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Base 10 Systems Rates (Long Version)

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The document provides detailed rates for various anatomical structures, cells, and body systems using a base 10 numbering system.

Many major body systems are described such as the auditory system, visual system, nervous system, endocrine system, respiratory system, etc.

The document discusses various types of cells including nerve cells, muscle cells, epithelial cells, blood cells, endothelial cells, and more.

Systems Rates Base 10



a AUDITORY 914508
b VISUAL 315912
d ENDOCRINE 259446
f1 BLOOD 0409 D
g1 SPLEEN 465 D
h IMMUNE 374632
j1 TEETH 5479
j2 LIVER 596
l URINARY 337762
m SKELETAL 69846
n MUSCULAR 458782
o SKIN 10.1 D
p TISSUES 2774 D
p1 CELLS 4822
q FLUIDS 666

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a EARS 910. D
a Arteries 2542
a Bony Part 4835
a Cartilage 5336
a Ceruminous glands 4472
a Wall of meatus 7463
a (External auditory canal) meatus 3310.1
a MIDDLE EAR 13372 D
a Auditory ossicles 6537
a Articulation of ossicles 8428
a Incus 1224
a Ligaments 1229
a Malleus 4399
a Ligaments 4339
a Stapes 122 D
a Ligaments 8467
a Auditory tube 654
a Bony part 821
a Cartilagenous part 3291
a Mucous membrane 1123
a Tube Tonsil 3510.
a Anterior wall 6334
a Medial wall 2524
a Fenestra cochlea 4366
a Fenestra vestibuli 3577
a Promontory 7656
a Posterior wall 6561
a Fossa incudis 4852
a Pyramid 4227
a Tympanic antrum 7693
a Aditus 5454
a Tympanic cavity 469
a Floor of tympanic cavity 158
a Petrotympanic fissure 3269
a Tegman Tympani 1256
a Tympanic membrane 5349
a Arteries 3849
a Cuticular 4546

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a Fibrous 3458
a Mucous 5649
a Nerves 3575
a Ganglia 349
a Plexus 895
a Secondary tympanic membrane 2427
a Cochlea 3529
a Basilar membrane 3537
a Fenestra cochlea 5448
a Helicotrema 5678
a Modiolus 2225
a Spiral canal 3235
a Osseous spiral lamina 23310.
a Scala tympani 5524
a Scala vestibula 2334
a Secondary spiral lamina 9544
a Fibro-serous membrane lining 2333
a Perilymph 3436
a Pyramid of the vestibule 2527
a Semi circular canals 2855 D
a Ampullae 2387
a Crus commune 4449
a Horizontal canal 3289
a Posterior semicircular canal 2288
a Superior semicirular canal 2339
a Vestibule 2253
a Vestibular crest 2258
a Arteries of labyrinth 4918
a Internal auditory artery 8423
a Auricular posterior artery 847
a Stylo-mastoid branch of auricular artery 8933
a Auditory nerve 3571
a Auricula ganglion 934
a Cochlea nerve 8345
a Vestibular nerve 852
a Vestibular ganglion 8649
a Duct of cochlea 127
a Basilar membrane 1310.
a Vestibular membrane 2351
a Lagoema 129
a Limbus laminae spiratis 175
a Stria vascularis 7371
a Endolymph 6259
a Macula of the Utricle 2324
a Ductus utriculoscecularis 6012

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a Filaments of auditory nerve 5715

a Saccule 7322
a Canalis reuniens 5681
a Filaments of auditory nerve 7991
a Maccula of saccule 7326
a Succus endo lymphaticus 837
a Semicircular ducts 7910.
a Ampullae 883
a Crista ampullaris 9910.
a Septum transversum 7894
a Spiral organ 525
a Ganglion 239
a Hair cells 616
a Rods of corti 5210.
a Inner 05010.
a Outer 529
a Tectorial membrane 513
a HEARING 6766 D


b EYE-right 3
b EYE-left 31
b Opthalmic artery 53627
b Optic nerve 8231
b Eyeball 33
b Fibrous coat 2037
b Sclera 891
b White fibrous tissue 545
b Lamina cribrosa sclerae 7262
b Nerves derived from ciliary nerves 192
b Cornea 3556
b Cornea-right 33988
b Cornea-left 313988
b Corneal epithelium 793
b Substantia propria 622
b Lamellae 828
b Corneal spaces 924
b Posterior elastic lamina 2310.
b Pectinate ligament of iris 184
b Vascular coat 835
b Choroid 5503
b Suprachoroid lamina 527

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b Vascular lamina 727

b Choriocapillary lamina 723
b Basal lamina 7203
b Ciliary body 141
b Ciliary ring 10.12
b Ciliary processes 4031
b Ciliaris muscle 5573
b Rectus muscle lateral (external) 3452
b Rectus muscle superior 309
b Rectus muscle inferior 301
b Rectus muscle oblique superior 3441
b Rectus muscle oblique inferior 3356
b Rectus muscle medial (internal) 3453
b All six muscles 96798
b IRIS 3313
b Right 32534
b Left 312534
b Layer of endothelial cells 7963
b Stroma 7252
b Muscular fibres 859
b Arteries 9243
b Nerves 8433
b From ciliary nerves 1322
b From ciliary ganglion 1265
b From occular motor nerve 3425
b RETINA 3709
b Right retina 3709
b Left retina 31709
b Stratum opticum 3332
b Ganglionic layer 162
b Inner plexiform layer 1239
b Inner nuclear layer 1724
b Outer plexiform layer 1623
b Outer nuclear layer 331
b Layer of rods and cones 1393
b Arteries 7323
b Hyaloid membrane 6433
b Hyaloid canal 633
b Suspensory ligament of lens 6933
b LENS 933
b Lens of right eye 3777
b Lens of left eye 31777
b Nucleus of lens 3393
b Capsule of lens 3552
b Fibres of lens 3445

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b Orbital muscles 7325
b Orbital nerve 632
b Pupil 317
b Macula lutea 2375
b Oculomotor nerve 5462
b Optic nerve 8231
b Occipital plexus 948
b Opthalmic plexus 53
b Palpebral process of eye 3435
b Palpebral-right 310.9
b Palpebral-left 3110.9
b EYELIDS 7953
b Right eyelid 7979
b Left eyelid 31979
b Canthus-inner 5688
b Canthus-outer 5689
b Palpebral commissures-right 0304
b Palpebral commissures-left 3110.4
b Tarsal gland-right 0307
b Tarsal gland-left 310.7
b Superior tarsus 5522
b Conjunctiva 2223
b Conjunctiva-right 3776
b Conjunctiva-left 31776
b Lacrimal gland 1635
b Lacrimal sac 2227
b Right 3953
b Left 31953
b Lacrimal duct-right 351
b Lacrimal duct-left 3151
b Lacus lacrimalis-right 0302
b Lacus lacrimalis-left 310.2
b Punctum lacrimalis-right 0304
b Punctum lacrimalis-left 310.4
b SIGHT-right 310.
b SIGHT-left 311
b VISION-right 3986
b VISION-left 31986

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In this section the abbreviation "aka" is used = also known as.

The basic concept of the nervous system is that the brain receives sensory information from both the external
environment and the internal environment of the body. The brain integrates all this information and sends out
appropriate responses to muscles and organs. Below is a list of locations which have functions, some of which
are mentioned. There is also a list of brain functions, some with indications of some of their locations. Locations &
sublocations may have multiple functions.


c1 CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM or CNS (Brain and Spinal Cord) 34943
c1 BRAIN 1332
c1 Cerebrum right 29
c1 Cerebrum left 291
c1 Corpus callosum 4233
c1 Frontal lobes Executive functions and motor areas which initiate all voluntary movement of skeletal muscles 3534
c1 Frontal lobes Executive functions and motor areas which initiate all voluntary movement of skeletal muscles 68325 GP
c1 Frontal lobe R 3435 GP
c1 Frontal lobe L 34351 GP
c1 Primary motor cortex/Pre-Rolandic area aka precentral gyrus 4473
Within this is motor homunculus which controls voluntary muscles in:-

c1 Arm 03018 DLW

c1 Eyes and Head 4397 DLW
c1 Face 5877 DLW
c1 Leg 2457 DLW
c1 Trunk 2343 DLW
c1 Parietal Lobes Including sensory areas for taste and cutaneous senses 66341 GP
c1 Parietal Lobes Including sensory areas for taste and cutaneous senses 4327
c1 Parietal Lobe R 4237 GP
c1 Parietal Lobe L 42373 GP
c1 Somatosensory cortex / Post- Rolandic area aka postcentral gyrus 4387
Within this is sensory homunculus which perceives tactile sensation in:-

c1 Arm 3487
c1 Face 2643
c1 Leg 3642
c1 Skin 4437
c1 Trunk 4976
c1 Temporal lobes Senses of hearing and smell 3143 GP
c1 Temporal lobe R 4332 GP
c1 Temporal lobe L 4312 GP
c1 Auditory area of temporal lobes 4534
c1 Occipital lobe R Sense of vision 5733
c1 Occipital lobe L. 57331
c1 Association areas Concerned with integration 80485
especially of motor and sensory functions, analysis,learning and memory

c1 Diencephalon Begins where mid brain ends & surrounds 3rd ventricle. 3211 GP
It consists of epithalamus, thalamus, subthalamus & hypothalamus

c1 Thalamus 4523

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c1 Internal capsule Separates Thalamus from Globus Pallidus 6252

c1 Lateral geniculate nucleus aka optic thalamus 797
c1 Basal ganglia Initiates movement (a misnomer as it is a group of several nuclei, see below) 6203
c1 Caudate nucleus 5233
c1 Putamen 5336 GP
c1 Globus pallidus 2312
c1 Subthalamic nucleus 6435 GP
c1 Substantia nigra 6032
c1 Corpus striatum = caudate, putamen and globus pallidus 5682 GP
c1 Corpus striatum = caudate, putamen and globus pallidus 423 DLW
c1 Lentiform nucleus aka lenticular nucleus = putamen and globus pallidus 5632 GP
c1 Lentiform nucleus aka lenticular nucleus = putamen and globus pallidus 4311 RB
c1 Red nucleus 3655
c1 Hypothalamus Controls both lobes of the pituitary gland. Nuclei in hypothalamus include: 3328
c1 Anterior Regulates body temperature 7734 GP
c1 Lateral Hunger and thirst 3354 GP
c1 Mammillary 1426
c1 Paraventricular Produces oxytocin one of its functions is to contract uterus 1253
Stimulates milk production, improves memory

c1 Suprachiasmatic Sleeping, waking, and circadian rhythms 2113 GP

c1 Supraoptic Produces vasopressin (antidiuretic) 1223
c1 Ventromedial Satiety 1224 GP
c1 Limbic system Activated by motivated behaviour and arousal and it influences the endocrine 10.448547
glands and ANS

c1 Reticular formation Large part of brain stem medulla,pons & mid brain, consist of small areas 43354 GP
of grey matter interspersed with white matter. It also extends into spinal cord and diencephalon

c1 Reticular activating system Concerned with levels of consciousness & awakening. 44354
It comprises projections from reticular formation to cerebrum
c1 Vasomotor centre Pertaining to the nerves that innervate the smooth muscle in the walls 8847
of arteries and veins

c1 Ventricular system: 26643 GP

c1 Lateral ventricles 2396
c1 Neural canal of lateral ventricle 3396
c1 Lateral ventricles R 6943 GP
c1 Lateral ventricles L 6932 GP
c1 Third ventricle 1735
c1 Fourth ventricle 3322
c1 Choroid plexus One for each of the 4 ventricles. Network of blood vessels, derived from those 2745
of pia mater, in each of the brains ventricles. Responsible for the production of cerbrospinal fluid

c1 Cerebrospinal fluid 5297

c1 Brainstem Between brain and spinal cord ( composed of mid brain, pons and mudulla) 6631445 GP
c1 Mesencephalon (MIDBRAIN)At the top of the Brainstem 3333
c1 Corpora quadrigemina (nuclei) aka Colliculus superior and inferior 4523
c1 Cerebral aqueduct aka Aqueduct of mid brain 3212
c1 Basis pedunculi Or Crura Cerebri 5455
c1 Cerebral peduncles 1432
c1 Red nucleus Largest nuclei of reticular formation 3655
c1 Tegmentum Extends through length of whole brainstem 4302

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c1 Substantia nigra Functions with basal nuclei. Degeneration of dopamine releasing neurones 6032
is the ultimate cause of Parkinson's Disease.

c1 Pons varolii 3156

c1 Medulla oblongata 44
c1 Pyramids On ventral surface 7534 GP
c1 Reticular formation In central region of brain stem; a core integrating structure of the brain 43354 GP
c1 Hind brain Part of brain stem includes cerebellum, medulla oblongata, vaso-motor centre 3432
and pons varolii

c1 Cerebellum (has 2 hemispheres) 231

c1 Cerebellum R 2231 GP
c1 Cerebellum L 32231 GP
c1 Dentate nucleus Largest nucleus 4595
c1 Grey matter Outer 4358
c1 White matter Inner 02021
c1 Inferior peduncle Connects cerebellum with spinal cord and medulla 1215
c1 Middle peduncle Connects cerebellum with basilar portion of pons 1313
c1 Superior peduncle Connects cerebellum with midbrain 1212
c1 Crura cerebri A pair of bands joining cerebrum to medulla and pons 1327
c1 Crura cerebri aka Basis pedunculi 5455
c1 Crura fornicis 1453
c1 Fornix Fibrous vaulted band connecting the cerebral lobes 1513
c1 Optic chiasma aka Pars Optica 3454
c1 Optic chiasma aka Pars Optica 1325
c1 Auditory area Primary auditory cortex is situated in temporal lobe 4534
c1 BALANCE AND EQUILIBRIUM Cerebellar Cortex 4675
For good balance ALL of the following must work well:
c1 Vestibular nerve Which forms part of CN8 852
c1 Vestibular nerve Which forms part of CN8 4367
c1 Vestibular apparatus Including inner ear semicircular canals (3 each side) Input from eyes- 74625
nerve supply to muscles that move eyes are CN3,4,6. Information from feet via proprioception.

c1 Cerebellum 231
c1 CONCERN 3543
c1 CO-ORDINATION OF MOVEMENT Cerebellar Cortex 44910.
Emotional Limbic system and especially the hypothalamus also solar plexus & enteric NS.
c1 Association area 80485
c1 Memory areas 6455
c1 Eating: hunger/satiety Located in lateral, venteral & ventro medial nuceli in hypothalamus 3864
c1 sugar control 3948
c1 Respiratory centre Medulla and pons in brain stem 6539
c1 SENSORY AREA Unciate Gyrus 7567
c1 Smell Cranial nerve 1 also involved 5882
c1 Taste Gustatory cortex in parietal lobes, CN7, CN9 also involved 4573

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SEX AREAS Relating to:

c1 Desire 090500
c1 Endocrine centre 39302
c1 Frigidity 44759
c1 Frustration 49524
c1 Function 48440
c1 SLEEP CENTRE Sleep/wake cycle regulated by supraschiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus 43335
acting with other brain regions

c1 SLEEP CENTRE More chemical / hormonal imbalances due to stress 7943 DLW
c1 SPEECH Broca's area 7432
c1 TEMPERATURE CENTRE In hypothalamus anterior nucleus 5534
c1 THIRST CENTRE Lateral nucleus of hypothalamus 7346
c1 VISUAL CENTRE In part of occipital lobe 7303
c1 VOMITING Motor area 3410.
c1 MENINGES OF BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD 3 Membranes covering brain and spinal cord 279 D
c1 Dura mater Outer layer 7123
c1 Arachnoid mater Middle 1909 D
c1 Pia mater Internal layer 347
c1 Arachnoid villi 5545
c1 Cerebrospinal fluid 5297
c1 Subarachnoid space Between pia and arachnoid mater 1399
c1 Subdural space Beneath the dura mater 2299
c1 Theca Enclosing case or sheath, so in this context seems to be same as dura mater above 7959
c1 Central canal 78488
c1 Grey matter of spinal cord (inner) 606
c1 Nerve fibres Grey 316
c1 Neuroglia of grey matter 603
c1 Nerve cells Grey 266
c1 Anterior horn Within grey matter 2963 DLW
c1 Dorsal horn Within grey matter 2329 GP
c1 Lateral horn Within grey matter 2969 GP
c1 White matter of spinal cord outer 9977
Within white matter there are anterior, lateral & posterior columns. Within this white matter of the
spinal cord are actual spinal tracts which carry information with specific functions.

c1 Anterior white (ventral) funiculus aka column 3121

c1 Lateral white funiculus aka column 3678
c1 Posterior white (dorsal) funiculus aka column 3464
Note on FUNICULUS. A funiculus in white matter of spinal cord seems to be merely a geographical
description & has no functional relevance (in contrast with the ascending and descending tracts
which do have a functional relevance). One exception is the dorsal colums which are major
ascending tracts.
There are 6 funiculi in white matter - 3 on left side and 3 on right side.
c1 Medulated nerve fibres 191

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Spinal cord - major ascending sensory tracts A tract is a bundle of nerve fibres, without
connective elements in the crus
c1 Spinothalamic tracts Lateral tract - pain & temperature. Anterior tract - pressure & light 67934
touch such as stroking sensory ascending tract

c1 Spinocerebellar tract Subconscious proprioception 63547 GP

c1 Dorsal columns aka posterior column ie fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus - both 3464
on each side of midline Proprioception, fine touch discriminatory and vibration

Spinal cord - major descending motor tracts

c1 Direct (pyramidal) pathways. Convey nerve impulses destined to cause precise voluntary 2357
movements of skeletal muscles. This includes lat.corticospinal, ant.corticospinal and
corticobulbular tract

c1 Indirect (extra pyramidal)pathways Convey nerve impulses that programme autonomic nerve 23759
movements, help co-ord body movements with visual stimuli.Maintain skeletal muscle tone and
posture & play a role in equilibrium by regulating muscle tone in response to movement of the
head.(rubrospinal, tectospinal, vestibulospinal, lateral reticulospinal & medial reticulospinal).


c2 Peripheral nervous system Cranial & spinal nerves 379527
c2 General rate for nerves Bundles of nerve fibres both sensory & motor 110.9
c2 Afferent nerves (sensory) Carry information to the brain 561 D
c2 Afferent nerves (sensory) Carry information to the brain 759 D
c2 Efferent nerves (motor) Carry messages from brain to muscle or organ 741 D
c2 Efferent nerves (motor) Carry messages from brain to muscle or organ 865 D
c2 Nerve substance 6732
c2 Nerve tissue Neurons and neroglia of nervous system 8479
c2 Nerve tissue Neurons and neroglia of nervous system 3479 DLW
c2 Nerve tissue Neurons and neroglia of nervous system 959 DW
c2 Nerve cell Nerve cell grey matter of spinal cord 266 DW
c2 Neuron A neuron or neurone is a nerve cell 4295 DLW
c2 Nerve cell General Rate 7632 DLW
c2 Nerve fibre Process which conducts nerve impulses axon or dendrite 77641
c2 Axon Propogates nerve impulses toward another neurone, muscle fibre or gland. 6974 DLW
Usually long & thin

c2 Dendrite Collect information, they receive information into the cell (a type of nerve fibre) 4441
usually short & highly branched, usually not myelinated

c2 Synapse The site of functional contact between 2 neurons or between a neuron 10.074
and an effector cell.

c2 Endoneurium Delicate connective sheath that surrounds nerve fibres within a 4443
fasciculus (small bundle of nerve fibres)

c2 Epineurium Connective tissue covering of a peripheral nerve 3335

c2 Funiculus A small bundle of fibres enclosed in a tubular sheath. There are 6 funiculi in the spinal 755
cord: they are regions of the white matter.
c2 Perineurium Connective tissue sheath surrounding each bundle of fibres 555
in a peripheral nerve

c2 Neuroglia Supporting structure of nervous tissue. Main 3 types are astrocytes, 6910.
microglia & oligodendrocytes

c2 Microglia cells of neuroglia 433

c2 Schwann cell aka neurolemmocytes produces myelin sheath around PNS neurons 7323
c2 Schwann cell nucleus 7939
c2 Myelin sheath of nerve fibre 634

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c2 Neurilemma aka Neurolemma The portion of the Schwann cell which includes exposed 1323
part of its plasma [outer] membrane) (sheath of a Schwann cell)

c2 Neuroblast Any embryonic cell which develops into a neuron 33

c2 Nerve endings 4133 DLW
c2 Nerve endings sensory 2439 DLW
c2 Nerve trunk Several nerves running together 345 DLW
c2 PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Everything apart from brain & spinal cord i.e. Cranial 379527
nerves, spinal nerves, autonomic N-S, & enteric N-S

c2 CRANIAL NERVES (1-12) 2208 D

c2 1 Olfactory 5334 DLW
c2 1 Olfactory 22081 D
c2 2nd Optic 8231 DLW
c2 2 Optic 22082 D
c2 3rd Occulo motor 5462 DLW
c2 3 Occulo motor 22083 D
c2 4th Trochlear 3465 DLW
c2 4th Trochlear 22084 D
c2 5 Trigeminal 2347 DLW
c2 5th Trigeminal 22085 D
c2 6th Abducent 2365 DLW
c2 6th Abducent 22086 D
c2 7th Facial 4454 DLW
c2 7th Facial 22087 D
c2 8th Auditory vestibular 3571 DLW
c2 8th Auditory vestibular 22088 D
c2 9th Glossopharyngeal 7441 DLW
c2 9th Glossopharyngeal 22089 D
c2 10th Vagus 872 DLW
c2 10th Vagus 220810. D
c2 11th Spinal accessory 4552 DLW
c2 11th Spinal accessory 220811 D
c2 12th Hypoglossal 2502 DLW
c2 12th Hypoglossal 220812 D
Some Cranial Nerves with some detail
c2 5th Trigeminal 22085 D
c2 Trigeminal ganglion aka Gasserian and Semilunar 826
c2 Opthalmic forehead division 6383 GP
c2 Maxillary cheek division 5810.
c2 Infraorbital 9686
c2 Alveolar superior upper teeth posterior 7689
c2 Alveolar superior upper teeth middle 6898 GP
c2 Alveolar superior upper teeth anterior 7690
c2 Zygomatic nerve aka Orbital sub-branch from maxillary 7866 GP
c2 Mandibular lower jaw division 937
c2 Alveolar inferior lower teeth 391
c2 Mylohyoid motor 4935
c2 Lingual 8335

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c2 Motor branch/pathway to move lower jaw 8443 GP

c2 7 Facial 22087 D
c2 Geniculate aka Genicular ganglion Sensory ganglion of facial nerve 3123
c2 Zygomatic branch of facial nerve 983
c2 8 Vestibulocochlear acoustic 22028 D
c2 Vestibular ganglion 8649
c2 Vestibular nerve One of the nerves concerned with equilibrium. It takes these messages 852
from vestibular ganglion in ear to brain

c2 Cochlear nerve Transmits impulses regarding hearing from cochlear part of ear to brain 8345 DLW
c2 10th Vagus 220810. D
c2 Vagus, general rate 872 DLW
c2 Vagus, of bronchi 42810. DLW
c2 Vagus, of duodenum 5221 DLW
c2 Vagus, of heart 23755 GP
c2 Vagus, of large intestine Excluding descending colon which is served by a splanchnic nerve 8723 DLW
c2 Vagus, of liver 8232 DLW
c2 Vagus, of lungs 6888 DLW
c2 Vagus, of pancreas 281 DLW
c2 Vagus, of small intestine 2338 DLW
c2 Vagus, of stomach 8226 DLW
c2 Vagus, of thymus 899 DLW
c2 Vagus, of trunk 210. DLW
c2 Cervical 1-8 Note there are 7 cervical vertebrae but 8 cervical nerves as 1 is above cervical 4344
bone 1, and cervical nerve 8 is below cervical bone 7

c2 Cervical plexus Formed by ventral rami of nerves C1-4 121

c2 Cervical plexus posterior Formed by the dorsal rami of nerves C1-4 4444
Note: C5-8 & T1 lead into brachial plexus
c2 Brachial plexus 326
c2 Thoracic 1-12 6655
c2 Lumbar 1-5 (1-4 lead into lumbar plexus) (L5 leads into sacral plexus) 6423
c2 Lumbar plexus 138
c2 Sacral 1-5 2201
c2 Sacral plexus 421
c2 Coccygeal 3599
c2 Coccygeal plexus A small plexus formed by the ventral branches of the coccygeal and the fifth 623
sacral nerve, and a communication from the fourth sacral nerve.

Nerves in the arm:

c2 Cutaneous-medial (arm) 4610.
c2 Superior lateral cutaneous of arm 21
c2 Musculo - cutaneous aka Cutaneous-musculo from brachial plexus with fibres from C5,C6, C7 23451
c2 Median (From C5, C6, C7, C8 & T1: runs down medial side of arms - same side as little finger) 1218 D
c2 Anterior interosseous (motor) 2421 GP
c2 Radial From brachial plexus to thumb side of arm 1217 D
c2 Posterior interosseous Motor 4721 GP
c2 Posterior cutaneous of arm Sensory dorsal surface of arm 6782 GP
c2 Inferior lateral cutaneous of arm Sensory skin back of arm 6321 GP

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c2 Dorsal digital (hand) 4694

c2 Dorsal digital (hand) 8577
c2 Ulnar From brachial plexus and C7, C8 & T1 4643
c2 Ulnar From brachial plexus and C7, C8 & T1 1219 D
c2 Ulnar-deep terminal branch 7352
c2 Ulnar-palmar cutaneous branch 5792
Nerves in the leg:
c2 Cutaneous - posterior of thigh 83446
c2 Cutaneous - lateral part of thigh 8492
c2 Femoral From L2-4 and possibly also L1 5621
c2 Obturator From lumbar plexus and L3 & L4 910.54
c2 Peroneal-common (aka lateral popliteal) From L4, L5, S1 & S2 3793
c2 Peroneal-deep A terminal branch of common peroneal 4468
c2 Peroneal-superficial A terminal branch of common peroneal 10.965
c2 Saphenous A deep branch of femoral nerve in medial side of lower leg 551
c2 Sciatic-great 235
c2 Sciatic-small 472
c2 Sciatic-sheath 23315
c2 Sural 4179 GP
c2 Tibial 2612
c2 Tibial 7854
c2 Lateral plantar Sensory & motor 43211 GP
c2 Medial plantar Sensory & motor 43121 GP
c2 SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Branches off spinal cord at levels of T1-T12 and L1-2 739
Ganglia in sympathetic nervous system and splanchnic nerves:
c2 Superior cervical ganglion 444
c2 Middle cervical ganglion 4458
c2 Inferior cervical ganglion 447
c2 Paravertebral ganglia T1-12 & L1-2) 653
c2 Coeliac ganglion 4341
c2 Messenteric ganglion - superior 143
c2 Messenteric ganglion - inferior 146
c2 Splanchnic nerve - greater 5557
c2 Splanchnic nerve - lesser 544
c2 Splanchnic nerve - lowest (aka renal) 4512

c2 Ciliary ganglion 262

c2 Pterygopalatine ganglion aka Sphenopalatine 226
c2 Submandibular ganglion aka submaxillary 2661 GP
c2 Submandibular ganglion aka submaxillary 554
c2 Otic ganglion 264
c2 Vagus nerve (cranial nerve 10) 220810. D
c2 Splanchnic nerves - pelvic (From sacral 2,3,4) 1373
c2 Hypogastric plexus 135 D

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c3 ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM A third subdivision of ANS contained within walls of gut 7522 GP
Plexuses in enteric nervous system:
c3 Submucous plexus In intestinal wall within submucous 4544
c3 Myenteric plexus Between inner & outer layers of muscle layers of AC tract 4753
c2 Nerves of bronchi (general) 2354
c2 Nerves of lung (general) 3322
c2 Afferent / Sensory 561 D
c2 Efferent / Motor 741 D
c2 Motor / Efferent 865 D
c2 Peripheral Any nerves that are not part of the CNS which is brain and spinal cord. 4248
c2 Sensory / Afferent 759 D
c2 Axillary (roots) 4121
c2 Auricular 9432
c2 Alveolar-superior posterior (teeth) From maxillary and infraorbital nerves 7689
c2 Alveolar-superior middle (teeth) 6898 GP
c2 Alveolar-superior anterior (teeth) 7690
c2 Bulbo-sacral autonomic 5231
c2 Cutaneous-lateral (thigh) 8492
c2 Cutaneous-medial (arm) Cutaneous brachii medialis, sensory 4610.
c2 Cutaneous-musculo (Or musculo cutaneous) Musculo-cutaneous from brachial plexus 23451
with fibres from C5,C6 & C7

c2 Cutaneous-musculo (Or musculo cutaneous) Musculo-cutaneous from brachial plexus 6501

c2 Cutaneous-posterior (thigh) 83446
c2 Cutaneous (skin) 9791
c2 Dorsal digital (hand) 4694
c2 Dorsal digital (hand) 8577
c2 Efferent / Motor 741 D
c2 Femoral From L2-4 and possibly also L1 5621
c2 Gastric 7329
c2 Genito-femoral From L1 & L2 4626
c2 Inferior alveolar From mandibular nerve 391
c2 Infraorbital Continuation of maxillary nerve 9686
c2 Lingual From mandibular nerve 8335
c2 Mandibular Bottom of the 3 divisions of trigeminal nerve CN5 937
c2 Maxillary Middle branch of trigeminal nerve CH5 5810.
c2 Median From C5, C6, C7, C8 & T1: runs down medial side of arms (same side as little finger) 1218
c2 Motor / Efferent 865 D
c2 Mylohyoid From inferior alveolar nerve 4935
c2 Obturator From lumbar plexus and L3 & L4 910.54
c2 Orbital aka maxillary branch of cranial nerve 5 632
c2 Occipital From medial branch of dorsal ramus of C2 7462
c2 Occipital-third A branch of cervical nerve 3 5718
c2 Opthalmic (forehead division) 6383 GP
c2 Peripheral 4248
c2 Peroneal-common From L4, L5, S1, & S2 3793
c2 Peroneal-deep A terminal branch of common peroneal 4468

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c2 Peroneal-superficial A terminal branch of common peroneal 10.965

c2 Plantar 5432
c2 Popliteal 674
c2 Phrenic Arises in cervical plexus, enters thorax, & passes to diaphragm; a motor nerve 10.010.96
to diaphragm with sensory fibres to pericardium.

c2 Pudendal 1227 DLW

c2 Radial From brachial plexus to thumb side of arm 1217
c2 Saphenous A deep branch of femoral nerve in medial side of lower leg 551
c2 Sciatic-great 235
c2 Sciatic-small aka nerve cutaneous femoris posterior 472
c2 Sciatic-sheath 23315
c2 Sensory/ afferent 759
c2 Splanchnic-great From thoracic sympathetic trunk and 5th through 10th thoracic ganglia 5557
c2 Splanchnic-lesser From 9th and 10th thoracic ganglia (sympathetic) 544
c2 Splanchnic-renal Branches off splachnic great 4512
c2 Suprascapula From brachial plexus and C6 & C6 4498
c2 Tibial 2612 RB
c2 Tibial 7854
c2 Ulnar From brachial plexus and C7, C8 & T1 4643
c2 Ulnar-deep terminal branch Branches from Ulnar nerve are: Dorsal,Superficial and deep digital 7352
c2 Ulnar-palmar cutaneous branch 5792
c2 Vasomotor Inervates smooth muscles around capillaries 2326
c2 Zygomatic branch of facial nerve 983
c2 SYNAPSE 10.074
c2 GANGLIA Collections of nerve cell bodies in the PNS 7810.
c2 Auricular 934
c2 Basal In upper brainstem. See separte note on basal ganglia under brain. 6203
c2 Cardiac-superior 651
c2 Carotid In carotid plexus 3622
c2 Carotid-inferior A ganglion of the internal carotid plexus. 355
c2 Carotid-superior A ganglion of the internal carotid plexus. 353
c2 Cervical-inferior 447
c2 Cervical-middle 4458
c2 Cervical-superior Uppermost ganglion on sympathetic trunk 444
c2 Cervical of uterus 841
c2 Ciliary aka retrobulbar or lenticular 262
c2 Coccygeal 424
c2 Facial Ganglia of facial nerve 7328
c2 Ganglion (A general rate for) singular of ganglia 866 DLW
c2 Gasserian (see CN5) aka semilunar, commonly known as trigeminal ganglia 826 DLW
c2 Gasserian (see CN5) aka semilunar, commonly known as trigeminal ganglia 10.074 D
c2 Geniculate (see CN7) Sensory ganglion of facial nerve 3123
c2 Hepatic 392
c2 Intercarotid 145 D
c2 Jugular On root of vagus nerve 3361
c2 Jugular-inferior 3371
c2 Lumbar Sympathetic 3237

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c2 Mesenteric-inferior 146 DLW

c2 Mesenteric-superior 143 DLW
c2 Nodosum Ganglion of trunk of vagus nerve 126
c2 Otic 264
c2 Petrous On lower margin of temporal bone's petrous portion 2164
c2 Pharyngeal In contact with CN9 574
c2 Phrenic Sympathetic 564
c2 Prostatic On prostate gland 874
c2 Renal Sympathetic 521
c2 Sacral 414
c2 Semilunar aka trigeminal and gasserian ganglion 813
c2 Pterygopalatine (aka sphenopalatine) 226
c2 Spinal On dorsal root of each spinal nerve 4704
c2 Submandibular (aka submaxillary) Parasympathetic 554
c2 Suprarenal A ganglion at the junction of the great splanchnic nerve 367
c2 Thoracic Sympathetic trunk 653
c2 Thyroid Old name for cervical middle ganglion! 4458
c2 Tympanic On superior dental nerve. An enlargement on portion of CN9 349
c2 Vestibular Sensory ganglion on CN8 8649
c2 Aortic 9431
c2 Brachial 326
c2 Cardiac-superficial 253
c2 Cardiac-deep 5422
c2 Carotid-external 2242
c2 Carotid-internal 2275
c2 Cavernous Sympathetic 363
c2 Celiac Celiac aka Coeliac 434
c2 Cervical 121
c2 Cervical-posterior A plexus in post.cervical region, formed by dorsal rami of 1st 3 spinal nerves 4444
c2 Coccygeal 623
c2 Coronary-anterior Sympathetic 3625
c2 Coronary-gastric 5232
c2 Coronary-posterior Sympathetic 943
c2 Crural aka femoral plexus: a plexus accompanying the femoral artery 731
c2 Cystic A nerve plexus near gallbladder 563
c2 Diaphragmatic 4524
c2 Epigastric plexus See solar plexus / coeliac-celiac 66
c2 Facial A nerve plexus along the facial artery 567
c2 Gastric Subdivision of celiac 656
c2 Gastro-duodenal 922
c2 Haemorrhoidal aka rectal plexus 4521
c2 Hepatic Largest subdivision of celiac 4831
c2 Hypogastric aka Pelvic 135
c2 Intestinal submucous Part of enteric nervous system 744
c2 Laryngeal 5302
c2 Lingual Nerve plexus accompanying lingual artery 522

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c2 Lumbar 138
c2 Mesenteric-inferior 167
c2 Mesenteric-superior 745
c2 Nasopalatine 553
c2 Obturator 864 DLW
c2 Occipital A nerve plexus accompanying occipital artery. 948
c2 Oesophageal 478
c2 Opthalmic 53
c2 Ovarian 543
c2 Pancreatic Subdivision of celiac plexus/ coeliac plexus 1397
c2 Pancreatic-duodenal 757
c2 Pelvic aka inferior hypogastric plexus 1364
c2 Perivascular In the splanchnic arteries of vagus nerve 4431
c2 Pharyngeal 517
c2 Phrenic Springs from or connected with celiac/coeliac plexus 641
c2 Popliteal 2243 DLW
c2 Popliteal 2244
c2 Prostatic Arises from lower part of inferior hypogastric plexus 699
c2 Prostatic 39791
c2 Pudendal 5779
c2 Pudendal 39791
c2 Pulmonary-anterior 1398
c2 Pulmonary-posterior 139
c2 Pyloric 3223
c2 Rectal superior 5753 GP
c2 Rectal middle 5253 GP
c2 Rectal inferior 5254
c2 Renal Subdivision of celiac plexus/coeliac plexus 437
c2 Sacral 421
c2 Solar (aka celiac) 66
c2 Spermatic aka plexus testicularis, plexus pampiniformis 673 DLW
c2 Splenic 921
c2 Subsartorial 539
c2 Subtrapezial On deep surface of trapezius muscle 857
c2 Thyroid-inferior 845
c2 Thyroid-superior 843
c2 Tonsillar On tonsillar branch of CN9 64378
c2 Tympanic 895
c2 Vertebral Small ganglion on sympathetic trunk anterior to commencement of vertebral artery 5508
c2 Vesical Nerves supplying bladder form this plexus. This arises from anterior part of 637
inferior hypogastric plexus.

c3 ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM - A third subdivision of ANS contained within walls of gut 7522 GP
Plexuses in enteric nervous system:
c3 Submucous plexus In intestinal wall within submucous 4544
c3 Myenteric plexus Between inner & outer layers of muscle layers of AC tract 4753

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d Connective tissue cells 2323
d Fibrils 2219
d Pineal cells 7588
d Anterior lobe 694
d Alpha cells 763
d Beta cells 1524
d Chromophobe cells 3543
d Infundibulum-hypophysis 682
d Pars intermedia 695
d Blood vessels 4429
d Posterior lobe 698
d Neuroglia cells 1328
d Cell columns 4427
d THYROID 2687
d Right lobe 687
d Left lobe 6871
d Isthmus 2533
d Pyramidal lobe 2245
d Capsule of connective tissue 3424
d Vesicles 3259
d Accessory thyroid 5687
d Thyroid nerve plexus-superior 843
d Thyroid nerve plexus-inferior 845
d Upper right 59
d Lower right 69
d Upper left 79
d Lower left 89
d Connective tissue 5323
d Principal cells 5555
d Neutrophil cells 10.74
d Oxyphil granules 4533
d Arteries 2304
d Veins 3325
d Lymph vessels 3321
d Nerves 4432
d THYMUS 396
d Right lobe 3216
d Left lobe 3246
d Lobules 7742
d Areolar tissue 9583
d Concentric corpuscles 6216

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d Arteries 2739
d From internal mammary 1511
d From superior thyroid 614
d From inferior thyroid 612
d Veins 7522
d Ending in L.innominate vein 8910.
d Ending in thyroid vein 6997
d Lymph vessels 989
d Nerves 3329
d From vagus nerve 899
d From sympathetics 7988
d Branches to outer covering from descendens hypoglossi 8808
d From phrenic nerve 10.93
d Suprarenal right 310.72
d Suprarenal left 310.78
d Fibro-areolar capsule 1221
d Trabeculae 1226
d Cortex 746
d Zona glomerulosa 4335
d Zona fasciculata 5543
d Zona reticularis 5333
d Medulla 735
d Chromaffin cells 1311
d Venous sinusoids 353
d Arteries 2237
d Sympathetic nerve fibres 4263
d SPLEEN 465
d Gaucher cells 1232
d Peritoneum 7488
d External serous coat 435
d Serous coat 9436
d Fibro-elastic coat 5234
d Trabeculae 4365
d Splenic pulp 7686
d Splenic cells 3263
d Arteries 364
d Splenic artery 4294
d Branches 7715
d Arterioles 4326
d Veins 3225
d Lymph vessels 2910.
d Lymphatic nodules 4789
d Nerves 7644
d From coeliac plexus 4141

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d PANCREAS 10.968
d Head of pancreas 9972
d Anterior surface 996
d Posterior surface 995
d Tail of pancreas 997
d Anterior surface 9226
d Posterior surface 9225
d Inferior surface 9223
d Superior border 9221
d Pancreatic duct 3872
d Ampulla of duct 3233
d Accessory pancreatic duct 3276
d Structure
d Alveloli 9789
d Intercalcary ducts 987
d Centro-ancinar cells 982
d Paranucleus 964
d Islands of langerhans 99719
d A cells 99
d B cells 991
d Arteries
d From splenic artery 9845
d From branch of hepatic artery 5435
d From branch of mesenteric artery 4322
d Veins 977
d Nerves
d From vagus nerve 281
d From splanchic nerve 5324
d Through splenic plexus 9222
d Pancreatic plexus 1397
d Pancreatic duodenal plexus 757
d Lymph vessels 2203



e NOSE 96
e Cartilage-lower nasal 8822
e Cartilage-upper nasal 443
e Nasal duct 965184
e Nasal plexus-venous 752
e Nerves for muscles 4452
e Nerves for skin 53
e Arteries 1326
e Bowmans gland 52910.
e Lateral wall 1225

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e Mucous membrane-nasal 5533

e Nares 346
e Posterior 2233
e Nasolacrimal duct 343
e Nerves 2263
e Olfactory nerve 5334
e Olfactory region 2246
e Olfactory receptors 2418
e Respiratory nerve 3324
e Septum-nasal 31222
e Veins 3366
e Antrum 285
e Antrum 254
e Ethmoidal 9936
e Ethmoidal 993
e Frontal 133
e Mastoidal 2843
e Maxillary 157
e Sphenoidal 251
e Constrictor muscles 5553
e Epithelium-stratified 1324
e Mucous coat 1391
e Nares-posterior 2384
e Salpingo-pharyngeal fold 477
e Nerves 319
e From sphenopalatine ganglion 226
e From glossopharyngeal nerve 7441
e Pharyngeal ganglion 574
e Pharyngeal isthmus 473
e Pharyngeal plexus 517
e Pharyngeal venous plexus 5476
e Artery-tonsillar 675
e Lymphocytes 6710.
e Lymphoid tissue 635
e Plexus-tonsillar 64378
e Waldeyer's tonsillar ring 7467
e Arteries 4222
e Cartilages 3426
e Ligaments 3238
e Membranes 311
e Mucous membranes 373
e Muscles 24
e Nerves 717

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e Veins 3041
e Vocal cords 4995
e Vocal folds 54
e Throat 4777
e TRACHEA 8047
e Cartilages 838
e Mucous membrane 8402
e BRONCHI 2392
e Bronchial tube-left 23921
e Bronchial tube-right 2392
e Arteries 4303
e Cartilage rings 2337
e Infundibulum of bronchi 5288
e Lymph vessels 2364
e Passing to paratracheal gland 3316
e Passing to pretracheal gland 33271
e Mucous membrane 4467
e Muscular tissue 8524
e Nerves 2354
e From recurrent laryngeal nerves 410.7
e From sympathetic trunks 3217
e From vagus nerves 42810.
e Sub-mucous layer 3427
e Veins 6521
e Arteries 8994
e Cavity-pleural 243
e Lymph vessels 2224
e Membrane basement 2532
e Muscle unstriped 111
e Nerves 9797
e From phrenic nerve 873
e Serous coat 3228
e LUNGS 776
e Left lung 77
e Right lung 76
e Apex left 444761
e Apex right 44476
e Arteries 2456
e Pulmonary artery 534
e Bronchi intrapulmonary 4239
e Alveoli 7761
e Alveoli-elastic tissue 38697761
e Bronchioles-terminal 6742
e Mucous membrane 2446
e Muscles-bronchial 5425
e Outer fibrous coat 4477

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e Muscles-external intercostal 3113

e Muscles-internal intercostal 3112
e Nerves 3322
e Broncho-constrictors from vagus 3742
e From sympathetics 2302
e From vagus nerve 6888
e Plexus-anterior pulmonary 132
e Plexus-posterior pulmonary 139
e Pulmonary substance 4215
e Lobules 3266
e Serous coat 5653
e Sub-serous tissue 4223
e Veins 310.8
e Muscles 8459
e Phrenic ganglion 564
e Phrenic nerve 10.010.96
e Phrenic plexus 641


f HEART 5238
f Aorta 798
f Arteries 4933
f Right coronary 492
f Marginal branch 4204
f Interventricular branch 4033
f Left coronary 4921
f Interventricular branch 4904
f Atria 3521
f Right 55
f Left 56
f Endocardium 3795
f Connective tissue 2534
f Elastic fibres 5402
f Lymph vessels 2022
f Deep plexus 2255
f Superficial plexus 2292
f Myocardium 4250
f Fibrous muscular rings 25
f Transverse 254
f Longitudinal 252
f Nerves 2305
f Aortic 9431
f Cardiac plexus 403

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f Deep 5422
f Superficial 253
f Coronary anterior plexus 3625
f Coronary gastric plexus 5232
f Coronary posterior plexus 943
f Pericardium 2587
f Fibrous sac 2591
f Serous sac 2593
f Arteries 2314
f Nerves 2346
f Lymph glands (mediastinal) 5345
f Pericardial lymph fluid 27291
f Auriculoventricular node (Purkinje fibres) 2249
f Auriculoventricular bundle (bundle of his) 8526
f Sino-auricular node 2256
f Tendon of the infundibulum 6246
f Valves 4256
f Aortic 46
f Mitral 2567
f Pulmonary 412
f Tricuspid 2597
f Veins 442
f Coronary sinus 238
f Valve of coronary sinus 2308
f Great cardiac vein 2345
f Left marginal vein 2411
f Small cardiac vein 207
f Right marginal vein 232
f Middle cardiac vein 206
f Posterior vein of left ventricle 212
f Oblique vein of left atrium 274
f Anterior cardiac veins 2461
f Ventricles 2555
f Right 256
f Left 259
f Arteries 497
f Adipose 4965
f Anterior communicating 9874
f Aorta 789
f Aorta 75789
f Aorta-Coccygeal abdominal 432
f Aorta-arch of 1233789
f Aorta-arch of 6023
f Aorta-thoracic 978
f Aorta-thoracic 75789
f Auricular-posterior 847

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f Axillary 648
f Basilar 3422
f Brachial 491
f Carotid-common 526
f Carotid-external 516
f Carotid-internal 536
f Cerebellar-posterior inferior 4958
f Cerebral 2947
f Cerebral-posterior 4395
f Coronary-right 492
f Coronary-left 4921
f Dorsalis pedis anterior 10.710.10.
f Facial 6856
f Femoral 426
f Gastroduodenal 1684
f Gluteal 381
f Hypophyseal branch of int.carotid 2753
f Iliac - common 5169
f Lingual 225
f Mammary-internal 2747
f Maxillary-internal 6651
f Medial plantar 8213
f Median sacral 6929
f Mesenteric inferior 7789
f Mesenteric superior 778
f Metacarpal (hands) 454
f Opthalmic 53627
f Occipital 6633
f Plantar medial 8213
f Popliteal 383
f Pudic 4986
f Pulmonary-right 534
f Pulmonary-left 5341
f Radial 49756
f Spinal-anterior 4357
f Spinal-posterior 6757
f Splenic 7765
f Subclavian 879
f Superficial temporal 46652
f Temporal 4993
f Testicular 5511
f Tibial-anterior 642
f Tibial-posterior 649
f Ulnar 7783
f Vertebral 6376
f Structure 4965
f Internal coat 4464

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f Tunica adventitia 4706

f Tunica media 4705
f Nerves 868
f From plexuses 3367
f From sympathetic ganglia 3343
f From peripheral nerves 4246
f From perivascular plexuses 4431
f Arterioles 495
f Arteriole capillaries 1428
f Blood vessel 4098
f Ovarian 975
f Capillaries 248
f Cells of capillary wall 2488
f Cells of envelope 249
f Circulation of blood 4925
f Sinuses-blood 3649
f Veins 494
f Axillary 855
f Basilic 3652
f Cardiac-anterior 3564
f Cardiac-great 2345
f Cephalic 487
f Cerebral-great 459
f Cerebral-middle 563
f Choroid 7449
f Facial 4968
f Femoral 6992
f Femoris profunda 64432
f Heart-right marginal vein 232
f Hepatic 898
f Iliac external 6521
f Iliac internal 4982
f Ilio-lumbar 4895
f Jugular 453
f Median sacral 4949
f Mesenteric-inferior 485
f Plantar digital 4985
f Popliteal 4455
f Portal 4022
f Pudendal-inner 4997
f Pudendal-outer 4998
f Pulmonary 734
f Saphenous-long 3535
f Saphenous-short 434
f Splenic 2554
f Subclavian 3397
f Vena cava-inferior 4323

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f Vena cava-superior 4743

f Structure
f External coat 4677
f Internal coat 4903
f Middle coat 462
f Nerves 3024
f Valves 4624
f Venules 862

f Basal 5332
f Carotid 2889
f Choroid 2745
f Haemorrhoidal 10.89
f Internal rectal 5254
f Nasal 752
f Ovarian 6611
f Pampiniform 785
f Pharyngeal 5474
f Uterine 935
f Vaginal The part of the uterovaginal plexus that supplies nerve fibres to the wall of vagina. 953


f1 BLOOD 0409
f1 Blood bicarbonate 2559
f1 Blood calcium 493204
f1 Blood cholesterol 040459
f1 Blood phosphorous 34549
f1 Blood sugar 04095
f1 Blood urea 607
f1 Blood corpuscles 4315
f1 Erythrocytes 2331
f1 Men 409229
f1 Women 409226
f1 Reticulocytes 9378
f1 Haemoglobin 5496
f1 Leucocytes 03071
f1 Lymph Corpuscles 2432
f1 Lymphocytes 03029
f1 Monocytes 4417
f1 Polymorphonuclears 02027
f1 Eosonophils 03049
f1 Basophils 8425
f1 Neutrophils 6833
f1 Oxyphils 7822
f1 Plasma 040966

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f1 Plasma cells 4309

f1 Macrophages 4422
f1 Platelets 04094
f1 Circulation of blood 4925
f1 Fibrinogen 6249
f1 Prothrombin 4653
f1 Thromboplastin 6426



g CHYLI 3353
g Aplastic lymph 1352
g Lymph fluid 2669
g Lymphocytes 679
g Vessels 327
g External coat 3275
g Internal coat 3222
g Middle coat 3211
g Glands 889
g Auricular 533
g Axillary 448
g Axillary 3566
g Axillary nodes 885599
g Bronchial 791
g Bronchial 357
g Coeliac 768
g Cervical (deep) 325
g Cervical (superficial) 4437
g Coccygeal 564
g Epitrochlear 8882
g Iliac (external) 152
g Iliac (internal) 131
g Inguinal (superficial) 1611
g Inguinal (deep) 151
g Intercostal 703
g Lingual 2277
g Lumbar 9273
g Mediastinal 5345
g Mesenteric 3991
g Popliteal 4411
g Submandibular 9473
g Submental 3273
g Subocciptal 3421
g Sternal 4833

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g Right duct 352
g Right bronchomediastinal trunk 4511
g Right jugular trunk 2356
g Right subclavian trunk 7443
g Thoracic duct 769
g Thoracic duct 327769
g Cisterna chyli 3278
g Left bronchomediastinal trunk 2023
g Left jugular trunk 155
g Left subclavian trunk 1422


g1 SPLEEN 465 D
g1 Gaucher cells 1232
g1 Peritoneum 7488
g1 External serous coat 435
g1 Serous coat 9436
g1 Fibro-elastic coat 5234
g1 Trabeculae 4365
g1 Splenic pulp 7686
g1 Splenic cells 3263
g1 Arteries 364
g1 Splenic artery 4294
g1 Branches 7715
g1 Arterioles 4326
g1 Veins 3225
g1 Lymph vessels 2910.
g1 Lymphatic nodules 4789
g1 Nerves 7644
g1 From coeliac plexus 4141



h Blood 0409 D
h Plasma 040966
h Leucocytes 03071 D
h Bone marrow 3453 D
h Bone marrow - red 10.82
h Bone marrow - yellow 992
h Liver 596
h Liver (Kupffer's cells) 736
h Lymphatic system 5327
h Lymph 2
h Lymph nodes (glands) 889 D

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h Thymus gland 396 D

h Spleen 465 D
h Main Lymph Nodes - see Lymphatic System
h Main Lymphatic Ducts - see Lymphatic System



j MOUTH 458
j Arteries 858
j Lymph vessels 2322
j Nerves 9325
j Sphincter muscle 2222
j Veins 1543
j TONGUE 1296
j Extrinsic muscle 4655
j Mucous muscle 1254
j Papillae circumvallate 410.5
j Papillae fungiform 5644
j Papillae filiform 5321
j Taste buds 8575
j Custatory cells 5983
j Sweetness 58
j Sourness 47
j Bitterness 7466
j Von Ebners glands 53610.
j GUMS 591
j1 TEETH 499
j1 Dentine 5479
j1 Eye 246
j1 Incisors 245
j1 Molars 241
j1 Pre-molars 244
j1 Wisdom 226
j Top 552
j Bottom 5521
j Parotid gland 2795
j Arteries 3826
j Lymph vessels 684
j Nerves 897
j Veins 7804
j From auriculotemporal nerve 2327
j Through otic ganglion 2374
j Submandibular gland 219
j Submaxillary 129

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j Sublingual gland 103

j UVULA 258
j THROAT 966
j Cross section 643
j Vertical section 35
j Muscle fibres 4410
j Longitudinal 6410
j Circular 7865
j Sub-mucous coat 2535
j Mucous membrane 5537
j Stratified epithelium 6834
j Oesophagal plexus 478
j Outer peritoneal covering 342
j Pylorus 6332
j Muscular covering 3311
j Longitudinal fibres 502
j Circular fibres 3338
j Oblique fibres 532
j Sub-mucous coat 065
j Blood vessels 3652
j Lymphatics 441
j Inner mucous coat 3236
j Columnar epithelium 736
j Goblet cells 3234
j Gland ducts 3531
j Gastric glands 3434
j Cardiac 323
j Fundus 132
j Peptic glands 23503
j Pyloric glands 321
j Gastric lymphatic nodules 3210
j Arteries 7848
j Left gastric branch of coeliac artery 2492
j Right gastric branch of hepatic artery 2145
j Gastro-epiloic branch of hepatic artery 2494
j Left gastro-epiloic branch of splenic artery 2469
j Plexus of larger capillaries 1222
j Veins 6225
j Between glands 4234
j Splenic vein 2554
j Superior mesenteric vein 1255
j Portal vein 4022
j Nerves
j Gastric nerve 7329

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j Gastric plexus 656

j Gastro-duodenal plexus 922
j Sympathetics
j From coeliac plexus 434
j From plexuses around gastric artery 1425
j From plexuses around gastro-epiloic artery 3323
j Left phrenic plexus (and branches to cardiac end) 641
j From left splanchnic nerve 5674
j From thoracic sympathetic trunk 2454
j From lumbar sympathetic trunk 2324
j Parasympathetics
j From vagus nerve 8226
j Greater anterior gastric nerve 2321
j Greater posterior gastric nerve 9231
j Plexuses in sub-mucous coat 658
j Plexuses in muscular coat 5531
j Lymph vessels 7032
j Epigastrium 8527
j Omentum 4334
j Arteries 7723
j Lymph vessels 5313
j Mucous membrane 846
j Circular folds 2735
j Duodenal glands 168
j Brunners glands 247
j Villi 4274
j Lymph vessels 4476
j Capillaries 2632
j Lacteals 233
j Goblet cells 3809
j Columnar epithelium 3763
j Muscle cells 5754
j Artery leaving villum 1544
j Muscular covering 743
j Longitudinal fibres 7347
j Circular fibres 685
j Nerves
j From vagus 5221
j From splanchnic nerve 2353
j Myenteric plexus-vagal origin 2235
j Meissner's plexus-vagal origin 742
j Sympathetics 1334
j Peritoneal cavity 292
j Peritoneal covering 8101
j Peritoneum 758
j Sub-mucous coat 822

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j Blood vessels 836

j Lymphatics 7853
j Nerves 6463
j Suspensory muscle 8049
j Veins 2423
j PANCREAS 10.968
j Head of pancreas 9972
j Anterior surface 996
j Posterior surface 995
j Tail of pancreas 997
j Anterior surface 9226
j Posterior surface 9225
j Inferior surface 9223
j Superior border 9221
j Pancreatic duct 3872
j Ampulla of duct 3233
j Accessory pancreatic duct 3276
j Structure
j Alveloli 9789
j Intercalcary ducts 987
j Centro-ancinar cells 982
j Paranucleus 964
j Islands of langerhans 99719
j A cells 99
j B cells 991
j Arteries
j From splenic artery 9845
j From branch of hepatic artery 5435
j From branch of mesenteric artery 4322
j Veins 977
j Nerves
j From vagus nerve 281
j From splanchic nerve 5324
j Through splenic plexus 9222
j Pancreatic plexus 1397
j Pancreatic duodenal plexus 757
j Lymph vessels 2203
j Arteries 2477
j Cystic artery 644
j From hepatic artery 4844
j Veins 2336
j Ending in portal vein 4027
j Biliary ducts 428
j Muccous coat 3833
j Serous coat 335
j Fibromuscular coat 385

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j Sphincter muscle 568

j Lymph vessels 938
j Nerves 3512
j From coeliac plexus 431
j From right phrenic nerve 710.2
j To hepatic plexus 683
j Spiral valve 5353
j Ampulla of bile duct 4282
j2 LIVER 596
j2 Right lobe 48
j2 Caudate lobe 487
j2 Cuadate process 486
j2 Quadrate lobe 4872
j2 Spigelius's lobe 482
j2 Left lobe 481
j2 Falciform ligament 15
j2 Coronary ligament 125
j2 Left triangular ligament 4962
j2 Right triangular ligament 4552
j2 Surfaces
j2 Superior surface 4459
j2 Anterior surface 473
j2 Right surface 4843
j2 Posterior surface 483
j2 Groove for inferior vena cava 4763
j2 Suprarenal impression 485
j2 Fissure for ligamentum venosum 394
j2 Inferior or visceral surface 354
j2 Gastric impression 2315
j2 Porta hepatis 456
j2 Colic impression 4324
j2 Renal impression 484
j2 Duodenal impression 4345
j2 Bile ductules 4285
j2 Bile capillaries 4854
j2 Liver cells 4327
j2 Sinusoids 4423
j2 Lymph vessels 1431
j2 Superficial 1355
j2 Deep 1452
j2 Hepatic artery 4842
j2 Conveying arterial blood to -
j2 Connective tissue 4342
j2 Walls of portal vein 4202
j2 Bile ductules 4228

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j2 Interlobular plexuses 6481

j2 Conveying oxygenated blood to -
j2 Liver cells 7455
j2 Veins 4474
j2 Portal 4022
j2 Hepatic 898
j2 Nerves 6566
j2 Coeliac plexus 4338
j2 Vagus nerves 8232
j2 Right phrenic 610.2
j2 Sympathetics 7333
j2 Hepatic ganglion 392
j2 Hepatic plexus 4831
j Jejunum 222
j Ileum 223
j Lymph vessels 382
j Mucous membrane 5523
j Circular folds 2410.
j Villi 4274
j Artery leaving villus 2202
j Capillaries 6422
j Columnar epithelium 2341
j Goblet cells 4044
j Lacteals 9710.
j Lymph vessels 4483
j Muscle cells 2473
j Solitary lymphatic nodules 3227
j Peyer's patches 224
j Serous coat 9482
j Sub-mucous coat 10.98
j Blood vessels 4409
j Lymphatics 7699
j Nerves 4544
j Muscular coat 4576
j Longitudinal fibres 6861
j Circular fibres 10.16
j Nerves 823
j Vagus nerve 2338
j Splanchnic nerve 5214
j Coeliac ganglion 4341
j Mesenteric plexus 2433
j Meissner's plexus 1544
j Plexus around superior mesenteric artery 7327
j Sympathetics 4347
j Parasympathetics 2335
j Superior mesenteric artery 7789

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j Jejunal branch 2288

j Ileal branch 2389
j Plexus of minute branches 8823
j Veins 2927
j Caecum 82
j Ileo-caecal valve 827
j Frenula 677
j Vermiform appendix 86
j Serous coat 384
j Longitudinal muscular fibres 4321
j Circular muscular fibres 368
j Mucous membrane 586
j Sub-mucous coat 528
j Ascending colon 844
j Right colic flexure 8042
j Hepatic flexure 84
j Transverse colon 83
j Left colic flexure 834
j Transverse mesocolon 839
j Phrenicocolic ligament 712
j Descending colon 8053
j Sigmoid flexure 85
j Pelvic colon 853
j Pelvic mesocolon 8547
j Pararectal fossa 4676
j Rectum 851
j Mesorectum 6501
j Sacral flexure 581
j Perineal flexure 7826
j Rectal ampulla 43210.
j Internal sphincter muscle 228
j External sphincter muscle 2209
j Anus 2393
j Omentum 4334
j Mesentery 815
j Arteries
j Superior mesenteric 778
j Inferior mesenteric 7789
j Rectal branch of inferior mesenteric 877
j Inferior rectal 287
j Middle rectal 2810.
j Superior rectal 2284
j Veins
j Rectal venous plexus 10.89
j Peritoneum 758
j Serous coat 558

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j Posterior abdominal wall inc peritoneum 4787

j Muscular coat 6661
j Longitudinal fibres 9914
j Circular fibres 888
j Mucous membrane 3807
j Nerves
j Sympathetics
j Coeliac ganglion 813
j Superior mesenteric ganglion 143
j Part of the lumbar plexus 1386
j Hypogastric plexus 1357
j Parasympathetics
j Vagus 8723
j Pelvic splanchnic nerves 1373
j Lymph vessels 2372
j Solitary lymphatic nodules 3127
j Intestinal flora 67422



k TESTES 657
k Testicle right internal 788
k Testicle right external 786
k Testicle left internal 781
k Testicle left external 782
k Epididymis 7405
k Gubernaculum 7945
k Tunica vaginalis 773
k Testicular artery 5511
k Testicular veins 5781
k Pampiniform plexus 785
k Cells of sertoli 8968
k Leydig cells-right 783
k Leydig cells-left 7831
k Sperm 719
k Lymph vessels 2781
k Pre-aortic lymph gland 7878
k Nerves 7871
k From 10th thoracic segment 8622
k From renal plexus 4378
k From aortic plexus 688
k Ductuli aberrantes 725
k Paradidymis 7532
k Ductus deferens 72

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k Ejaculatory ducts 7438

k Outer fibrous layer 7883
k Muscular coat 7882
k Internal mucous coat 8878
k Nerves from pelvic plexus 1346
k Sphincter vesicae 35710.
k Internal spermatic fascia 4363
k Cremasteric fascia 4834
k External spermatic fascia 8844
k Arteries 5447
k Nerves 7886
k Spermatic plexus 673
k Scrotum 2097
k Skin 7710.
k Dartos mucscle 7859
k PENIS 867
k Root 882
k Crus penis 825
k Bulb of penis 824
k Body 8848
k Corpora cavernosa penis 8322
k Corpus spongiosum penis 8431
k Glans of penis 8299
k Neck of penis 8239
k Halicine arteries 9410.
k VEINS 5899
k NERVES 7838
k From 2nd sacral 8241
k From 3rd sacral 4218
k From 4 sacral 4024
k Through pudendal nerve 1227
k Pelvic plexus 2363
k Muscular tissue 8989
k Glandular substance 5276
k Glandular tissue 2569
k Interstitial tissue 9964
k Arteries 952
k Veins 7313
k Nerves 910.9
k Prostatic ganglion 874
k Prostatic plexus 699
k Lymph vessels 993
k Lateral lobes 7298

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k UTERUS 954
k External coat 9642
k Muscular coat 7793
k Internal mucous coat 5056
k Endometrium 4893
k Body of uterus 689
k Fundus 7975
k Cervix of uterus 9572
k Cervix of uterus 952
k Internal os 7688
k External os 7797
k Parametrium 5672
k Mucous glands 3355
k Arteries 1492
k Veins 3455
k Lymph vessels 3274
k Nerves
k From hypogastric plexus 10.51
k From ovarian plexus 7452
k From pelvic splanchnic nerve 1633
k Ligaments
k Anterior ligaments 3567
k Posterior ligaments 386
k Two broad ligaments 3857
k Round ligaments 3803
k Cervical ganglion 841
k VAGINA 329
k Posterior fornix 6057
k Anterior wall 659
k Posterior wall 6052
k Perineal body 697
k Mucous membrane 2362
k Muscular coat 5053
k Erectile tissue 2652
k Arteries 5319
k Veins 3344
k Lymph vessels 3365
k Nerves
k From vaginal plexus 953
k From pelvic splanchnic nerves 1633
k Tunica vaginalis 773
k Vaginal muscle 95
k LABIUM 410.

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k Labia majora 610.1

k Labia minora 610.3
k Right external function 336
k Right internal function 338
k Blood vessels 975
k Left external function 332
k Left internal function 334
k Tubal extremity 5421
k Suspensory ligament of ovary 2445
k Uterine extremity 3559
k Germinal epithelium 3855
k Graafian follicles 833
k Ovum 5535
k Membrana granulosa 4654
k Corpus luteum 333
k Ovarian plexus 543
k Ovarian plexus venous 935
k Fallopian tubes-right 973
k Fallopian tubes-left 972
k Infundibulum 576
k Fimbriated end 479
k External coat 5576
k Middle coat 5583
k Internal coat 518


k1 Breast-right 73
k1 Breast-left 74
k1 Mammary glands 829
k1 Arteries 6432
k1 From thoracic branches of axillary artery 8893
k1 From internal mammary artery 2747
k1 From intercostals artery 8833
k1 Fatty tissue 8461
k1 Fibrous tissue 988
k1 Gland tissue 810.11
k1 Lobes 8552
k1 Lobules 8337
k1 Areolar tissue 8895
k1 Blood vessels 8321
k1 Ducts 733

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k1 Lactiferous sinuses 8363

k1 Colostrum corpuscles 8422
k1 Lymph vessels 998
k1 Nerves 8887
k1 From 4 thoracic nerve 963
k1 From 5 thoracic nerve 893
k1 From 6 thoracic nerve 9322
k1 Veins 3882
k1 Circulus venosus 8810.
k1 Nipple 94
k1 Areolar glands 842
k1 PLACENTA 9764
k1 EMBRYO 379
k1 FOETUS 86373


l Right 37
l Left 371
l Fibrous capsule 3788
l Interstitial tissue-right 379
l Interstitial tissue-left 3719
l Medullary substance 805
l Cortical substance 4376
l Renal capsules 932
l Glomerular capsule 6533
l Glomerulus 6538
l Epithelial lining 43377
l Uriniferous tubules 237
l Arteries 3753
l Veins 3727
l Nerves 3737
l Lymph vessel 3714
l Longitudinal fibres 8419
l Right 6684
l Left 6681
l Fibrous coat 6654
l Muscular coat 6753
l Mucous coat 6854
l Arteries 4231
l Nerves 4244

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l Serous coat 5343

l Muscular coat 362
l External longitudinal 756
l Internal longitudinal 956
l Middle circular layer 692
l Sub-mucous coat 6563
l Mucous coat 6226
l Arteries 6044
l Veins 6253
l Lymph vessels 8544
l Nerves
l Sympathetics 6526
l Parasympathetics 6536
l Renal ganglia 521
l Renal plexus 437
l Ligaments 3362
l Sphincter muscles 3724
l Muscular coat 4331
l Spongy erectile tissue 436
l Mucous membrane 4663
l Sphincter muscle 4301
l URACHUS 2558
l URINE (excretion) 609
l URATES 60995
l UREA 607


m BONE 840 D
m Compact tissue of bone structure 2564
m Epiphyases 636710.88 GP
m Periosteum 359
m Osteogenetic tissue 149
m Osteocyte 579
m Osteoid Noncalcified matrix of young bone 8888
m Osteophytes 80749
m Blood vessels 4636
m Nutrient artery 130
m Haversian canals 404
m Lamellae 3703
m Lacunae 236
m Canaliculi 10.2
m Trabeculae 7236 GP
m Nerves 2388

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m Red 10.82
m Myelocytes 3047
m Erythroblasts 8901
m Giant cells 9709
m Yellow 992
m Myelocytes 910.1
m Fat cells 4510.
m JOINTS 849 D
m Large joints 10.0 D
m Small joints 10.1 D
m Ankles joints 1892 D
m Ankles 35372
m Ankle aka tarsus 010.710.9
m Atlanto-axial 5769
m Coccyx 284 D
m Condyle Rounded projection on a bone at a joint 794
m Elbows 10.043
m Facet joint A facet is small smooth area on a bone or other hard surface, this relates to superior 57132 GP
and inferior articular facets on each side of adjacent vertebrae

m Demifacet On each thoracic vertebra at join with rib 2791 GP

m Inferior articular facet of vertebrae 2731 GP
m Superior articular facet of vertebrae Not to be confused with same name relating to tibia 7312 GP
m Fingers joints 9509 DLW
m Fingers joints 950 D
m Hips joints 1775 D
m Knee joints 3343 D
m Knees 9252
m Lumbo-sacral joint 8947
m Metacarpal phalangeal joints Knuckles 06082
m Metatarsal joints 7533
m Mandible joint Jaw joint, TMJ 1736 D
m Phalanges joints 360 D
m Sacral coccygeal joint 9589
m Sacroiliac joint 923 D
m Sacroiliac joint 388878 GP
m Shoulders 7353
m Shoulder joint 3323 D
m Sternoclavicular joint 693 D
m Sternocostal joint 0503
m Sub talar 8810.741 GP
m Suture joint 32699 GP
m Thumb 4413
m Toes joints 422 D
m TMJ 680033887 GP
m Vertebral joints 546 D
m Wrists aka carpus 10.041 D

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m Cellular cartilage 144
m Costal Connects true rib to sternum or false rib with costal cartilage above it 2356 D
m Hyaline cartilage Occurs trachea, larynx,tip of nose, connections of ribs/breastbone, ends of 1302
bones where they form joints

m Lateral cartilage of knee 8592

m Nasal septum Perpendicular ethmoid, septal cartilage, vomer & parts of palate & maxillae 77214 GP
m Lateral cartilage of nose 710.35 GP
m Alar cartilage of nose End of nose 17764 GP
m White fibrocartilage Occurs menisci, discs, pubic symphysis 1303
m Semi-lunar In knee joints 9003 D
m Medial meniscus aka semi-lunar internal catilage 90113 GP
m Lateral meniscus aka semi-lunar external cartilage 90137 GP
m Xiphoid process aka ensiform (sword shape) cartilage. At base of sternum 2382 D
m Yellow elastic fibrocartilage Lobe of ear epiglottis & parts of larynx, function shape & support 1432
m Temporary cartilage Juvenile bone 8004 GP
m Antrum A cavity or chamber especially within a bone 84285
m Antrum 84254 D
m Cranium Normally includes 8 bones: frontal occiput sphenoid ethmoid & paired parietal & temporal 846837 D
m Ethmoid 84993 D
m Fontanelle Membrane covered space remaining in the incompletely ossified skull of a fetus. 2642
m Frontal 84596 D
m Hyoid Below lower jaw 84448 D
m Jaw aka mandible, lower jaw 84577
m Lacrimal 84327 GP
m Lacrimal left 843271 GP
m Mandible aka lower jaw 84872 D
m Mastoid Process of temporal bone 842843 D
m Maxillae aka upper jaw 84864 D
m Nasal 84484 D
m Occipital 841164 D
m Palate - hard Includes palatine process of maxillae and part of palatine 841354 D
m Palate - soft 7965
m Parietal - right 8429 D
m Parietal - left 84291 D
m Sella turcica Depression in sphenoid bone that houses pituitary gland 84296 D
m Skull 22 bones including mandible 8410.7 D
m Sphenoid 84933 D
m Temporal 84862 D
m Turbinate bones aka nasal concha 84677 GP
m Turbinate bone left 846771 GP
m Vomer Triangular bone forms the inferior and posterior part of nasal septum 84535 GP
m Zygomatic aka cheek, aka malar 84195 D
m Atlas C1 842823 D

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m Axis C2 84394
m Cervical C1-7 84692 D
m Thoracic 1-12 aka dorsal 84183 D
m Lumbar 1-5 84193 D
m Sacral 1-5 84854 D
m Coccyx 1-4 84188 D
m Vertebral joints 546
m Intervertebral discs 1585 D
m Manubrium At top of sternum handle shaped, articulates with both clavicles 1st rib & part 2nd rib 84466 GP
m Sternum 84263 D
m Xiphod process Cartilage at base of sternum 2382 D
m Ribs 84542 D
m Ribs-right 4459
m Ribs-left 4419
m Sternocostal joint 0503 D
m Costal vertebrae joint 0902
m SHOULDER General 753
m Shoulder joint 3323 D
m Clavicle 84548 D
m Scapula 84397 D
m Thorax 7649 DLW
m Humerus 84353 D
m Elbow 84115 D
m Ulna 84464 D
m Radius 84345 D
m Wrist aka carpus, 8 carpal bones 10.041 D
m Capitate 84384 D
m Hamate 84264 D
m Lunate 8410.4 D
m Triquetral aka triquetrum 84367 D
m Pisiform 84201 D
m Scaphoid aka navicular bone of hand 84133 D
m Scaphoid 845584 GP
m Trapezium aka multangulum majus 84288 D
m Trapezoid aka multangulum minus 84434 D
m Trapezoid 84258 DLW
m Hand aka metacarpus, 5 metacarpal bones 84245
m Phalanges Fingers bones 84895 D
m Phalanges Fingers bones 84322
m Phalanges Thumb bones 84891 D
m Fingers General 895 D
m PELVIS 84525 D
m Hip socket 2656
m Hip-right 84479 D
m Hip-left 84439 D

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m Ilium 84374 D
m Ischium 84835 D
m Pubis aka pubic bone 84165 D
m Femur 84114 D
m Head of femur 8477
m Medial epicondyle of femur 4759
m Medial condyle of femur One of two projections on lower extremity 3526
m Lateral condyle of femur 5266
m Patella Knee cap 84121 D
m Patella 84623 DLW
m Tibia 84319 D
m Head of tibia 84369
m Medial malleolus At lower end of tibia inside of leg 8474
m Fibula 84329 D
m Lateral malleolus At lower end of fibula outside of leg 84741
m Ankle aka tarsus, 7 tarsal bones 841893 D
m Talus Articulates with tibia and fibula above and calcaneus below and navicular in front 84262
m Calcaneus Heel bone 84134 D
m Cuboid 84759
m Navicular 84621 D
m Cuneiform medial 84595 D
m Cuneiform intermediate 84695
m Cuneiform lateral 844695 GP
m Metatarsus Foot, 5 bones 84573 D
m Phalanges Bones of toes 84422 D
m Longtitudinal arch of foot 2 parts both consist of tarsal and metatarsal bones arranged to form an 7910.67 GP
arch from anterior to posterior of foot, held in place by ligaments and tendons.

m Transverse arch of foot Formed by navicular, three cuneiforms and the bases of the five 579788 GP
metatarsals, held in place by ligaments and tendons



n Striped 59918
n Unstriped 59980
n Cardiac 510.1
n Muscle sheath 8327
n Muscle cells 4254
n Muscle fibres 531
n Sarcolemma 229
n Blood supply 451
n Nerve supply 471
n Motor nerves 4311
n End plates 413
n Sensory nerves 732
n Muscle spindles 722

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n Aponeuroses 2451
n Palmar 64322
n Plantar 8698
n Connective tissue 1272
n Elastic tissue 3869
n Medial inter-muscular septum 4838
n Interosseous of knee 44833
n MUSCLES (in anatomical order)
n Temporalis Head - sides closes jaw 24624
n Pterygoideus lateralis Head - moves lower jaw - horizontal fibres that extend from sphenoid 73483 GP
to joint capsule

n Pterygoideus medialis Head - moves lower jaw 63863 GP

n Levator of eyelid Technical name is levator palpebrae superioris 7962 GP
n Superior oblique Rotates eyeball downward and outward. Cranial Nerve 4 innervates 8926
n Superior rectus Rotates eyeball upward and medially. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 309
n Lateral rectus Moves eye laterally. Cranial Nerve 6 innervates 3452
n Medial rectus Moves eye medially. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 3453
n Inferior oblique Moves eye up and out. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 3356
n Inferior rectus Moves eye down and medially. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 301
n The six muscles used for movement of the eye 96798
n Auricularis posterior Ear 8413
n Frontalis Pulls scalp forwards - raises eyebrows 7647 GP
n Occiputalis Pulls scalp backwards 7644 GP
n Occipitofrontalis Frontalis, galea aponeurotica & occiptalis 810.49
n Orbicularis oculi Blinking and closes eyes 33322
n Orbicularis oris Moves lips (Note: there are 21 muscles of facial expression) 2222
n Zygomaticus major Muscle used for smiling 8798
n Zygomaticus minor 6845
n Buccinator Face-cheek 42410.
n Masseter Cheek 2075
n Palatoglossus Mouth - under soft palate 54755
n Rectus capitis lateralis Origin TP atlas insertion jugular process occipital, flexes supports head 8924
n Rectus capitis anterior Origin lat. mass atlas insertion basilar occipital, flexes supports head 8942 GP
n Rectus capitis posterior major Neck - upper 6578
n Rectus capitis posterior major Origin SP of axis insert. occipital bone extends head 8948
n Rectus capitis posterior minor Origin dorsal arch atlas insert. occipital extends head 8928
n Rectus capitis posterior minor Neck - upper 64522
n Spinalis capitis aka Biventor cervicis 2310.
n Levator scapulae Upper neck to top of scapula 00559
n Levator scapulae 2995
n Longissimus capitis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of neck 4654 GP
n Longissimus cervicis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinal muscles in region of neck 4795 GP
n Longus capitus 6745
n Oblique capitis inferior Neck -upper 7633
n Oblique capitis superior Neck - upper 6733

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n Scalenii aka scalenes 442810. GP

n Semispinalis capitis Neck - upper (first 6 or 7 thoracic vertebrae & 5 & 6 cervical to occipital) 3478
n Semispinalis cervicis TP of superior 5 or 6 thoracic vert. 6285 GP
n Spinalis cervicis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of neck 5635
n Splenius cervicis Neck 234
n Splenius capitis 535 DLW
n Sternocleidomastoid Neck- sides 2710.6
n Vocalis Thyroid cartilage 8343
n Digastricus posterior Hyoid bone to temporal bone (mastoid notch)) 927
n Mylohyoid Hyoid bone to mandible 7523
n Sternohyoideus Hyoid bone to manubrium 945
n Stylohyoideus Hyoid bone to temporal bone (styloid process)) 3606
n Subclavius Clavicle - attaches to lower surface 6453
n Subclavius Clavicle - attaches to lower surface 810.3
n Heart muscle Heart 25
n Pectoralis major Chest - upper 7342
n Pectoralis minor Chest - upper 5897
n Teres major Scapula (lower) to back of upper arm 645
n Teres minor Scapula (upper) to top of arm at shoulder joint 7541
n Rotator cuff 68897 GP
n Infraspinatis One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 7671
n Infraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 62232 GP
n Infraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 9745
n Subscapularis One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 99610. GP
n Supraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 6634
n Supraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 7121
n Teres minor One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 7541
n Trapezius Cervical and thoracic vertebrae towards shoulder joint 475
n Rhomboideus major Origin: SP T2 to T5 insertion scapula 1327
n Rhomboid minor SP of C7 & T1 3173 GP
n Deltoid Scapula - upper arm 9331
n Biceps brachii Arm - upper - anterior 8548
n Triceps brachii Arm - upper - posterior 216
n Coracobrachialis Shoulder blade to upper arm 43316 GP
n Brachialis Arm 8528
n Brachio-radialis Forearm 3563
n Palmaris longus Forearm 1236
n Pronator quadratus Forearm 67157 GP
n Pronator teres Forearm - pronates hand 61516 GP
n Supinator 62271 GP
n Extensor carpi ulnaris Elbow to fifth metacarpal 158

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n Flexor carpi radialis Elbow to fingers 4774

n Extensor carpi radialis brevis 6734 GP
n Extensor carpi radialis longus 7324
n Flexor carpi ulnaris Elbow to wrist 9446
n Interossei dorsales manus Hand 5412
n Palmar aponeurosis 64322
n Abductor pollicis brevis Thumb 4587
n Abductor pollicis longus Forearm to base of thumb 4592
n Extensor pollicis longus Thumb 34612
n Flexor pollicis longus 73710. GP
n Extensor digitorum Elbow to fingers 691
n Extensor retinaculum 83254
n Extensor indicis Finger - index 1392
n Flexor digitorum profundus (hand) Fingers 124
n Flexor digitorum profundus (hand) Fingers 32314
n Flexor digitorum superficialis Elbow to fingers 343432 GP
n Opponens digiti minimi Moves little finger towards thumb 232
n Extensor digiti minimi Elbow to thumb 7310.7 GP
n Extensor pollicis brevis 6511 GP
n Opponens pollicis Flexes thumb towards fingers 235
n Opponens Movement of both thumb & little finger towards each other 275
n Erector spinae Muscles are prime mover of back extension. These muscles are in three 4243
columns each side of the spine in the following order.
Spinalis is closest to the vertebrae
Longissimus is the next column
Iliocostalis is the furthest column from the spine of these 3 columns
Each column has different names depending on its location in different sections of the spine
For example: Longissimus capitus (head)
Longissimus cervicus (neck)
Longissimus thoracis (thorax)
n Sacrospinalis aka erector spinae 4442
n Iliocostalis cervicis Origin superior 6 rib insertion TP of C4 &C6 part of errector spinae 6774 GP
n Longissimus thoracis (aka longissimus dorsi) These are one of 3 columns of erector 89947
spinae muscles in region of thorax

n Multifidus Spine 4202

n Rotatores 728
n Rotatores Origin TP all vert. Insertion SP of vert superior to origin. Extends & rotates 88921 GP
n Semispinalis thoracis TP of 6th to 10th 6935
n Iliocostalis thoracis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of thorax 6779
n Spinalis thoracis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of thorax 3852
n Iliocostalis lumborum Origin iliac crest insertion inferior 6 rib. Extends lumbar region of vert. col. 6744 GP

n Latissimus dorsi Back - mid and lower 3459

n Ilio-psoas This is name of iliacus and psoas major muscles together 6883341 GP
n Psoas major Lumbar vertebrae to top of thigh 8886
n Psoas minor Flexes trunk on pelvis 1343
n Quadratus lumborum Back - low 5994
n Piriformis 6355

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n Coccygeus Coccyx 5993

n Muscles of back 3633
n Trapezius Cervical and thoracic vertebrae towards shoulder joint (see shoulder above) 475
n Rhomboideus major Back - upper (see shoulder above) 1327
n Rhomboid minor SP of C7 & T1(see shoulder above) 3173 GP
n Diaphragm 8044
n Intercostal muscle Between ribs. Note this is another name for "intercostales". This is an 356
overall name for intercostal external and intercostal internal

n Intercostales external elevates ribs during inspiration 3113

n Intercostales internal Draws adjacent ribs together during forced expiration 3112
n Serratus anterior Sides of upper ribs 6415
n Serratus posterior 010.72
n Sternalis aka Sternocostal a band occasionally found parallel to sternocostal origin of pect. major 4737
n Oblique internal Abdomen front and sides 6838
n Oblique external Contraction of one bends vert. col lat. & rotates: of both compresses abdo. 33275 GP
n Pyramidalis Tenses abdominal wall 98810. GP
n Rectus abdominus 9310.7
n Transverse abdominis Abdomen - deep 7678
n Muscles of pelvis 810.959 CM
n Gluteus maximus Buttock 5599
n Gluteus medius Buttock 5799
n Gluteus minimus Hip joint 5399
n Iliacus Pelvis to top of thigh 42332
n Obturator externus Hip 5225
n Obturator internus Hip 9455
n Gemellus (Superior and Inferior) Considered extrapelvic portions of obturator internus 316353 GP
n Levator ani Pelvic diaphragm 4632
n Pectineus Pubic bone to top of thigh 8432
n Pelvic floor muscles 11.82211. CM
n Tensor fasciae latae Pelvis - sides - joins to iliotibial band 7244 GP
n Quadratus femoris (not to be confused with quadriceps femoris) Base of pelvis to top of thigh 5335 GP
origin lat. border of ischial tuberosity, insertion post. Surface femur. Laterally rotates & adducts thigh

n Adductor longus Thigh 7251
n Adductor magnus Thigh 4238
n Adductor brevis Thigh 7342 GP
n Adductor digiti minimi Forelimb 710.99
n Biceps fermoris Thigh. One of the 3 hamstring muscles 9836
n Hamstrings Thigh - posterior. 3 muscles - Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus 718
n Ilio-tibial tract Not a muscle but a superficial sheet of fascia along the outside of the thigh. 8972 GP
tensor fasciae latae muscle attaches to the illotibial tract

n Quadriceps Femoris Quadriceps = collective name for 4 muscles at front of thigh - rectus 710.910. GP
femoris plus 3 vastus muscles

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n Rectus femoris Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps 4615

n Sartorius Thigh 5335
n Semimembranosus Thigh - posterior - one of the 3 hamstring muscles 4711
n Semitendinosus Thigh - posterior - of the 3 hamstring muscles 3355
n Vastus lateralis Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps muscles 7872
n Vastus intermedius Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps muscles 7489 GP
n Vastus medialis Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps muscles 7892
n Gracilis Leg - upper 23598
n Popliteus Back of knee 44324 GP
n Gastrocnemius Leg - lower - posterior 8351 GP
n Peroneals This is a group name (possibly colloquial) for the 3 peroneus muscles 5352 GP
n Peroneus brevis Lower leg - outside 483
n Peroneus tertius aka Fibularis tertius Lower leg - outside 810.04
n Peroneus longus Everts foot, assists plantar flexion of the ankle 4378 GP
n Plantaris Lower leg - Femur to calcaneus 8378
n Soleus Leg - lower - posterior 4783
n Tibialis anterior Leg - lower - anterior 7530
n Tibialis posterior Leg - lower - posterior 3733
n Extensor retinaculum of ankle. Not a muscle but a band of membrane crossing the extensor 894
tendons of the foot and attached to the lower portion of the tibia and fibula bones).

n Interossei dorsales pedis Foot 5421

n Lumbricales pedis Foot and 4 smaller toes 10.10.2
n Muscles of feet and toes 6501 CM
n Extensor digitorum brevis Toes 10.796
n Extensor hallucis longus Toe -big 8142 GP
n Extensor digitorum longus Lower leg to toes 2-5 10.411
n Flexor digitorum brevis (leg) Sole of foot 3585
n Flexor digitorum longus (leg) Back of lower leg to toes 2-5 1344
n Sphincter muscles 87
n Ani 6001
n Bladder 2297
n Ileo-caecal 827
n Mouth 2222
n Pyloric 6279
n Rectal 228
n Urethral 4301
n Vaginal 95
n Anterior talo-fibular ligament 762431 GP
n Calcaneo fibular 6925
n Calcaneo fibular 83648 GP
n Coraco-acromial 7927
n Coraco-acromial 9287
n Coraco-humeral 7947
n Coracoclavicular 7981 GP
n Cruciata posterior 6443

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n Cruciata anterior 10.44

n Dorsal metacarpal 6911
n Elbow-lateral ligament 7398
n Falciform 15
n Fibular (lateral) collateral 6303
n Head of femur 8094
n Humeral 7947
n Ilio-lumbar 4739
n Inguinal 9489
n Iliotibial tract 9872
n Ischio-femoral 574
n Longitudinal-anterior 9629
n Longitudinal-posterior 9573
n Lumbo-sacral-lateral 7692
n Medial (wrist) 7595
n Medial arcuate 68388
n Patellar 3901
n Plantar aponeurosis 10.984
n Pectinate (eye) 3665
n Post sacro-iliac 7873
n Long posterior sacro-iliac 7975
n Sacro-coccygeal 9685
n Sacrospinosum 7215
n Sacrospinosus ligament 78154 GP
n Sacrotuberous 7710.2
n Sternoclavicular 33931
n Stylomandibular 4411
n Superficial transverse 1342
n Tibia collateral (medial) of knee 8869
n Tibia collateral (medial) of knee 7307 GP
n Tibula-fibula anterior 422
n Sheaths 6452
n Achilles 6414
n Adductor magnus 863
n Dorsal expansion of extensor tendons 65336
n Biceps 6378
n Biceps femoris long head 3428
n Patellar 3448
n Profundus 3242
n Sublimis 695
n Vincula brevi (toes) 1724
n Muscular bursa 7439
n Olecranon bursa (elbow) 29910
n Medial meniscus 5810.
n Thigh 1194
n FASCIAE 10.4

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n Fatty nodules 5575

n Superficial fascia 10.3
n Deep fascia 10.5
n Fascia lata 3272
n Obturator fascia 6989
n Synovial bursae 10.10
n Synovial membrane 445
n Sheaths 10.8
n Nerve supply 631
n Synovial sheath Enclosing tendons flexor digitorum superficial and profundus 6926
n Bursa 7439
n Suprapatellar bursa 6247
n Galea aponeurotica Fascia over top of skull/scalp 910.41 GP
n Medial intermuscular septum 4838
n Elbow 7265
n Shoulder 9472
n MUSCLES (in alphabetical order)
n Abductor pollicis brevis Thumb 4587
n Abductor pollicis longus Forearm to base of thumb 4592
n Adductor brevis Thigh 7342 GP
n Adductor digiti minimi Forelimb 710.99
n Adductor longus Thigh 7251
n Adductor magnus Thigh 4238
n Auricularis posterior Ear 8413
n Biceps brachii Arm - upper - anterior 8548
n Biceps fermoris Thigh. One of the 3 hamstring muscles 9836
n Brachialis Arm 8528
n Brachio-radialis Forearm 3563
n Buccinator Face-cheek 42410.
n Coccygeus Coccyx 5993
n Coracobrachialis Shoulder blade to upper arm 43316 GP
n Deltoid Scapula - upper arm 9331
n Diaphragm 8044
n Digastricus posterior Hyoid bone to temporal bone (mastoid notch)) 927
n Erector spinae muscles are prime mover of back extension. These muscles are in three 4243
columns each side of the spine in the following order.
Spinalis is closest to the vertebrae
Longissimus is the next column
Iliocostalis is the furthest column from the spine of these 3 columns
Each column has different names depending on its location in different sections of the spine
For example: Longissimus capitus (head)
Longissimus cervicus (neck)
Longissimus thoracis (thorax)
n Extensor carpi radialis brevis 6734 GP
n Extensor carpi radialis longus 7324
n Extensor carpi ulnaris Elbow to fifth metacarpal 158
n Extensor digiti minimi Elbow to thumb 7310.7 GP

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n Extensor digitorum brevis Toes 10.796

n Extensor digitorum Elbow to fingers 691
n Extensor digitorum longus Lower leg to toes 2-5 10.411
n Extensor hallucis longus Toe -big 8142 GP
n Extensor indicis Finger - index 1392
n Extensor pollicis brevis 6511 GP
n Extensor pollicis longus Thumb 34612
n Extensor retinaculum 83254
n Extensor retinaculum of ankle. Not a muscle but a band of membrane crossing the extensor 894
tendons of the foot and attached to the lower portion of the tibia and fibula bones

n Flexor carpi radialis Elbow to fingers 4774

n Flexor carpi ulnaris Elbow to wrist 9446
n Flexor digitorum brevis (leg) Sole of foot 3585
n Flexor digitorum longus (leg) Back of lower leg to toes 2-5 1344
n Flexor digitorum profundus (hand) Fingers 124
n Flexor digitorum profundus (hand) Fingers 32314
n Flexor digitorum superficialis Elbow to fingers 343432 GP
n Flexor pollicis longus 73710. GP
n Frontalis Pulls scalp forwards - raises eyebrows 7647 GP
n Gastrocnemius Leg - lower - posterior 8351 GP
n Gemellus (Superior and Inferior) Considered extrapelvic portions of obturator internus 316353 GP
n Gluteus maximus Buttock 5599
n Gluteus medius Buttock 5799
n Gluteus minimus Hip joint 5399
n Gracilis Leg - upper 23598
n Hamstrings Thigh - posterior. 3 muscles - Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus and Semimembranosus 718
n Heart muscle Heart 25
n Iliacus Pelvis to top of thigh 42332
n Iliocostalis cervicis Origin superior 6 rib insertion TP of C4 &C6 part of errector spinae 6774 GP
n Iliocostalis lumborum Origin iliac crest insertion inferior 6 rib. Extends lumbar region of vert. col. 6744 GP

n Iliocostalis thoracis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of thorax 6779
n Ilio-psoas This is name of iliacus and psoas major muscles together 6883341 GP
n Ilio-tibial tract Not a muscle but a superficial sheet of fascia along the outside of the thigh 8972 GP
tensor fasciae latae muscle attaches to the illotibial tract

n Inferior oblique Moves eye up and out. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 3356
n Inferior rectus Moves eye down and medially. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 301
n Infraspinatis One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 7671
n Infraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 62232 GP
n Infraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 9745
n Intercostal muscle Between ribs. Note this is another name for "intercostales". This is an 356
overall name for intercostal external and intercostal internal

n Intercostales external elevates ribs during inspiration 3113

n Intercostales internal Draws adjacent ribs together during forced expiration 3112
n Interossei dorsales manus Hand 5412
n Interossei dorsales pedis Foot 5421
n Lateral rectus Moves eye laterally. Cranial Nerve 6 innervates 3452
n Latissimus dorsi Back - mid and lower 3459

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n Levator ani Pelvic diaphragm 4632

n Levator of eyelid Technical name is levator palpebrae superioris 7962 GP
n Levator scapulae 2995
n Levator scapulae Upper neck to top of scapula 00559
n Longissimus capitis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of neck 4654 GP
n Longissimus cervicis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinal muscles in region of neck 4795 GP
n Longissimus thoracis (aka longissimus dorsi) These are one of 3 columns of erector 89947
spinae muscles in region of thorax

n Longus capitus 6745

n Lumbricales pedis Foot and 4 smaller toes 10.10.2
n Masseter Cheek 2075
n Medial rectus Moves eye medially. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 3453
n Multifidus Spine 4202
n Muscles of back 3633
n Muscles of feet and toes 6501 CM
n Muscles of pelvis 810.959 CM
n Mylohyoid Hyoid bone to mandible 7523
n Oblique capitis inferior Neck -upper 7633
n Oblique capitis superior Neck - upper 6733
n Oblique external Contraction of one bends vert. col lat. & rotates: of both compresses abdo. 33275 GP
n Oblique internal Abdomen front and sides 6838
n Obturator externus Hip 5225
n Obturator internus Hip 9455
n Occipitofrontalis Frontalis, galea aponeurotica & occiptalis 810.49
n Occiputalis Pulls scalp backwards 7644 GP
n Opponens digiti minimi Moves little finger towards thumb 232
n Opponens Movement of both thumb & little finger towards each other 275
n Opponens pollicis Flexes thumb towards fingers 235
n Orbicularis oculi Blinking and closes eyes 33322
n Orbicularis oris Moves lips (Note: there are 21 muscles of facial expression) 2222
n Palatoglossus Mouth - under soft palate 54755
n Palmar aponeurosis 64322
n Palmaris longus Forearm 1236
n Pectineus Pubic bone to top of thigh 8432
n Pectoralis major Chest - upper 7342
n Pectoralis minor Chest - upper 5897
n Pelvic floor muscles 11.82211. CM
n Peroneals This is a group name (possibly colloquial) for the 3 peroneus muscles 5352 GP
n Peroneus brevis Lower leg - outside 483
n Peroneus longus Everts foot, assists plantar flexion of the ankle 4378 GP
n Peroneus tertius aka Fibularis tertius Lower leg - outside 810.04
n Piriformis 6355
n Plantaris Lower leg - Femur to calcaneus 8378
n Popliteus Back of knee 44324 GP
n Pronator quadratus Forearm 67157 GP
n Pronator teres Forearm - pronates hand 61516 GP
n Psoas major Lumbar vertebrae to top of thigh 8886

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n Psoas minor Flexes trunk on pelvis 1343

n Pterygoideus lateralis Head - moves lower jaw - horizontal fibres that extend from sphenoid 73483 GP
to joint capsule

n Pterygoideus medialis Head - moves lower jaw 63863 GP

n Pyramidalis Tenses abdominal wall 98810. GP
n Quadratus femoris (not to be confused with quadriceps femoris) Base of pelvis to top of thigh 5335 GP
origin lat. border of ischial tuberosity, insertion post. Surface femur. Laterally rotates & adducts thigh

n Quadratus lumborum Back - low 5994

n Quadriceps Femoris Quadriceps = collective name for 4 muscles at front of thigh - rectus 710.910. GP
femoris plus 3 vastus muscles

n Rectus abdominus 9310.7

n Rectus capitis anterior origin lat. mass atlas insertion basilar occipital, flexes supports head 8942 GP
n Rectus capitis lateralis origin TP atlas insertion jugular process occipital, flexes supports head 8924
n Rectus capitis posterior major Origin SP of axis insert. occipital bone extends head 6578
n Rectus capitis posterior major Origin SP of axis insert. occipital bone extends head 8948
n Rectus capitis posterior minor Neck - upper 64522
n Rectus capitis posterior minor Origin dorsal arch atlas insert. occipital extends head 8928
n Rectus femoris Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps 4615
n Rhomboid minor SP of C7 & T1 3173 GP
n Rhomboideus major Origin: SP T2 to T5 insertion scapula 1327
n Rotator cuff 68897 GP
n Rotatores 728
n Rotatores Origin TP all vert. Insertion SP of vert superior to origin. Extends & rotates 88921 GP
n Sacrospinalis aka erector spinae 4442
n Sartorius Thigh 5335
n Scalenii aka scalenes 442810. GP
n Semimembranosus Thigh - posterior - one of the 3 hamstring muscles 4711
n Semispinalis capitis Neck - upper (first 6 or 7 thoracic vertebrae & 5 & 6 cervical to occipital) 3478
n Semispinalis cervicis TP of superior 5 or 6 thoracic vert. 6285 GP
n Semispinalis thoracis TP of 6th to 10th 6935
n Semitendinosus Thigh - posterior - of the 3 hamstring muscles 3355
n Serratus anterior Sides of upper ribs 6415
n Serratus posterior 010.72
n Soleus Leg - lower - posterior 4783
n Spinalis capitis aka Biventor cervicis 2310.
n Spinalis cervicis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of neck 5635
n Spinalis thoracis These are one of 3 columns of the erector spinae muscles in region of thorax 3852
n Splenius capitis 535 DLW
n Splenius cervicis Neck 234
n Sternalis aka Sternocostal a band occasionally found parallel to sternocostal origin of pect. major 4737
n Sternocleidomastoid Neck- sides 2710.6
n Sternohyoideus Hyoid bone to manubrium 945
n Stylohyoideus Hyoid bone to temporal bone (styloid process)) 3606
n Subclavius Clavicle - attaches to lower surface 6453
n Subclavius Clavicle - attaches to lower surface 810.3
n Subscapularis One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 99610. GP
n Superior oblique Rotates eyeball downward and outward. Cranial Nerve 4 innervates 8926

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n Superior rectus Rotates eyeball upward and medially. Cranial Nerve 3 innervates 309
n Supinator 62271 GP
n Supraspinatus 6634
n Supraspinatus One of 4 rotator cuff muscles at shoulder 7121
n Temporalis Head - sides closes jaw 24624
n Tensor fasciae latae Pelvis - sides - joins to iliotibial band 7244 GP
n Teres major Scapula (lower) to back of upper arm 645
n Teres minor Scapula (upper) to top of arm at shoulder joint. One of 4 rotator cuff muscles. 7541
n The six muscles used for movement of the eye 96798
n Tibialis anterior Leg - lower - anterior 7530
n Tibialis posterior Leg - lower - posterior 3733
n Transverse abdominis Abdomen - deep 7678
n Trapezius Cervical and thoracic vertebrae towards shoulder joint 475
n Triceps brachii Arm - upper - posterior 216
n Vastus intermedius Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps muscles 7489 GP
n Vastus lateralis Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps muscles 7872
n Vastus medialis Thigh - one of the 4 quadriceps muscles 7892
n Vocalis Thyroid cartilage 8343
n Zygomaticus major Muscle used for smiling 8798
n Zygomaticus minor 6845


o SKIN 10.1
o Germinative zone 8877
o Basal cell layer 6877
o Prickle cell layer 4501
o Horny zone 7863
o Granular layer 8853
o Clear layer 2434
o Horny layer 8764
o CORIUM 378
o Connective tissue 5443
o Reticular layer 7543
o Papillary layer 8424
o Muscular fibres 7426
o Arteries 7546
o Veins 4485
o Capillary vessel 724
o Lymph vessel 4525
o Nerves 665
o Cutaneous 9791
o Sebaceous glands 8808

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o Ducts 8452
o Subcutaneous tissue 764
o Adipose tissue 4093
o Alveoli 3635
o Transparent basement membrane 4317
o Epithelial cells 5236
o Larger cells containing fat 5248
o Sebum cutaneum (or debris) 6535
o Sweat (excretion) 4691
o SCALP 624
o HAIR 10.9
o Cortex of hair 7332
o Medulla of hair 6545
o Outer layer of dermic coat 04023
o Hyaline layer of dermic coat 1434
o Henle's layer 2442
o NAILS 459
o CUTICLE 3310.

p TISSUES 2774 D

p Epithelial 2545
p Connective 1272
p Nervous 959
p Muscular 599 D
p Tissue fluids/interstitial fluid/intercellular fluid 10.88
p Plasma 040966
p Lymph 2


p1 Cells 5152
p1 Mind of Cell 68510. IM
p1 Mind of Cell 451
p1 Protoplasm 5326
p1 Cell membrane (plasma membrane) 552010.12.
p1 Cytoplasm/intracellular fluid 6232
p1 Mitochondria 3461 GP
p1 Nucleoplasm or nucleus 1455



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p2 Cytoplasm 6232
p2 Chromophil granules 1141
p2 Fibrin 1219
p2 Hyaloplasm 2325
p2 Mitrochondria 3461
p2 Tonofibrils 2441
p2 Nuclear membrane 3131
p2 Nucleolus 2252
p2 Chromatin granules 63
p2 Chromosomes 6123
p2 X-chromosomes 6122
p2 Y-chromosomes 613
p2 Genes 40321
p2 Attraction sphere 34551
p2 Centrioles 3281
p2 Alpha cells 763
p2 Beta cells (anterior pituitary) 1524
p2 Blood cells - see under BLOOD
p2 Body cells 4822
p2 Bone marrow cells - see under Reticulo endothelial system
p2 Epithelial cells 5245
p2 Epithelial cells (columnar - stomach) 736
p2 Fat cells 6449
p2 Fat cells (bone marrow) 4510.
p2 Fibroblast (connective tissue cells - ductless glands) 2323
p2 Goblet cells (stomach) 3234
p2 Goblet cells (duodenum) 3809
p2 Goblet cells (small intestine) 4044
p2 Golgi network 4410.
p2 Liver cells 4327
p2 Liver Kupffer's cells (endothelial lining) 736
p2 Langerhan's cells (islets) 99719
p2 Langerhan's cells A.cells 99
p2 Langerhan's cells B.cells 991
p2 Mast cells 03062
p2 Mesoblasts 04013
p2 Microblasts 40910.9
p2 Microglia cells of neuroglia 433
p2 Microglia cells of neuroglia (pituitary) 43301
p2 Microphage 4134
p2 Mononuclears (large) 3026
p2 Muscle cells 4254
p2 Muscle cells (duodenum) 5754

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p2 Muscle cells (small intestine) 2473

p2 Myelocytes 3074
p2 Neuroglia 6910
p2 Nerve cells 7632
p2 Nerve cells (spinal cord) 266
p2 Neuroblast 33
p2 Pineal cells 7588
p2 Platelets 4094
p2 Polymorphonuclears 3027
p2 Splenic cells 3263
p2 Cells comprising loose reticulum in:-
p2 Connective tissues 3359
p2 Clasmatocytes 1272
p2 Clasmatocytes 4314
p2 Microglia cells of neuroglia 777
p2 Blood 1235
p2 Large mononuclear leucocytes 1312
p2 In the bone marrow 515
p2 Spleen 1216
p2 Liver 163
p2 Lymph glands 537
p2 Medulla of suprarenal gland 919
p2 Anterior pituitary 433
p2 Meningocytes 1211
p2 Macrophages 2347
p2 RED MARROW 10.81
p2 Erythroblasts 3314
p2 Erythrocytes 2331
p2 Normoblasts 040910.7
p2 Macroblasts 040910.6
p2 Megaloblasts 6342
p2 Reticulocytes 9378
p2 Lymphoblasts 3354
p2 Lymphocytes 679
p2 Monoblasts 3522
p2 Monocytes 3555
p2 Myeloblasts 5222
p2 Myelocytes 2236
p2 Metamyelocytes 3122
p2 Polymorphonuclears 0307
p2 Promyelocytes 03047

Compiled January 2010

Version 01.4 61/63 28/04/2011
Systems Rates Base 10


p2 Megakaryoblasts 2234
p2 Megakaryocytes 4336
p2 Plasmablasts 43245
p2 Platelets 04094
p2 Plasma cells 4309

q FLUIDS see relevant body system 666


r Abdomen 1233
r Arms 131
r Right 269
r Left 2691
r Back 88
r Bone-long 8490
r Bone-short 84168
r Bone-flat 8432
r Bone-irregular 84392
r Buttock 2675
r Calf 2541
r Cancellous tissue 2444
r Cheek 6975
r Chest 75
r Chest wall 5223
r Endometrium 4893
r Etheric substance 2935
r Face 10.290
r Fasciae to valve vieussens 7703
r Fat 9892
r Fatty tissue 8461
r Fibrin 1219
r Fibro-areolar tissue 8466
r Fingers 322
r Fluid 666
r Food 2013
r Foot 2163
r Right 21632
r Left 216321
r Forearm 2131
r Forehead 3631
r Ganglion 866
r Gingiva (fibrous tissue gum) 8791
r Glands 7425
r Hameatpoietic 6349
r Hilar 3768

Compiled January 2010

Version 01.4 62/63 28/04/2011
Systems Rates Base 10

r Peyers patches 224

r Globulus pallidas 23463
r Groin 1266
r Glomerular capillaries 5544
r Hand-right 26
r Hand-left 261
r Head 97
r Head-top of 974
r Heel 4243
r Leg-right 42
r Leg-left 43
r Membranes 566
r Mucous 976
r Serous 766
r Neck 523
r Peristalsis (movement) 565
r Peristalsis (movement) 6291
r Shoulders 753
r Thumb-right 8489
r Thumb-left 848911
r Thumbs 891
r Toes 422

Compiled January 2010

Version 01.4 63/63 28/04/2011

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