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Damping Properties of Selected Steels and Cast Irons: Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations/1987

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Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations/1987

Damping Properties of Selected

Steels and Cast Irons

By A. Visnapuu, R. W. Nash, and P. C. Turner


Report of Investigations 9 068

Damping Properties of Selected

Steels and Cast Irons

By A. Visnapuu, R . W. Nash, and P. C. Turner


Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary

Robert C. Horton, Director
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data:

Visnapuu, A. (Aarne)
Damping properties of selected steels and cast irons.

(Report of investigations; 9068)

Bibliography: p. 14-15.

Supt. of Docs. no.: I 28.23: 9068.

1. Mining machinery- Vibration. 2. Steel-Testing. 3. Cast·iron-Testing. 4. Damping

(Mechanics). I. Nash, R. W. (Robert W.). II. Turner, P. C. Ill. Title. IV . Series: Report.of in-
vestigations (United States. Bureau of Mines) ; 9068.

TN23.U43 [TN345] 622 s [620.3] 86-600351


Abstract .......•. .............................•..•....•. 0 ••••••••• €I ••••••••• • •• 1

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ••• .. .. . .. ....... 2
Previous investigations •.•.••••••.••••......••••.•••.••••••• •• •• • • •• ••••••••• 2
Purpose of this investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Experimental procedure ......................••.•••.•••................•..•••••. 3
Results and discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 4
Steels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...•... .. ..• . .••... . ... 4
Cast irons ••••• 10
Conclusions •..•.. 14
References .......................•...••...•••.•. ••..•.. • •••• •••...••••••••..••• 14


1. Microstructures of carbon and alloy steels ••••••....•.•••....••••..•.•••••• 5

2. Specific damping capacity of carbon and alloy steels as a function of
stress . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ..... 7
3. Microstructures of spheroidized heat-treated carbon and alloy steels •••• •.• 8
4. Microstructures of cast lrons ..••...••••.•.••• • ••• • ••••• •• ••••• ••.• .•• .•••• 11
5. Specific damping capacity of cast irons as a function of stress ••• • • ••••••• 13


1. Specific damping capacities and microstructures of car.bon and alloy steels. 7

2. Specific da,m ping capacities of spheroidized heat-treated carbon and alloy
steels ...... . . .. ... ..... . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 9
3. Specific damping capacities and graphite morphologies of selected cast
irons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . 10
4. Composition and mechanical properties of selected cast irons ..••••. • .•••••• 10

°c degree Ce lsi us Oe oersted

°C/h degree Ce lsi us pe r h our pct percent

h hour lb pound

Hz hertz psi pound (force)

per square inch
in inch
vol pet 'volume percent
lb/min pound pe r minu t e
wt pet Feight percent
min mi nut e

By A. Visnapuu,1 R. W. Nash,2 and P. C. Turner 3


Excessive noise and high vibration are inherently associated with

equipment used in the mining, extraction, and processing of mineral
resources. High vibration degrades structural components, often leading
to catastrophic failure and loss of productivity, and excessive noise
can result in permanent hearing loss.
In order to foster efficient utilization of the Nation's mineral
resources and minimize occupational hazards associated with mineral
processing, the Bureau of Mines investigated the relationship between
the microstructures of carbon and alloy steels and cast irons and their
damping capacities (ability to absorb vibration). Researchers measured
damping capacity and other properties and investigated the effects of
carburizing, spheroidizing, and annealing.
The investigators found that in carbon and alloy steels, rounded colo-
nies of fine-grained pearlite in a ferrite matrix correlate well with
low damping capacity. Steel microstructures that exhibit sharp-faceted
pearlite in ferrite matrix and partially or fully spheroidized cementite
in ferrite show considerably higher damping. In cast irons, the lowest
damping capacity is associated with nodular graphite microstructure, and
the specific damping capacity (SDC) increases as the graphite micro-
structure progresses from nodular to compacted to flake. Predominant
ferrite in cast irons is also associated with good damping. SDC data
are presented for selected carbon and alloy steels and cast irons.

'Research physicist.
2 p hysical science technician.
Rolla R esearch Center, Bureau of H.ines, Rolla, MO.


In recent years, the vibration damping Research Association, consist of Cu-40

inherent in engineering materials has Mn-2 Al and Cu-40 Mn-2 Al-2 Sn, respec-
gained importance as a design considera- tively (i-i) 0 They are commercially
tion, in addition to the more commonly available.
considered mechanical properties such as While the Mn- Cu alloys possess excel,,,
tensile and yield strength, ductility~ lent vibration damping and good mechani-
he.rdness ., and. toughness . - The need for cal properties , they have some disadvan-
improved damping properties, without tages: (1) The cost of compo_n,ent e_tals
undue sacrifice of other properties that and fabrication is high, and (2) damping
determine durability, is the result of capacity decreases with temperature.
L increased demand for lower product, work- Other low-strength materials are adequate
place, and environmental noise, and the for many applications. The Sonoston and
realization that reduced vibration can Incramute I alloys lose their damping
proloM the service life of machinery and above 75 0 C. Damping in Incramute II
equipment. One fundamental way to im- disappears above about 125 0 C. The
prove damping properties is to use rel- higher damping transition temperature for
atively high-damping materlalS:- erf the Incramute II is due to the tin addi-
available structural alloy systems, only tion, which apparently affects precipi-
ferrous alloys appear to be cheap enough tate stability (i).
in intrinsic material and processing cost A ferromagnetic iron-base alloy con-
to be economically feasible. taining chromium and aluminum, developed
in Japan, is reported to have high damp-
PREVIOUS INVESTIGATIONS ing up to 350 0 C (2). A drawback with
this alloy is that damping capacity is
Previous investigations have developed dependent on an external magnetic field.
a variety of damping materials an appIie a-mag-
methods, and some have been developed to Oe. Another
the point of commercial availability. by 'ivesting-
Manganese-copper binary alloys ranging house Electric Corp., has good damping
from 50 to 80 wt pct Mn, both cast (1)4 and excellent mechanical properties; how-
and powder-metallurgy consolidated (I), ever, its composition, Co-22.5 Ni-l.8 Ti,
exhibit SDC's in the range 20 to 25 pct is high in the critical metals cobalt and
at a stress of 5,000 psi. In addition to nickel, which must be imported, meaning
high damping capacity, these alloys have that its use must be restricted to spe-
useful mechanical properties comparable cial applications.
to those of mild steel. High damping is Alternate approaches for damping com-
obtained by solution heat treatment fol- monly use shock absorbers, shock mounts,
lowed by aging to precipitate an inter- constrained-layer damping, and bonded-on
metallic phase. materials to isolate, increase mass, or
Other Mn-Cu-based damping alloys with increase stiffness. In many instances,
minor metal additions have been devel- these measures provide the most practical
oped. Sonoston 5 alloy has the composi- and economic damping method. Sometimes
tion Cu-54 Mn-4.25 Al-3 Fe-l.5 Ni (1). they are only partly effective but are
The damping alloys Incramute I and II, used because engineering materials with
developed by the International Copper the requisite damping and physical prop-
erties are not available or are cost-
4Underlined numbers in parentheses re- prohibitive. Some aluminum alloys and
fer to in the list of references at brass have SDC's on the order of 0.01 to
the end of this report. 1 pct at stress levels below 3,500 psi.
5Reference to specific products does Of the iron-'based materials> gray cast
not imply endorsement by the Bureau of irons exhibit excellent damRing owing to
Mines. energy dissipation resulting from high

stLess concent r ations around the em- p ro pe r ties relati ve to gray cast i r on ,
brittling graphite flakes (~); however, such as increased ductility and tensile
us~ful toughness is practically nil. and yield strength.
This has limited the use of gray cast Steels tend to exhibit low SDC's in
irons to applications where toughness is comparison with those of the cast irons,
not a major factor. Ductile irons have which is attributable to the absence
nodular graphite dispersed in continuous of free graphite. Damping in steels
matrices similar to those of steel, which increases somewhat with the carbon con-
imparts toughness and ductility and per- tent, and spheroidization tends to fur-
mits plastic deformation, but markedly ther enhance damping capacity.
reduces damping -capacity relative to that
of gray cast irons. Ductile irons are PURPOSE OF THIS INVESTIGATION
actually a family of materials; they
differ as a result of factors such as This investigation was conducted as
composition, section size, cooling rate, part of the Bureau's research effort to
and- -he-at tr-e-a-t-men-t, and can be proce-ss-ecl C-0nserve resources and increase produc-
into a wide range of properties (~-lQ). tivity through improved performance and
Compared with steels, ductile irons have develop safer materials. Baseline SDC's
generally inferior ductility, weldabil- were determined for representative indus-
ity, and impact and fatigue resistance, trial and structural carbon steels and
but superior castability, machinability, cast irons and were correlated to the
wear and corrosion resistance, and damp- respective carbide and graphite micro-
ing capacity. Compacted graphite cast structures. Selected materials were sub-
irons have structures that are intermedi- jected to carburizing, spheroiclizing, and
ate in terms of form, to the flakes of annealing heat treatments to delineate
gray cast iron and the nodules of ductile their influence on damping and other
iron. Graphite in compacted graphite properties. The data reported is in-
cast i ron h as r ounded tips, relative tended to supplement the meager damping
to the flakes in gray cast iron, but capacity information available on these
is continuous in the sense that flakes materials and to serve as a benchmark
are continuous in the matrix (actually against which ongoing developmental work
they are relatively long-range colonies can be compared. The ultimate goal is to
on a microscopic scale). This graph- use this information to produce new iron--
i te morp,hology, which may be associated base high-damping materials or to alter
with some graphite tending toward flakes the structure of existing materials to
or nodules, imparts certain desirable improve damping.


The carbon and alloy steels investi- 1144, 4140, and 4340 steels were carbu-
gated in this study were of the following rized for 3 h at 925 0 C using sodium
AISI grades: 1020, 1035, 1045, 1095, carbonate, barium carbonate, and char-
1117, 1144, 4140, and 4340. The steels coal. The 1045, 1144, 4140, and 4340
were selecl:ea as being representaEive steels were then given a spheroidizing
of commercially available steels. Speci- heat treatment by holding at 750 0 C for 6
mens for measuring damping capacity and h, cooling at , 30 0 C/h to 650 0 C, and
oiher physical properties were prepared holding at 650 0 C for 36 h. The 1095
from commercial hot-rolled rod stock that steel was spheroidized by holding at 715 0
varied in diameter from 3/4 to 2-1/4 in. C for 6 h, followed by a 36-h hold at
In addition to SDC evaluation in the 680 0 C.
as-received condition, measurements were Cast irons were prepared il1 60- and
made after selective heat treatment to 120-lb heats by induction melting in
alter the carbide morphology. Damping magnesium oxide crucibles. The temper-
capacity specimens of the 1045, 1095, ature was monitored with Pt, Pt-10 Rh

thermocouples in protection tubes, and diamond abrasive and etched in nital

carbon equivalent was determined from the (2 vol pct HN03 and 98 vol pct C2 ~ OH).
temperature of eutectic solidification. SDC was measured with a torsion pendu-
Heats were constituted to have nominally lum designed and assembled by the Bureau
2.4 to 3.0 pct Si, carbon equivalent (1l-11). SDC is defined as
from 4.2 to 4.8 pct, and 0.3 pct Mn.
Magnesium or mischmetal (57 pct Ce) was
added as a nodulizing agent, and tita-
ni.um_ oI_ zircO-nium was added separately where ~ is the initial amplitude of
as a denodulizing agent. Some of the torsional vibration at reso_nan_~e and__Ar,
60-lb heats were made using a single is the amplitude n cycles after ~.
additive containing both magnesium and Typical resonance frequencies for these
titanium. All the ~ ast iron heats were specimens varied from 7 to 15 Hz due to
cast in standard keel-block molds (core differences in modulus of elasticity.
sand) with I-in legs. Ductile iron cast- The damping capacity is independent of
ings were ferritize-annealed by heat- f req uency and mode of vi bra t -i6n (J).
ing in helium for 3 h at 900 0 C, followed Although the results are reported as
by cooling to and holding at 695 0 C SDC, other descriptors of damping, such
for 6 h. as loss factor, fraction of critical
Tensile specimens with a standard 0.5- damping, logarithmic decrement, and half-
in diam (~) were prepared from keel- power bandwidth, can be readily obtained
block legs and tested on a tensile test from the data. The SDC measurements were
machine at a 4,800-lb/min load rate to made on shouldered specimens 4.5 in long
yield. Tensile strength, 0.2-pct offset with a 2.5-in gauge length and a 0.188-
yield strength, and elongation (percent) in reduced diameter. The curves of SDC
were calculated. versus torsional stress (presented in the
Chemical analyses and microscopy were next section) are digitally filtered
conventional. Carbon content was deter curves derived from t h e ~ or more snc
mined from pin castings and analyses values obtained for each specimen. The
of other elements from drillings. curves were generated by a sliding, 5-
Microscopy specimens were polished with point curve-fitting computer routine.


STEELS pearlite in a ferrite matrix correlates

with low SDC, whereas steel microstruc-
The results of SDC measurements on the tures that exhibit sharp-faceted pearlite
hot-rolled carbon and alloy steel rod colonies and relatively high proportions
stock are summarized in table 1. SDC's of coarse-grained pearlite in a ferrite
for each steel are tabulated at five matrix show considerably higher damping.
stress levels ranging from 2,500 to This agrees with the theory that in-
20,000 psi, with the steels listed in creased stress concentrations associated
order of increasing damping in the 2,500- with sharp points at phase boundaries
to 10,000-psi range. A brief descrip- increase damping, as does a higher pro-
tion of the carbide morphology of each portion of ferrite in the matrix. The
steel is included in table 1, and the AISI 1045, 1144, 1095, and 1117 steels,
corresponding microstructures are shown as a group, exhibited considerably lower
in figure 1. SDC-versus-stress curves damping than the remaining four steels
representative of trends are presented in listed in table 1. Their microstructures
figure 2. can be characterized as rounded colonies
Comparison of the damping data (table of fine lamellar pearlite in a ferrite
1) with the corresponding steel micro- matrix (1045 and 1144), mostly unresolved
structures (fig. 1) indicates that the pearlite with some coarse lamellar spac-
presence of rounded colonies of fine- ing (1095), and rounded colonies of unre-
grained lamellar pearlite or unresolved solved pearlite in an increased ferrite

FIGURE 1.-Mlcrostructures of carbon and alloy steels (X 500). AISI designations: A, 1045; B, 1144; C, 1095; D, 1117.

FIGURE 1.- Mlcrostructures of carbon and alloy steels (X 500)-Continued. AISI designations: E, 4140; F, 4340; G, 1035; H, 1020.

TABLE 1. ~ Specific damping capacities and microstructures of carbon

and alloy steels

Steel, Specific damping caJacity, pct Microstructure

AISll 2,500 psi 5,000 psi 10,000 psi 15,000 psi 20,000 psi
1045 •• 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Rounded colonies of fine
lamellar pearlite in
ferri te matrix.
1144 •• .3 .4 .6 .8 .9 Do.
1095 •• .3 .5 .7 .9 1.5 Mostly unresolved pearl-
ite with some lamellar
1117 •• .6 .9 1.1 1.0 1.0 Rounded colonies of unre-
solved pearlite in pre-
dominant ferrite.
4140 •• .3 .8 1.6 3.9 8.4 Fine-to-coarse lamellar
pearli te in ferrite
4340 •• •5 1.1 1.9 2.9 5.3 Do •
1035 •• .7 1.1 1.9 2.9 8.1 Sharp-faceted colonies of
fine lamellar pearlite
in ferrite matrix.
1020 •• 1.5 2.0 2. 1 2. 1 2.9 Limi ted pearlite in
large, sharp-faceted
grains of ferrite.
lMicrostructures are shown in figure 1.

matrix (1117). Damping for the AISI sharp-faceted pearlite in ferrite

4140, 4340, 1035, and 1020 steels was matrix (l020).
higher. They were characterized by The damping capacities of three of five
lamellar pearlite colonies with fine-to- specimens were improved by carburizing
coarse spacing in ferrite (4140 and and spheroidizing heat treatment, which
4340), coarse grained structure of sharp- altered the carbide morphology. Table 2
faceted pearlite in a matrix of fer- summarizes the SDC's of the five speci-
rite (1035), and reduced quantities of mens, and figure 3 shows their corre-
sponding ca rbide morphologies. It is
evident from the photomicrographs in fig-
ure 3 that, in all cases, the lamellar
. pearlite was converted to partly spheroi-
>- 8 I- KEY / -
U " .• •• •• . AISI 1020 / dized pearlite and spheroidal cementite.
- - A IS I 1045
n. - - - - A IS I 1095 / SDC's for all carbon steels (1045,
- . _ . _ . AIS I 4140
U 6 r- / - 1095, and 1144) improved, especially at
/ stress levels above 10,000 psi. All of
<.:> j
~ these steels had rather low initial
n. 4
- j
- SDC's, and spheroidizing improved the SDC
<l / by a factor of 2 at the 5,000-psi stress
/ level and by as much as tenfold at the
2 - .. ·········· ··· . 7 ····· ·· ···· - 20,000-psi stress level. The SDC of the
U ---
--- - - -- --- 4140 alloy steel did not change, but this
- ---
I ma terial exhibited high damping prior
0 5,000 10 ,000 15 , 000 2 0 ,000 25,000 to the heat treatment. The SDC of the
STR ESS, psi 4340 alloy steel decreased somewhat in
FIGURE 2.-Specific damping capacity of carbon and alloy the 10,000- to 20,000-psi stress range,
steels as a function of stress . although this alloy also s howed good

FIGURE 3.-Mlcrostructures of spheroidized heat·treated carbon and alloy steels (X 500). AISI designations: A, 1045; S, 1144; C,
1095; D, 1095 (fully spheroldlzed).


FIGURE 3.-Microstructuresol spheroldlzed heat·treated carbon and alloy steels (X 500)-Continued. AISI designations: E,
4140; F, 4340:

TABLE 2. - Specific damping capacities of spheroidized heat-treated

carbon and alloy steels

Steel, Specific damping ca)acity, pct Spheroidized heat

AISll 2,500 psi 5,000 psi 10,000 psi 15,000 psi 20,000 psi treatment
1045 ••• 0.9 2.0 3.9 13.0 ND 6-h hold at 750 0 C, 36-h
hold at 660 0 C.
1144 ••• 2.0 4.4 8.6 28.8 44.2 Do.
1095 ••• .7 1.2 2. 1 4.5 8.3 6-h hold at 715 0 C, 36-'-h
hold at 680 0 C.
1095 2.0 1.2 2.1 4.0 5.4 6.4 Unknown.
4140 ••• .3 .8 1.6 3.9 8.4 6-h hold at 750 0 C, 36-h
hold at 660 0 C.
4340 ••• .2 .5 1.6 2.2 3.1 Do.
ND Not determined.
1 Microstrucuu:es _aLe shown in figure 3 .
2Fully spheroidized.

damping before heat treatment. For com- and the distribution of ferrite in the
parison, the SDC of a fully spheroidized matrix~ For steels characterized by a
1095 steel is included in table 2, and defined intergranular boundary between
a photomicrograph of this steel is pre- the pearlite colonies and ferrite matrix
sented in figure 3. or grains, damping increases as inter-
The results of the SDC measurements on granular boundary surfaces become
selected caLbon and alloy steels indicate rougher, thus producing higher stress
that damping is primarily dependent on concentrations. When the steels are heat
the shape of the intergranular boundaries treated, the pearlite colonies tend to

lose their identity as the lamellar car- higher damping at the 20,OOO-psi stress
bides begin to spheroidize and the fer- level than the fully spheroidized steel.
rite agglomerates into a more continuous Manipulating these parameters in steels
form. It is surmised that as the grain can enhance, or also reduce, the inherent
boundaries disappear during spheroidiza- damping associated with them.
tion, they lose their influence on damp-
ing, and the stress concentrations asso- CAST IRONS
ciated with the phase boundaries become
~redominant. For a gi ven carbon content, The damping capacities of selected duc-
more phase-boundary surface area is pres- tile, compacted graphJ.te, and gray cast
ent for partially spheroidized carbides iron specimens were measure ~ Table - :3
than for fully spheroidized carbides. presents the SOC measurements for eight
Partially spheroidized particles are more cast irons, and table 4 presents their
sharply faceted and would tend to exhibit compositions and mechanical properties.
higher damping. As spheroidization in- Figure 4 shows their etched microstruc-
creases, the total cementite surface area tures. In the photomicrographs {-f-i-g.- 4),
becomes smaller and smoother ; whereas ferrite appears light; pearlite, dark
t~e ferrite becomes more continuous. The gray; graphite, gray-to-black; and pri-
decrease in surface area and i-ncreased mary carbide particles, light. The eight
smoothness would tend to decrease damp- cast irons were selected to demonstrate
ing; whereas, increased ferrite would change in SDC with graphite morphology
tend to increase damping. This was ob- and are representative of all the cast
served in the AISI 1095 steels, where irons tested. SDC-versus-stress curves
the partially spheroidized steel had are presented in figure 5 for two

TABLE 3. - Specific damping capacities and graphite morphologies of

selected cast irons

Specimen' Graphite Specific damping capacity, pct

morphol ogy 2 2,500 psi 5,000 psi 10,000 psi 15,000 psi 20,000 psi
A ••••••••••••• N 0.7 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5
B ••••••••••••• N 1.1 1.5 2. 1 2.7 3.3
c .•••....•.••• N 2.3 3.0 3.1 3. 1 3.2
D.............. N, C 1.4 2.0 2.7 4.3 ND
E ••••••••••••• C, N 1.9 2.9 4.3 5.8 ND
F ••••••••••••• C, N 2. 1 3.3 5.2 7.0 ND
G••••••••••••• F 4.1 5.7 9.2 12.5 ND
H ••••••••••••• F 13.0 15.9 22.0 ND ND
ND Not determined.
'Microstructures are shown in figure 4.
2C is compacted, N is nodular, and F is flake. Predominant form listed first .

TABLE 4. - Composition and mechanical properties of selected cast irons

Analysis, wt ct Strength, psi Elongation,

Specimen 1 C Si Mn S Mg Ce Zr Ti Tensile Yield pct
A ••••••••••• 3.55 2.22 0.55 0.016 0.035 ND ND ND 79,600 48,200 10.5
B • • ••••••••• 3.22 2.46 .29 .005 .016 ND ND ND 65,200 41,900 18
c ••••••••••• 3.22 2,46 .29 .005 .016 ND ND ND ND ND ND
D ••••••••••• 3.84 2.37 .30 .002 ND 0.015 0.060 ND 61,900 44,100 7.5
E ••••••••••• 3.84 2.76 .31 .002 ND .012 .070 ND 55,300 41,900 5.5
F • ••• •••• • • • 3.82 2.79 .29 . 004 ND . 014 ND 0 . 240 51,600 40,700 3
G••••••••••• 3.61 2.64 .24 .005 .007 ND ND .120 26,600 23,800 1
H ••••••••••• 3.74 2.68 .29 .007 ND .008 ND .070 25,300 21, 900 1.5
ND Not determined. I Microstructures are shown 1n figure 4.

FIGURE 4.-Microstructures of cast irons (X 100). Specimens A through D as listed In tables 3 and 4. See text for description of

FIGURE 4.-Microstructures of cast Irons (X 100)-Continued. Specimens E through H as listed in tables 3 and 4. See text for
description of microstructures.

20 , - - - - - - - y - - - - : - - - . - - - , - - - - - - - - y - - - increase in SDC was at the lower stress

levels, which is most desirable from an
engineering standpoint.
18 Ferritize-annealing decomposes hard-
matrix Fe3C in the pearlite to softer
..... KEY ferrite plus graphite. The graphite
u 16
a. Ductile cost iron A deposits on the existing graphite nod-
- - - - - Ductile cost iron C
-. - . _ . --.. Compacted graphite ules. Although precise mechanisms are
cast iron F not clear, a softer condition of the
>- 14 ..•••...••••• Gray cost iron G
r- matrix and the additional graphite, which
<t increased the area associated with grain
a.. 12 boundaries, would be expected to increase
U stress concentrations. This would be
mor~ effective than the straight cast
structure in dissipating rather than
storing strain energy in the matrix and
thus improving the damping capacity.
Specimens D, E, and F (f ig. 4) were
castings that contained compacted graph-
~ 6 /'
/ ite and some nodular graphite, with the
/ proportion of compacted graphite to nod-
w ./
a.. 4 ular graphite increasing from specimen
D to F. All specimens also contained
isolated patches of pearlite in the
2 ferrite matrix. SDC's for these cast
irons (j), E, andF) at all stress levels
(table 3) increased in the same sequence
o 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 as the increase in compacted graphite.
SDC at the 2,SOO-psi stress level ranged
STRESS, psi from 1.4 to 2.1 pct, which was two to
FIGURE 5.-Specific damping capacity of cast irons as a three times greater than the SDC for
function of stress. Letters in key indicate specimens listed in ductile iron specimen A. Similar im~
tables 3 and 4 and shown in figure 4.
provement in SDC was evident at all the
stress levels listed in table 3, and SDC
at the IS,OOO-psi stress level ranged
ductile, one compacted graphite, and one from 4.3 to 7.0 pct for these three
gray cast iron (four of the eight se- specimens.
lected cast irons). Specimens A, B, and The highest SDC's were observed for
C (fi~ 4) were ductile irons with graph- specimens G and H, which consisted of
ite nodules in a pearlite-pIus-ferrite gray cast iron with a flake graphite
matrix, graphite nodules in ferrite and microstructure. Specimen G was a gray
some pearlite, and graphite nodules in a cast iron with type D (interdendritic
ferrite matrix, respectively. Specimen C segregation and random orientation)
was produced from the s.arne casting as ~raphite distribution, and it exhibited
specimen A by ferritize-annealing. The SDC's approximately six times higher than
increase in SDC as a function of in- those of ductile cast iron specimen A •
creased ferrite matrix is readily appar- SpecimenH had a type C (superimposed
ent from the data in table 3. Specimen flake size and random orientation) graph-
B, which had more ferrite and less pearl- ite distribution, and its SDC values
ite than specimen A" exhibited from 1.6 ranged from 14 to 18 times higher than
to 1.3 times the SDC of specimen A. The those of ductile cast iron specimen A.
ferritize-annealed specimen C with the Compacted graphite has a "wormy"
ferrite matrix exhibited from 3.3 to 1.3 appearance intermediate between the
times the SDC of specimen A. In the case appearances of nodules and flakes. It is
of specimen C, the most pronounced a distinct type in that it is continuous
I 14

in the bulk matrix, as are the flakes of inverse relationship between SDC and
gray cast iron; but, compared with the elongation and tensile and yield
sharp edges of flakes, the rounded edges strength. SDC increases as percent elon-
are less effective for stress concentra- gation and tensile and yield strength de-
tion and resultant vibration energy dis- crease. This is not unexpected, because
sipation. For a given matrix, these the trend follows the sequence of graph-
rounded edges account, to a large extent ite mo r phology from nodular to compacted
for the SDC of compacted graphite cast to flake or their various combinations.
iron falling between those of ductile and Thus, in the absence of SDC data for cast
gray c-a-st- i r on. irons, elongation and tensile and yield
Comparison of the cast iron damping ca- strength information can - be U-8-€!·d--t-G-~a-r:­
pacities in table 3 with the mechan- rive at an estimate of their damping
ical properties in table 4 indicates an capabilities.


The steels and cast irons investigated boundaries and the presence of ferrite
here represent only a small fraction of in the matrix. Damping improves with
the carbide and graphite morphologies rougher intergranular contact, increased
possible for these materials. The intent ferrite, or their various combinations.
of the study was to provide baseline Heat treatments that accentuate these
damping capacity data for some common conditions · in the matrix increase damp-
structural and engineering materials, and ing. Compared to carbon and alloy
to determine relationships between damp- steels, cast irons even with the lowest
ing capacity and material microstructure. SDC's exhibit better damping in most
The results indicate that damping in cases. The SDC of some alloy steels can
both the steels and cast irons examined be increased to the level of cast iron
is strongly dependent on th~ leve~ of____S_D_C~'s~b
~y~. h
stress associated with the intergranular


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