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Nursing Job Interview Questions and Answers

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25 Nursing Interview Questions &

Answers To Land Your Dream Job

Every nursing job interview is different, but over the years many typical
nursing interview questions have been asked.

We’ve compiled a list of the most common nursing interview questions

you’re likely to be asked whether you are applying for your first job as an
LPN or LVN or whether you’re wanting to move to a different hospital as an
RN or NP.

Although we have supplied answers to these typical nursing interview

questions, they are really just guides. You should adapt the answers to
your particular situation and the type of nursing job that you are applying for.

You can find more comprehensive guide for the most common nursing
interview questions from this extremely well reviewed guide “Cracking the
Nursing Interview” by Jim Keogh here, which I can recommend.

Q1: What made you choose nursing as a career?

A: I’ve always loved nursing, but my interest in healthcare really started

when I volunteered at a homeless shelter in college. This really inspired me
to pursue a career where I could devote my time to looking after others.
The more times I volunteered, the more I knew that nursing was what I
really wanted to do.

I wanted to do something that is challenging, interesting and make’s a real

difference in people’s lives. I feel very passionate about the healthcare
profession and also see it as a way of contributing positively to society.

My mother was a nurse and when I was growing up I saw the satisfaction
she gained by helping others. This also contributed very greater to my
interest in pursuing nursing as a career.
Q2: Tell me about yourself.

A: I’m a very energetic person and a good communicator. I’ve been

working in healthcare for the past two years and this has helped me build
my confidence and taught me the importance of very good patient care,

In my last role, I juggled a variety of patient loads, assisted in a charity

fundraiser and also was an advocate for senior patients. Because of this,
the hospital is launching a new educational program to teach nurses how to
better care for elderly patients.

Q3: What do you find most rewarding about being a nurse?

A: There are many things I find extremely rewarding about nursing. It can
be something like seeing the joy when a mother hold her newborn infant for
the first time or helping someone get back on their feet after recovering
from major surgery. I also find interacting with patients and their families
very rewarding.

Q4: How has your nursing training prepared you?

A: My clinical training in the ER of City Hospital prepared me for the fast-

paced care required of an ER Nurse. I also had an internship position at an
Oncology Center after graduating last May which provided me with hands-
on experience treating patients with cancer.

When I was undertaking my nursing studies, I was also fortunate to work

part-time as a research assistant for Dr. Montgomery in San Diego who
was undertaking clinicals on a new treatment for heart disease.

Although I was only there for the first 12 months of my nursing program, the
knowledge that I obtained has help prepared me to assist with cardiac
patients in a more effective way. I am very keen to specialize in cardiac
nursing care if I can get the opportunity.

Q5: Where do you see yourself in healthcare in five years?

A: I really think that the nursing experience that I will have gained will have
helped me become a first-rate nurse. I believe in providing the best care
that I can to all patients but there is nothing like the exp[experience gained
from working in a medical unit for a number of years.

Ideally, I see my long-term future in hospital administration where I could

put more people skills and nursing experience to good use to not only
benefit the nurses under my control but also the patients and the
healthcare facility overall.

Q6: Why are you leaving your current nursing position?

A: I’m looking for new challenges. I think it’s essential that I broaden my
nursing experience and set new goals for myself otherwise I will remain
stagnant. I hope to learn new skills, see how other units operate and really
improve myself as a nurse.

I think it’s important to keep moving ahead and getting better whatever
career you are in. But particularly in nursing which is changing rapidly with
new nursing and healthcare technology. I see this job as being able to
further develop my potential as a nurse and a person.

Q7: What do you think of your previous boss?

A: My last boss at the hospital where I worked taught me the importance of

time management. He was extremely deadline-driven and wouldn’t take
excuses if the job wasn’t done properly and on time. His no-nonsense
approach pushed me to work harder and manage my caseloads much
more efficiently.

Q8: What did you like least about your last job?

A: There was nothing I really hated. Sometimes we would be a little short of

nurses on the unit and I remember a couple of nurses were not pulling their
weight as much as they could.

This made my tasks a little more exhausting than they should have been as
I had to shoulder the extra responsibility. After about 6 months of this I was
starting to get a little worn down and felt I wasn’t giving my own patients
they proper attention they should be receiving. So that was a bit annoying.
But, as I said, I never hated the job or became resentful.
Q9: What interests you about working at this particular facility?

A: Quite honestly, it is your cardiac care unit. As I mentioned earlier, I have

a particularly strong interest in cardiology and your hospital has one of the
top three cardiac units in the country.

I really want to get as much nursing experience as I can with cardiac

patients in a hospital that is leading the way with the latest heart research
and procedures. Your facility has a very good reputation for its programs
and population and I believe I can gain a lot by working here.

Q10: Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a nursing team?

A: That really depends on the situation. I love working with a good team
because I believe that providing the best care and treatment in a hospital is
a team effort. But I have worked alone on wards before and enjoyed the
autonomy and responsibility. But ideally I would prefer to be part of a well-
structured unit that works together as one.

Q11: Would you describe yourself as an organized nurse?

A: Yes I would. I like to have a checklist and make sure that each item gets
the attention it needs. I’m very organized and thorough and I think this has
definitely made me a better nurse.

Q12: What really motivates you?

A: Doing the best I can for every patient. I believe that every challenge can
be overcome with the right attitude and hard work. I love nursing and the
thing that motivates me every day is knowing that I am making a real
difference to people’s lives whatever particular illness, injury or trauma they
are facing in their lives.

Q13: When were you the happiest in your job?

A: When I’m interacting with patients. I’m the happiest when I know I’m
doing a good job for them and providing the best possible care. When a
patient thanks or smiles at smile it really makes my day.
I think this attitude shows in the way I have been reviewed and rated so
highly in my peer reviews. One of the reasons I would like to work for your
hospital is that I will have even more interaction with patients on a more
critical level.

Q14: What do you feel you contribute to your patients?

A: I provide all of my patients with the very best care and advocacy that I
can. It’s important for me to ensure that my patients are always comfortable
and are confident in my abilities so they know they are being looked after
properly. Also, I will act as their advocate if necessary and give a voice to
any concerns they may have about their treatment.

Q15: How would you handle a patient who complains?

A: Some patients like to complain about everything. It’s just their nature and
also I understand that they can be worried about being in a hospital. So I
always try to be very patient and reassure them that we were doing our
very best for them.

I would confer with the attending doctor to make sure that the patient’s pain
was being managed effectively and tell the patient that everything possible
was being done to alleviate their discomfort. At all times I would listen
sympathetically to their complaint, reassure them that their concerns were
being heard and that we were doing everything possible to help them.

Q16: How do you handle stress on the unit?

A: By focusing on the care of my patients. I feel I owe it to them to stay

calm and focused. I have worked in ER where very stressful situations
arise quite frequently. I always call on my training and experience to handle
anything that comes up in a clam and constructed manner.

Q17: Have you ever had any differences with nurses you have worked

A: I once worked with a nurse on a pediatrics ward and we simply didn’t get
on with each other. It was just a clash of personalities. After about 3
months it was becoming almost impossible for us to work together so finally
I pulled her aside and asked her to have a quick coffee after work and find
out what was wrong.

It turned out she was just to communicating differently with nurses in her
unit in the past. After we talked about this for about 15 minutes we actually
began laughing at what we both perceived to be slights on each other.

I’m a very easy going person but sometimes that doesn’t always come
across well. She thought I was being too casual at times and it upset her
while I thought she was too stressed and uptight every day. We ended up
working it out and we’re very good friends now believe it or not.

Q18: What would you do if your replacement didn’t arrive?

A: Well, I definitely wouldn’t leave the unit. I’d wait for a decent amount of
time and then talk to my supervisor and offer to stay until they turned up or
someone else was found to fill in for her.

This has happened a few times and I usually try calling to see if they are on
their way or what’s holding them up. It’s just a matter of using common
sense and not rushing off because the person hasn’t arrived on time. But
they had better have a good reason why they’re late.

Q19: How would you deal with a doctor who was rude?

A: If it was just a once-off occasion I would probably let it slide as he could

be stressed or worried about something I’m unaware of. But if he or she
was constantly being rude to me – especially in front of my patients – I
would definitely bring it to the attention of my supervisor.

If the doctor was unhappy with me in any way, I would want to find out so I
could take action to rectify the situation. I would also ask the doctor if there
was something in my care of the patient that they felt needed discussion.

Q20: Would you become a doctor?

A: No, I enjoy the personal contact with my patients and the comradeship
with my colleagues unique to nursing. I plan on advancing my career as a
nurse, not a doctor. I enjoy the medical field tremendously and plan to
continue my nursing education throughout my career. I have no ambition to
be a doctor, just the best nurse that I can be.

Q21: What sort of salary are you looking for?

A: A salary that rewards my experience, abilities, and ambition. At this

hospital, I am far more interested in the role and the opportunities it offers
me than the pay. But I would expect to be paid the appropriate range for
this job, based on my five years of experience. I also think a fair salary
would bear in mind the high cost of living here in Los Angeles.

Q22: Why should I hire you?

A: I’ve been an RN for the past five years and was an available team
member at my last facility. I was regularly praised for my hard work ethic
and ability to get along well with doctors and nurses and my patients.

I’ve also taken the time to educate myself on some of the latest industry
trends and changes brought about by new technology. I believe that I can
bring many years of experience and an excellent attitude to your hospital. I
will be a valuable asset to any unit here.

Q23: Do you have any professional affiliations?

A: Yes I do. I feel it’s important to stay informed about the nursing
profession. I’m a member of the American Nurses Association and the
California State Nurses Association.

Q24: How would your friends describe you?

A: My friends would probably say that I’m pleasant but persistent. I make
and keep friends easily and I never give up. I know that if I try hard enough
I can achieve anything. Loyalty is one of my biggest qualities and my
friends would attest to that too.

Those are some of the types of nursing interview questions that you can
expect to be asked in an interview. Of course, the actual questions will be
different for each hospital and healthcare facility but these give you a
general idea of what to expect.
Q25: What is your worst trait?

You have two options:

1) Pick a positive that could have negative impacts, and emphasize the
positives. If you’re hard-charging and sometimes miss details, you can
focus on your single-minded determination. Or, if you are very blunt, you
can show how your honesty benefited one of your previous employers.

2) You can choose an aspect of your personality, and see how it rings true
with the interviewer. Some firms don’t mind as much if you’re a bit
cantankerous, or if you may have some negative traits. They may focus
simply on the fact that you’ve chosen to be honest.

To figure out ways to turn a negative into a positive, use your past
superiors for help. At review meetings, they may have brought up a
negative trait of yours, and talked about how it was still useful. Or, you can
even think about conversations with friends and family where it’s become
the subject of a joke. Use these, and see what positive aspects of them
have come up, similar to what was mentioned above.

If you don’t have any negative traits, please don’t tell an interviewer that.
Again, look at what friends and family joke about, or what previous co-
workers have said. And if you are still having trouble, come up with
something. Even if you’re perfect, no hiring manager wants to hear that
you are.

How to Prepare for the Interview?

A common question that also comes up before the interview is what to

wear? It’s not necessary to wear scrubs. You should try and look
professional so if you’re applying for an entry-level position men should
wear slacks with a shirt and tie and women either dress pants or a tailored
skirt and blouse.

Your clothes should be pressed, tailored and typically in neutral colors with
a simple design. Keep accessories to a minimum. If you are applying for an
advanced practice nursing position or healthcare management position, a
suit would be appropriate.

Remember, first impressions count. Arrive at the interview early whether it’s
in a hospital, health clinic or care facility, greet the interviewer by their
formal name, smile and offer a firm handshake.

Throughout the interview, be poised and expressive and try to remain

relaxed. Listen carefully to the questions and try your best to answer
confidently. It’s normal to be nervous but try and remain aware of your body
language and avoid touching your face or hair, distracting hand movements
and squirming in your chair.

And remember, the nursing interview questions you will be asked are not
designed to trick or trip you up. The interviewers or hospital administrators
are simply trying to find the most appropriate person to fit into their medical

Simply answer as honestly and as sincerely as you can and you will fly
through the most testing nursing interview questions

Source: Download 14 Best Job Interview Questions and Answers PDF


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