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Unit 10 Negotiation Skills: Objectives

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Collective Bargaining


After reading this unit you should be able to understand:
● the concept of negotiation and its importance;
● the attributes of a successful negotiator;
● the negotiation skills and formulate guidelines on negotiation.

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Negotiating Process
10.3 Negotiating Models
10.4 How and Why to Negotiate
10.5 Negotiation Guidelines
10.6 Principled Negotiations
10.7 Preparation for Long-term Settlement
10.8 Skills and Traits of Negotiating Team
10.9 Tactics or Strategies in Negotiation
10.10 Summary
10.11 Case
10.12 Self-Assessment Questions
10.13 Further Readings

Negotiations are a part of everyday life. The process of negotiating has been described
by Walton and McKersie as ‘the deliberate interaction of two or more complex social
units which are attempting to define or redefine the terms of their interdependence.’
Gottschalk defines negotiation process as “an occasion where one or more
representatives of two or more parties interact in an explicit attempt to reach a jointly
acceptable position on one or more divisive issues.” It is an explicit and deliberate
event conducted by the representatives on behalf of their respective parties –
employers and employees. The process is intended to reconcile differences between the
parties involved. Negotiation is not simply ‘ritual’ but a process, which allows the
representatives of different interest groups to reach a mutually acceptable settlement
of an issue while, at the same time, seeking to maximise the advantage to be gained
for their interest group. Negotiating is a skill that can be learned and improved upon
by anyone.


“Negotiation is essentially a process of advancing proposals, discussing and
criticizing them, explaining and exploring their meaning and effects; seeking to secure
their acceptance, and making counter-proposals or modifications for similar
18 evaluation” (Dale Yoder).
There are two primary purposes to negotiating in the industrial relations context: first, Negotiation Skills
to reconcile differences between managements and unions; and second, to devise ways
of advancing the common interest of the parties. Among managements and trade
unions that deal with each other on an on-going basis, negotiating may at the outset
take the character of mutual problem solving. The process involves the recognition of
the common interests of the parties, the areas of agreement and disagreement and
possible solutions, to the mutual advantage of both sides.
Dunlop and Healy 1 have pointed out that the labour contract negotiations process can
be depicted as (a) a pocker game, with the largest pots going to come up with a strong
hand on the occasions on which they are challenged or seen by the other side; (b) an
exercise in power politics, with the relative strengths of the parties being decisive;
(c) a debating society, marked by both rhetoric and name calling; and (d) a “rational
process”, with both sides remaining completely flexible and willing to be persuaded
only when all the facts have been dispassionately presented.
Careful preparation of proposals can reduce uncertainty, improve communication, and
thus contribute to effective negotiation. Better preparation provides the parties with
broader perspectives, which in turn, increase flexibility and can accelerate the
negotiation process.


Walton and McKersie 3 proposed one of the most influential models in analysing
negotiation. They distinguished the following four systems of activity or sub-processes
in labour negotiations, each having its own functions for the interacting parties.
Distributive bargaining : The function of which is to resolve conflicts between the
Integrative bargaining : The function of which is to find common or complementary
Attitudinal structuring : The function of which is to influence the attitudes of the
participants toward each other.
Intra-organisational bargaining : The function of which is to achieve consensus
within each of the interacting groups.
While the sub-processes are related and can occur simultaneously, particularly the
integrative and distributive sub-processes, conceptually they are quite different.


Problems faced in a negotiation commonly revolve around details relating to
procedure, personality, perspective, and approach in dealing with another party. A
major part of minimising problems is simply arriving at an understanding of what is
involved in negotiation.
Needs are at the root of all negotiations. Needs are not necessarily the same for the
two sides, nor is it important that they should be. What is essential, if the negotiation
is to have any chance of success, is that the needs be or become compatible.
Incompatible needs makes reaching agreement virtually impossible.
Negotiation is a mutual act of coordinating areas of interest. One party dictating to the
other is not negotiation. One party manipulating the other with no concern for the
other’s needs is a cynical travesty of negotiation. At the heart of negotiation is the
recognition that each side is entitled to its own priorities. The whole art of negotiation
lies in persuading a second party to make a commitment. 19
Collective Bargaining Negotiation is more a learning process than a form of instruction. Both parties are
engaged in discovering each other’s views and needs. Both are exploring possibilities
for combining energies in a new way. Gathering information and fact-finding
constitute a part of negotiating process.
Negotiation is concerned with resolving conflict between two or more parties, usually
by the exchange of concessions. It can be competitive, known as win-lose
negotiations, or it can be co-operative, known as win-win. Negotiation should be
regarded as a potentially beneficial activity for both parties. It does not always have to
imply confrontation, although it may sometimes require an element of brinkmanship.


The following are the guidelines for negotiation:
● Don’t be afraid to negotiate. “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never
fear to negotiate.” (John F. Kennedy)
● Don’t negotiate when you have nothing to bargain with, or when broader
objectives might be prejudiced.
● Mutual respect and trust are fundamental requirements, especially wit a
win-win strategy.
● The style of negotiation will depend in part on the qualities and skills of the
parties involved. Skilled negotiators will conclude better deals.
● Identify the decision-maker on the other side.
● Identify the concessions you might offer and extend maximum benefit to the
other side with the least cost to you.
● Remember, concessions should always be traded, not donated. Encourage the
other side to give you concessions by setting deadlines.
● Recognise that a win-win outcome can never be assumed until the other side also
signals its compliance.
● Be firm but fair. Do not make ‘unreasonable’ demands.
● Select your team carefully, allocate the key tasks, and specify authority levels.
● Leave the other side thinking that they have won a good deal.
● In order to win the best result from a negotiation, a blend of three important
attributes is necessary: skill, aspiration, and power.
● You have nothing to lose by asking for a better deal.
● Most things are negotiable.
● Make specific proposals, solutions or remedies. Don’t just complain.
● Prepare fully, and with care. Preparation and planning lie at the heart of a
successful negotiation. Don’t negotiate if you are not prepared.
● Don’t negotiate unless you have something to gain. Make initial concessions
small and tentative.
● Listen carefully to the words and analyse.
● Keep the meeting on the track.
● Don’t react too unfavourably to your own mistakes.
● Make promises with caution.
● Don’t worry about the end result.
● Be prepared for a deadlock. If necessary, change the timing, the tempo, the topic,
20 and even the team.
Negotiation Skills
A process called principled negotiations was developed by the Harvard Negotiations
Project and published in a book titled Getting to Yes. The essential element of the
process is to be “hard on the merits, soft on the people.” The goal is to decide the
issues presented at the negotiating table on their merits. Under the principled
negotiations model, the first objective is to separate the people from the problem.
Attacking the problem is the second objective of principled bargaining. The parties are
to focus on interests, not positions. Once interests are identified, the third objective is
for both parties to seek as many options as possible in solving their conflicting
interests. The fourth objective in principled negotiating is to have the validity of each
party’s proposals judged by objective criteria.
The “principled negotiations” approach is highly desirable in on-going labour
relations. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult to apply principled negotiations where
a party maintains a “hard bargaining posture.” Principled negotiation is a
characteristic of more mature bargaining relationship unlike the hard bargaining
approach which is frequently found in the less matured relationship.
For success of negotiation:
● Always do your homework.
● Always feel free to ask questions.
● Listen to what other person has to say.
● Maintain an attitude of respect for your opposite at all times.
● Honour whatever commitments made.
● Adopt a friendly tone.
● Recognise your opposite’s ego needs.
● Display an open mind and willingness to compromise.
● Avoid coercive or pressure tactics.


The preparation for the long-term settlement should start from the same date when the
last agreement was signed. Continuous collection of data on work practices, norms of
productivity, grievances, and their analysis to identify the causes, are necessary for
preparing for the next settlement. The following may serve as a checklist:
Internal Data
● Analysis of previous charter of demands and previous agreements.
● Analysis of the charter of demands raised for the current agreement.
● Collection and analysis of the record of the grievances and classifying them.
● Number of accidents stagnating at various levels, pay scales and slabs, category-
wise, age-wise and shift-wise.
● Details of existing allowances and the employees covered under each.
● Details of existing facilities and employees covered.
● Details of the labour cost and break-up of the expenditure on each item like basic
pay, dearness allowance, incentive, overtime, fringe benefits, and so on.
● Incentive plan and incentive earnings.
● Man-days data indicating the break-up in
Collective Bargaining - Man-days worked
- Man-days lost due to absenteeism
- Man-days lost due to strikes
- Man-days lost due to sickness
- Man-days lost due to political bandhs
- Man-days lost due to slow-down
- Man-days lost due to lockouts
● Details of overtime incurred department-wise.
● Production and productivity data
- Labour cost per tonne of product
- Labour cost as percentage of wages
- Labour cost as percentage of production per man/year
- Labour cost as percentage of sales
- Capacity utilisation of plants/departments
- Value added per rupee of wages
● Financial Data
- Wages to salary ratio
- Profitability
- Expansion/diversification programme
- Cost implications of demands

External Data
● Details of wages, allowances and benefits of comparable public and private
● Trend of cost of living index.
● Production and productivity data for similar organisations in India and
A collective bargaining manual may be prepared incorporating all the above
information and kept updated from time to time.


Many influential writers have argued that negotiating is an art. Dunlop states that, ‘I
am inclined to believe that the art of negotiation can only be learned by experience –
often hard experience.2 Successful negotiations depend upon the knowledge and skill
of the negotiators. They must, through careful preparations, become knowledgeable
about their own and the other side’s positions on the bargaining issues. They prepare
and propose workable, attainable, and realistic issues within the framework of the
negotiations. A negotiator must cultivate the technique of listening skills and the
ability to communicate clearly. A thick skin may be helpful as the other side may
engage in personal attacks at some point in the negotiations. A negotiator realises that
such attacks are often necessary in satisfying a constituency.

Attributes of a Successful Negotiator

1) Sets clear objectives
2) Does not hurry
22 3) When in doubt, calls for a caucus
4) Is prepared Negotiation Skills

5) Remains flexible
6) Continually examines why the other party acts as it does
7) Respects face-saving tactics employed by the opposition
8) Attempts to ascertain the real interest of the other party by the priority proposed
9) Actively listens
10) Builds a reputation for having fairness and firmness
11) Controls emotions
12) Remembers to evaluate each bargaining move in relation to all others
13) Measures bargaining moves against ultimate objectives
14) Pays close attention to the wording of proposals
15) Remembers that compromise is the key to successful negotiations; understands
that no party can afford to win or lose all
16) Tries to understand people
17) Considers the impact of present negotiations on the future relationship of the

Attributes of Negotiating Team

● Negotiating team should consist of three to four persons.
● Leader of the team must have a good command on the language because an extra
word here and there can do irreparable damage.
● The team must have complete knowledge of the operations, material flow and
processes of the company.
● The team must know the details and implications of all the demands.
● The team must know the total historical perspective of the company, what
happened in the previous last agreement, union dynamics, and so on.
● The team must have the confidence of facing any eventuality, which may come
up during negotiations.
● The team must have the power of taking decisions.
● The team must consist of people who have confidence of the workforce and
unions. Credibility is the most important asset it must possess in abundance.
The effectiveness of a negotiating team is not determined by its size but by its ability,
knowledge, and experience. A team well versed in tactics, strategy, and timing would
be in a better position to negotiate and would end up with a better agreement than a
team composed of inexperienced people. The most important member of the
bargaining team is its spokesperson.

Your company is negotiating a settlement at the present time. What economic, legal
and social factors might likely to exert some influence upon your negotiations?
Collective Bargaining
The tactics or strategies to be adopted in negotiation vary depending upon the culture
of the organisation and different environmental factors, particularly the type of union
operating in an industrial establishment. But the following are some of the common
strategies to make negotiation exercise more meaningful:
i) The management has to anticipate the demands and also understand the main
directions in which the demands are going to be placed. Grant or rejection of
demands cannot be decided upon in a vacuum; it is very much relative to the time
and place of negotiation. An adequate area survey of what comparable
organisations in the region have already conceded/or in the process of conceding
is most essential. An adequate questionnaire must be drawn up, and care must be
taken to identify the organisations that are truly comparable. Generally speaking,
negotiations are best done if both the parties do their homework well. The
representatives must come to the bargaining table equipped with the necessary
information and supportive data regarding the company’s economic status and
prospects, the prevailing rates of pay and conditions of employment in
comparable industries in the local areas. The management team should take into
consideration the financial liability involved, the past agreements, and the impact
of present negotiations in future years.
ii) It is essential that a real team spirit be maintained throughout the negotiations.
For this purpose, it is necessary that the roles to be played by each member of
the team are properly pre-assigned, and each member knows when to take over
the discussions. The team must have the confidence of facing any eventuality,
which may come up during negotiations. It is good to have a rehearsal among the
team members on such points which can be anticipated to be made forcefully by
the opposite team.
iii) Any negotiation strategy should firstly separate the personalities from the
problems for arriving at a workable and desirable agreement and secondly,
explore the possibilities for harmony and compatibility. Although labour and
management are adversarial in some respects, it is also important to avoid
concluding that they are adversaries in all respects.
iv) Negotiation is a two-way traffic. The management as well as the union must gain
out of it. Hence, the management team should also present their counter-
proposals. For instance, the union pressure for wage-hike may be matched by a
counter-demand for an increase in production, reduction in absenteeism,
avoidance of wasteful/restrictive practices, and industrial peace.
v) There is a greater necessity on the part of the management representatives to
give a patient hearing to the demands of the union and not to react even if there is
a threat of strike or work stoppage. A rational well-reasoned approach can
achieve better results than an emotionally charged loud-mouthed approach.
vi) It is also a bad strategy to depute persons of low rank without authority to
commit the management on the negotiating table. Such a step may give an
impression to the union that the management does not take the negotiating
process with all the seriousness that it deserves.
vii) It is a good practice always to classify the various demands raised by labour
representatives distinguishing the real from the unreal. A thorough analysis and
understanding of different items in the charter of demands will enable negotiators
to arrive at a proper judgement.
viii) It is a good tactic to total the cost of all the union proposals and to take up the
non-cost items first or items on which it is easy to come to an agreement so that a
suitable atmosphere is created for negotiating on more serious items which have
24 financial implications.
ix) Any negotiating strategy must result in a good agreement or settlement, the Negotiation Skills
characteristics of which are:
a) it must strike a proper balance between the various factors that go into its
making in order to ensure its workability;
b) it must be viewed as a whole and the inter-relation of its parts must be
balanced one against the other;
c) it must be based upon experience, logic and principles rather than on
coercive tactics, propaganda and force;
d) it must be fair and reasonable to the employees as regards their
emoluments and service conditions; to the management in terms of
improved production and productivity; and to the consumers in respect of
better quality goods and services; and
e) it must be complete and coherent in all respects without any ambiguity.
x) As a measure of follow-up: (a) evaluate prevailing environmental changes and
cultivate a healthy pragmatic approach; (b) train and develop rank and file
working group to inculcate in them individual effectiveness and professionalism
in negotiation; and (c) develop specific action-plans for negotiation based on
prevailing situation.

Negotiation is a goal-oriented process. In negotiation, preparation and planning are
essential for moving in the desired direction. Negotiation is a process between people,
and so personal needs and feelings have to be taken into account constantly. Always
remember that the objective of negotiation is to come to an agreement. In the event of
no agreement, various pressures are brought to bear upon management by the union
such as strikes, go-slow, and boycotts. Contract negotiation is an art and a science,
but its practice is dependent upon the issues and the personalities involved and the
circumstances under which the negotiations are conducted. Trust and honesty in action
is central to the negotiating process. There are two ways to negotiate: soft or hard.
The soft negotiator wants to avoid personal conflict and so make concessions readily
in order to reach an agreement. The hard negotiator views any situation as a contest
and wants to win. The principled negotiation approach looks for areas of mutual gain
and objective standard decisions.

10.11 CASE

Manager as Negotiator
A bright young MBA fresh from one of the top management institutes took over his
father’s responsibilities as president in a manufacturing company. The company
employed approximately 1,000 persons in the production division. It had never faced
with a demand for collective bargaining. None of its employees were union members.
The new president, after three years of climbing the ladder to his position, had a
conference with three long-term employees, who explained that they and their
associates had been discussing the desirability of bargaining collectively. The
employees had not voiced any strong criticism of management, but they held several
meetings and had invited representatives of a national union to talk with them. They
concluded that they ought to try collective bargaining and hence formed a union and
enlisted a majority of production employees as members. The three representatives
had been elected to the bargaining committee in order to present a written statement to 25
Collective Bargaining the president with a request for a collective bargaining agreement. The three
representatives handed over a series of issues carefully spelled out by the union to the
The young executive received them cordially and listened carefully. He accepted their
memorandum and suggested that he would like to take time to study it carefully. He
proposed a meeting with them on Friday of the following week.
When committee members returned, the president reminded them that the company
had been careful to maintain wages and working conditions at least on a par with
those in unionised companies in the same industry and region. He expressed the
opinion that the specific proposals they had presented seemed to him quite reasonable
and appropriate. He also told them that he had been thinking of many of the same
changes and would probably have made them without their request. He was pleased to
hand them their memorandum with a notation indicating his acceptance. The
committee members were quite satisfied with the effectiveness of their negotiations
and promised to get back to the president after getting the proposals ratified by rank
and file union membership.
One week later, the president found the same group of representatives waiting to see
him. They appeared somewhat crestfallen and embarrassed. They reported that they
had gone to the membership and presented a full report of their discussions with him,
explaining his attitude, and recommended formal ratification of the memorandum as a
new collective bargaining agreement. After extensive discussion, when the motion for
ratification came up for a vote, a majority of the membership voted against

Discussion Questions
1. What is the problem in this case?
2. Why did the members refuse to ratify the agreement?


1. What are the tactics and strategies in negotiation?
2. Successful negotiation should no longer be viewed as an ‘art’. It is far more
appropriate today to refer to it as a “science”. Discuss.


1. Dunlop, John T., Dispute Resolution (1984), p. 10.
2. Reid, C. Richardson, Collective Bargaining by Objectives, p. 150.
3. Walton, R.E., and McKersie, R.B., A Behavioural Theory of Labour
Negotiations, pp. 1-7.
4. Dunlop, John T., and Healy J., Collective Bargaining: Principles and Cases,
Richard D. Irwin Inc., Illinois, 1955.
5. Gottoschalk, A.W., The Background to the Negotiating Process, Gower Press,
6. Thorn, J., How to Negotiate Better Deals, IBH Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai,
7. Walton, R.E., and McKersie, R.B., A Behavioural Theory of Labour
Negotiations, McGraw-Hill, 1965.


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