Report Amna HRM
Report Amna HRM
Report Amna HRM
Umaimma Ameer
Sobiya Islam
Amna Muhammad
Farha Naz
Syed Zain Ul Abidin Rizvi
Group Members
Acknowledge: 04
Introduction about companies 05
Module of HR practices 06
Requirement 07
Selection 08
Pay Structure 09
Appraisal 10
Job Duties & Authorities 11
Working Hours 12
Leaves 13
Conclusion 14
Companies Visits pic & Email Screen Shots 15
We would like to express our special thanks of gratitude to my teacher Madam Uzma Khan, who
have been supportive of our career goals and who worked actively to provide us with the
protected academic time to pursue those goals also thanks to Department of Management
Science who provide us wonderful teacher for sharing us wonderful knowledge which is related
to Human Resource Management.
We are grateful to all of those with whom we have had the pleasure to work during this and
other related projects. We would like to thank our parents, whose love and guidance are with
Introduction about companies:
1. YY Technologies Company:
YY technologies is a company located in Software house, where the company gets numerous
projects from clients and successfully fulfills requirements while favoring customer demand. The
Company fulfills customer requirements while utilizing its exceptional and up to date HRM
department have HRM. For accomplishing the stated purpose, the HR department diligently
follows a set of rules that result in company benefit and profit.
This company is associated with textile. Textile has immense importance in our Country.
Therefore, it is associated with several branches of textile. However, right now this company
does require employees and people who can perform business transactions and dealings.
Hence, to perform this objective this company aspires to settle several business settlements.
Now we compare the HRM practices of both companies. By this comparison, we analyze and
discover which company follows complete rules & regulations.
Module of HR practices
Leaves Selection
of HR
Working Structure
Job Duties
1. Recruitment
Internal emails and verbal communication Internal internet site (employee portal)
Website and LinkedIn Cost saving methods through social media
(LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram)
A recruitment comparison between the two companies is shown in tabular form. It shows if YY
technologies requires employees, it follows a certain set of rules and regulations. Which is both
time and cost consuming. While Alkaram utilizes software house which amplifies processes to
achieve time and cost-efficient results.
An organization seeking to appoint qualified employees will use internal & external ways.
3rd If candidate qualifies all three rounds, HR will send the Offer Letter to candidate.
Externally: Besides this, a company uses externally sources to motivate new employees like
Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
On the other hand, ALKARAM Company does not use any steps for recruitment. They save cost
and time and simply use social media. Both companies follow their HR Policies because both
fulfill their requirement with satisfactory results.
2. Selection
a. Written Test (Technical) Following ISO standards
b. Panel interview (Technical) a. Blue collar (skill labor): No test; one
c. Final Interview HR week monitoring.
b. White collar: Written test (GK, Eng.,
Math); HR Interview.
c. Managerial Post: Screening; short
listing; comparing and filtering
maximum five candidates ; panel (MD,
General Operational, Head
Departmental head, HRM) interview;
Psychometric test; Selection.
The given table shows requirement of an employee. YY Technologies use the listed 3 ways, due
to which they received several CV’s. This company uses written tests (Technical), after the
written test they arrange panel interviews followed by a final interview. These are the steps for
selection used by YY Technologies Company.
On the other hand, ALKARAM uses a variety of different steps for selection. They used ISO
standard and they divided it into categories as shown:
a. Blue collar (skill labor): No test; one-week monitoring.
b. White collar: Written test (GK, Eng., Math);
c. HR Interview: Managerial Post: Screening; short listing; comparing and filtering
maximum five candidates; panel (MD, General Operational, Head Departmental head,
HRM) interview; Psychometric test; Selection.)
3. Pay Structure
Market competitive Makes benchmark of different textile industries
then set the salary figure
a. Annual leaves a. Annual Leaves
b. Travelling allowance (PKR 5000) b. Travelling Allowance/Fuel
c. Communication allowance c. Communication allowance 100% free
d. Laptops and cell phone a. 50% Policy on Cars, Laptops etc.
e. Provident Fund e. Lucky draw for Umrah & Hajj every year
f. Gratuity for 3 to 5 persons
f. Gratuity
Bonus salary after every six months Advance and Bonuses (both)
This is an important table for any organization. This is one way for motivating an employee.
Here we talk about Pay structure. Both organizations follow market or Competitors.
When an organization appoints an employee, the company provides some Incentives allowing
motivation. Both companies follow & fulfill complete HRM policy. Both organizations provide
Annual Leaves, Travelling, Allowance/Fuel, and Communication Allowance 100% free, 50%
Policy on Cars, Laptops, and Bonus with Gratuity etc.
The difference when it comes to Lucky draw for Umrah and Hajj every year for 3 to 5 people.
This facility incentive is provided by ALKARAM whereas YY technologies lacks this.
4. Appraisals
a. They review the previous year’s a. They review the performances and
achievement, and will set an agreed achievements for the Fiscal year (June to
Personal Development Plan for the coming June) and will set an agreed Personal
year for each member of staff. Development Plan for the coming year
b. All directly employed employees are for each member of staff.
required to participate in the appraisal b. All directly employed employees are
process. required to participate in the appraisal
c. All staff will receive appraisal training as an process.
appraise, and where appropriate as an All staff will receive appraisal training as an
appraiser. appraise, and where appropriate as an
d. This process provides them to c. The appraisal process follows the fair
management with valuable data to assist and equitable process in line with their
succession planning. Equality Policy etc.
e. The appraisal process follows the fair and
equitable process in line with their
Equality Policy.
This is a tremendous opportunity, which can transform an employee’s life. After complete a
year a company takes some steps for appraisal, both companies utilize this. The appraisal is
based on an employee’s last year’s performance. They review the previous year’s achievement,
and will set an agreed Personal Development Plan for the coming year for each member of
staff. All directly employed employees are required to participate in the appraisal process. All
staff will receive appraisal training as an appraised, and where appropriate as an appraiser. This
process provides exposes them to management with valuable data to assist succession
planning. The appraisal process follows the fair and equitable process in line with their Equality
Policy. Both companies follow HR policies for improvement of employee appraisal.
5. Job Duties & Authorities
Job Duties and Authorities
a. Avoid discriminatory behavior, harassment or a. At the time of hiring describe all job
victimization. duties, co-competencies.
b. Maintenance records and inspection b. IR is a separate department who look
documents after the all matters of harassment.
c. Take ownership of the responsibilities c. Firstly, case file at the HR Department
d. Responsible for the security of YY and will transfer to the IR Department
TECHNOLOGIES. for the investigation.
e. Responsible when dealing with our d. IR Department is responsible for
company’s finances, products, partnerships maintaining the ethical behaviors,
and public image. respect towards customers, respect
f. Respect toward customers, stakeholders and towards employee to employee,
the community. partnerships and public images etc.
g. Delegate duties to their team members
h. Follow team leaders.
i. Responsible for the proper acquisition, use,
maintenance, and disposal of company
assets (e.g., materials, intangibles,
equipment, tools, real property, information,
data, intellectual property and funds) and
j. Theft, carelessness, and waste have a
negative impact on YY Technologies success.
k. Use company assets only for legal and ethical
Both organizations define employee duties and their authority, properly in written form. Some
are duties for example, both company do not allow discrimination, misconduct and ill attitude.
Every employee has a right to maintain office record. They are required to perform their duty
properly. Records and stationary items should be kept safely. Everyone should have an idea
about their responsibility. Technology items should be kept safely.
An organization should inform all employees regarding safety and security company details,
while securing company detail related to finance, IT department etc. Company also defines that
everyone should follow rules & regulation and their team leader. These are the duties while on
the other hand; a company has to provide authority to all employees.
6. Working Hours
Working Hours
a. Monday to Saturday 9 hour (10 a.m. to 7 a. Monday to Saturday 9a.m to 6p.m
p.m.) b. Break time of 1 hour from 1p.m to 2 p.m.
b. Break time 30 minutes (2p.m to 2.30p.m)
c. Friday Lunch Break Time 1.5 hour (1 p.m. Working Time Includes:
to 2.30 p.m.) During training
Approximately both companies employ the same timing, training and lunch. This is related to
market structure.
A company provides training, which is included in office timings. An employee who wants to go
for personal work during office hour is not affected by this. Working hours according to market
structure is 9 hours.
7. Leaves
Leave encashment No leave encashment
Annual Leaves 16 Annual leaves 40
Casual leaves 10 Casual 10
Maternity Leave (for Married Female Staff) – Maternity Leave (for Married Female Staff) –
Total 120 Calendar Days Total 120 Calendar Days
(Pre/Post Delivery)
* Employees must complete at least 6
months of service to be eligible for
Maternity Leave. – Application 3 months
Compensation leaves: (Death of immediate
07 Calendar Days - Outside Pakistan Burial
03 Calendar Day - Inside Pakistan Burial
01 Calendar Day – Second Degree Family
Leaves taken to attend memorial service will
be adjusted against Casual
This is the table of Leaves. Here at a certain point both companies will follow some rules.
For their leaves, YY technology’s software house provides leaves if employees will not do.
Company will pay this as encashment leave. But Alkaram does not provide this facility. YY
technology’s software house provides some other leaves, which are based on death, maternity
etc. YY technology’s software House also provides a mentally fresh environment to their
We have compared two companies with all aspects of HRM. After comparison, we realized that
there are certain differences and similarities between both companies in correspondence with
Employee Requirement where Alkaram takes a lead I terms of time and cost
Whereas in employee selection both companies produce good results utilizing different
Whereas both companies follow the same trend in incentives, Alkaram takes a lead due
to more innovative ideas
Both companies appoint a same appraisal strategy with minor differences producing
exceptional results
Employee duties are defined by both companies, even though YY Technologies does it to
a greater extent
Alkaram lacks commitment when it comes to leaves.
Both companies fulfill all HRM effectively.
Each company is leading the other in certain areas, a good approach would be to learn and
develop a company’s weaknesses for better result.
Cooperation and research may lead to both companies producing much greater results and is
perhaps a fruitful approach.
Companies visits & Emails Screen shots: