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BS 8313-1997 Accomodation of Building Services in Ducts

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| BS 8313 : 1997
Code of practice for |
Accommodation of |
building services in |
ducts |
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

ICS 91.140.01 |
BS 8313 : 1997

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee
B/209/14, Building services, upon which the following bodies were represented:

Combustion Engineering Association

Institute of Plumbing
British Gas plc
Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
Clay Pipe Development Association Limited
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Sector Board for
Building and Civil Engineering,
was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
15 July 1997

 BSI 1997
Amendments issued since publication
First published as CP 413,
March 1951 Amd. No. Date Text affected
Second edition July 1973
Third edition July 1989
Fourth edition July 1997

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference B/209/14
Draft for comment 96/103803 DC

ISBN 0 580 27363 6

BS 8313 : 1997


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword iii
Code of practice 1
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Definitions 1
4 Exchange of information 2
5 Materials and components 2
6 General 2
7 Restrictions on positioning and combination of services 3
8 Space requirements 6
9 Access 7
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10 Protection of services in ducts 10

11 Drainage of service ducts 10
12 Ventilation of service ducts 10
13 Fire precautions 12
14 Other safety precautions 14
15 Service entries and exits 15
16 Identification and marking 16
17 Duct construction 16
18 Inspection and testing 17
19 Maintenance 17
A (informative) Installation space for air ducts (detailed method) 18
B (informative) Installation space for air ducts (simplified method) 39
C (informative) Work in confined spaces 42
D (informative) Acts, bylaws and statutory regulations 42
1 Free area of ventilation opening for dispersal of small leaks 11
A.1 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300 27
A.2 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300 28
A.3 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300 29
A.4 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300 30
A.5 Values of ea and eb 31
A.6 Values of ea1, ea2, eb1 and eb2 31
A.7 Values of ea1, ea2, eb1 and eb2 by firm obstacles 33
A.8 Values of n for a firm obstacle on one side 36
A.9 Values of n for a firm obstacle on two sides 37
A.10 Values of n for a firm obstacle on three sides 37
A.11 Values of n for a firm obstacle on four sides 38
B.1 Dimensions of X 41

 BSI 1997 i
BS 8313 : 1997

1 Minimum sizes of access openings for passage by persons 7
2 Anthropometric data 8
A.1 Space with limitations due to firm obstacles 20
A.2 Jointing and supporting air ducts without insulation and with a firm
obstacle on one side 20
A.3 Jointing and supporting air ducts without insulation and with a firm
obstacle on two sides 21
A.4 Jointing and supporting air ducts without insulation and with a firm
obstacle on three sides 21
A.5 Jointing and supporting air ducts without insulation and with a firm
obstacle on four sides (obstacle not continuous for more than 1 m) 22
A.6 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts with a firm obstacle on one
side 22
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A.7 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts with a firm obstacle on two
sides 23
A.8 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts with a firm obstacle on
three sides 23
A.9 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts with a firm obstacle on
four sides (obstacle not continuous for more than 1 m) 24
A.10 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm obstacle on one side 24
A.11 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm obstacle on two sides 25
A.12 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm obstacle on three sides 25
A.13 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm obstacle on four sides
(obstacle not continuous for more than 1 m) 26
A.14 Examples of installation spaces for flange jointed air ducts 26
A.15 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on one side 27
A.16 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on two sides 28
A.17 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on three sides 29
A.18 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on four sides 30
A.19 Examples of installation space for slip jointed air ducts 31
A.20 Installation space dimensions A and B for slip jointed air ducts with a firm
obstacle on one or more sides 32
A.21 e-values 33
A.22 Minimum access allowance e for air ducts insulated in position 34
A.23 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts insulated in position
with a firm obstacle on one side 34
A.24 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts insulated in position
with a firm obstacle on two sides 35
A.25 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts insulated in position
with a firm obstacle on three sides 35
A.26 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts insulated in position
with a firm obstacle on four sides 36
B.1 Installation spaces for uninsulated or pre-insulated air ducts 40
B.2 Installation spaces for air ducts insulated after installation 41
Index 44
List of references 47

ii  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Technical
Committee B/209. It supersedes BS 8313 : 1989, which is withdrawn.
This edition introduces technical changes but it does not reflect a full review or
revision of the document, which will be undertaken in due course.
This code of practice is intended to provide architects, engineers, builders, contractors,
suppliers, specialists, and service engineers with recommendations for the design,
construction, installation and maintenance of ducts in buildings for the
accommodation of services. It also covers ducts attached to the outside of buildings,
suspended flooring and ceiling voids, and cavities which are used for services but not
always referred to as ducts. Annex A gives a detailed method for calculating the
minimum cross-sectional dimensions of space required in service ducts for the
installation and maintenance of thin walled HVAC ducting and annex B provides a
simplified method for doing the same calculation. Annex C draws attention to the
stressful nature and potential hazards associated with working in a confined space and
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annex D lists Acts, bylaws and statutory regulations which relate to the
accommodation and maintenance of building services in ducts.
As a code of practice, this British Standard takes the form of guidance and
recommendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and care should
be taken to ensure that claims of compliance are not misleading. In particular,
attention is drawn to 6.1 and the fact that statutory legislation may impose more
stringent requirements in certain circumstances.
The standard should not be regarded as a substitute for expert advice. The intention is
that it should complement it.
Every fire authority has Fire Prevention Officers who will advise designers, owners and
occupiers and who will welcome liaison with architects and facilities engineers on the
safety aspects of building design. Advice can also be obtained from the Health and
Safety Executive and from local authorities on matters relating to health and safety,
and from Building Control Officers if new buildings or major alterations are involved.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i to iv, pages 1 to
48, an inside back cover and a back cover.

 BSI 1997 iii

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BS 8313 : 1997

Code of practice

1 Scope 3.3 pipe sleeve

This British Standard gives recommendations for the Protective pipe through which a carrier pipe or cable
design, construction, installation and maintenance of is later passed.
ducts in buildings used for the accommodation of 3.4 cavity barrier
services. It also covers enclosures such as ceiling Construction provided to seal a cavity against the
voids and cavities which are used for services but penetration of smoke and flame, or within a cavity to
which are not always referred to as ducts. restrict the movement of smoke and flame within the
The recommendations in this standard should also cavity.
be applied as far as practicable to the adaptation, 3.5 fire compartmentation
modification or refurbishment of existing ducts and Division of a building into compartments by
services within them. Appropriate precautions should elements of building construction intended to resist
be taken in all cases where the existing ducts the passage of fire, and capable of meeting specified
contain hazardous materials, e.g. asbestos. performance criteria to those ends.
This standard covers service ducts attached to the
3.6 fire door
outside of buildings but not service ducts between
Door or shutter provided for the passage of persons,
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air or objects which, together with its frame and
This standard does not cover the design and furniture as installed in a building, is intended when
construction of air or refuse ducts, nor those with closed to resist the passage of fire and/or gaseous
`heart units', `packaged plumbing' or `service walls', products of combustion and is capable of meeting
although parts of it are relevant to them. specified performance criteria to those ends.
This standard does not cover spaces intended mainly
3.7 fire resistance
for purposes other than the accommodation of
services, nor with plant areas such as boiler and Ability of a component or construction of a building
calorifier rooms or gas storage areas. to satisfy for a stated period of time some or all of
the criteria specified in BS 476 : Part 4 and BS 476 :
The piping of radioactive substances and the
Part 24, covering stability, integrity and insulation.
specialist requirements for piping cryogenic liquids
are generally outside the scope of this standard. 3.8 fire stop
Seal provided to close an imperfection of fit between
elements, components or construction in a building,
2 References or in any joint, so as to restrict penetration of smoke
2.1 Normative references and flame through that imperfection or joint.
This standard incorporates, by dated or undated 3.9 firm obstacle
reference, provisions from other publications. These Any obstacle that will interfere with the installation,
normative references are made at the appropriate dismantling or maintenance of a service.
places in the text and the cited publications are
listed on page 47. For dated references, only the 3.10 flash point
edition cited applies; any subsequent amendments to Lowest temperature at which vapour from oil, etc.
or revisions of the cited publication apply to this can be ignited by an external source.
standard only when incorporated in the reference by 3.11 installation space
amendment or revision. For undated references, the Recommended minimum space necessary for the
latest edition of the cited publication applies, installation and maintenance of one or more services
together with any amendments. where access is limited by a firm obstacle. It is
2.2 Informative references expressed as a rectangular envelope at right angles
to and at any point along a run of services. It
This standard refers to other publications that
includes allowances for supports, thermal and sound
provide information or guidance. Editions of these
insulation, and safety margins.
publications current at the time of issue of this
standard are listed on page 48, but reference should 3.12 material of limited combustibility
be made to the latest editions. Material that conforms to any of the specifications
given for materials of limited combustibility in the
Approved Document published in connection with
3 Definitions B2/B3/B4 of the Building Regulations 1991[1].
For the purposes of this British Standard the
3.13 nominal size
definitions given in BS 6100 apply, together with the
following. Size used in the designation of appliance or
3.1 duct
3.14 protected shaft
Space formed for the passage of cables, pipes, etc.
Stairway, lift, escalator, chute, duct, or other shaft
3.2 service duct which enables persons, objects or air to pass from
Duct that allows working space. one compartment to another.

 BSI 1997 1
BS 8313 : 1997

3.15 protected stairway c) Chemical properties: corrosion, dissolution or

Stairway, including any exit passageway leading other failure that may result from reaction with
therefrom to its final exit, enclosed with (other than other constituents of the duct or services
any part that is an external wall of a building) (e.g. galvanic corrosion of mixed metals), escape
fire-resisting construction. of gases or liquids within the duct, or the action of
water vapour, steam or other vapours in the air.
3.16 budget lock d) Thermal properties: thermal conductivity,
Lock that has a pivoted tongue, that, when thermal expansion and stability.
turned 90Ê by a key, swings into a slot striking plate e) Acoustic properties: acoustic absorption and
to serve as a deadbolt. insulation.
f) Health hazards. The material or component once
4 Exchange of information installed should not be hazardous to persons or to
the environment. Materials that are poisonous or
4.1 Responsibility for design produce harmful gases or dusts before or during
Before work is begun, a person should be appointed installation should be closely controlled. Attention
to be responsible for design of the service ducts and is drawn to the controls in relation to asbestos
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

co-ordination of the services within them. imposed by the Health and Safety at Work etc.
Act 1974 [2], the Asbestos (Licensing)
4.2 Consultation and co-ordination Regulations 1983 [3] and the Asbestos (Prohibition)
The necessary consultation and co-ordination should Regulations 1992 [4] and the Control of Asbestos at
be carried out and particular attention should be Work Regulations 1987 [5]. Guidance on work
paid to the following points: involving exposure or potential exposure to
a) brief from client; asbestos is found in the Health and Safety
b) system for ensuring that drawings and Executive (HSE) publications EH10 [6], L27 [7] and
specifications reach those who need them; L28 [8]. Components should be free of sharp edges
and projecting spikes, and should be easy to
c) system for spatial co-ordination; assemble.
d) project programme; g) Resistance to fire: combustibility, fire resistance
e) consultation with planning, building regulations and resistance to fire spread of the completed duct
and fire authorities; and its contents should always be assessed as part
f) consultation with gas, electricity, water, of the overall fire engineering design of the
sewerage and telecommunications authorities; building.
g) consultation with insurers; h) Resistance to pests: materials should not be
h) consultation with suppliers of special services liable to attack by insects, fungi or vermin or
such as industrial and medical gases (or other should be protected by suitable preservatives.
authoritative source); i) Cost and availability: cost and availability affect
i) operation and maintenance instructions; both construction and maintenance.
j) Ease of installation and maintenance. Materials
j) the possibility of increased future requirements
and components should be chosen taking into
owing to further development within or adjacent
consideration the labour, tools and equipment
to the project should be considered.
likely to be available for installation and
NOTE. Lack of systematic advance planning of services can result
in delays and expensive alterations.
maintenance, including cleaning. If installation and
maintenance is easy, it is more likely to be done
5 Materials and components
5.1 British Standards 6 General
Materials and components should conform to 6.1 Statutory provisions
relevant British Standards.
It is essential that designers of buildings, service
5.2 Choice of materials and components installations and ducts are aware that there is a wide
Factors that should be considered when duct range of Acts, Regulations and Bylaws covering such
materials and components are selected are as work in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern
follows, not necessarily in order of importance. Ireland (see annex D). It is their duty to ensure
compliance with the relevant requirements.
a) Mechanical properties: strength, elasticity,
ductility and mass. 6.2 Principles of general arrangement
b) Electrical properties: electrical conductivity and Most projects require that services be enclosed for
electrical insulating strength (of an insulator). part of their route through the building or buildings.
NOTE. Insulating materials may create the risk of electrostatic Services may be enclosed in a variety of types of
discharges. space.

2  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Service ducts may be formed as part of the building Openings for services are weak points in the fire
structure or as non load bearing elements. compartmentation of a building. Their number and
Service ducts may be inside a building or attached to size should be minimized, and close attention paid to
its outside along their length. their detail design.
The complexity of the system of service ducts and Consideration should be given to routing of services
associated spaces depends on the size of the project to avoid escape routes, hazardous areas and clean
and the density of the services within it. The system areas.
should always be considered as a whole. Every effort The necessary precautions should be taken in design
should be made to simplify it, in order to ease of the services to provide adequate control of noise
design, construction and maintenance. transmission between different parts of the building.
The starting point for the general arrangement of the Suitable planning of the duct position may reduce
duct system should be a sketch or sketches showing noise transmission. Structural precautions to reduce
the proposed service ducts, which services they are transmission include adequate mass of the duct
intended to contain and the approximate capacities. walls, the sealing of gaps to avoid transmission via
The point of entry for services should normally be air paths, adequately designed access panels, which
on that side of the building nearest to the street in should be kept to a minimum in size and number,
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

which the mains are installed. and, if necessary, the introduction of barriers at floor
levels in vertical ducts. See BS 8233.
It is often appropriate to build up the duct system
from the following three types of ducts: 6.4 Thermal insulation
a) horizontal main ducts; Hot or cold pipes and air ducts should be insulated
in accordance with BS 5422 and BS 5970. Barriers
b) vertical main ducts; across the duct or thermal insulation of the duct
c) secondary ducts. walls may be necessary to prevent damage to the
The designer may use some other system if building or contents or discomfort to the occupants
appropriate. (see also 13.2.1).
In multi-storey buildings, a smaller number of large
vertical ducts with adequate provision for horizontal 7 Restrictions on positioning and
distribution above ceiling level and below structural
members, or in service floors, will generally give the
combination of services
most flexible arrangement. 7.1 General
A larger number of small vertical ducts with ceiling 7.1.1 The consequences of the failure of the
spaces for horizontal distribution as necessary will services by themselves or in conjunction with other
generally be less flexible. The omission of space services should be considered and if this could
above ceilings generally produces the least flexible introduce a hazard the services should be
arrangement. segregated.
In single-storey buildings, accommodation for NOTE. Where this standard recommends certain services to be
accommodated in separate ducts and the separate ducts are
services may be needed below floor level, or above adjacent, the division between the ducts should afford adequate
ceiling level, or both. separation and fire resistance consistent with the hazards
External ducts should be weather resistant. involved.
Underground ducts should be resistant to the entry 7.1.2 Hazardous materials such as flammable,
of ground water and to chemical attack by the soil, oxidizing, toxic or corrosive gases or liquids should
and should be able to accommodate soil movement. only be run in ducts when there is no safe practical
6.3 Interaction of duct layout with building alternative.
design Gas pipes may be run in ducts provided the
The spaces required for services should be recommendations of 7.2.3 are applied. Where other
incorporated in the building design from the earliest hazardous materials have to be in pipes in ducts,
sketches. If sufficient space is not allowed in the then the recommendations of 7.2.2 to 7.2.6 should
initial concept it can be extremely difficult to apply.
achieve a satisfactory solution in the completed 7.1.3 Services not associated with lifts should not
project. Information on space allowances for ducts is be run in lift wells.
given in clause 8. 7.1.4 Services should only be run in air ducts if the
Close co-operation between the designers of the following points are taken fully into account at the
services and of the building is essential. Particular design stage of the air ducts and the system of which
attention should be given to the design of service they are part.
entry and exit points, to ensure that the building is a) The consequences of gases, vapours or liquids
not weakened and that services are protected from escaping from piped services and being
differential movement. It is sometimes necessary to transported around the building should be
make holes in load-bearing walls or floors for the considered. In no case should services carrying
passage of services, to resite beams or columns or to toxic or flammable substances be routed through
re-route services to avoid them. air ducts.

 BSI 1997 3
BS 8313 : 1997

b) Services within an air duct will increase its Air ducts conveying clean air for ventilation, heating
resistance to air flow and make it more difficult to or air conditioning should be insulated, if necessary,
clean the duct. Service penetrations through the to prevent condensation, a change in air temperature
duct wall may increase air leakage. Both of these or extremes of temperature in the service duct.
factors may increase the duct size and, in the case Air ducts conveying polluted air from fume
of mechanical systems, the fan size and power cupboards, industrial processes, etc. should be
required to achieve specified air flow rates at the designed and sited after consideration of the
terminals. particular hazards involved. They should be
7.1.5 Cavities in walls and partitions should not be segregated from other services, if appropriate.
used as service ducts unless suitable for that All extract ducts from fume cupboards should be
purpose. Routing of flammable, oxidizing, toxic or under negative pressure where they run through
corrosive services through such cavities in structural buildings.
walls should be avoided where practicable, but, if Air ducts serving parts of a building or appliances
necessary, special precautions should be taken. considered to be special risks should, where
Some points that should be considered are as necessary, be independent of each other and of any
follows: air ducts serving other parts of the building. The
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

a) the requirements of the Gas Safety possibility of fire in extract ducts from frying areas
Regulations 1972 [9] and the Gas Safety in kitchens should be considered.
(Installation and Use) Regulations 1994 [10]; Where practical, flue pipes should not be run in the
b) services should take the shortest practical route same duct as other services. Where this is not
through the cavity; practicable, they should be insulated to prevent
c) in the case of flammable, oxidizing, toxic and excessive heat loss and high temperatures where
corrosive services, use of high integrity pipework, these could present a hazard. Particular attention
e.g. avoiding joints within the cavity, etc. and should be given to maintaining any fire separation.
secondary sleeving as appropriate (see 13.5.7d)3)); Compressed air pipes do not normally present a
d) the dispersal of any leakage in the cavity; hazard to other installations although leaking
e) provision of access for inspection and compressed air may cause injury to personnel.
maintenance of the service within the cavity; Vacuum pipes do not normally present a hazard to
f) the effect on the fire resistance of the wall; other installations. Suitable precautions should be
taken if they are run in the same duct as any service
g) the effect on the acoustic integrity of the wall.
conveying flammable, oxidizing or corrosive
7.1.6 The effects of leakage of services and the substances.
effect of each service on neighbouring services Electrical installations should conform to BS 7671 :
should be considered. For example, water and other 1992. Telecommunications installations should be in
fluids can cause damage by corrosion and solvent accordance with BS 6701. In particular, the following
action. Hot fluids can cause damage by overheating. precautions should be taken.
A jet of fluid escaping from a pressurized service can
a) Cables, conduits, trunking and cable trays
cause damage by force of impact. The contents of
should be separated from pipes or other services
some pipes may be poisonous or infectious. Pipes
by at least 25 mm, and more for large services.
conveying gases that are heavier than air should be
Alternatively, adjacent metallic surfaces should be
placed at the top of horizontal ducts and those
electrically insulated.
conveying gases that are lighter than air should be
placed at the bottom, so that escaping gas will be b) Cables and accessories should be selected and
diluted as much as possible. installed such that under reasonably foreseeable
fault conditions they will not create a hazard
7.2 Restrictions for particular services either alone or in conjunction with other services.
7.2.1 Hot water, steam and condensate pipes should c) Installations should be protected from
be insulated to prevent excessive heat loss and high overheating.
temperatures within the duct. Hot pipes should not d) Telecommunications installations should be
be run adjacent to chilled water services, plastics protected from interference from electrical
drainage systems or electrical or telecommunications installations.
cables, regardless of insulation. Condensate pipes
e) Discharge pipes and drains should be
and screwed joints in steam and pressurized hot
positioned considering the need for access for
water pipes are particularly liable to corrosion.
rodding and the likelihood of escape of liquid
Cold, drinking and chilled water pipes should be during this operation. In horizontal ducts they
insulated to prevent condensation and/or a rise in should, if possible, be positioned below all other
water temperature. (See also 10.4.) services.
NOTE. Pipes containing fire fighting water do not normally require
insulation to prevent condensation, as the water is stationary.

4  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

7.2.2 For the purposes of this standard, gas, vapour 7.2.3 Pipes conveying town gas, natural gas and
and liquid pipelines are classified into groups liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) should be installed
depending on the major risk associated with the in ducts according to the relevant requirements of
pipeline contents: BS 6891, and BS 5482: Part 1, the Liquefied Petroleum
a) Group 1: flammable. Flammable gases, Gas Association (LPGA) Code of practice No. 22 [11]
e.g. natural gas, hydrogen, propane, and butane, and the Institution of Gas Engineers (IGE)
flammable liquids, highly flammable liquids, and publications IGE/UP/2 [12] and IGE/TD/4 [13].
higher flash point liquids such as oils; 7.2.4 Pipes conveying flammable gases or
b) Group 2: oxidizing. For example, oxygen, flammable liquids (group 1) should only be run in
nitrous oxide and oxygen mixtures; ducts if the following precautions are taken.
c) Group 3: toxic or corrosive. For example, a) Pipes should be of non combustible material
ammonia, chlorine and certain laboratory wastes. with a melting point not lower than 800 ÊC but
d) Group 4: hot services, which may scald or burn. should not be of asbestos cement.
For example, steam, high temperature hot water b) Ducts should be well ventilated (see clause 12)
(HTHW) and medium temperature hot water or, by some other suitable means, it should be
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(MTHW) services. ensured that a hazardous atmosphere cannot

e) Group 5: cryogenic and radioactive substances. develop within the duct (see 12.3).
f) Group 6: other substances. For example, helium, c) Flammable gases and liquids may be run in
argon, nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases, ducts reserved solely for that purpose or in ducts
compressed air and water below 100 ÊC. containing other flammable gases or liquids, cold
water or group 4 substances but should not be run
The examples included in the list are intended for
in the same duct as any other service(s) unless
guidance only; the list is not exhaustive. Adequate
adequate precautions are taken to ensure that the
precautions should be taken to prevent asphyxiation
combined installation is safe and that it does not
of personnel in the duct. In confined spaces, air may
contravene any Regulations or other codes of
be displaced by any gas. Except for oxygen and
compressed air, any gas or vapour may cause
asphyxiation. This has been a common cause of d) Pipes conveying liquefied flammable gases
accidents and adequate precautions should be taken should not be run in ducts unless the duct is filled
(see 14.1). with a crushed inert infill to reduce to a minimum
the volume of any gas emission which may
Where the contents of a pipeline fall into more than
accumulate. The infill material should be dry, non
one category, it should be classified according to the
absorbent, chemically neutral and non
primary hazard likely to be encountered, but piping
combustible, e.g. crushed slate chippings or dry
arrangements should have regard to all its
washed sand.
The design, installation, operation and maintenance 7.2.5 Pipes conveying oxidizing gases (group 2)
of pipelines should be appropriate to the pipeline should only be run in ducts if the following
contents. precautions are taken.
Pipes should be so positioned or protected that they a) Pipes should be of non combustible material
will not be subjected to any source of heat likely to with a melting point not lower than 800 ÊC but
cause overheating. should not be of asbestos cement.
Services should be arranged so that any escape of b) Ducts should be well ventilated (see clause 12).
the pipe contents cannot damage electrical insulation Where ventilation is impractical, adequate
or equipment. precautions should be taken to ensure that it is
not reasonably foreseeable that a hazardous
Special precautions should be taken where piped
atmosphere will develop within the duct
cryogenic and radioactive substances are proposed
(see 12.3).
and should only be taken after specialist advice is
obtained regarding materials, ducts, installation, c) Pipes conveying liquefied oxidizing gases should
marking and protective clothing for operatives. (For not be run in ducts unless the duct is filled with a
further information on cryogenic liquids crushed inert infill to reduce to a minimum the
see BS 5429.) volume of any gas emission which may
NOTE. 7.2.3 to 7.2.5 should be read in conjunction with each
accumulate. The infill material should be dry, non
other. See 7.1.1 and 7.1.2. absorbent, chemically neutral and non
combustible, e.g. crushed slate chippings or dry
washed sand.
d) Pipes carrying oxidizing gases should not be
exposed to any leakage of incompatible materials,
e.g. from oil or flammable liquid lines (see 7.2.4c)).

 BSI 1997 5
BS 8313 : 1997

7.2.6 Pipes conveying corrosive or toxic liquids or 8.2 Installation

gases (group 3) should only be run in ducts if the Sufficient space should be provided for services to
following precautions are taken. be installed without difficulty. Designs that require
a) Ducts should be well ventilated or, by some services to be installed in a particular order should
other suitable means, it should be ensured that a be avoided as far as possible. The installation space
hazardous atmosphere cannot develop within the and its relationship with outlets should be agreed for
duct (see 12.3). The provision of ventilation each service.
should take into account the toxic properties of The minimum distance between the outer surface of
the substance(s) involved. Reliance should not be any service or insulation and any obstruction should
placed solely upon fixed gas detectors for the be as follows:
monitoring of the atmosphere.
± 25 mm for pipes;
b) Services should be arranged so that escaped
corrosive liquid or gas will not damage other ± 25 mm for cables;
services. ± 75 mm for union joints;
c) Corrosive or toxic substances should not be run ± 100 mm for ducts.
in the same ducts as air ducts unless suitable NOTE. More detailed information on the installation space for air
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

precautions are taken to ensure that dangerous ducts is given in annexes A and B.
substances cannot be transmitted through the 8.3 Maintenance
ventilation system.
8.3.1 Sufficient space should be provided for the
7.2.7 Pipes covering refrigerants should conform to operation, inspection and repair of valves, dampers,
BS 4434. Pipes conveying flammable, oxidizing, toxic cleaning points, expansion joints and other fittings,
or corrosive refrigerants should, in addition, be in and the cleaning and painting, if applicable, of the
accordance with 7.2.2 to 7.2.6, as appropriate. inside of the duct and the services within it.
7.2.8 Pressurized pneumatic pipelines for conveying Additional spacing will be needed for access for
flammable dusts or powders should not be run in tools and work on pipes and ducts. This may be in
ducts. Where this is unavoidable, the severe risk of excess of 250 mm for a typical spanner.
fire and the consequence of a leakage should be
8.3.2 Careful consideration should be given to what
taken into account.
degree of demolition of the duct and disruption of
other services will be acceptable when a service is to
8 Space requirements be maintained or modified. Services should
preferably be arranged so that it is possible to
8.1 Space allowances for ducts at the outline remove one without disturbing the others.
design stage
8.4 Future requirements
8.1.1 Space for air ducts
Adequate space should be provided initially to allow
The installation space required for supply air ducts for the renewal of services. Most building structures
for low velocity systems can be estimated by can be expected to last much longer than the
dividing the required air volume flow rate by a services.
velocity of 4 m/s. Return air ducts will normally
require as much space as supply air ducts. 8.5 Critical points
8.1.2 Vertical ducts for piped and electrical The size of a duct is usually determined by space
services requirements at critical points such as changes of
direction, branches or crossings rather than on
The installation space required for vertical ducts for straight runs.
piped and electrical services on each floor of a
multi-storey building is usually between 1 m2 8.6 Flanges and insulation
and 2 m2 for each 5000 m3 of building volume. The size of a pipe or air duct including connections
8.1.3 Space for additions and alterations and/or insulation can be much greater than its
nominal size.
Between 10 % and 15 % extra space should normally
be allowed for future additions and alterations. 8.7 Separation of services
8.1.4 Depth of ceiling voids Extra space may need to be allowed for separation
of incompatible services (see clause 7).
Ceiling voids should have a minimum depth
of 500 mm free of structural members. To avoid 8.8 Modular co-ordination
excessively deep ceiling voids and to ease balancing If a modular system of dimensional co-ordination is
of systems, each vertical service duct should serve a being used for the project, the service ducts and
maximum area of about 1000 m2. their contents should be dimensioned and positioned
within this system.

6  BSI 1997
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9 Access Larger access openings are desirable, and are

NOTE. See also annex C.
necessary if space inside or outside the duct is
restricted or if persons wearing breathing apparatus
9.1 Frequency of access will need to enter the duct.
It is essential that adequate access is provided to Access openings to other ducts should be sufficiently
ducts large enough to be entered (see 13.4). large to enable the services within the duct to be
It may be desirable to provide more frequent access operated and maintained. (see also 13.4).
openings to aid the operation, maintenance and The position of the access and height of the
replacement of the services. threshold should be consistent with safe and
Access to other ducts should be provided so that all convenient use.
operational items such as valves, dampers, cleaning 9.3 Installation and removal of services
doors and switches may be readily used.
It may be desirable for access openings to be large
Access should preferably be provided to all joints enough and suitably placed to enable services to be
and other fittings that may require maintenance. installed and removed with ease.
However, it may be more economic to destroy
9.4 Space with ducts
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finishes to open up a duct than to provide expensive,

rarely-used access panels. If it is necessary for a person to enter a duct to
9.2 Sizes and positions of access openings operate or maintain any service, ventilator, drain or
other feature, no dimension of the working space
Access openings to ducts large enough to be entered provided within the duct should be less than the
should have the following minimum sizes, as shown following:
in figure 1.
a) horizontal ducts: width 700 mm, height 1000 mm,
a) Horizontal ducts should be either: volume 1.4 m3;
1) 600 mm wide 3 900 mm wide or long; or b) vertical ducts: width 600 mm, depth 750 mm,
2) 600 mm wide 3 600 m high. volume 0.9 m3.
b) Vertical ducts should be either: The working space should be unobstructed by any
services, insulation, ladders or other features. In the
1) 600 mm wide 3 1800 mm high; or
case of vertical ducts with fixed ladders, the width is
2) 600 mm wide 3 1400 mm high minimum. measured in the plane of the ladder and the depth at
right angles to it.

All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure 1. Minimum sizes of access openings for passage by persons

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BS 8313 : 1997

9.5 Anthropometric data Each door or cover should be light enough to be

Suggested anthropometric data on space opened by one person or by two at the most, or
requirements and reach distances for men in various other suitable provision should be made.
positions are shown in figure 2. Doors and covers should be well fitting. If a duct
conveys hot or cold services, it may be desirable to
9.6 Construction of access doors and covers
insulate doors and covers, to prevent discomfort to
Doors and covers should be strong enough to carry people or damage to materials or finishes outside the
any loads or traffic which they may reasonably have duct by conduction or air leakage.
to bear. Covers should have adequate lifting
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a) Prone

b) Kneel

c) Crawl

f) Maintenance reach levels

d) Squat

e) Stoop g) Passageway
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure 2. Anthropometric data

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Ladder width 380 min. 450 optimum Width for one man 600 to 750
Distance between side walls 600 min. Width for two men 1100 min.
Rung distance c 225 to 250 Riser b 184 optimum
Rung diameter d 20 to 40 Tread c 240
(h) Ladder (i) Steps

Width 530 to 600 with handrails Width 750 min. to 1100 optimum
600 min. between side walls (k) Ramp
Riser b 250 maximum
Tread width c 80 to 150
(j) Inclined ladder
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure 2. Anthropometric data (concluded)

Doors and covers should be hinged or completely Continuous trench covers generally require
removable. Sliding doors should not be used. All individual adjustment during installation to ensure
doors should open outwards from the duct interior. accurate alignment of the surfaces with adjacent
Hinged hatch covers in floors should open floor surfaces and to eliminate any tendency to rock
through 180 Ê or be provided with a self-locking upon the bearing points. It is, therefore important
device to hold the hatch open. Doors of ducts that that individual sections of trench covers be
are large enough to be entered should be openable numbered or marked to ensure that they are placed
in correct sequence.
from the inside of the duct.
9.7 Security
Heavy trench covers do not usually require securing.
Special procedures or devices controlling the use of
Other access covers and doors should preferably be doors and access covers may be needed, particularly
secured by budget locks (see 3.16). if a hazard may arise from unauthorized use.

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10 Protection of services in ducts warning pipe or other suitable means should indicate
that liquid has escaped within or has entered the
10.1 Mechanical damage duct. Precautions should be taken to maintain trap
Services should be protected from accidental and seals to prevent the entry of rodents, for instance by
malicious damage by suitable positioning or connecting the discharge from a sanitary appliance
enclosure. to the trap. Precautions should also be taken against
10.2 Condensation back flow drains into underground ducts.
Condensation should be prevented by suitable choice 11.3 Collection in holding tank
of insulation, ventilation and heating. If the water authority does not accept discharge to
10.3 Corrosion the building drainage system, etc., drains from ducts
Corrosion should be minimized by choice of suitable should discharge to a holding tank. The capacity of
materials and combinations of materials, by keeping the tank should be chosen in relation to the amount
ducts and services dry and by application of suitable of liquid likely to escape from a failed service.
paint or other protective coatings. Relevant Provision should be made for emptying the holding
information is given in BS 5493 and PD 6484. tank to a disposal contractor's vehicle or other
suitable recipient. An alarm should indicate that
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10.4 Frost
liquid has entered the tank, so that the cause can be
Services liable to frost damage should be positioned established and remedied.
in frost-free places where possible. If this is not
possible, they should be protected by insulation 11.4 Retention within the duct
and/or heating. The latter should be thermostatically If there is a significant probability of a liquid service
controlled. Particular care should be taken when leaking and causing damage but it is impractical to
water services are run in ventilated ducts. provide drainage, the duct should be made
watertight and arrangements made for removing and
10.5 Thermal expansion
disposing of liquid retained in the duct after a leak.
Provision should be made for thermal expansion of An alarm should indicate that there is liquid in the
services without imposing excessive loads on the duct, so that the cause can be established and
structure, fixings or services. remedied.
10.6 Differential movement 11.5 Watertightness
It is common for services to have to accommodate Ducts below ground level which may be subject to
differential movement, particularly, but not only, at external water pressure should be watertight.
service entry and exit points. Services should (See CP 102.)
therefore be designed so that they can accommodate
the expected movement without damage. Advice on
how much movement can occur may need to be 12 Ventilation of service ducts
sought. 12.1 General
10.7 Provision of adequate support It is recommended that building service ducts should
In selecting the method of supporting services, be ventilated regardless of the services they contain.
provision should be made for the overall dimensions Ventilation for persons within ducts is covered
of the services where these are to be thermally in 12.2, for the control of hazardous leaks in 12.3,
insulated, and for the preservation of any and for the control of environmental effects,
moisture-proof layer. e.g. condensation or overheating in 12.4. Satisfying
Typical fixings and supports are specified in BS 3974 the single largest requirement should be satisfactory
and BS 5572. in all cases.
The provision for ventilation should be so designed
11 Drainage of service ducts as not to decrease the fire safety of the building.
Ventilation openings provided in accordance
11.1 General with 12.1 to 12.4 should, where necessary, because a
Drainage should be provided in ducts to dispose of fire resisting division is passed, be fitted with
liquids from leakage or infiltration. devices, e.g. fire resisting doors or dampers, that will
Special consideration should be given to the close automatically in case of fire. Consideration
drainage of flammable, toxic or corrosive liquids. should be given to the provision of indicators to
11.2 Discharge to building drainage show whether the device is open or closed.
system, etc. NOTE. Ducts with a cross-sectional area of less than 0.05 m2
which convey only services in the following list need not be
Drains from ducts should discharge to the building ventilated other than as required in 12.2 or to prevent overheating:
drainage system, a soakaway or watercourse, etc., if a) ventilation, air conditioning, warm air heating;
this is acceptable to the water authority. If sufficient b) drainage in houses, offices and shops, except food shops;
fall is not available, a sump with an automatic pump c) electric power and telecommunications;
and high level alarm should be provided. A warning d) substances of groups 4 and 6 (see 7.2.2);
pipe or other suitable means should be provided. A e) vacuum pipelines.

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12.2 Ventilation for persons Table 1. Free area of ventilation opening for
Work carried out in confined spaces is potentially dispersal of small leaks
hazardous and guidance on the precautions to be Cross-sectional area of duct Minimum free area of each
taken is given in annex C. m2 opening
Ventilation for persons within ducts may be achieved Not more than 0.05 Cross-sectional area
either by permanent means or by providing of duct
ventilation prior to and during occupation.
More than 0.05 but not 0.05 m2
The ventilation applied should be capable of more than 7.5
providing respirable air for persons whilst working.
In some instances additional air may be required to More than 7.5 1/150th of area of duct
cater for the work being undertaken, e.g. removal of 12.3.2 Duct ventilation openings should lead to safe
heat or dilution of welding fumes. places, preferably the open air. Ducts contained
BS 5925 provides information on the quantities of air solely within a room or an occupied space and not
required. (See also Health and Safety Executive containing group 3 services may be ventilated within
Guidance Note EH22 [14].) that room provided that the room is ventilated (see
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12.3 Safety ventilation also 12.3.3).

The free area of such ventilation openings and the
12.3.1 Ventilation should be provided to dilute any distance between them should be based on
anticipated or reasonably foreseeable leakages of consideration of the relevant factors which affect air
flammable, toxic or corrosive gases to a safe level. movement, including the location, size and
Advice on occupational exposure limits of airborne configuration of the duct, on the physical properties
substances hazardous to health is available in Health including the relative density of the gases or vapours
and Safety Executive Guidance Note EH40 [15]. involved on factors influencing the potential
For flammable gases or vapours small leaks should magnitude of any leakages.
be diluted below 25 % of the lower flammable limit Ventilation openings should be located such that air
(sometimes referred to as LFL or LEL). Where it is movement can occur within the duct, e.g. at the top
not reasonably practicable to satisfy the above, and bottom or at each end, and at intervals along
see 12.3.4. long horizontal ducts.
Where oxidizing gases are being distributed, the In general, the larger the interval between openings
ventilation air requirement should be such as to limit in horizontal ducts, the greater is the need for a
the concentration of the leaked oxidizing gas in air vertical component to the duct at one end to
to less than 1 % by volume. generate air movement.
Natural ventilation is preferred. 12.3.3 Where there are openings in false or
suspended ceilings or floors through which air can
Pockets in roofs or floors where lighter-than-air or
pass between the room and the service space, these
heavier-than-air gases respectively may accumulate
may be counted as part of the open area required for
should be avoided.
ventilation of the service space as long as they are
The ventilation rates should be based upon the unlikely to be blocked.
sensitivity of pressure testing and maintenance The equivalent minimum free area of these openings
procedures applied for each service. should be calculated from laboratory tests or data
NOTE 1. The minimum areas for natural ventilation shown in provided by the ceiling or flooring manufacturer
table 1 should be more than adequate for most applications.
based on a 1 Pa pressure differential across it.
NOTE 2. Builder's ducts having a small cross-sectional area and
volume (i.e. 10 000 mm2 or less and 0.1 m3 or less respectively) 12.3.4 Where it is impracticable to ventilate a duct
may not need the provision of ventilation to the full requirements that conveys flammable or oxidizing gases,
of table 1 where the duct is contained within one compartment flammable liquids or toxic substances, alternative
and that compartment has adequate ventilation. Some ventilation
between the duct and the compartment may, however, be required precautions should be taken.
for dispersion of leaks or to limit temperatures (see 12.3.2). Suggested methods are as follows.
NOTE 3. It is generally not considered necessary to provide a) The pipe(s) conveying the gas or liquids should
ventilation in some small internal structures (e.g. partition walls or be continuously sleeved through the unventilated
ceiling spaces) where medical piped services are installed of
all-welded, brazed or joint-free construction. In such cases the
duct with the sleeve ventilated at one or both ends
system should be subjected to rigorous soundness testing into a ventilated area or room or duct;
procedures. Guidance for soundness testing of such services in b) The unventilated duct should be filled with a
hospitals is given in Department of Health Technical Reports crushed inert infill to reduce to a minimum the
HTR 2022 [16] and HTR 2023 [17].
volume of any gas or liquid that may accumulate.
The infill material should be dry, non absorbent,
chemically neutral and non combustible,
e.g. crushed slate chippings or dry washed sand.
NOTE. See note 3 of 12.3.1 for medical services.

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12.4 Ventilation for overheating or Consideration should be given to the provision of

condensation ample separation between flammable piped services
In some circumstances ventilation of ducts may be and electrical equipment. Where this is not
necessary to prevent overheating or condensation. practicable, the construction of the piped service
Wherever possible natural ventilation should be should be joint free in the vicinity of the electrical
used. equipment or consideration should be given to the
need for the application of explosion proof
equipment (see BS 5345 : Part 1 and Part 2,
13 Fire precautions BS EN 50014 and the British Approvals Service for
13.1 The objects of fire precautions Electrical Equipment in Flammable Atmospheres
13.1.1 The objects of fire precautions are: (BASEEFA) list [20] published by the Health and
a) to prevent the occurrence of fire; Safety Executive.
b) to detect a fire in its early stages; 13.2.5 Vertical ducts conveying power cables should
c) to provide means of escape for the occupants; be provided with internal barriers as required by
d) to prevent the spread of fire and smoke; BS 7671 or adequate ventilation should be provided
e) to extinguish the fire. to prevent overheating of cables throughout their
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13.1.2 Unless suitable precautions are taken, service
ducts may be: 13.2.6 If flammable or oxidizing services are to be
a) a place where fire starts; installed in a ceiling void or floor void, either the
b) a place where fire grows undetected; services should be enclosed in separate duct(s) or
c) a place where persons become trapped; pipe sleeve(s) within the void, or the void should be
considered as a duct and the necessary ventilation
d) a route for the spread of fire and smoke;
e) a place where fire is difficult to extinguish.
If group 1, 2 or 3 services are to be installed in a
13.2 Prevention of fire ceiling or floor void they should be enclosed in a
13.2.1 The location and construction of services duct which is ventilated to a safe position.
and ducts within buildings should take into account If the services are enclosed in a separate duct or
the fire hazards to the services from fires which can pipe sleeve within the void, the duct(s) or pipe
occur in the building or in the duct, and the hazards sleeve(s) should be sealed from the void and should
to the building from a major failure of the services. be in accordance with this standard. If the services
In some special cases it may be necessary to provide are not enclosed within a separate duct or pipe
liquid or gas monitoring or explosion reliefs within sleeve within the void, the void should be considered
the duct. to be a service duct.
13.2.2 If combustible materials are considered for
use within or as part of a service duct, the extent to 13.2.7 The following factors should be carefully
which they will increase the fire loading, the considered when locating services in a separate duct
necessary provision of cavity barriers and the within a void:
production of smoke and toxic gases should be a) ventilation of the void;
carefully assessed. Careful consideration should be b) provision of cavity barriers;
given to the potential fire and smoke hazard inherent c) access to services.
in combustible insulation. (See BS 5422 and
BS 5970.) 13.3 Detection and alarm of fire
13.2.3 Ducts to which access is provided should be 13.3.1 Where ducts are large enough for passage of
designed to be cleanable (see 19.3). Accumulations persons, provision should be made for giving alarm
of rubbish, dust or grease can easily be ignited. of fire.
Particular care should be taken that insulation does
not become contaminated by flammable liquids. (See 13.3.2 If the building has a fire alarm system, the
BS 5422 and BS 5970.) alarm sounders should be audible within such ducts
13.2.4 Sources of ignition should be avoided where and manual call points should be situated inside, and
possible. Smoking should be prohibited in service adjacent to, each exit from the duct.
ducts. Suitable precautions should be taken when 13.3.3 If the building has a fire detection system,
operations involving heat, such as soldering and consideration should be given to such system being
welding, are to be carried out inside ducts (see extended into service ducts of whatever size.
Health and Safety Executive Guidance Notes
EH 54 [18] and EH 55 [19]. In high fire risk areas, 13.3.4 Any fire alarm or fire detection and alarm
sparks from power or hand tools are dangerous. system should be in accordance with BS 5839 :
Heat should not be applied to pipes or plant that has Part 1.
contained flammable substances unless it is safe to
do so (see also 19.2).

12  BSI 1997
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13.4 Means of escape 13.5.3 Where a service duct or pipe sleeve is

contained within, or passes through, a protected
13.4.1 It is essential that adequate provision for
escape route, adequate precautions should be taken
means of escape in case of fire is provided from
to ensure the safety of the escape route, e.g. by the
ducts that are large enough for passage of persons.
use of a fire resisting duct or the provision of cavity
In this connection, consideration should not only be
barriers and/or fire stopping.
given to the need to escape from any duct in which
fire has broken out but also so prevent anyone 13.5.4 A fire resisting duct or pipe sleeve should
within a duct being trapped by the outbreak of fire have a fire resistance at least equal to the highest
elsewhere in the building. standard required for any of the fire resisting
divisions it crosses.
13.4.2 Exits should be provided in such a number,
and be so sited, that any person confronted by an 13.5.5 Any openings provided within the enclosures
outbreak of fire within the duct, or trapped by fire of fire resisting ducts or pipe sleeves should be kept
external to the duct, can make a safe escape. Where to a minimum and fitted with doors or panels having
any duct (or section) is provided with two or more not less than half the fire resistance required for the
exits, such exits (unless affording access direct to duct enclosure, with a minimum of 30 min integrity.
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

the external air) should deliver to independent

alternative escape routes from the building. 13.5.6 All fire doors should be fitted with a
self-closing device (other than rising butt hinges).
13.4.3 All doors affording escape from and within However, where not required as an exit, such doors
ducts should open in the direction of escape and or panels may be fitted with means to enable them
should be fitted only with simple fastenings that can to be kept locked shut when not in use in lieu of
be operated from the escape side of the door their being self-closing.
without the use of a key. However, provision may All fire doors should be marked, at eye level, with
need to be made to prevent unauthorized entry into the appropriate fire safety sign in accordance with
the duct. BS 5499 : Part 1.
13.4.4 Doors and openings into and within ducts 13.5.7 Where any pipe penetrates a fire resisting
large enough for the passage of persons should be of division or enclosure it should either:
such a size as to allow personnel to move through
without difficulty. Consideration should also be given a) be contained within a duct having a fire
to their being large enough to permit the removal of resistance recommended in 13.5.4 (e.g. protected
an unconscious person and for their use by anyone shaft); or
wearing breathing apparatus. b) be protected by a sealing system which
maintains the fire resistance of the element
13.4.5 All exits should be clearly identified with penetrated; or
signs in accordance with BS 5499 : Part 1.
c) have a nominal internal diameter not exceeding
13.4.6 In intricate or extensive ducting, the relevant dimension given in connection with
consideration should be given to the provision of the building regulations;
following: d) have nominal size which does not
a) artificial lighting; exceed 300 mm, and:
b) escape lighting in accordance with BS 5266: 1) should be of welded steel construction, with
Part 1; a wall thickness of not less than 6 mm;
c) telephones at suitable positions to enable 2) should be constructed to accommodate such
persons trapped to summon help. penetration; and
13.5 Prevention of spread of fire and smoke 3) should be enclosed in a sleeve that is sealed
to the structure and to the pipe in such a
13.5.1 Service ducts and their contents should be manner as not to reduce the fire resistance of
designed, constructed and maintained so that they the division.
do not impair the building's resistance to fire.
13.5.8 Where a service passes through a fire
13.5.2 Where a service duct passes from one resisting division or enclosure, and the service is not
compartment to another, or through any other fire contained within a protected shaft, see 13.5.7a), any
resisting division in a building, the fire separation opening for the service should be kept as small as
should be maintained by: possible and should be fire stopped.
a) constructing the duct so that it has the fire
13.5.9 Any insulation to services should not
resistance recommended in 13.5.4; or
penetrate a fire resisting division or enclosure if this
b) continuing the fire resisting division across the would impair the resistance to fire of the division or
duct; or enclosure.
c) a combination of a) and b).

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13.5.10 Where a duct is contained wholly within 13.6.3 Major service ducts and important features,
one fire compartment, it will not normally require a such as ventilators and gas isolating valves should be
fire resisting enclosure since the possibility of fire shown on the drawings available to the fire service.
spread to another fire compartment via the duct will
not exist. There may be a considerable hazard where 13.6.4 Portable fire extinguishers, hose reels,
small areas of high fire risk such as kitchens or sprinklers and fire extinguishing gas systems should
stores are included in the same fire compartment as be provided in service ducts as appropriate.
sleeping accommodation. In these cases ducts are Any total flooding or automatic fire extinguishers
normally horizontal, and the risk is greater if they mounted in ducts should be in accordance with
are at a high level where they may be subjected to BS 5306 : Part 0, and BS 7273 : Part 2. Further
the worst conditions of flame and heat from a fire. In information is given in Health and Safety Executive
such circumstances, consideration should be given to Guidance Note GS16 [21]. Particular attention should
the duct enclosures, including any access or be paid to the safety of persons within service ducts.
inspection panels in the high fire risk areas, being
fire resisting. 14 Other safety precautions
A fire resisting suspended ceiling does not
14.1 General
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necessarily check the spread of fire from the room

below to services within the ceiling void or service The safety of the building and all occupants and
ducts connected to it. maintenance personnel should be provided for
13.5.11 Cavity barriers or fire stopping should be during the design of service ducts and services.
provided within any service duct not enclosed within The nature of the operations to be carried out within
fire resisting construction: the ducts should be assessed in detail, in order to
a) for vertical ducts, at every floor level. If the determine the facilities that operatives will need in
duct contains uPVC pipework the duct enclosures order to work safely.
should resist smoke penetration; Special consideration should be given to the safety
b) for horizontal ducts, at approximately 8 m of personnel required to enter and work inside the
intervals, where either: ducts, taking into account those hazards likely to be
1) the duct enclosures are not constructed of encountered (see 19.2) both during construction and
materials of limited combustibility; or use.
2) substantial amounts of combustible materials 14.2 Hazards
are contained within the duct, e.g. as thermal
insulation. As early as possible during the design of a duct, an
assessment should be made of the possible dangers
Consideration should also be given to providing
to personnel and to the building. Hazards may arise
cavity barriers or fire stopping at every point where
from the arrangement of the ducts or from the
a duct passes the boundary of a room or corridor.
services inside them.
13.5.12 In long ducts provided with means of For example, personnel may need designed
escape in accordance with 13.4, provision should be protection against flooding in some ducts,
made for preventing the unrestricted spread of fire particularly those below ground level, and in such
and smoke between exits. cases a means of drainage will be required. Where
13.5.13 No means of access to service duct flooding is probable, adequate means of rapid escape
covered in 13.5.11 should be provided from: should be provided for personnel.
a) a protected stairway affording the sole means of Other hazards can be created by the effects of
escape from a building or part of a building; materials such as fluids which may possibly enter a
b) sleeping accommodation; or duct. Apart from flooding, such dangers as fumes,
c) a dwelling, if there is means of access to the explosion, bacteria, physical and chemical processes,
same section of duct from an indoor space which including extremes of temperature, pressure and
is not part of that dwelling. humidity are typical possibilities. These are not likely
13.6 Fire fighting to be common hazards but if they are possible then
expert advice should be obtained very early in the
13.6.1 Sufficient and suitable access should be
design stage in order to resolve the problems.
provided to major ducts to enable the fire service to
clear the ducts of smoke and to fight a fire inside Attention is also drawn to the hazards associated
them. with asbestos and the related legal controls, see 5.2.
13.6.2 All doors, ground lights and ventilator shafts 14.3 Duct interiors
designed for fire brigade use should be clearly Interiors of ducts should be simple and regular in
marked on the exterior as to their function, shape and sudden changes in shape and floor levels
e.g. `SMOKE OUTLET FROM SERVICE DUCT'. should be avoided.
The recommendations given in BS 5378 and BS 5499
should be followed.

14  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Pipelines or services within the ducts should be Lights should be controlled by switches placed at a
suitably insulated and protected to avoid uniform height and at regular intervals. Switches
endangering personnel. Step irons and handrails should always be provided at access points.
should not be in contact with hot pipes. Consideration should be given to the provisions of
Unexpected obstructions or projections by the duct emergency lighting, which should be actuated
or by the services and equipment within should be automatically when the normal lighting fails, or at
limited by careful design and installation. least to placing alternative lamps on two different
Services and equipment should be arranged neatly circuits.
within ducts and should be readily accessible for Explosion protected or waterproof fittings and
maintenance. switches should be used where appropriate
(See BS 5345 : Parts 1 and 2.)
14.4 Protection against falls
It may be necessary to take special precautions 14.7 Equipotential bonding
against the possibility of personnel falling within All simultaneously accessible extraneous and/or
ducts. exposed conductive parts should meet the
No sudden drop should occur over the threshold of requirements of BS 7671.
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

an entrance to a duct. If the floor level of the duct is 14.8 Alarm systems
below that of the floor outside, the level of the latter
where possible should be continued through the Suitable alarm systems should be provided if the
threshold to give a platform of minimum recommendations of clause 13 do not ensure safety.
dimensions 750 mm by 750 mm. 14.9 Means of escape
Where a platform cannot be provided, the entrance Suitable means of escape should be provided if the
should be fitted with a guard rail and sill when a recommendations of clause 13 do not ensure safety.
difference in levels occurs over the threshold. Access
openings to under-floor ducts should be protected by
temporary guard rails when open. 15 Service entries and exits
Platforms and staircases within ducts should be 15.1 The following general principles should be
fitted with handrailing 1200 mm high with a midrail observed in the design of service entries and exits.
and toeboard, and an entrance to a stair or ladder a) The service should be supported in such a way
from a platform should be fitted with a safety bar. that differential movement is accommodated or
Suitable fixed ladders, stairs, steps or ramps should prevented;
be provided in vertical ducts or where there is a b) The building and its foundations should not be
change in floor level in a horizontal duct. weakened;
Recommended dimensions for these can be found in
c) The service should be sleeved where it passes
the annexes.
through the building structure;
Fixed ladders should conform to BS 4211. As an
d) The space between the service and the sleeve
alternative to the provision of safety cages as
should be sealed at the point of entry with a non
specified in BS 4211, other suitable means of
hardening plastic material to prevent the passage
providing safety on ladders can be employed,
of water, gas and vermin. (See BS 6213.)
e.g. suitable systems for use with safety belts, which
Consideration may be given to using cable glands
help in the release of a person who has collapsed.
or cable transits as an alternative, where
In vertical ducts, anchors for attaching the safety line applicable;
of a harness should be provided on platforms and in
e) The service should pass through or under the
the side of the duct at intervals of not more
building structure by the shortest practical route.
than 2 m. Anchors should conform to BS 5845, and
safety belts or harnesses should conform to 15.2 The design of service entries and exits should
BS EN 354, BS EN 358, BS EN 361, BS EN 365 and be agreed with the utilities as early as possible.
BS 2830. Advice on the design of service entries and exits can
14.5 Electrical power be found in the following publications:
The provision of electrical power within ducts is not a) gas pipes: IGE publication IGE/UP/2 [12];
normally necessary, however, where needed it is b) telephone, telegraph and data communication:
important to consider the problems of high voltages BS 6701;
and of trailing leads. c) water supply: BS 6700.
14.6 Lighting
A lighting installation should be provided within
ducts large enough to be entered, particularly at
access points.

 BSI 1997 15
BS 8313 : 1997

16 Identification and marking 17.2 Workmanship

Service ducts are often expected not merely to hide
16.1 Marking of ducts
services from view, but to support them, withstand
16.1.1 Marking of duct entrances expansion forces, contain leakages of liquids or
Access doors and panels should be marked with gases, resist the spread of fire and many other
pre-entry precautions, e.g. work permits. functions. A good standard of workmanship is
essential if they are to be able to fulfil these
16.1.2 Diagram of duct system objectives.
If a duct system is complex and ducts are large Joints and seals in both ducts and services are weak
enough to be entered, a diagram of the system points whose number should be minimized and to
should be fixed to the inside of the duct at each which particular attention should be given.
access point. The diagram should carry a `you are For site work, consideration should be given to the
here' indication. The contents of each duct should be setting up of a workshop on site where components
indicated. and assemblies can be formed and fabricated more
16.1.3 Emergency notices easily than in a duct.
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In ducts large enough for persons to enter, it is 17.3 Sequence of work

essential to provide, at suitable locations, concise As space in ducts is usually limited, careful
actions to be taken in the event of an emergency consideration should be given to the order in which
arising within the duct. the ducts and their contents are to be erected to
16.2 Marking of services in ducts ensure that all trades have the necessary access and
Consideration should be given to marking services at that earlier work is not likely to be damaged by
appropriate points including the direction of flow. following trades.
Where confusion could lead to a hazard, services 17.4 Holes
should be appropriately marked. Attention should be paid to minimizing the number
Valves, dampers, switches and other controls should of holes in the duct enclosure.
be clearly marked to indicate what service or Holes should not be cut through structural members
function they control. without the approval of the structural engineer.
Some services need to be marked to conform to Where a service passes through a wall or other
statutory requirements. construction, a neat hole should be provided for the
The recommendations of BS 1710 and the Heating passage of the service. The hole should be as small
and Ventilating Contractors' Association's DW 142 as reasonably practical.
should be followed [22]. Where a close-fitting hole for the passage of a
16.3 Marking of other features service is cut through a construction less than 25 mm
It is essential that sufficient and suitable marking is thick or through a solid construction of a strong
provided for persons inside the duct to easily find material and vibration and movement are expected
escape routes, exits, alarms, telephones, light to be small, the service need not be sleeved but
switches, etc. should have wall plates. In other cases the service
should be sleeved and the construction made good
The recommendations of BS 5378 and BS 5499 : to the sleeve1).
Parts 1, 2 and 3 should be followed.
The hole around a service should be sealed to
prevent the passage of dirt, insects, water, gases, and
17 Duct construction sound, etc. Suitable materials for filling the hole
should be selected with reference to BS 6213.
17.1 General
Services passing through fire resisting constructions
Prefabrication and pre-assembly in factory should maintain the required fire resistance
conditions of components and assemblies can offer (see 13.5.8).
significant advantages of speedier erection on site,
improved quality and lower cost. It is permissible for several services to pass through
the same hole if satisfactory support, sealing and fire
For large projects, the production of specially stopping can be achieved.
designed items off site may be worthwhile.
There should be no joints, other than welded joints,
in services where they pass through constructions.

1) Under The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994.

16  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

17.5 Cleaning Careful consideration should be given to any hazards

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning involved in entry into and work within ducts. If any
during and after construction, as service ducts make hazard is expected , the procedure set out in Health
a convenient rubbish dump. and Safety Executive Guidance Note GS5 [23] or the
IGE publication IGE/SR/5 [24]should be followed.
17.6 Fire safety
Guidance on permits to work is also given in
All reasonable precautions should be taken to avoid GS5 [23].
the outbreak of fire. Work involving the use of naked
It is essential that appropriate safeguards be taken if
flames is particularly hazardous and all such work
there is any risk of exposure to asbestos, see 5.2.
should be examined at short intervals immediately
following its cessation. It is essential that the 19.3 Cleaning and painting
contractor impresses on his workmen the dangers Ducts that in normal use are liable to accumulate
involved in the careless use of naked flames in dust, grease or other flammable matter should be
proximity to combustible material, the disposal of provided with access traps to facilitate inspection
matches and cigarettes etc. and the accumulation of and cleaning. Ducts should not be used for storage
rubbish on site. A portable fire extinguisher should purposes and flammable materials should not be
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

be readily available. (See BS 5306: Part 0). allowed to accumulate, particularly through
maintenance activities. Ducts should be cleaned as
18 Inspection and testing necessary.
The cleaning of a duct after any form of hazardous
18.1 Inspection should be maintained throughout contamination is a job for specialists.
the period of construction, to ensure that work has
been done correctly and has not been subsequently Regular inspection should be made for the detection
damaged. of vermin and any necessary measures taken for
18.2 At completion, the cleaned ducts should be Consideration should be given to repainting ferrous
thoroughly inspected and tested. Some points that pipe fixings and other iron work under a planned
should be checked are listed below: maintenance system for protection against corrosion
a) duct ventilators and any associated fire where adverse site conditions are anticipated. For
dampers; precautions in spraying of highly flammable liquid,
b) duct drainage; reference should be made to Health and Safety
c) duct lighting; Executive Guidance Note EH9 [25].
d) alarms, telephones, etc.; 19.4 Fire safety
e) marking; Before any works of maintenance are carried out,
f) fit and lubrication of doors, hatchways, access consideration should be given to the extent of any
panels; fire hazards involved, and the effect of any fire on
the occupants or operation of the building.
g) fire extinguishing equipment; Appropriate precautionary measures should be taken
h) acceptance certificates; where necessary, for example by temporarily
i) drawing showing location of isolators or relocating occupants who may be put at risk should
isolating valves. a fire start. All reasonable precautions should be
taken to avoid the outbreak of fire. Smoking should
be prohibited in ducts and `no smoking' rules
19 Maintenance applicable in other areas of the building should be
NOTE. See also BS 8210. observed by maintenance workers. It is essential that
fire escape routes are kept unobstructed. A portable
19.1 Operation and maintenance instructions
fire extinguisher should be readily available. See
Operation and maintenance instructions should be also 17.6.
supplied, containing complete sets of `as-fitted'
drawings and specifications, instruction manuals for
equipment, etc.
19.2 Routine inspections and maintenance
Accessible ducts and services should be inspected at
regular intervals. Records of the inspections and of
any work done should be kept and signed as part of
a policy of planned maintenance.

 BSI 1997 17
BS 8313 : 1997


Annex A (informative) A.4 Symbols

Installation space for air ducts (detailed A Front dimension of installation space.
B Side dimension of installation space.
A.1 General a Nominal size of the front face of air duct
This annex gives a method for calculating the with rectangular cross section.
minimum cross-sectional dimensions of the installation
b Nominal size of side face of air duct with
space necessary for installation and maintenance of
rectangular cross section.
thin walled air ducts (wall thickness not
exceeding 15 mm) for ventilation, heating and air d Nominal diameter of air duct with circular
conditioning of buildings. cross section.
NOTE. This method has been developed for computer e Minimum access allowance for insulating an
programming. air duct in position.
Location of the installation spaces in a modular system e1 e-value allowing access for hand, arm and
and dimensional co-ordination of the external tool(s) appropriate to method of insulation
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

dimensions of any structure enclosing the installation (minimum t + 100 mm).

space is not covered by the method. The designer
should decide these, taking into account the functional e2 e-value allowing access for whole body and
requirements of the installation and the dimensions of tool(s) appropriate to method of insulation
the enclosing structure. Building tolerances should be (minimum t + 300 mm).
taken into account, and co-ordinated dimensions e3, etc. e-values for other access requirements.
selected to preserve the minimum installation space
ea1 e-value for face a1 facing a firm obstacle.
calculated using the method.
ea2 e-value for face a2 facing a firm obstacle.
A.2 Field of application
eb1 e-value for face b1 facing a firm obstacle.
The method is applicable to rectangular and circular
air ducts exceeding 100 mm on the smallest side eb2 e-value for face b2 facing a firm obstacle.
or 100 mm diameter. It relates only to simple runs of f Minimum access allowance for jointing and
ducts and does not make allowance for fittings such as supporting in position an air duct without
dampers, bellows, silencers, filters or test points. insulation or pre-insulated.
Where the allowances given by this method for f1 f-value allowing access for hand, arm and
installation and removal of the air ducts are applied, tool(s) appropriate to method of jointing and
part of the installation space may be used for other supporting (minimum 100 mm).
services or building components after the air ducts are
installed, provided there is no future requirement to f2 f-value allowing access for whole body and
remove the air ducts, or the other services or tool(s) appropriate to method of jointing and
components. The method is however not applicable to supporting (minimum 300 mm).
the design of installation spaces intended to include f3, etc. f-values for other access requirements.
services other than air ducts. fa1 f-value for the face a1 facing a firm obstacle.
A.3 Types of installation spaces for air ducts fa2 f-value for the face a2 facing a firm obstacle.
A.3.1 The dimensions of an installation space are fb1 f-value for the face b1 facing a firm obstacle.
dependent upon the distances to firm obstacles and fb2 f-value for the face b2 facing a firm obstacle.
the characteristics of the installation space in which
the services are to be installed. n notional dimension for calculating space
dimensions where obstacles exist close to
A.3.2 Figure A.1 illustrates various types of ducts.
t Flange or insulation thickness whichever is
Provided the appropriate installation space exists at all the greater.
points on either side of the point where services
penetrate a wall or floor, and there are no joints or NOTE. These symbols are used in figures A.2 to A.26.
supports to be installed within this penetration, it is
permissible for the dimensions of the penetration to be
less than the installation space for a firm obstacle on
four sides. In this case, only a minimum clearance
around the services need be provided.
Where the continuity of a firm obstacle on four sides
exceeds 1 m, additional space for safety, drainage and
access should be provided.

18  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

A.5 Method of calculation A.7 Calculation of installation space dimensions

Formulae for determining the dimensions of for jointed air ducts both insulated and
installation spaces according to the different firm uninsulated
obstacles restrictions are given in A.6, for air ducts NOTE. Maximum whole arm reach is taken as 500 mm throughout.
without insulation (see A.6.1), for those that are A.7.1 Figure A.14 shows examples of installation
pre-insulated (see A.6.2) and for those that are spaces for flange jointed, uninsulated air ducts with
insulated in position (see A.6.3). firm obstacles on one or more sides. Appropriate
For methods of jointing, supporting and insulating to values of f1 and f2 are given in figures A.15 to A.18.
be adopted, values for f1, f2, f3, etc. (or e1, e2, e3, etc.) Minimum installation space dimensions A and B are
are decided, as necessary, based on the ergonomic given in figures A.15 to A.18 and tables A.1 to A.4.
requirements of the methods and thickness of
insulation, if any. A.7.2 Figure A.19 shows examples of installation
spaces for slip jointed, uninsulated air ducts.
These values are then inserted for f and e in the Figure A.20 gives appropriate values of f1 and f2 and
formulae, the decision whether to use f1, f2, or f3, (or the minimum installation space dimensions A and B.
e1, e2, or e3) depending on whether the access is
necessary for hand and arm only, for the whole body, A.7.3 The values given in figures A.15 to A.18 and A.20
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

or other requirements. This in turn depends on the are applicable to rectangular air ducts of dimensions a
dimensions of the air duct and the reach of the and b, but can be used also for circular air ducts by
workman with the tools or materials required. using the A and B values where a = b (indicated by a
Care should be taken to provide sufficient access at diagonal line). The shaded areas represent the
any face from which it is necessary to reach an recommended standard ventilation duct sizes given in
adjacent face. Eurovent Document 2/3 [26].
In the case of air ducts insulated in position, the A.7.4 Typical methods used for insulating air ducts in
installation space should be calculated using the situ are as follows.
formulae for either f or e values, whichever gives the a) Method 1. Insulating with rigid slabs, for example
greater space requirement. resin bonded mineral wool, fastened by thin steel
When a face of the air duct does not face a firm bands or the like. Without protective covering. (One
obstacle, a minimum notional space allowance operation.)
of 100 mm or t + 50 mm, whichever is greater, should b) Method 2. Insulating with soft, flexible materials
be provided which, together with the adjacent free such as mats of mineral wool, with or without
space, gives space for a workman's whole body. A netting reinforcement and metallic facing, wrapped
casing, which should be demountable for maintenance around the air duct and sewed or clipped in
purposes, may be installed at the boundary of this position. Without protective covering. (One
notional space. The designer should preserve the operation.)
adjacent free space. c) Method 3. Insulating as methods 1 or 2, but with
The types of calculation of installation spaces for protective covering, for example sheet-metal. (Two
common methods of jointing, supporting and insulation operations, first insulating, and then covering.)
are given in A.7, which also includes tables of
dimensions for the installation spaces related to A.7.5 Figure A.21 and tables A.5 and A.6 show
standard air duct dimensions. examples of e-values for use in calculation of
dimensions A and B for insulating flange jointed and
A.6 Calculation of installation space dimensions slip jointed air ducts with firm obstacles on one or
for air ducts more sides of the duct. Appropriate e-values are given
A.6.1 Figures A.2 to A.5 illustrate calculations for in figure A.22 and table A.7. Minimum installation space
jointing and supporting air ducts without insulation. dimensions A and B are given in figures A.23 to A.26
and corresponding values of n are given in tables A.8
A.6.2 Figures A.6 to A.9 illustrate calculations for to A.11.
jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts.
A.7.6 For air ducts pre-insulated externally, minimum
A.6.3 Figures A.10 to A.13 illustrate calculations for installation space dimensions A and B are as given in
insulation of an air duct in position. figures A.15 to A.18 with (2t 2 100) added.
A.6.4 For circular air ducts, d should be substituted For air ducts pre-insulated internally, minimum
for both a and b in the formulae given in figures A.2 installation space dimensions A and B are as given in
to A.13. figures A.15 to A.18, for flange joints, or as in
figure A.20, for slip joints.

 BSI 1997 19
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Installation space with firm obstacle

on one side and free on three sides
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b) Installation space with firm obstacle

on two sides and free on two sides

c) Installation space with firm obstacle

on three sides and free on one side

d) Installation space with firm obstacle

on four sides
Figure A.1 Space with limitations due to firm obstacles

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + 200
B = b + fa1 + 100
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure A.2 Jointing and supporting air ducts without
insulation and with a firm obstacle on one side

20  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a +fb1 + 100
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B = b + fa1 + 100
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.3 Jointing and supporting air ducts without

insulation and with a firm obstacle on two sides

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a +fb1 + fb2
B = b + fa1 + 100
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.4 Jointing and supporting air ducts without

insulation and with a firm obstacle on three sides

 BSI 1997 21
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

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A = a +fb1 + fb2
B = b + fa1 + fa2
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.5 Jointing and supporting air ducts without

insulation and with a firm obstacle on four sides (obstacle
not continuous for more than 1 m)

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + 2 (t + 50)*
B = b + fa1 + (t + 50)*
All dimensions are in millimetres.
* If (t + 50) < 100, insert 100 (see A.5).

Figure A.6 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts

with a firm obstacle on one side

22  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + fb1 + (t + 50)*
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

B = b + fa1 + (t + 50)*
All dimensions are in millimetres.
* If (t + 50) < 100, insert 100 (see A.5).

Figure A.7 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts

with a firm obstacle on two sides

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + fb1 + fb2
B = b + fa1 + (t + 50)*
All dimensions are in millimetres.
* If (t + 50) < 100, insert 100 (see A.5).

Figure A.8 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts

with a firm obstacle on three sides

 BSI 1997 23
BS 8313 : 1997
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a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + fb1 + fb2
B = b + fa1 + fa2
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.9 Jointing and supporting pre-insulated air ducts

with a firm obstacle on four sides (obstacle not continuous
for more than 1 m)

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + 2 (t + 50)*
B = b + ea1 + (t + 50)*
All dimensions are in millimetres.
* If (t + 50) < 100, insert 100 (see A.5).

Figure A.10 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm

obstacle on one side

24  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + eb1 + (t + 50)*
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B = b + ea1 + (t + 50)*
All dimensions are in millimetres.
* If (t + 50) < 100, insert 100 (see A.5).

Figure A.11 Insulation of an air duct in position with a

firm obstacle on two sides

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

A = a + eb1 + eb2
B = b + ea1 + (t + 50)*
All dimensions are in millimetres.
* If (t + 50) < 100, insert 100 (see A.5).

Figure A.12 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm

obstacle on three sides

 BSI 1997 25
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Situation 1: a > b b) Situation 2: a < b

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A = a + eb1 + eb2
B = b + ea1 + ea2
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure A.13 Insulation of an air duct in position with a firm
obstacle on four sides (obstacle not continuous for more
than 1 m)

f1 = 100 and f2 = 300

All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure A.14 Examples of installation spaces for flange jointed air ducts

26  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Table A.1 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300

a b fb1 fb2 fa1 fa2 A B
< 1 000 < 2 000 f1 b + 200
f1 f1 f1 a + 200
> 1 000 f2 b + 400

a < 1000
b 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 B

100 300
150 350
200 400
250 450

300 500
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400 600
500 700
600 800

800 1000
1000 1200
1200 1400
1400 1600
1600 1800
1800 2000
2000 2200
A 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 800 1000 1200

a > 1000
b 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 B

300 700

400 800
500 900
600 1000
800 1200

1000 1400
1200 1600
1400 1800
1600 2000
1800 2200
2000 2400
A 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.15 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts
with a firm obstacle on one side

 BSI 1997 27
BS 8313 : 1997

Table A.2 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300

a b fb1 fb2 fa1 fa2 A B
< 500 < 500 f1 a + 200
b + 200
> 500 f2 f1 a + 400
> 500
< 2 000 f2 f1 f1 a + 400 b + 200
< 1 000
> 1 000 < 1 000 f1 a + 200
f2 b + 400
> 1 000 f2 a + 400

a < 1000
b 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 B

100 300
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

150 350

200 400
250 450
300 500


400 600
500 700
A 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 1000 1200 1400
500 800

800 1000
1000 1200

1200 1400
1400 1600

1600 1800
1800 2000
2000 2200
A 550 600 650 700 800 900 1000 1200 1400

a > 1000
b 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 B


300 700

v 400 800

500 900
600 1000
800 1200
1000 1400

A 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
1200 1600

1400 1800
v 1600 2000
1800 2200

2000 2400
A 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure A.16 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on two sides

28  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Table A.3 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300

a b fb1 fb2 fa1 fa2 A B
< 500 < 500 f1 a + 400
b + 200
> 500 f2 f1 a + 600
> 500
< 2 000 f2 f2 f1 a + 600 b + 200
< 1 000
> 1 000 < 1 000 f1 a + 400
f2 b + 400
> 1 000 f2 a + 600

a < 1000
b 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 B

100 300
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

150 350

200 400
250 450
300 500


400 600
500 700
A 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1200 1400 1600
600 800

800 1000
1000 1200

1200 1400
1400 1600

1600 1800
1800 2000
2000 2200
A 750 800 850 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600

a > 1000
b 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 B


300 700

v 400 800

500 900
600 1000
800 1200
1000 1400

A 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
1200 1600

1400 1800
v 1600 2000
1800 2200

2000 2400
A 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure A.17 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on three sides

 BSI 1997 29
BS 8313 : 1997

Table A.4 Dimensions where f1 = 100 and f2 = 300

a b fb1 fb2 fa1 fa2 A B
< 500 < 500 f1 a + 400
b + 400
> 500 f2 f1 a + 600
> 500
< 2 000 f2 f2 f2 a + 600 b + 400
< 1 000
> 1 000 < 1 000 f1 a + 400

b + 600
> 1 000 f2 f2 a + 600
a < 1000

b 100 150 200 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 B
100 500
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150 550

200 600

250 650
300 700

400 800
500 900
A 500 550 600 650 700 800 900 1200 1400 1600

600 1000
800 1200
1000 1400

1200 1600

1400 1800

1600 2000
1800 2200
2000 2400
A 750 800 850 900 1000 1100 1200 1400 1600
a > 1000
b 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 B


300 900
v 400 1000

500 1100
600 1200
800 1400

1000 1600
A 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
1200 1800

1400 2000
v 1600 2200
1800 2400

2000 2600
A 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600
All dimensions are in millimetres.
Figure A.18 Installation space dimensions A and B for flange jointed air ducts with a
firm obstacle on four sides

30  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

f1 = 100 and f2 = 400

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All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.19 Examples of installation space

for slip jointed air ducts

Table A.5 Values of ea and eb

Dimensions in millimetres
Air duct side a Values of ea Insulating method
or b and eb (see A.7.4)
1 2 3
# 75 > 75 # 75 > 75 # 75 > 75
a # 1000 eb 150 250 150 250 250 300
a > 1000 200 300 400 500 450 500
b # 1000 ea 150 250 150 250 250 300
b > 1000 200 300 400 500 450 500
NOTE. See table A.6.

Table A.6 Values of ea1, ea2, eb1 and eb2 (see figure A.21)
Dimensions in millimetres
ea1 ea, but with a min. of (t + f1) for a # 1000
ea, but with a min. of (t + f2) for a > 1000
eb1 eb, but with a min. of (t + f1) for a # 500 and b # 500 or a > 1000 and b # 1000
eb, but with a min. of (t + f2) for a # 500 and b > 500 or 500 < a # 1000 or a > 1000 and b > 1000
ea2 min. 500
eb2 min. 500
NOTE 1. For the values of ea and eb, see table A.5. f1 = 100 mm and f2 = 300 mm (see figure A.14).

 BSI 1997 31
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BS 8313 : 1997
a) Firm obstacle on one side b) Firm obstacle on two sides c) Firm obstacle on three sides d) Firm obstacle on four sides

f1 = 100 and f2 = 400

All dimensions are in millimetres.
 BSI 1997

Figure A.20 Installation space dimensions A and B for slip jointed air ducts with a firm obstacle on one or more sides
BS 8313 : 1997
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All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.21 e-values

Table A.7 Values of ea1, ea2, eb1 and eb2 by firm obstacles
Dimensions in millimetres
Firm obstacle on one side Firm obstacle on two Firm obstacle on three Firm obstacle on four
sides sides sides
ea1 ea, but min. (t +f1) for ea, but min. (t +f1) for a # 500 or min. (t + f2) for a > 500
a # 1000 or min. (t + f2) for
a > 1000
ea2 t, but min. 100 t, but min. 100 min. 500
eb1 t, but min. 100 eb, but min. (t +f1) for b # 500 or min. (t +f2) or b > 500
eb2 t, but min. 100 t, but min. 100 min. 500 min. 500
NOTE 1. For the values of ea and eb, see table A.5. f1 = 100 mm and f2 = 300 mm (see figure A.14).

 BSI 1997 33
BS 8313 : 1997
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NOTE. Working space dimensions ea1, ea2, eb1 and eb2 for air ducts jointed and insulated in position, by one or
more firm obstacles are given in table A.7.
Figure A.22 Minimum access allowance e for air ducts insulated in position

A = a + 2t but min. A = a + 200

B = b + ea1 + t but min. B = b + 2t + 100 for
a # 1000
B = b + 2t + 300 for a > 1000
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.23 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts

insulated in position with a firm obstacle on one side

34  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

A = a + eb1 +t but min. A = a + 2t + 100 for

b # 500
A = a + 2t + 300 for b > 500
B = b + ea1 + t but min. B = b + 2t + 100 for
a # 500
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B = b + 2t + 300 for a > 500

All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.24 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts

insulated in position with a firm obstacle on two sides

A = a + eb1 + 500 but min. A = a + 2t + 550 for

b # 500
A = a + 2t + 800 for b > 500
B = b + ea1 + t but min. B = b + 2t + 100 for
a # 500
B = b + 2t + 300 for a > 500
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.25 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts

insulated in position with a firm obstacle on three sides

 BSI 1997 35
BS 8313 : 1997

A = a + eb1 + 500 but min. A = a + 2t + 600

for b # 500
A = a + 2t + 800 for b > 500
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B = b + ea1 + 500 but min. B = b + 2t + 600

for a # 500
B = b + 2t + 300 for a > 500
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure A.26 Installation space dimensions A and B for air ducts

insulated in position with a firm obstacle on four sides

Table A.8. Values of n for a firm obstacle on one side

Dimensions in millimetres
A=a+n Insulation Values of n
n = 2t, but min. 200 method t # 75 t > 75
(see A.7.4)
t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150

a # 2000 b # 2000 1, 2, 3 200 200 200 200 250 300

n = ea1 + t, but min. 2t, 100
(or 300)
a # 1000 b # 2000 1, 2, 3 175 200 230 350 375 400
275 300 325 400 425 450
a > 1000 b # 2000 1, 2, 3 350 400 450 500 550 600

36  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Table A.9 Values of n for a firm obstacle on two sides

Dimensions in millimetres
A=a+n Insulation Values of n
n = eb1 + t, but min. 2t + 100 (or 300) method t # 75 t > 75
(see A.7.4) t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150
a # 1000 b # 500 1, 2 175 200 250 350 375 400
3 275 300 325 400 425 450
b > 500 1, 2, 3 350 400 450 500 550 600
a > 1000 b # 500 1 225 250 275 400 425 450
2 425 450 475 600 625 650
3 475 500 525 600 625 650
b > 500 1 350 400 450 500 550 600
2 425 450 475 600 625 650
3 475 500 525 600 625 650
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B=b+n Insulation Values of n

n = ea1 + t, but min. 2t + 100 (or 300) method t # 75 t > 75
(see A.7.4) t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150
a # 500 b # 1000 1, 2 175 200 250 350 375 400
3 275 300 325 400 425 450
b > 1000 1, 2, 3 350 400 450 500 550 600
a > 550 b # 1000 1 225 250 275 400 425 450
2 425 450 475 600 625 650
3 475 500 525 600 625 650
b > 1000 1 450 400 450 500 550 600
2 425 450 475 600 625 650
3 475 500 525 600 625 650

Table A.10 Values of n for a firm obstacle on three sides

Dimensions in millimetres
A=a+n Insulation Values of n
n = eb1 + 500, but min. 2t + 600 method t # 75 t > 75
(or 800) (see A.7.4) t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150
a # 1000 b # 500 1, 2 650 700 750 800 850 900
3 750 750 750 800 850 900
b > 500 1, 2, 3 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
a > 1000 b # 500 1 700 700 750 800 850 900
2 900 900 950 1050 1050 1100
3 950 950 950 1050 1050 1100
b > 500 1 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
2 900 900 950 1050 1050 1100
3 950 950 950 1050 1050 1100
B=b+n Insulation Values of n
n = ea1 + t, but min. 2t + 100 (or 500) method t # 75 t > 75
(see A.7.4) t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150
a # 500 b # 1000 1, 2 175 200 250 350 375 400
3 275 300 325 400 425 450
b > 1000 1, 2, 3 350 400 450 500 550 600
a > 500 b # 1000 1 225 250 275 400 425 450
2 425 450 475 600 625 650
3 475 500 525 600 625 650
b > 1000 1 350 400 450 500 550 600
2 425 450 475 600 625 650
3 475 500 525 600 625 650

 BSI 1997 37
BS 8313 : 1997

Table A.11 Values of n for a firm obstacle on four sides

Dimensions in millimetres
A=a+n Insulation Values of n
n = eb1 + 500, but min. 2t + 600 method t # 75 t > 75
(or 800) (see A.7.4)
t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150
a # 1000 b # 500 1, 2 650 700 750 800 850 900
3 750 750 750 800 850 900
b > 500 1, 2, 3 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
a > 1000 b # 500 1 700 700 750 800 850 900
2 900 900 950 1050 1050 1100
3 950 950 950 1050 1050 1100
b > 500 1 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

2 900 900 950 1050 1050 1100

3 950 950 950 1050 1050 1100
B=b+n Insulation Values of n
n = ea1 + 500, but min. 2t + 600 method t # 75 t > 75
(or 800) (see A.7.4)
t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100 t = 125 t = 150
a # 500 b # 1000 1, 2, 650 700 750 800 850 900
3 750 750 750 800 850 900
b > 1000 1, 2, 3 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
a > 500 b # 1000 1 700 700 750 800 850 900
2 900 900 950 1050 1050 1100
3 950 950 950 1050 1050 1100
b > 1000 1 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100
2 900 900 950 1050 1050 1100
3 950 950 950 1050 1050 1100

38  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Annex B (informative) B.3.2 Provided the appropriate installation space

exists at all points on either side of the point where
Installation space for air ducts services penetrate a wall or floor, and there are no
(simplified method) joints or supports to be installed within this
penetration, it is permissible for the dimensions of the
B.1 General penetration to be less than the installation space. In
This annex differs from annex A in the following this case, only a minimum clearance around the
respects: services need be provided. In many cases this
a) the method of calculation is greatly simplified; clearance should be sealed or fire stopped depending
b) the reference dimension for insulated ducts in upon the particular circumstances of the installation.
this annex includes the thickness of the insulation; B.3.3 Where the continuity of a firm obstacle on four
c) space allowances for insulation fixed to the duct sides exceeds 1 m, additional space for safety, drainage
with adhesive are included. and access should be provided.
This annex gives a method for calculating the B.3.4 For circular ducts, the size of the duct should
minimum cross-sectional dimensions of the installation be taken as the diameter.
space necessary for installation and maintenance of
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thin walled air ducts (wall thickness not B.4 Installation spaces for air ducts not
exceeding 15 mm) for ventilation, heating and air insulated or insulated before installation
conditioning of buildings. Installation spaces for air ducts not insulated or
insulated before installation are shown in figure B.1.
B.2 Field of application
The method is applicable to rectangular and circular B.5 Installation spaces for air ducts insulated
air ducts exceeding 100 mm on the smallest side after installation
or 100 mm diameter. It relates only to simple runs of B.5.1 Insulating methods
ducts and does not make allowance for fittings such as
Typical methods used for insulation after installation
dampers, bellows, silencers, filters or test points.
are as follows.
The installation spaces of adjacent services are allowed
a) Method 1. Insulating with rigid slabs, for example,
to overlap provided that the necessary clear space is
resin bonded mineral wool, fastened by thin steel
maintained around each service.
bands or the like. Without protective covering. (One
Where the allowances given by this method for operation.)
installation and removal of the air ducts are applied, it
b) Method 2. Insulating with soft, flexible materials
is permissible for part of the installation space to be
such as mats of mineral wool, with or without
used for other services or building components after
netting reinforcement and metallic facing, wrapped
the air ducts are installed and tested, provided that
around the air duct and sewed or clipped in
these can be removed if the air duct is to be removed.
position. Without protective covering. (One
The method is not applicable to the design of operation.)
installation spaces for services other than air ducts.
c) Method 3. Insulating as methods 1 or 2, but with
B.3 Interpretation, exceptions and limitations protective covering, for example sheet-metal. (Two
operations, first insulating, and then covering.)
B.3.1 The figures referred to in A.6 and A.7 show the
installation spaces recommended for access to the face d) Method 4. Insulating with rigid or flexible
of the air duct shown at the top of the figure. The size materials fixed to the duct by adhesive, with or
of the duct is the finished width of this face including without protective covering. (One or two
any external insulation but not flanges, cleats or other operations.)
joint components. The hatched area around each figure B.5.2 Installation spaces
denotes the area permitted for firm obstacles which
Installation spaces for ducts insulated after installation
may be part of the building or other services. A
are shown in figure B.2, and table B.1.
demountable casing may be installed in the installation
space. For insulating methods 1, 3 and 4, extra space may
need to be provided if rigid sheets of insulation or
covering more than 400 mm wide are to be used.

 BSI 1997 39
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Bolted flange joints, size of duct plus insulation # 500

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b) Bolted flange joints, size of duct plus insulation > 500 but # 1000

c) Bolted flange joints, size of duct plus insulation > 1000

d) Slip joints
All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure B.1 Installation spaces for uninsulated or pre-insulated air ducts

40  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

a) Size of duct plus insulation # 500

NOTE. See table B.1 for dimensions of X.
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b) Size of duct plus insulation > 500 but # 1000

NOTE. See table B.1 for dimensions of X.

c) Size of duct plus insulation > 1000

All dimensions are in millimetres.

Figure B.2 Installation spaces for air ducts insulated after installation
Table B.1
Dimensions of X
Insulation method Dimension X
(see B.5.1) mm
1 125
2 125
3 200
4 200

 BSI 1997 41
BS 8313 : 1997

Annex C (informative) Annex D (informative)

Work in confined spaces Acts, bylaws and statutory regulations
C.1 Work performed in a confined space, such as a D.1 General
small duct or ceiling void, can subject a worker to The following references relate to the accommodation
physical and psychological stresses and should be and maintenance of building services in ducts. The list
considered as potentially hazardous. Such stresses is not intended to be exhaustive.
exaggerate medical disabilities. It is advisable to ensure
that workers who have to enter confined spaces are D.2 England, Wales and Scotland
trained and authorized. Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations, 1983 (SI 1649)
C.2 The atmosphere inside a confined space can Asbestos (Prohibitions) Regulations, 1992 (SI 3067)
present a hazard to life due to: Building Regulations, 1991 (SI 2768)
a) oxygen deficiency or enrichment; Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations, 1990
b) the presence of flammable gas or vapour; (SI 2179)
c) the presence of toxic or corrosive material. Construction (Design and Management) Regulations,
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These hazards can be present before entry, e.g. from 1994

leakage of services, or may arise from the work to be Construction (General Provisions) Regulations, 1961
carried out, e.g. welding or flame-cutting operations. (SI 1580)
Before entry into any confined space the potential Construction (Working Places) Regulations, 1966
hazards should be assessed, and a system of work to (SI 94)
ensure safety should be devised and applied by a Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations, 1987
competent person. (SI 2115)
C.3 The atmosphere inside a confined space should Control of Pollution Act, 1974. Chapter 40
be adequately monitored and this will normally involve Electricity at Work Regulations, 1989
at least checking oxygen content before entry.
Depending on the work being performed it may be Electricity (Factories Act) Special Regulations, 1908
necessary to practise periodic monitoring, as (SI 1312) and 1944 (SI 739)
appropriate, while it continues. Fire Certificates (Special Premises) Regulations, 1976
(SI 2003)
C.4 Wherever possible, exhaust and/or supply
ventilation should be provided to maintain a safe Fire Precautions Act, 1971. Chapter 40
atmosphere of respirable air; systems of work which Fire Precautions Regulations, 1989 (SI 79)
require workers to wear breathing apparatus should Fire Precautions (Non-Certificated Factory, Office,
not be used unless provision of adequate ventilation is Shop and Railway Premises) Regulations, 1989 (SI 78)
genuinely not reasonably practicable. Provision of Gas Safety Regulations, 1972 (SI 1178)
adequate ventilation is the only acceptable method for
dealing with potentially flammable vapours or oxygen Gas Safety (Installation and use) Regulations, 1994
enrichment hazards. (SI 1886)
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act, 1974. Chapter 37
C.5 Because of the peculiar nature of hazards
presented by the atmospheres inside confined spaces, Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum
particularly oxygen deficiency and toxic gases, it is Gases Regulations, 1972 (SI 917)
essential that workers wear breathing apparatus Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act, 1963.
where C.3 cannot be complied with. Chapter 41
Breathing apparatus should be supplied with clean air Petroleum (Consolidation) Act, 1928. Chapter 32
from a source independent of the immediate Safety Signs Regulations, 1980 (SI 1471)
atmosphere. Irrespective of whether breathing
Water Bylaws as made by the appropriate water
apparatus is worn, persons should never enter
undertaking authority
flammable or dangerously oxygen enriched

42  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

D.3 Northern Ireland

Asbestos (Prohibition) Regulations (Northern Ireland),
1993 (SR 25)
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland), 1994 (SR 243)
Building Regulations (Northern Ireland), Amdt, 1995
(SR 473)
Construction (General Provisions) Regulations
(Northern Ireland), 1963 (SR 87)
Construction (Working Places) Regulations (Northern
Ireland), 1967 (SR 175)
Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations (Northern
Ireland), 1988 (SR 74)
Electricity at Work Regulations (Northern Ireland),
1991 (SR 13)
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Electricity Supply (Northern Ireland) Regulations, 1991

(SR 536)
Electricity (Factories Act) Special Regulations
(Northern Ireland),1945 (SR 113)
Factories Act (Northern Ireland), 1965. Chapter 20
Gas Safety (Installation and use) Regulations (Northern
Ireland), 1995 (SR 3)
Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order,
1978 (SR 1039 CH 9)
Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum
Gases Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1975 (SR 256)
Offices and Shop Premises Act (Northern Ireland),
1966. Chapter 26
Petroleum (Consolidation) Act (Northern Ireland),
1929. Chapter 13
Pollution Control and Local Government (Northern
Ireland) Regulations, 1978 (SR 1049 NI 19)
Safety Signs (Northern Ireland) Regulations, 1981
Water and Sewage Services (Northern Ireland)
Regulations, 1993 (SR 3165 NI 6)

 BSI 1997 43
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BS 8313 : 1997

List of references (see clause 2)

Normative references

BSI publications
BS 476 : Fire tests on building materials and structures
BS 476 : Part 4 : 1970 Non-combustibility test for materials
BS 476 : Part 24 : 1987 Method for determination of fire resistance of ventilation ducts
BS 1710 : 1984 Specification for identification of pipelines and services
BS 2830 : 1994 Specification of suspended access equipment (suspended chairs,
traditional steeplejack's seats, work cages, cradles and platforms) for use
in the building, engineering construction, steeplejack and cleaning
BS 4211 : 1994 Specification for ladders for permanent access to chimneys, other high
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

structures, silos and bins

BS 4434 : 1995 Specification for safety and environmental aspects in the design,
construction and installation of refrigerating appliances and systems
BS 5266 : Emergency lighting
BS 5266 : Part 1 : 1988 Code of practice for the emergency lighting of premises other than
cinemas and other specified premises used for entertainment
BS 5306 : Fire extinguishing installations and equipment on premises
BS 5306 : Part 0 : 1986 Guide for the selection of installed systems and other fire equipment
BS 5378 : Safety signs and colours
BS 5378 : Part 1 : 1980 Specification for colour and design
BS 5422 : 1990 Method for specifying thermal insulating materials on pipes, ductwork
and equipment (in the temperature range 240 ÊC to +700 ÊC)
BS 5482 : Domestic butane and propane gas burning installations
BS 5482 : Part 1 : 1994 Specification for installations at permanent dwellings
BS 5499 : Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols
BS 5499 : Part 1 : 1990 Specification for fire safety signs
BS 5499 : Part 2 : 1986 Specification for self-luminous fire safety signs
BS 5499 : Part 3 : 1990 Specification for internally-illuminated fire safety signs
BS 5839 : Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings
BS 5839 : Part 1 : 1988 Code of practice for system design, installation and servicing
BS 5845 : 1991 Specification for permanent anchors for industrial safety belts and
BS 5970 : 1992 Code of practice for thermal insulation of pipework and equipment (in
temperature range 2100 ÊC to +870 ÊC)
BS 6100 Glossary of building and civil engineering terms
BS 6701 : 1994 Code of practice for installation of apparatus intended for connection to
certain telecommunication systems
BS 6891 : 1988 Specification for installation of low pressure gas pipework of up to 28 mm
(R1) in domestic premises (2nd family gas)
BS 7273 : Code of practice for the operation of fire protection measures
BS 7273 : Part 2 : 1992 Mechanical actuation of gaseous total flooding and local application
extinguishing systems
BS 7671 : 1992 Requirements for electrical installations Ð IEE Wiring Regulations Ð
Sixteenth edition
BS EN 354 : 1993 Personal protective equipment against falls from a height Ð Lanyards
BS EN 358 : 1993 Personal equipment for positioning and prevention of falls Ð Work
positioning systems
BS EN 361 : 1993 Personal protective equipment against falls from a height Ð Full body
BS EN 365 : 1993 Personal protective equipment against falls from a height Ð General
requirements for instructions for use and for marking

 BSI 1997 47
BS 8313 : 1997

Other references
[11] Liquefied Petroleum Gas Association Code of Practice No. 22. Coupar Angus: LPGA2), 1996
[12] Institution Of Gas Engineers. IGE/UP/2 Gas installation pipework, boosters and compressors on industrial
and commercial premises. London: IGE, 19943)
[13] Institution Of Gas Engineers. IGE/TD/4 Edition 3 Gas services. London: IGE, 1994
[23] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note GS 5 Entry into confined spaces. Sudbury: HSE Books, 1995
[24]Institution Of Gas Engineers. IGE/SR/5 Entry into and work associated with confined spaces. London:
IGE, 1992

Informative references

BSI publications
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI


BS 3974 : Specification for pipe supports

BS 3974 : Part 1 : 1974 Pipe hangers, slider and roller type supports
BS 3974 : Part 2 : 1978 Pipe clamps, cages, cantilevers and attachments to beams
BS 5345 : Code of practice for the selection, installation and maintenance of
electrical apparatus for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (other
than mining applications or explosive processing and manufacture)
BS 5345 : Part 1 : 1989 General recommendations
BS 5345 : Part 2 : 1983 Classification of hazardous areas
BS 5429 : 1976 Code of practice for safe operation of small-scale storage facilities for
cryogenic liquids
BS 5493 : 1977 Code of practice for protective coating of iron and steel structures against
BS 5572 : 1994 Code of practice for sanitary pipework
BS 5925 : 1991 Code of practice for ventilation principles and designing for natural
BS 6213 : 1982 Guide to selection of constructional sealants
BS 6700 : 1987 Specification for design, installation, testing and maintenance of services
supplying water for domestic use within buildings and their curtilages
BS 8210 : 1986 Guide to building maintenance management
BS 8233 : 1987 Code of practice for sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings
BS EN 50014 : 1993 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres Ð General
CP 102 : 1973 Code of practice for protection of buildings against water from the ground
PD 6484 : 1979 Commentary on corrosion at bi-metallic contacts and its alleviation

2) Available from William Culross and Sons Ltd., Coupar Angus, Perthshire PH13 9DF.
3) IGE publications are available from the Institution of Gas Engineers, 21 Portland Place, London W1N 3AF.

48  BSI 1997
BS 8313 : 1997

Other references
[1] GREAT BRITAIN. Approved Document published in connection with B2/B3/B4 of the Building
Regulations 1991. London: HMSO
[2] GREAT BRITAIN. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. London: HMSO
[3] GREAT BRITAIN. Asbestos (Licensing) Regulations 1983. London: HMSO
[4] GREAT BRITAIN. Asbestos (Prohibition) Regulations 1992. London: HMSO
[5] GREAT BRITAIN. Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 1987. London: HMSO
[6] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 10 Asbestos Ð exposure limits and measurement of airborne
dust concentrations. Sudbury: HSE Books, 19904)
[7] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note L 27 Control of asbestos at work Ð Approved code of practice.
Sudbury: HSE Books, 1993
[8] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note L 28 Work with asbestos insulation, asbestos coating and
asbestos insulating board Ð Approved code of practice. Sudbury: HSE Books, 1993
[9] GREAT BRITAIN. Gas Safety Regulations 1972. London: HMSO
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

[10] GREAT BRITAIN. Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1994. London: HMSO
[14] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 22 Ventilation of the workplace. Sudbury: HSE Books, 1988
[15] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 40/94 Occupational exposure limits. Sudbury: HSE
Books, 1996
[16] Department of Health Technical Report HTR 2022 Medical gas pipeline systems Vol. 1-5. Leeds: NHSS
Estates5), 1994
[17] Department of Health Technical Report HTR 2023 Access and accommodation for engineering services
Vol. 1 & 2. Leeds: NHSS Estates5), 1995
[18] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 54 Assessment of exposure to fume from welding and allied
processes. Sudbury: HSE Books, 1990
[19] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 55 The control of exposure to fume from welding, brazing
and similar processes. Sudbury: HSE Books, 1990
[20] BASEEFA list. 8th edition Certified and approved explosion protected electrical equipment. Sudbury: HSE
Books, 1993
[21] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note GS 16 Gaseous fire extinguishing systems Ð Precautions for
toxic and asphyxiating hazards. Sudbury: HSE Books, 1984
[22] Heating And Ventilating Contractors' Association. DW142 Specification for sheet metal ductwork Ð Low,
medium and high pressure/velocity air systems. London: Heating and Ventilating Contractors'
Association, 1982
[25] Health & Safety Executive Guidance Note EH 9 Spraying of highly flammable liquids. Sudbury: HSE
Books, 1977
[26] Eurovent Document 2/3 Sheet metal air ducts Ð Standard for dimensions. Bourne End: Heating,
Ventilating and Air Conditioning Manufacturers' Association6), 1976

4) HSE Guidance Notes are available from HSE Books, PO Box 1999, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6FS.
5) Available from NHSS Estates, Room 2E4, 1 Trevelyan Square, Boan Lane, Leeds LS1 6AE.
6) Available from the Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Manufacturers' Association, 6 Furlong Road, Bourne End,
Buckinghamshire. SL8 5DG.

 BSI 1997
BSI Ð British Standards Institution
| BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. It
| presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the international level. It is
| incorporated by Royal Charter.
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| should make sure that they possess the latest amendments or editions.
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| the identity of which can be found on the inside front cover. Tel: 020 8996 9000.
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| Buying standards
Licensed copy:Southbank University, 26/03/2008, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

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| Information on standards
| BSI provides a wide range of information on national, European and international
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| Copyright subsists in all BSI publications. BSI also holds the copyright, in the UK, of
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London |
W4 4AL |

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