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Mrs. Hayworth's 2 Grade Class January 7 - January 18: Upcoming Events

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Hayworth’s 2nd Grade Class

January 7th – January 18th

Notes from the teacher: Spelling Words: Vocabulary Words:

Parents, 1/07 – 1/11 1/07 – 1/11
Welcome back! I hope everyone enjoyed their Prefixes 1. exclaim: to say something suddenly
break. We are now embarking on the second 1. disagree and loudly with a lot of feeling
half of our school year. It’s extremely important
2. disappear 2. ridiculous: very foolish and makes no
to continue reading every night so students are
3. discolor sense
ready for third grade!
4. preheat 3. handsome: someone with a beautiful
*Reminder Sea World Field Trip permission slips were sent face
5. preschool
home before the break please make sure to read it and send 4. command: to say something to
in money/online payment on time* 6. rerun someone in a strong voice so they
7. rewind have to do what you say
Our STEM rotation will be as follows:
8. unlock 5. succulent: very juicy and tastes
January 7 – January 11: Bioscience Lab delicious
9. unpack
January 14 –January 18: Intervention 6. rare: something that is interesting
10. unsafe
because it is not something that is seen
11. unplug
Upcoming Events: 12. regroup
7. opportunity: a chance to see or do
1/14 – 1/18 something new and different
 January 7: School Resumes kn, wr, gn, mb 1/14 – 1/18
 January 7-January 25: Online 1. climb 1. mend: to fix something so it can be
payment window (Students) for Sea 2. comb used again
World through 3. gnat 2. sly: sneaky in a way to get what you
 January 15: Report Cards Go Home 4. knee want
3. peer: to look at something closely
 January 21: No school – MLK Day 5. knob
4. shriek: to scream loudly because you
 January 26-February 2: Online/Cash 6. knock are scared or hurt
Payment window (Chaperones) 7. lamb 5. dependable: when you can count on
through 8. sign someone or something to help when
 January 28 – February 1: Black Out 9. wrap you need it
10. wrist 6. prepared: when you’re ready for
Bullying Week
11. write whatever you’re going to do
 February 8: Picnic and Paperbacks 7. grateful: pleased and wish to thank
12. wrong
someone for something that was given
to you or done for you

What are we learning in the next two weeks?

Literacy Math Science Social studies

Unit 3, Chapter 5: Students will be learning Students will be
Students will be learning Students will be learning about the life cycles of learning about
how to connect a series about adding and plants and animals. contributions of famous
of historical events. subtracting within 100 Americans and about
using different strategies. American symbols.

Contact Information
Mrs. Hayworth (407) 320 – 5870

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