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PL Situations W Starter Pack PDF

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The document outlines 20 wargaming scenarios set in Normandy on D-Day and subsequent battles in Western Europe in 1944-1945.

Victory is typically determined by controlling objectives like towns and bridges by the end of the game, with the level of victory depending on the number of objectives controlled. Defeat of the enemy force is also a possible victory condition.

Special rules often include rules for DD tank and naval fire support landings, damaged bridges, and replacement of missing unit types with similar counters.

PL Scenario No.

1: UTAH Beach

Normandy on June 6, 1 944: U.S. 1 01 st Airborne Division attacks Map configuration

elements of the German 709th Division behind the Utah Beach.
Set-Up: German sets up first, anywhere on board D.
Allied sets up second; anywhere on mapboard, but NOT within
3 hexes of any of the objectives listed below.
Special Rules: Allied player must secretly record his objective
(any one of the three listed below) before the German player
sets up.


LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

12 3

German Order of Battle

6 2 2

Victory Conditions
ALLIED player wins by controlling all of the hexes (if more than one) in one of the following objectives at the end of the game:
1 ) Bridge hex at D-BB-6 (outside ARTAIN), or
2) Town hex at D-T-4 (within NECE), or
3) Both town hexes of MERDEN.

GERMAN: Avoid Allied victory conditions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 2: OMAHA Beach

Normandy on June 6, 1 944: U.S. Reinforced elements of the Map configuration

U.S. 1 st and 29th Infantry Divisions attack elements of the
German 352nd Division on Omaha Beach.
Set-Up: As per the Amphibious Landing Rules.
NOTE: Neither side may set up or move units EAST of hex row
"J" (inclusive) on both boards. German player may set up units N
on both sections within the above restrictions.
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 5 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

DD 15
18 3 6 2 2 3 2 4 8
German Order of Battle

12 2 2 2 2 2

3 2 5 6 6 3 11
Special Rules
1 . DD TANKS: use regular M4/75 counters. Roll one die for each DD unit at the beginning of the turn after placement:
1 , 2 or 3 means DD unit lands normally (unless dispersed by fire or stacking); 4, 5 or 6 means DD unit is sunk and
removed from play. Do not place any wreck counters.
2. NAVAL FIRE: Use the optional Naval Support Fire rule. Allied player receives naval attack strength points (NASP's) 9
according to the following schedule. They may NOT be accumulated from turn to turn.
TURN #1 320 NASP's
TURN #2-1 0
TURN #1 1 -1 5
240 NASP's
220 NASP's
Victory Conditions 7
Victory conditions are dependent on the control of towns on board B. All town hexes in a town must be controlled:

Allied player controls four towns:

Allied player controls three towns:
DECISIVE Allied victory.
TACTICAL Allied victory.
Allied player controls two towns: MARGINAL Allied victory.
Allied player controls one town: TACTICAL German victory.
Allied player controls no towns: DECISIVE German victory. 1 2 3 4 5
PL Scenario No. 3: GOLD Beach

Normandy on June 6, 1 944: Elements of British 79th Armoured Map configuration

Division attack elements of the German 71 6th Division on Gold
Set-Up: As per the Amphibious Landing Rules. German player
may set up units on both boards. NOTE: Neither side may set up
or move units WEST of hex row "X" ("J" on board D) inclusive. N
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 5 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle


12 4 2 2 2 4 6

German Order of Battle

8 2 2 2 2 2 4 6 6 2

Special Rules
1 . DD TANKS: use regular Sherman UK counters. Roll one die for each DD unit at the beginning of the turn after the
placement: 1 -5 means DD unit lands normally (unless dispersed by fire or stacking); 6 means DD unit is sunk and
removed from play. Do not place any wreck counters.

2. NAVAL FIRE: Use the optional Naval Support Fire rule. Allied player receives naval attack strength points (NASP's)
according to the following schedule. They may NOT be accumulated from turn to turn.
TURN #1 240 NASP's
TURN #2-1 0 1 80 NASP's
TURN #1 1 -1 5 1 00 NASP's
3. Consider the bridge in hex D-BB-6 demolished and therefore impassable.

Victory Conditions 13
ALLIED: Allied player wins by controlling the following objectives at the end of the game:

Four towns and bridge (at B-H-9) controlled: DECISIVE Allied victory
Three towns and bridge controlled: TACTICAL Allied victory
Three towns controlled: MARGINAL Allied victory

GERMAN: German player wins (DECISIVE) if Allied player controls fewer than three towns at the end of the game.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 4: St. Lo

Normandy on June 29, 1 944: Elements of the U.S. 1 1 6th Map configuration
Infantry Regiment, supported by elements of the 737th Tank
Battalion, attack towards St. Lo against units of the German
3rd Fallschirmjäger (Parachute) Division and the 1 2th
Sturmgeschütz (Assault Gun) Brigade.
Set-Up: German sets up first, anywhere on board A.
Allied sets up second, anywhere on board C.
Special Rules: None
LENGTH: 1 5 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

18 3 2 3 3 3 3 5

German Order of Battle

10 2 2 2 2

2 3 6 3 14
Victory Conditions
ALLIED: Allied player wins by fulfilling one of the following conditions at the end of the game:
1 . Control ALL town hexes in GRANCELLES, or:
2. Control all town hexes in GRANCELLES that are EAST of the stream, and control all town hexes in the towns of KUHN,
GERMAN: German player wins by avoiding Allied victory conditions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 5: Operation GOODWOOD

Normandy on July 1 8, 1 944: Elements of the British 1 1 th and Map configuration

Guards Armoured Divisions encounter remnants of the German
1 st SS and 21 st Panzer Divisions during Operation Goodwood.
Set-Up: German sets up first on boards A and C; he may set up
anywhere on board C, but must set up SOUTH of the major
stream on board A. German units may not begin in any town
hexes of GRANCELLES.
Allied sets up second on boards A and B; he must set up NORTH N
of the major stream on both boards. All armored-type units
must begin on board A.
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

12 2 3 3 2 4 20 14 8

German Order of Battle

15 3 4 3 2 2 2

2 2 3 3 4 3 4

Special Rules
No more than five aircraft counters may be on the mapboard at any one time.

Victory Conditions
ALLIED: To win, Allied player must control ALL town hexes and bridge hexes on board A, while maintaining LESS than a 3-2 ratio
of units eliminated, as compared to the German player, at the end of the game.

GERMAN: German player wins by avoiding Allied victory conditions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 6: The Reichswald

Netherlands on September 7, 1 944: Elements of the 2nd Map configuration

Canadian Infantry attack the German 84th Infantry Division
near the Reichswald.
Set-Up: German sets up first, anywhere on mapboard NORTH
of hex row H.
Allied sets up second, anywhere on the mapboard SOUTH of N
hex row I.
Special Rules: None.


LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

18 2 3 2 3 3 2 6 4

German Order of Battle

9 2 2 2 2

Victory Conditions
ALLIED: Allied player wins by controlling all four town hexes of the town of NECE, AND not losing more than 1 0 Allied units at the
end of the game:
0-3 Allied units eliminated: DECISIVE Allied victory
4-6 Allied units eliminated: TACTICAL Allied victory
7-1 0 Allied units eliminated: MARGINAL Allied victory

GERMAN: German player wins by controlling at least one town hex of NECE (Decisive victory), OR by eliminating more than 1 0
Allied units (Tactical victory) at the end of the game.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 7: Encirclement of Nancy
France on September 1 4, 1 944: Elements of the American 4th Map configuration
Armored Division attack the German 553rd Volksgrenadier
Division and attached units during the encirclement of Nancy.
Set-Up: German sets up first on board D, EAST of hex row H.
Allied sets up on board D, WEST of hex row H.
Special Rules: None.


LENGTH: 1 0 Turns. N

Allied Order of Battle

9 3 3 3 6 3 13

German Order of Battle

6 3 3 2 2 3 2

Victory Conditions
ALLIED: Allied player must control all town hexes in GRANCELLES at the end of the game.

GERMAN: German player wins by controlling at least one hex of GRANCELLES without losing 1 2 or more combat units.

Any other outcome is a DRAW.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 8: Marieulles

France on September 1 6, 1 944: Elements of the U.S. 7th Map configuration

Armored Division engage a mixed force of German officer
trainees at Marieulles.
Set-Up: German sets up first in town of GRANCELLES on board A.
Allied sets up second anywhere on board D.
Special Rules: None.
LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

9 3 3 13

German Order of Battle

6 3 3 3

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are dependent on control of all town hexes in town of GRANCELLES:

Allies control all town hexes at end of turn five: TACTICAL Allied victory
Allies control all town hexes at end of turn six: MARGINAL Allied victory
Allies control all town hexes at end of turn seven: DRAW
Allies control all town hexes at end of turn ten: MARGINAL German victory
Allies DO NOT control all town hexes at end of turn ten: TACTICAL German victory

NOTE: Victory level increases by one step (ie. Tactical becomes Decisive) if winning side has lost less than 50% of its combat units.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 9: Operation Market: Nijmegen

Netherlands on September 20, 1 944: Elements of the U.S. Map configuration

82nd Airborne Division and the Irish Guards assault units of the
German 9th SS Panzer Division at Nijmegen.
Set-Up: German sets up first, NORTH of the major stream.
Allied sets up second, SOUTH of the major stream.
Special Rules: None.
LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

9 3 2 3 8 3 6

German Order of Battle

9 2 2 2 3 10 6

Victory Conditions
ALLIED: Control two bridge hexes (including tank bridge if emplaced and intact) NORTH of hex row Q at the end of the game.

GERMAN: Avoid Allied victory condition.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 10: Operation Market: Arnhem

Netherlands on September 22, 1 944: Kampfgruppe Harzer Map configuration

attacks elements of the 1 st British Parachute Brigade at Arnhem.
Set-Up: Allied sets up first, in the town of GRANCELLES.
German sets up second, at least three hexes away from the
nearest Allied unit.
Special Rules: None
LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

9 3 2 2

German Order of Battle

12 2 2

2 2 2 5

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are depemdent on control of all town hexes in GRANCELLES:

Germans control all at end of turn 5: DECISIVE German victory

Germans control all at end of turn 7: TACTICAL German victory
Germans control all at end of turn 8: MARGINAL German victory
Germans control all at end of turn 9: MARGINAL Allied victory
Germans control all at end of turn 1 0: TACTICAL Allied victory
Germans fail to control all at end of the game: DECISIVE Allied victory

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 11: Operation Market: Anticlimax
Netherlands on September 29, 1 944: Elements of the 1 1 3th U.S. Map configuration
Cavalry Group and the 1 st Belgian Brigade engage units of the
German 1 76th Infantry Division, Division Erdmann and
Kampfgruppe Walther.
Set-Up: German sets up first, anywhere EAST of the major stream.
Allied sets up second. Belgians set up on board A, WEST of the
major stream. Americans set up on board D, WEST of the major N
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 2 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

Belgian Brigade

9 3 2 4 2 8 6

1 1 3 Cavalry Group

6 3 3 3 3 3 9
German Order of Battle

18 3 3 4 2 2 2

2 5 5 6 9
Special Rules
Belgian units must remain on board A and American units must remain on boards C and/or D, until one of the two
groups outnumbers the German units on their respective board sections by at least a 3-1 ratio. When this occurs, both
groups may operate anywhere on the mapboard.
Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are dependent on the number of German combat units remaining on board sections A and D at the
end of the game:
Less than 1 0 German units on A and D: DECISIVE Allied victory
1 0-1 5 German units on A and D: TACTICAL Allied victory
1 6-20 German units on A and D: MARGINAL Allied victory 5
21 -25 German units on A and D: MARGINAL German victory
26-30 German units on A and D: TACTICAL German victory
30+ German units on A and D: DECISIVE German victory
1 2 3 4
PL Scenario No. 12: Prelude: The Saar

Netherlands on November 25, 1 944: The German Panzer Lehr Map configuration
counterattacks elements of the American 1 06th Cavalry Group
and the 1 1 4th Infantry Regiment near the Saar.
Set-Up: Allied sets up first on board D.
German sets up second on board C.
Special Rules: See below. N
LENGTH: 1 5 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

12 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

German Order of Battle

12 2 3 3

2 3 4 10 6

Special Rules
German units may leave the mapboard by moving off the west edge of board A during any friendly movement phase. They may
only exit the mapboard from hexes P-1 , Q-1 , R-1 or S-1 , however.

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are dependent on the number of German units that exit off the west edge of the mapboard and/or the number
of units eliminated at the end of the game:

Less than 1 0 German units exited, OR more than 1 5 German units eliminated: DECISIVE Allied victory
1 0-20 German units exited: TACTICAL Allied victory
21 -25 German units exited: MARGINAL Allied victory
26-30 German units exited: MARGINAL German victory
31 -35 German units exited: TACTICAL German victory
36+ German units exited, OR more than 1 8 Allied combat units eliminated: DECISIVE German victory

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 13: The 'Fortified Goose Egg'
France on December 1 7, 1 944: Elements of the 1 8th Volksgrenadier Map configuration
Division and the Führer's Begleit Brigade assault elements of the U.S.
1 06th Infantry Regiment and 7th Armored Division near St. Vith.
Set-Up: Allied sets up first anywhere on mapboard, at least five hexes
from EAST edge of the board.
German sets up second, within three hexes of EAST edge of mapboard.
Führer Begleit Bde. must set up only on board C. The 1 8 VG Div. must N
set up only on board D.
Special Rules: None
LENGTH: 1 2 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

9 18 3 3 3

3 3 3 2 2 3 9 3 17 4

German Order of Battle Führer Begleit Brigade

9 9 9 2 2 6 6 10

2 2 1 8th Volksgrenadier 12

4 3 2 3 2 2 4 6

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are dependent on control of town hexes and/or elimination of enemy combat units at the end of the

German controls 1 3 town hexes OR eliminates 33 or more Allied combat units: DECISIVE German victory
German controls 1 1 -1 2 town hexes: TACTICAL German victory
German controls 8-1 0 town hexes: MARGINAL German victory
German controls 6-7 town hexes: MARGINAL Allied victory
German controls 4-5 town hexes:
German controls 0-3 town hexes OR Allies eliminate 25+ German combat units:
TACTICAL Allied victory
DECISIVE Allied victory

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 14: Bulge: Thrust

France on December 1 8, 1 944: Kampfgruppe Peiper assaults Map configuration

mixed engineer and support units at Stavelot and Trois Ponts.
Set-Up: Allied sets up first. Group A sets up within two hexes of
WILN. Group B sets up in town of ST. ATHAN.
German sets up second on board D, EAST of hex row P.
Special Rules: See below.
LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

Group A
774 TD Battalion &
99 Inf. Division

3 3 2 5

Group B
Company 'C', 51 Engineer Battalion

3 2 3

German Order of Battle

9 3 2 6 6 10 6

Special Rules
1 . Allied engineer units may not attempt a bridge demolition, until German units are within five hexes of the bridge hex in

2. All German units must enter board C, EAST of hex row R, before the end of the second game turn. (All units that fail to do so
are eliminated). Once on board C, German units may not reenter board D.

3. All Allied units must remain on board C.

Victory Conditions
GERMAN: German player wins by exiting 1 5 combat units off the west edge of the board before the end of the game.

ALLIED: Allied player wins by avoiding German victory conditions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 15: Elsenborn Ridge

France on December 1 8, 1 944: Elements of the 1 2th SS Panzer Map configuration

Division and the 276 Volksgrenadier Division attack remnants
of the American 2nd Division holding an emergency line near
the villages of Krinkelt and Rocherath.
Set-Up: Allied sets up first, anywhere on board C.
German sets up second on board D; Group A sets up SOUTH of N
hex row Q, Group B sets up NORTH of hex row Q.
Special Rules: None.


LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

18 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 6

German Order of Battle

Group A
3 6 2 6 3 3 9 6
1 2 SS Panzer Division Group B

6 12 2 2 4
276 Volksgrenadier Division

Victory Conditions
GERMAN: German player wins by controlling all town hexes on board C AND exiting at least ten combat units off the west edge of
the board between J-1 0 and X-1 0, inclusive, at the end of the game.

ALLIED: Allied player wins by avoiding German victory conditions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 16: Bastogne: Prelude

Belgium on December 1 9, 1 944: U.S. Elements of the American Map configuration

1 01 st Airborne Division and its support units engage elements of
the German Panzer Lehr Division probing east of Bastogne.
Set-Up: German sets up first, on roads EAST of the north-south
stream, at least one hex away from ARTAIN.
Allied sets up second, on road running west from ARTAIN. N
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 0 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

18 2 2 3 2

German Order of Battle

15 3

Special Rules
Allied mortar units must be loaded in trucks at the start of the game.

Victory Conditions
ALLIED: Allied player wins by controlling at least two town hexes in ARTAIN at the end of the game.

GERMAN: German player wins by avoiding Allied victory conditions.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 17: Turning Point: Celles
Belgium on December 25, 1 944: Elements of the U.S. 2nd Armored Map configuration
Division and a British support unit attack the German 2nd Panzer
Division strung out near Celles, at the tip of the "bulge".
Set-Up: German sets up first. Group A sets up within one hex of ST.
ARTAIN. Group B sets up within two hexes of WILN.
Allied sets up second. Americans set up on board A, WEST of the
north-south stream. Brits set up on board D, WEST of north-south N
Special Rules: See below.
LENGTH: 1 2 Turns.

American: Elements/CCB
Allied Order of Battle

9 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 3

Elements/29 Armored Brigade
3 3 5 8

German Order of Battle

Elements/Recon Battalion

Group A
3 2 3 3
Elements/304 (PG) Reg. & 3 (PZ) Reg.

Group B

18 2 2 2 3 10 7 6

Special Rules
Use PzKW-V (SS) to fill out any missing PzKW-V (W) unit, use lower values.

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are dependent on control of towns on board C and/or elimination of enemy combat units by end of the game:

Completely control all town hexes AND eliminate 25+ German units: DECISIVE Allied victory
Completely control all town hexes: TACTICAL Allied victory
Completely control all hexes of one town: MARGINAL Allied victory 12
Completely control all town hexes OR eliminate 32+ Allied units: DECISIVE German victory
Completely control all hexes of one town:
Contest control of BOTH towns (i.e. control at least one town hex in each town:
TACTICAL German victory
MARGINAL German victory 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 18: Bastogne: Siege

Belgium on December 26, 1 944: Elements of the German Map configuration

Panzer Lehr Division and units of the 326th Volksgrenadier
Division try a last-ditch offensive against Bastogne, battling the
U.S. 1 01 st Airborne Division and attached units.
Set-Up: Allied sets up first, anywhere on boards A and C.
German sets up second on board D.
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 2 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

18 3 2 3 3 3 2 2

3 3 7 5 5

German Order of Battle

9 9 4 2 2 2 2 3

2 5 6 6

Special Rules
1 . Allied aircraft may not enter until after the end of Turn 3.
2. Choose the P-47 loadouts before the game. Fighter-bombers must be split into two flights of five aircraft each. No more than
one flight may be on the board at any one time; mixing of flights or re-runs are not allowed.

Victory Conditions
Victory conditions are dependent on the number of German combat units on board A at the end of the game:

More than 30 German units: DECISIVE German victory

21 -30 German units: TACTICAL German victory 12
1 6-20 German units: MARGINAL German victory
1 1 -1 5 German units: MARGINAL Allied victory
6-1 0 German units:
0-5 German units:
TACTICAL Allied victory
DECISIVE Allied victory 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 19: Patton's Counter Offensive
Belgium on December 31 through January 1 , 1 945: Patton's Map configuration
Third Army offensive to relieve Bastogne. Elements of the U.S.
1 1 th Armored Division and 35th Infantry Division attack the
326th Volksgrenadier Division and elements of the Panzer Lehr.
Set-Up: German sets up first on board C, at least four hexes
away from board A. N
Allied sets up second on board A.
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 1 5 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

9 18 3 3 3 2 2 6 2 3 3

3 3 2 3 9 9 17 6 5

German Order of Battle

6 12 3 3 4 2 3

2 3 2 5 5 10 6 6 15
Special Rules
Use British Sherman counters to fill out missing M4/76 units (use M4/76 values).

Victory Conditions 13
Victory conditions are dependent on the ratio of Allied to German units on boards C and D at the end of the game:

3-1 ratio: DECISIVE Allied victory.

2-1 ratio: TACTICAL Allied victory.
Less than a 2-1 ratio: TACTICAL German victory.
Less than a 3-2 ratio: DECISIVE German victory. 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PL Scenario No. 20: Remagen Bridge

Germany on March 7, 1 945: Elements of the U.S. 9th Armored Map configuration
Division try to surprise the Ludendorf Bridge at Remagen,
defended by a mixed German garrison force.
Set-Up: German sets up first, NORTH of east-west river AND
directly in the town of ARTAIN.
Allied sets up second, SOUTH of east-west river, at least three
hexes away from ARTAIN.
Special Rules: See below.


LENGTH: 8 Turns.

Allied Order of Battle

3 2 2 5

German Order of Battle

3 2

Special Rules
1 . The German block counter must be placed on the bridge hex in the east-west river.
2. The stream cannot be crossed by any type of units (including infantry type).
3. Allied vehicular units may not enter the bridge hex until the block counter has been removed by engineers.
4. The German engineer unit does not require an accompanying vehicular unit to perform the demolition function.

Victory Conditions
ALLIED: Allied player wins by controlling the bridge hex and clearing the block counter off of the bridge by the end of the

GERMAN: German player wins by avoiding Allied victory conditions, or by destroying the bridge.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Panzer Leader US counters, graphics by Ward McBurney (Imaginative Strategist)
"Starter set" compiled by Joe Kundlak, to be used with core game Situations
Panzer Leader British and Special counters, graphics by Ward McBurney (Imaginative Strategist)
"Starter set" compiled by Joe Kundlak, to be used with core game Situations
Panzer Leader German counters, graphics by Ward McBurney (Imaginative Strategist)
"Starter set" compiled by Joe Kundlak, to be used with core game Situations

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