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Comptia Pentest Exam Objectives (2 0)

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CompTIA PenTest+

Exam Objectives
About the Exam
The CompTIA PenTest+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to:

• Plan and scope an assessment

• Understand legal and compliance requirements

• Perform vulnerability scanning and penetration testing using appropriate tools and techniques

• Analyze the results

In addition, the candidate will be able to:

• Produce a written report containing proposed remediation techniques

• Effectively communicate results to management

• Provide practical recommendations

CompTIA exams result from subject-matter expert workshops and industry-wide survey
results regarding the skills and knowledge required of a professional. 


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CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

Required exam PT0-001
Number of questions Maximum of 80
Type of questions Multiple choice and performance-based
Length of test 165 minutes
Recommended experience 3 to 4 years of hands-on experience performing
penetration tests, vulnerability assessments,
and vulnerability management
Passing score 750 (on a scale of 100-900)


The table below lists the domains measured by this examination
and the extent to which they are represented.


1.0 Planning and Scoping 15%

2.0 Information Gathering and
Vulnerability Identification 22%
3.0 Attacks and Exploits 30%
4.0 Penetration Testing Tools 17%
5.0 Reporting and Communication 16%
Total 100%

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

1.0 Planning and Scoping
1.1 Explain the importance of planning for an engagement.
• Understanding the target audience • Impact analysis and • Support resources
• Rules of engagement remediation timelines - WSDL/WADL
• Communication escalation path • Disclaimers - SOAP project file
• Resources and requirements - Point-in-time assessment - SDK documentation
- Confidentiality of findings - Comprehensiveness - Swagger document
- Known vs. unknown • Technical constraints - XSD
• Budget - Sample application requests
- Architectural diagrams

1.2 Explain key legal concepts.

• Contracts • Environmental differences • Written authorization
- SOW - Export restrictions - Obtain signature from
- MSA - Local and national proper signing authority
- NDA government restrictions - Third-party provider
- Corporate policies authorization when necessary

1.3 Explain the importance of scoping an engagement properly.

• Types of assessment - Users • Scheduling
- Goals-based/objectives-based - SSIDs • Scope creep
- Compliance-based - Applications • Threat actors
- Red team - Considerations - Adversary tier
• Special scoping considerations - White-listed vs. black-listed - APT
- Premerger - Security exceptions - Script kiddies
- Supply chain - IPS/WAF whitelist - Hacktivist
• Target selection - NAC - Insider threat
- Targets - Certificate pinning - Capabilities
- Internal - Company’s policies - Intent
- On-site vs. off-site • Strategy - Threat models
- External - Black box vs. white box vs. gray box
- First-party vs. third-party hosted • Risk acceptance
- Physical • Tolerance to impact

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

1.0 Planning and Scoping

1.4 Explain the key aspects of compliance-based assessments.

• Compliance-based assessments, - Limitations
limitations and caveats - Limited network access
- Rules to complete assessment - Limited storage access
- Password policies • Clearly defined objectives
- Data isolation based on regulations
- Key management

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

2.0 Information Gathering and
Vulnerability Identification
2.1 Given a scenario, conduct information gathering
using appropriate techniques.
• Scanning - Social networking sites • Debugging
• Enumeration • Packet crafting • Open Source Intelligence Gathering
- Hosts • Packet inspection - Sources of research
- Networks • Fingerprinting - CERT
- Domains • Cryptography - NIST
- Users - Certificate inspection - JPCERT
- Groups • Eavesdropping - CAPEC
- Network shares - RF communication monitoring - Full disclosure
- Web pages - Sniffing - CVE
- Applications - Wired - CWE
- Services - Wireless
- Tokens • Decompilation

2.2 Given a scenario, perform a vulnerability scan.

• Credentialed vs. non-credentialed • Container security - Network topology
• Types of scans • Application scan - Bandwidth limitations
- Discovery scan - Dynamic vs. static analysis - Query throttling
- Full scan • Considerations of vulnerability scanning - Fragile systems/non-traditional assets
- Stealth scan - Time to run scans
- Compliance scan - Protocols used

2.3 Given a scenario, analyze vulnerability scan results.

• Asset categorization • Common themes
• Adjudication - Vulnerabilities
- False positives - Observations
• Prioritization of vulnerabilities - Lack of best practices

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

2.0 Information Gathering and Vulnerability Identification

2.4 Explain the process of leveraging information

to prepare for exploitation.
• Map vulnerabilities to potential exploits - Exploit modification - Dictionary attacks
• Prioritize activities in preparation - Exploit chaining - Rainbow tables
for penetration test - Proof-of-concept development - Deception
• Describe common techniques (exploit development)
to complete attack - Social engineering
- Cross-compiling code - Credential brute forcing

2.5 Explain weaknesses related to specialized systems.

• ICS • Point-of-sale system
• SCADA • Biometrics
• Mobile • Application containers
• IoT • RTOS
• Embedded

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

3.0 Attacks and Exploits
3.1 Compare and contrast social engineering attacks.
• Phishing • Elicitation • Motivation techniques
- Spear phishing - Business email compromise - Authority
- SMS phishing • Interrogation - Scarcity
- Voice phishing • Impersonation - Social proof
- Whaling • Shoulder surfing - Urgency
• USB key drop - Likeness
- Fear

3.2 Given a scenario, exploit network-based vulnerabilities.

• Name resolution exploits • Man-in-the-middle
- NETBIOS name service - ARP spoofing
- LLMNR - Replay
• SMB exploits - Relay
• SNMP exploits - SSL stripping
• SMTP exploits - Downgrade
• FTP exploits • DoS/stress test
• DNS cache poisoning • NAC bypass
• Pass the hash • VLAN hopping

3.3 Given a scenario, exploit wireless and RF-based vulnerabilities.

• Evil twin • Bluesnarfing
- Karma attack • RFID cloning
- Downgrade attack • Jamming
• Deauthentication attacks • Repeating
• Fragmentation attacks
• Credential harvesting
• WPS implementation weakness
• Bluejacking

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

3.0 Attacks and Exploits

3.4 Given a scenario, exploit application-based vulnerabilities.

• Injections - Insecure direct object reference • Unsecure code practices
- SQL • Cross-site scripting (XSS) - Comments in source code
- HTML - Stored/persistent - Lack of error handling
- Command - Reflected - Overly verbose error handling
- Code - DOM - Hard-coded credentials
• Authentication • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF/XSRF) - Race conditions
- Credential brute forcing • Clickjacking - Unauthorized use of
- Session hijacking • Security misconfiguration functions/unprotected APIs
- Redirect - Directory traversal - Hidden elements
- Default credentials - Cookie manipulation - Sensitive information in the DOM
- Weak credentials • File inclusion - Lack of code signing
- Kerberos exploits - Local
• Authorization - Remote
- Parameter pollution

3.5 Given a scenario, exploit local host vulnerabilities.

• OS vulnerabilities - Cpassword • Default account settings
- Windows - Clear text credentials in LDAP • Sandbox escape
- Mac OS - Kerberoasting - Shell upgrade
- Linux - Credentials in LSASS - VM
- Android - Unattended installation - Container
- iOS - SAM database • Physical device security
• Unsecure service and - DLL hijacking - Cold boot attack
protocol configurations - Exploitable services - JTAG debug
• Privilege escalation - Unquoted service paths - Serial console
- Linux-specific - Writable services
- SUID/SGID programs - Unsecure file/folder permissions
- Unsecure SUDO - Keylogger
- Ret2libc - Scheduled tasks
- Sticky bits - Kernel exploits
- Windows-specific

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

3.0 Attacks and Exploits

3.6 Summarize physical security attacks related to facilities.

• Piggybacking/tailgating • Lock bypass
• Fence jumping • Egress sensor
• Dumpster diving • Badge cloning
• Lock picking

3.7 Given a scenario, perform post-exploitation techniques.

• Lateral movement • Persistence
- RPC/DCOM - Scheduled jobs
- PsExec - Scheduled tasks
- WMI - Daemons
- Scheduled tasks - Back doors
- PS remoting/WinRM - Trojan
- SMB - New user creation
- RDP • Covering your tracks
- Apple Remote Desktop
- X-server forwarding
- Telnet
- RSH/Rlogin

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

4.0 Penetration Testing Tools
4.1 Given a scenario, use Nmap to conduct information gathering exercises.
• SYN scan (-sS) vs. full connect scan (-sT) • Disabling ping (-Pn) • Output parameters
• Port selection (-p) • Target input file (-iL) -oA
• Service identification (-sV) • Timing (-T) -oN
• OS fingerprinting (-O) -oG

4.2 Compare and contrast various use cases of tools.

(**The intent of this objective is NOT to test specific vendor feature sets.)

• Use cases - Cain and Abel - WiFite

- Reconnaissance - Mimikatz - Web proxies
- Enumeration - Patator - OWASP ZAP
- Vulnerability scanning - Dirbuster - Burp Suite
- Credential attacks - W3AF - Social engineering tools
- Offline password cracking - Debuggers - SET
- Brute-forcing services - OLLYDBG - BeEF
- Persistence - Immunity debugger - Remote access tools
- Configuration compliance - GDB - SSH
- Evasion - WinDBG - NCAT
- Decompilation - IDA - NETCAT
- Forensics - Software assurance - Proxychains
- Debugging - Findbugs/findsecbugs - Networking tools
- Software assurance - Peach - Wireshark
- Fuzzing - AFL - Hping
- SAST - SonarQube - Mobile tools
- DAST - YASCA - Drozer
• Tools - OSINT - APKX
- Scanners - Whois - APK studio
- Nikto - Nslookup - MISC
- OpenVAS - Foca - Searchsploit
- SQLmap - Theharvester - Powersploit
- Nessus - Shodan - Responder
- Credential testing tools - Maltego - Impacket
- Hashcat - Recon-NG - Empire
- Medusa - Censys - Metasploit framework
- Hydra - Wireless
- Cewl - Aircrack-NG
- John the Ripper - Kismet

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

4.0 Penetration Testing Tools

4.3 Given a scenario, analyze tool output or

data related to a penetration test.
• Password cracking • Proxying a connection
• Pass the hash • Uploading a web shell
• Setting up a bind shell • Injections
• Getting a reverse shell

4.4 Given a scenario, analyze a basic script

(limited to Bash, Python, Ruby, and PowerShell).
• Logic • Common operations
- Looping - String operations
- Flow control - Comparisons
• I/O • Error handling
- File vs. terminal vs. network • Arrays
• Substitutions • Encoding/decoding
• Variables

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

5.0 Reporting and Communication
5.1 Given a scenario, use report writing and handling best practices.
• Normalization of data - Metrics and measures
• Written report of findings - Risk rating
and remediation - Conclusion
- Executive summary • Risk appetite
- Methodology • Storage time for report
- Findings and remediation • Secure handling and
disposition of reports

5.2 Explain post-report delivery activities.

• Post-engagement cleanup • Client acceptance
- Removing shells • Lessons learned
- Removing tester-created credentials • Follow-up actions/retest
- Removing tools • Attestation of findings

5.3 Given a scenario, recommend mitigation

strategies for discovered vulnerabilities.
• Solutions • Findings • Remediation
- People - Shared local administrator credentials - Randomize credentials/LAPS
- Process - Weak password complexity - Minimum password
- Technology - Plain text passwords requirements/password filters
- No multifactor authentication - Encrypt the passwords
- SQL injection - Implement multifactor authentication
- Unnecessary open services -S anitize user input/parameterize queries
- System hardening

5.4 Explain the importance of communication

during the penetration testing process.
• Communication path - Indicators of prior compromise - De-confliction
• Communication triggers • Reasons for communication • Goal reprioritization
- Critical findings - Situational awareness
- Stages - De-escalation

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

CompTIA PenTest+ Acronyms
The following is a list of acronyms that appear on the CompTIA PenTest+ exam.
Candidates are encouraged to review the complete list and attain a working knowledge
of all listed acronyms as part of a comprehensive exam preparation program.


ACL Access Control List I/O Input/Output
ADFS Active Directory Federation Services ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
AP Access Point ICS Industrial Control Systems
API Application Programming Interface IDOR Indirect Object Reference
APNS Apple Push Notification Service IoT Internet of Things
APT Advanced Persistent Threat IPS Intrusion Prevention System
ASLR Address Space Layout Randomization IV Initialization Vector
BPA Business Partnership Agreement JPCERT Japan Computer Emergency Response Team
CA Certificate Authority JTAG Joint Test Action Group
CAPEC Common Attack Patterns LAPS Local Administrator Password Solution
Enumeration Classification LFI Local File Inclusion
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team LLMNR Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution
CGI Common Gateway Interface LSASS Local Security Authority Subsystem Service
CIFS Common Internet File System MDM Mobile Device Management
CIRT Computer Incident Response Team MFA Multifactor Authentication
CORS Cross-Origin Request Scripting MITM Man-in-the-Middle
COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf MSA Master Service Agreement
CRL Certificate Revocation List NAC Network Access Control
CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery NBNS Net Bios Name Service
CVE Common Vulnerabilities Exposures NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement
CVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System NFC Near-Field Communication
CWE Common Weakness Enumeration NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
DAST Dynamic Application Security Testing NOP No Operation
DCOM Distributed Component Object Model NSE Network Service Engine
DFD Data Flow Diagram OS Operating System
DLL Dynamic Link Library OSINT Open Source Intelligence
DNS Domain Name Service OWASP Open Web Application Security Project
DOM Document Object Model PII Personally Identifiable Information
DoS Denial of Service POS Point of Sale
DTP Dynamic Trunking Protocol PS PowerShell
ECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm RCE Remote Code Execution
EULA End User License Agreement RDP Remote Desktop Protocol
FTP File Transfer Protocol RFI Remote File Inclusion
GPO Group Policy Object RFID Radio Frequent ID
GPP Generic Packetized Protocol RFP Request for Proposal
GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation ROE Rules of Engagement
HSTS HTTP Strict Transport Security RPC Remote Procedure Call
HTML HyperText Markup Language RSH Remote Shell

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

RTOS Real Time Operating System
SAM Security Account Manager
SAN Subject Alternative Name
SAST Static Application Security Testing
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SCEP Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol
SCP Secure Copy
SDK Software Development Kit
SGID Set Group ID
SID Secure Identifier
SIEM Security Incident Event Manager
SLA Service Level Agreement
SMB Server Message Block
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
SOC Security Operation Center
SOW Statement of Work
SPN Service Principle Name
SQL Structured Query Language
SSH Secure Shell
SSL Secure Sockets Layer
STP Spanning Tree Protocol
SUID Set User ID
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TLS Transport Layer Security
TOTP Time-Based One-Time Password
TPM Trusted Platform Module
TTP Tactics, Techniques and Procedures
UDP User Diagram Protocol
VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
VM Virtual Machine
VNC Virtual Network Connection
VPN Virtual Private Network
WADL Web Application Description Language
WAF Web Application Firewall
WAR Web Application Archive
WEP Wired Equivalency Protocol
WinRM Windows Remote Management
WMI Windows Management Instrumentation
WPAD Web Proxy Auto-Discovery
WPS WiFi Protected Setup
WSDL Web Services Description Language
XSD XML Schema Document
XSS Cross-Site Scripting
XST Cross-Site Tracing
XXE External Entity

CompTIA PenTest+ Certification Exam Objectives Version 3.0

CompTIA PenTest+ Proposed Hardware and
Software List
CompTIA has included this sample list of hardware and software to assist candidates
as they prepare for the CompTIA PenTest+ exam. This list may also be helpful
for training companies that wish to create a lab component for their training
offering. The bulleted lists below each topic are sample lists and not exhaustive.
• Laptops • OS licensing
• Wireless access points • Open source OS
• Servers • Penetration testing frameworks
• Switches • Virtual machine software
• Cabling • Scanning tools
• Monitors • Credential testing tools
• Firewalls • Debuggers
• HID/door access controls • Software assurance tools
• Wireless adapters capable • Wireless testing tools
of packet injection • Web proxying tools
• Directional antenna • Social engineering tools
• Mobile device • Remote access tools
• Network tools
SPARE HARDWARE • Mobility testing tools
• Cables
• Keyboards
• Mouse
• Power supplies
• Dongles/adapters

• Lock pick kit
• Badge cloner
• Fingerprint lifter

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programs are operated exclusively by CompTIA Certifications, LLC. CompTIA is a registered trademark of CompTIA Properties, LLC in the U.S. and internationally.
Other brands and company names mentioned herein may be trademarks or service marks of CompTIA Properties, LLC or of their respective owners. Reproduc-
tion or dissemination prohibited without written consent of CompTIA Properties, LLC. Printed in the U.S. 04272-Oct2017

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