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Theoretical Framework: Co-Workers

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Theoretical Framework

This subsection is a discussion of the influence of

motivation on the productivity of SM employees and related
theories and concepts. The section also includes conceptual
definition of terms to be able to use them operationally
throughout the research process. This are some factors that
influence motivation on productivity namely; nature of work, co-
worker, communication, operating procedure, super vision, pay,
promotion, fringe benefits, and contingent rewards these factors
are discussed bellow

Nature of work

Work, as defined by LeFever (1979) means the application of

one’s energies toward the accomplishment of a given task. Nature
of work describes what an employee does to work by profession;
it also reflected in the job description. The nature of work
influence employees in terms of how they feel about themselves
while doing the job and how they feel about the job while doing
it; the personal question arises which task are they enjoying
and happy performing the task or not. Employees who enjoy doing
their jobs tend to be performing better because they feel a
sense of enthusiasm while performing tasks. On the other hand,
if an employee is not happy performing their assigned task\,
work performance is affective thereby affecting also the
organization’s goal. It is then imperative that programs and
activities constituting performance targets and employee welfare
are planned periodically to promote efficiency and good working


Co-workers are people that an employee must interact with

on a daily basis. The employee goes to their co-workers with
minor questions or concern before presenting them to their
supervisors because they are perceived as being equal
counterpart. Co-worker are the people in the organization that
employees confide in, become close friends with, share lunfch
and breaks with and overall they are the people that employees
spend most of their time with then looking at how the co-workers
help or hinder job satisfaction is essential (Sravani, 2014).
Webster’s New World College Dictionary (2010) defines c-
worker as people whom you work alongside within a job or work
place. According to an article by Riordan (2013), Employees
report that when they have friends at work, their job is more
fun, enjoyable, worthwhile, and satisfying. Gallup found that
close work friendships boost employee satisfaction by 50% and
people with a best friend at work are seven times more likely to
engage fully in their work. Camaraderie is more than just having
fun, though. It is also about creating a common sense of purpose
and the mentality that we are in-it together. Studies have shown
that soldiers form strong bonds during missions in part because
they believe in the purpose of the mission, rely on each other,
and share the good and the bad as a team. In short, camaraderie
promotes a group loyalty that results in a shared commitment to
and discipline toward the work. Camaraderie at work can create
“esprit de corps,” which includes mutual respect, sense of
identity, and admiration to push for hard work and outcomes.
Many companies are engaging in corporate challenges, such as
bike to work day, wellness competitions, community service
events, and other activities to help build a sense of teamwork
and togetherness. Best practice companies also communicate
widely about corporate goals and priorities to unify everyone.
Friends at work also form a strong social support network for
each other, both personally and professionally. Whether rooting
for each other on promotions, consoling each other about
mistakes, giving advice, or providing support for personal
situations, comradeship at work can boost an employee’s spirit
and provide needed assistance.


Good communication practices are at the heart of every

successful business. Communication serves to essential function
in any organization, it disseminates the information needed by
employees to get things done and builds relationship of trust
and commitment. Without it, employees and up working in chaos
with no clear direction, vague goals and little opportunity for
improvement, Successful project and change programs are rarity
and real leadership is scarce (Wyatt et al. 2003).

According to James Robbins (2014) Communication is a very

important skill in human life, where we can see communication
can occur in every human step. Humans are social beings who
depend on each other and are independent and interrelated with
others in their environment. The only means to be able to
connect with others in their environment is communication both
verbally and nonverbally (body language and cues are widely
understood). Communication is one important thing to support the
success of the organization both in improving organizational
performance and organizational adaptation to any changes in the
existing environment. Through good communication between
individuals and parties directly involved in organizations and
outside the organization, organizations can obtain the necessary

Communication is vital in every organization (Hargie and

Tourish, 2000) Thus, senior managers often have a very limited
understanding of the communication dynamics within their own
organization. In our own research in this field, we have
frequently found that the people most surprised by audits which
point to problems are the senior management team. The result can
be a climate of mutual suspicion rather than trust, with
energies that should be focused on beating the competition
squandered in internal struggles. In this chapter, we suggest
that the key to building a world-class communication system lies
in managers having an accurate picture of how well they and
everyone else are actually communicating.

Operating procedure

Operating Procedures are written procedures that an

establishment develops and implements to prevent direct
contamination or adulteration of product (Tang, 1997).


supervision is recognized as a significant tenant of

professional growth for counseling and psychotherapy students,
the variability of the effectiveness, or ineffectiveness, of
supervision has come under scrutiny in recent times(Ladany,
2012). According to William Sovich a supervisor’s time must often
be divided among competing demands, sometimes to the extent that
it becomes difficult to identify priorities and strategies for
success. In my role as an advising unit coordinator, for
example, I am responsible to the students in my caseload at the
same time that I am accountable to my higher
administration. Meanwhile, I must be available to the staff I
supervise as I work with them to meet their short-term and long-
term training and professional development needs. With multiple
stakeholders vying for my attention, keeping the three themes of
rapport building, technical competency, and leading by example
at the center of my focus has helped me to promote productivity
and healthy working relationships among members of the advising
team no matter what the conditions or constraints

Supervision be interrupted by the process of deflecting, or

projecting. Interruptions are neither healthy nor unhealthy but
depend on the environmental context. Assimilating, learning, and
integrating of experience begin in utero and becomes part of the
ever-unfolding self or personality throughout life. The
supervision will focus on the explication of the theory as it
relates to the specific client providing the cognitive support
for the clinical work.

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