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SP0407 Commissioning Tests For HV UG Cables

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The document outlines the procedures and safety measures for commissioning high voltage underground cables up to 33kV.

The main steps involve performing an on-site risk assessment, preliminary identification and safety checks, insulation resistance and voltage withstand tests, and finally energizing the cable while following specific precautions.

The key tests performed are insulation resistance testing and high voltage withstand testing using a VLF or DC test set depending on the cable type. Additional testing may be required for major cables.


1. PURPOSE AND SCOPE * Note: This course is part of Cable Joining Training. Staff
performing HV Cable Testing should complete this training if not
The purpose of this Standard Work Practice (SWP) is to standardise
and prescribe the method for pre commissioning and commissioning
tests on high voltage underground cables. Where new cables are 3. DOCUMENTATION
jointed to existing cables the test requirements are modified as
CS000501F115. Daily/Task Risk Management Plan
described in this SWP to cater for the aged insulation of existing
cables. ES000901R102. Health and Safety Risk Control Measures
2. STAFFING RESOURCES SP0407R01 Commissioning Tests for New HV Cables (up to 33 kV)
Job Safety Analysis
Electrical Fitter and/or Mechanic or Cable joiner.
SP0407R02 Testing HV Cables Supplementary Information
Competent Assistant.
SP0407R03. Commissioning Test For HV Underground Cable (up to
Safety Observer where required. 33kV) SWP SP0407 - Field Instruction
Required Training SP0407C01 HV Cable Commissioning Test Report Form
Staff must be current in all Statutory Training relevant for the task. SP0407C04 Commissioning Tool – HV Cables (Up to 33kV)
All workers must have Completed Field Induction or have recognition SP0506. Substation Primary Plant and Secondary Systems Field
of prior Ergon Energy Field Experience. Testing SWP
Contractors must have completed Ergon Energy's Generic SWMS001. Working at Heights - Poles & Ladders
Contractor Worker Induction.
SWMS002. Working at Heights (Mobile Elevated Work Platform
Additional Training (as required)
P53. Operate the Network Enterprise Process
Training Course Description for Authorisations or Certificates.
AS2067-2008 Substations and High Voltage Installation Exceeding 1
Switching Operator Lines kV a.c.
Switching Operator Assistant BS0435:1984
Safe Entry to High Voltage Enclosures and Authorised 4. KEY TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT (as required)
Access / Test Permit Recipient and Authorised Pole Rescue Kit.
Safe Work in Confined Spaces Switchboard Rescue kit.
* Test HV UG Cables up to 33kV Confined Space Monitoring and Rescue equipment.
Confined Space Awareness Roadway warning signs.

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Barricading. Ensure that the associated switchgear operational nameplates are in
place and securely attached.
Work site communication equipment (e.g. 2-way radio).
Ensure test equipment suitable for task. Confirm all test equipment
An insulated operating stick and tool head.
is within current test date, calibrated and operational. Ensure all
Insulating Gloves applicable to the task. persons required to use test equipment are competent in its
Dry chemical fire extinguisher. operation.

5kV Insulation Resistance Tester (10 kV for 12.7/22 and 19/33 kV Assign adequate staffing resources with required competencies to
cables). safely complete task.

Additional Equipment for testing Major Cables Persons performing electrical testing must ensure electrical
equipment is tested to confirm electrical work performed is
• Very Low Frequency (VLF) high voltage Test Set for XLPE electrically safe.
All staff to wear appropriate PPE including applicable class of gloves
• DC high voltage test set for Paper Lead cables. if required. Ensure class 00 gloves, and insulated mats are used
while working on or near exposed live LV parts.
Use roadway warning signs/ barricading to control vehicle and
5.1 On Site Risk Assessment pedestrian traffic around work zone and relevant exclusion zones
Prior to performing this activity any hazards associated with around live parts.
prerequisite tasks at the worksite shall be identified and assessed Ground conditions and potential slip/fall hazards in travel path
with appropriate control measures implemented and documented in considered in CS000501F115 Daily/Task Risk Management Plan.
accordance with Daily/Task Risk Management Plan CS000501F115
and using reference document Health and Safety Risk Control Identify locations defined as confined spaces and ensure compliance
Measures ES000901R102. with confined space entry requirements.
If any risks cannot be managed or reduced to an acceptable level, do Ensure exclusion zones are maintained at all times while near
not proceed with the task and seek assistance from your Supervisor. exposed live parts.

5.2 Preliminary Steps and Safety Management Caution

Ensure appropriate construction and operational drawings are on Where it is identified that barriers or shields cannot prevent
hand. contact with the adjacent energised cable terminations (eg
Magnefix cable termination kits), all HV within the exclusion
Use correct methods to positively identify the cable to be tested, zone shall be isolated, tested and earthed in accordance with
including ensuring that cable number (where allocated) has been P53 High Voltage Isolation and Access Procedures prior to
securely attached.
gaining access to HV cable terminations.

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For other termination kits barriers or shields shall be used to prevent 5.3 General
contact with adjacent energised cable terminations.
It is noted that the insulating qualities of XLPE are very good, and
Confirm cables to be tested are isolated from all HV & LV systems that except in the case of major insulation damage such as physical
including secondary sources of supply and tagged, and locked where puncture by a nail XLPE can withstand many times it’s rated voltage
provision is made, in accordance with P53 Operate the Network without failure (typically > 14 times Uo for new cable).
Enterprise Process.
Most failures of XLPE cable are related to moisture ingress into joints
Comply with SWMS001. Working at Heights - Poles & Ladders or terminations or incorrectly applied terminations and joints (both
and SWMS002. Working at Heights - Mobile Elevated Work workmanship and materials may be inadequate).
Platforms when working aloft. One aim of testing of HV cables is to expose, in controlled
Ensure ground based persons are clear of drop zone while work is conditions, any faults that will result in premature failure of the cable
performed aloft. and associated terminations.
Use equipment to sample atmosphere and ventilate trenches prior to It has been established that DC high voltage testing of deteriorated
personnel entry in accordance with confined space entry XLPE cables can accelerate the deterioration process and lead to a
requirements. reduction in cable life.
Confirm cable terminations and lightning arresters/surge diverters DC high voltage testing of new XLPE cables is not recognised to
are unbolted to perform tests where required. cause cable deterioration, however in order to adopt a standard
approach VLF AC testing is preferred instead of DC high voltage
Position “HV Test in Progress” signs at all ends of the HV cable prior
testing for new and aged XLPE cables.
to testing. Where public access is possible, position Safety Observer
and barricade exposed ends of cable during insulation test. The cable tests described below are to be carried out after
installation and termination has been completed.
Refer to SWP SP0506 Substation Primary Plant and Secondary
Systems Field Testing for information on control of hazards and In addition to the tests outlined below, a sheath integrity test should
risks associated with testing of high voltage cables. be done after installation and prior to termination to verify that cable
damage during installation has not occurred.
In particular, take note of:
As described in later sections, testing of new or aged paper lead or
• Stored charge in the core under test. XLPE cables is as per the following sequence:
• Stored charge in the sheath of the cable under test. • Record information;
• Induced stored charge in the sheath and core of cores/cables • Sheath Test;
adjacent to the one under test.
• Insulation Resistance Test;
• Phase Out;

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• High Voltage Withstand including subsequent IR Test ‘Uo’ is the r.m.s. voltage to earth of the supply system for which the
(additional to major cable testing only); cable is designed and U is the r.m.s. voltage between phases of the
supply system for which the cable is designed. Um is the highest
• Final Checks. voltage that can be sustained under normal operating conditions at
Pre-terminated cables such as transformer leads in padmount any time.
substations should be tested as per this SWP. They are classed as For multi-core cables, the cores should be identified in one of the
minor radial cables and do not require a high voltage withstand test. following ways:
Regarding the use of DC testing such as insulation resistance or
• By a printed numeral and word on the outer surface of each core
leakage measurement during a high voltage DC withstand, there is a
eg 1 ONE;
phenomenon called electro endosmosis (evident in older insulation
rather than XLPE) that causes a lower IR reading (higher leakage • By a printed word on the outer surface of each core eg RED;
current) when the positive terminal is connected to the grounded side
• By colour-marking semi conductive tape or coloured stripes
of the insulation being tested.
throughout the full length of the cable.
It is therefore preferred, where the test equipment allows a choice, to
connect the positive terminal to the cable screen during test.
5.5 Verify Sheath Integrity.
5.4 Check and Record Cable Identification.
A sheath integrity test at a voltage of 1000V dc applied for 1 minute
The outermost surface of cables should be embossed, printed or, in
should be carried out with an insulation resistance tester, between
the case of PVC sheath, may be indented, with the manufacturer’s
the outermost metallic layer and earth. This will identify if there has
name, year of manufacturer, together with the following information.
been any damage to the sheath during/after installation.
Cable Designated
Legend To Be Marked Notes:
• The screen shall be isolated at both ends and also at any mid
1.9/3.3 (3.6) kV Electric Cable 1.9/3.3 kV
circuit bonding for this test.
3.8/6.6 (7.2) kV Electric Cable 3.8/6.6 kV
• A sheath integrity test should be done after installation (prior to
6.35/11 (12) kV Electric Cable 6.35/11 kV termination) to verify that cable damage during installation has
not occurred, and repeated when terminations are complete.
12.7/22 (24) kV Electric Cable 12.7/22 kV
• Some newer cables may have a semi-conductive outer sheath.
19/33 (36) kV Electric Cable 19/33 kV
This is used to provide improved lightning performance and a
Note: more reliable mechanism for detecting sheath faults. The semi-
conductive HDPE does not require additional bonding to earth.
Indications of rated voltages are expressed in the form as shown
above designate the following Uo/U (Um).

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The reading for cable sheath resistance should be greater than the If the cable has two insulated metallic layers (the cable screen and
acceptance value set out below for HDPE sheathed cables. brass tape termite protection) then the insulation between these
layers should be tested as well – a further indication of possible cable
This test is required for XLPE and paper lead cables.
Distance 250m 500m 1000m 2000m
Note that this test is not required if these layers are bonded together,
Cable size MΩ MΩ MΩ MΩ for example at joints.
11kV or less If a section of new cable is joined to an existing cable, the sheath test
should be completed prior to bonding of the two screens.
400mm2 250 125 60 30
A sheath test of the completed cable should also be carried out for
185 - 240mm2 300 150 75 37 reference, but it is not expected that all aged cables will pass a
35mm2 500 250 125 62 sheath test.

22kV or more
Caution: Where the cables to be tested are not disconnected from
the ABB Safelink RMU the following actions must be taken to
185 - 630mm2 500 250 125 62 minimise the risk of injury or damage:
35mm2 400 200 100 50
1. The Earth Switch on any energised ABB Safelink RMU must not be
Data is not presently available for cables larger than the cables switched from the EARTH to OFF position when the connected HV
specified above; however the insulation resistance should not be Electrical Apparatus are under access (i.e. the Busbar of the RMU
significantly lower than the figures above. must be de-energised using double isolation before the Earth Switch
can be operated).
For PVC sheathed cables, the acceptance value is 1 MΩ.
Earth the screen after test for at least 5 minutes. 2. After operating the Earth Switch the switching operator must
visually confirm that the correct switch state is displayed by the
Where the prescribed values cannot be achieved the connection
indicator. If the indicator is incorrect or in an indeterminate state
arrangement should be first checked.
personnel must stay well clear of the RMU and associated cable(s)
Where applicable the assistance of a high voltage test specialist may and contact the Switching Co-ordinator for further instructions.
be sought and the Asset Manager must be advised where the value 5.6 Core Insulation Test
remains low.
Prior to the high voltage withstand test (if required), the cable shall
The Asset Manager will decide if sheath resistance values lower than be tested for insulation resistance (IR).
the prescribed figures will be accepted.
The test voltage used for the core insulation test is specified in the
Cables with a suspected or confirmed sheath fault are not to be table below.

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New Cables Aged Cables Distance 250m 500m 1000m 2000m
Uo/U DC Test Voltage DC Test Voltage Cable size GΩ GΩ GΩ GΩ
(kV ph to earth) (kV ph to earth) 185 - 240mm
20 10 5 2.5
1.9/3.3 1 1 2
35mm 40 20 10 5
3.8/6.6 1 1
22kV or more
6.35/11 5 5 2
630mm 20 10 5 2.5
12.7/22 10 5 2
185mm 35 17 9 4
19/33 10 5
35mm 60 30 15 7.5
The core insulation resistance is to be measured A to B+C+E, B to
A+C+E, and C to A+B+E; Data is not presently available for cables larger than the cables
specified above; however the insulation resistance should not be
The insulation resistance shall be recorded 1 minute, 2 minutes and
significantly lower than the figures above.
5 minutes after application of the voltage.
The IR reading for aged XLPE cables should be greater than 1
For very long cables it may take longer than 5 minutes for the
resistance value to stabilise in which case a final reading is taken
and the measurement terminated at 10 minutes. The cable screen should be earthed during the above measurement.
Conversely, the 2 and 5 minute readings may not be required for Earth the cable conductors after test for at least 5 minutes.
short cables if the reading has already stabilised. Where the prescribed values cannot be achieved the connection
No breakdown of the insulation shall occur. arrangement should be first checked.
The reading for IR for new XLPE cables should be greater than the Termination leakage may need to be ‘guarded’ out of the
acceptance values set out below. measurement to ensure accurate results (refer figure 1).
Where applicable the assistance of a high voltage test specialist may
be sought and the asset manager must be advised where the value
remains low.
Distance 250m 500m 1000m 2000m The Asset Manager will decide if insulation resistance values lower
Cable size GΩ GΩ GΩ GΩ than the prescribed figures will be accepted or if remedial works will
be undertaken.
11kV or less
400mm 16 8 4 2 How to use the Guard Terminal

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In cable insulation tests, wind a conductive wire around insulation of Ensure that any surge diverters or voltage transformers are
the cable under test and connect it to the Guard Terminal with the disconnected from the cable so as not to impact on insulation
Guard Lead as per diagram. resistance measurements or high voltage withstand testing.
This is to move out the surface leakage resistance of the cable to 5.8 Carry Out High Voltage Withstand Test And Record
make the test results accurate. Leakage Currents.
Figure 1 Typical guard connection A routine high voltage withstand test shall be carried out on all major
HV underground cables which are defined as:

33kV, 66kV, 110kV and 132kV cables.

22kV cables greater than 185mm2 Cu or 300mm2 Al

11kV cables greater than 240mm2 Cu or 400mm2 Al

All zone substation cables and feeder exit cables.

A high voltage withstand test is not required on minor radial

distribution cables. Categorisation of a cable as a “minor radial cable”
will in most cases be self evident.
Prior to any high voltage withstand testing being carried out, check
that the cable screen connection to earth has been reinstated and
that the test equipment earth is securely connected to this bond.
Ensure that the capacitance of the cable under test does not exceed
Note: the output capability of the test equipment.
One of the cores is used to transfer the guarded leakage at the ALL (XLPE and Paper Lead) cable shall be tested with a VLF
remote end to the meter so that it does not impact on the measured alternating voltage whose waveform shall approximate a sinusoidal
insulation resistance. waveform of frequency 0.1 Hz.
5.7 Verify Phasing And Cable Continuity And Prepare Cable NOTE: VLF is the preferred method for testing ALL types of cables.
For Testing In the past DC has been used on Paper Lead (PILC) cables, DC can
still be used on PILC cables but only if VLF testing is unavailable.
Verify cable phase identification and continuity by using a continuity
tester or diode box.

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The voltage shall be increased gradually and maintained at full value The below test voltages have been altered to account for the
for the specified period. Note that a 30 minute testing period has possibility of aged switchgear, so they do not have to be further
been specified for XLPE cables on the basis that 89% of cable reduced to account for aged cables.
failures are likely to occur in the first 30 minutes.
NOTE: Even though the test voltages (below) are greater than the
The value of test voltage used is specified in the following table for 75% for aged cables, damage to the cable is mitigated by the
new cables. reduced testing time.
This table applies where the cable is NOT connected to switchgear
or where there is no likelihood of overstressing an open point in the
VLF Test Voltage 50Hz AC Test
switchgear by the application of the test voltage. DC Test Voltage
(kV peak ph to Voltage (kV RMS
DC Test DC Test VLF Test 50Hz AC Test Uo/U (kV ph to earth) ph to earth)
Voltage Voltage Voltage Voltage (kV
RMS ph to 1 min 1 min 1 min
Uo/U (kV ph to (kV ph to (kV peak ph
earth) ph) to earth) earth)
1.9/3.3 6 6 5
15 min 15 min 30 min 1 min 15 min 3.8/6.6 12 12 11
1.9/3.3 7 10 6 10 6 6.35/11 19 19 14
3.8/6.6 15 20 12 20 12 12.7/22 33 33 24
6.35/11 25 34 19 28 16 19/33 45 45 32
12.7/22 50 - 38 50 29 For single core screened cables, the test voltage shall be applied
between the conductor & metallic screen. Triplex cables shall be
19/33 75 - 57 70 40
considered as three independent single core screened cables.
In the case of aged cables (say 5 years or older), 75% of the test
Where multiple single core cables are being tested simultaneously,
voltages in the above table should be used.
the remote ends of the cables should be connected together to limit
If the high voltage withstand test voltage would overstress the the surge energy impact should one cable fail during test
insulation of connected switchgear, for instance by being applied to
Where two or more cables are connected in parallel (in order to
one side of an open isolator when the other side of the isolator was
obtain a higher current rating), the parallel cores do not have to be
energised at system voltage, it is preferred to disconnect the cable
tested individually – they should be tested as a single core.
from the switchgear.
For multicore cables having individual screening of cores, the test
Alternatively, where this is impractical, a reduced test voltage and
voltage shall be applied between each insulated conductor and
duration applies as per the following table.
metallic screen.

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The cores shall be tested in the configuration as described in the test Such insulation therefore should only be used where other personnel
report form to stress phase-phase insulation at the crutch whilst safeguards are in place (for example exclusion zones, earthed
stressing the phase-earth insulation. metallic barriers). As a rule of thumb, allow 1 mm of insulating
material per 10 kV RMS test voltage.
For multicore cables without individual screening but an overall
screen (eg. belted cables) the test voltage shall be applied between Refer to SP0407R02 for further information.
each insulated conductor and all adjacent conductors and metallic
Earth conductors after test for at least 5 minutes.
An alternative to the VLF high voltage withstand test for XLPE cables
The conductors may be suitably connected in groups as described in
is to use a one minute or fifteen minute 50 Hz AC high voltage
the test report form to reduce the number of tests.
withstand test.
The cable has passed the high voltage test if no disruptive discharge
Although technically the 50 Hz withstand is a better test, it is
occurs. Note that some VLF sets may show a reduction in output
recognised that the difficulty in supplying the associated high level of
voltage in the event of cable failure but not trip out – this is still
50 Hz charging to a cable in a field situation will preclude this test
considered a failure and the output voltage should therefore be
being used in most situations.
monitored throughout the test.
The test voltages specified have been derived from AS2067 and
Caution – In all cases, cores not under test shall be earthed at all
AS1824, recognising that the test requirements of AS1429.1 are for
times. Due to capacitive coupling, it is likely that unearthed cores not routine tests at the manufacturer’s works and may be too onerous for
under test will be charged up by the electric field from the core under a terminated cable, especially considering any switchgear bushings
test and present a hazard to test staff. and bus work that will be subjected to the test voltage.
Caution – Some cable boxes may have internal clearances The 50 Hz AC high voltage withstand test can be useful when a pitch
insufficient to withstand the voltage applied during a high voltage cable box precludes disconnection of a transformer from the cable (in
withstand test and therefore they will flashover during test. This may which case 75% of the stated test voltage shall be used).
also occur if cables are not in their final position during testing – for
example lugs not bolted up or boots installed. 5.9 Post High Voltage Withstand Test Core Insulation Test
As a rule of thumb, allow 1 inch (25mm) per 10 kV RMS test voltage After completion of the high voltage withstand test, the cable shall be
for air insulation during testing. If this clearance cannot be obtained, re-tested for insulation resistance as per paragraph 5.6. There
use additional insulation such as insulated mats where the clearance should be no decrease in insulation resistance due to insulation
is reduced. damage.
Heat-shrink tubing or boots rated at the same voltage as the cable It is noted that in a very good insulation system such as XLPE it may
are satisfactory, but remember that these are NOT suitable for take several hours for polarization of the insulation to return to its
personal protection from high voltage because they are not regularly original state.

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During this time the insulation resistance measurement may be brass tapes should be earthed at the same earth locations as the
significantly lower than the original measurement, however the metallic screen.
minimum acceptable values of paragraph 5.6 are still applicable.
Verify that cable assembly has been completed eg surge diverters
5.10 Insulation Condition Diagnostic Assessment and/or voltage transformers reconnected, cable lugs securely bolted
in place, insulating covers/boots/guards in place, switchgear
For subtransmission and transmission cables, as well as distribution reassembled.
cables of strategic importance, the Asset Manager (via the Project
Manager) may specify that additional testing is required prior to the Verify that the cable number is clearly marked at both ends of the
cable being energised to provide a ‘footprint’ for future management cable and the switchgear associated with the cable has an
of the cable. operational number/name clearly marked.
Such tests may include Partial Discharge, Dielectric Dissipation Verify that cable box clearances meet or exceed the requirements of
Factor, Internal Relaxation Current, Polarisation Depolarisation BS 0435:1984.
Current, Oscillating Wave or other tests. Rated Enclosure Phase to Phase Phase to Earth
Voltage Type clearance (mm) clearance (mm)
5.11 Final Checks 12 kV Fully Insulated 45 32
Verify, if applicable, that the cable screen earthing has not shorted Air Insulated 127 (184) 76 (160)
any frame leakage protection.
24 kV Fully Insulated 100 75
Verify that single core cables do not have a continuous ferrous
Air Insulated 242 (322) 140 (280)
metallic path around them. This may be in the form of cable glands,
cable clamps, or cable box entry. Trefoil clamping arrangement is 36 kV Fully Insulated 125 100
preferred for single core cables.
Air Insulated 356 (437) 222 (380)
Verify that the cable screen is earthed at the correct end/s (for new
distribution cables both ends will normally be earthed however this For comparison, AS2067 clearances are shown in brackets and
must be validated with the design). should be used where vermin entry or cable box contamination is
Confirm where the design requires one end only to be earthed that
any control measures specified for hazardous voltages that may 5.12 Finalise Results
appear at the unearthed screen end under fault conditions are in For minor cables test results shall be approved by the workgroup
place. supervisor or his delegate.
Such control measures may be signage, insulation, surge diverters For major cables the test results are to be approved by the Project
or personnel guards/barriers. If the cable has a separate metallic Manager or his delegate before the cable is placed into service. In
screen and outer metallic termite protection (brass tapes) then the

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most cases this will be a delegated approval to the supervisor of the cable should be energised and left until supply is required. This will
cable test team. minimise loss of supply or damage should a fault develop
A copy of the test results is to be sent to the Project Manager, and a Prior to loading the cable, a phase out must be completed. In a radial
copy retained by the work group carrying out the test. Additionally, a system, a phase rotation check must be used in lieu of a phase out.
records copy of the test report SP0407C01 is to be emailed to the
For minor HV Cables only that can’t be remotely energised then the
Ergon e-mail address “Cable Test Results”.
following additional measures shall be taken.
The filename of the test report should be the following format:
• Perform the high voltage withstand as per paragraph 5.8 and/or
• Confirm insulation resistance test was carried out and within
Where:- tolerances
Location = geographic location eg Smith St • Inspect cable terminations to ensure they are not damaged
From = source end of cable eg Mareeba Sub • Ensure terminations are not porcelain or oil filled *
To = destination end of cable eg HVL12 • Inspect switching device (e.g. ABS/HV Links) is operational
Cable Number = unique cable ID (if allocated) • Consider the effect of ferroresonance **
Date = date of test yyyyymmdd eg 20060129
• Close switch
These results will be subsequently filed at \\ecasd01\Protection\Test
The Switching Operators Assistance will ensure that the switching
Data - (Test-Commissioning-Maintenance)\Region\Cable Tests\Town
device closes correctly. If the device doesn’t function correctly DO
5.13 Energise HV Cable NOT attempt to reopen. Comply with the requirements of P53 HV
Switching and Access.
It is preferred that a remote switching device is used to energise any
new HV cables (including plant) for the first time. The earth fault * Caution – If the terminations are porcelain or oil filled then the
protection operating time of the cable’s protection system may be cable shall be energised remotely. If this is not possible then a
reduced during the initial cable energisation. Ensure the auto reclose voltage withstand test as per paragraph 5.8 shall be carried out.
on the feeder is blocked for the duration of the switching. **Ferroresonance
The remote switching device for energising must have full fault make In power systems, the most common place to find ferroresonance is
capabilities. It is envisaged that the remote switching device would with a three phase distribution transformer energised through an
be an RMU further upstream at a safe distance from the cable to be underground cable of moderate length. Under no load, or very light
energised or a remotely controlled circuit breaker. load conditions, the capacitance of the cable is sufficient to
precipitate ferroresonant behaviour under single phase switching
Because not all minor HV Cables have to undergo an applied high
conditions (e.g. the operation of an HV fuse or asynchronous
voltage withstand test as per paragraph 5.8, and where the cable
doesn’t have to supply customer load within a 24 hour period the
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operation of single phase 11kV switches such as a drop-out fuse the square of the voltage, the critical capacitance for higher system
unit.) voltages is quite small and the transformer capacitance can become
significant. Refer Table 1
The four most effective methods of controlling ferroresonance
are: Resistive Load on the Transformer
a) three-phase switching; A resistive loading of 2 to 3% is generally sufficient to control
b) single-phase switching at transformers; ferroresonance. However in a distribution network, alternative
c) resistive load on the transformer; and supply is often provided by paralleling the low voltage network to
d) limiting cable length. adjoining substations. Should the LV network not be disconnected
before HV switching, back energisation of the transformer would
Methods (a) and (d) require action on the part of the system occur. Therefore this option is generally unavailable. Similarly on
designer. commissioning a transformer, there is usually no load available for
Methods (b) and (c) require special operating procedures to ensure this option to be used.
that there is effectively no length of cable being energised or de-
energised at the same time as the transformer, or the presence of
some load.

Three-phase Switching
The use of ganged three-phase switching is one of the most effective
and commonly used methods of avoiding ferroresonance.

Single Phase Switching at Transformers

The practice of switching at the transformer terminals themselves is
a particularly effective means of controlling ferroresonance. By doing
this, the cable length between the transformer and the switch is
essentially zero and the only possible capacitance in the network is
that of the internal capacitance of the transformer.
This is a particularly suitable method and can be applied in
distribution systems using single-phase switchgear. Where a
cable transformer combination is to be energised, the cable only
should be energised and then the transformer. Conversely on
de-energising, the transformer only should be de-energised first and
then the cable. Both sets of switchgear can then be single phase
Since the critical cable length, which is actually proportional to the
critical cable capacitance, is inversely proportional to the function of
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062


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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

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