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Journal of Environmental Management: Klaus Ku Mmerer

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Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366

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The presence of pharmaceuticals in the environment due to human

use – present knowledge and future challenges
Klaus Kümmerer*
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Breisacher Strasse 115b, 79106 Freiburg, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Intensive research on pharmaceuticals in the environment started about 15 years ago. Since then a vast
Received 10 June 2008 amount of literature has been published. The input and presence of active pharmaceutical ingredients
Received in revised form (APIs) and their fate in the environment were and is still of high interest. As it has been extensively
7 January 2009
demonstrated that the active compounds are present in the environment some of the research interest
Accepted 21 January 2009
Available online 4 March 2009
has moved from analysis of the compounds, which is still undertaken, to effect studies in the lab and in
field trials. It has been found that environmental concentrations can cause effects in wildlife if proper
tools are applied for effect assessment. The question of mixture toxicity has gained more and more
Pharmaceuticals attention. It has been learned that classical tests may underestimate effects and risks. Work has been
Environment done in the field of risk assessment and risk management. As for risk management strategies to eliminate
Fate pharmaceuticals from wastewater or from the effluent of sewage treatment plants have been proposed
Effects and investigated. A tremendous amount of literature can now be found describing technical management
Risk measures such as oxidative or photolytic effluent treatment, filtering techniques, and application of
Green pharmacy charcoal. It has been learned however, that each of these approaches has its specific shortcomings.
Therefore, additional approaches such as including people handling and using the compounds, and
focusing on the properties of the compounds (‘‘green pharmacy’’) came into focus. Accordingly, this
review gives an overview of the present state of knowledge presenting typical results and lines of
discussion. This review makes no claim to give a complete overview including the full detailed body of
knowledge of pharmaceuticals in the environment. Rather, it addresses important and typical topics to
stimulate discussion.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction literature has already been published, making it impossible to cover

all topics and issues in this review. Therefore, in this paper the focus
Pharmaceuticals from human use in the environment have been will be more on open questions and discussion of risk management
a topic for several years now. In the beginning research was focused approaches than on an exhaustive collection of all detailed findings.
on the analysis of these micro-pollutants. However, it is important For data that are more detailed and findings, the reader is advised
to stress that in the few examples in which we really know that to seek help in the numerous books and reviews that have already
drugs have effects on the environment (estrogens and their effects been published (e.g. Kümmerer, 2001a,b, 2004, 2008a; Heberer,
on fish and the effects of diclofenac on vultures), biological effects 2002; Williams, 2005; Ternes and Joss, 2006).
studies preceded chemical analyses. This is important to stress in
order to demonstrate that chemical analyses following up biolog- 1.1. Small molecules and biopharmaceuticals
ical effect data may also be an efficient way to find the most
problematic chemicals. Pharmaceutically active compounds (sometimes called active
Later, research into their fate and (eco-)toxic effects came into pharmaceutical ingredients or APIs) are complex molecules with
the foreground. Currently, risk assessment and risk management different functionalities and physico-chemical and biological
issues are gaining momentum. Though the study of pharmaceuti- properties. They are developed and used because of their more or
cals in the environment is still a fairly new topic, a vast amount of less specific biological activity. Most of them are polar compounds.
The molecular weights of the chemical molecules range typically
from 200 to 500/1000 Da. Such APIs are called ‘‘small molecules’’.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ49 761 270 8235; fax: þ49 761 270 8213. These are the ones which are currently being researched and
E-mail address: detected in the environment. They are part of the compounds

0301-4797/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366 2355

Fig. 1. Zwitterionic character of ciprofloxacin. Dependent on pH additional different chemical species can be formed by internal protonation, i.e. the shift of protons between the
basic amino functions and acidic carboxyl groups. Calculator Plugins were used for structure property prediction and calculation, Marvin 4.1.1, 2006, ChemAxon (http://www.

called ‘‘micro-pollutants’’ because they are often found in the mg contain endocrine disrupting chemicals as adjuvants, e.g. Di-n-
L1 or ng L1 range in the aquatic environment. butylphthalat (DBP) (Koch et al., 2005).
Some medicines contain molecules based on protein (‘‘bio-
pharmaceuticals’’). Biopharmaceuticals may be defined as medical 1.2. Structure matters
drugs produced using biotechnology by means other than direct
extraction from a native (i.e. non-engineered) biological source. Pharmaceuticals and disinfectants can be classified according
Examples are proteins (including antibodies) and nucleic acids. to their purpose and biological activity (e.g. antibiotics, analgesics,
The first and best-known example was recombinant human anti-neoplastics, anti-inflammatory substances, antibiotics, anti-
insulin. Biopharmaceuticals are not typically regarded as bio- histamines, X-ray contrast media, surface disinfectants, etc.). The
pharmaceuticals by the industry. Not all of the naturally occurring classification of small molecule APIs by their chemical structure is
compounds which are used as drugs are biopharmaceuticals. For used mainly for the active substances within subgroups of
example estrogen is not regarded as a biopharmaceutical. The medicines, e.g. within the group of antibiotics or subgroups
environmental relevance of biopharmaceuticals is not yet clear within the antibiotics such as b-lactams, cephalosporins, penicil-
and they are not the focus of environmental research and risk lins or quinolones. In this case one may expect that the
management. One view is that they are not relevant because they compounds can be treated as groups with respect to chemical
are closely related to natural products and are therefore expected behavior. However, even smaller changes in the chemical struc-
to be quickly biodegraded or are denatured, i.e. inactivated in the ture may have a significant impact on solubility and polarity as
environment. The other view is that naturally occurring well as other properties that govern their environmental fate to
compounds are not in every case easily biodegraded, and modi- some extent. Other classifications refer to the mode of action
fied natural compounds even less so. Structurally related (MOA), e.g. anti-metabolites or alkylating agents within the group
compounds such as plasmids have been found in the environment of cytotoxics/anti-neoplastics. In the case of classification
(Schlüter et al., 2007; Kümmerer, 2009). Furthermore, it is according to MOA, chemical structures of molecules within the
known that the protein structures1 known as prions are very same group can be very different and therefore their environ-
stable. mental fate can differ too. In this case, compounds cannot be
Besides the active substances, formulations may also incorpo- handled as a group with respect to environmental issues. A
rate adjuvants and in some instances pigments and dyes. They are closely related chemical structure may be accompanied by an
often of minor importance for the environment. Some medicines identical or at least a similar mode of action (e.g. b-lactam anti-
biotics). However, as the example of anti-neoplastics shows, it
might also be very different: alkylating, anti-metabolic, mitosis-
inhibiting or intercalating substances can, but need not neces-
A prion (proteinaceous infectious particle, -on by analogy to virion) is an
sarily, belong to different chemical classes. Compared to most
infectious agent composed only of protein. They cause a number of diseases in
a variety of animals and Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease CJD) in humans. Prions are bulk chemicals, pharmaceutically active compounds are often
believed to infect and propagate by refolding abnormally into a structure which is complex molecules with special properties, e.g. dependence of the
able to convert normal molecules of the protein into the abnormally structured octanol–water partition coefficient (Kow) on pH (see Fig. 1; Cun-
form. This altered structure renders them quite resistant to denaturation by ningham, 2008).
chemical treatments and physical agents (proteases, heat, radiation and formalin),
making disposal and containment of these particles difficult. Prions can be dena-
APIs often have basic or acidic functionalities, sometimes even
tured by subjecting them to a temperature of 134  C in a pressurized steam auto- within the same molecule (see Fig. 1). Under environmental
clave (see, Whyte et al., 2003). conditions molecules can be neutral, cationic, anionic, or
2356 K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366

Fig. 2. Metabolites and transformation products (Kümmerer, 2008b).

zwitterionic. The pKa values ¼ log 10 Ka (where Ka is the acid and meaning of ‘‘metabolite’’ in publications is somewhat
dissociation constant) of ciprofloxacin are 6.16 and 8.63. At a pH of confusing. The term metabolite is used for compounds resulting
7.04, the iso-electric point of ciprofloxacin, the molecule carries from the structural change of pharmaceuticals within the human
both a negative and a positive charge, i.e. it is neutral as an entity body, not differentiating biochemical processes performed by
despite the charges within the molecule. The log Kow of cipro- human enzymes from the ones due to bacterial activity in the
floxacin at pH 7.04 is calculated to be about 1.74 and was exper- alimentary system and the ones present on skin or non-biotic
imentally determined to be 0.28 (Meylan and Howard, 1995). processes such as hydrolysis in the stomach. The term is also used
Other compounds such as ceftazidime are inner salts, i.e. they are for molecules resulting from structural change by fungi and
already zwitter ions and can additionally form other zwitterions. bacteria in the environment and sometimes even for structural
This makes their environmental behavior even more complex. Not changes that are the result of non-biotic processes such as oxida-
only are different pharmaceuticals of special interest with respect tion, hydrolysis and photolysis (e.g. Méndez-Arriaga et al., 2008) in
to the compounds themselves, but also because of the differences different environmental compartments such as surface water, soil
in their occurrence, their fate and their effects on humans or on or sewage treatment.
other target organisms such as bacteria or parasites, and on non- As with metabolism, the chemical structure of the active
target organisms in the environment. molecules can be changed by biotransformation, biodegradation,
and non-biotic transformation such as photo transformation and
1.3. Parent compounds, metabolites, transformation hydrolysis. Such a structural change results in a change in their
products and their elimination physico-chemical and pharmaceutical properties. It is normally
assumed that metabolism and other transformation processes of
In recent years it has been learned that not only are the APIs APIs leads to decreased toxicity. In some cases however, metabo-
themselves important, but also the molecules resulting from these lism leads to more active compounds (e.g. in the case of pro-drugs).
parent compounds due to structural changes taking place in the The same has been found for photo transformation and other
environment. A chemical can undergo different structural changes oxidizing processes (Burhenne et al., 1997).
by a variety of biotic and non-biotic processes after its introduction However, in order to prevent any misconception in addressing
into the environment. Structural transformations may also be different molecules and processes, it is necessary to be clear with
a result of effluent treatment (Qiting and Xiheng, 1988; Ravina et al., nomenclature. Therefore, we recommend using the term ‘‘metab-
2002; Schröder, 2002; Ternes et al., 2003; Zühlke et al., 2004; Lee olite’’ only for the molecules resulting from changes of the chemical
et al., 2007; Trautwein et al., 2008; Méndez-Arriaga et al., 2008). structure within the body or on the skin of humans and treated
Many pharmaceuticals are bio-transformed by organisms such as animals (Längin et al., 2008; Fig. 2). Metabolites may be formed by
bacteria and fungi in the environment (Haiß and Kümmerer, 2006; biological and/or non-biological processes. They may also result
Gröning et al., 2007). Nomenclature used by different authors is from the activity of metabolic pathways of humans and treated
often somewhat confusing (Längin et al., 2008). For example, the animals, as well as from changes performed by other organisms
term biodegradation is very often used. However, primary degra- living within or on the body of humans and treated animals, and
dation, partial degradation and full mineralization are only rarely from non-biotic processes occurring there. It refers to the different
differentiated. With the advent of pharmaceuticals as environ- processes by adding additional words such as ‘‘bacterial’’ metabo-
mental contaminants the situation got even more complicated. lite – if the process is known.
Many pharmaceuticals undergo a structural change in the body Additional molecules may be formed after the excretion of
of humans and animals, respectively. This could be due to micro- parent compounds and metabolites into the environment. This
organisms in the gut or by human enzymes such as cytochromes. should be referred to as transformation. Accordingly, molecules
Metabolites are the result of such a process. However, the naming resulting from the change of the structure of a molecule after
K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366 2357

excretion, i.e. in the environment should be named ‘‘transformation Europe (United Nations, 2004). Some pharmaceuticals are sold over
product’’, which includes both biotic and non-biotic processes. the counter without prescription in some countries, while in others
Transformation processes can be those such as hydrolysis and they are only available by prescription. Some antibiotics such as
photo-oxidation, or biotic ones. Structural transformations may streptomycins are used in the growing of fruits (pomology) while
also be a result of effluent treatment. In other words, the term others are used in bee-keeping. Again, the situation may vary from
metabolite should only be used for compounds which have been country to country. The heavy use of streptomycins in the growing
changed within or on the human body, the bodies of treated of fruits in the US is being discussed as a possible reason for the high
animals, and plants, but not environmental bacteria or fungi. Many resistance of pathogenic bacteria against these compounds (http://
pharmaceuticals and their metabolites are further bio-transformed In Germany,
into transformation products by organisms such as bacteria and the use of these antibiotics for this purpose has been banned.
fungi in the environment. The term transformation product also Antimicrobials are among the most widely used pharmaceutical
includes molecules resulting from chemical reactions in technical compounds in animals (Boxall et al., 2003a,b; Sarmah et al., 2006).
facilities such as sewage and drinking water treatment plants. The These drugs are used in animal husbandry for veterinary purposes,
products of such transformations can be termed photo products, or or as growth promoters (particularly in large-scale animal farming
transformation products resulting from hydrolysis or oxidation, etc. and intensive livestock treatment).
Another point is the often careless use of the term ‘‘elimination’’. In 2001 about 50,000 different drugs were registered in
By some authors it is used in the sense of full mineralization. Germany, 2700 of which accounted for 90% of the total consumption
However, elimination only means that the (parent) compound of and which, in turn, contained about 900 different active substances,
interest is not detectable anymore by compound specific analysis in corresponding to 38,000 t of active compounds (Greiner and Rön-
the compartment or phase of sampling. This could be perhaps nefahrt, 2003). Some data for other countries are found elsewhere
simply because it has been removed from the compartment of (Ongerth and Khan, 2004; Kümmerer, 2004; Sattelberger, 1999). A
interest, e.g. the water phase. In this case, removal is an adequate total of 6000–7000 t per year of active substances are of potential
expression for this situation too. Monitoring by compound specific environmental concern in Germany, which is approx. 0.45 kg per
detection such as flame ionization detection, UV-Vis detection or capita and year. Data for Australia are in the same range according to
mass spectrometry informs only about the primary elimination; it data presented by Ongerth and Khan (2004).
just indicates the degree to which the parent compound is lost. For
example, the introduction of a hydroxyl group results in a new 2.1. Manufacturers
molecule with different physico-chemical properties, fate and
toxicity. However, this cannot be quantified and sometimes not Because of good manufacturing practice (GMP) regulations
even be detected by compound specific analysis, because the (required for the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals) and the
transformation product is a new molecule that may not be recog- frequently high economic value of the active substances, the
nized anymore or may not even be present in the sample after amount of emissions occurring during manufacturing has been
clean up. thought to be negligible. Indeed, such emissions are assumed to be
In contrast to common opinion, labeling with radioactive 14C can low in Europe and North America. However, manufacturers have
only give some additional information (Junker et al., 2006). The not yet published data with regard to this. It has only recently been
information that can be gained in such trials depends strongly on found that in Asian countries concentrations for single compounds
the location of 14C in the molecule. If it is located in a side chain that up to several mg L1 can be found in effluents (Larsson et al., 2007;
is easily removed and mineralized it just indicates the mineraliza- Li et al., 2008a,b). However, even in Norway the input from a local
tion of this part of the molecule. Years ago, this information was manufacturer was high (Thomas, 2008). To the author’s best
only accessible by the use of such labeled compounds. However, knowledge, no data are available on emissions during transport and
with the widespread availability of mass spectrometric techniques storage.
such information can be gained without labeled molecules. If
radioactivity is found in a solid phase it can be calculated that 2.2. Hospitals
a certain share of the parent molecule and/or transformation
products is adsorbed or incorporated into this solid phase. As to be expected, pharmaceuticals are present in hospital
However, in order to get more detailed information, a thorough wastewater (Brown et al., 2006; Steger-Hartmann et al., 1996;
analysis, e.g. by chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods Kümmerer and Helmers, 1997; Hartmann et al., 1999; Kümmerer,
is still necessary. 2001a,b; Hädrich, 2006; Gómez et al., 2006; Seifrtová et al., 2008;
The proper and adequate use of the terms related to the fate of Schuster et al., 2008). The concentrations of pharmaceuticals in
organic chemicals in the environment is advised in order to prevent hospital wastewater are higher than in municipal sewage. However,
confusion in the assessment of the fate and risks connected to the the total substance flow is much lower because of the much lower
presence of these molecules in the environment. share of effluent from hospitals in municipal effluent in developed
countries. The dilution of hospital wastewater by municipal
2. Consumption, use patterns and other sources wastewater is by much more than a factor of 100 (Kümmerer and
Helmers, 1997, 2000).
There is no data available about the total worldwide use of
pharmaceuticals. The consumption and application of pharmaceu- 2.3. Private households
ticals may vary considerably from country to country (Verbrugh and
de Neeling, 2003; Goossens et al., 2005, 2007; Schuster et al., 2008). Outdated medicines or their remainders are sometimes
If there are legislative changes imposed on the health system it may disposed of down household drains. In accordance with EU-
happen that some compounds are not used any more or others gain legislation, the discarding of unused drugs via household waste
more importance, e.g. for economical reasons. According to United has been permitted since 1994. It is reported that approximately
Nations’ figures, 2.3% of Japanese women of reproductive age take one third of the total volume of pharmaceuticals sold in Germany
a contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol as the main active (Greiner and Rönnefahrt, 2003; Rönnefahrt, 2005) and about 25%
compound, compared to 16% in North America and up to 59% in of that sold in Austria (Sattelberger, 1999) is disposed of with
2358 K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366

household waste or down the drain. A recently conducted poll has reach drinking water. The active compounds as well as expedients
found that 17.7% of those surveyed get rid of excess and outdated may enter the environment by different routes via several different
pills by pouring them into the toilet, and, about 20% do the same non-point sources such as effluents of sewage treatment plants
with liquid pharmaceuticals (Götz and Keil, 2007; http://www. (STPs), waste, and landfill effluent or treatment of animals. Some A survey carried out in the UK investigating the pharmaceuticals are used as tracers for anthropogenic impact on
household disposal of unused and expired pharmaceuticals waters by hydrologists (Möller et al., 2000, 2002; Elbaz-Poulichet
interviewed members of 400 households, predominantly from et al., 2002; Verplanck et al., 2005; Buerge et al., 2006).
south-eastern England, and was the basis for a conceptual model Most of the studies conducted until now describe the occur-
to assess the pathways of human pharmaceuticals into the envi- rence of compounds in environmental compartments. Medical
ronment. The model demonstrated that the disposal of unused substances have been measured in the effluent of medical care
pharmaceuticals, either by household waste or via the sink or units, sewage and the effluent of sewage treatment plants, in
toilet, may be a prominent route that requires greater attention surface water, ground water, and in drinking water (Heberer, 2002).
(Bound and Voulvoulis, 2005). More than half of the patients Seasonal variations have been studied in sewage and reclaimed
surveyed in a study conducted in the US reported storing unused wastewater, as well as in finished water (Loraine and Pettigrove,
and expired medications in their homes, and more than half had 2006; Alexy et al., 2006). Pharmaceuticals have also been detected
flushed them down a toilet. Only 22.9% reported returning in the effluent from landfill sites (see above). Systematic studies of
medication to a pharmacy for disposal. Less than 20% had ever the occurrence of pharmaceuticals in the environment are now
been given advice about medication disposal by a health care available for several countries. Meanwhile, there is evidence of the
provider (Seehusen and Edwards, 2006). In a study performed in occurrence of some 160 different drugs in STP effluent, surface
Kuwait (Abahussain et al., 2006) almost half of the respondents water and groundwater. Some APIs have even been detected in
(45.4%) obtained medicines by prescription more than three times drinking water. They have also been detected in the arctic envi-
a year and almost all had unwanted medicines in their homes. The ronment (Kallenborn et al., 2008).
reasons for possessing unused medication were mostly due to The concentrations of pharmaceuticals in surface waters and the
a change of medication by the doctor (48.9%), or self-discontinu- effluent from STPs have been shown to lie in the ng L1 to mg L1
ation (25.8%). Their most common method of disposal was to range. The findings of recent years have been confirmed for different
throw unwanted medicines in the trash (76.5%) or flush them countries and different environmental compartments (Kümmerer,
down the drain (11.2%). The results of this study suggests that 2008b). Only recently psycho-active and illicit drugs such as
there is a role for patient education on the proper disposal of amphetamine, cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine,
unused and expired medications in all countries. In some coun- morphine, 6-acetylmorphine, 11-nor-9-carboxy-delta-9-tetrahydro-
tries take-back systems are already in place (Niquille and Bugnon, cannabinol, methadone and its main metabolite 2-ethylidene-1,5-
2008). In the EU and the US (http://www.whitehousedrugpolicy. dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine, and amphetamines have been
gov/drugfact/factsht/proper_disposal.html) it is legal to throw detected in surface water and wastewater. Daily and seasonal vari-
unused, unneeded or expired drugs in the trash. If the trash is ability was examined and revealed fluctuations in the concentrations
incinerated this is probably the most effective and environmen- of nicotine, paraxanthine, amphetamine, cocaine, and ecstasy during
tally sound way to handle the problem. If the waste is landfilled it the week. Estimations of consumption were made using the total
is a bad solution which only postpones the problem. The APIs will concentrations found in wastewater (Zuccato et al., 2005; Boleda
probably show up after some years in the effluent of the landfill et al., 2007; Huerta-Fontela et al., 2008; Castiglioni et al., 2008).
(see below). The US FDA advises without an additional explanation Compared to the free water phase, the analysis of APIs is difficult
that some drugs be flushed down the toilet (!) instead of thrown in biosolids and sewage sludge, despite the fact that knowledge
in the trash ( about pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge and biosolids is necessary
factsht/proper_disposal.html), which is surprising as the APIs for the proper understanding of fate and for risk assessment (Jones-
will directly end up in STPs. Lepp and Stevens, 2007).
Little is known about the occurrence, fate or activity of metab-
2.4. Landfills olites. An important question to be addressed is whether the glu-
coronides, methylates, glycinates, acetylates, and sulfates are still
If disposed of with household waste, compounds end up on active, and whether they can be cleaved by bacteria during sewage
landfill sites where they can enter the landfill effluent (Eckel et al., treatment and in the environment. This would result in the active
1993; Holm et al., 1995; Ahel and Jeličic, 2001; Metzger, 2004). If compound being set free again. Other types of metabolites are
there is no collection of the effluent, this may be a source for excreted too and can be detected in wastewater (Miao et al., 2005).
contamination of surface water or ground water. The contribution to Their effects on environmental organisms may be lower than that
this from disposed, unused drugs is not known in many countries, of the parent. However, in the case of pro-drugs the situation is
just as the amount released during manufacturing remains probably different, as it may also be for the metabolites of several
unknown. other pharmaceuticals as has been shown, for example, for nor-
fluoxetin (Na1ecz-Jawecki, 2007).
3. Occurrence and fate in the environment As outlined above, several different non-biotic processes may
lead to the removal of chemicals from sewage, surface water,
3.1. Occurrence ground water and soil. The predominant fate processes for phar-
maceuticals in the different environmental compartments are
The input of pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, diagnostics and sorption (e.g. tetracyclines and quinolones) and (bio)degradation.
personal care products into the environment after use is the typical Photodegradation and hydrolysis can also be significant.
situation. They are recognized as being an important part of the
chemicals that are present in low concentrations in the environ- 3.2. Elimination by adsorption and complexation
ment (Schwarzenbach et al., 2007). If the drugs, their metabolites
and transformation products are not eliminated during sewage The disappearance of a substance does not necessarily indicate
treatment, they may enter the aquatic environment and eventually biological or photochemical degradation. An important pathway
K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366 2359

for elimination is sorption of pharmaceuticals, which depends on active after sorption. Little is known about conjugates and other
the extent of neutral and ionic species present and the charac- metabolites in this respect.
teristics of the target particles. Sorption may have an impact on
the spread and (bio)availability of pharmaceuticals in the envi- 3.3. Biodegradation and photodegradation
ronment (particle bound transport), and their removal during
wastewater treatment. Some antibiotics, e.g. tetracyclines, are Substances reaching the environment may undergo different
known to have a tendency to bind to soil particles or to form reactions, resulting in partial or complete transformation and/or
complexes with ions which are present (Marengo et al., 1997; degradation of the parent compound (including mineralization if
Plate, 1991; Rabølle and Spliid, 2000; Tolls, 2001; Boxall et al., the degradation to carbon dioxide, sulphate, nitrate, and other
2002; Thiele-Bruhn, 2003; ter Laak et al., 2006a,b). Therefore, the inorganic compounds is complete). Sometimes total degradation
disappearance of a substance does not necessarily indicate bio- does not take place and the process is stopped before mineraliza-
logical or photochemical degradation. tion has been completed. These intermediates, i.e. the stable
The sorption of antibiotics is especially affected by the amount products of biotransformation, can be even more stable than the
and nature of free and suspended particles in the water phase parent compounds. They often also vary in their toxicity and have
and soil organic matter (SOM), and soil minerals and distribution a higher potential for accumulation compared to the parent
coefficients (Kd) (Thiele-Bruhn, 2003). Binding to particles or the compound. Bacteria and fungi are the two groups of organisms that
formation of complexes may cause a loss in detectability, as well are best able to degrade organic compounds. Fungi are particularly
as a loss in antibacterial activity. The loss of antibacterial activity, important in soils, but do not usually play an important role in the
for example, was demonstrated for an aquaculture antimicrobial aquatic environment. Therefore, in sewage treatment plants (STPs),
in sea water driven by the formation of complexes with the surface, ground and marine bacteria are assumed to be responsible
magnesium and calcium present in marine water (Lunestad and for most biodegradation processes.
Goksøyr, 1990). Tetracyclines are able to form complexes with Pre-adapted bacteria normally give better biodegradation
double cations, such as calcium or magnesium. This finding is not results. Since antibiotics are designed to be active against bacteria
only interesting from the degradation point of view, but it also this point is of particular importance for biodegradability testing
underlines the problematic nature of applying such potentially of antibiotics. It must be assumed that microbial degradation will
inactive antibiotics in aquaculture, and especially in marine fish be slower in surface water than in the sewage system due to its
farming as it clearly shows the necessity of using considerably lower bacterial density and lower diversity. In our own investi-
more antibiotics for treating fish in marine water. The log Kow is gations, more than 20 antibiotics representing the most impor-
not sufficient for the assessment of the sorption and distribution tant groups of antibiotics were found not to be readily
behavior of antibiotics. In general, the sorption behavior of anti- biodegradable (Al-Ahmad et al., 1999; Kümmerer et al., 2000;
biotics depends heavily on the chemical structure of the Alexy et al., 2004). The presence of pharmaceuticals in the
compounds. In contrast to highly lipophilic ‘‘classical’’ environ- aquatic environment demonstrates at the very least their
mental contaminants such as PCBs or chlorinated pesticides such incomplete degradation and elimination in sewage treatment.
as aldrine, dieldrine or DDT, which are not ionisable, antibiotics The importance of transformation products in photo-trans-
are complex chemical molecules which may contain acidic and formation has been demonstrated (Méndez-Arriaga et al., 2008;
basic groups within the same molecule. Ionic interactions are Calza et al., 2008). The authors found that hydroxyl trans-
possible sorption mechanisms. Therefore, sorption or distribution formation products were the most important residual compounds
between two phases such as water and sludge or water and soil after the photocatalytic treatment of ibuprofen and amiloride,
(log KD) depends on pH. The solubility, hydrophobicity, distribu- respectively. The inhibition of bioluminescence from Vibro fischeri
tion, and sorption of pharmaceuticals such as ciprofloxacin are as a toxicity parameter increased during the period of irradiation
pH-dependent. Some pharmaceuticals also contain planar due to the residual concentration of the generated hydroxyl
aromatic structures which are favorable for intercalation, for metabolites.
example into the layers of some clay minerals. Therefore, the
sorption of such compounds depends not only on the log Kow, 4. Effects
which is the lipophilicity of the sorbed molecule, but it is also
governed by pH, redox potential, stereo chemical structure and In the beginning, chronic effects, i.e. the effects seen in short-
chemical nature of both the sorbent and the sorbed molecule. term testing (e.g. toxicity against Daphnia with 96 h), often at
This is a fundamentally new aspect compared to most bulk concentrations which are higher than those found in the environ-
chemicals and to some of the classical environmental contami- ment have been studied. Soon it became obvious that realistic
nants such as polychlorinated biphenyls. concentrations, i.e. at levels measured in the environment in
Contrary to what would be expected from log Kow, it was chronic tests, e.g. full life cycle tests, should be applied. Further-
found that ciprofloxacin sorbs well onto active sludge or sedi- more, there is a difference in terms of endpoints of a certain test.
ments, for example (Wiethan et al., 2000; Golet et al., 2002). Some tests indicate general toxic responses, others, i.e. targeted
Normally, this is expected for compounds with a log Kow above 3 tests such as the induction of vitellogenin in fish by estrogens
or 4. Some compounds such as quinolones or tetracyclines are (Sumpter et al., 2006), are based on mechanism of action. In
eliminated by more than 50% due to sorption to sewage sludge. addition, the selection of species is important. There are presum-
Antibiotics may diffuse into biofilms, present in sewage pipes, ably sensitive or insensitive species with respect to a certain
sludge flocks or stones in rivers and lakes. This may result in endpoint. Additionally, it has been found that standardized tests
a biased risk estimate as the concentrations in such ‘‘reservoirs’’ may underestimate effects (Backhaus and Grimme, 1999; Küm-
may be much higher than in the free water phase. The effects and merer et al., 2004). Cleuvers (2008) found that toxicity of a mixture
behavior of antibiotics in such biosolids with high bacterial of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs against Daphnia was
density and special conditions has not yet been investigated. It is considerably higher even at concentrations in which the single
not known how strongly the antibiotics are sorbed to sludge, substances showed no or only very slight effects. Remarkably,
particulate matter, biosolids such as sewage sludge, and sedi- reproduction was decreased by 100% at concentrations where no
ments, and under what circumstances they are (bio)available and effects on survival could be observed, which means that this
2360 K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366

destructive effect on the Daphnia population would be totally been found that mixtures might exhibit different effects than single
overlooked by an acute test using the same concentrations. Effects compounds (Silva et al., 2002; Cleuvers, 2004, 2008; Backhaus
occurred even at the lowest treatment level with concentrations et al., 2004, 2008; Pomati et al., 2007). In general, knowledge about
that were still 1000–5000 times higher than measured concen- the toxicity of mixtures of compounds is limited. This new field of
trations in the environment. Thus, testing with lower concentra- ecotoxicology is just beginning and much remains to be learned.
tions and more compounds is recommended. This may have Some drugs act via the same or very similar modes of action and
affected the risk assessments, for example, if tests with a more share the same receptor. Therefore, additive effects are to be
general endpoint such as narcosis in an acute test and insensitive expected. As for resistance against antibiotics, it is well known from
organisms are used for risk assessment, the risk would be under- the medical literature that cross resistance is quite common, i.e.
estimated. However, if the concentration of the test compound is resistance acquired by contact with a certain antibiotic creates
much higher than those found in the environment, the risk is resistance that also works against other antibiotics within or even
overestimated. If effects are found in the latter case, these results across different classes of antibiotics. It has also been found that
may give some guidance for test and compound selection. Testing effect thresholds of cephalosporine antibiotics may be lower by
at lower, more realistic concentrations are then necessary. There- several orders of magnitude in the presence of the cytotoxic
fore, the concentrations to be used during testing may be different, anti-metabolite 5-fluorouracil applied in anti-cancer therapy
i.e. lower for surface water than for sewage and higher with respect (Kümmerer et al., 2009). In consequence, because the release of
to local situations such as those reported at production sites pharmaceuticals to the aquatic environment occurs permanently
(Larsson et al., 2007; Li et al., 2008a,b; Thomas et al., 2007). and usually as mixtures, an accurate prediction of the chronic
mixture toxicity is indispensable for an environmental risk
4.1. Single compounds assessment.

The active ingredients of medications have been selected or 4.3. Indirect effects
designed because of their activity against organisms. Within the
last several years their effects on other organisms such as fish have It has been found that detrimental effects may happen if
also been studied. For most human medicines analysed, acute compounds are transferred within the food web. Between 2000
effects on aquatic organisms are unlikely, except in the case of and 2003, high annual adult and subadult mortality (5–86%) in the
accidental spills. oriental white-backed vulture and the resulting declines in pop-
The amount of information that is available on the effects of ulation (34–95%) were associated with renal failure and visceral
active substances on organisms in the aquatic and terrestrial gout. A direct correlation of residues of the anti-inflammatory drug
environment is increasing but still too low (Fent et al., 2006). The diclofenac with renal failure was found. Diclofenac residues and
high concentrations of some compounds, i.e. in the g per liter range, renal disease were reproduced experimentally in oriental white-
have been found to produce acute effects in environmental backed vultures by direct oral exposure and through feeding
organisms. In the meantime, effects on Daphnia, algae and bacteria vultures diclofenac-treated livestock (Oaks et al., 2004). The
have also been demonstrated using low concentrations in chronic evidence strongly implicates mortality caused by ingestion of
tests. Often these studies examined antibiotics (Holten Lützhøft residues of the veterinary non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
et al., 1999; Halling-Sørensen, 2000; Backhaus and Grimme, 1999; diclofenac to be the major cause of the population decline. Other
Al-Ahmad et al., 1999; Kümmerer et al., 2000; Boxall et al., 2003a; findings show that veterinary use of diclofenac is likely to have
Yamashita et al., 2006) and drugs such as diclofenac, ibuprofen, been the major cause of the rapid vulture population declines
carbamazepine and the antidepressant fluoxetine. For the phar- across the subcontinent (Swan et al., 2006; Taggart et al., 2007).
maceuticals investigated the chronic lowest observed effect Another example of indirect effects of antibiotics was reported
concentrations (LOEC) in standard laboratory organisms are about by Hahn and Schulz (2007). Results of food selection experiments
two orders of magnitude higher than the maximal concentrations with Gammarus pulex demonstrated clear preferences for leaves
found in STP effluents (Fent et al., 2006). For diclofenac, the LOEC conditioned in the absence vs. those conditioned in the presence of
for fish toxicity was in the range of wastewater concentrations two antibiotics, oxytetracycline and sulfadiazine.
(Schwaiger et al., 2004; Triebskorn et al., 2004, 2005; Hoeger et al.,
2007), whereas the LOEC of propranolol and fluoxetine for 5. Risk assessment
zooplankton and benthic organisms were near maximal measured
STP effluent concentrations (Fent et al., 2006). In surface water, Publication of the EU guideline on environmental risk assess-
concentrations are lower and so are the environmental risks. ment for human pharmaceuticals (
However, targeted ecotoxicological studies are almost entirely search?q¼EUþguidelineþonþenvironmentalþriskþassessment&ie¼
lacking and investigations are needed which focus on subtle envi- utf-8&oe¼utf-8&aq¼t&rls¼org.mozilla:de:official&client¼firefox-a)
ronmental effects (Fent et al., 2006). was seen in 2006.
The risk of adverse effects on humans through the ingestion of
4.2. Mixtures pharmaceuticals present in drinking water seems to be negligible.
Thus, the risks posed to humans from pharmaceuticals in the
All risk assessment is based on single compounds. Furthermore, environment seem to concern environmental hygiene rather than
pharmaceuticals do not occur as isolated, pure substances in an toxicology or pharmacology. The maximum possible intake within
environmental compartment. They are present as multi-compo- a life-span (2 l of drinking water per day over 70 years) is far below
nent mixtures in the environment. Most pharmaceuticals can the dosages used in therapy (Christensen, 1998; Kümmerer and Al-
either be transformed by physical and chemical processes in the Ahmad, 1998). However, this statement relies on some assump-
environment and/or taken up by some organism and subsequently tions: (i) that effects and side effects during therapeutical use
bio-transformed (see above). From an environmental perspective, (short-term, high dosage) are the same in quality and quantity as
even individual pharmaceuticals thus ultimately have to be regar- for lifelong ingestion (long-term ingestion, low dosage); (ii) that
ded as a multi-component chemical mixture (parent compound the effects are the same for fetuses, babies, children, healthy adults
plus transformation products and metabolites). However, it has and elderly people; and (iii) that the risk posed by a single
K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366 2361

compound is comparable to the one posed by a mixture. As for the pharmaceutical and consulting industries, each of whom was
last point, it has been found that elderly people who take several involved in scientific research or policy and management activity in
different medications at a time suffer more often from unwanted Canada, the United States, or Europe (Doerr-MacEwen and Haight,
side effects of drugs during therapy. How to extrapolate data from 2006). Twenty-seven interviewees were asked about their views on
high dose, short-term ingestion during therapy to low dose, long- management strategies such as pharmaceutical-return programs,
term ingestion, i.e. ‘‘medication’’ via drinking water is still an advanced effluent treatment and incentives for the development of
unresolved issue in toxicology and ecotoxicology. ‘‘green’’ pharmaceuticals. The interviewees believed that advanced
Data enabling a realistic assessment for metabolites and trans- wastewater treatment technology, education of medical profes-
formation products are missing. Furthermore, up to now risk sionals to reduce over prescription, pharmaceutical-return
assessments have been undertaken for single substances only and programs coupled with public education, and requirements for all
not for mixtures. Some of the APIs have carcinogenic, mutagenic or municipalities to have at least a second cleansing step were the
reproductive toxic effects (‘‘CMR-compounds’’). It is unclear most effective management strategies in order to reduce the
whether such compounds should be treated as ‘‘however’’- environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals. According to the prin-
compounds. Besides toxicity, the property of persistence is of ciple of sustainability, the entire life cycle of a compound has to be
particular importance in the assessment of the environmental taken into account to identify opportunities for risk management
significance of substances. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and risk reduction.
increase the potential for long-term and hence varied effects, while Looking from a temporal perspective and at the types of actions
the longer the exposure lasts increases the potential for multiple that could be taken, three classes of measures can be identified
contamination of the ecosystem. This cannot be tested in advance (Fig. 3,
with the presently available test systems (Cairns and Mount, 1992). All three of them are required in order to achieve an effective
Standard tests developed for bulk chemicals are often used for reduction in the input of pharmaceuticals (and other chemicals)
effect assessment and biodegradability testing (e.g. according to into the environment. The one that has been most extensively
OECD series 200 and 300). It is unclear to what extent the test discussed within recent years is the technical approach. As for the
systems have to be modified to obtain reliable results (Kümmerer second approach, we have to learn that environmental protection
et al., 2004). must include the shareholders, the stakeholders and the people
using the compounds, that is patients, doctors and nurses, and
6. Risk management pharmacists, when seeking for solutions that will work. The third
strategy is emerging from the field of green chemistry (Anastas and
6.1. General strategies for the reduction of the input of Warner, 1998). Until now it is the least developed of the three
pharmaceuticals into the environment approaches. However, in terms of sustainability it seems to be the
most promising one in the long run. Contributions of the different
Pharmaceuticals are ubiquitous water and soil contaminants stakeholders to risk management are summarized in Table 1.
that may have subtle detrimental effects on aquatic organisms, and
also possibly on human health. The risks of pharmaceuticals, or 6.2. Advanced effluent treatment
pharmaceutically active compounds, remain poorly understood.
However, awareness of the presence of pharmaceuticals in the The objective of advanced effluent treatment is to further reduce
environment, coupled with evidence of effects, suggests that adverse environmental effects of pharmaceuticals, such as
precautionary management action to reduce the release of phar- hormone effects and pathogenic effects of the effluent. In recent
maceuticals into the environment should be considered. years advanced effluent treatment has been extensively studied.
Opportunities for reducing the input of pharmaceuticals into the Much research and development effort is currently being directed
aquatic environment are possible by taking advantage of several towards advances in municipal wastewater treatment aiming at
different approaches. Combinations of management strategies will reducing the effluent content of micro-pollutants and pathogens.
likely be most effective in mitigating the risks presented by phar- As for the different sources of human pharmaceuticals in the
maceuticals. In a recent study the scope of the issue and possible aquatic environment, hospitals have been seen as a main goal.
management strategies were examined from the perspectives of However, point sources such as hospitals are likely to be of only
expert stakeholders drawn from government, academia, and the minor importance (Kümmerer and Henninger, 2003; Heberer and

1. Technical

advanced treatment 2. Education and

short to medium-
Usage: retailers,
3. Benign compounds
consumers, doctors, ...
substitution of critical


Reduction after/within use usage

Reduction inherent

Fig. 3. Principal strategies to reduce the input of chemicals into the environment (Kümmerer, 2007).
2362 K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366

Table 1 2008; Ternes and Joss, 2006). However, all of these technologies
Opportunities to reduce the input of pharmaceuticals into the environment. have more or less specific shortcomings:
Who Possible measures and activities
Pharmaceutical Publication of data relevant for environmental  Efficiency may depend strongly on the type of compound.
companies assessment, publication of analytical methods and results,  None of the technologies can remove all of the compounds
offering appropriate package sizes, integration of (Qiting and Xiheng, 1988; Ravina et al., 2002; Schröder, 2002;
environmental aspects in the development of new APIs
Ternes et al., 2003; Wenzel et al., 2008).
and new therapies, dedication to green pharmacy, less
over the counter products, establish take-back systems  Will they work for future compounds?
where not already in place, proper information of doctors,  Mutagenic and toxic properties have been found for reaction
pharmacists and the general public products of (photo) oxidation processes (Isidori et al., 2005,
Patients Improvement of compliance, intake of APIs only if 2007; Lee et al., 2007; Wei-Hsiang and Young, 2008).
necessary and only after prescription by a medical doctor,
expired medications not disposed of down the drain;
 Prolongation of hydraulic retention time results only in
instead returned to pharmacy if take-back system is minimal improvement of elimination rates, with no additional
established or into the household waste if appropriate benefits. It may cause high costs because of the necessity to
(check with local authorities and pharmacies), no lifestyle enlarge the STPs.
 Resistance in bio-membrane reactors: enrichment of antibi-
Pharmacists Information of patients, participation in take-back
systems if appropriate (check with local authorities) otics and resistant bacteria as a cause of increasing resistance?
Hospitals Integration of the delivering pharmacy/wholesaler into No information is currently available on this topic.
handling expired medications, informing doctors and  Resistance material and APIs will not fully be retained by
patients, establishing proper procurement, applying the membranes.
Swedish classification system (
Medical doctors Prescribing according to environmental criteria if
 Combined sewer overflow in case of storm water will not be
alternatives are available, applying the Swedish treated.
classification system (, informing of  Sewage that infiltrated the ground due to leaking sewage pipes
patients before it reaches STP is not treated.
Health insurance Maintaining necessary medical standards and
 Technologies depend on a high input of energy and a minimal
providers demonstrating reduction potential and economical
benefits, informing doctors and patients, applying the water flow. Therefore, it is possibly less affordable in less
Swedish classification system ( developed countries.
Wastewater handling Reduction of input through broken sewerage/piping,  Costs are not clear and whether they are affordable is not
and treatment reduction of total water flow to be treated (separate known. Different authors present different data depending on
transport of wastewater and rain water) thereby
increasing concentration of APIs, applying affordable
the assumptions made and it is questionable whether the
technologies, development of less water- and energy- additional costs are acceptable (Dohmann, 2004; Jones et al.,
demanding treatment systems and technologies 2007; Joss et al., 2008).
Drinking water Extended monitoring, advanced treatment if necessary,  In principle, they are not compatible with sustainable devel-
treatment information of the general public
opment as they are the end of the pipe technologies and not
Authorities Initiation and back up of communication between all
stakeholders, development of limits/thresholds for APIs in affordable in all countries. Energy demand causes high emis-
different environmental compartments and drinking sions CO2 (Jones et al., 2007).
water, establishing country-adapted classification  The application of powdered charcoal seems to be a promising
systems for pharmaceuticals as already in place in approach for advanced treatment. It removes not only phar-
Sweden, applying the Swedish classification system
maceuticals but some other classes of micro-pollutants too and
Politics Inclusion of APIs in environmental legislation, more avoids some of the critical points addressed above, but not all
restrictive connection between environmental properties of them. However, it resembles the other approaches in not
and authorization of human pharmaceuticals, fulfilling the criteria of sustainability. Additionally, slow sand
improvement of legislation for the management of
filtration that is already established in some European STPs
expired medications, establishing incentives for the
development of greener drugs, e.g. prolonged patent life may be equally effective.
Wenzel et al. (2008) investigated the advantages and disad-
vantages of advanced wastewater treatment of micro-pollutants
Feldmann, 2004; Bayerisches Landesamt für Umwelt, 2005; using environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) and a literature
Hädrich, 2006; Heinzmann et al., 2006; Thomas et al., 2007; review of advanced treatment performance. The LCA evaluation
Schuster et al., 2008). The contribution of hospitals to the total load included sand filtration, ozonation and membrane bioreactors and
of pharmaceuticals in municipal wastewater is for most assessed the effect of extending existing tertiary treatment with
compounds below 10%, with many even below 3%. Therefore, in these technologies on a variety of micro-pollutants (heavy metals,
contrast to the common assumption (Putschew et al., 2007; Joss endocrine disruptors, PAH, phthalates, and detergents). The authors
et al., 2008) it is questionable whether separate treatment of assessed the ‘environmental break-even’ point where the removal
hospital effluent is a valid environmental and economical goal. of micro-pollutants and reduction in (eco-)toxicity would outweigh
The advanced treatment of effluents has been investigated using the increased resource- and energy consumption. In scenarios it
(photochemical) oxidation processes (e.g. Qiting and Xiheng, 1988; was found that more environmental impact may be induced than
Zwiener and Frimmel, 2004; Ravina et al., 2002; Kiffmeyer, 2003; removed by the advanced treatment. The study showed that among
Ternes et al., 2003; Watkinson et al., 2007; Strässle, 2007; Isidori the three technologies, sand filtration has the best balance between
et al., 2007), filtration (Schröder, 2002; Drewes et al., 2002; Heberer prevented and induced impacts, and sand filtration proved to have
and Feldmann, 2005), application of powdered charcoal (Metzger a net environmental benefit under the assumptions used in the
et al., 2005; Nowotny et al., 2007) and the use of man-made study. But the outcome of the study suggests that this is not always
wetlands (Matamoros and Bayona, 2006). Reviews on the advan- the case for ozonization and membrane bioreactors. Because of the
tages and disadvantages of the different technologies are available limitations identified for the advanced effluent treatment, other
(Schulte-Oehlmann et al., 2007; Jones et al., 2007; Wenzel et al., (additional) approaches are necessary.
K. Kümmerer / Journal of Environmental Management 90 (2009) 2354–2366 2363

6.3. Training, education and information discussion improvement of synthesis and renewable feedstock are
very prominent, whereas the environmental properties of the
Proper and effective risk management strategies need knowl- molecules have been discussed less. Applying these principles and
edge about sources. In this context, one has to know the size of the knowledge of green chemistry to pharmaceuticals is necessary
substance flows associated with the different sources of pharma- in the future. One aspect of it is the third, long-term oriented
ceuticals, such as households and hospitals. It has been found that strategy of Fig. 1 (Kümmerer, 2007). It means that easy degrad-
hospitals are only of minor importance in terms of flows of phar- ability after use or application is taken into account even before
maceuticals into the environment. Therefore, advanced effluent a pharmaceutical’s synthesis (‘‘benign by design’’). There may be
treatment in this case will not be very effective. However, hospitals potential problems in introducing green chemistry in terms of
can reduce their contribution by other measures such as appro- economy. However, this is already happening at least for optimized
priate training and education of staff and patients. and new synthesis routes (Lapkin and Constable, 2008). One may
Properly informing doctors, pharmacists and patients can argue that finding good lead compounds is a great challenge even
contribute to a reduction of the input of APIs into the aquatic without taking the environment into consideration. However, there
environment (; Götz and Keil, 2007; is no need to find new lead structures in the first place. The Proper information about how to handle left modification of known lead structures can be a promising way.
over drugs will result in a reduction of the environmental burden of Glufosfamide (
drugs. A major unknown with respect to drugs as pollutants is is such an example. A new product is scheduled for animal and
which fractions of drug residues occurring in the ambient envi- human drug trials which is similar to an older version of a birth
ronment result from the discarding of leftover drugs (Götz and Keil, control pill from the drugmaker Schering–Plough (Lubick, 2008).
2007; Ruhoy and Daughton, 2007). Data are needed on the types, The new-old drug uses natural estrogens paired with a biodegrad-
quantities, and frequencies with which drugs accumulate in able progesterone.
households, hospitals, convalescent homes, and rehabilitation Responding to the green and sustainable pharmacy challenge
hospitals. Absence of this data has prevented assessments of the may also result in new marketing opportunities. Research within
significance of drug accumulation and disposal as a contributing industry and within academia is necessary to reach this goal.
source of drug residues in the environment. However, it can be reached if conditions are appropriate (Küm-
From a mid- to long-term perspective, the prescription, therapy merer and Schramm, 2008). The argument that we cannot deny
and consultation practices of physicians and pharmacists as well as patients access to any drug is not a very convincing one. Experience
the patients’ use and disposal patterns of pharmaceuticals should shows that quite a lot of lead structures are abandoned within drug
be changed towards higher environmental sensibility. The rela- development for economical reasons. Other drugs are not devel-
tionship between physicians and patients plays a key role within oped because their expected revenue is too low. Furthermore, many
this strategy ( knowledge and infor- people on this planet do not have access to certain drugs for
mation about the environmental relevance of pharmaceuticals economical reasons.
raise the awareness of physicians in the consultation of patients. In The benign by design approach is not completely new. For
order to facilitate the integration of the problem into physicians’ example, it is quite common during the development of pharma-
everyday practice, it has to be implemented during medical ceuticals unwanted side effects to be taken into consideration. This
education and advanced training by policy makers in education and can also result in economic advantages in the long run and will fit
health care. Health funds can foster the demand for ecological into green pharmacy (Daughton, 2004; Kümmerer, 2007). Exam-
alternatives by means of changes in the funding of pharmaceuticals ples of pesticides and detergents, complexing agents and some
and therapies. This increased demand can support the pharma- pharmaceuticals (Kümmerer et al., 2000; Kümmerer, 2007; Küm-
ceutical industry in supplying a sustainable product range (e.g. merer and Al-Ahmad, 1998) demonstrate the feasibility of this
varieties of packaging sizes and potencies). approach. Benign-by-design pharmacology is a large, complex, and
The amount of contrast media necessary in an MRI can drasti- fascinating subject area that industry should address soon.
cally be reduced by modern technology (Ehritt-Braun et al., 1994). If
an internal commission of a hospital recommends a positive list of 8. Conclusion
recommendable pharmaceuticals that is the basis for purchasing
activities, the variety of products is reduced and savings will result. It should be pointed out that although a lot of essential
The furniture in the wards should not allow for too much storage knowledge has been published within the last decade, it is still too
space. This reduces the share of expired medicines, and thereby the sparse to allow us to perform a thorough and accurate risk
environmental burden. The internal system should allow the wards assessment and proper risk management. There is still an urgent
to give back unexpired broken and unused packages to the phar- need to fill the gaps in our knowledge.
macy. The pharmacist can handle these remainders properly. A
medical doctor who is a specialist in infectious diseases should be
present and can give advice in the proper use of antibiotics. Proper
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