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Stages of Hydrometallurgical Processes

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The key takeaways are that hydrometallurgy is a metal processing technology that uses chemical processes involving water or other liquids to extract metals from ores. The main stages involve leaching, solution purification and concentration, and metal recovery.

The main stages of hydrometallurgical processes are leaching, solution concentration and purification, and metal recovery.

The different leaching techniques discussed are in-situ leaching, heap leaching, vat leaching, and agitation leaching.

Stages of Hydrometallurgical Processes


Walid Khalid Abdulkader


• Introduction
• Process Stages
 Leaching
 Solution concentration and purification
 Metal recovery

• Hydrometallurgy Versus Pyrometallurgy

 Conclusion

• References


• Hydrometallurgy is a metal processing technology

that uses a chemical process combining water,
oxygen or other substances in a pressurized or other
vessel to dissolve a metal from its ore, concentrate or
an intermediate product . Further processing is
required to produce high purity metal.[1]

Process Stages

• Hydrometallurgy is typically divided into three

general areas:

and purification

Metal recovery

Process Stages

Figure 1: Basic unit processes in hydrometallurgy. [4]

Process Stages

• The most important operation in hydrometallurgy is

leaching of properly prepared raw material.[2]

• The most efficient leaching agents are acids, due to

their ability to leach both base and precious metals.
Generally, base metals are leached in nitric acid.[5]

Process Stages

The three basic leaching techniques are:

In-situ leaching

Heap leaching

Vat leaching

Agitation leaching

Process Stages

 Insitu leaching: In-situ leaching is concerned with the

dissolution of metal values from minerals present in the
undisturbed ore body in place.[4] suitable for low-grade ores [4]

cheaper than other techniques[4]

Figure2: Insitu leaching

Process Stages

 Heap leaching: ore is crushed & piled onto an artificial pad

and then solution is trickled on it.[9]
• A major advantage of heap leaching is the elimination of
expensive milling operations since the ore body need not be
crushed to sizes much smaller than 20 to 25 mm.[4]

Figure3: Heap Leaching 9

Process Stages

 Vat Leaching :The ore meant to be leached is loaded into vats

that are typically made of concrete. When leaching has been
completed, the residual solids are dugout of the vat and
replaced by a fresh batch of ore.[4]

Suitable for porous and sandy materials [4]

commonly used to extract gold and silver from ore [11]

Process Stages

• Agitation leaching :A process where the soil is

slurried with the extraction fluid for a period of time.
When equilibrium between the metal on the soils
surface and the metal contained by the solution is
approached, the solubilization of the metal in the soil
is slowed, and the extraction is considered to be
complete. [10]

Process Stages

Solution purification and concentration : This step usually

involves chemical separations.

removing undesirable impurities to

Purpose increase the metal concentration

• the solution purification can be stated to be achieved by

using any one or a combination of the following
processes[4] :
 ion exchange
carbon adsorption
solvent extraction
Process Stages

• Metal recovery: At this point, the metal needs to be

recovered from solution in the solid form. This is either
achieved chemically, or electrochemically.[9]
 Electrowinning: An electrochemical process for precipitating
metals from solution.[9]
The anode is made
out of a material
that will not easily
oxidise or dissolve,
such as lead or

Figure4:Electrowining process [4] 13

Hydrometallurgy Versus Pyrometallurgy

• Pyrometallurgy: Pyrometallurgy, or the use of heat

for the treatment, includes smelting and roasting. It
involves heating in a blast furnace at temperatures
above 1500°C to convert waste to a form that can be

Hydrometallurgy Versus Pyrometallurgy

•A number of factors are causing a gradual but steady shift

away from the traditional processing routes.[7]

Figure5. Growing importance of Hydrometallurgy [7] 15

Hydrometallurgy Versus Pyrometallurgy

• Compared with pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgical extraction

of metals from their ores is more attractive.

This attractiveness is attributed to:

economical environmental technical


Hydrometallurgy Versus Pyrometallurgy

• Factors such as low temperature processing; low

handling cost of leaching products and possibility of
treatment of low grade ores make leaching more
preferable than high temperature smelting.[8]

• In conventional pyrometallurgical smelting, sulphides

are burnt off, creating SO2 gas, which is released as
air emissions.With hydrometallurgy, there are no air
emissions. [1]

Hydrometallurgy Versus Pyrometallurgy

• However, some problems may arise during

hydrometallurgical operations. These include:
 difficulties in solid–liquid separation
 effect of impurities on the ease of purification
 The principal disadvantage of hydrometallurgical
operations is probably the process times required to
achieve high metal recovery since these processes
are often carried out at low temperatures compared
to pyrometallurgical processes.[8]


• Advantages of hydrometallurgy:
 Much more environmentally friendly than
 Compared to pyrometallurgy, only a fraction of the
gases liberated into the atmosphere.
 Low capital cost
 Ability of complex and low-grade ores extraction


• Disadvantages of hydrometallurgy:
 Large amount of water used,  greater potential for
 Difficulties in solid–liquid separation
 Impurities problems in purification process
 Times needed for high metal recovery


• [1]
• [2] Katarzyna OCHROMOWICZ ,Tomasz CHMIELEWSKI-Physicochem. Probl.
Miner. Process. 46(2011) 207-218 , July 2010
• [3] Chapter 82 - Metal Processing and Metal Working Industry
• [4] Chemical Metallurgy: Principles and Practice. Chiranjib Kumar Gupta
• [5] Željko Ka berović *, Marija Korać, Draga a Ivšić, Ves a Nikolić,Milisav
ELECTRONIC WASTE, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of
Technology and Metallurgy, Belgrade, Serbia
• [6] F.C. Liew,Engineering Department,TES-AMM Singapore,April 2008
• [7] DREISINGER, D, Hydrometallurgical process development for complex
ores and concentrates. Hydrometallurgy Conference 2009, The Southern
African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,2009.


• [8] M. Al-Harahsheh , S.W.Kingman, Microwave-assisted leaching—a review,

Hydrometallurgy Volume73,Issues 3-4,June 2004, Pages 189–203
• [9] Hydrometallurgy,Dr. yoozbashizade-Hossein, Industrial University Of Sharif
• [10]
• [11]


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