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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2019; 7(2): 954-964

E-ISSN: 2320-7078
P-ISSN: 2349-6800
JEZS 2019; 7(2): 954-964
Notes on Steinernema abbasi (Rhabditida:
© 2019 JEZS
Received: 12-01-2019
Steinernematidae) strains and virulence tests
Accepted: 15-02-2019 against lepidopteran and coleopterans pests
Nematology Laboratory,
Department of Zoology, Aasha, Ashok Kumar Chaubey and Aashaq Hussain Bhat
Chaudhary Charan Singh
University, Meerut,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Three populations (DS4, DS6 and DS7) of entomopathogenic nematodes were isolated from the
Ashok Kumar Chaubey agricultural lands of district Meerut of western Uttar Pradesh, India. Morphological characters especially
Nematology Laboratory, presence of horn like structures on labial region indicated that the strains were closely related to the
Department of Zoology, “bicornutum” group’ of Steinernema spp. The nematodes were conspecific to Steinernema abbasi based
Chaudhary Charan Singh on morphology, morphometric and molecular analysis. The morphology was similar to the type
University, Meerut, population with only difference being the presence of mucron in second generation male not observed in
Uttar Pradesh, India original population. The analysis of ITS rDNA sequences revealed that at positions, 211 and 407, T and
A are present in studied strains while in the type species, AY230158 two unambiguous sequences Y and
Aashaq Hussain Bhat R are present at same locations. No difference was observed in D2-D3 domain of 28S rRNA. The Indian
Nematology Laboratory, strains were also tested positively for its virulence against four major pests, namely, Galleria mellonella,
Department of Zoology, Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera litura and Holotrichia serrata with good efficacy on the virulence
Chaudhary Charan Singh except H. serrata. Strain DS7 was more pathogenic compared with other two strains with LD50 values of
University, Meerut,
7.28, 5.65 and 17.65 IJs, respectively against G. mellonella, H. armigera and S. litura.
Uttar Pradesh, India
Keywords: Bicornutum, 28S rRNA, entomopathogenic nematode, ITS rDNA

India is agriculture diverse country and every year there are huge losses to the agricultural
crops by larval stages of many above ground and soil dwelling insect pests. Chemical
pesticides although help in bringing down pest population, but simultaneously they take a
heavy toll on our environment and human health and resistance development in insect pests. A
recent United Nations report (2017) assessed that 2 lakh people across the world die per year
from toxic exposure of pesticides and cancer problems are increasing from past few years
which are directly or indirectly linked to pesticide poisoning
( 200000 -die-year-pesticide-poisoning-
170308140641105.html). Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) being eco-friendly and safe to
other non-target organisms are exceptional parasites for soil-dwelling stages of many insect
pests and are fast acting (within 24–48 h) homicide target insect pests as compared to the other
biological control agents that took longer time to kill their hosts (Istkhar et al., 2016; Kaya and
Gaugler, 1993; Denno et al., 2008; Chaubey et al., 2016) [23, 24, 26, 14, 11]. Because of broad
spectrum of target hosts from the class Insecta, their application as a way of biological control
of plants against insect pests is so far very well known (Kaya and Gaugler, 1993) [26].
EPNs especially Steinernema and Heterorhabditis species are engaged as biocontrol agents of
insect pests due to their mutualistic association with enteriobacteriace bacteria, Xenorhabdus
and Photorhabdus, respectively and together are lethal duo (Gaugler & Kaya, 1990; Burnell&
Stock, 2000; Kaya et al., 2006) [19, 8]. They have a broad host range, are easy to apply and
compatible with some insecticides (Keshari et al., 2019; Istkhar et al., 2016) [23, 24]. Large-scale
application and demonstration of EPNs as biological control agents has been dominated in the
western countries covering thousands hectares of land, but in India, no species is
Aashaq Hussain Bhat
commercialized up to this level. Native species of EPNs that are adapted to local
Nematology Laboratory, environmental and climatic conditions are especially good candidates for use as biological
Department of Zoology, control agents as they may provide outstanding results.
Chaudhary Charan Singh In India, little EPN diversity has been reported during the surveys and till date only 17 valid
University, Meerut, species (14 Steinernema and 3 Heterorhabditis) have described from a list 113 species known
Uttar Pradesh, India
globally (Bhat et al.,2017, 2018) [7, 5].
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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Discovery of new species and strains of EPN is a continuous slide in glycerine drop using paraffin wax. Morphological
process and it is assumed that lots of species are waiting for observations were made using a light compound microscope
their discovery. Identification of nematodes on the basis of (Magnus MLX) and phase contrast microscope (Nikon
morphological features and their measurements along with Eclipse 50i). Morphometrics was done with the help of the
molecular tools has proven helpful in resolving ambiguities inbuilt software of a phase contrast microscope (Nikon DS-
among the existing and newer species of EPNs (Bhat et al., L1).
2016) [4]. Therefore, the present study was taken to isolate the
local strains of EPNs and to test their virulence against insect DNA extraction, amplification, and sequencing
pests so that they may be implemented in Indian IPM system For molecular studies, DNA was extracted from 50 infective
in future. juveniles using a DNA extraction buffer (ddH2O 17.7 µl, 10X
PCR buffer 2 µl, 1% tween 0.2 µl and proteinase K 0.1 µl).
Materials and methods The IJs were disinfected by placing them in 0.1 % NaOCl for
Insect Culture 1 hour, washed thrice with ddH2O and transferred into a
Four insect pests were used in the study. Larvae of Galleria sterile 0.5 ml Eppendorf tubes containing 20 µl extraction
mellonella (Fabricius, 1798) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) were buffers. The buffer with IJs were first frozen at -80°C for 10
taken from Bio-control Lab, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel minutes and then immediately incubated in water bath at 65°C
University of Agriculture and Technology, Modipuram and for 1.2 hr followed by incubation at 95°C for 10 minutes. The
were fed on semisynthetic diet as described by David and lysates were cooled on ice and centrifuged at 13000 rpm for 2
Kurup (1988). Larvae and eggs of Helicoverpa armigera minutes and 3 µl of this was used for PCR amplification.
(Hübner, 1808) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (National accession For PCR amplification, a fragment of rDNA containing the
no. NBAII-MP-NOC-01) and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius, internal transcribed spacer regions (ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2) was
1775) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (National accession no. amplified using primers 18S: 5ˈ-
NBAII-MP-NOC-02) were purchased from ICAR-National TTGATTACGTCCCTGCCCTTT-3ˈ (forward), and 28S: 5ˈ-
Bureau of Agriculturally Important Insects (NBAII) TTTCACTCGCCGTTACTAAGG-3ˈ (reverse) (Vrain et al.
Bangalore, the former insect were fed on chickpea based diet 1992) [42]. (Vrain et al., 1992) [42]. The rDNA fragment
as described Nagarkatti and Prakash (1974) [31], modified by containing D2D3 regions of 28S rDNA was amplified using
Kalia et al., (2001) [1], while later were fed on properly primers D2F: 5ˈ-CCTTAGTAACGGCGAGTGAAA-3ˈ
washed and well sterilized castor leaves. The Holotrichia (forward) and 536: 5ˈ -CAGCTATCCTGAGGAAAC-3ˈ
serrata (Hope, 1837) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) were taken (reverse) (Nadler et al., 2006). The 25 µl PCR reaction
from agricultural fields and reared in lab. Larvae of these mixture consisted of Dream Taq green PCR master mix 12.5
insects were used for bioassay experimentation; however, G. μl, 1 μl of each forward and reverse primers, nuclease free
mellonella larvae were also used as a bait insect for nematode dH2O 7.5 μl and 3 μl of DNA-extract. The PCR profiles were
isolation. used as follows. For ITS: 1 cycle of 94 °C for 3 min followed
by 40 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 55 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 60 s
Isolation and culture of nematodes and a final extension at 72 °C for 7 min. For D2-D3 fragment
Soil samples (n=80) were collected from agricultural lands of of 28S rDNA: 1 cycle of 94 °C for 3 min followed by 40
three districts, Baghpat (28°94' N, 77°23' E and 253 m ASL), cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 52 °C for 30 s, 72 °C for 60 s and a
Meerut (28°59′N, 77°42′E and 225 m ASL) and final extension at 72 °C for 10 min. PCR was followed by
Muzaffarnagar (29°47' N, 77°71 ' E and 248 m ASL) of electrophoresis (45 min, 100 V) of 5 μl of PCR product in a
Western Uttar Pradesh, India. The soil samples were 1% TAE (Tris–-acetic acid–EDTA) buffered agarose gel
processed for presence of EPNs by Galleria baiting technique stained with ethidium bromide (2μl EtBr per 100 ml of gel).
(Bedding and Akhurst, 1974) and eight samples were found All PCR-products were sequenced using ABI 3730 (48
positive for EPNs, three of which belong to Steinernema and capillary) electrophoresis instrument by Bioserve Pvt. Ltd
rest were found to belong to genus Oscheius. The (Hyderabad, India) and sequencing results were submitted to
Steinernema species were processed for further studies and NCBI with accession numbers MK641593, MF927779 and
were designated as DS4, DS6 and DS7. They were MK273198 for ITS rRNA of Steinernema strains DS4, DS6
respectively collected from Baghpat (Saccharum and DS7 respectively and MK643331 for D2D3 rRNA of
officinarum), Meerut (Saccharum officinarum) and DS7 strain.
Muzaffarnagar (Saccharum officinarum). Their live cultures
were maintained by recycling through G. mellonella larvae Sequence alignment and phylogenetic analysis
and stored in 150 ml of sterilized distilled water in 500 ml The sequences were edited and compared with those
vented tissue culture flasks at 15 °C. deposited in GenBank by means of a Basic Local Alignment
Search Tool (BLAST) of the National Centre for
Morpho-taxometrical characterisation Biotechnology Information (NCBI). All alignments with other
For morphology and morphometric studies, the 3rd stage relevant sequences were produced by default ClustalW
juveniles (about 500) were infected to last instar larvae of G. parameters in MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al., 2016) [28]. The
mellonella and first and second generation adults (♂ and ♀) Phylogenetic trees of the ITS and 28S rRNA were obtained by
were collected by dissecting cadavers on 3rd and 5th day after the minimum evolution method in MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al.,
infection. However, the infective juveniles (IJs) were obtained 2016) [28]. The evolutionary distances were computed using
from White trap (White, 1927) [43]. The different generations the p-distance method (Nei and Kumar, 2000) [32] and are
were killed separately with hot Ringer’s solutions, fixed in tri- expressed as the number of base differences per site. Pairwise
ethanol amine formalin solution for fortnight (Courtney et al., distances were computed using MEGA 7.0 (Kumar et al.,
1955) [12], dehydrated by Seinhorst method (Seinhorst, 1959) 2016) [28]. Codon positions included were 1st + 2nd + 3rd +
and finally kept in glycerol. They were mounted on a glass Noncoding.
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All characters were treated as equally weighted and gaps as Morphology and morphometry
missing data. C. elegans was used as out-group taxa and to Steinernema isolates DS4, DS6 and DS7, obtained during the
root the trees. present investigation, were identified as S. abbasi; however,
some disparity with the original report may be noted. The
Virulence tests on Spodoptera litura and Helicoverpa morphology was similar to the type population with only
armigera difference being the presence of mucron in second generation
Laboratory bioassay trails of the Steinernema isolates viz., male which was not observed in original description. The tail
DS4, DS6 and DS7 against four pests, Spodoptera litura, was more sharply pointed with anal swelling, thus confirming
Helicoverpa armigera, Galleria mellonella and Holotrichia the previous observations.
serrata were carried out in six well plates (well size 3.5 cm) Morphometric measurements of all the generations of isolates
lined with a double layer of Whatman Filter Paper No. 1. For DS4, DS6 and DS7 were similar to the topotype population of
bioassay experimentation, 1 week old IJs were used and four S. abbasi (Shahina et al., 2001) [37] but little divergence is
different concentrations viz. 0, 25, 50, 100 and 200 IJs were seen when they are compared with each other or with the
placed over the filter paper using 450 µl with distilled water original description (tables 1-3). A comparison in
in case of above insect pests except H. serrata. For each morphometric parameters in all generations is given in table
concentration, ten insect larvae of the same size and weight 4.
were used and a single larva was set per well. The plates were
incubated at 27 ± 2 °C. Mortality was recorded at every 12-hr Molecular characterisation
interval till complete mortality was achieved. The internal transcribed spacer rRNA sequences of the
For H. serrata, soil bioassay experiments were carried out in Steinernema strains DS4, DS6 and DS7 do not have any
100 ml beakers using concentrations 250, 500, 1000, 2000 difference with the ITS sequence of already described S.
IJs/beaker. Autoclaved soil was used and moistened with abbasi (AY230158) and also with each other. However, two
ddH20 and here also for each concentration, ten insect larvae unambiguous sequences Y and R are seen in the type species,
of the same size and weight were used and a single larva was AY230158 at positions, 211 and 407, in place of T and A in
set per beaker. However, mortality was recorded at every 24 h present three strains. ITS sequence of DS4, DS6 and DS7
interval and continued for 5 days. were separated from other closely related species of
Larvae infected with 100 IJs/larva doses (preferred optimum “bicornutum” group by 19–231 bp (table 5).
dose for counting progeny) were transferred after 7 days to a In the D2-D3 rRNA sequences also, the present strain DS7 do
modified White trap (White, 1927) [43] to observe the not show any variation with type populations of S. abbasi
persistence of infection and emergence of IJs (18–20 days). (AF331890). The D2 and D3 expansion fragments of the 28S
The counting of the nematodes was done with the help of rRNA gene of the Indian strain were separated by 12–122 bp
counting dish in 1 ml suspension as described by Bhat et al., from other closely related species of “bicornutum” group
(2016) [4]. Each bioassay was placed separately and all (table 6).
experiments repeated twice along with control.
The insect larval mortality assay was analysed statistically Phylogenetic analysis
through probit analysis, and LD50 values were calculated at a The phylogeny of the present three strains DS4, DS6 and DS7
95% confidence limit. Differences between percentages of based on ITS rRNA showed a clear monophyly of the group
mortality depending on different isolates were assessed using formed by the present three isolates and described S. abbasi
SPSS and PRISM8 (AF331890) (Fig. 1). Sequences of S. abbasi formed a
( monophyletic group with Steinernema kandii Godjo,Afouda,
guide/index.htm?new-organization.htm). Data was presented Baimey, Couvreur, Zadji, Houssou, Bert, Willems and
as a percentage ± SD. Nematode progeny production was Decraemer (2018) and this pair was sister to the Steinernema
analysed by analysis of variance in the same programs and yirgalemense Gaugler, Tesfamariam, Adams, Gozel and
presented in the form of mean ± SD. Nguyen (2004) [33].
In the D2-D3 tree, strain DS7 formed a monophyletic group
Results and Discussion with type population, S. abbasi and formed a sister clad with
Morphology, morphometry and molecular data of the strains S. kandii Godjo, Afouda, Baimey, Couvreur, Zadji, Houssou,
DS4, DS6 and DS7 of Steinernema abbasi as observed during Bert, Willems and Decraemer (2018) and Steinernema
the present investigation was, in general, similar to the type bifurcatum Fayyaz, Yan, Qui, Han, Gulsher, Khanum and
population in the original species description (Elawad, Ahmed Javed (2014) (Fig. 2). However, the D2-D3 region is too
& Reid, 1997) [15] and hence described as the same. The slides conservative to resolve the relationships among these closely
as well as live cultures of these strains have been deposited in related Steinernema species. In general, molecular data
the depository of Department of Zoology, Chaudhary Charan accompanied by morphology and morphometric data
Singh University, Meerut. This species was first reported confirmed the status of studied three strains as species of S.
from soils of alfalfa fields in the south of the Sultanate of abbasi according to the phylogenetic and evolutionary species
Oman by Dr. M. A. Hubeis. The species has later also been concept (Adams, 1998) [1].
found in agricultural soils of Pakistan, Nepal and Egypt and
some other Asian countries like Philippines, China, Palestine Virulence tests
(GenBank records). In India, it has, however, been reported All three strains of S. abbasi were able to kill and reproduce
from agricultural soils of almost all the states and is found to in all four of the insects tested. All the three strains led to
be dominant and abundant species of Steinernema in Indian complete mortality of the tested insects except for H. serrata,
subcontinent. Steinernema thermophilum previously a new in which not more than 50-60% mortality was recorded even
species by Ganguly and Singh (2000) [18] has been after six days of infection.
synonymized to be a species of S. abbasi. In case of H. armigera larvae, the parameters measured when
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the nematodes were applied favoured all the three strains, viz., carpocapsae. Bhat et al., (2017) [7] also noted differences in
DS4, DS6 and DS7 and caused complete mortality within 48 efficacy tests of two S. surkhetense strains against larvae of
hours of infection with all the doses applied (Fig. 3 A-C). All two different insect pests. Two S. pakistanense strains were
the strains started the mortality only after 12 h of infection also reported to show differences in their virulence against
with 100 and 200 IJs/larva doses while with 25 and 50 different larvae of insect pests (Bhat et al., 2018) [5]. Such
IJs/larva dose, death was noticed after 24 h except DS4. In differences in virulence of EPN species/strains depend on
case of S. litura larvae, all the strains started larval mortality factors such as the rate of penetration, reproductive potential,
at 12 h with 50, 100 and 200 IJs/larva doses, and lead to type of host, bacterium complex and some other biotic and
complete death of insect pests after 36 h post infection period abiotic factors, niche, presence-absence of determined host,
with these three doses, however, with 25 IJs/larva dose, death adaptation to abiotic factors, etc. (Kaya & Gaugler, 1993;
started at 24 h and complete mortality was recorded after 48 h Lewis et al., 1992; Forschler & Nordin, 1988) [26, 30, 17].
(Fig. 3D-F). With the same insects, and with comparable The higher progeny production was observed in case G.
doses of S. abbasi, Kalia et al. (2014) [22] observed that 100% mellonella in all the three strains, maximum in DS6 strain
mortality occurred no earlier than 96 h in H. armigera and (147122 ± 8445) followed by DS7 (142280 ± 9528) and DS6
192 h in S. litura. (134488 ± 6182). In case of H. armigera and S. litura, IJ
When the IJs of the strains were applied to larvae of G. production was in close proximity to all the strains and very
mellonella, mortality was found to begin at 12 h with all doses low when compared to G. mellonella (Fig. 4).
in case of DS4; however, in DS6 and DS7, it began with only Furthermore, pathogenicity bioassays of the three strains
50, 100 and 200 IJs/larva doses. In all the three cases, against H. serrata showed that the complete mortality was not
complete mortality was seen after 48 h (Fig. 3 G-I). With observed even after 6 days of infection with all the doses
same insect and doses of S. abbasi, Istkhar et al., (2016) [23, 24] (250, 500, 1000, 2000 IJs/larvae) applied. Mortality was
and Bhat et al., (2015) [6] observed that complete mortality found to occur on day 2 with all doses except 250 IJs/larva
occurred no earlier than 48 h and 60 h respectively. Also, which began on day 3. All the three strains show somewhat
Chaubey et al., (2016) [11] and Bhat et al., (2016) [4] with same equal results and the dynamics of the infection according to
insects and doses of H. indica noticed that insect mortality different doses also showed that the strains achieved
completed after 60 h of infection. somewhat near mortality rates when the target was H. serrata
The mortality of S. litura, H. armigera and G. mellonella (Fig. 5.A-C); the best example of this could be observed when
caused by present strains showed differences, however, the 250 IJs of DS6 were applied to the larvae, where at day 4, the
onset of mortality was very rapid in all the three tested overall percentage of mortality was 30%; at day 5, the
insects. At 36 h, the strain DS4, DS6 and DS7 were capable percentage of mortality increased to 40% (Fig. 5 B), however,
of killing G. mellonella larvae with LD50 being at 12.35, did not reach to 100% mortality even after 6th day. With
10.37 and 7.28 IJs, respectively; for H. armigera larvae at highest doses (2000 IJs/larva), the mortality at day 5 was
18.01, 15.98 and 5.65 IJs; for S. litura larvae at 34.5, 14.9 recorded 50% with DS4 and DS6, while 60% with DS7.
and17.53 IJs. From these above findings, DS7 was found These findings are in accordance with the results of Shelter et
pathogenic against tested insects. These virulence differences al. (1988) [39], Ansari et al. (2003) [2], Pillay et al. (2009) [35],
against the tested entomic pests might be due to host- Glazer et al. (2007) [20], Supekar and Mohite (2015) [40] and
specificity, with such differences previously noted by other Chandel et al. (2005) [10] which too do not noticed complete
investigators (Bhat et al., 2017; Shapiro-Ilan et al., 2003) [7, 38, mortality in white grubs with Steinernema species, and found
. Campos-Herrera et al., (2006) [29] reported differences in good pathogenicity results of Heterorhabditis species against
virulence tests of S. feltiae to three different hosts; Shapiro- white grubs.
Ilan et al., (2003) [38, 41] observed considerable variation in These findings concluded that these strains can be used for
infectivity and mortality of Curculio caryae, Horn control of above three pests, however may not be good for
(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) using different strains of S. control of white grubs.

Fig 1: Phylogenetic relationships in the ‘bicornutum’ group of the Steinernema based on analysis of ITS rRNA regions. Caenorhabditis elegans
was used as out-group taxa. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the bootstrap test (10,000
replicates) is shown next to the branches. Branch lengths indicate evolutionary distances and are expressed in units of number of base
differences per site.

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Fig 2: Phylogenetic relationships in the ‘bicornutum’ group of the Steinernema based on analysis of D2–D3 regions of the 28S rRNA regions.
Caenorhabditis elegans was used as out-group taxa. The percentage of replicate trees in which the associated taxa clustered together in the
bootstrap test (10,000 replicates) is shown next to the branches. Branch lengths indicate evolutionary distances and are expressed in units of
number of base differences per site.

Fig 3: Percentage mortality of Helicoverpa armigera (A-C), Spodoptera litura (D-F) and Galleria mellonella (G-H) larvae with different doses
of Steinernema abbasi strains DS4 (A, D, G), DS6 (B, E, H) and DS7 (C, F, I).

Fig 4: Mean IJs production of Steinernema abbasi strains DS4, DS6 and DS7 in Helicoverpa armigera, Spodoptera litura and Galleria
mellonella at 100 IJ/Larva doses (D).
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A. B.

Fig 5: Percentage mortality of Holotrichia serrata (A-C), larvae with different doses of Steinernema abbasi strains DS4 (A), DS6 (B) and DS7

Table 1: Morphometrics of Steinernema abbasi DS4. Measurements are in µm and in the form: mean ± SD (range).
First Generation Second Generation
Characters Infective Juveniles
Male Female Male Female
N 20 20 20 20 25
Body Length (L) 1370±133 (1149-1617) 7195±1049 (5351-9537) 934±99 (555-1027) 1085±107 (908-1269) 593± 43 (456-653)
L' ((L-T) 1347±133 (1123-1592) 7148±1052 (5310-9484) 910±98 (534-1006) 1036±108 (855-1218) 537± 42 (401-601)
a (L/BD) 12±1.3 (11-15.4) 27±6.9 (3.1-36) 16±2 (10-20) 56±1.9 (52-59) 25± 1.9 (20-28)
b (L/ES) 9.5±0.8 (8.4-11) 33±4.9 (25-42) 8.8±1.2 (4.8-10) 151 ±3 (13-18) 7.1± 0.8 (5.5-8.6)
c (L/T) 60±10.3 (44-67) 165±45 (60-256) 40±5 (26-49) 8.1± 0.7 (6.9-9.1) 7.1± 0.8 (8.3-13)
c' (T/ABW) 0.8±0.2 (0.6-1.6) 0.6±0.2 (0.01-0.9) 1.4±0.2 (1-1.8) 23± 5.7 (17-40) 4.5± 0.4 (3.8-5.7)
V (V'/L)100 51±2.7 (46-55) 56±1.9 (52-59)
Body Diameter (BD) 111±15 (91-135) 364±514 (222-2546) 57±4.6 (50-69) 70±7.7 (51-83) 23± 1.3 (20-28)
Excretory Pore (EP) 81 ± 8.1 (63-94) 89±7.1 (72-100) 55±5.5 (46-65) 58±7.7 (46-73.6) 47± 9.3 (36-85)
Width at EP (WEP) 46±5.2 (37-57) 92±8 (79-104) 37±57 (22-278) 36±5.3 (26-47) 15±1.9 (10-19)
Nerve Ring (NR) 82±6.9 (66-96) 120±9.3 (104-145) 58±5.9 (46-70) 76±5.3 (70-90) 54± 3.9 (49-63)
Pharynx Length (ES) 144±8.3 (130-169) 218±11 (202-240) 107±6.4 (97-121) 134±5.9 (124-142) 84± 8.3 (70-105)
Bulb Length (EBL) 33±3.8 (24-39) 56±5.7 (46-66) 27±2.8 (23-34) 32±2.9 (27-36) 13± 2.1 (8.1-17)
Bulb Width (EBW) 24±1.9 (21-29) 40±3.1 (34-48) 20±1.5 (17-22) 23±1.8 (21-27) 8.2± 1.1 (6.1-11)
Testis Reflection (TR) 242±48 (137-327) 215±28 (172-283)
Tail 23±3.6 (16-31) 47±17 (33-111) 23±2.2 (21-27) 49±8.5 (27-65) 57± 3.7 (50-66.6)
Anal Body Width (ABW) 31±5.3 (17-42) 415±1524 (52-6887) 17±2.5 (14-26) 29±5.7 (24-51) 13± 1.1 (10-15)
Spicule Length (SPL) 68±6 (57-80) 60±4.9 (53-72)
Spicule Width (SPW) 9.1±1.6 (6.6-12) 11±1.8 (6.3-13)
Gubernaculum Length (GL) 39±5 (32-54) 30±2.4 (23-34)
Gubernaculum Width (GW) 7.2±1.2 (5.5-9.6) 6.8±1 (3.7-8.2)
D% (EP/ES×100) 56±5.9 (44-67) 41±4 (32-47) 51±5.7 (40-60) 1.7± 0.3 (1.1-2) 56± 8 (41-80)
E% (EP/T×100) 355±57 (268-476) 201±41 (87-258) 238±35 (179-310) 43± 6.3 (33-56) 84± 17 (54-154)
SW% (SL/ABD*100) 225±47 (160-376) 362±50 (215-473)
GS% (GL/SL×100) 58±9.5 (41-85) 50±4.1 (41-60)
Width at Vulva (WV) 268±22 (218-328) 78±8.5 (59-96)
Anterior to Vulva (AV) 3654±590 (2763-5044) 604±63 (511-720)
Posterior to Vulva (PV) 3541±528 (2588-4495) 682±896 (393-4482)
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Table 2: Morphometrics of Steinernema abbasi DS6. Measurements are in µm and in the form: mean ± SD (range).
First generation Second generation
Characters Male Female Male Female Juveniles
N 20 20 20 20 20
Body Length (L) 1348 ± 125 (1197-1668) 5679 ± 1073 (4222-8949) 890 ± 70 (801-1085) 1218 ± 83 (1042-1358) 438 ± 28 (383-488)
L' ((L-T) 1324 ± 126 (1168-1665) 5636 ± 1072 (4182-8907) 867 ± 69 (779-1059) 1168 ± 82 (1001-1307) 394 ± 26 (343-446)
a (L/BD) 12 ± 1.16 (10-14) 23 ± 3.8 (18-34) 15 ± 1.9 (12-20) 17 ± 1.5 (14-20) 19 ± 1.3 (17-22)
b (L/ES) 10 ± 0.9 (8.6-12) 32 ± 5.4 (25-46) 8.2 ± 0.83 (7.2-10) 9.0 ± 0.7 (7.7 -10) 6.0 ± 0.8 (4.4-7.2)
c (L/T) 58 ± 9.2 (40-71) 133 ± 28 (90-213) 38 ± 3.7 (32-44) 24 ± 3.5 (19-32) 10.0 ± 0.8 (8.2-11.2)
c' (T/ABW) 0.71 ± 0.07 (0.61-0.9) 0.6 ± 0.09 (0.5-0.8) 1.3 ± 0.16 (1.0-1.6) 1.7 ± 0.2 (0.9-2.2) 3.4 ± 0.4 (2.2-4.0)
V (V'/L)×100 53 ± 3.7 (42 - 57) 54 ± 2.3 (52-60)
Body Diameter (BD) 108 ± 13 (83-143) 238 ± 17 (201-267) 56 ± 4.4 (49-67) 68 ± 3.0 (62-72) 22 ± 1.4 (20-25)
Excretory Pore (EP) 88 ± 4.4 (80-88) 91 ± 10 (72-112) 53 ± 3.9 (48-61) 58 ± 5.3 (49-69) 33 ± 4.6 (26-47)
Width at EP (WEP) 47 ± 4.2 (40-50) 83 ± 11 (49-97) 25 ± 1.9 (21-29) 37 ± 4.1 (29-48) 13 ± 1.0 (11-15)
Nerve Ring (NR) 84 ± 3.2 (77-89) 90 ± 4.8 (81-99) 58 ± 4.8 (48-68) 75 ± 5.3 (61-85) 62 ± 9.6 (49-84)
Pharynx Length (ES) 132 ± 12 (108-163) 177 ± 11 (156-197) 108 ± 5.6 (95-115) 134 ± 4.6 (126-141) 73 ± 9.0 (62-92)
Bulb Length (EBL) 28 ± 4.3 (18-36) 46 ± 3.4 (41-53) 27 ± 2.5 (23-31) 32 ± 2.7 (26-36) 12 ± 2.2 (8.6-18)
Bulb Width (EBW) 23 ± 3.1 (14-28) 34 ± 2.5 (28-38) 21 ± 2.2 (18-25) 23 ± 2.6 (21-29) 8.4 ± 1.4 (6.0-11)
Testis Reflection (TR) 212 ± 18 (189-267)
Tail 23 ± 3.0 (19-31) 43 ± 6.8 (33-58) 23 ± 2.1 (19-27) 50 ± 6.4 (36-62) 44 ± 4.1 (35-53)
Anal Body Width (ABW) 33 ± 3.5 (27-39) 64 ± 12 (45 - 93) 17 ± 1.6 (15-21) 30 ± 5.2 (25-50) 10 ± 1.46 (35-53)
Spicule Length (SPL) 70 ± 5.7 (56-82) 59 ± 2.9 (55-69)
Spicule Width (SPW) 9.8 ± 1.6 (5.7-11) 9.2 ± 1.0 (7.3-10)
Gubernaculum Length (GL) 43 ± 3.9 (37-48) 29 ± 1.9 (24-31)
Gubernaculum Width (GW) 6.0 ± 1.4 (3.7-8.3) 6.5 ± 0.9 (4.6-8.0)
D% (EP/ES×100) 67 ± 5.7 (55- 75) 52 ± 6.0 (36-60) 1.3 ± 0.6 (42-58) 43 ± 4.6 (35-53) 46 ± 8.6 (33-75)
E% (EP/T×100) 385 ± 47 (265- 462) 206 ± 63 (2.2-285) 230 ± 27 (189-293) 117 ± 15 (99-143) 77 ± 13 (54-122)
SW% (SL/ABD×100) 215 ± 23 (175-268) 350 ± 37 (271-413)
GS% (GL/SL×100) 61 ± 7.2 (44- 73) 49 ± 3.7 (41-54)
Width at Vulva (WV) 254 ± 29 (199-297) 76 ± 6.6 (63-91)
Anterior to Vulva (AV) 3019 ± 633 (2269-4876) 696 ± 46 (611-793)
Posterior to Vulva (PV) 2660 ± 511 (1951-4072) 522 ± 522 (411-589)

Table 3: Morphometrics of Steinernema abbasi DS7. Measurements are in µm and in the form: mean ± SD (range).
First generation Second generation
Characters Infective Juveniles
Male Female Male Female
N 20 20 20 20 20
Body Length (L) 1463 ± 49 (1389-1561) 6632 ± 535 (6012-7969) 884 ± 29 (807-934) 1297 ± 59 (1335-2424) 436 ± 30 (395-495)
L' ((L-T) 1440 ± 49 (1365-1532) 6592 ± 535 (5967-7928) 860 ± 29 (783-909) 1246 ± 59 (1179-1375) 395 ± 31 (353-459)
a (L/BD) 13 ± 1.0 (11-15) 26 ± 2.3 (22-30) 15 ± 1.14 (13-18) 9.5 ± 0.58 (8.3 - 10.6) 24 ± 2.1 (20-27)
b (L/ES) 11 ± 0.68 (9.8-12) 36 ± 3.15 (32-43) 8.2 ± 0.3 (7.-.8.9) 25 ± 2.6 (20-32) 6.1 ± 0.6 (4.7-7.5)
c (L/T) 63 ± 7.0 (45-73) 154 ± 20 (115-195) 36 ± 3.7 (31-42) 1.7 ± 0.26 (1.05-2.09) 8.7 ± 0.9 (6.2-10)
c' (T/ABW) 0.7 ± 0.1 (0.54-1.1) 0.67 ± 0.08 (0.5-0.8) 0.8 ± 0.1 (0.7-1.0) 55 ± 1.8 (51-59) 5.7 ± 1.0 (4.2-9.1)
V (V'/L)×100 52 ± 2.6 (48 - 61) 68 ± 3.9 (59-73)
Body Diametre (BD) 111 ± 7.4 (95-123) 247 ± 17 (211-289) 57 ± 3.6 (48-63) 57 ± 3.8 (49-64) 23 ± 1.3 (20-26)
Excretory Pore (EP) 90 ± 2.49 (86-95) 93 ± 6.4 (77-102) 53 ± 2.6 (49-56) 62 ± 11 (47-77) 36 ± 3.4 (29-41)
Width at EP (WEP) 49 ± 3.6 (41-53) 85 ± 5.4 (72-95) 25 ± 1.2 (23-28) 71 ± 15 (28-736) 13 ± 1.3 (11-15)
Nerve Ring (NR) 102 ± 5.68 (91-113) 90 ± 3.5 (85-99) 57 ± 3.3 (48-62) 107 ± 14 (69-713) 61 ± 1.7 (54-75)
Pharynx Length (ES) 133 ± 6.9 (119-142) 179 ± 6.7 (166-189) 107 ± 3.5 (98-111) 135 ± 3.2 (128-140) 92 ± 7.4 (78-105)
Bulb Length (EBL) 31 ± 2.25 (27-35) 46 ± 3.2 (40-51) 28 ± 2.6 (24-1.9) 34 ± 3.04 (29-39) 13 ± 1.0 (11-15)
Bulb Width (EBW) 23 ± 2.4 (18-29) 34 ± 2.2 (30-39) 21 ± 2.2 (18-25) 23 ± 2.03 (24-45) 7.8 ± 0.8 (6.6-9.6)
Testis Reflection (TR) 345±42 (278-441) 206±14 (192-250)
Tail 25 ± 2.8 (20-31) 43 ± 4.7 (36-55) 24 ± 1.9 (21-27) 51 ± 4.4 (39-59) 41 ± 2.9 (35-45)
Anal Body Width (ABW) 32 ± 3.2 (26-41) 66 ± 9.8 (55-89) 17 ± 1.8 (14-22) 30 ± 4.5 (24-45) 22 ± 1.2 (20-25)
Spicule Length (SPL) 67 ± 5.8 (58-78) 55 ± 2.4 (51-60)
Spicule Width (SPW) 7.2±0.9 (4.6-8.9)
Gubernaculum Length (GL) 41 ± 2.5 (34-45) 30 ± 3.0 (25-36)
Gubernaculum Width (GW) 3.8±0.65 (2.7-5.7)
D% (EP/ES×100) 68 ±3.571 (63- 74) 51 ± 4.4 (42-58) 50 ± 2.8 (44-54) 42 ± 3.9 (35-49) 65 ± 10 (46-83)
E% (EP/T×100) 392 ± 40 (295- 440) 216 ± 29 (149-261) 221 ± 19 (185-265) 113 ± 10.6 (95-127) 93 ± 18 (60-128)
SW% (SL/ABD×100) 208 ± 29 (139-269) 327± 35 (243-378)
GS% (GL/SL×100) 61 ± 5.9 (48- 70) 53 ± 4.6 (40-58)
Width at Vulva (WV) 266 ± 15 (227-299) 79 ± 5.2 (68-86)
Anterior to Vulva (AV) 3481 ± 392 (3098-4876) 722 ± 39 (621-794)
Posterior to Vulva (PV) 3155 ± 259 (2769-3827) 575 ± 36 (511-686)

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Table 4: Comparative morphometrics (µm) of Steinernema abbasi strains with type population. Measurements are in the form: mean (range).
Infective Juveniles First Generation Male Second Generation Male First Generation Female Second Generation Female
DS6 DS7 S. abbasi DS6 DS7 S. abbasi DS6 DS7 S. abbasi DS6 DS7 S. abbasi DS6 DS7 S. abbasi
438 436 541 1348 1463 1252 890 884 861 5679 6632 3510 1218 1297 2069
(383-488) (395-495) (496-579) (1197-1668) (1389-1561) (999-1534) (801-1085) (807-934) (2453-4477) (4222-8949) (6012-7969) (606-1035) (1042-1358) (1335-2424) (1897-3917)
22 23 29 108 111 87 56 57 70 238 247 68 57 130
BD 159 (143-81)
(20-25) (20-26) (27-30) (83-143) (95-123) (82-98) (49-67) (48-63) (64-80) (201-267) (211-289) (62-72) (49-64) (123-48)
33 36 48 88 90 80 53 53 66 91 93 71 58 62 66
(26-47) (29-41) (46-51) (80-88) (86-95) (68-89) (48-61) (49-56) (62-79) (72-112) (77-102) (62-79) (49-69) (47-77) (61-73)
62 61 68 84 102 103 58 57 99 90 90 125 75 107 114
(49-84) (54-75) (64-72) (77-89) (91-113) (99-123) (48-68) (48-62) (93-106) (81-99) (85-99) (120-137) (61-85) (69-713) (110-118)
73 92 89 132 133 133 108 107 121 177 179 165 134 135 146
(62-92) (78-105) (85-92) (108-163) (119-142) (121-144) (95-115) (98-111) (112-130) (156-197) (166-189) (155-176) (126-141) (128-140) (136-157)
44 41 56 23 25 26 23 24 21 43 43 37 50 51 36
(35-53) (35-45) (52-61) (19-31) (20-31) (20-31) (19-27) (21-27) (17-24) (33-58) (36-55) (31-40) (36-62) (39-59) (32-39)
19 24 18 12 13 15 15 23 26 17 9.5
(17-22) (20-27) (17-20) (10-14) (11-15) (12-20) (13-18) (18-34) (22-30) (14-20) (8.3 - 10.6)
6.0 6.1 6.0 10 11 8.2 8.2 32 36 9.0 25
(4.4-7.2) (4.7-7.5) (5.5-6.6) (8.6-12) (9.8-12) (7.2-10) (7.-.8.9) (25-46) (32-43) (7.7 - 10) (20-32)
10 8.7 9.8 58 63 38 36 133 154 24 1.7
(8.2-11.2) (6.2-10) (8.1-10) (40-71) (45-73) (32-44) (31-42) (90-213) (115-195) (19-32) (1.05-2.09)
70 67 65 59 55 61
(56-82) (58-78) (57-74) (55-69) (51-60) (51-69)
43 41 45 29 30 43
(37-48) (34-45) (33-50) (24-31) (25-36) (35-48)
215 208 156 350 327 159
(175-268) (139-269) (107-187) (271-413) (243-378) (128-185)
61 61 70 49 53 70
(44- 73) (48- 70) (58-85) (41-54) (40-58) (58-81)
46 65 53 67 60 1.3 50 56 52 51 42 43 42 45
(33-75) (46-83) (51-58) (55- 75) (51-68) (42-58) (44-54) (50-70) (36-60) (42-58) (36-48) (35-53) (35-49) (43-47)
77 93 86 385 385 230 221 206 216 117 113
(54-122) (60-128) (79-94) (265- 462) (265- 462) (189-293) (185-265) (2.2-285) (149 -261) (99-143) (95-127)
55 53 52 54 68 55
(52-60) (42 - 57) (48 - 61) (52-60) (59-73) (50-77)

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Table 5: Pairwise distances of the ITS region between Steinernema species from the ‘bicornutum’ group. Below diagonal, percentage similarity;
above diagonal, total character differences.
ITS regions 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 MK641593 DS4 0 0 0 19 146 181 196 196 197 201 203 214 231 231
2 MF927779 DS6 100 0 0 15 84 126 142 129 136 149 149 146 155 155
3 MK273198 DS7 100 100 0 19 146 181 196 196 197 201 203 214 231 231
4 AY230158 S. abbasi 100 100 100 18 145 176 189 190 190 197 196 208 223 223
5 KY228997 S. kandii 97 97 97 98 151 181 191 194 196 197 194 212 222 222
6 AY748450 S. yirgalemense 75 81 75 75 74 180 188 201 202 194 189 201 222 221
7 AY230165 S. ceratophorum 68 70 68 68 67 66 168 190 87 161 150 167 219 221
8 KR781038 S. goweni 65 66 65 66 66 65 71 212 178 156 132 166 228 230
9 KT373857 S. biddulphi 63 68 63 64 63 61 63 60 201 220 204 217 95 98
10 AY171279 S. bicornutum 64 67 64 65 64 62 87 70 62 195 180 180 231 233
11 KJ913707 S. papillatum 63 63 63 63 63 64 72 75 58 67 72 120 244 248
12 KP036472 S. ralatorei 63 63 63 64 64 64 74 79 61 69 90 99 220 223
13 DQ835613 S. riobrave 60 64 60 61 60 62 71 73 58 68 81 85 236 238
14 JX989267 S. bifurcatum 56 61 56 57 57 56 57 58 85 55 53 58 54 289
15 AY748449 S. pakistanense 55 61 55 57 57 56 57 57 85 55 51 57 54 99

Table 6: Pairwise distances of the D2–D3 regions between Steinernema species from the ‘bicornutum’ group. Below diagonal, percentage
similarity; above diagonal, total character differences.
D2D3 Region 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 MK643331 DS7 0 12 34 47 90 96 96 96 103 104 112 182
2 AF331890 S. abbasi 100 10 32 45 90 93 96 94 101 102 112 179
3 MG495398 S. kandii 98 98 40 11 53 55 62 60 68 61 69 64
4 AY748451 S. yirgalemense 94 94 93 37 50 60 55 54 61 50 55 65
5 JQ838179 S. bifurcatum 94 94 98 94 123 107 126 100 106 131 146 176
6 AF331904 S. bicornutum 89 89 90 91 84 88 36 67 81 81 89 174
7 KT580950 S. biddulphi 87 88 90 90 86 88 93 97 100 89 107 140
8 AF331888 S. ceratophorum 88 88 88 90 83 96 88 73 87 89 96 188
9 KR781039 S. goweni 87 87 89 91 87 91 87 90 52 40 52 177
10 KJ913708 S. papillatum 86 86 87 89 86 89 87 88 93 19 42 185
11 KP036475 S. ralatorei 87 87 89 91 83 90 88 89 95 98 39 188
12 AF331893 S. riobrave 86 86 87 90 80 89 86 88 93 95 95 194
13 JX068824 S. pakistanense 73 73 88 89 75 74 80 72 74 72 72 70

Financial support 5. Bhat AH, Chaubey AK, Půža V. The first report of
Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi, Xenorhabdus indica from Steinernema pakistanense:
India, is highly acknowledged for providing the financial cophylogenetic study suggests co-speciation between X.
assistance to Aasha through DST WOS-A (SR/WOS-A/LS- indica and its steinernematid nematodes. Journal of
1083/2014). Helminthology. 2018; 92:1-10.
6. Bhat AH, Istkhar, Aasha, Chaubey AK. Pathogenecity
Acknowledgement and reproductive potential of Steinernema sp. isolated
The authors thank the Head of the Department of Zoology, from the soils of Bahgpat and Buandshahr districts of
Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, India, for Uttar Pradesh. Proceedings of 11th JK Science Congress,
providing necessary facilities. 2015, 1-8.
7. Bhat AH, Istkhar, Chaubey AK, Půža V, San-Blas E.
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