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Silicon Carbide: 1. Exposure Data

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1. Exposure Data Relative molecular mass: 40.097

Synonyms: Carbon silicide; carborundum, a
1.1 Chemical and physical commercial name for silicon carbide abra-
sives, is sometimes used as a common name
properties for silicon carbide dust; silicon monocarbide
1.1.1 Nomenclature Trade names: Annanox, Betarundum,
Carbofrax, Carbogran, Carbolon, Crystar,
(a) Silicon carbide fibres
Crystolon, Densic, DU-A, Ekasic, Green
Chem. Abst. Serv. Reg. No.: 308076-74-6 densic, Halsik, Hexoloy, Hitaceram, Ibiden,
Lonza, Norton, Polisher, Shinano Rundum,
Chemical name: Synthetic fibres, silicon
Sika, Silundum, Sixcy, Supersic, Tokawhisker,
Ultrafine (carbide) (CAMEO Chemicals,
Synonyms: Ceramic fibres, silicon carbide; 2014) [this list is not intended to be exhaustive].
silicon carbide ceramic; silicon carbide
ceramic synthetic fibres; silicon carbide
fibres; silicon carbide synthetic fibres 1.1.2 General description
Trade names: Dow X; Enhanced Nicalon; Silicon carbide appears in two different crys-
Hi-Nicalon; Nicalon NP 1616; SCS 6; SM; talline forms: hexagonal α-silicon carbide is the
Sigma; Sylramic; Textron SCS 6; Tokamax; main product, while cubic β-silicon carbide is
Tokawhisker S200; Tyranno ZX (Chemical formed at lower temperatures (Føreland et al.,
Book, 2014). 2008). Silicon carbide occurs in several forms: as
“non-fibrous,” as “polycrystalline fibres,” or as one
(b) Non-fibrous silicon carbide of more than 150 different single-crystal modi-
fications (or polytypes) of “whiskers” (Health
Chem. Abst. Serv. Reg. No.: 409-21-2 Council of the Netherlands, 2012). A “whisker”
EINECS: 206-991-8 is a type of single-crystal fibre, whereas a “fibre”
Chemical name: Silicon carbide may be single- or polycrystalline, or non-crystal-
IUPAC systematic name: Silicon carbide line (ASTM, 2011).
Non-fibrous silicon carbide or the particulate
Chemical formula: SiC (ACGIH, 2003) material – also called silicon carbide dust, silicon
Molecular formula: carbide particles, or granular silicon carbide –
Si+ C- has an average particle size of 1–20 μm. Exposure
to silicon carbide dust can occur during the


manufacture or use of synthetic abrasive mate- Refractive index: 2.650

rials (Health Council of the Netherlands, 2012). Oxidation: Occurs above 700 °C
Silicon carbide fibres – also known as silicon Sublimes and then decomposes: 2700 °C
carbide continuous fibres or silicon carbide
ceramic fibres, which are mostly polycrystalline Solubility: Insoluble in water, alcohol, and acid;
materials (ASTM, 2011) – are unwanted by-prod- soluble in molten alkalis (sodium hydroxide
ucts of silicon carbide particle production and or potassium hydroxide) and molten iron
are considered to be pollutants (Bye et al., 1985; Reactivity: Chemical reactions do not take
Dufresne et al., 1987a, b; Bégin et al., 1989; place at ordinary temperatures
Scansetti et al., 1992; Dufresne et al., 1993, 1995; Appearance: Variable, exceedingly hard, green
Dion et al., 2005; Gunnæs et al., 2005; Skogstad to bluish-black, iridescent, sharp crystals
et al., 2006; Føreland et al., 2008; Bye et al., 2009; Odour: None
Føreland et al., 2013). The length and diameter of Conversion factor: 1 mg/m3 = 0.5990 ppm at
these fibres are variable, but fulfil the definition 20 °C.
of WHO fibres (particles > 5 μm with a width of
< 3 μm and an aspect ratio of > 3) (Rödelsperger
(a) Chemical properties
& Brückel, 2006).
Fibrous silicon carbide may exist as whiskers Silicon carbide is a crystalline material, the
or continuous fibres (Bye et al., 1985). Silicon colour of which is determined by the level of
carbide whiskers often have a diameter < 5 μm impurities. Pure silicon carbide is colourless
and a length >  20  μm and are thus respirable and transparent. The green to black colour of
fibres similar to amphibole asbestos. Silicon the industrial product results from impurities,
carbide whiskers are single-crystal structures mostly iron. The green specimen is a somewhat
that are cylindrical in shape (ACGIH, 2003). purer, slightly harder, but more friable form
Silicon carbide fibres are unwanted by-prod- (Wright, 2006).
ucts from the Acheson process and are morpho- Although silicon carbide has a very simple
logically heterogeneous, whereas silicon carbide chemical formula, it can exist as numerous
whiskers are intentionally produced and have different structures (polytypes) (Shaffer, 1969).
homogeneous morphology. Skogstad et al. (2006) These structures are composed of a single basic
reported the close resemblance of the morphology unit, a tetrahedral (SiC4 or CSi4) layer, with
and size distribution of silicon carbide whiskers different stacking arrangements for silicon and
to those of the Norwegian airborne industrial carbon atoms (Kordina & Saddow, 2006; Oliveros
by-product fibres used by Stanton & Layard et al., 2013). The distance between the carbon
(1978), Stanton et al. (1981) and Johnson et al. and silicon atom is 0.189 nm, and the distance
(1992) to carry out in-vivo and in-vitro tests. between the carbon atoms is 0.308 nm (Fig. 1.1;
Kordina & Saddow, 2006).
1.1.3 Chemical and physical properties The polytypes are represented by a number
showing how many tetrahedra are stacked along
From ASTM (1998), ACGIH (2003), Health a specific direction in the unit cell and by a
Council of the Netherlands (2012), Chemical letter for the crystal symmetry: cubic (C) and
Book (2014) hexagonal (H) (Fig. 1.2). The polytypes of silicon
Density (specific gravity): 3.22 g/mL at 25 °C carbide are defined by the stacking order of the
double layers of silicon and carbon atoms. The
Crystalline form: Hexagonal or cubic
polytypes 3C-, 4H-, and 6H-silicon carbide are

Silicon carbide

Fig. 1.1 Silicon carbide tetrahedron formed by covalently bonded carbon and silicon



Si Si


The characteristic tetrahedron building block of all silicon carbide crystals. Four carbon atoms are covalently bonded with a silicon atom in the
centre. Two types exist. One is rotated 180 ° around the c-axis with respect to the other, as shown.
From Kordina & Saddow (2006). Reproduced with permission from Saddow SE and Agarwal A, Advances in Silicon Carbide Processing and
Applications, Norwood, MA: Artech House, Inc., 2003. © 2003 by Artech House, Inc.

Fig. 1.2 Atomic stacking for silicon carbide polytypes

The three most common polytypes in silicon carbide viewed in the [1120] plane. From left to right: 4H-silicon carbide, 6H-silicon carbide, and
3C-silicon carbide; k and h denote crystal symmetry points that are cubic and hexagonal, respectively.
From Kordina & Saddow (2006). Reproduced with permission from Saddow, Stephen E, and Agarwal, Anant, Advances in Silicon Carbide
Processing and Applications, Norwood, MA: Artech House, Inc., 2003. © 2003 by Artech House, Inc.


the most frequent. The simplest cubic structure (b) Physical properties
is referred to as β-silicon carbide, whereas the The physical parameters of fibres (density,
hexagonal structure is referred to as α-silicon length, and diameter) as well as their aerody-
carbide (Gunnæs et al., 2005). All polytypes have namic behaviour are important factors that affect
equal proportions of silicon and carbon atoms their respirability, deposition, and clearance in
but, because the stacking sequences between the the respiratory tract (Cheng et al., 1995).
planes differ, their electronic and optical prop-
erties differ (Kordina & Saddow, 2006; Wright, (i) By-product fibres from the Acheson process
2006). and cleavage fragments
Silicon carbide is very stable, but can never- The generation of fibres as a by-product
theless react violently when heated with a mixture has been demonstrated during the industrial
of potassium dichromate and lead chromate. production of silicon carbide in a Norwegian
Chemical reactions between silicon carbide plant (Bye et al., 1985). Characterization of the
and oxygen as well as a variety of compounds airborne fibres from the furnace department in
(e.g. sodium silicate, calcium, and magnesium the silicon carbide industry showed that more
oxides) are possible at relatively high tempera- than 93% of fibres consisted of silicon carbide
tures. Indeed, silicon carbide undergoes active fibres which were divided into eight categories
or passive oxidation depending on the ambient based on their morphology. In addition, less
oxygen potential. Passive oxidation occurs under than 2% of the fibres constituted silicon carbide
conditions of high partial pressure of oxygen, fragments probably resulting from the cleavage
producing a protective layer of silicon dioxide on of non-fibrous silicon carbide crystals and corre-
the surface: sponding to WHO fibres; these fragments were
2SiC (s) + 3O2 (g) → 2SiO2 (s) + 2CO (g) mostly found during sorting operations. In the
[where s = solid and g = gaseous] processing department, 25% of fibres consisted
Accordingly, silicon carbide crystals take the of silicon carbide fibres and 57% of cleavage
form of a rainbow-like cluster caused by the layer fragments. The geometric mean (GM) length of
of silicon dioxide produced by passive oxidation, all fibres > 5 µm was 9.5 µm (range, 5–900 µm)
which is determined primarily by the nature and and the GM diameter of all fibres was 0.39 µm
concentration of impurities. (range, 0.07–2.90 µm); 33% of the fibres had a
Active oxidation takes place under condi- diameter between 0.07 and 0.25 µm, and 15%
tions of low partial pressure (30 Pa) of oxygen corresponded to Stanton fibres (length, 8  µm;
at 1400  °C and gaseous oxidation products are diameter ≤ 0.25 µm) (Skogstad et al., 2006). The
formed: occurrence of silicon carbide fibres was also
SiC (s) + O2 (g) → SiO (g) + CO (g) confirmed in a Canadian silicon-carbide prod-
SiC (s) + 2SiO2 (s) → 3SiO (g) + CO (g) uction factory (Dufresne et al., 1987b; Dion et al.,
[where s = solid and g = gaseous] 2005).
Fresh surfaces of silicon carbide are thus Silicon carbide cleavage fragments are elon-
exposed to the oxidizing atmosphere (Wright, gated particles produced by the splintering of
2006), and can be covered largely by silicon larger crystals during the grinding and classifying
dioxide film or islets, heterogeneously distributed of silicon carbide. They can be distinguished from
at the surface (Dufresne et al., 1987b; Boudard fibrous particles, such as asbestos, glass fibres,
et al., 2014). and whiskers, by their irregular shape. Typically
they fulfil the WHO criteria for respirable fibres.
Even granular or powdered silicon carbide may

Silicon carbide

Table 1.1 Typical parameters of three characterized types of silicon carbide whisker

Type Fibre (total/μg) Percentage of fibres with length Percentage of fibres with
> 5 μm diameter < 0.3 μm and
length > 8.0 μm
SiC-W 1 7.6 × 106 31.0 3.8
SiC-W 2 1.61 × 105 93.7 6.9
SiC-W 3 1.05 × 107 30.8 10.8
SiC-W, silicon carbide whisker
Adapted from Johnson et al. (1992), by permission of John Wiley & Sons

contain traces of cleavage fragments that fulfil are released during the machining of ceramic
the definition of WHO fibres (Rödelsperger & and metal matrix composites (Beaumont, 1991).
Brückel, 2006). (iii) Polycrystalline silicon carbide fibres
(ii) Synthetic silicon carbide whiskers Polycrystalline silicon carbide fibres (diam-
Exposure to silicon carbide whiskers may eter, generally < 2 µm; length, generally ≤ 30 µm)
occur during the manufacture of the whiskers or can also be manufactured for commercial
during the production, machining, and finishing purposes by various methods (i.e. polymer pyrol-
of composite materials (Beaumont, 1991). ysis, chemical vapour deposition, or sintering)
Silicon carbide whiskers have diameters of a (Wright, 2006).
few micrometres (average, 0.5 µm) and lengths
of up to 5 cm (average, 10 µm) and occur mostly
as hair- or ribbon-like crystals (Wright, 2006).
1.2 Sampling and analytical
Because whiskers are single crystals, they frac- methods
ture across and not along the long dimension. The sampling and analytical methods for
They meet the dimensional criteria for a fibre silicon carbide fibres are very similar to those
(length:diameter (aspect) ratio, > 3) (Beaumont, for asbestos and man-made mineral fibres. Bulk
1991) but can exceed an aspect ratio of 10:1 samples are prepared and ground in an agate
(Rödelsperger & Brückel, 2006). Several types mortar to produce fine particles, and further
of silicon carbide whisker exist, some of which processed using a mesh or gravimetric sedimen-
have been well characterized, and their typical tation in water. This suspension is then filtered
parameters are presented in Table 1.1. and mounted for observation using appropriate
During the manufacture of discontinuously analytical devices. Air samples are obtained using
reinforced composites, silicon carbide whiskers a vacuum pump equipped with a membrane
are combined with metal or ceramic powders filter to obtain a representative air volume, and
and formed into the desired shape. The metal the filters are then processed for the analytical
composites can be extruded, forged, rolled, bent, methods. Biological specimens, such as lung
and machined in a fashion similar to the base tissues, lymph nodes, sputum, and bronchoal-
alloy. The ceramic composites can be machined veolar lavage fluid (BALF), are digested using
on lathes, drill presses, and milling machines sodium hypochlorite or hydrogen peroxide or
and finished by abrasive grinding in a manner a combination thereof, and the mineral compo-
similar to that of common metals. Some whiskers nents are recovered on a filter for analysis. Tissue


samples can be ashed using a low-temperature is a transparent mineral that is as brilliant and
plasma asher, and the ashed solutions are then almost as hard as diamond. Only synthetically
filtered for further analysis. produced silicon carbide is used for commercial
All the processed samples on the filters applications because natural moissanite is very
can be analysed using a phase-contrast optical scarce (Wright, 2006).
microscope (PCOM) to count the fibres The available information on history and
according to WHO (1997) or National Institute production levels mostly concerns the Acheson
for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) production industry, involving mainly powdered
method 7400 (NIOSH, 1994a). The sample- and granular silicon carbide particulates. Thus
loaded filters can also be mounted on a stub and data on the history and production levels of
analysed using scanning electron microscopy silicon carbide fibres and whiskers are limited.
with an energy dispersive X-ray analyser (SEM-
EDX) (Funahashi et al., 1984; Bye et al., 1985) 1.3.2 Production levels
or mounted on a transmission electron micros-
copy (TEM) grid and analysed using TEM-EDX The world production capacity of silicon
according to NIOSH method 7402 (NIOSH, carbide was 1 010 000 tonnes in 2013. Of these, the
1994b). TEM allows analysis of the crystal Norwegian plants produced 8%, Japan produced
structures and identification of the mineral 6%, Brazil produced approximately 4%, the
fibres using electron diffraction and comparing USA and Canada produced 4%, and China was
them with reference minerals (Bye et al., 1985). the world’s leading producer of abrasive silicon
Powdered bulk samples can be analysed using carbide, accounting for 45% of the production
X-ray diffraction to observe the different crystal- capacity (Table 1.3).
line compounds, based on NIOSH method 9000 Production and salient statistics for abra-
(NIOSH, 1994c). To obtain the weight percentage sive silicon carbide in the USA and Canada for
of silicon carbide or other amphiboles, standards 2013 are shown in Table 1.4. Silicon carbide was
for silicon carbide should be prepared. Selected produced by two companies at two plants in the
methods for the analysis of silicon carbide fibres USA, and bonded and coated abrasive prod-
in various matrices are presented in Table 1.2. ucts accounted for most abrasive uses of silicon
carbide (USGS, 2014). [These data were not avail-
able for other countries.]
1.3 Production and use During 2009–12, the USA imported 72% of
the silicon carbide demand mainly from China
1.3.1 History (58%), South Africa (17%), the Netherlands (7%),
Silicon carbide was first created syntheti- Romania (7%), and others (11%) for crude prod-
cally by Edward Acheson in 1891 by heating ucts, and China (44%), Brazil (24%), the Russian
quartz sand and carbon in a large electric Federation (8%), Norway (7%), and others (17%)
furnace. Acheson called the new compound for grains. About 5% of silicon carbide is recycled
“carborundum”, which became a trademark (USGS, 2014).
for a silicon carbide abrasive (Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 2014). Subsequently, in 1905, silicon
carbide was observed in its natural form by
the chemist Henri Moissan, in a meteor crater
located in Canyon Diablo, Arizona, USA.
Moissanite, named in honour of its discoverer,

Table 1.2 Selected methods of analysis of silicon carbide fibres in various matrices

Sample matrix Sample preparation Assay method Detection limit Reference

Bulk samples        
  Direct transfer to SEM-stub SEM-EDX NR Governa et al. (1997)
  Suspension filtration; mounting on SEM stub SEM-EDX NR Johnson et al. (1992), Governa et al.
(1997), Yamato et al. (1998)
  Suspension filtration; mounting on TEM grid TEM-EDX NR Johnson et al. (1992)
  Deposition of fibrous dusts onto filter PCOM 0.01 fibres/mL HSE (1995, 1988), Miller et al. (1999)
  Deposition of fibrous dusts onto filter SEM NR WHO (1985), Miller et al. (1999),
Rödelsperger & Brückel (2006)
  Powder (for density) Helium pycnometer NR Cheng et al. (1995)
  Powder (for surface area) BET NR Governa et al. (1997)
Air samples        
  Direct reading instrument Dust monitor NR Akiyama et al. (2003, 2007)
  Polycarbonate filter (25 mm, 0.4 μm pore) SEM-EDX NR Bye et al. (1985), Skogstad et al. (2006)
MCE filter (25 mm, 0.3 μm pore) TEM-EDX-SAED NR Bye et al. (1985)
  MCE filter (25 mm, 0.8–1.2 μm pore) PCOM 13 fibres/mm2 Scansetti et al. (1992), WHO (1997); Dion
et al. (2005), Føreland et al. (2013)
  Sampling with nylon cyclone (or HD cyclone, or XRD 0.005 mg per Dufresne et al. (1987a), NIOSH (2003),
aluminum cyclone); ashing with plasma asher; sample Dion et al. (2005), Bye et al. (2009)
redeposition on silver membrane XRD 12 μg Føreland et al. (2013)
Scansetti et al. (1992), NIOSH (1998)
MCE filter (37 mm, 5 μm pore) with cyclone Gravimetry 0.06 mg Bye et al. (2009), Føreland et al. (2013)
  Aerosol generation by small scale particle disperser Cascade impactor NR Cheng et al. (1995)
  Heubach, MRI dustiness tester Cascade impactor NR Plinke et al. (1992)
Biological samples        
Human lung and Digestion with sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen TEM-EDX NR Hayashi & Kajita (1988), Dufresne et al.
bronchoalveolar peroxide or low temperature ashing (1995)
lavage fluid SEM-EDX NR Funahashi et al. (1984), De Vuyst et al.
Animal lung Digestion and filtration XRD NR Akiyama et al. (2003, 2007)
    SEM NR Davis et al. (1996)
    TEM-EDX NR Dufresne et al. (1992)
BET, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller; EDX, energy dispersive X-ray analyser; HD, Higgins–Dewell; MCE, mixed cellulose esters; MMAD, mass median aerodynamic diameter; MRI, Midwest
Research Institute; NR, not reported; PCOM, phase-contrast optical microscopy; SAED, selected area electron diffraction; SEM, scanning electron microscopy; TEM, transmission
electron microscopy; XRD, X-ray diffraction

Silicon carbide

Table 1.3 World production capacity for Table 1.4 Production volume and salient
silicon carbide in 2013 statistics for abrasive silicon carbide in the
USA and Canada, 2013
Country Production capacity (tonnes)
China 455 000 Salient statistic Amount (tonnes)
Norway 80 000 Production, USA and Canada (crude) 35 000
Japan 60 000 Imports for consumption (USA) 108 000
Mexico 45 000 Exports (USA) 17 700
Brazil 43 000 Consumption, apparent (USA) 125 000
USA and Canada 42 600 Compiled by the Working Group with data from USGS (2014)
Germany 36 000
Venezuela 30 000
France 16 000 carbon monoxide according to the following
Argentina 5 000 overall reaction:
India 5 000 SiO2 + 3C → SiC + 2CO (Føreland et al., 2008)
Other countries 190 000 The Acheson furnace is heated by a direct
World total (rounded) 1 010 000
current passing through powdered graphite
Compiled by the Working Group with data from USGS (2014)
within the charge mixture (Fig. 1.4). The furnace
is fired for 40–48 hours, during which temper-
1.3.3 Production methods atures in the core vary from > 1700 to 2700 °C,
Silicon carbide is intentionally manufactured and is < 140 °C at the outer edge. Silicon carbide
by several processes depending on the levels of develops as a cylindrical ingot around the core,
purity, crystal structure, particle size, and shape with radial layers growing from graphite in the
required. inside (which can be recycled to the next furnace)
to hexagonal α-silicon carbide (the highest grade
(a) Acheson process material with a coarse crystalline structure, 98%
The Acheson process is most frequently silicon carbide), cubic β-silicon carbide (metal-
used for the production of silicon carbide by the lurgical grade, 90% silicon carbide), firesand (80%
carbothermal reaction of a mixture of petroleum silicon carbide, recycled to the next furnace), the
coke (carbon) and high purity crystalline silica crust (a condensation layer of silicon dioxide
(quartz) in an open electrical resistance furnace and other oxide impurities), and finally partly
(Gunnæs et al., 2005). A silicon carbide plant and unreacted material (sand and coke) on the
can be divided into four different departments: outside (Saint-Gobain, 2014).
material storage, preparation areas, the furnace After the heating cycle, the furnace is disas-
department where the crude silicon carbide is sembled and the side walls are removed to allow
produced, and the processing department where cooling (up to 2 weeks). A cross-sectional view
the silicon carbide grits are manufactured, as of the resistor furnace after cooling is given in
presented in Fig. 1.3 (Føreland et al., 2008). Fig. 1.5 (Indian Institute of Science, 2014).
Sawdust is occasionally added to the mixture The outer layer of non-reacted mixture is
to reduce its density, to facilitate the escape removed from the crude and returned to the mix
of evolved gaseous carbon monoxide, and to area, exposing the core of green or black silicon
improve the porosity of the furnace mix (Smith carbide crystals. The crude silicon carbide is
et al., 1984; Føreland et al., 2008). Silica reacts transported to the sorting area where β-silicon
with carbon to produce silicon carbide and carbide is removed from α-silicon carbide. The
final α-silicon carbide product is an aggregate of

Silicon carbide

Fig. 1.3 Flow diagram depicting production of silicon carbide by the Acheson process

SiC, silicon carbide

Reproduced from Føreland et al. (2008). Føreland S, Bye E, Bakke B, Eduard W, Exposure to fibres, crystalline silica, silicon carbide and sulfur
dioxide in the Norwegian silicon carbide industry, Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 2008, volume 52, issue 5, pages 317–336, by permission of
Oxford University Press


Fig. 1.4 The Acheson furnace and the crude silicon carbide product

SiC, silicon carbide; CO, carbon monoxide

Reproduced from Føreland (2012), with permission of the author

iridescent crystals, due to a thin layer of silica when a blow of gas escapes the baking lump of
from superficial oxidation of the carbide, which silicon dioxide–petroleum coke in the electric
is transported to the processing department for furnace (Bégin et al., 1989). Different morphol-
crushing, grounding, magnetic and chemical ogies of fibrous silicon carbide in this layer have
treatments to remove impurities, and screening been observed by SEM and TEM (Gunnæs et al.,
into the size required for the end-use (Wright, 2005; Skogstad et al., 2006). The high concen-
2006; Føreland et al., 2008). Two different types tration of fibres during the handling of the raw
of silicon carbide crystal may be obtained: green material is consistent with the fibres encountered
silicon carbide is the purest material with > 99% in recycled material. Silicon carbide fibres have
silicon carbide, while the black material contains not been observed in the final abrasive products,
~98% silicon carbide (Bye et al., 2009). but have been observed in products for refractory
and metallurgical purposes (firesand) (Føreland
Formation of silicon carbide fibres
et al., 2008; Bye et al., 2009; Bruch et al., 2014).
Silicon carbide fibres are formed during the In addition to silicon carbide fibres (including
Acheson process in the intermediate region, whiskers), the production of silicon carbide
where the partly reacted material is found (Bye generates many airborne contaminants including
et al., 1985). The fibres are believed to be formed

Silicon carbide

Fig. 1.5 Cross-sectional view of the Acheson furnace after cooling

Republished with permission of John Wiley and Sons Inc., from Steel Research International: a journal for steel and related materials, Study
of formation of silicon carbide in the Acheson Process, Kumar & Gupta (2002), volume 73, issue 2, permission conveyed through Copyright
Clearance Center, Inc.

quartz, cristobalite, graphite, and non-fibrous is transformed into β-silicon carbide by pyrol-
silicon carbide dust (Bye et al., 2009). Sulfur ysis. High quality silicon carbide powder and
dioxide (from the oxidation of sulfur contained whiskers are produced from rice hulls without
in the petroleum coke) and polycyclic aromatic catalysts using an inexpensive method. The rice
hydrocarbons are also found in the environment hulls are preheated at 750–850 °C in the absence
of the Acheson furnace (Bye et al., 1985; Dufresne of air for 3 hours. The temperature is gradually
et al., 1987a; Føreland et al., 2008). increased to 1300 and 1400 °C over 12 hours
in an argon atmosphere. Different structures
(b) Synthesis of silicon carbide powder and are found: needles with a diameter of 0.25 µm;
whiskers from rice hulls fibres of about 0.16 µm in diameter; spherical
The conversion of silicon dioxide particles in particles of 1 µm in diameter; and structures
plant material (as rice hulls) to silicon carbide is with the original morphology. Excess carbon is
carried out by heating in the excess carbon from eliminated by burning in an air atmosphere at
the organic material. Rice hulls contain 16–26% 850 °C for 6 hours and residual silicon oxide is
by weight of silica. The silica is amorphous and


removed by washing with a solution of fluoric (iii) Vapour–liquid–solid process

acid (Rodriguez-Lugo et al., 2002). Silicon carbide whiskers of high purity are
produced by this process, in which the crystal
(c) Synthesis of silicon carbide whiskers from
growth occurs by precipitation from the super-
waste serpentine
saturated liquid at the solid–liquid surface. The
Serpentine rock can be used as a raw mate- vapour contains a carbon-bearing gas (methane)
rial for the production of a high-reactivity amor- and silicon monoxide (Milewski et al., 1985).
phous silica powder, which can then be used for
the synthesis of silicon carbide. Amorphous silica 1.3.4 Use
is obtained by the extraction of waste serpentine
at 80 °C in 5M sulfuric acid for 48 hours. The Silicon carbide has been produced on a
amorphous silica powder is then reacted with large scale since 1893 for use as an abrasive.
carbon black at 1550  °C for 5  hours to obtain This was followed by electronic applications,
β-silicon carbide whiskers for use as a raw mate- in light-emitting diodes and detectors in early
rial in industry (Cheng & Hsu, 2006). radios (Wright, 2006).
Most of the silicon carbide produced world-
(d) Other production methods wide today is in the form of grains or powder
Silicon carbide is also produced, for special for use as an abrasive. Additional silicon carbide
applications, by other advanced processes applications are: refractories, electrical devices,
(Wright, 2006). electronics (semiconductor), diesel particles
filters, ceramics, industrial furnaces, structural
(i) Physical vapour transport (or modified Lely materials, and metallurgy (Wright, 2006). Silicon
process) carbide is also used by the aerospace, automo-
Large single crystals of silicon carbide are tive, and power generation industries as a rein-
produced from a form of physical vapour trans- forcing material in advanced ceramic composites
port growth in which silicon and carbon are (ACGIH, 2003; USGS, 2014). Although no appli-
transported at high temperatures through a cation has been found for the unwanted fibres
reactor to a growing seed crystal. The silicon from the Acheson process, metallurgical grade
carbide crystals can then be sliced into wafers up silicon carbide that contains silicon carbide fibres
to 100 mm in diameter (Wright, 2006). may be sold to the industry.
(ii) Chemical vapour deposition Silicon carbide whiskers have a wide range of
industrial uses related to its high tensile strength,
Wear-resistant layers of silicon carbide as
weight advantage over metals, and stability at
well as silicon carbide fibres or whiskers for rein-
high temperatures. They are used for ceramic
forcing metals or other ceramics can be formed
seals, sandblast nozzles, and structural mate-
by chemical vapour deposition, a process in
rials for applications at high temperatures, as
which volatile compounds containing carbon
durable asbestos substitutes (Health Council of
and silicon are reacted at high temperatures in
the Netherlands, 2012).
the presence of hydrogen. The silicon carbide
whiskers produced by chemical vapour depos-
ition with silicon oxide and carbon monoxide 1.4 Natural occurrence
as the primary reactants are similar to those
produced by pyrolysis or the thermal decompo- Only minute quantities of silicon carbide
sition of rice hulls (Sharma et al., 1984). exist in nature.

Silicon carbide

1.5 Exposure such as in the aerospace industry (Wright,

2006). To characterize silicon carbide whiskers,
1.5.1 Exposure of the general population Cheng et al. (1995) aerosolized them and took
No data have been reported on the levels of samples from a filter. The count median length
silicon carbide fibres in non-occupational envi- of the aerosol samples was 3.43  µm and the
ronmental matrices such as air, water, and soil. count median diameter was 0.198  µm. Thus,
only a fraction of the aerosol could be defined as
WHO fibres. According to the aerodynamic size,
1.5.2 Occupational exposure 65% (cascade impactor) to 76% (aerosol centri-
Silicon carbide in fibrous and non-fibrous fuge) of the silicon carbide aerosol particles were
forms has been detected in occupational envi- respirable.
ronments. Various forms of silicon carbide can Exposures to both these respirable manu-
comply with the WHO definition of a fibre (i.e. factured silicon carbide whiskers and silicon
a particle longer than 5  µm with a diameter carbide fibres may occur during their production
of less than 3  µm and an aspect ratio of more and the manufacturing/machining/finishing/
than 3), including intentionally manufactured use of composite materials (Johnson et al., 1992;
monocrystalline silicon carbide whiskers, inten- Lockey, 1996; Cook, 2006; Wright, 2006; Malard
tionally manufactured polycrystalline silicon & Binet, 2012). However, limited information on
carbide fibres, unwanted silicon carbide fibres the quantification of such exposures has been
resulting as by-products of the manufacture reported in the literature.
of silicon carbide (partially reacted materials), Beaumont (1991) monitored total fibre
and cleavage fragments of crude silicon carbide occurrence during the machining of silicon
(Lockey, 1996; Rödelsperger & Brückel, 2006; carbide whisker-reinforced metals and ceramics.
Wright, 2006). Calculated 8-hour time-weighted average
Inhalation is the primary route of expo- (TWA) exposures ranged from 0.031 fibres/mL
sure to fibrous silicon carbide in occupational to 0.76 fibres/mL, depending on the processes
settings, but data on the number of workers used. Control improvements to optimize the
occupationally exposed to silicon carbide fibres local exhaust ventilation and/or cleaning coolant
are lacking. However, the United States National provided a substantial reduction in the exposure
Occupational Exposure Survey (1981–83) estim- to fibres (see Table 1.5).
ated that about 250  900 workers were exposed Possible airborne fibre release from silicon
to silicon carbide. The industries with the largest carbide cutting tips used on some machine tools
number of exposed workers included machinery was investigated by on-site monitoring and
(except for electrical), and electric and elec- during simulated work activities in a laboratory
tronic equipment. The United States National (Revell & Bard, 2005). All airborne fibre concen-
Occupational Exposure Survey also estimated trations for each sample were below the limit of
that about 17 500 and 8700 workers were exposed quantification during on-site monitoring. SEM
to silicon carbide powder and silicon carbide analysis of a fractured surface silicon carbide
dust, respectively (NIOSH, 2014). ceramic tip showed a large number of fibres, typi-
cally about 2 µm in length and 0.5 µm in diam-
(a) Manufactured silicon carbide fibres eter. Using fractured tips could lead to exposures
The term “silicon carbide whiskers” specifi- to fibres because protruding fibres could feasibly
cally refers to monocrystalline forms produced be broken off easily. However, laboratory tests to
at high cost for targeted high technology use, simulate a cutting action using silicon carbide


Table 1.5 Calculated 8-hour time-weighted average exposures to fibres during machining of
silicon carbide whisker-reinforced composite materials before and after control improvements

Description  Concentration (fibres/mL) 

Before After
Machining of metal matrix composites 0.031 NAa
Lathe machining of green ceramic composites 0.26 0.034
Lathe machining of pre-sintered ceramic composites 0.76 0.038
Cutting pre-sintered ceramic composites with tool post grinder NCb 0.031
Surface grinding of fired ceramic 0.21 0.0062
Inside/outside grinding of fired ceramic 0.075 0.016
NA, not applicable because no changes were made in the metal machining area

b NC, this value could not be calculated from the data collected
Adapted from: Reduction in airborne silicon carbide whiskers by process improvements, Beaumont (1991), Journal of Occupational and
Environmental Hygiene, reprinted by permission of the publisher (Taylor & Francis Ltd,

whisker ceramic tips indicated that very few Bye et al. (1985). Short-term (15–50 minutes)
fibres were released; concentrations were below personal or stationary samples were collected
the limit of quantification of 0.04 fibres/mL. at various workplaces and fibres were counted
Several other forms of silicon carbide are using PCOM. The concentrations of silicon
used in industries. Nixdorf (2008) indicated carbide fibres reported in the three plants were
that new non-respirable silicon carbide (diam- 0.1–4.9 fibres/mL during the mixing of raw
eter, 5–10  µm) can be used as a substitute for material, 0–3.6 fibres/mL during furnace oper-
other respirable silicon carbide particles. Malard ations, 0.2–2.7 fibres/mL during the separation
& Binet (2012) reported the use of the silicon of raw products, and 0–0.2 fibres/mL during the
carbide Nicalon (diameter, typically 14 µm) in preparation of final products. The analysis of an
reinforced composite materials. However, these airborne dust sample (100 fibres evaluated) by
silicon carbide forms do not comply with the SEM showed fibres with diameters and lengths
WHO definition of a fibre. The possibility of ranging from 0.5 µm to 2.5 µm and from 1 µm to
releases of submicron airborne particles could 50 µm, respectively. The presence of long (length,
be investigated during machining operations on up to 20  µm) and thin (diameter, 0.2–0.5  µm)
these reinforced materials. airborne fibres in the silicon carbide industries
was later confirmed (but not quantified) by
(b) By-products of silicon carbide production Dufresne et al. (1987b) using SEM.
(i) Studies of exposed workers Scansetti et al. (1992) measured fibre concen-
Silicon carbide fibres also appear and were trations by PCOM or SEM in samples obtained
mainly investigated as unwanted by-products by static sampling in an Italian plant oper-
generated during the production of silicon ating 24 Acheson furnaces. GMs of respirable
carbide crystals through the Acheson furnace fibre concentrations determined by PCOM for
process (Lockey, 1996). Results from field studies the different working operations are given in
are summarized in Table 1.6. Table 1.6. GMs of respirable fibre concentrations
Quantification of these undesired airborne were also determined by SEM and the ratios of
silicon carbide fibres was first reported in three SEM to PCOM ranged from 1.15 to 2.02 indi-
Norwegian silicon carbide production plants by cating the presence of thin fibres below the
PCOM limit of detection. High variability in

Table 1.6 Reported personal and/or static measurements of fibres (fibres/mL) in silicon-carbide production plants

Reference Country, Plant   Furnace department   Processing department Maintenance

  year of study   department
  Mixing of raw Furnace operations Separation of material Preparation of final  
material (No.) (No.) /sorting (No.) product/refinery (No.)
Bye et al. (1985) Norway, 1985 A 0.3 (1) 0–3.6 (16) 0.2–0.7 (6) 0–0.1 (2)  
B 0.1–1.9 (7) 0.1–1.9 (4) 0.2–2.7 (6) 0.1–0.2 (3)
C 1.8–4.9 (4) 0.1–0.7 (7) 0.2 (3) 0–0.1 (3)
Romundstad et al. Norway, A 0.9 (6) 0.3 (29) 0.8 (24) 0.04 (3)  
(2001)a 1982–88 B 1.1 (15) 0.5 (29) 1.1 (19)
C 0.4 (14) and 0.9 (12) 1.8 (13)
Scansetti et al. Italy, – 0.07 (9) 0.11 (6) (loading) 0.58 (6) (cylinder 0.71 (11) (selection)  
(1992)b 1990 0.14 (4) (heating) breaking) 0.41 (12) (crushing)
0.63 (6) (side- 2.40 (6) (unreacted
opening) material removing)
0.14 (4) (cooling)
Dion et al. (2005)c Canada, 2000 – – 0.03–0.11 (3) 0.25–0.89 (12) 0.42–0.77 (3) (crusher)  
(assistant operator) (carboselector) 0.06–0.15 (4) (millwright)
0.16–0.39 (3) (furnace
0.23–0.67 (3)
Føreland et al. Norway, A 0.097 (14) 0.082–2.7 (54) 0.13 (19) 0.011–0.030 (94) 0.034–0.086 (69)
(2008)b 2002–03 B – 0.025–0.062 (44) 0.19 (21) 0.007–0.037 (102) 0.017–0.041 (69)
C 0.046 (10) 0.039–0.36 (72) 0.43 (21) 0.011–0.021 (100) 0.017–0.049 (37)
a Estimates based directly on measurements
b Geometric mean values
c Values are 8-hour time-weighted averages

Compiled by the Working Group

Silicon carbide

the workplace environment was reported in the were analysed by SEM The authors classified the
majority of the working operations studied. silicon carbide fibres into categories (K1–K8 and
To study cancer incidence among 2620 men CF) according to their morphologies, including
employed in all three Norwegian silicon carbide a category for fibres that could not easily be
plants, Romundstad et al. (2001, 2002) estimated assigned to one of the seven previous groups (K8)
exposures to silicon carbide fibres for different and one for those that satisfied the fibre counting
occupations from 1912 to 1996 for plant A, from criteria (CF). The category K4 comprises around
1965 to 1996 for plant B, and from 1963 to 1996 50% of all fibres identified. These thin fibres were
for plant C. Estimated exposures, presented in “rectilinear but often tapered along the fibre
Table 1.6, were based on industrial hygiene meas- axis.” In addition, approximately 15% and 10% of
urements carried out between 1982 and 1988 and the fibres counted were classified as K1 (“straight
on descriptions of changes in the process tech- fibres [that] looked like a staple of discs perpen-
nology and work practices over time. Arithmetic dicular to the fibre axis”) and K2 (“straight fibres
means of silicon carbide fibre concentrations with variable diameter along the fibre axis”) cate-
calculated by job over the whole sampling period gories, respectively. Fewer than 10% of the fibres
are presented in Table 1.7. The highest levels were counted were not silicon carbide fibres, but were
reached during mixing raw materials, oven work, carbon fibres, silicon oxide fibres, silicon fibres,
and sorting. Estimated exposures indicated a vanadium-rich fibres, and man-made vitreous
continual decrease in workplace levels of silicon fibres. The proportions of the various silicon
carbide fibres from the 1910s to the 1990s in plant carbide categories were shown to differ between
A. plants, jobs, and production parameters. For all
Gunnæs et al. (2005) investigated the chem- categories, the arithmetic means of the diameter,
ical composition, structure, surface properties, length, and aspect ratio of counted fibres were
and morphology of clustered silicon carbide 0.51 µm, 12 µm, and 36, respectively.
fibres in one of the three industrial silicon Dion et al. (2005) examined nearly 100
carbide plants in Norway. Fibres were collected measurements of silicon carbide fibre concentra-
both by personal sampling in the furnace hall tions in one Canadian factory producing silicon
and by collecting material containing fibres from carbide abrasive material (grains or particles).
the zone between the silicon carbide crust and Fibres were counted from personal samples
the outer firesand layer. A large variety of silicon following the WHO method (using PCOM) and
carbide fibres was found both in the air samples the 8-hour TWA concentrations were calculated
and in the samples taken from the furnace. The for six groups of workers: assistant operators of
authors described a complex morphology of station 01, Acheson furnace attendants (loading
needles with branches based on a face-centred mix into the furnace), subproduct attendants,
cubic structure and covered by a thin amorphous crusher and backhoe operators, carboselectors,
layer of carbon. and millwrights. The 8-hour TWA concentrations
Additional investigations in the three ranged from 0.03 fibres/mL (for assistant opera-
Norwegian plants by Skogstad et al. (2006) tors at station 01) to 0.89 fibres/mL (for carbose-
provided a detailed description of the morpho- lectors breaking up and sorting silicon carbide
logical variation of the fibres by classifying lumps). Crushers, who also screen all grades of
their types by shape, chemical composition, and the silicon carbide produced into several sizes,
dimensions and exploring possible determinants had the second highest exposure (8-hour TWA
of the occurrence of these various types. A total of between 0.42 and 0.77 fibres/mL).
of 32 short-term (0.5–2 hours) personal samples

Silicon carbide

Table 1.7 Comparison of estimated retrospective exposure assessment to silicon carbide fibres
for selected job groups and study periods from the studies of Romundstad et al. (2001) and
Føreland et al. (2012)

Job group Study period Fibre concentrations (fibres/mL), arithmetic mean

Romundstad et al. (2001) Føreland et al. (2012)
Plant A      
Mix 1912–36 4.4 0.37
  1936–52 2.2 0.29
  1953–79 1.6 0.23
  1980–96 0.9a 0.15
Charger 1915–38 3.3 0.89
  1939–52 2.8 0.67
  1953–59 2.1 0.55
  1960–79 1.2 0.49
  1980–96 0.3a 0.36
Crane 1938–52 2.8 0.33
  1953–58 1.3 0.22
  1959–96 0.3 0.15
Sorter 1913–33 3.2 1.0
  1934–52 2.4 0.76
  1953–96 0.8a 0.26
Refinery 1914–43 0.06 0.06
  1947–96 0.04a 0.05
Fines 1931–43 0 0.02
  1947–96 0 0.02
Packer 1914–43 0.06 0.25
  1947–96 0.04 0.20
Plant B      
Mix 1965–81 2.8 0.13
  1982–96 1.1a 0.1
Crane 1965–81 0.2 0.12
  1982–96 0.2 0.09
Sorter 1965–81 1.1 0.65
  1982–96 1.1a 0.46
Refinery 1965–96 0.06 0.05
Fines 1965–96 0 0.03
Plant C      
Mix 1963–96b or 1964–96c 0.6 0.07
Charger 1963–96b or 1964–96c 0.4a 0.47
Payloader 1963–96b or 1964–96c 0.9a 0.39
Crane 1963–79b or 1964–96c 0.4 0.10
Sorter 1963–96b or 1964–96c 1.8a 0.67
Refinery 1963–96 0.05 0.03
Fines 1963–96 0 0.02
a Measured data
b Romundstad et al. (2001)
c Føreland et al. (2012)

Adapted from Føreland et al. (2012)


In the three Norwegian plants producing presented in Føreland et al. (2008) for each plant
silicon carbide, Føreland et al. (2008) assessed were grouped for the three plants. As previously
personal exposure to silicon carbide fibres for 13 reported, work in the furnace department was
different job groups classified in three depart- associated with the highest exposure and that
ments (furnace, processing, and maintenance). in the processing department with the lowest
Approximately 720 new short-term (0.5–3.5 exposure to fibres. Job group was an important
hours) personal measurements were taken during predictor of exposure to silicon carbide fibres and
the period 2002–03 and counted according to the accounted for up to 82% of the between-worker
WHO counting criteria (WHO, 1997). GMs of variance. For maintenance workers, increased
fibre levels were in the range 0.007–2.7 fibres/mL exposure to fibres was also associated with work
for all jobs and plants. The highest exposures in the furnace department.
were monitored in the furnace department. The (ii) Studies with biological samples from
Norwegian exposure limit for fibres (0.1 fibres/mL) exposed workers
was exceeded by 53%, 17%, and 0.2% of the samples
from the furnace, maintenance, and processing Some case studies have evaluated biological
departments, respectively. The authors reported samples from workers and the studies of Dufresne
that 78% of the workers in the furnace depart- et al. (1993, 1995) are particularly relevant
ment used respirators. regarding exposures to silicon carbide fibres in the
To construct a retrospective job–exposure Canadian silicon carbide industry. Dufresne et al.
matrix (JEM) for the Norwegian silicon carbide (1993) reported a concentration of 39 300 fibres/
industry, Føreland et al. (2012) combined histor- mg of dry lung tissue for fibres longer than 5 µm
ical exposure data from company records, the (mean diameter, 0.49 µm; mean length, 11 µm)
Norwegian Labour Inspectorate records, and and a concentration of 105 243 fibres/mg of dry
studies performed by the National Institute of lung tissue for fibres shorter than 5  µm (mean
Occupational Health (NIOH). Mixed-effect models diameter,  0.22  µm; mean length,  2.86  µm) in
were used to estimate the exposure to silicon the lung parenchyma of a retired silicon-carbide
carbide fibres for each plant which is expected plant worker (see Table 1.8). The worker was diag-
to give more accurate assessments. Arithmetic nosed with pneumoconiosis and lung cancer and
means of exposures were estimated for several had been exposed for 42 years near an Acheson
job groups depending on the plant: mix, charger, furnace. The authors noted that the concen-
payloader, crane, sorter, refinery, fines, and packer tration of total pulmonary fibres in this study
(see Table 1.7). The new estimated exposure data greatly exceeded (approximately by a factor of 10)
were compared with the original JEM developed the fibre concentrations reported in the lungs of
by Romundstad et al. (2001). The fibre exposure subjects exposed to asbestos in mining activities
estimates using the novel method (Føreland et al., (Case & Sebastien, 1987). In a subsequent study,
2012) were 3.2 times lower on average than those Dufresne et al. (1995) examined post-mortem
in the previous JEM, and this method was used lung material from 15 deceased men who had
by Bugge et al. (2011, 2012) to update previous worked for between 15 and 42 years in the silicon
Norwegian epidemiological investigations. carbide industry. The GM concentrations of
To identify the determinants of exposure to fibres shorter than 5 µm were 48 529 fibres/mg of
dust and dust constituents in the Norwegian dry lung tissue in workers without lung fibrosis
silicon carbide industry, Føreland et al. (2013) and lung cancer, and up to 147 911 fibres/mg in
assessed exposures to silicon carbide fibres in workers with lung fibrosis but no lung cancer.
the three Norwegian plants, and data formerly GM concentrations of fibres longer than 5 µm

Silicon carbide

Table 1.8 Biological levels of fibres in the lung parenchyma of workers in the silicon carbide
industry in Canada

Reference Subjects Geometric mean (± geometric standard deviation) 

Silicon carbide fibres Silicon carbide fibres Ferruginous
(length, < 5µm) per (length, ≥ 5µm) per bodies per g of
mg of dry lung mg of dry lung dry lung
Dufresne 1 male worker with silicon carbide 105 243 39 300 800 000
et al. (1993) pneumoconiosis and lung cancer, exposed
for 42 yrs, retired for 2 yrs, and smoked
1.5 packs of cigarettes per day for > 40 yrs
Dufresne 5 male workers with no lung fibrosis or 48 529 (± 3.5) 7 586 (± 3.9) 39 903 (± 4.0)
et al. (1995) lung cancer exposed for 23.4 ± 6.9 yrs, no
longer exposed for the past 7.9 ± 7.1 yrs,
and smoked 50.6 ± 30 cigarette pack–yrs
  6 male workers with lung fibrosis but no 147 911 (± 2.5) 53 951 (± 3.5) 305 492 (± 3.8)
lung cancer, exposed for 28.8 ± 5.5 yrs, no
longer exposed for the past 7.0 ± 1.6 yrs,
and smoked 59.8 ± 32.2 cigarette pack–yrs
  4 male workers with lung fibrosis and 100 925 (± 1.8) 27 353 (± 1.8) 583 445 (± 2.4)
lung cancer, exposed for 32.3 ± 9.0 yrs, no
longer exposed for the past 5.0 ± 3.5 yrs,
and smoked 39.2 ± 25.8 cigarette pack–yrs
yr, year
Compiled by the Working Group

were up to 53  951 fibres/mg of dry lung tissue cristobalite (GM range, < 0.33– 35 µg/m3). Some
in workers with lung fibrosis but no lung cancer other low-level contaminants, such as sulfur
(see Table  1.8). No statistical differences were dioxide and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
observed in the dimensions of silicon carbide have also been reported (Føreland et al., 2008).
fibres between each group. Fibres <  5 µm long The highest levels of fibres were reached for
were approximately 2 µm in length and 0.2 µm in workers in the furnace department where high
diameter with an aspect ratio of approximately exposure to respirable dust also occurs (Føreland
10. Fibres ≥ 5 µm long were approximately 8 µm et al., 2012).
in length and 0.3 µm in diameter with an aspect
ratio of approximately 25. Ferruginous bodies
were also counted in this study. Other types of
1.6 Regulations and guidelines
particle and fibre were also reported, including TWA values, short-term exposure limits, and
mica, clays, amosite, and cleavage fragments of other regulations or guidelines worldwide are
tremolite. summarized in Table 1.9.
(iii) Co-exposures
As shown in the Norwegian silicon carbide
industry, workers are also co-exposed to total
dust (GM range, < 0.29–21 µg/m3), respirable dust
(GM range, < 0.12–1.3 µg/m3), respirable quartz
(GM range, <  0.44–20 µg/m3), and respirable


Table 1.9 Regulations and guidelines for silicon carbide worldwide

Type of silicon carbide Country or region Concentration Interpretation Carcinogenicity

Non-fibrous silicon carbide  (mg/m3)    
  OSHA (PEL)      
        Total dust 15 TWA  
        Respirable fraction 5 TWA  
  ACGIH (TLV)      
        Inhalable fractiona 10 TWA  
        Respirable fractiona 3 TWA  
  NIOSH (REL)      
        Total dust 10 10-h TWA  
        Respirable fraction 5 10-h TWA  
  United Kingdom      
        Total inhalable 10 TWA  
        Respirable fraction 4 TWA  
Fibrous silicon carbide   (fibres/cm3)    
  ACGIH (TLV)b 0.1 TWA A2
  SCOEL (OEL)c 1 TWA  
  LLV 0.2   C
a Particulate matter containing no asbestos and < 1% crystalline silica
b Including whiskers: respirable fibres (length, > 5 µm; aspect ratio, ≥ 3:1) as determined by the membrane filter method at
400–450 × magnification (4 mm objective), using phase-contrast illumination
c Refractory ceramic fibres, including fibres of silicon carbide

A2, suspected human carcinogen; ACGIH, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists; C, carcinogenic; LLV, level limited
value; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; OEL, occupational exposure limit; OSHA, Occupational Safety and
Health Administration; PEL, permissible exposure limit; REL, recommended exposure limit; SCOEL, Scientific Committee on Occupational
Exposure Limits; TLV, threshold limit value; TWA, 8-hour time-weighted average (unless otherwise specified)
From HSE (2011), NIOSH (2011), Swedish Work Environment Authority (2011), SCOEL (2012), OSHA (2015)

2. Cancer in Humans and related exposure conditions are described

in Section 1. No studies were found of workers
engaged in the production of silicon carbide
2.1 Introduction whiskers. Other studies of workers exposed to
Only a few studies that refer directly to expo- silicon carbide include cohort studies of down-
sure to silicon carbide fibres have been published stream users of the product, especially of workers
(see Table  2.1) and concerned workers were in the abrasives industry. These studies were
engaged in the production of silicon carbide, reviewed but were regarded as uninformative
using the Acheson production process, where with respect to silicon carbide fibres because the
exposure to silicon carbide fibres was combined Working Group had no evidence that workers
with exposure to a range of other dusts and producing or using abrasive materials were
gases, including non-fibrous silicon carbide. exposed to the fibres.
The Acheson process remains the dominant
method of producing silicon carbide; the process

Silicon carbide

2.2 Silicon-carbide production estimates were available. In addition, the method

industry used to account for a minimum latency period
(ignoring both years at risk and deaths during the
The first study to be published on a cohort first 15 years of employment) may have reduced
from the silicon-carbide production industry the power of the study.]
was conducted in Canada by Infante-Rivard et al. A cohort of 2620 male workers employed
(1994). A cohort of silicon-carbide production for more than 6  months in 1913–96 in the
workers was subsequently studied in Norway Norwegian silicon carbide industry was estab-
by Romundstad et al. (2001) with updates and lished by Romundstad et al. (2001) and followed
exposure–response analyses of lung cancer up from 1953 to 1996. Data on cancer incidence
carried out by Bugge et al. (2010, 2012). Due to were obtained from the Norwegian Cancer
the similarities between silicon carbide fibres Registry and comparisons were made with the
and asbestos, and also due to the observed induc- general Norwegian population. A JEM on total
tion of mesothelioma by silicon carbide whiskers dust, crystalline silica, silicon carbide fibres, and
in experimental animals, whether an increased inorganic dust other than quartz and cristobalite,
incidence of mesothelioma was observed in the and potentially including silicon carbide parti-
cohort studies was of special interest. Only the cles and cleavage fragments, was constructed.
two Norwegian studies reported the incidence Exposure assessments were mainly based on total
of pleural cancer or results for cancer sites other dust measurements. An estimation of exposures
than lung and stomach. other than those to total dust was based on a few
In the Canadian study by Infante-Rivard measurements of these factors, and an estima-
et al. (1994), 585 silicon carbide industry workers tion of the relative content of these factors in total
employed for more than 2 years during 1950–80 dust was also made. [Uncertainties regarding
were identified and their vital status, job history, exposure assessment due to the strong correl-
and smoking histories were ascertained until ation between the different exposure factors and
1989. A JEM on total dust was developed. No the small number of measurements precluded
information on exposure to silicon carbide fibres any firm conclusions based on the available data.]
specifically was available. Mortality from total Bugge et al. (2010) performed an update of
and site-specific cancer was compared with the Norwegian cohort study (Romundstad et al.,
that of the general population of the Province 2001), with the addition of employment informa-
of Québec, and also related to cumulative expo- tion until 2003 and a further 9  years of cancer
sure to total dust. The standardized mortality incidence follow-up (until 2005). A full report of
ratio (SMR) for lung cancer was 1.69 (95% confi- cancer incidence in the silicon carbide industry
dence interval [CI], 1.09–2.52). Mortality from was given in the study, but no exposure–effect
lung cancer showed a moderate increase with analyses were performed. In a second study of
increasing cumulative exposure to total dust (see the Norwegian cohort by Bugge et al. (2012),
Table  2.1). Increased mortality from stomach which included data on cancer incidence until
cancer (SMR, 2.18; 95% CI, 0.88–4.51) was also 2008, a detailed JEM was constructed, based on
observed. Data for other cancer sites were not new exposure measurements and mathematical
presented. [One strength of this study was the modelling of historical exposure levels of total and
collection of information concerning job history respirable dust, non-fibrous and fibrous silicon
and smoking, either from the worker personally carbide, quartz, and cristobalite (Føreland et al.,
or from relatives. Weaknesses were mainly that 2012). In this last study (Bugge et al., 2012), the
the cohort was small and that only total dust relative influence of different exposure factors

Table 2.1 Cohort studies of workers in the silicon-carbide production industry

Reference, Total No. Exposure Organ site (ICD code) Exposure No. of Relative risk Covariates; comments
location, follow- of subjects assessment categories exposed (95% CI)
up period cases
Infante-           SMR  
Rivard et al. 585 Job-exposure Lung Overall 24 1.69 (1.09–2.52) Compared with age- and
(1994), Québec   matrix in 1984,   Total dust (mg–yr/   IRR calendar-specific death
(Province), total dust  m3) rates among Québec
Canada, 1950–89  (Province) men 

        < 105 5 1.00 SIRs from internal

        105–275 9 1.48 (0.47–4.58) analysis; no latency
        > 275 10 1.67 (0.57–4.83)
        < 105 5 1.00 SIRs from internal
        105–275 9 1.25 (0.40–3.90) analysis; 15-yr latency
        > 275 10 1.36 (0.47–3.95)
      Stomach  Overall  7  2.18 (0.88–4.51)  Compared with age- and
calendar-specific death
rates among Québec
(Province) men
Bugge et al. 2612 Personnel Lung Overall 103 2.0 (1.6–2.4) Compared with age- and
(2010), Norway, records, period-specific cancer
1953–2005 duration of incidence rates among
employment Norwegian men
  1687 Lung Overall 60 1.7 (1.3–2.2) Long-term workers
      Stomach Overall 25 1.3 (0.9–1.9) (≥ 3 yr of employment)
      Lip Overall 7 2.4 (1.2–5.1)  
      Oral cavity and pharynx Overall 10 2.1 (1.1–3.9)  
(ICD-7: 141, 143–8)
      Larynx Overall 3 0.9 (0.3–2.8)  
      Pleura Overall 1 0.8 (0.1–6.0)  
      Prostate Overall 77 1.2 (1.0–1.5)  
      Leukaemia (ICD-7: 204) Overall 6 2.8 (1.2–6.1)  
Table 2.1 (continued)

Reference, Total No. Exposure Organ site (ICD code) Exposure No. of Relative risk Covariates; comments
location, follow- of subjects assessment categories exposed (95% CI)
up period cases
Bugge et al. 1687   Lung Overall 62 1.6 (1.3–2.1) Long-term workers
(2012), Norway, (≥ 3 yr of employment)
1953–2008   Department Lung Low exposure 3 1.0 Adjusted for age and
        Furnace 20 3.8 (1.1–13) smoking 
        Processing 9 1.6 (0.4–5.9)  
        Maintenance 9 1.5 (0.4–5.7)  
        Mixed 21 2.2 (0.7–7.5)  
  1166 Job-exposure Lung Silicon carbide   IRR Ever-smoking, long-term
matrix fibres (fibre–yrs/ workers; adjusted for age
(Føreland et al., mL)
    2012)   0–0.50 11 1.0 No lag
      0.50–2.0 14 1.0 (0.5–2.2)  
        2.0–93 33 1.7 (0.8–3.3)  
        0–0.50 21 1.0 20-yr exposure lag
        0.50–2.0 14 1.4 (0.7–2.9)  
        2.0–93 23 2.3 (1.2–4.4)  
CI, confidence interval; ICD, International Classification of Diseases; IRR, incidence rate ratio; SIR, standardized incidence ratio; SMR, standardized mortality ratio; yr, year

Silicon carbide

(including silicon carbide fibres) was estimated, (95% CI, 0.1–6.0), but two cases were observed
but only for lung cancer incidence. among the short-term workers (SIR, 3.7; 95% CI,
In Bugge et al. (2012), the standardized inci- 0.9–14.7). [The Working Group noted that the
dence ratio (SIR) for lung cancer in long-term report did not provide information on the time
workers (≥ 3 years of employment) was 1.6 (95% elapsed between exposures in the silicon carbide
CI, 1.3–2.1). The results from the two earlier industry and the diagnosis of mesothelioma.]
studies from this cohort showed similar SIRs of The SIR for stomach cancer was 1.3 (95% CI,
1.9 (95% CI, 1.5–2.3; Romundstad et al., 2001) and 0.9–1.9), while that for larynx cancer was 0.9 (95%
2.0 (95% CI, 1.6–2.4; Bugge et al., 2010) for lung CI, 0.3–2.8). An increased incidence of cancer of
cancer in the entire cohort. The highest incidence the oral cavity and pharynx (SIR, 2.1; 95% CI,
of lung cancer was observed among workers 1.1–3.9; 10 cases), lip cancer (SIR, 2.4; 95% CI,
in the furnace department (SIR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.2–5.1; 7 cases), prostate cancer (SIR, 1.2; 95% CI,
1.5–3.5) and among workers with employment 1.0–1.5; 77 cases), and leukaemia (SIR, 2.8; 95%
in more than one department (including furnace CI, 1.2–6.1; 6 cases) was also observed among
work) (SIR, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.3–2.9). Among workers the long-term workers. SIRs did not differ signif-
in the processing and maintenance departments icantly from unity for other cancer sites in this
the SIR was 1.4 for both groups (95% CI, 0.7–2.7 group (Bugge et al., 2010). [Although elevated
and 0.7–2.6, respectively). Similar patterns of SIRs were observed for several cancers other
relative risks were observed in analyses using than the lung, the confidence intervals were wide,
workers with low exposure as the referent group the cancer sites are not known to be specific for
(Table  2.1). The SIR for lung cancer increased exposure to fibres, and numerous comparisons
with increasing cumulative exposure to silicon were made. In light of these considerations, the
carbide fibres, but also with indicators of other Working Group concluded that a causal inter-
exposures, including cristobalite. Due to a high pretation was not possible.]
correlation between the different exposure [The strengths of this study were the access to
factors, especially in the furnace halls, Poisson a detailed JEM, based on a large number of new
regression models were built to estimate the rela- parallel measurements of total dust, respirable
tive effect of the different exposure factors. The dust, respirable quartz, cristobalite, and non-fi-
incidence of lung cancer was most strongly asso- brous silicon carbide, and fibrous silicon carbide.
ciated with exposure to cristobalite (incidence Mathematical modelling of historical exposure
rate ratio, 1.9; 95% CI, 1.2–2.9 per log mg–years/ to several agents present in the industry allowed
m3 unadjusted; and 1.6; 95% CI, 0.8–3.3 per log analyses of the exposures that were most strongly
mg–years/m3 adjusted for silicon carbide fibres associated with cancer incidence. However,
and non-fibrous silicon carbide). The unadjusted uncertainties still existed because historical total
incidence rate ratio with silicon carbide fibres was dust exposures before the late 1960s were estim-
1.9 (95% CI, 1.2–2.9 per log fibre–years/mL), but ated based only on knowledge about changes
when adjusted for cristobalite and non-fibrous in the work organization and working hours.
silicon carbide showed a weaker non-significant Correlations between estimated exposures to
association (incidence rate ratio, 1.3; 95% CI, several agents, including silicon carbide particles
0.7–2.6 per log fibre–years/mL). and crystalline silica, challenged the interpreta-
Data for all other cancer sites were reported tion of associations with silicon carbide fibres.]
by Bugge et al. (2010). Only one case of cancer
of the pleura (ICD-9 163) was reported among
long-term workers, resulting in an SIR of 0.8

Silicon carbide

2.3 Silicon-carbide user industry Materials Corporation (ACMC), Greer, SC, USA;
mean diameter, 0.45 μm; 984 whiskers/mL,
Five studies on the incidence of or mortality > 5 μm in length in airborne dust clouds). After
from cancer with data from industries that use exposure, the rats were allowed to live their full
silicon carbide were found, two of which were life-span, although the study was terminated
carried out in the abrasives producing industries. when the number of survivors in each group
Wegman & Eisen (1981) conducted a propor- decreased to 6. Moribund animals and those
tionate mortality study of abrasives manufac- surviving to the end of the study were killed
turers in Massachusetts, USA, and Edling et al. and the lungs were examined microscopically
(1987) studied cancer incidence among Swedish for tumours. In the silicon carbide whisker-ex-
workers manufacturing abrasives. The other posed rats, pulmonary carcinomas were present
three studies were performed in industries using in 5 out of 42 (12%) [not significant] animals,
abrasives for polishing. Sparks & Wegman (1980) pulmonary adenomas in 5 out of 42 (12%) [not
studied proportionate mortality among jewel- significant] animals, and pleural mesotheliomas
lery polishers in Massachusetts, USA, Järvholm in 10 out of 42 (24%) [P = 0.0003] animals (Davis
et al. (1982) studied cancer incidence among steel et al., 1996). A concurrent control group was not
polishers in Sweden, and Jakobsson et al. (1997) included in the study; however, the authors stated
studied cancer incidence among workers in a that in a group of control rats of the same strain
Swedish stainless steel factory. and maintained in the same laboratory from a
[These studies contained very little informa- previous study with a similar study design, the
tion on levels of exposure to dust in general and incidence of pulmonary adenoma was 1 out of 47
no information on exposure to silicon carbide (2%), that of pulmonary carcinoma was 1 out of
fibres specifically. Because the Working Group 47 (2%), and that of mesothelioma was 0 out of 47
had no evidence that workers producing or using (Davis et al., 1991). [The Working Group noted the
abrasive silicon carbide products have signif- absence of a concurrent control group. Statistical
icant exposure to silicon carbide fibres, these analysis was not performed by the authors, but
studies were not considered to be relevant for the statistics were calculated by the Working Group
evaluation.] based on the incidence of tumours reported for
the control group of the previous study.]
Two groups of 42 male Wistar rats (age, 4
3. Cancer in Experimental Animals weeks) were exposed by inhalation for 6  hours
per day on 5  days a week for 12 months to
Studies of fibrous silicon carbide in exper- silicon carbide whiskers (GM length, 2.8 μm;
imental animals were available only for silicon GM diameter, 0.5 μm; mass median aerody-
carbide whiskers and only in rats. namic diameter [MMAD], 2.4 μm; daily average
fibre count, 98  ±  19 whiskers/mL) or clean air
(control) and were killed 6  days, or 3, 6, or 12
3.1 Inhalation months after exposure. No lung tumours were
See Table 3.1 reported. However, 12 months after exposure,
Two groups of 40 AF/Han specific path- fibrotic changes were present in the lungs and
ogen-free rats [sex and age unspecified] were bronchiolo-alveolar hyperplasia was observed
exposed by inhalation for 7  hours per day on in two exposed animals (Akiyama et al., 2007).
5  days a week for approximately 12 months to [The Working Group noted that this study was
silicon carbide whiskers (Advanced Composite designed to evaluate the biopersistence of silicon

Table 3.1 Studies of carcinogenicity with silicon carbide whiskers in rats

Strain (sex) Dosing regimen, For each target organ: Significance Comments
Duration Animals/group at start incidence (%)
AF/Han 7 h/day, 5 days/wk, by inhalation, for Pulmonary carcinoma: [NS] Statistics, Fisher exact test; age at start, NR; no
(SPF) (NR) about 12 mo, then held for life control, 1/47 (2%); SiC-W, concurrent control group; a group of control animals
Lifetime SiC-W (ACMC): mean diameter, 5/42 (12%) of the same strain and maintained in the same
Davis et al. 0.45 μm; length, > 5 μm; 984 whiskers/mL Pulmonary adenoma: [NS] laboratory from a previous study with a similar design
(1996) 2 × 40/group control, 1/47 (2%), SiC-W, (Davis et al., 1991) was used by the Working Group

5/42 (12%) for statistical analysis instead of a concurrent control

Pleural mesothelioma: [P = 0.0003] group
control, 0/47; SiC-W,
10/42 (24%)
Wistar (M) 6 h/day, 5 days/wk, by inhalation, for Lung tumours: NS Rats (exposed and control) killed at 6 days (n = 10
24 mo 12 mo, then held for up to an additional 0/33, 0/31 and 10), 3 mo (n = 5 and 5), 6 mo (n = 5 and 5) or 12
Akiyama 12 mo Bronchiolo-alveolar NS mo (n = 11 and 13) after the 12 mo exposure period;
et al. (2007) 0 (clean air, control) or 98 ± 19 whiskers/ hyperplasia at 24 mo: although the study was 2 yr in duration, the exposure
mL (GM diameter, 0.5 μm; GM length, 0/13, 2/11 duration may have been too short to evaluate
2.8 μm; MMAD, 2.4 μm) carcinogenicity
F344/ Single administration, by intratracheal No treatment-related NS The duration of the study was probably too short to
NTacBR (F) instillation, then held for 18 mo mesotheliomas or other evaluate carcinogenicity; the Working Group noted
18 mo SiC-W-1 (GM diameter, 0.8 μm; GM malignant tumours reported the limited reporting of the study and the low dose
Vaughan length, 18.1 μm)/SiC-W-2 (GM diameter, used
et al. (1993) 1.5 μm; GM length, 19.0 μm) suspended
in PBS and instilled at doses of 1.0 or
5.0 mg/100 mL MRV; controls received
25/dose per group
Osborne- Single dose of 40 mg SiC-W or one of 71 Pleural sarcoma [P = 0.0001] Statistics, Fisher exact test; fibre dimensions NR;
Mendel (F) mineral fibres and particles dispersed [sarcomatoid mesothelioma]: statistics calculated by the Working Group, based on
2 yr in hardened gelatin and implanted onto Untreated controls, 1/248 a combination of controls (untreated), sham controls
Stanton et al. the left pleural surface (intrapleural (0.4%); sham controls, 8/267 (thoracotomy, no implant), and negative controls
(1981) implantation) after thoracotomy, then (3.0%); negative controls, (thoracotomy with non-fibrous implant) that were
held for 2 yr 16/562 (2.8%); combined controls (from numerous experiments) of the same
30–50/group controls, 25/1077 (2.3%); species, sex, and age, from the same laboratory
SiC-W-treated, 17/26 (65%)
Table 3.1 (continued)

Strain (sex) Dosing regimen, For each target organ: Significance Comments
Duration Animals/group at start incidence (%)
F344/N (F) Single dose by intrapleural injection (in Pleural mesothelioma:   Statistics, Fisher exact test; survival of rats treated
Up to 28 mo 4 mL saline) of 0 (50 rats) or 20 mg of control, 0/50; SiC-W-1, 27/30; [P = 0.0001], with SiC-W-1 or SiC-W-2 lower than that of controls
Johnson & SiC-W-1 (length, 4.5 μm; diameter, SiC-W-2, 26/30; SiC-W-3, [P = 0.0001],
Hahn (1996) 0.42 μm), SiC-W-2 (length, 20.1 μm; 7/30 [P = 0.0006]
diameter, 0.75 μm), or SiC-W-3 (length,
6.6 μm; diameter, 0.32 μm)
30/group unless otherwise specified
Wistar (F) Single dose 0 (72 rats), 0.05, 0.25, Mesothelioma or sarcoma in   Statistics, Fisher exact test; age at start NR; weight,
At least up to 1.25, 6.25, or 25 (48 rats) mg of SiC-W the abdominal cavity: 160 g; statistical analyses not reported by the authors;
130 wk (diameter, 0.31 μm; length, 3.1 μm) by control: 2/50 (4%); 0.05 mg, [NS], the study was compromised by an infectious disease
Pott et al. intraperitoneal injection in 2 mL of 2/16 (12.5%); 0.25 mg, 5/23 [P = 0.0285], of the lung in experimental months 12 and 13 that
(1991) saline, then held at least up to 130 wk (21.7%), 1.25 mg, 13/21 [P = 0.0001], significantly reduced the mean life span; the Working
36/group unless otherwise specified (61.9%); 6.25 mg, 23/30 [P = 0.0001], Group judged that this did not influence the induction
(76.7%); 25 mg, 36/37 (97.3%) [P = 0.0001] of abdominal cavity tumours
F344/ Single dose of 0 or 20 mg of SiC-W-2 No malignant mesothelioma NS SiC-W-2 from American Matrix, Knoxville, KY, USA
NTacfBR (F) (GM diameter, 1.5 μm; GM length, in SiC-W-2-treated or
18 mo 19.0 μm) by intraperitoneal injection in control groups and no
Vaughan 1 mL PBS, then held for 18 mo treatment-related tumours
et al. (1993) 20/group reported at other sites
AF/Han Single dose of 109 fibres/2 mL of SiC-W Mesothelioma: NA Age at start NR; mesotheliomas appeared most
(NR) (ACMC; mean diameter, 0.45 μm) or SiC-W, 22/24 (92%); glass rapidly in SiC-W-treated rats; time at which 50%
Lifetime glass microfibres (C100/475; mean microfibre, 8/24 (33%) survival was achieved, 257 days for SiC-W and 679
Davis et al. diameter, 0.32 μm) by intraperitoneal days for glass microfibres; no vehicle control group
(1996) injection in PBS, then held for life included in this study, so statistical analysis could not
Fibres all > 5 μm long be performed; the Working Group noted the limited
24/group reporting of the study
F344/Nslc Intraperitoneal injection Peritoneal mesothelioma NA Highest volume of an administration to rat in a week
(F) 5 or 10 mg (mean ± SD: 414 × 103 (epithelial or sarcomatous): was 5 mL; no vehicle controls in the study, therefore
Up to 2 yr whiskers/μg; length, 6.40 ± 2.45 μm; 10 mg SiC-W, 100% (within statistical analyses could not be performed; the
Adachi et al. diameter, 0.30 ± 1.58 μm) of SiC-W or 1 yr); 5 mg SiC-W, 70% Working Group noted the limited reporting of the
(2001) 10 mg of UICC chrysotile B (positive (within 1 yr); UICC study; length and diameter reported by Kohyama
control) fibres suspended in saline chrysotile B, 85% (within et al. (1997)
(1 mg/mL) by intraperitoneal injection; 2 yr)
animals were held up to 2 yr
330 rats divided into 24 groups [estimate,
ACMC, Advanced Composite Materials Corporation; d, day; F, female; GM, geometric mean; M, male; MMAD, mass median aerodynamic diameter; MRV, minute respiratory volume;

Silicon carbide

mo, month; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported; NS, not significant; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; SD, standard deviation; SiC-W, silicon carbide whisker; wk, week; yr, year

carbide whiskers and not as a carcinogenicity uniformly distributed mineral fibres, including
study.] silicon carbide whiskers [fibre dimensions
unspecified], into the left pleura after thoracotomy
and were followed for 2 years, at which time the
3.2 Intratracheal instillation survivors were killed and necropsied. Three
Groups of female Fischer 344/NTacfBR rats groups of controls from numerous experiments
(age, 9 weeks) received a single intratracheal instil- from the same laboratory were also available:
lation of one of two samples of silicon carbide untreated rats, sham controls that underwent
whiskers: SiC-W-1 (GM diameter, 0.8  μm; GM thoracotomy but no fibre implant, and rats that
length, 18.1 μm; Tateho, Inc., Japan) and SiC-W-2 received implants of non-fibrous materials.
(GM diameter, 1.5 μm; GM length, 19.0  μm; Fibrosarcomas of the left mammary gland and
American Matrix, Knoxville, KY, USA). The subcutaneous fibrosarcomas were considered
minute respiratory volume (MRV) was estim- to be spontaneous tumours or to be induced by
ated for each animal, and the test materials were the suture material. At 2 years, pleural sarcomas
suspended in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) [sarcomatoid mesotheliomas] were present in 25
and diluted to 1.0 mg/100 mL MRV (low dose) out of 1077 (2.3%) animals of the three control
and 5.0 mg/100 mL MRV (high dose). Each of groups (combined). The incidence of pleural
the two samples was administered to a minimum sarcomas in silicon carbide whisker-treated rats
of 50 rats, half of which received the low dose was 17 out of 26 (65%) [P = 0.0001] (Stanton et al.,
and half received the high dose. A group of 1981). [Statistical analysis was not reported by
control animals of similar size received the PBS the authors, but statistics were calculated by the
vehicle. The animals were killed 18 months after Working Group, based on the combination of
treatment, and the lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, controls from numerous experiments from the
heart, and incidental tumours were collected same laboratory.]
for histopathological evaluation. Exposure to Another study was conducted to deter-
SiC-W-1 and SiC-W-2 induced the develop- mine the potential of three samples of silicon
ment of pulmonary granulomas, and exposure carbide whiskers to induce mesothelioma after
to SiC-W-1 also produced bronchiolar mucosal intrapleural injection. Groups of female Fischer
hyperplasia. However, no mesotheliomas or other 344/N rats (age, 6–8 weeks) were given a single
malignant tumours that could be attributed to intrapleural injection of either 4 mL saline
treatment were observed (Vaughan et al., 1993). (vehicle controls; 50 rats), 20 mg of SiC-W-1
[The Working Group noted the limited reporting (length, 4.5 μm; diameter, 0.42 μm; 30 rats) in
of the study, the low dose used, and the duration 4 mL saline, SiC-W-2 (length,  20.1 μm; diam-
of the study that was probably too short for an eter, 0.75 μm; 30 rats) in 4 mL saline, or SiC-W-3
evaluation of carcinogenicity.] (length, 6.6 μm; diameter, 0.32 μm; 30 rats) in
4 mL saline. The rats were killed when moribund
or after 28 months. Animals were necropsied
3.3 Intrapleural implantation and the incidence of pleural mesotheliomas was
In a study to evaluate the relationship determined after microscopical examination.
between fibre dimension and carcinogenicity, The survival of rats treated with SiC-W-1 or
groups of 30–50 female Osborne-Mendel rats SiC-W-2 was significantly shorter than that of
(age, 12–20 weeks) were implanted with a hard- saline controls (P < 0.05). The incidence of pleural
ened gelatin pellet containing 40 mg of one of 72 mesothelioma in rats treated with SiC-W-1 or
SiC-W-2 was 27 out of 30 [P  =  0.0001] and 26

Silicon carbide

out of 30 [P  =  0.0001], respectively. SiC-W-3 whisker-treated animals; however, no malignant

caused pleural mesotheliomas in 7 out of 30 rats mesotheliomas were found. No treatment-related
[P  =  0.0006]. No pleural mesotheliomas were tumours were reported at other sites (Vaughan
identified in the 50 saline controls (Johnson & et al., 1993).
Hahn, 1996). A study was conducted to assess the ability
of SiC-W to produce mesotheliomas. Groups
of 24 AF/Han rats [sex and age unspecified]
3.4 Intraperitoneal injection received a single intraperitoneal injection of 109
Groups of female Wistar rats [age not fibres (length, > 5 μm) of silicon carbide whiskers
reported] (weight, 160 g) were given a single (ACMC) or glass microfibres (C100/475)
intraperitoneal injection of 0.05 (36 rats), 0.25 (36 suspended in 2 mL PBS. The incidence of meso-
rats), 1.25 (36 rats), 6.25 (36 rats) or 25 (48 rats) theliomas was 22 out of 24 (92%) for silicon
mg of silicon carbide whiskers (length, 3.1  μm; carbide whiskers and 8 out of 24 (33%) for glass
diameter, 0.31  μm) in 2  mL saline. A control microfibres. Mesotheliomas appeared more
group of 72 rats received weekly intraperitoneal rapidly in silicon carbide whisker-treated rats.
injections of 2 mL of saline for 5 weeks. Animals The time at which 50% survival was achieved
surviving until termination of the experiment was 257 days for silicon carbide whiskers and 679
were observed for up to 130 weeks. The number days for glass microfibres (Davis et al., 1996). [A
of rats with mesothelioma or sarcoma in the vehicle control group was not included in this
abdominal cavity relative to the number of rats study and statistical analysis was not performed.
examined that survived at least 56 weeks or died The Working Group also noted the limited
earlier with tumours was: control, 2 out of 50 reporting of the study.]
(4%); 0.05 mg, 2 out of 16 (12.5%) [not significant]; Groups of 13–14 female Fischer 344/Nslc rats
0.25 mg, 5 out of 23 (21.7%) [P = 0.0285]; 1.25 mg, (age, 5 weeks) received intraperitoneal injections
13 out of 21 (61.9%) [P = 0.0001]; 6.25 mg, 23 out of 5 or 10 mg of silicon carbide whiskers (length,
of 30 (76.7%) [P = 0.0001]; and 25 mg, 36 out of (mean ± standard deviation [SD]), 6.40 ± 2.45 μm;
37 (97.3%) [P  =  0.0001] (Pott et al., 1991). [The diameter (mean ± SD), 0.30 ± 1.58 μm (reported
study was compromised by an infectious disease by Kohyama et al., 1997); 414 × 103 whiskers/μg)
of the lung that occurred during experimental suspended in saline (1 mg/mL). A third group of
months 12 and 13 and significantly reduced the rats was injected with 10 mg of UICC chrysotile
mean lifespan. The Working Group judged that B as a positive control. The greatest volume
this did not influence the induction of abdom- administered to rats in a week was 5 mL. The
inal cavity tumours. Statistical analyses were not animals were observed for up to 2  years. Dead
reported by the authors.] and moribund animals were necropsied and
Groups of 20 female Fischer F344/NTacfBR fixed tissues were examined microscopically for
rats (age, 9 weeks) received a single intra- peritoneal mesothelioma. All rats given 10 mg of
peritoneal injection of 0 or 20 mg of silicon silicon carbide whiskers and 70% of rats injected
carbide whiskers (SiC-W-2; GM diameter, with 5 mg of silicon carbide whiskers devel-
1.5 μm; GM length, 19.0 μm; American Matrix) oped peritoneal mesotheliomas within 1  year.
in 1 mL of PBS and were killed 18 months later, Microscopically, the tumour cells exhibited a
at which time the lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, variety of characteristics including epithelial
heart, and incidental tumours were collected or sarcomatous structures. UICC chrysotile
for histopathological evaluation. Peritoneal B produced peritoneal mesotheliomas in 85%
fibrosis occurred in 90% of the silicon carbide of treated rats by the end of the study (2 years)


(Adachi et al., 2001). [The Working Group noted 6 hours per day on 5 days per week for 4 weeks to
the limited reporting of the study. The authors 10.4 (± 0.5) mg/m3 (214 ± 31 fibres/mL). The GM
stated that 330 rats were divided into 24 groups, fibre length was 2.2 µm (GSD, 1.9), indicating that
but the exact number of rats per treatment group > 90% of fibres were less than 10 µm in length,
was not reported and was assumed to be 13–14 the GM fibre diameter was 0.4 µm (GSD, 1.6),
per group. No vehicle controls were available and the MMAD was 2.5 µm (GSD, 2.7). A total of
and statistical analyses could therefore not be 77 rats (42 exposed, 35 unexposed controls) were
performed.] studied, and groups of 5 or 12 rats were killed
3 days, 2 weeks, and 1, 2, 3, 6, and 12 months after
exposure. The average lung burdens of silicon
4. Mechanistic and Other carbide measured at each time-point after expo-
Relevant Data sure were: 0.60, 0.52, 0.44, 0.36, 0.34, 0.19, and
0.07 mg, respectively. The deposition fraction of
silicon carbide whiskers in the lungs was estim-
4.1 Deposition, phagocytosis, ated by calculating the ratio of the measured
retention, translocation, and mass of silicon carbide in the lungs divided by the
clearance mass of silicon carbide whiskers inhaled during
the exposure. The mass of inhaled silicon carbide
The characteristics of the silicon carbide was calculated by multiplying the average expo-
forms employed in experimental studies are sure concentration by the total exposure time by
reported in Table 4.1. the respiratory volume. The estimated average
total mass inhaled was reported as 12.5 mg, and
4.1.1 Humans the apparent deposition fraction (as a percentage)
Several studies have been published con­ - was reported as 4.8%. [These reported values can
cerning the occupational exposure of humans be calculated as follows: total mass inhaled –
to silicon carbide (see Table 4.2). In the human 12.5 mg = 10.4 mg/m 3 × (6 h/day × 5 days/week × 4

setting, very little is known regarding the specific weeks × 60 min/h) × 0.167 L/min × (1 m /1000 L);

deposition, phagocytosis, and translocation of deposition fraction – 4.8% = (0.6 mg (silicon carbide

silicon carbide fibres in the lungs, with the excep- lung burden on day 3 after exposure)/12.5 mg) × 100.]
tion of studies of silicon carbide in human mono- The minute ventilation of 0.167 L/min used in the
cytes in vitro (Nordsletten et al., 1996). However, calculations herein was estimated to obtain the
it is clear that silicon carbide fibres are highly reported total inhaled mass of silicon carbide (i.e.
respirable (Funahashi et al., 1984; Dufresne et al., 12.5 mg) (Akiyama et al., 2003). This was lower
1993, 1995). by a factor of 4 than the value of 0.037 L/min for
mice reported by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA, 1988, 2006), but was very similar
4.1.2 Experimental animals
to the value of 0.165 L/min (165 cm3/min) for
See Table 4.3 mice reported by Shvedova et al. (2008).
In a 1-year whole-body inhalation study (with
(a) Deposition exposure conditions similar to those in Akiyama
The deposition fraction of silicon carbide et al. (2003)), the mass of silicon carbide whiskers
whiskers (TWS-100; 98% silicon carbide; CAS deposited in each rat lung 6 days after exposure
No. 409-21-2) was estimated in the lungs of male (measured by X-ray diffraction) was 5.3 ± 1.4 mg.
Wistar rats exposed by whole-body inhalation for The lung deposition fraction (as a percentage)

Silicon carbide

mucociliary escalator. However, fibres that are

Table 4.1 Main characteristics of the forms physically longer than macrophages cannot be
of silicon carbide employed in experimental
fully engulfed or effectively cleared (Lippmann,
1993; Oberdörster, 1994). Rat macrophages are
Silicon carbide form Particle/fibre type Purity approximately 10–13 µm long (human alve-
Abrasive dust from Mixture of particles, High olar macrophages are approximately 14–21 µm
the Acheson processa fibres and fibre level of long) (Stone et al., 1992; Oberdörster, 2000).
fragments impurities Fibres that are not cleared by macrophages
Whiskers Needle-like single Pure
crystals could undergo dissolution and breakage over
Nanoparticles Isometric Pure time (depending on their solubility in biological
nanoparticles fluids) or enter the lymphatic system if shorter
a In one study (Dufresne et al., 1992), the angular fragments and (e.g. < 5 µm in length) (Oberdörster et al., 1988;
fibres isolated from the Acheson process were studied separately
Murphy et al., 2011). Fibres may also be actively
transported to the lymphatic system by alveolar
was estimated to be 12.9% (calculated as in
macrophages, as was shown for particles in dogs,
Akiyama et al. (2003)), which was higher than
in which macrophages carried red fluorescent
the estimated 4.8% deposition estimated after 4
microspheres (diameter, 1.3 µm; 5  ×  1010 parti-
weeks of inhalation exposure (Akiyama et al.,
cles instilled per lung) to the regional tracheo-
2007). [In the calculation of deposition frac-
bronchial lymph nodes (Harmsen et al., 1985).
tions in Akiyama et al. (2003, 2007), the use of
Studies of silicon carbide have reported that
the measured lung dose at the end of the 4-week
most structures are < 10 µm in length and insol-
or 12-month exposure period would not have
uble (Dufresne et al., 1992; Searl et al., 1999;
accounted for the portion of deposited silicon
Akiyama et al., 2003). Thus, macrophage-me-
carbide whiskers that were cleared from the lungs
diated clearance of these structures would be
during the exposure period. Thus, the deposition
expected at lung doses that do not cause over-
fraction would be underestimated by the amount
loading (e.g. 0.6 mg in rats) (Akiyama et al.,
that was cleared during the exposure period (and
2003). However, a proportion of silicon carbide
therefore not measured in the lungs at the end of
fibres may be longer; Akiyama et al. (2003)
the exposure).]
reported that approximately 10% of silicon
See Sections 4.1.2 (d) and 4.1.2 (e) for more
carbide whiskers were >  10 µm in length and
information on the retention and clearance of
Miller et al. (1999) estimated that approximately
silicon carbide in the 4-week and 1-year inhal-
30% of silicon carbide whiskers were > 10 µm in
ation studies (Akiyama et al., 2003, 2007), each
length. Longer insoluble fibres that are inhaled
with follow-up examinations at up to 12 months
and deposited in the alveolar region would be
after exposure.
unlikely to be cleared by macrophages or to
(b) Phagocytosis dissolve, and would therefore have long retention
half-times in the lungs.
Inhaled fibres can be deposited in the A study in Syrian golden hamsters showed
pulmonary (alveolar) region of the lungs, that silicon carbide whiskers were taken up
depending on their aerodynamic or diffusion by primary alveolar macrophages obtained
diameter, their shape, and orientation in the from the BALF. SEM showed that some of the
air stream (Asgharian & Yu, 1989a, b). Alveolar macrophages were penetrated by fibres that
macrophages can phagocytize shorter fibres (e.g. were longer than the cells. A dose-dependent
< 5 µm) and clear them from the lungs via the effect of the silicon carbide whiskers on the cell

Table 4.2 Studies of occupational exposure to silicon carbide

Setting Activity Sampling event parameters Concentration of silicon carbide Reference

Two workers Manufacturing Personal exposure over many years; bilateral NR Funahashi
in a factory refractory bricks reticulonodular densities on chest radiograms; biopsy et al. (1984)
using silicon from one patient revealed fibrosed alveolar septums;
carbide X-ray powder diffraction analysis of the lung tissue
revealed at least 6 different types of silicon carbides,
traces of tungsten carbide, and an insignificant
amount of quartz

Silicon- 145 production Respiratory symptoms (phlegm, wheeze, and mild Cumulative exposure to sulfur dioxide averaged Osterman
carbide workers with an exertional dyspnea) were more closely associated with 1.94 (range, 0.02–19.5) ppm–years; low-level et al. (1989)
factory average of 13.9 exposure to sulfur dioxide than exposure to silicon exposures to respirable dust also occurred
workers with (range, 3–41) yr of carbide (0.63 ± 0.26 mg/m3); cumulative exposure to dust
low levels of employment in this was significantly associated with chronic wheeze in
exposure to industry the 10–20 mg-yrs/m3 exposure category (odds ratio,
sulfur dioxide 3.45; P < 0.05, chi-squared statistics)
267 silicon Production of silicon Chest opacities (profusion q1/0 and q2/1) on X-ray No exposure concentrations exceeded the Marcer et al.
carbide carbide abrasive film were correlated with cumulative exposure to permissible limits during the study period. (1992)
factory (carborundum) dust; pulmonary function was affected by cumulative (0.30–1.0 mg/m3)
workers dust exposure, profusion of opacities, and smoking
Silicon Working near a At autopsy, the concentration of silicon carbide fibres NR Dufresne
carbide Acheson furnace longer than 5 µm was 39 300 fibres/mg dry lung; the et al. (1993)
factory worker of a silicon carbide fibres had a similar morphology to those observed in
plant for 42 yr the working environment
Silicon 15 Canadian men Five men had neither lung fibrosis nor lung cancer Excess pulmonary retention of silicon carbide fibres Dufresne
carbide who worked in the (NFNC), 6 had lung fibrosis (LF), and 4 had lung ≥ 5 µm in LF and LFLC cases et al. (1995)
factory primary silicon fibrosis and lung cancer (LFLC); the workers had
workers carbide industry 23–32 yr of exposure, with means of 23.4 (SD, 6.9) yr
in the NFNC group, 28.8 (SD, 5.5) yr in the LF, and
32.3 (SD, 9.0) yr in the LFLC group
Three Identification and Silicon carbide fibres generated during the industrial Fibre concentration (106 fibres/m3) during mixing Bye et al.
Norwegian quantification of production of silicon carbide; most fibres found of raw material (0.3 in plant A; 0.1–1.9 in plant B; (1985)
silicon carbide airborne fibrous during the mixing of the raw material; 47 different 1.8–4.9 in plant C)a
plants particles in the dust samples examined; several α-silicon carbide
plants polytypes were present along the axis in each single
fibre particle; no fibrous particles were observed in the
final abrasive products
Table 4.2 (continued)

Setting Activity Sampling event parameters Concentration of silicon carbide Reference

Canadian Report on the In the Canadian silicon-carbide production plants, Highest 8-h time-weighted average concentrations Dion et al.
silicon- concentration of two silica polymorphs, quartz, and cristobalite, were of fibres were found among crusher and backhoe (2005)
carbide silicon carbide present as respirable particulates; respirable silicon attendants and carboselectors (arithmetic means of
production fibres, crystalline carbide fibres were present in Norwegian and Italian 0.63 fibres/mL and 0.51 fibres/mL, respectively)
plants silica, and respirableoccupational settings at a higher concentration than
dust in the plants in the Canadian industries
Norwegian 1687 long-term Lifetime occupational exposure of workers based Total dust: low, 0–28.6 mg–yrs/m3; medium, Bugge et al.
silicon carbide Norwegian silicon on total dust, silicon carbide, and crystalline silica 28.7–86.1 mg–yrs/m3; high, > 86.2 mg–yrs/m3 (2011)
industry carbide workers concentrations found in the silicon carbide industry Silicon carbide dust: low, 0–0.7 mg–yrs/m3;
employed from 1913 associated with increased mortality from non- medium, 0.8–2.6 mg–yrs/m3; high, > 2.7 mg–yrs/m3
to 2003 malignant respiratory diseases (obstructive lung
disease); exposure–response relationships were found
for both silicon carbide and crystalline silica (twofold
Norwegian Silicon carbide Cumulative exposure to total and respirable dust, Exposure level and lung cancer risk most significant Bugge et al.
silicon carbide workers (see Bugge respirable quartz, cristobalite, and silicon carbide for total dust and cristobalite; a moderate (2012)
industry et al., 2011) particles and silicon carbide fibres was assessed association with silicon carbide
Employees in All employees, age The annual change in forced expiratory volume (FEV) Dust exposure, expressed by a quantitative job– Johnsen
Norwegian 20–55 yr at inclusion in one second per squared height (FEV1/height 2) exposure matrix, was found to be associated with et al. (2013)
silicon carbide (n = 456), were per mg/m3 increase in dust exposure was −2.3 (95% an increased yearly decline in FEV1 in employees of
plants examined annually confidence interval, −3.8 to −0.79) (mL/m2)/yr Norwegian silicon carbide plants
for up to 5 yr (1499
Number of samples: plant A, 1; plant B, 7; plant C, 4
NR, not reported; yr, year

Silicon carbide
Table 4.3 Kinetics of silicon carbide in experimental animals

Type of silicon Dimensions and Species Route of exposure Duration of Findings Comments Reference
carbide surface area (age and and dose/exposure study
sex) concentration
Silicon carbide GM length, 2.2 µm Wistar rat Whole-body 4-wk Average lung burdens of silicon   Akiyama et
whiskers (CAS (GSD, 1.9); GM (male; age, inhalation; 10.4 exposure carbide whiskers were 0.60, al. (2003)
No. 409-21-2), diameter, 0.4 µm 9 wk) (± 0.5) mg/m3 (6 h/day, 0.52, 0.44, 0.36, 0.34, 0.19, and
TWS-100 (Tokai (GSD, 1.6); MMAD, (214 ± 31 fibres/mL) 5 days/wk); 0.07 mg, respectively, at the
Carbon Co.); 2.5 µm (GSD, 2.7) animals time-points after exposure;

98% silicon killed 3 days, estimated total mass inhaled

carbide 2 wk, 1, 2, was 12.5 mg; lung deposition
3, 6, or 12 fraction estimated at 4.8%;
mo after estimated biological t1/2 of 4 mo
Silicon carbide GM length, 2.4 µm Wistar rat Whole-body 1-yr Lung burden of silicon   Akiyama et
whiskers, (GSD, 2.3); GM (male; age, inhalation; 2.6 exposure carbide whiskers 6 days after al. (2007)
TWS-100 diameter, 0.5 µm 4 wk) (± 0.4) mg/m3 (6 h/day, exposure was 5.3 ± 1.4 mg;
(Tokai Carbon (GSD, 1.5); MMAD, (98 ± 19 fibres/mL) 5 days/wk); lung deposition fraction was
Co.) [same as 2.4 µm (GSD 2.4) animals estimated at 12.9%. At 6 days,
Akiyama et al. killed 6 days, 3, 6, and 12 mo after exposure,
(2003)] 3, 6, or 12 respectively: mean fibre
mo after diameter: 0.32, 0.29, 0.35, and
exposure 0.32 µm; mean fibre length:
1.55, 1.40, 1.90, and 2.62 µm;
estimated biological t1/2 of 16 mo
Table 4.3 (continued)

Type of silicon Dimensions and Species Route of exposure Duration of Findings Comments Reference
carbide surface area (age and and dose/exposure study
sex) concentration
Silicon carbide Fibre distribution Wistar rat Intratracheal 3 days, 1, Mean fibre number in the   Searl et
whiskers injected: 821, (male; age instillation (Searl 6, and 12 lungs was 80.9 × 106 at 3 days al. (1999),
(ACMC) 577, 387, 307, 185, NR) et al., 1999); mo after and 29.3 × 106 at 12 mo after Miller et al.
and 121 × 106 for intraperitoneal exposure exposure by intratracheal (1999)
cumulative length injection (Miller instillation; retention of fibres
categories of > 0.4, et al., 1999) 1 yr after exposure was 36%;
> 5, > 8, > 10, [intratracheal mean fibre diameter for all
> 15, and > 20 µm, instillation also fibres > 0.4 µm long was 0.48
respectively (fibre mentioned in µm at 3 days and 0.50 µm at
diameter < 0.95 µm); Miller et al. (1999)]; 12 mo after exposure; that for
1–4 × 106 fibres per 14.2 mg (821 × 106 fibres > 20 µm long was 0.53
cumulative length fibres > 0.4 µm µm at 3 days and 0.55 µm at
category (fibre long) 12 mo; no significant change
diameter > 0.95 µm) in the length of whiskers up
to 12 mo after exposure; the
ratio of complex whiskers (i.e.
> 1 fibrous component) to
single whiskers was unchanged
over the 12 mo period; the
estimated retention of fibres
in the cumulative length
categories (> 0.4, > 5, > 8, > 10,
> 15, and > 20 µm) was 52.6,
53.7, 47.7, 49.2, 54.5, and 59.2%,

Silicon carbide
Table 4.3 (continued)

Type of silicon Dimensions and Species Route of exposure Duration of Findings Comments Reference
carbide surface area (age and and dose/exposure study
sex) concentration
Silicon carbide Non-fibrous Sheep [see Injection of 100 mg BALF was Mass concentration of Samples collected Dufresne et
(carborundum) (angular) or fibrous; Bégin et of either fibrous or obtained carborundum in BALF at 2 mo from a workplace al. (1992)
largest fibres, ~30 µm al. (1985, non-fibrous silicon before and was ~60 and 200 ng/mL for furnace;
in length and 0.5 µm 1989) carbide (in 100 mL 2, 4, 6, and fibrous and non-fibrous silicon fibrous sample
in diameter; mean for more saline) into the 8 mo after carbide, respectively; estimated contained several

diameter of non- details] tracheal lung lobe exposure clearance t1/2 of 1.7 or 5.8 mo, morphological types
fibrous particles, respectively, for the sheep in of fibre as well as
0.92 µm the fibrous or non-fibrous angular particles
groups; average retained lung (27% by wt) and
dose in tracheal lobe 8 mo after graphite (5% by wt);
exposure was 219 ng/mg dry non-fibrous sample
lung in the non-fibrous group, was ~90% silicon
and 4.6 and 58 ng/mg dry lung carbide and 10%
for fibrous and angular silicon aluminium oxide
carbide, respectively, in the
fibrous group
Silicon carbide Information on size Mouse Intraperitoneal 14 days after Elevated mass levels of silicon   Holt (1950)
(carborundum) NR [carborundum (strain, injection; ~4 mg of exposure dioxide measured in liver,
dust separated from sex, and carborundum silica spleen, and abdominal lymph
powder, suggesting age NR) (as silicon dioxide) glands 14 days after injection;
fine-sized (vs in peanut oil those in kidney were slightly
ultrafine-sized) elevated relative to those
fraction was used] in controls; carborundum
(expressed as silicon doxide)
not measurably excreted in
urine during the 14 days after
ACMC, Advanced Composite Materials Corporation; BALF, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; MMAD, mass median aerodynamic diameter; mo, month; GM, geometric mean; GSD,
geometric standard deviation; NR, not reported; t½, retention half-life; wk, week; wt, weight; yr, year
Silicon carbide

cytoskeleton function was observed by magneto- or tissue dose as silica dioxide is unclear; in the
metry (a technique involving pretreatment of publication, the footnote to Table  2 states that
cells with magnetite). Impaired cytoskeleton values are expressed as silica dioxide for easy
function was observed at the lowest dose tested comparison. The Working Group also noted
(20 µg/mL) (Watanabe et al., 2000). [Loss of that, in the publication, the rows within dust
function of the macrophage cytoskeleton (which material in Tables  1, 2, and 3 are not labelled
includes microtubules, microfilaments, and but might be assumed to be individual mouse
intermediate filaments) could alter mobility of data; the units of “Dust injected” in Table 2 are
the cells as well as cell polarity, the integrity of the not specified, and what those values represent is
cytoplasm, and transport of organelles, resulting therefore not clear.]
in a reduced ability of alveolar macrophages to
phagocytize and clear silicon carbide (and other (d) Retention
exogenous materials) from the lungs.] (i) Rats
The biopersistence of silicon carbide whiskers
(c) Translocation
was studied in male Wistar rats after a 1-year
The disposition of various silica compounds, whole-body inhalation exposure for 6 hours per
including carborundum (silicon carbide), was day on 5 days per week to an average daily expo-
evaluated in mice [strain and sex unspecified]; sure concentration of 2.6 (± 0.4) mg/m3 (98 ± 19
solubility in vivo was determined by meas- fibres/mL) (Akiyama et al., 2007). The GM fibre
uring the amount excreted in the urine after length was 2.4 µm (GSD, 2.3), the GM fibre diam-
intraperitoneal injection of the dust samples. eter was 0.5 µm (GSD, 1.5), and the MMAD was
[Information on particle size was not provided. 2.4 µm (GSD, 2.4). Groups of rats were killed
The statement that the carborundum dust was 6 days and 3, 6, or 12 months after the exposure,
separated from carborundum powder using a and the lungs were processed for measurement
commercial type elutriator suggests that a fine- of the silicon carbide mass retained as well as the
sized rather than an ultrafine-sized fraction was determination of fibre sizes. The average depos-
used.] Approximately 4 mg of carborundum ited mass of silicon carbide in rat lungs (6 days
silica (expressed as silica dioxide) in peanut after exposure) was 5.3 ± 1.4 mg. The deposition
oil was injected intraperitoneally. Elevated fraction (as a percentage) was estimated to be
mass levels of silica dioxide were measured in 12.9% [calculated as in Akiyama et al. (2003)].
the liver, spleen, and abdominal lymph glands The mean fibre dimensions of silicon carbide
(para-aortic, iliac, and mesenteric) 14 days after measured in the lungs were: 0.32, 0.29, 0.35, or
the injection of carborundum. The mass levels 0.32 µm in diameter and 1.55, 1.40, 1.90, and
of silica dioxide in the kidney were also elevated 2.62 µm in length, at 6 days, 3, 6, or 12 months,
relative to those in control (unexposed) mice, respectively. These results show that the mean
but to a much lesser degree compared with the diameter of fibres retained in the lungs did not
elevated levels in the liver, spleen, and lymph change appreciably during the observation period
nodes. Carborundum (as expressed by silica after exposure. However, the mean length of the
dioxide content) was not measurably soluble or fibres retained appeared to increase at the 6- and
excreted in urine during a 14-day period after 12-month time-points after exposure (Akiyama
exposure in mice (Holt, 1950). [The Working et al., 2007). These findings are consistent with
Group noted that the relationship between the those of other studies that showed reduced clear-
administered dose of carborundum and the ance and increased retention of the longer fibres
expression of the carborundum administered


for some types of fibres (e.g. amosite) (Searl et al., The fibres were counted and sized using SEM. The
1999; Yamato et al., 2003). However, Searl et al. mean (standard error) number of silicon carbide
(1999) found no significant change in the length fibres in the lungs was 80.9 (14) × 106 at 3 days
of silicon carbide whiskers in the lungs of rats and 29.3 (6.6) × 106 at 12 months after injection.
12 months after intratracheal instillation. [The Retention of 36% of silicon carbide fibres was
estimated deposition fraction was calculated measured in rat lungs 1 year after intratracheal
from the ratio of the measured silicon carbide exposure. The mean diameter of the silicon
lung burden at the end of the exposure to the carbide fibres recovered was similar throughout
estimated total inhaled mass of silicon carbide. the observation period. The mean diameter for
As such, the amount of silicon carbide that was all fibres > 0.4 µm in length was 0.48 µm at 3 days
cleared from the lungs during the exposure and 0.50 µm at 12 months after exposure, and
period (e.g. by macrophage-mediated clearance) that for fibres > 20 µm in length was 0.53 µm at
was not considered, which would result in an 3 days and 0.55 µm at 12 months after exposure.
underestimation of the daily deposition frac- The persistence rates of silicon carbide showed
tion. The higher estimated deposition fraction no length specificity.
after the 1-year exposure (Akiyama et al., 2007) The retention of length fibres in the lungs at
compared with that estimated after the 4-week 12 months after exposure by intratracheal instil-
exposure (Akiyama et al., 2003) may in part be lation was reported as the percentage of fibres in
due to the higher total lung burden and reduced the same cumulative length categories (Miller
clearance rate of the rats in the 1-year exposure et al., 1999). Four rats per group were killed
study.] 3  days after injection and at three additional
Searl et al. (1999) measured the biopersistence time-points, and the retained fibre number in the
of nine mineral fibre types, including silicon lungs was determined using the same counting
carbide whiskers, for up to 12 months after and sizing criteria as for the injected samples.
intratracheal injection in male specific patho- The biopersistence was estimated by fitting an
gen-free Wistar rats [as reported in Miller et al. exponential decay model to the fibre count and
(1999)]. The silicon carbide whiskers (Advanced data on time after exposure. These data were
Composite Materials Corporation (ACMC)) were re-expressed as the expected percentage of fibres
described as semi-crystalline often with small remaining in the lungs 12 months after exposure.
hooks at one end and/or buds along their length. The estimated percentages of retained silicon
Approximately 40% of the fibres consisted of two carbide whiskers in the cumulative length cate-
or more “fully developed, bonded” whiskers. gories (i.e. > 0.4, > 5, > 8, > 10, > 15, and > 20 µm)
The silicon carbide was used in high-tempera- were 52.6, 53.7, 47.7, 49.2, 54.5, and 59.2%,
ture composite materials and was supplied as a respectively. Among the nine fibre types exam-
fine powder of whiskers, which was reportedly ined, silicon carbide whiskers showed the greatest
entirely within the respirable size range [the percentage of retained total fibres (53% weighted
particle size distribution of the powder was not average) 12 months after exposure. [The Working
reported, but fibres in the rat lungs were reported Group noted the difference in the 36% versus
to be up to 20 µm in length or greater]. After 53% weighted average retention.] The ratio of
injection of 14.2 mg (821  ×  106 fibres >  0.4 µm complex silicon carbide whiskers (i.e. more than
in length) [reported in Miller et al. (1999)], the one fibrous component) to single silicon carbide
lung fibre burdens of silicon carbide (recovered whiskers reportedly remained unchanged over
by bleach digestion of lung tissue) were measured the 12 months experiments because their disso-
3 days, and 1, 6, and 12 months after injection. lution was expected to be “immeasurably small.”

Silicon carbide

Miller et al. (1999) studied factors such as > 5 µm in rat lungs. The lowest median survival
biopersistence and fibre dimensions as predic- of rats injected with the nine fibre types exam-
tors of mesothelioma, which was measured as ined was found for silicon carbide whiskers in
survival time in rats exposed by intraperitoneal this study.
injection to nine different fibre types, including (ii) Sheep
silicon carbide whiskers [the experimental data
were reported in Searl et al. (1999)]. The silicon During the production of silicon carbide,
carbide whiskers were prepared as a respirable also known commercially as carborundum, both
size sample and counted and sized by optical fibrous and angular particles can be emitted.
and electron microscopy. Fibres were counted Samples of two types of silicon carbide were
if their length:diameter aspect ratio was greater obtained from the Acheson furnaces of a silicon
than 3:1 and the length was greater than 0.4 µm. carbide plant (Dufresne et al., 1992). The silicon
The counted fibres were sized by diameter and carbide was reportedly obtained from the field
length (in 0.1  µm increments). The silicon because no reference material was available. The
carbide whiskers included structures with non-fibrous (angular) silicon carbide sample was
complex shapes (e.g. multiple branches), which collected from the centre of the hot material at
required a more detailed system of quantifica- the end of the firing process, and the fibrous
tion that involved recording the dimensions silicon carbide sample was collected from the
of each branch (as if a separate fibre) as well as outside of the cylindrical lump near the graphite
estimating these structures as rectangles (with core. The non-fibrous sample was ground, sieved,
length measured parallel to the longest branch and micronized (10 µm), while the fibrous sample
and width at the thickest branch). Miller et al. was disaggregated by grinding at cold tempera-
(1999) used the estimated rectangular dimen- ture (near liquid nitrogen).
sions of silicon carbide in their analysis. The The prepared samples were analysed by
target fibre doses were 109 fibres ≥  5 µm in SEM, TEM, and energy dispersive spectrometer
length, which resulted in different mass doses of X-rays. At least five morphological types of
across fibre types. The injected mass dose of particle were identified: isolated fibrils, aggre-
length whiskers was 14.2 mg (suspended in gated fibrils, rectilinear fibres, corrugated
sterile physiological saline). Most of the length fibres, and angular particles. All particles in the
fibres had diameters of less than approximately non-fibrous sample were reported to be angular
1 µm. The length distribution of injected fibres in shape (Dufresne et al., 1992). The non-fibrous
was reported as: 821, 577, 387, 307, 185, or material consisted of a particular polymorph of
121 × 106 fibres in cumulative length categories carborundum as well as an aluminium oxide
of > 0.4, > 5, > 8, > 10, > 15, and > 20 µm, respect- corundum (estimated at approximately 90 and
ively. Fibre numbers with diameters greater 10%, respectively). In contrast, the fibrous
than approximately 1 µm were: 4, 3, 3, 3, 3, or sample contained several morphological types
1 x 106 fibres, respectively, in the same length of fibre as well as angular particles (27% by
categories. weight) and graphite (5% by weight). The size
Combining the data from all nine fibre types distribution of the particles in the fibrous sample
examined in a regression analysis, Miller et al. was not measured, although the largest fibres
(1999) estimated the most predictive factors of were reported to be approximately 30 µm in
survival of rats for deaths from all causes or length and 0.5 µm in diameter. The size distribu-
mesothelioma were the number of fibres > 20 µm tion of the non-fibrous particles was measured
in length injected and the biopersistence of fibres by a Coulter Counter; 95% of the particles were


less than 2 µm in “equivalent” diameter and the after exposure show a faster rate of clearance in
mean diameter was 0.92 µm. the fibrous group. From these data, the authors
Groups of eight sheep (weighing 25–45 kg) estimated the clearance half-time (t1/2) [i.e. the
were studied for the pulmonary clearance of time required to reduce the lung dose by half] to
silicon carbide up to 8 months after injection of be 1.7 or 5.8 months, respectively, for the sheep in
100 mg of either fibrous or non-fibrous silicon the fibrous or non-fibrous groups. Lower reten-
carbide (in 100 mL of saline) into the tracheal tion of fibrous versus angular silicon carbide was
lobe. The administered dose (“exposure”) of also reported in the lung parenchyma (tracheal
non-fibrous (angular silicon carbide) was estim- lobe tissue), i.e. the retention of silicon carbide in
ated to be 90 mg [i.e. by subtraction of the 10% the lung tissue in the fibrous group was approx-
aluminium oxide corundum], and the admin- imately 30 times lower than that in the non-fi-
istered dose of fibrous silicon carbide was estim- brous group. The “retention rate” of the angular
ated to be 95 mg [i.e. by subtraction of the 5% fraction of the fibrous silicon carbide was nearly
carbon], which comprised 27 mg of angular the same as that of the non-fibrous (angular)
and 68 mg of fibrous silicon carbide. BALF was silicon carbide. The average retained lung tissue
obtained before and 2, 4, 6, and 8 months after dose measured in the tracheal lobe at 8 months
exposure by slow infusion of four 50-mL aliquots after exposure was 219 ng/mg of dry lung tissue in
of PBS through the bronchoscope and by gentle the non-fibrous (angular) silicon carbide group,
aspiration of the effluent. The fourth syringe of and 4.6 and 58 ng/mg for fibrous and angular
BALF was retained for particle analysis. [The silicon carbide, respectively, in the fibrous group
rationale for not including the first three syringes (Dufresne et al., 1992). The “retention rate” was
of BALF is unclear because that approach would calculated as the ratio of the “retention” (ng/
seem to reduce the yield of particles and cells mg)/“exposure” (mg) (i.e. the administered dose
from the BALF, resulting in lower estimates of silicon carbide).
of the carborundum in the BALF.] Sheep were [The Working Group noted that the “reten-
killed 8  months after exposure, the lungs were tion rate” column in Table 1 of Dufresne et al.
removed, and nine tissue samples were taken (1992) is not clear. The reported values of 2.43
from the tracheal lobe for particle analysis for angular (non-fibrous group) and 0.07 and
(Dufresne et al., 1992). 2.15 for angular and fibrous silicon carbide,
The mass concentration of carborundum respectively, in the fibrous group can be calcu-
in the BALF at the first time-point after expo- lated directly from the “exposure” (mg of silicon
sure (2  months) was approximately 60 and carbide) and “lung retention” (ng of silicon
200 ng/mL of fibrous and non-fibrous silicon carbide/mg of dry tracheal lobe tissue) columns,
carbide, respectively. [To what extent this differ- as follows: retention/exposure  =  “retention
ence was due to a faster clearance of the fibrous rate.” However, the units were apparently not
silicon carbide, greater deposition efficiency of taken into account, i.e. the calculation should
the non-fibrous silicon carbide, or possibly differ- be: (ng/mg)/(mg  ×  106 ng/mg). Moreover, the
ential recovery of the BALF cannot be deter- total dry mass of the tracheal lobe into which
mined from the available data. If BALF had been the silicon carbide was injected did not seem
obtained earlier (e.g. 1–3 days) after the tracheal to be taken into account, i.e. the correct calcu-
lobe injection, data could have been obtained on lation would be: lung retention (mass silicon
the initial deposition efficiency of each material as carbide/mass tracheal lobe tissue)/exposure
noted by the authors in the Discussion section of (mass silicon carbide/total mass of tracheal
the article.] However, the data from 2–8 months lobe). Also, as calculated, the “retention rate” is

Silicon carbide

a proportion (not a rate) because it is described In summary, the Dufresne et al. (1992) study
as the retained mass at the 8-month time- reported shorter retention half-times for fibrous
point after exposure. Finally, values greater silicon carbide in the lungs of sheep than for
than 1 do not make sense for a proportion. non-fibrous (angular) silicon carbide at approxi-
Thus, the values in “retention rate” are appar- mately equal administered mass doses.
ently reported incorrectly. Nevertheless, the [The findings of Dufresne et al. (1992)
relative values reported (if they are correct) would appear to contradict those from other
are approximately 30 times higher for the studies that showed greater lung retention with
angular silicon carbide in either the fibrous or increasing length of biopersistent amosite fibres
non-fibrous group compared with the fibrous (Searl et al., 1999), which would suggest greater
silicon carbide value; another error is that, for retention of the fibrous versus angular silicon
angular silicon carbide, the exposure is listed carbide. A higher dissolution rate of the fibrous
as 100 versus 90 in the “retention rate” column, silicon carbide might be a possible explanation,
although the resulting value of 2.24 is arith- given the smaller diameter of the fibrous silicon
metically correct if 90 is substituted for 100; in carbide (0.5 µm maximum reported diameter)
addition, the issues on units and total tracheal compared with that of angular silicon carbide
lobe mass are still not resolved.] (mean diameter, 0.92 µm) (Dufresne et al., 1992).
[Despite the lack of clarity of the values However, the dissolution of silicon carbide was
reported for “retention rate” (see Table 1 of found to be very low in either cell-free assays
Dufresne et al. (1992)), the data on BALF are (simulated physiological saline) (Searl et al.,
consistent in showing a faster rate of clearance 1999) or in mice (Holt, 1950). Experimental data
from 2 to 8 months after exposure and a lower and modelling of other fibre types found that
retained proportion of fibrous silicon carbide at dissolution and breakage of non-biopersistent
8 months compared with “particulate” (angular) fibres results in a decrease in longer fibres and an
silicon carbide (see Fig. 5 of Dufresne et al. (1992)). increase in shorter fibres. Although shorter fibres
The lower estimated retention of fibrous silicon can be cleared more effectively than longer fibres
carbide (ng/mg lung tissue) might be explained by alveolar macrophages, the fibre breakage
by the fibrotic lung response – which occurred resulted in a higher proportion of fibres in the
in sheep exposed to fibrous (with 27% angular) shorter size categories 1  year after exposure
silicon carbide but not in sheep exposed to the (Searl et al., 1999; Tran et al., 2003). However,
non-fibrous (angular) silicon carbide – and the a breakage of the silicon carbide fibres would
associated increased lung tissue weight, resulting not explain the lower mass retention of fibrous
in a low mass of silicon carbide per mass of lung silicon carbide because the angular silicon
tissue. However, the similar reported lung tissue carbide would also be expected to be cleared
retention for the angular silicon carbide fraction effectively by alveolar macrophages. In addition,
in either the non-fibrous or fibrous group were the fibrogenic response in sheep to fibrous silicon
considered to provide evidence against a fibrotic carbide is not consistent with its lower retained
lung response explaining the different retention lung dose compared with angular silicon carbide,
rates (assuming the reported values are correct). which did not cause fibrosis (Dufresne et al.,
The fate of the fibrous or non-fibrous silicon 1992). A possible explanation for the findings in
carbide after clearance from the lungs was not Dufresne et al. (1992) might be that the fibrous
reported, due to the lack of data on doses of silicon carbide had more highly reactive surfaces
silicon carbide in other organ tissues (including (as well as a greater total surface area) than the
lymph nodes) or in the urine/faeces.] angular silicon carbide, resulting in greater


reactivity with lung tissues, as well as to faster 1-year exposure and a specific gravity of silicon
translocation from the lungs to the lymph nodes carbide whiskers of 3.2 g/cm3, Akiyama et al.
(where the silicon carbide would pass through (2007) calculated that the retained volumetric
the epithelial cells and could damage cells in dose of silicon carbide whiskers in the lungs
the process). Some support for this explanation was approximately 1600 nL, which exceeds the
is the finding that toxic crystalline silica causes 1000-nL dose associated with overloading of
adverse lung effects at lower mass doses and is lung clearance in rats reported by Morrow et al.
translocated to the lung-associated lymph nodes (1991). In comparison, the mass retained lung
at a faster rate than less toxic particles (Tran dose of silicon carbide whiskers after a 4-week
et al., 2002). This possibility cannot be evalu- inhalation exposure (Akiyama et al., 2003) was
ated from the data available in Dufresne et al. approximately 190 nL [calculated from 0.6 mg/
(1992), however, because no measurements were (3.2 g/mL × 1000 mg/g × 1 mL/106 nL)].
reported of the surface reactivity of the fibrous
versus angular silicon carbide particle surfaces,
nor was the translocation of silicon carbide to the
4.2 Physico-chemical properties
lymph nodes measured.] associated with toxicity
(e) Clearance 4.2.1 Crystal structure
The clearance of silicon carbide whiskers was Silicon carbide may occur in several crys-
studied in rats after a 4-week whole-body inhal- talline forms (polymorphs) after a different
ation exposure (Akiyama et al., 2003) [see exper- stacking of silicon and carbon atoms. In the
imental details in Section 4.1.2(a)]. The mass lung non-fibrous form, silicon carbide particles may
burden of silicon carbide 3 days, 2 weeks, and 1, be amorphous. Traditional industrial prod-
2, 3, 6, and 12 months after exposure was used to uction via the Acheson process yields polydis-
estimate the clearance of fibres. A one-compart- persed particulates with particles from several
ment exponential decay model was shown to fit micron- to nano-size, often containing quartz,
the retained lung burden and data on time after cristobalite, and carbon particles (Scansetti et al.,
exposure adequately (R 2  =  0.90). A biological 1992; Boumahdi, 2009).
half-time (t1/2) of 4 months was calculated from The nature of the crystalline phases (α- versus
that model. β-silicon carbide) in nano-size (α-silicon carbide,
In a 1-year whole-body inhalation study 16 nm; β-silicon carbide, 4 nm; β-silicon carbide
of silicon carbide whiskers by the same group with α-silicon carbide <  10% and iron impuri-
(Akiyama et al., 2007), the mass lung burden was ties ≈500 ppm, 14 or 26 nm) influenced tumour
measured 6 days, 3, 6, and 12 months after expo- necrosis factor (TNF)-α production. α-Silicon
sure [see Section 4.1.2(d) for the values meas- carbide induced higher TNF-α production than
ured]. A biological half-time (t1/2) of 16 months β-silicon carbide. When the presence of α-silicon
was calculated from these data. carbide was detected by X-ray diffraction anal-
The authors argued that one of the reasons ysis, a moderate or elevated level of TNF-α was
for the longer retention half-time may have been found, while this pro-inflammatory cytokine
due to the lung dose of silicon carbide exceeding was not elicited by exposure to pure β-silicon
the alveolar macrophage-mediated clearance carbide (Pourchez et al., 2012).
capacity (i.e. overloading; Morrow et al., 1991). Silicon carbide may be prepared in a non-
From the measured lung dose of 5.4 mg of silicon stoichiometric form, i.e. with a variable silicon/
carbide whiskers 6  days after the end of the carbon ratio, which influenced the in-vitro

Silicon carbide

cellular responses to micron- and nano-size (a) Silicon carbide particles (Acheson process)
particles (Boumahdi, 2009; Barillet et al., 2010a). Five silicon carbide industrial powders
A comparison of the cellular responses induced (silicon carbide C1, C2, F1, F2, and I) were
in human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells by a collected after their production in the Acheson
panel of silicon carbide nanoparticles (for details, process in industrial plants (see Table 4.4 for the
see Section 4.2.2) led to the conclusion that silicon characteristics of the particles used in this study).
carbide nanoparticles with a high silicon/carbon Silicon carbide C1 and C2 are coarser than silicon
ratio induced the production of reactive oxygen carbide F1 and F2. They are mostly constituted
species (ROS) and inhibited glutathione (GSH) by the α-silicon carbide phase. Silicon carbide I
reductase activity earlier than those with a low is a metallurgically impure dust representative of
silicon/carbon ratio. They also induced more airborne dusts inhaled in the workplace environ-
persistent genotoxicity. The authors considered ment. Free radical release but also iron content
that the presence of silicon dioxide residues on increased with particle size. Hydrogen peroxide
the surface of these nanoparticles renders them production by RAW 264.7 macrophage cells was
more toxic (Barillet et al., 2010a). induced to a greater extent by exposure to fine
Conversely, three silicon carbide nanopar- silicon carbide F1 and F2 particles than that
ticles showing similar crystallite size (4  nm), to coarse silicon carbide C1 or C2 or to silicon
Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) size (14–15 nm), carbide I and was proportional to surface area
specific surface area (125–139 m2/g), and oxida- (Boudard et al., 2014).
tion state of the surface (7–8% of O1s) but
increasing carbon/silicon atomic ratios from (b) Silicon carbide whiskers
0.88 to 1.21 did not differ in their cytotoxicity or
Five whiskers (four silicon carbide whiskers,
pro-inflammatory response (TNF-α values at the
SiCW-1, -2, -3, and -4, and one silicon nitride,
same level as the negative control), showing no
SiNW) and two powders (one silicon carbide,
influence of the carbon/silicon atomic ratio on
SiCP, and one silicon nitride, SiNP) were
the in-vitro cellular responses (Pourchez et al.,
studied (Svensson et al., 1997; see Table  4.5 for
the characteristics of the particles/whiskers
used in this study). One of the silicon carbide
4.2.2 Form and size whiskers, SiCW-3, was also ball-milled in water
Silicon carbide may assume a large variety for 3  hours (SiCW-3S, short-milled) and 58
of forms from isometric particles to fibres and hours (SiCW-3L, long-milled). The cloning effi-
whiskers. Most silicon carbide industrial dusts ciency of Chinese hamster V79 cells was inhib-
may contain some particles with a fibrous shape. ited in a concentration-dependent manner by all
The material is usually comprised of parti- materials. At least five different concentrations
cles of different sizes, some of which may be of (range, 0.25–80 μg/cm2) of each material were
greater concern than others. The term whiskers tested for 20 hours. The dose–response curves
is confined to monocrystals with a fine fibre were linear and the concentration resulting
morphology, resembling amphibole asbestos or in 50% survival (EC50) was calculated. A clear
erionite. Being single crystals, silicon carbide difference in viability was observed after expo-
whiskers have sharp tips and high tensile sure to milled whiskers and powders. The EC50
strength (Svensson et al., 1997). for the whiskers ranged from 0.9 to 4.2 μg/cm2,
whereas that for crocidolite asbestos (positive
control) was 1.4 μg/cm2. The milled whiskers


Table 4.4 Physico-chemical characteristics of different microparticles comprised of silicon

carbide from the study by Boudard et al. (2014)

Sample Specific Median Crystallite phases O1s (% atomic) Carbon/silicon Iron Aluminium
surface diameter (atomic ratio) (ppm) (ppm)
area (m2/g) D50 (μm)
SiC C1 4.0 2.5 SiC-6H (91%), SiC-4H (7%), 17 (presence of a 0.98 2 370 350
SiC-15R (< 1%) SiO2 layer)
SiC F1 11.0 0.5 SiC-6H (91%), SiC-4H (7%), 22 (presence of a 1 1 570 560
SiC-15R (2%) SiO2 layer)
SiC I 3.0 6.0 SiC-6H (53%), SiC-4H (7%), 23 (presence of a 1.66 20 000 1 300
SiC-15R (5%), SiO2 quartz SiO2 layer)
(9%), SiO2 cristobalite (5%)
SiC C2 3.5 2.5 SiC-6H (90%), SiC-4H (7%), 17 (presence of a 0.99 2 230 730
SiC-15R (2%) SiO2 layer)
SiC F2 8.5 0.8 SiC-6H (90%), SiC-4H (3%), 23 (presence of a 0.98 1 370 0
SiC-15R (7%) SiO2 layer)
SiC, silicon carbide; SiO2, silicon dioxide
Adapted from Toxicol In Vitro, Volume 28, issue 5, Boudard et al. (2014) In vitro cellular responses to silicon carbide particles manufactured
through the Acheson process: Impact of physico-chemical features on pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidative effects, Page Nos 856–865,
Copyright (2014), with permission from Elsevier

and powders were less potent than the whiskers. observed, which could not be explained on the
Milling SiCW-3 for 3 and 58 hours decreased its basis of their physical dimensions.
toxicity (EC50) from 4.2 μg/cm2 to 6.9 μg/cm2 and
10.7 μg/cm2, respectively. The powders of both (c) Silicon carbide nanoparticles
silicon nitride and silicon carbide were much Five silicon carbide nanoparticles (char-
less toxic in this test system, although the silicon acteristics reported in Table  4.7) with varying
nitride powder was more toxic than the silicon diameters and silicon/carbon ratios that were
carbide powder, in line with the toxicity of the synthesized by laser pyrolysis of gaseous precur-
whiskers. sors were taken up by human A549 lung adeno-
Three well-characterized whiskers of different carcinoma cells, in which their cytotoxicity was
sizes (SiCW 1, SiCW 2, and SiCW 3; character- low (Barillet et al., 2010a). [The low cytotox-
istics reported in Table 4.6) were tested in vivo icity of silicon carbide nanoparticles has also
(Johnson & Hahn, 1996) and their effects were been demonstrated in studies of silicon carbide
compared with those of continuous silicon nanocrystals (Fan et al., 2008) or microscaled
carbide ceramic filaments. Crocidolite asbestos silicon carbide particles (Bruch et al., 1993a, b),
fibres were used as a positive control. A size anal- suggesting that the absence of cytotoxicity after
ysis of the morphology of the three whiskers is contact with a silicon carbide surface is unre-
illustrated in Table  1.1 (Health Council of the lated to particle size.] However, silicon carbide
Netherlands, 2012). Silicon carbide whiskers, but nanoparticles induced major redox alterations.
not continuous silicon carbide ceramic filaments, Cell redox status was markedly affected: silicon
induced mesotheliomas after intrapleural injec- carbide nanoparticles caused the production of
tion into rats (see also Section 3.3). A difference ROS, the depletion of GSH and the inactivation
in the biological activity of the three samples of some antioxidant enzymes (GSH reductase
of whiskers (SiCW 1, SiCW 2 >>  SiCW 3) was and superoxide dismutase) (Barillet et al., 2010a).

Silicon carbide

Table 4.5 Characteristicsa of silicon carbide and silicon nitride particles and whiskers from the
study by Svensson et al. (1997)

Composition Manufacturer/ Content of Content of long Length Diameter Length/ Specific

and sample type discriminated fibres (μm) (μm) diameter area (m2/g)
No.b whiskers × 1010/g (≥ 20 μm) × 1010/g
SiCW-1 Tokai 100 1.2 0.23 14 ± 10 0.8 ± 0.4 18 ± 11 3.0
SiCW-2 Tokai 400 0.9 0.20 14 ± 9 0.9 ± 0.4 17 ± 10 1.5
SiCW-3 Tateho SCW10 4.3 0.52 12 ± 10 0.7 ± 0.4 19 ± 13 4.2
SiCW-4 Tateho SCW1S 1.1 0.14 12 ± 9 0.7 ± 0.4 21 ± 12 4.9
SiCW-3Lc Tateho SCW10 3.9 0.12 9 ± 5 0.6 ± 0.3 16 ± 10 11.7
SiCW-3Sd Tateho SCW10 5.2 0.44 11 ± 7 0.7 ± 0.4 16 ± 9 5.2
SiNW UBE 2.2 0.42 13 ± 8 0.9 ± 0.4 16 ± 8 2.2
SiNP UBE E10       0.4 ± 0.4   10.9
SiCP UF 15, Lonza       0.4 ± 0.3   14.9
a Further information on measurement and characterization in Nyberg et al. (1995); data comprise mean ± standardard deviation
b Length/diameter ≥ 5 μm, diameter ≤ 3 μm. Discrimination limit in image analysis
c L, long-milled (for 58 h)

d S, short-milled (for 3 h)

SiCW, silicon carbide whiskers; SiNW, silicon nitride whiskers; SiNP, silicon nitride powder; SiCP, silicon carbide powder
Reproduced from Svensson et al. (1997). Toxicity in vitro of some silicon carbides and silicon nitrides: whiskers and powders, Am J Ind Med,
1997, volume 31, issue 3, pages 335–343, by permission of John Wiley & Sons

Table 4.6 Characteristics of silicon carbide particles/whiskers and crocidolite from the study by
Johnson & Hahn (1996)

Sample Mean length (in μm) Mean diameter (in μm) Fibre (n/mg) Specific surface Specific gravity
(standard error of the (standard error of the area (m2/g)
mean) mean)
SiCW 1 4.5 (0.23) 0.42 (0.02) 7.6 × 106 3.0 3.4
SiCW 2 20.1 (1.01) 0.75 (0.02) 1.6 × 105 1.4 3.3
SiCW 3 6.6 (0.40) 0.32 (0.01) 1.1 × 107 3.6 3.2
Crocidolite 2.1 (0.31) 0.12 (0.01) 3.6 × 109 7.0 3.2
CCF (PRD-166)a 40–100 12 ND 1.5 4.3
Values determined approximately by light microscopy

CCF, continuous silicon carbide ceramic filament; ND, not determined; SiCW, silicon carbide whiskers
Reproduced from Occup Environ Med, Johnson & Hahn (1996), volume 53, page 813–816, copyright (1996), with permission from BMJ
Publishing Group Ltd

Six ultrafine silicon carbide nanoparticles responses elicited (see Section 4.4) were markedly
were prepared using both sol-gel and a laser dependent upon crystal phase, silicon/carbon
(the physical characteristics, including size, ratio, and level of contaminants. The nature of
crystallinity, silicon/carbon ratio, and oxygen the surface oxidation layer (silica versus silicon
or iron contaminants, of which are reported in oxycarbide) did not modulate the pro-inflamma-
Table  4.8; Pourchez et al., 2012). None of the tory response (TNF-α production) while a linear
nanoparticles tested induced cytotoxicity in correlation was observed (R 2  =  0.97) between
RAW 264.7 cells derived from murine peritoneal TNF-α production and the total surface area
macrophages. Conversely, other adverse cellular exposed to silicon carbide nanoparticles. Such


Table 4.7 Characteristicsa of silicon carbide nanoparticles from the study by Barillet et al. (2010a)

Sample SSA (m2/g) BET size (nm) TEM size (nm) Silicon/carbon ζ (mV) Hydrodynamic
diameter (nm)
SiC-A 125 15 17 ± 3 0.8 –24 168 (100%)
SiC-B 134 14 13 ± 3 1.0 –22 125 (100%)
SiC-C 140 13 12 ± 3 1.2 –31 97 (100%)
SiC-D 52 36 31 ± 8 1.1 –28 190 (100%)
SiC-E 33 58 45 ± 18 1.1 –28 280 (100%)
a SSA, specific surface area, measured according to Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET); BET size, diameters of silicon carbide nanoparticles
calculated from SSA; TEM size, diameters of silicon carbide nanoparticles measured by transmission electron microscopy; ζ, zeta potential
measured just before nanoparticle dilution into cell culture medium; hydrodynamic diameter measured by photon correlation spectroscopy
after nanoparticle dilution into cell culture medium
Reprinted from Toxicol Lett, Volume 198, issue 3, Barillet et al. (2010a). In vitro evaluation of SiC nanoparticles impact on A549 pulmonary
cells: Cyto-, genotoxicity and oxidative stress, Page Nos 324–330, Copyright (2010), with permission from Elsevier

a correlation was obtained for β-silicon carbide faces or at steps, kinks, and corners, thus exposing
nanoparticles with the presence of α-silicon the silicon–carbon structure to fluids, cells, and
carbide, confirming the impact of both crystal- tissues. This is fairly relevant to the fate of the
line phase and the specific surface area. particles in vivo as various studies have shown
that cells react quite differently to a silicon–
4.2.3 Surface reactivity carbon surface than to a silica-like surface.
While the silica-like surface always induces a
Because the bonding energy between silicon substantial level of cytotoxicity, the silicon–
and oxygen is higher than that between silicon carbon surface appears to be non-cytotoxic in
and carbon, the silicon atoms exposed at the the RAW 264.7 cell line derived from murine
surface of silicon carbide are highly likely to peritoneal macrophages (toxicity assessed
react with oxygen, particularly if loosely bound as cell membrane damage (release of lactate
to the underlying crystal structure. The particles dehydrogenase; Pourchez et al., 2012; Boudard
obtained by using the Acheson process had the et al., 2014)) or in the human A549 lung adeno-
following surface species (as shown by X-ray carcinoma cells (toxicity assessed by impaired
photoelectron spectroscopy): silicon dioxide, mitochondrial activity as detected using the
silicon oxycarbure, carbon residues (C–C), 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2,5-diphenyl tetra-
silicon impurities (Si–Si) and oxidized carbon zolium bromide assay (Barillet et al., 2010a)).
forms (C–O, C=O) (Boumahdi, 2009). Boudard et al. (2014) compared several cellular
All forms of silicon carbide that are exposed responses to unheated and heated silicon carbide
to the atmosphere tend in the long-term to be dust, taking into account that the oxidation of
covered by one or more layers of silica over silicon to silica is favoured on heating and that
time. However, this process may occur through heated particles were almost completely covered
different kinetics and is greatly accelerated by a thick layer of silica. Although the starting
by heating (Deal & Grove, 1965; Boch, 2001; material was non-toxic, heating increased cyto-
Boumahdi, 2009). Consequently, heated silicon toxicity which was assessed by the release of
carbide particles may be covered with a thick lactate dehydrogenase.
external layer of silicon dioxide, while unheated Conversely, both oxidized silicon carbide C1
particles may be only partially covered by a few and F1 particles treated at 1400 °C induced lower
silicon–oxygen patches, e.g. only on some crystal

Table 4.8 Characteristics of silicon carbide nanoparticles from the study by Pourchez et al. (2012)

Sample ρ SSA BET size Crystallite size Crystalline phases O1s (% atomic) Iron Carbon/silicon
(g/cm3) (m2/g) (nm) (ppm) (atomic ratio)
SG 3.2 125 15 14-nm monocrystalline β-SiC (SiC-3C), α-SiC < 10% 8 0 0.88
nanograins (SiC-6H)
LP1 3.2 139 14 4-nm polycrystalline β-SiC (SiC-3C) 8 105 1.00
LP2 3.1 125 15 4-nm polycrystalline β-SiC (SiC-3C) 7 200 1.21
LP3 3.0 140 14 4-nm polycrystalline β-SiC (SiC-3C) 14 (presence of a 605 0.81
nanograins SiO2 layer)
LP4 3.1 52 37 16-nm nanograins with β-SiC (SiC-3C), α-SiC < 10% 8 592 0.88
stacking faults (SiC-6H)
LP5 3.1 33 59 26-nm nanograins with β-SiC (SiC-3C), α-SiC < 10% 22 (presence of a 415 0.88
stacking faults (SiC-6H), Si (< 2%) SiO2 layer)
M 3.0 62 32 16-nm nanograins with α-SiC (SiC-6H) 25 (presence of a 2830 0.70
stacking faults SiO2 layer)
BET, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller; LP1, typical nanoparticles of β-SiC synthesized by laser pyrolysis; LP2 and LP3, SiC nanoparticles enriched in carbon and silicon, respectively; LP4 and
LP5, nanopowders with coarse grains of larger size; M, pure α-SiC nanoparticles; SG, nanopowder synthesized chemically; SiO2, silicon dioxide; SSA, specific surface area
Adapted from J Nanopart Res, In vitro cellular responses to silicon carbide nanoparticles: impact of physico-chemical features on pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidative effects, volume
14, 2012, page 1143, Pourchez et al. (2012), with permission of Springer

Silicon carbide

levels of TNF-α than their unheated counter- circumstances markedly increases in respect to
parts. Cellular production of hydrogen peroxide the original material. The decrement in radical
was unrelated to surface oxidation (Boudard yield upon heating up to 850 °C is caused by both
et al., 2014). development of an amorphous surface layer and
the conversion of Fe2+ into Fe3+ after oxidation
(a) Generation of free radicals and depletion of [as reported for other toxic particulates (Tomatis
antioxidants et al., 2002)].
Conflicting evidence has been shown for (ii) Silicon carbide whiskers
the direct generation of free radicals by silicon
The generation of hydroxyl radicals by a
carbide particles. An earlier study reported that
panel of silicon carbide whiskers was investi-
both the supercoiled plasmid assay for DNA
scission and high-performance liquid chroma- gated using three independent assays: deoxy-
guanosine hydroxylation, dimethyl sulfoxide as
tography using salicylate as an hydroxyl radical
a scavenger, and deoxyribose assays. Table  4.9
trap gave negative results with silicon carbide
summarizes the release of free radicals from
fibre (ACMC) but positive results with amosite
silicon carbide whiskers and Table 4.5 shows the
asbestos (Brown et al., 1998).
characteristics of the whiskers (Svensson et al.,
(i) Silicon carbide particles (Acheson process) 1997). The HO• radical tests showed that only
The ability of silicon carbide particles to crocidolite (positive control) and silicon carbide
generate HO• and COO•- radicals was assessed whiskers-4 could potentiate the formation of
under cell-free conditions using electron para- hydroxyl radicals. The other materials tested
magnetic resonance spectroscopy (Boudard did not differ from the control. [Analysis using
et al., 2014). All particles were able to generate the nick translation assay detected DNA strand
free radicals and were more effective in gener- breaks with all fibres except silicon carbide
ating COO•- than HO•. Free radical production whiskers-2 and silicon nitride whiskers. Taking
increased with particle size and was 3–5-fold into account the concentration used, exposure to
higher with coarse silicon carbide C1/C2 parti- all of the silicon carbide whiskers induced DNA
cles than with fine silicon carbide F1/F2 particles breaks (of the same magnitude as crocidolite)
(maximal COO•- production with silicon carbide compared with a low rate for the other material.
C2). The silicon carbide I powder was character- The highest activity was found for silicon carbide
ized by the generation of HO• radicals, with a whiskers-3S.]
5-fold greater production compared with silicon (iii) Silicon carbide nanoparticles
carbide F1/F2. This behaviour may be related
In the study by Pourchez et al. (2012) (see
to the large amount of iron in the coarse parti-
Table 4.8 for characteristics of the particles), in
cles compared with the fine particles, especially
which free radicals were measured directly using
silicon carbide I, which also exhibited a partially
electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy
crystallized surface layer of silica. The potential
under cell-free conditions, no radical release was
to release the particle-derived free radicals HO•
observed with LP1 and SG. LP2 and LP3 were
and COO•- decreases with surface oxidation but,
able to generate COO•-, but not HO• radicals.
at very high temperatures (> 1400 °C), the specific
Significant HO• radical release was observed with
surface area markedly decreases and the external
LP4 (21 nmol/m2) and more importantly with
silica layer that was originally amorphous crys-
LP5. This sample exhibited the highest activity
tallizes into cristobalite. The amount of free
for COO•- (400 nmol/m2) and HO• generation
radical released per unit surface under these

Silicon carbide

Table 4.9 Free radical release from silicon carbide and nitride whiskers/particlesa

Sample 8-OHdG/103dG Deoxyribose (A532) DMSO/MSA (A425)

Control 0.28 ± 0.1 0.05 ± 0.03 0.40 ± 0.17
SiCW-1 0.28 ± 0.09 0.09 ± 0.02 0.34 ± 0.09
SiCW-2 0.35 ± 0.10 0.09 ± 0.04 0.36 ± 0.11
SiCW-3 0.54 ± 0.16 0.15 ± 0.14 0.33 ± 0.14
SiCW-4 2.34 ± 1.80 0.64 ± 0.58 0.68 ± 0.11
SiCW-3L 0.46 ± 0.19 0.17 ± 0.06 0.61 ± 0.02
SiCW-3S 0.71 ± 0.21 0.15 ± 0.09 0.56 ± 0.02
SiNW 0.31 ± 0.17 0.13 ± 0.03 0.19 ± 0.06
SiNP 0.49 ± 0.24 0.05 ± 0.03 0.31 ± 0.09
SiCP 0.32 ± 0.16 0.07 ± 0.02 0.26 ± 0.06
Crocidolite 3.59 ± 1.20 1.73 ± 0.04 Not measured
a Data are given as mean of three experiments ± standard deviation. Values represent number of molecules of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine per
103 deoxyguanosine and absorbence at A532 and A425, respectively
dG, deoxyguanosine; DMSO, dimethyl sulfoxide; 8-OHdG, 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine; MSA, methanesulfonic acid; SiCP, silicon carbide
particles; SiCW, silicon carbide whiskers; SiNP, silicon nitride particles; SiNW, silicon nitride whiskers
Reproduced from Svensson et al. (1997). Toxicity in vitro of some silicon carbides and silicon nitrides: whiskers and powders, Am J Ind Med,
1997, volume 31, issue 3, pages 335–343, by permission of John Wiley & Sons

per unit surface (47 nmol/m2). LP5 contained (c) Antioxidant depletion
the highest amount of surface iron. The authors The ability of several types of fibre, including
concluded that free radical production under silicon carbide, to deplete the antioxidants,
acellular conditions is associated with the iron ascorbic acid and GSH, was investigated in the
content at the nanoparticles surface; in contrast lining fluid of rat lung epithelial cells. Silicon
to other cases (e.g. silica and asbestos) in which carbide whiskers (ACMC), as well as other fibres,
even traces of iron ions are able to trigger the were able to deplete GSH in lung lining fluid and
Fenton reaction (Fubini et al., 2001; Turci et al., depletion was dependent on the number of fibres
2011), a threshold effect of surface iron of around (Brown et al., 2000).
11 µg/m2 has been observed for silicon carbide Silicon carbide nanoparticles (Barillet
nanoparticles. et al., 2010a) caused the depletion of cellular
(b) Bioavailability and biodeposition of metals GSH, the major antioxidant cellular defence
mechanism. GSH may either be released from
Substantial amounts of iron or other metal cells to the extracellular medium or oxidized
impurities are present at the surface of particles intracellularly to oxidized GSH (GSSG) by GSH
produced by the Acheson process, which are peroxidase, which is coupled to the reduction of
probably bioavailable although bioavailability hydrogen peroxide to water. Because high levels
per se has not been measured. Metal ion bioavail- of ROS accumulate in cells exposed to silicon
ability has not been reported for whiskers. Iron carbide nanoparticles, the oxidation of GSH to
was present at the surface of the silicon carbide GSSG by GSH peroxidase was hypothesized.
nanoparticles studied by Pourchez et al. (2012), However, the total glutathione content (GSH
while Barillet et al. (2010a) considered the parti- + GSSG) decreased. Consequently, GSH may
cles they studied to be free from any metal-based be oxidized to GSSG, but GSH and/or GSSG
impurities, thus ruling out any effect caused by must also be released from cells to the extra-
Fenton-like and Haber-Weiss reactions. cellular medium. To support this hypothesis,


Brown et al. (2000) demonstrated that silicon the clearance of silicon carbide was much slower.
carbide whiskers (ACMC) deplete GSH from When dust was administered by intratracheal
lung lining fluid. Moreover, Zhang et al. (1999) instillation, the differences in length with regard
suggested that GSH was released from alveolar to fibre removal from the lung tissue were less
macrophages exposed to silica as a consequence marked.
of GSH depletion in the extracellular fluid, and Silicon carbide whiskers exhibit high bioper-
hypothesized that silicon carbide nanoparticles sistence and are not modified in vivo. Over the
deplete GSH and/or GSSG from the extracellular long-term, longer whiskers are more biopersis-
fluid and that the cells then release these mole- tent than shorter whiskers. Akiyama et al. (2003)
cules to re-establish the GSH intra-/extracellular reported an exponential clearance of deposited
balance. GSH reductase, which is responsible for silicon carbide whiskers (MMAD, 2.5 µm; GM
the reduction of GSSG to GSH, is inactivated (see diameter, 0.4 µm; GM length, 2.2 µm) from rat
also Barillet et al., 2010a). The GSH pool is thus lungs after 4 weeks of inhalation. The apparent
not re-established, leading to the accumulation deposition fraction was 4.8%  ±  0.7%. During
of hydrogen peroxide in the cells. Superoxide the clearance period, the amount of silicon
dismutase, which is responsible for O2•- dismu- carbide whiskers deposited in the rat lungs
tation to hydrogen peroxide, was also partially decreased exponentially with increasing dura-
inactivated in cells exposed to silicon carbide tion of clearance. The biological half-time in the
nanoparticles, resulting in the intracellular accu- one-compartment model was determined to be
mulation of O2•-. 4.0 months, similar to that of other biopersistent
inorganic fibres.
4.2.4 Fibre durability (leaching, phagocytosis, The biopersistence of deposited silicon
dissolution, and breaking) carbide whiskers was measured after a longer
inhalation exposure in rats (Akiyama et al.,
Silicon carbide is a very durable mate- 2007). A group of 42 male Wistar rats was exposed
rial that is poorly dissolved in aqueous media. by inhalation to daily average concentrations of
Biopersistence is linked not only to durability in 2.6  ±  0.4 mg/m3 (98  ±  19 fibres/mL) of silicon
biological fluids, but also to the form of the mate- carbide whiskers (MMAD, 2.4 μm (GSD, 2.4);
rial (see Table 4.1). GM diameter, 0.5 μm (GSD, 1.5); GM length,
2.8 μm (GSD, 2.3)) for 6 hours per day on 5 days
(a) In vivo
per week for 1 year; the rats were killed 6 days
(i) Silicon carbide whiskers and 3, 6, and 12 months after the exposure.
Silicon carbide whiskers (mean diam- The amount of silicon carbide whiskers depos-
eter, 0.45  µm), as a very durable material, were ited in each rat lung 6  days after the exposure,
compared with less durable glass microfibres determined by an X-ray diffraction method,
(code 100/475), relatively soluble man-made was 5.3  ±  1.4 mg. The biological half-time was
vitreous fibres (Davis et al., 1996). Amosite 16 months, calculated from the amount of depos-
asbestos was used as a positive control. After inhal- ited silicon carbide whiskers at 6 days and 3, 6,
ation for 1 year, fewer very long glass microfibres and 12 months, and was more prolonged than
(length, > 20 µm) remained in rats lungs at the normal physiological clearance. The diameter of
end of the exposure compared with amosite or the silicon carbide whiskers in the lung at each
silicon carbide. After exposure, amosite and glass time-point during the 12 months of clearance
microfibres were removed from the lungs at rates after inhalation did not change. However, longer
similar to those of most fibre dimensions whereas silicon carbide whiskers tended to be retained in

Silicon carbide

the lung as the clearance time increased, espe- A study on pulmonary dust retention in a
cially after 6 months. Histopathological exami- worker who had a lung lobectomy for an epider-
nation revealed bronchoalveolar hyperplasia in 2 moid carcinoma and who had been employed for
rats 1 year after the exposure and severe fibrotic 42 years in the vicinity of an Acheson furnace in
changes around aggregated silicon carbide a silicon carbide plant reported silicon carbide
whiskers. fibres in the lung parenchyma. The concentra-
tion of silicon carbide fibres longer than 5 µm
(ii) Silicon carbide particles, fibres, and
was 39 300 fibres/mg of dry lung (Dufresne et al.,
angular particles
Pioneer studies on the fate of siliceous dusts Particle-induced X-ray emission is a tech-
in the body compared the in-vivo solubility of nique used to measure X-rays induced by proton
cement, carborundum, quartz, and moulding irradiation that requires minimal sample prepa-
sand by estimating urinary silica values after ration, can yield a detection limit as low as a few
intraperitoneal injection of different dusts into parts per million, and is based on the excitation of
mice. An increase in the excretion of silica was the electronic levels of atoms by means of an ion
found only with exposure to cement (Holt, 1950). beam, producing X-ray emissions. These X-rays
The lung tissue of a worker exposed for 10 are characteristic and proportional to every
years in an abrasive manufacturing plant was element. Doses of 0.5 and 5 mg of silicon carbide
analysed by bulk analysis and in situ analytical nanoparticles were instilled into female Wistar
electron microanalysis. Total dust in the lung was rat lungs and were investigated using this tech-
120 mg/g of the dried lung tissue, 43% of which nique for 60 days. The biopersistence of silicon
was silicon carbide (Hayashi & Kajita, 1988). carbide at a dose of 5 mg showed the typical trend
Materials taken in the field (carborundum reported for larger amounts of nanoparticles
from Acheson furnaces at a silicon carbide during the first few days after exposure to high
plant) contained both angular and fibrous silicon doses. For lower doses (0.5 mg), only 0.074 mg
carbide particulates emitted by the silicon-car- of silicon carbide remained in the lungs 1 hour
bide production operations. The pulmonary after instillation, representing 14.8% of the orig-
retention of the two morphological types was inal dose. After 60 days, the biopersistence of the
studied in sheep. Animals were injected in the lower dose (0.5 mg) was 2.84%. The higher dose
tracheal lobe with an equal mass (100 mg) of (5 mg) resulted in the retention of 1.834 mg in the
particulates prepared from silicon carbide mate- lungs, representing 36.68% of the administered
rials collected in the workplace. Particles were dose, 1 hour after instillation. After 60 days, only
measured by analytical TEM in samples of BALF 1.17% of the higher dose was retained in the lungs
obtained 2, 4, 6, and 8 months after the injection (Lozano et al., 2012).
and also in samples of lung parenchyma obtained
at 8  months. Measurements in BALF and lung (b) In vitro
samples both indicated a much lower retention An examination of the in-vitro solubility
of fibrous than of angular silicon carbide. The of silicon carbide whiskers and their chemical
retention rate in lung parenchyma at 8 months composition after extraction from lung tissues
was 30 times lower for fibrous silicon carbide. showed almost no change in chemical composi-
The half-life of the decrease in concentrations tion (Davis et al., 1996).
was 3.4 times shorter for fibrous silicon carbide
(Dufresne et al., 1992).


4.3 Genetic and related effects chromosome fragments, chromatid breaks,

chromatid exchanges, and structural chromo-
See Table 4.10 somal aberrations) in human embryo lung cells
after exposure to 2.5 or 5 µg/mL for 24 hours
4.3.1 Human cells in vitro (Wang et al., 1999).
Silicon carbide whiskers were reported to
increase the level of DNA strand breaks and 4.3.2 Experimental systems in vitro
DNA–DNA interstrand crosslinks in human Svensson et al. (1997) measured DNA strand
A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells after exposure breaks using the nick translation assay in Chinese
at 200 µg/mL for 1 hour (Wang et al., 1999). [The hamster lung fibroblast V79 cells treated with
Working Group noted that the report lacked 0.3–15 μg/mL whiskers (four silicon carbides,
information on the number of independent SiCW-1, -2, -3, and -4, and one silicon nitride,
replicates.] SiNW) and powders (one silicon carbide, SiCP,
DNA strand breaks were measured using the and one silicon nitride, SiNP) for 20 hours. The
alkaline comet assay in human A549 lung adeno- length of the silicon carbide whiskers ranged
carcinoma cells after exposure to 50 µg/mL of between 12  ±  10 µm and 14  ±  10 µm and the
five different silicon carbide nanomaterials for 4, diameters between 0.7  ±  0.4 and 0.9  ±  0.4 µm.
24, or 48 hours (Barillet et al., 2010a). The silicon Accordingly, their length:diameter ratios were
carbide nanoparticles were synthesized by laser similar. The SiCW-3 whiskers were also ball-
pyrolysis of gaseous silane and acetylene precur- milled in water for 3  hours (SiCW-3S, short-
sors to materials with different sizes and ratios milled) or 58 hours (SiCW-3L, long-milled).
between silicon and carbon. Measurements of size The mean length of SiCW-3S and SiCW-3L was
included the specific surface area (33–140 m2/g), 11 ± 7 µm and 9 ± 5 µm, respectively. High rates
BET size (13–58  nm), TEM size (12–45  nm), of DNA strand breaks were observed for all of the
and hydrodynamic diameter (97–280 nm, meas- silicon carbide whiskers (of the same magnitude
ured by photon correlation spectrometry in as crocidolite). The highest effect was found for
cell culture medium). All of five silicon carbide SiCW-3S and the lowest for SiCP.
materials were reported to increase the level The induction of DNA strand breaks was
of DNA strand breaks 4 hours after exposure, investigated by alkaline comet assay in rat kidney
whereas genotoxicity was less evident after 24 proximal tubule NRK-52E cells 24 hours after
and 48 hours. No difference in the generation of exposure to 2–200 µg/mL of a silicon carbide
DNA strand breaks between the silicon carbide nanopowder. The silicon carbide nanoparti-
samples was observed after 4 hours of exposure, cles, synthesized by pyrolysis, were described as
whereas one sample with a large specific surface having a spherical morphology with a specific
area (125 m2/g), median hydrodynamic diameter surface area of 125 m2/g and a particle size of
(168 nm), and low silicon:carbon ratio (0.8) was 15 nm (BET) or 17 nm (TEM). The results were
not genotoxic at 24 or 48 hours. [The data appear not statistically significant. The authors also
to have been obtained from only a single experi- reported that the silicon carbide sample did not
ment and the statistical analysis was based on 50 generate DNA double-strand breaks although
comets from this experiment.] the results were not shown (Barillet et al., 2010b).
Silicon carbide whiskers were reported to Using the M3E3/C3 lung epithelial cell line
increase the number of chromosomal aberra- from Syrian golden hamsters, exposure to silicon
tions (acentric fragments, chromosome breaks, carbide fibres for 48–96 hours at doses between

Table 4.10 Studies of genotoxicity in human cells and in experimental systems in vitro after exposure to silicon carbide

Materiala Dose and cells Effect Comments Reference

Human cells in vitro        
5 SiC-NP (SiC-A–E) with diameters 50 μg/mL for 4–48 h Increase in DNA strand breaks with all SiC-NP Uncertainty Barillet et al.
of 13–68 nm and silicon/carbon in human A549 lung (assessed by the alkaline version of comet assay; about number (2010a)
ratio of 0.8–1.3 adenocarcinoma cells genotoxicity appeared to be transient in cells of independent
exposed to SiC-A and SiC-B, and permanent in replicates and
cells exposed to the other SiC-NP (higher silicon/ statistical analysis
carbon ratio)
SiCW 200 μg/mL for 1 h in human Increase in DNA strand breaks and DNA–DNA Lack of information Wang et al.
A549 lung adenocarcinoma interstrand crosslinks in A549 cells; increased on the number (1999)
cells or 2.5 or 5 μg/ml for 24 h frequency of chromosomal aberration in human of independent
in human embryo lung cells embryo lung cells replicates
Other experimental systems        
SiC nanoparticles synthetized 2–200 μg/mL for 24 h in rat No increase in DNA strand breaks (measured by   Barillet et al.
by pyrolysis, with spherical kidney proximal tubule NRK- alkaline comet assay) (2010b)
morphology, a specific surface area 52E cells
of 125 m2/g and particle size of 15
nm (BET) or 17 nm (TEM)
SiC fibres 0.1–2 μg /mL for 48–96 h in Increase in micronuclei frequency; both Fibre characteristics Peraud &
Syrian golden hamster M3E3/ kinetophore-positive and -negative micronuclei NR Riebe-Imre
C3 lung epithelial cells were detected, evocative of chromosomal (1994)
aberration and breakage and aneuploidy
Five SiC (SiCW-1, -2, -3, and -4 and 0.3–15 μg/mL for 20 h Increase in DNA strand breaks (assessed by nick   Svensson
1 SiCP); diameter, 0.4–0.8 μm in Chinese hamster lung translation assay); high rate of breakage for all et al. (1997)
fibroblast V79 cells SiCW (of the same magnitude as crocidolite);
highest effect found for SiCW-3S and the lowest for
the SiCP
BET, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller; NR, not reported; SiCP, silicon carbide powder; SiC-NP, silicon carbide nanoparticles; SiCW, silicon carbide whiskers; TEM, transmission electron

Silicon carbide

0.1 and 2 µg/mL increased the frequency of No data on persistent inflammation, activa-
micronuclei (Peraud & Riebe-Imre, 1994). [The tion of intracellular signalling pathways, resist-
Working Group noted that no information was ance to apoptosis, or cell proliferation in humans
available on fibre characteristics in this study.] were available to the Working Group.

4.4 Other mechanisms of 4.4.2 Experimental animals

carcinogenesis (a) Inflammasome activation
Persistent inflammation accompanied by
4.4.1 Humans
epithelial cell injury and repair by cell prolif-
See also Section 4.1, Table 4.2 eration are important in the development
Several studies have been published of diseases associated with the inhalation of
concerning occupational exposure to silicon fibres (Bissonnette & Rola-Pleszczynski, 1989;
carbide in humans. In contrast, information in McGavran & Brody, 1989; Rom et al., 1991;
humans on cellular mechanisms such as apop- Donaldson & Brown, 1993; Barrett, 1994; Davis
tosis, with the exception of studies in human et al., 1996).
monocytes in vitro after exposure to silicon In a short-term inhalation experiment silicon
carbide (Nordsletten et al., 1996), is limited. carbide whiskers caused the recruitment of
A dose–response has been demonstrated for inflammatory cells and increased protein levels
decreased lung function and increased inci- in BALF similarly to code 100/475 glass fibres
dence of obstructive lung disease with particle and amosite asbestos fibres. Rats were exposed
mass (Bugge et al., 2011, 2012; Johnsen et al., by whole-body inhalation to the fibre types at
2013). Table 4.2 provides a summary of studies a concentration of 1000 WHO fibres/mL for
conducted among workers within the silicon 7 hours per day. The granulocyte response,
carbide industry and the adverse health commonly used as a measure of inflammation,
outcomes observed, including decreased lung showed a different pattern of time dependence for
function and increased incidence of obstructive each fibre type but no clear differences between
lung disease (Bugge et al., 2010, 2012). fibre types was found for BALF protein levels
(Cullen et al., 1997). The bronchiolar alveolar
Fibrosis deposition of fibres results in increased prolif-
Two men exposed only to silicon carbide eration in epithelial and interstitial cells in the
powder for many years in a factory manufac- lung (Chang et al., 1988; Brody & Overby, 1989;
turing refractory bricks developed bilateral Warheit et al., 1992). In the study of Cullen et al.
reticulonodular densities as detected by chest (1997), the proliferative response to code 100/475
radiography. An open lung biopsy from one glassfibres was no greater than that in unexposed
patient showed a large amount of black material control animals, whereas amosite and silicon
in the fibrosed alveolar septa. X-Ray diffraction carbide whiskers both produced significant
revealed silicon carbide powder to which they increases in cell proliferation.
had been exposed, but not quartz; X-ray diffrac- Nine groups of eight sheep were exposed to
tion analysis of the lung tissue confirmed at least saline, latex, graphite, raw silicon carbide parti-
six different types of silicon carbide, traces of cles, ashed silicon carbide particles, quartz,
tungsten carbide, and an insignificant amount crocidolite, raw silicon carbide fibres, and ashed
of quartz (Funahashi et al., 1984). silicon carbide fibres by instillation once into
the tracheal lobe (Bégin et al., 1989). BALF was

Silicon carbide

obtained at 2-month intervals and animals were alveolar collapse, which are thought to play
necropsied after 8 months. Analyses of cellularity contributory roles in limiting the progression of
and cytotoxicity in the BALF in association with fibrosis (Hawgood & Clements, 1990; Batenburg,
histopathology to assess fibrosis demonstrated 1992; McCormack et al., 1995). The expression
that all particles except for quartz were inert. of SP-A, SP-C, and thyroid transcription factor-1
(TTF-1), a common transcription factor of SP-A
(b) Biomarkers of lung injury and SP-C mRNA in lungs exposed to silicon
Studies on intratracheal instillation have carbide whiskers, was examined in male Wister
shown that exposure to silicon carbide whiskers rats given a single intratracheal instillation of 2
produces pulmonary fibrotic changes, suggesting or 10 mg of silicon carbide whiskers suspended
that these whiskers might have fibrogenic poten- in saline and killed 3  days, 1 week, 1  month,
tial (Morimoto et al., 2003a, b). 3 months, and 6 months after the exposure. RNA
Male Wistar rats were given a single intratra- was subsequently extracted from the lungs and
cheal instillation of 2 or 10 mg of silicon carbide the expression of SP-A, SP-C, and TTF-1 mRNA
whiskers suspended in saline and were killed from the lungs was quantified using RT–PCR.
after 3  days, 1 week, 1  month, 3  months, or Exposure to 2 mg of silicon carbide whiskers
6 months of recovery time. Expression of Clara decreased mRNA expression of SP-A and TTF-1
cell secretory protein (CCSP) was detected using at 6  months, and exposure to 10 mg of silicon
reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction carbide whiskers decreased the levels of SP-A
(RT-PCR), Western blot, and immunostaining. and TTF-1 mRNA after 3  days and 6  months.
Exposure to 10 mg of silicon carbide whiskers In contrast, no clear alteration in the expression
decreased CCSP mRNA expression at 3  days, of SP-C was observed (Morimoto et al., 2003a).
1  week, 1  month, and 6  months after intratra- [These data suggest that SP-A and TTF-1 are
cheal instillation. Protein levels of CCSP in rats associated not only with the acute phase but
were decreased at 1  day, 3  days, and 1  month also the chronic phase of lung injury induced by
after a single instillation of 2 or 10 mg of silicon silicon carbide whiskers.]
carbide whiskers (Morimoto et al., 2003b). CCSP The expression of calcitonin gene-related
is one of the major secretory products specifically peptide (CGRP) was quantified using RT–PCR
produced by Clara cells and is hypothesized to and the enzyme immunometric assay in the
inhibit inflammation and fibrosis because it is lungs of male Wistar rats given a single intratra-
homologous with lipocortin (Mantile et al., 1993). cheal instillation of 2 mg of crystalline silica,
CCSP has also been hypothesized to play a role crocidolite, silicon carbide whiskers, or potas-
as a phospholipase A2 inhibitor in suppressing sium octatitanate whiskers suspended in saline
inflammation and fibrosis (Mango et al., 1998). and killed after recovery periods of 3 days, 1
[The results obtained by Morimoto et al. (2003b) week, 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months. CGRP
suggest that CCSP is involved not only in the protein levels in the lungs of rats exposed to
acute phase but also in the chronic phase of the silicon carbide whiskers and potassium octa-
lung injury induced by silicon carbide whiskers.] titanate whiskers were higher after 3  days of
Surfactant protein (SP) is a biomarker of lung recovery than those in rats exposed to silica and
injury and pulmonary fibrotic activity. SP mainly crocidolite (Morimoto et al., 2007). CGRP, which
produced by type II alveolar epithelial cells, acts is found in the central and peripheral nerves,
as a control tower responsible for guiding the pancreatic Langerhans cells, adrenal cortex, and
secretion and re-uptake of phospholipids, which hypophysis, is a 37-amino acid neuropeptide
decrease alveolar surface tension, and prevent (Dakhama et al., 2004). In the lung, it is secreted


from the neuroendocrine cells and nerve endings (d) Cell proliferation
(Russwurm et al., 2001). The reported functions Bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in vivo
of CGRP include strong vasodilation, inhibition
of inflammatory mediator activity, modulation Studies of acute and chronic inhalation of
of macrophage function, and maintenance of silicon carbide whiskers and intratracheal instil-
airway responsiveness (Dakhama et al., 2002, lation of silicon carbide powder and whiskers
2004). CGRP has also been reported to stimu- all showed that the proliferation of bronchiolar
late the proliferation of epithelial and endothe- and alveolar epithelial cells was induced by
lial cells in various organs (White et al., 1993; exposure to silicon carbide whiskers but not to
Kawase et al., 1999). In the lung, CGRP facilitates silicon carbide powder. In the 1-year study of
the proliferation of alveolar and airway epithelial Akiyama et al. (2007), histopathological exam-
cells; the proliferation of alveolar epithelial cells ination revealed hyperplasia of bronchoalveolar
stimulated by CGRP is mediated by the mito- epithelial cells in 2 out of 11 Wistar rats exposed
gen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway to silicon carbide whiskers. In a 13-week study
(Kawanami et al., 2009). In animal models of (Lapin et al., 1991), adenomatous hyperplasia
airway and alveolar epithelial injury, pulmonary of the lung was observed in male and female
neuroepithelial cells and neuroepithelial bodies Sprague-Dawley rats exposed to silicon carbide
producing CGRP have been reported to undergo whiskers.
hyperplasia these cells produce CGRP in a parac- In two studies of acute exposure to silicon
rine fashion and proliferate in this lung microen- carbide whiskers (Davis et al., 1996; Cullen et al.,
vironment (Elizegi et al., 2001). 1997), analysis of the expression of 5-bromo-2-de-
oxyuridine revealed the induction of hyperplasia
(c) Persistent inflammation of the bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in
rat lungs after 1 and 7 days, respectively.
See Table 4.11
In sheep that were instilled intratracheally
Persistent inflammation in the lung has been
with non-fibrous silicon carbide and two types
reported in experimental animals exposed to
of silicon carbide fibres, a fibroblast prolifer-
asbestos or silica, and is an important mecha-
ation assay using BALF recovered from the
nism that leads to the production of irreversible
lungs revealed that both fibres, but not particles,
chronic lesions, including fibrosis and tumours.
induced the proliferation of sheep lung fibro-
(i) Inhalation blasts (Bégin et al., 1989).
Inhalation exposure of female Wistar rats to
silicon carbide powder (mean diameter, < 3 µm) (e) Granuloma formation and fibrosis
for two periods of 5 days did not induce inflam- See Table 4.11
mation (Bruch et al., 1993a). (i) Inhalation
(ii) Intratracheal instillation Exposure of rats to silicon carbide whiskers
Two studies of silicon carbide administered for 1 year induced severe fibrotic changes in the
by intratracheal instillation of fibres in sheep and lung in two studies (Davis et al., 1996; Akiyama
of whiskers in rats showed fibrosing alveolitis in et al., 2007).
sheep lungs (Bégin et al., 1989), and transient Inhalation exposure of Sprague-Dawley
alveolitis in rat lungs (Ogami et al., 2007). rats to silicon carbide whiskers for 13 weeks
induced minimal or slight pleural fibrosis
(Lapin et al., 1991). [Although this study also

Table 4.11 Studies on persistent inflammation, granuloma formation, and fibrosis in experimental animals

Route of Type of Species, Dosing regimen Duration of Bulk sample Inflammation Fibrosis or Reference
administration silicon strain, exposure/ granulomatosis
carbide (sex) recovery
Inhalation Whiskers Rat, 2.6 ± 0.6 mg/m3, Exposure, 1 yr; Tokai Carbon Co.;   Hyperplasia, Akiyama
Wistar (98 ± 19 fibres/mL)/ recovery, 1 yr purity, 98% severe fibrosis et al.
(M) day (2007)
  Whiskers Rat, 0.09, 3.93, 10.7, Exposure, 13 wk; Whiskers, 80–90%; Adenomatous Pleural fibrosis Lapin et al.
Sprague- 60.5 mg/m3 (0, 630, recovery, 26 wk mean diameter, hyperplasia (minimum/ (1991)
Dawley 1746, 7276 fibres/mL) 0.555 ± 0.197 μm; mean (minimum/slight) slight)
(M, F) /day length, 10 ± 11.2 μm
  Whiskers Rat, 1000 fibres/mL, Exposure, Mean diameter, 0.45 μm   Fibrosis Davis et al.
AF/HAN 7 h/day, 5 days/wk 1 yr; recovery, including fibres > 20 μm (Wagner scale 4) (1996)
(NR) for 1 yr lifespan (1 yr)
  Powder Rat, 20 mg/m3, 5 h/day, Exposure, 2 × Mean diameter, < 3 μm No inflammation   Bruch
Wistar 5 days/wk followed by 5 days; recovery, et al.
(F) a rest period of 2 days 90 days (1993a)
and a re-exposure
period of 5 days
Intratracheal Powder Rat, 50 mg Single dose; Mean diameter, < 3 μm No inflammation   Bruch
instillation Wistar recovery, 3 and et al.
(F) 8 mo (1993b)
  Whiskers Rat, F344 1 or 5 mg/rat Recovery, 18 mo Sample 1: GM diameter,   Multiple Vaughan
(F) 0.8 μm (SD, 0.3); GM nodular et al.
length, 18.1 μm (SD, granulomas (1993)
Sample 2: GM diameter,
1.5 μm (SD, 0.6); GM
length, 15.3 μm (SD,
  Whiskers Rat, 2 mg/rat Recovery, 6 mo GM diameter, 0.3 μm Inflammation   Ogami
Wistar (SD, 1.5); GM length, (transient) et al.
(M) 5.1 μm (SD, 2.3) (2007)
  Non- Sheep 100 mg/sheep Recovery, 8 mo 99.5% < 5 μm Nodular fibrosing   Bégin et al.
fibrous (NR) alveolitis: fibres (1989)
and only
  Silicon Rat, 50 mg/rat Recovery, 12 Average size < 3 μm   No fibrosis Bruch
carbide Wistar months et al.
(M) (1993b)
F, female; GM, geometric mean; M, male; mo, month; NR, not reported; SD, standard deviation; wk, week; yr, year

Silicon carbide

revealed persistent alveolar wall thickening, it is 1999). Translocation of NF-κB was significantly
unclear whether this finding was associated with decreased by antioxidants (curcumin, pyrroli-
pulmonary fibrosis.] dine dithiocarbamate, or nacystelin).
(ii) Intratracheal instillation (b) Apoptosis and necrosis
A single dose of 50 mg of silicon carbide In explants of dog tracheal epithelium, a dose
powder did not induce fibrosis in the lung [even of 10 μg/cm2 of one of three samples of silicon
though the dose was excessive] (Bruch et al., carbide whiskers (Tateho, Japan, or American
1993b). Matrix, Inc., Tennessee, USA) induced necrosis
Two studies of silicon carbide whiskers of non-ciliated cells after 3 days (Vaughan et al.,
provided evidence of various degrees of granu- 1991b). At doses of between 5 and 20 μg/cm2, two
loma formation or fibrosis (Vaughan et al., 1993; of these samples also induced acute toxicity in
Morimoto et al., 2003a). BALB/3T3 mouse embryonic cells, as assessed
No data on immunosuppression, apoptosis, by trypan blue exclusion, 51Cr release, and colo-
activation of intracellular signalling pathways, ny-forming efficiency, that was comparable with
or resistance to apoptosis were available to the that of crocidolite asbestos fibres (Los Alamos
Working Group. National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA)
(Vaughan et al., 1991a).
4.4.3 Experimental systems in vitro Three samples of silicon carbide whiskers
(a) Release of cytokines, chemokines, and (Alcan Aluminum Corp., Pennsylvania; ACMC;
growth factors American Matrix Inc.) were compared with
crocidolite asbestos fibres (UICC), erionite fibres
Macrophages exposed to toxic and carcino- (Rome, Oregon, USA), and JM Code 100 glass-fi-
genic dusts and fibres in vitro release pro-in- bres (Johns Manville Corp., Colorado, USA).
flammatory mediators, and the release of TNF-α At doses between 5 and 50 μg/mL, all fibrous
is commonly used as a biomarker for acute samples induced toxicity in primary rat alveolar
pro-inflammatory effects. Primary rat alveolar macrophages, as assessed by trypan blue exclu-
macrophages were exposed to two samples of sion, and decreased colony-forming efficiency in
silicon carbide whiskers (ACMC) in comparison primary rat tracheal epithelial cells, lung epithe-
with amosite or crocidolite asbestos fibres and
lial cells, and the human lung adenocarcinoma
a variety of man-made mineral fibres at equal A549 cell line (Johnson et al., 1992). The authors
fibre numbers (length, >  5 μm) for 24 hours. noted that these toxicity end-points based on
Both samples of silicon carbide whiskers were as mass doses may not correlate with toxicity ranked
potent as or more potent than asbestos fibres in on the basis of equal fibre numbers.
eliciting TNF-α release (Cullen et al., 1997). Svensson et al. (1997) assessed the effects of
Nuclear translocation of the transcription silicon carbide whiskers (Tokai Carbon Co., Ltd,
factor nuclear factor (NF)-κB is associated with Japan; Tateho Chemical Co., Ltd), silicon carbide
pro-inflammatory gene activation (Mossman powder (UF15, Lonza) and crocidolite asbestos
et al., 1997). In the human A549 lung adeno- fibres (UICC) on colony-formation efficiency
carcinoma cell line, exposure to silicon carbide in the V79 Chinese hamster lung fibroblast cell
whiskers (ACMC) for 8  hours induced the line exposed to 0.25–80 μg/cm2 for 20 hours. The
activation of NF-κB in 38% of cells compared silicon carbide whiskers and crocidolite asbestos
with 55% of cells exposed to long-fibre amosite fibres showed highest potency; milled silicon
asbestos at equal fibre numbers (Brown et al.,

Silicon carbide

carbide whiskers and silicon carbide powder The mean length of SiCW-3S and SiCW-3L was
were less potent. 11 ± 7 µm and 9 ± 5 µm, respectively. The assay
In primary cultures of hamster alveolar detected the reaction product, 8-hydroxydeoxy-
macrophages, silicon carbide whiskers (Japan guanosine, formed in the presence of hydrogen
Fibrous Materials Research Association) induced peroxide and deoxyguanosine. The 8-hydroxyde-
apoptosis after exposure to 20–60 μg/mL for 18 oxyguanosine/deoxyguanosine ratio was taken
hours assessed by the detection of a DNA ladder as an index of hydroxyl radical formation. Only
and nuclear morphology using TEM (Watanabe SiCW-4 and crocidolite, used as positive control,
et al., 2000). Using the same sample of silicon could potentiate the formation of hydroxyl radi-
carbide whiskers in comparison with chrysotile cals. In the presence of the scavenger dimethyl
asbestos fibres (Japan Association for the sulfoxide, the hydroxyl radical production of
Working Environment Measurement) at doses these samples was lowered (Svensson et al., 1997).
of 20–60 μg/mL, Shibata et al. (2007) detected In an acellular system, silicon carbide whiskers
plasma membrane injury assessed by lactate (ACMC) had the ability to deplete both GSH and
dehydrogenase release in primary cultures of rat ascorbate from pure solutions of GSH or ascor-
alveolar macrophages and the murine peritoneal bate, and GSH from Wistar rat lung lining fluid
macrophage RAW 264.7 cell line. (Brown et al., 2000).
The formation of oxygen radicals by human
(c) Impaired DNA repair neutrophils treated with samples of silicon
No data on impaired DNA repair were avail- carbide whiskers and silicon nitride whiskers
able to the Working Group. was assessed by chemiluminescence and the
DNA breakage was detected in M3E3/C3 formation of hydrogen peroxide was determined
lung epithelial cells exposed to silicon carbide, (Svensson et al., 1997). Several samples – SiCW-1,
as measured by the detection of micronuclei SiCW-3, SiCW-4, SiCW-3S, and SiCW-3L –
(Peraud & Riebe-Imre, 1994). Both kinetochore induced chemiluminescence and a relatively
positive and kinetochore negative micronu- good correlation was found between the magni-
clei were detected as evidence for chromosome tude of chemiluminescence and the neutro-
breakage and aneuploidy. phil-mediated formation of hydrogen peroxide.
[These results showed that some samples could
(d) Depletion of antioxidants trigger the intracellular production of ROS and
No direct data on the depletion of antioxi- suggest that silicon carbide whiskers may disturb
dants in cells were available to the Working the cellular oxidant/antioxidant balance.]
Group. Another study demonstrated the production
In an acellular test system, the effects of five of ROS by silicon carbide-exposed cells. In addi-
whiskers (four silicon carbides, SiCW-1, -2,-3, tion, the authors suggested that the generation of
and -4, and one silicon nitride, SiNW) and two ROS was dependent on NF-κB activation. In this
powders (one silicon carbide, SiCP, and one silicon study, human A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells
nitride, SiNP) were determined. SiCW-3 was also were exposed to silicon carbide (60.86% > 10 µm
ball-milled in water for 3 hours (SiCW-3S, short- in length; ACMC). The effects on hydrogen
milled) or 58 hours (SiCW-3L, long-milled). The peroxide formation of silicon carbide, long
lengths of the silicon carbide whiskers ranged amosite asbestos fibres, and refractory ceramic
between 12 ± 10 and 14 ± 10 µm and the diame- fibres were compared. All fibres produced posi-
ters between 0.7 ± 0.4 and 0.9 ± 0.4 µm and their tive nuclear staining of NF-κB in A549 cells, as
length/diameter ratios were therefore similar. well as generation of hydrogen peroxide. Several


Table 4.12 Summary of the results of mechanistic studies for the three categories of silicon

Category of silicon carbide End-point Reference

Biopersistence Inflammation/ Genotoxicity
fibrosis in lung
Abrasive dust from the Acheson process Weak Weak No data Dufresne et al. (1992)
Silicon carbide whiskers Strong Strong Moderatea Akiyama et al. (2003, 2007)
Silicon carbide nanoparticles No data No data Inadequate data Barillet et al. (2010a)
a Chromosomal aberrations in human cells

antioxidant inhibitors and a specific inhibitor of 5. Summary of Data Reported

NF-κB activation inhibited the effect of the fibres
(Brown et al., 1999). [These results showed the
involvement of oxidants in silicon carbide-de-
5.1 Exposure data
pendent activation of the transcription factor Silicon carbide occurs in several forms:
NF-κB and also suggest that silicon carbide fibres non-fibrous or granular particulate material
could perturb the cellular oxidant/antioxidant (dust, crude, and grains), fibres, and whiskers.
balance.] A fibre is typically polycrystalline, whereas the
No data on inflammasome activation, immu- name whisker is applied only to monocrys-
nosuppression, alteration of DNA methylation, talline (or single-crystal) fibres. Whiskers are
or the activation of oncogenes and tumour-sup- intentionally produced and have a homogeneous
pressor genes in other experimental systems were morphology whereas silicon carbide fibres are
available to the Working Group. morphologically heterogeneous. Silicon carbide
whiskers are cylindrical in shape, similar in size
4.5 Susceptible populations to asbestos amphiboles, and may meet the defi-
nition of WHO fibres.
No data were available to the Working Group. Silicon carbide is very stable, but chem-
ical reactions between silicon carbide and
oxygen occur at relatively high temperatures.
4.6 Mechanistic considerations
Fresh surfaces of silicon carbide exposed to an
The summary of the relevant data available oxidizing atmosphere could thus be covered by a
are reported separately in Table 4.12 for the three film of silicon dioxide.
categories of silicon carbide and for the three Silicon carbide can be manufactured by
most relevant end-points: biopersistence, inflam- several processes, resulting in different levels
mation and fibrosis, and genotoxicity. of purity, crystal structure, particle size, and
shape; the most frequently used method is the
Acheson process for the production of silicon
carbide particles, in which silicon carbide fibres
are unwanted by-products. Different morpholo-
gies of silicon carbide fibres formed during the
Acheson process have been observed by elec-
tron microscopy. Their length and diameter

Silicon carbide

are variable, but can fulfil the WHO definition with an average diameter < 1 µm and an aspect
of fibres, and may include fibres that are indis- ratio > 35. Lower levels of fibres have been meas-
tinguishable from whiskers. Silicon carbide ured in the processing department, but cleavage
fragments (probably derived from the cleavage fragments were present at higher concentrations.
of non-fibrous silicon carbide crystals), also Exposures to respirable silicon carbide fibres were
corresponding to the WHO definition of fibres, confirmed by the analysis of human lung tissues.
were found in the processing department and in Most of the fibres in lung samples were < 5 µm in
sorting operations. length. In silicon carbide industries, workers are
Other methods for the production of silicon also co-exposed to quartz and cristobalite.
carbide particulates, fibres, or whiskers exist but
have not been well documented with respect to
the generation of fibrous silicon carbide in the
5.2 Human carcinogenicity data
air. The carcinogenic risk associated with expo-
Silicon carbide production began in the early sure to silicon carbide fibres has been investigated
twentieth century mostly for use as abrasives. in two cohort studies of occupational exposure
Carborundum is a commercial name for silicon among workers using the Acheson process in
carbide abrasives and is occasionally used as a silicon-carbide manufacturing plants. This
common name for silicon carbide dust. In 2013, process is characterized by multiple exposures,
the global production capacity was estimated to among them fibrous and non-fibrous silicon
more than 1  000  000 metric tonnes, of which carbide, quartz, and cristobalite. The first cohort
China was the leading producer. The avail- study included workers in the Canadian sili-
able information on production levels mostly con-carbide manufacturing industry. An excess
concerns the Acheson process. Additional appli- of mortality from lung cancer was observed
cations of silicon carbide include: refractories, in comparison with the general population.
electrical devices, electronics, diesel particle Mortality from mesothelioma was not reported
filters, ceramics, industrial furnaces, structural for this cohort. In the second cohort, the inci-
materials, metallurgy, and in the aerospace, dence of lung cancer was investigated among
automotive, and power generation industries workers in the Norwegian silicon-carbide manu-
as reinforcing materials in advanced ceramic facturing industry. In a series of studies, the most
composites. Unwanted fibres from the Acheson informative analysis was limited to long-term
process are usually recycled in further reactions workers with at least 3 years of employment, and
in the Acheson furnace; they may also occasion- was based on a detailed job–exposure matrix
ally be sold as part of metallurgical-grade silicon taking into account total and respirable dust,
carbide. Silicon carbide whiskers are used as a non-fibrous and fibrous silicon carbide, quartz,
durable industrial substitute for asbestos. and cristobalite. Overall, the incidence of lung
Insufficient data have been reported to reach cancer was increased, with the highest risk for
a conclusion on the exposure of workers to workers in the furnace department who were
whiskers and silicon carbide dust used as abra- believed to have the highest exposures to fibrous
sive products. However, high levels of silicon silicon carbide and crystalline silica dust. In
carbide fibres have been measured in the Acheson multivariate modelling, an exposure–response
process during the mixing of materials, furnace effect was observed for silicon carbide fibres. The
operations, and the separation of products with effect was weakened and no longer statistically
average concentrations of >  0.1 fibres/cm3. The significant after adjustment for concurrent expo-
majority of the silicon carbide fibres were thin sure to cristobalite. The Working Group noted


that the strong correlation between exposures 5.4 Mechanistic and other relevant
to silicon carbide fibres and cristobalite made data
the disentanglement of their respective effects
difficult. Silicon carbide particles were not asso- 5.4.1 Silicon carbide produced by the
ciated with cancer of the lung independently of Acheson process
silicon carbide fibres or cristobalite. No excess in
the incidence of mesothelioma was observed in Airborne silicon carbide from the Acheson
the Norwegian cohort. No data were available on process, containing silicon carbide dust and
cancer in populations exposed to manufactured fibres, can be deposited and retained in the
silicon carbide whiskers. human lung. After intratracheal instillation,
silicon carbide dust and fibres were retained in
the lungs of sheep. Mechanistic studies on silicon
5.3 Animal carcinogenicity data carbide materials in humans are lacking. The
few available studies in experimental animals do
Studies of fibrous silicon carbide in exper-
not provide any insight into the mechanisms of
imental animals were available only for silicon
carbide whiskers.
Silicon carbide whiskers significantly
increased the incidence of mesothelioma in three 5.4.2 Silicon carbide whiskers
studies in female rats treated by intrapleural Studies on silicon carbide whiskers demon-
injection, intrapleural implantation, or intra- strated biopersistence in the rat lung. The
peritoneal injection, and the increase was Working Group noted the lack of studies on
dose-related in rats treated by intraperitoneal the translocation of silicon carbide materials
injection. In a study in female rats treated by to the pleural cavity in experimental animals.
intratracheal instillation with two types of Pulmonary exposure to silicon carbide whiskers
silicon carbide whiskers, judged by the Working in experimental animals has been associated
Group to be limited because of its short duration, with lung cell injury, inflammation, and fibrotic
no treatment-related neoplasms were observed. responses. Oxidative stress has been reported in
One study of inhalation in male rats and one studies in vitro. Genotoxicity measurements were
study of intraperitoneal injection in female rats limited to in-vitro studies. One study of genotox-
gave negative results. icity demonstrated chromosomal aberrations in
Mesotheliomas were reported in one study human embryonic lung cells exposed to silicon
of intraperitoneal injection in female rats and in carbide whiskers. The few available studies
one study each of inhalation and intraperitoneal reported data which are fully consistent with
injection in rats (sex unspecified); however, these the mechanisms of carcinogenicity proposed
studies did not include concurrent controls. for asbestos and erionite (see IARC Monographs
Because the background incidence of mesotheli- Volume 100C).
omas is very low in rats, some consideration was
given to these three studies that gave positive 5.4.3 Silicon carbide nanoparticles
results, despite their lack of concurrent controls.
Mechanistic studies of silicon carbide nano-
particles are sparse. The production of reactive
oxygen species and the depletion of antioxidants
have been reported in a few in-vitro studies,
which have not been independently replicated

Silicon carbide

across different cell cultures or in in-vivo models 6.4 Rationale

and thus do not provide conclusive evidence that
oxidative stress is a mechanism of the toxicity of Rationale for a separate evaluation of
silicon carbide nanoparticles. The results from whiskers and fibres – majority view
experimental models do not provide adequate
The rationale for a separate evaluation of
information to support a conclusion regarding
whiskers and fibres is based on differences in the
the potential mechanisms of carcinogenicity of
nature of the agents.
silicon carbide nanoparticles.
The cohort of workers at plants using the
Acheson process was occupationally exposed to
non-fibrous and fibrous silicon carbide, poten-
6. Evaluation tially including some fibres that could be defined
as whiskers, whereas exposure in most of the
6.1 Cancer in humans studies in experimental animals and in experi-
mental systems was to silicon carbide whiskers.
There is sufficient evidence in humans for the Silicon carbide whiskers are monocrystalline
carcinogenicity of occupational exposures asso- and homogeneous in form, while fibrous silicon
ciated with the Acheson process. Occupational carbide is mostly polycrystalline and hetero-
exposures associated with the Acheson process geneous in form. The physico-chemical char-
cause cancer of the lung. acteristics of these fibres were considered to be
There is limited evidence in humans for distinct, and therefore the fibres and whiskers
the carcinogenicity of fibrous silicon carbide. warrant separate evaluations.
Positive associations have been observed
between exposure to fibrous silicon carbide and
cancer of the lung.
Rationale for a combined overall evaluation
of whiskers and fibres – minority view

6.2 Cancer in experimental animals The argument for a combined overall evalu-
ation of silicon carbide whiskers and fibres was
There is sufficient evidence in experimental that a proportion of the fibres in the epidemiolog-
animals for the carcinogenicity of silicon carbide ical study in Norway had dimensions that were
whiskers. consistent with silicon carbide whiskers, and were
morphologically indistinguishable from silicon
carbide whiskers under electron microscopy.
6.3 Overall evaluation Thus, the excess of cancer of the lung observed
Occupational exposures associated with the was relevant for evaluating the carcinogenicity
Acheson process are carcinogenic to humans of silicon whiskers as well as other fibrous silicon
(Group 1). carbide. Had the minority view been adopted, it
Fibrous silicon carbide is possibly carcino- would have supported an overall evaluation of
genic to humans (Group 2B). probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A).
Silicon carbide whiskers are probably carcino-
genic to humans (Group 2A).


Rationale for classification in Group 2A – Adachi S, Kawamura K, Takemoto K (2001). A trial

on the quantitative risk assessment of man-made
majority view mineral fibres by the rat intraperitoneal administra-
tion assay using the JFM standard fibrous samples.
A narrow majority of the Working Group Ind Health, 39(2):168–74. doi:10.2486/indhealth.39.168
voted for the classification of silicon carbide PMID:11341547
whiskers as probably carcinogenic to humans Akiyama I, Ogami A, Oyabu T, Yamato H, Morimoto Y,
(Group 2A) rather than as possibly carcinogenic Tanaka I (2003). Clearance of deposited silicon carbide
whisker from rat lungs inhaled during a 4-week expo-
to humans (Group 2B). sure. J Occup Health, 45(1):31–5. doi:10.1539/joh.45.31
The majority view was primarily based on PMID:14605426
their expert opinion that the major physical Akiyama I, Ogami A, Oyabu T, Yamato H, Morimoto
properties of silicon carbide whiskers resem- Y, Tanaka I (2007). Pulmonary effects and bioper-
sistence of deposited silicon carbide whisker after
bled those of asbestos and erionite fibres, which 1-year inhalation in rats. Inhal Toxicol, 19(2):141–7.
are classified as carcinogenic to humans (Group doi:10.1080/08958370601051784 PMID:17169861
1). This information was used to upgrade the Asgharian B, Yu CP (1989a). Deposition of
fibers the rat lung. J Aerosol Sci, 20(3):355–66.
overall evaluation of carcinogenicity to humans doi:10.1016/0021-8502(89)90011-6
to Group 2A. Asgharian B, Yu CP (1989b). A simplified model
of interceptional deposition of fibers at airway
bifurcations. Aerosol Sci Technol, 11(1):80–8.
Rationale for classification in Group 2B – doi:10.1080/02786828908959301
minority view ASTM (1998). Standard practice for handling silicon
carbide whiskers. ASTM E1437–98 - Committee E-34
A minority of the Working Group voted on Occupational Health and Safety (Subcommittee
for the classification of silicon carbide whiskers E34.70 on Single Crystal Ceramic Whiskers). West
as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B) Conshohocken (PA), USA: The American Society for
Testing and Materials.
because: ASTM (2011). Standard practice for determining concen-
• the evidence for the carcinogenicity of silicon tration of airborne single-crystal ceramic whiskers
in the workplace environment. ASTM D6058–96
carbide whiskers in experimental animals - Committee D-22 on Sampling and Analysis of
was based on direct bolus delivery into the Atmospheres. West Conshohocken (PA), USA: The
pleura or peritoneum at high mass doses; American Society for Testing and Materials.
Barillet S, Jugan ML, Laye M, Leconte Y, Herlin-Boime
• only one study of inhalation was available and N, Reynaud C, et  al. (2010a). In vitro evaluation of
was considered by the minority as inadequate SiC nanoparticles impact on A549 pulmonary cells:
for the evaluation due to lack of concurrent cyto-, genotoxicity and oxidative stress. Toxicol
Lett, 198(3):324–30. doi:10.1016/j.toxlet.2010.07.009
unexposed controls; and PMID:20655996
• the available mechanistic data did not provide Barillet S, Simon-Deckers A, Herlin-Boime N, Mayne-
strong support for an upgrade of the overall L’Hermite M, Reynaud C, Cassio D, et  al. (2010b).
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Barrett JC (1994). Cellular and molecular mechanisms
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Silicon carbide

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