n Stock items
32 - 800A SDF supplied with shaft and handle
n Stock items
Auxiliary contacts
Frame Contact function Description Ordering Code L.P. (`)
OESA 32...160
1NO OA1G10 1SCA022353R4970 530
1NC OA3G01 1SCA022456R7410 590
Screw mounting to the left side of the switch OEA28 1SCA022714R8810 n 700
Note: OEA 28 has to be order along with 200 & 250A TPN switch only
Fuse monitor
Frame Rated voltage [Vac] Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
100…260 OFS260 1SCA022716R0180 7,260
380…690 OFS690 1SCA022715R9920 7,440
Handle adaptor
OHB145...OHB175 OHBZX200 1SCA125960R1001 1,310
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OESA32...63 YASDB51 YASDB 51 750
OESA100...160 YASDB10 YASDB 10 1,130
OS200...250 OHB80J6 1SCA022381R0240 n 1,550
OS315…400 OHB145J12 1SCA022381R2110 1,900
OS630...800 OHB175J12 1SCA022381R2450 2,250
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OESA/OS32...250 OXP6X210 1SCA022295R6080 390
OS315…400 OXP12X250 1SCA022325R6980 780
OS630...800 OXP12X280 1SCA022137R5140 1,010
Note: Ordering code mentioned above for fuse cover is per piece
n Stock items
Suitable for all the switches in this section, OT16...125F
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT16...125F OXS6X130 1SCA101655R1001 n 400
For any different arrangement kindly contact our nearest sales office.
n Stock items
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT16...125 OHB45J6 1SCA022380R8770 n 910
OT160...250 OHB65J6 1SCA022380R9660 n 1,230
OT315...400 OHB95J12 1SCA022381R0830 1,420
OT630...800 OHB125J12 1SCA022381R1560 n 1,530
OT1000...4000 OHB274J12 1SCA115920R1001 n 4,360
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT16...125 OXP6X170 1SCA108224R1001 n 330
OT160...250 OXP6X210 1SCA022295R6080 390
OT315...800 OXP12X185 1SCA022325R6710 620
OT1000...4000 OXP12X280 1SCA022137R5140 1,010
Auxilary contact
Frame Contact function Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT16...4000 1NO OA1G10 1SCA022353R4970 n 530
OT16...125 1NC OA1G01 1SCA022353R4890 n 530
OT160EV...4000 1NC OA3G01 1SCA022456R7410 n 590
Phase barrier
Frame Poles Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT160…OT800 3 PB100 low 1SDA054970R1 910
OT160…OT800 4 PB100 low 1SDA054971R1 1,330
OT1000…2500 3&4 OTB1600/6 1SCA100768R1001 3,930
OT3200...4000 3&4 OTB4000/6 1SCA129040R1001 3,980
n Stock items
n Stock items
n Stock items
65 65
list list
Compact ATS NEW
S1 S2
S1 S2
Automatic operation, equipped with OMD300 controller unit with integrated dual power supply
Rated current In [A] Poles Description Ordering code L.P.(`)
160 OTM160E4C3D230C 1SYN106305R1001 n 99,350
200 OTM200E4C3D230C 1SYN106309R1001 1,02,690
250 OTM250E4C3D230C 1SYN106313R1001 1,06,040
315 OTM315E4C3D230C 1SYN106317R1001 1,11,070
400 OTM400E4C3D230C 1SYN106318R1001 n 1,17,200
630 OTM630E4C3D230C 1SYN108726R1001 1,56,270
800 OTM800E4C3D230C 1SYN108728R1001 2,06,500
1000 OTM1000E4C3D230C 1SYN112852R1001 2,23,250
1250 OTM1250E4C3D230C 1SYN112851R1001 2,56,730
1600 OTM1600E4C3D230C 1SYN112848R1001 3,34,860
l Motor voltage Ue 220-240 V AC
l For 3 pole requirement contact the nearest sales office
l For OMD800, consider accessory ODPS for dual power supply
n Stock items
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT16...125F_C OXP6X170 1SCA108224R1001 330
OT160...250 _C OXP6x161 1SCA022067R176 n 330
OT315...400 _C OXP12x166 1SCA022325R671 520
OT630...3200 _C OXP12x185 1SCA022325R710 n 620
Frame Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
OT16...125F_C OHB45J6E311 1SCA022817R2130 n 2,120
OT160...250 _C OHB65J6E011 1SCA022383R2480 n 2,350
OT315...400 _C OHB95J12E011 1SCA022621R0760 n 2,680
OT630...800 _C OHB125J12E011 1SCA022589R3340 n 2,970
OT1000...3200_C OHB200J12PE011 1SCA022873R4230 6,500
Auxiliary contacts
Frame Contact functions Installation Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
1NO Right OA1G10 1SCA022353R497 530
OT16...125F_C 1NC Right OA8G01 1SCA022744R224 n 950
OTM40...125 1NO Left OA7G10 1SCA022673R114 n 840
1NC Left OA1G01 1SCA022353R489 530
Phase barriers
3-pole change-overs need 8 barriers and 4-pole change-overs need 12 barriers for full protection.
Frame Poles Description Ordering code L.P. (`)
3 PB100 low 1SDA054970R1 910
OT160...800 OTM160...800
4 PB100 low 1SDA054971R1 1,330
n Stock items
Enclosed switches are designed and used as main is required. The smooth surface does not require any
switches for applications, which need to be isolated painting and is easy to clean.
from the network. The range includes front operated and
side operated switch disconnectors, switch fuses and Aluminum alloy enclosures
changeover switches enclosed in plastic, steel sheet or Aluminum enclosures have very good impact strength
stainless steel sheet and aluminium enclosures. They are and protection against UV light. They are suitable both
rated for utilization categories including disconnecting for indoor and outdoor use in medium to heavy-duty
as well as making and breaking the load. In addition applications.
the switch fuses equipped with fuse links protects the
application and the cables from overload currents and Safety for personnel – reliable position indication
short circuits. l Padlocking in the OFF-position with one, three or six
(with the shackle L6) padlocks against unintentional
Plastic enclosures start-up The handle cannot be padlocked in the
The plastic enclosures are most suitable for locations OFF-position if one of the contacts is not in the OFF
with high chemical and moisture requirements. position
In addition, they are light and easy to install and handle. l The cover cannot be removed if the handle is
Steel sheet enclosures l Door interlock in the ON-position
The steel sheet enclosures are hot dip galvanized and the l Arc proof, short circuit durability function: Expander
surface is polyester powder painted. The enclosures are washers in aluminium enclosures with Ie > 160 A and
durable and robust for various environments. door locking release in large metal sheet enclosures
type MSC
Stainless steel sheet enclosures l Door interlock defeatable with rectangular and pistol
The stainless steel sheet enclosures are made of AISI 304 type handles
stainless steel. They are used particularly in the food and
beverage industry and in locations where high hygienie
Kabeldon low voltage distribution system by ABB is from substations and cable distribution cabinets to
used to build modern systems for various applications, distribution boards in industry.
innovative solutions for Control & Protection, Motor l Manual motor starters
Starting, Intelligent motor management, measurement l Thermal overload relays
and monitoring and safety applications. l Electronic overload relays
l Intelligent motor management systems
The business unit is comprised of 3 main product – Universal motor controllers
families: – Communication fieldbus plugs
l Control & Protection l Electronic products and relays
l Electronic Relays – Timers
l Safety products – Measuring and monitoring relays
– Power supplies
Our products – Interface relays & optocouplers
Our products are already among the most extensive in l Jokab safety systems
the market and we are constantly adding new products l Pilot devices
in order to meet ever changing customer needs. l Arc guard systems
Quality and reliability are built into every device to
ensure total performance satisfaction, even in the most
demanding applications.
Refer coil voltage & codes mentioned below. #Allows direct control by PLC output ≥ 24 V DC 500 mA
n Stock items
AX80 AX40
AX95 AX185 AX370
AX Contactor
AX contactors are mainly used for controlling 3-phase motors and power circuits up to 690 V AC.
These contactors are of the block type design with:
l 3 main poles and built-in auxiliary contact
l Add-on auxiliary contact blocks for front or side mounting and a wide range of accessories
24 24 81n
110 110 84n
220 ... 230 220 ... 230 80n
400 ... 415 400 ... 415 86n
n Stock items
Coil voltages and codes: New AF205...AF370 range AF400...AF1250 range AF1350...AF2850 range
A09 ... A185 range (AC/DC operated) (AC/DC operated) (AC/DC operated)
Voltage Voltage Code Voltage Voltage Code Voltage Voltage Code Voltage Voltage Code
V - 50Hz V - 60Hz V 50/60 Hz V DC V 50/60 Hz V DC V 50/60 Hz DC
Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage
n Stock items
AL contactors
TAL contactors
AC 1 duty AC3 rating at 415V Type code
Auxiliary contacts Ordering code L.P.(`)
Amps Amps hP kW reference
25 9 5 4 1NO - TAL9-30-10 1SBL143061R10 n 2,120
25 9 5 4 - 1NC TAL9-30-01 1SBL163061R10 n 2,120
27 12 7.5 5.5 1NO - TAL12-30-10 1SBL163061R10 2,600
27 12 7.5 5.5 - 1NC TAL12-30-01 1SBL163061R01 2,600
30 17 10 7.5 1NO - TAL16-30-10 1SBL183061R10 n 2,780
30 17 10 7.5 - 1NC TAL16-30-01 1SBL183061R01 n 2,780
45 26 20 11 1NO - TAL26-30-10 1SBL243061R10 n 3,800
45 26 20 11 - 1NC TAL26-30-01 1SBL243061R01 3,800
55 32 25 15 1NO - TAL30-30-10 1SBL283061R10 7,480
55 32 25 15 - 1NC TAL30-30-01 1SBL283061R01 7,480
60 37 30 18.5 1NO - TAL40-30-10 1SBL323061R10 n 8,350
60 37 30 18.5 - 1NC TAL40-30-01 1SBL323061R01 8,350
24 81 25...45 52
110 86n 77...143 62n
240 89 90...150 66
152...264 68
Other voltages: contact nearest ABB sales office.
n Stock items
Single step - Peak current Î ≤ 30 times the RMS current Coil voltages and codes UA...RA & UA
n Stock items
Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage
Coil voltages and codes: Coil voltages and codes: Coil voltages and codes: GAF range
GA 75 GAE 75 (AC/DC operated)
Voltage Voltage Code Voltage Code Voltage Voltage Code
V - 50Hz V - 60Hz V d.c. V 50/60 Hz V DC
24 24 81 12 80 - 24...60 68
110 110 ... 120 84 24 82 48...130 48...130 69
220 ... 230 230 ... 240 80 42 81 100...250 100...250 70
400 ... 415 415 ... 440 86 110 86 250...500 250...500 71
240 89
A9….A75, AL9…AL40,
1NO 1NC CAL5-11 1SBN010020R1011 n 640
TAL9…TAL40, N, NL & UA 16..75
n Stock items
Surge suppressors
For contactor types Voltage range Type code Ordering code L.P.(`)
AL9…AL40, 12…32 DC RT5/32 1SBN050020R1000 n
TAL9..TAL40 25…65 DC RT5/65 1SBN050020R1001
50…90 DC RT5/90 1SBN050020R1002 750
77…150 DC RT5/150 1SBN050020R1003 n
150...264 DC RT5/264 1SBN050020R1004
A9…A110, AL9…AL40, 24…50V AC/DC RV5/50 1SBN050010R1000
TAL9…TAL40, 50…133V AC/DC RV5/133 1SBN050010R1001
N/NL AX09...AX150 750
110…250V AC/DC RV5/250 1SBN050010R1002
250…440V AC/DC RV5/440 1SBN050010R1003
A9….A40, N 24…50V AC RC5-1/50 1SBN050100R1000
AX09...AX40 50…133V AC RC5-1/133 1SBN050100R1001
110…250V AC RC5-1/250 1SBN050100R1002 n
250…440V AC RC5-1/440 1SBN050100R1003 n
A45…A110 24…50V AC RC5-2/50 1SBN050200R1000
AX50...AX150 780
50…133V AC RC5-2/133 1SBN050200R1001
110…250V AC RC5-2/250 1SBN050200R1002 n
250…440V AC RC5-2/440 1SBN050200R1003 n
A145...A185, AX185... 250...440 RC5-3/440 1SFN050300R1003 n 2,150
EK550…..EK1000 48…110V/AC RC-EH 800/110 SK829007-C
220…600V/AC RC-EH SK829007-D 3,180
n Stock items
Mechanical interlocks
For contactor types Description Type code Ordering code L.P.(`)
A9...A40, AL9...AL40 Horizontal Mechanical VM5-1 1SBN030100R1000 n 500
AX09...AX40 Interlock
A9...A40, AL9...AL40 Horizontal Mechanical &
AX09...AX40 Electrical Interlock with VE5-1 1SBN030110R1000 n 740
2NC contacts
A30...A110 Horizontal Mechanical &
AX50...AX115 Electrical Interlock with VE5-2 1SBN030210R1000 n 1,490
2NC contacts
A95…A185, Horizontal with 2NC VM300H 1SFN034700R1000 3,120
AX185…AX205 contacts
EK110…EK150 Horizontal Mechanical VH145 SK829071-A 4,140
EK175…EK210 Horizontal Mechanical VH300 SK829071-B 4,820
AF116...AF146 and Horizontal Mechnical VM140/190 1SFN034403R1000 n 3,120
AF190. AF205 Interlock
AF190, AF205 and Horizontal Mechnical VM205/265 1SFN035203R1000 n 3,120
AF265 ... AF370 Interlock
AF116...AF370 Horizontal Mechnical VM19 1SFN030300R1000 3,220
AX260...AX370 Interlock
Ordering details
For contactors Rated control circuit voltage Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
V 50 Hz or DC V 60 Hz
24 24...28 WB75-A FPTN372726R1001 5,690
N, NL, A9-A75
220...230 220...255 WB75-A FPTN372726R1006 5,690
For Time delay range Delay type Auxiliary Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
contactors selected by switch contacts
n Stock items
Electronic timers
0.1...1 s ON-delay 1 TEF5 ON 1SBN020312R1000 5,870
A9...A75 1...10 s
OFF-delay 1 TEF5 OFF 1SBN020314R1000 5,580
10...100 s
NF/AF contactors
Wide band AC/DC operated - with screw terminals
l NF/AF contactor include an electronic coil interface l NF...Z/AF...Z contactor equipped with a Z coil type
accepting a wide control voltage Uc min. ... Uc max. allow direct control by 24 V DC 500 mA PLC-output
only four coils cover control voltages between and obtain a reduced holding coil consumption.
24...500 V 50/60 Hz or 20...500 V DC l NF/AF contactor have built-in surge protection
l NF/AF contactor can manage large control voltage and do not require additional surge suppressors.
variations. One coil (e.g. 100...250 V 50/60 Hz - DC)
can be used for different control voltages used
worldwide without any coil change.
Control contactors : Wide band AC/DC operated with low power consumption & in built surge suppressor
for ordering code refer page no. 71
n Stock items
n Stock items
Mechanical interlocks
Description For contactor types Type Code Ordering code L.P.(`)
Horizontal Mechnical Interlock AF09…AF38 VM 4 1SBN030105T1000 600
Horizontal Mechnical & AF09…AF38 VEM 4 1SBN030111R1000 1,060
Electrical Interlock
Horizontal Mechnical Interlock AF40...AF96 VM96-4 1SBN033405T1000 2,150
Horizontal Mechnical Interlock AF116...AF146 and AF190. VM140/190 1SFN034403R1000 3,120
Horizontal Mechnical Interlock AF190, AF205 and AF265 ... VM205/265 1SFN034403R1000 3,120
Horizontal Mechnical Interlock AF116...AF370 VM19 1SFN030300R1000 n 3,220
Note: Refer technical catalogue for proper selection.
Ordering Details
For contactors Rated control circuit voltage Uc Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
NF(Z),AF(Z)09….38,AF40…65 24V DC WA4-10 1SBN040100R1010 2,330
NF(Z),AF(Z)09….38,AF40…65 24-60V50/60HZ-DC WA4-11 1SBN040100R1011 2,330
NF(Z),AF(Z)09….38,AF40…65 48-130V50/60HZ-DC WA4-12 1SBN040100R1012 2,330
NF(Z),AF(Z)09….38,AF40…65 100-250V50/60HZ-DC WA4-13 1SBN040100R1013 2,330
NF(Z),AF(Z)09….38,AF40…65 250-500V50/60HZ-DC WA4-14 1SBN040100R1014 2,330
AF80….96 24-60V50/60HZ-DC WA4-96-11 1SBN040200R1011 2,330
AF80….96 48-130V50/60HZ-DC WA4-96-12 1SBN040200R1012 2,330
AF80….96 100-250V50/60HZ-DC WA4-96-13 1SBN040200R1013 2,330
AF80….96 250-500V50/60HZ-DC WA4-96-14 1SBN040200R1014 2,330
Electronic timers
For contactor types Time delay Delay Auxiliary Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
range selected type contacts
by switch
AF09 ... AF96 0.1...1 s ON-delay 1NO + 1NC TEF4-ON 1SBN020112R1000 5,870
1...10 s
10...100 s OFF-delay 1NO + 1NC TEF4-OFF 1SBN020114R1000 5,580
Connection sets for reversing contactors Connection sets for star-delta starting
For contactor types Type Ordering code L.P.(`) For contactor types Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
AF09 ... AF16 BER16-4 1SBN081311R1000 1,030 AF09 ... AF16 BEY16-4 1SBN081313R2000 1,390
AF26 ... AF30 BER38-4 1SBN082311R1000 1,390 AF26 ... AF30 BEY38-4 1SBN082713R2000 2,150
AF40 ... AF65 BER65-4 1SBN083411R1000 1,660 AF40 ... AF65 BEY65-4 1SBN083413R2000 2,760
AF80 ... AF96 BER96-4 1SBN083911R1000 2,900 AF80 ... AF96 BEY96-4 1SBN083913R2000 3,540
n Stock items
Easy identification
ABB’s installation contactor range comes with a host of features to make installation and maintenance easier. A mechanical
indicator shows the status in green or red color to make system diagnostics quicker. Some speciality types also feature a manual
override functionality with a toggle switch providing independent control. Accessories such as auxiliaries, space holders, as well as
safety covers can be mounted tool-free onto the contactor.
Main Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Main Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
contacts number control contacts number control
of circuit of circuit
modular voltage(1) modular voltage(1)
spacings V AC / DC spacings V AC / DC
^ N N P
1 24 ESB16-20N-01 1SBE111111R0120 A1 1 3 1 24 ESB20-20N-01 1SBE121111R0120
^ O O Q
1 230 ESB16-20N-06 1SBE111111R0620 A2 2 4
1 230 ESB20-20N-06 1SBE121111R0620
^ N o N o P
1 24 ESB16-02N-01 1SBE111111R0102 Upon
A1 R1 R3
1 24 ESB20-02N-01 1SBE121111R0102 Upon
^ O o O o Q
1 230 ESB16-02N-06 1SBE111111R0602 request A2 R2 R4
1 230 ESB20-02N-06 1SBE121111R0602 request
^ N N o P
1 24 ESB16-11N-01 1SBE111111R0111 A1 1 R3
1 24 ESB20-11N-01 1SBE121111R0111
^ O O o Q 1 230 ESB16-11N-06 1SBE111111R0611 A2 2 R4
1 230 ESB20-11N-06 1SBE121111R0611
Main contacts Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Main Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
number control contacts number control
of circuit of circuit
modular voltage (1) modular voltage (1)
spacings V AC / DC spacings V AC / DC
A1 1 R3 5 7 24 ESB25-31N-01 1SAE231111R0131 A1 1 3 5
24 ESB40-30N-01 1SAE341111R0130
2 3
A2 2 R4 6 8 230 ... 240 ESB25-31N-06 1SAE231111R0631 A2 2 4 6
230 ESB40-30N-06 1SAE341111R0630
R1 R3 5 R7
24 ESB25-13N-01 1SAE231111R0113 A1 1 3
24 ESB40-20N-01 1SAE341111R0120
2 3
A2 R2 R4 6 R8
230 ... 240 ESB25-13N-06 1SAE231111R0613 A2 2 4 230 ESB40-20N-06 1SAE341111R0620
Main contacts Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Main Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
number control contacts number control
of circuit of circuit
modular voltage (1) modular voltage (1)
spacings V AC / DC spacings V AC / DC
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 3 24 ESB63-40N-01 1SAE351111R0140 A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 6 24 ESB100-40N-01 1SAE661111R0140
A2 2 4 6 8 (14) 230 ESB63-40N-06 1SAE351111R0640 A2 2 4 6 8 (14) 230 ESB100-40N-06 1SAE661111R0640 Upon
A1 1 R3 5 7
3 230 ESB63-31N-06 1SAE351111R0631 A1 1 3
3 24 ESB100-20N-01 1SAE361111R0120 request
A2 2 R4 6 8 A2 2 4 230 ESB100-20N-06 1SAE361111R0620
A1 1 3 5 3 230 ESB63-30N-06 1SAE351111R0630 Upon
A2 2 4 6
A1 1 3 3 24 ESB63-20N-01 1SAE351111R0120
A2 2 4
230 ESB63-20N-06 1SAE351111R0620
A1 1 R3 3 230 ESB63-11N-06 1SAE351111R0611
A2 2 R4
Main contacts Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Main contacts Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
number control number control
of circuit of circuit
modular voltage (1) modular voltage (1)
spacings V AC / DC spacings V AC / DC
A1 1 3 1 24 EN20-20N-01 1SBE122111R0120 A1 1 3 5 7 (13 2 24 EN25- 40N- 01 1SAE232111R0140
A2 2 4 230 EN20-20N-06 1SBE122111R0620 request A2 2 4 6 8 (14)
230 ... 240 EN25-40N-06 1SAE232111R0640
A1 1 R3 5 7
2 24 EN25-31N-01 1SAE232111R0131
A2 2 R4 6 8 230 ... 240 EN25-31N-06 1SAE232111R0631 request
A1 1 3 5 2 24 EN25-30N-06 1SAE232111R0630
A2 2 4 6
230 ... 240 EN20-20N-06 1SBE122111R0620
Main Width in Rated Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Auxiliary contact blocks
contacts number control Auxiliary Suitable for Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
of modular circuit contacts
spacings voltage (1)
V AC / DC Single packaging
A2 2 4 6
1 3
3 230 EN40-20N-06 1SAE342111R0620
A2 2 4
Distant piece
Suitable for Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Single packaging
Mini auxiliary contactor 4 pole with screw connection Coil voltage for mini contactors
Control Contact configuration Type code AC DC
Ordering code L.P.(`)
circuit NO NC reference 50-60Hz Code DC V Code
2NO 2NC K6-22Z** GJH1211001R22 24 0 ... 1 n 24 0 ... 1 n
AC 3NO 1NC K6-31Z ** GJH1211001R31 n 1,190 48 0 ... 3 110 ... 125 0 ... 4 n
4NO - K6-40E ** GJH1211001R40 110 ... 127 8 ... 4 n 220 ... 240 0 ... 5
2NO 2NC KC6-22Z** GJH1213001R22 n 220 ... 240 8 ... 0 n
DC 3NO 1NC KC6-31Z ** GJH1213001R31 1,530 380 ... 415 8 ... 5
4NO - KC6-40E ** GJH1213001R40
Complete the contactor type code by replacing ** with desired coil voltage
n Stock items
Spare contact sets for 3 pole for AX Spare coils for AX range
For contactor Type code Ordering code L.P.(`) For contactor Type code Ordering code L.P.(`)
types reference types reference
AX50 ZLX50 1SBN163506R1000 3,800 AX25 ZAX25 1SBN158910R36 710
AX65 ZLX65 1SBN163706R1000 5,050 AX40 ZAX40 1SBN152810R36 930
AX80 ZLX80 1SBN164106R1000 6,570 AX80 ZAX80 1SBN153510R36 2,920
AX95 ZLX95 1SFN164306R1000 7,660 AX150 ZAX150 1SFN159910R36 4,430
AX115 ZLX115 1SFN169806R1000 9,330 AX205 ZAX205 1SFN155010R36 6,280
AX150 ZLX150 1SFN169906R1000 12,360 Complete the contactor type code by replacing with desired coil voltage from
AX185 ZLX185 1SFN164906R1000 14,550 above mentioned table
AX205 ZLX205 1SFN165006R1000 17,700
n Stock items
Voltage Code
220 ... 230 V coil 38
400 ... 415 V coil 86n
DOL Starter with IP65 enclosure 4KE 7.5KW 415V, IP65 compact plastic enclosure
with double insulation
n Stock items
MS132 Manual motor starters with short circuit, overload and phase loss protection
0.03 0.10 … 0.16 100 MS132-0.16 1SAM350000R1001 3,810
0.06 0.16 … 0.25 100 MS132-0.25 1SAM350000R1002 n 3,810
0.09 0.25 … 0.40 100 MS132-0.4 1SAM350000R1003 n 3,810
0.12 0.40 … 0.63 100 MS132-0.63 1SAM350000R1004 n 4,130
0.25 0.63 … 1.00 100 MS132-1.0 1SAM350000R1005 n 4,170
0.55 1.00 … 1.60 100 MS132-1.6 1SAM350000R1006 n 4,360
0.75 1.60 … 2.50 100 MS132-2.5 1SAM350000R1007 n 4,360
1.5 2.50 … 4.00 100 MS132-4.0 1SAM350000R1008 n 4,380
2.2 4.00 … 6.30 100 MS132-6.3 1SAM350000R1009 n 4,430
4.0 6.30 … 10.0 100 MS132-10 1SAM350000R1010 n 4,750
5.5 8.00 … 12.0 100 MS132-12 1SAM350000R1012 n 5,220
7.5 10.0 … 16.0 100 MS132-16 1SAM350000R1011 n 5,780
9.0 16.0 … 20.0 100 MS132-20 1SAM350000R1013 n 6,210
12.5 20.0 … 25.0 50 MS132-25 1SAM350000R1014 n 6,330
15.5 25.0 … 32.0 50 MS132-32 1SAM350000R1015 n 10,080
n Stock items
Manual motor starters with short Circuit, overload and phase loss protection
Rated Ie current S/C Icu
power setting breaking
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
415V range capacity
KW Amp kA
MS495 Manual motor starters with short circuit, overload and phase loss protection
37 57.0 … 75.0 50 MS495-75 1SAM550000R1008
45 70.0 … 90.0 50 MS495-90 1SAM550000R1009
55 80.0 100.0 50 MS495-100 1SAM550000R1010
37 57.0 … 75.0 100 MS497-75 1SAM580000R1008
45 70.0 … 90.0 100 MS497-90 1SAM580000R1009
55 80.0 … 100. 100 MS497-100 1SAM580000R1010
n Stock items
Manual motor starters with short Circuit protection only
Rated Ie current S/C Icu
power setting breaking
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
415V range capacity
KW Amp kA
MO495 Manual motor starters with short circuit protection only
37 75 50 MO495-75 1SAM560000R1008
45 90 50 MO495-90 1SAM560000R1009
55 100 50 MO495-100 1SAM560000R1010
MO497 Manual motor starters with short circuit protection only
37 75 100 MO497-75 1SAM590000R1008 Upon
45 90 100 MO497-90 1SAM590000R1009 request
55 100 100 MO497-100 1SAM590000R1010
MS132-T Circuit breakers for transformer protection are electro-mechanical protection
devices specially designed to protect control transformers on the primary side.
The short-circuit current setting is fixed to 20 times the operating current to handle
the high inrush current generated by transformers.
Ordering details
MS116, MS132,
1) Black in colour
2) Yellow in colour
MO132, MS4xx, MO4xx
General accessories
3) Indication I-O and ON-OFF+Trip indication
4) Positioning of ON indication dependent from mounting orientation of the MMS
5) Positioning of ON indication independent from mounting orientation of the MMS
n Stock items
Auxiliary contacts – mountable on the front Auxiliary contacts – mountable on the right
Suitable Aux
Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
for contacts
MS116, 1NO+1NC HKF1-11 1SAM201901R1001 n 640 HK1-11 1SAM201902R1001 n 850
MS132, 2 NO HKF1-20 1SAM201901R1002 n 640 HK1-20 1SAM201902R1002 n 850
MS132-T 2NC - - - HK1-02 1SAM201902R1003 n 850
MS165 1NO HKF1-10 1SAM201901R1003 n 390
MO165 1NC HKF1-01 1SAM201901R1004 n 390
Suitable Aux
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
for contacts
1NO+1NC SK1-11** 1SAM201903R1001 n 1,120
2 NO SK1-20** 1SAM201903R1002 n 1,120
MS 165
MO 165
2 NC SK1-02** 1SAM201903R1003 1,120
MS132 1NO+1NC CK1-11 #
1SAM301901R1001 n 1,570
MS132-T 2 NO CK1-20# 1SAM301901R1002 n 1,570
MS165 2 NC CK1-02# 1SAM301901R1003 1,570
Auxiliary contacts – mountable on the front Auxiliary contacts – mountable on the right
Suitable for Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Rated voltage Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
MS49x, 1NO+1NC HKS4-11 1SAM401902R1001 n 970
1NO+1NC HK4-11 1SAM401901R1001 n 970
2 NO HKS4-20 1SAM401902R1002 n 970
2 NC HKS4-02 1SAM401902R1003 970
Signaling contacts –
mountable on the right*
Suitable for Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
1NO+1NC SK4-11 1SAM401904R1001 n 1,760
Shunt trip units – mountable on the right Undervoltage release mountable on the right
Rated Rated
Suitable for Type Ordering code L.P.(`) Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
voltage voltage
20 ... 24 AA4-24 1SAM401907R1001 3,080 24 UA4-24 1SAM401905R1004 3,410
n Stock items
Relay range in Amps Direct mounting Type code Ordering code L.P.(`)
on contactors reference
0.1 ... 0.16 TA25DU 0.16M 1SAZ211201R2005 n 1,420
0.16 ... 0.25 TA25DU 0.25M 1SAZ211201R2009 n 1,420
0.25 ... 0.4 TA25DU 0.4M 1SAZ211201R2013 n 1,420
0.4 ... 0.63 TA25DU 0.63M 1SAZ211201R2017 n 1,420
0.63 ... 1.0 TA25DU 1.0M 1SAZ211201R2021 n 1,420
1.0 ... 1.4 TA25DU 1.4M 1SAZ211201R2023 n 1,420
1.3 ... 1.8 TA25DU 1.8M 1SAZ211201R2025 n 1,420
1.7 ... 2.4 TA25DU 2.4M 1SAZ211201R2028 n 1,420
2.2 ... 3.1 AX9...AX40 TA25DU 3.1M 1SAZ211201R2031 n 1,420
2.8 ... 4.0 AL9..AL40 TA25DU 4.0M 1SAZ211201R2033 n 1,420
3.5 ... 5.0 TAL9…TAL40 TA25DU 5.0M 1SAZ211201R2035 n 1,420
4.5 ... 6.5 TA25DU 6.5M 1SAZ211201R2038 n 1,420
6.0 ... 8.5 TA25DU 8.5M 1SAZ211201R2040 n 1,420
7.5 ... 11.0 TA25DU 11M 1SAZ211201R2043 n 1,420
10.0 ... 14.0 TA25DU 14M 1SAZ211201R2045 n 1,420
13.0 ... 19.0 TA25DU 19M 1SAZ211201R2047 n 1,760
18.0 ... 25.0 TA25DU 25M 1SAZ211201R2051 n 1,760
24.0 ... 32.0 TA25DU 32M 1SAZ211201R2053 n 2,460
18.0 … 25.0 A30,A40, TA42DU 25 1SAZ311201R2001 n 2,920
22.0 … 32.0 AX32...AX40 TA42DU 32 1SAZ311201R2002 n 3,180
29.0 … 42.0 TAL30,TAL 40 TA42DU 42 1SAZ311201R2003 n 3,220
22 ... 32 TA75DU 32 1SAZ321201R2002 n 3,680
29 ... 42 TA75DU 42 1SAZ321201R2003 n 4,320
36 ... 52 TA75DU 52 1SAZ321201R2004 n 4,320
45 ... 63 TA75DU 63 1SAZ321201R2005 n 4,320
60 ... 80 TA75DU 80 1SAZ321201R2006 n 4,630
36 ... 52 TA80DU-52 1SAZ331201R1004 n 4,940
45 ... 63 A95...A110, TA80DU-63 1SAZ331201R1005 n 4,940
60 ... 80 TA80DU-80 1SAZ331201R1006 n 5,300
TA25/TA42/TA75/TA80/TA110/TA200 are direct operated relays with trip class 10A
66 ... 90 A95...A110, TA110DU-90 1SAZ411201R1001 n 8,690
80 ... 110 AX95...AX150 TA110DU-110 1SAZ411201R1002 n 9,500
66 ... 90 TA200DU-90 1SAZ421201R1001 n 10,000
80 ... 110 TA200DU-110 1SAZ421201R1002 n 10,820
100 ... 135 A145...A185 TA200DU-135 1SAZ421201R1003 n 11,550
110 ... 150 TA200DU-150 1SAZ421201R1004 n 12,580
AF190, AF205
130 ... 175 TA200DU-175 1SAZ421201R1005 n 13,090
150 ... 200 TA200DU-200 1SAZ421201R1006 n 13,680
TA25DU0.16..25A DB25/25 1SAZ201108R0001 n 360
Independent TA25DU32 DB25/32 1SAZ201108R0002 750
Mounting Kit TA42DU,TA75DU, TA80DU DB80 1SAZ301110R0001 n 3,290
TA110DU, TA200DU DB200 1SAZ401110R0001 n 3,400
n Stock items
T16 Relays
Direct mounting
Relay range in Amps Type code reference Ordering code L.P.(`)
on contactors
0.10 ... 0.13 T16-0.13 1SAZ711201R1005
0.13 ... 0.17 T16-0.17 1SAZ711201R1008
0.17 ... 0.23 T16-0.23 1SAZ711201R1009
0.23 ... 0.31 T16-0.31 1SAZ711201R1013
0.31 ... 0.41 T16-0.41 1SAZ711201R1014
0.41 ... 0.55 T16-0.55 1SAZ711201R1017
0.55 ... 0.74 T16-0.74 1SAZ711201R1021
0.74 ... 1.00 B7/BC7 T16-1.0 1SAZ711201R1023 Upon
1.00 ... 1.30 VB6/VBC6 T16-1.3 1SAZ711201R1025 request
1.30 ... 1.70 VB7/VBC7 T16-1.7 1SAZ711201R1028
1.70 ... 2.30 AS/ASL T16-2.3 1SAZ711201R1031
DOL starter IP65
2.30 ... 3.10 T16-3.1 1SAZ711201R1033
3.10 ... 4.20 T16-4.2 1SAZ711201R1035
4.20 ... 5.70 T16-5.7 1SAZ711201R1038 n
5.70 ... 7.60 T16-7.6 1SAZ711201R1040
7.60 ... 10.0 T16-10 1SAZ711201R1043
10.0 ... 13.0 T16-13 1SAZ711201R1045
13.0 ... 16.0 T16-16 1SAZ711201R1047
TF42 Relays
Direct mounting
Relay range in Amps Type code reference Ordering code L.P.(`)
on contactors
0.10 ... 0.13 TF42-0.13 1SAZ721201R1005
0.13 ... 0.17 TF42-0.17 1SAZ721201R1008
0.17 ... 0.23 TF42-0.23 1SAZ721201R1009
0.23 ... 0.31 TF42-0.31 1SAZ721201R1013
0.31 ... 0.41 TF42-0.41 1SAZ721201R1014
0.41 ... 0.55 TF42-0.55 1SAZ721201R1017
0.55 ... 0.74 TF42-0.74 1SAZ721201R1021
0.74 ... 1.00 TF42-1.0 1SAZ721201R1023
1.00 ... 1.30 TF42-1.3 1SAZ721201R1025
1.30 ... 1.70 TF42-1.7 1SAZ721201R1028 n
1.70 ... 2.30 TF42-2.3 1SAZ721201R1031 n
2.30 ... 3.10 AF09…AF38 TF42-3.1 1SAZ721201R1033 n
3.10 ... 4.20 TF42-4.2 1SAZ721201R1035 n request
4.20 ... 5.70 TF42-5.7 1SAZ721201R1038 n
5.70 ... 7.60 TF42-7.6 1SAZ721201R1040 n
7.60 ... 10.0 TF42-10 1SAZ721201R1043
10.0 ... 13.0 TF42-13 1SAZ721201R1045 n
13.0 ... 16.0 TF42-16 1SAZ721201R1047 n
16.0 ... 20.0 TF42-20 1SAZ721201R1049
20.0 ... 24.0 TF42-24 1SAZ721201R1051
24.0 ... 29.0 TF42-29 1SAZ721201R1052
29.0 ... 35.0 TF42-35 1SAZ721201R1053
35.0 ... 38.0/40.0 TF42-38 1SAZ721201R1055
n Stock items
TF65/TF96/TF140 Relay
Direct mounting
Relay range in Amps Type code reference Ordering code L.P.(`)
on contactors
22.0…28.0 TF65-28 1SAZ811201R1001
25.0…33.0 TF65-33 1SAZ811201R1002
30.0…40.0 TF65-40 1SAZ811201R1003
36.0…47.0 AF40, AF52, AF65 TF65-47 1SAZ811201R1004
44.0…53.0 TF65-53 1SAZ811201R1005
50.0…60.0 TF65-60 1SAZ811201R1006
57.0…67.0 TF65-67 1SAZ811201R1007
40.0…51.0 TF96-51 1SAZ911201R1001
48.0…60.0 TF96-60 1SAZ911201R1002
57.0…68.0 TF96-68 1SAZ911201R1003
AF80, AF96
65.0…78.0 TF96-78 1SAZ911201R1004
75.0…87.0 TF96-87 1SAZ911201R1005
84.0…96.0 TF96-96 1SAZ911201R1006
66…90 TF140DU-90 1SAZ431201R1001
80…110 TF140DU-110 1SAZ431201R1002
AF116, AF140
100…135 TF140DU-135 1SAZ431201R1003
110…142 TF140DU-142 1SAZ431201R1004
For AF190 and AF205 use TA200DU OLR
Suitable for A9 ... A16 A26 ... A50 ... A75 A95, A110 AF190, AF205
Contactor TAL9...TAL16 A40
AL9 ... AL16 AL30 ...
Suitable for AF09 ... AF16 AF26, AF40, AF52, AF80, AF116, AF140, AF265, AF305, AF400, AF580, AF750,
Contactor AF38 AF65 AF96 AF146 AF370 AF460, AF1250
EOLR EF19 EF45 EF65 EF96 EF146 EF370 EF460 EF750
n Stock items
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Separate mounting kit DB16E 2,360
Separate mounting kit - EF19 DB19EF 1SAX101910R1001 n 2,390
Separate mounting kit - EF45 DB45EF 1SAX201910R0001 n 3,820
Separate mounting kit DB45E 1SAX201110R1001 3,820
Separate mounting kit DB80E 1SAX301110R1001 n 4,770
Separate mounting kit DB140E 1SAX301110R1002 6,890
n Stock items
Benefit from both Push-in mode Just one tool for everything
and Spring mode and use You only need a 3 mm
ferruled cables or cables without screwdriver in Spring mode
ferrules in the same terminal. as well as for de-wiring the
complete solution.
ABB France ABB STOTZ-KONTAKT GmbH You can find the address of your local
Electrification Products Division Electrification Products Division sales organization on the ABB homepage
Low Voltage Products and Systems Low Voltage Products and Systems
3, rue Jean Perrin Eppelheimer Straße 82
F-69680 Chassieu D-69123 Heidelberg,
France Germany
Copyright© 2018 ABB - All rights reserved
105 Electrification products Price list
AFS contactors with front-mounted auxiliary
contact blocks NEW
Dedicated for safety applications
ABB’s complete range of safety components make protection contact blocks, making them ideal for monitoring and
systems easier to build. Designed for machine safety controlling circuits. Mechanically linked and mirror contacts
applications, AFS contactors come with fixed front auxiliary help make your system safer.
Up to 90% less space required Integrated safety function Up to 75% reduced time in wiring
Decrease your cabinet size. Protect your personnel with Wiring time upon installation is
ABB’s electronic compact starter is emergency stop version complying reduced to a minimum as motor
22.5 mm wide while still containing with SIL3, PL e safety standards. protection, reversing function and
motor starting functionalities and Extend equipment life time and emergency stop are already part of
embedding motor protection decrease maintenance cost as our the product. Only one component
and safety. starters service life is 10 times to install reduces the risk of wiring
higher than electromechanical errors.
Modular range
Emergency stops IP66, IP67 and IP69K Type 1, 3R, 4, 4X, 12, 13
= Closed contact = Closed contact
Terminals IP20
Color codes
Red l Green l Yellow l Blue l White ¡ Black l Grey l
Type n R G Y L W B U
Ordering code ¨ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
48 V AC/DC, 60 V AC/DC, 380 V AC and 415 V AC Pilot devices are available with ABB range of Pilot lamps L.P.(`)s will be
available upon request
Stock items
Selector switch
Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
Maintained / Two-positions
1 NO C2SS1-10B-10 1 X 10 1SFA619200R1016 245
2 NO C2SS1-10B-20 1 X 10 1SFA619200R1026 270
1 NC C2SS1-10B-01 1 X 10 1SFA619200R1046 245
2 NC C2SS1-10B-02 1 X 10 1SFA619200R1056 270
1 NO+1 NC C2SS1-10B-11 1 X 10 1SFA619200R1076 270
Maintained / Two-positions
Non-illuminated black selector switch
with plastic bezel 1 NO C2SS2-10B-10 1 X 10 1SFA619201R1016 245
2 NO C2SS2-10B-20 1 X 10 1SFA619201R1026 270
1 NC C2SS2-10B-01 1 X 10 1SFA619201R1046 245
2 NC C2SS2-10B-02 1 X 10 1SFA619201R1056 270
1 NO+1 NC C2SS2-10B-11 1 X 10 1SFA619201R1076 270
Momentary / Two-positions
1 NO C2SS3-10B-10 1 X 10 1SFA619202R1016 235
2 NO C2SS3-10B-20 1 X 10 1SFA619202R1026 270
1 NC C2SS3-10B-01 1 X 10 1SFA619202R1046 235
2 NC C2SS3-10B-02 1 X 10 1SFA619202R1056 270
1 NO+1 NC C2SS3-10B-11 1 X 10 1SFA619202R1076 270
Maintained / Three-positions
2 NO C3SS1-10B-20 1 X 10 1SFA619210R1026 270
2 NC C3SS1-10B-02 1 X 10 1SFA619210R1056 270
1 NO+1 NC C3SS1-10B-11 1 X 10 1SFA619210R1076 270
Momentary / Three-positions
2 NO C3SS2-10B-20 1 X 10 1SFA619211R1026 270
2 NC C3SS2-10B-02 1 X 10 1SFA619211R1056 270
1 NO+1 NC C3SS2-10B-11 1 X 10 1SFA619211R1076 270
Momentary / Three-positions
2 NO C3SS3-10B-20 1 X 10 1SFA619212R1026 270
2 NC C3SS3-10B-02 1 X 10 1SFA619212R1056 270
1 NO+1 NC C3SS3-10B-11 1SFA619212R1076 270
Machine stop
Description Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
l Twist release
1NO+1NC Ø 30 mm CE3T-10B-11 1 1SFA619500R1076 235
Pull release
1NO+1NC Ø 30 mm CE3P-10B-11 1 1SFA619501R1076 235
Key release: Ronis 455, Key code 71
1NO+1NC Ø 30 mm CE3K1-10B-11 1 1SFA619502R1076 680
Non-illuminated machine stop Twist release
pushbutton, pull release, 30 mm
1NO+1NC Ø 40 mm CE4T-10B-11 1 1SFA619550R1076 235
Pull release
1NO+1NC Ø 40 mm CE4P-10B-11 1 1SFA619551R1076 235
Key release: Ronis 455, Key code 71
1NO+1NC Ø 40 mm CE4K1-10B-11 1 1SFA619552R1076 740
Stock items
Description Sound output current Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
Rated voltage 24 V, AC/DC
l Black Continuous 40 CB1-620B 1 1SFA619600R6206 1,125
l Black Pulsation 48 CB1-630B 1 1SFA619600R6306 1,125
Rated voltage 230 V, AC
l Black Continuous 40 CB1-623B 1 1SFA619600R6236 1,125
l Black Pulsation 40 CB1-633B 1 1SFA619600R6336 1,125
Rated voltage 110-130 V, DC
l Black Continuous 15 CB1-622B 1 1SFA619600R6226 1,125
l Black Pulsation 15 CB1-632B 1 1SFA619600R6326 1,125
Rated voltage 110-130 V, AC
l Black Continuous 40 CB1-621B 1 1SFA619600R6216 1,125
l Black Pulsation 45 CB1-631B 1 1SFA619600R6316 1,125
Mechanical data
Technical data
Mechanical life
Terminals Pushbuttons, momentary mushroom 2 million operations
Plus-minus Pozidriv No.2 screw with DIN-washer Selector switches. Present standard
(no operation of center contact) 500 000 operations
Connectable area min. 1 x 0.5 mm2 AWG 20
max. 2 x 2.5 mm2/2 x AWG14 With operation of center contact 250 000 operations
150 000 operations
Tightening torque Maintained mushroom, pushbutton, key
Operators, M22 Min. 2 Nm / Max. 2.3 Nm operated selector switch and double 500 000 operations
Cable terminals 0.9 Nm
Emergency stop 100 000 operations
Recommended maximum number of blocks: 6
Toggle switch 1 million operations
Color codes
Red l Green l Yellow l Blue l White ¡ Black l Grey l
Type n R G Y L W B U
Ordering code ¨ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Ordering example:
Ex 1: Type MP1-10 n, to order color red replace n with R: MP1-10R
Ex 2: Ordering code 1SFA611100R1001 n, to order color red replace ¨ with 1: 1SFA619100R1001
Color codes
Red l Green l Yellow l Blue l White ¡ Black l Grey l Amber l
Type n R G Y L W B U AN
Ordering code ¨ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9
1. Integrated LED block to be considered from MLBL range of suitable voltage from page no. 109
Separate holder
Holders for three blocks MCBH-00 1 X 10 1SFA611605R1100 15
Contact blocks only (without holder)
1 NO MCB-10 1 X 10 1SFA611610R1001 n 55
Stock items
Separate holder
Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
Holders for three MCBH-00 1 X 10 1SFA611605R1100 n 15
Note: 48 V AC/DC, 60 V AC/DC, 380 V AC and 415 V AC L.P.(`)s will be available upon request
Stock items
Refer holder and contact block configuration for standard operator from page no. 108
Refer holder and contact block configuration for standard operator from page no. 108
Stock items
Operator: non-illuminated black three-position selector switch with operation of center position
Stock items
Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
l with resistor 5 kohm
Black plastic MT-105B 1 1SFA611410R1056 3,210
l with resistor 10 kohm
2) Black plastic MT-110B 1 1SFA611410R1106 3,210
l with resistor 50 kohm
Black plastic MT-150B 1 1SFA611410R1506 3,370
Toggle switch*
Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
l Maintained / Two-positions
Black plastic MTS1-10B 1 1SFA611300R1006 540
l Momentory / Three-positions
Black plastic MTS2-10B 1 1SFA611301R1006 700
l Maintained / Three-positions
Black plastic MTS3-10B 1 1SFA611302R1006 540
Reset pushbutton
Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
l¡ With shaft
No text KPR3-100 n 1 1SFA616162R100 ¨ 405
l¡ Without shaft
No text KPR1-100 n 1 1SFA616160R100 ¨ 305
l¡ Accessories: Shaft (black)
No text KA1-8046 1 1SFA616920R8046 125
Type Pack size Ordering code L.P.(`)
Mounting tool MA1-8015 1 1SFA611920R8015 280
Membrane of silicone KA1-8052 1 1SFA611920R8052 175
flush button
Mounting tool Protectice cover Membrane of silicone KA1-8002 1 1SFA611920R8002 330
extended button
Locking nut MA1-8019 1 1SFA611920R8019 215
30 mm adaptor Membrane of
silicon rubber
* Price on request
Colors Red Green Yellow Blue Clear
Replace n in type with R G Y B C
Replace ¨ in Ordering code 1 2 3 4 8
Description Type Ordering code LP
Siren element
Multi function, 8 diff. Tones adjustable, volume KS70-1104 1SFA616073R1104
adjustable 100 dB, 115 V AC
KT70-10... Multi function, 8 diff. Tones adjustable, volume KS70-1204 1SFA616073R1204
adjustable 100 dB, 230 V AC
Multi function, 7 diff. Tones adjustable, volume Upon
adjustable, 100 dB, 24 V DC KS70-2004 1SFA616073R2004 request
Multi function, 8 diff. Tones adjustable, volume
Terminal elements
For tube mounting, including cap KT70-1001 1SFA616075R1001 Upon
For bracket or base, including cap KT70-1002 1SFA616075R1002 request
Special parts
Contact box
KA70-1034 Cable exit at side KA70-1001 1SFA616077R1001 Upon
Magnetic base KA70-1002 1SFA616077R1002 request
1-sided mounting KA70-1031 1SFA616077R1031
2-sided mounting KA70-1032 1SFA616077R1032 Upon
For tube mounting KA70-1033 1SFA616077R1033 request
For surface mounting KA70-1034 1SFA616077R1034
Colors Red Green Yellow Blue Clear
Replace n in type with R G Y B C
Replace ¨ in Ordering code 1 2 3 4 8
Special parts
Anti-twist device KASB-100 1SFA616087R1000 Upon
Bulbs for signal beacons max 10 W. For permanent light Bulb Ba 15d, 52mm
12 V, 7 W, AC/DC KA3-1018 1SFA616922R1018
24 V, 7 W, AC/DC KA3-1028 1SFA616922R1028 Upon
115 V, 7 W, AC/DC KA3-1118 1SFA616922R1118 request
220-260 V, 7-10 W, AC/DC KA3-1148 1SFA616922R1118
Logic relays,
36 Power CLCP
supplies, rangerange
Modern relays,
range logic CL
power range
supply are suitable
units are a for
vitalsmall and medium-sized
component in most areas of
CL range
energy taskslogic
management canand are suitable
substitute logic for
automation small
wiring andand
technology. medium-sized
easily. control
As your
tasks different
and canranges
global partner are
substitute available:
in this stand
area, wiring
logic ABB alone,
pays expandable
quickly attention
and and
easily. Three different
2 2CDC110083C0201
corresponding requirements.
available: standInnovation is the key toand
alone, expandable the the display systems.
substantial enlargement of our power supply product range. ABB
offers four different product lines for single and three-phase sup-
plies, output voltages 5/12/24, and 48 VDC in plastic and metal
enclosure, as well as various accessories.
6 Logic relays, CL range
CL range logic relays are suitable for small and medium-sized
control tasks and can substitute logic wiring quickly and easily.
Three different ranges are available: stand alone, expandable and
the display systems.
2 2CDC110083C0201 2CDC110083C0201 3
ON-delay timers
CT-ERE : 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs
Rated control
Type Time range Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
0.1-10 s 1SVR550107R1100
24 V AC / DC, 0.3-30 s 1SVR550107R4100
220-240 V AC
3-300 s 1SVR550107R2100
0.3-30 min 1SVR550107R5100
0.1-10 s 1SVR550100R1100
0.3-30 s 1SVR550100R4100
110-130 V AC
3-300 s 1SVR550100R2100
0.3-30 min 1SVR550100R5100
OFF-delay timers
CT-AHE : 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs
Rated control
Type Time range Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
0.1-10 s 1SVR550118R1100
24 V AC/DC 0.3-30 s 1SVR550118R4100
3-300 s 1SVR550118R2100
0.1-10 s 1SVR550110R1100
CT-AHE 110-130 V AC 0.3-30 s 1SVR550110R4100 1,640
3-300 s 1SVR550110R2100
0.1-10 s 1SVR550111R1100
220-240 V AC 0.3-30 s 1SVR550111R4100
3-300 s 1SVR550111R2100
Multifunction timer
CT-MFE : 6 functions, 8 time ranges (0.05 s - 100 h), 1 c/o contact, 2 LEDs
Rated control
Type Time range Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
CT-MFE 24-240 V AC/DC 0.05 s - 100 h 1SVR550029R8100 2,970
Stock items
Rated control
Type Time range Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
24 V AC/DC,220 -240V AC 0.3-30 s 1SVR550217R4100 n
CT- SDE 110-130V AC 1SVR550210R4100 1,820
380-415V AC 1SVR550212R4100 n
Rated control
Type Time range Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
CT-MFS.21S 10 (0.05 s- 300 h) 1SVR730010R0200 4,730
Stock items
Rated control
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage = measuring voltage
With neutral monitoring
CM-PBE 3x380-440 V AC, 220-240 V AC 1SVR550881R9400 4,820
Without neutral monitoring
CM-PBE 3x380-440 V AC 1SVR550882R9500 4,820
Single and three phase monitoring relays for over / undervoltage and phase failure detection
Rated control
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage = measuring voltage
With neutral monitoring
CM-PVE 3x320-460 V AC, 185-265 V AC 1SVR550870R9400 n 4,820
Without neutral monitoring
CM-PVE 3x320-460 V AC 1SVR550871R9500 4,820
Three phase monitoring relays for phase sequence monitoring and phase failure detection
Rated control
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage = measuring voltage
CM-PFS.S 3x200-500 V AC 1SVR730824R9300 2,200
Three phase monitoring relays for over and undervoltage with adjustable threshold values
Rated control
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage = measuring voltage
CM-PVS.31P 1SVR740794R1300 16,270
3x160-300 V AC
CM-PVS.31S 1SVR730794R1300 13,420
CM-PVS.41P 1SVR740794R3300 14,480
3x300-500 V AC
CM-PVS.41S 1SVR730794R3300 14,480
Multifunctional three phase monitoring relays (phase failure detection, phase sequence
monitoring, overvoltage, undervoltage, phase unbalance)
Rated control
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage = measuring voltage
With interrupted neutral monitoring
CM-MPS.11P 1SVR740885R1300 16,100
3x90-170 V AC
CM-MPS.11S 1SVR730885R1300 15,020
CM-MPS.21P 1SVR740885R3300 15,560
3x180-280 V AC
CM-MPS.21S 1SVR730885R3300 14,770
Without interrupted neutral monitoring
CM-MPS.41S 3x300-500 V AC 1SVR730884R3300 n 6,160
Stock items
Multifunctional three phase monitoring relays, automatic phase sequence correction and
separate monitoring of over and undervoltage (window monitoring) configurable
Rated control
Type supply voltage = Ordering code L.P.(`)
measuring voltage
With interrupted neutral monitoring
CM-MPS.23P 1SVR740885R4300 20,480
3x180-280 V AC
CM-MPS.23S 1SVR730885R4300 18,030
Without interrupted neutral monitoring
CM-MPS.43P 1SVR740884R4300 19,750
3x300-500 V AC
CM-MPS.43S 1SVR730884R4300 16,360
Multifunctional three phase monitoring relays, automatic phase sequence correction and
separate monitoring of over and undervoltage (window monitoring) configurable
Rated control
Type supply voltage = Ordering code L.P.(`)
measuring voltage
CM-MPN.52P 1SVR760487R8300 22,480
3x350-580 V AC
CM-MPN.52S 1SVR750487R8300 19,100
CM-MPN.62P 1SVR760488R8300 22,480
3x450-720 V AC
CM-MPN.62S 1SVR750488R8300 19,750
CM-MPN.72P 1SVR760489R8300 22,490
3x530-820 V AC
CM-MPN.72S 1SVR750489R8300 n 19,750
Nominal voltage
Rated control
Type Un of the distribution Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
system to be monitored
CM-IWS.1P 1SVR740660R0100 25,770
0-250 V AC / 0-300 V DC 24-240 V AC/DC
CM-IWS.1S 1SVR730660R0100 n 25,770
CM-IWS.2P 1SVR740670R0200 22,840
0-400 V AC 24-240 V AC/DC
CM-IWS.2S 1SVR730670R0200 n 20,390
CM-IWN.1P 1SVR760660R0200 64,870
0-400 V AC / 0-600 V DC 24-240 V AC/DC
CM-IWN.1S 1SVR750660R0200 47,220
Coupling unit
CM-IVN.S Passive device, no control 0-690 V AC / 1SVR750669R9400 n 24,690
CM-IVN.P supply voltage needed 0-1000 V DC 1SVR760669R9400 30,060
Rated control
Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
supply voltage
24 V AC 1SVR550805R9300 5,370
CM-MSE 110-130 V AC 1SVR550800R9300 n 4,080
220-240 V AC 1SVR550801R9300 n 5,370
CM-MSS.12S 24 V AC/DC 1SVR730700R0100 6,830
CM-MSS.12P 24 V AC/DC 1SVR740700R0100 7,200
CM-MSS.13S 110-130 V AC/220-240 V AC 1SVR730700R2100 6,430
CM-MSS.13P 110-130 V AC/220-240 V AC 1SVR740700R2100 7,200
CM-MSS.22S 24 V AC/DC 1SVR730700R0200 6,870
CM-MSS.22P 24 V AC/DC 1SVR740700R0200 7,900
CM-MSS.23S 110-130 V AC/220-240 V AC 1SVR730700R2200 6,870
CM-MSS.23P 110-130 V AC/220-240 V AC 1SVR740700R2200 7,900
Stock items
Stock items
Stock items
Overview CP-T
Modern power supply units are vital components in most The CP-T range of three-phase power supply units is
areas of energy management and automation technology. ABB’s youngest member of the power supply family.
ABB as your global partner in these areas pays the utmost
attention to the resulting requirements. Innovation is the CP-C.1
key to a substantial enlargement of our power supply The CP-C.1 power supplies are ABB’s high-performance and
product program: most advanced range. With excellent efficiency, high reliability
and innovative functionality it is prepared for the most
CP-D demanding industrial applications. These power supplies have
The CP-D range of power supply units in MDRC design up to 50 % integrated power reserve and operate at
(modular DIN rail components) fits into all domestic an efficiency of up to 94%. They are equipped with overheat
installation and distribution panels. protection and active power factor correction. Combined
with a broad AC and DC input range and extensive worldwide
CP-E approvals the CP-C.1 power supplies are the preferred choice
The CP-E range offers enhanced functionality while the for professional DC applications.
number of different types has been considerably reduced.
Now all power supply units can be operated at an ambient
temperature of up to +70 °C.
CP-E range
Rated output
Input voltage range Type Ordering code L.P.(`)w
100-240 V AC, 90-300 V DC 24 V DC / 5 A CP-C.1 24/5.0 1SVR360563R1001
100-240 V AC, 90-300 V DC 24 V DC / 10 A CP-C.1 24/10.0 1SVR360663R1001
100-240 V AC, 90-300 V DC 24 V DC / 20 A CP-C.1 24/20.0 1SVR360763R1001
CP-T range
Stock items
14 digital inputs, 1 PTC input, 9 digital outputs, 6 analogue inputs, 1 analogue output
• Communication interfaces for fieldbuses and ethernet networks, Interface for operator
panel UMC100-PAN, bus interface for connection of expansion modules
• Versions for supply voltage 24 V DC and 110 – 240 V AC/DC and with ATEX approval
UMC100.3 UC
Ordering details
Designation Supply voltage Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Universal Motor Controller 24 V DC UMC100.3 DC 1SAJ530000R0100
Universal Motor Controller 110-240 V AC/DC UMC100.3 UC 1SAJ530000R1100 Upon
Universal Motor Controller, ATEX 24 V DC UMC100.3 DC EX 1SAJ530000R0200 request
Universal Motor Controller, ATEX 110-240 V AC/DC UMC100.3 UC EX 1SAJ530000R1200
fulltext display, LEDs for status. Assembly directly on UMC100 or on the control cabinet door
via extension cable and door mounting set.
• Monitoring: Shows motor status and diagnostics
• Operate: Start, stop, fault reset
• Parametrize: Setting and changing of motor and fieldbus parameters
(password protection possible)
• Copy settings
• USB port for up/download of parameters and logic
Supports 8 languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Russian
Replaces all former UMC100 operator panels
Ordering details
Designation Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Operating panel UMC100-PAN 1SAJ590000R0103
0.7 m ext. cable with door mounting set UMCPAN-CAB.070 1SAJ510003R0002 Upon
1.5 m ext. cable with door mounting set UMCPAN-CAB.150 1SAJ510004R0002 request
3 m ext. cable with door mounting set UMCPAN-CAB.300 1SAJ510002R0002
Supply voltage is 24 V DC; the 110-240 V AC/DC version of the UMC100.3 provides the
24 V DC supply for expansion modules
I/O-expansion module with 8 digital inputs 24 V DC, 4 relay outputs, 1 analog output
0/4-20 mA or 0…10 V
I/O-expansion module with 8 digital inputs 110 / 230 V AC, 4 relay outputs, 1 analog output
2CDC 341 004 F0009
0/4-0 mA or 0-10 V
Voltage modules for the determination of phase voltages, power factor (cos ϕ),
apparent power, energy, total harmonic distortion (THD).
For use in grounded networks (VI150) or in all networks (VI155), 150-690 V AC
Analog / temperature expansion module, 3 inputs PT100, PT1000, KTY83, KTY84, NTC,
2CDC 345 001 S0011
0–10 V, 0/4-20 mA
1 or 2 modules AI111 can be connected to an UMC100.3.
e 35 years.
OC is built into
f humans and
The Arc Guard System TVOC-2 is an aid to quickly detect an arc fault and trip the incoming circuit-breaker.
The main advantage with the Arc Guard System is that it can trip instantaneously, i.e. override other
tripping functions.
Ordering details
Description Rated supply voltage Type Ordering code LP.(`)
Arc Monitor including one HMI 24...48V DC TVOC-2-48 1SFA664001R1002
and door mounting accessories 100...240V AC/ 100...250V DC TVOC-2-240 1SFA664001R1001
Arc Monitor including one COM 24...48V DC TVOC-2-48-C 1SFA664001R1004 request
Module and door mounting 100...240V AC/ 100...250V DC TVOC-2-240-C 1SFA664001R1003
Extension-10 optical inputs TVOC-2-E1 1SFA664002R1001
Extension-10 optical inputs for cable TVOC-2-DP60 only TVOC-2-E3 1SFA664002R3001
HMI (Human machine interface) TVOC-2-H1 1SFA664002R1005
COM Module-with communication interface (Modbus RTU) and TVOC-2-COM 1SFA664002R4001
door mounting
Cable length 1m TVOC-2-DP1 1SFA664003R1010
Cable length 2m TVOC-2-DP2 1SFA664003R1020
Cable length 4m TVOC-2-DP4 1SFA664003R1040
Cable length 6m TVOC-2-DP6 1SFA664003R1060
Cable length 8m TVOC-2-DP8 1SFA664003R1080
Cable length 10 m TVOC-2-DP10 1SFA664003R1100
Cable length 15 m TVOC-2-DP15 1SFA664003R1150
Cable length 20 m TVOC-2-DP20 1SFA664003R1200
Cable length 25 m TVOC-2-DP25 1SFA664003R1250
Cable length 30 m TVOC-2-DP30 1SFA664003R1300
Cable length (1) 60 m TVOC-2-DP60 1SFA664003R3600
3-position devic e
for troubleshooting
Safety relays
The market’s most flexible safety relays
for different protection purposes and
Light curtain/light beam/scanner
Complete range of light beams, light
curtains and scanners.
Control devices
Ergonomic three-position control units,
two-hand control units and foot pedals.
Safety controller
Safety bumper
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Applies to all bumpers, independent on legth. Special shape can be ASB CM Base
orderd on request. NOTE: Maximum legth of a bumper is 3000 mm. price
ASB 53/100 Upon
Width 53 mm, Height 100 mm, Black/Yellow, meter 2TLA076200R0500
B/Y request
ASB 200/400
Width 200 mm, Height 400 mm, Black/Yellow, meter 2TLA076200R0800
Safety mats
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Safety mat
Safety mat Custom made Special 2TLA076300R0000
CM Spec
Applies for custom safety mats ASK-1U4 model, except for special
surface (See 2TLA076300R0000) Special shape can be orderd on 2TLA076301R0000
request. NOTE: Maximum safeguarded area is 2350x1350 mm.
Applies for custom made safety mats ASK-1T4 model. Special shape Upon
can be orderd on request. NOTE: Maximum safeguarded area is 2TLA076301R0200 request
2350x1350 mm.
Safety mat ASK-1U4.4-NP, No ramp edge trim, safeguarded area is ASK-1U4.4-
1000 x 750 mm, incl. 5 + 5 m cables. NP 1x.75
Safety mat ASK-1T4.4-NP, cast-in ramp edge trim, safeguarded area is ASK-1T4.4-NP
1000 x 1500 mm, incl. 5 + 5 m cables. 1x1.5
Spot sensors
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Safety light beam for up to 10 m distance. M18 steel casing with Upon
Spot 10 2TLA020009R0600
M12 connector. request
Spot sensors
Description Type Ordering code L.P.(`)
Eva actuator for use with Adam sensors in the Eden sensor
Eva Actuator 2TLA020046R0000
system, IP67, yellow, 4pcs of DA2 spacer rings are included.
Eva actuator with general code for use with Adam DYN/OSSD
sensors in the Eden sensor system, IP69K, yellow, 4pcs of Eva General code 2TLA020046R0800
DA 2B spacer rings are included.
Eva actuator with unique code for use with Adam DYN/OSSD
sensors in the Eden sensor system, IP69K, yellow, 4pcs of Eva Unique code 2TLA020046R0900
DA 2B spacer rings are included.
Eva actuator for use with Adam sensors, encapsulated in
Eva E 2TLA020046R0600
polyurethane for harsh environments, IP69K, yellow.
Eva actuator for use with Adam sensors, encapsulated in
Eva E Grey 2TLA020046R0700
polyurethane for harsh environments, IP69K, grey.
Eva actuator for use with Adam AS-i sensors in the Eden
sensor system, IP69K, yellow, 4pcs of DA2 spacer rings are Eva AS-i 2TLA020051R8000
Adam safety sensor unit with a fixed M12 male connector,
IP67, yellow, 4pcs of DA1 protection plate and 4pcs of DA2 Adam M12 2TLA020051R0000
spacer rings are included.
Adam safety sensor unit with a fixed M12 male connector,
IP67, grey, 4pcs of DA1 protection plate and 4pcs of DA2 Adam M12, Grey 2TLA020051R0100
spacer rings are included.
Adam safety sensor unit, encapsulated in polyurethane for
harsh environments with 1m of cable (5 x 0.34 mm2 + screen) Adam E 1M 2TLA020051R0900
and M12, IP69K.
Adam safety sensor unit, encapsulated in polyurethane for
Adam E 10m cable
harsh environments with 10m of cable (5 x 0.34 mm2 + screen) 2TLA020051R0600
with M12
and M12, IP69K, yellow.
Adam safety sensor unit with OSSD signals and information
Adam OSSD-
output. M12-5 male connector, IP69K, yellow. 4pcs of DA 1B 2TLA020051R5400
Info M12-5
distance plates and 4pcs of DA 2B distance rings are included.
Adam safety sensor unit with OSSD signals and reset with
Adam OSSD-
indication. M12-5 male connector, IP69K, yellow. 4pcs of DA 1B 2TLA020051R5600
Reset M12-5
distance plates and 4pcs of DA 2B distance rings are included
Adam safety sensor unit with OSSD signals and information
Adam OSSD-Info
output. M12-8 male connector, IP69K, yellow. 4pcs of DA 1B 2TLA020051R5700
M12-8 connector
distance plates and 4pcs of DA 2B distance rings are included.
Adam safety sensor unit, encapsulated in polyurethane for
Adam E 0,5m cable
harsh environments with 0.5m of cable (5 x 0.34 mm2 + 2TLA020051R4000
with M12, Grey
screen) and M12, IP69K, grey.
Adam safety sensor unit, encapsulated in polyurethane for
Adam E 10m cable
harsh environments with 10m of cable (5 x 0.34 mm2 + screen) 2TLA020051R4100
with M12, Grey
and M12, IP69K, grey.
Adam safety sensor unit with AS-i node. M12-4 male
Adam AS-i M12-4
connector, IP69K, yellow. 4pcs of DA 1 distance plates and 2TLA020051R6000
4pcs of DA 2B distance rings are included.
Electrification products
Building products
Technical Features
Double pole
n Stock items
Four pole
n Stock items
Double pole
Four pole
Technical Features
Electrical data S200 M
Standards IEC 60947-2, IS/IEC-60898-1
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 1P +N, 3P +N
Tripping characteristics B, C, D
Rated current 0.5A - 63 A
1P : 230 / 400 V AC 1P : 60 V DC
1P + N : 230 V AC 2P : 120 V DC
Rated voltage
2…4P : 400 V AC
3P + N : 400 V AC
250 V AC (Phase to ground)
Insulation voltage
500 V AC (Phase to phase)
1P: 253 V AC
Max operating voltage
2…4P : 440 V AC
Min operating voltage 12 V AC
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Rated short circuit capacity 10kA
Energy limiting class (B, C upto 40 A) 3
Over voltage category III
Pollution degree 2
4kV (Test Voltage 6.2kV at Sea Level,
Rated impulse withstand voltage
5kV at 2,000 m)
Dielectric test voltage 2kV (50/60 Hz, 1 min)
Accessories mountable Yes
Cross-section of conductor (top / bottom) 35 mm2
Terminal Fail safe bi-directional cylinder - lift terminal
Contact position indication Marking on toggle (1 ON / 0 OFF), Real CPI (red ON / green OFF)
Real contact position indication Red ON / green OFF
Double pole
n Stock items
Four pole
n Stock items
Double pole
Four pole
Note: Standard packing quantity for MCBs: SP - 12 Nos, SPN/DP - 6 Nos, TP - 4 Nos, TPN/FP - 3 Nos.
S200 M DC MCB in System pro M compact range impresses can be used in 1-pole version at 220V DC and in 2-pole version
with its performance range, approvals and high inbuilt short up to 440V DC. During the installation process it is necessary
circuit breaking capacity in DC applications. S200 M DC MCBs to take into account, the polarity marked on the device.
Technical features
Electrical data S200 M DC
Standards IEC / EN 60947-2
Poles 1P, 2P
Tripping characteristics curve C
Rated current 1.6A - 63 A
Rated voltage 1P : 220 V DC 2P : 440V DC
Maximum power frequency recovery vVoltage, Umax 1P : 250V DC 2P : 500V DC
Min. operating voltage 12 V DC
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity, Icu 10kA
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity, Ics 10kA
Cross-section of conductor (top / bottom) 35 mm2
Terminal Fail safe bi-directional cylinder - lift terminal
Contact position indication Marking on toggle (1 ON / 0 OFF), Real CPI (red ON / green OFF)
Real contact position indication Red ON / green OFF
Accessories mountable Yes (All System ProM Compact accessorries)
Housing Insulation group I, RAL 7035
Toggle Insulation group II, black, sealable
Ambient temperature -25….. +55⁰C
Storage temperature -40….. +70⁰C
Torque 2.8 Nm
Screwdriver No. 2 Pozidrive
Mounting On DIN rail 35 mm acc. to EN 60715 by fast clip
Mounting position any
Mounting dimensions acc. To DIN 43880 1
Pole dimensions ( H X D X W ) 85 X 69 X 17.5
Pole weight approx. 125g
Double Pole
Double pole
S202-C80 80 1 2CDS252001R0804 4,500
S202-C100 100 1 2CDS252001R0824 5,200
Triple pole
S203-C80 80 1 2CDS253001R0804 6,550
S203-C100 100 1 2CDS253001R0824 7,925
Four pole
S204-C80 80 1 2CDS254001R0804 9,200
S204-C100 100 1 2CDS254001R0824 9,950
Double pole
Triple pole
Four pole
SHD series
Isolator for panel installation onto DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 60715
Mounting depth : 70 mm
Mounting width : per pole = 17.5 mm = 1 module
Colour : grey, RAL 7035
Colour of switch lever : red RAL 3000®
Captive screws with recessed/slotted head, Pozidrive size 2
Compatibility for Locking device (unauthorized ON/OFF)
Double pole
SHD202/25 25 6 1SYD272111R0025 490
SHD202/40 40 6 1SYD272111R0040 525
SHD202/63 63 6 1SYD272111R0063 695
Triple pole
SHD203/25 25 4 1SYD273111R0025 825
SHD203/40 40 4 1SYD273111R0040 900
SHD203/63 63 4 1SYD273111R0063 1,050
Double pole
E200 series 80 1 2CDE282001R0080 900
E202/100r 100 1 2CDE282001R0100 1,415
E202/125r 125 1 2CDE282001R0125 1,460
Triple pole
E203/80r 80 1 2CDE283001R0080 1,510
E203/100r 100 1 2CDE283001R0100 1,650
E203/125r 125 1 2CDE283001R0125 1,850
Four pole
E204/80r 80 1 2CDE284001R0080 1,700
E204/100r 100 1 2CDE284001R0100 1,800
E204/125r 125 1 2CDE284001R0125 2,010
Stock items
Four pole
Product description Current Residual rated Pack unit (Pc) Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
rating (A) current (mA)
FH204 AC-25/0.03 25 30 1 1SYF204006R1250 3,195
FH204 AC-25/0.1 25 100 1 1SYF204006R2250 3,325
FH204 AC-25/0.3 25 300 1 1SYF204006R3250 3,350
FH204 AC-40/0.03 40 30 1 1SYF204006R1400 3,275
FH204 AC-40/0.1 40 100 1 1SYF204006R2400 3,375
FH204 AC-40/0.3 40 300 1 1SYF204006R3400 3,470
FH204 AC-63/0.03 63 30 1 1SYF204006R1630 3,630
FH204 AC
FH204 AC-63/0.1 63 100 1 1SYF204006R2630 3,805
FH204 AC-63/0.3 63 300 1 1SYF204006R3630 3,925
Stock items
Product Description Current Residual rated Pack unit (Pc) Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
rating (A) current (mA)
F202 AC-25/0,03 25 30 1 1SYF202005R1250 2,775
F202 AC-25/0,1 25 100 1 1SYF202005R2250 2,860
F202 AC-25/0,3 25 300 1 1SYF202005R3250 3,045
F202 AC-40/0,03 40 30 1 1SYF202005R1400 3,005
F202 AC-40/0,1 40 100 1 1SYF202005R2400 3,460
F202 AC-40/0,3 40 300 1 1SYF202005R3400 3,480
F202 AC-63/0,03 63 30 1 1SYF202005R1630 3,500
F202 AC-63/0,1 63 100 1 1SYF202005R2630 3,745
F202 AC
F202 AC-63/0,3 63 300 1 1SYF202005R3630 3,990
F202 AC-80/0,03 80 30 1 2CSF202005R1800 8,985
F202 AC-80/0,1 80 100 1 2CSF202005R2800 8,910
F202 AC-80/0,3 80 300 1 2CSF202005R3800 8,910
F202 AC-100/0,03 100 30 1 2CSF202005R1900 8,045
F202 AC-100/0,1 100 100 1 2CSF202005R2900 8,420
F202 AC-100/0,3 100 300 1 2CSF202005R3900 9,125
Four pole
Product Description Current Residual rated Pack unit (Pc) Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
rating (A) current (mA)
F204 AC-25/0,03 25 30 1 1SYF204005R1250 3,980
F204 AC-25/0,1 25 100 1 1SYF204005R2250 4,060
F204 AC-25/0,3 25 300 1 1SYF204005R3250 4,285
F204 AC-40/0,03 40 30 1 1SYF204005R1400 3,770
F204 AC-40/0,1 40 100 1 1SYF204005R2400 3,915
F204 AC-40/0,3 40 300 1 1SYF204005R3400 4,245
F204 AC-63/0,03 63 30 1 1SYF204005R1630 4,370
F204 AC
F204 AC-63/0,1 63 100 1 1SYF204005R2630 4,575
F204 AC-63/0,3 63 300 1 1SYF204005R3630 4,710
F204 AC-80/0,03 80 30 1 2CSF204005R1800 9,525
F204 AC-80/0,1 80 100 1 2CSF204005R2800 9,955
F204 AC-80/0,3 80 300 1 2CSF204005R3800 10,055
F204 AC-100/0,03 100 30 1 2CSF204005R1900 9,685
F204 AC-100/0,1 100 100 1 2CSF204005R2900 10,770
F204 AC-100/0,3 100 300 1 2CSF204005R3900 10,505
F204 AC-125/0,03 125 30 1 2CSF204001R1950 13,740
F204 AC-125/0,1 125 100 1 2CSF204001R2950 16,180
F204 AC-125/0,3 125 300 1 2CSF204001R3950 35,000
Stock items
• Complies to standard to IEC/EN 61009
• DS201 available in 4.5kA,6kA & 10kA breaking capacity
• Available in AC, A and APR types to meet all protection needs
• B and C characteristics with rated current up to 40 A available on all the versions
• Contact position indicator (CPI) to indicate the exact information of the
circuit-breaker status
• Equipped with an RFID tag according to standard ISO/IEC FCD 15693-3 to
authenticate the product
• Bi-directional cylinder-lift terminals for easier parallel feed
• Flag indicators - Differential trip indicator - blue
• Contact position indicator - green / red
DS201M 1P+N
RCBO 10kA AC Type - DS200M
Description Current Residual rated Pack unit (Pc) Ordering code LP (`)
rating (A) current (mA)
DS201 M C6 AC30 6 30 1 2CSR275040R1064 3,300
DS201 M C6 AC100 6 100 1 2CSR275040R2064 3,430
DS201 M C6 AC300 6 300 1 2CSR275040R3064 3,610
DS201 M C10 AC30 10 30 1 2CSR275040R1104 3,250
DS201 M C10 AC100 10 100 1 2CSR275040R2104 3,380
DS201 M C10 AC300 10 300 1 2CSR275040R3104 3,560
DS201 M C16 AC30 16 30 1 2CSR275040R1164 3,195
DS201 M C16 AC100 16 100 1 2CSR275040R2164 3,330
DS201 M C16 AC300 16 300 1 2CSR275040R3164 3,510
DS201 M C20 AC30 20 30 1 2CSR275040R1204 3,195
DS201 M C20 AC100 20 100 1 2CSR275040R2204 3,330
DS201 M C20 AC300 20 300 1 2CSR275040R3204 3,510
DS201 M C25 AC30 25 30 1 2CSR275040R1254 3,195
DS201 M C25 AC100 25 100 1 2CSR275040R2254 3,330
DS201 M C25 AC300 25 300 1 2CSR275040R3254 3,510
DS201 M C32 AC30 32 30 1 2CSR275040R1324 3,470
DS201 M C32 AC100 32 100 1 2CSR275040R2324 3,565
DS201 M C32 AC300 32 300 1 2CSR275040R3324 3,685
DS201 M C40 AC30 40 30 1 2CSR275040R1404 4,010
DS201 M C40 AC100 40 100 1 2CSR275040R2404 4,120
DS201 M C40 AC300 40 300 1 2CSR275040R3404 4,230
Stock items
DDA 200 AC
Two pole
Description Current Residual rated Pack unit (Pc) Ordering code LP (`)
rating (A) current (mA)
DDA202 AC-63/0.03 63 30 1 2CSB202001R1630 2,985
DDA202 AC-63/0.1 63 100 1 2CSB202001R2630 3,635
DDA202 AC DDA202 AC-63/0.3 63 300 1 2CSB202001R3630 3,650
Four pole
Description Current Residual rated Pack unit (Pc) Ordering code LP (`)
rating (A) current (mA)
DDA204 AC-25/0.03 25 30 1 2CSB204001R1250 2,800
DDA204 AC-40/0.03 40 30 1 2CSB204001R1400 2,905
DDA204 AC-63/0.03 63 30 1 2CSB204001R1630 3,075
DDA204 AC-25/0.1 25 100 1 2CSB204001R2250 3,115
DDA204 AC-40/0.1 40 100 1 2CSB204001R2400 3,310
DDA204 AC-63/0.1 63 100 1 2CSB204001R2630 3,960
DDA204 AC-25/0.3 25 300 1 2CSB204001R3250 3,195
DDA204 AC-40/0.3 40 300 1 2CSB204001R3400 3,435
DDA204 AC-63/0.3 63 300 1 2CSB204001R3630 3,815
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6 7
Stock items
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents, providing the best compromise between safety and continuity in the service,
thanks to the resistance to unwanted trippings; protection against indirect contacts and
additional protection against direct (I∆n=30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial. Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20)=3000 A Marking: according to EN 61008
Four pole
F204 A-25/0.03 AP-R 25 30 1 2CSF204401R1250 6,870
F204 A-40/0.03 AP-R 40 30 1 2CSF204401R1400 7,065
F204 A-63/0.03 AP-R 63 30 1 2CSF204401R1630 8,020
S 200
DDA 200
H Auxiliary contact S2C-H6R (H) (H)
H-R Auxiliary contact S2C-H6-...R ST H H H
S/H Signal/Auxiliary contact S2C-S/H6R UR
Signal/Auxiliary contact OR
S/H (H)
used as auxiliary contact S2C-S/H6R
ST Shunt trip for S 200 MCB S2C-A...
UR Undervoltage release S2C-UA
OR Overvoltage release S2C-OVP
Shunt trip for S 200 MCBs to H H
be mounted on the left S2C-A...L
Auxiliary contact for S 200
H-L MCBs to be mounted on
the left
Auxiliary contact for MCBs
H-BF bottom fitting (1 for each S2C-H01/
pole of MCB) S2C-H10
BP Mechanical tripping device S2C-BP
NT Switched neutral S2C-Nt S/H S/H
(H) (H)
Combination of auxiliary elements with DS201, DS202C Combination of auxiliary elements with F200
F 200 or or
Description Order details Packing Ordering code LP (`)
96 98 2 96 98 2 96 98 2
Auxiliary Contact, 1CO (Right side) S2C-H6R 1 2CDS200912R0001 750
Used as Automatic
auxiliary contact opening
Auxiliary Contact, 1NO / 1NC (Right side) S2C-H6-11R 1 2CDS200946R0001 760
11 1 11 1 11 1
Auxiliary Contact, 2NO (Right side) S2C-H6-20R 1 2CDS200946R0002 770
S2C-H6R Auxiliary Contact, 2NC (Right side) S2C-H6-02R 1 2CDS200946R0003 770
Signal contact / Auxiliary switch, 1CO (Right side) S2C-S/H6R 1 2CDS200922R0001 1,340
12 14 2 12 14 2 12 14 2
11 13 1 11 13 1 11 13 1
14 24 2 14 24 2 14 24 2
11 21 1 11 21 1 11 21 1
12 22 2 12 22 2 12 22 2
Shunt trips
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied. Suitable for MCBs S200
series and RCBOs DS200 series.
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied. Suitable for RCCBs F200 series
and RCBOs DS201 and DS202C.
It can be used with MCBs SN201 series by means of SN201-IH interface module.
Stock items
Overvoltage releases
Function: monitoring voltage between the neutral and phase; when an overvoltage reaches the
threshold value, the OVP device causes the tripping of the associated MCB or RCCB.
Suitable for MCBs of the S200 series up to 63 A, and RCCBs of the F200 series up to 100 A and
RCBOs DS201 and DS202C series.
Auxiliary contact
Description Order details Packing Ordering code LP (`)
Auxiliary contact S800-AUX 1 2CCS800900R0011 2,625
Stock items
MCB - (S200)
44 17.5 35 52.5 70
44 6.8 17.5
17.5 17.5 17.5
DDA 200
Two pole Four pole Four pole
In=25-63 A In=25-40 A In=63 A
DDA 202 35 69.5 70 69.5 69
35 34.5
10.25 10.25
4.85 8.75 44
8.1 17.5
17.5 8.75
9.2 17.5
8.1 17.5
OVR T2 N1 40 275 S P TS QS BW
Designation: Phases:
T1: Type 1 SPD Without: 1 pole Max. operating voltage Uc
T1-T2: Type 1+2 SPD 2L: 2 poles 600 V
T2: Type 2 SPD 3L : 3 poles 440 V
T2-T3: Type 2+3 SPD 4L : 4 poles 350 V BW: Bottom wiring
PLUS: Autoprotected SPD N: 1 neutral
275 V
1N: 1 phase (left) - neutral (right)
PV: Photovoltaic SPD 150 V
3N: 3 phases (left) - neutral (right) Auxiliary contact
TC: Dataline SPD N1: neutral (left) - 1 phase (right) 75 V
WT: Wind turbine SPD N3: neutral (left - 3 phases (right))
OVR Type 1
OVR T1 3N 25 255 TS (TT) 255 25 - 3+1 5 2CTB815101R0700 62,525
OVR Type 2
OVR T2 1N 40-350 P TS QS 350 40 2 2CTB803982R0500 8,860
OVR T2 1N 80-275s P QS 275 80 2 2CTB815708R1400 9,595
OVR T2 1N 80-275s P TS QS 275 80 2 2CTB815708R0200 10,590
Programming key
slot to run, copy
or save programs
Even safer: protection against electrical hazards Even more flexible: make additions and changes during
We have upgraded our unique SMISSLINE socket system even on-going operation
further through the addition of a pioneering innovation. Pluggable devices can be added and changed quickly, safely
With the new SMISSLINE TP system, components can now and simply during on-going operation. And this can be done
be plugged in or unplugged load-free without any risk from without any need for personal protective equipment.
electrical current running through the body.
This means that you benefit from more flexibility, savings
The SMISSLINE TP pluggable socket system is completely on installation and maintenance – and improved safety.
fingersafe (IP2XB) – when devices are plugged in and SMISSLINE TP provides greater availability and operating
unplugged, the system is always touch-proof. This means safety than conventional systems.
that SMISSLINE TP prevents any danger to personnel from
switching arcs or accidental arcing.
11 9 10 8 7
12 13 14 3 2 1 4 5 6 12
Front panel residual current relays are electronic devices used in combination with an external
toroidal transformer. They are according to the protection standard IEC/EN 60947-2 Annex-M.
The sensitivity can be set from 0.03 A to 30 A, while the tripping time from 0 to 5 seconds.
Residual current relays are available in versions 48x48 mm, 72x72 mm, and 96x96 mm.
The Fail Safe function is available for versions ELR48P, ELR72P and ELR96P: the contacts switch
when there is no auxiliary power.
The ELR96PF version is equipped with Fail Safe function, fault memory LED, and a frequency
filter, that ensure continuity of service in the presence of harmonics.
ELR96PD has (in addition to these functions) a digital display for an instantaneous view of the
residual current I∆n.
Toroidal transformers
Min. Max. rated Max.
Toriod useful
Description measureable current 1 capacity 2 Pack Ordering code L.P.(`)
diameter (mm)
current (mA) (A) (A)
TRM 29 30 65 160 1 2CSM029000R1211
(modular version)
TR1 35 30 75 250 1 2CSG035100R1211
TR2 60 30 85 400 1 2CSG060100R1211
TR3 80 100 160 800 1 2CSG080100R1211
TR4 110 100 250 1,250 1 2CSG110100R1211
TR4/A 110 300 250 1,250 1 2CSG110200R1211 Upon
(openable version) request
TR160 160 300 400 2,000 1 2CSG160100R1211
TR160A 160 500 400 2,000 1 2CSG160200R1211
(openable version)
TR5 210 300 630 3,200 1 2CSG210100R1211
TR5/A 210 500 630 3,200 1 2CSG210200R1211
(openable version)
Shows toroidal transformers selection for use with ELR according to IEC/EN 60947-2 Annex M in combination
with MCBs S200 range and MCCBs Tmax range upto T5
Shows the technical features of the toroidal transformers
DMTME multimeters
The instruments DMTME are digital multimeters that allow the measurement, in TRMS mode,
of the principal electrical parameters in three-phase and single-phase 230/400 Vac networks,
including the max/min/average detection of the main electrical parameters and the active
and reactive energy count. The multiple measured variables are displayed locally on four red
7-segment LED displays providing easy readability and simultaneous display of the measures of
the electrical parameters of the phases individually and of the whole network.
The instruments DMTME combine, in a single instrument, the functions of multiple devices:
voltmeter, ammeter, power factor meter, wattmeter, varmeter, frequency meter, active and
reactive energy meters; it allows remarkable financial savings, thanks to the reduction of
space taken up in the panel and also of time required for cabling, along with the advantage of
providing clear readings on a single device.
IP 30
Product description No. of ways No of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SHC WD 4 4 way 4+2 NSYN8690SPNWD04 1,115
E-SHC WD 6 6 way 6+2 NSYN8690SPNWD06 1,200
E-SHC WD 8 8 way 8+2 NSYN8690SPNWD08 1,360
E-SHC WD 10 10 way 10+2 NSYN8690SPNWD10 1,510
E-SHC WD 12 12 way 12+2 NSYN8690SPNWD12 1,735
E-SHC WD 14 14 way 14+2 NSYN8690SPNWD14 1,770
E-SHC WD 16 16 way 16+2 NSYN8690SPNWD16 2,240
E-SHC WD 20 20 way 20+2 NSYN8690SPNWD20 2,520
IP 54
Product Description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SHC M WP 4 4 way 4+2 NSYN8690SPNWP04 4,735
E-SHC M WP 6 6 way 6+2 NSYN8690SPNWP06 5,135
E-SHC M WP 8 8 way 8+2 NSYN8690SPNWP08 5,600
E-SHC M WP 10 10 way 10+2 NSYN8690SPNWP10 5,900
E-SHC M WP 12 12 way 12+2 NSYN8690SPNWP12 6,445
E-SHC M WP 14 14 way 14+2 NSYN8690SPNWP14 6,565
E-SHC M WP 16 16 way 16+2 NSYN8690SPNWP16 7,140
E-SHC M WP 20 20 way 20+2 NSYN8690SPNWP20 7,640
Stock items
IP 30
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SHDB WD 4 4 way 8+12 NSYN8690TPNWD04 2,655
E-SHDB WD 6 6 way 8+18 NSYN8690TPNWD06 3,275
E-SHDB WD 8 8 way 8+24 NSYN8690TPNWD08 3,855
E-SHDB WD 12 12 way 8+36 NSYN8690TPNWD12 5,655
E-SHDB WD 16 16 way 8+48 NSYN8690TPNWD16 6,970
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SHDB M WP 4 4 way 8+12 NSYN8690TPNWP04 10,415
E-SHDB M WP 6 6 way 8+18 NSYN8690TPNWP06 12,535
E-SHDB M WP 8 8 way 8+24 NSYN8690TPNWP08 13,705
E-SHDB M WP 12 12 way 8+36 NSYN8690TPNWP12 19,315
E-SHDB M WP 16 16 way 8+48 NSYN8690TPNWP16 23,185
Stock items
IP 30
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SVTDB WD 4 4 way 8+12 NSYN8690VTPWD04 7,480
E-SVTDB WD 6 6 way 8+18 NSYN8690VTPWD06 8,350
E-SVTDB WD 8 8 way 8+24 NSYN8690VTPWD08 9,220
E-SVTDB WD 12 12 way 8+36 NSYN8690VTPWD12 13,185
IP 54
Product description No. of Ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SVTDB M WP 4 4 way 8+12 NSYN8690VTPWP04 16,705
E-SVTDB M WP 6 6 way 8+18 NSYN8690VTPWP06 18,400
E-SVTDB M WP 8 8 way 8+24 NSYN8690VTPWP08 20,095
E-SVTDB M WP 12 12 way 8+36 NSYN8690VTPWP12 26,775
IP 30
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SVTDB WD 4XT1 4 way Tmax XT1+12 NSYN8690VWXT104 8,390
E-SVTDB WD 6XT1 6 way Tmax XT1+18 NSYN8690VWXT106 9,770
E-SVTDB WD 8XT1 8 way Tmax XT1+24 NSYN8690VWXT108 10,620
E-SVTDB WD 12XT1 12 way Tmax XT1+36 NSYN8690VWXT112 15,020
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SVTDB M WP 4XT1 4 way Tmax XT1+12 NSYN8690VPXT104 19,225
E-SVTDB M WP 6XT1 6 way Tmax XT1+18 NSYN8690VPXT106 21,165
E-SVTDB M WP 8XT1 8 way Tmax XT1+24 NSYN8690VPXT108 23,110
E-SVTDB M WP 12XT1 12 way Tmax XT1+36 NSYN8690VPXT112 31,035
Stock items
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SVTDB M WP 4XT3 4 way 250A TMAX XT3+12 NSYN8690VPXT304 27,370
E-SVTDB M WP 6XT3 6 way 250A TMAX XT3+18 NSYN8690VPXT306 29,135
E-SVTDB M WP 8XT3 8 way 250A TMAX XT3+24 NSYN8690VPXT308 30,905
E-SVTDB M WP 12XT3 12 way 250A TMAX XT3+36 NSYN8690VPXT312 36,900
Metal enclosures, universal mounting suitable for SP, DP, FP, 6 pole & 8 pole arrangement.
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
E-SEN 1P 1P Enclosure 1 NSYN8690SENSPP1 380
E-SEN 2P 2P Enclosure 2 NSYN8690SENSPP2 590
E-SEN 4P 4P Enclosure 4 NSYN8690SENSPP4 595
E-SEN 6P 6P Enclosure 6 NSYN8690SENSPP6 815
E-SEN 8P 8P Enclosure 8 NSYN8690SENSPP8 970
Blanking plate
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
Blank PL 1 NSYN8690BLPLP00 15
IP 30
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SHC WD 4 4 way 4+2 1SYN869006R0001 1,015
SHC WD 6 6 way 6+2 1SYN869007R0001 1,045
SHC WD 8 8 way 8+2 1SYN869008R0001 1,200
SHC WD 10 10 way 10+2 1SYN869006R0010 1,305
SHC WD 12 12 way 12+2 1SYN869009R0001 1,555
SHC WD 14 14 way 14+2 1SYN869010R0001 1,590
SHC WD 16 16 way 16+2 1SYN869006R0016 1,970
SHC WD 20 20 way 20+2 1SYN869006R0020 2,240
Stock items
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SHC M WP 4 4 way 4+2 1SYN869002R0004 4,130
SHC M WP 6 6 way 6+2 1SYN869004R0020 4,455
SHC M WP 8 8 way 8+2 1SYN869002R0008 5,470
SHC M WP 10 10 way 10+2 1SYN869004R0021 6,020
SHC M WP 12 12 way 12+2 1SYN869002R0012 5,625
SHC M WP 14 14 way 14+2 1SYN869004R0022 5,695
SHC M WP 16 16 way 16+2 1SYN869004R0023 6,955
SHC M WP 20 20 way 20+2 1SYN869002R0013 6,670
IP 30
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SHDB WD 4 4 way 8+12 1SYN869020R0001 2,310
SHDB WD 6 6 way 8+18 1SYN869021R0001 3,020
SHDB WD 8 8 way 8+24 1SYN869022R0001 3,590
SHDB WD 12 12 way 8+36 1SYN869023R0001 5,530
SHDB WD 16 16 way 8+48 1SYN869004R0024 6,270
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SHDB M WP 4 4 way 8+12 1SYN869001R0004 9,115
SHDB M WP 6 6 way 8+18 1SYN869001R0006 10,970
SHDB M WP 8 8 way 8+24 1SYN869001R0008 12,010
SHDB M WP 12 12 way 8+36 1SYN869004R0027 17,025
SHDB M WP 16 16 way 8+48 1SYN869004R0028 20,325
Stock items
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SVTDB M WP 4 4 way 8+12 1SYN869004R0041 14,810
SVTDB M WP 6 6 way 8+18 1SYN869004R0015 17,075
SVTDB M WP 8 8 way 8+24 1SYN869004R0043 17,820
SVTDB M WP 12 12 way 8+36 1SYN869004R0044 23,740
Stock items
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SVTDB M WP4XT1 4 way Tmax XT1+12 1SYN8690VPXT104 16,880
SVTDB M WP6XT1 6 way Tmax XT1+18 1SYN8690VPXT106 19,235
SVTDB M WP8XT1 8 way Tmax XT1+24 1SYN8690VPXT108 22,650
SVTDB M WP12XT1 12 way Tmax XT1+36 1SYN8690VPXT112 28,130
IP 54
Product description No. of ways No of modules Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
SVTDB M WP 4XT3 4 way 250A Tmax XT3+12 1SYN8690VPXT304 23,370
SVTDB M WP 6XT3 6 way 250A Tmax XT3+18 1SYN8690VPXT306 25,700
SVTDB M WP 8XT3 8 way 250A Tmax XT3+24 1SYN8690VPXT308 26,885
SVTDB M WP 12XT3 12 way 250A Tmax XT3+36 1SYN8690VPXT312 30,905
Product description No. of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
SEN 1P 1P Enclosure 1 1SYN869054R0001 350
SEN 2P 2P Enclosure 2 1SYN869055R0001 515
SEN 4P 4P Enclosure 4 1SYN869056R0001 520
SEN 6P 6P Enclosure 6 1SYN869057R0001 730
SEN 8P 8P Enclosure 8 1SYN869004R0029 840
Product description No.of ways No. of modules Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
13 Module Pin type Busbars 13 13 1SYN360025P0001 320
14 Module Pin type Busbars 14 14 1SYN869103R0013 510
Blank PL 1 1SYN869004R0059 15
The IVIE range is the first Indian range ABB-free@home® home automation
to incorporate wired and wireless system, which is the most intelligent
home automation systems together. way of managing spaces with energy
This range can be integrated with saving.
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 6 A - 240 V ~
IIS10610 BL - 6A 1 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1001 172
IIS10620 BL - 6A 2 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1002 258
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 16 A - 240 V ~
IIS11610 BL - 16A 1 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1006 338
1SYK100001A1007 IIS1161L BL - 16A 1 way switch with indicator 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1007 406
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 32 A - 240 V ~
1SYK100001A1008 IIS2321L BL - 32A, DP switch 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1008 1,120
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Bell Push
IIS106B0 BL - 6A Bell switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1003 284
1SYK100001 1SYK100001
A1003 A1005 IIS106BL BL - 6A Bell switch with indicator 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1004 370
IIS206BL BL - 6A Mega Bell switch with indicator 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1005 502
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
IIK20506 BL 6A, 5 Pin socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1027 360
IIK20613 BL - 6/13A universal socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1022 440
IIK20616 BL - 6/16A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1023 494
IIK20620 BL - 6/20A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1024 560
IIK20625 BL - 6/25A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1025 618
IIK10006 BL - 6A 2 pin socket 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1026 484
N2238 BL - Euro-American earthed socket outlet, 2 10 2CLA223800N1102
1SYK100001A1023 125/250V AC, 15/16A, 2 P+E
N2135 BL - Euro-American unearthed socket outlet, 1 20 2CLA213500N1102 Upon
125/250V AC, 15/16A, 2 P request
N2237 BL - British standard socket outlet, 2 10 2CLA223700N1102
250V AC, 13A, 2 P+E
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
USB chargers
N2185 BL - USB charger 0.75A, 100-240V 1 1 2CLA218500N1102
2CLA218500 2CLA228500 N2185.2 BL - USB charger 2A, 100-230V 1 1 2CLA218520N1102
N1102 N1102
N2285 BL - USB charger 1.5A, 100-240V 2 1 2CLA228500N1102
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Blank plates
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Dimmer & fan regulators
IIM2FR05 BL - step fan regulator 5 step 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1042 1,100
IIM1FR04 BL - step fan regulator 4 step 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1043 960
IIM2D400 BL - dimmer 400 watt 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1045 1,232
N2260.2 BL - Universal rotatory/push dimmer, 230V •
Rated voltage: 230 V AC • Max. power: incandescent: 500
2 1 2CLA226020N1102
1SYK100001A1045 Watt halogen lamp with electronic transformer: 500 VA
• Halogen lamp with ferromagnetic transformer: 400 VA
N2260.3 BL - LED rotatory/push dimmer, 230V
• Rated voltage: 230 V AC • Nominal power: 250 W/VA
Power (min./max load): LEDi: 2/100 W/VA (max. 10
2CLA226020N1102 lamps) • Dimmable energy saving lamps: 2/100 W/VA
(max. 10 lamps) • LV LEDi with transformer (only type
2 1 2CLA226030N1102
L or LC): 4/100 W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • Incandescent
lamps: 10/250 W/VA • Halogen lamps: 10/250 W/VA
• LV halogen with transformer (only type L or LC):
10/250 W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • 2 wire connection. Upon
2CLA226030N1102 Optional: auxiliary on/off with 2-way switch N2X02 request
N2260.8 BL - LED rotatory/push dimmer • Rated
voltage: 127 V AC, Frequency: 50/60 Hz (Nominal
power: 140 W/VA) • Power (min./max load): LEDi:
2/55 W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • Dimmable energy saving
2CLA226080N1102 lamps:2/55 W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • LV LEDi with 2 1 2CLA226080N1102
transformer (only type L or LC): 4/55 W/VA (max. 10
lamps) • Incandescent lamps: 10/140 W/VA • Halogen
lamps: 10/140 W/VA • LV halogen with transformer
(only type L or LC): 10/140 W/VA (max. 10 lamps)
2CLA226090N1102 N2260.9 BL - 1-10V rotary dimmer • Rated voltage:
127 - 230 V AC/50 - 60 Hz • Max. power: 230 Vac: 2 1 2CLA226090N1102
700 VA • 127 V AC: 350 VA • Max. 6 ballasts per device
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Data & voice
IIM1RJ11 BL - RJ11 Tel. jack 2 pin 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1047 246
IIM1RJ45 BL - RJ45 Jack cat 6 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1048 836
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
TV Socket
IIM1TVSK BL - TV co-axial socket 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1049 250
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
IIM1DNDS BL - DND and MMR set internal & external 2+3 5/100 1SYK100001A1055
N2244.5 BL - DND and MUR 2-gang interlocked switch 2 5 2CLA224450N1102 Upon
N2180.5 BL - LED MUR signaling light 1 5 2CLA218050N1102 request
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Key card switches
2CLA221410N1102 N2214.1 BL - Card switch 1-gang, 1-way, DP 2 1 2CLA221410N1102
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Down lighter
IIM3DOWN BL-down lighter 3 5/100 1SYK100001A1059 720
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Audio & video connector
N2155.2 BL - 2x RCA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215520N1102
N2155.3 BL - 3x RCA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215530N1102
2CLA215520 2CLA215530
N1102 N1102 N2155.4 BL - Mini-Jack connection unit 1 1 2CLA215540N1102
N2155.5 BL - VGA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215550N1102 Upon
N2155.6 BL - HDMI connection unit 1 1 2CLA215560N1102 request
N2155.7 BL - HDMI female-female connection unit 1 1 2CLA215570N1102
N2155.8 BL - USB connection unit 1 1 2CLA215580N1102
2CLA215540 2CLA215560
N1102 N1102 N2155.9 BL - USB female-female connection unit 1 1 2CLA215590N1102
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Motion sensor
N2241 BL - 110° motion sensor • Max. power:
Incandescent: 1,800W @230V AC/1,000W @127V AC
2CLA224100N1102 • Halogen with electronic o ferromagnetic transformer:
750VA @230V AC/400VA @127V AC - Fluorescent lamps
or motors: 400VA @230V AC/200VA @127V AC
• For automatic switching of devices dependent on
motion and brightness • With integrated selector switch 2 1 2CLA224100N1102
for automatic ON-OFF in the front side • Switch-off delay:
10 sec to 10 min or short-time pulse 1 sec adjustable
(from the front side) • Detection range: 5 m radius
• Adjustable light set point level for activation (from the
front side) • Detection angle: 110° Mounting height:
1, 2 m Auxiliary control with N2X04.X push-buttons
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
1SYK100001A1054 Buzzer & door bell
IIM2BUZR BL - Buzzer 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1054 496
N2119 BL - Buzzer 1 1 2CLA211900N1102
N2219 BL - Buzzer 2 1 2CLA221900N1102
2CLA211900 2CLA221900
N1102 N1102 N2224 BL - Electronic door bell 230 V AC 2 1 2CLA222400N1102
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
IIM1INDI BL - Indicator 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1053 380
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Signaling light
N2180 BL - L ED white signaling light, Lamp: white LED
1 5 2CLA218000N1102
Luminous flux: > 2 lumen at 1 meter, white diffuser
N2180 RJ - LED red signaling light, Lamp: white LED
1 1 2CLA218000N1602
Luminous flux: > 2 lumen at 1 meter, Red diffuser
N2180 VD - N2180 VD, Lamp: white LED
1 1 2CLA218000N1802
Luminous flux: > 2 lumen at 1 meter, Green diffuser
N2280 BL - LED signaling light, Lamp: white LED request
2 1 2CLA228000N1102
Luminous flux: > 2 lumen at 1 meter, White diffuser
N2281 BL - Beacon LED light, Lamp: white LED
Luminous flux: > 2 lumen at 1 meter, white diffuser,
Autonomy: 3 hours (1 hour at maximum illumination 2 2 1 2CLA228100N1102
hours with lower illumination), Battery: Ni-MH (estimated
lifetime: 4 years)
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
8140.5 - Digital room thermostat • Maximum load:
2CLA814050 2CLA224050
A1002 N1102 3A cos = 0,5 • Output relay operation modes: Hysteresis:
0.5º C • Pulse-width modulation: with a ±4ºC difference 2 1 2CLA814050A1002 Upon
with the set-point temperature • Variable from 100% to request
0% modulation • To be installed with N2240.5 cover plates
N2240.5 BL - Cover plate for digital thermostat - 2M 2 1 2CLA224050N1102
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
9368.1 - Multiroom sound module 1 1 2CLA936810A1001
9368.2 - Remote control for multiroom sound module 2 1 2CLA936820A1001
2CLA936810A1001 N2268 BL - Cover plate for radio/remote control modules - 1 2CLA226800N1102
9368- FM - Radio and alarm module 2 1 2CLA936800A1001 Upon
N2268 BL - Cover plate for radio/remote control modules - 1 2CLA226800N1102 request
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 6 A - 240 V ~
IIS10610 AN - 6A 1 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1201 206
IIS10620 AN - 6 A 2 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1202 284
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 16 A - 240 V ~
IIS11610 AN - 16A 1 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1206 378
IIS1161L AN - 16A 1 way switch with ind. 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1207 470
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 32 A - 240 V ~
IIS2321L AN - 32A, DP switch 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1208 1,292
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Bell Push - 240 V ~
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code MRP(`)
Sockets - 240 V ~
IIK20506 AN 6A, 5 Pin socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1227 400
IIK20613 AN - 6/13A universal socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1222 480
IIK20616 AN - 6/16A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1223 570
IIK20620 AN - 6/20A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1224 640
IIK20625 AN - 6/25A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1225 702
1SYK100001 1SYK100001 IIK10006 AN - 6A 2 pin socket 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1226 558
A1223 A1226
N2238 AN - Euro-American earthed socket outlet,
2 10 2CLA223800N1802
Rated current: 15/16A, 2P+E/NEMA 5-15R
N2135 AN - Euro-American unearthed socket outlet, Upon
1 20 2CLA213500N1802
Rated current: 15/16A, 2P (non-earthed)/NEMA 1-15R request
N2237 AN - British standard socket outlet,
2 10 2CLA223700N1302
Rated current: 13A, 2P+E
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
USB chargers
N2185 AN - USB charger 750mA, 1-gang 1 1 2CLA218500N1802
2CLA218500 Upon
N1802 N2185.2 AN - USB charger 2.000mA, 1-gang 1 1 2CLA218520N1802 request
N2285 AN - USB charger 1.500mA, 2-gang 2 1 2CLA228500N1802
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Blank plates
1SYK100001A1241 IIM1BLNK AN - Blank plate 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1241 112
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Motion sensor
1SYK100001A1242 IIM2FR05 AN - Step fan regulator 5 step 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1242 1,250
IIM1FR04 AN - Step fan regulator 4 step 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1243 1,104
IIM1D400 AN - Dimmer 400 Watt 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1245 1,414
N2260.2 AN - Universal rotatory/push dimmer • Rated
voltage: 230 V AC • Max. power: Incandescent: 500 W
2 1 2CLA226020N1802
• Halogen lamp with electronic transformer: 500 VA
2CLA226020N1802 • Halogen lamp with ferromagnetic transformer: 400 VA
N2260.3 AN - LED rotatory/push dimmer • Rated voltage:
230 V AC • Nominal power: 250 W/VA • Power (min./max
load): LEDi: 2/100 W/VA (max. 10 lamps). Dimmable energy
saving lamps: 2/100 W/VA (max. 10 lamps)
• LV LEDi with transformer (only type L or LC): 4/100 W/VA
2 1 2CLA226030N1802
2CLA226030N1802 (max. 10 lamps) • Incandescent lamps: 10/250 W/VA
• Halogen lamps: 10/250 W/VA • LV halogen with
transformer (only type L or LC): 10/250 W/VA
(max. 10 lamps) • 2 wire connection • Optional: auxiliary Upon
on/off with 2-way switch N2X02 request
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Data & Voice
IIM1RJ11 AN - RJ11 Tel. jack 2 pin 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1247 284
IIM1RJ45 AN - RJ45 Jack cat 6 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1248 944
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
TV Socket
IIM1TVSK AN - TV co-axial socket 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1249 296
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Shaver Socket
IIM2SVSK AN - Shaver Socket 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1257 1,710
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
IIM1DNDS AN - DND and MMR set internal & external 2+3 5/100 1SYK100001A1255 2,050
N2244.5 AN - DND and MUR 2-gang interlocked switch 2 1 2CLA224450N1802
N2180.4 AN - LED MUR signaling light 1 1 2CLA218050N1802 request
N2180.4 AN - LED DND signaling light 1 1 2CLA218040N1802
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Key Card Switches
- Card switch 1-gang, 1-way, DP 2 1 2CLA221410N1802
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Down lighter
1SYK100001A1259 IIM3DOWN AN - Down lighter 3 5/100 1SYK100001A1259 1,072
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Audio & Video Connector
N2155.2 AN - 2x RCA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215520N1802
2CLA215520 2CLA215530
N1802 N1802 N2155.3 AN - 3x RCA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215530N1802
N2155.4 AN - Mini-Jack connection unit 1 1 2CLA215540N1802
N2155.5 AN - VGA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215550N1802 Upon
N2155.6 AN - HDMI connection unit 1 1 2CLA215560N1802 request
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
2CLA215560 2CLA215580 modules
N1802 N1802
Motion Sensor
N2241 AN - 110° motion sensor • Max. power:
Incandescent: 1.800W @230V AC/1.000W @127V AC
• Halogen with electronic o ferromagnetic
transformer: 750VA @230V AC/400VA @127V AC
• Fluorescent lamps or motors: 400VA @230V
AC/200VA @127V AC • For automatic switching of
devices dependent on motion and brightness • With Upon
2 1 2CLA224100N1802
integrated selector switch for automatic ON-OFF in request
the front side • Switch-off delay: 10 sec. to 10 min. or
short-time pulse 1 sec adjustable (from the front
side) • Detection range: 5 m radius Adjustable light
set point level for activation (from the front side)
• Detection angle: 110° Mounting height: 1, 2 m
auxiliary control with N2X04.X push-buttons
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
IIM1INDI AN - Indicator 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1253 426
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
N2240.5 AN - Cover plate for digital thermostat 2 1 2CLA224050N1802
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
Anthracite plate with frame
1SYK100001 1SYK100001
A1271 A1272 IIP0133 AN - 1M plate 1 15/360 1SYK100001A1271 410
IIP0233 AN - 2M plate 2 15/360 1SYK100001A1272 362
IIPP343 AN - 3M plate power 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1273 490
IIP0343 AN - 3M plate 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1274 508
IIP0453 AN - 4M plate 4 10/190 1SYK100001A1275 636
IIP0683 AN - 6M plate 6 5/120 1SYK100001A1276 918
IIP0893 AN - 8M plate 8 5/120 1SYK100001A1277 1,060
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 6 A - 240 V ~
IIS10610 PL - 6A 1 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1101 206
IIS10620 PL - 6A 2 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1102 284
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 16 A - 240 V ~
IIS11610 PL - 16A 1 way switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1106 378
IIS1161L PL - 16A 1 way switch with Ind. 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1107 470
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Switch 32 A - 240 V ~
IIS2321L PL - 32A, DP switch 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1108 1292
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Bell Push - 240 V ~
IIS106B0 PL - 6A Bell Switch 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1103 330
A1003 A1105 IIS106BL PL - 6A Bell Switch with Ind. 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1104 418
IIS206BL PL - 6A Mega bell switch with Ind 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1105 578
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Sockets - 240 V ~
1SYK100001A1121 IIK20506 PL 6A, 5 Pin socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1127 400
IIK20613 PL - 6/13A universal socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1122 480
IIK20616 PL - 6/16A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1123 570
IIK20620 PL - 6/20A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1124 640
IIK20625 PL - 6/25A socket 2 10/200 1SYK100001A1125 702
1SYK100001A1122 IIK10006 PL - 6A 2 pin socket 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1126 558
N2238 PL - Euro-American earthed socket outlet,
Rated voltage: 125/250 Vac, Rated current: 15/16A. 2 10 2CLA223800N1302
2P+E/ NEMA 5-15R
N2135 PL - Euro-American unearthed socket outlet, Upon
Rated voltage: 125/250 V AC, Rated current: 15/16A. 1 20 2CLA213500N1302 request
2P (non-earthed)/NEMA 1-15R
1SYK100001 1SYK100001
A1123 A1126 N2237 PL - British standard socket outlet,
2 10 2CLA223700N1802
Rated current: 13A, 2P+E
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
USB Chargers
N2185 PL - USB charger 750mA, 1-gang 1 1 2CLA218500N1302
2CLA218500 2CLA228500 N2185.2 PL - USB charger 2.000mA, 1-gang 1 1 2CLA218520N1302 request
N1302 N1302
N2285 PL - USB charger 1.500mA, 2-gang 2 1 2CLA228500N1302
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Blank Plates
IIM1BLNK PL - Blank Plate 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1141 112
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Dimmer & Fan Regulators
IIM2FR05 PL - Step fan regulator 5 step 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1142 1,252
IIM1FR04 PL - Step fan regulator 4 step 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1143 1,104
IIM1D400 PL - Dimmer 400 Watt 1 10/200 1SYK100001A1145 1,414
N2260.2 PL - Universal rotatory/push dimmer
• Rated voltage: 230 V AC • Max. power:
Incandescent: 500 W • Halogen lamp with 2 1 2CLA226020N1302
electronic transformer: 500 VA • Halogen lamp with
ferromagnetic transformer: 400 VA.
N2260.3 PL - LED rotatory/push dimmer 230 V AC
• Rated voltage: 230 V AC, Nominal power: 250 W/
VA • Power (min./max load): LEDi: 2/100 W/VA
(max. 10 lamps) • Dimmable energy saving lamps:
2/100 W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • LV LEDi with
transformer (only type L or LC): 4/100 W/VA (max. 2 1 2CLA226030N1302
10 lamps) • Incandescent lamps: 10/250 W/VA
• Halogen lamps: 10/250 W/VA • LV halogen with
transformer (only type L or LC): 10/250 W/VA (max.
10 lamps) • 2 wire connection • Optional: auxiliary Upon
on/off with 2-way switch N2X02 request
N2260.8 PL - LED rotatory/push dimmer 127 V AC
• Rated voltage: 127 V AC, Frequency: 50/60 Hz
(Nominal power: 140 W/VA) • Power (min./max
load): LEDi: 2/55 W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • Dimmable
energy saving lamps: 2/55 W/VA (max. 10 lamps)
2 1 2CLA226080N1302
2CLA226090N1302 • LV LEDi with transformer (only type L or LC): 4/55
W/VA (max. 10 lamps) • Incandescent lamps:
10/140 W/VA • Halogen lamps: 10/140 W/VA
• LV halogen with transformer (only type L or LC):
10/140 W/VA (max. 10 lamps)
N2260.9 PL - 1-10V rotary dimmer • Rated voltage:
127 - 230 V AC/50 - 60 Hz • Max. power: 230 Vac:
2 1 2CLA226090N1302
700 VA • 127 Vac: 350 VA • Max. 6 ballasts per
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Data & Voice
1SYK100001A1147 IIM1RJ11 PL - RJ11 Tel. jack 2 pin 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1147 284
IIM1RJ45 PL - RJ45 Jack cat 6 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1148 946
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
TV Socket
1SYK100001A1149 IIM1TVSK PL - TV co-axial socket 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1149 296
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Shaver Socket
IIM2SVSK PL - Shaver Socket 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1157 1,710
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Key Card Switches
N2214.1 PL - Card switch 1-gang, 1-way, DP 2 1 2CLA221410N1302
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Down Lighter
1SYK100001A1159 IIM3DOWN PL - Down lighter 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1159 1,074
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Audio & Video Connector
2CLA215520 2CLA215530 N2155.2 PL - 2x RCA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215520N1302
N1302 N1302
N2155.3 PL - 3x RCA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215530N1302
N2155.4 PL - Mini-Jack connection unit 1 1 2CLA215540N1302
N2155.5 PL - VGA connection unit 1 1 2CLA215550N1302 Upon
N2155.6 PL - HDMI connection unit 1 1 2CLA215560N1302 request
2CLA215540 2CLA215550
N1302 N1302
N2155.7 PL - HDMI female-female connection unit 1 1 2CLA215570N1302
N2155.8 PL - USB connection unit 1 1 2CLA215580N1302
N2155.9 PL - USB female-female connection unit 1 1 2CLA215590N1302
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Buzzer & Door Bell
2CLA211900 2CLA221900
IIM2BUZR PL - Buzzer 2 5/100 1SYK100001A1154 726
N1302 N1302
N2119 PL - Buzzer 1 1 2CLA211900N1302
N2219 PL - Buzzer 2 1 2CLA221900N1302
N2224 PL - Electronic door bell 230 V AC 2 1 2CLA222400N1302
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
IIM1INDI PL - Indicator 1 20/400 1SYK100001A1153 426
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
N2240.5 PL - Cover plate for digital thermostat 2 1
Number of
Type reference and description Pack Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
Anthracite plate with frame
1SYK100001 1SYK100001
A1172 IIP0133 PL - 1M plate 1 15/360 1SYK100001A1171 410
IIP0233 PL - 2M plate 2 15/360 1SYK100001A1172 430
IIPP343 PL - 3M plate power 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1173 490
IIP0343 PL - 3M plate 3 10/240 1SYK100001A1174 508
IIP0453 PL - 4M plate 4 10/190 1SYK100001A1175 636
IIP0683 PL - 6M plate 6 5/120 1SYK100001A1176 918
IIP0893 PL - 8M plate 8 5/120 1SYK100001A1177 1,060
IIP0855 PL - 8M plate square 8 5/95 1SYK100001A1178 1,150
IIP1286 PL - 12M plate 12 5/95 1SYK100001A1179 1,540
IIP1888 PL - 18M plate 18 5/40 1SYK100001A1180 2,170
Switch on simplicity
ABB Tvisha is a range of wiring accessories with simple flat surface design that creates
a trend on the wall with its elegant Euro white finish. The range covers a large variety
of functionalities that caters to most of the applications beyond the normal switching
functions like USB chargers, HDMI ports, communication sockets, foot lamps and
dimmers. ABB Tvisha is ideal for residential and commercial requirements.
Item description Module Pack unit Ordering code M.R.P. (`) per PC
size (PC)
ITS10610 BL 6A 1 way switch 1M 20 1SYK100001A1501 110
1SYK100001A1501 1SYK100001A1504
ITS1061L BL 6A 1 way switch with Ind. 1M 20 1SYK100001A1502 155
ITS10620 BL 6A 2 way switch 1M 20 1SYK100001A1503 145
ITS106B0 BL 6A Bell switch 1M 20 1SYK100001A1504 150
ITS106BL BL 6A Bell switch with Ind. 1M 20 1SYK100001A1505 210
ITS11610 BL 16A 1 way switch 1M 20 1SYK100001A1506 165
1SYK100001A1505 1SYK100001A1509
ITS1161L BL 16A 1 way switch with Ind. 1M 20 1SYK100001A1507 200
ITS1201L BL 20A DP Switch 1 way with Ind. 1M 20 1SYK100001A1508 450
ITS206BL BL 6A Bell Mega switch with Ind. 2M 10 1SYK100001A1509 270
ITS2062L BL 6A 2 way Mega switch with Ind. 2M 10 1SYK100001A1510 310
1SYK100001A1508 1SYK100001A1512 ITS2162L BL 16A 2 way Mega switch with Ind. 2M 10 1SYK100001A1511 325
ITS2321L BL 32A 1 Way DP Mega switch with Ind. 2M 10 1SYK100001A1512 455
Item description Module Pack unit Ordering code M.R.P. (`) per PC
size (PC)
ITK20006 BL 6A 2+3 Pin socket 2M 10 1SYK100001A1521 150
ITK20613 BL 6/13A Universal socket 2M 10 1SYK100001A1522 255
ITK20616 BL 6/16A Socket 2M 10 1SYK100001A1523 265
ITK20620 BL 6/20A Socket 2M 10 1SYK100001A1524 290
ITK20625 BL 6/25A Socket 2M 10 1SYK100001A1525 355
1SYK100001A1526 1SYK100001A1522
ITK10006 BL 6A 2 Pin socket 1M 20 1SYK100001A1526 245
Item description Module size Pack unit Ordering code M.R.P.(`)
(PC) per PC
ITP0133 BL 1 M Plate 1M 15 1SYK100001A1571 92
1SYK100001A1571 1SYK100001A1572
ITP0233 BL 2 M Plate 2M 15 1SYK100001A1572 92
ITPP343 BL 3 M Plate power 3M 10 1SYK100001A1573 120
ITP0453 BL 4 M Plate 4M 10 1SYK100001A1574 130
Metal Box 3M - CMBZ4303 3 82 1SYN880453R0001 115
Metal Box 4-5M - CMBZ5305 4 60 1SYN880454R0001 140
Metal Box 6M - CMBZ8306 6 40 1SYN880463R0001 245
Metal Box 8M - CMBZ9308 8 39 1SYN880464R0001 339
Metal Box 8MV - CMBZ5508V 8 26 1SYN880456R0001 316
1SYN880465R0001 1SYN880462R0001
Metal Box 12M - CMBZ8612 12 16 1SYN880465R0001 363
Metal Box 16M - CMBZ9616 12 15 1SYN880466R0001 470
Metal Box 18M - CMBZ8824 18 10 1SYN880462R0001 566
Switch modules
Description Module size Qty/Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`) per pc
6A 1 way switch - CHSW0610 1M 20 1SYN880501R0001 n 162
6A 2 way switch - CHSW0620 1M 20 1SYN880501R0002 n 197
6A Bell push - CHSW06B0 1M 20 1SYN880501R0003 n 221
6A 1 way switch with LED - CHSW061L 1M 20 1SYN880501R0004 n 212
6A Bell push with LED - CHSW06BL 1M 20 1SYN880501R0006 n 281
16A 1 way switch - CHSW1610 1M 20 1SYN880501R0007 n 245
16A 2 way switch - CHSW1620 1M 20 1SYN880501R0008 n 283
16A 1 way switch with LED - CHSW161L 1M 20 1SYN880501R0009 n 268
6A 1 way Mega switch with LED - CHSW061M 2M 10 1SYN880501R0011 n 330
6A 2 way Mega switch with LED - CHSW062M 2M 10 1SYN880501R0012 n 358
6A Mega Bell push with LED - CHSW06BM 2M 10 1SYN880501R0013 n 364
16A 1 way Mega switch with LED - CHSW161M 2M 10 1SYN880501R0014 n 379
16A 2 way Mega switch with LED - CHSW162M 2M 10 1SYN880501R0015 n 366
32A 1 way DP switch with LED - CHSW321M 2M 10 1SYN880507R0001 n 617
32A 2 way DP switch with LED - CHSW322M 2M 10 1SYN880507R0002 569
Socket modules
Description Module size Qty/Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
6A, 2+3 pin socket + FLAT - CHSK0652 2M 15 1SYN880511R0001 n 270
16A, 3 pin socket - CHSK1633 3M 10 1SYN880510R0003 n 377
6/16A socket - CHSK1662 2M 15 1SYN880510R0002 n 374
20A socket - CHSK2062 2M 15 1SYN880510R0004 n 362
6/16A socket - CHSK1663 3M 10 1SYN880510R0001 n 337
25A, 3 pin socket - CHSK2533 3m 10 1SYN880510R0005 n 406
6A, 2 pin socket - CHSK0621 1m 20 1SYN880767R0001 n 226
13A Universal socket - CHSK13U2 2M 15 1SYN880557R0001 n 329
Support modules
Description Module size Qty/Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
Step fan regulator - CHSMSFR1 1M 20 1SYN880546R0001 n 577
Step fan regulator - CHSMSFR2 2M 10 1SYN880550R0001 n 754
Dimmer 100 W - CHSMD100 1M 20 1SYN880546R0002 520
Dimmer 400 W - CHSMD400 2M 10 1SYN880554R0001 836
Dimmer 650 W - CHSMD650 2M 10 1SYN880554R0002 1,007
Buzzer - CHSMBUZ1 1M 20 1SYN880546R0003 358
Buzzer - CHSMBUZ2 2M 10 1SYN880556R0001 382
Blank plate - CHSMBLNK 1M 40 1SYN880515R0001 n 44
TV co-axial socket - CHSMTVSK 1M 20 1SYN880530R0001 n 175
RJ11 Tel. jack 2 pin - CHSMRJ11 1M 20 1SYN880478R0001 n 173
RJ45 Jack cat 6 - CHSMRJ45 1M 20 1SYN880565R0001 n 786
Indicator - CHSMINDI 1M 20 1SYN880540R0001 340
Stock items
Stock items
Socket modules
Description Module size Qty/Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
6A 2+3 Pin Socket - 2 Module - CPWS2065 2 20 1SYN880690R0001 n 157
6/16A Socket - 2 Module - CPWS2166 2 10 1SYN880393R0001 n 219
20A Socket - CPWS2020 2 10 1SYN880394R0001 n 224
13A Intel Socket - 2 Module - CPWS213U 2 10 1SYN880381R0001 n 230
6/16A Socket - CPWS3166 3 5 1SYN880122R0001 n 230
25A 3 Pin Socket - CPWS3253 3 10 1SYN880138R0002 n 231
6A 2 Pin Socket - CPWS1062 1 20 1SYN880089R0001 n 148
Support modules
Description Module size Qty/Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
Fan Regulator - 1 Module - CPW1SFR4 1 20 1SYN880373R0001 340
Fan Regulator - CPW2SFR5 2 10 1SYN880284R0001 n 498
Dimmer 100W - 1 Module - CPW1D0400 1 20 1SYN880373R0011 n 413
Dimmer 400W - CPW2D0400 2 10 1SYN880400R0001 618
Dimmer 1000W - CPW1D1000 2 20 1SYN880500R0001 720
Blank Plate - CPW1BLNK 1 80 1SYN880182R0001 n 30
TV Socket - CPW1TVSK 1 20 1SYN880175R0001 n 108
RJ 11TEL 2 Pin - CPW1RJ11 1 20 1SYN880192R0001 n 102
RJ 45 Jack CAT 6 - CPW1RJ45 1 20 1SYN880201R0001 n 495
Flex Outlet - CPW1FLEX 1 20 1SYN880165R0001 126
Foot Lamp Grid - CPW4FLGD 4 10 1SYN880671R0001 232
Buzzer - CPW2BZR 2 10 1SYN880490R0001 234
Indicator - CPW1IND 1 20 1SYN880412R0004 220
Stock items
Surface box
Description Module size Qty/Pack Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
Surface box 1-2M- SNBW3302 1SYN880351R0001 98
Surface box 3M- SNBW4303 1SYN880352R0001 130
Surface box 6-8M- SNBW8308 1SYN880354R0001 190
Stock items
3P + N + E
> 50 V~ > 50 V~
100...300 Hz >300...500 Hz
> 50 V~ > 50 V~
100...300 Hz >300...500 Hz
> 50 V~ 3P + E
> 50 V~
100...300 Hz >300...500 Hz
220/380 V~,
120/208... 380 V~, 50 Hz 50 Hz
200...250 V~ 380...415 V~
144/250 V~ 440 V~, 60 Hz 250/440 V~,
50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz
50 and 60 Hz 60 Hz
100...130 V~
50 and 60 Hz
100...130 V~
1000 V~
for 63 and 125 A 50 and 60 Hz 57/100...
480...500 V~
50 and 60 Hz 75/130 V~ 2P + E
200...250 V~ 50 and 60 Hz
50 and 60 Hz
480...500 V~ 600...690 V~
50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz
380...415 V~
50 and 60 Hz
277/480..288/500 V~ 347/600...400/690 V~
50 and 60Hz 50 and 60 Hz
200/346...240/415 V~
50 and 60 Hz
Terminals / IP Color Current
Voltage Type Order code LP (`)
Pole Protection code rating (A)
Blue 200...250 16 216-C6-I 2CMA100206R1000 670
IP44 Blue 200...250 32 232-C6-I 2CMA100208R1000 815
Blue 200...250 63 263C6 2CMA166840R1000 3,385
3 (2P+E) Blue 200...250 16 216C6W 2CMA166538R1000 1,630
Blue 200...250 32 232C6W 2CMA166584R1000 2,080
IP44 (2P+E) IP67
Blue 200...250 63 263C6W 2CMA166874R1000 4,555
Blue 200...250 125 2125C6W 2CMA166918R1000 11,670
Red 380...415 16 316-C6 2CMA193523R1000 760
IP44 Red 380...415 32 332-C6 2CMA193529R1000 1,065
Red 380...415 63 363C6 2CMA166850R1000 3,500
4 (3P+E) Red 380...415 16 316C6W 2CMA166554R1000 1,940
Red 380...415 32 332C6W 2CMA166604R1000 2,240
IP67 (3P+E) IP67
Red 380...415 63 363C6W 2CMA166894R1000 5,200
Red 380...415 125 3125C6W 2CMA166924R1000 13,500
Red 346...415 16 416-C6-I 2CMA100207R1000 790
IP44 Red 346...415 32 432-C6-I 2CMA100209R1000 1,100
Red 346...415 63 463C6 2CMA166862R1000 3,680
5 (3P+N+E) Red 346...415 16 416C6W 2CMA166572R1000 2,000
Red 346...415 32 432C6W 2CMA166618R1000 2,575
IP67 (3P+N+E)
Red 346...415 63 463C6W 2CMA166906R1000 5,360
Red 346...415 125 4125C6W 2CMA166936R1000 14,590
Wiring accessories
63A IP44
IP44 232RAU6-I
363RAU6 2CMA100220R1000
2CMA167418R1000 780
63A IP44 263RAU6 2CMA167408R1000 2900
Type A B C C1 D E
216RP...W...416RP...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
232RP...W...432RP...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
Electrification products
Installation products
ABB’s broad offering of cable ties is designed to make the Spec-Kon® general purpose cable ties
task of fastening, bundling, clamping and managing wires The right cable tie for the right application Characteristics A
easier and quicker for industrial applications, construction, complete range of cable ties for indoor and outdoor Available
communications, utility and OEM professionals as well as home in two different packaging quantities Available in different
improvement specialists and do-it-yourself enthusiasts. When lengths and tensile strengths Technical Information Material:
strength, aesthetics, reliability and performance are required, Polyamide 6.6; Halogen-free, Silicone-free Temperature range:
knowledgeable professionals turn to the original and the best -40°C to +85°C Colour: Natural and black (Type code with ‘X’ is
source for cable ties and accessories. The corrosion-proof, black colour and UV resistant) Flammability rating: UL 94 V-2
non-magnetic stainless steel locking device inside the tie
head guarantees the strongest and most durable locking you
will ever find on the market. Ty-Rap® can be used in the most
adverse conditions: humidity, heat, cold,… Engineered for
labour savings and high performance, Ty-Rap® cable ties are
commonly used in a variety of applications. When you choose
a Ty-Rap® cable tie, you can count on quality, performance and
innovation to make your work easier.
Solderless compression connectors for power cables
The better method to install solderless compression connectors on power cables. Designed to provide a tight degree of reliability in
electrical wiring, this method allows electrical workers to make installations with little effort and considerable savings in time.
A simple installation method in just three steps: Color-Keyed®: special lugs for special applications
l First, the appropriate connector is chosen for the conductor ABB can solve your difficult wire bending and terminating
size problems in power distribution panels, switchgear and motor
l Next, the proper installing die is selected by matching the control enclosures.
die colour to the connector colour l In addition to straight lugs, 45° and 90° angle lugs let you run
l Last, the die is installed in the tool, and the connector is the cable directly to a bus bar with no bending.
compressed l One hole or two-hole configurations.
l Cross-sections from 10-400mm²
l All lugs meet the stringent requirements of IEC61238-1 Class A
Color-Keyed® Electro-tin plated copper lug to deliver a high-level of performance and safety.
The installation and verification of lightning protection systems using one or
more OPR units must be performed in accordance with the manufacturer‘s
recommendations and to the NF C 17‑102 standard.
OPR radius of protection
Protection level I (r = 20 m) II (r = 30 m) III (r = 45 m) IV (r = 60 m)
OPR OPR 30 OPR 45 OPR 60 OPR 30 OPR 45 OPR 60 OPR 30 OPR 45 OPR 60 OPR 30 OPR 45 OPR 60
h (m) Radius of protection Rp (m)
2 19 25 31 22 28 35 25 32 39 28 36 43
3 29 38 47 33 42 52 38 48 58 43 57 64
4 38 51 63 44 57 69 51 65 78 57 72 85
5 48 63 79 55 71 86 63 81 97 71 89 107
6 48 63 79 55 71 87 64 81 97 72 90 107
8 49 64 79 56 72 87 65 82 98 73 91 108
10 49 64 79 57 72 88 66 83 99 75 92 109
15 50 65 80 58 73 89 69 85 101 78 95 111
20 50 65 80 59 74 89 71 86 102 81 97 113
45 43 65 76 58 75 89 75 90 105 89 104 119
50 40 65 74 57 75 88 75 90 105 89 104 120
55 36 65 72 55 75 86 74 90 105 90 105 120
60 30 65 69 52 75 85 73 90 104 90 105 120
Type Code Description Length (m) Weight (kg) Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
LS COUNTER Lightning stroke counter - 0.56 2CTH0CCF2004 41,500
MAST 2M30 Mounting Mast, 2m, 30mm dia 2 4.4 H00003002L 7,650
MAST 3M Mounting Mast, 3m with guywire and base plate 3 6.5 H00003003LGB 15,150
CM015 Bentonite Moisture retainer - Powder - 25 - Uppon enquiry
CM020 Bentonite Moisture retainer - Granules - 25 - Uppon enquiry
CM025 FurseCEM conductive aggregate - 25 - Uppon enquiry
RB ∆ o Copperbond earth rod - - - Uppon enquiry
CR ∆ o Rod to tape clamp - - - Uppon enquiry
PT205 Light weight inspection pit with grey polymer lid - - - Uppon enquiry
Lightning rod head
SDB - Sub Distribution Board
SDB ABB Type 2
Surge protective device
OVR T2 1N 40 275 P
OVR T2 3N 40 275 P
OPR ESE air terminal QS
Inspection pits
SDB - Sub Distribution Board PT309-FU Lightweight inspection pit with black (unbranded) polymer lid 5000 1.80
SDB ABB Type 2 PT110* Lightweight inspection pit with concrete lid 1200 7.50
Auto protected surge protective device
Earth bar for lightweight inspection pit
OVR Plus N1 40 or OVR Plus N3 40 PT004 5 hole earth bar 0.40
Accessories for polymer lid
AK005 6 mm Allen key 0.03
Accessories for concrete lid
12163 BS 6004 BS EN 13602 Standards
BS EN 60228 JH100 M8 x 100 mm long mild steel ‘J’ bolt lifting hook 0.04
243 Electrification products Price list AS100 M8 x 60 stainless steel Allen caphead screw (2 per lid) 0.03
IEC/BS EN 62561-5
– Manufactured from high-performance, UV stable and chemically resistant polymer with either polymer or concrete lid to suit the application
External lightning protection
Furse - Earthing and lightning protection
Furse provides world leading earthing, lightning and electronic Compliance, now & in the future
systems protection from our own designed and manufactured Furse designs comply with all recognised standards - national
products through to risk assessment and systems design and international. Our engineers actively contribute to national
advice. and harmonised European / international standards, ensuring
Our renowned Furse range of earthing & lightning protection we remain at the forefront of new developments.
design services provide a unique total solution. l BS EN/IEC 62305 protection against lightning
Expertise l NFPA 780 Standard for the installation of lightning
Specialist advice from our fully qualified technical engineers protection systems
- focusing on your earthing & lightning protection issues and l IEEE Std 80:2000 IEEE guide for safety in
concerns. AC substation grounding
Experience l ENA TS 41-24 guidelines for the design, installation, testing &
Experience to provide the optimum design - one that doesn’t maintenance of main earthing systems in substations
use more material than is necessary, saving you money. l BS EN 50522:2010 - earthing of power installations exceeding
Knowledge 1.k Vac
Our knowledge of the latest products ensures a tailored design l IS/IEC 62305 - protection against lightning
that can be installed using the most appropriate and up-to-date
The Emergi-Lite concept is clear and simple. Emergi-Lite offers you reliable total solutions for safe evacuation.
The way in which we do this is what makes the difference. Emergi-Lite offers advantages to everybody involved in
the construction process. That way, you know that Emergi-Lite is always the right choice, for both you and your
Impulse Withstand Open-Gap (kV BIL) 110 110 110 110 110 110 200 200 200 200 200 200
Impulse Withstand Line-to-Ground (kV BIL) 150 150 150 150 150 150 200 200 200 200 200 200
Maximum 60 Cycle Withstand Line-to-Ground Dry (One Minute) (kV) 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112
Power grid - HV
Capacitors and filter modules
CLMD 33 – Slim design capacitors for panel mounting 415 Volts, 3 Phase 50 Hz
Voltage Description Rating in kvar Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
CLMD 33C 10 1HYC414000-065 7,200
CLMD 33C 12.5 1HYC414000-088 6,900
415 V
CLMD 33C 15 1HYC414000-097 6,950
CLMD 33 25 1HYC414000-053 12,600
7% Aluminium reactor
Type BUS Effective KVAR Cap voltage Cap output Reactor M.R.P. (`)
voltage at Bus voltage (Volts) (KVAR) current
rating (Amps)
5 525 6.6 7.28 6,600
10 525 13.2 14.56 11,300
15 525 20 21.84 15,900
20 525 26.5 30.4 19,700
BOX 440V
25 525 33.1 36.4 23,600
50 525 66.2 72.8 41,920
75 525 99.3 109.2 60,230
100 525 132.4 145.6 77,900
7% Copper reactor
5 525 6.6 7.28 9,990
10 525 13.2 14.56 14,200
15 525 20 21.84 18,800
20 525 26.5 30.4 22,900
BOX 440V
25 525 33.1 36.4 27,100
50 525 66.2 72.8 48,400
75 525 99.3 109.2 71,200
100 525 132.4 145.6 94,180
7% Aluminium reactor
Type BUS Effective KVAR Cap voltage Cap output Reactor current M.R.P. (`)
voltage at Bus voltage (Volts) (kvar) rating (Amps)
5 525 6.6 13.01 7,200
10 525 15 14.56 12,710
15 525 20 21.84 16,180
20 525 25 30.4 19,210
Cylindrical 440V
25 525 33.1 36.4 23,820
50 525 66.2 72.8 42,450
75 525 99.3 109.2 61,150
100 525 132.4 145.6 78820
7% Copper reactor
5 525 6.6 13.01 10,200
10 525 15 14.56 15,600
15 525 20 21.84 18,900
20 525 25 30.4 22,400
Cylindrical 440V 25 525 33.1 36.4 27,300
50 525 66.2 72.8 48,900
75 525 99.3 109.2 71,950
100 525 132.4 145.6 94,950
RVC relay
Type Ordering code No of steps M.R.P. (`)
RVC 6 ( 100 - 440V ) 1HYC418006-014 6 18,000
RVC 8 ( 100 - 440V ) 1HYC418006-015 8 24,500
RVC 10 ( 100 - 440V ) 1HYC418006-016 10 26,800
RVC 12 ( 100 - 440V ) 1HYC418006-017 12 28,650
RVT relay
Type No of steps Ordering code M.R.P. (`)
RVT 6 2GCA291720A0050 6 71,500
RVT 12 2GCA291721A0050 12 94,900
RVT 6 with Modbus Adapter Kit 1HYC418006-049 6 97,950
RVT 12 with Modbus Adapter Kit 1HYC418006-048 12 1,10,000
RVT 12 3Phase 2GCA291722A0050 12 99,900
ABB offers innovative technology for complete ABB solutions include application engineering, testing
protection of your distribution systems. With a & commissioning, after sales service, troubleshooting
wide range of products and systems based on and training. The products manufactured are approved
electromechanical, static and numerical micro- by leading consultants in the electrical engineering
processor based platforms, ABB offers complete field and are widely used by major utilities, industries
protection solutions for utility and industry power and OEMs.
distribution networks for improved performance,
reliability and safety.
239 Section I:
Auxiliary relays, tripping relays and timers
a) Price indicated in the price list are Ex-works, Maneja, Vadodara, h) The price List is subject to “ABB General Terms and Conditions” of
Gujarat, India, inclusive of packing and forwarding. Freight & sale. The prices are subject to revision without prior notice.
insurance charges are extra as applicable. The prices are exclusive i) ABB reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the
of GST or any other taxes/duties which shall be charged at the rate contents of this document without prior notice.
prevailing at the time of supply.
j) ABB assumes no responsibility for any potential errors or possible lack
b) Refer standard delivery time document from factory for PO total of information in this document.
lot quantity. New delivery times shall be communicated, if PO total
quantity exceeds lot sizes. The delivery times indicated are Ex-works k) Visit “”
and excluding transportation time. for catalogues.
c) We may also be able to offer priority deliveries. Check with your local l) All postal/couriers should be addressed to :
ABB office. ABB India Limited
Distribution Automation
d) You can check delivery time from factory @ https://abb.sharepoint. Maneja Works, Vadodara-390 013
com/sites/MVP-EXT/Delivery_time_info/SitePages/Vadodara.aspx Gujarat, India
e) Delivery time quoted are applicable from the date of receipt of a m) All e-mails related to marketing & sales queries should be sent to :
technically and commercially clear order.
f) Prices “upon request” for numerical relays shall be provided as per
the configuration requirement. Contact with your local ABB office.
g) Combiflex accessories like sockets, crimping tool etc. need to be
ordered separately for all the combiflex mounted electromechanical
relays. Check with your local ABB office for necessary price offers.
Auxiliary relays
Single element auxiliary Contact
Flush 2NO+0NC/
CV2DJ relay, self reset contacts 24/30/48/110/220/250 V DC multiplication, 1,950
mounting 1NO+1NC
with operation indicator signalling
Single element auxiliary Contact
Flush 2NO+0NC/
CV2AJ relay, self reset contacts 110/240 V AC multiplication, 2,380
mounting 1NO+1NC
with operation indicator signalling
Two element auxiliary 4NO+0NC/ Contact
CV2D2J relay, self reset contacts 24/30/48/110/220/250 V DC 2NO+2NC/ multiplication, 2,700
with operation indicator 3NO+1NC signalling
Two element auxiliary 4NO+0NC/ Contact
CV2A2J relay, self reset contacts 110/240 V AC 2NO+2NC/ multiplication, 3,130
with operation indicator 3NO+1NC signalling
7NO+0NC/ Contact
Single element auxiliary
24/30/48/110/125//220/250 Flush 6NO+1NC/ multiplication,
P8nCH2J relay, self reset contacts 3,610
V DC mounting 5NO+2NC/ signalling and
with operation indicator
4NO+3NC tripping
Single element auxiliary 7NO+0NC/ Contact
relay, self reset contacts Flush 6NO+1NC/ multiplication,
P8nCH2J 110/240 V AC 4,040
without operation mounting 5NO+2NC/ signalling and
indicator 4NO+3NC tripping
Single element auxiliary 7NO+0NC/ Contact
relay, self reset contacts 24/30/48/110/125//220/250 6NO+1NC/ multiplication,
P8nAHX in base 3,990
without operation V DC 5NO+2NC/ signalling and
indicator 4NO+3NC tripping
Single element auxiliary 7NO+0NC/ Contact
relay, self reset contacts Combiflex 6NO+1NC/ multiplication,
RXP8n 24/30/48/110/220/250 V DC 3,270
without operation mounting* 5NO+2NC/ signalling and
indicator 4NO+3NC tripping
Supervision relays
No volt relay with reverse Flush 6NO+1NC/ DC supply
PN8nCH2J 24/30/48/110/220 V DC 3,590
flag, self reset contacts mounting 5NO+2NC/ supervision
No volt relay with reverse Flush 6NO+1NC/ AC supply
PN8nCH2J 110/240 V AC 3,910
flag, self reset contacts mounting 5NO+2NC/ supervision
*Combiflex accessories need to be ordered separately. Check with your local ABB office.
*Combiflex accessories need to be ordered seperately. Check with your local ABB office.
Electrification products
Others details
MS132/MS165 SD-NS-IE3
Co-ordination type: IEC Type 2
SCPD type: MMS rated voltage : 400/415 V
Short circuit current: 50 kA starting type : SD-NS
Overload relay: Embedded frequency : 50-60 Hz
Rated power Rated current Instantaneous tripping current Current setting range
[kW] [A] Type [A] [A] Line Delta Star
0.06 0.20 MS132-0,25 3.13 0.16 - 0.25 A9 A9 A9
0.09 0.30 MS132-0,40 5.0 0.25 - 0.40 A9 A9 A9
0.12 0.44 MS132-0,63 7.88 0.40 - 0.63 A9 A9 A9
0.18 0.60 MS132-0.63 7.88 0.40 - 0.63 A9 A9 A9
0.25 0.85 MS132-1,00 12.5 0.63 - 1.00 A9 A9 A9
0.37 1.10 MS132-1,60 20.0 1.00 - 1.60 A9 A9 A9
0.55 1.50 MS132-1,60 20.0 1.00 - 1.60 A9 A9 A9
0.75 1.90 MS132-2,50 31.25 1.60 - 2.50 A9 A9 A9
1.1 2.70 MS132-4,00 50 2.50 - 4.00 A26 A26 A26
1.5 3.60 MS132-4,00 50 2.50 - 4.00 A26 A26 A26
2.2 4.90 MS132-6,30 78.75 4.00 - 6.30 A26 A26 A26
3.0 6.5 MS132-10.00 150 6.30-10.00 A26 A26 A26
4.0 8.5 MS132-10.00 150 6.30-10.00 A26 A26 A26
5.5 11.5 MS132-16.00 240 10.00-16.00 A26 A26 A26
7.5 18.5 MS132-20.00 300 16.00-20.00 A30 A26 A26
11.0 22.0 MS132- 25.00 375 20.00-25.00 A30 A26 A26
15.0 29.0 MS132- 32.00 480 25.00-32.00 A30 A26 A26
15.0 29.0 MS165 -32.00 480 23.00-32.00 A40 A40 A40
18.5 35.0 MS165 -42.00 630 30.00-42.00 A40 A40 A40
22.0 41.0 MS165 -54.00 810 40.00-54.00 A50 A40 A40
25.0 46.6 MS165 -54.00 810 40.00-54.00 A63 A40 A40
30.0 55.0 MS165 -65.00 975 52.00-65.00 A63 A40 A40
Low voltage products division delivers a vast range of services to cover the whole product lifecycle. The services
offered by ABB's low voltage products and systems span the entire value chain, from the moment a customer
makes the first enquiry to disposal and recycling of the product. Throughout the value chain, ABB provides training,
technical support and customized contracts. All of this is supported by one of the most extensive country sales and
service network.
Technical support
Installation and commissioning site can find it convenient to have certain maintenance
ABB provides comprehensive installation and capabilities available within his own team.
commissioning services to achieve a problem-free The courses mainly cover:
start up, by following installation and commissioning l Operating equipment
procedures. The use of service personnel from ABB LP l Maintenance principles
service ensures that the switchgear is installed in a l Repairs for small faults
safe and correct way.
Technical support
Operation and maintenance At each stage of the value chain, an ABB expert is
ABB can guide the customer through a fast and efficient available to offer advice to keep the customer's process
fault finding procedure as well as analyze the operation or plant operational.
of the product and the customer's process. From site
surveys to preventive, predictive maintenance and Spare parts
reconditioning, ABB has all the options covered to Availability of original spare parts is essential for fast
keep its customers' processes operational. and efficient maintenance activities. This becomes even
more critical when the product was produced some
Upgrade and retrofits years ago and has components in it which are no longer
Upgrades in production.
An existing ABB product can often be upgraded ABB LP service is the only one able to supply original and
to the latest software or hardware to improve the guaranteed spare parts. These can be easily selected
performance of the application. Existing processes can and ordered through the authorized channel.
be economically modernized by upgrading with the
latest technology. Maintenance contracts
In addition to the corrective maintenance of a faulty
Retrofits unit, which includes any type of emergency intervention,
Replacing old LV Switchgear of any make with ABBʼs there is a complete preventive maintenance service
latest versions can be done using the ABB special package, ensuring those who manage the plant gain
conversion kits which enable quick installation without considerable advantages in terms of reliability, safety
structural modifications to the original compartment. and reduction of costs. Also customized contracts can
In addition complete “turnkey” solutions are available. be devised between the customer and ABB. Depending
Specific conversion kits have been developed in order on the severity of the intervention needed, it can often
to replace old components with new ones that can be be done on-site by our skilled and experienced engineers
found in the latest switchgears. and is a faster way of resolution.
ABB LP service has an effective service network
Replacement and Recycling across the country and dedicated service workshops.
ABB can advise on the best replacement products while For all your service requirements , contact our nearest
ensuring that the existing products are disposed of in a Sales office.
way that meets all local regulations.
Benefits of maintenance contracts
Entire value chain services
The main services available throughout the entire value Direct costs of
chain include: Indirect costs of
Optimum conditions
plant shut-down
LV capacitor factory:
Plot No. 485/6, 14th Cross, IV Phase,
Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore - 560 058
Karnataka, India
Maneja Works, Maneja,
Vadodara - 390 013
Gujarat, India
Tollfree No: 1800-4200-707
Any claim regarding the supply, machinery, plant or 4a. Wiring accessories: 10 years of warranty.
components not compliant with the specifications or the The company at its discretion will repair or replace
contractual documentation must be raised in writing, products if they have any manufacturing defect
within a maximum term of 8 days from delivery, when within 10 years from date of purchases for switches
the time limit for action expires. In the case of systems, (without LED Lamp) and power sockets. For other
this term is 60 days from execution of the disputed ABB wiring accessories, the warranty will be for
service when the time limit for action expires. 2 years. ABB mounting boxes are not covered under
warranty. Warranty for all the products will not be
In the case of latent defects, the terms indicated above valid: If devices are not used with original
run from the date of discovery. Once the warranty ABB mounting boxes. If devices are altered,
period has expired claims are not accepted,even for dismantled, rectified or tampered. Warranty states
latent defect. Where the claim is timely and justified, company’s entire liability. This does not extend to
ABB's obligation is limited to replacement of the goods cover consequential losses or damage or installation
found not in compliance or repetition of execution of cost arising from defective products. Since product
the non-compliant service, excluding all rights to the improvement is a continuous process, the data
Customer to seek termination of the contract and/or furnished in this brochure may undergo revision.
compensation of damages. For the latest information, you may contact our
nearest sales office.
With reference to the provision of spare parts, 4b. Plug & sockets: The warranty period is 12 months
ABB reserves the right to provide materials either from the date of commissioning or 18 months from
from the original supplier or from equivalent supplier. the date of ABB's invoice, whichever is earlier.
5. LV capacitor: The warranty is 12 months from the
Warranty period: date of commissioning or 18 months from the date
1. Breakers & switches: The warranty period is of ABB’s invoice, whichever is earlier.
12 months from the date of commissioning or
18 months from the date of ABB's invoice, Liability clause:
whichever is earlier. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any
2. Control products: The warranty period is 12 months consequential loss, injury or damages attributable to
from the date of commissioning or 18 months from defect or failure of its products.
the date of ABB's invoice, whichever is earlier.
3. Enclosures & Din Rail components: The warranty
period is 5 years from the date of ABB's invoice if
the components are used in ABB's enclosure.
If non- ABB enclosure is used, Warranty period is 12
months from the date of commissioning or
18 months from the date of ABB's invoice,
whichever is earlier.