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ENGR20003 Final Exam 2013

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Semester 2 Assessment, 2013

ENGR20003 Engineering Materials

Pass and Honours

Exam Duration: Two (2) hours

Reading Time: 15 minutes

This paper has 9 pages

Authorised materials :
 Any electronic calculators may be used.
 Protractor and compass may be used.

Instructions to invigilators:
 Closed book examination.
 Three 14 page script books designated A, B and C
 Paper to remain in the exam room

Instructions to students:
 All questions should be attempted.
 Sections A, B and C are to be answered in separated designated script books.
 Marks allocated to each question are as indicated.
 Total marks for the examination equal 120.

Paper not to be lodged with Baillieu Library

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Section A Construction Materials

a) A steel beam made up of an I-section is spanning between two supports as shown in
Figure A1. It was found that the steel beam is not adequate in resisting the gravitational
load intended for the beam. Describe using sketches three ways to strengthen the beam
(i.e. to increase the capacity of the beam) without replacing it with a larger section.
Explain how the capacity of the beam is increased in each case.
(9 marks)

Elevation View Cross section C-C

Figure A1
b) Briefly describe the manufacturing process of structural steel and discuss three factors
during the manufacturing process which can affect the strength of a steel product.
(6 marks)

c) Explain how galvanization protects steel from corrosion.

(5 marks)
(Total marks for QA1 = 20)

a) Figure A2 (in the following page) shows a timber frame that is supporting a roof of a
house. Describe using sketches the use of noggings in the timber frame.
(5 marks)

b) Describe the process of visual stress grading to measure the strength of timber. State
two other methods that can be used to determine the strength and explain why visual
stress grading is more commonly used compared to other methods.
(7 marks)

(Question A2 is continued in the next page)

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Figure A2
(Total marks for QA2 = 12)

a) Describe using sketches the compression test of masonry units. Your description should
include what should be done to ensure that the measured strength is representative of
the strength of masonry units in masonry wall constructions.
(6 marks)

b) Sketch two crack patterns indicating two types of failure which may occur when
masonry walls are subjected to horizontal bending actions. Describe using sketches
how the horizontal bending actions are resisted by the walls.
(6 marks)

(Total marks for QA3 = 12)

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a) Describe the test you would use to determine the workability of a concrete mix on site
or in the laboratory. Describe one workability range of this test and the specific
concrete application for which it is used.
(5 marks)

b) Explain using sketches the setting phenomenon of concrete. Discuss how concrete
setting time can be modified.
(4 marks)

c) Describe how the compressive strength of concrete evolves over time.

(3 marks)

d) Describe using sketches the mechanism of deterioration of reinforced concrete by

(4 marks)

(Total marks for QA4 = 16)

(End of Section A)

(Total marks for Section A = 60)

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Section B Mechanics of Materials

B1. Two hangers are made up of cold-drawn steel with ultimate tensile strength of 400 MPa.
The Young’s modulus value of the steel is 200,000 MPa. Both hangers have the same cross
sectional area of 100 mm2. The hangers are supporting a rigid plate.
a) Calculate the static mass (M) required to fail the hangers shown in Figure B1a.
(4 marks)

b) Calculate the mass (M) required to fail the hangers if the mass is now dropped from a
height of 1 m as shown in Figure B1b.
(5 marks)

c) The cold-drawn steel hangers are now replaced by mild steel. The yield strength of mild
steel is 300 MPa, the Young’s modulus value is 200,000 MPa, ductility is 2. Determine
the mass that can be supported by the hangers, if the mass is dropped from a height of 1
m. Bi-linear force deformation behaviour as shown in Figure B1c can be assumed.
(6 marks)

1.5 m 1.5 m


Figure B1a Figure B1b


y u
Figure B1c

(Total marks for QB1 = 15)

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B2. Based on two-dimensional stress state acting on the rectangular thin plate shown in
Figure B2 below:
a) Use Mohr’s circle to determine the principal (maximum and minimum) stresses and the
maximum shear stress at the point.
(10 marks)

b) Determine the angle of the plane on which the principal stresses act and the angle of the
plane on which the maximum shear stress acts. Sketch the stresses that are acting on the
(5 marks)
30 MPa

10 MPa

10 MPa

Figure B2

(Total marks for QB2 = 15)

End of Section B

(Total Marks for Section B = 30)

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Section C Materials Chemistry

C1. List the properties and types of bonding which are indicative of materials in each of the
following Material Classes:
a) Metals (2 marks)
b) Ceramics (2 marks)
c) Polymers (2 marks)

(Total marks for QC1 = 6)

C2. Using the periodic table shown in Figure C2 below containing the electro-negativity
values for each element, what type of bond would form for each type of atom pair?

Figure C2
a) Na-Na
b) S-S
c) Na-S
d) Na-K
e) S-O
f) Na-O
g) Ca-Zr
h) K-Br
i) Ne-Ne
(Total marks for QC2 = 5)
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C3. Discuss why dislocations are important in metals.

(Total marks for QC3 = 5)

C4. Calculate the density of BaTiO3. It has the perovskite structure. In the perovskite
structure, the Ba2+ and O2- combine to form a cubic close packed structure with the Ba2+ on
the cube corners and the O2- in the face centre positions (because the Ba2+ and O2- have
nearly the same radius). The small Ti4+ fits nicely in an octahedral site. Because of
stoichometry and charge neutrality, only ¼ of the octahedral sites (those in the body centre
position) are filled with Ti4+.
Ionic Radius Atomic Mass
Ba 1.36 Ångstroms 137.3 g/mole
Ti4+ 0.61 Ångstroms 47.9 g/mole
O 1.40 Ångstroms 16.0 g/mole

Avogadro’s number is 6.02 x 1023 atoms per mole.

(Total marks for QC4 = 8)

C5. Using the phase diagram shown in Figure C5 (in the following page) for the lead (Pb) -
tin (Sn) system, determine:
i) the phase or phases present;
ii) the composition (wt% tin (Sn)) of each phase;
iii) the amount (wt %) of each phase for:
a) a lead-tin alloy (20 wt % tin (Sn)) at 250 oC. (2 marks)
b) a lead-tin alloy (10 wt % tin (Sn)) at 200 oC. (2 marks)
c) a lead-tin alloy (80 wt % tin (Sn)) at 100 oC. (2 marks)

(Question C5 is continued in the next page)

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Figure C5
(Total marks for QC5 = 6 marks)

End of Section C

(Total Marks for Section C = 30)

End of Examination

(Total Marks for Examination = 120)

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