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For the album by Second Person, see Chromatography (album).

Thin layer chromatography is used to separate components of a plant extract, illustrating the experiment
with plant pigments that gave chromatography its name

Chromatography is a laboratory technique for the separation of a mixture. The mixture is

dissolved in a fluid called the mobile phase, which carries it through a structure holding another
material called the stationary phase. The various constituents of the mixture travel at different
speeds, causing them to separate. The separation is based on differential partitioning between
the mobile and stationary phases. Subtle differences in a compound's partition coefficient result
in differential retention on the stationary phase and thus affect the separation.[1]
Chromatography may be preparative or analytical. The purpose of preparative chromatography is
to separate the components of a mixture for later use, and is thus a form of purification.
Analytical chromatography is done normally with smaller amounts of material and is for
establishing the presence or measuring the relative proportions of analytes in a mixture. The two
are not mutually exclusive.[2]


 1Etymology and pronunciation

 2History
 3Chromatography terms
 4Techniques by chromatographic bed shape
o 4.1Column chromatography
o 4.2Planar chromatography
 4.2.1Paper chromatography
 4.2.2Thin layer chromatography (TLC)
 5Displacement chromatography
 6Techniques by physical state of mobile phase
o 6.1Gas chromatography
o 6.2Liquid chromatography
 7Affinity chromatography
o 7.1Supercritical fluid chromatography
 8Techniques by separation mechanism
o 8.1Ion exchange chromatography
o 8.2Size-exclusion chromatography
o 8.3Expanded bed adsorption chromatographic separation
 9Special techniques
o 9.1Reversed-phase chromatography
o 9.2Hydrophobic interaction chromatography
o 9.3Two-dimensional chromatography
o 9.4Simulated moving-bed chromatography
o 9.5Pyrolysis gas chromatography
o 9.6Fast protein liquid chromatography
o 9.7Countercurrent chromatography
o 9.8Periodic counter-current chromatography
o 9.9Chiral chromatography
o 9.10Aqueous normal-phase chromatography
 10See also
 11References
 12External links

Etymology and pronunciation[edit]

Chromatography, pronounced /ˌkroʊməˈtɒɡrəfi/, is derived from Greek χρῶμα chroma, which
means "color", and γράφειν graphein, which means "to write".[3]

Main article: History of chromatography
Chromatography was first employed in Russia by the Italian-born scientist Mikhail Tsvet in
1900.[4] He continued to work with chromatography in the first decade of the 20th century,
primarily for the separation of plant pigments such as chlorophyll, carotenes, and xanthophylls.
Since these components have different colors (green, orange, and yellow, respectively) they
gave the technique its name. New types of chromatography developed during the 1930s and
1940s made the technique useful for many separation processes.[5]
Chromatography technique developed substantially as a result of the work of Archer John Porter
Martin and Richard Laurence Millington Synge during the 1940s and 1950s, for which they won
the 1952 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.[6] They established the principles and basic techniques of
partition chromatography, and their work encouraged the rapid development of several
chromatographic methods: paper chromatography, gas chromatography, and what would
become known as high-performance liquid chromatography. Since then, the technology has
advanced rapidly. Researchers found that the main principles of Tsvet's chromatography could
be applied in many different ways, resulting in the different varieties of chromatography
described below. Advances are continually improving the technical performance of
chromatography, allowing the separation of increasingly similar molecules. Chromatography has
also been employed as a method to test the potency of cannabis.[7]

Chromatography terms[edit]
 The analyte is the substance to be separated during chromatography. It is also normally
what is needed from the mixture.
 Analytical chromatography is used to determine the existence and possibly also the
concentration of analyte(s) in a sample.
 A bonded phase is a stationary phase that is covalently bonded to the support particles or to
the inside wall of the column tubing.
 A chromatogram is the visual output of the chromatograph. In the case of an optimal
separation, different peaks or patterns on the chromatogram correspond to different
components of the separated mixture.

Plotted on the x-axis is the retention time and plotted on the y-axis a signal (for example
obtained by a spectrophotometer, mass spectrometer or a variety of other detectors)
corresponding to the response created by the analytes exiting the system. In the case of
an optimal system the signal is proportional to the concentration of the specific analyte

 A chromatograph is equipment that enables a sophisticated separation, e.g. gas

chromatographic or liquid chromatographic separation.
 Chromatography is a physical method of separation that distributes components to
separate between two phases, one stationary (stationary phase), the other (the
mobile phase) moving in a definite direction.
 The eluate is the mobile phase leaving the column. This is also called effluent.
 The eluent is the solvent that carries the analyte.
 The eluite is the analyte, the eluted solute.
 An eluotropic series is a list of solvents ranked according to their eluting power.
 An immobilized phase is a stationary phase that is immobilized on the support
particles, or on the inner wall of the column tubing.
 The mobile phase is the phase that moves in a definite direction. It may be a liquid
(LC and Capillary Electrochromatography (CEC)), a gas (GC), or a supercritical fluid
(supercritical-fluid chromatography, SFC). The mobile phase consists of the sample
being separated/analyzed and the solvent that moves the sample through the
column. In the case of HPLC the mobile phase consists of a non-polar solvent(s)
such as hexane in normal phase or a polar solvent such as methanol in reverse
phase chromatography and the sample being separated. The mobile phase moves
through the chromatography column (the stationary phase) where the sample
interacts with the stationary phase and is separated.
 Preparative chromatography is used to purify sufficient quantities of a substance for
further use, rather than analysis.
 The retention time is the characteristic time it takes for a particular analyte to pass
through the system (from the column inlet to the detector) under set conditions. See
also: Kovats' retention index
 The sample is the matter analyzed in chromatography. It may consist of a single
component or it may be a mixture of components. When the sample is treated in the
course of an analysis, the phase or the phases containing the analytes of interest
is/are referred to as the sample whereas everything out of interest separated from
the sample before or in the course of the analysis is referred to as waste.
 The solute refers to the sample components in partition chromatography.
 The solvent refers to any substance capable of solubilizing another substance, and
especially the liquid mobile phase in liquid chromatography.
 The stationary phase is the substance fixed in place for the chromatography
procedure. Examples include the silica layer in thin layer chromatography
 The detector refers to the instrument used for qualitative and quantitative detection
of analytes after separation.
Chromatography is based on the concept of partition coefficient. Any solute partitions
between two immiscible solvents. When we make one solvent immobile (by adsorption
on a solid support matrix) and another mobile it results in most common applications of
chromatography. If the matrix support, or stationary phase, is polar (e.g. paper, silica
etc.) it is forward phase chromatography, and if it is non-polar (C-18) it is reverse phase.

Techniques by chromatographic bed shape[edit]

Column chromatography[edit]
Further information: Column chromatography
Column chromatography is a separation technique in which the stationary bed is within a
tube. The particles of the solid stationary phase or the support coated with a liquid
stationary phase may fill the whole inside volume of the tube (packed column) or be
concentrated on or along the inside tube wall leaving an open, unrestricted path for the
mobile phase in the middle part of the tube (open tubular column). Differences in rates of
movement through the medium are calculated to different retention times of the
In 1978, W. Clark Still introduced a modified version of column chromatography
called flash column chromatography (flash).[10][11] The technique is very similar to the
traditional column chromatography, except for that the solvent is driven through the
column by applying positive pressure. This allowed most separations to be performed in
less than 20 minutes, with improved separations compared to the old method. Modern
flash chromatography systems are sold as pre-packed plastic cartridges, and the solvent
is pumped through the cartridge. Systems may also be linked with detectors and fraction
collectors providing automation. The introduction of gradient pumps resulted in quicker
separations and less solvent usage.
In expanded bed adsorption, a fluidized bed is used, rather than a solid phase made by
a packed bed. This allows omission of initial clearing steps such as centrifugation and
filtration, for culture broths or slurries of broken cells.
Phosphocellulose chromatography utilizes the binding affinity of many DNA-binding
proteins for phosphocellulose. The stronger a protein's interaction with DNA, the higher
the salt concentration needed to elute that protein.[12]
Planar chromatography[edit]
Planar chromatography is a separation technique in which the stationary phase is
present as or on a plane. The plane can be a paper, serving as such or impregnated by
a substance as the stationary bed (paper chromatography) or a layer of solid particles
spread on a support such as a glass plate (thin layer chromatography).
Different compounds in the sample mixture travel different distances according to how
strongly they interact with the stationary phase as compared to the mobile phase. The
specific Retention factor (Rf) of each chemical can be used to aid in the identification of
an unknown substance.
Paper chromatography[edit]

Paper chromatography in progress

Further information: Paper chromatography

Paper chromatography is a technique that involves placing a small dot or line of sample
solution onto a strip of chromatography paper. The paper is placed in a container with a
shallow layer of solvent and sealed. As the solvent rises through the paper, it meets the
sample mixture, which starts to travel up the paper with the solvent. This paper is made
of cellulose, a polar substance, and the compounds within the mixture travel farther if
they are non-polar. More polar substances bond with the cellulose paper more quickly,
and therefore do not travel as far.
Thin layer chromatography (TLC)[edit]
Further information: Thin layer chromatography
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a widely employed laboratory technique used to
separate different biochemicals on the basis of their relative attractions to the stationary
and mobile phases. It is similar to paper chromatography. However, instead of using a
stationary phase of paper, it involves a stationary phase of a thin layer
of adsorbent like silica gel, alumina, or cellulose on a flat, inert substrate. TLC is very
versatile; multiple samples can be separated simultaneously on the same layer, making
it very useful for screening applications such as testing drug levels and water
purity.[13] Possibility of cross-contamination is low since each separation is performed on
a new layer. Compared to paper, it has the advantage of faster runs, better separations,
better quantitative analysis, and the choice between different adsorbents. For even
better resolution and faster separation that utilizes less solvent, high-performance
TLC can be used. An older popular use had been to differentiate chromosomes by
observing distance in gel (separation of was a separate step).

Displacement chromatography[edit]
The basic principle of displacement chromatography is: A molecule with a high affinity for
the chromatography matrix (the displacer) competes effectively for binding sites, and
thus displaces all molecules with lesser affinities.[14] There are distinct differences
between displacement and elution chromatography. In elution mode, substances
typically emerge from a column in narrow, Gaussian peaks. Wide separation of peaks,
preferably to baseline, is desired for maximum purification. The speed at which any
component of a mixture travels down the column in elution mode depends on many
factors. But for two substances to travel at different speeds, and thereby be resolved,
there must be substantial differences in some interaction between the biomolecules and
the chromatography matrix. Operating parameters are adjusted to maximize the effect of
this difference. In many cases, baseline separation of the peaks can be achieved only
with gradient elution and low column loadings. Thus, two drawbacks to elution mode
chromatography, especially at the preparative scale, are operational complexity, due to
gradient solvent pumping, and low throughput, due to low column loadings.
Displacement chromatography has advantages over elution chromatography in that
components are resolved into consecutive zones of pure substances rather than
“peaks”. Because the process takes advantage of the nonlinearity of the isotherms, a
larger column feed can be separated on a given column with the purified components
recovered at significantly higher concentrations.

Techniques by physical state of mobile phase[edit]

Gas chromatography[edit]
Further information: Gas chromatography
Gas chromatography (GC), also sometimes known as gas-liquid chromatography,
(GLC), is a separation technique in which the mobile phase is a gas. Gas
chromatographic separation is always carried out in a column, which is typically "packed"
or "capillary". Packed columns are the routine work horses of gas chromatography,
being cheaper and easier to use and often giving adequate performance. Capillary
columns generally give far superior resolution and although more expensive are
becoming widely used, especially for complex mixtures. Both types of column are made
from non-adsorbent and chemically inert materials. Stainless steel and glass are the
usual materials for packed columns and quartz or fused silica for capillary columns.
Gas chromatography is based on a partition equilibrium of analyte between a solid or
viscous liquid stationary phase (often a liquid silicone-based material) and a mobile gas
(most often helium). The stationary phase is adhered to the inside of a small-diameter
(commonly 0.53 – 0.18mm inside diameter) glass or fused-silica tube (a capillary
column) or a solid matrix inside a larger metal tube (a packed column). It is widely used
in analytical chemistry; though the high temperatures used in GC make it unsuitable for
high molecular weight biopolymers or proteins (heat denatures them), frequently
encountered in biochemistry, it is well suited for use in the petrochemical, environmental
monitoring and remediation, and industrial chemical fields. It is also used extensively in
chemistry research.
Liquid chromatography[edit]

Preparative HPLC apparatus

Liquid chromatography (LC) is a separation technique in which the mobile phase is a
liquid. It can be carried out either in a column or a plane. Present day liquid
chromatography that generally utilizes very small packing particles and a relatively high
pressure is referred to as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
In HPLC the sample is forced by a liquid at high pressure (the mobile phase) through a
column that is packed with a stationary phase composed of irregularly or spherically
shaped particles, a porous monolithic layer, or a porous membrane. HPLC is historically
divided into two different sub-classes based on the polarity of the mobile and stationary
phases. Methods in which the stationary phase is more polar than the mobile phase
(e.g., toluene as the mobile phase, silica as the stationary phase) are termed normal
phase liquid chromatography (NPLC) and the opposite (e.g., water-methanol mixture as
the mobile phase and C18 (octadecylsilyl) as the stationary phase) is termed reversed
phase liquid chromatography (RPLC).
Specific techniques under this broad heading are listed below.

Affinity chromatography[edit]
Further information: Affinity chromatography
Affinity chromatography[15] is based on selective non-covalent interaction between an
analyte and specific molecules. It is very specific, but not very robust. It is often used in
biochemistry in the purification of proteins bound to tags. These fusion proteins are
labeled with compounds such as His-tags, biotin or antigens, which bind to the stationary
phase specifically. After purification, some of these tags are usually removed and the
pure protein is obtained.
Affinity chromatography often utilizes a biomolecule's affinity for a metal (Zn, Cu, Fe,
etc.). Columns are often manually prepared. Traditional affinity columns are used as a
preparative step to flush out unwanted biomolecules.
However, HPLC techniques exist that do utilize affinity chromatography properties.
Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography (IMAC)[16][17] is useful to separate
aforementioned molecules based on the relative affinity for the metal (i.e. Dionex IMAC).
Often these columns can be loaded with different metals to create a column with a
targeted affinity.
Supercritical fluid chromatography[edit]
Further information: Supercritical fluid chromatography
Supercritical fluid chromatography is a separation technique in which the mobile phase is
a fluid above and relatively close to its critical temperature and pressure.

Techniques by separation mechanism[edit]

Ion exchange chromatography[edit]
Further information: Ion exchange chromatography
Ion exchange chromatography (usually referred to as ion chromatography) uses an ion
exchange mechanism to separate analytes based on their respective charges. It is
usually performed in columns but can also be useful in planar mode. Ion exchange
chromatography uses a charged stationary phase to separate charged compounds
including anions, cations, amino acids, peptides, and proteins. In conventional methods
the stationary phase is an ion exchange resin that carries charged functional groups that
interact with oppositely charged groups of the compound to retain. There are two types
of ion exchange chromatography: Cation-Exchange and Anion-Exchange. In the Cation-
Exchange Chromatography the stationary phase has negative charge and the
exchangeable ion is a cation, whereas, in the Anion-Exchange Chromatography the
stationary phase has positive charge and the exchangeable ion is an anion.[18] Ion
exchange chromatography is commonly used to purify proteins using FPLC.
Size-exclusion chromatography[edit]
Further information: Size-exclusion chromatography
It is one of the most usable form of chromatography. Size-exclusion chromatography
(SEC) is also known as gel permeation chromatography (GPC) or gel filtration
chromatography and separates molecules according to their size (or more accurately
according to their hydrodynamic diameter or hydrodynamic volume). Smaller molecules
are able to enter the pores of the media and, therefore, molecules are trapped and
removed from the flow of the mobile phase. The average residence time in the pores
depends upon the effective size of the analyte molecules. However, molecules that are
larger than the average pore size of the packing are excluded and thus suffer essentially
no retention; such species are the first to be eluted. It is generally a low-resolution
chromatography technique and thus it is often reserved for the final, "polishing" step of a
purification. It is also useful for determining the tertiary structure and quaternary
structure of purified proteins, especially since it can be carried out under
native solution conditions.
Expanded bed adsorption chromatographic separation [edit]
Further information: Expanded bed adsorption
An expanded bed chromatographic adsorption (EBA) column for a biochemical
separation process comprises a pressure equalization liquid distributor having a self-
cleaning function below a porous blocking sieve plate at the bottom of the expanded
bed, an upper part nozzle assembly having a backflush cleaning function at the top of
the expanded bed, a better distribution of the feedstock liquor added into the expanded
bed ensuring that the fluid passed through the expanded bed layer displays a state of
piston flow. The expanded bed layer displays a state of piston flow. The expanded bed
chromatographic separation column has advantages of increasing the separation
efficiency of the expanded bed.
Expanded-bed adsorption (EBA) chromatography is a convenient and effective
technique for the capture of proteins directly from unclarified crude sample. In EBA
chromatography, the settled bed is first expanded by upward flow of equilibration buffer.
The crude feed, a mixture of soluble proteins, contaminants, cells, and cell debris, is
then passed upward through the expanded bed. Target proteins are captured on the
adsorbent, while particulates and contaminants pass through. A change to elution buffer
while maintaining upward flow results in desorption of the target protein in expanded-bed
mode. Alternatively, if the flow is reversed, the adsorbed particles will quickly settle and
the proteins can be desorbed by an elution buffer. The mode used for elution (expanded-
bed versus settled-bed) depends on the characteristics of the feed. After elution, the
adsorbent is cleaned with a predefined cleaning-in-place (CIP) solution, with cleaning
followed by either column regeneration (for further use) or storage.

Special techniques[edit]
Reversed-phase chromatography[edit]
Main article: Reversed-phase chromatography
Reversed-phase chromatography (RPC) is any liquid chromatography procedure in
which the mobile phase is significantly more polar than the stationary phase. It is so
named because in normal-phase liquid chromatography, the mobile phase is significantly
less polar than the stationary phase. Hydrophobic molecules in the mobile phase tend to
adsorb to the relatively hydrophobic stationary phase. Hydrophilic molecules in the
mobile phase will tend to elute first. Separating columns typically comprise a C8 or C18
carbon-chain bonded to a silica particle substrate.
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography[edit]
Hydrophobic interactions between proteins and the chromatographic matrix can be
exploited to purify proteins. In hydrophobic interaction chromatography the matrix
material is lightly substituted with hydrophobic groups. These groups can range from
methyl, ethyl, propyl, octyl, or phenyl groups.[19] At high salt concentrations, non-polar
sidechains on the surface on proteins "interact" with the hydrophobic groups; that is,
both types of groups are excluded by the polar solvent (hydrophobic effects are
augmented by increased ionic strength). Thus, the sample is applied to the column in a
buffer which is highly polar. The eluant is typically an aqueous buffer with decreasing salt
concentrations, increasing concentrations of detergent (which disrupts hydrophobic
interactions), or changes in pH.
In general, Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography (HIC) is advantageous if the
sample is sensitive to pH change or harsh solvents typically used in other types of
chromatography but not high salt concentrations. Commonly, it is the amount of salt in
the buffer which is varied. In 2012, Müller and Franzreb described the effects of
temperature on HIC using Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) with four different types of
hydrophobic resin. The study altered temperature as to effect the binding affinity of BSA
onto the matrix. It was concluded that cycling temperature from 50 degrees to 10
degrees would not be adequate to effectively wash all BSA from the matrix but could be
very effective if the column would only be used a few times.[20] Using temperature to
effect change allows labs to cut costs on buying salt and saves money.
If high salt concentrations along with temperature fluctuations want to be avoided you
can use a more hydrophobic to compete with your sample to elute it. [source] This so-
called salt independent method of HIC showed a direct isolation of Human
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) from serum with satisfactory yield and used Beta-cyclodextrin
as a competitor to displace IgG from the matrix.[21] This largely opens up the possibility of
using HIC with samples which are salt sensitive as we know high salt concentrations
precipitate proteins.

Two-dimensional chromatograph GCxGC-TOFMS at Chemical

Facultyof GUT Gdańsk, Poland, 2016

Two-dimensional chromatography[edit]
In some cases, the chemistry within a given column can be insufficient to separate some
analytes. It is possible to direct a series of unresolved peaks onto a second column with
different physico-chemical (chemical classification) properties.[citation needed] Since the
mechanism of retention on this new solid support is different from the first dimensional
separation, it can be possible to separate compounds by two-dimensional
chromatography that are indistinguishable by one-dimensional chromatography.
The sample is spotted at one corner of a square plate, developed, air-dried, then rotated
by 90° and usually redeveloped in a second solvent system.
Simulated moving-bed chromatography[edit]
Further information: Simulated moving bed
The simulated moving bed (SMB) technique is a variant of high performance liquid
chromatography; it is used to separate particles and/or chemical compounds that would
be difficult or impossible to resolve otherwise. This increased separation is brought about
by a valve-and-column arrangement that is used to lengthen the stationary phase
indefinitely. In the moving bed technique of preparative chromatography the feed entry
and the analyte recovery are simultaneous and continuous, but because of practical
difficulties with a continuously moving bed, simulated moving bed technique was
proposed. In the simulated moving bed technique instead of moving the bed, the sample
inlet and the analyte exit positions are moved continuously, giving the impression of a
moving bed. True moving bed chromatography (TMBC) is only a theoretical concept. Its
simulation, SMBC is achieved by the use of a multiplicity of columns in series and a
complex valve arrangement, which provides for sample and solvent feed, and also
analyte and waste takeoff at appropriate locations of any column, whereby it allows
switching at regular intervals the sample entry in one direction, the solvent entry in the
opposite direction, whilst changing the analyte and waste takeoff positions appropriately
as well.
Pyrolysis gas chromatography[edit]
Pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry is a method of chemical analysis in
which the sample is heated to decomposition to produce smaller molecules that are
separated by gas chromatography and detected using mass spectrometry.
Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of materials in an inert atmosphere or a vacuum.
The sample is put into direct contact with a platinum wire, or placed in a quartz sample
tube, and rapidly heated to 600–1000 °C. Depending on the application even higher
temperatures are used. Three different heating techniques are used in actual pyrolyzers:
Isothermal furnace, inductive heating (Curie Point filament), and resistive heating using
platinum filaments. Large molecules cleave at their weakest points and produce smaller,
more volatile fragments. These fragments can be separated by gas chromatography.
Pyrolysis GC chromatograms are typically complex because a wide range of different
decomposition products is formed. The data can either be used as fingerprint to prove
material identity or the GC/MS data is used to identify individual fragments to obtain
structural information. To increase the volatility of polar fragments, various methylating
reagents can be added to a sample before pyrolysis.
Besides the usage of dedicated pyrolyzers, pyrolysis GC of solid and liquid samples can
be performed directly inside Programmable Temperature Vaporizer (PTV) injectors that
provide quick heating (up to 30 °C/s) and high maximum temperatures of 600–650 °C.
This is sufficient for some pyrolysis applications. The main advantage is that no
dedicated instrument has to be purchased and pyrolysis can be performed as part of
routine GC analysis. In this case quartz GC inlet liners have to be used. Quantitative
data can be acquired, and good results of derivatization inside the PTV injector are
published as well.
Fast protein liquid chromatography[edit]
Further information: Fast protein liquid chromatography
Fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC), is a form of liquid chromatography that is
often used to analyze or purify mixtures of proteins. As in other forms of
chromatography, separation is possible because the different components of a mixture
have different affinities for two materials, a moving fluid (the "mobile phase") and a
porous solid (the stationary phase). In FPLC the mobile phase is an aqueous solution, or
"buffer". The buffer flow rate is controlled by a positive-displacement pump and is
normally kept constant, while the composition of the buffer can be varied by drawing
fluids in different proportions from two or more external reservoirs. The stationary phase
is a resin composed of beads, usually of cross-linked agarose, packed into a cylindrical
glass or plastic column. FPLC resins are available in a wide range of bead sizes and
surface ligands depending on the application.
Countercurrent chromatography[edit]
Further information: Countercurrent chromatography

An example of a HPCCC system

Countercurrent chromatography (CCC) is a type of liquid-liquid chromatography, where

both the stationary and mobile phases are liquids. The operating principle of CCC
equipment requires a column consisting of an open tube coiled around a bobbin. The
bobbin is rotated in a double-axis gyratory motion (a cardioid), which causes a variable
gravity (G) field to act on the column during each rotation. This motion causes the
column to see one partitioning step per revolution and components of the sample
separate in the column due to their partitioning coefficient between the two immiscible
liquid phases used. There are many types of CCC available today. These include
HSCCC (High Speed CCC) and HPCCC (High Performance CCC). HPCCC is the latest
and best performing version of the instrumentation available currently.
Periodic counter-current chromatography[edit]
Further information: Periodic counter-current chromatography
In contrast to Countercurrent chromatography (see above), periodic counter-current
chromatography (PCC) uses a solid stationary phase and only a liquid mobile phase. It
thus is much more similar to conventional affinity chromatography than to countercurrent
chromatography. PCC uses multiple columns, which during the loading phase are
connected in line. This mode allows for overloading the first column in this series without
losing product, which already breaks through the column before the resin is fully
saturated. The breakthrough product is captured on the subsequent column(s). In a next
step the columns are disconnected from one another. The first column is washed and
eluted, while the other column(s) are still being loaded. Once the (initially) first column is
re-equilibrated, it is re-introduced to the loading stream, but as last column. The process
then continues in a cyclic fashion.
Chiral chromatography[edit]
Chiral chromatography involves the separation of stereoisomers. In the case of
enantiomers, these have no chemical or physical differences apart from being three-
dimensional mirror images. Conventional chromatography or other separation processes
are incapable of separating them. To enable chiral separations to take place, either the
mobile phase or the stationary phase must themselves be made chiral, giving differing
affinities between the analytes. Chiral chromatography HPLC columns (with a chiral
stationary phase) in both normal and reversed phase are commercially available.
Aqueous normal-phase chromatography[edit]
Aqueous normal-phase (ANP) chromatography is characterized by the elution behavior
of classical normal phase mode (i.e. where the mobile phase is significantly less polar
than the stationary phase) in which water is one of the mobile phase solvent system
components. It is distinguished from hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography
(HILIC) in that the retention mechanism is due to adsorption rather than partitioning.
Learn more about Chromatography
Sources and Types of Inorganic Pollutants
DR.James G. Speight, in Environmental Inorganic Chemistry for
Engineers, 2017 Chromatography
Chromatography is the collective term for a variety of laboratory
techniques that are used for the separation of mixture. In the
method, the mixture is dissolved in a fluid (mobile phase), which
carries it through a structure holding another material (stationary
phase). The various constituents of the mixture travel at different
speeds, causing them to separate. The separation is based on
differential partitioning between the mobile and stationary phases.
Subtle differences in the rate of passage through the stationary
phase result in differential retention on the stationary phase, thus
changing the separation.
Chromatography is most often used to separate a product from a
complex reaction mixture. If a known sample of the compound is
available, it can be identified in a reaction mixture by spiking the
analyte with the known. Most chromatography in inorganic
chemistry is performed using solutions—such as
column chromatography and high-performance liquid
chromatography(HPLC, both normal and reverse-phase), because
the high boiling point of many inorganic compounds precludes
analysis by gas chromatography.
Read full chapter
Food Safety: Food Analysis Technologies/Techniques
B. Jiang, ... M. Miao, in Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food
Systems, 2014
Column chromatography
Chromatography has found its use in nearly all areas of food
analysis. Chromatography with a very high flow rate is known as
flash chromatography (FC) (Sensen, 1999). Several FC systems
have been commercially available. The FC technology makes the
separations easier and faster, and has been used for
semipreparation of food components.
High- or ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography
Compared with conventional column chromatography, HPLC is
much faster. It is a convenient and widely used technology for sugar
content, pesticide residues, amino acids, toxins, organic acids,
lipids, vitamins, and various phytochemicals in foods. The types of
separation modes and its application in the field of carbohydrate
analysis have been described in the Section Mono- and
oligosaccharides. Many hydrophilic food components such as
vitamin C, amino acids, phenolic compounds, and many bioactive
foods are analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC, whereas both normal
and reversed HPLC are used for lipophilic compounds such
as vitamin E and carotenoids (Nollet, 2012; Li et al., 2012). The
average molecular weight of proteins and molecular weight range
of polysaccharides are rapidly determined by size-
exclusion chromatography. Many glycoproteins are purified using
affinity chromatography (Nollet, 2012).
It is worth noting that in the past several years, two revolutionary
technology advancements, the development of ultrahigh pressure
pumps and sub-2-micron packing particles, have led to the state-of-
the-art ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography (UPLC or
UHPLC) (Waksmundzka-Hajnos and Sherma, 2011; Xu, 2013; Li et
al., 2012). UHPLC not only significantly reduces the sample size,
analytical run time, and the solvent usage, but also produces
exceptionally high sensitivity and better resolution. UHPLC is now
also interfaced with MS.
Gas chromatography
GC is a separation method used to analyze thermally stable volatile
substances. For example, GC has been used for the determination
of fatty acids, triglycerides, flavor compounds, and many other food
components, as well as pesticides, aroma
compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, and other volatile
contaminants. Sample preparation is a critical step in GC analysis.
It generally involves grinding, homogenization, and isolation of
analytes from food samples, which may be achieved by headspace
analysis, distillation, preparative chromatography, or solvent
extraction. More details are mentioned in the reference (Poole,
Paper and thin-layer chromatography
Although paper chromatography is no longer widely used, TLC,
because of its ease of use, relatively low cost, and greater
sensitivity and reproducibility, is still used to analyze a variety of
compounds in food including lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, amino
acids, and natural pigments. TLC plates with fluorescent indicators
are commercially available. Compounds with UV absorption are
directly detected under a UV lamp.
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Immunological Methods
Scot E. Dowd, ... Raina M. Maier, in Environmental Microbiology
(Second Edition), 2009 Technique
Affinity chromatography is a very powerful method used in
purification and concentration of antigens. In
affinity chromatography, the antibody is chemically bound to an
inert support matrix (usually a glass, latex, or plastic bead) in
a chromatography column. The sample containing the antigen is
eluted through the column, and the antigen is selectively retained
within the column while the sample passes through. After the
sample is run through the column, the purified antigen is eluted,
usually by changing the pH of the column, which causes the antigen
to detach from the antibody. The antigen can then pass out of the
column and be collected in highly purified form (Fig. 12.16). This
process provides a very efficient means of both concentration and
purification. Immunoaffinity chromatography offers several
advantages compared with conventional purification techniques.
Not only is the process selective and efficient, it also enables the
processing of large-volume samples with relatively few steps.
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FIGURE 12.16. Schematic representation showing the basic steps involved in
antibody-mediated chromatographic separation.
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Polymer Characterization
Gottfried Glöckner, in Comprehensive Polymer Science and
Supplements, 1989
16.2.2 Utilization of Different Modes of Adsorption Chromatography General remarks on adsorption chromatography and gradient elution
Adsorption chromatography (AC) is chromatographic
separation due to energetic interactions between the solute and the
surface of the porous packings. If separation by composition is
aimed at, the column should retain one kind of structural unit more
strongly than the others. The chance of obtaining these interactions
must not depend on the size of the solute if disturbance of the AC
separation by SEC effects is to be avoided. Hence, the pores of the
packings must be either large enough to give access to all kinds of
solute molecules or so small that all of them are excluded. Most of
the AC results presented in Section 16.4 have been obtained with
small-pore packings.
Chromatographers distinguish between normal-phase and
reversed-phase AC. The former utilizes a polar stationary
phase which retains the solutes according to their polarity. If
gradient elution is performed the polarity of the eluent mixture
increases in the course of the experiment. In reversed-
phase chromatography (RPC), the stationary phase is less polar
than the eluent. An example of a RPC system is a C18 column
(i.e. packed with porous silica with a bonded layer of
octadecyl hydrocarbon chains) in combination with a gradient
decreasing in polarity.
According to experience, nonexclusion HPLC of synthetic
polymersusually requires gradient elution.8 Water is a very popular
eluent component in low-molecular chromatography. Unfortunately,
it is a strong precipitant for most synthetic polymers. Therefore we
shall concentrate on the discussion of gradients from nonaqueous
A normal-phase gradient can be formed, e.g. from CCl4 through the
addition of THF or acetonitrile, or a RP gradient from MeOH through
the addition of THF or dichloromethane (DCM).
In RPC, separation is primarily governed by solvophobic
retention.9With polymers, the measures taken in order to make the
mobile phase an unpleasant environment for the solute can easily
interfere with the boundaries of the narrow solubility window. Solubility effects
The dissolution of any material requires a negative change in Gibbs
free energy. The increase in entropy, ΔS, is rather large in the
dissolution of low-molecular species but much smaller with
polymers. Here, the change in enthalpy, ΔH, must be small if
positive (or, better, large negative) to ensure solubility. In terms of
Hildebrand’s concept this means that a polymer will be soluble only
in liquids whose solubility parameters are close to that of the
polymer under consideration. With low-molecular solutes, the
entropy contribution is so large that a broader diversity in the values
of the solubility parameters can be tolerated. Hence, the variety of
potential eluent components is much greater in low-molecular-
liquid chromatography than in polymer chromatography.
In the extreme case, solubility is the predominant factor in
polymer chromatography. Examples used for CCF are the
temperature-rising elution fractionation of branched polyalkenes10 or
the high-pressure-precipitation-liquid chromatography (HPPLC) of
copoly(styrene/acrylonitrile) specimens (see Sections and
16.4.3, respectively).11,12 Both examples were separations by
composition. The supplementary fractionations by molecular weight
were performed by SEC.
For solubility-based fractionation by composition a nonsolvent must
be chosen with a strong and unambiguous dependence of the cloud
point on polymer composition. Alkane hydrocarbons act in this way
for copoly(styrene/acrylonitrile)13 and related copolymers with units
of sufficiently differing polarity.14
A precipitant for separation by molecular weight should yield cloud
points independent of copolymer composition in an adequate range
around the mean value. It was, for instance, possible to fractionate
copoly(styrene/acrylonitrile) samples with about 17–34 mass-
% acrylonitrile according to molecular weight through methanol as a
From experience gathered so far it can be inferred that the
combination of a solvent with a nonsolvent, of suitable
chromatographic strength, seems to be a promising general
concept for designing the eluent system in nonexclusion
polymer chromatography. Molecular weight effects in adsorption chromatography
The adsorption of polymers on a solid surface reaches a plateau
value at a rather low concentration of the solute. On alumina, silica
or charcoal, the molecular weight dependence of ma, the amount
adsorbed per gram adsorbent, is approximately given by
equation (5).
At very high values of M the exponent e approaches zero. High
values (e ≈ 0.3) have been found for M < 100 000 and
thermodynamically poor solvents. In good solvents, the influence
of M on adsorption is less pronounced.15
A similar effect of solvent quality has been observed in thin-
layer chromatography (TLC) investigations. Separations by
composition were achieved with good solvents of a suitable polarity
whereas separations by molecular weight were reached preferably
with thermodynamically poor eluents.16
Thus it does not seem impossible to perform both tasks of
chromatographic cross-fractionation by the combination of two
suitable techniques of AC, especially if solubility effects are utilized.
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Gas Chromatographic Methods of Chemical Analysis of
Organics and Their Quality Control
Chris Swyngedouw, Robert Lessard, in Environmental
Geochemistry (Second Edition), 2018
4.1 Adsorption “Clean-Up” Columns
Column chromatography involves loading a glass column (1–3 cm
i.d.) with granular stationary phase, prerinsing with solvent, adding
the sample extract to the top of the column and then eluting the
column with solvent(s).
The column can be an absorption type where coextractives are left
behind (i.e., silica gel) or a fractionating column in which the
analytes and coextractives are split into fractions by changing the
polarity of the solvents (i.e., PCB/organochlorine pesticides are
columned on Florisil with hexane, 2% dichloromethane:hexane,
10% dichloromethane:hexane, etc., to separate different groups of
pesticides and PCB) (Table 6.1).
The separation of the analytes from coextractives can be relatively
straightforward for low lipid samples such as soil sediments and
vegetation. Generally small silica gel or florisil columns will suffice.
The purpose of this step is to remove coextractive pigments and to
separate nonpolar analytes (e.g., PCBs, p,p′-DDE) from more polar
ones (HCH, chlordane, dieldrin). This is achieved by applying the
extract in a small volume of a polar solvent and fractionating by
eluting with hexane followed by one or two elutions of increasing
polarity. Polar compounds are retained on the column. The
effectiveness of these adsorption columns depends on the mass of
the adsorbent, polarity of the solvent and water content of the
Read full chapter
Analytical techniques for high-mass materials
Rafael Kandiyoti, ... Trevor Morgan, in Solid Fuels and Heavy
Hydrocarbon Liquids (Second Edition), 2017
8.3.1 Planar chromatography (TLC)
Planar chromatography is the subject of many reference and
teaching books (Touchstone, 1992; Hamilton and Hamilton, 1987)
as well as regular reviews in Analytical Chemistry (Sherma, 1996,
1998, 2000). The advantage of the technique is the ability to
recover the heavier fractions that are immobile in the set of solvents
used. By contrast, other chromatographic methods lose the heavier
components either as involatiles in the injection system in gas
chromatography or by remaining immobile on the column in HPLC
when using inadequate solvents. Fraction recovery in TLC is
usually not quantitative, but the method is rapid and cheap to
operate; any combination of volatile solvents can be used to
develop the chromatogram. Acetonitrile and pyridine have been
used in TLC on silica, to generate fractions equivalent to those from
the solvent solubility method. After drying, the separated fractions
may be recovered by dissolving in NMP (Herod et al.,
1996b,d, 1999; Lazaro et al., 1999d; Deelchand et al., 1999; Herod
and Kandiyoti, 1996; Herod and Lazaro, 2000; Suelves et al.,
2001a; Morgan et al., 2008a; Morgan et al., 2010a,b; Herod et al.,
2012). However, fraction sizes are usually small for analytical
methods such as NMR and some of the of the heavier material
cannot be recovered from the silica into NMP.
Solvents were used with and without added salts to investigate
claims that salts added to the eluent in SEC could disaggregate the
material excluded in SEC using NMP as eluent (see Section 8.5).
Fractions were recovered from the plates by scraping the
appropriate area of silica from the plate into NMP, exposing the
mixture in an ultrasonicbath for a short time and filtering to remove
silica particles. The heaviest fraction remains on the plate and can
be examined in situ if necessary. Almost any analytical method can
be applied to the separated fractions. Somsen et al. (1995) have
reviewed methods for combining TLC with other spectroscopic
methods. The method has been used to prepare fractions of a coal
digest for examination of the iron content by
Mössbauer spectroscopy (Herod et al., 1995c, 1996c; Richaud et
al., 2000b).
In more recent work, TLC has played a vital role in the development
of a LD-MS method which can provide more accurate estimates of
the molecular mass distributions present in
polydisperse hydrocarbon mixtures, such as coal-, biomass-, and
petroleum-derived liquids/tars and heavy fractions (Morgan et al.,
2008a, 2010a; Herod et al., 2012; George et al., 2013; Morgan and
Kandiyoti, 2014). This development work is described in Section
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Supercritical Fluid Chromatography
Udi Jumhawan, Takeshi Bamba, in The Application of Green
Solvents in Separation Processes, 2017
Supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) is a separation technique
that characteristically a hybrid of both gas chromatography (GC)
and liquid chromatography (LC). With the favorable properties of
green solvent supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) as the main
mobile phase, SFC has gained much attraction for analyzing and
separating a wide range of compounds. Having remarkable
sensitivity and selectivity, mass spectrometer (MS) is widely
hyphenated to SFC system. SFC coupled to MS (SFC/MS)
approach offers comprehensive lipid analysis that has not been
resolved due to the complexity of lipid constituents and the
existing isomers. Therefore, SFC/MS has more potential for
application in lipidomics field compared to other analytical
platforms. The prowess of SFC/MS technology as integral part of
green chemistry has also been demonstrated in various fields from
food science to biomedical research.
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Alkaloid chemistry
Dr.Tadeusz Aniszewski, in Alkaloids (Second Edition), 2015 Gas-liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
Capillary gas-liquid chromatography combined with mass
spectrometry (MS) has been successfully used for the separation of
complex mixtures of alkaloids. The aim of gas-
liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (GLC/MS) is to operate
both a gas chromatograph and a mass spectrometer.
Gas chromatography is an ideal separator, whereas the mass
spectrometer is an identifier.19,28,35,39,41,43,144 The technique of mass
spectrometry was discovered in 1912 and developed to become
one of the most effective methods for biomolecular research. The
mass spectrometer or mass spectrograph, as it is also called,
generally consists of four units: (1) an inlet system, (2) an ion
source, (3) an electrostaticaccelerating system, and (4) a detector
and readout system. Different mass spectrometers exist. The mass
spectrometer determines the mass spectrum from
the alkaloid analysis. The mass spectrum of a compound contains
the masses of the ion fragments and the relative abundance of
these ions plus, often, the parent ion. A mass spectrometer can be
used for electron impact (EI+) or for EI+ and chemical ionization (CI)
of compounds. This molecular fragmentation is the basis for
alkaloid identification. The basis of mass spectrometry analysis is
that, under the same conditions, the molecular fragments of the
alkaloid mass must be identical.
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