Jao 3
Jao 3
Jao 3
An act creating the department of information and communications technology, defining it's powers and
functions appropriating funds therefor, and For other purposes.
* To ensure the provision of strategic, reliable, cost efficient and citizen centric information and
communication technology infrastructure, system and resources as instruments of good governance and
global competitiveness.
* To ensure universal access to quality, affordable, reliable and secure I'd services.
* To Promote the development and widespread use of emerging ICT and foster and accelerate the
convergence of ICT and ICT- enabled facilities.
* To ensure the availability and accessibility of ICT services in areas not adequately served by the private
* To foster an ICT sector policy environment that will promote a broad market-led development of the IC
and ICT-enabled services (ICT-ES) sectors, a level playing field, partnership between the public and
private sectors, strategic alliance with foreign investors and balanced investments between high-growth
and economically-depressed areas
* To promote and assist the development of local ICT content, applications and services which may
include support for ICT-based start-up enterprises through strategic partnerships.
* To promote the use of ICT for the enhancement of key public services, such as education, Public health
and safety, revenue generation and socio-civic purposes.
* To encourage the use of ICT for the development and Promotion of the countries arts and culture,
tourism and national identity.
* To promote digital literacy, ICT expertise, and knowledge-building among citizens to enable them to
participate and compete in an evolving ICT age.
* To employ through the use of ICT, the disadvantaged segments of the population, including the elderly,
persons with disabilities and indigenous and minority groups.
* To ensure the rights of individuals to privacy and confidentiality of their personal information.
* To ensure the security to critical ICT infrastructures, including information assets of the government,
individuals and businesses ; and