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Learning Plan - English 9

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“A lot of us have done bullying and didn't even realize we did it.” - Dash


Bullying is termed as a form of abuse that uses power and dominance to those

that are weaker and less powerful. Bullying is a serious topic that affects adults,

workers, and even senior citizens in addition to teenagers, young children and

schoolchildren. Bullying has been taking place in various areas but it is mostly

common in schools and workplaces. It exists in various social groups, social

classes and is found all over the world. The behavior is usually repetitive and

aggressive and it is based on the sole intention of hurting the victim. Bullies carry

out the behavior to harm the other person as a way of gaining power over the other

person. It is normally a behavior that is planned and purposeful.

“Bullying behavior has been continuously changing over the years. Different

forms of bullying have emerged and they continue to develop and be used in the

schools. Technology has played a very big role in the evolution of the behavior.

The first forms of bullying that have existed over the years included both direct and

indirect methods that were used in the practice. The methods continue to be in use

until today but have been evolved by the use of technology. Various consequences

are seen to arise from the practice of bullying. Students who are seen to bully

others tend to carry the practice out of school. They tend to get involved in criminal

activities and they experience a lot of legal trouble in their adulthood. The bullies

are also prone other problematic behaviors such as smoking, alcohol, and drug

abuse. Victims of bullying tend to be very unhappy while in schools and they end

up getting depressed and have low self-esteem (Wright, 2003). The victims also

have difficulties when forming relationships in the future. The bystanders who

witness the bullying also get affected by it. They are not able to stop the bullying

or help out the victim even though he or she may be their friend. Some are usually

afraid of becoming the next victim so they end up avoiding confronting the bully.

Others, on the other hand, may be of the opinion that the victim deserved the

bullying (Sampson, 2002). Hence, they do not feel the urge to help the victim.

People bully for different reasons. Those who bully persistently are likely to

do so in order to dominate others and improve their social status. They may have

high self-esteem, show little regret for their bullying behavior and not see bullying

as morally wrong. Other people may bully out of anger or frustration, they may

struggle socially and could have also been victims of bullying.

Being a victim of bullying myself, I now fathom the innumerable

significances of conducting a research or investigation concomitant to bullying.

Bullying has no good effect. It tends to precipitate various detrimental aftermaths.

Bullying affects lots of people and happens in many areas but it is the way it is

dealt with which makes the difference between life being tolerable or a misery for

many. Bullying is everyone’s issue.

Most people who bully do not even know that what they are committing is already

bullying. Most people pass it off as harmless banter, harmless teasing, or

“benevolent” gestures. They are confident knowing that the person they are

bullying is just their friend and they even try to befriend him. However, what they

do not realize is that their victims are already traumatized due to their bullying.

“Kids aren’t born to be bullies, they’re taught to be bullies.” – Matt Bomer.

“Bullying in schools has become very common and it has led to some very

serious consequences. It has led to physical violence in forms of fight and in some

extreme cases deaths by suicides. Cases have emerged of some forms of bullying

in the schools that have led to some of these severe consequences. Children who

are victims have had to live with short term and long term consequences of the

behavior. Some of the other effects include poor performance in their studies,

depression, bedwetting, being withdrawn, changing schools regularly and is some

cases suicides among others (Norfolk, n.d). Direct bullying is more common

among boys than with the girls. However, physical abuse in boys tends to reduce

as they progress in age. The victims of bullying sometimes carry these effects such

as depression and low self-esteem into their adulthood.”


The research study is all about the life of being a bully in St. Pius X Institute.

Bullying is an issue that not only affects numerous students and children, but also

employees, adults, and even senior citizens. It aims to succor people to

understand the bases behind the bully’s pugnacious attitude. This research also

aims to give enlightenment to those pondering about the innumerable questions

about bullying. This study aims to raise awareness about bullying, its effect, types,

symptoms, and causes.

Specifically, the research will answer the following questions:

1. What are the experiences of a bully?

2. What are the advantages of being a bully?

3. What are the disadvantages of being a bully?


Bullying is an issue that has been affecting many in the world today. It takes

place in many forms some of which are direct and include physical harm on the

victim, and it can happen anywhere and occur anytime. It is an unwanted,

aggressive behavior ranging among school-aged children, to teenagers, workers,

adults, and even senior citizens, which involves a real or perceived power

imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over

time. In today’s modern world, more and more people encounter bullying, whether

they be the bully himself, the victim, or just a bystander. By raising consciousness

and imparting eruditions, affiliates of the society can work hand-in-hand to

eradicate bullying.

The following individuals will benefit from the said study:

A. Bullies. Bullies will benefit because they are the main focus of the case

study. The case study will revolve around them. They will benefit because

the study will help them correct their belligerent and disruptive behavior.

B. Victims of Bullying. Victims of bullying will benefit because this study will

focus on a bully, therefore it might introduce an end to their suffering and

misery under bullying.

C. Family and Friends of The Bullies. Family and friends of the bullies will

benefit because this might put an end to their loved one’s or friend’s

truculent behavior wrongdoings, and harassment.

D. Family And Friends Of the Victims. Family and friends of the victims will

benefit because this might put and end to their loved one’s or friends

suffering and misery under bullying.

E. Bystanders. Bystanders will benefit because they will know what to do in

case they witness another horrible event such as bullying.


The following terms are defined to ensure the meaning:

 Aftermath. The consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant


 Belligerent. Hostile and aggressive.

 Benevolent. Well-meaning and kindly.

 Bystander. A person who is present at an event or incident but does not

take part.

 Concomitant. Naturally accompanying or associated.

 Detrimental. Tending to cause harm.

 Erudition. The quality of having or showing great knowledge or learning;


 Fathom. Understand (a difficult problem or an enigmatic person) after much


 Precipitate. Cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or

undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely.

 Truculent. Eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant.




“Bullying is categorized into four types, namely: physical, verbal, cyber, and

relational. Physical bullying includes all forms of physical harm done on the victim

such as kicking, shoving, punching, and the like. Verbal bullying is usually in the

form of derogatory remarks or insults hurled at the target. This may include but not

limited to name-calling, taunting, teasing in a hurtful way, and making fun of the

individual (Berger, 2007; Wang, Iannotti, & Nansel, 2009). Relational bullying

involves social seclusion. It may be done in the form of spreading rumors and lies

about the victim in order to make others avoid socializing with him/her (Wang et

al., 2009). Cyberbullying, on the other hand, occurs electronically, and has proven

to be more damaging because it often relates to victims’ depressive state,

delinquent behavior and substance abuse (Mitchell, Ybarra, & Finkelhor, 2007) as

well as suicidal thoughts and suicide attempts.

As to gender and frequency of victimization, results were mixed. On the one

hand, research has shown that boys and girls did not differ significantly in the

frequency of victimization (Malecki et al., 2015), but on the other hand, it revealed

that boys have higher self-reported frequency of being bullied than do girls (Chen,

2015; Fleming & Jacobsen, 2009; Nansel et al., 2001). With regard to intervention

programs that could help reduce the prevalence rate of bullying in schools,

involving the community, family (Mann, Kristiansson, Sigfusdottir, & Smith, 2015),

especially parents (Jones & Augustine, 2015; Lester et al., 2017), students (Cross

et al., 2011; Jones & Augustine, 2015) and teachers (Duy, 2013) reduced the odds

of young people engaging in bullying behavior.

In another study, arousing the bullies’ empathy for their victims and

condemning their actions proved to be effective in increasing their intention to stop

their aggressive behavior (Garandeau, Vartio, Poskiparta, & Salmivalli, 2016).

However, Ken Rigby, a school bullying expert, had found in his study that the most

commonly used intervention methods in schools were direct sanctions or “the

imposition of disciplinary sanctions on the person or persons identified as

responsible for the bullying” (Rigby, 2014: p. 409). These direct sanctions include

verbal reprimands, temporary removal from class, and withdrawal of privileges,

among others, which were imposed on individuals involved in bullying others

(Rigby, 2014). He said that these might deter bullies to perpetuate the act but only

temporarily. In addition, he also suggested that this kind of response is only

reactive and it does little to prevent students from engaging in bullying behavior in

the future.

Bullying is prevalent in schools worldwide. Foreign and local reports

indicate cases of school crimes brought about by the occurrence of bullying within

the school premise. World Health Organization’s Health Behavior in School-Aged

Children (Craig & Harel, 2004 as cited in James, 2010) found out that a survey of

35 countries indicate an average incidence rates of 11 percent for both victims

and bullies. There were about 2.7 million students being bullied each year by about

2.1 students taking on the role of the bully. According to the same WHO report,

one (1) out of seven (7) students in kindergarten through 12th grade have

participated in the bullying incidents either as a bully or as a victim. Accordingly,

over half or about 56 percent, of all students have witnesses a bullying crime inside

the school (Bullying Statistics, 2010).

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) reported the

following statistical data based on the baseline study on violence against

children in public schools. Findings have shown that 78.36% in high school in

urban areas suffered verbal abuse; while 37.57% in high school in rural areas

experienced physical abuse; on the other hand 43.71% in high school in urban

areas experienced verbal sexual abuse and 17.71% of high school students

experienced inappropriate touching committed by peers. Reported cases of

bullying for SY 2012-2013 revealed a total of 1,165 cases (DepEd, 2012).

International and local groups especially educators and helping professionals

were alarmed by this issue and thus, preventive measures have been made. Anti-

bullying campaign was established including advocacy on understanding the

dynamics of bullying.

On September 12, 2013, Republic Act No. 10627 also known as the Anti-

Bullying Act of 2013 was legislated. This initiative connotes a more serious

attention towards the issue of school bullying. Therefore, schools should recognize

factors and measures that can be adapted to prevent and resolve the occurrences

of school bullying. One of these factors is school connectedness which was found

to be one of the strongest protective factors for both boys and girls to decrease

violence, and risk of unintentional injury (Center for Disease Control and

Prevention 2009).

Bullying in school is a worldwide problem that can have negative

consequences for the general school climate and for a safe environment without

fear. Bullying can also have negative lifelong consequences-both for students who

bully, for their victims and to the persons who have witnessed bullying situations.

Although the phenomenon of bullying in schools have been always present but it

is increasing day after the other and that is why the government is paying more

attention to the social life. School bullying is always related in some way to the acts

of violence, and that’s why the Education department is stressing more on the idea

behind making schools free of violence and urging students, their parents and

teachers to act on fighting any act of violence that appears in any school, and they

are also stressing on the idea that schools should be a place free from any threats

for the children. A survey that was recently conducted showed that one in two

Filipino children witnesses violence or abuse in their schools. It was also proved

that students in the schools of Philippine witness the different types of bullying,

which might be verbal such as “calling names”, “being made fun of”, or it might be

social such as “letting the child out of activities by others”, or “making the student

do things he/she did not want to make it in the first place”.

The Department of Education in the Philippines reported more than 1,700

cases of child abuse or bullying in schools for the years of 2013 and 2014. Although

the DepEd lately said that this number is decreasing, and that comes after they

issued an order in 2012 known as DepEd Child Protection Policy, which states the

policy and guidelines for the child protection in schools against abuse, exploitation,

violence, discrimination, bullying and other different forms that might be a threat

for the child. The 2012 DepEd Child Protection Policy not only takes care of the

violence targeted towards the children but it also look at the side of the Family and

that is referring to school administrators, teachers, academic and non-academic

staff, to take care of the children and deal with those who already suffered any kind

of bullying before. The House of Representatives in Philippine has approved a bill

that requires all the elementary and the secondary schools to adopt policies that

prevent bullying or any other kind of violence in the schools. This bill requires the

schools to include the anti-bullying policies in the school student’s and employee

handbook, it should be apparent on the wall of the schools, the classrooms and

websites. The schools should then submit to the DepEd after six months upon the

effect of the law, any incidents should be reported immediately, and in case of

absence of the policies in any school, there is a sanction that falls on the school’s


With bullying being referred to as an aggressive behavior that is done

repeatedly and might turn out to be an act of violence, that might be verbal,

physical or social. Usually the person who is responsible for these acts is doing so

because he/she wants to show that he/she is more powerful. They want to grab

the attention of the people around them, and it does not always have to be out of

revenge or hatred, sometimes they come out of the person because they are just


Case 1. A 9-year-old boy from Tanong Elementary School in Malabon is in

critical condition after he was allegedly bullied by his classmates. Fred Aston

Mendoza, a Grade 4 student, was confined in the Philippine Children's Medical

Center after undergoing surgery. The victim's mother, Vilma Santos Mendoza, said

her son had bruises when he went home heard complaints from his son that his

son was stripped, punched and kicked in his abdomen. Later that night, the boy

suffered from high fever. When he was brought to the hospital, it was found out

that he was suffering from internal bleeding in his liver. Fred underwent surgery.

School authorities have called the parents of the two children involved in the

incident. It has only been a month since President Aquino signed RA 10627, or the

Anti Bullying Act. Fred's case is only one of the many cases of bullying in Malabon

that time. Malabon police have recorded 7 recent cases of bullying in the city.

Authorities are keeping tabs on schools with numerous cases of bullying.

Case 2. An incident in Zamboanga City may add to the present case as a

14-year-old boy, believed to have been bullied in school, committed suicide in

Tungawan town in Zamboanga Sibugay. According to the town’s police chief, said

the 8th grader boy, left a note blaming his classmate and a neighbor. The boy was

found hanging from the ceiling with a cable wire tied around his neck. A suicide

note was also recovered from the scene. The boy was living with his aunt. The

assistant school division superintendent urged authorities to investigate the boy’s

death. The suspicion have lead them to the bullies and they must be identified to

prevent more cases like this. The superintendent also reminded schools to strictly

advocate and observe the anti-bullying guidelines.


Our study results support the conclusion that psychopathologic behavior,

including social problems, aggression, and externalizing behavioral problems, is a

consequence rather than a cause of bullying experiences. The strength and

specificity of the association and the temporal antecedence of bullying support this

causal relation. Because school bullying is a known correlate of youth violence,

such a finding adds greater urgency to the search for programs to prevent or

diminish bullying among schoolchildren.

School bullying is considered to be a common precursor of youth violence

and is a marker for more serious violent behaviors, including weapon carrying,

frequent fighting, and fighting-related injury, with national prevalences ranging

from 9% to 54%. Bullying is a constellation of behaviors that can be characterized

as (1) aggressive or intended to harm, (2) performed repeatedly and over time,

and (3) occurring in interpersonal relationships in which a power imbalance exists.

Bullying behavior can be physical (hitting, pushing, and kicking), can be verbal

(name-calling, provoking, making threats, and spreading rumors), or can include

other behaviors, such as making faces or social exclusion.

Bullying is an issue that has been affecting many in the world today. It takes

place in many forms some of which are direct and include physical harm on the

victim. Verbal bullying involves name-calling and insults or threats being directed

at the victim and may also involve emotional bullying where the victim’s emotions

are targeted by the bully. Other forms of bullying may be indirect where the harm

is not caused by the person directly but it still ends up affecting the person.

Bullying is termed as a form of abuse that uses power and dominance to

those that are weaker and less powerful. Bullying has been taking place in various

areas but it is mostly common in schools and workplaces. It exists in various social

groups, social classes and is found all over the world. The behavior is usually

repetitive and aggressive and it is based on the sole intention of hurting the victim.

Bullies carry out the behavior to harm the other person as a way of gaining power

over the other person. It is normally a behavior that is planned and purposeful.

Bullying in schools has become very common and it has led to some very

serious consequences. It has led to physical violence in forms of fight and in some

extreme cases deaths by suicides. Cases have emerged of some forms of bullying

in the schools that have led to some of these severe consequences. Children who

are victims have had to live with short term and long term consequences of the

behavior. Some of the other effects include poor performance in their studies,

depression, bedwetting, being withdrawn, changing schools regularly and is some

cases suicides among others (Norfolk, n.d). Over 7% of children especially in the

8th grade tend to stay at home once a month since they are bullied in schools

(Banks, 1997). Reports have also shown that about 15% of students are bullied on

a regular basis with some being initiated into the bullying practice. Direct bullying

is more common among boys than with the girls. However, physical abuse in boys

tends to reduce as they progress in age. The victims of bullying sometimes carry

these effects such as depression and low self-esteem into their adulthood.

Workplace bullying is detrimental to employees and organizations, yet in a

meta-analytic review of studies representing a range of countries (North America,

Scandinavian, and other European), approximately 15% of employees report

being victimized at work (Nielsen, Matthiesen, & Einarsen, 2010). Workplace

bullying is defined as repeated exposure, over a period of time, to negative acts

such as abuse, teasing, ridicule, and social exclusion (Einarsen, 2000).

Researchers have traditionally conceptualized bullying to involve face-to-face

interactions; however, the increasing use of technology in the workplace has seen

a rise in “cyberbullying,” whereby employees may be victimized over email or

social networking websites (Weatherbee, 2010). Though bullying behaviors can

originate from anyone at work (e.g., coworkers, supervisors, or subordinates),

more often than not, the perpetrator has more power or perceived power than the

target (Mikkelsen & Einarsen, 2002).



This chapter includes the researcher’s methods of having the research, the

population and locale, the research design, the research instrument and the data

gathering procedure.


The research design is a case study.

According to Wikipedia, a case study is a research method involving an up-

close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study (the case), as well

as its related contextual conditions.

“Case study is a research methodology, typically seen in social and life

sciences. It can be defined as an intensive study about a person, a group of people

or a unit, which is aimed to generalize over several units.”

The research title is a case study because the researcher is looking for the

experiences, the lives, the struggles of a bully.


The research will be conducted to five (5) respondents who are bullies. This

will be conducted in St. Pius X Institute, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija from March 8, 2019

– March 11, 2019.


The research instrument is from: BBC UK, The School Climate Bullying

Survey, KSDE School Counseling, and GLSEN, and modified by the researcher.

It consists of 30 questions to know about the life of a bully in St. Pius X Institute.


The researcher will go to the principal’s office to ask for permission to

conduct an interview or survey about his case study. After that, the researcher will

go to the respondent to interview and ask him. After the interview, the researcher

will now analyze and interpret the data.



This chapter embodies the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data

as being gathered by the researcher.

Respondent 1:

Respondent 1 started bullying when she was still in Grade 2. She carries

out verbal and physical bullying once a week. She is not aware of her hostile

behavior, and is not aware that she is already committing bullying. The reason

behind her behavior is her sudden urge of emotion. She goes on with her urge to

bully someone, and feels satisfied whenever she is bullying. She has not received

any disciplinary actions because the teachers do not know about her bullying

behavior. She does not feel any regret towards the victim of her behavior because

she feels superior. She would like to say to her victim that she is sorry that her

victim is such a loser and no one is watching. She sometimes thinks that her

actions and words hurt her victim’s feelings if she remembers them. Nobody knows

about her behavior, except for her victim himself. She has not talked to anyone for

advice before, as she does not trust anyone due to fear of being exposed. If her

victim were to retaliate her bullying, she feels that she would bully him even more.

She is not aware of the school’s bullying policies, as there were no anti-bullying

policies then. She does not think about the effects of bullying on her victim, as she

does not care about him. The benefit of bullying to her is that no one would dare

fight her, as people are scared of her. She enjoys bullying others and bullying

makes her feel good about herself. Sometimes, bullying helps her forget her

problems. Bullying helps her boost her self-esteem. Bullying helps her get friends,

and it makes her look cool. Bullying others also helps her defend herself. For her,

there are no negative effects of bullying on her. There are no struggles that she

faced because of her behavior, and she was never put in trouble because of it.

She “guesses” that she has made enemies because of her behavior.

Respondent 2:

Respondent 2 started bullying when he was still in Grade 3. He carries out

verbal and physical bullying every day. He is aware of his behavior, yet continues

it because according to him, “Bullying is fun.” The reason behind his behavior is

because he feels like bullying that certain person, and he is aware that he is

already doing bullying. Whenever he feels the urge to bully someone, he carries

on with his urge, as he feels happy and relaxed whenever he is bullying someone.

He was sent to the Office of the Superintendent of DepEd – Nueva Ecija because

of bullying, yet he still feels no regret toward his victim as bullying is fun. He would

like to thank his victim for making him happy whenever he is bullying him. He has

thought about how his words or actions could have harmed his victim’s feelings,

mentally and physically. Everyone knows about his behavior, yet no one did

anything to stop it. He has not talked to anyone for advice regarding his behavior.

If his victim were to bully him, he would carry on with bullying his victim. He is

aware of the school’s anti-bullying policies. Bullying makes him happy, yet he

thinks that his behavior hurts his victim emotionally and mentally. Bullying relaxes

him and it makes him happy. He enjoys bullying others, and it makes him feel good

about himself. Furthermore, bullying others helps him forget his problems, and it

boosts his self-esteem. Bullying others does not help him get friends and does not

make him look cool, yet it helps him defend himself. Bullying has no negative

effects on him, but it hurts his victim. On several times, he has received disciplinary

actions because of his behavior. Moreover, he has made enemies because of it.

Respondent 3:

Respondent 3 started bullying when she was still in Grade 6. She carries

out verbal bullying daily. She is not aware of her hostile behavior, yet sometimes,

she knows that she is bullying. The reason behind her behavior is that her victims

are the ones who bullied her first. Whenever she feels the urge of bullying

someone, she carries on with that urge. Whenever she bullies someone, she

sometimes feels happy. She was sent to the guidance office because of her

behavior. She feels regret towards her victims sometimes, because she is afraid

of being sent back into the guidance office. She would like to say sorry to her

victims, and that she will not bully them again. She has thought about how her

words or actions could have hurt her victims mentally and physically. Her friends

know about her behavior, and they threatened her by saying the consequences of

her actions in order to stop her bullying. She has talked to someone for advice

before, and he told her to stop bullying because it hurts the victim’s feelings. If her

victim were to retaliate, she would feel hurt. She is aware of the school’s anti-

bullying policies. Because of bullying, she gains enemies and loses friends.

Furthermore, her behavior causes her victims to become angry with her. There are

no benefits of being a bully to her. She sometimes enjoys bullying, when it is only

just for fun, and sometimes bullying makes her feel good about herself. Bullying

does not help her forget her problems, and it does not boost her self-esteem.

Bullying others does not help her get friends, and it does not help her look cool.

Furthermore, bullying does not help her defend herself. Because of bullying, she

loses friends and her victims are making their situation worse. Moreover, because

of her behavior, her teachers and her parents scold her. She is sometimes put in

trouble because of her behavior, and she has made enemies because of it.

Respondent 4:

Respondent 4 started bullying since she found out that bullying and making

fun of others is fun. She carries out verbal bullying every day. She is not aware

that what she is doing is already bullying as she thought that it was just harmless

teasing. Whenever she feels the urge to bully someone, she goes on with her urge.

She feels happy whenever she is bullying someone, because according to her

“They look so funny.” She has not received any disciplinary action for her behavior.

She sometimes feels regret towards her victims whenever she feels pity for them.

She would like to tell sorry to her victims because she thought that what she is

doing is funny. She has thought about how her words or actions hurt her victims

physically and mentally. Her friends know about her behavior, yet they do not stop

her. She has talked to someone for advice before, and she was told that she should

lessen or completely stop bullying because she does not know what kind of effects

bullying has on her victim. If her victim were to bully her back, she would feel angry

and hurt. She is aware of the school’s anti-bullying policies. She thinks that bullying

hurts her victim and she sometimes regret her actions. Bullying lessens her stress

and it makes her laugh. She sometimes enjoys bullying others, and it makes her

feel good about herself. In addition, bullying boosts her self-esteem and it helps

her forget her problems. Bullying helps her defend herself. However, bullying does

not help her get friends, and it does not help her look cool. Because of bullying,

the respondent and her victim become enemies. Because of bullying and her

behavior, she becomes enemies with her victim. She is put in trouble every day

because of her behavior.

Respondent 5:

Respondent 5 became a bully way back 2012, when she was still in Grade

4. She carries out verbal bullying daily. She is aware of her behavior and that what

she is doing is bullying, yet still continues because according to her, “Bullying is

fun.” Whenever she feels the urge of bullying, she goes on with that urge. She

feels happy and fulfilled whenever she is bullying someone. She has not received

any disciplinary action because of her behavior. She does not feel any regret

towards her victim. She would like to say sorry to her victim. She has thought about

how her words or actions hurt her victim physically or mentally. Everyone knows

about her behavior, yet no one stops her, instead, they even push her to continue

to bully. She has not talked to anyone for advice before. She would feel nothing if

her victim were to strike back, and she will bully them if they bully her. She is aware

of the school’s anti-bullying polices. She thinks that bullying hurts her victim

physically and mentally. Because of bullying, she becomes happy. She enjoys

bullying others, and it makes her feel good about herself. Moreover, bullying helps

her forget her problems, and it boosts her self-esteem. Bullying helps her get

friends and it makes her look cool. Furthermore, bullying others help her defend

herself. Bullying has no negative effect on her but her victim is hurt emotionally

and mentally. She has faced no struggle because of her behavior, and was only

put in trouble once because of bullying. She has not made any enemies because

of her behavior.



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions generated from

the findings and recommendations made, based from the findings and



Based on the study, the researcher found out that:

1. Most bullies started bullying at a very young age, usually when they are still

elementary pupils. Bullies usually commit verbal and physical bullying, ranging

from once a week to daily. Most bullies do not know that they are already bullying,

as they pass what they are doing as simple teasing and having fun. When asked

why they act like that, they say that because it is fun. Most bullies have not yet

received any form of disciplinary action, despite being aware of the school’s anti-

bullying policies. They feel satisfied, happy, and superior whenever they are

bullying others, and they do not feel regret towards their victims.

2. Most bullies enjoy bullying as it has a lot of advantages. Bullying makes the feel

good about themselves, it boosts their self-esteem and make them forget about

their problems, and it makes them look cool.

3. Bullies say that bullying has no negative effects on them but their victims are

hurt physically, emotionally, and mentally. In addition, bullies make enemies

because of bullying.


The researcher found out that being a bully starts mostly whenever a bully

is still a young child. Bullying starts with children or people just “having fun,”

eventually turning into a more aggressive and hostile behavior. Bullying is often

confused with just harmless banter or teasing; with the bully not aware that

whatever he is doing can already be labelled as bullying. Surprisingly, most bullies

have not yet received any form of disciplinary action, which is perhaps why they

still continue bullying, despite being cognizant with the school’s anti-bullying



Upon knowing the details of the research study, the following are being


1. To the bully, to lessen or possibly get rid of his belligerent behavior. To the

faculty and staff, to give the proper sanctions to the bully according to the student

handbook. To the classmates of the bully, to act out against their classmate’s

behavior. To the bystanders and witnesses, to speak up or to act against bullying.

2. To the family of the bully, to correct his truculent behavior. To the friends of the

bully, to correct their friend’s pugnacious behavior, to not condone and tolerate

him, and to not cheer him on.

3. To the victims, to endure against bullying, to fight against bullying, to stand-up

for themselves, and to not tolerate the bullying that they are receiving. To the family

and friends of the victim, to protect the victim against bullying, to do preventive

measures against the bully, and to always be by the victim’s side all throughout

the bullying.








The Life of a Bully

Name (Optional): __________________________________________________

Age and Gender (Optional): __________________________________________

Grade and Section (Optional): ________________________________________

I. Experiences of A Bully

1. When did you start bullying?




2. What type of bullying have you committed or carried out?




3. How often do you bully?




4. Are you aware of your hostile behavior? If so, why are you continuing it?




5. What is the reason behind your repeated aggressive and hostile behavior?




6. Are you aware that what you’re doing is bullying?




7. What do you do whenever you feel the urge of bullying someone?




8. How do you feel whenever you are bullying someone?




9. Have you received any disciplinary action for your behavior? If so, what

sanction did you receive?




10. Do you feel any regret towards the victim of your behavior? Why? Why not?




11. What would you like to say to the victim of your bullying?




12. Have you thought about how your words or actions could have hurt your

victim’s feelings?




13. Have you thought about how your words or actions could have harmed this

person mentally or physically?




14. Who knows about this behavior of yours? What did they do to stop it?




15. Have you talked to anyone for advice before? What advice did he/she give





16. How would you feel if your victim did or said these things to you?




17. Are you aware of the school’s anti-bullying policies?




18. What are the effects of being a bully to you?




19. What effects do you think your behavior has on the victim?




II. Advantages of Being A Bully

1. What are the benefits of being a bully to you?




2. Do you enjoy bullying others? Does bullying make you feel good about





3. Does bullying others help you forget your problems?




4. Does bullying others boost your self-esteem?




5. Does bullying others help you get friends?




6. Does bullying others help you look cool?




7. Does bullying others help you defend yourself?




III. Disadvantages Of Being A Bully

1. What are the negative effects of being a bully to you and your victim?




2. What are the struggles that you faced because of your behavior?




3. How often were you put in trouble because of your bullying behavior?




4. Have you made any enemies because of your behavior?






“Make the rest of your life, the best of your life.”


Current Address : District 6, Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija

Email Address :

Birthdate : October 20, 2002

Religion : Roman Catholic

Civil Status : Single

Mother : Engr. Maria Theresa F. Torrijos

Father : Engr. Nohmer S. Torrijos

Siblings : Zyrus Newton F. Torrijos

Zacharey Nixon F. Torrijos

Zeth Nathan F. Torrijos

Zoe Nathaley F. Torrijos


Elementary Level : Saint Lawrence Montessori


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