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11 English Core Usp 2016 2017 Set A Sa 1

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Class 11 English SA- I (SET – A)

Indraprastha International School
SESSION: 2016 – 2017

General Instructions:

This question paper has 13 questions.

All the questions are compulsory.
Write the answers neatly and legibly.
Marks are indicated against each question.
The paper is divided in 3 sections:

Section A (Reading) 20 Marks

Section B (Writing Skills & Grammar) 30 Marks
Section C (Literature & Long Reading Text) 30 Marks
Section-A (Reading) 20 Marks

Section A Reading ( 20)

1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (12)

1. You go up a dark, rickety stairwell of a building on a crowded street in Calcutta. You enter
a small room. The red cement floor is reminiscent of a past era. The centre of the room is
empty but the corners are stacked with bedrolls, utensils, water bottles. Musical instruments,
drums, cymbals, gongs are piled in a corner. Today, the room is filled with the laughter of
men and women in colourful attire. Two members of the group are getting married. Among
the happy chorus of congratulations and laughter, you notice both the bride, Chumki Pal, and
the groom, Sandeep, are blind, as are most of the people surrounding them. Pal is wearing a
bright turquoise blue sari. “I know it’s blue because people have told me but I can’t imagine
how it looks. But believe me, when I dream, I dream only in colours,” she says. Their
romance blossomed when they met as members of Blind Opera, the only one of its kind in
the country as well as in Asia.

2. The 36 spirited members of Blind Opera demonstrate that physical disability is not an

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obstacle. They enact plays by Nobel Laureate Rabindranath Tagore, considered challenging
even by veteran theatre groups.

3. Blind Opera was launched in 1996, by four theatre aficionados, who took it as a challenge
to get together the talents of these visually impaired people. The challenge to present the cast
on stage is immense since space management is a problem. To solve this, the directors use
ropes to separate the stage and the wings. When the actors step on the rope, they know that
it is the entrance to the stage. The members cannot see, they can smell, hear and touch –
three elements inherent to any theatre. At Blind Opera, they believe that the blind can see.
That is, they see in their own way, if not in our way, with the help of these abilities.

4. Gangopadhyay, one of the founders, believes that, for the visually impaired, theatre is the
medium for expression of their creative urges. “They respond instinctively; they cannot copy
anyone else because they cannot see. Their body language tells the story and hence it is very

5. The members have earned kudos from Calcutta audiences. For the members of the troupe,
discovering the language of the body is in a way also a journey of the persona. Coming from
diverse backgrounds but bound together by the same disability, they have found an outlet
for their creativity through the plays. They do not feel isolated anymore because they can
relate to their fellow performers. As Debashish Das, 18, a partially blind boy, says, “I had to
leave my studies after the school finals. I was sitting around at home, doing nothing. Now I
feel useful.” It also has a therapeutic effect because their confidence grows as they are able to
reach out to the sighted audiences. Marzina Khatun, mother of a young child, echoes the
feelings of others when she says they build a bridge between the “seeing” world and the dark
world of their own. They sing, they dance, and they experience joy. The joy of being able to
communicate, both at the personal level and to the audience, is great.

6. There is also a greater purpose behind it: to use theatre to build a community and
mainstream the huge number of disabled living in isolation. Together they can be a force to
demand better facilities in public life.

7. Pramanik, a co-founder of the Opera, believes that blind children should enter the
mainstream from the beginning. “Often, parents hide away a child with a disability or don’t
give as much attention. If you suddenly want a grown-up boy to play football, for example,

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he cannot do so because by that time his body is too sedentary and he cannot respond.”

8. The big dream of the group is to establish a drama school following the ideal of Tagore’s
Shantiniketan, offering a platform for creative expression to all those who are economically
and socially forced to stay in the periphery. Like Chumki Pal, they all dream in colour.

1.1 Complete the following sentences. (6)

a. The one thing that brought Chumki Pal and Sandeep close was …………………………

b. The commonality between the two is that they are ………………………………………

c. The greatest problem in training the visually challenged was in training them in …………..

d. The theatre is the best medium for expression for the visually impaired because ………….

e. The visually impaired do not feel secluded in this Opera chiefly because ………………….

f. There is also a greater purpose behind the Blind Opera’s efforts: …………………………

1.2 Choose the correct options. (6)

a. The mood of the room is ______________ .

i. jubilant ii. solicitous iii. dismal iv. perplexed

b. At Blind Opera, they “believe that the blind can see.” This implies the blind ___________ .

i. can see few things ii. can hear everything

iii. can perceive surroundings iv. can move on the stage Page 3 of 6

c A cymbal is ______________.

i. a musical instrument in the form of a round metal plate. It is hit with a stick, or two of
them are hit against each other

ii. a musical instrument made of a hollow round frame with plastic or skin stretched tightly
across one or both ends

iii. a round piece of metal that hangs in a frame and makes a loud deep sound when it is hit

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with a stick

iv. none of the above options

d. The word “obstacle” means______________.

i. prophecy ii. augur iii. hurdle iv. help

e The word “mainstream” means______________ .

i. the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most

ii. unconventional

iii. existing in thought or as in idea but not having a physical reality

iv. none of the above options

f. The antonym of the word “periphery” is______________ .

i. edge ii. boundary iii. border iv. Centre

2. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow. (8)

Starting from the steam engine to the supercomputer, why is it that most of the discoveries of
the last two centuries have all been in the west? Is it because there were not many in the
eastern hemisphere to think out or innovate? Or is it because though there was someone
who did something back here, we were too late to realize it or acknowledge it? In fact not all
of the blame should go to us. There have been discoveries here too but may be we
overlooked them or were too late to acknowledge them. We still believe there have been
inventions in this part of the world but because of the delay in accepting such inventions, the
west copied them and, thus, has been credited with their achievements.

India has been credited with being a storehouse of intellectual capital. Indians have a strong
presence in NASA and even companies like the Microsoft and IBM. Yet India still lags behind
in the field of innovation despite having a rich history. Indians invented the numerical ‘zero’
which is known to everyone. Even Albert Einstein said that no worthwhile scientific
discovery would have been possible without the Indians teaching the world to count.

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Just knowledge is not enough. It has to be cultivated and put to use. Otherwise it is like
having a Pentium III which is used just for typing. To put to use this knowledge adequately,
proper opportunities also need to be provided.

This is where the role of the government and the overall support for human infrastructure
comes in. This implies providing adequate technology, setting up the right atmosphere right
from the school level to identify and promote such talent. This is what our immediate
challenge should be.

On the industry side they have a new assignment to embark on. For the first four decades,
India has been a seller’s market. For the producer he just had to manufacture his goods and
there was always a ready taker.

For industry innovation is not a way of business but a lifeline to exist in the business. With
the innovation comes in the thrust on research and development. This is another of the
neglected aspects in Indian industry. Strangely, the general concept among many is that
research and development is basically for the pharmaceuticals and chemical industry.

Thus, leading from here we find that this is one zone where the share on the total
expenditure is minuscule. This may be because of the dedicated investments and time frame
required with no guarantee of results. Unfortunately, our short sightedness prevents us from
judging the gains from such investments in the long run.

One thing in place is, India is an abundantly rich nation of natural resources. But the sad
thing that follows is we depend heavily on it. Imagine what it would have been had India
used these resources, added technology and innovation and produced.

The green revolution has been a perfect example of how natural resources combined with
technology can convert a nation in a span of two decades to a food surplus economy.

2.1 Make notes of the passage in a suitable format using recognisable abbreviations
wherever necessary. Give a suitable title to the passage. (5)

2.2 Make a summary of the above passage in not more than 80 words. (3)

Section- B (Writing Skills & Grammar) 30 Marks

3. You are the Secretary of the History Club of G.D.G Public School, Gwalior. Draft a notice in

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not more than 50 words informing students of a proposed visit to some historical sites in
your city. (4)

4. You are Rakesh/Roopa. You had purchased a mobile phone from a reputable showroom in
Mumbai, but after a month it developed a serious fault. Write a letter in 120-150 words to the
manager asking for immediate repair or replacement of the same. (6)

5. Last week as you were coming back from school, you happened to see a huge plastic bag
full of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You
wondered how people could be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 150-200 words on
why we lack civic sense and how it can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are
Shiv/Shivani. (10)

6 Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the words given in the brackets. (3)

The wedding procession (a) __________ (already start) when we (b) ________ (reach) Mohan’s
house. While we (c) __________ (be) on way to the place, we (d) __________ (decide) not to dance
at all. But the scene (e) __________ (prove) so attractive, that we (f) ________ (draw) into it.

7. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the
correct word and correction against the correct blank number. (4)

Incorrect Correct

A motorbike rally was organise a.

to spreading the goodwill message b.

of Commonwealth Games. It was flag c.

off at Delhi on it mission to Leh. d.

Thirty- five bikers participate in the e.

rally. We passed through Haryana, f.

Punjab, Himachal and J& K to covered g.

a distance in about 3500 kilometres h.

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8. Rearrange the given words and phrases to form meaningful sentences. (3)

a. occupy/history/in/of/India/honoured/rajputs/the/the/an/place

b. war-like/patriotic/proud/and/were/they/people

c. lay/honour/their/would/they/down/lives/their/uphold/to

Section –C (Literature and Long Reading Text) 30 Marks

9. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. (3)

Now she’s been dead nearly as many years

As that girl lived. And of this circumstance

There is nothing to say at all.

Its silence silences.

a Who has been dead many years?

b Why does the poet say “As that girl lived”?

c Explain: “Its silence silences”.

10 Answer any three of the following questions in about 30-40 words each. (9)

a. Why did the tourists throng to see Tut’s tomb? What was their reaction?

b. Why do you think Mrs. Dorling, knowingly refused to recognise the narrator when they
met years after?

c. Why did the narrator feel that he was not the best captain? What was the surprise in store
for him?

d. Why did Yuri call Einstein ‘the world’s worst liar’?

11. ‘What causes endless anguish is the fact that laws are never respected nor enforced in
India’, says Nani Palkhivala, the author of The Ailing Planet : The Green Movements Role.
What is your opinion on this issue? How has their attitude towards law affected the lives of

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Indians? Write an article in about 100-120 words expressing your views. (6)

Answer the following in 120-150 words.

12 What is the dramatic significance of the blood stain that proved to be persistent in The
Canterville Ghost? (6)

13 The antics of the Ghost are amusing as well as pathetic. Do you agree? Give reasons for
your answer. (6)

Section-A (Reading)

1.1 Complete the sentences. (1x6=6)

a. The one thing that brought Chumki Pal and Sandeep close was their involvement as
members of the Blind Opera Club.

b. The commonality between the two is that they are blind.

c. The greatest problem in training the visually challenged was in training them in space

d. The theatre is the best medium for expression for the visually impaired because they
respond instinctively, they cannot copy anyone else and everything that they do is original.

e. The visually impaired do not feel secluded in this Opera chiefly because all members are
blind. They can relate with each other.

f. There is also a greater purpose behind the Blind Opera’s efforts: to use theatre to build a
community and mainstream the huge number of disabled living in isolation. Together they
can be a force to demand better facilities in public life.


a. jubilant (i)

b. can perceive surroundings (iii)

c. a musical instrument in the form of a round metal plate. It is hit with a stick, or two of

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them are hit against each other (i)

d. hurdle (iii)

e. the ideas and opinions that are thought to be normal because they are shared by most


f. Centre (iv)

2. Note Making

a) Abbreviations/ symbols (with key) : any four 1 mark

Title 1 mark

Content (minimum three headings and sub-headings with proper indentation and notes) 3

b) Summary

The summary should include all the important points given in the notes.

Content 2 marks

Expression 1 mark

Section- B (Writing skills and Grammar)

Q3. Notice

Format 1 mark
Content 2 marks
Expression: Coherence, relevance, spelling 1 mark

Q4. Letter Writing

Format 1 mark

(Sender’s address, receiver’s address, date, subject, salutation, complementary close)

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Content 3 marks
Expression: Spelling, grammatical accuracy 1 mark
Coherence, cohesion 1 mark

Q5. Article –

Format : Heading/ Title 1 mark

By line 1 mark
Content 4 marks
Expression: spelling, grammatical accuracy 2 marks
Coherence, relevance 2 marks

Q6. a. had already started

b. reached

c. were

d. had decided

e. proved

f. were drawn


Incorrect Correct

a. Organise organized

b. spreading spread

c. flag flagged

d. it Its

e. participate participated

f. we they

g. covered cover

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h. in of

Q8. a. The Rajputs occupy an honored place in the history of India.

b. They were proud, patriotic and war like people.

c. They would lay down their lives to uphold their honor.

Section –C (Literature & Long Reading Text)

Q9. a. The mother has been dead for many years.

b. To the mother, the little girl was the past that was a long time back just as the mother was
a living reality to the poet years back.

c. The stillness of the photograph and the overwhelming sense of her mother’s loss mutes the

Q10. a. The tourists came to pay their respects to King Tut. They admired the murals and
Tut’s gilded face on his mummy-shaped outer coffin. They read the guidebooks in whisper or
stood silently, pondering over Tut’s untimely death, dreading, lest the phararoh’s curse befall
those who disturbed him.

b. Mrs. Dorling was merely an acquaintance of Mrs. S, who belonged to a wealthy Jewish
family and all her possessions were beautiful and of great value. The Second World War
broke out and Jews were persecuted everywhere. The Jews had to leave their homes and
possessions behind to save their lives. Mrs. Dorling revived her acquaintance with Mrs. S
with difficulty and carried away suitcases and sack full of precious things as she wanted to
save all the nice things.

c. When John called him the best daddy in the whole world and the best captain, the narrator
was dejected for not being able to locate the island. So, he refuted the statement. However,
the truth was that the island was just in front of him.

d. Yuri knew that Einstein could not lie, therefore he told Einstein to be absolutely truthful
with Dr. Weil. In fact, world’s worst liar was not an insult. It highlights his honesty and
inability to lie.

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Q11. The condition of our planet earth is deteriorating. It is like a patient whose health is
constantly declining. In this era of responsibility, we need to realise our role towards our
future generations. Protecting our earth is our major responsibility. Remedies could be any
relevant point of view with reference to the lesson.

Q12. The Otis family was welcomed be Mrs. Umney, the house keeper. They were ushered
inside the mansion and offered tea.

Mrs. Otis noticed a dull red stain on the floor just be the fireplace and ordered the stain to be
cleaned. Mrs. Umney explained that the blood-stain dated back to 1575,the day Lady
Eleanore de Centerville was murdered by her husband, Sir Simion Canterville, and it could
not be removed. Washington quickly declared that Pinkerton's Champion stain Remover and
Paragon detergent would definitely remove this persistent stain. Before the housekeeper
could stop him, Washington dropped to his knees and started scrubbing the blood-stain.
Strangely there was thunder and lightning. Mrs. Umney fainted in fear. All this failed to
deter or frighten the Otis fanily. They reiterated and assured Mrs. Umney that they were not
afraid of ghosts so there was no cause for worry.

Q13. The Ghost's antics are amusing is in the eye of the beholder, they are clearly designed
for comic as well as pathetic effect. In other words, Wilde wants the comedy of his story to lie
in more than just the laughs produced by the way the Otis family is oblivious to how they are
"supposed" to respond to an English ghost haunting an ancestral home.

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