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Eden Catalog

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1968 1972 1973 1975

First import of traditional 100% of EDEN grain and

Trucking first rolls
Eden food from Japan beans certified
Co-op organically grown
started in
Ann Arbor

Food processing: Wholesale
milling, roasting, bottling, business begins
and packaging begin

1982 1983 1985 1986

kosher certification EDENSOY Joint venture founded - San Francisco warehouse
first employed introduced in July American Soy Co. - for and sales office opens
Organized Kashrus making EDENSOY in USA

1994 1998 1999 2001

Michigan families commit Our 30th year April, bisphenol-A free SOBAYA Co. of Montréal
to organic tree fruit cans first used merges with us to make
The warehouse and offices
organic Soba
are expanded again
and Udon
1976 1977 1980 1981
Eden writes first American Eden Organic Pasta Company Move to Funded USA’s first organic
standards for “seed to table” (Schmidt Noodle Company) Village of Clinton “Structural Pest Management”
organic food production makes first EDEN pasta from Ann Arbor program for post-
harvest organic handling

Turtle Island Restaurant


1989 1991 1992 1993

Eden Organic Pasta Organic beans first Eden bans Eden bans genetically
Company becomes USA’s canned in Eaton, Indiana irradiated food engineered food
first third-party certified
organic food
production facility

Michigan warehouse
and offices expand

2004 2005 2008 2009

New packaged snack food Lundberg organic short 40th Anniversary
grain brown rice & EDEN Chili, four
Nine new grains and flakes
beans = Rice & Beans bean and
Michigan warehouse whole grain
expands 113% versions, and

Rated number-one food

company in the world
To Friends
Eden Foods, Inc.
701 Tecumseh Road Clinton, Michigan 49236
800-248-0301 517-456-7424 - Michigan
517-456-7025 - Fax 510-487-8002 - California
Offices open Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:15pm Eastern Time.

Greetings, February 2010 • Food disassembled into components and chemically

Eden Foods is the oldest natural food (and organic treated for marketing or to stabilize it. (Wheat germ
food) company in the United States and Canada. and bran are more like food supplements that gained
The difference between the natural and health food popularity because of white flour, but if they remain
industries is well understood in most of the world, but unadulterated, they may be considered natural food.)
not locally in North America. Health food industry focus Commonly, grain components are reassembled and
has been vitamins and supplements, while the natural reconfigured to qualify for the now conveniently,
food industry has been centered upon staple food. The greedily defined term – whole grain.
health food industry began in the United States in the • Irradiated food, randomly radiation transformed into
1920s, while the natural food industry arose all over the the unknown with unknown consequences.
world in the 1960s. Although overlapping in time, they • Genetically engineered food with altered DNA from
have, and do, operate independently. random bombardment with atomic particles and
The question reached me, “What is unnatural food?” genetic sequences from other life forms causing
Hearing it surprised me, but it deserves an answer. Let’s unknown changes to achieve short-term profits.
begin with, “What is natural food?” It is food remaining Ironically, the habit of food imitation and adulteration
as close to the condition in which it is provided us by is long standing. Government has done nothing to
nature, as is possible. discourage it; in fact, state and federal policies encourage
Regrettably today, the word natural is used to market it, serving corporate benefactors whose motivation has
almost everything, including unnatural food. This been solely lazy profits at the expense of citizenry’s
unnatural food category continues rapid expansion. well-being. Nothing proves this more certainly than the
Unnatural foods are: spiraling increase in this nation’s health care costs.
• Food from agricultural systems dependent upon Quoting the September 1912 issue of the National Food
chemical inputs that destroy soil vitality, weaken crop Magazine, an article titled “Theodore Roosevelt and Pure
vitality, and require further toxic chemicals to protect Foods,” it reads “… By his activity in this fight he brought
crops from other life in their environment. down on his head the lasting hatred of all the food
• White flour or milled grain with most of its nutrients adulterators in America. Until this day no name is more
stripped away for longer shelf life. abhorrent to them than that of Theodore Roosevelt. And
• Foods adulterated with toxic chemicals to condition, that organization of food adulterators is one of the most
flavor, color, or render it into forms designed to appeal powerful political influences the country has ever had to
to the senses in some manner. deal with. It has openly defied the national and state
governments for a quarter of a century. The enormous
• Foods chemically conditioned for longer shelf life.
profits it realizes from the processes of imitation and
• Foods chemically treated for manufacturing adulteration permit it to have a mighty barrel to spend in
performance, or conversion into some unnatural influencing legislation…”
marketing form.
Please, be proactive and discerning in food selection.
“ All labor that uplifts humanity
I Greeting

Michael J. Potter, president

has dignity and importance Eden Foods means NO • Irradiation

and should be undertaken • Preservatives • Toxic additives
with painstaking excellence. • Food colorings • Refined sugars
- Martin L. King, Jr. 1929 - 1968 • Modern genetic engineering (GMOs)

Greeting Letter 2 Imported Food ~ Japan 37 Diced 72, 73
Bonito Flakes 38 Whole 73
About Eden 4~7
Chips & Crackers 61, 63 Sauces 73
Beans ~ Canned 8 Condiments 40
Plain 9 ~ 11 Vinegars ~ raw 74
Dried Vegetables 38, 39
Seasoned 12 Apple, Brown Rice, Red Wine
Miso 41, 42
Chili, Rice & Beans, Refried 15 and Ume Plum 75
Mochi 43
Chili 15 Mushrooms 39 Source Location Map 76
Rice & Beans 16 ~ 18 Pickles 38, 39
Refried 18, 19 Sea Vegetables 57 ~ 59
Beans ~ Dry 13 Soba & Udon 53 ~ 55
1 lb Box 13, 14 Soy Sauce, Mirin, & Ponzu 64, 65
Tea 67 ~ 70
Canned Food Vinegars 74, 75
with Beans 9 ~ 19
Tomatoes 72, 73 Miso 41

Concentrated Food & Mochi ~ pounded sweet rice 43

Probiotic Bifa-15 20 Oil ~ unrefined vegetable 44
Condiments 22 Olive, Safflower, Sesame,
and Soy 45
Eden Shake
Gomasio ~ sesame salt
23, 24 Pasta 46
Company Goals
Imported ~ Japan 40 Eden Organic 47 ~ 51 I. To provide the highest
Mustard 24 Soba & Udon 52 ~ 55 quality life supporting
Pickles 38, 39 food and accurate
Sauerkraut & Pickles 56
Sea Salt 25 information about them,
Sauerkraut 56
Dentie Tooth & Gum Care 25 Pickles 38, 39 their uses, and benefits.
Edensoy 26 Sea Vegetables 57 II. To maintain a healthy,
Original 27 Sushi Mat 59 respectful, challenging,
Vanilla 27 ~ 29 and rewarding
Snacks 60 environment for
Extra ~ fortified 28
Chips & Crackers 61, 63
Chocolate 28 employees.
Dried Fruit 62
EdenBlend ~ brown rice 29 III. To cultivate sound
Mixes 61, 62
amazake & Edensoy
Nuts 62 relationships with other
Light 29
Popcorn 61 organizations and
Unsweetened 28
Pumpkin Seeds 63 individuals who are like
Fruit 30 minded and involved in
Soy Sauce, Mirin, Ponzu 64
Apple Sauce 31 like pursuits.
Butter 31, 32 Sweeteners ~ traditional 66
Cherry Concentrate 32 Barley Malt and Sorghum 66 IV. To cultivate adaptability
Dried Fruit 62 to change in economic,
Tea and Infusions 67
Juice 32 social, and environmental
Tea Bags 68 ~ 70
Grains 33 Loose 68, 69 conditions, to allow Eden
Whole 34 Matcha ~ powdered green tea 70 the opportunity to
Flakes 35 survive long-term.
Tomatoes 71
Chili 15 V. To have a strong, positive
Crushed 72
Mochi 43 impact on farming
Popcorn 36, 61 practices and food
I Content

Rice & Beans 16 ~ 18 processing techniques

throughout the world.
VI. To contribute to peaceful
evolution on Earth.

©2010 Eden Foods, Inc.

Eden Foods
Sustainable Investing
Eden is the oldest natural and organic food company in
North America and the largest independent manufacturer of
dry grocery organic foods. We have deep roots in Michigan,
about twenty miles southwest of Ann Arbor. It is here we
manage grower relations, manufacturing, trucking, quality
control, customer relations, retailer services, marketing,
import/export, accounting, and websites.
Over 95 percent of EDEN foods are sold in natural food stores,
co-ops, and supermarkets via traditional grocery and natural
food distribution channels. Web, employee, and wholesale sales
make up the remainder.
All EDEN food moves through one of our warehouses in
Michigan based since founding in 1968 either southeast Michigan or central California in San
Francisco’s East bay.
42 Years Ago… In 2008 Eden completed a 70,000-square-foot Michigan
Eden began in Ann Arbor in the late 1960s warehouse addition (see p. 7). Design, construction, and
with friends sourcing natural food. Young operations reflect our commitment to sustainable growth and
folks motivated by their study of a worldwide follow green LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental
phenomenon centered upon macrobiotics; Design) principles. Our original builder’s son utilized 80
whole grains, plant based nourishment, and percent recycled steel forged within 500 miles of Eden. The
local food grown and made without toxic building uses energy-efficient lighting and insulation while
chemicals, and not nutrient depleted. preserving native landscaping. This Eden warehouse meets a
Natural foods were simply not available at gold certification level, the second highest rating possible. It is
the time, so they started the Eden food co-op the first LEED engineered building in our county.
to source and bring them in. Their initial $200 Eden tracks the environmental impact of its food upstream
orders to Erewhon in Boston and Chico-san in with suppliers through company operations, and downstream
California were well received and caused a monitoring all social impacts. Energy consumption and waste
local stir. Co-op members traveled rural roads are tracked using customized in-house tools.
knocking on doors, looking for farms to grow In 2009 Eden Foods was selected as the
food using organic methods. best food company in the world, and the
The Eden Co-op grew into a natural food third best company overall by The Better
store offering whole grains, beans, soyfoods, World Shopping Guide. They acknowledged
sea vegetables, miso, cereals, vegetable oils, Eden’s outstanding record in social and
seed and nut butters, and the like. It expanded environmental responsibility. The company
adding a cafeteria, bakery, and books. Known earned A+ and A ratings in ten food
at the time as the Eden Deli, it was one of very categories. This is further explained at
few places in the USA where one could get
natural, organic, and macrobiotic food.
People came from near and far. Health food
stores began calling, asking for help in getting
the foods we carried in our store. The EDEN
brand began to take shape.
In 1972 Eden opened its first warehouse and
established relations with artisan Japanese
traditional food makers. Importation of sea
vegetables, teas, miso, shoyu, umeboshi
plums, kuzu root starch, rice vinegar, rice bran
pickles, mirin, etc., followed, and this
First use of the Eden logo in 1971 on our front door
solidified Eden as an important natural food
Eden staff garden in front of warehouse 2009
source for the United States and Canada.

North American Family Farm EDEN Organic
Organically Grown
Local First Cleansing the Environment
Eden buys all food from, and pays farms directly, in a • Champion of organic family farms –
sustainable way. Most is grown a few miles to a few hundred Society’s brightest hope for positive change
miles from home base. In the Midwest we source wild rice,
beans, spelt, soybeans, cabbage, apples, tart cherries,
• ‘Local first’ purchasing
strawberries, pastry wheat, and tomatoes. Other North • All soy and other beans – USA organic
American family farm organic food includes grains from the • EDEN organic beans in custom cans with
Midwest and Western high plains; almonds, pistachios, brown bisphenol-A (BPA) free linings
rice and chick peas from California; flax and mustard seed from • EDEN organic pasta boxed in 100%
Saskatchewan; dulse from New Brunswick, etc. recycled paperboard
Most cooking and packaging centers around home. Seventy-
seven percent of EDEN items are prepared in Clinton: fresh
• EDENSOY in non-refrigerated, recyclable
Tetra Pak aseptic cartons
milled whole grain flours, gomasio sesame salts, unrefined
vegetable oils, vinegars, soy sauces, roasted almonds and seeds, • Organic pest management practices
packaged snacks, whole grains, sea salt, popcorn and other at all facilities
grain. EDENSOY is made twelve miles east at an affiliate • Committed to Leadership in Energy and
company we founded to bring its manufacture from Japan to Environmental Design (LEED) green
Michigan. Eden Organic Pasta Company is in Detroit. Meridian building technologies
Foods cannery for organic beans, refried beans, rice and beans, • Trucks ecologically designed, configured,
and chilies is in east central Indiana. EDEN organic udon and and operated
soba noodles are made at Sobaya Company in Montréal, PQ. • All used pallet wrap is recycled, reducing
Some EDEN food comes from afar: extra virgin olive oil from total landfill output by 50 percent
Spain, high altitude white and red quinoa from Bolivia,
chamomile from Egypt, and green tea and traditional natural
• Post consumer recycled materials and
biodegradable packaging materials
food from Japan. In this catalog, foods imported used in shipping
from Japan are marked with a map/flag symbol
shown here. All of the soybeans in our miso and • U.S. Department of Energy Clean Cities
Coalition member
soy sauces are non-GMO, USA Midwestern organic.
• Company-wide commitment to reduce,
reuse, recycle, and rethink practices

From all over the continent we hear from
retailers, co-ops, and food service professionals
who would like to have EDEN food, or more of it,
but can’t get it through distributors. We have a
very simple and easy solution:
This B2B website provides any organization an
efficient way to get EDEN food at wholesale
prices. Our expert expeditors ensure wise, cost
effective dispatch.
Free shelf talkers, recipe booklets, product
information, and photo steps sushi instructions
can be ordered as well. Access is at the website,
or by phone at (800) 248-0320 Monday through
Friday 8:00 am to 5:15 pm ET. A warm person
will answer and help you through the simple
Tom Grossman – an Eden Foods organic bean grower steps of opening an account.
for twelve years, just two miles from Eden headquarters

Creation and Maintenance of Purity in Food®
GEO Free
Since 1993 Eden has diligently created a system that totally
avoids genetically engineered food. The GEO industry and
USDA want us to believe commercial scale GEO free food is
impossible; as they’ve intentionally and thoroughly polluted the
food supply. Yet Eden is proof that GEO free food is doable and
we have the records, tests, and food that demonstrate this.
Recently, the Non-GMO Project (The
Project) was created by industry members
from all of its sectors in the USA and
Canada. The Project aims to provide
consumers and makers a third party
non-GMO verification program through
all levels of the supply chain, thus providing verified non-GMO
Growing, protecting, and preparing food alternatives to the consumer. Eden Foods’ President, Michael
Potter, is one of eleven governing members of the board of
Organic Authenticity directors who has been involved in initiating, funding, and
In 1988 after twenty years of our own organic writing standards for The Project. The Project is North
certification, Eden began to work with third- America’s first independent non-GMO verification program
party organic certifiers. Eden systems and utilizing on-site facility audits, document and systems reviews,
manuals for growers and processors were and DNA PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing of all inputs
absorbed by the new organic certifiers and at risk for GMO contamination.
became part of their foundations. To view Eden enrolled foods that have all been verified as
We work with a select group of certifying compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard, visit
agencies including our primary organic certifier,
the Organic Crop Improvement Association
(OCIA). However, we maintain complete Superior Food Safety
responsibility for ensuring organic authenticity. Eden employs AIB International in our mission to ensure
It’s more than paperwork to us. We know our food safety and purity. Since 2000 all Eden distribution centers
growers well. Each uses third-party certifiers and processing facilities have passed AIB’s stringent annual
who work with Eden standards, require an audit audits achieving a ‘Superior’ rating, the highest possible in food
trail, and provide deep transparency. safety and sanitation.
Unfortunately, organic food no longer has to Eden is committed to allergen control. In 2007 we built an
be natural food. There are hundreds of isolated packaging room to eliminate the possibility of wheat
permitted chemicals and ‘allowables’ in the gluten contamination in our gluten-free foods. The room is
USDA National Organic Program (NOP) that severely monitored to ensure our gluten-free food has no
Eden avoids. Despite the national law, contact with wheat allergens.
certification requirements vary widely, all the To ensure the quality of ingredients, Eden maintains an
way to non-existent. Accountability is rare, and in-house laboratory at its Michigan headquarters. Here testing
even rarer when the food is imported from afar. is conducted for the presence
Eden does not consider food ‘certified organic’ of allergens, vomitoxin,
unless we have executed due diligence and aflatoxin, pathogens, and
confirmed authenticity. The same is true for our GMOs; as well as shelf life
non-genetically engineered claims. We test, so studies, protein, pH-acid/
we know, before we say it is. alkaline, Brix, moisture, water
All EDEN organic food meets and exceeds absorption, and overall
requirements for using the USDA organic seal, freshness and quality.
but we choose not to use this seal because it
does not begin to represent Eden standards, in
Lynden Grinnell - testing
practice or in spirit. For further insight please
beans, Eden laboratory

North American Family Farm EDEN Organic
Ecological Pest Control
Eden hired L. Ernest Otter’s family business in 1981 to help
with design and implementation of the first organic Structural
Pest Management program. We established systems for organic
pest management that are safer and more effective than toxic
chemical-based pest control. Mr. Otter says, “Eden’s demand
for the organic method in food handling is unmatched. When
faced with a potential problem, their reaction is not (as many Dennis Lasceski, organic beans, Filion, Michigan
do) to simply move organic product aside and spray with
unapproved pesticides. Their commitment is to truly 79,000 Acres
understand the conditions and ecology of each situation and Each year we visit the families who grow EDEN
solve it accordingly.” organic food. Sitting in their kitchens, inspecting
outbuildings, exchanging updates, sharing ideas,
Kosher k and walking their fields is the only way we know
Eden has managed certification of its kosher foods for more to maintain mutual trust and understand what
than thirty years. Today 92 percent of EDEN foods are kosher. actually motivates them.
Eden chose the Organized Kashrus Laboratories of Brooklyn, We continue to build relations with organic
New York and their k mark because of their reputation for growers and traditional food makers, nurturing
meticulous attention to detail dating back to 1935. We began more than 355 family farms with over 79,000
this after finding our natural foods were already, in general, acres of vibrant organic farmland.
completely qualified for kosher status.
The k when it appears alone, means that a food is ‘pareve’
as well as kosher. Pareve indicates all ingredients, food contact
surfaces, processing, and storage equipment are certified meat
and dairy free.

• A principled natural food company

(organic food no longer has to be natural)
• Independently owned and operated
for over 40 years
• Only the finest food that can be procured
from growers and handlers we know
and trust
Main Facilities • Doing everything it takes to acquire the
Clinton, Michigan - Headquarters absolute best, no shortcuts
Detroit, Michigan - Eden Organic Pasta Company • Full transparency – complete disclosure
Saline, Michigan - American Soy Products of ingredients and all handling
Eaton, Indiana - Meridian Foods • Food that tastes great and is good for you
Union City, California - Western Sales Office / Warehouse
Montréal, Québec - Sobaya Company
• All Eden facilities rated Superior,
AIB International’s highest rating

EDEN Beans
Cream of the Organic Crop
Most cultures have a primary staple grain and a bean to go
with it, because beans and grain combined create the essential
building block ‘complete protein’ with all essential amino acids.
Most regions in the USA have a local popular bean, like navy
beans in New England, black eyed peas in the South, and pinto
beans in the Southwest. We all have favorites, and Eden brings
you the cream of the USA organic crop every year. The finest
EDEN Cannellini Beans, New York
sustainable supply beans in this country.
“…Best…Plant Food…” Where EDEN Beans Grow
“Beans are probably the best human plant Since 1968 we have worked to secure organic beans from
food there is,” says plant geneticist, George L. local family farms. These salt-of-the-earth growers have used
Hosfield, referring to the high protein, high organic methods now for decades. Their rich vital soil teems
fiber, low fat, vitamins, minerals, and anti- with life and their practiced tending produces the finest beans
oxidants of beans. Dr. Hosfield and research at on earth. Most EDEN beans are grown in the Midwest within a
Michigan State University discovered high few to a few hundred miles of our headquarters, but by
amounts of potent antioxidants in bean skins, necessity, garbanzo beans are grown in Arizona or southern
especially in dark color beans. For proper health California, and green lentils in Montana.
benefits you must choose great, pure beans.
Compare the labels of EDEN beans with other Magnificent with No Additives
canned beans and the difference is striking. All We were sure the convenience of precooked organic beans
EDEN beans are at least a good source of fiber, would be appreciated, so we located a cannery with an
and most are excellent with over 20% daily value established reputation for the best ‘fill and finish,’ and began
(DV) per serving. They all provide potassium, canning EDEN beans in 1991. Since then all EDEN beans are
B vitamins (including folate B9), antioxidants, thoroughly cooked at Meridian Foods, our certified organic k
and many efficacious phytonutrients. cannery in east central Indiana, in ways that we perfected in
our home kitchens.
All water used for the beans, in washing, soaking, and
cooking, is purified water. The beans are soaked overnight, an
essential but rare step, to make them easy to digest. Most are
cooked with a bit of kombu sea vegetable. You don’t taste the
kombu, but its valuable amino acid profile smooths their mouth
feel and enhances their flavor.

• USA family grown in rich vital soil What’s Not Included

EDEN organic Since April 1999 EDEN beans feature cans with a baked-on
• Soaked overnight, thoroughly cooked c-enamel lining that does not contain the endocrine
• Delicious seasoned, refried, and disruptor bisphenol-A (BPA). Only Eden pays the
no-salt-added varieties 14 percent premium to avoid bisphenol-A. We are
(see Rice & Beans, p. 16) told by the Ball Corporation that Eden is the only
• Bisphenol-A free custom cans U.S. food manufacturer to date that uses these
bisphenol-A free lined cans.
• Low fat, no cholesterol, and no calcium
I Eden Beans

chloride or disodium EDTA In planning to make canned beans we were told it was
necessary to add at least two chemicals: calcium chloride to
• EDEN organic k pareve harden the skins so they wouldn’t fall apart in cooking, and
• Number-one rated by Men’s Health, calcium disodium EDTA to hold the color. These chemicals are
and Nutrition Action Healthletter in virtually all canned beans. We tried them with just beans and
Heart Healthy pure water and they came out perfectly. Due to the vital soil
Diets containing foods that are a good source of potassium and that are low that produces these beans, their much higher mineral content
in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. Diets low in
saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy protein a day may and stronger skins allows them to be cooked without need of
reduce the risk of heart disease. - FDA
these very undesirable processing chemicals.
DEN Beans
Aduki Beans Black Beans
Organic k Organic k

Phaseolus vulgaris, a Mexican

The deep red Aduki bean (aka native member of the kidney
Adzuki, Azuki), Vigna bean family. Totally versatile and
angularis, is a strength tonic in interchangeable with pinto beans
macrobiotics and a staple in in Mexican dishes. Great in salsa.
Japan, where it’s made into
celebratory dishes. Excellent 15 oz: Organic Black Turtle Beans,
source of soluble fiber. Water, Kombu Seaweed
108 oz: Organic Black Turtle Beans,
Organic Aduki Beans, Water, Sea Salt, Kombu Seaweed
Water, Kombu Seaweed
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 102980 0 24182 00253 9 14 lb 12 / 15 oz
102970 0 24182 00252 2 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 102978 0 24182 00265 2 47 lb 6 / 108 oz

Black Eyed Peas Black Soybeans

Organic k Organic k

Black eyed peas, Vigna

The best edible soybean, Glycine
unguiculata, originated in Africa
max. Excellent source of protein
and are a staple in the American
and fiber with 5 grams of omega
South. Serve with greens, grain,
3, 6, and 9 essential fatty acids
and vegetables. It’s a conveyor of
(EFAs), and 40mg of antioxidant
good luck in the traditional New
isoflavones per half cup serving.
Year’s dish Hoppin’ John.
Promotes cardiovascular health.
Excellent source of thiamin B1.
Organic Black Eyed Peas, Organic Black Soybeans,
Water, Kombu Seaweed Water, Kombu Seaweed

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103120 0 24182 00259 1 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103050 0 24182 00220 1 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Butter Beans Crown Prince of Beans

Baby Lima Beans Organic k Eden’s president traveled to Asia in the 1970s
and brought back black soybean seed, initiating
Phaseolus lunatus, aka certifying organic cultivation in North America of
Carolina or Sieva beans. With these delicious, naturally sweet beans. EDEN brand
their larger cousin, P. limensis, is the only canned organic black soybeans.
they are Guatemala natives. A Highly valued as the ‘Crown Prince’ of all beans
must for succotash with sweet
in Japan. Their name, ‘kuro-mame,’ means
I Eden Beans

corn, in soups and stews, or

mashed with millet. Excellent ‘hardworking’ and stands for ‘bodily strength and
thiamin B1. health’. Nutritionally superior to yellow soybeans,
EDEN Organic Black Soybeans are lower in fat and
Organic Butter Beans, carbohydrates, and higher in iron, potassium,
Water, Kombu Seaweed
and vitamin A. Antioxidant anthocyanins found
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack in their black skin support heart health
103130 0 24182 00258 4 14 lb 12 / 15 oz and healthy weight management.

EDEN Beans
Cannellini - White Kidney Beans
Organic k Mediterranean Staple
A staple of the Mediterranean diet, cannellini
Creamy and sweet. Sautéed with is a large white kidney bean native to Argentina,
EDEN Olive Oil and herbs it’s the introduced to Europe by Spanish and Portuguese
Tuscan tradition. Excellent source explorers. Called the Italian kidney bean, it is a
of fiber and thiamin B1. staple in every Italian kitchen and the only bean to
15 oz: Organic White Kidney Beans be simply called ‘fagioli’ or bean. Immensely
(Cannellini), Water, Kombu Seaweed popular in Tuscany and the basic ingredient in
108 oz: White Kidney Beans minestrone soup and antipasto salad.
(Cannellini), Water, Sea Salt, EDEN Cannellini Beans are mild tasting with a
Kombu Seaweed firm texture that holds its shape. They’re ideal for
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack long simmered dishes, creamy dips for crostini
103100 0 24182 00256 0 14 lb 12 / 15 oz and crackers, and in bean and pasta salads.
103108 0 24182 00266 9 47 lb 6 / 108 oz

Garbanzo Beans - Chick Peas Great Northern Beans

Organic k Organic k

For hummus, blend with A mild soft skin white bean,

sesame tahini, garlic, sea salt, Phaseolus vulgaris. Second most
and lemon. Excellent source of common in baked beans. Works
soluble fiber. Cicer arietinum, well in all recipes. The French
are also known as Ceci. dish cassoulet is built upon
15 oz: Organic Garbanzo Beans, them. Delicious marinated.
Water, Kombu Seaweed Excellent fiber, providing 8
grams per serving or 32% DV.
108 oz: Organic Garbanzo Beans,
Water, Sea Salt, Kombu Seaweed Organic Great Northern Beans,
Water, Kombu Seaweed
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102960 0 24182 00251 5 14 lb 12 / 15 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102958 0 24182 00263 8 47 lb 6 / 108 oz 103004 0 24182 00087 0 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Prestigious Affirmations Kidney Beans - Dark Red

EDEN organic beans received high praise in the Organic k
January-February 2009 Nutrition Action Healthletter,
Highest fiber EDEN bean
the third time EDEN beans have been complimented by providing 40% DV. Rich in
this respected Healthletter. flavor and antioxidants. Good
Twelve varieties of EDEN organic no-salt-added source of protein, potassium,
beans were acclaimed for being naturally low in magnesium, and thiamin B1.
Promotes cardiovascular health.
I Eden Beans

sodium without the refined salt added to most

commercial beans. The Healthletter noted EDEN beans 15 oz: Organic Kidney Beans,
are firm, not too soft, and that all EDEN beans are in Water, Kombu Seaweed
bisphenol-A free lined cans. 108 oz: Organic Kidney Beans,
In 2006 Men’s Health selected EDEN organic refried Water, Sea Salt, Kombu Seaweed
beans for the second time as the BEST for flavor and Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
nutrition. “We ate them all, to see if they passed the 102990 0 24182 00254 6 14 lb 12 / 15 oz
only test that really matters – the taste test.” 102988 0 24182 00264 5 47 lb 6 / 108 oz

EDEN Beans
Navy Beans Heart Healthy Beans
Organic k EDEN beans are good for the heart: low saturated fat,
high antioxidants and essential B vitamins like folate,
and a great source of excellent fiber.
A European native, small
version of cannellini and great Some have a ‘Heart Healthy’ symbol on their label.
northern beans, brought to These meet FDA’s criteria for the claim ‘Promotes
Boston by the English Navy. The Cardiovascular Health’ as a good source of potassium
most popular bean in England while being low sodium, low fat, and cholesterol free.
and in baked beans. Excellent EDEN Black Soybeans meet another FDA heart
source of soluble fiber.
health claim as they’re rich in soy protein;
Organic Navy Beans, a half-cup serving provides 11 grams of protein.
Water, Kombu Seaweed “25 grams of soy protein a day as part of a diet
low in saturated fat and cholesterol may
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.”
103000 0 24182 00255 3 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Pinto Beans Small Red Beans

Organic k Organic k

Most common U.S. bean in a The Cajun half of red beans and
USA family farm organic version. rice, Phaseolus vulgaris. Softer
Mexican food mainstay. skins than the kidney bean.
Heart Healthy. Excellent fiber and a good source
15 oz: Organic Pinto Beans,
of protein, magnesium, and zinc.
Water, Kombu Seaweed Antioxidant rich food, even more
than in blueberries.
108 oz: Organic Pinto Beans,
Water, Sea Salt, Kombu Seaweed Organic Small Red Beans,
Water, Kombu Seaweed
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102950 0 24182 00250 8 14 lb 12 / 15 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102956 0 24182 00262 1 47 lb 6/108 oz 103110 0 24182 00257 7 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Food Service Size Cans - BPA Free

EDEN USA family farm organic beans in No. 10,
108 oz cans are ideal for discriminating chefs, food
service professionals, and large families who
appreciate purity, potent nutrition, and excellent
value. Five low sodium offerings soaked overnight
and expertly cooked at our kosher pareve cannery
with purified water, a bit of sea salt, and nutritious
I Eden Beans

kombu sea vegetable. EDEN is the only brand using

premium bisphenol-A (BPA) free can linings.
• Black • Cannellini • Garbanzo
• Kidney • Pinto

EDEN Seasoned Beans
Baked Navy Beans w/ Sorghum Caribbean Black Beans
Organic k Black Turtle Organic k

Smooth, lively flavor with an

Sparkling classic! Excellent source
EDEN organic Caribbean spice
of fiber, magnesium, and iron.
blend. Good source of potassium.
Good source of protein,
Promotes cardiovascular health.
potassium, zinc, and calcium.
Promotes cardiovascular health. Organic Black Turtle Beans, Water,
Organic Minced Dried Onion, Sea Salt,
Organic Navy Beans, Water,
Organic Paprika Powder, Organic
Organic Sorghum, Organic Tomato
Cayenne Pepper Powder, Organic
Puree, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar,
Cumin Powder, Organic Garlic Powder,
Organic Mustard Seed, Organic
Organic Cinnamon Powder, Organic
Onion, Organic Spices, Sea Salt
Black Pepper Powder
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103080 0 24182 00285 0 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103145 0 24182 00272 0 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Chili Beans Lentils with Onion & Bay Leaf

Dark Red Kidney Organic k Green Lentils Organic k

Dark red chili beans with Green lentils, Lens culinaris, in

the finest organic spices. savory sauce. Soup, entrée, or
Excellent fiber and zinc. side. A superb speedy soup starter
with Eden organic tomatoes,
Organic Kidney Beans, Water,
Organic Tomato Puree, Organic vegetables, etc.
Shoyu (Water, Organic Whole Organic Lentils, Water, Organic
Soybeans, Organic Whole Wheat,
Sea Salt), Organic Brown Rice Flour, Tomato, Organic Shoyu (Water, Whole
Organic Chili and Jalapeño Peppers, Organic Soybeans, Whole Organic
Organic Onion, Organic Garlic, Wheat, Sea Salt), Organic Onion,
Organic Paprika, Organic Spices Organic Garlic, Organic Bay Leaf

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103070 0 24182 00284 3 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103090 0 24182 00286 7 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Easy-to-Read Date Coding Spicy Pinto Beans

I Eden Seasoned Beans

‘Best if Used By’ date codes are found on all EDEN Organic k
canned beans. Due to popular demand, this NEW
improved date coding is on all EDEN organic seasoned, With Eden organic spices,
unseasoned, refried, rice & beans, and chili. The code chili peppers, and jalapeños.
starts with the year’s four digits followed by a two letter
Organic Pinto Beans, Water,
month abbreviation, and then the numbers of the day. Organic Tomato Puree, Organic
The old Julian Date Code will continue to be stated as Shoyu (Water, Organic Whole
well. Both the Julian and Best By codes are printed on Soybeans, Whole Organic Wheat,
the top of each can. Sea Salt), Organic Brown Rice Flour,
Organic Chili and Jalapeño Peppers,
New format ‘Best if Used By’ data makes reading date
Organic Onion, Organic Garlic,
codes much quicker and should assists retailers in Organic Paprika, Organic Spices
managing product rotation to ensure freshness.
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

example: 2012MA05 a 103040 0 24182 00230 0 14 lb 12 / 15 oz
USA Dry Beans in boxes
Artfully Grown & Tended Sustainable Supply
All EDEN organic beans are USA family farm grown, EDEN beans do not need cosmetic makeovers.
most in Michigan’s thumb, some in upstate New York They are quite beautiful as they come from the fields.
and Idaho, and chickpeas in California and Arizona. Sophisticated cleaning separates foreign materials and
Great care in handling these precious beans is off-color beans from those we cook and package. None
skillfully employed. There are two harvesting and of the dozens of cosmetic operations are needed to
drying methods. Most commonly mature plants are cover up or alter their natural appearance to make
cut and field laid into ‘windrows’ where they sun and them appear what they’re not.
air dry. These beans are then combine harvested and Most so-called ‘organic’ beans sold in the
placed in bins for further drying when necessary. USA and Canada are imported from
Slow drying prevents splitting or cracking. The other China and South America. They do not
method, ‘direct cut,’ does not involve windrows. make the grade at Eden. We select the
Traditionally, bean growers expect one out of every finest beans that best nourish our
seven years to get no crop due to not enough or too well-being, and that of our loved
much rain. Vital organic soil, on the other hand, ones, our patrons, and local
affords excellent protection from weather extremes. sustainable supply.

Black Beans - Dry Garbanzos - Chick Peas - Dry

Organic k Organic k

USA small farm organically The ideal salad bean. Used in

grown, aka black turtle and falafel and for hummus spread.
Mexican black. A favorite for Most common in Middle Eastern
burritos, tacos, salsa, soups, cuisine. Great in the chilled soup
stews, and dips. Rich fiber, gazpacho. Mild sweet flavor.
protein, iron, and B1. About Rich in fiber and folate B9.
9 servings.
Organic Garbanzo Beans
Organic Black Turtle Beans

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102820 0 24182 02100 4 13.75 lb 12 / 16 oz 102750 0 24182 02101 1 13.75 lb 12 / 16 oz

I USA Dry Beans in boxes

Kidney Beans - Dark Red - Dry Cooking Dry Beans
Organic k For best results place beans in a bowl and wash three
times with cold water. Cover the beans with three
inches of cold water and soak for six to eight hours or
Large, dark red, and rich in overnight. Discard the soaking water (water plants).
antioxidants. Also called chili Boiling beans is most common, but a pressure cooker
bean. Ideal for chili, salads, and also works great. To boil cook, place the soaked beans
refried beans. Rich flavor. in a heavy pot, cover with three to four inches of cold
Excellent fiber and B1. water, bring to a boil, cover, reduce flame, and simmer
Organic Dark Red Kidney Beans for about one-and-a-half hours or until tender. Add
more water if needed. Cook them with a two-inch strip
of EDEN Kombu (p. 58) to help soften them and aid
digestion (we use it in EDEN canned beans). A chart for
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack cooking beans is at
102800 0 24182 02103 5 13.75 lb 12 / 16 oz

OrganicDry USA
Dry Dry
USABeans Beans
in boxes
Lentils - Dry EDEN dry bulk beans are a discriminating choice
Green Lentils Organic k
for food service, retailers, co-ops, schools, health care
organizations, etc. Families can also enjoy pure
savings. Many choose to share a bag with friends.
A small round, lens shaped Eden acquires dried beans directly from farms where
legume, Lens culinaris. Popular
they’re grown. We store them at a cool dry 55ºF in
in Middle Eastern and Indian
dishes as dal. Ideal for soup, our certified organic, AIB Superior rated Michigan
pate’, curry, salad, with rice or warehouse for maximum protection and freshness.
any grain. High in fiber, iron, Stored properly in a dark, dry, cool place, EDEN
thiamin B1, and folate B9. beans will keep indefinitely; however, we suggest
Organic Green Lentils using them within two years of purchase. Detailed
preparation instructions for each can be found at on the bulk bean pages.
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102710 0 24182 02102 8 13.75 lb 12 / 16 oz
Organic Dry Beans - Bulk k

Navy Beans - Dry Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Organic k
Aduki Beans Vigna angularis

A small white bean as American 102771 0 24812 01002 2 26 lb 25 lb

as apple pie. Used for Senate
Bean Soup and Boston Baked Black Soybeans Glycine max
Beans. Versatile in soup, white
bean chili, casseroles, dips, and 102814 0 24812 01003 9 26 lb 25 lb
salads. England’s favorite bean.
Rich in fiber, iron, and thiamin Black Turtle Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
102816 0 24812 01004 6 26 lb 25 lb
Organic Navy Beans
Dark Red Kidney Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102845 0 24182 02104 2 13.75 lb 12 / 16 oz 102796 0 24812 01005 3 26 lb 25 lb
Green Lentils Lens culinaris
I Organic USA Dry Beans
I USA Dry Beans in boxes

Pinto Beans - Dry 102700 0 24812 01006 0 26 lb 25 lb

Organic k
Green Split Peas Pisum sativa

102725 0 24812 01007 7 26 lb 25 lb

Medium light brown bean with
splashes of red, hence its Spanish Navy Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
name meaning ‘painted.’ Mildly
sweet flavor and creamy texture. 102838 0 24812 01008 4 26 lb 25 lb
The versatile Mexican staple.
Most common USA bean. Pinto Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
Organic Pinto Beans 102900 0 24812 01009 1 26 lb 25 lb
Small Red Beans Phaseolus vulgaris
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102905 0 24182 02105 9 13.75 lb 12 / 16 oz 102850 0 24812 01010 7 26 lb 25 lb

EDEN Chili
EDEN Organic – Classic Chili Flavor
Stews made of beans, grain, vegetables, and
seasonings are enjoyed the world over for good
reason – they deeply satisfy. Stews of the chili variety
are an American favorite. Eden makes four unique
chilies from EDEN organic foods and seasonings,
providing pleasure and sustained satisfaction.
EDEN chilies contain beans, whole grain, and maitake • USA family farm beans and grain
mushroom; the black bean chili also has shiitake
mushroom. All are made with organic vegetables and
• Bisphenol-A free custom cans
organic spices. Beans, barley, kamut, and spelt are USA • Grocery Headquarters awarded
family organic; quinoa is high altitude grown in the 2010 Best New Meal Maker
Andes. Each is prepared at Eden’s Meridian Foods • EDEN organic k pareve
certified organic cannery. The beans are soaked • Grain and bean complete protein
overnight, combined with whole grain, and cooked in • No fat added or refined protein (TVP)
a spicy rich sauce. Mere minutes from pantry to palate.

Black Beans & Quinoa Chili Great Northern & Barley Chili
Organic k Organic k

White bean with barley and

Black turtle bean and quinoa with maitake mushrooms cooked in
shiitake and maitake mushrooms. a rich spicy sauce.
Gluten free.
Water, Organic Great Northern
Water, Organic Black Beans, Organic Beans, Organic Partially Pearled
Quinoa, Organic Tomato Puree, Barley, Organic Tomato Puree,
Organic Onion, Sea Salt, Organic Organic Short Grain Brown Rice
Garlic, Organic Chili Pepper, Shiitake Flour, Maitake Mushrooms, Organic
Mushrooms, Organic Red Bell Pepper, Onions, Organic Chili Pepper, Sea
Organic Short Grain Brown Rice Flour, Salt, Organic Red Bell Pepper,
Maitake Mushrooms, Organic Spices Organic Garlic, Organic Spices
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103234 0 24182 00237 9 14 lb 12 / 14 oz 103238 0 24182 00235 5 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz

Kidney Beans & Kamut Chili Pinto Beans & Spelt Chili
Organic k Organic k

Quintessential chili bean with

kamut in a rich chili sauce. Pintos and cheerful spelt wheat
Potent pleasing nourishment. for ‘full’ texture. Savory flavor
that deeply satisfies.
Water, Organic Kidney Beans,
Organic Whole Grain Kamut Wheat, Water, Organic Pinto Beans, Organic
I Eden Chili

Organic Tomato Puree, Maitake Whole Grain Spelt Wheat, Organic

Mushrooms, Organic Onions, Organic Tomato Puree, Maitake Mushrooms,
Chili Pepper, Sea Salt, Organic Red Organic Onion, Organic Chili Pepper,
Bell Pepper, Organic Green Bell Sea Salt, Organic Red Bell Pepper,
Pepper, Organic Garlic, Organic Organic Garlic, Organic Spices
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103236 0 24182 00238 6 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz 103232 0 24182 00236 2 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz

EDEN Brown Rice & Beans
Pure Nourishment
Food more comforting than rice and beans is rare. They
symbolize simple good things that go hand in hand. Rice and
beans deeply satisfy providing fundamental nourishment with
complete protein, complex carbohydrates, and precious
vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Rice and bean dishes
grace nearly every corner of the world, notably in
Latin America where such meals have been
culturally central for hundreds of years. The
Rice and beans nurture intuition Portuguese took rice to Brazil, and the Spanish
Entrée or quick recipe starter introduced it throughout the Caribbean. As
cultivation expanded in the southern Americas and
Quick Homemade Fare up the Mississippi, tasty dishes were created of rice
With EDEN rice & beans in your pantry and beans with treasured local seasonings that eventually
it’s super easy to make wholesome meals in became defining in the region’s culture.
minutes. Just heat, stir, and serve. Add flourish Inspired by traditional recipes, Eden crafted the first and
and seasonings for quick, hearty burritos by only precooked organic brown rice and beans in a can;
spooning onto a tortilla with vegetables and bisphenol-A free lined can. There are ten varieties, each
salsa. For satisfying soup or stew simply mix perfectly cooked requiring just minutes to serve.
them with a variety of fresh vegetables, EDEN
tomatoes, water or stock, tweak the seasonings, Seasoned, Cooked, and Ready
add some EDEN shoyu, and simmer until the EDEN rice & beans are made of USA family farm organically
vegetables are tender. grown Lundberg organic short grain brown rice and EDEN
beans, organic vegetables, herbs, and spices. They are prepared
• USA family farm organic rice & beans, at our certified organic cannery. Beans are soaked overnight,
delightfully prepared blanched, and combined with brown rice, organic seasonings,
• Fast and easy pure meals and a pinch of EDEN sea salt before cooking.
EDEN rice & beans come in custom made cans coated with a
• Ten original recipes baked-on oleoresinous c-enamel that does not contain the
• Low sodium offerings endocrine disrupter, bisphenol-A (BPA). Oleoresin is a natural
• Bisphenol-A free can lining mixture of oil and resin extracted from plants, such as pine or
• Heat, stir, and serve balsam fir. These cans are available from the Ball Corporation,
• EDEN organic k pareve yet no one else in North America uses them. They cost
I Eden Brown Rice & Beans

14 percent more, but to us, this decision was a no-brainer.

Caribbean Rice & Black Beans Mexican Rice & Black Beans
Organic k Organic k

Classic Mexican rice and black

Fast and tasty. Zesty flavor from beans. Lundberg short grain
organic spices and organic brown rice, organic beans, and
vegetables. Low sodium. organic seasonings.
Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain
Brown Rice, Organic Black Turtle Brown Rice, Organic Black Beans,
Beans, Organic Onion Flakes, Organic Tomato Puree, Organic Minced
Organic Paprika Powder, Organic Onion, Sea Salt, Organic Minced Garlic,
Garlic Powder, Sea Salt, Organic Organic Cumin Powder, Organic Chili
Cumin Powder, Organic Cayenne Flakes, Organic Basil Flakes, Organic
Pepper, Organic Cinnamon Powder Paprika Powder, Organic Black Pepper
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103215 0 24182 00225 6 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103218 0 24182 00232 4 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

EDEN Brown Rice & Beans
Rice & Garbanzo Beans Moroccan Rice & Garbanzo Beans
Organic k Chick Peas Organic k

Rich floral aroma and flavors.

Mildly seasoned. USA grown
Traditional Moroccan recipe.
Eden organic. Fast and easy.
Good source of folate B9 Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain
and magnesium. Brown Rice, Organic Garbanzo Beans,
Organic Minced Onion, Sea Salt,
Water, Organic Lundberg Short
Organic Coriander, Organic Turmeric,
Grain Brown Rice, Organic Garbanzo
Organic Cumin, Organic Cardamon,
Beans, Organic Onion Flakes, Organic
Organic Fenugreek, Organic Chili
Garlic Powder, Sea Salt, Organic
Pepper, Organic Cinnamon, Organic
Parsley Flakes
Black Pepper, Organic Cloves

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103210 0 24182 00223 2 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103213 0 24182 00229 4 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Rice & Kidney Beans Rice & Lentils
Organic k Organic k

Green lentils and organic short

Dark red kidney bean skins are a grain brown rice with savory
particularly rich source of potent seasoning. Great soup starter,
antioxidants and phytonutrients. entrée, or side.
Good fiber and magnesium.
Water, Organic Lundberg Short
Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain Grain Brown Rice, Organic Lentils,
Brown Rice, Organic Kidney Beans, Organic Onion Flakes, Organic
Organic Onion Flakes, Garlic Powder, Sea Salt, Organic
Organic Garlic Powder, Sea Salt, Parsley Flakes, Organic Bay Leaf
Organic Parsley Flakes Powder, Organic Cumin Powder,
Organic Cayenne Pepper
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103220 0 24182 00222 5 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

I Eden Brown Rice & Beans

103225 0 24182 00227 0 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Curried Rice & Lentils Rice & Pinto Beans

Organic k Organic k

Rice, green lentils, and traditional Three minute meals in the pantry
organic curry spices with tumeric sound good? Eden rice & beans
for a bracing meal. mixed with a can of Eden refried
beans, add a little water or olive
Water, Organic Lundberg Short oil. Heat, mix, and onto a tortilla.
Grain Brown Rice, Organic Lentils, Garnish to taste.
Organic Minced Onion, Sea Salt,
Organic Coriander, Organic Turmeric, Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain
Organic Cumin, Organic Cardamon, Brown Rice, Organic Pinto Beans,
Organic Chili Pepper, Organic Organic Onion Flakes, Organic Garlic
Cinnamon, Organic Black Pepper Powder, Sea Salt

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103228 0 24182 00234 8 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103205 0 24182 00224 9 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

EDEN Brown Rice & Beans
Spanish Rice & Pinto Beans Cajun Rice & Small Red Beans
I Brown Rice & Beans

Organic k Organic k

Lundberg short grain brown rice Red beans and rice. Cajun classic
with EDEN pinto beans in an authentic recipe. A best seller.
organic spicy tomato sauce.
Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain
Water, Organic Lundberg Short Grain Brown Rice, Organic Small Red Beans,
Brown Rice, Organic Pinto Beans, Organic Tomato Puree, Organic Onion
Organic Tomato Puree, Organic Flakes, Organic Garlic Powder, Organic
Minced Onion, Organic Minced Garlic, Dried Red Pepper Flakes, Sea Salt,
Sea Salt, Organic Cumin Powder, Organic Cayenne Pepper, Organic
Organic Basil Flakes, Organic Paprika Parsley Flakes, Organic Bay Leaf
Powder, Organic Chili Flakes, Organic Powder, Organic Black Pepper,
Black Pepper Organic Cumin
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103208 0 24182 00228 7 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 103230 0 24182 00226 3 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Eden Refried Beans

Creamy Goodness • USA family farm EDEN beans
EDEN refried beans are made of creamy, USA
family organic, pureed and whole beans. In Spanish,
• 100% organic spices
refried beans are called ‘refrito,’ meaning dried • Men’s Health Best Foods for Men award
beans cooked, mashed, and fried with seasonings. • Six offerings – four lightly salted, two spicy
The cooking and mashing are done, just heat with a • 50% less sodium
small amount of water and/or olive oil, sauté in than others
some vegetables and serve. Six flavors, four lightly
salted and two spicy varieties. With EDEN refried
• Bisphenol-A free
custom cans
beans in your pantry, quick satisfying fiber-rich
meals are minutes away: tacos, burritos, tostadas, • EDEN organic
quesadillas, nachos, dips, cream soups, etc. k pareve

Refried beans have a recipe printed on the back.

Refried Black Beans Refried Black Soy & Black Beans

Organic k Organic k
I Eden Refried Beans

A 50-50 blend of Michigan black

A puree with whole bean pieces
turtle beans and black soybeans.
and a bit of EDEN Sea Salt. No
A creamy puree lightly salted
spices added, so season to taste.
without spices. Rich in fiber and
Low fat. Excellent source of fiber
a good source of protein, iron,
and a good source of protein,
and potassium. 14mg isoflavones
iron, potassium, and magnesium.
and 2 grams of EFAs per serving.
Organic Black Beans,
Organic Black Soybeans,
Water, Sea Salt
Organic Black Beans, Water, Sea Salt

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103160 0 24182 00299 7 15 lb 12 / 16 oz 103180 0 24182 00297 3 14.25 lb 12 / 15 oz

EDEN Refried Beans
All Eden refried beans have
a Refried
recipe printedKidney Beans
on the back. Spicy Cajun Red Beans & Rice Burritos
Organic k 10 organic sprouted grain tortilla shells, 8 inch
2 T EDEN Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup onion, diced
1/2 cup red bell pepper, diced
Adobe red puree of dark red 1 15 oz can EDEN Organic Cajun Rice & Small Red Beans
kidneys with pieces of whole bean. 1 15 oz can EDEN Organic Refried Kidney Beans
Excellent source of fiber and a 1/2 cup organic salsa
good source of protein, potassium, 1 cup romaine lettuce, shredded
iron, and magnesium. Preheat oven to 300°. Place shells in a covered
Organic Kidney Beans, casserole dish and heat until warm. Heat oil in skillet
Water, Sea Salt and sauté onions and peppers 1 to 2 minutes. Add rice
and beans, sauté 5 minutes. Add refried beans and
mix. Cover, reduce flame to low. Cook until rice and
beans are hot; stir often. When shells and rice and
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack beans are hot, place on each tortilla. Top with salsa
103170 0 24182 00296 6 14.25 lb 12 / 15 oz and lettuce, roll up, and serve. Makes 10 burritos.

Refried Pinto Beans Spicy Refried Black Beans

Organic k Organic k

Rosy puree with pieces of Organic spices and organic

whole pintos, lightly salted, vegetables. Low fat, rich fiber, a
and cooked without spices. good source of protein, iron,
Low fat, excellent source potassium, and magnesium.
of fiber, and a good source
of protein, potassium, and Organic Black Beans, Water,
magnesium. These refrieds Organic Red Bell Pepper,
make great creamy soups. Organic Chili Pepper, Sea Salt,
Organic Cumin, Organic Onion,
Organic Pinto Beans, Organic Garlic, Organic Cayenne,
Water, Sea Salt Organic Paprika, Organic Jalapeño

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103150 0 24182 00298 0 15 lb 12 / 16 oz 103200 0 24182 00294 2 15 lb 12 / 16 oz

Spicy Refried Pinto Beans “

Organic k “The contamination of our world is not alone a matter

I Eden Refried Beans

of mass spraying. Indeed, for most of us this is of less
Organic spices and organic importance than the innumerable small-scale exposures
vegetables. Low fat, rich in fiber to which we are subjected day by day, year after year.
and a good source of protein,
potassium, and magnesium. Like the constant dripping of water that in turn wears
away the hardest stone, this birth-to-death contact with
Organic Pinto Beans, Water, dangerous chemicals may in the end prove disastrous.
Organic Red Bell Pepper,
Organic Chili Pepper, Sea Salt, Each of these recurrent exposures, no matter how
Organic Cumin, Organic Onion, slight, contributes to the progressive buildup of
Organic Garlic, Organic Cayenne, chemicals in our bodies and so to cumulative poisoning.”
Organic Paprika, Organic Jalapeño - Rachel L. Carson’s Silent Spring, 1962
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Chapter 11 b
103190 0 24182 00295 9 15 lb 12 / 16 oz
“ 11
Food Concentrates & Probiotic
Importance of Bifidobacteria
Bifidobacterium longum is the most important intestinal
bacterium. A large amount of bacteria of many kinds exist in
our intestines. If they exist in particular balance, they all
nurture well-being. When conditions foster imbalance and
excesses of non-beneficial bacteria, a probiotic supplement of
beneficial bacteria is amazingly effective. Beneficial bacteria
create and maintain balance while producing rejuvenating
enzymes; vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12; biotin H; folate B; and
phytonutrients as they correct pH and eliminate problem and
discomfort-causing bacteria.
Healthy levels of bifidobacteria are depleted by alcohol,
antibiotics, caffeine, pollution, stress, junk food, and aging.
Yet because this anaerobic bacteria cannot survive stomach
acid, heat, or oxygen, supplementing with an effective live dose
has been often promised, but impossible – until Bifa-15.
left - Plum balls and ume plum blossoms
right - Yansen tea and dandelion blossoms Live Delivery Microcapsule
Bifa-15 is a one-of-a-kind probiotic supplement using a
Purify & Strengthen patented delivery system to introduce friendly, live
bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli directly into the large intestine.
Ume plum, dandelion, and bifidobacteria are
The functional and valuable feature of Bifa-15 is its patented
unique in their balancing and strengthening
microcapsule delivery system. It is the first of its kind; the
properties. Innovative craftsmenship provides
result of decades of research by the 200-year-old Morishita
easy access to the vigor and potent benefit they
Jintan Company of Osaka, Japan. The tiny (1mm) seamless
can afford us.
microcapsules are designed to deliver live bifidobacteria to
EDEN Plum Balls, Ume Plum Concentrate,
the large intestine – their natural ‘home address.’ The capsules
and Yansen Dandelion Root Concentrate are
protect the bacteria from air, stomach acid, and heat. They
treasured traditional health food ingeniously
only release into the large intestine.
I Food Concentrates & Probiotic

offered in quick, easy, and effective forms.

Each tube of Bifa-15 delivers to the large intestines two
Bifa-15® harnesses state-of-the-art food
billion living Bifidobacteria longum and one billion friendly
science to help us restore and maintain vital
lactic acid producing bacteria, Lactobacillus acidophilus and
intestinal balance where, according to tradition,
Enterococcus faecium. Both increase bifidobacteria longevity.
well-being is created and sustained.
Refreshing, Easy, and Handy
• First effective intestinal delivery Bifa-15 comes in convenient single-dose tubes that are easy
system of bifidobacteria to open and handy for purses, pockets, briefcases, etc. Each
tube contains microcapsules with pleasantly flavored
• Patented seamless microcapsules oligosaccharide granules, a sugar complex that helps
ensure live delivery
bifidobacteria thrive. The granules of oligosaccharides, lemon
• Two billion living Bifidobacteria and oil, and botanical essences promote bifidobacteria growth and
one billion living Lactobacillus bacteria deliver a most refreshing taste experience.
• Prebiotic oligosaccharides help Bifa-15 can be taken any time of day, with or without food.
friendly bacteria thrive To take Bifa-15, tear the tube at the dotted end and pour it
• Refreshing plant essences under your tongue. Plant essences prompt saliva making it
easy to swallow, or it can be taken with water. Do not chew, as
• Single dose tubes it breaks the capsules, defeating their purpose. Don’t take with
easy to have
at hand hot liquids. Bifa-15 does not require refrigeration but should
be protected from high heat; don’t leave it in a hot car, for
• No refrigeration instance. Please read and follow the instructions.
Enjoy Intestinal Fortitude. Bifa-15 creates it.
For further information go to
Food Concentrates & Probiotic
Bifidophilus Probiotic Bifa-15 Ume Plum Balls
24 / 3 Tube Packs or 30 Tube / Boxes 260 Count

Probiotic supplement with 50-50 ume plum concentrate

seamless micro encapsulation and jinenjo mountain yam flour
delivery system for bifidobacteria. formed into quarter gram balls.
Called ‘king of alkaline food’,
Erythritol, Lactose, Glycerin, ume is used in traditional
Raffinose, Gelatin, Citric Acid, regimens to foster optimal
Bifidobacteria longum, Enterococcus balance. Jinenjo adds to and
faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus, enhances ume’s energy stimulus.
Soy Lecithin, Pectin, Lemon Oil,
Beta-carotene, Gardenia Fruit Ume Plum Concentrate, Wild
Japanese Mountain Yam (Jinenjo)
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
111351 0 24182 61030 7 .6 lb 24 / 3 pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
111350 0 24182 61020 8 2.2 lb 10 boxes / case 110300 0 24182 00085 6 1.5 lb 6 / 2.28 oz

Energize • Cleanse • Balance Ume Plum Concentrate

A most celebrated health food, ume’s virtues have Bainiku Ekisu
been recognized for over one thousand years. The ume
plum’s strong sour taste comes from its rich organic acids,
A thick dark 30X concentrate of
the key to its value. Ume contains more citric acid than
ume plum. Stabilizing the
any other fruit. It is a catalyst in cellular metabolism and essence of the revered plum is
essential to energy production, storage, and release in the ume concentrate called bainiku
inter-cellular Krebs citric acid cycle. ekisu. By the 1920s it was issued
Umeboshi plums, concentrate, and plum balls help us to all Japan’s soldiers and sailors
maintain alkaline pH, assist mineral uptake from food, for its universal benefit.

I Food Concentrates & Probiotic

enhance digestion, and ease stress.
Umeboshi Plum Concentrate
Researchers credit ume’s picric acid for its Prunus mume
beneficial effects on the liver. Additional
research has found positive effects on blood Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
fluidity and other cardiovascular benefits.
110280 0 24182 26308 4 3 lb 12 / 1.4 oz

Yansen Yansen – Dandelion Root Concentrate

Dandelion Root Concentrate Many labor to rid their yards of the prolific
dandelion. Traditionally, Europeans, Asians, and
In early spring, when energy is Native Americans alike enjoyed its leaves, stems,
concentrated in them, dandelion flowers, and roots, the entire plant, as a beneficial
roots are simmered into thick food source. It’s long been valued as a blood
syrup. Eudesmanolides, a group of purifier, liver and kidney tonic, and digestive aid.
bitter compounds, are credited
Yansen is simply dandelion root washed,
with its sought after qualities.
No additives or preservatives. chopped, and slowly simmered for hours
into a thick, dark syrup. To use –
Dandelion Root dissolve a quarter teaspoon in
Taraxacum officinale one cup of hot water or tea.
Yansen’s amber glass jar protects
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack antioxidants and phytonutrients.
110260 0 24182 26309 1 3 lb 12 / 1.4 oz

EDEN Condiments
EDEN Gomasio sesame salt is for sprinkling on food in place
of table salt for taste and nutrient enhancement. There are five
flavors, each made from whole organically grown unhulled tan
and black sesame seed. Seeds are dry roasted releasing their oil,
and slowly ground with oven roasted EDEN Sea Salt. The oil
melts and coats the salt, gently mellowing saltiness for a more
soothing, smoother, and beneficial way to take this essential
biological salt.
EDEN Shake contains red shiso or beefsteak leaves that were
Organic sesame Organic mustard pickled with ume plum, dried, chopped, and ground.
These flakes are combined with sand roasted tan and
Wisely Composed Flavor black sesame seed and bright green nori flakes.
Every ingredient is meticulously selected. Called ‘furikake’ in Japan, it’s a fun and versatile
Each food is prepared with patience, wisdom, condiment with crunchy zest.
and praxis artisan know-how. EDEN Mustards are crafted of yellow or
We use and offer two of the world’s finest sea brown mustard seed organically grown on
salts. Both are hand harvested from environ- the cool high plains of Saskatchewan and
mentally protected tidal flats, and contain a blended with raw EDEN Organic Apple Cider
complete spectrum of trace minerals. Vinegar. Yellow mustard has added organic
EDEN French Celtic Sea Salt is from the Isle turmeric, organic paprika, and organic garlic.
of Noirmoutier, Brittany where salt has been Aging melds and mellows this traditional
collected for at least 1,500 years. Sun-baked and recipe for smooth, rich flavor.
wind-swept tide pools create crystals hand EDEN Dulse Flakes are sustainably
harvested by ‘salt farmers’ and stone ground. hand harvested from the cool waters off
EDEN Portuguese Sea Salt is from the Grand Manan Island, New Brunswick, washed, sun-dried, and
southern province of Algarve at the western cut into small flakes. They are extremely versatile and an
mouth of the Mediterranean. These protected excellent way to enjoy beneficial sea vegetable.
tidal flats supplied the entire known world with
precious sea salt in ancient times. Sodium - Potassium Balance
The Egyptians were among the first to evaporate sea water for
I Concentrates & Supplements

salt, and spread this knowledge throughout the Mediterranean

and European coastal cultures. Much of the world’s finest sea
salt still comes from Portuguese and French coasts. We’ve
sourced the finest from each; two exquisite salts that best
satisfy our physiological need. All EDEN made food that has salt
added is made with one of them.
Today, most Americans take far too much sodium and not
enough potassium. Both are essential electrolytes that our
bodies require in specific balance. The USDA Dietary
I Eden Condiments

Guidelines for Americans ( guidelines)

devotes an entire chapter to this balance.
• Soothing flavor and sustenance Seventy-five percent of sodium in the American diet comes
• Traditional artisan craftsmanship from processed foods. Red meat also contributes to excessive
sodium intake. Part of a solution is eating enough potassium
• No preservatives or chemicals ever added
rich beans together with a variety of fruits and vegetables that
• The finest sea salt, providing a complete are very commonly rich in potassium.
spectrum of trace minerals
Many EDEN foods are high in potassium, and many have no
• Handy, convenient packaging salt added or are low sodium. On the other hand, some EDEN
• EDEN organic k pareve foods are salty, i.e., shoyu and umeboshi. They are great to use
• Natural food condiments that make cooking instead of table salt. You not only get mellow salt, but all of
and eating fun their potent beneficial phytonutrients as well.
EDEN Condiments
Dulse Flakes Eden Shake
Organic, Glass Jar Furikake

Very low sodium, sustainably An ancient nutritious table condiment.

hand harvested, OCIA certified For grains, noodles, baked potatoes,
organic dulse from Grand Manan cooked vegetables, and popped corn.
Island, New Brunswick. Washed, Enhances vinaigrettes, dips, and salad
sun-dried, and cut into small flakes. dressings. Very low sodium.
For grains, vegetables, salads, pastas,
etc. Dual sprinkle or pour cap. Black Sesame Seeds, White Sesame Seeds,
Pickled Red Shiso Leaf (Red Shiso, Sea Salt,
Organic Dulse Ume Plum Vinegar), Nori Seaweed

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104270 0 24182 15170 1 6 lb 12 / 1.5 oz 109940 0 24182 00202 7 2.5 lb 12 / 2.1 oz

Black Gomasio Black & Tan Gomasio

Organic Sesame Salt, Glass Jar k Organic Sesame Salt, Glass Jar k

Prized organically grown black Delicious, nutty, low sodium sesame

sesame seed dry roasted and salt of organic black and tan sesame
ground with EDEN Sea Salt for a seed, dry roasted and ground with
low sodium, tasty condiment. EDEN Sea Salt. Rich flavor. Sprinkle
Sesame salt replaces table salt with on grain, pasta, veggies, salad,
more character and nourishment. popcorn, and any dish.

Organic Whole Black Sesame Seed, Organic Whole Black Sesame Seed,
Sea Salt Organic Whole Tan Sesame Seed,
Sea Salt

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104220 0 24182 00204 1 7.5 lb 12 / 3.5 oz 104230 0 24182 00203 4 7.5 lb 12 / 3.5 oz

Gomasio Popular Condiments

Organic Sesame Salt, Glass Jar k
of Japan
Additional artisan condiments are
in the Imported Food ~ Japan section I Eden Condiments
Low sodium sesame salt of organic page 40.
dry roasted tan sesame seed and
EDEN Sea Salt. The seed’s oil coats Tekka – powerfully energizing miso
the salt, amplifies and carries its condiment with carrot, burdock root,
flavor for more taste from less salt. and lotus root.
Easy dual shaker or pour top. Shiso Leaf Powder – tangy condiment
made of ume pickle brine and dried red
Organic Whole Sesame Seed, Sea Salt
shiso leaf flakes.
Wasabi Powder – simply a fiery hot
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Japanese horseradish always used in
sushi. Real wasabi root powder with no
104240 0 24182 00201 0 7.5 lb 12 / 3.5 oz artificial colorings or additives.
EDEN Condiments
Garlic Gomasio Seaweed Gomasio
Organic Sesame Salt, Glass Jar k Organic Sesame Salt, Glass Jar

Eastern cultures never sprinkled Gomasio with three esteemed sea

plain salt on food. They prepared vegetables. The easy way to enjoy
condiments to better enhance and their benefit. EDEN gomasios are
balance. Gomasio is one. Organically delicious on whole grains, pasta,
grown tan sesame seed dry roasted salads, vegetables, popcorn, etc.
and ground with EDEN Sea Salt and All are low sodium.
organic garlic.
Organic Whole Sesame Seed,
Organic Whole Sesame Seed, Sea Salt, and Sea Vegetables:
Sea Salt, Organic Garlic Organic Dulse, Nori, Kombu

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104250 0 24182 00205 8 7.5 lb 12 / 3.5 oz 104260 0 24182 00209 6 7.5 lb 12 / 3.5 oz

Brown Mustard Brown Mustard

Organic, Glass Jar k Organic, Squeeze Bottle k

Organic brown mustard in a

Organically grown whole brown squeeze bottle with twist open/
mustard seed, Brassica juncea, close spout. A member of the
stone ground with raw organic cabbage Cruciferae family, mustard
apple cider vinegar and sea salt. is a healing herb with a rich history.
Pleasant zing. Full flavor. Blended with raw organic apple
cider vinegar and sea salt.
Organic Whole Mustard Seed,
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Whole Mustard Seed,
Water, Eden Sea Salt Organic Apple Cider Vinegar,
Water, Eden Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102320 0 24182 00212 6 13 lb 12 / 9 oz 102330 0 24182 00208 9 9 lb 12 / 9 oz

Yellow Mustard Yellow Mustard

Organic, Glass Jar k Organic, Squeeze Bottle k
I Eden Condiments

Canadian organic yellow This is how yellow mustard is

mustard, Brassica alba, stone supposed to taste. The difference is
milled with raw organic apple whole organic yellow mustard seed,
cider vinegar, sea salt, and raw organic apple cider vinegar, and
organic spices. Wonderful 100% organic spices. Patiently aged
mustard flavor. Naturally sweet. to meld and mellow.
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic Apple Cider Vinegar,
Water, Organic Yellow Mustard Seed, Water, Organic Yellow Mustard Seed,
Eden Sea Salt, Organic Turmeric, Eden Sea Salt, Organic Turmeric,
Organic Paprika, Organic Garlic Organic Paprika, Organic Garlic

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
102350 0 24182 00210 2 13 lb 12 / 9 oz 102360 0 24182 00211 9 9 lb 12 / 9 oz

EDEN Condiments
Sea Salt - French Celtic Sea Salt - Portuguese Coast
Fine Grind, Glass Jar Fine Grind, Glass Jar

I Eden Condiments
Hand harvested, stone ground Smooth white table salt from
French Celtic sea salt from the the protected salt marshes of
environmentally protected southern Portugal, which has
Isle of Noirmoutier, Brittany, supplied the entire known
with no chemicals added. world with salt for millennia.
Smooth, mellow flavor and Hand harvested and triple sea
a wealth of trace minerals. water washed for whiteness.
Unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt - Isle Triple sea water washed,
of Noirmoutier hand harvested unrefined Atlantic Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
105365 0 24182 00200 3 20.5 lb 12 / 14 oz 105390 0 24182 00199 0 22.5 lb 12 / 16 oz
105380 n/a 56 lb 55 lb 105385 n/a 56 lb 55 lb

Dentie Tooth & Gum Care

Home Care Essential Refreshing Clean Feeling
In the early 1960s George Ohsawa, the father of EDEN Dentie Toothpowder is made from the calyx
macrobiotics, reintroduced a traditional Japanese (head and stem) of Japanese eggplant and sea salt.
home remedy: tooth and gum powder made from Eggplant is washed and the calyx and a bit of the
the top part of the Japanese eggplant and sea salt. vegetable is sliced off and pickled with sea salt for a
Mr. Ohsawa recommended this powder knowing its few weeks. After pickling, the eggplant is dry roasted
remarkable beneficial effect on gums, teeth, and until it’s carbonized. The charred eggplant and sea salt
overall oral health. We import and package this are ground to a fine powder and cooled.
preparation available as EDEN Dentie Toothpowder. Dentie’s alkaline qualities are traditionally valued for
cleansing the teeth, keeping the gums firm, and
Important Note ridding the mouth of bacteria that can lead to tooth
Due to its salt crystals, Dentie is not recommended
decay and gum disease. Mix with water as an
for everyday brushing. Rub onto gums with a moist
occasional gargle at the onset of a sore throat.
finger or soft toothbrush, let set, and rinse well.

I Dentie Tooth & Gum Care

It is excellent for soothing and conditioning
gums and teeth. Dentie Toothpowder
Glass Jar

Dentie Toothpowder A tooth and gum tonic popular

in Japan, once kept in every
• Promotes total oral health washroom. For a clean happy
• Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory mouth, moisten fingers or a
• Home essential for toothaches soft toothbrush and rub it on
and/or gum problems gums. Leave it for several
minutes and rinse. Use once or
• Leaves a clean refreshing feeling twice a week to noticeably
• Gargle with it to soothe a sore throat enhance any oral health routine.
• No sulfates or other additives Roasted Eggplant, Sea Salt
• In a sturdy glass jar
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
111220 0 24182 26400 5 1.25 lb 6 / 2 oz

Properly Made to Best Nurture
Soybeans require specific preparation and thorough cooking
to transform them into easy-to-digest, nutritious food. Other
manufacturers are oblivious. EDENSOY is expertly made at our
certified organic Michigan plant with over 240 continuous
quality control checks and years of research into how to best
choose and prepare soybeans. From the double reverse osmosis
purified water, the patented enzyme invalidator, to the Swedish
aseptic packaging equipment, every step contributes to greater
Like no other. Edensoy, Jacob, and Tanner value and the best possible nourishment from whole soy.

A Joyous Discovery Cream of the Crop USA Grown

EDENSOY pioneered soymilk as healthy food in America,
In January 1983 Eden discovered soymilk
but as soy benefits became popular, food makers rushed in with
made using techniques pioneered at Cornell
‘me too’ EDENSOY imitations. Today most soymilk is made of
University. Engineered in Japan, we improved
soy and grain from China, contains isolated soy protein, refined
the ingredients and EDENSOY was introduced in
sugars, undeclared chemical flavor maskers, and other
July of that year. Its phenomenal success
chemicals labeled as natural flavors or not declared at all.
created a new grocery category – non-dairy
In refreshing contrast, EDENSOY is made with all natural
liquid food.
whole foods providing the highest quality soy protein and a
USA Family Farm Organic whole spectrum of balanced nutrients including calcium,
EDENSOY is thoroughly cooked 100 percent potassium, B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and abundant
USA family farm organic soybean and grain. phytonutrients. EDENSOY EXTRA and EDENSOY LIGHT are
We visit each grower, their farm, fields, and enriched with the most bio-available vegan quality vitamins and
families regularly. Ingenious tending over calcium. EDENSOY is the only soymilk made with nourishing
decades has created rich, vital soil that kombu seaweed. When sweetened, only gentle, unrefined
produces food brimming with energy, sweeteners are used. Flavors include organic fair trade dark
great taste, and vastly superior nutrition. cocoa powder, real carob, and – unlike any other brand –
only 100 percent pure vanilla extract.

Highest Score in Soy Report

Eden Foods achieved the highest score, 955 out of 1,000 in
the top category of the Organic Soy Scorecard, an evaluation
carried out in a year-and-half ’s research into the social,
environmental, and health impacts of soy foods in North
America. Cornucopia Institute, an independent advocate
working to preserving organic integrity and creating economic
• Only 100% USA family farm justice for family farmers, released the report May 2009.
EDEN organic soy and grain The Organic Soy Scorecard evaluated sixty-two organic
• Only whole bean soy with all 18 amino acids brands, only seven were in the top category. EDEN ranked
highest by far. Silk brand scored zero, the lowest. All brands
• Naturally occurring omega 3, 6, and 9 were rated on ten criteria including sourcing, stringency of
essential fatty acids (EFAs) and isoflavones
organic certification, and prevention of GMO and chemical
• No refined sugar, soy isolate, or additives contamination. The ‘uncensored story’ reports that brands
• No widely used chemical flavor maskers most committed to organic integrity are independent
I Edensoy

• EDEN organic (platinum standard) k pareve companies who source exclusively and directly from North
• Repeatedly tested GEO free American family farms. Most publicly traded companies source
soybeans from China, and add soy protein isolate extracted
Heart Healthy
Diets containing foods that are a good source of potassium and that are with hexane, a neurotoxic petrochemical, etc.
low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke. The Organic Soy Scorecard and full Behind the Bean: The
Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 grams of soy
protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. - FDA Heroes and Charlatans of the Natural and Organic Soy Foods
Industry reports are available at
GEO Free Commitment EDENSOY Original
Soybeans today are most commonly genetically Organic k
engineered. To keep EDENSOY GEO free, much work is
demanded, including multiple tests of all beans used as America’s first soymilk and best
seed, in growing, at the elevator, and at the plant. We liquid food. Only USA family
reject use of pharmaceutical enzymes and know all farm 100% organic whole soy.
farms, fields, and suppliers. When the New York Times No shortcuts. Often imitated,
tested eleven soy and corn based foods for GEOs, the never adulterated. Four grams
of EFAs per serving.
only one that tested GEO free was EDENSOY.
We have enrolled EDENSOY, and it has been verified Purified Water, Organic Soybeans,
Naturally Malted Organic Wheat
compliant with the Non-GMO Project Standard. The and Barley Extract, Calcium
Non-GMO Project is North America’s first third party, Carbonate, Kombu, Sea Salt
independent non-GMO verification program through
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
all levels of the supply chain, providing PCR test
verified non-GMO food to the public. 1 00010 0 24182 00501 1 16.5 lb 9/3/ 8.45 fl oz
1 00020 0 24182 02505 7 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
Whole Soy Benefit
Soybeans have been important food for at least 5,000
years. Recently, Western science has confirmed soy as a EDENSOY Vanilla
very healthy food. In 1999 the FDA recognized the role Organic k
of soy in reducing cholesterol saying a diet rich in soy The only soymilk in North
protein and low in saturated fat may help reduce the America with pure vanilla
risk of heart disease. Those that know agree, food made extract, no refined sugar, and
from whole organic soy, as is EDENSOY, best provides no artificial ingredients.
the much desired benefits. Whole food sources of EFAs and whole soy protein.
phytonutrients are always better than chemically Purified Water, Organic Soybeans,
created isolates and imitations. Naturally Malted Organic Wheat
and Barley Extract, Vanilla Extract,
Sustainable Local Supply Calcium Carbonate, Kombu
Sourcing all our soybeans from USA organic farms Seaweed, Sea Salt
has deep social and environmental impact. Shipping Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
shorter distance reduces energy use and pollution. 1 00050 0 24182 00521 9 16.5 lb 9/3/ 8.45 fl oz
Almost all U.S. soymilks are made of soy from China,
1 00060 0 24182 02525 5 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
Brazil, and Argentina because so-called ‘organic’ soy
from these countries is so much cheaper. American
demand for organic labeled food has spurred epidemic EDENSOY Carob
deforestation, including burning. Eden is not part of Organic k
this destructive, unsustainable system. We depend
exclusively on trusted local organic growers. Carob makes it chocolatey.
High folate B9 and a good
Ecological Aseptic Cartons source of healthy whole soy
The Tetra Pak ® Co. invented aseptic packaging for protein, potassium, magnesium,
food using minimal materials and energy. Seventy- niacin B3, and thiamin B1.
three percent of EDENSOY’s package is from EU certified Purified Water, Organic Soybeans,
sustainable forests that ensure biological biodiversity Naturally Malted Organic Wheat
and Barley Extract, Organic Carob
I Edensoy

and protect endangered species. They are recyclable Powder, Carob Extract, Calcium
and require no refrigeration in transport or storage. Carbonate, Kombu, Sea Salt
Why don’t we make a refrigerated EDENSOY?
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
EPA reports greenhouse gas from refrigeration has
increased exponentially since the 1990s. We choose not 1 00030 0 24182 00511 0 16.5 lb 9/3/8.45 fl oz
to be part of this unnecessary use of energy. 1 00040 0 24182 02515 6 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
Pure Alluring Flavor EDENSOY EXTRA Original
100% Pure Vanilla Extract
Organic k
… is made from Vanilla planifolia bean of the orchid
tree which contains more than 250 flavor and aromatic Fortified with vegan quality
compounds. Chemical natural flavors do not. A labor vitamins and calcium. Rich in
intensive process extracts them, and the extract is best if heart healthy soy protein and
aged for two years. It has lovely bouquet and a clean taste nutrients. Good potassium.
that is naturally sweet and erotic. Fake vanilla flavor does
Purified Water, Organic Soybeans,
not. It is disguised on packages as natural vanilla flavor, Naturally Malted Organic Wheat
natural vanilla with other natural flavors, organic natural and Barley Extract, Calcium
vanilla flavor, or vanillin. EDENSOY is the only soymilk in Carbonate, Kombu Seaweed,
Sea Salt, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene,
America with 100% real pure vanilla extract. Visit Vitamin D2, Vitamin B-12 for further details.
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Certified Organic Dark Cocoa
1 00210 0 24182 00531 8 16.5 lb 9/3/ 8.45 fl oz
Chocolate EDENSOY contains organic, ‘fair trade’
dark cocoa powder responsibly produced in the
1 00220 0 24182 02535 4 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
Dominican Republic. After harvest the cocoa is sent to
Holland where it’s finely milled. Studies show chocolate EDENSOY EXTRA Vanilla
contains a wealth of antioxidant flavonoids including Organic k
procyanidins, epicatechins, and catechins. Among all
forms of chocolate, dark cocoa powder is the highest in Pure vanilla extract with vegan
these beneficial phytonutrient antioxidants. vitamins and calcium. A good
source of heart healthy soy
Carob - St. John’s Bread
protein and antioxidants.
Carob EDENSOY contains sweet carob seedpod,
Ceratonia siliqua, an evergreen of the legume Purified Water, Organic Soybeans,
family. Aka Saint John’s bread, the pods have Naturally Malted Organic Wheat
and Barley Extract, Vanilla Extract,
been enjoyed for over 5,000 years. They have Calcium Carbonate, Kombu
a chocolatey flavor but no caffeine. Carob is Seaweed, Sea Salt, Vitamin E, Beta
being rediscovered as health food and is Carotene, Vitamin D2, Vitamin B-12
common in natural food stores. We procure Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
the finest carob from its native 1 00250 0 24182 00541 7 16.5 lb 9/3/ 8.45 fl oz
Mediterranean clime. For further facts,
1 00260 0 24182 02545 3 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
please visit

EDENSOY Chocolate EDENSOY Unsweetened

Organic k Organic k
...only organic dark cocoa for its
chocolate taste, and rich in Highest in heart healthy whole soy
protein, potassium, calcium, protein of all soymilk with 12 grams
iron, magnesium, niacin B3,
per serving. EDEN organic soybeans
pyridoxine B6, and folate B9.
and pure water. A good source of
Purified Water, Organic Soybeans, potassium, iron, folate B9, and
Naturally Malted Organic Wheat magnesium. 4.5 grams of omega 3, 6,
and Barley Extract, Organic Cocoa and 9 EFAs per serving. Gluten free.
I Edensoy

Powder, Organic Maple Syrup,

Sea Salt, Carrageenan, Reverse Osmosis Purified Water,
Calcium Carbonate Organic Soybeans
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
1 00085 0 24182 00508 0 16.5 lb 9/3/8.45 fl oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

1 00095 0 24182 02509 5 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz 100080 0 24182 02506 4 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz

EDENSOY LIGHT Original Ingredients
Organic k Organic Whole Soybean
From vital soil of USA family farmers we know
and trust. Each load we receive is
Universal taste appeal. Low fat, multi-tested GEO free.
100 calories per serving. Fortified Kombu Seaweed
with vitamin D2 and calcium. Adds valuable nutrients, and alginic and glutamic
Good protein and folate B9. acids, which enhance flavors in food,
especially in the case of beans.
Purified Water, Organic Soybeans,
Naturally Malted Organic Wheat and Organic Unrefined Sweeteners
Barley Extract, Organic Maple Syrup, Traditionally malted barley/wheat blend, maple syrup, and
Sea Salt, Calcium Carbonate, Kombu short grain brown rice amazake. Cleaner, gentler, & better
Seaweed, Carrageenan, Vitamin D2
than refined sugars, such as evaporated cane juice, etc.
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Natural Vegan Fortification
100120 0 24182 02555 2 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz the most bio-available fortification from
100 percent vegan sources.
EDENSOY LIGHT Vanilla Beta carotene
Organic k Nutritive precursor to vitamin A from the
sea plant, Dunaliella salina.
Calcium carbonate
America’s only vanilla soymilk
A vegan calcium carbonate that’s
made with pure vanilla extract.
absorbed most readily and best harmonizes
Fortified with Eden selected
with all other EDENSOY nutrients.
vitamin D2 and calcium. Crisp,
easy drinking taste appeal. Vitamin D2
Increases bone absorption of calcium.
Purified Water, Organic Soybeans, Extracted from yeast.
Naturally Malted Organic Wheat and
Barley Extract, Vanilla Extract, Sea Salt, Vitamin B-12
Calcium Carbonate, Kombu Seaweed, The easiest to assimilate, coveted vegetable source
Carrageenan, Vitamin D2 B-12. Rare and essential to cellular function.
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Vitamin E
An essential and powerful antioxidant. The natural
100160 0 24182 02565 1 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
preservative of unrefined vegetable oils.

EDENBLEND Rice & Bean = Complete Protein

Organic k EDENBLEND® is a delicious pairing of two of Nature’s
best human foods, brown rice and beans. Introduced
Nature’s ideal food combo – in 1994, EDENBLEND is unsweetened EDENSOY with koji
whole grain and bean. Sweet fermented California organic short grain brown rice
organic brown rice amazake amazake.
with EDEN organic soymilk.
The first and only beverage of its kind in North
Gluten free.
America, EDENBLEND is creamy smooth with gentle
Purified Water, Organic Amazake sweetness. Its key ingredient, amazake, is a sweet
(Organic Short Grain Brown Rice, porridge made of cooked brown rice and koji, Aspergillus
I Edensoy

Water, Koji Aspergillus oryzae), oryzae. Amazake is often enjoyed at breakfast and is also
Organic Soybeans, Kombu
Seaweed, Carrageenan, Sea Salt used as a natural sweetener. The amazake in EDENBLEND
is patiently and traditionally fermented. Koji produces
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack enzymes that break down the complex rice starch into
1 00390 0 24182 00901 9 16.5 lb 9/3/8.45 fl oz easily digested sugars, transforming the cooked brown
1 00400 0 24182 02905 5 27.5 lb 12 / 32 fl oz rice into a thick, sweet porridge.

EDEN Fruit
Trusted Family Organic Fruit
EDEN Organic Concord Grape Juice is pure, fresh pressed
extraordinary juice from a twenty-year organic family vineyard
on the shore of New York’s Keuka Finger Lake. Its microclimate
creates conditions where grapes flourish in well drained glacial
soil and hot summers with abundant water. This family has
cultivated Concord grapes since 1971 on vines over one-
hundred years old, managed organically since the late 1980s.
EDEN organic Concord grapes, New York EDEN apple and cherry juices, sauces, butters, and
concentrates are Great Lakes fruit organically grown on family
Fruitful Antioxidants orchards. This excellent tree fruit area benefits from seasonal
EDEN organic cherries, apples, grapes, and lake effect. Eden Foods has worked with these families over
strawberries are a superb way to get potent fifteen years helping them convert orchards to EDEN organic.
antioxidant benefit. Michigan State University
found tart Montmorency cherry contains at
Award Winning Taste
EDEN Apple Sauce was inducted into the ‘Taster’s Choice Hall
least seventeen antioxidants including quercetin
of Fame’ by an expert panel of the San Francisco Chronicle’s
and anthocyanins. A Mayo Clinic study cites
‘Taster’s Choice’ feature. In March 2008, comparing one dozen
“…the powerful antioxidant, quercetin, in
organic apple sauces, EDEN Apple Sauce was given this status,
apples and apple juice.” Cornell University
an honor reserved for exceptional food. “Tasters found EDEN
found apples had more antioxidant capacity
Organic Apple Sauce to have a ‘very good sweet-tart balance,’ a
than a 1,500mg dose of vitamin C. Concord
‘good apple flavor’, and great texture,” reported the discerning
grape juice was recently ranked number-one in
San Francisco Chronicle.
antioxidant benefit out of 1,000+ foods, and
found especially high in proanthocyanidins. What is in Eden Fruit
“Scientists like to isolate single components For eons folks have chopped, mashed, pressed fruit for juice,
such as vitamin C, vitamin E, or beta carotene and cooked it to make sauce and butters. The good news is you
to see if they exhibit antioxidant benefits,” says can still enjoy fine fruit juices, sauces, butters, and concentrates
Dr. Rui Hai Liu at Cornell. “It turns out that the way they used to be, with no shortcuts employed and no
none of these work alone. It’s a combination of additives – EDEN brand. Over the past century as cost became
flavonoids and polyphenols doing the work.” the main focus of industrialized production, selecting the
Studies consistently find organic fruit to be cheapest fruit, taking every shortcut, and using chemical and
most nutrient rich, especially in antioxidants. enzyme press aids has become pervasive.
EDEN organic fruit is patiently prepared. We blend organic
apple varieties, organic Montmorency tart cherries, and small
organic northern strawberries. Traditional methods of pressing,
concentrating, and good old-fashioned kettle cooking are used.
No refined sugars or additives are used; they’re just not needed.
The fruit is so good, we just need to prevent adulteration.

Brian Hackert, fruit grower, Michigan

Cloudy Juice is Better
In the January 2007 Journal of the Science of Food and
• Organic USA family orchard, Agriculture, it reports that cloudy apple juice contains four
times more antioxidant polyphenols than clear apple juice. The
I Eden Fruit

berry patch, and vineyard

report indicates GEO derived clarifying enzymes used to
• Patiently, traditionally, skillfully remove pectin and starch to make the juice clear, also reduce
• No shortcuts, chemical press aids, antioxidant content, flavor, value, and benefits.
or GEO derived enzymes
EDEN’s opaque organic juices offer much more complete
• Convenient wonderful fruit, rich nutrition as common sense would dictate, and that we crave.
in healthful antioxidants In order to protect inherent nutrients and antioxidants from
• Amber glass protected juice photo-oxidation (light damage), EDEN juice is bottled in
• EDEN organic k pareve increasingly hard-to-source amber glass.
EDEN Fruit
Apple Sauce Apple Cherry Sauce
Organic k Organic k

An Eden blend of organic apples

Taster’s Choice Hall of Fame
and organic Montmorency tart
inductee noted for a “very good
cherries; 80% apple, 20% cherry.
sweet-tart balance.” An Eden
Sweet and mildly tart with no
blend of family orchard grown
sugar or anything else added.
Great Lakes apples. No sugar or
Antioxidant and flavor rich.
anything else is ever added.
Organic Apples, Organic
Organic Apples
Montmorency Tart Cherries

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103360 0 24182 00066 5 28 lb 12 / 25 oz 103350 0 24182 00060 3 28 lb 12 / 25 oz

Apple Cinnamon Sauce Apple Strawberry Sauce

Organic k Organic k

Apple and cinnamon classic. Its EDEN Apple Sauce with small
sweetness is solely from a select northern Michigan strawberries
blend of apple varieties cooked organically grown in family berry
into a thick 12.5 Brix (scale patches and harvested when
measure for sugar content) perfectly red ripe. The strawberry
sauce. The organic cinnamon fragrance is a remarkable joy and
provides exciting contrast. a most pleasant surprise.
Organic Apples, Organic Apples,
Organic Cinnamon Organic Strawberries

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103395 0 24182 00075 7 28 lb 12 / 25 oz 103340 0 24182 00057 3 28 lb 12 / 25 oz

Apple Butter Apple Cherry Butter

Organic k Organic k

EDEN Apple Butter with

A select blend of organic apple organic Montmorency tart
varieties, over four pounds to a cherries; 84% apple, 16% tart
jar. Hand sorted, washed, cherry. Over four pounds of
peeled, cored, chopped, and organic fruit in each jar. Kettle
I Eden Fruit

slowly kettle cooked to 30 Brix. cooked to 32 Brix.

Organic Apples, Organic Apples, Organic

Organic Apple Juice Concentrate Montmorency Tart Cherry Puree,
Organic Apple Juice Concentrate

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103320 0 24182 00069 6 20.5 lb 12 / 17 oz 103330 0 24182 00074 0 20.5 lb 12 / 17 oz

EDEN Fruit
Cherry Butter Cherry Juice Concentrate
Organic k Organic k

Just organic Montmorency tart

cherries, four pounds in each jar, Montmorency tart cherries reduced
kettle simmered to tangy spread to tangy sweet syrup. 68 Brix. Potent
with no water, sugar, or anything antioxidants include anthocyanins,
added. Long known as the kaempferol, isoqueritrin, perillyl
‘healing’ cherry, Montmorency alcohol, quercetin, ellagic acid, and
tart contain at least seventeen melatonin. Reconstitute 6 or 7 to 1.
beneficial antioxidants. 56 Brix. Organic Montmorency Cherry Juice
Organic Montmorency Tart Cherries

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103315 0 24182 00078 8 11.05 lb 12 / 8 oz 103245 0 24182 00073 3 12.75 lb 12 / 7.5 oz

Concord grapes are named after

Apple Juice Concord, Massachusetts, where in
Organic k
1849, Mr. Ephraim Wales Bull
crossed native American fox grapes
Traditional northern apples, Vitis labrusca with European stocks
Prunus malus, simply pressed
and Catabwa, a native fox and
and lightly filtered. Shake
and serve chilled or warm. European grape cross. After 22,000
No chemical press aids or attempts, Mr. Bull chose the Concord
enzymes. Cloudy apple juice grape for taste and its ability to thrive in
contains four times more New England’s cold climate. It took first prize at
antioxidants than clear. the 1853 Boston Horticultural Society Exhibition.
Organic Apple Juice Dr. Thomas B. Welch produced the first grape juice in
1869, calling it ‘Dr. Welch’s Unfermented Wine.’
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
University of Wisconsin Medical School reports
103370 0 24182 00067 2 39 lb 12 / 32 fl oz Concord grape juice offers better resveratrol heart
103375 0 24182 00064 1 36 lb 6 / 64 fl oz health benefits than red wine.

Cherry Juice Concord Grape Juice

Organic k Organic

Fresh pressed undiluted juice from

One-hundred percent pure tart
one-hundred-year-old family vineyard
Montmorency cherry, Prunus cerasus.
Concord grapes, Vitis labrusca, lightly
Not from concentrate. National
filtered, old-fashioned, and chemical
Association of the Specialty Food
and enzyme free. Amber glass
Trade ‘Outstanding Beverage’ award.
I Eden Fruit

protected. A most refreshing,

Deep crimson with a cherry pie
minimally tart, complexly sweet juice.
bouquet. Rich in pleasurable benefits.
Rejuvenating and quite unlike any
Amber glass protected.
other Concord grape juice.
Organic Montmorency Cherry Juice
Organic Concord Grape Juice
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103385 0 24182 00070 2 39 lb 12 / 32 fl oz 103585 0 24182 00076 4 39 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
EDEN Whole Grain
Eden Selected Whole Grain
Variety is best in whole grain. Here are eleven versatile, easy,
and quick-cooking EDEN whole grains: buckwheat, millet,
wild rice, brown rice flakes, kamut flakes, oat flakes, rye flakes,
spelt flakes, quinoa, red quinoa, and popcorn. Nine are North
American family farm EDEN organic. EDEN white and red
quinoa are family plot, 12,000 foot plateau, grown in the
Andes mountains. Wild rice is ancient strain and traditionally
hand harvested by Native Americans in canoes, as required by Booms brothers in Michigan spelt
law, on northern Minnesota lakes.
Fulcrum of Health
Fast Cooking Whole Grain A major modern study has confirmed the
Five EDEN organic flakes are made in Marquette, Nebraska in central role of whole grain in good health.
ways that protect delicate flavor and whole grain efficacy while “Consumption of whole grains has been
making them super easy and fast to cook. Hulled whole grain is associated with a lower body weight and lower
sprayed with pure water and ceramic kiln gas fire roasted. The blood pressure,” said study co-author, Dr. Penny
hot toasted grain is rolled into flakes on stainless steel rollers. Kris-Etherton of Penn State. “We thought that
These are packed in resealable nitrogen flushed, standing incorporating whole grains into a heart-healthy
pouches maintaining freshness. Each one is table ready after weight loss diet may provide the same benefits
just three minutes of cooking. to people at risk from chronic diseases.”
Even FDA recognizes whole grain value in an
Soothing and Hearty approved claim, “Diets rich in whole grain food
EDEN whole grains are the cream of the organic crop. Zero and other plant foods, low in total fat, saturated
refined carbohydrates, EDEN whole grains maintain integrity of fat, and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart
all nutritional components from their bran, germ, and disease and some cancers.”
endosperm. These 100 percent whole grains ensure satisfying, The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans
wholesome nourishment that is guaranteed to please. recommends three whole grain servings per day.
EDEN Organic Hulled Buckwheat is an energizing health “I never thought that in my lifetime I would see
food, mild and light. Buckwheat is both wheat free and gluten the USDA recommend whole grain,” said
free, ideal for those with gluten intolerance. Michael Potter, Eden’s president. “Science now
EDEN Organic Millet is an ancient, gluten free annual pointedly supports what Eden and our patrons
grass seed found throughout the world. Learn more at have been saying all along: you have got to eat whole grain to be healthy. I applaud USDA and
EDEN Wild Rice is authentic wild rice, traditionally the Guidelines for affirming this. Society must
harvested by Native Americans dedicated to protecting the re-learn whole grain centered civility,” he said.
Great Lakes’ ecosystem. It is hand harvested solely from canoe
during the ‘rice making moon’ of late summer.
EDEN Quinoa cooks in twelve minutes. It grows isolated

I Eden Whole Grain

from hybrids, GMO varieties, and toxic chemicals.
Quinoa has the best amino acid profile of all grains.
EDEN Red Quinoa is high-altitude
grown, ancient strain. Climate and
soil yield seed grain one-third
larger, with a sweeter taste • Family farm EDEN organic or wild harvested
than white quinoa. • Versatile, quick cooking 100% whole grain
EDEN Popcorn is a pure • Satisfies hunger longer, most thoroughly
way to enjoy America’s
favorite snack with whole
• Bedrock of nutritional satisfaction
grain benefit. This particular • EDEN whole grain k pareve
variety is famous for large, Heart Healthy
fluffy popped kernels. Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat,
and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. - FDA

EDEN Whole Grain
Hulled Buckwheat Millet
Organic Whole Grain k Organic Whole Grain k

North Dakota organic and

family grown. The hull is North Dakota family farm
removed. Buckwheat is not grown. Use in soups, stews,
related to wheat. Hulled stuffing, baked goods, grain
buckwheat groats are mild, burgers, pancakes, millet
versatile, and fiber rich. mashed potatoes, etc.
Gluten free. Gluten free.

Organic Buckwheat Organic Yellow Millet

Fagopyrum esculentum Panicum miliaceum

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
113040 0 24182 02151 6 13 lb 12 / 16 oz 113035 0 24182 02152 3 13 lb 12 / 16 oz

Quinoa Red Quinoa

Organic Whole Grain, Andean k Organic Whole Grain, Bolivia k

Americas’ mother grain from

high altitude family plots. Ancient Pasankalla variety of
Mechanically de-saponized and Andes plateau family plots.
mountain water washed. Mechanically de-saponized,
September 2009 Women’s mountain water washed.
Health ‘Top Food for Women.’ Sweeter flavor. Gluten free.
Gluten free. Grocery Headquarters 2009
‘Trailblazer Award’ winner.
Organic Quinoa
Chenopodium quinoa Organic Red Quinoa
Chenopodium quinoa
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
106900 0 24182 02150 9 13 lb 12 / 16 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
106860 n/a 26 lb 25 lb 106905 0 24182 02149 3 13 lb 12 / 16 oz

Women’s Health Top Food Wild Rice

EDEN Organic Quinoa was Wild Whole Grain k
I Eden Whole Grain

chosen by nutritionists at
Women’s Health magazine as a Hand harvested by Native
‘Top 125 Best Packaged Food Americans in canoes as required
for Women’ in their 2009 by law; wood fire parched. Light
study. It was the top choice in and fluffy when cooked, not hard
the rice and pasta category. like hybrid paddy grown varieties.
Women’s Health said of EDEN Vegetarian Times 2009 ‘Best
Go-To Grain.’ Gluten free.
Whole Grain Quinoa,
“Try this hunger-killing supergrain.” Wild Rice
EDEN Quinoa and Red Quinoa are organically Zizania palustris
grown on family plots high in the Andes. They
provide complete protein with the best amino acid Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
profile of any whole grain. Cooks in twelve minutes. 106920 0 24182 02153 0 5.8 lb 12 / 7 oz

EDEN Whole Grain
Brown Rice Flakes Kamut Flakes
Organic Whole Grain k Organic Whole Grain k

Lundberg Family Farms® Montana family farm

organic short grain brown rice, organically grown, roasted
gas fire roasted and rolled into and rolled into golden flakes.
quick cooking flakes. For an Cooks in three minutes.
entrée, porridge, in soups, Those with sensitivities to
stews, and desserts. Cooks in modern wheat may enjoy this
just three minutes. ancient non-hybrid wheat.
Organic Short Grain Brown Rice Organic Kamut wheat
Oryza sativa Triticum turanicum

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
113055 0 24182 02160 8 13.2 lb 12 / 16 oz 113065 0 24182 02164 6 13.2 lb 12 / 16 oz

Oat Flakes Rye Flakes

Organic Whole Grain k Organic Whole Grain k

Saskatchewan family farm Nebraska family farm

organically grown, gas fire organically grown, gas fire
roasted and rolled into thick roasted and rolled into flakes.
flakes. Cooks in three minutes. Cooks in three minutes. We
“The best tasting oats since mix ,em with oats in oatmeal.
I was in Sweden,” said Jon, Great flavor, muscle building.
Eden purchasing director. Very high fiber.
Organic Oats Organic Rye
Avena sativa Secale cereale

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
113050 0 24182 02162 2 13.2 lb 12 / 16 oz 113045 0 24182 02161 5 13.2 lb 12 / 16 oz

Spelt Flakes Eden Whole Grain Flakes

Organic Whole Grain k
EDEN organic flakes are made from North

I Eden Whole Grain

American family farm organically grown grain:
Michigan family farm grown short grain brown rice, Khorasan (kamut) wheat,
organic spelt, roasted and spelt wheat, rye, and oats. Gas fire roasted and rolled.
rolled into flakes that cook in They are easy to use, quick cooking, versatile, and
three minutes. Those who are 100 percent whole grain, not reconstituted
sensitive to modern wheat commercial fare. A versatile and easy way to get the
may tolerate this ancient whole grain you need when you only have a very few
wheat’s water soluble gluten. minutes. For creamy soups,
Organic Spelt wheat porridge, pie crusts, granola,
Triticum spelta muesli, desserts, and in all
grain dishes. Combine
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack them for flavor and
113060 0 24182 02163 9 13.2 lb 12 / 16 oz nutrition enhancement.

EDEN Whole Grain
Popcorn Organic Whole Grain k
Organic 100% Whole Grain k
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

Hard Red Winter Wheat Triticum aestivum

Nebraska family farm organic. Organic Whole Hard Red Winter Wheat
A superior popping variety
makes large, fluffy popped 105800 0 24182 01032 9 51 lb 50 lb
kernels. Rich in fiber. Heart
Healthy whole grain.
Hard Red Spring Wheat Triticum aestivum
Organic Whole Hard Red Spring Wheat
Pure and tested GEO free.
105840 0 24182 01031 2 51 lb 50 lb
Organic Yellow Popcorn
Zea mays averta S
oft White Winter Wheat Triticum aestivum
Organic Soft White Whole Wheat
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
105880 0 24182 01033 6 51 lb 50 lb
105400 0 24182 00086 3 17 lb 12 / 20 oz
105815 0 24182 00116 7 51 lb 50 lb Pearled Barley Hordeum vulgare
Organic Barley
As in all whole grain, popcorn contains important 106060 0 24182 01030 5 51 lb 50 lb
polyphenol antioxidants. They deplete free radical
toxins that cause cellular damage. This was reported
at the 238th National Meeting of the American
Organic Whole Grain Flour k
Chemical Society (ACS). Dr. Joe Vinson of the Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
University of Pennsylvania said, “Early researchers Hard Red Spring Wheat Flour
thought that fiber was the active ingredient for the Organic Whole Hard Red Spring Wheat
benefits of whole grain”... “But recently polyphenols
emerged as potentially more important.” Dr. Vinson
111440 0 24182 01035 0 51 lb 50 lb
further reported, “We really were surprised by the Hard Red Winter Wheat Flour
levels of polyphenols we found in popcorn. I guess it Organic Whole Hard Red Winter Wheat
is because it’s not processed.” He further added that 111400 0 24182 01050 3 51 lb 50 lb
people can get all the healthy components of
popcorn undiluted and protected by its skin. Pastry Flour Soft White Wheat
Here, science confirms what intuition Organic Whole Soft White Wheat
perceived in America’s #1 snack food. 111500 0 24182 01034 3 51 lb 50 lb

Popcorn Balls Fresh Milled

1/2 cup EDEN Organic Popcorn The best bread, pastries, and baked goods begin
I Eden Whole Grain

3 T EDEN Organic Soybean Oil with the finest organic, freshly milled whole grain.
2 4oz packages EDEN All Mixed Up Too EDEN organic whole grain flour: Hard Red Spring
1/2 cup EDEN Organic Barley Malt Syrup Wheat, Hard Red Winter Wheat, and Pastry Flour
1/2 cup organic maple syrup
from soft white wheat are USA family organically
Pop corn as package directs, place in a large bowl,
grown and small batch fresh milled at Eden’s Clinton
and add snack mix. Place barley malt and maple
syrup in a small pan and bring to a boil. Reduce heat facility to ensure great flavor and nutrient content.
and simmer, stirring constantly for 5 to 7 minutes. As soon as it’s milled, the flour is bagged in 3-ply
Pour hot syrup over popcorn and mix. Moisten hands fifty pound paper bags, sewn closed,
slightly with cold water. Take a handful of the and stored in a dedicated storage
mixture and form into a ball, packing firmly. Repeat room at 45 to 50° F.
above steps, moistening hands before forming each
ball. Wrap balls in wax paper or place in a covered All whole grain flour for the
container. Freeze until syrup hardens. 
 Eden Organic Pasta Company
Yields: 12 popcorn balls is milled here to order.

EDEN Imported Food ~ Japan
Rejuvenation and Longevity
The longest living and healthiest people in the world, on
average, are the Japanese. It’s common to see Japanese in their
80s and 90s very physically active, working, hiking, tending
gardens, etc. This is primarily due to good diet.
Japan’s culture has developed some of the world’s most
intelligent food. From methods dating back thousands of years,
their traditional foods represent the highest form of intuitively
developed nourishment for human beings. One of the most Wasabi farmer with young sprouts,
important benefits of ‘East meets West’ cultural convergence is wild wasabi, fresh wasabi root
our access to these foods, and the knowledge of how to prepare,
and enjoy them. Nourish Strength
Thanks to the work and teachings of the founder of modern EDEN Japanese traditional foods are
macrobiotics, Mr. George Ohsawa, and thousands of his ancient health foods with benefits
students, knowledge of these life-encouraging traditional foods affirmed in modern research. Enjoy
has spread worldwide, and their popularity is growing. them in traditional and imaginative ways.
• Add dried tofu, shiitake and maitake
Long-Term Relationships mushrooms, lotus root, and bonito flakes
From early on Eden realized that the best, and often only to soups and stews.
place to get consistently high quality miso, shoyu soy sauces,
• Serve pickled ginger, pickled daikon radish,
sea vegetables, macrobiotic condiments, etc., was Japan. Since
and umeboshi plums as condiments with
1972 Eden has nurtured relationships with Japanese artisans grains, vegetables, and noodles.
dedicated to continuing traditional food making. Today, Eden
• Sprinkle shiso leaf powder and tekka
is the largest U.S. importer of Japanese traditional and
over grain, popcorn, and vegetables.
macrobiotic natural food. More than seventy-five of these
EDEN traditional Japanese foods are found in this catalog. • Make a soothing beverage of kuzu root,
lotus root, or shredded daikon.
Infinite Spiritual Freedom • Add zing to salad dressings and vinaigrettes
Derived from the Greek makrobios, meaning great or long with wasabi powder.
life, macrobiotics is a universal way of rejuvenation and • Use umeboshi paste or plums on corn-on-
longevity. Eden’s Japanese offerings, whole grain and beans, the-cob in place of salt and butter.

I Eden Imported Food ~ Japan

plus organic fresh produce is a rock solid foundation. • Visit for hundreds
Eden’s president says his teacher’s definition of of free recipes and ideas.
macrobiotics (below) is the best he has read.

“Macrobiotics amounts to finding our physical limitations
and trying to live within them. This is the cultivation of
humbleness. When we think that we can do anything we want,
we become arrogant. This arrogance causes sickness.
When we are living within our physical limitations, then
our spirituality is free. Macrobiotics seeks freedom in spirit.
Freedom exists in our spirits so we can think anything.
Biologically, physiologically we are unfree. We can wish to eat • Very fun foods offering culinary adventure
anything we want, but we cannot do it. and enhanced well-being
Disciplining physical unfreedom is the foundation of spiritual • Artisans continuing ancient food making
freedom. God didn’t give us unlimited biological methods and associated culture
freedom, but appreciating and taking into • Trusted source relations since 1972
consideration our unfree physical condition • Many k pareve offerings
leads us to infinite spiritual freedom.” Heart Healthy Diets containing foods that are a good source
- Herman Aihara, 1920 – 1998

of potassium and that are low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood
pressure and stroke. - FDA

EDEN Imported Food ~ Japan
Bonito Flakes Dried Tofu
Cured, Steamed, and Dried

The finest sashimi-quality A thousand years ago a Buddhist

skipjack mackerel, Katsuwonus monk left his tofu in the snow,
pelamis, skillfully prepared using and discovered a method of light-
a 500-year-old method. Filleted, weight preservation, freeze-dried.
steamed, air dried, aged, and Frozen twenty days, pressed,
shaved into delicate flakes. sliced, and air-dried. USA
For dashi (noodle broth) and Midwestern GEO free soybeans
where savory flavor is needed. and magnesium sea salt.
Whole Soybeans, Nigari
Dried, Shaved Bonito Fish
(Magnesium Chloride from Sea Salt)

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
109590 0 24182 00216 4 1 lb 12 / 1.05 oz 109995 0 24182 35702 8 .95 lb 6 / 2 oz

The Great Root Daikon

Shredded and Dried k
Called the ‘great root,’ daikon is the most widely
used and highly prized vegetable in Japan, and often
given as a gift. There are many shapes, sizes, and Finely sliced sun-dried daikon
radish with great flavor. Use in
colors, but the long tapered white variety, Raphanus
vegetable dishes and steep it
sativus var. longipinnatus, is the most common. for a balancing tea. A diuretic
Weighing up to five pounds and growing up to two that also metabolizes fat. It’s a
feet long, this mildly sweet radish is used to make good source of potassium and
EDEN Dried Daikon and EDEN Rice Bran Pickled fiber, and promotes
Daikon Radish. cardiovascular health.
Drying concentrates the daikon’s sweetness and fat Daikon Radish
burning enzymes. A slice of pickled daikon, which is Raphanus sativus
diastase enzyme rich, stimulates both appetite and
I Eden Imported Food ~ Japan

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

the completion of digestion at meal’s end.
110100 0 24182 30015 4 3 lb 12 / 3.5 oz

Pickled Daikon Radish Kuzu Root Starch

Takuan k Organic k

Certified organic, wild mountain

Long white daikon radish, kuzu root is hand-cut, crushed,
Raphanus sativus, sun-dried and rinsed, soaked, repeatedly washed
pickled with rice bran and sea salt in cold mountain spring water into
in wooden kegs. Rich in diastase a thick paste, and dried for 90 days.
enzyme known to stimulate The optimal starch thickener for
appetite and aid digestion. Rinse, sauces, gravies, soups, desserts, etc.
slice, and serve with meals.
Organic Wild Kuzu Root
Daikon Radish, Pueraria lobata
Rice Bran, Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 109630 0 24182 30011 6 3 lb 12 / 3.5 oz
110220 0 24182 30010 9 5 lb 12 / 3.5 oz 109620 n/a 12 lb 11 lb
EDEN Imported Food ~ Japan
Lotus Root Slices Maitake Mushrooms
Dried Dried k

From the Asian lotus water lily, A revered culinary and bracing
washed, sliced, and sun-dried on mushroom. Soak to reconstitute.
rice straw mats. A traditional Use like any mushroom in stir
health food. Simply soak, cut as fries, soups, stews, gravies, and
desired, and add to vegetable pasta sauce. Rich in vitamins D
dishes, soups, and stews. Use and B3. Good source of fiber.
soaking water for tea, soup stock, Aka, ‘Hen of the Woods’ and
or to water plants. ‘Dancing Mushroom.’
Dried Lotus Root Maitake Mushroom
Nelumbo nucifera Grifola frondosa
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110080 0 24182 30014 7 3 lb 12 / 4 oz 110040 0 24182 30017 8 1 lb 12 / .88 oz

Sliced Shiitake Mushrooms Vitamin D Rich

Dried k
Mushrooms are the only vegetable source of
vitamin D. Recent studies find mushrooms use
Grown on oak logs in natural ultraviolet light to create vitamin D2 just like the
forest habitat, hand-harvested,
human body does. They contain the sterol ergosterol,
sliced, and sun-dried. Soak and
use. Rich in vitamin D and fiber. a precursor to vitamin D, which when exposed to
A revered health food. Research light is converted to ergocalciferol or vitamin D2.
indicates shiitake’s unique EDEN Shiitake and Maitake are excellent sources of
polysaccharides may help to vitamin D offering 25 to 35 percent daily value (DV)
stimulate immune system health. per serving. White button mushrooms contain less
than 1 percent per serving. Cooking with EDEN
Shiitake Mushroom
Lentinula edodes Shiitake and Maitake is an easy, delicious, and fun
way to get vitamin D, not just in winter to avoid

I Eden Imported Food ~ Japan

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), but anytime.
110030 0 24182 30018 5 1 lb 12 / .88 oz

Whole Shiitake Mushrooms Pickled Ginger

Dried k with Shiso Leaves, Sliced k

The finest donko grade. Small, Thinly sliced ginger root pickled
young, tightly curled shiitake are with red shiso (beefsteak) leaves.
treasured for their thick caps and Delicious with vegetables, grains,
strong flavor. Grown on oak logs and fish. Always served with sushi.
in a natural forest habitat, hand
harvested, and sun-dried. Rich in Ginger, Rice Malt (Water, Rice, Sprouted
vitamin D and fiber. A precious Barley), Rice Vinegar (Water, Rice),
Pickled Shiso Leaves [Shiso Leaf, Ume
ancient health food.
Vinegar (Water, Ume Plum, Salt)], Mirin
Whole Shiitake Mushrooms (Sweet Rice, Rice, Water), Sea Salt
Lentinula edodes Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 110240 0 24182 30101 4 4 lb 12 / 2.1 oz
110020 0 24182 30012 3 1 lb 12 / .88 oz 110250 0 24182 30102 1 39.6 lb 10 / 2.2 lb
EDEN Imported Food ~ Japan
Shiso Leaf Powder Tekka
Pickled Beefsteak Leaf k Miso Condiment

Tangy condiment of red shiso Rich condiment of minced

(beefsteak) leaves, Perilla carrots, burdock root, and lotus
frutescens, pickled with root slowly cooked with sesame
umeboshi plums, sun-dried, oil and hacho miso. Sprinkle on
and ground. Sprinkle on grains, grain, vegetables, noodles,
salads, noodles, fish, potatoes, potatoes, and salad. Potently
popcorn, and almost any dish. energizing and flavorful.
Shiso (Beefsteak Leaf), Soybean (Hacho) Miso, Ground
Ume Vinegar (Ume Plum, Sesame Seed, Sesame Oil,
Shiso, Sea Salt), Sea Salt Lotus Root, Carrot, Burdock Root
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110200 0 24182 00215 7 2 lb 12 / 1.76 oz 109960 0 24182 00217 1 6.5 lb 12 / 2.8 oz

Umeboshi Plums Umeboshi Paste

Umeboshi are the ‘King of Alkaline Foods’ and k
highly prized. Their lofty citric acid content and
famous sour piquancy are unique and central in their A citric acid sour, pickled
ability to help us easily maintain proper circulatory condiment of the pureed pulp
acid/alkaline balance. of umeboshi plum. Replaces
EDEN Umeboshi Plums are made in the traditional butter and salt for the best
corn-on-the-cob you ever had.
manner, as they have been for over 2,000 years, with
Ideal in sushi, dips, sauces,
red shiso leaves giving them their rosy color. Pure, and salad dressing.
they contain no artificial preservatives, colorings,
or flavorings. Umeboshi Plums Prunus mume
Sea Salt, Beefsteak Leaves (shiso)
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
I Eden Imported Food ~ Japan

110180 0 24182 30013 0 6.75 lb 12 / 7 oz

110160 n/a 26 lb 22 lb

Umeboshi Plums Wasabi Powder

k k

Pickled, sun-dried, infused with A rarity with real wasabi,

shiso, and aged for a year. They Wasabia japonica, valued for
lend tartness to dressings, dips its fiery flavor and purifying
and sauces. Japan’s chicken qualities. Mix with hot water
soup in cold and flu season is to make a paste. The staple
okayu, a thin rice porridge with condiment for sushi. Adds hot
umeboshi. spice to dips, dressings, and
Umeboshi Plums, Sea Salt,
Beefsteak Leaves (shiso) Horseradish, Mustard, Wasabi
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110140 0 24182 30016 1 6.75 lb 12 / 7 oz 110000 0 24182 00218 8 1 lb 6 /.88 oz
110120 n/a 26 lb 22 lb 110010 n/a 2.64 lb 2.2 lb
Fermentation – Fireless Cooking
From the need to preserve food, our ancestors utilized the
microbial world’s process of ‘fireless cooking.’ Fermented foods
were conserved for keeping and transport. They delivered
flavor and nutrition from amplified, and ferment created,
phytonutrients, which were easy to assimilate.
Fermented food development in Japan makes available a
range of tastes, textures, and colors. The most staple category EDEN misos are made in Japan from USA family,
of these is miso; the hearty base of miso soup made of Midwestern organic soybeans
fermented soybeans, most commonly with added grain.
Though miso is thought to have originated in China, a legend Miso Fermentation
from Japan’s mythological ‘Age of the Gods’ tells of a deity who Creative fermentation of natural soybean
transferred the art of miso to humanity as a gift to encourage misos sees protein and complex carbohydrate
health, happiness, and longevity. virtually predigested by koji, Aspergillus oryzae,
We enjoy and share this gift in delicious miso crafted with into nutrients requiring almost no energy of us
EDEN ingredients and centuries of accumulated know-how. in their assimilation.
Carbohydrates are converted to simple sugars.
How It Is Made Proteins are disassembled into eighteen amino
EDEN misos are from Japan, but the soybeans are all USA
acids including all essential ones. There’s iron,
Midwestern family farm organically grown. These are the same
B vitamins, potassium, essential fatty acids,
GEO free organic soybeans we use to make EDENSOY.
good fiber, enzymes, and beneficial bacteria
In making these misos, soybeans and grain are cleaned,
such as Lactobacillus. Miso’s live components
steamed, inoculated with koji (natural fermentation starter),
further promote assimilation and support
and mixed with sea salt. This mixture is aged in 200-year-old
immune system health.
cedar kegs pressured under large river stones. In these huge
EDEN misos not only make soup, they are
kegs the ambient seasonal temperature, time, and pressure
seasoning for stews, sauces, gravies, vegetable
create an exceptional food. The variety of color, flavor, and
dishes, spreads, salad dressings, dips,
texture of EDEN misos reflects the ingredients and climate in
marinades, and noodles.
which they are made. The strongest and darkest, hacho miso,
Eden Food’s website has many ideas to
is aged for three years, while the lightest, shiro miso, ages
stimulate imagination, dozens of free miso
for a mere two months.
recipes, and more miso information.
Some Miso Perspective
Historians trace miso’s beginning to China’s Chou Dynasty,
722 to 481 BC. Its forerunner was fermented meat and fish
called chiang. Buddhist monks experimented with soybeans to
create a vegetarian version of chiang, and they took this food to
Japan where it became known as miso.
Early misos were made by cooking, salting, mashing, and
forming soybeans into balls. Wild or ambient mold spores
served as the first koji or fermentation starters. The balls were
stored in earthenware crocks and allowed to ferment and age. • Comfort food supreme: soothing,
Gradually, depending upon climate, they matured. strengthening, and bracing
Misos originally were only available to priests and nobility.
• Traditionally crafted in the best way,
I Eden Miso

Over time, variations known as farmhouse miso cropped up in solely fermentation transformation
the countryside. By combining soybeans with other foods (rice,
barley, millet, buckwheat, colored beans, etc.) and aging for
• USA family farm organic whole soybean
different lengths of time, many types of miso were created. • Organic, GEO free ingredients,
A writing dated 927AD referred to at least ten types of miso no chemicals or additives
in Japan. There are many more today. Each district has its local • Beneficial enzymes and friendly bacteria
favorite. Most homes in Japan still begin their day preparing • EDEN organic k pareve
bowls of warm and bracing miso soup.
Genmai Miso Hacho Miso
Organic Soybean and Brown Rice k Organic Soybean k

A mellow, sweet, golden paste of The heartiest of all miso aged for
organic soybeans and brown rice three years. Thick, dark, and rich.
aged in cedar kegs for eighteen This Hatcho Miso Company began
months. All purpose miso, well over 650 years ago and uses
suited to everyday use and miso methods dating to 1337. The
soup. Reclosable pouch. Emperor’s miso. Reclosable pouch.
Organic Whole Soybeans, Whole Organic Soybeans, Water,
Organic Brown Rice, Sea Salt, Water, Sea Salt, Organic Roasted Barley,
Koji Aspergillus oryzae Koji Aspergillus oryzae
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
107780 0 24182 13464 3 10 lb 12 /12.1 oz 107810 0 24182 12061 5 10 lb 12 / 12.1 oz
107520 n/a 24 lb 22 lb 107540 n/a 24 lb 22 lb

Mugi Miso Ancient Super Food

Organic Soybean and Barley k
Miso is an ancient health food that is rapidly
gaining recognition in the West as a protective,
Full-bodied miso of organic delicious, super food. EDEN organic miso contains a
soybeans and barley aged in cedar wealth of enzymes and microorganisms that aid
kegs for eighteen months. The
digestion and help build healthy intestinal flora,
most popular and commonly used
miso. Extremely versatile. while suppressing undesirable counterparts. The
Reclosable pouch. enzymes in good miso aid digestion of protein and
starches in grain, beans, and vegetables, making it an
Organic Barley, Whole Organic
Soybeans, Water, Sea Salt, intelligent addition to a vegetarian or mostly
Koji Aspergillus oryzae vegetarian way of eating. Fermentation breaks down
trypsin inhibitors in soybeans and allows full protein
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
utilization. Miso soup is the easiest way to get
107760 0 24182 13065 2 10 lb 12 / 12.1 oz important miso and sea vegetables into your lifestyle.
107500 n/a 24 lb 22 lb

Shiro Miso Natto Miso

Organic Soybean and Rice k Bulk Keg k

This is not the soy-

The lightest, sweetest, youngest food ‘natto,’ but miso
miso. Ideal for warm weather as a blended with pieces of
seasoning, a dip, in dressings, as a chopped ginger root and
marinade, and spread on potatoes slivered kombu, lightly
or sweet corn. Half the salt of other sweetened. A sweet and
misos. Miso and tahini is supreme
I Eden Miso

spicy chutney. Use as spread,

bread spread. Reclosable pouch. dip, and with cooked grains.
Organic Rice, Organic Whole Barley Miso (Soybeans, Barley,
Soybeans, Water, Sea Salt, Koji Water, Koji, Sea Salt), Barley
Aspergillus oryzae Malt, Kombu Seaweed, Ginger
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
107840 0 24182 13360 8 10 lb 12 / 12.1 oz 107580 n/a 24 lb 22 lb

EDEN Mochi
Mochi is Pounded Sweet Rice
EDEN mochi is JAS (Japanese Agricultural Standards)
certified whole grain sweet brown rice, Oryza glutinosa,
a variety of sticky rice. USDA prevents us from saying
it’s organic. It is made by the Kojima family who’ve been
making brown rice mochi in Japan since 1974. Rice is
washed, soaked overnight, and steamed with purified
water. Steamed rice is ground into a sticky dough and
then pounded by a mochi pounding machine until
smooth. Pounded dough is spread in half-inch thick Mochi onion soup Mochi waffles
sheets to harden over three days as it’s refrigerated. It is
then cut into pieces, vacuum packed, and steam
sterilized. No refrigeration is needed until it is cut open; Versatile and Quick Cooking
then refrigerate and use within a few days. Mochi is extremely versatile. Pan cook with or
without oil, bake, broil, grill, or deep fry until it puffs.
“A marvelous and strengthening, versatile food.
It can be eaten as is, but is usually flavored with shoyu
If it’s not pounded, it’s not mochi.” Michael Potter
soy sauce or wrapped in toasted nori sea vegetable and
dipped in shoyu. This is a traditional Japanese sandwich.
Sweet Brown Rice Mochi Mochi can also be dipped in hot rice syrup or maple
Whole Grain k syrup and rolled in roasted chopped nuts for a sweet
mochi treat. It’s easy and quick to make.

• Authentic mochi – it’s pounded

• JAS certified sweet brown rice
• Vacuum packed, shelf-stable
One-hundred percent whole grain sweet brown • Six servings per package
rice, a variety of sticky rice. A traditional stamina • Traditional strengthening food
and renewing food that’s laboriously multi-step
made. Pounding is the key. Gluten and sodium free. • 100 percent whole grain
Sweet Brown Rice Oryza glutinosa
• Gluten free
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Heart Healthy
Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat,
107845 0 24182 02132 5 14.9 lb 20/10.5 oz saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. - FDA

Sprouted Brown Rice Mochi Brown Rice & Mugwort Mochi

Whole Grain k Whole Grain k

I Eden Mochi

Sprouted 100 percent whole grain sweet brown rice. Whole grain sweet brown rice and spring mugwort
Sprouting creates enzymes and nutrients that are herb. Rejuvenating with potent energy. Mugwort
more readily absorbed. A renewing, stamina food. herb is value added. Gluten free. Very low sodium.
Gluten free. Very low sodium.
Sweet Brown Rice 98% Oryza glutinosa,
Sweet Brown Rice Oryza glutinosa Mugwort 2% Artemisia princeps
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
107855 0 24182 02130 1 14.9 lb 20/10.5 oz 107850 0 24182 02131 8 14.9 lb 20/10.5 oz
EDEN Oil ~ Unrefined
Change Worthy of Effort
We make wiser choices after learning the difference between
‘good’ and ‘bad’ fats. Avoiding commercial, industrial fats and
oils is essential to well-being. The worst bad fat is also rendered
bland and unhealthy with toxic petrochemical treatments.
As we begin to choose unrefined, flavorful, healthy fats like
Olive grove in Andalusian region EDEN vegetable oils, a realm of delicious opportunity opens and
of southern Spain the foods we prepare taste better, and nourish better, too.
EDEN unrefined vegetable oils satisfy a necessary part of a
Real Extra Virgin healthy, pleasurable diet. Each contains antioxidant essential
Extra virgin olive oil – it’s fatty acids that naturally protect them, and us. All are simply
everywhere, but what does it expeller pressed from the highest quality seed (or fruit) and
mean? International Olive Oil lightly filtered. Simple pressing maintains low temperatures that
Council (IOOC) publishes specs and certifies do not harm the phytonutrients desired in unrefined oils,
authenticity. Regrettably, the United States is maintaining character, flavor, and sought-after value.
the only olive oil producing country that does
not honor IOOC specifications; therefore, it’s Extra Virgin Olive Oil
wise to ask some questions before choosing an k
extra virgin olive oil to make sure that it actually
is of the quality that has given extra virgin its
world-wide reputation of special value. The first cold, stone pressing
EDEN Olive Oil meets strict IOOC standards of three varieties of green and
for extra virgin and is an authentic cold-pressed dark purple olives: Hojiblanca,
Arbequina, and Picual. From
oil. As explained in The Shoppers Guide to
centuries old groves in
Natural Food, “Olive oil is unique in that it is Andalusia of southern Spain.
the only oil that can legitimately be considered A good source of vitamin E,
cold-pressed. The first extraction is a simple, and a pretty bright green.
gentle pressing that doesn’t heat the oil much
Spanish Extra Virgin Olive Oil
I Eden Oil ~ Unrefined Vegetable

above room temperature. Oil obtained from this

first pressing receives no further treatment Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
other than filtering to remove pulp. This oil is 104340 0 24182 00011 5 20 lb 12 / 16 fl oz
labeled ‘virgin olive oil’ and is the only olive oil
104360 0 24182 00013 9 37 lb 12 / 32 fl oz
that can be labeled as such according to IOOC.
Virgin olive oil comes in three grades: extra 104380 0 24182 00012 2 8 lb 1 gal
virgin, the best, has balanced flavor and aroma.” 104400 n/a 40 lb 5 gal
104300 n/a 475 lb 58 gal

“All Around Best Buy…”

EDEN Extra Virgin Olive Oil was Rodale’s
Prevention Magazine ‘All Around Best Buy,’ scoring
highest in flavor and protective nutrients of the
twenty-two studied, while costing less than other
extra virgin olive oils. During the test conducted by
• Beneficial unrefined cold and expeller standards of the IOOC, EDEN Olive Oil was rated the
pressed vegetable oils
best in flavor, with “zesty, buttery, assertive taste.” In
• Prevention Magazine’s ‘All Around Best Buy ’ the nutrition study, beneficial oleic acid and squalene,
is EDEN Extra Virgin Olive Oil
rare antioxidant essential fatty acids, were measured.
• Amber glass protects nutrients and flavor EDEN Olive Oil had the highest levels, in the most
• EDEN organic k pareve offerings beneficial ratios. This affirms the common opinion,
• Skillful crafting and patient aging “It is the best there is!”

EDEN Oil ~ Unrefined
Hot Pepper Sesame Oil Safflower Oil - High Oleic
k Organic k

Unrefined toasted sesame oil, expeller High oleic safflower, Carthamus

pressed and infused with red hot chili tinctorius, U.S. high plains organically
peppers. Hot. Just two or three drops grown. Seed is expeller pressed and
adds zest to stir-fries, soups, sauces, lightly filtered, protecting nutrients and
dressings, vegetables, beans, and flavor. An all purpose oil. A good source
noodle dishes. of vitamin E and monounsaturated fat.
Toasted Sesame Oil, Organic Safflower Oil
Red Chili Peppers
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 104500 0 24182 00018 4 20 lb 12 / 16 fl oz
109520 0 24182 00024 5 9 lb 12 / 5 fl oz 104560 n/a 40 lb 5 gal
109500 n/a 450 lb 52.3 gal 104460 n/a 455 lb 55 gal

Sesame Oil Soybean Oil

Organic k Organic k

Unrefined extra virgin oil expeller

pressed and lightly filtered. Holds Unrefined soybean oil from low
sesame’s aroma and flavor. Excellent in pressure, low heat pressing with no
all cuisines and all styles of cooking. chemical processing. All purpose
The beneficially potent antioxidants, cooking oil. A high smoke point of
sesamol and sesamin, make it very 440°F makes it ideal for deep frying,
shelf-stable unrefined oil. baking, and for popping Eden
Extra Virgin Organic Sesame Oil
Organic Popcorn (pp. 36 and 61).

I Eden Oil ~ Unrefined Vegetable

Organic GEO Free Soybean Oil
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104640 0 24182 00025 2 20 lb 12 / 16 fl oz
104660 0 24182 00027 6 37 lb 12 / 32 fl oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104600 n/a 455 lb 55 gal 104670 0 24182 00014 6 20 lb 12 / 16 fl oz

Toasted Sesame Oil

k 2000
Intensity (arbitrary units)

The secret flavor and aroma of 1500 blue bottle

Oriental cooking. Made from roasted
whole sesame seed, unrefined and 1000 green bottle
expeller pressed. Ideal over steamed
vegetables, in a stir fry, sauce, 500
marinade, dressing, or vinaigrette.
0 brown bottle
Toasted Sesame Oil
(nm) 300 400 500 600 700 800
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
109420 0 24182 00028 3 9 lb 12 / 5 fl oz Light absorption of glass – Brown absorbs most, and
109430 0 24182 42129 3 14 lb 12 / 10 fl oz protects better than blue or green. We bottle in value-
109480 n/a 40 lb 5 gal able brown glass preventing light-induced damage to
109400 n/a 450 lb 52.3 gal nutrients, flavors, and color, maintaining purity.

EDEN Pasta
EOPC, A Gem Since 1923
Eden Organic Pasta Company (EOPC) has been producing
pasta daily since 1923. In the mid 1970s Eden was looking for
more ways to offer organic, whole grain food. We found the
Schmidt Noodle Company in the Detroit Yellow Pages and
asked if they would make whole grain spaghetti for us. After
experimentation, research, and tinkering, our first 100 percent
The caring and skilled staff at the eighty-seven whole grain pasta was successfully made.
year old Eden Organic Pasta Company In 1982 Eden Foods purchased this pasta factory to protect
our supply, and in 1989 it became North America’s first third-
Seven Pure Pasta Grains party certified organic food processing facility. Through the
EDEN pasta is made of seven family farm years, the EOPC has maintained the Schmidt’s tradition of
organically grown grains: golden amber durum small batch crafting, using its original Italian equipment
wheat; Khorasan wheat (kamut); rye; buckwheat including artisan brass pasta dies, noodle rollers, macaroni
from the high plains of Montana and the dryers, and know-how.
Dakotas; short grain brown rice from California; Best of all are its people who care: Bud, Cathy S., Jim, Odess,
spelt from Michigan and New York; and high Cathy B., Peter, Robert, Rosanne, Steve, Tasha, and Terry. You
altitude quinoa from the Andes. can learn about them, read some history of Schmidt Noodle
Organic vegetables and organic seasonings are Company and EOPC, and get great recipes at
added to some of their creations. Carrot, beet,
spinach, flax, parsley, basil, garlic, paprika, clove, Artisan Craftsmanship
Each step in making EDEN pasta is designed to create the
saffron, annatto seed, red bell pepper, and black
finest flavor and texture. First, Eden selected organic grain is
pepper add flavor, color, and phytonutrients.
acquired. All whole grain flour is milled at Eden’s headquarters,
All of the pastas are packed in reclosable,
while semolina and patent durum flour are prepared at a
recycled, and recyclable boxes. Each has an Eden
certified organic mill in North Dakota.
kitchen-tested recipe on the back with a photo of
At EOPC, flour is thoroughly kneaded with purified water
it prepared. The boxes are color-coded reflecting
developing the dough. For ribbons, it is rolled out and folded
the percentage of whole grain. Yellow is 100%
over itself eight times, the traditional noodle method called
whole grain; blue is 60% whole grain; and green
sheeting. The sheets are fed between stainless steel blades for
is non-whole grain patent durum flour or
width, and then cut to length by a rotating blade. For shapes
semolina. All are 100% EDEN organic.
like spirals and spaghetti, dough is extruded through vintage
brass dies and cut to length. After shaping, it is initially steam
dried to reduce moisture evenly from the inside-out. Ribbons
and shapes are air-dried on screen trays, while long spaghetti is
hung over racks until dry and then cut to length. The pastas are
moved to a final drying room for sixteen to forty-eight hours,
and then boxed after confirmation of optimal finish.

Slow Food® ready in minutes

Fortunately, most people have not forgotten how important
• Traditional artisan craftsmanship intelligent home cooked meals are, but fast-paced lives limit
• North American family farm, them. To the tired and stressed, cheap fast food beckons; but
I Eden Pasta

cream-of-the-crop organic grain alas, there’s easy, quick, stress-free solutions in EDEN pasta.
• Reclosable, recycled, and recyclable boxes With EDEN pasta in your pantry, it’s easy to prepare delicious,
• No salt, oil, or eggs wholesome meals in very little time. Add vegetables, a can of
• All EDEN pasta is verified Non-GMO EDEN beans, EDEN Spaghetti Sauce or Pizza-Pasta Sauce, a
drizzle of EDEN Olive Oil, and you have an instant meal. With
• Many flavors, shapes, and colors twenty-five flavors and shapes – nineteen of them smooth
Heart Healthy delicious whole grain – tasty options are endless, ready in a
Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat,
and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. - FDA jiffy, and sure to please.
EDEN Pasta
Kamut® & Buckwheat Rigatoni Kamut Ditalini
Organic 100% Whole Grain k Organic 100% Whole Grain k

Whole grain Khorasan wheat,

aka kamut, with buckwheat. A Family farm organically grown
ridged, sauce-holding tube ancient Khorasan wheat from
pasta. For salads and casseroles. the high plains of Montana.
Buckwheat is the richest source Chefs tell us, “Ditalini means
of the important flavonoid, small tubes, and should be used
rutin. Fiber rich. in soup with beans.” We think it
works well in salads, too.
70% Organic Whole Grain Kamut
Wheat, 30% Organic Whole Organic Whole Grain Kamut Wheat

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101675 0 24182 11153 8 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101140 0 24182 11164 4 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz

Kamut Elbows Kamut Spaghetti

Organic 100% Whole Grain k Organic 100% Whole Grain k

All extruded pastas are by

definition macaroni, and one of
these is elbow macaroni. This
popular favorite is better with
whole grain Khorasan. Tricia of
Why so many Khorasan wheat whole grain pastas?
Rochester, NY said, “I am sold. I
Because they’re awesome, satisfying, golden,
will never go back to regular
deeply nourishing, and so smoothly textured that
pasta again.”
folks can’t believe they’re whole grain.
Organic Whole Grain Kamut Wheat
Organic Whole Grain Kamut Wheat
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101670 0 24182 11157 6 6.25 lb 6 / 14 oz 101130 0 24182 11156 9 11.5 lb 12 / 14 oz

Kamut Spirals Nature’s Design Maintained

Organic 100% Whole Grain k
Khorasan, Triticum turgidum spp. turanicum, is an
ancient grain with large golden kernels native to Asia
Our number one selling pasta Minor and Egypt, sometimes referred to as Camel’s
made of small batch freshly Tooth, Prophet’s, or King Tut’s wheat. It is closely
milled organic Khorasan wheat. related to the ancient grain spelt, and is a distant
Rich in protein and fiber.
relative of durum wheat. It is a rare non-hybridized
Provides 123mg of selenium per
I Eden Pasta

serving, an essential mineral grain that offers the highest protein of all wheat. Its
and antioxidant. Exceptional plump golden kernels, called berries, are three times
flavor and texture. the size of modern wheat. An organic farmer from
Montana introduced Khorasan to America in 1949.
Organic Whole Grain Kamut Wheat In 1990 Khorasan was registered a trademark as
Kamut. Many people with intolerance to modern
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
wheat find they thoroughly enjoy Khorasan wheat.
101100 0 24182 11151 4 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz

EDEN Pasta
Kamut Vegetable Spirals Kamut & Quinoa Twisted Pair®
Organic 100% Whole Grain k Organic 100% Whole Grain Gemelli k

Four colors from separate Two family farm organically

batches with organic vegetables grown ancient whole grains.
and Khorasan wheat. Brass die Northern plains Khorasan and
extruded, dried, and mixed. high altitude Andean quinoa in
Satisfying whole grain with fork-friendly twists. Rich in
organic vegetables. fiber and magnesium. Great
source of complete protein.
Organic Whole Grain Kamut Wheat,
Organic Spinach Powder, Organic 70% Organic Whole Grain Kamut
Beet Powder, Organic Carrot Powder, Wheat, 30% Organic Whole Grain
Organic Annatto Powder Quinoa

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101272 0 24182 11150 7 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101150 0 24182 11172 9 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz

Rye Spirals Spaghetti

Organic 100% Whole Grain k Organic 100% Whole Grain k

Hearty rye organically grown

on the high plains of North and
South Dakota freshly milled and
formed into spirals. Rye thrives
in harsh weather and improves Golden amber durum wheat is most sought after
depleted soil. An excellent for pasta making. It’s the hardest wheat and only
muscle builder. Thirty-four grows in a few places on earth. Organically grown
percent daily value of fiber. on the high plains of North Dakota.
Organic Whole Grain Durum Wheat
Organic Whole Grain Rye
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 101210 0 24182 00105 1 11.5 lb 12 / 14 oz
101355 0 24182 11152 1 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101200 0 24182 00179 2 11 lb 10 lb

St. Hildegard, “ of grains.” Spelt Spaghetti

Spelt, Triticum spelta, is a non-hybridized ancient Organic 100% Whole Grain k
grain and a distant relative of modern wheat.
Cultivated over 9,000 years ago in the Fertile
Crescent, it was the staple bread wheat of Europe
and the Middle East until replaced by modern
wheat. The twelfth-century healer, St. Hildegard von
Bingen, said this of spelt: “Spelt is the best of grains.
I Eden Pasta

Exceptional spaghetti with superb flavor made from

It produces a strong body and healthy blood for
small batch freshly milled Michigan and New York
those who eat it and it makes the spirit of man light family farm organic spelt. Rich in fiber, thiamin B1,
and cheerful.” She believed that it was “the easiest to and magnesium.
digest of all grain.” Recent research has found spelt’s
highly water soluble gluten is easy to digest and can Organic Whole Grain Spelt Wheat
often be enjoyed by those intolerant to modern Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
hybrid wheat. 101660 0 24182 11174 3 11.5 lb 12 / 14 oz

EDEN Pasta
Spelt & Buckwheat Gemelli Spelt Ribbons
Organic 100% Whole Grain k Organic 100% Whole Grain k

Spelt is a Mediterranean native; Our only 100% whole grain

buckwheat originated in Siberia ribbon. No other whole grain
and Manchuria. They attract will release from the rollers.
new interest because many folks Great in soups, salads, and
sensitive to wheat can enjoy spelt casseroles. Excellent source of
and its water soluble gluten, and fiber, magnesium, and thiamin
buckwheat is gluten free. B1. Good source of protein, iron,
70% Organic Whole Grain Spelt niacin B3, and zinc.
Wheat, 30% Organic Whole
Organic Whole Grain Spelt Wheat
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101655 0 24182 11154 5 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101630 0 24182 00109 9 4 lb 6 / 8 oz

Spelt Ziti Rigati Whole Grain Benefit

Organic 100% Whole Grain k
Whole grain has three major components: bran,
germ, and endosperm. Bran is the outer layer
Ziti is nicknamed ‘bridegroom’ containing most of the grain’s fiber, B vitamins, and
as it’s traditionally served at antioxidants. The germ is the energy storehouse, rich
Sicilian weddings. Rigati means in protein, B vitamins, vitamin E, fats, trace minerals,
it has ridges. Excellent source and phytonutrients. The endosperm is primarily
of fiber, thiamin B1, and complex carbohydrate and small amounts of protein,
magnesium. Folks are generally
B vitamins, and minerals.
amazed and quite fond of our
spelt pastas. EDEN 100% and 60% whole grain pastas are made
from the entire grain offering complete benefit.
Organic Whole Grain Spelt Wheat Whole grain is the heart of a healthy diet providing
the broadest spectrum of nutrients in the precise
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack proportions needed for good health and well-being.
101635 0 24182 11148 4 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz

Flax Rice Spirals Parsley Garlic Spaghetti

Organic 60% Whole Grain k Organic 60% Whole Grain k

Organic flax imparts omega 3, 6,

and 9 essential fatty acids (EFAs)
1.6g per serving in a rare, ideal
balance of omega 3 to 6, in a
1 to 2.5 ratio. Excellent source of
I Eden Pasta

thiamin B1 and magnesium. Add EDEN award winning extra virgin olive oil.
Excellent source of fiber. Good source of protein,
Organic Durum Whole Grain Wheat, iron, thiamin B1, niacin B3, and magnesium.
Organic Golden Amber Durum Wheat
Organic Durum Whole Grain Wheat, Organic Golden
Semolina, Organic Flax Seed,
Amber Durum Wheat Semolina, Organic Garlic Powder,
Organic Short Grain Brown Rice Organic Parsley Powder
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101265 0 24182 11163 7 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101595 0 24182 11173 6 11.5 lb 12 / 14 oz

EDEN Pasta
Small Vegetable Shells Spinach Ribbons
Organic 60% Whole Grain k Organic 60% Whole Grain k

Small four color shells. Lovely

in salads. Organic spinach, beet, Made the time-honored old
carrot, and plain. Phenomenal way of rolling the dough and
source of riboflavin B2 for folding it over onto itself eight
healthy skin, nails, and hair. times creating splendid
structure. Rich in soluble fiber.
Organic Whole Grain Durum Wheat,
Organic Golden Amber Durum Organic Whole Grain Durum
Wheat Semolina, Organic Beet Wheat, Organic Golden Amber
Powder, Organic Spinach Powder, Durum Wheat Semolina,
Organic Carrot Powder, Organic Spinach Powder
Organic Annatto Powder
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101645 0 24182 11120 0 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101375 0 24182 00108 2 4 lb 6 / 8 oz

Spinach Spirals Vegetable Alphabets

Organic 60% Whole Grain k Organic 60% Whole Grain k

Four color organic whole grain

Four percent organic spinach pasta formed into letters and
powder imparts a forest green numbers, with organic beet,
color. Goes well with colorful carrot, and spinach. Kids
vegetables like carrot, red actually enjoy this whole grain.
pepper, yellow summer
squash, and cherry tomatoes. Organic Whole Grain Durum
Wheat, Organic Golden Amber
Organic Whole Grain Durum Durum Wheat Semolina, Organic
Wheat, Organic Golden Amber Beet Powder, Organic Spinach
Durum Wheat Semolina, Organic Powder, Organic Carrot Powder,
Spinach Powder Organic Annatto Powder
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101350 0 24182 11161 3 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101395 0 24182 11114 9 7 lb 6 / 16 oz

“ “In effect, then, to establish tolerances is to Artichoke Ribbons

authorize contamination of public food supplies Organic k
with poisonous chemicals in order that the farmer
and the processor may enjoy the benefit of
Jerusalem artichoke, aka sunroot
cheaper production – then to penalize the or sunchoke, is native North
consumer by taxing him to maintain a policing American. It’s not related to the
agency to make certain that he shall not get a globe artichoke, but rather to the
lethal dose. But to do the policing job properly sunflower. It tastes like freshly
I Eden Pasta

would cost money beyond any legislator’s courage steamed artichoke hearts.
to appropriate, given the present volume and
Organic Golden Amber Durum Wheat,
toxicity of agricultural chemicals. So in the end Organic Jerusalem Artichoke Powder,
the luckless consumer pays his taxes but gets his Organic Spinach Powder
poisons regardless.”
- Rachel L. Carson’s Silent Spring, 1962 Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Chapter 11 b 101650 0 24182 11118 7 4 lb 6 / 8 oz

50 “
EDEN Pasta
Parsley Garlic Ribbons Saffron Ribbons
Organic k Organic k

Saffron flowers, Crocus

“The jewel of herbs,” said chef, sativus, produce three red
Albert Stockli. Parsley is great stigmas. They are saffron –
when with organic garlic and the most precious spice.
traditional crafting at the
Eden Organic Pasta Company. Organic Golden Amber Durum
Wheat, Organic Red Bell Pepper
Organic Golden Amber Durum Flakes, Organic Paprika Powder,
Wheat, Organic Garlic Powder, Organic Saffron Powder, Organic
Organic Parsley Powder Garlic Powder, Organic Clove
Powder, Organic Pepper Powder,
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Organic Annatto Powder
101485 0 24182 11125 5 4 lb 6 / 8 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101480 0 24182 11159 0 11 lb 10 lb 101550 0 24182 11112 5 4 lb 6 / 8 oz

Vegetable Shells Vegetable Spirals

Organic k Organic k

Medium sized sea shells known

A four color medley. This shape
as ‘conchigliette’, colored with
holds generous amounts of
organic beet, carrot, and
sauce and is fork-friendly.
spinach. They are excellent in
casseroles and pasta salads. Organic Golden Amber Durum
Wheat Semolina, Organic Beet
Organic Golden Amber Durum
Powder, Organic Spinach Powder,
Wheat Semolina, Organic Beet
Organic Carrot Powder,
Powder, Organic Spinach Powder,
Organic Annatto Powder
Organic Carrot Powder,
Organic Annatto Powder
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 101415 0 24182 11115 6 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz
101435 0 24182 11119 4 5.5 lb 6 / 12 oz 101400 0 24182 11155 2 11 lb 10 lb

Vegetable Ribbons Bulk = lower cost, same quality

Organic k
EDEN organic pasta in bulk is ideal for food service
and health care. Optimal for chefs, schools, and
Noodles in colors of the families who appreciate purity, potent nutrition, and
Italian flag. White for faith lower cost. Retailers and co-ops offer them in
and the snow of the Alps, self-serve bins. Bulk is not only economical, it
green for hope and color of reduces use and recycling of packaging materials.
the hills, and red for charity The most popular EDEN pastas come in ten-pound
I Eden Pasta

and what was shed for these. boxes labeled for easy identification. We offer special
Organic Golden Amber Durum pricing runs on all of our pastas, so please call Eden
Wheat, Organic Beet Powder, Foods’ customer service number for details.
Organic Spinach Powder • Organic whole grain spaghetti
• Organic parsley garlic ribbons
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
• Organic vegetable spirals
101425 0 24182 11117 0 4 lb 6 / 8 oz

EDEN Soba & Udon
Original Fast Food
In the neighborhoods of Japan you find tiny shops exuding
enticing aromas. People arrive hungry and leave happily
satisfied. This is the sobaya, serving long-popular fare, udon
and soba noodles in a collection of ways. Udon and soba are
unique in how they are made, employing methods perfected
Checking noodle thickness, Sobaya over time, and handed down through generations.
EDEN soba and udon noodles bring the artisan craftsmanship
Rice, Mung Bean, and and wholesome goodness of the sobaya right to your home. All
Kuzu Root Noodles of the varieties are fast cooking, endlessly versatile, easy to
EDEN kuzu noodles, rice pasta (bifun), and make, and a joy to serve and eat.
mung bean pasta (harusame) are uniquely
crafted noodles of Japan. Kuzu noodles are Sobaya • Soba Shop
straight, thick, translucent noodles made of Seven varieties of EDEN organic soba and udon are made from
100 percent hand harvested wild kuzu root the finest organic North American family farm grain:
starch, nothing else. The rice pasta and mung buckwheat, hard red spring wheat, whole grain durum wheat,
bean pasta are clear, thin, quick-cooking Lundberg short grain brown rice, Khorasan wheat (kamut), and
noodles that commonly appear in Oriental spelt. They provide complex carbohydrate and protein, and are
soups, salads, and stir-fries. These noodles are crafted at the Sobaya Company of Montréal, Québec using the
all wheat, gluten, and salt free. same roll-and-cut process as traditional handmade noodles in
Japan. The Sobaya Company imported the equipment for North
Japanese Foods America’s only certified organic, traditional Japanese noodle
Popularity making plant, and offers the finest soba and udon available in a world-wide phenomenon due to their the Western hemisphere. Eden and Sobaya merged in 2001.
pleasing, healthy nature. Eden offerings are
authentic, not quick imitations seen everywhere.
104 Year Family Experience
Two additional EDEN udons and four sobas are imported from
Noodles with EDEN shoyu, kombu, mirin, and
Japan. They’re made by the Tanaka family who have been doing
bonito flakes in dashi noodle broth (recipe at
so since 1906. Like Sobaya Company, the Tanakas use freshly are remarkable sprinkled with
milled grain, but a bit more sea salt. Some of their noodles
EDEN gomasio or nori. Add EDEN shiitake and
deliver prized traditional health foods including
maitake mushrooms and dried tofu, with
lotus root, wild yam (jinenjo), and mugwort leaf;
vegetables, fish, etc., for completely satisfying
I Eden Soba & Udon Noodles

these add value, flavor, color, and long sought-

meals. Discover authentic Japanese food.
after healthful properties.
Another soba, our 100% buckwheat soba, is a bracing food
handmade in Japan. Its popularity has been growing strongly
over the past several years in the USA and Canada.

Soba and Udon – Happy Food

Organic Udon and Soba It begins with the Eden chosen grain. EDEN soba and udon are
• Canadian, organic grain made by the traditional roll-and-cut method. Grain is freshly
• Time tested know-how ground for each batch. Flour is kneaded with pure water and
skillfully executed fine sea salt. Salt binds the dough, enhances flavor, and
• Slow, ambient temperature drying preserves the dried pasta. When ready, the dough is rolled out
and folded onto itself eight times, then cut to length. Long
• Zero chemical additives or eggs, strands of noodles are lifted onto racks, rolled into drying
non-enriched, and low sodium
rooms, and allowed to dry slowly for up to two days depending
• EDEN organic k pareve offerings upon thickness and ambient temperature/humidity. Carefully
• Reclosable boxes that merchandise tended, they are hand-cut and packed when perfectly finished.
both horizontally and vertically
Patience and a no-shortcut approach create superior texture,
Heart Healthy Diets rich in whole grain foods and
other plant foods and low in total fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol flavor, and ultimately, well nourished satisfaction.
may reduce the risk of heart disease and some cancers. - FDA

EDEN Soba & Udon
Kamut Soba Kamut Udon
Organic k Organic k

Soba is another word for buckwheat. Khorasan is

ancient non-hybridized wheat. A stone-ground blend of Khorasan, Triticum turanicum, means ‘earth’s soul’
these makes superb soba. Good source of fiber, protein, and is ancient Egyptian, non-hybridized wheat with
thiamin B1, niacin B3, iron, and zinc. Low sodium. higher protein than any other. Its dense nutritional
profile makes high energy noodles. Low sodium.
80% Organic Kamut Wheat,
20% Organic Whole Buckwheat, Eden Sea Salt Organic Kamut Wheat, Eden Sea Salt

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
101685 0 24182 21058 3 7 lb 12 / 8 oz 101695 0 24182 21056 9 7 lb 12 / 8 oz

Soba Spelt Soba

Organic k Organic k

Soba noodles of North American family farm organic

Buckwheat and spelt are ancient grains revered for
spring wheat and organic buckwheat. Small batch
soothing energy, and being easy to assimilate.
crafted at the Sobaya Company in Montréal. A
Classified as a red wheat, spelt is often tolerated by
traditional warming and strengthening staple.
those sensitive to modern wheat. Low sodium.
70% Organic Spring Wheat,
30% Organic Whole Buckwheat, Eden Sea Salt 80% Organic Spelt Wheat,
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 20% Organic Whole Buckwheat, Eden Sea Salt
101700 0 24182 20040 9 7 lb 12 / 8 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

I Eden Soba & Udon Noodles

101720 0 24182 20042 3 11 lb 10 lb 101690 0 24182 21057 6 7 lb 12 / 8 oz

Spelt Udon Udon

Organic k Organic 100% Whole Grain k

Spelt, aka dinkel or faro, is an ancient, non-hybrid, The only 100% whole grain organic udon, ideal
distant cousin of modern wheat. Excellent source of served in dashi – a shoyu soy sauce kombu broth.
thiamin B1; 25% daily value (DV) per serving of Rich in good fiber, thiamin B1, and magnesium.
magnesium that’s essential to heart health, yet most Good protein, iron, niacin B3, and zinc.
Americans don’t get enough of it. Low sodium.
Organic Whole Grain Durum Wheat, Eden Sea Salt
Organic Spelt Wheat, Eden Sea Salt Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 101705 0 24182 21055 2 7 lb 12 / 8 oz
101680 0 24182 21059 0 7 lb 12 / 8 oz 101725 0 24182 20043 0 11 lb 10 lb

EDEN Soba & Udon
Wheat & Rice Udon EDEN organic soba and udon
Organic k in ten pound boxes are ideal for
food service and health care.
Chefs and families appreciate
the purity, potent nutrition, and
value. Retail shops and co-ops
offer them in bulk bins.
Ideal in dashi – the easy shoyu noodle broth. While Families share boxes. Bulk is
udon cooks mix water and EDEN Shoyu in a five to one not only economical, it reduces
ratio. Heat in a saucepan and add a dash of mirin to
recycling and resources used.
taste. Pour the dashi over cooked udon. Garnish with
chopped green onion and Eden Nori Krinkles. We stock three soba and udon
noodles in bulk.
80% Organic Spring Wheat, 20% Organic Rice, Eden Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
• Organic soba
101715 0 24182 21060 6 7 lb 12 / 8 oz • Organic udon
101735 0 24182 21035 4 11 lb 10 lb • Organic rice & wheat udon

Brown Rice Udon Udon

k k

Patiently hand crafted. Small batches and a two step Traditionally hand crafted using very old methods.
drying process provide the best texture and flavor. Similar to linguine in thickness and shape, but
Good source of protein. Tanaka family made in Japan. square edged. Good source of protein and fiber.
Tanaka family made in Japan since 1906.
Hard Winter and Hard Spring Wheat Flour,
Brown Rice Flour, Sea Salt Hard Winter and Hard Spring Wheat Flour, Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
I Eden Soba & Udon Noodles

108260 0 24182 21045 3 7.25 lb 12 / 8.8 oz 108240 0 24182 21030 9 7.25 lb 12 / 8.8 oz

Soba Soba
40% Buckwheat k Lotus Root k

Lotus root, Nelumbo nucifera or Nelumbium

Soba noodles date back to the 15th century. Warming, nuciferum, of a water lily is traditionally valued for
energizing food. The finest buckwheat grows in the promoting healthy respiratory function. Imparts
coldest clime. Good source of protein, fiber, and iron. a slick smooth texture.
Hard Winter and Hard Spring Wheat Flour, Hard Winter and Hard Spring Wheat Flour,
Whole Buckwheat Flour, Sea Salt Whole Buckwheat Flour, Lotus Root Powder, Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
108100 0 24182 20034 8 7.25 lb 12 / 8.8 oz 108160 0 24182 20530 5 7.25 lb 12 / 8.8 oz

EDEN Soba & Udon
Soba Soba
Mugwort k Wild Yam - Jinenjo k

Jade green from mugwort leaf, Artemesia princeps, Wild yam (jinenjo), Dioscorea japonica, is a hardy
traditionally prized for promoting healthful cleansing root vegetable from the mountains of Japan, prized
and digestion. Looks, tastes, and makes you feel great. because it promotes strength and health.
Hard Winter and Hard Spring Wheat Flour, Hard Winter and Hard Spring Wheat Flour,
Whole Buckwheat Flour, Mugwort Leaf Powder, Sea Salt Whole Buckwheat Flour, Wild Yam Flour, Sea Salt
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
108120 0 24182 20438 4 7.25 lb 12 / 8.8 oz 108140 0 24182 20337 0 7.25 lb 12 / 8.8 oz

Soba Kuzu Noodles

100% Buckwheat 100% Whole Grain k Wild k

Earthy brown noodles with a rich Rare and efficacious, 100

warming flavor. Buckwheat’s protein percent kuzu root starch from
is superior to other cereal grains hand harvested wild mountain
with all essential amino acids. Heart kuzu root. A traditionally
Healthy whole grain. Good source soothing and strengthening
of fiber and protein. No salt added. translucent noodle. Very low
Very low sodium. Source of rutin. sodium. Gluten free.
Whole Buckwheat Flour Wild Kuzu Root Starch

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

I Eden Soba & Udon Noodles

108300 0 24182 20155 0 7 lb 12 / 8 oz 108485 0 24182 22794 9 1.85 lb 6 / 3.5 oz

Mung Bean Pasta Rice Pasta

Harusame Bifun k

Thin, translucent noodles made Popular noodle made of steamed

of 100% mung bean starch and rice. Thin, clear, and they cook
water. One of the most popular up in just two minutes. Makes
noodles in the East, often used in refreshing, light summer salads,
soups. Slippery, chewy texture and is very nice in soup. A good
adds delight to soups and salads. source of protein, gluten free,
Very low sodium. Gluten free. and very low sodium.
Mung Bean Starch 100% White Rice Flour

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
108460 0 24182 20502 2 2.5 lb 12 / 2.4 oz 108440 0 24182 20602 9 4 lb 12 / 3.5 oz

EDEN Sauerkraut
Just Like Pappy Sam’s
Jim Knauss of Pennsylvania wrote to us saying EDEN Organic
Sauerkraut was as good as his father’s, “Pappy” Sam. “I am now
69 years old and have finally found in your EDEN Organic
Sauerkraut, a kraut that measures up to my dad’s. I wanted you
to know, it is the best store bought kraut I have ever tasted, and
I know kraut!”

Ancient Health Food

Organic cabbage, Hirzel Farm, Ohio Lactic acid fermentation is the simplest food fermentation.
Although sauerkraut is German for ‘sour cabbage,’ it is not of
Old World Crafted German origin. Over 2,000 years ago cabbage fermented with
EDEN Organic Sauerkraut is grown and made rice wine kept thousands of laborers healthy while building
by the Hirzel family of Northern Ohio. Since China’s Great Wall. Genghis Khan took a fancy to this food
1923, they have been growing the finest organic substituting salt for rice wine. Its easy preparation and
cabbage and making sauerkraut the old-world storability provided a perfect food for his army that introduced
way. Acres of vital fields are enriched from years it to Eastern Europe over a thousand years ago.
of composting and organic management on the For centuries sauerkraut provided a vital source of vitamin C,
Hirzel’s farm. Soil, thus enriched, retains Lactobacilli, and nutrition to various peoples of the northern
moisture and produces sturdy plants. From this hemisphere, especially during winter. It was a staple food that
skillfully nurtured soil, with the hot days and prevented scurvy on sea voyages since the Pacific explorations
cool nights of Midwestern summers, comes of Captain James Cook, up until the utilization of citrus fruits
cabbage that is highly nutritious, more delicious, from colonies near the equator.
and makes remarkable sauerkraut.
Organic cabbage is hand harvested at the peak Antioxidant Value
of its flavor, cored, washed, and shredded. It is Sauerkraut’s numerous health benefits have been common
placed in stainless steel vats with Eden’s finest knowledge for over 2,500 years. Modern research supports
sea salt and fermented for at least six weeks. lactic acid fermentation of food being extremely beneficial.
During fermentation the vats are managed in a Cruciferous vegetables, like cabbage, are rich in sulfur
manner similar to that of a fine winery. Over containing compounds that are responsible for its pungent
eighty years experience, traditional methods, aroma and spicy taste. When fermented, these compounds
and one family’s care and skill from field to jar, produce antioxidant isothiocyanates, beneficial enzymes, and
gives EDEN Sauerkraut its homemade, old- lactic acid that aid digestion and boost immune strength.
world, sought-after character. Cabbage also contains phytonutrient indoles.

Sauerkraut Sauerkraut Guacamole

Organic k 2 avocados, pitted and peeled
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon lemon juice, freshly squeezed
I Eden Sauerkraut

Grown and crafted the old-world 1 pinch EDEN Sea Salt, optional
way by the Hirzel family of Ohio. 1 cup EDEN Organic Sauerkraut
Hand harvested, cored, cut, and 1 small organic tomato, diced
lactic acid fermented with EDEN Place avocado, garlic, lemon juice, and sea salt in a
Sea Salt for at least six weeks. mixing bowl. Mash until smooth with a fork or potato
Rich in vitamin C and valuable masher. Mix in the sauerkraut and tomato. Place in a
phytonutrients. serving bowl and serve with your favorite organic
corn chips, crackers, or raw vegetables. Serves 8
Organic Cabbage, Water,
Eden Sea Salt

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

103900 0 24182 01100 5 37 lb 12 / 32 oz

EDEN Sea Vegetables
Rare, Crucial Nourishment
Why sea vegetables? Because they round out nutrition with
rare, but essential trace minerals. All of them. They also
provide an array of potent phytonutrients, as well as calcium,
iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, B complex, C, D, E, and
K. Trace mineral proportions are similar to human blood.
According to Jan and John Belleme in Japanese Foods That
Heal, current interest in the medicinal value of sea vegetables
began in 1927 when Professor S. Kondo of Tohoku University
discovered that people living where sea vegetables were eaten Orange wakame salad recipe at
enjoyed particularly long and healthy lives. Since then
scientists have learned that sea vegetables have unique Arctic Current Pure
antibacterial, antioxidant, cleansing, and immunity enhancing EDEN sea vegetables are wild or cultivated,
benefits. Sea vegetables are renowned as fat burners. hand harvested from pristine, environmentally
protected seas designated as national natural
Cleansing Properties treasures. They are constantly Arctic current
An important discovery about sea vegetables is their washed and fed. Each is prepared using only
cleansing ability. This action is linked to alginic acid, a centuries-old artisan methods.
polysaccharide that is abundant in brown algae sea vegetables, EDEN Japanese sea vegetables are
including kombu, arame, hiziki, and wakame. These sea renowned for their purity, superb flavor,
vegetables are highly valued and sought after by women in and unique nutrition content. Eden has
Japan, and throughout Asia, for their beautification and supplied the natural food industry with
nurturing of hair and skin. Japanese specific sea vegetables for
Due to environmental pollution, heavy metal contaminants thirty-eight years, avoiding cheaper
in our bodies may include barium, mercury, lead, cadmium, Asian sources produced solely for
radioactive strontium, etc. Research headed by Dr. Tanaka at export to the unknowing.
McGill University demonstrated that the alginic acid in sea
vegetables can bind with these heavy metals, rendering them
to forms that cause them to be harmlessly eliminated. • Arctic current grown and hand harvested
Brown algae sea vegetables are high in glutamic acid, a sweet • Twelve wild and cultivated varieties
amino acid that softens and enhances the flavor of other foods • Superior purity exclusively from Japan

I Eden Sea Vegetables ~ Japan

they are cooked with, especially beans, grain, and root • Beware of adulterated imitations
vegetables. The multifaceted health benefits of seaweeds are
traditionally known, and being affirmed again recently.
• k pareve varieties

Agar Agar Bars Agar Agar Flakes

Wild, Hand Harvested k Wild, Hand Harvested k

Sea vegetable gelatin of eight Vegetarian gelatin substitute.

varieties. Prepared and naturally Easy-to-use flakes ideal for
freeze dried in the mountains using pie fillings, jellies, preserves,
only winter freezes. Used to make kanten, custards, and aspics.
vegetarian ‘gelatin treats’ and in Agar Agar bars or flakes are
vegetable or fruit aspics, custards, a far-better option to
and pie fillings. Very beneficial fiber. rendered gelatin. Over 80%
fiber, zero calories.
Gracilaria and Gelidium Seaweed Gelidium

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
108960 0 24182 15900 4 .5 lb 6 / .5 oz 108940 0 24182 15931 8 .5 lb 6 / 1 oz

EDEN Sea Vegetables
Arame Hiziki
Wild, Hand Harvested k Wild, Hand Harvested k

Wild harvested, shredded, Only the prized tender black

cooked, and sun-dried. Fiber rich, curls of the tips. Sun-dried,
a good source of vitamin A, steamed for hours, and dried
calcium, and magnesium. Add to again. Rich, delicate flavor.
sautéed vegetables and salads. Soak for twenty minutes and
Sweeter and milder than its cook. High fiber, a good
cousin, hiziki. source of potassium, calcium,
riboflavin B2, & magnesium.
Eisenia bicyclis Hiziki Hizikia fusiforme
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
108840 0 24182 15475 7 1.3 lb 6 / 2.1 oz 108860 0 24182 15079 7 1.3 lb 6 / 2.1 oz
108600 n/a 2.5 lb 2.2 lb 108620 n/a 2.5 lb 2.2 lb

Sea Vegetable Benefits Kombu

Sea vegetables provide polysaccharides that have Wild, Hand Harvested k
numerous health benefits. One of the most
beneficial of these is fucoidan, found in the brown Tender fronds from Arctic
sea vegetables such as mekabu, wakame, kombu, current off Hokkaido. Widely
arame, and hiziki. used in soup stock and dashi
Mekabu is especially rich noodle broth as a flavor
in fucoidan. Its viscous, enhancer. In cooking, add a piece
to beans or root vegetables for

sticky texture comes from

better flavor and texture.
fucoidan contained in its
cell walls. Researchers Kombu
report fucoidan enhances Laminaria japonica
immune system function

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

I Eden Sea Vegetables ~ Japan

and offers heart, digestive, 108880 0 24182 15273 9 1.3 lb 6 / 2.1 oz

and thyroid health benefits. 108680 n/a 2.5 lb 2.2 lb
It is a renowned fat metabolizer.

Mekabu wakame Nori

Wild, Hand Harvested k 10 Sheets, Cultivated

The ruffled, flowering

sprout of wakame just above its Best selling sea vegetable in the
root. To preserve its beneficial USA, by far. Cultivated in the
fucoidan, do not cook. Soak it environmentally protected Ise
for twelve minutes and just add (ee-say) Bay. The finest grade,
ponzu; or, blend toasted hand harvested, and sun-dried.
sesame oil, brown rice vinegar, For sushi, nori rolls, rice balls,
and shoyu to put on it. Mildly and as garnish. A quick toasting
sweet and supremely healthy. turns it emerald green.
Wakame Sporophyll Nori Porphyra tenera
Undaria pinnatifida
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
109030 0 24182 15173 2 1 lb 6 / .88 oz 109000 0 24182 15706 2 1 lb 6 / .8 oz

EDEN Sea Vegetables
Nori Krinkles Spicy Nori Strips
Toasted, Cultivated Toasted, Cultivated

Seasoned toasted small sheets of

Thin strips toasted crispy green, nori. A snack and great with grain.
mild and sweet. A healthy snack Toasted Nori Porphyra tenera,
and versatile, fun condiment. Organic Shoyu (organic whole
A good source of vitamin C. soybeans, organic whole wheat, sea
Garnish grain, noodles and salt, koji Aspergillus oryzae), Organic
salads. Use in quick miso soup. Mirin (organic sweet rice, organic rice,
koji Aspergillus oryzae), Barley Malt
Nori Syrup (sweet potato starch, sprouted
Porphyra yezoensis barley), Sea Salt, Kombu Seaweed,
Shiitake Mushrooms, Chili Pepper
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
109020 0 24182 15707 9 .85 lb 6 / .53 oz 109040 0 24182 15708 6 .6 lb 12 / .47 oz

Sushi Nori Bamboo Sushi Mats

7 or 50 Sheets, Cultivated

Handy sheets pre-toasted for

sushi, nori rolls, and rice balls. Many uses in addition to helping
Versatile and popular. Ise Bay make professional looking sushi and
grown pure. Experience the nori rolls. Superior quality
difference. Deep color, brilliant untreated bamboo strips bound
luster, and warm flavor are its with unwaxed cotton string for a
key notes. flat, flexible surface. Made in Japan.
Nori Porphyra tenera Bamboo and Cotton

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

I Eden Sea Vegetables ~ Japan

108980 0 24182 15769 7 .85 lb 6 / .6 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

108760 0 24182 15770 3 .28 lb 4.4 oz 111200 0 24182 36105 6 1.1 lb 6

Wakame Instant Wakame Flakes

Cultivated k Cultivated

Pre-washed, cut, and ready to

Sun-dried from environmentally use right out of the bag for miso
protected Ise Bay. It turns a soup. Soak briefly for salads,
happy bright green when expands 20 times. Sanriku-san
soaked. Essential for miso soup. grade means highest value.
High magnesium and good Twenty-five processes from leaf
fiber. Rich in phytonutrients. to flakes, and seventeen of these
remove any foreign material;
Wakame Undaria pinnatifida none reduce nutrient content.
Wakame Undaria pinnatifida
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
108900 0 24182 15171 8 1.3 lb 6 / 2.1 oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack

108700 n/a 2.5 lb 2.2 lb 108920 0 24182 15169 5 1 lb 10 / 1.06 oz

EDEN Snacks
Old-Style Chips and Crackers
Eden’s four varieties of chips are crafted mixing dough with
vegetables and seasoning, flash fried in rice bran oil, and
centrifuge spun to remove the oil for chips that are super crispy
with light airy texture. The two crackers and the crunchy puffs
are multi-step traditionally made (dare we say artistically
crafted?) each beginning with steamed pounded sweet brown
rice mochi and glazed with tamari soy sauce. They are merely
The Brown Family, Michigan cherry growers baked (no added oil). The crackers were awarded the Gold
Medal at the All Japan Confectionery Exposition.
Snack Enrichment Either fat free or low fat. Each is wheat free
People the world over have been ingenious in and two are gluten free.
making food into essential snacks. There is
instinctive and practical need for food that Nuts, Seeds, and Fruit
stores well, is portable, and provides quick EDEN reclosable snack pouches are easy
energy. Variety is craved, soft or crunchy, fruity to keep at hand on the go, or at home.
or salty, lean or rich, depending upon mood and There are ten offerings including dried
activity levels. fruit and berries, almonds, pistachios,
EDEN snacks satisfy these needs while pumpkin seeds, and mixes. Unsalted or
providing excellent nutrition and healthy energy. containing a bit of EDEN sea salt, all are
They’re wholesome food of simple, multi-step low or very low sodium with no refined
natural preparation that maintains integrity and sugars, trans-fats, preservatives, or
the purity our customers demand. sulfites, and only the finest, non-
Modern snack food depletes energy and well- irradiated organically grown
being with saturated, commonly hydrogenated seasonings. All are packed in
(trans fat) fat, excessive bad quality salt, refined protective, reclosable pouches.
sugars, chemical preservatives, dyes, additives, Everything is Eden selected
and a long list of toxic chemical processing aids. and prepared at our certified organic, k, Michigan
Eden provides snack food that is not junk food; headquarters. This facility, including equipment and practices,
snack food that is enjoyable, beneficial, real is inspected and rated ‘Superior’ by AIB International. This is
the highest rating for safety and purity in food manufacturing,
I Eden Snacks, Chips & Crackers

food, and actually good for you.

by the most stringent food safety certifier.

Organic Popcorn
EDEN Popcorn pops into large, fluffy puffed kernels. EDEN
family farm organic from Nebraska, prepared at an organic mill
with thorough popcorn handling expertise. Precise measures,
both large and small, are taken to retain moisture by preventing
the kernels from being scratched or damaged, so they pop more
• Nitrogen flushed to maintain freshness completely. Arriving at Eden from the mill, the popcorn is
• No refined sugar or chemicals packed in a reclosable standing pouch chosen to retain
• No refined oil, trans-fats, or sulfites necessary popping moisture and
• Low sodium, low fat, fat free, and prevent photo-oxidation.
gluten free selections This sophisticated care is
• EDEN organic k pareve varieties deserved and necessary
for its superior
• Hole punched for strip displays and quality.
shipped in merchandisable boxes
Heart Healthy
Diets containing foods that are a good source of potassium and that are
low in sodium may reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.
Diets rich in whole grain foods and other plant foods and low in total fat,
saturated fat, and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease and
some cancers. - FDA
EDEN Snacks
Brown Rice Crackers Nori Maki Rice Crackers
Cute and delicious.
Pounded steamed sweet brown
Transcendent snack food. Eighteen
rice mochi is baked, glazed with
steps in its making. Baked, misted
traditionally brewed tamari soy
with tamari, and baked again.
sauce, rebaked, and hand
Awarded the Gold Medal at the All
wrapped with pieces of nori.
Japan Confectionery Exposition.
Gluten free.
Gluten free.
Sweet Brown Rice, Nori Seaweed,
Brown Rice, Black Sesame Seeds,
Tamari Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans,
Tamari Soy Sauce (Water, Soybeans,
Sea Salt), Shiitake Mushroom
Sea Salt), Job’s Tears (Hato Mugi)
Powder, Kombu Seaweed Powder
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110820 0 24182 51341 7 4.5 lb 20 / 2.6 oz 110800 0 24182 50250 3 3 lb 12 / 2.4 oz

Five Flavor Arare Rice Puffs Popcorn

Organic 100% Whole Grain k

Baked, light crunchy snack puffs; Authentically organically

an 800-year-old method and finest grown on Nebraska family
ingredients with a sweet and salty farms. Superior popping
multi-flavor glaze. Pronounced qualities from purpose minded
ah-rah’-ray. Wheat free. handling provides large, fluffy
popcorn. Heart healthy whole
Sweet Brown Rice, Tamari Soy Sauce grain. Tested GEO free.
(water, whole soybeans, sea salt),
Black Sesame Seeds, Nori Seaweed, Organic Yellow Popcorn
Barley Malt Syrup, Koji Aspergillus Zea mays averta
oryzae, Shiitake, Kombu, Sea Salt

I Eden Snacks, Chips & Crackers

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 105400 0 24182 00086 3 17 lb 12 / 20 oz
110940 0 24182 52065 1 2.5 lb 12 / 2.4 oz 105815 0 24182 00116 7 51 lb 50 lb

All Mixed Up All Mixed Up Too

k k
Snack food satisfaction is here. EDEN organic nuts, fruits, and
EDEN organic nuts and seeds with seeds. Satisfying nourishment.
organic dried fruit and a touch of
EDEN Sea Salt. Tasty medley. Organic Roasted Pumpkin Seeds,
Organic Sunflower Seeds, Organic
Organic Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, Tamari Roasted Almonds (Dry Roasted
Organic Roasted Almonds, Organic Almonds, Organic Tamari Soy
Dried Montmorency Cherries Sauce (Water, Organic Soybeans, Sea
(Montmorency Tart Cherries, Salt)), Organic Thompson Raisins, Dried
Organic Apple Juice Concentrate, Montmorency Cherries (Montmorency
Organic Safflower Oil), Organic Tart Cherries, Organic Apple Juice
Thompson Raisins, Sea Salt Concentrate, Organic Safflower Oil)
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
112025 0 24182 00083 2 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz 112015 0 24182 00082 5 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz

EDEN Snacks
Wild Berry Mix Tamari Almonds
Organic k Organic k

Low-bush blueberries, cranberries,

nuts, and seeds. No salt. Gas fire infra-red roasted and
misted with organic tamari soy
Organic Dry Roasted Almonds, Organic sauce. Never so-called ‘pasteurized’
Dry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, Organic or fumigated. Organic dry roasted,
Raw Sunflower Seeds, Organic Raisins, tamari California almonds.
Organic Cranberries (Organic
Cranberries, Organic Apple Juice Organic Dry Roasted Almonds, Organic
Concentrate, Organic Sunflower Oil), Tamari Soy Sauce (Water, Organic
Organic Wild Blueberries (Organic Wild Soybeans, Sea Salt)
Blueberries, Organic Apple Juice
Concentrate, Organic Sunflower Oil) Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
112425 0 24182 00080 1 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
112420 0 24182 00102 0 11 lb 10 lb
112030 0 24182 00092 4 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz 112400 n/a 26 lb 25 lb

Dried Wild Blueberries Dried Montmorency Tart Cherries

Organic k k
Wild, low-bush blueberries, Prunus cerasus, from organic and
Vaccinium angustifolium, dried transitional to organic family
and infused sweetened with orchards. The “healing cherry”
organic apple juice concentrate. with its efficacious tartness.
No refined sugar. USDA’s number- Promotes cardiovascular health;
one source of potent antioxidants. 1.4mg of valuable antioxidant
Organic sunflower oil misted to anthocyanins per serving.
discourage clumping.
Montmorency Tart Cherries, Organic
Organic Wild Blueberries, Organic Apple Juice Concentrate, Organic
Apple Juice Concentrate, Organic Safflower Oil
I Eden Snacks, Chips & Crackers

Sunflower Oil Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 103270 0 24182 00079 5 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz
103260 0 24182 00088 7 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz 103285 0 24182 00100 6 11 lb 10 lb

Dried Cranberries Pistachios

Organic k Organic k

Cranberries, Vaccinium
macrocarpon, are named after
sandhill and whooping cranes that California organic pistachios,
fancy them. The first fruit to carry shelled, dry roasted, and misted
a French certified health claim – with EDEN Sea Salt. Low sodium.
beneficial to urinary tract health. Good source of fiber and protein.
Cranberries and blueberries are Pistachios may be beneficial to
native American fruits. heart health.
Organic Cranberries, Organic Pistachios Pistacia vera,
Organic Apple Juice Concentrate, Sea Salt
Organic Sunflower Oil
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103262 0 24182 00090 0 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz 113030 0 24182 00089 4 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz

EDEN Snacks
Pumpkin Seeds Spicy Pumpkin Seeds
Organic k Organic k
Organic cayenne pepper and
Dry roasted, and EDEN Sea Salt organic garlic. Number-one seller
misted. Low sodium. Excellent in our nut, fruit, and seed snack
source of protein, magnesium, category. Excellent fiber. Good
and fiber. Good source of Zinc. source of Zinc. Phenomenal 50%
Pumpkin seed turns up quite daily value (DV) of magnesium.
often in folk medicine. Organic Dry Roasted Pumpkin Seeds,
Organic Pumpkin Seeds, Organic Tamari Soy Sauce (Water,
Sea Salt Organic Soybeans, Sea Salt), Organic
Garlic, Organic Cayenne Pepper
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
113015 0 24182 00084 9 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz 112365 0 24182 00081 8 4.75 lb 15 / 4 oz
113020 0 24182 00113 6 11 lb 10 lb 112360 0 24182 00107 5 11 lb 10 lb

Brown Rice Chips Sea Vegetables Chips

Light and crispy. Kneaded dough,

A fun seaweed enriched snack.
dried, baked into chips, flash
Crispy, light discs with four sea
fried in rice bran oil, and
vegetables: wakame, kombu,
centrifuge spun to remove oil.
hiziki, and nori. Dip or crumble
Great with dips, guacamole,
for garnish over salad and soup.
salsa, etc. Low sodium, wheat
and gluten free. Search Rice Bran Potato Starch, Rice Bran Oil,
Oil Heart for insight. Seaweed (Wakame, Kombu,
Hiziki, Nori), Sea Salt, Potato Syrup
Brown Rice, Rice Bran Oil, Sea Salt, (Potato Starch, Barley Malt)
Nori Seaweed

I Eden Snacks, Chips & Crackers

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110840 0 24182 51174 1 4 lb 20 / 1.7 oz 110900 0 24182 52052 1 4.5 lb 20 / 2.1 oz

Vegetable Chips Wasabi Chips

Hot ,n Spicy

Six vegetables in light The original hot chip of the

crispy chips. Baked, rice bran oil natural food Hall of Fame. Real
flash fried, centrifuge spun, and wasabi root, Wasabia japonica.
lightly tamari glazed.
Potato Starch, Organic Tamari Soy
Potato Starch, Organic Tamari Soy Sauce (Water, Organic Soybeans,
Sauce (Water, Organic Soybeans, Sea Salt, Grain Alcohol, Koji), Rice
Sea Salt, Grain Alcohol, Koji), Rice Bran Oil, Carrot, Cabbage, Spinach,
Bran Oil, Carrot, Cabbage, Spinach, Bell Pepper, Wasabi (Japanese
Bell Pepper, Parsley, Lettuce, Sea Horseradish), Parsley, Lettuce,
Salt, Potato Syrup (Potato Starch, Sea Salt, Potato Syrup (Potato
Barley Malt) Starch, Barley Malt)
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110890 0 24182 52051 4 4.5 lb 20 / 2.1 oz 110970 0 24182 52055 2 4.5 lb 20 / 2.1 oz

Soy Sauces, Mirin, and Ponzu
Koji Fermented Soy Sauce
EDEN naturally brewed shoyu soy sauce is made in Japan of
EDEN USA soybeans by master artisans skilled in the ancient
methods of koji fermentation. Koji spore inoculated whole
soybeans and wheat are aged in cedar casks through two full
cycles of the seasons. EDEN Tamari Soy Sauce is crafted in the
same way, but without wheat.
A good shoyu or tamari is otherworldly, like a fine wine.
Easy meals, noodles and EDEN shoyu Don’t settle for imitations; caramel colored salt water and soy
isolate concoctions. EDEN shoyu and tamari are crafted with the
Bring Flavor to Life finest ingredients, skill, and patience. Their deep character and
EDEN shoyu, tamari, mirin, and ponzu work bouquet develops only over long fermentation.
wonders in cooking, seasoning, and While imported EDEN shoyu and tamari are made in Japan
marinating. While tamari imparts its own and domestic EDEN tamari is made in Virginia, all are made
flavor, shoyu’s most valuable quality is not its with Eden selected USA family farm organically grown
own flavor, but rather a melding, harmonizing, soybeans; the same soybeans used to make EDENSOY.
and enhancement of flavors where its used.
The complexity of a good shoyu is
#1 Rated Tamari and Shoyu
EDEN imported tamari was awarded ‘Best Tasting’ of the
extraordinary, and its wondrous effects
seven brands sampled in San Francisco at a competitive
are irreplaceable. Shoyu and mirin are
evaluation held by a discerning panel at the San Francisco
called the right and left hands of
Chronicle newspaper.
Japanese cuisine. Ponzu, with its
EDEN Selected Shoyu was the highest rated and the only
harmony of five flavors, adds sparkle
highly recommended brand in two separate soy sauce tastings
and delight wherever used.
conducted by Cook’s Illustrated magazine.

• Delightful essence - cooking,

seasoning, and marinating
“ Tasters decisively ranked this distinct soy sauce number
one in both taste tests, said the authors. Its flavor was
• Aged for years, no imitations toasty, caramely, and complex, not wimpy.
• Multiple awards Rich, clean, and balanced with ‘vivid’ flavor. The salt
I Soy Sauces, Mirin, and Ponzu

• Never adulterated, non-GMO flavor was tangible but not overpowering.

• EDEN organic k pareve - Cook’s Illustrated magazine

Shoyu Soy Sauce Shoyu Soy Sauce
Eden Selected k Traditionally Brewed Organic k

Brew masters and ancient koji An extraordinary quality of a fine

fermentation. Aged in wood casks shoyu is its enhancement and
for two years. Complex flavor. Cook’s harmonizing of flavors. A complex
Illustrated highest rated shoyu. natural chemistry melds, brightens
flavors, and brings out the deep
Water, Whole Soybeans,
character of fine food. Non-GMO.
Whole Wheat, Sea Salt,
Koji Aspergillus oryzae Water, Whole Organic Soybeans,
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Organic Wheat, Sea Salt,
Koji Aspergillus oryzae
107190 0 24182 00036 8 19 lb 12 / 10 fl oz
107210 0 24182 00038 2 30 lb 12 / 20 fl oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
107160 n/a 51 lb 5 gal 107310 0 24182 00042 9 19 lb 12 / 10 fl oz
107140 n/a 594 lb 55 gal 107295 n/a 595 lb 55 gal

Soy Sauces, Mirin, and Ponzu
Shoyu Soy Sauce Tamari Soy Sauce
Reduced Sodium Organic k Traditionally Brewed Organic k

The flavor and character of Cedar cask aged two years.

EDEN Shoyu with half the sodium. Declared ‘Best’ by the San Francisco
Brewed from certified organic, Chronicle. Gluten free.
non-GMO, USA soybeans.
Whole Organic Soybeans,
Water, Whole Organic Soybeans, Water, Sea Salt, Organic Rice Alcohol,
Organic Wheat, Sea Salt, to preserve freshness (Water, Organic
Organic Rice Alcohol, to preserve Rice, Koji Aspergillus oryzae),
freshness (Water, Organic Rice, Koji Organic Soybean Flour, Koji
Aspergillus oryzae), Koji
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 107410 0 24182 00044 3 19 lb 12 / 10 fl oz
107270 0 24182 00045 0 19 lb 12 / 10 fl oz 107420 0 24182 00047 4 30 lb 12 / 20 fl oz
107240 n/a 595 lb 55 gal 107400 n/a 595 lb 55 gal

Tamari Soy Sauce Mirin

Naturally Brewed in the U.S. Organic k Rice Cooking Wine k

Koji brewing and aging. Tamari The finest, Ajino-haha. Made in Japan
was originally the liquid that was of Lundberg organic brown rice. Brewed
created as miso aged. Gluten free. in cedar kegs and sea salt enhanced.
Essential in noodle broth, teriyaki sauce,
Water, Whole Organic Soybeans,
Sea Salt, 2% Organic Grain Alcohol to
marinades, and sushi rice. Extremely
preserve freshness versatile. Shoyu and mirin are the right
Koji Aspergillus oryzae and left hands of Japanese cooking.
Water, Rice, Koji Aspergillus oryzae,
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Sea Salt

I Soy Sauces, Mirin, and Ponzu

106970 0 24182 01158 6 19 lb 12 / 10 fl oz Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
106980 0 24182 01159 3 30 lb 12 / 20 fl oz 109780 0 24182 00048 1 18 lb 12 /10.5 fl oz
107020 n/a 574 lb 55 gal 109720 n/a 46 lb 4.75 gal

Ponzu Mirin – Sweet Rice Cooking Wine

Five Flavor Seasoning Mirin is a highly versatile, mildly sweet seasoning
that enhances flavors of all foods. Its natural sugars
are complex carbohydrate grain sugar, or maltose,
Traditional dipping sauce. Delightful from koji fermented rice.
medley of sour, tangy, sweet, salty, and
savory. No refined sugar. Great on This renowned cooking ingredient has created the
noodles, tofu, fried food, fish – and any complex, delicious flavor of Japanese cuisine for over
dish you want to bring to life. 400 years. It balances salty flavors of soy sauce and
miso, tones down tartness of vinegar and citrus, and
Shoyu (Water, Soybeans, Wheat, Sea Salt),
enhances giving rise to subtle flavors.
Rice Vinegar, Mirin (Water, Rice, Koji
Aspergillus oryzae, Sea Salt), Barley Malt, There were more than 200 traditional mirin
Yuzu and Sudachi Citrus Juices brewers in Japan, but today only a handful remain.
EDEN Mirin is the real thing, made with Lundberg
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack California organic short-grain brown rice, in the
109880 0 24182 00049 8 11 lb 12 / 6.75 oz centuries-old way.

EDEN Sweeteners
Traditional Malt
EDEN Barley Malt Syrup is crafted from just two ingredients:
organic whole grain malting barley and pure water. The barley
sprouts, converts carbohydrates to sugars, and is then kiln
roasted, cured, mashed, cooked, filtered, and concentrated
into a thick, sweet syrup.
EDEN Barley Malt Syrup is great on or in pancakes, spice
cakes, gingerbread, and breads, in baked beans, barbecue
sauces, on winter squash and sweet potatoes. It is an excellent
Sorghum in central Iowa ingredient for all baked goods.
EDEN barley malt does not stress our systems with strong
Natural Sweeteners demands for insulin to deal with refined sugars (cane sugar,
EDEN Barley Malt Syrup and Pure Sweet evaporated cane juice, corn syrup, etc.) because of its much
Sorghum are made using simple, traditional more slowly metabolized malt sugars: 76% maltose, 16%
methods that create concentrated sweetness in glucose, 6% sucrose, and 2% fructose.
a nourishing, versatile thick syrup.
EDEN Barley Malt Syrup uses only the grain’s ‘Sugar of the Plain’
enzymes which are created as the grain sprouts EDEN Pure Sweet Sorghum is a concentrated sweetener
to convert starch to healthy sweet sugars. made from Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, a sorghum variety
Genetically engineered enzymes and dubious grown for its tall cane and high juice content. Organic
chemicals that speed up these processes are sorghum cane is pressed to extract its juice, which is slowly
completely avoided. Artisan maltsters finesse fire simmered into thick syrup. It takes eight gallons of cane
this creation using traditional know-how. juice to make one gallon of EDEN Sweet Sorghum.
From seed, through packaging into glass jars, Sorghum syrup is often incorrectly called ‘molasses’ or
great care is taken to prevent any adulteration ‘sorghum molasses.’ Molasses is made from sugar cane or
at any step. Three undeclared ingredients are sugar beets – this sweet sorghum is not molasses.
skill, patience, and practice. EDEN sweet sorghum is a versatile, wiser sweetener that is
regaining popularity because it’s better for health.
• USA family farm organically grown Once called ‘Sugar of the Plains,’
I Eden Sweeteners ~ traditional

sweet sorghum was formerly the

• Traditional, no artificial enzymes most important sweetener in the
• Richness that slowly metabolizes USA. Use in cooking and baking,
• EDEN organic k pareve or spread on toast, bread, muffins,
pancakes, waffles, and biscuits.

Barley Malt Syrup Sweet Sorghum

Organic k Organic k

USA organic sprouted malting A versatile, concentrated

barley, kiln roasted, water sweetener, organically grown
extracted, and reduced to thick and made on real Amish family
syrup. Half the sweetness of farms in central Iowa. Ideal for
refined sugar. A most healthy, all cooking and baking needs.
delicious, versatile sweetener. Gluten free.
Organic Sprouted Barley, Organic Sorghum Juice
Water Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104050 0 24182 49115 9 22 lb 12 / 20 oz 104040 0 24182 49118 0 22 lb 12 / 20 oz
Green Tea & Infusions
Keeping It Green
All tea stems from the same plant, Camellia sinensis, a
perennial shrub about five feet tall with gentle rounded leaves
and tender twigs. Tea becomes green, black, or other varieties
solely in the way it is handled and cured. As soon as leaves are
picked they begin to oxidize. For Chinese and English black teas,
the leaves are allowed to oxidize as they dry. In making Japanese
green tea this oxidation is halted immediately after harvest with The Nagata family tea plantation in Uji
a purposeful steaming and rubbing of the leaves.
Various grades of green tea are created by harvesting at Infusions, Herbal Blends,
different times in the season, and in numerous curing methods. and Matcha
In brewing, when hot water is added to tea leaves, the first Herbal teas do not contain tea leaves at all;
phytochemicals that seep out are the acidic, astringent ones. rather, they are infusions. Eden Foods offers
Next, alkaloid compounds are released creating a balanced brew. three herbal infusions: Mu 16 tea, organic
Follow package directions and adjust according to taste. chamomile, and lotus root tea. Four other EDEN
teas combine the finest Japanese organic green
Satisfaction for 5,000 Years tea with organic herbs: rose hips and rose
Historians suggest people began drinking tea about 5,000
petals, ginger root, spearmint and peppermint
years ago in China. Around the eleventh century tea made its
leaves, and a charming chai spice blend. The
way to Japan and from there spread across the world.
herbs in EDEN teas are Eden selected with the
Tea time continues to be a common ritual in the East and in
help of Trans-Herbe, Inc. of Québec. All EDEN
many parts of the world. In America, tea consumption has
teas, bagged or loose, are packed to best protect
tripled since 1990; this trend continues to be driven by reports of
the integrity of the tea while providing the
its protective health benefit. Green tea research has focused on
necessary convenience expected.
antioxidant polyphenols, tannins, and flavonoids including
For the ultimate green tea experience we
epigallo-catechin gallate (EGCG) compounds that altogether
offer organic matcha; ceremonial grade, stone-
make up about 40 percent of green tea’s dry weight. Recently,
ground, green tea powder. This quality of
Men’s Journal magazine called green tea, “The perfect all natural
matcha is dazzling Americans whether served
energy drink... it shares coffee’s pick-me-up but has an amino
warm or chilled, and it’s a delightful ingredient
acid, L-theanine, that causes naturally occurring caffeine to have
in baked goods, kanten, and other foods.
a milder, steadier effect.”
Matcha is green tea concentrate where the
Taking tea is quite rewarding as it nourishes, refreshes, and
entire leaf is consumed. It only takes a minute
allows reflection. A soothing antidote to life’s rush, it is. We urge
to prepare this refreshing well-being.
you to make tea time a custom with the finest, most satisfying
tea that we have been able to find, EDEN organic tea.

I Green Tea & Infusions

‘Nature Farming’
EDEN green teas come from the Nagata family tea plantation
near Uji, in Kyoto prefecture about 230 miles southwest of
Tokyo. This is Japan’s most famous tea producing area. When
Buddhist monks brought seedlings from China over 1,000 years
ago, they first planted them here. Early morning mist from Uji
River moistens the leaves as they warm in the sun. Uji’s rich, • Nagata family organic green tea,
slightly acidic soil is ideal for the tea bush. herbal blends, and infusions
Following ‘nature farming’ methods, the Nagata family has • Oxygen washed Manila fiber tea bags,
been producing organic tea without toxic chemicals since 1974. individually wrapped
They replenish their topsoil with high quality vital compost, and • Tea bag boxes can be merchandised
allow their tea bushes to develop naturally without harsh horizontally or vertically
pruning. While chemically treated tea bushes ‘burn out’ after • Loose leaf sencha and kukicha in
about 20 years, Nagata family tea bushes produce vibrant, viable standing reclosable pouches
leaves for 40 years, some much longer. • EDEN organic k pareve offerings
Green Tea & Infusions
Chamomile Herb Tea Genmaicha
Green Tea w/ Brown Rice
Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k

Prized spring leaves of sencha

Matricaria chamomilla flowers green tea with roasted brown
are a daisy relative. Organically rice, genmai. Wonderful hot, but
grown in Egypt, source of the it is also the excellent choice for
world’s finest chamomile. iced tea. It is widely used for this
Relaxing and soothing with a in Japan.
delicately rich flavor.
Organic Sencha Green Tea Leaves
Organic Chamomile Flowers Camellia sinensis,
Organic Roasted Brown Rice

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110590 0 24182 18142 5 2 lb 12 boxes / case 1 10530 0 24182 18156 2 2 lb 12 boxes / case

Hojicha Chai Hojicha

Roasted Green Tea w/ Spices Roasted Green Tea
Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k

Roasted organic Japanese green

tea and aromatic organic spices. Early summer leaf, hand
A splendid chai tea medley. picked and very slowly
cauldron roasted for a full-
Organic Roasted Green Tea Leaves
flavor traditional brew.
Camellia sinensis, Organic
A bolder tea.
Cinnamon Bark, Organic Cardamom
Seeds, Organic Ginger Root, Organic Organic Roasted Green Tea Leaves
Star Anise, Organic Roasted Chicory Camellia sinensis
Root, Organic Cloves

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110575 0 24182 18138 8 2 lb 12 boxes / case 1 10540 0 24182 18145 6 2 lb 12 boxes / case

Kukicha Kukicha
I Green Tea & Infusions

Twig Tea Twig Tea

Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k Organic Loose Tea k

Soothing. Twigs with mature Kukicha was popularized by

leaves of four different clippings George Ohsawa in the 1960s. It
are steamed, sun-dried, patiently is an ideal drink for refreshment
aged 2 to 3 years. Repeatedly throughout the day. For kids, use
cauldron roasted. Lowest in brewed kukicha 50-50 with EDEN
caffeine. Half-and-half brewed Apple Juice. Reclosable pouch.
kukicha and apple juice is an
excellent child’s beverage. Roasted Organic Tea Twigs
Camellia sinensis
Organic Roasted Tea Twigs & Leaves
Camellia sinensis
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 110665 0 24182 18133 3 1.8 lb 12 / 1.75 oz
1 10550 0 24182 18120 3 2 lb 12 boxes / case 110640 n/a 12 lb 11 lb

Tea Tea & Infusions
& Infusions
Sencha Sencha
Green Tea Green Tea
Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k Organic Loose Tea k

Green tea research affirms its

Hand picked spring leaves
healthful properties. Antioxidants
steamed and twice rubbed to
such as tannins, flavonoids, and
capture its cherished green,
EGCG, collectively referred to as
flavor, aroma, and antioxidants.
catechins, make up 40% of green
The traditional, sought after
tea’s dry weight.
emerald beverage.
Organic Sencha Green Tea Leaves
Organic Sencha Green Tea Leaves
Camellia sinensis
Camellia sinensis
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 110625 0 24182 18132 6 2 lb 12 / 2.25 oz
1 10560 0 24182 18137 1 2 lb 12 boxes / case 110600 n/a 14.2 lb 13.2 lb

Sencha Ginger
Green Tea w/ Ginger Moisture proof
Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k envelope

Organic Japanese spring green Oxygen washed

tea leaves and organic Tanzanian Manila tea bag,
ginger root. Proverbs hold that no polluting whiteners
everything good is found in
ginger and that it is essential for
longevity. Warmly stimulating.
Organic Sencha Green Tea Leaves
Camellia sinensis, Pure
Organic Ginger Root 100% cotton
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Crimp sealed,
110570 0 24182 18140 1 2 lb 12 boxes / case no plastics or staple

Sencha Mint Sencha Rose

I Green Tea & Infusions

Green Tea w/ Spearmint & Peppermint Green Tea w/ Rose Hips & Petals
Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k Organic 16 Tea Bags / Box k

Japanese organic green tea with Fine sencha with Bulgarian

organic Egyptian spearmint and organic rose hips and Moroccan
peppermint. An array of essential organic rose petals. Celebratory
oil and antioxidants provide tea with the aroma and charm of
refreshing aroma and cool taste. roses. Our rosiest tea.
Organic Sencha Green Tea Leaves Organic Sencha Green Tea Leaves
Camellia sinensis, Camellia sinensis,
Organic Spearmint Leaves, Organic Rosehips,
Organic Peppermint Leaves Organic Rose Petals

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
1 10580 0 24182 18141 8 2 lb 12 boxes / case 1 10585 0 24182 18139 5 2 lb 12 boxes / case

Green Tea & Infusions
Lotus Root Tea Powder Matcha - Powdered Green Tea
Loose Tea - Glass Jar k Organic k

Powdered root of the Asian Thirty grams of ceremonial

water lily, treasured for its green tea powder. April tea
contribution to respiratory leaves steamed, rubbed, dried,
health with 5% ginger root and ground on small granite
powder. Boil a teaspoonful for stone mills. Whisked into hot
three minutes and sip. Eden water, taking in all the leaf
pure, authentic, unadulterated. warmly enriches life.
95% Lotus Root Powder, Matcha, Powdered Organic
5% Ginger Powder Green Tea Camellia sinensis

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
110745 0 24182 18128 9 1.25 lb 6 / 2 oz 110510 0 24182 18126 5 n/a n/a

Matcha Green Tea Kit

Organic k

Everything needed for matcha

powdered green tea: eighty
bristle bamboo whisk and
spoon, ceramic bowl, 30 gram
organic stone ground matcha,
and DVD. A perfect gift.
Matcha Powdered Organic Green
100% of Green Tea’s Potential Tea Camellia sinensis, Ceramic
Matcha organic green tea is usually served warm, Tea Bowl, Bamboo Tea Whisk &
Scoop, DVD
but is delightful chilled as well. Citrus enhances its
antioxidant availability. These revered catechins make Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
up 40 percent of its dry weight. Add slices of orange 110520 0 24182 18127 2 3.5 lb n/a
or lemon for refreshment and greater health benefit.
L-theanine, a nonessential, non-protein amino acid
Mu 16 Herb Tea
I Green Tea & Infusions

in green tea, is central in matcha’s unique flavor,

enhances learning ability, induces relaxation, and 8 Tea Bags / Bag k
inhibits caffeine stimulation. Matcha contains only
half the caffeine of brewed coffee. Configured by George Ohsawa.
Purpose blended to tone and
EDEN Matcha green tea powder is much more than strengthen. One bag makes a
a beverage. Its subtle sweetness and flavor blends well large pot. You can actually feel
with other tastes. It is used in desserts, confections, the vegetable kingdom’s power.
green tea ice cream, and kanten (a gelatin made with
Mandarin Orange Peel, Hoelen, Cnicus,
agar seaweed). Brighten up an
Atractylis, Herbaceous Peony Root,
EDENSOY smoothie with Japanese Parsley Root, Cinnamon,
matcha. It is the closest thing Cyperus, Ginger Root, Licorice, Apricot
we have found to etherial Kernels, Rehmannia, Japanese Panax
physical nourishment, as it Ginseng, Cloves, Coptis, Moutan
brightens our countenance Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
and entire well-being. 1 10720 0 24182 18125 8 1.5 lb 12 bags / case

EDEN Tomatoes
Kerr Family Farm
All EDEN organic tomatoes are the flavorful Roma variety
organically grown on the third generation Kerr family farm in
the Thames River Delta of southern Ontario. The Kerr farm’s
on site composting and crop rotation nurtures its vital soil. In
an ideal temperate climate for these tomatoes, Bob Kerr’s
practiced tending produces deep-red, firm Roma tomatoes that
taste splendid indeed when cooked and canned.

Thomas Canning - est. 1932

EDEN tomatoes are harvested only when perfectly red ripe. Bob Kerr, organic farmer Ontario, Canada
They are washed, sorted, canned, and cooked within hours
at the Thomas Cannery located very near the Kerr farm. What is a Tomato?
Thomas Cannery was established in 1932 by William “Pap” Once called ‘love apple’ in France, the tomato is
and Grace Thomas as a means for the family to survive the referred to as both a fruit and a vegetable.
Great Depression. It succeeded and the family has owned, Actually, the tomato is a berry, but legally it is a
operated, and improved their cannery ever since. William and vegetable. In 1883, the United States Supreme
Grace’s sons, Wilbur and Grant Thomas, carry on the operation Court ruled in a written opinion that,
of this now certified organic cannery. “Botanically speaking, tomatoes are fruits of a
vine, just as are cucumbers, squashes, beans, and
Eden Pure and Traditional peas. But in common language of the people...
EDEN tomatoes are like the ones our all these are vegetables.”
grandmothers would can, fine heirloom, full Colonists first brought the tomato to North
red ripe tomatoes. They burst with flavor America as an ornamental and medicinal plant.
without added salt, and like Grandma, we Thomas Jefferson, George Washington Carver,
would never adulterate them with chemicals. and others worked to dispel the myth that
These tomatoes are rich in antioxidant tomatoes were poisonous, or to be avoided
vitamins A and C, and provide potassium because of their relationship to the deadly
with B vitamins, fiber, and magnesium. nightshades, mandrake and belladonna. But as
Commercial canned tomatoes are we have well learned over time, the tomato is a
synthetically raised, artificially ripened with ethylene gas, travel nutritious and healthful food as part of a balanced
great distances before processing, and are lye bathed to be diet. Enjoy EDEN organic tomatoes. They are the
peeled. They are dosed with chemical processing aids and best you can find in a can or a glass jar.
preservatives, and contain far too much salt. EDEN organic
tomatoes are a healthier and much tastier choice. Keep them in
the pantry for the purest, best tasting tomatoes year-round.

The Potent Red

EDEN tomatoes contain up to 14.4mg of the potent
antioxidant lycopene per serving. Lycopene makes tomatoes I Eden Tomatoes
red and is a most valuable phytonutrient. Nutrition experts
recommend whole cooked tomatoes as the best source of • Fresh packed Roma plum tomatoes
lycopene as the cooked lycopene is much more readily • Family farm organically grown in southern
absorbed. Supplements are not nearly as effective. Pure, whole Ontario, Canada
food, organically grown sources are by far the best. • Picked perfectly red ripe and canned
Lycopene is a rare carotenoid because it’s fat soluble and within hours
becomes amplified and more bio-available in the presence of • Deliciously seasoned and unsalted offerings
small amounts of fat. Because these tomatoes are cooked with
• No preservatives or chemical processing
organic extra virgin olive oil, EDEN Organic Spaghetti Sauces
and Pizza-Pasta Sauce have especially efficacious organic • Good to excellent source of vitamins A and C
lycopene content. • EDEN organic k pareve
EDEN Tomatoes
Crushed Tomatoes Crushed Tomatoes w/ Sweet Basil
Organic k Organic k

Romas are oblong, firm Unpeeled, ground, cooked,

plum tomatoes and Italian and screen finished with a
preferred. Their consistency generous amount of organic
is ideal for sauce. Kerr farm dried sweet basil. Good
vine ripened are the best. source of antioxidant
Good source of vitamins A vitamins A and C. Fat and
and C. Fat free, sodium free. sodium free. Fresh packed.
Fresh packed.
Organic Roma Tomatoes,
Organic Roma Tomatoes Organic Dried Basil

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104080 0 24182 01111 1 25 lb 12 / 28 oz 104075 0 24182 01120 3 25 lb 12 / 28 oz
104070 0 24182 01115 9 14 lb 12 / 15 oz 104065 0 24182 01116 6 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

Crushed Tomatoes w/ Onion & Garlic Diced Tomatoes

Organic k Organic k

Organic roasted onion and Unpeeled, retaining all

organic garlic enhanced. nutrients and garden fresh
Good source of antioxidant flavor, diced into medium,
vitamins A and C. Sodium small pieces ideal with pasta.
free. EDEN Crushed Tomatoes Excellent source of vitamins
provide 1.3 mg of the anti- A and C. Fat and sodium
oxidant lycopene per 1/4 cup. free. 4.55mg of lycopene
per serving. Fresh packed.
Organic Roma Tomatoes,
Organic Roasted Minced Onion, Organic Roma Tomatoes
Organic Roasted Minced Garlic
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack 103975 0 24182 01118 0 25 lb 12 / 28 oz
104085 0 24182 01121 0 25 lb 12 / 28 oz 103970 0 24182 01130 2 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz

Diced Tomatoes w/ Sweet Basil Diced Tomatoes w/ Green Chilies

Organic k Organic k

Diced whole tomatoes with a

generous dose of organic dried Diced whole tomatoes with
I Eden Tomatoes

sweet basil and a touch of garlic. organic diced jalapeño chili

Toss with EDEN canned beans peppers. Use straight from the
and pasta for a quick meal, hot or can for soups, stews, burritos,
cold. Excellent source of the tacos, and pasta. Excellent source
antioxidant vitamins A and C. of vitamin A and a good source of
vitamin C. Fresh packed.
Organic Roma Tomatoes,
Organic Roma Tomatoes,
Organic Dried Basil,
Organic Jalapeño Peppers
Organic Roasted Minced Garlic
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103990 0 24182 01131 9 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz 103980 0 24182 01135 7 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz

EDEN Tomatoes
Diced Tomatoes w/ Roasted Onion Whole Tomatoes
Organic k Peeled Organic k

Roasted organic onion, Allium Hot water peeled (no lye)

cepa, and organic garlic. All our and cooked in fresh organic
diced tomatoes provide 4.55mg of tomato juice. These whole
antioxidant lycopene per serving. tomatoes provide 5.2mg of
Rich in antioxidant vitamins A healthy antioxidant lycopene
and C. Fat free and very low per serving. Rich in anti-
sodium. Fresh packed. oxidant vitamins A and C.
Fat free and very low sodium.
Organic Roma Tomatoes,
Organic Roasted Minced Onion, Organic Roma Tomatoes,
Organic Roasted Minced Garlic Organic Tomato Juice

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103995 0 24182 01132 6 14 lb 12 / 14.5 oz 103960 0 24182 01112 8 25 lb 12 / 28 oz

Whole Tomatoes w/ Basil Spaghetti Sauce

Peeled Organic k Organic k

Made of fresh organic tomatoes,

A healthy dose of organic organic extra virgin olive oil, and a
dried sweet basil is needed for traditional blend of Italian organic
good basil flavor. Other ‘basil herbs and organic spices. Rich in
tomatoes’ have very weak to vitamins A, C, and fiber. 14.4mg
non-existent basil flavor. lycopene per serving. Fresh packed.
Rich in antioxidant vitamins
A and C. Fresh packed. Organic Roma Tomatoes, Organic Extra
Virgin Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Organic Basil,
Organic Roma Tomatoes, Organic Oregano, Organic Black
Organic Tomato Juice, Pepper, Organic Roasted Garlic,
Organic Dried Basil Organic Dried Onion, Organic Thyme
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
103950 0 24182 01113 5 25 lb 12 / 28 oz 104020 0 24182 00114 3 28.5 lb 12 / 25 oz

Spaghetti Sauce - No Salt Pizza • Pasta Sauce

Organic k Organic k

A very low sodium sauce made of A thicker, spreadable sauce.

fresh organic tomatoes. Rich in Excellent source of antioxidant
I Eden Tomatoes
vitamins A and C, and fiber. vitamins A and C, and fiber.
Good source of iron with Provides 14.4mg of the antioxidant
14.4mg lycopene per serving. lycopene per serving.
Organic Roma Tomatoes, Organic Extra Organic Roma Tomatoes, Organic Extra
Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Basil, Organic Virgin Olive Oil, Sea Salt, Organic Basil,
Oregano, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Oregano, Organic Black
Organic Roasted Garlic, Organic Dried Pepper, Organic Roasted Garlic,
Onion, Organic Thyme Organic Dried Onion, Organic Thyme

Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
104030 0 24182 00115 0 28.5 lb 12 / 25 oz 103920 0 24182 00117 4 14 lb 12 / 15 oz

EDEN Vinegar
Raw Vinegar is a Tonic
EDEN Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Red Wine Vinegar
are raw, unpasteurized, and traditionally crafted with no
additives or processing aids. Their rich color, fruity bouquet,
and smooth flavor are achieved through the finest ingredients,
skill, and mellow aging.
Real vinegar contains beneficial organic acids, friendly
bacteria, enzymes, and many phytonutrients. Research is only
beginning to explain the extensive anecdotal evidence of
vinegar’s ability to promote overall health. These benefits
Michigan orchard New York grapes appear to be from no single element in raw vinegar, but rather
from all of its components working in concert.
‘Vin aigre’ to Vinegar EDEN Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Red Wine Vinegar
The word vinegar is from the French vin aigre contain ‘mother,’ which shows as cloudiness. This mother, in all
meaning sour wine; a wine past its time. When of its complexity, ferments alcohol into acetic acid and is one of
the process that causes vin aigre completes the keys to raw vinegar’s healthy repute.
itself, you have vinegar. Grape juice sugar
becomes alcohol for wine, which can then Thousand-Year-Old Methods
become acetic acid for red wine vinegar. EDEN Organic Brown Rice Vinegar is made using methods
Records of vinegar use go back more than going back over a thousand years. Organic brown rice, koji
10,000 years, and show appreciation of its value. Aspergillus oryzae, and mountain spring water are mixed
Its uses and benefits are so numerous, the in earthenware crocks and partially buried outdoors in
Internet is recommended. Health benefits of the earth, covered, and fermented for about eight months.
good vinegar seem to be endless. Authentic brown rice vinegar, like EDEN Brown Rice
One had best choose quite carefully a vinegar Vinegar, is considered a very healthful food in Japan
for use as food. What it is made of and how it is and is served with almost every meal. Its sweet
processed makes enormous differences in how it essence enhances a wide range of foods, and it is
affects us, as well as in health benefit potential. absolutely essential in making sushi.
White vinegar, an excellent cleaner, defies being Vinegars labeled ‘rice vinegar’ are commonly
defined as a food. It is, today, most commonly many other things. Commercial vinegars are
derived from petrochemical by-product, synthetic products made from glacial acetic acid,
expressing only a single facet of natural vinegar. a petroleum by-product. Great chefs insist on
EDEN’s traditional brews.

Treasured Brine
EDEN Ume Plum Vinegar is vinegar with a 4.3 percent acidity,
but it’s also the salty pickling brine of making the umeboshi.
This treasured blend of the vinegar acids and salty brine has
been used for over a millennium to flavor and preserve foods.
Its native name is ume su meaning plum vinegar. Its ruby color
is from red shiso leaves, Perilla frutescens, aka beefsteak leaf,
added to the brine turning it deep red. Commercial versions
I Eden Vinegar

use toxic dyes to impart the red. EDEN Ume Plum Vinegar
contains absolutely no additives of any kind whatsoever. It
• Healthful organic acids and enzymes embodies the wisdom of ages past and the energies and
• Amber glass protection nourishment that made ume su so famous.
• Traditional crafting and patient aging Amber Glass Protected
• Potent, ancient health food All EDEN vinegars are bottled in a dark amber glass to protect
• Full flavor, aged to mellow nutrients, flavor, color, and value. Purging with inert nitrogen,
• EDEN organic k pareve offerings seconds before capping, removes oxygen in the unfilled portion
of the bottle further preventing oxidation.
EDEN Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar Vegan Mayonnaise
Organic Raw k 1/2 cup EDENBLEND
1/2 cup EDEN Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup EDEN Organic Safflower Oil
Cider vinegar with living mother.
1/2 tsp. EDEN Organic Yellow Mustard
Naturally fermented, raw, 2 T EDEN Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
unpasteurized, and aged in cypress 11/2 T organic maple syrup
wood vats. Mellow flavor and 11/4 tsp. EDEN Sea Salt
aroma from organic apples. 1/8 tsp. freshly ground black pepper
2 dashes hot sauce
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
5% acidity Place EDENBLEND in a blender. Combine oils in a
measuring cup. Turn blender on low. Very slowly
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack blend in the oil, a couple tablespoons at a time, until
the mixture is thick and creamy. Place in a mixing
103480 0 24182 00062 7 20 lb 12 / 16 fl oz bowl and whisk in all remaining ingredients. Place in
103500 0 24182 00063 4 38 lb 12 / 32 fl oz a tightly sealed glass jar and refrigerate. Will keep for
103400 n/a 514 lb 55 gal about one week. Yields one cup.

Red Wine Vinegar Brown Rice Vinegar

Raw Organic k

Red wine further fermented to Organic brown rice, koji, and spring
vinegar, a natural process of about water fermented outdoors buried in
100 hours. A traditional health clay crocks and aged six to eight
food with mother. No additives or months. A 1,000-year-old method.
sulfating agents. Raw and Precious, sweet, smooth, & mellow.
unpasteurized with rich color, Water, Organic Brown Rice,
fruity bouquet, and smooth flavor. Koji Aspergillus oryzae 4.5% acidity
Red Wine 5% acidity Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
109160 0 24182 42086 9 9 lb 12 / 5 fl oz
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack
109170 0 24182 42216 0 15 lb 12 / 10 fl oz
103560 0 24182 00059 7 20 lb 12 /16 fl oz 109150 n/a 45 lb 5 gal
103580 0 24182 00061 0 38 lb 12 /32 fl oz 109140 n/a 487 lb 55.4 gal

Ume Plum Vinegar ““The new environmental health problems are

Raw k
multiple — created by radiation in all its forms,
Pickling brine vinegar from born of the never-ending stream of chemicals of
umeboshi plum making with which pesticides are a part, chemicals now
shiso, aka beefsteak leaf. Ruby pervading the world in which we live, acting upon
red and tangy. Delicious on
us directly and indirectly, separately and
I Eden Vinegar

vegetables, in dressings, and dips.

Excellent for making pickles. collectively. Their presence casts a shadow that is
no less ominous because it is formless and
Ume Plum, Beefsteak Leaf (shiso) obscure, no less frightening because it is simply
Sea Salt 4.3% acidity impossible to predict the effects of lifetime
Item No. UPC Code Case Weight Case Pack exposure to chemical and physical agents that are
109320 0 24182 42588 8 9 lb 12 / 5 fl oz not part of the biological experience of man.”
109330 0 24182 42419 5 17 lb 12 /10 fl oz - Rachel L. Carson’s Silent Spring, 1962
109310 0 24182 42589 5 35.5 lb 4 / 1 gal Chapter 12 b
109280 n/a 487 lb 55.4 gal
“ 75
Eden Supply Network
Sales Office Authentic wild rice
Warehouse hand harvested in
Eden Organic Pasta Company canoes by Native
Green lentils in Americans as
American Soy Products required by law.
savory sauce with
Meridian Bean Cannery onion, garlic, and Wood fire parched
for wonderful flavor.
Sobaya bay leaf. Soup,
entrée, or side. 100% whole grain and
1. Almonds not a modern hybrid.
2. Apples
3. Arame 25 47
4. Barley 36 28
5. Beans - non-soy Whole grain Khorasan
6. Bifa-15 Bifidobacterium longum wheat, kamut, roasted
7. Blueberries - wild low bush and rolled flakes.
8. Brown Rice - short grain Cooks in 3 minutes. 23
9. Buckwheat 18 15 47
10. Cherries - Montmorency tart 21 36
11. Cranberries
12. Dulse
13. Flax 5 Meridian Foods, Eaton,
14. Garbanzo - chick peas Indiana. USA beans,
15. Golden Amber Durum Wheat soaked over-night, and
16. Grapes 1 thoroughly cooked. In
17. Hiziki bisphenol-A free cans.
18. Khorasan aka kamut Wheat The world’s finest beans.
19. Kombu 37
20. Kuzu Root 14
21. Lentils
22. Maple Syrup
1 45
23. Millet 32
24. Miso
25. Mustard Seed
26. Mochi
27. Nori
28. Oats 39
California family farm, ideal
29. Olive Oil Madera, California
climate, and thirteen years of
30. Pasta - Japan EDEN Organic Pistachios.
31. Pastry Wheat
organic management create
EDEN Tamari Almonds. Gas Mike Braga won awards for
32. Pistachios farming that’s profitable, family
33. Plum Balls fire roasted and misted with
imported (Midwestern soy) and community friendly, and
34. Popcorn
organic tamari. Non-pasteurized. environmentally beneficial.
35. Quinoa
He grows the best pistachios.
36. Rye
37. Safflower Oil
38. Sauerkraut
39. Sesame
40. Sea Salt
41. Soba & Udon 39
Family plots at over
42. Sorghum 11,500 feet on Bolivia’s
43. Soy Sauces Andean Plain. Ancient
44. Soybean Oil variety EDEN Quinoa
45. Soybeans - Non GMO
supports native culture
46. Spelt Wheat
and values. Mountain
47. Spring Wheat
water washed. South America
48. Strawberries
49. Tea
50. Tomatoes
51. Wakame
52. Wasabi 35
53. Wild Rice - real
…organic agriculture is society’s
brightest hope for positive change.

Kerr family Roma tomatoes

Eden exclusive – of vital soil in the Thames
organic short grain River delta. Canned and Sublime
brown rice amazake cooked within hours of Japanese tea,
and organic soymilk. harvest. Flavorful and Uji cha, is 19
Verified Non-GMO. high in antioxidants. bracing,
Gluten free. cleansing,
7 11

41 12 51
53 33
22 24
41 3
5 6 30
2 49 2627
Hall of Fame
inducted 10
2 46
apple sauce 48 5 31 45 34
5 50 2
of Great 45
Lakes fruit. 22

34 38
42 Ise Bay finest
grade. Hand
45 harvested and
45 Eden Organic Pasta Company, sun-dried.
Detroit. Vintage Italian Sushi, nori rolls,
equipment and traditional rice balls, etc.
methods since 1923.
Wonderful flavor, texture,
and nutrition – 25 kinds.

islanders take
pride in purity,
EDEN Soybeans mellow taste,
and 1,500 years
of making sea
salt. Sun and
wind evaporates
the sea leaving a
United States wealth of trace
and Canada minerals. 40

In Andalusia southern Spain,

America’s oldest and favorite snack. lovingly tended centuries old
USA whole grain popcorn verified groves produce the greatest
GEO free. Large, fluffy, tastier olives. Three varieties of green
popped kernels. and purple olives “cold” stone
pressed. Rated Best Buy, most
nutritious and delicious with
“Zesty, buttery, assertive taste,”
by Prevention magazine.

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