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Scheme Guidelines For Flexible Memorandum of Understanding (Flexi Mou)

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Scheme Guidelines

Flexible Memorandum of Understanding (Flexi MoU)
(wef. 28.02.2019)

Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship

Government of India

Flexible Memorandum of Understanding (Flexi-MoU) is introduced to encourage

industries to train the candidates in their required operational skills, thus increasing the
employment opportunities for the candidate. The guidelines have been revised to
empower the industries while safeguarding candidate’s interests
Table of Contents
1. Background ....................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Scope of the guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 3
3. Benefits of Flexi-MoU Scheme .......................................................................................................... 3
3.1. For participating Industries ........................................................................................................... 4
3.2. For Trainees .................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Participating entities and their eligibility criteria.............................................................................. 4
5. Application Process for Industrial Training Partner (ITPs)................................................................. 5
6. Evaluation of ITP proposal, and Duration/Termination of MoU ....................................................... 5
7. Course, Content and Curriculum ...................................................................................................... 6
8. Fee Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 6
9. Duration of Training .......................................................................................................................... 6
10. Admission Process............................................................................................................................. 6
11. Training, Assessment and Certification............................................................................................. 7
12. Placement ......................................................................................................................................... 7
13. Responsibilities of DGT ..................................................................................................................... 7
14. Responsibilities of Industrial Training Partner .................................................................................. 8
15. Grievance Redressal .......................................................................................................................... 9
Annexure 1: Flexi-MoU previous guidelines ............................................................................................... 10
Annexure 2: Notification of Examination Pattern....................................................................................... 33
Annexure 3: ITP Application Form format .................................................................................................. 38
Annexure 4: Common Norms (letter dated 31st December 2018) ............................................................. 42
Annexure 5: Trainee Admission Form format............................................................................................. 45

CTS Craftsmen Training Scheme
DGT Directorate General of Training
MSDE Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship
MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
NCVT National Council for Vocational Training
NCVET National Council for Vocational Education & Training
NSQF National Skills Qualifications Framework
NTC National Trade Certificate
ES Employer Skiller
OJT On-the-Job Training
ITP Industrial Training Partner
TT Cell Trade Testing Cell

1. Background
Flexible Memorandum of Understanding or Flexi-MoU scheme is designed to cater to the needs of both
industry as well as trainee, allowing industries to train candidates as per their skill set requirements and
providing trainees with an industry environment aligned with the market demand and latest technology
to undergo training.
The scheme gives the industry the flexibility to create tailored skilling programmes with customized
courses, having content and curriculum that is market relevant and meets the industry requirements. The
industry also gets the flexibility to select trainees, conduct practical assessments, and add industry ready
trainees to its workforce.
The concept of Flexi-MoU was introduced in the year 2014 and policy guidelines for the same were
implemented vide letter dated 31st July 2014, which were later revised on 3rd Oct. 2016 vide letter no.
MSDE (DGT)-19/11/2016-CD. In the sub-committee meeting dated 28th August 2018 chaired by DG, DGT
on Norms and Courses, a number of recommendations were made by the participating members for
revising the Flexi MoU scheme.
Subsequently, the revision activity was undertaken to align the guidelines of Flexi-MoU with CTS scheme
and for incorporating various reforms activities undertaken by DGT including exam reforms. Inputs have
been taken from consultations held with various stake holders including State Governments, Industry
Associations, Chambers of Commerce, Industries implementing the scheme, as well as Skill Universities.
Same has been incorporated in revised guidelines.

2. Scope of the Guidelines

The revised guidelines will be applicable in supersession to the existing guidelines with immediate effect.
However, all the trainees enrolled in the earlier batches under flexi-MoU (till 28.02.2019) will continue to
be governed by the previous guidelines i.e. revised on 3rdOct 2016 (refer Annexure I).
All MoUs/Agreements signed under the flexi-MoU scheme going forward, shall be in-line with revised
guidelines. It is also to be noted that in case of Existing MoUs, fresh candidates shall be enrolled as per
the revised guidelines only. For this, the existing MoUs may be accordingly revised and thereafter new
batch of trainees, would be governed by the revised flexi-MoU guidelines. No new candidates from 1st
March 2019 will be enrolled without signing of fresh MoU.

3. Benefits of Flexi-MoU Scheme

The scheme envisages Employer Skiller(ES) model where prospective employer (industry) already having
a well-established infrastructure, robust training facilities, as well as trained faculty, conducts in-house
skilling of prospective employees. The concept allows industries to offer training in courses similar to CTS
courses, but customized and tailored to industry’s needs. Various perceived benefits for participating
industries and trainees are detailed below:

3.1. For participating Industries
i. Create new course with customized content and curriculum tailored to their needs and get
the same approved from DGT.
ii. Flexibility of selecting the candidates for the training.
iii. Flexibility to tie up with external vocational training providers for imparting classroom
training, mobilizing trainees and conducting session on soft-skills/ career counselling.

3.2. For Trainees

i. Get trained in industry relevant courses with high employment potential.
ii. Benefit from interactions with experienced industry experts/professionals.
iii. Exposure to industry shop-floors and real-time environment with latest equipment.
iv. Potential job opportunity in the industry with increased employment avenues in multiple
industries in that sector.
v. Advantage in terms of industry readiness, exposure to best practices, latest machines, tools,
and equipments.

4. Participating entities and their eligibility criteria

All participating entities need to enter into agreement or MoU with DGT, as an Industrial Training Partner
(ITP). Entities eligible to become Industrial Training Partner (ITP) and conduct trainings under Flexi-MoU
scheme along with eligibility criteria are listed below:

i. Industry/Organization – under this provision, eligible industries will directly enter into an
agreement/MoU with DGT. Industries meeting the following criteria are eligible -
a. Industry must be an eminent Manufacturing/ Service Sector /IT & ITES industry with
a minimum strength of 500 employees.
b. Industry must have minimum annual turnover of INR 100 crores and positive net-
worth during the last 3 fiscal years.
c. Industry may be a Limited Company, Private Limited Company, State Undertaking,
Public Sector Establishments, or Central Sector Establishments.
d. In new age sectors, conditions (a) and (b) above may be relaxed.

ii. Industry Clusters/ Associations - under this provision, eligible industry associations or
industry cluster will directly enter into an agreement/MoU with DGT. Industry
cluster/association meeting the following criteria is eligible -
a. Industry cluster/association with cumulative annual turnover of member industries
INR 100 crores or more.
b. Industry cluster/Association with cumulative employee strength of 500 employees
or more.
c. All participating industries/ member industries of participating industry association
or cluster must be registered MSMEs, Industry/ establishment having valid
registration with the State/ Central authority registered for at least for 2 years.
Establishments include entities registered with any government/local authorities/

shops covered under Factories Act 1948 and Shops and Establishments Act applicable
for the concerned State.

iii. Skill Universities– under this arrangement, MoU will be signed between Skill University and
DGT. The candidates undergoing training under this arrangement shall be sent to industry by
Skill University, for industry training component.
a. The participating Skill University must be approved by University Grants Commission
(UGC) under provisions made for Skill University in the UGC Act, 1956 OR
b. ‘Skill University’ established under the State Legislature Act.

5. Application Process for Industrial Training Partner (ITPs)

i. The interested Industrial Training Partner may submit an application (along with course details,
duration, batch size, proposed content/curriculum, availability of Infra etc.) to DGT expressing its
willingness to train candidates under Flexi-MoU. Alternatively, they may apply online on the
scheme portal. Refer Annexure 3 for a sample ITP Application format.
ii. The ITP submitting proposal under flexi-MoU or signing flexi-MoU must train minimum of 100
trainees per annum with a cap of 1000 trainees per annum.
iii. The maximum cap would be raised to 2500 per annum, if the ITP has trained minimum of 500
candidates in previous year successfully without any complaints and has achieved 70%
placements. Performance for a year will be calculated from the date of enrollment of first batch
under flexi-MoU.

6. Evaluation of ITP proposal, and Duration/termination of MoU

i. DGT will constitute an internal committee for evaluation, recommendation and approval of
proposals under the Flexi-MoU scheme. The members of internal committee will include Deputy
Director General, Directors, Joint Directors and will chaired by Director General – DGT.
ii. Evaluation of proposal received under Flexi-MoU scheme must be closed within 3 months from
the date of receiving of application subject to timely response from ITP on clarifications sought by
DGT, thereafter communicating the outcome of evaluation to the applicant.
iii. DGT may carry out inspection at the proposed training site(s) before signing of Flexi-MoU and may
seek sight related clarification of the proposal there itself.
iv. All clarifications sought by DGT are to be responded by applicant ITP in a time bound manner.
v. Industrial Training Partner shall sign an agreement/MoU with DGT within 30 days of approval of
the proposal.
vi. If the ITP remains dormant/does not commence training for 6 months or more after signing of the
agreement/MoU, the agreement/MoU shall stand cancelled.
vii. MoU will be signed for a period of 3 years, and may be extended in slots of 3 years if successful
i.e. achieves expected outcome in terms of enrollments, learning outcome and placements.
viii. DGT may revise flexi-MoU guidelines from time-to-time, the same shall be applicable to all new
batches enrolled under MoU post such revisions.
ix. DGT and ITP are free to terminate the MoU at 3 months’ notice, however this shall not affect the
candidate already enrolled.

7. Course, Content and Curriculum
i. Industrial Training Partner will have the flexibility for developing and running (DGT approved)
tailored courses with customized content and curriculum to meet their requirements.
ii. NSQF compliance is desired but not mandatory at the time of commencement of program.
iii. If public funding (center/state) is involved, then NSQF compliance will be mandatory before
enrollment under flexi-MoU.
iv. Courses developed by Industry under flexi-MoU scheme must have high employment potential,
should be different from existing CTS courses and should be given a different nomenclature
accordingly, so that there is no confusion.
v. Curriculum of courses developed should be designed with more weightage towards industrial
training, and the duration of theoretical and practical training components for each course must
be defined in hours.
vi. For IT/ITES and similar sectors, courses developed may be purely online.
vii. ITP shall have a dedicated trainer and supervisor assigned to each batch of trainees.
viii. Industrial Training Partner (ITP) may engage external agencies/ experts for developing customized

8. Fee Structure
i. All training related expenses under the MoU/Agreement shall be borne by the ITP and no fee shall
be levied from trainees in any form. Participating ITP may utilize CSR funds or funds allocated
under employer-skiller head for meeting the training cost arising out of theoretical training etc.
ii. Similarly, Skill University may charge reasonable fee from candidates for imparting theoretical
training. Maximum fee charged must be calculated only on hours of ‘theoretical training’ provided
during the course and as per Common Norms rates prescribed by MSDE (refer Annexure 4).
Duration of theoretical training should not exceed 30% of the total duration of the course.
iii. ITP may pay reasonable stipend to trainees during the industrial training phase.

9. Duration of Training
The minimum duration of training under Flexi-MoU shall be 6 months including classroom training and
industry training components, while the maximum duration shall be that of 24 months (2 years).

10. Admission Process

i. Admission time and training cycle has been kept flexible as per the requirement of ITP and
according to the design of course curriculum.
ii. Minimum qualification, age and other eligibility conditions for the trainee shall be as per the
course curriculum developed by ITP. However, the ITP must ensure that upon completion of
training, the trainee meets the minimum age criteria for placement in industry as well as for being
engaged as an apprentice.
iii. ITP may conduct selection process following their selection criteria over and above the prescribed

iv. Selection criteria set up by ITP may include qualifying exam marks, physical fitness standards,
selection procedure, aptitude and skill/dexterity test of candidates or any other industry/sector
specific requirements.
v. ITP shall ensure before the admission of the aspiring trainee under the scheme, that the trainee
is well informed about the flexi-MoU scheme.
vi. Enrollment data of candidates selected by ITP must be uploaded by ITP on the scheme portal
within a fortnight of admissions. ITPs may use the attached sample ‘Admission Form’ format for
recording candidate data at time of admission (refer Annexure 5).

11. Training, Assessment and Certification

i. Conducting training of selected candidates is the sole responsibility of ITP.
ii. Assessment will be jointly done by ITP and DGT. Practical and formative assessment shall be
conducted by ITP, and Computer Based theoretical exams shall be conducted by DGT.
iii. ITP must refer to the latest examination reform guidelines issued by DGT dated 4thOctober 2018
(Annexure 2), any changes or revisions to the same shall be applicable to flexi-MoU scheme.
iv. Maximum attempts for clearing the exam and obtaining NTC shall be in line with CTS.
v. For practical examination and formative assessment, ITP has been given flexibility to design the
questions, assess the candidates and upload their marks in the scheme portal.
vi. ITP shall develop a comprehensive Question Bank (in English and Hindi) of minimum 1000
questions, grouped by chapters and difficulty level. The same shall be vetted by NIMI experts and
then be handed over to DGT for conducting theory exams. DGT may add some questions to the
same before conducting actual exams.
vii. Theoretical exams shall be conducted by DGT in Computer Based Test format. Upon completion
of course and payment of requisite examination fee by ITP, admit cards shall be generated by
scheme portal.
viii. DGT shall arrange for conduct of computer based theory exam at designated examination centres
& certify the successful trainees with e-NTC under flexi-MoU scheme with mention of ITP name
in the Certificate.
ix. Students who have successfully appeared in the final exam after completion of course, are eligible
to register as apprentices.

12. Placement
i. ITP must ensure placement of at-least 50% of the total successful trainees trained under the flexi-
MoU. Placements must be tracked by ITP for 1 year.
ii. Successful trainees can be placed/employed as regular employees, contractual employees or as
apprentices. Self-employment with proper documentation, will also be calculated towards

13. Responsibilities of DGT

i. Create awareness about Flexi-MoU among all the stakeholders within the skill ecosystem, and
regularly publish list/details of new MoUs signed with Industrial Training Partners on scheme
ii. Call for applications from Industrial Training Partners.

iii. Scrutinize applications received from ITPs for approval as per procedure laid down under the
scheme guidelines.
iv. Carry out inspection if required, at the actual site proposed for training, before signing of MoU.
v. Sign MoUs with Industrial Training Partners post approval of proposal.
vi. Upload a copy of MoU at scheme portal.
vii. Provision of scheme portal for submission of proposal by ITPs, registration of ITPs, uploading
trainee details, including enrollment data, admit card, exam schedule, assessment marks
uploading, marksheet generation and issue of e-Certificate.
viii. Provide credentials and access to portal for ITP’s trainees and other stake holders.
ix. Issue Admit Cards and Conduct theoretical exams for enrolled candidates.
x. Issue e-NTC to successful candidates.

14. Responsibilities of Industrial Training Partner

i. Identify the training needs, ensuring that the course has high employment potential.
ii. Develop tailored courses and curriculum as per industry requirements and get the same approved
by DGT.
iii. Fulfill infrastructure requirements of the course, i.e. space norms such as class room, workshop,
training center and other basic amenities in training wing, access to IT lab along with faculty.
iv. Provide access to machinery, equipment and technology required for training.
v. Provide qualified Trainers, Supervisors, and Support Staff for classroom training, and industry
training. Additionally, theoretical training component could be outsourced or conducted through
Skill Universities/ other partners (Maximum 30% of the total course duration/hours).
vi. Conduct the mobilization and trainee selection process as per selection criteria laid down by
Industrial Training Partner itself. Upload details of trainees selected on the scheme portal.
vii. In-case of Skill Universities, details of Industry Partner where trainee will spend minimum 70% of
course duration time, will also be uploaded.
viii. Conduct in-house assessment and award marks for practical and formative assessment.
ix. Upload formative and practical examination marks of candidates on scheme portal.
x. Facilitate for theory exam to be conducted by DGT. Including examination fee payment as actual
or as decided by DGT for the same.
xi. Orient the trainee at the time of admission regarding discipline, attendance, leave and other rules
and regulations as applicable to industry. It is advisable that candidates are informed in writing
about the terms and conditions of the industry where they are to undergo training to avoid any
sort of complication later.
xii. Provide employment to at least 50% of trained candidates as per section 11 of this document.
xiii. In case of hazardous industries, before signing the MoU, Industry shall disclose the conditions (in
consultation with DGT & State Directorate) like minimum age and level of medical fitness (e.g.
colour blindness) etc. as per the industrial safety norms applicable in the industry. ITP should
ensure that the trainees are provided all necessary safety equipment and instruction before
commencement of the training.
xiv. The ITP shall follow any other guidelines / instructions issued by DGT from time to time in the

15. Grievance Redressal
i. ITP should create an internal committee for managing trainee grievances, similar to the provisions
made for regular employees of Industrial Training Partner.
ii. Any grievances of ITP or enrolled candidates that are not solved by the ITP may be brought to the
notice of DGT for necessary review and intervention.
iii. In case of serious complaints, DGT may terminate the MoU at any time.

Annexure 1: Flexi-MoU previous guidelines

Annexure 2: Notification of Examination Pattern

Annexure 3: ITP Application Form format




Main Promoter

ITP Type
i.e. Industry/ Industry Cluster/ Industry Association/ Skill University

Member Industries
(for Industry Association/ Cluster)

Industry Sector(s)
(Skill University may provide list of sectors for providing training)

Date of Establishment

Date of Applications

Proposed number of Trainees to

be trained under MoU annually/

Proposed Sectors and Trades

(separate by comma)

2. Contact Details



Contact Details* City:

(Head Office)
State/UT :

Pin Code:




3. Details of Training Facility (Proposed Industry/campus for training)



Contact Details* City:


Pin Code:

Contact Number:
Training Center Infrastructure (Available/Proposed)

No. of Class room with seating capacity:

No of Labs for practical other than assembly line/shop floor etc:

No. of Employee- Regular Contractual Total No.

4. Financial Information (for Industry/ Industry Cluster/ Industry Association only)

Net Worth
Annual Turn Over
(Attach last 3 years Balance Sheet)
Year 1

Year 2

Year 3
Checklist of Documents to be attached

1. Registration Certificate of Industry/Cluster/ Association/Skill University Yes/No

2. Profile of main Chairman/President/Promoter/Director Yes/No

3. Last three years audited balance sheet Yes/No

4. Photographs/Layout of the current/proposed training center Yes/No

(Layout, Class rooms, workshops, & other facilities)

5. Photographs of the center with class room & reception area Yes/No

6. Documentary proof of industry tie ups (for Skill University) Yes/No

7. Indicative Course and Curriculum (proposed) Yes/No

Annexure 4: Common Norms (letter dated 31st
December 2018)

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No. 07] NEW DELHI, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 2019/PAUSHA 14, 1940

कौशल िवकास और उ मशीलता मंालय


नई दली, 31 दस
बर, 2018
फा. सं. एच-
एसडीई- III.—भारत सरकार क कौशल िवकास कम हेतु सामाय मानदंड संबंधी

अिधसूचना सं#या एच-22011/2/2014-एसडीई-I दनांक 15.07.2015 के अनु$छेद 4 &ारा 'द(त शि)य का उपयोग
करते .ए इस 'योजनाथ3 ग4ठत सामाय मानदंड सिमित दनांक 20.05.2016 तथा 28.02.2017 को यथा संशोिधत
अनुबंध-1 क अिधसूचना सं#या एच-22011/2/2014-एसडीई-I दनांक 15.07.2015 म7 पुन: संशोधन करते .ए

निलिखत प4रवत3न करती है, नामत: :—
1. ये संशोधन कौशल िवकास कम के सामाय मानदंड तृतीय संशोधन, 2019 कहे जाएंगे।

(1) अनुबंध-1 क अनुसूची-I के अनु$छेद 1 म7 िन

निलिखत उपअनु$छेद 1.4 जोड़ा जाता है:
िविभन से<टर क मूल लागत म7 10 'ितशत क वृि@ क जाती है और 01.04.2019 से 'वृ(त अनुसूची-1 के

अनु$छेद 1.3 म7 उिलिखत ये रािशयां 10 'ितशत संशोिधत मानी जाएगी, जो अगले 10 पैसे तक पूणाEकत हगी।
िविभन से<टर क मूल लागत 01.04.2019 से अधोिलिखत होगी:
(i) अनुसच II क Fेणी I म7 सूचीब@ Gेड/से<टर के 'िशIण के िलए 46.70 Mपए 'ित घंटा ।
ू ी-

(ii) अनुसच II क Fेणी II म7 सूचीब@ Gेड/से<टर के 'िशIण के िलए 40.00 Mपए 'ित घंटा ।
ू ी-

(iii) अनुसच II क Fेणी III म7 सूचीब@ Gेड/से<टर के 'िशIण के िलए 33.40 Mपए 'ित घंटा ।
ू ी-

सुनीता सांघी, व4रOठ सलाहकार

66 GI/2019 (1)


New Delhi, the 31st December, 2018
F. No. H-22011/2/2014-SDE-III.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Clause 4 of the
Notification No. H22011/2/2014-SDE-I dated 15.07.2015 concerning Common Norms for Skill Development
Schemes of the Government of India, the Common Norms Committee constituted for the purpose makes the
following changes further to amend the Schedules of Annexure-1 of the Notification No. H-22011/2/2014-
SDE-I dated 15.07.2015 as subsequently amended dated 20.05.2016 and 28.02.2017, namely:
1. These amendments may be called Common Norms for Skill Development Schemes Third Amendment,
(1) The following sub-clause 1.4 is added to Clause 1 of SCHEDULE-I of Annexure-1:
1.4 The base cost for different sectors is increased at 10% and shall stand revised to 10%, rounded off
to the next 10 paisa, of the amounts mentioned in Clause 1.3 of SCHEDULE-I with effect from 01.04.2019.
The Base Cost for different Sectors will be as under with effect from 01.04.2019:
(i) Rs. 46.70 per hour of training for trades/sectors listed in Category I of SCHEDULE-II.
(ii) Rs. 40.00 per hour of training trades/sectors listed in Category II of SCHEDULE-II.
(iii) Rs. 33.40 per hour of training trades/sectors listed in Category III of SCHEDULE-II.
SUNITA SANGHI, Senior Advisor

Uploaded by Dte. of Printing at Government of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapuri, New Delhi-110064
and Published by the Controller of Publications, Delhi-110054.
Annexure 5: Trainee Admission Form format



For office use (To be filled by Industrial Training Partner)

Trainee ID: …………………………. Batch ID: ………………………………

ITP Code: …………………………… Location: ……………………………….

ITP Name: …………………………..

Date of Admission: ………………………………. (If application is accepted)

Category accepted under (SC/ST/OBC/General/PwD etc.): …………………….. (If applicable)

(Application Form to be filled by the applicant in capital letters)

*Application Date: ………………………………………………………

A. *Candidate’s Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
B. UID/Aadhaar Number ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
C. *Father’s Name……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
D. *Mother’s Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
E. *Date of Birth………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
F. *Sex (Male/Female/Other)………………………………………………………………………………………………….
G. *Nationality…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
H. *Physical disability (Yes/No)………………………………………………………………………………………………..
I. *Category (SC/ST/OBC/General)……………………………………
J. *Mother tongue…………………………………………………………..
K. Place of Birth…………………………………………………………….
L. *Language Known……………………………………………………….
M. Marital Status (Married/Unmarried)…………………………

CONTACT DETAILS (of applicant):



* Marked fields are Mandatory

Sl. Program Qualification NSQF Level Duration



A. Highest Qualification: …………………………….(8th, 10th , 12th , ITI Pass, Diploma, Graduate, Post Graduate)
B. Area of specialization (if applicable): …………………………………………………………………….

Examination Passed Board/University Institution Place Year Marks


resident of……………………………………………………………hereby declare that all information provided is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief. I hold myself responsible if any information is falsely provided or found
I have been informed about the terms and condition of flexi-MoU scheme and my role/responsibilities as a
trainee under the scheme guidelines.

Date: ……………………………….. ……………………………………….

Signature of the Candidate
Place: …………………………………

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