SAP AFS Material Grid
SAP AFS Material Grid
SAP AFS Material Grid
Process steps
Create characteristics
System demo
Grid reports
Master grid is widely used functionality in IS – AFS (Industry solution – Apparel & Footwear)
to define allowed colours and sizes for a given model number. In the apparel & footwear business
world, any given model can be available in different colours and sizes. Therefore we need to store all
possible colours and sizes of that model in the SAP article master. Else we will have to create different
articles (Material master) for each colour / size combination.
To avoid this, SAP AFS has provided the “Grid Functionality”, where you can create one
material master per model and store all colour / size combinations in the material grid attached to it.
AFS is supporting for three dimensional grid creation as well. (Eg. 3 dimensions can be use for Bra’s,
as we need Band size, Cup size, and the colour in the grid).
Let us see how to create a material grid and attach it to a material master in AFS.
Process steps
Create characteristics
Transaction: CT04
Easy access menu path: SAP Menu > Cross application components > Classification system > Master
data > CT04 – Characteristics
Given an ID to the characteristics under field “Characteristic” and press button “Note”. For
example it can be size, colour etc. Maintain the “Valid from” date as well else system will set
today’s date.
Characteristic ZAW_CLR
Valid from 22.05.2019
Description AW Colour
Chars group /AFS/SAP-D AFS characteristics for …
Stats 1 Released
Under “Number of Chars” field maintain the allowed length of each characteristic
If you want to have 3 digit code for colour maintain 3 (RED, BLU, GRN, etc.)
If you want to maintain the description in many languages, you can do it under description
Values in the screen: Description tab
Language : EN, Description AW colour
Under “Values” tab, now you can maintain all relevant values (Colours) under this
characteristic. During material grid creation, you can select which colour is relevant for the
grid (relevant article). Therefor it is advisable to maintain all possible colours here
Values in the screen: Value tab
Char value : RED, Description : Red
Char value : BLU, Description : Blue
Char value : GRN, Description : Green
Char value : YLW, Description : Yellow
Char value : PUR, Description : Purple
Char value : BLK, Description : Black
Same manner you can create other characteristics as well. For testing purpose I will create 3
characteristics. These can be used to demonstrate 2 dimension and 3 dimension grid creation.
Given an ID to the characteristics under field “Characteristic” and press button “Note”. For
example it can be size, colour etc. Maintain the “Valid from” date as well else system will set
today’s date.
Characteristic ZAW_SIZE
Valid from 22.05.2019
Description AW Size
Chars group /AFS/SAP-D AFS characteristics for …
Stats 1 Released
Under “Number of Chars” field maintain the allowed length of each characteristic
If you want to have 3 digit code for Band size
If you want to maintain the description in many languages, you can do it under description
Values in the screen: Description tab
Language : EN, Description AW Band size
Under “Values” tab, now you can maintain all relevant values (Colours) under this
characteristic. During material grid creation, you can select which colour is relevant for the
grid (relevant article). Therefor it is advisable to maintain all possible colours here
Values in the screen: Value tab
Char value : 28, Description : 28
Char value : 29, Description : 29
Char value : 30, Description : 30
Char value : 32, Description : 32
Char value : 34, Description : 34
Char value : 36, Description : 36
Given an ID to the characteristics under field “Characteristic” and press button “Note”. For
example it can be size, colour etc. Maintain the “Valid from” date as well else system will set
today’s date.
Characteristic ZAW_CUP
Valid from 22.05.2019
Description AW Cup
Chars group /AFS/SAP-D AFS characteristics for …
Stats 1 Released
Under “Number of Chars” field maintain the allowed length of each characteristic
If you want to have 2 digit code for Cup size
If you want to maintain the description in many languages, you can do it under description
Values in the screen: Description tab
Language : EN, Description AW Cup size
Under “Values” tab, now you can maintain all relevant values (Colours) under this
characteristic. During material grid creation, you can select which colour is relevant for the
grid (relevant article). Therefor it is advisable to maintain all possible colours here
Values in the screen: Value tab
Char value : A, Description : A
Char value : B, Description : B
Char value : C, Description : C
Char value : D, Description : D
Path: Easy access > SAP Menu > Logistics > Sales & Distribution > AFS master data > Material grid >
J3AH – Create
Screen value:
Material grid type M (Master grid)
Material Grid number ZAW_BRA_GRID1
Valid from date 22.05.2019
Now, you need to assign relevant characteristics to the material grid
For 2 dimension grid, you need to assign characteristics 1 & 2
For 3 dimension grid, you need to assign characteristics 1, 2 & 3
Characteristic 1 ZAW_SIZE
Characteristic 2 ZAW_CUP
Tab: Dimension
Goto “grid values” tab to maintain relevant grid sizes for the master grid
In the above picture, you can see how X & Y axis are assigned
Using “F4” help, you can display all sizes in the grid
Now based on the valid sizes, you have to mark “Tick” in the correct grid
Screen values:
Transaction: J3AH
Same as above (two dimension), give the grid type M, Grid name and valid from date
Screen values:
Material grid type M
Material grid number ZAW_BRA_GRID2
Valid from date 22.05.2019
Add all 3 characteristics relevant for the grid and press enter key
Screen value:
Material grid type M
Material grid number ZAW_BRA_GRID2
Valid from date 22.05.2019
Dimensions tab
Characteristic 1 ZAW_SIZE
Characteristic 2 ZAW_CUP
Characteristic 3 ZAW_CLR
Give a description to the grid and go to “Grid Values” tab to specify relevant grid sizes
Tab: Attributes
Screen value:
Here you should be able to see the axis are assigned as follows, you can change them if required;
X – Size
Y- Cup size
Z – Colour
Now in the tab “Grid Values”, first you need to create “Z” axis dimension (Colour). To do that,
click on button “Note”
3: (ZAW_CLR) AW colour
Dimension value RED (in the POPUP, specify which colour (third dimension) you want to maintain sizes
Press “Enter” key. Now you should be able to see the third dimension appears in the top of the grid
1: (ZAW_SIZE) AW Size
Now you can maintain sizes (Band size & Cup size) for this grid (Mark “Tick” for valid sizes)
A28, B28, C28, D28, B29, C29, D29, C30, D30, C32, D32, D34, D35
Once all sizes are added to given colour, you have to press the button (Note) under third
dimension to add next colour. Once added you will be able to see it in the same area as
3: (ZAW_CLR) AW colour
Dimension value : POP down values & selected values viz. RED, BLK,…
A28, B28, C28, B29, C29, D29, C30, D30, C32, A34, B34, C34, D34, A35, C35, D35
Same manner you can add relevant colours from the third dimension to the grid
You can switch between different third dimensions by clicking the button under third
Once all dimensions are maintained, save the master grid
Now you can assign these master grids to your article master (Material master)
Transaction: MM01
During material master creation, we need to assign the master grid to material master. The material
has to be created under “Industry Sector” F – Apparel and Footwear
Screen variables:
Material AW100
Under “AFS Basic Data” tab, we need to assign the “Master Grid” to the material master
Same manner you can assign the three dimension grid to another material as well
Sales Order creation with two dimensional grid material
Select the line item and click on the button (enter line) to enter customer ordered sizes in the
sales order
Screen variables:
Item: 00010
Material: AW100
Plant: A300
Required delivery date: 01.06.2019
Short text: AW100 (2D Grid)
Now you can see only allowed values are ready for data entry. Other grid sizes are not editable
as you have not marked them in the grid
If you go into schedule line level, you can see both grid values as follows:
Tab: AFS Item overview
Item: 00010
Material: AW100
Plant: A300
Quantity: 50
Required delivery date: 01.06.2019
Short text: AW100 (2D Grid)
Same as above enter the article and go in to the grid maintenance by clicking line button
Screen variables:
Item: 00020
Material: AW200
Plant: A300
Required delivery date: 01.06.2019
Short text AW200 (3D Grid)
In the grid size entry screen, you should be able to see separate tabs for the third dimension.
Under each tab, you can specify other 2 dimension
Z: (ZAW_CLR) AW colour
Line item entry against the grid: relevant master grid – with colour RED
Line item entry against the grid: relevant master grid – with colour BLK
Based on how you have maintained the master grid, the allowed sizes are displayed
When you go to schedule line entry level, you should be able to see all 3 dimensions
Item: 00010
Material: AW100
Plant: A300
Quantity: 130
Required delivery date: 01.06.2019
Short text: AW200 (3D Grid)
GRID Report
Below grid reports are available in SAP to analyse master grids
SAP Menu > Logistics > Sales & Distribution > AFS master data > Grid reports
1> AFS Basic Data Tab: this tab has details pertaining to the Master Grid that is created for the
material. Assign the Master Grid that was created with the characteristics of the material in
this field. Assign the MM MM Grid Det Proc and SD Grid Det Proc and activate the AFS status.
2> AFS Sales Data tab: The second AFS specific tab in the Material Master is the AFS Sales data,
here you can maintain SKU level pricing, status packing data and Target group.
3> AFS MRP tab: The third AFS specific tab in the Material Master is AFS MRP.
This has further 4 tabs viz.: General Control, Presizing, SKU data, Discontinuation control
within it. You can activate Batch management and the MRP indicator for the material here.
4> AFS WM tab: The fourth AFS specific tab in the Material master is AFS WS, under this tab you
have the flexibility to maintain the WM related data at the SKU level.
5> AFS valuation: The fifth AFS specific tab in the Material master is the AFS valuation tab, where
the valuation for each variant of the material can be maintained.
You can select which data should be displayed in the MRP list, so that the AFS – specific data (grid
values and categories) is easier and clearer to read (see Single – Item Planning). You can also include
or exclude certain MRP statues as well as certain stock and requirement number in the view.
The AFS MRP list contains the following data for each SKU:
The MRP statues help you better understand the stock / requirement situation after the most recent
planning run per SKU of the planned AFS material (see Importance of the AFS MRP status).
The evaluation of the exception messages helps to indicate exceptional situations per SKU, such as
absence of a BOM or Routing.
To optimize the production cycle, you can form SKU groups using the AFS lot-sizing procedures during
the planning (compare Lot Size Overview). That means that you can combine several SKUs of the
planned AFS material to an SKU group during the AFS MRP run. Only a procurement proposal is then
created for the grouped SKUs, for example a planned order number (material master). You can also
create a procurement proposal for each SKU. For example, you can create a separate planned order
number (material master) for each SKU. The AFS MRP list displays the result according to the settings
you have made.
A further function especially developed for AFS MRP is the technical log (J_3AMPRO). Using this log
you can make an error analysis of the AFS MRP run in the background, considering the MRP module
((AFS customizing).