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Cataracts Pathophysiology and Managements: Abdulrahman Zaid Alshamrani

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The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine (January 2018) Vol.

70 (1), Page 151-154

Cataracts Pathophysiology and Managements

Abdulrahman Zaid Alshamrani
King Abdulaziz University
Corresponding author: Abdulrahman Zaid Alshamrani - - 0500846834

Background: Cataract is defined as the loss of lens transparency because of opacification of the lens. Age-
related cataract is the most prevalent type in adults, with the onset between age 45 to 50 years, while in
children hereditary and metabolic causes are most common.
Aim of the work: In this study, our aim was to discuss the epidemiology, pathophysiology, classification, risk
factors, symptoms, and management of cataracts.
Methodology: We conducted this review using a comprehensive search of MEDLINE, PubMed and EMBASE
from January 1981 to March 2017. The following search terms were used: cataracts, causes of cataract,
pathophysiology of cataract, management of cataract.
Conclusion: Cataract is one of the most common causes of blindness worldwide, and more prevalent in
developing countries. It is also the most curable cause of blindness which involves a simple surgical procedure.
Keywords: cataracts, causes of cataract, pathophysiology of cataract, management of cataract.

Cataract is defined as the loss of lens This study was done after approval of
transparency because of opacification of the lens. ethical board of King Abdulaziz University.
Based on the causes, cataracts can be classified into
age-related cataracts, pediatric cataracts, and Epidemiology
cataracts due to other causes. Age-related cataract is WHO assessed that around 95 million people
the most prevalent type in adults, with the onset are visually impaired because of cataracts in 2014.
between age 45 to 50 years, while in children Numerous large-scale population-based studies have
hereditary and metabolic causes are most common. described that the prevalence of cataract rises with
Cataracts occurs more frequently in low to medium age, from 3·9% at age 55 to 64 years to around
socioeconomic background individuals, and 92·6% at age over 80 years. Moreover, the presence
therefore more common in developing countries[1]. of cataracts is related with increased mortality, and
The assessment and management of cataract is this association might be because of the relationship
rather simple where the lens is surgically replaced. between cataracts and systemic conditions for
In this review, we discuss the epidemiology, example type 2 diabetes mellitus or smoking[1].
pathophysiology, classification, risk factors, The prevalence of cataracts in the past two
symptoms, and management of cataracts. decades has been decreasing because rates of
cataract surgery have been increasing due to the
METHODOLOGY improved techniques. Nevertheless, cataracts
• Data Sources and Search terms continue to be the leading cause of blindness in
We conducted this review using a comprehensive middle-income and low-income countries
search of MEDLINE, PubMed and EMBASE, from responsible for 50% of blindness, while they are
January 1981 to March 2017. The following search accountable for only 5% of blindness in developed
terms were used: cataracts, causes of cataract, countries. It is imperative to device a set of policies
pathophysiology of cataract, management of to improve the access of effective ophthalmic
cataract. facility and screening, and the quality of
• Data Extraction management delivered in developing countries[2].
Two reviewers have independently reviewed Cataract surgery continues to be one of the
the studies, abstracted data and disagreements were most cost-effective treatments and the most
resolved by consensus. Studies were evaluated for frequently used procedure in many countries. By
quality and a review protocol was followed 2020, over 30 million people yearly worldwide are
throughout. predicted to experience cataract surgery. The

Received: 04/10/2017 DOI: 10.12816/0042978
Accepted: 14/10/2017
Cataracts Pathophysiology and Managements

socioeconomic outcome of cataract surgery is large. the axial posterior cortical layer in posterior
It permits people to increase their economic yield by subcapsular cataract. In most patients, over one type
up to 1500% of the cost of the surgery through the of cataract is found[6].
first postoperative year, nevertheless if left Congenital cataracts denote a lens opacity
untreated it can result in a patient being removed that manifests at birth, while infantile cataracts
from work. In the USA, the yearly expenditure on imply a lens opacity that grows during the first year
cataract surgery is US$3·4 billion, although in rural of life. Pediatric cataracts can be unilateral or
China, the cost for a cataract operation can be two bilateral, which depends on the cause. Roughly a
times a patient's annual income. Amount of annual third of pediatric cataracts are hereditary, one-third
cataract surgeries differ among countries because of coexist with other ocular anomalies indicating a part
variances in accessibility for diagnosis referral, of a multisystem syndrome, and another one-third
surgery, and health-care systems. There is also have undetermined reasons. Pediatric causes of
gender disparity in cataract treatment coverage in cataracts include[7]:
low and middle-income countries, where men are  Idiopathic
more probable to have cataract surgery compared to  Ocular anomalies
women (odds ratio of 1·71, 95% CI 1·48–1·97)[3].  Anterior segment dysgenesis syndrome
 Aniridia
Pediatric cataracts are one of the most  Posterior lenticonus
frequent causes of treatable juvenile blindness, with  Persistent fetal vasculature
an estimated prevalence reaching from 1-6 per  Posterior pole tumors
10,000 live births. Congenital cataracts are
 Hereditary
responsible for the majority of pediatric cases and
 Multisystem syndrome
5–20% of childhood blindness globally, but 22–
30% of childhood blindness occur in developing  Down's syndrome
countries[4].  Trisomy 13–15 syndrome
 Lowe syndrome
Pathophysiology  Marfan’s syndrome
The lens is a transparent biconvex object,  Fabry disease
which causes refraction and focuses light onto the  Alport syndrome
retina. The human lens is composed of fibers,  Myotonic dystrophy
enclosed by a thin capsule, and is maintained by  Maternal infection
zonules on both sides. The lens fibers are made  Rubella
from the lens epithelium and migrate from the  Syphilis
margin towards the center. Henceforth, the nucleus  Cytomegalovirus infection
of the lens is derived from older lens fibers, and  Toxoplasmosis
newly formed lens fibers are positioned in the  Varicella
outermost layers of the lens, which is known as the  Metabolic disorders
 Galactosemia
Opacity of the lens is a direct outcome of
 Wilson's disease
oxidative stress. Based on location of opacification
within the lens, age-related cataracts are classified  Hypoglycemia
into three types: cortical, nuclear, and posterior  Galactokinase deficiency
subcapsular cataracts. The lens epithelial cells are  Hypoparathyroidism
highly metabolically active cells of the lens,  Toxic effects
undergoing oxidation, crosslinking, and  Radiation exposure
insolubilization. These cells later migrate to the lens  Corticosteroids
center to form lens fibers that are progressively  Trauma
compressed and results in lens nuclear sclerosis Cataract can be induced by drugs. Long-term
leading to opacity. A cortical cataract is frequently usage of corticosteroids, regardless of route of
wedge-shaped, starting at the cortex and covering to administration, is strongly linked with posterior
center of the lens. A plaque-like opacity grows in subcapsular cataract development. Other

Abdulrahman Alshamrani

medications known to encourage cataract o Vitamin E, carotenoids, vitamin B or A, or

development comprise phenothiazines, busulfan, antioxidant supplements
miotics, and amiodarone. The link between the use o Continuing a protein intake of 100–150 g/day and
of statins and cataract is still debated. Other causes vitamin C intake of roughly 135 g/day
of cataract comprise mechanical trauma, electrical
injury, chemical injury, and ionizing, ultravioletor Heritability of nuclear cataracts varies from
infrared radiation. Changes of the lens also 36% to 48%, while genetic factors are reason for
frequently happen secondary to chronic uveitis, 35% of the differences in progression of nuclear
Fuchs' heterochromatic uveitis, and pseudo cataracts. Nevertheless, in contrast with congenital
exfoliation syndrome [8, 9]. cataracts, information about genetic predisposition
factors in age-related cataract is relatively rare[13].
Risk Factors Roughly 50% of congenital cataracts have a
The risk factors for cataract development can be genetic origin. Autosomal dominant transmission is
classified as [10-12]: the most common, but it can likewise be autosomal
 Non-modifiable factors recessive or X-linked. Over 20 genetic loci have
o Age been recognized, and most are related to genetic
o Female sex mutations relating to lens development. These
o Low educational or socioeconomic status susceptibility loci comprise the α, β, and γ
o Racial or ethnic groups: crystallin, connexin, lens cytoskeletal protein,
 White people have higher prevalence growth and transcription factor, membrane junction
 People of Asian ethnic origins have higher protein, and ferritin light chain genes[14].
prevalence than European
o Genetic factors: Symptoms
 Gene polymorphisms (rs3754334, XRCC1 Various types of cataracts have dissimilar
Arg399Gln, KLC1, APOE, GSTT1, and XPD effects on visual symptoms. Patients frequently
Lys751Gln) may have roles in predisposition to complain of blurry vision, glare and haloes from
age-related cataract lights. Nuclear cataracts usually affect distance
 Chromosome 3 in KCNAB1 and chromosome 21 in vision greater than near vision, while posterior
CRYAA subcapsular cataracts regularly decrease near more
 Lifestyle factors than distance visual acuity.
o Cigarette smoking Progressive nuclear sclerotic changes lead
o Alcohol consumption to intensification in the lens refractive index. This
o Ultraviolet-B exposure increase implies that the cataract lens can refract
 Systemic medical problems light more, and hereafter the eye converts to more
o Type 2 diabetes mellitus (cortical cataract and myopic. If this refractive index is not adjusted with
posterior subcapsular cataract) glasses, then the patient acknowledges deterioration
o Metabolic syndrome (mixed lens opacities) in far vision and paradoxically some enhancement
o High systemic blood pressure (posterior subcapsular in near vision. Glare is predominantly common in
cataract and mixed lens opacities) patients presenting with posterior subcapsular
o Moderate to severe renal impairment cataracts. Patients may also complain of monocular
o Hypocalcemia diplopia because of localized variations in the
 Diet refractive index of the lens. Some patients can only
o Malnutrition have visual trouble when doing daily activities for
o Ingesting of carbohydrates with high-glycemic instance reading or driving causing visual
index disability[5].
 Ocular disorders
o Large retinal drusen (mixed lens opacities) Management
o Myopic refractive error (nuclear opacity) The current mode of management of a visually
 Protective factors significant cataract is to surgically remove the
o Increased consumption of vegetables disabled lens and replace it with an intraocular lens.
Cataract surgery is specified when the patient

Cataracts Pathophysiology and Managements

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