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SB. TO: - Ei-TEX Industrial Linkage

Prepared by:- BRHANU SHEGAW

ID NO: 0703974




Table of Contents
List of Acronyms: ............................................................................................................................ vii
Declaration..................................................................................................................................... viii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................................. ix
Executive summary .......................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER –ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
BACK GROUND OF THE COMPANY ............................................................................................ 1
Brief History of the Company ......................................................................................... 1
1.2. Organizational structure ........................................................................................... 2
1.3. Integrated Departments of MAA factory ................................................................. 4
1.3.1 Spinning .............................................................................................................. 4
1.3.2 Dyeing ................................................................................................................ 4
1.3.3 Knitting ............................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Pre-Production Departments .................................................................................... 5
1.4.1. Planning Department ......................................................................................... 5
1.4.2. Marketing Department ....................................................................................... 6
1.5. Garment Department ................................................................................................ 7
1.5.1 Stock keeping procedure .................................................................................... 7
1.5.2. Work Flow f Activities Performed to Customer’s Sample Order ..................... 8
1.5.3. Receipt of sample order sheet ............................................................................ 9
1.5.4. Raw material, accessories and other material inputs to the company ............. 10
1.5.5. The Designing and Pattern Making Department ............................................. 13
1.5.6. Spreading and Cutting Department ................................................................. 16
1.6. Embroidery section ................................................................................................ 17
1.7. Sewing Section ....................................................................................................... 18
1.8. Finishing section .................................................................................................... 21
1.8.1 Pressing ............................................................................................................. 22
1.8.2 Packing ............................................................................................................. 23

1.9. Quality control........................................................................................................ 23
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 24
2.1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 24
2.1.1 Back ground of the study ............................................................................ 24
2.1.2. Problem Statement of the study ....................................................................... 24
2.2. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................. 25
2.2.1. GENERAL OBJECTIVES .............................................................................. 25
2.2.2. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES................................................................................ 25
Limitations of the study................................................................................................. 25
LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................. 25
2.3.1. Evolution of Quality ................................................................................... 25
2.3.2. Inspection .................................................................................................... 26
2.3.3. Quality Control (QC) .................................................................................. 26
2.3.4. Quality Assurance ....................................................................................... 26
2.3.5. Total quality management........................................................................... 26
Methodology ................................................................................................................. 29
2.3.6. Research Approach ..................................................................................... 30
2.3.7. Method of Data Collection.......................................................................... 31
2.3.8. Data Presentation Method ........................................................................... 32
2.3.10. Cost analysis ............................................................................................ 36
Main finding .................................................................................................................. 37
Solution of the selected problems ................................................................................. 37
RESULTS AND discussion .......................................................................................... 40
2.5. KPE THE EXISTING AND THE NEW ONE ............................................... 42
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................................ 43
BENEFITS FROM INTERNSHIP EXPEIENCE ............................................................................. 43
3.1. In terms of improving practical skill ...................................................................... 43
3.2. In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge ......................................................... 43
3.3. In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill ..................................... 44
3.4. In terms of improving team playing skills ............................................................. 44

3.5. In terms of improving leadership skill ................................................................... 45
3.6. In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues ................................... 45
Personal ethics ........................................................................................................... 45
Specific to a work situation ....................................................................................... 45
3.7. In terms of entrepreneurship skill........................................................................... 46
CHAPTER FOUR .......................................................................................................................... 47
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................. 47
4.1. Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 47
4.2. Recommendation of the project ............................................................................. 47
5. REFERANCE............................................................................................................................. 48

List of tables

Table 1.Source of row material and their suppliers .......................................................... 11

Table 2 shows the quality parameter of the input raw material ........................................ 11

Table 3 List of different type of sewing machines and others .......................................... 18

Table 4 monthly collected ................................................................................................. 33

Table 5. Monthly Rework, pass and reject analysis......................................................... 34

Table 6 number of defect and their percentage of occurrence .......................................... 35

List of figurs

Organizational structure

Figure 1Organizational structure ..................................................................................... 2

Figure 2Show flat knitting machine .................................................................................... 5

Figure 3. Show spreading table ......................................................................................... 16

Figure 4 Embroidery machine (20 Head) ......................................................................... 17

............................................................................................................................................. 2

Show flat knitting machine ................................................................................................. 5

Show spreading table ........................................................................................................ 16

Embroidery machine (20 Head) ........................................................................................ 17

List of Acronyms:
HRD - quality control

QAD -quality control

QPI -key performance indicator

GSM –gram square meter

TQM –total quality management

COPQ -cost of poor quality

PAS –point allocation system

USA –united state of America

ISO -international organization for standardization

Pcs –pieces

MIN – minute

CAD-computer aided design

I am BRHANU SHEGAW fourth year garment engineering student, have undertaken my
internship experience in MAA garment &textile company. For 4 month under guidance
of instructor SENAYIT (academic advisor) and Mr.Teka (company advisor).
Finally I declare that my work is original and compiled according to the internship report
writing guide line (manual) given by the institute-industry university linkage office of the
As the student’s academic advisor, I certify that the internship report written by the
student is his original work and compiled according to the guideline provided by the
institute’s office as far as my knowledge is concerned.

_____________________ ________ _______________

Name of the Academic Advisor Signature Date

_______________ _______________ _______________

Name of the student Signature Date

First and foremost I want to thank my GOD for helping me in preparing this report and in
general for the knowledge and strength he offered me in my life time. Special thanks
deserve to Bahir Dar University, University Industry Linkage office, garment
Engineering Department and Instructor my mentor, for giving me the chance to have an
experience on the practical work and getting better skills with theoretical knowledge.
It is also my honor and pleasure to thank Ato Semere the human resource management
(HRD) of MAA garment and textile factory, for his speedy answer to my request to
practice in his company. And I would like to thank all the workers of this company.

Especially I want to register my heartfelt thanks to AtoTeka (production manager of
garment production) and also his day to day supervision, sharing his experience & advice
in our future endeavor and also to other staff members for their guidance.
I appreciate, ato Kubrom designer of Maa garment company ato Eferiem (cutting head)
sewing section head atoTesfalem (guide of CAD experience) and the entire cutting room
operator’s to help me.
Finally, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to my family and friends for
their encouragement, tolerance and endless support throughout my stay in the internship

Executive summary
This final internship report covers my four months stay in MAA garment and textile
factory from February, 2018 up to June, 2018.
This report covers my internship practice which I have been working in MAA
GARMENT & TEXTILE FACTORY. This report has contain different section and
discusses main departments and section in the hosting company including its history, its
market, customer, overall industry condition, our overall internship experience, tasks and
the procedures we followed, the practical and theoretical knowledge we gained including
the challenges we faced while performing those tasks...
The report covers 4 chapter, chapters one discuss about the back ground company
historical, its customer, products, location, mission, vision, organizational structure store
until finishing room. Chapter two talk about the project, improve quality in sewing
section by defect minimization in MAA garment. it discussed the introduction of the title
, the scope, limitation, and significance of the study. Chapter three talks about internship
benefit and chapter four talks about conclusion and recommendation of the internship.. .
The forth chapter also covers the material used and method of data collection weather
primary or secondary data collection method. The 5th chapter covers analysis of the data
and solutions of the problem. Chapter four conclusion and recommendations which I
recommend to the internship experience and the references I used are written at the end
of this project report.



Brief History of the Company

MAA garment and textile factory is a privately owned company established and
registered in April 2001 under the commercial laws of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia. MAA Garment is located 783 kilometre from Addis Ababa and 12 kilometre
from Mekelle in Kuiha Street near to Alula Abanega international airport.MAA Garment
and Textile Factory, established in June 2004 in the northern part of Ethiopia-Mekelle-
Kuiha, is wholly owned by MAA garment and textile factory. This is one of privately
owned Textile factory in Ethiopia. The factory is fully equipped with state of art
production facilities acquired from the most reputable manufactures of the world such as
JUKI, Japan with over 825 sewing machines.

The newly established project (MAA textile) which comprises Spinning, Knitting, and
Dyeing & Finishing is started since 2007.

♣ Vision
 The vision is to become an exemplary organization in both the local and international
textiles and apparel markets in three years.
♣ Mission
 The mission is to realize our vision by generating a reasonable return to the shareholders
through proper utilization of resources and continuous customer satisfaction.
♣ MAA Objectives
 To produce high quality wearing apparels that can compete in the international market.
 To attract capital and technological know-how.
 To generate reasonable profit.
♣ Work Force

 At full capacity Currently, the factory has 1500 employees
♣ MAA Strategies

 Develop a strong customer relationship.

 Engage in a continuous product development endeavours.
 Devise and implement methods of reducing cost of production without affecting
 Quality of products.

1.2. Organizational structure

Figure 1Organizational structure

Responsibility of functional area

1. Chief executive officer (CEO): control general manager & other departments.
2. General Manager- controls the overall activities of the company.

3. Human resource Dep’t (HR) – control promotions, annuals and discipline of community
in the company
4. Supply Dep’t– purchasing of materials depending up on department demand and
5. Finance Dep’t- controls and supply payment custom clearance/cost analysis.
6. Design division; design different type of clothes based on customer needs.
7. Planning and product development– plan the production capacity and assessment of
each department according to production orders.
8. Maintenance department; controls over all activates and managing the maintenance
9. Production: this is an area where cutting, Embroider, sewing are controlled.
10.QC– consoles the quality product of the company.
11.Spinning &knitting manager; It evaluate customer sample , determine fabric width ,
tread selection ,identify finished GSM machine ,gauge number of needle per inch,
quality yarns.
12. Dyeing& finishing manager; He controls dyeing & finishing quality, like variation of
13. Marketing Dep’t– control goals and study cost/price of product and promotion of
14. General Service Dep’t:- Giving bus service, cleanliness and gardening of the company.
15. Personnel division; checking workers activities, maximum one in a month.
16. Information technology; repairing all information technology in the company.
17. Cost budget; set cost if you to sell any material, control input and output material.
18.Pattern & design ; is the most important, he works designing ,changing whatever
design in to pattern , marker planning & marker making .
19. Industrial engineering; make lay out sample, data control, time study for each operator

1.3. Integrated Departments of MAA factory
1.3.1 Spinning

 The spinning plant is equipped with the latest technology and has a capacity of 10 tons
per day. The plant has the following capability 100% cotton and blended public cotton
and it is currently producing different yarn counts both for knitting and weaving yarn
from count 60 up to count 40.
 Blow room with UN flock, UN lacily, UN mix, UN flex machines with material splitter.
We have two lines, Ring line and Opining line.
 There is 10 ring frame and having two qualities, carded and combed lines.
 There are 7 carding machines two of them for opining feeding the rest for ring in this
section the cotton fiber further cline and parallel arrangement to one another.
 There is one opining machine with capacity of 6 ton per day. There are nine draw frame
machine the first five machines passing of biker the other four machines for the finishing.
 There are four machines on the Roving section and this section further twisted the cotton
 The winding sections have five machines there functions the twisted yarn makes package
yarn or the last output yarn. The last section the steamer machine ageist the yarn
condition and the weight of the yarn.

1.3.2 Dyeing

 This plant comprises the latest laboratory & HPHT dyeing Machines & color
kitchen. The HPHT machineries can dye knitted, made of 100% cotton & blends.
 The laboratory comprises Spectrophotometer, automatic dispenser (data color), sample
dyeing machine, light fastness tester, Crock meter, perspire meter, shrinkage tester,
washing fastness machine, dryer & light cabinet equipment’s.
Dyeing section has a capacity up to 8.1 tons per day.

1.3.3 Knitting

 Our knitting machine comprises of 12 circular machine from Mayer & CIE
(Germany)4 Flat knitting Machines from SHIMASEKI(JAPAN) 7 circular machines
which produce single jersey & their derivatives with 20,24,and 28 gauges, 3

machines which produce Rib with gauges of 15 & 18, 2 machines which produce
Interlock with the gauges of 24.
 we use these imported machines to produce single Jersey, interlock, rib, fleece fabrics of
different structure all summing up 5 to 6 tons of Grieg fabric production per day.

Figure 2Show flat knitting machine

1.4. Pre-Production Departments

1.4.1. Planning Department

Receive order sheet from marketing and evaluate customer order according available
materials and machine, time, layout (operation) and employers.

 Textile planner
 Garment planner and
 Industrial engineering

Functions of Production Planning and Control (PPC) Department in Apparel

Production planning and Control department is one of the important departments in Maa
Garment Textile Company.

Job or Task Scheduling: Preparation of time and action calendar for each order from
order receiving to shipment. The job schedule contains list of tasks to be processed for

the styles. Against each tasks planner mentions when to start a task and what is dead line
for that task. Name of responsible person (department) for the job is being listed. For
example, scheduling planned cut date (PCD), line loading date etc.

Material Resource Planning (Inventory): Preparation of Material requirement sheet

according to sample product and buyer specification sheet. Consumption of material
(fabric, thread, button, and twill tape) is calculated and estimated cost of each material.
Loading production:- Planner defines which style to be loaded to the production line
and how much quantity to be loaded.
Process selection & planning:- Processes needed to complete an order vary style to
style. According to the order (customer) requirement PPC department select processes for
the orders. Sometime extra processes are eliminated to reduce cost of production.
Estimating quantity and costs of production
Planner estimate daily production (units) according to the styles work content. With the
estimated production figure, production runs and manpower involvement planner also
estimate production cost per pieces.
Capacity planning:- PPC department plays a major role during order booking. They
decide (suggest) how much order they should accept according to their production
capacity. Allocating of total capacity or deciding how much capacity to be used for an
order out of total factory capacity.

1.4.2. Marketing Department

It holds department head and holds merchandiser and sales

Merchandiser: This department works as a bridge between customer and planning by
receiving and giving information. Costumer tells the merchandiser what product he/she
needed .the merchandiser first check by communicating with planning. If the company is
capable of producing the required product and inform the customer. The communication
keeps going if Planning accepts to produce .the customer sends his/her production order
sheet to the merchandiser then he/she brings to planning.

1.5. Garment Department
 Design and Pattern Making Section:- It comprises Computer aided designing
& pattern Making with marker making software (CAD/CAM) and with digitize
& plotter machine high efficiency to decries wastage of fabric.
 Cutting Section: It comprises 4 full size cutting tables, automatic cloth spreading
machines, click press cutting machines & band naïf cutting machine.
 Sewing Section:- In this section has 20 line with a total of 825 sewing
machines, about 84% of them Juki type of different varieties including:
Single & three, four & five thread over lock machines, flat locks, two & three
needle feed of the arms,& different specialized machines.
Top fuse, collar, cuff & pocket form & pressing devices, collar centre making,
and sleeve attach and button fastening machines etc.
 Embroidery Section:- 3 embroidery machines which are able to produce 9
colures. Four machines which are having 10/10/1/1 Heads and 1 machine having
20 heads with a total of 42 heads Barden and tama embroidery machine.
 Finishing Section: eclectic and steam and steam ironing machine ,shirt folding
machine and finishing device including spot vacuum board, spray cleaning gun,
automatic strapping machines poly bag sealing machines and iron for thermo
adhesive paper, washing grayer and hydro extractor machine.
 Quality Section: It comprises fabric inspection, colour cabinet, crock meter,
strength tester, sample cutters and other tools and equipment’s.

1.5.1 Stock keeping procedure

The production system in this company is pull production system then there is no high
inventory in the company.
1. Recording maintenance

Maintenance department is doing its job without the system of recording maintenance .
In general there is no recording maintenance in all departments
2. Communication format
The way of communication is doing in two forms in this company. That are
Inter office memo

Used to communicate in inter department, like from quality to production, to finishing
Intra office memo
This is used to communicate the customers or other company friends.
3. Specifications sheet interpretation
It follows the following procedures, to interpretation specification sheet in MAA garment
and textile based on customer order. This order has the flow of activities.

1.5.2. Work Flow f Activities Performed to Customer’s Sample Order

 Initial input for activities to start performing customer’s sample order is a sample order
sheet which prepared by our Merchandising Department. As I mentioned early this
sample order sheet holds technical file that holds the required information like
 Customer name  Quantity of the sample required
 Style or reference number  Delivery date
 Type of sample  If there is customer’s pattern (soft
 Size of the sample required copy or hard copy)
 Fabric description composition, fabric weight per square meter (GSM)
 what accessories need to use in the sample,
 In addition to this information while sample order sheet comes to Design and Sample
Department it includes either customer’s specification sheet that describes clearly how to
make the required sample or original sample to follow.
 With the above mentioned information if there is customer’s pattern, first identify if soft
copy or hard copy, then if it is soft copy tray to copy to our computer and if there is any
problem in the software incompatibility e.g. Mismatching of CAD software immediately
we inform to our Merchandising department to communicate with the customer and to
send another pattern in software describing what software we are using then check until
we get the pattern with computable CAD software with our CAD software.
 After the pattern is received with suitable format to our software immediately copy to our
computer and check in the computer if there is a need some helping marks like notch,
drills to add and plot and check again in all aspects. But if the customer’s pattern is in a
hard copy immediately digitize the pattern and then check in the computer and then plot.

 The plotted pattern is checked again comparing with the given customer’s original pattern
and converted to hard paper for further advance reference.
 Likely if there is no customer’s pattern to use we develop our pattern as per the given
specification sheet or as per the original sample given.
 Then the next activity is checking a material in the store if the customer didn’t send
his/her own material to make the sample. If we can’t find the material we discuss with
Merchandising Department if possible to use the available resource or not.
 Merchandising Division can advise to wait or making the sample with the available
resources. So we wait until we get the material from our Merchandising.

1.5.3. Receipt of sample order sheet

A copy of sample order sheet is received from merchandising division. It includes the list
of what the customer wants and do not wants including the specification sheet and also
other special customer requirements.
Fabric inspection

If the customer supplies fabric no need of checking or inspection. Otherwise there is a

need of inspection.
Evaluation of the original sample

If the customer provides original sample to follow sample department evaluates every
part of this original sample and analyze it is based on international standards.
Discussion with the production, maintenance and production

To avoid latter difficulties in the mass production and for possible preparation and
modification folders machine availability and other requirements needed for production,
these departments make discussion and decide.
Formal hand over of finished sample from sample department to QAD
When the sample makers finish the sample they will formally hand over it to the QAD.

Inspection of the sample

After receiving the sample the QAD take 100% inspection by following the next

 Work man ship defects  Materials accessories  Appearance and shape

 Construction placement  Presentation etc
 Measurement and fit

Based on deliberate tight inspection Memo stating whether the sample is acceptable or
acceptable with correction or rejection for work, grading of garment and remake will be
issued to production sampling, and merchandising as well as department manager. The
memo also clearly state the following points
 Decisions of pass and fail  The findings, measurement
 Remark discrepancy
 Frequency of rejection by in  Styling
house inspection  Inspectors name approved by
 Format comprising the sample remark date
 Customer description time received and time handed over and also signature of
production department etc.
Buyer comment analysis

This includes addressing buyer’s request (if any), root cause analysis for the comment
assuring the same mistake not to occur again or giving explanation
 Getting POS from the merchandiser
 Marker checking for customer who need only marker
 Pattern evaluation and hand over to production

1.5.4. Raw material, accessories and other material inputs to the company

 Cotton  Button  Care label

 Polyester  Elastic hanger  Main label
 Label loop  Metal Zipper

 Plastic Zipper  Sewing thread  Silken tap etc.
Most of time row material and accessories coming by the customer.
A. Sources of Row Material and Their Suppliers
The main raw material of the company is cotton and polyester. But, about 98% is
processed now cotton fiber, this is requisition from the customers.
Table 1.Source of row material and their suppliers

Type of raw material and accessary Suppliers

Cotton fiber Middle awash ,Omo, Humeral

,Alemicon ,Yusuf omer
Polyester Turk
Dye staffs Turk
Fabric accessories Chain, India
Silken tap Egypt
Care label Prime traders

Button ELNAL
Main label Hong Kong,
Elastic hanger loop Harmotekes
Sewing thread Germen, Tekeze

B) Raw Material Quality Parameter

The raw material of MAA garment and textile factory is tested their quality and standards
by its conditioned laboratory room. The quality parameters of the cotton is as follows,

Table 2 shows the quality parameter of the input raw material

Contain of raw materials Main parameters

Moisture content (7-8.5)%

Trash content /100gram >4.5

Nep/gram 150-200
Amount of honey dew >16
Strength of the fiber 28-29
Staple length (mm) For short fiber 10-12
For long fiber 28-29

C) Some of MAA Garment Major Customers and Partners Are Listed Below:

 Obermeyer, Germany  DVH apparels, china

 George,USA
 Hans, Germany  H&M U
 Walls/wall mart
D) Main products of the company

 Shirts  Dresses & blouses  knitted

 Trousers, Gowns. fabric,Winding
 T-shirts cones

E) Main customers of the company

The main customers or end users of the products or services of MAA garment can be
categorized into two groups:
 Local customers
 Export or foreign customers

1.5.5. The Designing and Pattern Making Department

In this department, pattern maker is trained on how to do pattern more accurately and
importance of pattern information in sewing. According to given specification, patterns
have made for shirts, trouser and kid pant by the experts and it is demonstrated for the
pattern makers.
A rectification can be made on the pattern by pattern maker under the supervision of the
consultant expert (designer).
A sample section has been made as a product development for local and export market
with a support of sample makers.

The departments have two designers and six sample makers. This department starts its
work as soon as the company installed. In this department different tools and machines
are available for making design and pattern.

1. Pattern Paper
There are different kinds of Papers used for pattern making. The White Paper for sample
patterns and the cardboard are used for production pattern.
2. Method of Pattern Making
Generally the buyer will give the specification sheet (contain sketch of garment,
Measurements, accessories, Washing and Packing Details etc....) to the sample in charge.
Using this, pattern is drawn. Sometimes the buyer will send sample garments. They put
pattern by tacking the measurement from the sample garment. For different sizes they
grade the patterns.
3. Pattern Copying Method
The sample pattern, which is made in white sheet, is traced on cardboard to get more
copies for markers.
4. Production Pattern
Since the pattern masters are well experienced, the seam allowances are added on the
measurement it.
5. Costing of garment
Costing of garments depend upon the styles. Costing is done in head office by the
merchandisers and given to the management for approval.
6. Details Marked on the Pattern
The Details marked on the pattern are size, style, customer name, and Part, Date and
fabric type and grain line.
7. Details marked on sample for production

 Quality for production  Colors

 Sizes  Style name
 Ratio  Name of garment

14 Marking section

This department is the main department where the pre-production operations are carried
out. In this department the marker maker make marker plan efficiently for different fabric
according to different fabric characteristics. For carrying out this activity there are marker
makers and supervisors.

1. Marker Length

Marking length varies from style to style. Normally used size(S, M, L, XL, XXL) Work
Order is verified before marking. Whatever told in the work order the details of the
garments are given clearly.

2. Marker Width

Marking width depends upon the fabric width.

3. Method of Duplicate Marker

Cutting Master would mark the marker, the helper should trace with carbon paper for
further copies.
4. Marking on the paper

Usually marking is done directly on the fabric for sample & production pieces. But for
some fabrics that needs more accuracy they go for paper marking to reduce the
consumption, because it is difficult to wipe or erase in a fabric.
5. Details Marked

Marking varies from style to style and depends upon the work order. Method followed
for marking is.
 Open lay  Crosswise lay
 Lengthwise Fold  Partial Crosswise lay
 Partial Lengthwise  Double Lay
6. Economic Way of Marker Making

Computer aided design is the most economical method of marker making and also to
reduce lot of time.

7. Marking tools

Pencil for paper marking, Chalk for fabric marking, Drill machine for placement marks,
and scale for drawing line-scale Etc.

1.5.6. Spreading and Cutting Department

There are two spreading automatic machine by itself after the required fabric is brought
into the cutting section from the stores. It is the most important in saving time and
minimizes number of workers, but he use Most of time for woven fabric.

The number of lays depends upon the requirement of the sewing and the number of the
garment to be produced. After the fabric is laid, if the fabric is knitted its directly cut
because its already marked by chalk, but in case of others the marker paper is spread on
the lay where the pattern is already drawn and it is cut to know the consumption of the
fabric for the garment.

The spreading operators carry out aligning operation on the side of the lay by considering
the way in which they improve their speed and also way in which they minimize wastage
at the start and at the end of the roll.

The other operation carried out in this department is cutting. The cutting operator cut the
fabric for production by considering ways of using fabric consumption system.

Figure 3. Show spreading table

Machines used for cutting and their detail

 Band Knife  Scissors  Numbering

 Straight knife  Clamper  Drill

1.6. Embroidery section
 There is 3 embroidery machine, the two machine have 10 heads each of them&
one machine 20 heads totally 40heads which can able to produce up to 9 colors.
This embroidery machine made of Bermudan and Tajima with a total of adds
value to our products. You have contain computerized automated embroidery
machines enable us on providing highly precise smaller letter designs, excellent
trimming system with stable performance.
 You have productivity and efficiency relays on efficient utilization of machineries
like embroidery one to boost the effective production management you have. You
have contained 5 operators for each embroidery machine and one head of

Figure 4 Embroidery machine (20 Head)

1.7. Sewing Section
 This is where your precision comes in to play in great deal. You have an experienced work
ship to skillfully handle any stitching complexities that this stage requires. These workers
make sure their timely delivery is met with best accuracy. You are high-end sewing machines
and workmen form a mesh to offer variety of stitching type and styles.
 This department contains the most complex activity of the garment manufacturing process of
sewing. It is one of production output of garment factory. The sewing process involves a
number of sewing operators, who deal with for the assembly of different sub assembly
operations, and textile Engineers who have an ample experience in the manufacturing of
garment sub assembly operation.
 The lines also have a line supervisor, for supervising the sewing operator to work according
to the engineer direction. The sewing process carried out according to the sub and main
assembly work. The total line new happening are 14, they are contain each individual
supervisor for each line.
 The sewing process starts after receive of cut parts in bund. For This bund form is then
distributed to the sewing operator by line supervisor. The distribution for each specific
operator is according to the layout of the sewing line which is made by the engineer
depending on the styles and order .There are also in line quality control operator, who are
responsible for the identification any fault during the specific main assembly operation.

Table 3 List of different type of sewing machines and others

N Machine description Machine model Quantity
1 Single needle lock stitch machines 160D 156
DDL-8700-7-WB/SV-500 55
2 Single Needle Differential Feed Lockstitches machine DLD-5430N-7-WB/SC-510 40
3 Single Needle Feed Lockstitches machine DLN-5410N-7-WB/AK85 18
Single Needle ,Needle Feed Edge Cut m/c with thread
trimmer DMN-5420NF-7-00 12
Juki,1-Needle,Lockstich Machine with under Bed
Trimmer, Edge Trimmer DLM-5400N-7-WB/SV-500 4
6 Single Needles Chain Stitch m/c MH-481U 6
7 Two Needles Chain Stitch m/c MH-380FU 7
8 Two Needles Lockstitch m/c with thread trimmer LH-3168SD-7-WB/AK-89 15

&disengagable needles
Juki,2-Needle,Needle-Feed,LockStich Machine with LH-3188GF-7-WB/AK-89 11
Organized Split Needle
Bar, Large Hook, Under Bed Trimmer/Auto LH-3188-7-WB/EC-10/CP-
Lifter(Knee) 160/AK-89 25
11 Two Needles Lockstitch machine LH-3128SQ 2
12 Two Needles 5 Threads Over Lock m/c MO-6916S-DE6-300 28
13 Two Needles 5 Threads Over Lock m/c MO-6916S-FF6-60H 11
14 Two Needles 5 Threads Over Lock m/c MO-6916S-FF6-50H/G09/F26 9
Juki,Super-high speed,2-Needle,4-Threads,Cylinder Bed
15 Over Lock Machines
for Plain Seaming MO-6914CBE6-307-A 18
Juki,Super-high speed,1-Needle,3-Threads, Over Lock
Machines for Plain Seaming MO-6704-0E4-40H/TSC42 12
Juki,Super-high speed,2-Needle,4-Threads,OverLock
Machines for Plain Seaming MO-6914S-BE6-44H/G39/Q141 41
Juki,Super-high speed,2-Needle,4-Threads,OverLock
Machines for Plain Seaming MO-6914S-BE6-44H/G39/Q141 5
Juki,Super-high speed,2-Needle,4-Threads,OverLock
Machines for Plain Seaming MO-6914S-BE6-44H/G39/Q141 38
3 Needles, Cylinder Bed, Flat locks with left hand fabric
trimmer MF-7823H2056/UT25 16
Juki,High-Speed,3-Needle,5-Thread Cylinder-Bed Top
21 and Bottom Covering
Machines for Plain Seaming MF-7823-U10-B56 4
Three-Needle,5-Thread Flat-Bed Top and Bottom
22 Covering Machine Universal,
Thread trimmer MF-7723U10B56UT33 50
Juki,High-Speed,3-Needle,5-thread Flat-Bed Top and
Bottom Covering Machine
with Left-hand Fabric Trimmer with Top and Bottom
Thread Trimmer MFC-7605U-H21-B56/UT5 5
Juki,High-Speed,3-Needle,5-thread Flat-Bed Top and
24 Bottom Covering Machine
for Binding MF-7723-C10-B56 5
25 Straight Buttonhole Stitching machine LBH-780U 9
26 MEB-3200TSMA 8
Eyelet Buttonhole Stitching machine

27 One Needle ChainStitch Button Attach m/c MB-373U 7

28 One Needle Blind Stitch machine CB-641U 4
29 One Needle Blind Stitch machine BS-101 2
30 One Needle Bar Tack Sewing machine LK-1900SS 12
31 Juki,Electronic, Bar tack Machine LK-1900ASS/MC-596-KSS 1
Juki,Electronic,One Needle LockStitch,Button Attaching
Machine(301+304) LK-1903 1
Juki,Electronic,One Needle LockStitch,Button Attaching
Machine(301+304) LK-1903ASS-301/MC-596-KSS 6
34 Two Needles Pocket Welting machine APW-195N2ZCA2KF3CLL 2
Two Needles Feed of the Arm ChainStitch machine with
Vinyl Top Cloth Puller MS-1190MD/VO45R 6
Machine with Top Cloth Puller MS-1261F/VO45S 15
Juki,Computer Controlled Cycle Machine with an
Input Function AMS-215DHS6047SZRCB 1
38 3-Needle cylinder bed Flat lock with trimmer. MZ-1000A 12
Kansai Special,4-Needle,Vertical loopier,double
39 chain stitch flatbed M/c with
rear puller and front metering device DLR-1508P(1/4"-1"-1/4") 14
one needle Post bed machine with variable feeding
JUKI Brand Durkopp 541-1 4
41 One needle single zigzag Flatbed SINGER Brand Singer 457U-125 2
42 One needle Flatbed Basting machine NABLE Brand HB-630 Noble 3
43 Belt Loop Making & Cutting m/c MFB-2600HBMU 1
45 High-speed Single Speed Lockstitch M/c GC 5550 75
46 Over Lock Stitch M/c GN777-38 25
48 Permanent Top Fuse Press m/c YOUNG 1000 EXIT 5
49 Collar Form and Press m/c STC/DST 4
50 Cuff Form and Press m/c STP 6
51 Pocket Forming Device Maica 1001 2
52 Pocket Form and Press m/c Maica 1002 9
53 Collar Center Making Device Maica 3006 4
54 Button Faster Device/Pneumatic Snap Machine LOZIO L16 4
Trouser hooks and eye attaching device\Pneumatic
Snap Machine Lozio L16 Doppia 1
56 Fully Automatic flat fusing press HP-124AP 2
57 Electric & Steam Iron with Vacuum Board MT1 + IRM 22
58 Shirt Folding Device/Table TPC/T6 8
59 Form Finisher Shirt Body Malavasi 286 8

60 Trousers’ Opening Logger Press Seam MTRP + GVP/IRM 4
61 Trousers’ Opening Logger Press Seam MTRP + GVP/IRM 3
62 Trousers’ Single Logger Press MA 441 5
63 Trouser Heap Topper Press MA 22 + BERTI 6
Semiautomatic Strapping Machine/Carton box
banding SR 1000 4
65 Poly Bag Sealing m/c ELMA 45 5

66 Iron For Thermo Adhesive Paper FC TA3 4

67 Naomoto,gravity feed electric steam Iron HYS-58 5

68 Hashima Needle detector HN-740G 2
69 Washing and Dyeing m/c BRONGO L2300 2

70 Hydro Extractor CO.ME.V SEL/900 1

71 Dryer E/75 NV 1
72 Inspection Machine QCM R 1
73 Color Cabinet CAC 60 1
74 Crock Meter/Master Meter 1
75 Strength Tester 101469 1
76 Sample Cutters + Precision Weighed 1
77 Cutting machines 36
78 Embroidery machines 5

Fig 5: sewing (assembly) line

1.8. Finishing section

In this department ironing and packing operation are carried out. It is the final output of
garment prepare for packaging.
For the purpose of making a proper packing from part of work wear are ironed in this section.
An operator in this department insert pin the folded garment in the invisible place of plastic
bags. For the purpose of improving the quality of folding template are prepared. After
products are processed the last part of production is pressing and packing pressing could be
done manually on the ironing tables

Packing can be done manually. A high degree of attention is played by the packing operator.

Fig 6 finishing section

1.8.1 Pressing

Finishing and pressing are two processes which have the greatest influence on the finished
look of a garment. Fusing creates the foundation and pressing puts the final seal of quality on
the garment.

The basic components of pressing are:

Steam and heat are necessary to relax the fabric and make it pliable enough to be molded by

 Pressure: when the cloth has been relaxed by steam, pressure is applied which sets the fibers
into their new positions.
 Drying: After the application of steam and pressure, the component or garment must be dried
and cooled so that cloth can revert to its normal condition. This is done by a vacuum action

which removes surplus water in the fabric and at the same time cools it. For some pressure
operations hot air or infra-red heating is used instead of vacuum for drying;

1.8.2 Packing

Most garments are packed in plastic bags, either at the end of production or when they enter
the finished goods store. Products like shirts and underwear’s are usually bagged and boxed
directly after final inspection and enter the stores in prepacked form. For these and similar
types of products many automatic machines are used.

1.9. Quality control

In sewing area each line has inspection; Inline and off line inspection. Inline inspection is
before garment making random inspection inside sewing area; of line inspection is 100%
inspection after garment production out of sewing area., and sort the control garment in two
first, second quality and repairable garments. Spot cleaning, this can be reprocessed and
reclassified as first or second quality garment again.




2.1.1 Back ground of the study

Quality control in terms of garment manufacturing, pre-sales and posts sales service,
delivery, pricing, etc. are essential for any garment manufacturer, trader or exporter. Certain
quality related problems, should never be over looked. The consumers want to get high
quality products in low cut, make and trim price. The products should reach the consumers
with right quality depends on the cost.

The fast changing economic conditions such as global competition, declining profit margin,
customer demand for high quality product, product variety and reduced lead-time etc. have a
major impact on manufacturing industries. The demand for higher value at lower price is
increasing and to survive, apparel manufacturers need to improve their operations through
producing right first time quality and waste reduction. It is important to identify, quantify and
eliminate sources of variation in an operational process, to optimize the operation variables,
improve and sustain process performance with well-executed control plans. The industry can
gain higher productivity and profitability with improved quality product by minimizing the
need for reworks. It also minimizes cost and improves internal throughout time.

2.1.2. Problem Statement of the study

The major problem on the quality of the product in the MAA garment there is high degree of
defect occurrences. and higher profit loos cost. And the operators have not enough skill
related to quality. Because of this, the company rework percentage is more than standard one.
The standard rework percentage is 7.5% and it is acceptable in apparel industry. But in MAA
garment it is more than acceptable limit.


To improve quality in sewing section by defect minimization in MAA garment.


 To investigate the degree of occurrence of defect types

 To find out the root cause of defects and their solution
 To minimize the defects in the sewing section
 To minimize the profit lose of the garment production
2.2.Significance of the project

The significance of the project is to improve quality and rework minimization, and replace
reworking time to production but also training the operators by using the methods to reduce
the rework occurrence in the production by minimum fatigue, material, time.

2.3. Scope of the project

This project is done in MAA Garment & Textile factory which is found in Ethiopia, Tigray,
Mekelle specific area Quiha. The project is done in sewing section of MAA Garment &
Textile factory. It focuses on quality improvement by defect minimization. But it also
applicable to other companies have related problem.

Limitations of the study

 The company is not fully implemented my project because it was implemented only
for week.
 It was very difficult to apply the project in terms of the given time.
 The supervisor are not interested to give their experience.

2.3.1. Evolution of Quality

Quality is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that on its ability
to meet the stated or implied needs and expectations of the user or customer.(ISO quality
definition)In the early 1950’s, quality management practices developed rapidly in Japanese
plants, and become a major theme in Japanese management philosophy, such that, by 1960,
quality control and management had become a national preoccupation. By the early 1970’s
Japan’s imports into the USA and Europe increased significantly, due to its cheaper, higher

quality products, compared to the Western counterparts. New quality systems have evolved
from the foundations of Deming and Juran. During the last three decades, simple inspection
activities have been replaced or supplemented by quality control, quality assurance and now
most companies are working towards Total Quality (JURAN, D. (1988)

2.3.2. Inspection

At one time inspection was thought to be the only way of ensuring quality. Inspection with
reference to the garment industry can be defined as the examination or review of raw
materials (like fabric, buttons, zippers and sewing threads), in-process components and
completely finished garment in relation to some standard specifications, or requirements but
now it is count as non-value adding activity. The system is an after-the event screening
process with no prevention content. Simple inspection based systems usually do not directly
involve suppliers or customers in the activity.(dnijela paunovic 2011)

2.3.3. Quality Control (QC)

The overall system of technical activities that measures the attributes and performance of a
process, item, or service against defined standards to verify that they meet the stated
requirements established by the customer; operational techniques and activities that are used
to fulfil requirements for quality. It is also ‘responding to observed problems'

2.3.4. Quality Assurance

'Anticipating and avoiding problems'

Quality assurance covers all procedures focused on providing confidence that quality
requirements will be fulfilled, and anticipating problems The goal of quality assurance is to
prevent, reduce or limit the occurrence of errors in a statistical product and, therefore, to get it
right first time. An integrated system of management activities involving planning,
implementation, assessment, reporting, and quality improvement to ensure that a process,
item, or service is of the type and quality needed and expected by the client.(dnijela paunovic

2.3.5. Total quality management

The fourth and highest level of quality management is TQM. TQM is a management
philosophy, a paradigm, a continuous improvements or ’KIZEN’ approach to doing business
through a new management model. TQM expands beyond statistical process control to

embrace a Quality improvement in wider scope of management activities of how to manage
people and organizations by focusing on the entire process, not just simple measurements.
This involves the0 application of quality management principles, these are: continuous
improvement, customer focus, honesty, sincerity and care to all aspects of the business,
including customers and suppliers. By deferent directions.Article Source:

 Cause-Effect (“Fishbone”) Diagram

Cause-Effect (“Fishbone”) Diagram is developed by Kaoru Ishikawa; this tool is frequently

called the Ishikawa diagram in his honor. Its purpose is to organize and display the
interrelationships of various theories of root cause of a problem. By focusing attention on the
possible causes of a specific problem in a structured, systematic way, the diagram enables a
problem-solving team to clarify its thinking about those potential causes, and enables the team to
work more productively toward discovering the true root cause or causes.

 Costs of quality in garment industries

Cost of poor quality (COPQ): The costs associated with providing poor quality products or
services. There are four categories: internal failure costs (costs associated with defects found
before the customer receives the product or service), external failure costs (costs associated
with defects found after the customer receives the product or service), appraisal costs (costs
incurred to determine the degree of conformance to quality requirements) and prevention
costs (costs incurred to Quality-related activities that incur costs may be divided into
prevention costs, appraisal costs, and internal and external failure costs.

A. Prevention costs

Prevention costs are incurred to prevent or avoid quality problems. These costs are associated
with the design, implementation, and maintenance of the quality management system. They
are planned and incurred before actual operation, and they could include:
A. Education Production and Technical, Quality control
B. Quality related training
C. Salary of quality administrative staff
D. Costs of preparation of specifications Production and Technical, Quality control

E. Quality assurance Quality control department p failure and appraisal costs to a minimum).

B. Appraisal costs

Appraisal costs are associated with measuring and monitoring activities related to quality.
These costs are associated with the suppliers’ and customers’ evaluation of purchased
materials, processes, products, and services to ensure that they conform to specifications.
They could include:
 Verification—checking of incoming material, process setup, and products against
agreed specifications
 Quality audits—confirmation that the quality system is functioning correctly
 Supplier rating—assessment and approval of suppliers of products and services

a. Job related training: the cost incurred for delivering short-term training for quality testers.
b. Incoming inspection and test: determine the quality of purchased product, whether by
an inspection on receipt, by inspection at the source, or by surveillance.
c. Quality audits: Cost incurred to make quality review and auditing.
d. Final inspection and test: Evaluation of conformance to requirements for product
e. Maintenance accuracy of test equipment: keeping measuring instruments and equipment in
f. Inspection and test materials and services: materials and supplies in inspection and test
work where significant.
C. Internal failure costs
Internal failure internal failure costs are incurred to remedy defects discovered before the
product or service is delivered to the customer. These costs occur when the results of work
fail to reach design quality standards and are detected before they are transferred to the
customer. They could include:
Waste:-performance of unnecessary work or holding of stock as a result of errors, poor
organization, or communication
Scrap:-defective product or material that cannot be repaired, used, or sold
Rework or rectification:- correction of defective material or errors
Failure analysis:-activity required establishing the causes of internal product or service failure
Waste: costs incurred for low quality of products.
a. Scrap: The labour, material, and (usually) overhead on defective product that cannot
economically be repaired.

b. Recheck or re-inspection: re-inspection and retest of products that have undergone rework or
other revision.
c. Rework: correcting defectives in physical products or errors in service products.
d. Machine down time cost: the cost incurred due to machine idle time (stoppage time).
e. Down grading cost: the cost incurred due to lower grade (example if the company sell grade “A
“product at the price of grade” B” product) due to non-conformance.
f. Overtime due to non-conformance: cost incurred for the extra time due to non-conformance.
g. Failure analysis: Costs for analyzing nonconforming goods or services to determine causes
D. External failure costs

External failure costs are incurred to remedy defects discovered by customers. These costs occur
when products or services that fail to reach design quality standards are not detected until after
transfer to the customer. They could include:
 Repairs and servicing—of both returned products and those in the field.
 Warranty claims—failed products that are replaced or services that are re-performed
under a guarantee
 Complaints—all work and costs associated with handling and servicing customers’
 Returns—handling and investigation of rejected or recalled products, including transport

This project contains use of quality tool to minimize defect and rework on MAA. It include
the theoretical ideas about various defect, various quality tool specially Paratoo analysis and
cause –effect diagram. The project work conduct on the selected section this includes the
understanding about the quality control system of the selected section and how this could be
improved. The conceptual developments includes the generation of ideas for minimizing
defect by identifying major concerning area and by providing respective suggestion finally
the last segment contain the comparative theoretical and mathematical evolution about
quality control system. This project paper focuses on the improvement of quality garment in
sewing section in the MAA. So I work this project by dived.

2.3.6. Research Approach
Observe the defect n

Asking defect types in the room

Collecting the recording data in the month

Arranging the given data

Calculate defect percentage

Problem solving method

Data analysis

Result and discussion


Fig7. Research approach

2.3.7. Method of Data Collection

The interviews data collection method used to collect data directly by asking a person based
on the project objectives. I used in orders to collect some information. First I prepare
questions that related with my project and I asked those questions to whom it concerned. It is
also used to gather additional information to compare the current quality with respect to
standard I asked those persons

 quality assurance head  Line supervisor  Engineering team head

 Line operator  Production manager
By asking that employee some information

 Quality checking system of the section

 Number of checkers in line
 Number of machine
 Number of quality checking points and etc.
 I observed the problem in sewing  Time taken to rework
section & cause of the defect  Number of operator for rework
 Machine arrangement  Amount of rework in one day
 Type of defect  Number of quality checker
 Amount of defect in a line  Quality control system or method
 Type of product  Threading system &stitching data collection

Find some information about how to improve the quality sewing section of the factory to
support my project

 Textbook  Internet  Monthly data

I use internet as a data collection method to compare the real work with the standard; and to
get references &some better information method

Product description
1. Buyer: - decathlon 6. Size: - 2XXS, M, XL, 9. Sewing line;8 sewing
3XXL line
2. Style: -legging pant 95
7. SAM:-8.73min 10, colour; black
3. Suppliers- decathlon
8. No. of Operators:-20.5 11, thread; span fibre
5. Fabric type: -Knitted
per line
fabric (82%cotton, 8%

2.3.8. Data Presentation Method

When I study my project used, Microsoft excel, tables, Graph and Chart and photos to
represent my data.
2.3.9. Data presentation and analysis
Interview: - I asked many questions for the workers, quality managers and general manager
about the existing method of quality control of MAA garment textile company. So that most
of them suggested me the current method is not more profitable and they advice me to apply
new method of quality control in the production..
Generally I observed there is poor quality management system in the company. Because the
current method of quality system is affected the profit of the company. And it is a reason for
the occurrence higher amount defective pc in the production. Secondary data
The secondary data is collected from quality assurance department and it is monthly report.
the data is distributed for each type of defect.

Table 4 monthly collected

un slip tack label size Wrong Oil
Week days Broken skip Wavy even Waist out missing miss mix stain elastic label stain
1 169 73 91 42 12 30 44 12 15 26 5 17 2
week 1 2 53 62 43 14 6 9 38 11 3 2 5 18 2
3 56 48 39 22 62 24 29 13 2 4 11 4
4 38 47 41 16 5 14 28 12 2 3 4 22 2
5 49 83 100 16 16 17 19 18 4 1 5
6 58 49 43 10 29 10 18 9 1 9 8 5 3
1 100 69 56 32 25 20 6 16 5 11 1
2 61 51 40 20 9 19 20 10 6 8 2 5 2
3 59 33 55 25 11 22 7 5 8 8 4 1
week2 4 107 55 40 16 24 18 28 8 4 9 5 2 3
5 65 65 44 23 11 14 9 4 21 7 3 5
6 83 76 40 35 23 32 27 9 4 20 6 8 0
1 75 54 32 20 17 13 32 8 1 1 6 5 1
2 60 50 24 32 35 11 10 5 1 1 2 3
3 40 47 23 19 20 10 10 7 5 8 5 7 1
week3 4 89 60 38 24 25 7 5 7 9 5 3 4 6
5 70 40 20 22 21 8 21 18 10 8 1
6 77 48 47 19 18 17 27 25 7 2 3 3 1
1 103 80 43 15 14 12 40 7 8 5 3 5 1
2 97 90 20 29 9 25 42 11 5 3 1 2 5
week 4 3 89 70 32 26 50 32 29 31 11 5 6 2 1
4 86 87 73 32 54 39 40 33 2 1 5 7
5 107 57 54 22 61 25 34 20 7 9 8 5
6 120 78 69 19 48 41 19 14 2 2 11 1 2
Total 1911 1472 1107 518 574 459 614 280 130 157 116 154 56
= 7548

 Rework, pass and reject analysis
Table 5. Monthly Rework, pass and reject analysis

week1 week 3 week 3 week 4 total Sum

Checked 22668 24500 23215 26543 25156 27546 149628

ok pcs 20640 22111 20541 24531 23012 24951 135786

Rework 1944 2289 2544 1900 2034 2500 13211

Reject 84 100 130 112 110 95 631

20000 631
cheked ok pcs rework reject

Fig 8 graph of monthly Rework, pass and reject analysis

Rework % = reworked pcs * 100 13211 = 8.83 %

Total cheeked 149628

 It indicates the result is more than standard or bench mark.

Now we can calculate degree of occurrence of defect types in parentage. By using this

% occurrence of single defects = amount of defects in single defect type * 100

Total inspected piece

Example:- skip defect have1472 defects so we can calucalate

% occurance of skip stich 1472 * 100 =19%


Table 6 number of defect and their percentage of occurrence

Defect type No of defect / month % of occurrence

Skip 1472 19
Broken 1911 25
Wave 1107 14.4
Tack miss 614 10.5
Slip out 459 6
Side seam un even 518 6.76
Waist 574 7.8
Stain 157 2
Size mix 130 1.7
Label miss 280 3.7
Wrong label 154 2
Oil stain 56 0.7
Elastic 116 1.51


Fig 9 graph of defects and their value

The graph indicates skip, broken,wave,and tack missing are the main defects in the
production of legging pant in the company.

2.3.10. Cost analysis

The sample before improvement is totally 7548 defects per month in 8 lines
The company produces averagely 550 pcs/day in the line

Cost of one piece=23 birr

One piece takes 8.73min to produce

One defective piece reworked @ 2.5 mints

There are 20.5 operators in one line

And one operator daily salary =56.7 * 26 =1474

One operator produces 30 pieces per day

1 defective piece = 2.5 min


= 18870 min reworking time

Reworked piece cost =23birr*7548defective piece = 173,604 birr per month

Then the reworking minute can produce

1 pcs = 8.73min = 2161 pcs

18870 min

1 operator produce = 30 pcs per day

2161 = 72 operators

Total cost =Operator daily salary*no operators × rework cost

1474𝑏𝑖𝑟𝑟 *164+173,604 birr =415,340 birr/month

Main finding
 I have observed much defects and reworks which are reasons for poor quality
 I have observed there is frequent defect occurrence in the production.
 I understand there is no inline inspection, Point Allocation System (PAS) to
control quality by operators.

Solution of the selected problems

 Applying inline inspection in sewing section in order to inspect the garments in the
time of production. That inspecting from the beginning up to the ending with required
standards and specification of the customer.
 ApplyingPoint Allocation System (PAS)in the proposed method, Point Allocation
System (PAS), workers themselves will be considered as quality controllers. They will
evaluate their own work and will make sure that they produce defect-free products.
Eventually, they would act more carefully and would be trained for having clearer picture
regarding specifications and necessary treatments for each fault.

Table 7:- point allocation format

Defect type No
defects Name operator

Operation type

Tack miss comment
Slip out
Side seam un
Size mix
Label miss
Wrong label

Oil stain
 The operators should have awareness about cause and solution about the defect.

Table:- 8 source of defect and their remedy

Defect source remedy

Skip Caused by machine malfunction or wisely operating the machine and

excessive needle heat due to friction and controlling the tension
Broken Caused by wrong type of stitch and Using strong thread and using proper
excessive tension stitch type
untrimmed By Carelessness of operator and Good operator focus and using
operator fatigue and material standard trimmer
Wavy By bad handling during stitching Using good handling technique and
Stitch Controlling presser foot pressure
Tack Operator carelessness and machine Operator concentration and using
missing problem proper machine(have back stitch)
Slip out By using un proper seam type, by Select proper seam type and
using excessive speed and controlling speed
Side seam Poor Operator skill and bad handling Improving operator skill and using
Un even technique good handling technique
Needle cut by wrong size or type of the needle, Using correct type of needle for
blunt needle, needle heat, or machine specific machine
feeding difficulty

Stain Contamination of the fabric and dirty Using proper fabric inspection
particles machine
Size mix Lack of concentration Using size detector to identifying the
Label Forgetting of label on the garment Giving more focus and attention
Oil stain Machine Oil contamination on the Make the surface of the machine clean
garment from oil

Wrong by misunderstanding about label and Giving training to the checkers about
label measurement problem the work

When I implement the project for one week I passed the following processes

1/first I investigated the solution of the problem after that I contacted the sewing production
manager of the company in order to get the permission to apply. then he accepted the project
to apply in the ground then I applied the study for one week only because of short of time and
absence order.

2/ then I applied my project in the ground by giving training to the operators and by preparing
point allocation format and in line inspection method of quality checking.

3/then finally I recorded the data after improvement of the project.

Fig 10 quality inspection method implement

RESULTS AND discussion

I implemented my project for one week. .the existing monthly defect was 7548 but after
implementation it reduced 1392 in a week.

Table 9:- weekly defects collected

Defect type Amountof defect

Broken 340
Skip 220
Wavy 150
Side seam un even 114
Waist cover s/t 129

Tack miss 191
Label missing 87
Size mix 40
Stain 53
elastic 4
Wrong label 50
Oil stain 14
Total 1392






broken skipp wavy side slip out tack label size mix stain elastic wrong oil stain

Figure 11:- graph of previous and improved defects

But we can calculate the rework in the week
1392*4=5568 per a month
Cost of one piece=23 birr

One piece takes 8.73min to produce

One defective piece reworked @ 2.5 mints

There are 20.5 operators in one line

And one operator daily salary =1474 * 26 =1474

One operator produces 30 pieces per day

1 defective piece = 2.5 min


= 13920 min to reworking time

Reworked piece cost =23birr*5568 defective piece birr per month

total profit = profit loos cost before improvement profit loose cost after improvement

(415,340 128,064)












3.1. In terms of improving practical skill

Internship improves practical skill& relationship with workers. I have developed a confidence
to do the given work practically without any problem and I also observe practical work is
more simple than theoretical. Gaining knowledge from practical work is easier and its skill in
maintaining with hand is helpful. I can say I gained many improvements in upgrading my
practical skills because I spent my full time by working practical things. This contributes a lot
by improving my understanding of things that I learned before theoretically. This activity

♣ Improving and getting application of different machines.

♣ Improving pattern making in short method.
♣ Improving the skill of assembly or construction of garment.
♣ Confidence on communication with different workers of the company.
♣ Develop an ability to do a given work practically without any challenges
♣ Holding responsibility
♣ Time management
♣ Work ethics and industrial politics

3.2. In terms of upgrading theoretical knowledge

The internship was very helpful in improving my theoretical knowledge. I had upgrade my
theoretical through working hard with in the different departments, thus it was necessary by
reading different books and communicating with the professionals of the company. I applied
my past theoretical learning experience during my project works. There was different way of
upgrading theoretical skill of experience, among ways which upgrade my theoretical skills.
Some of them are listed below

♣ Discussion; discussion is also the other way of gathering theoretical skill, in each discussion
there is a flow of Varity of ideas, these can upgrade discussion experience and different
theoretical analysis skills.

♣ Interview; the role of interview is not only getting information about specific information
rather it can serve as learning means of life experience, working experience and wide
knowledge on something.
♣ Exchanging information: by communication with thee worker I upgrade how to exchange
information with in the department and intra department.

3.3. In terms of improving interpersonal communication skill

communication skill is how well we communicate with someone and how well we behave or
carry our self or simply which means interpersonal skills are how people relate to one
another. I am trying to develop my interpersonal communication skill that is the process by
which I exchanged information feelings and face to face communication. I have improved my
communication skill with person throughout the company with confidence and easily as
possible. I have observed that communication between different section of the project is vital
to attain high efficient on work. Having positive interpersonal skills increase the productivity
in the organization since the number of conflicts is reduced.

3.4. In terms of improving team playing skills

Team work is the best way to develop knowledge and exchange experience, so in order to get
these things we need to play on team and develop such mechanisms of learning and working
on the company. During the internship time I was working with my friends which help us to
discuss problems we face in the company to adapt ourselves to the new environment fast.
There are number of benefits I gained from team work among them;
♣ Sharing experience among the groups.
♣ Creating participation and involvement.
♣ Making better decision.
♣ Generating a diversity of ideas.
♣ Understanding how internship is useful for every work in company
♣ Distribute the work load to cover with in a time.
♣ To compute among themselves just to make better work.
♣ Develop a friendship we respect each other’s
♣ Team work also allows me to make friends and enjoy a better social experience when
studying and working.
♣ Because everyone has an aim to achieve a goal more efficiently.

♣ One of the most important qualities to have when collaborating with others is the
ability to communicate.

3.5. In terms of improving leadership skill

Leadership skill are the tools, behaviours and capabilities that person needs in order to be
successfully at motivating and directing others. I develop a good leadership skill ability to
build consensus in the face of uncertainty in my internship stay. Leadership also defined as an
organization and motivating a group of people to achieve a common achieve
leadership skill it requires high level commitment to learn from each experience face. I have
observed that a good leader is well principal individual who is focus on a common goal and
eliminate excess fear and doubt from his employees and work for a common good all. During
these times I have been able to observe that one should have great skills to be a leader these
 Communicate effectively  Good management skill
 Take ownership and responsibility  Commitment, integrity and honesty
 Grate listener
 Confidence be supportive
 Initiative to work
 Understanding people  Vision and focus on big picture
 Encourage others through positivity

3.6. In terms of understanding about work ethics related issues

Work ethics related issues are the behaviours of doing work with good conduct without
separation of everything on the workplace. Ethics tells us about moral duties and that our behaviour is right and truthfully. From terms of understanding about
two types of work ethics these are;

Personal ethics

I develop my own respect ion, punctuality, seriousness.

Specific to a work situation

Work ethics specific to work situation are like;

♣ Keeping certain information, confidential

♣ Maintaining cordial relation with the ethics and agencies that a company
 Self-motivation  Self-confidence has
 Ethics and moral  learn from mistakes
values  Ability to complete
 Ability to plan tasks
 Leadership and  Communication
 Personal relation and
♣ Being prepared to take up new tasks

3.7. In terms of entrepreneurship skill

Entrepreneurship is a skill that can develop and expand through practicing or is
the fact and art of being an entrepreneur or one who under tasks innovation, introducing new
things in an effort to transformation in to economic goods. The entrepreneur skills I have
been gained from the internship are the following;



4.1. Conclusion
The suggestive tools developed in article cover a comprehensive series of aspect in
minimizing defects in the sewing section of by ensuring quality. Generally after implement of
this project we save power, labour, time, material, money and others. That means the
occurrence of sewing defects and profit loos cost reduced. the profit of the company rise by
287,276 birr. Because the company applied the point allocation system and inline inspection
by creating operator training.

4.2. Recommendation of the project

 They should be use in line inspection with strong manner to minimize the poor quality
cost and to become competitive in global market.
 The company should improving continues improvement (kaizen) and its application
in the ground
 The company should use traffic light system for quality inspection in the sewing
 inspection is always visual, sometimes machine can be used for inspection of
 Run quality awareness program for your employees
 The company should be applicable preventive maintenance schedule
 Records of inspection report per hour with accuracy.


hassain, n. (january 2013). point allocation based quality control & defect analysis in sewing

JURAN, D. (1988). juran quality hand book. 5 th edition.

minimazation of defect in the sewing sctionof appral industry . (june 2013). bangladish: 5th
edition .

rishnan,d,r(2016RI) defect in garment & ARPIA NAYARK.

wamanro, P. (JANUARY 2017). minimazation of defcect in garment stiching.

 Company profile
 @ 3:40 Sunday
 Monday



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