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PSSL ROV Intervention UI 2007

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Donald K Faulds
Tooling & Robotics Manager
Perry Slingsby Systems
York, YO62 6EZ, UK

PSS 3-finger Manipulator Jaw.

ABSTRACT operations this standardization process has been

relatively slow.
The recent API 17H/ISO 13628-8 standards for ROV
interfaces have brought a welcome clarity to subsea The API 17D standard for subsea wellhead
operations after many years of informal practice. equipment was released in 1992: the same year that
Misunderstandings coupled with common the first guidelineless tree was installed in The
misconceptions of ROV capabilities can lead to Peterobras Marlim field – an operation that heralded
extended operation times. There are several common the start of the ROV-only deepwater oilfields.
interfaces that remain outside the standard at present. Originally, 17D excluded guidelineless systems but
this was changed in 1996. The 17D Appendix C of
This paper gives practical examples of “best practice” “candidate” ROV intervention fixtures was
interface design for subsea remote intervention and immediately adopted by ROV intervention designers
effective use of the work class ROV. Getting the as if they were firm standards, with most items
interface right and using the ROV efficiently saves adopted extensively. The remainder are rarely used
hours of valuable vessel time. and a pitfall to the unwary who will search long to
find intervention tools to match. One major omission
THE STANDARDS was the definition of the linear valve override
The Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) has made oil
field development practical in the depths beyond the The API 17H standard was intended to formalize and
reach of divers and has become so capable that most expand the interfaces. However, the deliberation
new subsea developments in diveable waters have took so long that unofficial drafts of the standard
been designed for ROV intervention as well. were in circulation and in use as if they were firm for
at least four years before it was issued. The ISO
ROVs depend on standardized interfaces much more 13628-8 version came in 2002 and finally API 17H
than divers due to the limits of their manipulator was issued as an identical document in 2004.
dexterity; yet despite the huge growth in ROV

The Norwegian NORSOK U-102 and U-007 The absence of a standard definition for the fish-tail
standards provide valuable additional definition but handle doesn’t help.
are regional.
The T-bar style is not as easy to use as its widespread
THE STANDARD ROV use would suggest. The T-bar sits in grooves in the
parallel jaw but it needs the manipulator to grasp
There isn’t one! An area that remains undefined at within ¼” to properly swallow the bar into the slots.
present is what space should be allowed for This is quite difficult to do. An easier handle
workclass ROVs to pass into subsea structures. The interface to grip is the “paddle” which is fabricated
table of ROVs in API 17H Annex A has widths from from plate but with a round bar on the outer edge -
55” to 77” but it is relatively common to encounter but this is not part of any standard.
subsea structures with gaps around 60”. Length is
usually less significant but height is often critical
where ROVs have to pass under BOPs to position
tools. There isn’t an easy answer on this as vehicles
have had to become much larger to accommodate the
larger thrusters, power packs and buoyancy packages
for deepwater applications.

One ROV interface that has been more thoroughly

developed than any other is the 17H Hot Stab Type
A. The interface defined in 17D was acceptable as a
start, and is still in use by some operators, but those
stabs can be damaged during insertion, resulting in
seizure. The Deepstar project in 1994 extensively
tested all the designs available and proposed the Type
A stab for universal adoption, releasing detail
drawings for the industry to share and adopted in 17H
10 years later. The key improvement in the geometry
is the stepped diameter that gives progressive
alignment, reducing the manipulator skill required.
TXLS – typical deepwater workclass

ROV manipulator practice varies but the most

common is to have a 5-function “grabber” on the left
and a 7-function dexterous arm on the right.
However, the practice divides sharply into the type of
One aspect not specified directly - but invaluable for
handles for the 7-function arm. The 4” parallel jaw is
the stab life - is the use of non-galling materials and
versatile and can grip T-bars but other operators
low friction coatings. PSS use different grades of
prefer the 6” curved 3-finger jaw which grips the
stainless for the male and female and Xylan™
fish-tail best When crossed over, the parallel jaw is
coating of the male.
poor with fish-tails and the 3-finger is poor with T-
bars. Often the interfaces are set long before the
Variants within the Type A geometry have included
ROV contractor is engaged and inefficient offshore
ports up to ¾” size. PSS has provided its own
operations with mismatched interfaces ensue.
variations adding 3rd and 4th ports but maintaining
interface compatibility with Type A 2-port standard.

There are usually more torque tool interventions than
any other. API 17H figure 18 classes 1-4 are the The Type A interface is commonly used for override
most common. They are also the source of most of powerful valve springs. This can be for
interface problems. The standard defines the operational reasons where the normal fluid control is
receptacle interface. The receptacle ought to be +/- not functioning or where a valve has to be locked
0.02” on all dimensions but this is often not properly open for a downhole intervention.
controlled. In addition, the buckets are usually cast
and some suppliers fail to clean-up the cast surfaces.
The thickness of paint is often ignored but obviously
affects the tool fit: in one project the interface was
0.15” undersize on the main bore diameter.

System integration tests are always the right place to

check the interfaces. Using a heavy ROV torque tool
with hydraulics hook-up to check every structure is Type A interface and tool
time consuming so PSS have supplied a hand
“gauging” tool with an accurate head representation, This interface is used by subsea hardware designers
including working latches allowing interfaces to be because the bayonet twist operation gives the closest
correctly and rapidly checked. packing density. Although tool installation is a
relatively easy task for divers (where the interface
was first used) it is always a challenging task using
ROVs with manipulators or other deployment tools
because the override tool engagement needs precise
alignment and the rotary action is not simple.

Full Torque tool Gauging tool

Often omitted is the latching wing clearance under

the figure 18 bucket even though it is clearly shown
in 17H (unspecified in 17D).

A simple feature that could be engineered into all

torque interfaces on valves (but rarely is) is robust
motion stops. Many hours are consumed offshore
ensuring that the ROV torque tools are only applying
certain torque levels to valve interface with attention
to breakout, running and closing torque figures.

On a recent project where PSS supplied all the subsea

valves, all interfaces were designed to accept class 4
maximum torque of 2000 ftlbs. This was applied to
valves ranging from 1-1/2” up to 12”. This cost very
little to provide on the hardware yet was extremely
beneficial in the operations phase with just one
torque tool setting for all interventions in all By contrast, the Type B interface, where the tool is
positions. simply hooked over a flange, is a much simpler
operation, well suited to the ROV but not as widely
adopted. The small amount of extra space required
on the tree face is worth it for the ease of operation’
and the ROV tools to match are less expensive.

12” & 1.5” – same operating torque

ROV WEIGHT, PAYLOAD, FRAME LIFT interface, can make a major difference to the offshore
These simple terms are universally understood
among ROV suppliers but often misunderstood This starts with correct use of the interfaces. 3-D
elsewhere. computer models can be built and operations
rehearsed using ROV simulators. (Perry Slingsby
Weight. ROVs have to fly at near-neutral weight in Systems now provides this facility with its ROV
water. Any weight it picks up has to be counteracted systems). With the latest “physics” software engines
by the vertical thrusters. High vertical thrust stirs up giving objects weights, stiffnesses and full ocean
the seabed. As a rule of thumb, large work class environment simulation the experience is as realistic
ROVs can pick up tooling objects of up to 100 lbs as possible without the consequences of errors!
(weight in water) and readily fly and maneuver them
using manipulators. Lighter is always better. As
weights approach 200 lbs, thrust becomes excessive
and special planning is required.

With many of the latest deepwater work-class ROVs

having masses of over 4 tons and horizontal thrust
capacity up to 1 ton, the design forces suggested in
the standards are light, reflecting the capacity of a
previous generation of ROVs.

Payload. This is the amount of additional buoyancy

of the ROV and normally represented by lead
weights. As extra equipment is added to the ROV, Simulated operations – highly effective
lead is removed. Large work class ROVs typically
have 300 lbs or more of payload. System integration tests should always include a full
check through of all the interfaces, ideally with the
Thru-frame Lift. This is the strength of the frame of actual tools.
the ROV to lift workskids, usually underneath. Work
skids need to have their own buoyancy so that the net Traditionally, this has always included access tests
effect on the ROV weight in water is neutral. There with mock-up (sometimes real) ROV deployed in air
have been projects where this was not understood! by crane. Adequate simulation can omit this though
An ROV with an extra 1/2 ton of wet weight will just checking the tools fit into the interfaces should never
not fly. Large work class ROVs typically have 4000 be omitted.
lbs or more of spare thru frame lift.
Offshore operations always have the highest hourly
GETTING IT RIGHT operating cost so more time should be spent on the
earlier stages for best offshore results.
Designing for the smallest installed cost means
considering the end operations from the start. The SUMMARY
API/ISO/NORSOK standards are helpful and a major
improvement over the previously informal Perry Slingsby Systems, as a major supplier of
approaches but there is no substitute for giving full intervention tooling, is continually developing new
consideration to the total ROV operations, not just ways of providing cost effective remote intervention:
picking a detail from a standard. This can be either by tooling innovations or by promoting better
familiarization training of design staff and design for operations. API 17H has been a big
involvement of offshore personnel. Simple changes, improvement in standardization but, as its
such as described for standardized torque tool introduction states, there is no substitute for “sound
engineering judgment”.


1. ISO 13628-8:2002 Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Interfaces on Subsea Production Systems
2. ANSI/API Recommended Practice 17H, 1st Edition, July 2004
3. NORSOK U-102 Remotely Operated Vehicle Services, Rev 1, Oct 2003
4. NORSOK U-007 Subsea Intervention Systems, Rev 2, June 1998

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