Lathe PDF
Lathe PDF
Lathe PDF
• Lathe is a machine in which work piece is held and
rotated on its axis while cutting tool is advanced along
the line of desired cut.
• Lathe was the first machine tool which came into being
as a useful machine for metal cutting.
• Lathe is a machine, which removes the metal from a
piece of work to the required shape &size
Working Principle
• Workpiece revolves about its own axis , the tool
is made to move in parallel or at an inclination
with the axis of a material to be cut.
• The material from the workpiece is removed in
the form of chips.
Types of Lathe
• Bench Lathe
• Speed Lathe
• Engine Lathe
Belt drive lathe
Individual motor drive lathe
Gear head lathe
• Tool room lathe
• Capstan and Turret lathe
• Automatic lathe
• Special purpose lathe
Wheel lathe
Gap bed lathe
Duplicating lathe
T - lathe
Bench Lathe
• Very small lathe and usually mounted on a bench or cabinet.
• Very accurate , hence used for small and precision work.
• Provided with all the attachments, which a larger lathe can do.
Speed Lathe
• Simplest of all types of lathe.
• Their spindle rotates at very high speed ranging from 1200 to 3600 rpm.
• No provision for gear box, carriage and lead screw.
• Tool is controlled by hand, depth of cut and chip thickness are very small.
Engine Lathe
• It is most widely used and it is an important type of lathe.
• The term engine is associated because earlier lathes were driven by steam engines.
• A lathe which receives its power from an over-head line shaft is known as belt-driven
• A lathe which receives its power from an individual motor which is integral with the
machine is known as motor driven lathe.
• A lathe which receives its power from
a constant speed motor and all speed
changes, are obtained by shifting
various gears which are located in the
headstock, is known as
gear-head lathe.
Tool room Lathe
• Similar as engine lathe.
• Spindle speeds ranging from very low to high speed i.e. upto 2500 r.p.m.
• Used for precision work on tools, dies, gauges and in machining work, where accuracy
is required.
• But are more expensive.
Capstan & Turret Lathe
• Used in mass production.
• The tailstock of an engine lathe is replaced by a hexagonal turret.
• Without resetting of workpiece and tools, several different operations can be done on
the workpiece.
Automatic Lathe
• High speed, heavy duty and mass production lathes.
• Whole jobs are done automatically.
• After the job is complete, without attention of an operator, the machine will continue to
repeat the cycles and produce identical parts.
Specifications of Lathe
• The length of bed :
It indicates the approximate floor space
occupied by the lathe.
• The length between centres :
It is the maximum length of work that can
be mounted between the lathe centres.
Specifications of Lathe
• The height of centres from the bed :
It is the distance between SWING DIAMETER
Lathe Size
Lathe Size
Lathe Size
Component Description
Main Parts
• Bed
• Headstock
• Feed and lead screws
• Carriage
• Tailstock
Lathe Bed
• Heavy, rugged casting
• Made to support working parts of lathe
• On top section are machined ways
• Guide and align major parts of lathe
Lathe Bed
• Clamped on left-hand end of bed
• Headstock spindle
• Hollow cylindrical shaft supported by bearings
• Provides drive through gears to work-holding
• Live center, faceplate, or chuck fitted to spindle
nose to hold and drive work
• Driven by stepped pulley or transmission
• Feed reverse lever
• Reverses rotation of feed rod and lead
Quick-Change Gearbox
• Contains number of different-size gears
• Provides feed rod and lead-screw with
various speeds for turning and thread-cutting
• Feed rod advances carriage when
automatic feed lever engaged
• Lead screw advances the carriage for
thread-cutting operations when split-nut
lever engaged
Quick-Change Gearbox
• Used to move cutting tool along lathe bed
• Consists of three main parts
• Saddle
• H-shaped casting mounted on top of lathe
ways, provides means of mounting cross-slide
and apron
• Cross-slide
• Apron
< Saddle
< Apron
• The apron attached to the front of the carriage, holds most of the
control levers. These include the levers, which engage and reverse the
feed lengthwise (Z-axis) or crosswise (X-axis) and the lever which
engages the threading gears.
• The apron is fastened to the saddle, houses the gears and mechanisms
required to move the carriage and cross-slide automatically.
• The apron hand wheel can be turned manually to move the carriage
along the Lathe bed. This hand wheel is connected to a gear that
meshes in a rack fastened to the Lathe bed.
• The automatic feed lever engages a clutch that provides the
automatic feed to the carriage
• Mounted on top of saddle
• Provides manual or automatic cross
movement for cutting tool
• Compound rest (fitted on top of cross-slide)
• Used to support cutting tool
• Swiveled to any angle for taper-turning
• Has graduated collar that ensure accurate
cutting-tool settings (.001 in.) (also cross-
Top Slide (Compound slide)
• Upper and lower tailstock castings
• Adjusted for taper or parallel turning by two
screws set in base
• Tailstock clamp locks tailstock in any position
along bed of lathe
• Tailstock spindle has internal taper to receive
dead center
• Provides support for right-hand end of work
workpiece Drill
s when Chuck
60 degree
rotating Turn the
center tailstock
point. handwhe
el to
the ram.
Feed of an Engine Lathe
• Distance carriage will travel in one revolution
of spindle
• Depends on speed of feed rod or lead screw
• Controlled by change gears in quick-
change gearbox
• Obtains drive from headstock spindle through
end gear train
• Chart mounted on front of quick-change
gearbox indicates various feeds
Back Gear Mechanism
Tumbler Gear Mechanism
Feed of an Engine Lathe
Quick change gear box
Feed of an Engine Lathe
Lead Screw and Feed Rod
Quick change gear box
Lathe Accessories
Lathe Accessories
• Divided into two categories
• Work-holding, -supporting, and –driving
• Lathe centers, chucks, faceplates
• Mandrels, steady and follower rests
• Lathe dogs, drive plates
• Cutting-tool-holding devices
• Straight and offset toolholders
• Threading toolholders, boring bars
• Turret-type toolposts
Lathe Centers
• Work to be turned between centers must
have center hole drilled in each end
• Provides bearing surface
• Support during cutting
• Most common have
solid Morse taper shank
60º centers, steel with carbide tips
• Care to adjust and lubricate occasionally
Lathe Centers
Revolving Tailstock Centers
• Replaced solid dead centers for most
machining operations
• Used to support work held in chuck or
when work is being machined between
• Contains antifriction bearings which allow
center to revolve with workpiece
• No lubrication required between center and
• Types: revolving dead center, long point
center, and changeable point center
Revolving Tailstock Centers
Self-Driving Live Center
• Mounted in headstock spindle
• Used when entire length of workpiece is being
machined in one operation
• Chuck or lathe dog could not be used to drive work
• Grooves ground around circumference of lathe
center point provide drive
• Work usually soft material such as aluminum
Self-Driving Live Center
• Used extensively for holding work for
lathe machining operations
• Work large or unusual shape
• Most commonly used lathe chucks
• Three-jaw universal
• Four-jaw independent
• Collet chuck
Three-jaw Universal Chuck
Three jaw self centering chuck
Four-Jaw Independent
• Used to hold round, square,
hexagonal, and irregularly shaped
• Has four jaws
• Each can be adjusted independently by
chuck wrench
• Jaws can be reversed to hold work by
inside diameter
Four-Jaw Independent
Four-Jaw Independent
• With the four jaw chuck, each jaw can be adjusted
independently by rotation of the radially mounted
threaded screws.
• Although accurate mounting of a workpiece can be
time consuming, a four-jaw chuck is often necessary
for non-cylindrical workpieces.
Headstock Spindle Types
1. Threaded spindle nose
• Screws on in a clockwise direction
2. Tapered spindle nose
• Held by lock nut that tightens on chuck
3. Cam-lock spindle nose
• Held by tightening cam-locks using T-
• Chuck aligned by taper on spindle nose
Threaded Spindle Nose
Tapered Spindle Nose
Cam Lock Spindle Nose
Collet Chucks
• Most accurate chuck
• Used for high-precision work
• Spring collets available to hold round,
square, or hexagon-shaped
• Each collet has range of only few
thousandths of an inch over or under
size stamped on collet
Spring Collet Chucks
• Spring-collet chuck
• One form: Handwheel draws collet into
tapered adapter
• Another form: Uses chuck wrench to
tighten collet on workpiece
• Can hold larger work than draw-in type
Spring Collet Chucks
Spring Collet Chucks
Jacobs Collet Chuck
• Jacobs collet chuck
• Utilizes impact-tightening handwheel to
close collets
• Wider range than spring-collet chuck
Jacobs Collet Chuck
Magnetic Chucks
• Used to hold iron or steel parts that are
too thin or may be damaged if held in
conventional chuck
• Fitted to an adapter mounted on
headstock spindle
• Used only for light cuts and for special
grinding applications
Magnetic Chucks
• Used to hold work too large or shaped so
it cannot be held in chuck or between
• Usually equipped with several slots to
permit use of bolts to secure work
• Angle plate used so axis of workpiece may be
aligned with lathe centers
• Counterbalance fastened to faceplate
when work mounted off center
• Prevent imbalance and resultant vibrations
Catch Plate
• Also known as driving plate.
• Plain disc of cast iron or steel.
• Carries a hole to accommodate a pin which engages with the tail of the lathe carrier.
Angle Plate
• L shaped cast iron plate with two faces.
• Carries slots for clamping on the face plate.
• Holes and slots are provided on both
faces so that it may be clamped on
the face plate and can hold the
workpiece on the other face by
clamps and bolts.
• Holds internally machined workpiece
between centers so further machining
operations are concentric with bore
• Several types, but most common
• Plain mandrel
• Expanding mandrel
• Gang mandrel
• Stub mandrel
Mandrels to Hold Workpieces for
Figure 23.8 Various types of mandrels to hold workpieces for turning. These
mandrels usually are mounted between centers on a lathe. Note that in (a), both
the cylindrical and the end faces of the workpiece can be machined, whereas in (b)
and (c), only the cylindrical surfaces can be machined.
Plain Mandrel
Expanding Mandrel
Gang Mandrel
Stub Mandrel
• Used to support long work held in chuck
or between lathe centers
• Prevent springing
• Located on and aligned by ways of the
• Positioned at any point along lathe bed
• Three jaws tipped with plastic, bronze or
rollers may be adjusted to support any
work diameter with steadyrest capacity
Follower Rest
• Mounted on saddle
• Travels with carriage to prevent work
from springing up and away from
cutting tool
• Cutting tool generally positioned just
ahead of follower rest
• Provide smooth bearing surface for two
jaws of follower rest
Follower Rest
Work holding between Centers
• For accurate turning operations or in cases where the long work
surface is not truly cylindrical, the workpiece can be turned
between centers.
• Initially the workpiece has a conical center hole drilled at each
end to provide location for the lathe centers.
• Before supporting the workpiece between the centers (one in
the headstock and one in the tailstock), a clamping device
called a ‘dog’ is secured to the workpiece.
• The dog is arranged so that the tip is inserted into a slot in the
drive plate mounted on the main spindle, ensuring that the
workpiece will rotate with the spindle.
Work holding between Centers
•Lathe centers support the workpiece between the
headstock and the tailstock.
• The center used in the headstock spindle is called the
‘live’ center. It rotates with the headstock spindle.
•The ‘dead’ center is located in the tailstock spindle.
This center usually does not rotate and must be
hardened and lubricated to withstand the wear of the
revolving work.
•The workpiece must have perfectly drilled and
countersunk holes to receive the centers.
•The center must have a 60-degree point.
Work holding between Centers
Threading Toolholder
• Designed to hold special form-relieved
thread-cutting tool
• Has accurately ground 60º angle
• Maintained throughout life of tool
• Only top of cutting surface sharpened
when becomes dull
Styles of Boring Toolholders
• Held in standard toolpost
• Light boring toolholder
• Used for small holes and light cuts
• Medium boring toolholder
• Suitable for heavier cuts
• May be held at 45º or 90º to axis of bar
• Mounted on compound rest of lathe
• Heavy-duty boring bar holder
• Three bars of different diameters
• May be held at 45º or 90º to axis of bar
Compound Rest
Tooling Systems
• Standard, or round, toolpost
• Generally supplied with conventional
engine lathe
• Fits into T-slot of compound rest
• Provides means of holding and adjusting
type of toolholder or cutting tool required
• Concave ring and the wedge or rocker
provide for adjustment of cutting-tool
Figure 23.1 Miscellaneous
cutting operations that can be
performed on a lathe. Note that
all parts are circular – a property
known as axisymmetry. The tools
used, their shape, and the
processing parameters are
described throughout this
Turning Operation
Figure 23.3 Schematic illustration of the basic turning operation, showing depth-of-
cut, d; feed, f; and spindle rotational speed, N in rev/min. Cutting speed is the surface
speed of the workpiece at the tool tip.
Designations for a Right-Hand
Cutting Tool
Figure 23.4 Designations for a right-hand cutting tool. Right-hand means the tool
travels form right to left, as shown in Fig. 23.3.
Right-hand Cutting Tool and Insert
Figure 21.20 (a) Schematic illustration of right-hand cutting tool. The various
angles on these tools and their effects on machining are described in Section
23.3.1 Although these tools traditionally have been produced from solid tool-steel
bars, they have been replaced largely with (b) inserts made of carbides and other
materials of various shapes and sizes.
Three Important Elements
Rotating Speed
It expresses with the number of rotations (rpm) of the chuck of a lathe. When the
rotating speed is high, processing speed becomes quick, and a processing surface is
finely finished. However, since a little operation mistakes may lead to the serious
accident, it is better to set low rotating speed at the first stage.
Cutting Depth
The cutting depth of the tool affects to the processing speed and the roughness of
surface. When the cutting depth is big, the processing speed becomes quick, but the
surface temperature becomes high, and it has rough surface. Moreover, a life of byte
also becomes short. If you do not know a suitable cutting depth, it is better to set to
small value.
Feed (Sending Speed )
The sending speed of the tool also affects to the processing speed and the roughness of
surface. When the sending speed is high, the processing speed becomes quick. When the
sending speed is low, the surface is finished beautiful. There are 'manual sending' which
turns and operates a handle, and 'automatic sending' which advances a byte
automatically. A beginner must use the manual sending. Because serious accidents may
be caused, such as touching the rotating chuck around the byte in automatic sending,.
• Turning is a metal cutting process used for the generation of
cylindrical surfaces.
• Normally the workpiece is rotated on a spindle and the tool is fed
into it radially, axially, or both ways simultaneously, to give the
required surface.
• The term ‘turning’, in the general sense, refers to the generation
of any cylindrical surface with a single point tool.
• Turning is the most commonly used operation in Lathe. By
turning operation excess material from the work piece is
removed to produce a cylindrical or cone shaped surface.
• Two of the common types of turning are: Straight turning and
taper turning.
Straight turning
•In this operation the work is held in the spindle and is rotated whole
the tool is fed past the work piece in a direction parallel to the axis of
•The surface generated is a cylindrical surface.
Other related lathe operations
Other related lathe operations
Facing: Facing is an operation for generating flat surface at the ends of a work
piece. In this operation the feed given is in a direction perpendicular to the axis of
• First, clamp the part securely in a lathe chuck.
• Then, install a facing tool
• Bring the tool approximately into position, but slightly off of the part.
• Always turn the spindle by hand before turning it on. This ensures that no parts
interfere with the rotation of the spindle.
• Move the tool outside the part and adjust the saddle to take the desired depth of
• Then, feed the tool across the face with the cross slide.
• After facing, there is a very sharp edge on the part. Break the edge with a file.
Thread Cutting
Other related lathe operations
• Chamfering: It is a operation of beveling the extreme end of a work piece. This
done to remove unwanted metal projections at the ends and to protect end of the
work piece from being damaged and to have a better look.
• Knurling: Knurling is process of embossing a diamond shaped pattern on the
surface of the work piece. The purpose of knurling is to provide an effective
gripping surface on a work piece to prevent it from slipping when operated by
hand. Knurling is done with a special tool called knurling tool. This tool consists
of a set of hardened steel rollers in a holder with teeth cut on their surface in
definite pattern.
Other related lathe operations
• Grooving or Recessing Operations: Grooving or recessing operations is the
operation of reducing the diameter of a workpiece over a very narrow
surface. Grooving or recessing operations, sometimes also called necking
operations, are often done on workpiece shoulders to ensure the correct fit
for mating parts.
• Drilling/reaming/ Boring: These are operations to accurately make holes on a
workpiece. These operations uses the tailstock of the lathe. The tool is held on
the tailstock and is fed toward the rotating work piece.
Other related lathe operations
Parting: In. this operation a flat nose tool is used to cut the work piece, with feed in
the direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation. A parting tool is deeper and
narrower than a turning tool. It is designed for making narrow grooves and for
cutting off parts. When a parting tool is installed, ensure that it hangs over the tool
holder enough that the holder will clear the workpiece (but no more than that).
Ensure that the parting tool is perpendicular to the axis of rotation and that the tip is
the same height as the center of the part. A good way to do this is to hold the tool
against the face of the part. Set the height of the tool, lay it flat against the face of
the part, then lock the tool in place. When the cut is deep, the side of the part can rub
against sides of the groove, so it's especially important to apply cutting fluid. In this
clip, a part is cut off from a piece of stock.
Taper turning
Taper turning methods
Taper turning by a form tool
Taper turning by a form tool uses a tool which is a broad nose tool having straight
cutting edge.
The tool is set on the work piece at half taper angle, and is fed straight into the work
to generate a tapered angle.
This method is limited to turn limited length taper only.
This is due to the reason that the metal is removed by entire cutting edge, and any
increase in length of the taper will necessitate the use of a wider cutting edge.
This will require excessive cutting pressure, which may distort the work due to
vibration and spoil the work due to vibration and spoil the work surface.
Work piece
Taper turning methods
Fig : (a) Cutting screw threads on a lathe with a single-point cutting tool. (b) Cutting
screw threads with a single-point tool in several passes, normally utilized for
large threads. The small arrows in the figures show the direction of feed, and
the broken lines show the position of the cutting tool as time progresses. (c) A
typical carbide insert and toolholder for cutting screw threads. (d) Cutting 117
internal screw threads with a carbide insert.
Thread cutting operation
Thread cutting operation
Change gears of correct sizes are then fitted between the spindle and the leadscrew.
When the Change gears are not fitted and when the Change gears are fitted (in this case a
compound drive is used) 119
Grinding Attachment
Milling Attachment
Turret Lathe
Turret Lathe
Turret indexing mechanism
Turret indexing mechanism
• The plunger 14 fitted within the housing and mounted on the saddle locks
the index plate by spring pressure 15 and prevents any rotary movement of
the turret as the tool feeds into the work.
• A pin 13 fitted on the plunger 14 projects out of the housing.
• An actuating cam 10 and indexing pawl 7 are attached to the lathe bed 9 at
the desired position. 126
Turret indexing mechanism
• When the index plate or the turret rotates through one sixth of revolution, the pin
13 and plunger 14 drops out of cam 10 and the plunger locks the index plate at
the next groove.
• The turret is thus index by one sixth of revolution and again locked into the new
position automatically.
• The turret holding the next tool is now fed forward and the pawl is released from
the ratchet plate by the spring pressure. 128
Turret indexing mechanism
• The ratio of the teeth between the pinion and gear are so chosen that when the
tool mounted on the face of the turret is indexed to bring it to the cutting
position, the particular stop rod for controlling the longitudinal travel of the tool
is aligned with stop 12.
Turret indexing mechanism
• The setting of the stop rods 8 for limiting the feed of each operation may be
adjusted by unscrewing the lock nuts and rotating the stop rods on the plate.
• Thus six stop rods may be adjusted for controlling the longitudinal travel of the
tools mounted on the six faces of the turret.