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Modes of Vibration Basic Principles OfIR Spectros

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Subject Chemistry

Paper No and Title Paper 12: Organic Spectroscopy

Module No and Title Module 6: Basic Principles of IR Spectroscopy

Module Tag CHE_P12_M6_e-Text


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
1. Learning Outcomes
2. Introduction
3. Origin of Infra-red Spectroscopy
4. Molecular Vibrations
5. Selection Rule
6. Fundamental Vibrations
7. Summary


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
1. Learning Outcomes
After studying this module, you shall be able to
 To understand the concept of Infra-red spectroscopy.
 To predict the number of fundamental modes of vibration of a molecule.

2. Introduction
The most frequent spectroscopic technique used by organic and inorganic chemists is infrared
(IR) spectroscopy. It deals with the absorption of radiation in the infrared region of the
electromagnetic spectrum. IR spectrum gives sufficient information about the structure
(identification of functional groups) of a compound and can also be used as an analytical tool to
assess the purity of a compound. The absorption of infrared radiation by a molecule causes
changes in their vibrational and rotational energy levels and hence IR-spectroscopy is also known
as vibrational-rotational spectroscopy. Unlike UV-spectroscopy which has very few peaks in their
spectrum, IR spectroscopy provides spectrum with a large number of absorption bands and hence
provide plenty of information about the structure of a compound. Different bands present in the
spectra correspond to various functional groups and bonds present in the molecule.
The infrared spectrum can be divided into three type of main regions: the far infrared (<400
cm−1), the mid-infrared (4000–400 cm−1) and the near-infrared (13000–4000 cm−1). The mid IR
region is of greatest practical use to the organic chemist, but the near- and far-infrared regions
also provide important information about many compounds.
Mid IR region: The mid-infrared spectrum extends from 4000 to 400 cm−1 and results from
vibrational and rotational transitions. This region is most useful for the organic chemist since
most of the organic molecules absorb in this region. The mid-infrared can be divided into two
regions viz functional group region (4000-1300 cm−1) and finger print region (1300-600 cm−1).
Functional group region (4000-1300 cm−1): Most of the functional groups present in organic
molecules exhibits absorption bands in the region 4000-1300 cm−1, hence this is known as
functional group region. In this region, each band can be assigned to a particular deformation of
the molecule, the movement of a group of atoms, or the bending or stretching of a particular
Finger print region (1300-600 cm−1): The region from 1300 cm-1 to 600 cm-1 usually contains a
very complicated series of absorptions. These are mainly due to molecular vibrations, usually
bending motions that are characteristic of the entire molecule or large fragments of the molecule.
Except enantiomers, any two different compounds cannot have precisely the same absorption
pattern in this region. Thus absorption patterns in this region are unique for any particular
compound that is why this is known as finger print region.
It is very difficult to assign individual bands in this region. Two molecules having the same
functional group but different bonding arrangements may show similar spectra in the functional
group region but their spectra differ in the finger print region. Therefore both the regions are very
useful for confirming the identity of a chemical substance. This is generally accomplished by
comparing the spectrum of an authentic sample. When two compounds show a good match


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
between the IR spectra in all frequency ranges, mainly in the fingerprint region, strongly indicates
that they have the same molecular structures.
To understand the importance of finger print region to identify a compound, we can take the
example of propan-1-ol and propan-2-ol.
Both the compounds are alcohols and contain exactly the same bonds. Now if you compare the
infra-red spectra of these compounds, the functional group region is very similar for both the
compounds but the fingerprint region is totally different. Therefore fingerprint region could be
crucial to identify the compound.

Near-infrared region (12500–4000 cm−1): The absorptions observed in the near-infrared region
(12500–4000 cm−1) are overtones or combinations of the fundamental stretching bands. Bands in
the near infrared are usually weak in intensity. They are often overlapped and hence are less
useful than the bands in mid-infrared region.


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
NIR shows some similarities to UV-visible spectrophotometry and some to mid-IR spectrometry.
Indeed the spectrometers used in this region are often combined UV-visible-NIR ones.
NIR is generally used for quantitative organic functional-group analysis. The NIR region has also
been used for qualitative analyses and studies of hydrogen bonding, solute-solvent interactions,
organometallic compounds and inorganic compounds
Far-infrared region (600-100 cm-1): The far-infrared spectrum extends from 600 to 100 cm−1.
Organometallic and inorganic molecules contain heavy atoms and have weak bonds, therefore the
fundamental vibrations of these molecules fall in this region. Lattice vibrations of crystalline
materials occur in this region.
3. Origin of Infra-red Spectroscopy
IR-spectroscopy gives the information about molecular vibrations or more precisely on transitions
between vibrational and rotational energy levels. Since the absorption of infrared radiation leads
to transition between vibrational and rotational energy levels, it is also vibrational-rotational
When a molecule absorb IR-radiation below 100 cm-1, transitions between rotational energy
levels takes place. Since these energy levels are quantised, a rotational spectrum consists of
discrete lines. If a molecule absorbs radiation in the range 100-10,000 cm-1, it causes transitions
between vibrational energy levels. These energy levels are also quantised but vibrational spectra
appear as bands rather than discrete lines. Each vibrational energy level is associated with a large
number of closely spaced rotational energy levels or we can say that the energy difference
between various rotational energy levels is very short than the energy difference between various
vibrational energy levels. Therefore the vibrational spectra appears vibrational-rotational bands
instead of discrete lines. Organic chemists are mainly concerned with these transitions especially
with those occur in the range 4000-667 cm-1.
4. Molecular Vibrations
The atoms in a molecule do not remain fixed at certain positions. The two nuclei can vibrate
backwards and forwards or towards and away from each other around an average position. There
are two types of fundamental molecular vibrations viz., stretching (change in bond length) and
bending (change in bond angle).
Stretching vibrations: It involves a rhythmic movement along a bond axis with a subsequent
increase and decrease in bond length. Stretching vibrations are of two types viz., symmetrical
stretching and asymmetrical stretching.

Stretching modes of H2O

Bending vibrations: It involves a change in bond angle or movement of a group of atoms with
respect to the rest of the molecule. Bending vibrations are of four types.
i.) Rocking


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
ii.) Scissoring
iii.) Wagging
iv.) Twisting

Bending vibrations of a CH2 group

All the bonds in a molecule are not capable of absorbing infrared radiation but only those bonds
which are accompanied by a change in the dipole moment will absorb in the infra-red region.
Thus, vibrations which are associated with the change in the dipole moment of the molecule are
called infra-red active transitions otherwise the vibration is said to be IR-inactive and do not show
any absorption band in the IR-spectrum. Generally, larger the change in the dipole moment, the
higher is the intensity of absorption. Hence the vibrational absorption bands in simple
hydrocarbons are weak while bands associated with bonds connecting atoms with considerable
electronegativity difference give strong bands.
5. Selection Rule
IR-radiation is absorbed only when a change in dipole moment of the molecule takes place.
Complete symmetry about a bond may eliminate certain absorption bands.
Therefore number of absorption bands observed is not exactly equal to the fundamental
vibrations, some of the fundamental vibrations are IR-active while others are not. This is
governed by selection rule described below.
1) In a molecule with a centre of symmetry, the vibrations symmetrical about the centre of
symmetry are IR-inactive.
2) The vibrations which are not symmetrical about the centre of symmetry are IR-active.
Here are some examples which could explain the selection rule.
a) All the symmetrical diatomic molecules such as H2, N2 and Cl2 etc. are IR-inactive.
b) The symmetrical stretching of the C=C bond in ethylene (centre of symmetry) is IR-inactive.
c) The symmetrical stretching in CO2 is IR-inactive, whereas asymmetric stretching is IR-active.
d) Cis-dichloro-ethylene molecule shows C=C stretching bands whereas trans molecule does not
show this band.
6. Fundamental Vibrations
In the classical harmonic oscillator, E = 1/2kx2= hν, where x is the displacement of the spring.
Thus, the energy or frequency is dependent on how far one stretches or compresses the spring,
which can be any value. If this simple model were true, a molecule could absorb energy of any


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
Energy curve for a vibrating spring (left) and energy constrained to quantum mechanical
model (right).

However, vibrational motion is quantized: it must follow the rules of quantum mechanics, and the
only transitions which are allowed fit the following formula:

where ν is the frequency of the vibration

n is the quantum number (0, 1, 2, 3, . . . )

The lowest energy level is E0 = 1/2 hν, the next highest is E1 = 3/2 hν. According to the selection
rule, only transitions to the next energy level are allowed; therefore molecules will absorb an
amount of energy equal to 3/2 – 1/2 hν or hν. This rule is not inflexible, and occasionally
transitions of 2 hν, 3 hν, or higher are observed. These correspond to bands called overtones in an
IR spectrum. They are of lower intensity than the fundamental vibration bands. The IR spectrum
of a compound may show more than one vibrational absorption bands. The number of these bands
corresponds to the number of fundamental vibrations in the molecule which can be calculated
from the degree of freedom (DOF) of the molecule. A molecule comprising of n atoms has a total
of 3n DOF. In a nonlinear molecule, three of these degrees of freedom are rotational and three are
translational and the remaining (3n-6) correspond to vibrational degree of freedom or
fundamental vibrations. Whereas in a linear molecule, only two degrees of freedom are rotational
(because rotation about its axis of linearity does not change the positions of the atoms) and three
are translational. The remaining (3n-5) degrees of freedom are vibrational degree of freedom or
fundamental vibrations.
If the molecule is symmetrical such as hydrogen, nitrogen, and chlorine, the band is not observed
in the IR spectrum. Asymmetrical diatomic molecules, e.g. CO and iodine chloride absorb in the
IR spectrum.
It has been observed that in actual IR spectrum, the theoretical number of fundamental bands is
seldom observed because there are certain factors which may increase or decrease the number of
bands. Some fundamental vibrations lie outside the IR region (4000-400 cm-1), whereas some are
too weak to be observed. Few fundamental vibrations are too close that they merge into one
another. The occurrence of degenerate bands (bands of same frequency) also cause decrease in
the fundamental vibrational bands. This phenomena is called fermi resonance.


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
Fermi Resonance: The Fermi resonance effect usually leads to two bands appearing close
together when only one is expected. When an overtone or a combination band has the same
frequency as, or a similar frequency to, a fundamental, two bands appear, split either side of the
expected value and are of about equal intensity. The effect is greatest when the frequencies
match, but it is also present when there is a mismatch of a few tens of wavenumbers. The two
bands are referred to as a Fermi doublet.
For example: Carbon dioxide, CO2 is linear and has four fundamental vibrations but actually it
shows only two bands (666 cm–1 and 2350 cm–1). The symmetrical stretching vibration of CO2 is
inactive in the IR because this vibration produces no change in the dipole moment of the
molecule. The two scissoring or bending vibrations are equivalent and therefore have the same
frequency (degenerate) at 666 cm–1. The asymmetrical stretch of CO2 gives a strong band in the
IR at 2350 cm–1.

Streching and bending vibrational for CO2

The appearance of certain types of non-fundamental (overtones, combinations of fundamental
vibrations or difference of fundamental vibrations) bands increases the number of bands as
compared to that expected from the theoretical number of fundamental bands. All these bands
have very weak intensity than the fundamental vibration bands.
Overtones bands: In addition to the fundamental vibrations, other frequencies can be generated
by modulations of the fundamental bands. An overtone band occurs when the molecule makes a
transition from the ground state (v=0) to the second excited state (v=2), where v is the vibrational
quantum number. The intensity of the overtone band is very low as compared to the fundamental
band and they are usually found in the near infrared region. Based on the harmonic oscillator
approximation it has been found that the energy of the overtone transition is about n times of the
fundamental vibration associated with that particular transition. Suppose a compound shows
strong absorptions at x and y cm-1 then it may also give rise to weaker absorptions at 2x, 2y, 3x
and 3y cm-1, respectively. The intensity of overtones bands decreases as the order of the overtone
increases, i.e. the intensity of 3x or 3y overtones will be less than the 2x and 2y. Therefore second
and third overtones are rarely observed.
Combination Bands: Combination bands are observed when two or more than two fundamental
vibrations are excited simultaneously. If there are two fundamental vibrations at x and y cm-1 then
it may also give rise to absorption bands at (x+y), (x+2y), (2x+y) cm-1.
Difference bands: It is also possible to have a difference band where the frequencies of two
fundamental bands are subtracted, i.e. (x-y), (x-2y), (2x-y) cm-1.


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy
A practical use for understanding overtones and combination bands is applied to organic solvents
used in spectroscopy. Most organic liquids have strong overtone and combination bands in the
mid-infrared region, therefore, acetone, DMSO, or acetonitrile should only be used in very
narrow spectral regions. Solvents such at CCl4, CS2 and CDCl3 can be used above 1200 cm-1.

7. Summary
1. Absorption of electromagnetic radiation in infrared region can cause changes in the vibrational
and rotational energy states.
2. A molecule consisting of n atoms has a total of 3n degrees of freedom.
3. The number of fundamental vibrational bands in a molecule is equal to the degree of freedom
of a molecule however these numbers of bands is seldom obtained because of the occurrence of
certain non-fundamental bands such as overtones, combinations of fundamental vibrations or
difference of fundamental vibration bands.


MODULE No. 6: Basic principles of IR spectroscopy

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