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Phoca Largha (Pallas, 1811)

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260 Marine Mammals of the World

Phoca largha (Pallas, 1811) PHOC Phoca 2 SST

FAO Names: En - Larga seal; Fr - Veau marin du Pacifique; Sp - Foca largha .

Fig. 523 Phoca largha

Distinctive Characteristics: Until recently,

Larga seals were considered a subspecies of the
harbour seal. Studies revealed morphological,
biochemical, and behavioural differences suffi-
cient to warrant its reclassification as a full spe-
cies. Larga seals are smaller than harbour seals,
but are nearly identical in build and proportions
(see p. 258).
Coloration is generally pale, silver-grey above and
below, with a darker mantle dominated by dark DORSAL VIEW
oval spots of fairly uniform size (1 to 2 cm) and
generally oriented parallel to the long axis of the
body. There may be light rings around some
spots, or large irregular spots or blotches. Spot-
ting tends to be of fairly even distirbution and
darkness overall. In harbour seals, spots are
more faded and sparse on the underside. The
face and muzzle are darker than in the harbour
seal. Pups are born with a long, woolly, whitish
lanugo, which is shed 2 to 4 weeks after birth.
The dental formula of adults is I 3/2, C1/1, PC 5/5.


Fig. 524 Skull

Carnivora - Pinnipedia - Phocidae 261

Can be confused with: In addition to harbour seals (p. 258), 2 other phocids (ringed [p. 262] and ribbon
[p. 270] seals) share the the Larga seal’s range. Details of pelage markings and coloration, particularly the
presence or absence of large numbers of rings (ringed seals), or conspicuous light and dark bands (ribbon
seals) are sufficient to distinguish among them.. Further, ringed seals are generally solitary beside breathing
holes, while Larga and ringed seals are most often found along fractures in larger floes. Of these species,
only the ribbon seal moves on ice or land by slashing motion; the others inch along.
Size: Adult males are up to 1.7 m and females to 1.6 m long. Adults weigh 82 to 123 kg. At birth, Larga
seals are 77 to 92 cm long and weigh 7 to 12 kg.
Geographical Distribution: Larga seals are widespread in the Sea of Okhotsk, and Yellow, Japan, and
Bering seas. They inhabit the southern edges of the pack ice from winter to early summer and coastal areas,
including river mouths, in late summer and autumn. They breed exclusively, and haul out regularly, on ice,
but do come ashore on beaches and sand-bars.

Fig. 525

Biology and Behaviour: Larga seals are annually monogamous and territorial. Breeding takes place on
pack ice from January to mid-April. Pupping peaks from mid to late March.
Adults can dive to at least 300 m, and they feed on a wide variety of organisms: composition of diet varies
with the age of the seal. Newly weaned pups feed on small crustaceans, advance to schooling fishes, larger
crustaceans, and octopuses, and finally graduate to bottom dwelling fish and cephalopods.
Exploitation: Small commercial and subsistence harvests of Larga seals have been active throughout this
century, and continue to this day. An unknown number are incidentally caught in drift and gill net fishing
operations every year.
IUCN Status: Insufficiently known.
262 Marine Mammals of the World

Phoca hispida (Schreber, 1775) PHOC Phoca 3 SER

FAO Names: En - Ringed seal; Fr - Phoque annelé ou marbré; Sp - Foca marbreada.

Fig. 526 Phoca hispida

Distinctive Characteristics: Ringed seals re-

semble harbour and Larga seals, but are decid-
edly plumper (axillary girth may reach 80% of
length). They also have a smaller, somewhat
rounded head, and a conspicuously short and
thick neck. The muzzle is short, slightly broader
than thick, and blunt. The vibrissae are light-col-
oured and beaded. The eyes are relatively large
and conspicuous. More than in other northern DORSAL VIEW

phocids, the size of the head and muzzle and

close-set, forward-facing, eyes impart a cat-like
appearance. The foreflippers are relatively small
and slightly pointed, as described for the harbour
Coloration is the most distinctive feature. Ringed
seals are conspicuously marked with spots that,
especially on the back and sides, are circled with
rings of lighter colour. The spots are the same VENTRAL VIEW

colour as, or slightly darker than, the background

colour of the coat. The rings are light grey to
off-white. Seals can be so heavily marked that
many spots and rings fuse. Despite individual and
regional variation in both species, ringed seals are
usually more profusely covered with ringed spots
than are harbour seals. There are generally no,
or very few, spots on the undersides, a feature that
distinguishes ringed seals from both harbour and LATERAL VIEW
Larga seals. The background coloration is vari-
able, but normally medium to dark grey above and
light grey to silver below. Pups are born with a
woolly thick whitish lanugo. Fur of the succeeding
coat is finer and slightly longer than that of adults,
and is dark grey above, merging to silver below.
There may be a few scattered dark spots on the
undersides of these juveniles, and few, if any, rings
on the back. At this stage, they are known as

The dental formula is I 3/2, C 1/1, PC 5/5. Fig. 527 Skull

Carnivora - Pinnipedia - Phocidae 263

Can be confused with: Ringed seals share their extensive range with 7 other phocids. They are not likely
to be confused with bearded, harp, hooded, or ribbon seals, but care may be required to positively distinguish
them from other seals with rings, spots or spot-like markings (harbour [p. 258], Larga [p. 260], juvenile harp
[p. 268], and grey [p. 272] seals). Differentiation requires attention to the size, coarseness, distribution (both
above and below), and abundance of such markings. Also, note head and muzzle size, body length, and
plumpness and length of the neck in relation to the body length.
Size: Adults are up to about 1.65 m in lenth. Weight is 50 to 110 kg. Pups average about 60 to 65 cm and
4 to 5 kg at birth.
Geographical Distribution: Ringed seals have a circumpolar distribution throughout the Arctic basin,
Hudson Bay and Strait, and the Bering and Baltic seas. There are 5 recognized subspecies: P. h. hispida,
in the Arctic basin; P. h. ochotensis, in the Seas of Okhotsk and Japan; P. h. saimensis, in Lake Saimaa; P. h.
lagodensis, in Lake Ladoga; and P. h. botnica, in the Baltic Sea. The distribution of ringed seals is strongly
correlated with pack and land-fast ice, and areas covered at least seasonally by ice.

Fig. 528
Biology and Behaviour: Nearly all ringed seals breed on the fast ice, where females excavate lairs in
pressure ridges and other snow-covered features. These allow access to the water, but are hidden from
polar bears. Pupping generally occurs in March-April, earlier in the Baltic Sea. Males are thought to be
territorial, and possibly annually monogamous.
Many adults remain in the same localized areas year-round. Out of water, ringed seals are generally wary,
regularly scanning for predators, such as polar bears and humans.
Ringed seals consume a wide variety of small prey, including many species of fishes and planktonic
crustaceans, taken throughout the water column. They forage either singly or in small groups.
Exploitation: Ringed seals have been a mainstay in the diet of native Arctic peoples. The seals are
consumed by people and fed to sled dogs, and their skins are used for clothing. Subsistence hunting
continues today, and accounts for an unknown, but probably significant number of seals every year.
Commercial sealing primarily for pelts has been wide-spread. Pollution in some localities, such as the Baltic
Sea, is of great concern and may be the reason for local population declines. The status of the current
worldwide population is variable, depending on location, with numbers in some areas increasing and
decreasing in others.
IUCN Status: Insufficiently known; endangered (P. h. saimensis only); vulnerable (P. h. botnica and P. h.
lagodensis only).
264 Marine Mammals of the World

Phoca sibirica (Gmelin, 1788) PHOC Phoca 4 SBK

FAO Names: En - Baikal seal; Fr - Phoque du lac Baikal; Sp - Foca de Baikal.

Fig. 529 Phoca sibirica

Distinctive Characteristics: The Baikal seal is
essentially a population of ringed seals that
evolved in reproductive isolation. Baikal seals are
very similar to ringed seals (p. 262), except for a
few aspects of their flippers and coloration. Their
foreflippers and claws are decidedly larger and
stronger than those of ringed or Caspian (p. 266)
Baikal seals have very few, if any, of the charac-
teristic rings found on ringed seals and are nor-
mally darker above and below than either ringed
or Caspian seals. Baikal seal pups are born in a DORSAL VIEW
whitish lanugo that is shed at 4 to 6 weeks.
The dental formula is I 3/2, C 1/1, PC 5/5.



Fig. 530 Skull

Carnivora - Pinnipedia - Phocidae 265

Can be confused with: There should be no confusion: the Baikal seal does not share its range with any
other pinniped species.
Size: Measurements of Baikal seals have been taken as curvilinear lengths, which yield longer measure-
ments than the standard lengths used for other species. Adult Baikal seals have been reported to reach
approximately 1.4 m and 80 to 90 kg. Newborn pups are 64 to 66 cm in length and 4 to 4.2 kg in weight.
Geographical Distribution: Baikal seals are entirely confined to Lake Baikal and its feeder streams in
eastern Russia.

Fig. 531
Biology and Behaviour: Baikal seals are similar to ringed seals in most respects. They maintain breathing
and access holes in ice (the number varying by age and sex, to 11 in adult males) and use snow-covered
lairs on the lake ice. Some seals share haul-out holes, but most animals are solitary. Pupping occurs from
mid-February to the end of March. Newly weaned pups emerge from the lairs in April.
Baikal seals experimentally equipped with tracking instruments generally dived for 10 to 20 minutes, to depths
of 50 to 200 m; the deepest dives were to 300 m. Their diet consists primarily of many varieties of freshwater
Exploitation: Baikal seals have been hunted since prehistoric times, and there has been a long history of
commercial exploitation that continues to the present for meat and skins, with carcass remains going to feed
domestic animals. There are government quotas, but poaching is common. Seals hauled out are frequently
disturbed by human activities, and there was a recent outbreak of a virus causing symptoms like canine
IUCN Status: Insufficiently known.
266 Marine Mammals of the World

Phoca caspica (Gmelin, 1788) PHOC Phoca 5 SAC

FAO Names: En - Caspian seal; Fr - Phoque de la Mer Caspienne; Sp - Foca del Caspio .

Fig. 532 Phoca caspica

Distinctive Characteristics: The Caspian seal,

like the Baikal seal, is essentially a population of
the ringed seal (p. 262) that has evolved in isola-
tion. The chief differences between Caspian seals
and ringed seals are in pelage colour and mark-
Caspian seals are greyish yellow to dark grey
above, grading to a paler shade below. There are
numerous brown to black spots on the back in both
sexes. However, these spots are darker and more
abundant on the male. There are often no rings; DORSAL VIEW

when they do occur, they are much sparser than

on ringed seals. The pup’s whitish lanugo is
moulted at about 3 weeks for a short dark pelage.
The dental formula is I 3/2, R 1/1, PC 6/5.



Fig. 533 Skull

Carnivora - Pinnipedia - Phocidae 267

Can be confused with: No other pinniped occurs in the Caspian Sea region, and this species occurs
nowhere else in the world.
Size: Adult males and females reach maximum lengths of 1.5 and 1.4 m, respectively, and weigh around
86 kg. Pups are 64 to 79 cm and about 5 kg at birth.
Geographical Distribution: Caspian seals are entirely confined to the saline waters of the Caspian Sea
and its feeder rivers, which are bordered by several of the states of the new Russian Commonwealth and
Iran. Seasonal movements in the Caspian Sea are prompted by ice formation. Seals occupy the north-
eastern quadrant in autumn, but in spring and summer they move south into the deeper and cooler regions
of the Caspian Sea.

Fig. 534
Biology and Behaviour: The pupping season lasts from late January to early February. Unlike the ringed.
seal or Baikal seal, Caspian seal pups are born out on the open ice. Mating occurs from late February to
mid-March. There is little information on behaviour of this little-known seal.
Caspian seals take a variety of fishes and small crustaceans; the diet varies seasonally.
Exploitation: Caspian seals have undoubtedly been hunted since prehistoric times. Alarge scale commer-
cial harvest since the 19th Century continues to this day under government regulated quotas.
IUCN Status: Vulnerable.
268 Marine Mammals of the World

Phoca groenlandica (Erxleben, 1777) PHOC Phoca 6 SEH

FAO Names: En - Harp seal; Fr - Phoque du Groenland; Sp - Foca de Groenlandia.

Fig. 535 Phoca groenlandica

Distinctive Characteristics: The harp seal’s head
appears somewhat long, wide, and flattened. The
long muzzle tapers slightly, and in adults, can ap-
pear upturned. The eyes are close-set and there is
a slight dip to the forehead. The flippers are rela-
tively small. The foreflippers are slightly pointed and
angular, with a short row of digit endings. The claws
are strong and dark.
The ontogeny of pelage patterns (reflected in the
names of the various age classes) is the species’
most distinctive feature. The newborn’s pure white
coat (which can be stained yellowish for the first few DORSAL VIEW
days by amniotic fluid) persists for about 12 days
(thus the name “whitecoats”), then it develops a
greyish coat (“greycoats”). At about 21 days, the
hair begins to fall out in patches (“ragged-jackets”),
giving way to a medium grey subadult coat that is
scattered with black blotches (“beaters”). At 13 to
14 months of age, “beaters” moult again: the pelage
remains the same (“bedlamers”) until the adult pat-
tern begins to appear at the onset of sexual maturity
(earlier in males than in females).
The adult pattern is complex and varied. The base
colour is silvery white. Two black bands of variable
width, joined over the shoulders, extend posteriorly VENTRAL VIEW
as crescents and sweep down the sides to the area
of the pelvis, forming the “harp.” Seen from above,
the pattern resembles a large irregular “V.” Black
marks may also occur at the insertions of the hind-
flippers. The head is hooded in black, with a ragged
edge on the neck and throat. Many adults retain
from a few to many spots; and have incompletely
formed harp patterns on their backs (“spotted
harps”). A small percentage of seals never develop
the harp, retain spots, may have some dark streaks, LATERAL VIEW
and are dark grey overall (“sooty harps”).
The dental formula is I 3/2, C 1/1, PC 5/5. Fig. 536 Skull
Carnivora - Pinnipedia - Phocidae 269

Can be confused with: Harp seals in adult pelage are unlikely to be confused with any other animal. The
silvery white body, emblazoned with a conspicuous black harp pattern and hood, is unique. However, the
‘bedlamer” and “spotted harp” patterns are more generic, and pose some difficulties. To distinguish harp
seals from the 5 other phocids that share their range (harbour [p. 258], ringed [p. 262], gray [p. 272], bearded
[p. 274], and hooded [p. 276] seals), note overall body size; size and shape of the head, muzzle, and nose;
details of pelage markings (e.g.,spots, rings, or blotches); and base colour (uniform or contrasting from top
to bottom).
Size: Adult males are up to 1.9 m in length and average 135 kg in weight, females up to 1.8 m and 120 kg.
Pups are born at about 85 cm and almost 10 kg.
Geographical Distribution:Harp seals are widespread in the the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans and
adjacent areas from Hudson Bay and Baffin Island east to Cape Chelyuskin, in northern Russia. The most
famous of the 3 population centres is the “Front,” near the Magdalen Islands and waters off northeastern
Newfoundland and southern Labrador. Harp seals live chiefly in pack ice, but can be found away from it in

Fig. 537
Biology and Behaviour : Harp seals congregate to whelp (pup) on pack ice, where they form huge
concentrations. Pups are born from late February to mid-March. Mating occurs in the water from mid to late
Harp seals are migratory, breeding at the southern edge of the pack ice in late winter, moulting nearby in
spring, and following the ice north in summer to the high Arctic. They are very active in the water and
sometimes travel in tight groups that are quite large and noisy.
Harp seals feed on a variety of crustaceans and open-water fishes during migration, and switch to several
varieties of bottom dwelling fishes in summer on the northern grounds.
Exploitation: Harp seals have been hunted since the earliest times by people inhabiting arctic and subarctic
areas. They have been the object of commercial harvesting, principally on the whelping grounds, for fur and
oil, dating back to the late 18th Century. In particular, harp seal pups have been clubbed in large numbers
for their white coats. This controversial industry continues today on a greatly reduced scale under
international quotas.
IUCN Status: Insufficiently known.

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