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Host Interface Specifications

Synchron LX® Clinical Systems

This manual is intended for use with

Synchron LX®20
Synchron LX®20 PRO
Synchron LX®i 725

PN 967242AF
December 2006

Beckman Coulter, Inc.

4300 N. Harbor Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92835
Host Interface Specifications
Synchron LX® Clinical Systems
PN 967242AF (December 2006)

Copyright © 2006 Beckman Coulter, Inc.

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CHAPTER 1 Host Interface Specifications ........................................................................... 1-1

Overview ....................................................................................................... 1-2
Hardware Interface ....................................................................................... 1-7
Data Transmission ........................................................................................ 1-8
Unidirectional Protocol ................................................................................. 1-9
Bidirectional ................................................................................................ 1-12

CHAPTER 2 LX20 Interface ................................................................................................. 2-1

LX20 Messages ............................................................................................. 2-2
Stream 800 - Special Functions .................................................................... 2-4
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program .............................................................. 2-6
Stream 802 - Results ................................................................................... 2-15
Stream 803 - Instrument Status ................................................................... 2-29
Stream 804 - Setup Status ........................................................................... 2-34

CHAPTER 3 CX7 Compatible Interface ............................................................................... 3-1

CX7 Compatible Messages ........................................................................... 3-2
Stream 700 - Special Functions .................................................................... 3-4
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program .............................................................. 3-6
Stream 702 - Results ................................................................................... 3-15
Stream 703 - Instrument Status ................................................................... 3-29
Stream 704 - Setup Status ........................................................................... 3-34

CHAPTER 4 Tables/Codes .................................................................................................... 4-1

Test Type Codes ........................................................................................... 4-2
Sample Type Codes ...................................................................................... 4-3
Chemistry Codes ........................................................................................... 4-4
Unit Codes .................................................................................................. 4-10
Instrument Codes ........................................................................................ 4-12
Result Error Codes ...................................................................................... 4-18
Special Calculation Status Codes ............................................................... 4-24
Instrument Status Codes ............................................................................. 4-25
Access Codes Converted to LX Codes for LXi Reporting ......................... 4-26
Key Code Conversion for Local Languages ............................................... 4-27

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Table of Contents

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Table of Contents Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242
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CHAPTER 1 Host Interface Specifications

Table of Contents
Host Interface Specifications ...................................................................................................... 1-2
Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1-2
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1-2
Synchron LX20/CX7 Compatible ....................................................................................... 1-2
Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 1-5
Interface Protocol Options .................................................................................................. 1-6
Hardware Interface .................................................................................................................. 1-7
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1-7
Connector Pin Assignments ................................................................................................ 1-7
Cable Length ....................................................................................................................... 1-7
Data Transmission ................................................................................................................... 1-8
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1-8
Transmission Format ........................................................................................................... 1-8
Unidirectional Protocol ........................................................................................................... 1-9
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 1-9
Transmitted Information ..................................................................................................... 1-9
Unidirectional Software Control ....................................................................................... 1-10
Protocol Control Characters .............................................................................................. 1-10
Unidirectional Hardware Control ...................................................................................... 1-10
Unidirectional Transmission Example 1 ........................................................................... 1-11
Unidirectional Transmission Example 2 ........................................................................... 1-11
Bidirectional .......................................................................................................................... 1-12
Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 1-12
Bidirectional Protocol Control Characters ........................................................................ 1-12
Line Bidding ...................................................................................................................... 1-12
Data Transfer ..................................................................................................................... 1-13
Successful Data Transfer ................................................................................................... 1-14
Unsolicited Messages ........................................................................................................ 1-16
Unsolicited Message Transmission Example .................................................................... 1-17
Solicited Messages ............................................................................................................ 1-18
Solicited Message Transmission Example ........................................................................ 1-18
Downloading Sample Programming from Host to Synchron LX20 ................................. 1-18
Host Downloading Sample Program Example ................................................................. 1-19

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Host Interface Specifications

These instructions to the Host Interface Specification provide the necessary
information to interface the Synchron LX20 System to a Laboratory Information
System (LIS). Use this computer communications specification with software version
1.1 or higher. This manual has four sections:

Host Interface Specifications

LX20 Interface
CX7 Compatible Interface

Host Interface Specifications and Tables/Codes are general sections. LX20 Interface
and CX7 Compatible Interface are specific sections; refer to the section that describes
the interface of your system.

Proper programming of the Host System, using the information contained
herein, is essential for maintaining the integrity of the patient, sample and
chemistry data.

Synchron LX20/CX7 Compatible

The following table describes the differences between the LX20 Interface and the CX7
Compatible Interface on a Synchron LX20 System. It also lists the results if you use
the CX7 Compatible Interface.

Do not use the CX-compatible host interface with a Synchron LX System that
is set up for use with the LX-compatible host interface; doing so may result
in loss of data integrity.

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Synchron LX20/CX7 Compatible 1
Table 1.1 LX20/CX7 Compatible
Feature LX20 CX7 Compatible
Interface Specification Interface Specification
Patient ID 15 Alphanumeric 12 Alphanumeric

The sample result is not transmitted if

the Patient ID is more than 12
Sex M, F, B M, F

Converts M/F to B Converts M/F to M

Patient Comment 45 Alphanumeric 25 Alphanumeric

If more than 25 characters are used,

only the first 25 are sent.
Sample ID 15 Alphanumeric 11 Alphanumeric

The Sample result is not transmitted if

the Sample ID exceeds 11 characters.
Control Lot 12 Characters Not Supported
Sector/Rack 4 digits 2 digits
0000 to 0999 can be If the 3 digit check box is selected, 1
accepted from the host character field reserved for the cup
(LIS). Up to 9999 can be data is used as a place to store the
sent from the instrument. third digit of the rack number. E.g.
rack 123, position 4 is represented as
23 in rack field and 14 in cup field.
Cuvette Number 3 Numeric 2 Hexadecimal

The cuvette number is reported in

hexadecimal notation. For example,
cuvette 100 is reported as 64; cuvette
109 is reported as 6D.
Sample Comment 25 Alphanumeric 25 Alphanumeric
Code 1
Sample Comment Not Supported 25 Alphanumeric
Code 2
Not Used
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Synchron LX20/CX7 Compatible

Table 1.1 LX20/CX7 Compatible, continued

Feature LX20 CX7 Compatible
Interface Specification Interface Specification
Dates 8 digits 6 digits

Long date. Format is

Format is DATE (ddmmyy)
LDATE (ddmmyyyy)
Clear Rack/ Stream 801 - Function 3 Stream 701 - Function 3
Sample IDs
Rack number field Samples in racks above rack 99 must
supports any rack to be be cleared with Sample ID, or
cleared. manually cleared.
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Definitions 1
The following terms and definitions are useful in understanding this interface

Table 1.2 Interface Specification Terms

Term Definition
LX20 Synchron LX20 analyzer
Host Clinical laboratory computer system
ALPHA Alphanumeric
DATE Date. The format is ddmmyy.
Downloada The process of the host sending sample/rack programming
to the Synchron LX20 System.
Handshakea The process of the Synchron LX20 System and the host
communicating with each other. Permission to transmit is
requested, permission is granted, and receipt of
transmission is acknowledged (ACK – NAK protocol).
LDATE Long Date. The format is ddmmyyyy.
Message A collection of related information, in the form of records,
on a single patient, sent at one time.
Null Component A message component that contains no data. Null
components are represented by two component delimiters
with no character in between.
Null Field A message field that contains no data. Null fields are
represented by two field delimiters with no character in
Text The set of displayable characters, from ASCII characters
decimal 32 to decimal 126.
a Bidirectional only

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Interface Protocol Options

Interface Protocol Options

The Synchron LX20 System provides four interface protocol options which are
established using the Host Communications option in Setup. These protocol options
are defined in the table below.

Table 1.3 Interface Protocol Options

Protocol Description
Unidirectional Information is transmitted from the Synchron LX20 System to
the host computer. The host uses flow control to control
incoming data. The three flow control options are:

• Software Flow Control (XON/XOFF)

• Hardware Flow Control (RTS/CTS) or
• No Flow
Bidirectional Information is transmitted from the Synchron LX20 System to
the host computer and from the host computer to the Synchron
LX20 System. The two systems use a software handshake to
communicate with each other to request permission to send
information and to acknowledge receipt of information (ACK-
NAK protocol).
Bidirectional with Follows the same protocol as bidirectional interface, with the
Query added capability to request sample programs from the host.

"Double host query" is not supported. (That is, the LX20

queries the Datalink and the Datalink queries the LIS.)

"Requery" allows the LX20 to Query the Host when a sample

is loaded and has a "Complete" status at the LX20.
Off No information is sent or received by the Synchron LX20

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Hardware Interface
Introduction 1

Hardware Interface
The hardware interface to the Synchron LX20 System external communication port
uses a standard RS-232-C 9-pin or 25-pin D-connector (male). Communication is
done with asynchronous byte transmission.

Connector Pin Assignments

Connector pin assignments are shown below.

Table 1.4 Connector Pin Assignments

25-Pin 9-Pin Signal Direction
1 - Protected ground – used on one side only
2 3 Transmit data Out
3 2 Receive data In
4a 8a Clear to send (CTS) In
5b 7b Request to send (RTS) Out
6c 4c Data terminal ready (DTR) Out
7 5 Signal ground
20c 6c Data set ready (DSR) In
- 1 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) In
- 9 Ring Indicator (RI)
a CTS is required before data will be transmitted.
RTS is turned on when operational.
Pins 6 and 20 and 4 and 6 are only needed when a modem is used.

Note: Pins 4 (CTS) and 5 (RTS) and 7 (RTS) and 8 (CTS) are enabled only in
unidirectional mode.

Cable Length
Use a cable length of 40 feet (12 m) or less with the RS-232-C interface.

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Data Transmission

Data Transmission
The Synchron LX20 System uses 7-bit ASCII (provides the 128 character ASCII set
when 7 data bits are selected). For local languages, 8-bit ASCII must be used
(provides the 256-character ASCII set).

Transmission Format
The serial transmission format is configured from the Synchron LX20 System console
using the Host Communications option as outlined in CHAPTER 6, System Setup of
the Synchron LX Clinical Systems Operations Manual. The following options are

Table 1.5 Serial Transmission Format

Parameter Options Default
Data Transmission Unidirectional, Bidirectional, Unidirectional
Mode Bidirectional with Query, Off
Data Bits 7, 8a 8
Stop Bits 1, 2 1
Parity Even, Odd, None None
Flow control Software (XON/XOFF), Hardware (RTS/ Software
Device ID 00-99 00
Baud Rates 300, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200 9600
Re-query Selected, Not Selected Not Selected
a For use with non-English keyboards, select 8-bit ASCII for the host interface in order to send and receive special characters
(for key code conversion information, refer to Figure 4.1 Key Code Conversion Chart).

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Unidirectional Protocol
Introduction 1

Unidirectional Protocol
In unidirectional transmission, information is transmitted in one direction only from
the Synchron LX20 System to the host computer. This information is transmitted as
soon as it is available.

Transmitted Information
The information transmitted includes:

The 800 stream below is referenced to the LX20 Interface. The CX7 compatible interface
is similar in data streams and should be interpreted as a 700 stream where an 800
stream is displayed.

Table 1.6 Transmitted Information

Information Description
Cup Header The Cup Header information for each cup in the rack is
transmitted when a cup has finished and results are ready to send
to the host.
(Stream 802 - Function 1)
Test Results A Test Result message is transmitted as each test is completed.
(Stream 802 - Functions 3, 11, 13, 81)
End of Cup An End-of-Cup message is transmitted when all tests programmed
for a sample are completed.
(Stream 802 - Function 5)
End of Run An End-of-Run message is transmitted when all tests programmed
have been completed and the LX20 has gone into the Standby
(Stream 803 - Function 17)
Power Up The Power Up message is transmitted when the LX20 is booted.
(Stream 803 - Function 1)
Host Setup The Host Setup message is transmitted when the LX20 is booted
and when there are changes in the Host Communications in
System Setup.
(Stream 800 - Function 2)

Output field width is dependent on the units and decimal precision selected. This
should not exceed the fixed field width specified in this document.

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Unidirectional Protocol
Unidirectional Software Control

Unidirectional Software Control

The flow of information from the Synchron LX20 System can be controlled by the
host through an XON/XOFF protocol. The sequence of events is:

• The host transmits the character XOFF prior to its buffer overflowing.
• The LX20 immediately suspends transmission.
• When the host's buffer is ready to accept information again, the character XON is
• The LX20 then resumes transmission.
• The host should transmit the XON character after power up to indicate it is ready to
receive data.

Protocol Control Characters

The software protocol control characters follow:

Table 1.7 Protocol Control Characters

Character Name ASCII HEX
XON Resume transmission DL1 11
XOFF Suspend transmission DL3 13

Unidirectional Hardware Control

The flow of information from the Synchron LX20 System can be controlled by the
host through the CTS hardware signal. When the CTS signal is brought negative, the
LX20 will suspend transmission. The LX20 will resume transmission when the CTS
signal is brought positive. Examples of Unidirectional Transmission are cited below.

Do not select the Hardware option for flow control. With the Hardware option, ESD
interference can affect the performance.

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Unidirectional Protocol
Unidirectional Transmission Example 1 1
Unidirectional Transmission Example 1
Unidirectional mode is selected and the host is not using software control of
transmission. The accession number is 168, the rack is 12, the position is 1, and the
chemistries are Sodium (01A), Potassium (01B), and Chloride (04A). An operator-
defined special calculation (SPC_CALC) is transmitted.


(- Indicates space holder)

Unidirectional Transmission Example 2

The same information is transmitted as in Example 1, but software flow control has
been implemented by the host, selected by the LX20 operator, and used by the Host
where indicated.

Synchron LX20 HOST

<========================================================================== XON


<========================================================================== XOFF

<========================================================================== XON


(- Indicates space holder)

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In bidirectional transmission, information is transmitted from the Synchron LX20
System to the host, and from the host to the LX20 System. The two systems
communicate with each other using a software handshake. Permission to send
information is requested, permission is granted, and receipt of information is
acknowledged (ACK - NAK protocol). Table 1.8 describes the bidirectional protocol
control characters that are referred to throughout this section.

Bidirectional Protocol Control Characters

Bidirectional protocol control characters are listed below.

Table 1.8 Bidirectional Protocol Control Characters

Acronym Name ASCII HEX
LB Line Bid SOH 01
LBO Line Bid Override Request STX 02
LF Line Feed LF 0A
ENQ Enquiry ENQ 05
(used to re-establish communications)
EOT End of Transmission EOT 04
ACK-0 Even Acknowledgment ACK 06
ACK-1 Odd Acknowledgment ETX 03
NAK Negative Acknowledgment NAK 15

Line Bidding
Before either the Synchron LX20 System or the host transmits a message, they must
bid for the communication line. Line bidding uses the LB, LBO, EOT, ACK-0, and
NAK characters.

Stage Description
1 To bid for the line, <EOT> <LB> is transmitted when the line is idle.
2 The EOT clears the line.
3 The receiving system responds by transmitting ACK-0 to acknowledge the
line bid and allow message transmission, or by transmitting NAK to deny
the line bid.
4 If the line bid is denied, the originator waits a short period of time (e.g.,
one second) then bids for the line again.

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Data Transfer 1
• LINE BID – When the LX20 is very busy, the response to a LINE BID may take up
to 15 seconds.

1. When the LX20 has some messages in the output queue, it does a LINE BID.
When the LINE BID is accepted by the host, the instrument sends one set of
messages at a time. It then gives up the line and waits for 2 seconds before
continuing with the other messages.
2. If the host has messages to transmit, it can do a LINE BID (EOT LB) even if the
instrument is busy transmitting messages (after sending a message, the LX20 looks
for a NAK, ACK, or LB). When the LX20 sends a message, the host can respond
with a line bid <EOT><SOH>. The message in progress will be saved by the
LX20. The line will be granted to the host by sending an <ACK>.

Do not activate the LINE BID while the instrument is transmitting messages because it
would stop the collation of results.

• LINE BID TIME OUT occurs if the receiving system does not respond to the EOT
LB within 15 seconds, or responds with something other than an ACK-0 or LBO.
After 7 consecutive time outs, or unrecognizable responses (i.e., not ACK-0 or
NAK), the originator considers the line DOWN. The originator waits 20 seconds
and tries the line bid again.

• CONTENTION occurs when both systems bid for the line at the same time. The
LX20 will be considered the master and the host should respond with ACK-0.
However, the host may override the LX20 line bid by transmitting LBO in response.
The LX20 will respond by transmitting ACK-0 to acknowledge the line bid override
and allow message transmission, or it will ignore the message if LX20 was not
bidding for the line when the message was sent.

Data Transfer
After successfully bidding for the line, the originator or sending system transmits its
message. If the sending device does not transmit a message within 20 seconds, the
receiving device times out. Further communication will require another line bid.

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Successful Data Transfer

Successful Data Transfer

A successful data transfer consists of:[<MESSAGE>]<CS><CR><LF>.

• CS – Check sum
• CR – Carriage return
• LF – Line feed

If the checksum is incorrect or if any element is missing, the data transfer is


After data transmission, the receiving system acknowledges transmission as follows:

Stage Description
1 If data transfer was successful, the receiving system alternately returns
ACK-1 and ACK-0 after each message. Since the receiving system
responded ACK-0 to the line bid, ACK-1 is the correct acknowledgment to
the first message, ACK-0 to the second message, ACK-1 to the next
message, and so forth. When data transfer is complete, the sending system
transmits EOT.
2 If data transfer was unsuccessful due to a bad checksum or other problem,
the receiving system responds NAK. The sending system re-transmits the
3 If the sending system does not receive an acknowledgment within 15
seconds after data transfer, or if an incorrect acknowledgment is received,
it transmits ENQ. The receiving system retransmits its last
acknowledgment (e.g., ACK-0, ACK-1, or NAK). The sending system
responds to that acknowledgment in one of the following manners:

• If the correct acknowledgment is transmitted, the sending system

transmits the next message or EOT.
• If an incorrect acknowledgment or NAK is transmitted, the sending
system retransmits the last message.
4 TIME OUT occurs:

• If the sending system does not transmit data in 20 seconds after

successfully bidding for the line, the receiving system times out and
returns to idle.
• If the sending system does not receive an acknowledgment within 15
seconds after data transfer, or if an incorrect acknowledgment is
received, it then transmits ENQ. If an acknowledgment is not received
after seven consecutive ENQ transmissions, the LX20 waits 20 seconds
before it attempts a line bid and continues to do so until an
acknowledgment is received.

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Successful Data Transfer 1
Examples of data transfer (These examples are also correct if the labels Synchron LX
and HOST are reversed):

NAK Example
Synchron LX HOST
(Sending System) (Receiving System)
EOT SOH ------------------------------------------------------>
<------------------------------------------------------ ACK
Message 1 ------------------------------------------------------>
<------------------------------------------------------ ETX
Message 2 ------------------------------------------------------>
<------------------------------------------------------ ACK
Message 3 ------------------------------------------------------>
<------------------------------------------------------ NAK
Message 3 ------------------------------------------------------>
<------------------------------------------------------ ETX
EOT ------------------------------------------------------>

No Response
Synchron LX HOST
(Sending System) (Receiving System)
EOT SOH ------------------------------------------------------->
<====================================================== ACK
Message 1 =======================================================>
<====================================================== ETX
Message 2 =======================================================>
No Response
(15 secs)
ENQ =======================================================>
<====================================================== ETX
Message 2 =======================================================>
<====================================================== ACK
EOT =======================================================>

No Response Return to Idle

Synchron LX HOST
(Sending System) (Receiving System)
<======================================================= EOT SOH
ACK ========================================================>
No Response
(>20 secs)
<======================================================= MESSAGE 1
<======================================================= EOT SOH
ACK ========================================================>
<======================================================= MESSAGE 1
ETX ========================================================>
<======================================================= EOT

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Unsolicited Messages

Request for Idle State

Synchron LX HOST
(Sending System) (Receiving System)

EOT SOH ========================================================>

<======================================================= ACK
Message 1 ========================================================>
<======================================================= ETX
Message 2 ========================================================>
<======================================================= ACK
EOT ========================================================>

Unsolicited Messages
Unsolicited messages are those messages which are automatically transmitted by the
Synchron LX20 System as the information becomes available. The following
unsolicited messages are transmitted in the bidirectional mode.

The 800 stream below is referenced to the LX20 Interface. The CX7 compatible interface
is similar in data streams and should be interpreted as a 700 stream where an 800
stream is displayed.

Table 1.9 Unsolicited Messages

Message Description
Cup Header The Cup Header information for each cup in the rack is
transmitted when a rack is loaded and accepted.
(Stream 802 - Function 1)
Test Results A Test Result message is transmitted as each test is completed.
(Stream 802 - Functions 3, 11, 13, 81)
End of Cup An End-of-Cup message is transmitted when all tests programmed
for a sample are completed.
(Stream 802 - Function 5)
End of Run An End-of-Run message is transmitted when all tests programmed
have been completed and the LX20 has gone into the Standby
(Stream 803 - Function 17)
Power Up The Power Up message is transmitted when the LX20 is booted.
(Stream 803 - Function 1)

Note: Undefined characters may be transmitted during system

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Unsolicited Message Transmission Example 1
Table 1.9 Unsolicited Messages, continued
Message Description
Bidirectional The Bidirectional message is transmitted when the bidirectional or
Startup bidirectional with query interface option is enabled.
(Stream 803 - Function 2)
Host Setup The Host Setup message is transmitted when the LX20 is booted
and when the operator enters and exits Host Communications in
System Setup. This is transmitted immediately after the interface
is changed in the System Setup.
(Stream 800 - Function 2)
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Unsolicited Message Transmission Example

The following message is an example of an unsolicited message transmission.

Synchron LX20 HOST

EOT SOH ======================================================================>
<========================================================================== ACK
<========================================================================== ETX
<========================================================================== ACK
<========================================================================== ETX
<========================================================================== ACK
<========================================================================== ETX
[ 0,803,17,06101998,100137]4C<CR><LF>
<========================================================================== ACK
EOT ==========================================================================>

(- Indicates space holder)

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Solicited Messages

Solicited Messages
Solicited messages are transmitted by the host to request information from the
Synchron LX20 System. Solicited messages are used by the host to:

• Confirm that a bidirectional system is attached to the host serial port.

(Stream 800 - Function 1)
• Obtain LX20 instrument status information. (Stream 803 - Function 3)
• Obtain a list of the LX20 installed chemistries. (Stream 804 - Functions 7)

Solicited Message Transmission Example

The following message is an example of a solicited message transmission.

Synchron LX20 HOST

<================================================== EOT SOH
ACK ==================================================>
<================================================== [00,803,03]<CS><CR><LF>
ETX ==================================================>
<================================================== EOT
EOT SOH ==================================================>
<================================================== ACK
<================================================== ETX
EOT ==================================================>

(<CS> Indicates checksum)

(- Indicates space holder)

Downloading Sample Programming from Host to Synchron LX20

• Sample programming may be transmitted directly from the host to the Synchron
LX20 Systems. The information that can be programmed includes:
- Rack and cup number
- Sample ID
- Test type
- Fluid type
- Demographics
- Chemistry requests (Stream 801 - Function 1)
• The host, after sending a single sample/cup must release the line by sending an EOT
and then wait for the LX20 to send the sample/cup return status. (Stream 801 -
Function 2) This response by the LX20 is used to notify the host whether or not the
program was accepted (e.g., a BUSY response may indicate programming is being
done at the LX20 console). There is an interlock prohibiting simultaneous
programming of a single sample from the host and the Synchron LX20 System

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Host Downloading Sample Program Example 1
• After the LX20 releases the line (sends an EOT), the host may then repeat the
process for as many sample/cups as necessary for completion of the download. If
this protocol is not followed, improper chemistry requests may be downloaded to
the LX20.
• In addition, the host can clear previous rack programming before transmitting the
new sample programming. (Stream 801 - Function 3)
• In response to the clear rack message transmitted by the host, the LX20 transmits an
OK, BUSY, or SYNTAX ERROR message. (Stream 801 - Function 4) This
response by the LX20 is used to notify the host as to whether the rack was cleared
(e.g., A BUSY response may indicate programming is being done at the LX20
console or the rack is on the sample carousel.)
• There is an interlock prohibiting simultaneous clearing from the host and clearing or
programming from the LX20 System console.

Host Downloading Sample Program Example

The following is an example of a host downloading a sample program.

Synchron LX20 HOST

<================================================== EOT SOH
ACK ==================================================>
ETX ==================================================>
<================================================== EOT
EOT SOH ==================================================>
<================================================== ACK
<================================================== ETX
EOT ==================================================>

(<CS> Indicates checksum)

(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Host Interface Specifications

December 2006 Page 1-19
Host Downloading Sample Program Example

Host Interface Specifications Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 1-20 December 2006
CHAPTER 2 LX20 Interface

Table of Contents
LX20 Interface ............................................................................................................................ 2-2
LX20 Messages ....................................................................................................................... 2-2
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
Message Format .................................................................................................................. 2-2
Message Streams ................................................................................................................. 2-3
Stream 800 - Special Functions .............................................................................................. 2-4
Stream 800 - Function 1: Are You There? .......................................................................... 2-4
Stream 800 - Function 2: Host Setup .................................................................................. 2-4
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program ........................................................................................ 2-6
Stream 801 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program ................................................................. 2-6
Stream 801 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status ....................................................... 2-10
Stream 801 - Function 3: Clear Rack/Sample IDs ............................................................ 2-12
Stream 801 - Function 4: Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status ................................................. 2-13
Stream 801 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs .................................................. 2-14
Stream 802 - Results ............................................................................................................. 2-15
Stream 802 - Function 1: Cup Header ............................................................................... 2-15
Stream 802 - Function 3: Test Results .............................................................................. 2-17
Stream 802 - Function 5: End of Cup ............................................................................... 2-21
Stream 802 - Function 11: Special Calculations Results .................................................. 2-22
Stream 802 - Function 13: Timed Urine Results .............................................................. 2-23
Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results ................................................................... 2-24
Stream 803 - Instrument Status ............................................................................................. 2-29
Stream 803 - Function 1: Power Up .................................................................................. 2-29
Stream 803 - Function 2: Bidirectional On ....................................................................... 2-31
Stream 803 - Function 3: Request Instrument State .......................................................... 2-32
Stream 803 - Function 4: Instrument State ....................................................................... 2-32
Stream 803 - Function 17: End of Run ............................................................................. 2-33
Stream 804 - Setup Status ..................................................................................................... 2-34
Stream 804 - Function 7: Request Installed Chemistries .................................................. 2-34
Stream 804 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries ................................................................ 2-34

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-1
LX20 Messages

LX20 Interface

LX20 Messages
The data record format for all messages transmitted to and from the Synchron LX20
System is:


Proper programming with respect to the length and format of data fields is
necessary for maintaining data integrity.

This section describes the information contained in the <MESSAGE> portion.

Message Format
The format of the <MESSAGE> is:


• <DEVICE ID> is a number between 0 and 99. The default Synchron LX ID is 0

but can be changed using the Host Communications Setup procedure. All messages
which have a different Device ID than the Host Communications Screen will not be
• <STREAM> is a number between 800 and 899.
• <FUNCTION> is a number between 1 and 99.
• <FIELD1>,...,<FIELDN> are data fields associated with the <STREAM> and
• All data fields <FIELDN> are fixed lengths.
• Numeric fields, excluding function numbers, are right justified and blank filled to
the maximum length.
• Character and string fields are left justified and right blank filled to the maximum
• If numeric data exceeds the maximum field length, the field will be filled with
asterisks (*). If a field does not apply in a record, it will be filled with pound signs
• Alphanumeric fields received from the host cannot contain commas (,). Commas
received in an alphanumeric field will generate an HCP error. A comma entered in
an alphanumeric field at the instrument is transmitted as a semicolon (;). A
semicolon received from the host is converted to a comma.
• Valid and Invalid characters for entries are listed in the table below:

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-2 December 2006
LX20 Messages
Message Streams 2
Table 2.1 ASCII Codes
ASCII Character Codes… Characters and Character Codes…
Sample ID 33 thru 126 A space and $ , ; * ? [ ] \^ | &
Other Entries 32 thru 175 ASCII Character Codes 44 and 127

• Alpha: Any printable ASCII string (Commas are translated into semicolons when
sent to the host. Semicolons are translated into commas when received from the
• LDATE: Long Date. Format is ddmmyyyy.

Message Streams
Messages sent to and from the Synchron LX20 System are divided into streams.

• Each stream corresponds to one group of related operations within the interface.
Within each stream are one or more functions. For each stream only one function
can be active at a time.
• Multiple streams can be active at the same time.

Stream transmission options are outlined in CHAPTER 6, System Setup of the

Synchron LX Clinical Systems Operations Manual.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-3
Stream 800 - Special Functions
Stream 800 - Function 1: Are You There?

Stream 800 - Special Functions

Stream 800 - Function 1: Are You There?
Sent by: Host
Purpose: To make sure that a bidirectional system is attached to the host port. Upon
receipt of the message 800-01, the Synchron LX20 responds with the message 800-02,
Host Setup.

Table 2.2 Are You There

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 800
Function 2 01


Stream 800 - Function 2: Host Setup

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent by the Synchron LX20 in response to message 800-01. Also sent
unsolicited upon power up and whenever there are changes to the Host
Communications in System Setup.

Table 2.3 Host Setup

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 800
Function 2 02
Date 8 LDate
Time 6 Time
Software Revision 10 ALPHA
Driver Mode 1 B or U B = Bidirectional
U = Unidirectional
Stream 800 Function 2 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 801 Function 6 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 3 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
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Page 2-4 December 2006
Stream 800 - Special Functions
Stream 800 - Function 2: Host Setup 2
Table 2.3 Host Setup, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Stream 802 Function 7 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 9 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 11 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 23 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 25 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 81 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 83 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 803 Function 1 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 803 Function 2 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 803 Function 5 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 803 Function 7 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 803 Function 13 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 803 Function 17 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 802 Function 13 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
(2 of 2)


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-5
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program

Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program

Stream 801 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program
Sent by: Host
Purpose: To inform Synchron LX20 what tests to perform for a given sample. The
LX20 responds with an 801-02, Sample/Cup Return Status, which shows whether or
not the program was accepted.

Table 2.4 Sample/Cup Program

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 801
Function 2 01
Rack Number 4 0000-0999 0 = No rack number assigned
(Cup Number must also be 0).

Rack numbers greater than 999 will

result in a Rack Number Too Large
return code.

Refer to Note 3 after this table.

Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number assigned (Rack
Number must also be 0).

A cup number greater than 4 will

result in a BAD MESSAGE return

Refer to Note 3 after this table.

Update Flag 1 FLAG 0 = Replace all programming and
patient demographics

1 = Add to existing program

Refer to Note 2 and Note 4 after this

Test Type 2 TEST CODE Refer to Table 4.1 Test Type Codes.

Refer to Note 4 after this table.

Sample Type 2 FLUID CODE Refer to Table 4.2 Sample Type
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Page 2-6 December 2006
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program 2
Table 2.4 Sample/Cup Program, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Sample ID 15 ALPHA Must be present in all modes.

All lower case letters are converted

to upper case.

Refer to Note 4 after this table.

Control Name 20 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
QC Lot Number 12 ALPHA Not used.
Sample Comment 25 ALPHA
Code 1
Name Last 18 ALPHA
Name First 15 ALPHA
Name Middle 1 ALPHA
Patient ID 15 ALPHA
Doctor 18 ALPHA
Draw Date 8 LDATE Refer to Note 7 and Note 9 after this
Draw Time 4 TIME
Location 20 ALPHA
Age 3 NUMERIC Default = 0
Age Units 1 NUMERIC Default = 5

Refer to Table 4.3 Age Unit Codes.

Birth Date 8 LDATE Refer to Note 9 after this table.
Sex 1 ALPHA M, F, B
Patient Comments 45 ALPHA
Timed Urine 7 NUMERIC 0-99999.0
Timed Urine 4 NUMERIC Collection period 0-99.0
Timed Urine 4 NUMERIC Serum creatinine 0-99.0
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Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-7
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program

Table 2.4 Sample/Cup Program, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Timed Urine 2 UNIT CODE Blank is only valid if the Timed
Creatinine Units Urine Creatinine field is zero or

Refer to Note 8 after this table.

Timed Urine Area 6 NUMERIC Surface area 0 – 9.9900

Blank is OK.
Number Tests 3 NUMERIC 1-999
Test-1 Chem 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Note 5 and Note 6 after this
Test-2 Chem 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Note 5 and Note 6 after this
Test-Na Chem 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Note 5 and Note 6 after this
(3 of 3)
a N = Value from Number Tests Field

Note 1: The Control Name uniquely identifies the control of this result. Only the
selected fluid type for the control can be used. Any other fluid type is a syntax error.
All lower case letters are converted to upper case. If a control name is included in the
message, the system will address the sample program as a control sample program.

Note 2: A new program will be entered if no program exists for the specified sample/
cup. Duplicate chemistries will not be added to an existing program.

Updates consist of chemistry additions only and are allowed only under the following

• Sample Type and Program Type of program to be updated match Fluid Type and
Test Type (respectively) of sample program sent by the host.
• Sample Status of the program to be updated is Sample Required, In-Progress,
Removed (V3.0 software or later), Manual Assign, or Rerun; and Control Name of
the sample program sent by the host is blank for patient samples, or matches the
Control Name of the existing control sample program.

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-8 December 2006
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program 2
Overwrites are allowed under the following conditions:

• Sample Status of the program to be overwritten is Sample Required, Incomplete,

Complete, Manual Assign, or Rerun.

Note 3: Rack numbers greater than 999 will result in a Rack Number too Large (15)
return code in the 801:2 message.

A cup number greater than 4 will result in a BAD MESSAGE return code in the 801:2

If the Rack Number is 0, the Cup Number must also be 0.

If the Cup Number is 0, the Rack Number must also be 0.

Note 4: If the Test Type is ST (STAT) or RO (Routine), the sample program will be
rejected if the Sample ID matches a defined control ID on the system.

Note 5: The system will accept control sample programs even if they contain
chemistries not defined for the control on the instrument. It is assumed that the host
will handle the extra chemistry results.

Note 6: If the host stream contains at least one of the Chem Codes used for serum
index chemistries, the system will select to run all serum indices tests. The system
will treat a serum index test selection as an exception to the requirement that chemistry
selections in the host stream have to be configured on the instrument.

Note 7: If the host stream contains a Draw Time but does not contain a Draw Date, the
system will clear the Draw Time to zero and log an event, indicating it has done so.

Note 8: In order for the Timed Urine Results Message to be sent back to the host, unit
codes that are sent by the host must translate into one of the selectable CREm system
(LX20) setup units.

The Timed Urine Results Message is not sent back to the host if Timed Urine
Creatinine units sent by the host

• are blank
• do not translate into one of the selectable CREm system setup units or
• are not recognized by the instrument.

For this case, an event is logged which indicates that the data in the Timed Urine
Creatinine Field has been cleared and that the Timed Urine Results will not be run.

Note 9: The LX20 will reject a 2-digit year field. If the LX20 receives a 2-digit field
for the year, the LX20 will log the event, indicating a problem was detected. The field
will be cleared and process the sample with a blank date.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-9
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 801 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent in response to an 801-01 message from the host. 801-02 indicates if
the sample/cup program was accepted, or why it was not accepted.

Table 2.5 Sample/Cup Return Status

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 801
Function 2 02
Return Code 2 00-99 0 = OK
1 = BAD MESSAGE – There is
something wrong with the message
2 = BUSY – The cup is running or
sample is being programmed.
3 = NOT CONFIGURED – Message
contains at least one non –configured
4 = NON ORDAC – Message contains
at least one non-ORDAC chemistry,
required for ORDAC.
5 = DILUTION ERROR – Message
contains chemistries with different
dilution factors.
(1 of 2)

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Page 2-10 December 2006
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status 2
Table 2.5 Sample/Cup Return Status, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Return Code, 2 0-99 8 = Not used
continued 9 = LX20 ERROR – An internal logical
error has occurred.
10 = Completed sample (Program
update only)
11 = Incompatible fluid types. Used for
program update or control sample
12 = Incompatible test types. (Program
update only)
13 = Incompatible patient name.
(Program update only)
14 = Sample ID matches existing
Control ID.
15 = Rack Number too large. Rack
Number must be between 0000 and
16 = Too many tests programmed for
17-20 = Future use
Accession 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Rack Number 4 0000-9999
Cup Number 2 00-4
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
(2 of 2)


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-11
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 3: Clear Rack/Sample IDs

Stream 801 - Function 3: Clear Rack/Sample IDs

Sent by: Host
Purpose: Sent by the host prior to programming samples to clear the program for a
rack or a group of samples. It is not necessary for the host to send this message as each
sample is cleared if the update flag is not set in the 801-01, Sample/Cup Program

• Receipt of this message causes the LX20 to clear the program(s) for the rack or
Sample IDs specified in the message.
• 801-03 messages that include both rack number and Sample IDs are rejected by
sending an 801-04 message with a BAD MESSAGE status.
• LX20 responds to the 801-03 message with an 801-04, Clear Rack/Sample IDs
Status message indicating whether the clear command was accepted.
• If the LX20 aspirated reagent for a rack or Sample ID, an 801-03 request to clear
that rack or Sample ID receives an 801-04 message indicating the rack or Sample ID
is busy.

Table 2.6 Clear Rack/Sample IDs

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 801
Function 2 03
Rack Number 4 0000-9999 0 = No rack number assigned. Refer to
Note 1 and Note 2 after this table.
Sample ID 1 15 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup
Sample ID 2 15 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup
Sample ID 3 15 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup
Sample ID 4 15 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup

Note 1: If one or more Sample IDs are specified, rack number must be zero.
Specification of a non-zero rack number with non-blank Sample IDs will result in a
801-04 being returned with a rack return code of BAD MESSAGE.

Note 2: Rack numbers greater than 999 result in a rejected Clear Rack/Sample ID
Message and cause the Clear Rack/Sample ID Status rack return code to be set to 5 -
Rack Number too large.


(- Indicates space holder)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-12 December 2006
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 4: Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status 2
Stream 801 - Function 4: Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent in response to the 801-03 message. The host is informed if the clear
command was accepted.

Table 2.7 Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 801
Function 2 04
Rack Number 4 0000-9999 0 = No rack number assigned
Rack Return 2 0-99 0 = Complete rack or all Sample IDs
Code cleared.
2 = BUSY The rack or one of the
Sample IDs was running.
3 = LX20 error
4 = Non-existent error
5= Rack Number too large
Sample ID 1 2 0-99 0 = Cleared.
Return Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error
Sample ID 2 2 0-99 0 = Cleared
Return Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error
Sample ID 3 2 0-99 0 = Cleared
Return Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error
Sample ID 4 2 0-99 0 = Cleared
Return Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-13
Stream 801 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 801 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs

Stream 801 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: To request the program for the Sample IDs, specified in the message from
the host. This message is used in the bidirectional with query mode and finds samples
for which it has no program. The host has 2.5 minutes to respond with first sample

Table 2.8 Host Query Rack/Sample IDs

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 801
Function 2 06
Sample ID 1 15 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample ID 2 15 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample ID 3 15 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample ID 4 15 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Note 1: The message stream maintains the sample cup position of a rack. For
example, if "samp 4" is in cup position 4, it will remain in the 7th field of the 801, 06

[-0,801,06,samp1------,samp2------,samp3------,samp4 ------]EB<CR><LF>

(- Indicates space holder)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-14 December 2006
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 1: Cup Header 2

Stream 802 - Results

Stream 802 - Function 1: Cup Header
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent before sending any test results because the header contains
identification and demographic information about a sample.

Table 2.9 Cup Header

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 802
Function 2 01
Start Date 8 LDATE
Start Time 6 TIME
Accession 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Print Type 2 CODE RG = Regular
RE = Recall
IN = Incomplete
Rack Number 4 0-9999 The rack number in which the sample
was run.

0 = No rack number when sample is

directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi only).
Cup Number 2 0-4 The cup number in which the sample
was run.

0 = No cup number when sample is

dircetly loaded on Access 2i (LXi only).
Test Type 2 TEST CODE Refer to Table 4.1 Test Type Codes.
Future Use Space 9 ALPHA
Sample Type 2 FLUID Refer to Table 4.2 Sample Type Codes.
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
Control Name 20 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample Comment 25 ALPHA
Code 1
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Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-15
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 1: Cup Header

Table 2.9 Cup Header, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Name Last 18 ALPHA
Name First 15 ALPHA
Name Middle 1 ALPHA
Patient ID 15 ALPHA
Doctor 18 ALPHA
Draw Date 8 LDATE
Draw Time 4 TIME
Location 20 ALPHA
Age 3 NUMERIC Default = 0
Age Units 1 NUMERIC Default = 5
Birth Date 8 LDATE
Sex 1 ALPHA M, F, B
Patient 45 ALPHA
Timed Urine 7 REAL 0.0 - 99999.0
Blank is OK.

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Timed Urine 4 REAL Collection period 0-99.0
Refer to Note 2 after this table.
Timed Urine 4 REAL Serum creatinine 0-99.0
Refer to Note 2 after this table.
Timed Urine Area 6 REAL Surface area 0.0 - 9.9900

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Number Chems 3 NUMERIC Does not include replicates
Programmed 000-999
Com Chem ID 1 4 CHEM
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Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 3: Test Results 2
Table 2.9 Cup Header, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Com Chem ID 2 4 CHEM
Com Chem ID N 4 CHEM N < 999
(3 of 3)

Note 1: The Control Name uniquely identifies the control of this result.

Note 2: The number of decimal places is adjusted so the number can fit in this field.


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 802 - Function 3: Test Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent when all chemistry results for a cup have been completed and
calculated. 802-03 can be turned off in the host setup option.

Table 2.10 Test Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 802
Function 2 03
Completion Date 8 LDATE
Completion Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Result Record 9 NUMERIC 1-10000
Rack Number 4 0-9999 0 = No rack number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi
Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi
(1 of 4)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-17
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 3: Test Results

Table 2.10 Test Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
Com Chem ID 4 CHEM Refer to Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 for
CODE Chemistry (Chem) Codes.
Reagent Serial 3 ALPHA
Reagent Lot 6 ALPHA
Cuvette Number 3 NUMERIC
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
Results in Selected 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 2 and Note 3 after this
Units NUMERIC table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDMs may contain a
< (less than) or a > (greater than) sign.
Calibration Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 2 and Note 3 after this
Positive or 1 CODE 0 = Negative
Negative 1 = Positive
2 = Not applicable
3 = Equivocal (LXi only)
4 = Non-reactive (LXi only)
5 = Reactive (LXi only)
6 = Not confirmed (LXi only)
7 = Confirmed (LXi only)
8 = Gray zone flag (LXi only)
9 = Access® 2 LOW flag (LXi only)
Refer to Note 4 after this table.
Suppress Value 1 FLAG 1 = Suppress value
Units 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.6 Unit Codes.
Normal Range 2 CODE Refer to range codes after this table.
Critical Range 2 CODE Refer to range codes after this table.
(2 of 4)

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Page 2-18 December 2006
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 3: Test Results 2
Table 2.10 Test Results, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Control Range 2 FLAG NA = Not applicable
NR = Within 2 SD of mean
H2 = 2 to 3 SD above mean
H3 = Greater than 3 SD above mean
H4 = Greater than 4 SD above mean
L2 = 2 to 3 SD below mean
L3 = Greater than 3 SD below mean
L4 = Greater than 4 SD below mean
IC = Incomplete
CD = Control or chemistry deleted
Calculated Result 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 and Note 3 after this
NUMERIC table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDM'S may contain a
< (less than) or a > (greater than) sign.
Instrument Codes 9 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.7 Instrument Codes
with Remarks.
Result Error 1 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 2 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 3 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 4 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 5 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 6 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 7 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 8 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 9 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 10 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 11 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 12 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 13 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 14 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 15 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 16 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
(3 of 4)

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December 2006 Page 2-19
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 3: Test Results

Table 2.10 Test Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Dilution Factor 6 REAL 0.0 – 1.0
Spare 25 ALPHA Future use
(4 of 4)

HI = above normal range
LO = below normal range
NR = within normal range
OR = out of range
NA = not applicable

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted so the number can fit into this field.

Note 2: The number of decimal places in this field is the number in the selected
precision for the selected units field in the chemistry database.

Note 3: If Suppress Value = 1, this field will be filled with #.

Note 4: For LX20 chemistries, 0 and 1 are used only for drugs of abuse (DAT). On
LXi, values from the range 0, 1, 3-9, are used by some Access 2 results, depending on
the specific chemistry. Refer to the Access Immunoassay System Assay Manual for
additional information. All other chemistries use 2.


(- Indicates space holder)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-20 December 2006
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 5: End of Cup 2
Stream 802 - Function 5: End of Cup
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: To indicate the end of a stream of test result messages for a specific cup.

Table 2.11 End of Cup

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 802
Function 2 05
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
Rack number 4 0-9999 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).
Cup number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample
is directly loaded on Access 2i
(LXi only).


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-21
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 11: Special Calculations Results

Stream 802 - Function 11: Special Calculations Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Contains the result of a special calculation. This message contains
accession number, rack number, cup number, and Sample ID.This message can be
turned OFF in the Host Communication parameters screen in system setup.

Table 2.12 Special Calculations Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 802
Function 2 11
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Rack Number 4 0-9999 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).
Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample
is directly loaded on Access 2i
(LXi only).
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
Special Calc Name 20 ALPHA Operator assigned
Special Calc Status 2 CODE OK = Result is valid
AB = One of the involved
chemistries was programmed but
not run.
ZD = Denominator of a Ratio is
Special Calc 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 and Note 2 at the
Results end of this table.
Special Unit String 8 ALPHA

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted to fit the number into this field.

Note 2: - 999 is not a valid result. It is an indication of an incomplete calculation.


(- Indicates space holder)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242
Page 2-22 December 2006
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 13: Timed Urine Results 2
Stream 802 - Function 13: Timed Urine Results
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Contains the result of a timed urine test. This message can be turned off on
the host setup option.

Table 2.13 Timed Urine Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 802
Function 2 13
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Rack number 4 0-9999 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).
Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
TU Calc Name 20 ALPHA Operator assigned
TU Calc Status 2 CODE OK = Result is valid
AB = One of the involved
chemistries was programmed but
not run.
ZD = Denominator of a Ratio is
TU Calc results 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
TU Unit String 8 ALPHA

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted to fit the number into this field.


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-23
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Contains the result of an expanded test. This message can be turned off in
the host setup option. Do not run the system with expanded results turned on unless
directed by a Beckman Coulter representative.

Table 2.14 Expanded Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 802
Function 2 81
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Sample Record 9 NUMERIC
Result Record 9 NUMERIC
Sample ID 15 ALPHA
Rack Number 4 0-9999 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).
Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample
is directly loaded on Access 2i
(LXi only).
Reagent Record 9 NUMERIC
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
Com Chem ID 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Table 4.4 Chemistry
(Chem) Codes.
Cuvette Number 3 NUMERIC
Cal Level 1 0-6 Not used
Suppressed Answer 1 FLAG 1 = Answer suppressed
Noise Maximum 5 NUMERIC
Outlier Maximum 5 NUMERIC
(1 of 4)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-24 December 2006
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results 2
Table 2.14 Expanded Results, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Noise Threshold 3 NUMERIC
Outlier Threshold 3 NUMERIC
Initial Absorbance 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Final Absorbance 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank-Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank-Abs 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank-Mean 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank- 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Abs 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Mean 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Maximum 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Abs 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Mean 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Maximum 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Raw Result 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDM's may contain a
< (less than) or > (greater than)
(2 of 4)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-25
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Table 2.14 Expanded Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Calculated Result 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDM's may contain a
< (less than) or > (greater than)
Calibration Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Positive or Negative 1 FLAG 0 = Negative
1 = Positive
2 = Not applicable
3 = Equivocal (LXi only)
4 = Non-reactive (LXi only)
5 = Reactive (LXi only)
6 = Not confirmed (LXi only)
7 = Confirmed (LXi only)
8 = Gray zone flag (LXi only)
9 = Access 2 LOW flag
(LXi only)

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Units 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.6 Unit Codes.
Instrument Codes 9 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.7 Instrument
Codes with Remarks.
Result Error 1 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 2 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 3 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 4 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 5 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 6 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 7 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
(3 of 4)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-26 December 2006
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results 2
Table 2.14 Expanded Results, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Result Error 8 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 9 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 10 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 11 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 12 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 13 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 14 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 15 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 16 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Intermediate 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate 5 NUMERIC
Dilution Factor 6 REAL 0.0-1.0
Future Use Space 23 ALPHA
(4 of 4)

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted to fit the number into this field.

Note 2: For LX20 chemistries, 0 and 1 are used only for drugs of abuse (DAT). On
LXi, values from the range 0, 1, 3-9, are used by some Access 2 results, depending on
the specific chemistry. Refer to the Access Immunoassay System Assay Manual for
additional information. All other chemistries use 2.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-27
Stream 802 - Results
Stream 802 - Function 81: Expanded Results


(- Indicates space holder)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-28 December 2006
Stream 803 - Instrument Status
Stream 803 - Function 1: Power Up 2

Stream 803 - Instrument Status

Stream 803 - Function 1: Power Up
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent upon LX20 power up or reset. This message can be turned off in the
host setup option.

Table 2.15 Power Up

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 803
Function 2 01
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Software Set 10 ALPHA Console Master Program
Version Number
(1 of 3)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-29
Stream 803 - Instrument Status
Stream 803 - Function 1: Power Up

Table 2.15 Power Up, continued

Field Length Format Notes
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
(2 of 3)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-30 December 2006
Stream 803 - Instrument Status
Stream 803 - Function 2: Bidirectional On 2
Table 2.15 Power Up, continued
Field Length Format Notes
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
(3 of 3)

[-0,803,01,10041998[-0,703,01,100497,164320, v01.00----,v00.00----,

(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 803 - Function 2: Bidirectional On

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: This message is sent to the host when bidirectional communication is
enabled. This message can be disabled in the host setup option.

Table 2.16 Bidirectional On

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 803
Function 2 02
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Software Set 10 ALPHA LX20 Software Version


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-31
Stream 803 - Instrument Status
Stream 803 - Function 3: Request Instrument State

Stream 803 - Function 3: Request Instrument State

Sent by: Host
Purpose: Sent to obtain the state of the Synchron LX20.

Table 2.17 Request Instrument State

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 803
Function 2 03


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 803 - Function 4: Instrument State

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent in response to a Request Instrument State, 803-03 message from the

Table 2.18 Instrument State

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 803
Function 2 04
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Configuration 5 ALPHA LX20
MC State 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.11 Instrument
Status Codes.
CC State 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.11 Instrument
Status Codes.
Future Use 5 ALPHA


(- Indicates space holder)

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-32 December 2006
Stream 803 - Instrument Status
Stream 803 - Function 17: End of Run 2
Stream 803 - Function 17: End of Run
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent when the LX20 completes all programmed tests. This message can be
turned off in the host setup option.

Table 2.19 End of Run

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 803
Function 2 17
Date Queued 8 LDATE
Time Queued 6 TIME


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-33
Stream 804 - Setup Status
Stream 804 - Function 7: Request Installed Chemistries

Stream 804 - Setup Status

Stream 804 - Function 7: Request Installed Chemistries
Sent by: Host
Purpose: Sent to obtain the list of installed chemistries from the LX20 database.

Table 2.20 Request Installed Chemistries

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 804
Function 2 07


Stream 804 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: This message is sent in response to a Request Installed Chemistries, 804-07
message from the host.

Table 2.21 Installed Chemistries

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 804
Function 2 08
Date 8 LDATE
Time 6 TIME
Com Chem ID 1 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Table 4.4 and Table 4.5
for Chemistry (Chem) Codes.
Com Chem ID N 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Table 4.4 and Table 4.5
for Chemistry (Chem) Codes.

N is incremented for each Com

Chem ID that is configured.

Note: Only chemistry codes of chemistries that are configured on the LX20 will be
included in the message. The last chemistry code transmitted will be 0000 to indicate
that no more chemistry codes follow. If no chemistries are configured on the
instrument, only 0000 chemistry code will be listed.

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-34 December 2006
Stream 804 - Setup Status
Stream 804 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries 2

(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 LX20 Interface

December 2006 Page 2-35
Stream 804 - Setup Status
Stream 804 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries

LX20 Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 2-36 December 2006
CHAPTER 3 CX7 Compatible Interface

Table of Contents
CX7 Compatible Interface .......................................................................................................... 3-2
CX7 Compatible Messages ..................................................................................................... 3-2
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3-2
Message Format .................................................................................................................. 3-2
Message Streams ................................................................................................................. 3-3
Stream 700 - Special Functions .............................................................................................. 3-4
Stream 700 - Function 1: Are You There? .......................................................................... 3-4
Stream 700 - Function 2: Host Setup .................................................................................. 3-4
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program ........................................................................................ 3-6
Stream 701 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program ................................................................. 3-6
Stream 701 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status ......................................................... 3-9
Stream 701 - Function 3: Clear Rack/Sample IDs ............................................................ 3-11
Stream 701 - Function 4: Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status ................................................. 3-12
Stream 701 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs .................................................. 3-13
Stream 702 - Results ............................................................................................................. 3-15
Stream 702 - Function 1: Cup Header ............................................................................... 3-15
Stream 702 - Function 3: Test Results .............................................................................. 3-17
Stream 702 - Function 5: End of Cup ............................................................................... 3-21
Stream 702 - Function 11: Special Calculations Results .................................................. 3-22
Stream 702 - Function 13: Timed Urine Results .............................................................. 3-23
Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results ................................................................... 3-24
Stream 703 - Instrument Status ............................................................................................. 3-29
Stream 703 - Function 1: Power Up .................................................................................. 3-29
Stream 703 - Function 2: Bidirectional On ....................................................................... 3-31
Stream 703 - Function 3: Request Instrument State .......................................................... 3-31
Stream 703 - Function 4: Instrument State ....................................................................... 3-32
Stream 703 - Function 17: End of Run ............................................................................. 3-33
Stream 704 - Setup Status ..................................................................................................... 3-34
Stream 704 - Function 7: Request Installed Chemistries .................................................. 3-34
Stream 704 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries ................................................................ 3-34

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-1
CX7 Compatible Messages

CX7 Compatible Interface

CX7 Compatible Messages

The data record format for all messages transmitted to and from the Synchron LX20
System is:


Proper programming with respect to the length and format of data fields is
necessary for maintaining data integrity.

This section describes the information contained in the <MESSAGE>


Message Format
The format of the <MESSAGE> is:


• <DEVICE ID> is a number between 0 and 99. The default Synchron LX ID is 0

but can be changed using the Host Communications Setup procedure. All messages
which have a different Device ID than the Host Communications Screen will not be
• <STREAM> is a number between 700 and 799.
• <FUNCTION> is a number between 1 and 99.
• <FIELD1>,...,<FIELDN> are data fields associated with the <STREAM> and
• All data fields <FIELDN> are fixed lengths.
• Numeric fields, excluding function numbers, are right justified and blank filled to
the maximum length.
• Character and string fields are left justified and right blank filled to the maximum
• If numeric data exceeds the maximum field length, the field will be filled with
asterisks (*). If a field does not apply in a record, it will be filled with pound signs
• Alphanumeric fields received from the host cannot contain commas (,). Commas
received in an alphanumeric field will generate an HCP error. A comma entered in
an alphanumeric field at the instrument is transmitted as a semicolon (;). A
semicolon received from the host is converted to a comma.
• Valid and Invalid characters for entries are listed in the table below:

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-2 December 2006
CX7 Compatible Messages
Message Streams 3
Table 3.1 ASCII Codes
Character Codes… Characters and Character Codes…
Sample ID 33 thru 126 A space and $ , ; * ? [ ] \^ | &
Other Entries 32 thru 175 ASCII Character Codes 44 and 127

• Alpha: Any printable ASCII string (Commas are translated into semicolons when
sent to the host. Semicolons are translated into commas when received from the

Message Streams
Messages sent to and from the Synchron LX20 System are divided into streams.

• Each stream corresponds to one group of related operations within the interface.
Within each stream are one or more functions. For each stream only one function
can be active at a time.
• Multiple streams can be active at the same time.

Stream transmission options are outlined in CHAPTER 6, System Setup, of the

Synchron LX Clinical Systems Operations Manual.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-3
Stream 700 - Special Functions
Stream 700 - Function 1: Are You There?

Stream 700 - Special Functions

Stream 700 - Function 1: Are You There?
Sent by: Host
Purpose: To make sure that a bidirectional system is attached to the host port. Upon
receipt of the message 700-01, the Synchron LX20 responds with the message 700-02,
Host Setup.

Table 3.2 Are You There

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 700
Function 2 01


Stream 700 - Function 2: Host Setup

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent by the Synchron LX20 in response to message 700-01. Also sent
unsolicited upon power up and whenever there are changes to the Host
Communications in System Setup.

Table 3.3 Host Setup

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 700
Function 2 02
Date 6 Date
Time 6 Time
Software Revision 10 ALPHA Rev NNN.N
Driver Mode 1 B or U B = Bidirectional
U = Unidirectional
Stream 700 Function 2 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 701 Function 6 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 3 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
(1 of 2)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-4 December 2006
Stream 700 - Special Functions
Stream 700 - Function 2: Host Setup 3
Table 3.3 Host Setup, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Stream 702 Function 7 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 9 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 11 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 23 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 25 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 81 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 83 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 703 Function 1 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 703 Function 2 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 703 Function 5 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 703 Function 7 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 703 Function 13 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 703 Function 17 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
Stream 702 Function 13 1 0 or 1 0 = OFF
1 = ON
(2 of 2)


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-5
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program

Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program

Stream 701 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program
Sent by: Host
Purpose: To inform Synchron LX20 what tests to perform for a given sample. The
LX20 responds with a 701-02, Sample/Cup Return Status, that shows whether or not
the program was accepted.

Table 3.4 Sample/Cup Program

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned.
Stream 3 701
Function 2 01
Rack Number 2 000-999 0 = No rack number in bar code mode.

Refer to Note 3 after this table.

Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number in bar code mode.

A cup number greater than 4 will result

in a BAD MESSAGE return code in the
701-02 message.

Refer to Note 3 after this table.

Update Flag 1 FLAG 0 = Replace all programming and
patient demographics.

1 = Add to existing program.

Refer to Note 2 and Note 4 after this

Test Type 2 TEST CODE Refer to Table 4.1 Test Type Codes.

Refer to Note 4 after this table.

Sample Type 2 FLUID Refer to Table 4.2 Sample Type Codes.
Sample ID 11 ALPHA Must be present in all modes.

All lower case letters are converted to

upper case.

Refer to Note 4 after this table.

(1 of 3)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-6 December 2006
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program 3
Table 3.4 Sample/Cup Program, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Control Name 20 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample Comment 25 ALPHA
Code 1
Sample Comment 25 ALPHA Not Used by LX 20
Code 2
Name Last 18 ALPHA
Name First 15 ALPHA
Name Middle 1 ALPHA
Patient ID 12 ALPHA
Doctor 18 ALPHA
Draw Date 6 DATE Refer to Note 7 after this table.
Draw Time 4 TIME
Location 20 ALPHA
Age 3 NUMERIC Default = 0
Age Units 1 NUMERIC Default = 5

Refer to Table 4.3 Age Unit Codes.

Birth Date 6 DATE
Sex 1 ALPHA M, F, B
Patient 25 ALPHA
Timed Urine 7 NUMERIC 0-99999.0
Timed Urine 4 NUMERIC Collection period 0-99.0
Timed Urine 4 NUMERIC Serum creatinine 0-99.0
Timed Urine Area 6 NUMERIC Surface area 1 – 9.9900
Number Tests 3 NUMERIC 1-999
Test-1 Chem 4 CHEM Refer to Note 5 and Note 6 after this
CODE table.
(2 of 3)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-7
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 1: Sample/Cup Program

Table 3.4 Sample/Cup Program, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Test-2 Chem 4 CHEM Refer to Note 5 and Note 6 after this
CODE table.
Test-Na Chem 4 CHEM Refer to Note 5 and Note 6 after this
CODE table.
(3 of 3)
N = Value from Number Tests Field.

Note 1: The Control Name uniquely identifies the control of this result. Only the
selected fluid type for the control can be used. Any other fluid type is a syntax error.
All lower case letters are converted to upper case. If a control name is included in the
message, the system will address the sample program as a control sample program.

Note 2: A new program will be entered if no program exists for the specified sample/
cup. Duplicate chemistries will not be added to an existing program.

Updates consist of chemistry additions only.

Updates are allowed only under the following conditions:

• Sample Type and Program Type of program to be updated match Fluid Type and
Test Type (respectively) of sample program sent by the host.

• Sample Status of the program to be updated is Sample Required, In-Progress,

Removed (V3.0 software or later), Manual Assign, or Rerun; and Control Name of
the sample program sent by the host is blank for patient samples, or matches the
Control Name of the existing control sample program.

Overwrites are allowed under the following conditions:

• Sample Status of the program to be overwritten is Sample Required, Incomplete,

Complete, Manual Assign, or Rerun.

Note 3: The most significant character of the range of the Rack Number field will be
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31.

Note 4: If the Test Type is ST (STAT) or RO (Routine), the sample program will be
rejected if the Sample ID matches a defined control ID on the system.

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-8 December 2006
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status 3
Note 5: The system will accept control sample programs even if they contain
chemistries not defined for the control on the instrument. It is assumed that the host
will handle the extra chemistry results.

Note 6: If the host stream contains at least one of the Chem Codes used for serum
index chemistries, the system will select to run all serum indices tests. The system
will treat a serum index test selection as an exception to the requirement that chemistry
selections in the host stream have to be configured on the instrument.

Note 7 : If the host stream contains a Draw Time but does not contain a Draw Date, the
system will clear the Draw Time to zero and log an event, indicating it has done so.


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 701 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent in response to a 701-01 message from the host. 701-02 indicates if the
sample/cup program was accepted, or why it was not accepted.

Table 3.5 Sample/Cup Return Status

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream7 3 701
Function 2 02
(1 of 3)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-9
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 2: Sample/Cup Return Status

Table 3.5 Sample/Cup Return Status, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Return Code 2 00-99 0 = OK
1 = BAD MESSAGE – There is
something wrong with the message
2 = BUSY – The cup is running or
sample is being programmed.
3 = NOT CONFIGURED – Message
contains at least one non – configured
4 = NON ORDAC – Message contains
at least one non-ORDAC chemistry,
required for ORDAC.
5 = DILUTION ERROR – Message
contains chemistries with different
dilution factors.
8 = Not used
9 = LX20 ERROR – An internal logical
error has occurred.
10 = Completed sample (Program
update only)
11 = Incompatible fluid types. Used for
program update or control sample
12 = Incompatible test types. (Program
update only)
13 = Incompatible patient name.
(Program update only)
14 = Patient Sample Program Sample
ID matches existing LX20 Control ID.
15 = Not used by CX7 I/F messages.
16 = Too many tests programmed for
17-20 = Future use.
Refer to Note 1 and Note 2 after this
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Rack Number 2 0-999 Refer to Note 1 and Note 2 after this
Cup Number 2 0-4 Refer to Note 1 and Note 2 after this
(2 of 3)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-10 December 2006
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 3: Clear Rack/Sample IDs 3
Table 3.5 Sample/Cup Return Status, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Sample ID 11 ALPHA
(3 of 3)

Note 1: The cup number and rack number must be filled in when the instrument is in
non-bar code mode.

Note 2: The most significant character of the Rack Number field's range will be
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31.


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 701 - Function 3: Clear Rack/Sample IDs

Sent by: Host
Purpose: Sent by the host prior to programming samples to clear the program for a
rack or a group of samples. It is not necessary for the host to send this message as each
sample is cleared if the update flag is not set in the 701-01, Sample/Cup Program

• Receipt of this message causes the LX20 to clear the program(s) for the rack or
Sample IDs specified in the message.
• 701-03 messages that include both rack number and Sample IDs are rejected by
sending a 701-04 message with a BAD MESSAGE status.
• LX20 responds to the 701-03 message with a 701-04, Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status
message indicating whether the clear command was accepted.
• If the LX20 aspirated reagent for a rack or Sample ID, a 701-03 request to clear that
rack or Sample ID receives a 701-04 message indicating the rack or Sample ID is

Table 3.6 Clear Rack/Sample IDs

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 701
Function 2 03
Rack Number 2 00-99 0 = No rack number in bar code mode
Sample ID 1 11 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup
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Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-11
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 4: Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status

Table 3.6 Clear Rack/Sample IDs, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Sample ID 2 11 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup
Sample ID N 11 ALPHA Sample ID for a cup. N = 3 thru 7.
(2 of 2)

Note: If one or more Sample IDs are specified, rack number must be zero.
Specification of a non-zero rack number with non-blank Sample IDs will result in a
701-04 being returned with a rack return code of BAD MESSAGE.

Note: Only rack numbers less than or equal to 99 may be cleared by rack number. All
other racks must be cleared by Sample ID.


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 701 - Function 4: Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent in response to the 701-03 message. The host is informed if the clear
command was accepted.

Table 3.7 Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 701
Function 2 04
Rack Number 2 0-99 0 = No rack number in bar code
Rack Return Code 2 0-99 0 = Complete rack or all Sample
IDs cleared.
2 = BUSY The rack or one of the
Sample IDs was running.
3 = LX20 error
4 = Non-existent error
Sample ID 1 Return 2 0-99 0 = Cleared.
Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error
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CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-12 December 2006
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs 3
Table 3.7 Clear Rack/Sample IDs Status, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Sample ID 2 Return 2 0-99 0 = Cleared
Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error
Sample ID N Return 2 0-99 0 = Cleared
Code 2 = BUSY - Not cleared
3 = LX20 Error
4 = Non-existent error
N = 3 thru 7.
(2 of 2)


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 701 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: To request the program for the Sample IDs, specified in the message from
the host. This message is used in the bidirectional with query mode and finds samples
for which it has no program. The host has 2.5 minutes to respond with first sample

Table 3.8 Host Query Rack/Sample IDs

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 701
Function 2 06
Sample ID 1 11 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample ID 2 11 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample ID 3 11 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Sample ID 4 11 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-13
Stream 701 - Sample/Cup Program
Stream 701 - Function 6: Host Query Rack/Sample IDs

Note 1: The message stream maintains the sample cup position of a rack. For
example, if "samp 4" is in cup position 4, it will remain in the 7th field of the 701,06


(- Indicates space holder)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-14 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 1: Cup Header 3

Stream 702 - Results

Stream 702 - Function 1: Cup Header
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent before sending any test results because the header contains
identification and demographic information about a sample.

Table 3.9 Cup Header

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 702
Function 2 01
Start Date 6 DATE
Start Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Print Type 2 CODE RG = Regular
RE = Recall
IN = Incomplete
Rack Number 2 0-999 The rack number in which the
sample was run.

0 = No rack number when sample is

directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi
Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Cup Number 2 0-4 The cup number in which the
sample was run.

0 = No cup number when sample is

directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi
Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Test Type 2 TEST CODE Refer to Table 4.1 Test Type Codes.
Future Use Space 9 ALPHA
Sample Type 2 FLUID Refer to Table 4.2 Sample Type
CODE Codes.
Sample ID 11 ALPHA
Control Name 20 ALPHA
(1 of 3)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-15
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 1: Cup Header

Table 3.9 Cup Header, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Sample Comment 25 ALPHA
Code 1
Sample Comment 25 ALPHA
Code 2
Name Last 18 ALPHA
Name First 15 ALPHA
Name Middle Initial 1 ALPHA
Patient ID 12 ALPHA
Doctor 18 ALPHA
Draw Date 6 DATE
Draw Time 4 TIME
Location 20 ALPHA
Age 3 NUMERIC Default = 0
Age Units 1 NUMERIC Default = 5
Birth Date 6 DATE
Sex 1 ALPHA M, F
Patient Comments 25 ALPHA
Timed Urine Volume 7 REAL 0.0 - 99999.0 mL

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Timed Urine Period 4 REAL Collection period 0-99.0

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Timed Urine 4 REAL Serum creatinine 0-99.0
Refer to Note 2 after this table.
Timed Urine Area 6 REAL Surface area 1-9.9900

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Number Chems 3 NUMERIC 1-999 Does not include replicates
Programmed 001-999
Com Chem ID 1 4 CHEM
(2 of 3)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-16 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 3: Test Results 3
Table 3.9 Cup Header, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Com Chem ID 2 4 CHEM
Com Chem ID N 4 CHEM N < 999
(3 of 3)
Note 1: The most significant character of the Rack Number field will be located in the
most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45,31.

Note 2: The number of decimal places is adjusted so the number can fit in this field.


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 702 - Function 3: Test Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent when all chemistry results for a cup have been completed and
calculated. 702-03 can be turned off in the host setup option.

Table 3.10 Test Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 702
Function 2 03
Completion Date 6 DATE
Completion Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Result Record 9 NUMERIC (For Beckman Coulter use only)
Rack Number 2 0-999 0 = No rack number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi

Refer to Note 5 after this table.

(1 of 4)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-17
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 3: Test Results

Table 3.10 Test Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi

Refer to Note 5 after this table.

Sample ID 11 ALPHA
Com Chem ID 4 CHEM Refer to Table 4.4 and Table 4.5 for
CODE Chemistry (Chem) Codes.
Reagent Serial 3 ALPHA
Reagent Lot 6 ALPHA
Cuvette Number 2 HEX
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
Results in Selected 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 2 and Note 3 after this
Units NUMERIC table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDMs may contain a
< (less than) or a > (greater than) sign.
Calibration Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 2 and Note 3 after this
Positive or 1 CODE 0 = Negative
Negative 1 = Positive
2 = Not applicable
3 = Equivocal (LXi only)
4 = Non-reactive (LXi only)
5 = Reactive (LXi only)
6 = Not confirmed (LXi only)
7 = Confirmed (LXi only)
8 = Gray zone flag (LXi only)
9 = Access 2 LOW flag (LXi only)

Refer to Note 4 after this table.

Suppress Value 1 FLAG 1 = Suppress value
Units 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.6 Unit Codes.
Normal Range 2 CODE Refer to range codes after this table.
Instrument Range 2 CODE Refer to range codes after table.
(2 of 4)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-18 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 3: Test Results 3
Table 3.10 Test Results, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Critical Range 2 CODE Refer to range codes after this table.
Control Range 2 FLAG NA = Not applicable
NR = Within 2 SD of mean
H2 = 2 to 3 SD above mean
H3 = Greater than 3 SD above mean
H4 = Greater than 4 SD above mean
L2 = 2 to 3 SD below mean
L3 = Greater than 3 SD below mean
L4 = Greater than 4 SD below mean
IC = Incomplete
CD = Control or chemistry deleted
Calculated Result 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 and Note 3 after this
NUMERIC table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDM'S may contain a
< (less than) or a > (greater than) sign.
Instrument Codes 9 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.7 Instrument Codes
with Remarks.
Result Error 1 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 2 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 3 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 4 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 5 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 6 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 7 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 8 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 9 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 10 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 11 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 12 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 13 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 14 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Result Error 15 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
(3 of 4)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-19
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 3: Test Results

Table 3.10 Test Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Result Error 16 2 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error Codes.
Dilution Factor 6 REAL 0.0 – 1.0
Reportable Range 2 CODE Refer to range codes after this table.
Spare 20 ALPHA Future use
(4 of 4)

HI = above normal range
LO = below normal range
NR = within normal range
OR = out of range
NA = not applicable

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted so the number can fit into this field.

Note 2: The number of decimal places in this field is the number in the selected
precision for the selected units field in the chemistry database.

Note 3: If Suppress Value = 1, this field will be filled with #.

Note 4: For LX20 chemistries, 0 and 1 are used only for drugs of abuse (DAT). On
LXi, values from the range 0, 1, 3-9, are used by some Access 2 results, depending on
the specific chemistry. Refer to the Access Immunoassay System Assay Manual for
additional information. All other chemistries use 2.

Note 5: The most significant character of the range of the Rack Number field is
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31.


(- Indicates space holder)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-20 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 5: End of Cup 3
Stream 702 - Function 5: End of Cup
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: To indicate the end of a stream of test result messages for a specific cup.

Table 3.11 End of Cup

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 702
Function 2 05
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Sample ID 11 ALPHA
Rack number 2 0-999 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).

Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Cup number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample
is directly loaded on Access 2i
(LXi only).

Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Note 1: The most significant character of the Rack Number field's range will be
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31.


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-21
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 11: Special Calculations Results

Stream 702 - Function 11: Special Calculations Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Contains the result of a special calculation. This message contains
accession number, rack number, cup number, and Sample ID. This message can be
turned OFF in the Host Communication parameters screen in system setup.

Table 3.12 Special Calculations Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 00-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 702
Function 2 11
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Rack Number 2 0-999 0 = No rack number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Sample ID 11 ALPHA
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
Special Calc Name 20 ALPHA Operator assigned
Special Calc Status 2 CODE OK = Result is valid
AB = One of the involved
chemistries was
programmed but not run.
ZD = Denominator of a Ratio is
Special Calc Results 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 and Note 3 after this
Special Unit String 8 ALPHA

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted to fit the number into this field.

Note 2: The most significant character of the range of the Rack Number field will be
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.
CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242
Page 3-22 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 13: Timed Urine Results 3
Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31.

Note 3: -999 is not a valid result. It is an indication of an incomplete calculation.


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 702 - Function 13: Timed Urine Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Contains the result of a timed urine test. This message can be turned off on
the host setup option.

Table 3.13 Timed Urine Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 702
Function 2 13
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Rack number 2 0-999 0 = No rack number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when sample is
directly loaded on Access 2i (LXi

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Sample ID 11 ALPHA
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
TU Calc Name 20 ALPHA Operator assigned
TU Calc Status 2 CODE OK = Result is valid
AB = One of the involved
chemistries was programmed but
not run.
ZD = Denominator of a Ratio is

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-23
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Table 3.13 Timed Urine Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
TU Calc results 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
TU Unit String 8 ALPHA

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted to fit the number into this field.

Note 2: The most significant character of the range of the Rack Number field will be
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Contains the result of an expanded test. This message can be turned off in
the host setup option. Do not run the system with expanded results turned on unless
directed by a Beckman Coulter representative.

Table 3.14 Expanded Results

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 702
Function 2 81
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Accession Number 5 NUMERIC 1-65535, supplied by LX20
Sample Record 9 NUMERIC
Result Record Number 9 NUMERIC
Sample ID 11 ALPHA
Rack Number 2 0-999 0 = No rack number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

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Page 3-24 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results 3
Table 3.14 Expanded Results, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Cup Number 2 0-4 0 = No cup number when
sample is directly loaded on
Access 2i (LXi only).

Refer to Note 2 after this table.

Reagent Record 9 NUMERIC
Replicate Number 2 NUMERIC
Com Chem ID 4 CHEM CODE Refer to Table 4.4 and Table 4.5
for Chemistry (Chem) Codes.
Cuvette Number 2 HEX
Cal Level 1 0-6 Not used
Suppressed Answer 1 FLAG 1 = Answer suppressed
Noise Maximum 5 NUMERIC
Outlier Maximum 5 NUMERIC
Noise Threshold Total 3 NUMERIC
Outlier Threshold 3 NUMERIC
Initial Absorbance 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Final Absorbance 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank-Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank-Abs 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank-Mean 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Water Blank- 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Maximum Deviation
Blank-Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Abs 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Mean Deviation 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Blank-Maximum 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
(2 of 4)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-25
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Table 3.14 Expanded Results, continued

Field Length Format Notes
Reaction-Abs 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Mean 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Reaction-Maximum 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Raw Result 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDM's may contain a
< (less than) or > (greater than)
Calculated Result 9 ALPHA Refer to Note 1 after this table.

Note: Result field reporting the

results for TDM's may contain a
< (less than) or > (greater than)
Calibration Rate 9 REAL Refer to Note 1 after this table.
Positive or Negative 1 FLAG 0 = Negative
1 = Positive
2 = Not applicable
3 = Equivocal (LXi only)
4 = Non-reactive (LXi only)
5 = Reactive (LXi only)
6 = Not confirmed (LXi only)
7 = Confirmed (LXi only)
8 = Gray zone flag (LXi only)
9 = Access 2 LOW flag (LXi
Refer to Note 3 after this table.
Units 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.6 Unit Codes.
Instrument Codes 9 ALPHA Refer to Table 4.7 Instrument
Codes with Remarks.
Result Error 1 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 2 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 3 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
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Page 3-26 December 2006
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results 3
Table 3.14 Expanded Results, continued
Field Length Format Notes
Result Error 4 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 5 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 6 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 7 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 8 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 9 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 10 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 11 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 12 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 13 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 14 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 15 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Result Error 16 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.8 Result Error
Intermediate ADC 1 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate ADC 2 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate ADC 3 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate ADC 4 5 NUMERIC
Intermediate ADC 5 5 NUMERIC
Dilution Factor 6 REAL 0.0-1.0
Future Use Space 23 ALPHA
(4 of 4)

Note 1: The number of decimal places is adjusted to fit the number into this field.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-27
Stream 702 - Results
Stream 702 - Function 81: Expanded Results

Note 2: The most significant character of the range of the Rack Number field will be
located in the most significant character position of the Cup Number field.

Example: Rack 345, Cup 1 would be 45, 31.

Note 3: For LX20 chemistries, 0 and 1 are used only for drugs of abuse (DAT). On
LXi, values from the range 0, 1, 3-9, are used by some Access 2 results, depending on
the specific chemistry. Refer to the Access Immunoassay System Assay Manual for
additional information. All other chemistries use 2.


(- Indicates space holder)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-28 December 2006
Stream 703 - Instrument Status
Stream 703 - Function 1: Power Up 3

Stream 703 - Instrument Status

Stream 703 - Function 1: Power Up
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent upon LX20 power up or reset. This message can be turned off in the
host setup option.

Table 3.15 Power Up

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 703
Function 2 01
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Software Set 10 ALPHA Console Master Program
Version Number
(1 of 2)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-29
Stream 703 - Instrument Status
Stream 703 - Function 1: Power Up

Table 3.15 Power Up, continued

Field Length Format Notes
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
SPARE 10 ALPHA All "#"s
(2 of 2)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-30 December 2006
Stream 703 - Instrument Status
Stream 703 - Function 2: Bidirectional On 3
[-0,703,01,100497,164320, v01.00----,v00.00----,v00.00----,v00.00----,

(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 703 - Function 2: Bidirectional On

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: This message is sent to the host when bidirectional communication is
enabled. This message can be disabled in the host setup option.

Table 3.16 Bidirectional On

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 703
Function 2 02
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Software Set 10 ALPHA LX20 Software Version


(- Indicates space holder)

Stream 703 - Function 3: Request Instrument State

Sent by: Host
Purpose: Sent to obtain the state of the Synchron LX20.

Table 3.17 Request Instrument State

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 703
Function 2 03


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-31
Stream 703 - Instrument Status
Stream 703 - Function 4: Instrument State

Stream 703 - Function 4: Instrument State

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent in response to a Request Instrument State, 703-03 message from the

Table 3.18 Instrument State

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 703
Function 2 04
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Configuration 5 ALPHA LX20
MC State 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.11 Instrument
Status Codes.
CC State 2 CODE Refer to Table 4.11 Instrument
Status Codes.
Future Use 2 ALPHA
Instrument Mode 2 CODE 0 = Rack/cup priority
1 = Bar code priority.


(- Indicates space holder)

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-32 December 2006
Stream 703 - Instrument Status
Stream 703 - Function 17: End of Run 3
Stream 703 - Function 17: End of Run
Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: Sent when the LX20 completes all programmed tests. This message can be
turned off in the host setup option.

Table 3.19 End of Run

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 703
Function 2 17
Date Queued 6 DATE
Time Queued 6 TIME


(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-33
Stream 704 - Setup Status
Stream 704 - Function 7: Request Installed Chemistries

Stream 704 - Setup Status

Stream 704 - Function 7: Request Installed Chemistries
Sent by: Host
Purpose: Sent to obtain the list of installed chemistries from the LX20 database.

Table 3.20 Request Installed Chemistries

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 704
Function 2 07



Stream 704 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries

Sent by: Synchron LX20
Purpose: This message is sent in response to a Request Installed Chemistries, 704-07
message from the host.

Table 3.21 Installed Chemistries

Field Length Format Notes
Device ID 2 0-99 Operator assigned
Stream 3 704
Function 2 08
Date 6 DATE
Time 6 TIME
Com Chem ID 1 4 CHEM Refer to Table 4.4 and Table
CODE 4.5 for Chemistry (Chem)
Com Chem ID N 4 CHEM Refer to Table 4.4 and Table
CODE 4.5 for Chemistry (Chem)

Note: Only chemistry codes of chemistries that are configured on the LX20 will be
included in the message. The last chemistry code transmitted will be "0000" to
indicate that no more chemistry codes follow. If no chemistries are configured on the
instrument, only "0000" chemistry code will be listed.

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-34 December 2006
Stream 704 - Setup Status
Stream 704 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries 3

(- Indicates space holder)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 CX7 Compatible Interface

December 2006 Page 3-35
Stream 704 - Setup Status
Stream 704 - Function 8: Installed Chemistries

CX7 Compatible Interface Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 3-36 December 2006
CHAPTER 4 Tables/Codes

Table of Contents
Tables/Codes ............................................................................................................................... 4-2
Test Type Codes ...................................................................................................................... 4-2
Test Type Codes .................................................................................................................. 4-2
Sample Type Codes ................................................................................................................ 4-3
Sample Type Codes ............................................................................................................. 4-3
Age Unit Codes ................................................................................................................... 4-3
Chemistry Codes ..................................................................................................................... 4-4
Chemistry Codes ................................................................................................................. 4-4
Access Chemistry Codes ..................................................................................................... 4-7
Unit Codes ............................................................................................................................. 4-10
Unit Codes ......................................................................................................................... 4-10
Instrument Codes .................................................................................................................. 4-12
Instrument Codes .............................................................................................................. 4-12
Result Error Codes ................................................................................................................ 4-18
Result Error Codes ............................................................................................................ 4-18
Result Error Code Descriptions ........................................................................................ 4-20
Special Calculation Status Codes .......................................................................................... 4-24
Special Calculation Status Codes ...................................................................................... 4-24
Instrument Status Codes ........................................................................................................ 4-25
Instrument Status Codes .................................................................................................... 4-25
Access Codes Converted to LX Codes for LXi Reporting ................................................... 4-26
Access Codes Converted to LX Codes (LXi only) ........................................................... 4-26
Key Code Conversion for Local Languages ......................................................................... 4-27
Key Code Conversion ....................................................................................................... 4-27

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-1
Test Type Codes
Test Type Codes


Test Type Codes

Proper performance of the system requires that the Host system capture all
pertinent flags and error messages.

Test Type Codes

Table 4.1 Test Type Codes

Code Description
CAa Calibrator
CO Control
EXa Extinction
RO Routine
SC STAT control
a Not programmable by the Host.

Tables/Codes Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 4-2 December 2006
Sample Type Codes
Sample Type Codes 4

Sample Type Codes

Sample Type Codes

Table 4.2 Sample Type Codes

Code Description
SE Serum
SF Spinal fluid
UR Urine (Random)
TU Timed urine (Can not be used with control or STAT Control)
PL Plasma
OT Other (Refer to Note after this table)
AM Amniotic (LXi only)
BL Blood
CE Cervical (LXi only)
SA Saliva (LXi only)
SY Synovial (LXi only)
UT Urethral (LXi only)

Note 1: If your LIS does not support "Blood" sample types, then program as serum.

Note 2: LXi-only sample types in Stream 701-Function 01, and Stream 801-Function
01, are converted to sample type "Other" (OT) on LX20-configured instruments for
V3.0 software, or later.

Age Unit Codes

Table 4.3 Age Unit Codes

Code Description
1 Hours
2 Days
3 Weeks
4 Months
5 Years

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-3
Chemistry Codes
Chemistry Codes

Chemistry Codes
Chemistry Codes

Table 4.4 Chemistry (Chem) Codes

Code Chemistry
01A Sodium (NA)
01B Potassium (K)
02A Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
03E Creatinine (CREm)
04A Chloride (CL)
05A Urea Nitrogen (BUN)
05D Urea Nitrogen (BUNm)
06A Glucose (GLU)
06D Glucose (GLUCm)
07B Micro Protein (M-TP)
07D Total Protein (TPm)
08D Albumin (ALBm)
08E Prealbumin (PAB)
08M Microalbumin (MA)
09D ISE Calcium (CALC)
10A Amylase (AMY)
10C P-Amylase (PAM)
11A Total Bilirubin (TBIL)
12A Direct Bilirubin (DBIL)
13B Infinity Lithium (LI)
14A Hemoglobin, total (Hb)
14B Hemoglobin, A1c (A1c)
14I Hemoglobin, Total (Hb2)
14J Hemoglobin, A1c (A1c2)
15A Homocysteine (HCY)
24B Apolipoprotein B (ApoB)
24C Apolipoprotein A (ApoA)
(1 of 4)

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Page 4-4 December 2006
Chemistry Codes
Chemistry Codes 4
Table 4.4 Chemistry (Chem) Codes, continued
Code Chemistry
30A Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST)
30B Aspartate Aminotransferase (Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate) (AST-)
31A Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
31B Alanine Aminotransferase (Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate) (ALT-)
32A Creatine Kinase (CK)
32B Creatine Kinase (N-Acetyl-L-cysteine) (CK-)
33A Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD)
34A Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD-P)
34B LDL Cholesterol (LDLD)
35A Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
36A Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT)
40A Creatine Kinase MB (CKMB)
41A Uric Acid (URIC)
42B Triglycerides GPO (TG)
42C Triglycerides GPO Blanked (TG-B)
43D Phosphorus (PHOSm)
43E Phosphorus (PHS)
44A Cholesterol (CHOL)
46B Iron (FE)
48A Magnesium (MG)
50A Lipase (LIPA)
50B Lipase Wash (LIWA)
50M Haptoglobin (HPT)
51B Immunoglobulin G (Ig-G)
52B Immunoglobulin A (Ig-A)
53B Immunoglobulin M (Ig-M)
54A Ammonia (AMM)
55A Lactate (LAC)
56A Ethanol Alcohol (ETOH)
59A Cholinesterase (CHE)
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Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-5
Chemistry Codes
Chemistry Codes

Table 4.4 Chemistry (Chem) Codes, continued

Code Chemistry
60A Lipase (LIP)
61M Complement C3 (C3)
61R Complement C4 (C4)
62B Digoxin (DIGN)
63A Methaqualone (METQ)
64A Methadone (METD)
65A Propoxyphene (PROX)
66A Phencyclidine (PCP)
67C Phenobarbital (PHE)
68C Phenytoin (PHY)
69C Theophylline (THE)
70C Tobramycin (TOB)
71B Transferrin (TRFN)
72C Gentamicin (GEN)
72M Vancomycin (VANC)
73A Urea Nitrogen (UREA)
73D Urea Nitrogen (UREAm)
79B Iron Binding Capacity, Total (IBCT)
83A HDL Cholesterol (HDLC)
83E HDL Cholesterol, direct (HDL)
84A Amphetamines (AMPH)
85A Barbiturates (BARB)
86A Benzodiazepine (BENZ)
86B Benzodiazepine (BNZG)
87A Cocaine Metabolite (COCM)
88A Cannabinoid 100 ng (THC)
88B Cannabinoid 20 ng (THC2)
88C Cannabinoid 50 ng (THC5)
89A C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
89E High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (CRPH)
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Page 4-6 December 2006
Chemistry Codes
Access Chemistry Codes 4
Table 4.4 Chemistry (Chem) Codes, continued
Code Chemistry
89G C-Reative Protein (C-RP)
90A T-Uptake (TU)
91A Thyroxine (T4)
92A Opiate 300 ng (OP)
92B Opiate 2000 ng (OP2)
93B Antistreptolysin-O (ASO-)
93C Rheumatoid Factor (RF)
94B Salicylate (SALY)
94M Acetaminophen (ACTM)
95A Valproic Acid (VPA)
98A Carbamazipene (CAR)
99B Icterus (ICTER)
99C Lipemia (LIPEM)
99D Hemolysis (HEMOL)
99Ea Cartridge Chemistry Wash Solution (CCWA)
(4 of 4)
a Do not use as a result.

Access Chemistry Codes

The following chemistry (assay) codes pertain to chemistries run on the Access 2
analyzer. The Access 2 analyzer is part of the LXi System.

Table 4.5 Access Chemistry Codes

Code Chemistry
A02 Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
A03 OV Monitor (OV125)
A04 BR Monitor (BR153)
A05 GI Monitor (GI199)
A06 Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
A07 Chlamydia Antigen (CHLAg)
A08 Chlamydia Blocking (ChlBk)
A10 Cortisol (Cort)
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Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-7
Chemistry Codes
Access Chemistry Codes

Table 4.5 Access Chemistry Codes, continued

Code Chemistry
A11 Digoxin (Dig-)
A12 OSTASE® (Ostas)
A13 Toxo IgM II (Tox-M)
A14 Estradiol (ESTRD)
A15 Estriol, unconjugated (uE3)
A16 Testosterone (Testo)
A17 Fast New Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (TBhCG)
A18 Fast Diluted New Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (DlhCG)
A19 Ferritin (Ferr)
A20 Folate (FLTE)
A21 Free Triiodothyronine (FT3)
A22 Human Growth Hormone (hGH)
A23 Thyroglobulin (TgAg)
A30 Myoglobin (MYO)
A36 Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone (hFSH)
A39 Human Lutenizing Hormone (hLH)
A40 Insulin (Insul)
A42 Prolactin (PRL)
A43 Progesterone (Prog)
A46 Rubella IgG (Rub-G)
A48 Theophylline (Theo)
A49 Creatine Kinase-MB (CK-MB)
A50 Total Triiodothyronine (TotT3)
A51 Total IgE (IgE)
A52 Total Thyroxine (TotT4)
A53 Toxoplasmosis (Tox-G)
A57 Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
A59 Thyroid Uptake (TU-)
A60 Vitamin B12 (B12)
A61 Free T4 (FT4)
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Page 4-8 December 2006
Chemistry Codes
Access Chemistry Codes 4
Table 4.5 Access Chemistry Codes, continued
Code Chemistry
A62 Hybritech® PSA (PSA)
A63 Hybritech free PSA (fPSA)
A67 AccuTnI® (cTnI)
A68 Thyroglobulin Antibody (TgAb)
A72 Intrinsic Factor Antibody (IFAb)
A73 Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEAS)
A74 Triage BNP (BNP)
A75 Folate (FOL2)
A76 RBC Folate (RBC2)
A77 Diluted Alpha-fetoprotein (dAFP)
A78 Fast hTSH (FTSH)
A79 Thyroperoxidase Antibody (TPOAb)
A80 Free T3 (FT3)
A81 Erythropoietin (EPO)
A83 Diluted Ferritin (dFer)
A84 AccuTnI (aTnI)
A85 Parathyroid Hormone Routine Mode (PTH)
A86 PTH Intra-Operative Mode (PTHIO)
A87 Interleukin 6 IVD (IL-6)
A88 Interleukin 6 RUO (IL6RU)
A89 Free PSA WHO Standardized (fPSAW)
A90 PSA WHO Standardized (PSA-W)
A91 Free T4 (FRT4)
A92 Ultrasensitive hGH WHO Standardized (hGH2)
A93 Thyroglobulin Antibody (ThgAb)
A94 Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHE-S)
(3 of 3)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-9
Unit Codes
Unit Codes

Unit Codes
Unit Codes

Table 4.6 Unit Codes

Code Unit
00 mg/dL
01 mg/L
02 g/dL
03 g/L
04 mmol/L
05 µmol/L
06 mEq/L
07 nKat/L
08 µKat/L
09 IU/L
10 µg/mL
11 ng/mL
12 µg/dL
13 µg/L
14 nmol/L
15 Ku.u
16 U/L
17 Other
18 %
19 mA
20 mA/min
21 IU/mL
22 U/mL
23 Rate
24 ng/dL
25 µIU/mL
26 mIU/mL
(1 of 2)

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Page 4-10 December 2006
Unit Codes
Unit Codes 4
Table 4.6 Unit Codes, continued
Code Unit
27 KU/L
28 nIU/dL
29 mIU/L
30 Positive
31 Negative
32 pg/mL
33 pg/dL
34 mg/mL
35 ng/L
36 pmol/L
37 %Uptake
38 %GHb
39 %A1c
40 GPL
41 MPL
42 APL
43 RLU
44 S/CO (sample to cutoff ratio)
45 AU/mL (allergy units or arbitrary units)
46 AU/L (arbitrary units)
47 mAU/L (arbitrary units)
48 mAU/mL (arbitrary units)
49 (1) SI (T-uptake SI units)
50 %Supp
(2 of 2)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-11
Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes

Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes

Table 4.7 Instrument Codes with Remarks

Instrument Report Printed in Inst. Description
Printout Remark Area Code
of Instrument
"a printed result" Result was calculated
"a printed result" CHECK RESULT LX20 PRO has processed the
sample prior to Access 2.
Results for specific Access 2
tests should be checked for
potential sample-to-sample
carryover. This error code
applies to Access 2 assays
where a small quantity of
carryover could significantly
increase the results.
(LXi only)
"a printed result" CRITICAL HIGH Exceeds Critical range high
"a printed result" CRITICAL LOW Exceeds Critical range low
"a printed result" HIGH Exceeds reference range high
"a printed result" LOW Exceeds reference range low
"a printed result" OIR LO Result is outside of reportable
range – low (LXi only)
"a printed result" TEMP ERR T RA temperature
"a printed result" TEMP ERR T PP temperature
"a printed result" TEMP ERR T ISE Temperature
“a printed result” C Calibration overridden
“a printed result” D Reagent Days exceeded
“a printed result” E Calibration time extended
“a printed result” J Slope offset adjustment
“a printed result” M Set point modification
“a printed result” O ORDAC sample
“a printed result” P Default Panel
(1 of 6)

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Page 4-12 December 2006
Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes 4
Table 4.7 Instrument Codes with Remarks, continued
Instrument Report Printed in Inst. Description
Printout Remark Area Code
of Instrument
“a printed result” R Reagent Expired
“a printed result” V Rerun result
“a printed result” S Substrate expired
< X (X = lower inst Less than X - OIR LO
range) response (no suppressed
result) from the CAU
< X (X = lower Less than X - ORR LO
reportable range) response from console but
result is not suppressed
> Y (Y = upper Greater than Y - ORR HI
reportable range) response from console but
result is not suppressed
>Y (Y = upper inst Greater than Y - OIR HI
range) response from CAU but result
is not suppressed
BACK TO BACK Calibration failed Back to back
CAL FAILED Calibration failed Calibration failed
CAL TIMED OUT Calibration timed out
CHEM ABORTED Too many retries
CHEM BYPASSED Channel bypassed
CHEM DB ERROR Chemistry DB Error
CHEM NEEDS CAL Chemistry needs calibration
DIL1 LEV SENSE Level sense error in diluent
DISABLED Module Disabled
DIVISION ERROR 0 denominator
HI REAGENT High reagent level
INCOMPLETE Not all programmed tests have
a valid result
(2 of 6)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-13
Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes

Table 4.7 Instrument Codes with Remarks, continued

Instrument Report Printed in Inst. Description
Printout Remark Area Code
of Instrument
INCOMPLETE CHEM NEEDS No curve – calibration
CAL required (LXi only)
CHEM NOT RUN Cannot run test because:
• Sample is not detected by
• Insufficient supply at CTA/
Access 2
• Loss of communication
between CTA and Access 2
• Access 2 is not ready
• CTA - No chemistry
definition at Access 2
• CTA/Access 2 waste bag is
• AV expired
• Access 2 cover is open
(LXi only)
DEVICE ERROR Mechanical device error
detected (LXi only)
NO SAMPLE Insufficient sample quantity at
DETECT Access, or no sample detected
- CTA level sense (LXi only)
NO SAMPLE ID Cannot run Access test
because sample ID is not
programmed (LXi only)
INSUFF DIL1 Insufficient diluent reagent
INSUFF REAG Insufficient reagent
INVALID CHEM Invalid chemistry
LEV SENSE ERR Low reagent fluid
LO REAGENT Low reagent level
MATH ERR Calibration required Math error
MOTION ERR Motion error
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Page 4-14 December 2006
Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes 4
Table 4.7 Instrument Codes with Remarks, continued
Instrument Report Printed in Inst. Description
Printout Remark Area Code
of Instrument
NO DIL1 ON SYS No diluent reagent on the
reagent carousel
NO REAG ON SYS Reagent not on board
NO SAMP DETECT Low sample fluid
NO SAMP DETECT No sample detected
NO SAMP ON SYS Sample not on board
NOT ACCEPTED Wrong state for sample
program message
PROBE OBSTRUCT Probe obstruction detected
RACK CONFLICT Test cancelled because sample
is in wrong rack (HDL, IBCT,
HbA1c chemistries)
RANGE Calibration failed Range error
RECOVERY Calibration failed Recovery error
RESULT ERR Result error
Results Suppressed AG EXCESS Antigen Excess
Results Suppressed BL ABS HI Blank absorbance high
Results Suppressed BL ABS LO Blank absorbance low
Results Suppressed BL MAX DEV Blank outlier (maximum
Results Suppressed BL MEAN DEV Blank noise (mean deviation)
Results Suppressed BL RATE HI Blank rate high
Results Suppressed BL RATE LO Blank rate low
Results Suppressed CAL REF DRIFT Excessive reference drift -
sample to calibration
Results Suppressed INDETERMINATE Unable to determine results -
near cutoff value (LXi only)
Results Suppressed INIT ABS HI Initial Absorbance high
Results Suppressed INIT ABS LO Initial Absorbance too low
(4 of 6)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-15
Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes

Table 4.7 Instrument Codes with Remarks, continued

Instrument Report Printed in Inst. Description
Printout Remark Area Code
of Instrument
Results Suppressed INIT ADC HI Initial ADC error high
Results Suppressed INIT ADC LO Initial ADC error low
Results Suppressed INIT COND HI Initial conductance high
Results Suppressed INIT COND LO Initial conductance low
Results Suppressed INIT RATE HI Initial rate high
Results Suppressed INIT RATE LO Initial rate low
Results Suppressed K REQ Bad K value
Results Suppressed NA/K REQ Bad Na value
Results Suppressed OIR HI Out of Instrument Range high
Results Suppressed OIR LO Out of Instrument Range low
Results Suppressed ORDAC HI Out of Instrument range
ORDAC high
Results Suppressed ORDAC LO Out of Instrument range
Results Suppressed URDAC HI URDAC high
Results Suppressed URDAC LO URDAC low
Results Suppressed ORR HI Out of reportable range high
Results Suppressed ORR LO Out of reportable range low
Results Suppressed ORR O HI Out of ORDAC reportable
range high
Results Suppressed OVERFLOW Number overflow error
Results Suppressed REF NOISE Reference signal noise
Results Suppressed RLU RANGE Relative light units (RLUs)
exceed measuring range of
Access luminometer
(LXi only)
Results Suppressed RX ABS HI Reaction absorbance high
Results Suppressed RX ABS LO Reaction absorbance low
Results Suppressed RX ERR Reaction error
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Instrument Codes
Instrument Codes 4
Table 4.7 Instrument Codes with Remarks, continued
Instrument Report Printed in Inst. Description
Printout Remark Area Code
of Instrument
Results Suppressed RX MAX DEV Reaction outlier (maximum
Results Suppressed RX MEAN DEV Reaction noise (mean
Results Suppressed RX NOISE A Erratic ADC (cup)
Results Suppressed RX RATE HI Reaction rate high
Results Suppressed RX RATE LO Reaction rate low
Results Suppressed SAMP REF DRIFT Excessive reference drift -
sample to sample
Results Suppressed SAMPLE NOISE Sample signal noise
Results Suppressed SUB DEPL Substrate depleted
Results Suppressed INCUBATOR Access temperature error
TEMP (LXi only)
Results Suppressed SUBSTRATE Access temperature error
TEMP (LXi only)
Results Suppressed CAROUSEL TEMP Access temperature error
(LXi only)
SENSITIVITY Calibration failed Sensitivity error
SEV RECOVERY Calibration required Severe recovery error
SEV SENSITVITY Calibration required Severe Sensitivity error
SPAN Calibration failed Span error
TEST STOPPED Test was aborted by console -
recovery, cleanup, etc.
TOO MANY TESTS Too many tests on CC
(6 of 6)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-17
Result Error Codes
Result Error Codes

Result Error Codes

Result Error Codes

Table 4.8 Result Error Codes

Host Code Description
AB Not all programmed tests have a valid result
AX Antigen excess
BH Blank absorbance high
BL Blank absorbance low
BN Blank noise (mean deviation)
BO Blank outlier (maximum deviation)
CH Initial conductance high
CL Initial conductance low
CR Check result Access result may have been contaminated by LX20
processing of sample
DH Out of instrument range high
DL Out of instrument range low
DR Reference signal noise
DS Sample signal noise
EA Erratic ADC
EC Excessive reference drift - sample to calibration
ES Excessive reference drift - sample to sample
GT Greater than upper instrument or reportable range
HI Initial ADC error high
HR Reaction absorbance high
IA Initial absorbance either too high or too low
IK Bad K value
IL Initial rate too low
IN Bad NA value
IR Initial rate too high
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Page 4-18 December 2006
Result Error Codes
Result Error Codes 4
Table 4.8 Result Error Codes, continued
LI Initial ADC error low
LO Result is lower than minimum reportable result value defined in
APF (Assess LOW flag)
LR Reaction absorbance low
LT Less than lower instrument or reportable range
OF Number overflow error
OH Out of instrument range ORDAC high
OK Result was calculated
OL Out of instrument range ORDAC low
OR Relative light units (RLUs) are outside acceptable luminometer
measuring range
RE Reaction error
RH Reaction rate high
RL Reaction rate low
RN Reaction noise (mean deviation)
RO Reaction outlier (maximum deviation)
SD Substrate depleted
SH Blank rate high
SL Blank rate low
TM Temperature error
UH Out of reportable range high
UL Out of reportable range low
UO Out of ORDAC reportable range high
ZD Zero denominator
(2 of 2)

Refer to the Synchron LX Clinical Systems Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Manual

for additional information about Result Error Codes.

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-19
Result Error Codes
Result Error Code Descriptions

Result Error Code Descriptions

The following table provides the LX20 result error code descriptions.

Table 4.9 Error Code Descriptions

Error Description
Antigen Excess Failed antigen excess test for immunoglobulin reagents.
Blank Absorbance The mean absorbance measured during the reagent blank
(Hi/Lo) spin cycle (read window). The units are in absorbance and
will characterize reagent quality.
Blank Outlier A single blank absorbance data point obtained during the
Maximum Deviation reagent blank read window deviates more than allowed from
the line of regression. The Blank Deviation units are
measured in delta absorbance. Blank Max Deviation will
check for a constant rate during the blank spin cycles.
Blank Mean The average difference between the absorbance readings
Deviation and the line of regression is greater than allowed. This will
check for a constant rate during the blank spin cycles.
Calibrator Order Occurs in rack mode when not all calibrator levels are in
Error ascending order (low to high) and/or not all levels reside in
the same rack.
Erratic ADC’s The difference between the high and low value of the four
reference electrode readings (taken in milliseconds apart)
has exceeded the limits allowed. Units are in ADC’s and are
a measurement of noise in the ISE system.
Excessive Reference An ISE reference electrode measurement for a sample
Drift drifted above the reference electrode measurement from the
calibration and exceeded the limit. The units are in ADC’s
and are a measurement of ISE reference electrode drift.
Initial Absorbance The reaction absorbance data taken from the first spin cycle
(Hi/Lo) after sample inject has exceeded specifications. This is a
measure of sample integrity.
Initial Rate (Hi/Lo) The reaction absorbance data obtained between 2 and 17
seconds after sample inject exceeds specifications.
Insufficient Reagent GLUCm and BUNm reagent conductivity is below
Strength specifications.
Iteration Error Too many iterations to fit nonlinear serum to multilevel
Noise During a particular spin cycle, the average difference
between an absorbance reading and the line of regression
exceeded specifications.
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Tables/Codes Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 4-20 December 2006
Result Error Codes
Result Error Code Descriptions 4
Table 4.9 Error Code Descriptions, continued
Error Description
Outlier During a particular spin cycle, the deviation of a single
absorbance reading with respect to the line of regression
exceeded specifications.
Out of Instrument The recovered value exceeds the value that the instrument
Range (Hi/Lo) reports.
Out of ORDAC Reaction exceeded the range of ORDAC value that the
Range (Hi/Lo) instrument reports.
Reaction Absorbance The mean absorbance measured during the reaction spin
(Hi/Lo) cycles.
Reaction Maximum A single reaction absorbance data point obtained during the
Deviation reaction read window deviates more than allowed from the
line of regression. The units are in delta absorbance and
will check for a constant rate during the reaction read
Reaction Mean The average difference between the reaction absorbance
Deviation readings and the line of regression is greater than allowed.
This will check for a constant rate during the reaction spin
Reaction Rate The rate calculated during the reaction read window. Units
(Hi/Lo) are in delta absorbance.
Substrate Depletion The difference (delta) between the initial absorbance taken
after sample inject and the final absorbance data point
within the reaction read window exceeds specifications.
Blank Rate (Hi/Lo) Rate during blank timing period is not within specifications.
Temperature The operating temperature of the system is beyond 0.1ºC
from the set point value. All chemistries will be reported
with a flag.
Ig-A ORDAC (Hi/Lo) Result is outside the specifications for the special below
normal range Ig-A ORDAC range.
Back to Back Difference between usable calibrator replicates. Units are
(Linear Cal) dependent on the reagent. Measure of system precision
during calibration.
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Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-21
Result Error Codes
Result Error Code Descriptions

Table 4.9 Error Code Descriptions, continued

Error Description
Back to Back Measure of system precision during calibration. The
(ISE Cal) difference between the two middle Sample-Reference
replicate values within a calibration level. If the back-to-
back limit is exceeded, the calibration fails. Only the two
consecutive replicates that meet back-to-back are used; all
other replicates are discarded. Select Calibrator Acceptance
Limits under options in the Rgts/Cal screen to view current
calibration limits.
DAC Verifies proper operation of electrodes. The Digital-to-
Analog Conversion (DAC) check mimics expected ranges of
electrode output. Failure to detect an output within a
predetermined range for each channel will trigger a DAC
Erratic ADC’s The difference between the high and low value of the four
electrode readings (taken milliseconds apart) must be within
the delta limit. Measure of noise for modular chemistries.
Math Error 1 Multi-point calibration error. Algorithm produces curve
parameters that are very large or small and/or rounding
errors will give an invalid standard curve. Curve parameters
are not reported and calibration may not be overridden.
Math Error 2 Computer is not able to calculate the parameters needed to
determine the other math errors. Curve parameters are not
reported and calibration may not be overridden.
Math Error 3 The range of data points is on a very small percent of the
overall calculated curve. Curve is not sensitive enough to
get valid results. Curve parameters are not reported and
calibration may not be overridden.
Math Error 4 Future use.
Math Error 5 Calculated curve has multiple inflection points within the
dynamic range indicating more than one result is possible
for the same data point. Curve parameters are not reportable
and calibration may not be overridden.
Math Error 6 Data does not properly define the curve. Only one point is
near the inflection point of the curve. Curve parameters are
not reported and calibration may not be overridden.
Math Error 7 Future use.
(3 of 4)

Tables/Codes Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 4-22 December 2006
Result Error Codes
Result Error Code Descriptions 4
Table 4.9 Error Code Descriptions, continued
Error Description
Math Error 8 Data does not properly define the curve. Only one point is
near the inflection point of the curve. Results need to be
evaluated by the user. Curve parameters are reported and
calibration MAY be overridden. A less severe MATH
Math Error 9-15 Future use.
Math Error 16 Occurs when calibrations include division by 0.
Range (ISE cal) Measure of reagent and electrode performance. Determines
if the calibrator set points fall within the acceptable range of
ADC values.
Range (linear cal) Absorbance or rate range that the usable calibrator replicates
must fall between for a valid calibration.
Recovery Determines if recovery errors of each calibration level are
(Multi-point) too large for a calibration to be useful. The difference
between the recovered concentration and the actual
concentration exceeds specifications. It is overrideable.
Recovery Severe Non-overrideable extreme recovery error.
(Multi-point) Refer to Recovery (Multi-point) above.
Sensitivity A check of the calibration slope for each calibrator level and
(Multi-point) several intermediate levels to check if the response is too
high or low. Is overrideable.
Sensitivity Severe Non-overrideable extreme sensitivity error.
(Multi-point) Refer to Sensitivity (Multi-point) above.
Span (ISE cal) Difference between the average ADC value of calibrator 1
and the average ADC value of calibrator 2. Measure of
Span (Multi-point) Difference between consecutive calibrator rates or
absorbances. There can be up to 6 multi-point spans for
level 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5-0. This is a measure of
sensitivity over the entire standard curve.
ADC Electrolyte More than 1 second elapsed between the start and end of the
Error ADC conversion process.
(4 of 4)

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-23
Special Calculation Status Codes
Special Calculation Status Codes

Special Calculation Status Codes

Special Calculation Status Codes

Table 4.10 Special Calculation Status Codes

Code Description
AB One of the involved chemistries was not run
OK Valid result
UN Units for the involved chemistries are not compatible
ZD Denominator of a ratio is zero

Tables/Codes Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 4-24 December 2006
Instrument Status Codes
Instrument Status Codes 4

Instrument Status Codes

Instrument Status Codes

Table 4.11 Instrument Status Codes

Code Cartridge Chemistry Code Modular Chemistry
Instrument Status Instrument Status
01 Stopped 01 Stopped
02 Pause initiated 02 Standby
03 System home
04 Reagent load
05 Running 05 Prime
06 Idle shutdown in progress
(future use)
07 Idle (future use) 07 Running
08 Initializing (future use) 08 Maintenance
09 Reagent load
10 Homing
11 Priming
12 PVT 12 Boot (future use)
13 Pause initiated
14 Waiting
15 Standby 15 System idle (future use)
18 Procedure in progress
21 Waiting

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-25
Access Codes Converted to LX Codes for LXi Reporting
Access Codes Converted to LX Codes (LXi only)

Access Codes Converted to LX Codes for LXi Reporting

Access Codes Converted to LX Codes (LXi only)

Table 4.12 Access Codes Converted to LX Codes (LXi only)

Access 2 LX20
Description Value Flags Remarks Inst Result Host
Code Code
Normal result result none none none print result none
Indeterminate "No value" IND INDETERMINATE none suppress RE
Out of range high >highest OVR none none print: >X GT
Curve expired result CEX none E print result none
Substrate expired result EXS none S print result none
Lot expired result LEX none R print result none
Lower than reportable result LOW OIR LO none print result LO
< lowest none none none print: < X LT
No curve – cal required Raw RLUs NCR CHEM NEEDS CAL NA incomplete NA
Pack expired result PEX none D print result none
Control outside QC NA QCF NA NA NA NA
Control lot expired NA QEX NA NA NA NA
Quantity not sufficient "No value" QNS NO SAMP DETECT NA incomplete NA
Reflex test NA RFX NA NA NA NA
RLU is out of "Cancelled" RLU RLU RANGE none suppress OR
measuring range
Instrument error NA SYS DEVICE ERROR NA incomplete NA
Incubator temperature "No value" TRI INCUBATOR TEMP none suppress TM
Substrate temperature "No value" TRS SUBSTRATE TEMP none suppress TM
Carousel temperature "No value" TRW CAROUSEL TEMP none suppress TM
Can’t run test "Cancelled" other CHEM NOT RUN NA incomplete NA
(Undetected by CTA)
NA = Not applicable.

Tables/Codes Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 4-26 December 2006
Key Code Conversion for Local Languages
Key Code Conversion 4

Key Code Conversion for Local Languages

Key Code Conversion
For communications between the host computer and the Synchron LX, local language
character handling is accomplished using the extended ASCII character set as defined
by IBM for the IBM PC and IBM compatible units. The correct interpretation of
foreign language characters on the Synchron LX will require the use of 8-bit
communication between the system and the host computer.

The defined foreign language characters and their extended ASCII character codes are
shown below. No other extended ASCII characters are supported by the Synchron LX
system for display, printing and host communication.

Figure 4.1 Key Code Conversion Chart

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Tables/Codes

December 2006 Page 4-27
Key Code Conversion for Local Languages
Key Code Conversion

Tables/Codes Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page 4-28 December 2006

A Stream 702-Results
Function 1: Cup header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15
Access chemistry codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Function 3: Test results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Access codes converted to LX codes for Function 5: End of cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-21
LXi reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-26 Function 11: Special calculations results . . . . . 3-22
Function 13: Timed urine results. . . . . . . . . . . . 3-23
Function 81: Expanded results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-24
B Stream 703-Instrument status
Function 1: Power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29
Bidirectional protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Function 2: Bidirectional on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31
Control characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Function 3: Request instrument state . . . . . . . . 3-31
Data transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-13
Function 4: Instrument state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32
Downloading sample programming . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18
Line bidding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12 Function 17: End of run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33
Solicited messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-18 Stream 704-Setup status
Unsolicited messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-16 Function 7: Request installed chemistries . . . . 3-34
Function 8: Installed chemistries. . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34
Stream 800-Special functions
C Function 1: Are you there? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Function 2: Host setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Cable length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Stream 801-Sample/cup program
Chemistry codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Function 1: Sample/cup program . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Connector pin assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 Function 2: Sample/cup return status . . . . . . . . 2-10
Function 3: Clear rack/sample IDs . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Function 4: Clear rack/sample IDs status . . . . . 2-13
D Function 6: Host query rack/sample IDs . . . . . . 2-14
Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 Stream 802-Results
Function 1: Cup header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
Function 3: Test results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
I Function 5: End of cup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-21
Function 11: Special calculations results . . . . . 2-22
Instrument codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Function 13: Timed urine results. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23
Instrument status codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25 Function 81: Expanded results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
Interface protocol options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6 Stream 803-Instrument status
Invalid/valid characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2, 3-2 Function 1: Power up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29
Function 2: Bidirectional on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31
Function 3: Request instrument state . . . . . . . . 2-32
K Function 4: Instrument state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-32
Key code conversion for local languages . . . . . . . . 4-27 Function 17: End of run. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-33
Stream 804-Setup status
Function 7: Request installed chemistries . . . . 2-34
M Function 8: Installed chemistries. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-34

Message format. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2, 3-2

Message streams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3, 3-3 R
Stream 700-Special functions
Function 1: Are you there? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Result error codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
Function 2: Host setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
Stream 701-Sample/cup program
Function 1: Sample/cup program . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Function 2: Sample/cup return status . . . . . . . . 3-9
Function 3: Clear rack/sample IDs . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Sample type codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Function 4: Clear rack/sample IDs status. . . . . 3-12 Special calculation status codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24
Function 6: Host query rack/sample IDs . . . . . 3-13 Stream 700-Special functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Stream 800-Special functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242 Index

December 2006 Page i of ii
Test type codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Transmission format defaults. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Transmission format options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

Unidirectional protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Hardware control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Protocol control characters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Software control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
Transmitted information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Unit codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10

Valid/invalid characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-2, 3-2

Index Synchron LX Host Interface Specifications 967242

Page ii of ii December 2006

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