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Diploma in Civil Engineering: Project Report

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Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirement of The Award of


Submitted by
Name Enrollment no.
Nitish Kumar E1628332200027
Dinkar Mishra E1628332200013
Manoj Kumar Verma E1628332200024

Guide by H.O.D. Civil (Engg.)

Mr. Shashi Kant Maurya Mr. Ratan Pal Singh


Approved by AICTE & Affiliated to Board of technical Education U.P.

This is to declare that I

Nitish Kumar, Dinkar Mishra , Manoj Kumar Verma student of Diploma in
Civil Engineering at, have personally worked on the project entitled “STUDY
this report were obtained during genuine work done and collected by me. The
data obtained from other sources have been duly acknowledged. The result
embodied in this project has not been submitted to any other University or
Institute for the award of any degree.

Date: Nitish Kumar

Place: Lucknow Dinkar Mishra

Manoj Kumar Verma

First of all I thank God for giving me this wonderful opportunity to undertake

this research which is a part of my Diploma in Civil Engineering program.

I would like to sincerely thank Mr. Shashi Kant Maurya for giving me the

wonderful opportunity to work under his able guidance and support throughout

my research.

I also thank persons working at Spencer’s corporate office and retail stores for

giving me their valuable time and vital information which forms a part of this


I would also like to thank my colleagues for rendering their help to me in this


Last but not the least, I thank my parents for their prayers, help and advice

which helped me a lot to complete this project report.

Marketing plays vital role in today’s business scenario in consumer product

Company, when there is such a high competition in the market.

The emphasis in the project is providing the study and an insight into goods

scenario. The project is designed to provide participation of Diploma of Civil

Engineering program as on the job experience. This has given a chance to try

and apply the academic knowledge and gain insight into corporate culture. This

helps in developing decision making abilities and emphasizes on active

participation by the student.


A pipe inspection robot is device that is inserted into pipes to check

for obstruction or damage. These robots are traditionally
manufactured offshore, are extremely expensive, and are often not
adequately supported in the event or malfunction. This had resulted in
associated environmental services limited. A New Zealand utilize of
this equipment, facing significant periods of down time as they wait
for their robots to be the repaired. Recently, they were informing that
several robots were no longer supported. This project was conceived
to redesign the electronics control systems one of these PIR, utilizing
the existing mechanical platform. Requirements for the robot were
that it must operate reliably in confined, dark and wet environments
and provides a human wears with a digital video feed of the internal
status of the pipes. There robot should as much as possible
incorporate off the shaft components, cheap, and potentially onsite
repair. This project details the redesign and constructions of such
robots. It employees there electronic boards integrated with
mechanical components and provides video feedback via custom
graphical interface although at the prototypes state the electronics has
been successful with cost of less than a length of the original robot
purchase prize.
Table of content












Inspection robots are used in many fields of industry. One application

is monitoring the inside of the pipes and channels, recognizing and
solving problems through the interior of pipes or channels. Automated
inspection of the inner surface of a pipe can be achieved by a mobile
robot. Because pipelines are typically buried underground, they are in
contact with the soil and subject to corrosion, where the steel pipe
wall oxidizes, and effectively reducing wall thickness. Although it’s
less common, corrosion also can occur on the inside surface of the
pipe and reduces the strength of the pipe. If crack goes undetected and
becomes severe, the pipe can leak and, in rare cases, fail
catastrophically. Extensive efforts are made to mitigate corrosion.
Pipe inspection is necessary to locate defects due to corrosion and
wear while the pipe is transporting fluids. This ability is necessary
especially when one should inspect an underground pipe. In this
work, Pipe Inspection Robot (PIR) with ability to move inside
horizontal and vertical pipes has been designed and fabricated.
The robot consists of a motor for driving and camera for
monitoringstation to the contrary. Robotics is one of the fastest
growing engineering fields of today. Robots are designed to remove
the human factor from labor intensive or dangerous work and also to
act in inaccessible environment. The use of robots is more common
today than ever before and it is no longer exclusively used by the
heavy production industries the inspection of pipes may be relevant
for improving security and efficiency in industrial plants. These
specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are
expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of the
most attractive solutions. Pipelines which are tools for transporting
oils, gases and other fluids such as chemicals, have been employed as
major utilities in a number of countries for long time. Recently, many
troubles occur in pipelines, and most of them are caused by aging,
corrosion, cracks, and mechanical damages from the third parties.
Currently, the applications of robots for the maintenance of the
pipeline utilities are considered as one of the most attractive solutions
available should have high magnetic susceptibility and should be
good conductor of electricity. The materials are copper and so on. But
aluminum is chosen as the materials for the linkages and central body
because of its much-desired properties.

Aluminum has lightweight and strength; it can be used in a variety of

applications. Aluminum alloys with a wide range of properties are
used in engineering structures. The strength and durability of
aluminum alloys vary widely, not only because of the components of
the specific alloy, but also because of heat treatments and
manufacturing processes. The materials used for this machine are
light and rigid. Different materials can be used for different parts of
the robot. For optimum use of power the materials used should be
light and strong. Wood is light but it is subjected to wear if used for
this machine. Metals are the ideal materials for the robot as most if
the plastics cannot be as strong as metals. Material should be ductile,
less brittleness, malleable, and high magnetic susceptibility. Among
the metals, aluminum is the material chosen for the linkages and the
common rod, which is made as hollow for reduction in weight.
However, other materials are chosen for the motor. The materials
chosen for the motorshould have high magnetic susceptibility and
should be good conductor of electricity. The materials are copper and
so on. But aluminum is chosen as the materials for the linkages and
central body because of its much-desired properties. Aluminum has
lightweight and strength; it can be used in a variety of applications.
Aluminum alloys with a wide range of properties are used in
engineering structures. The strength and durability of aluminum
alloys vary widely, not only because of the components of the specific
alloy, but also because of heat treatments and manufacturing
processes. Another important property of aluminum alloys is their
sensitivity to heat. Workshop procedures involving heating are
complicated by the fact that aluminum, unlike steel, will melt without
first glowing red.Aluminum alloys, like all structural alloys, are also
subject to internal stresses following heating operations such as
welding and casting. The problem with aluminum alloys in this regard
is their low melting point, which make them more susceptible to
distortions from thermally induced stress relief. The toughness, as
measured by crack propagation energy, decreases as yield stress
increases. At the same yield stress, the under aged structure has
greater toughness than the over aged structure. Nowadays, there are
going on a lot of studies in the field of robotic for inspec- tion. One of
many environments where the robots are used is pipe inspection for
instance steam chest plants. In this sector the maintenance and
inspection are a main issue. In fact, this helps to guarantee high
standards of safety and perfor-mance. The conventional inspection
methods require to disassembling complex, large and heavy parts and
not always all the spots are easily reachable. Moreover all the
operations need days or even weeks to be executed, this means high
cost for the company and gas turbine power plant is unusable. After
these consid- erations it is obvious that a company has huge interest in
a better and faster inspection procedure. Inspection robots help to
guarantee this aim. They can be placed in specific points to detect
defects and also locally repaired,at least the part with an error must be
disassembled. An automatically operated machine that replaces
human effort was difficult to imagine; in the view of appearance or
perform functions in a humanlike manner. By extension,
roboticengineering deals with the design, construction, and operation
of robots. A robot is a mechanical or
virtual artificial agent, which has a brain of its own. In practice, it is
usually an electro- mechanical system, which by its appearance or
movements conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own.
There were more than one million robots in operation worldwide in
the first half of 2008, with roughly halfin Africa. Commercial and
industrial robots are in widespread use, these robots performed jobs
with greater accuracy with no labor cost and more reliable than
humans. Robots can be placed into roughly two classifications based
on the type of job they do. The first category includes tasks which a
robot can do with greater productivity, accuracy, or endurance than
humans, and the other category consists of doing dirty, dangerous or
dull jobs which humans find undesirableThere are many areas where
robots can be replaced for human; amongst them pipelines is one of
the most challengeable areas. Pipelines have been used in major
utilities for long time. Over billions of places from huge plants to an
individual house, robots are employed by people. But; many troubles
like aging, corrosion, erosion, cracks and physical damages from third
parties, have occurred in pipelines. Therefore, maintenance of
pipelines is essential in order to keep them functional, and moreover
the continuation cost for these activities are being increased. Even
with the above mentioned problems in pipeline, people still prefer
them. The reason being, pipelines are used in transporting substances
through a mere pipe. Most of the time liquid and gases are sent
through pipes. Pneumatic tubes that transport solid capsules using
compressed air are also being used. Like gases and liquids, any
chemically stable substance can be sent through a pipeline. Hence
sewage, slurry, water, and even beer pipelines exist. With this
knowledge we can classify pipelines with respect to the substance that
it carries. We will look at each one in detail. Dmitri Mendeleev in
1893 suggested pipelines for transporting Petroleum; most countries
have employed these pipelines. These pipes started to get widely used
around the world. In the year 2007, the total length of oil and gas
pipelines in world was almost two millions km, and in the United
States had 793,285 km oil/gas pipelines. Pipelines are generally the
most economical way to transport large quantities of oil or natural
gasover land. Compared to railroad, they have lower cost per unit
with higher capacity. The material used in manufacturing Oil pipes
are from steel or plastic tubes with inner diameter typically varying
from 4 to 48 inches. Most pipelines are buried underground at a
typical depth of about 3 to 6 feet. The oil is kept in motion by pump
stations along the pipeline, and usually flows at a speed of about 1 to
6 m/s. Multi-product pipelines are used to transport two or more
different products in sequence on the same pipeline. Usually in multi-
product pipelines there is no physical separation between the different
products. Some mixing of adjacent products occurs, producing
interface. This interface is removed from the pipeline at receiving
facilities and segregated to prevent contamination. Oil contains
varying amounts of wax, or paraffin. In colder climates wax
accumulation may occur within a pipeline. Often these pipelines are
inspected and cleaned using pipelineinspection gauges. There are
varies gauges available like PIGS also known as SCRAPERS. These
devices are launched from PIG-launcher stations and travel through
the pipeline to be received at any other station down-stream; Cleaning
wax deposits and material that may have accumulated along the line.
This is one of the most used pipelines all around the world and an
ancient method as well. The first people to transport water were the
Romans to transport large aqueducts water from higher altitudes by
building the aqueducts in graduated segments that allowed gravity to
simply push the rushing water along until it reached its intended
destination. As time passed by hundreds of pipelines were built
throughout Europe and elsewhere, and along with flour mills. The
ancient Chinese also made use of channels and pipe systems for
public works. The infamous Han Dynasty court eunuch Zhang Rang
(189 AD) once ordered the engineer Bi Lan to construct a
series of square-pallet chain pumps outside the capital city of
Luoyang. These chain pumps serviced the imperial palaces and living
quarters of the capital city as the water lifted by the chain pumps were
brought in by a stoneware pipe system. We will discuss water pipeline
in detail as we go on.

1.1 Problem Statement

Now a days many of industries used different diameter pipes for

different application like to carry chemicals, high pressure steam
and gasess hence there may be chances of problems like corrosion ,

It is not possible to avoid all these problems manually.

The mud inside the pipe can reduce the efficiency of the water

The conventional method is very difficult and tiring.

1.2 Objectives

To traverse a robot inside a pipe with forward and backward

motion and should also do vertical climbing in pipe.

It should be able to move in various diameters of pipe.

To build a fully autonomous pipeline cleaning robot.

To design a robot that can move horizontally and vertically inside

the pipe.

To construct a robot that can minimize the mud and scale inside
the pipe.
1.3 Scope

The reason of scoping the project work to a boundary is to ensure

the project will be done in a systematic manner and prevent
overlapping of work occurs. This project focuses on cleaning the
inner of the pipeline water system.

In industril pipe lines and gas pipe lines it is applicable to detect

crack and leakages.

Its applicable for to detects the problem of blockage in pipe .

Its applicable for long and different diameter of pipes ,claning and
spray painting.
1.4 Methodology

Methodology used for whole processing of Robot is given below; this

methodology gives way about how work is to be carried out in
systematic way. It is standard process of describing process, how it is
done in simplest manner.

Design of Robot mechanism

Select standard parts

Manufacturing each component and construct the setup

Conduct the experiments


Fig no.1.1 Flow diagram

DESIGN: -Design consists of application of scientific principle,

technical information, and imagination for development of new
mechanism to perform specific function with maximum economy
and efficiency. Hence careful design approach has to be adopted.
The total design work has been split into two parts.

System design is mainly concerns the various physical constraints

and ergonomics, space requirements, arrangement of various
components on frame at system, man-machine interaction, no. of
controls, position of controls, working environments, of
maintenance, scope of improvement, weight if machine from
ground level, total weight of machine and a lot more. In system
design we mainly concentrated on the following parameter:-

System selection based on constraints

Our machine is used in small-scale so space is major constrain.

The system is to be very compact so that it can be adjusted in small

Arrangement of various components

Keeping into view the space restrictions all components should be

laid such that their easy removal or servicing is possible. Every
possible space is utilized in component arrangements.
Man machine interaction

Friendliness of machine with the operated that is operating is an

important criterion of design.
Chances of failure

Losses incurred by owner in case of any failure are important

criterion of design. Factor of safety while doing design should be
kept high so that there are less chances of failure. Moreover
periodic maintenance is required to keep unit healthy.
Servicing facility

Layout of components should be such that easy servicing is

possible. Those which require frequent servicing can be easily

Scope of future improvement

Arrangement should be provided in such way that if any changes

have to be done for future scope for improving efficiency of

Height of machine elements from ground

All the elements of the machine should be arranged to the height

from where it is simple to operate by operator. Machine should be
slightly higher than the waist level, also enough clearance should
be provided from the ground for cleaning purpose.
Weight of machine

Total weight depends on the selection of material of all

components as well as their dimensions. Higher weight will result
in difficulty in transportation; it is difficult to take it to workshop
because of more weight.

In mechanical design the components are listed down and stored on

the basis of their procurement, design in two categories namely.

1. Designed parts
2. Parts to be purchased

Mechanical design phase is very important from the view of designer

as whole success of project depends on the correct design analysis of
the problem.
Many preliminary alternatives are eliminated during this phase.
Designer should have adequate knowledge about physical properties
of material, load stresses and failure. He should identify all internal
and external forces acting on machine parts.

These forces may be classified as,

a) Dead weight forces

b) Friction forces

c) Inertia forces

d) Centrifugal forces
e) Forcesgenerated during power transmission etc.

Designer should estimate these forces very accurately by using design

equations. If he does not have sufficient information to estimate them
he should make certain practical assumptions based on similar
conditions which will almost satisfy the functional needs.
Assumptions must always be on the safer side. Selection of factors of
safety to find working or design stress is another important step in
design of working dimensions of machine elements. The correction in
the theoretical stress values are to be made according in the kind of
loads, shape of parts & service requirements Selection of material
should be made according to the condition of loading shapes of
products environment conditions & desirable properties of material
provision should be made to minimize nearly adopting proper
lubrications method.

Central Frame:-

Central body is the frame of the robot. It supports all other

components and holds batteries at the centre of the body. The joints
are brazed on the central frame at 120 degrees. The central body is
drilled and its ends are threaded internally for the insertion of pencil
batteries and closing with externally threaded caps. Wireless camera
is fixed at one end of the frame.

Fig. No.2.1 Central Frame

Translational Element:-

Translational Element is the movable part in the robot which slides

along the central body for repositioning in case of pipe diameter
variation. This element is drilled at the centre for the translating
along the central body. This will restrict the links to some extreme
angles beyond which it could not be translated. The extreme angles
are found to be 15 degrees and 60 degrees. The joints are brazed on
the translational element at 120 degrees for the links to be fixed
onto it.

Compression Spring

A spring is an elastic object used to store mechanical Energy.

Spring used here is made out of hardened steel. Compression
spring is mainly used to exert tension. The purpose of spring is as
follows:The force that the mini robot mechanism exercises on the
pipe walls is generated with the help of an extensible spring.

The helical spring disposed on the central axis assures the

repositioning of the structure, in the case of the pipe diameters
variation. Compression Spring


Each resistant body in a machine which moves relative to another

resistant body is called Kinematic link or element. A resistant body is
which do not go under deformation while transmitting the force.
Links are the major part of the robot which translates motion. Links
are connected to form a linkage. The mechanism involved here is a 4
bar mechanism which has 3 revolute pairs and1 single prismatic pairs
as depicted.
Inspection robots are used in many fields of industry. One application
is monitoring the inside of the pipes and channels, Recognizing and
solving problems through the interior of pipes or channels. Automated
inspection of the inner surface of a pipe can be achieved by a mobile
robot. Because pipelines are buried underground Typically, They Are
in contact with the soil and subject to corrosion, where the steel pipe
wall oxidizes, and effectively reducing wall thickness. Although it's
less common, so corrosion can Occur on the inside surface of the

Nevertheless, damage shut the occurs, Which Reduces the strength of

the pipe. If crack goes undetected and becomes severe, the pipe can
leak and, in rare cases, fail catastrophically. Extensive efforts are
made to mitigate corrosion. Pipe inspection is Necessary to locate
defects due to corrosion and wear while the pipe is TRANSPORTING
fluids. This ability is Necessary Especially When one shoulder stand
to inspect underground pipe. In this work, fabricated of inspection
robot (PIR) with ability to move inside horizontal and vertical pipes
has been designed and. The robot besteht of a motor for driving and
camera for monitoring, All are being controlled by the operator
through a joystick while receiving the video signal of the camera on a
monitor. The inspection device is a PC-based design uses did
mechatronic principles to Ensure a purposeful interaction between the
robot and its environment.
The inspection of pipes' may be relevant for Improving security and
efficiency in industrial plants. These specific operations as inspection,
maintenance, cleaning, etc. are expensive, ran thus the application of
the robots Appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Which
pipelines are tools for transporting oils, gases and other fluids: such as
chemicals, have been employed as major utilities in a number of
countries for long time. Recently, many troubles Occur in pipelines,
and most of them are caused by aging, corrosion, cracks, and
mechanical damages from the third parties. Currently, the applications
of robots for the maintenance of the pipeline utilities are-considered
as one of the most attractive solutions available
Kinematics Of Mechanism

Fig. No.2.3kinameticsmechanisc
This is a four-bar mechanism Consisting of three revolute and one
prismatic joins as Depicted. Ran thus, the motion of all joints revolute
can be Described in terms of the displacement

In order to decide the actuator size, it is Necessary to perform the

static analysis. Assume did in Figure, F cxand F cz denote the reaction
force and the traction

force exerted on the four-bar by the driving wheel, respectively. Now

applying the virtual work principle to the free-body diagram gives

Fig no.2.4 Statics analysis

Inspection Process

A run to be inspected will either start from an access pipe leading at

an angle down to the sewer and then run downstream to a manhole, or
will run between manholes. The service truck is parked above the
access point of the pipe. The camera tractor, with a flexible cable
attached to the rear, is then lowered into the pipeline. The tractor is
moved forward so that it is barely inside of the pipeline. A "down-
hole roller" is set up between the camera tractor and the cable reel in
the service truck, preventing cable damage from rubbing the top of
the pipeline. The operator then retires to the inside of the truck and
begins the inspection, remotely operating the camera tractor from the

Pulling The Camera Backwards

For small diameter pipes there may not be enough room for the tractor
mechanism. Instead, a somewhat rigid "fish" is pushed through the
pipe and attached to a rope at the access point near the truck. The fish
is then pulled to place the rope along the pipe. The rope is then used
to pull the inspection pig and cable through the pipe. Detaching the
rope, the cable is then used to pull the pig backwards as the pipe is
inspected on the monitor (this is the method shown in the illustrations
Much of the analysis of what was viewed in the pipeline is conducted
at the time of the inspection by the camera operator, but the entire
inspection is always recorded and saved for review.Using software
you can easily record digital video and simplify the analysis process,
here are some samples of different applications available on the

So many today's mobile robots are used for

inspection, surveillance, monitoring and
nondestructive tasks. Some current applications
are as below:

Allow inspection of inaccessible and / or hazardous equipment or

work areas.

Provide on-line inspection / maintenance without loss of

equipment / plant availability & remove humans from potentially
hazardous work situations.

Provide information about the health and condition of critical

plant components to Facilitate decision-making regarding plant
life management

Reduce equipment / plant downtime and improve maintenance

and inspection procedure thorough better coverage and
The robot has great application in accessing the regions of pipe in
which human doesn’t have reach. It could be mounted with a
camera which would send us pictures of inside and would help in
our inspection.

It could be fitted with ultrasonic sensors and can pin point us the
location of a hole.

It even has an application in painting up the old installed pipe

from the inside very easily.

It could be even used for the dosing purpose through a pipe as its
pitch is fixed we could attach some material to be dosed and
control the feeding of the material inside where we want.


•It able to easy to find defects and cracks.

•Robot able to give fast response.

•It’s useful for pipe cleaning.

•it is warless operated and easy to control.


For the short summarized, this paper discusses about the pipeline
cleaning robot that actuated using five micro DC motors. This project
is implemented using dsPIC130F4011 which was programmed using
the C Language and a motor driver L293D as a mean to move those
motors. Besides, the infra-red sensor is used to detect the obstacle in
front of the robot.As a conclusion, all objectives for this project were
managed to achieve. The objectives are:

i. To build a fully autonomous pipeline cleaning robot.

ii. To design a robot that can move horizontally and vertically

inside the pipe.

iii. To construct a robot that can minimize the mud and scale inside
the pipe.

This project is successfully designed, implemented and tested. The

main function for this project was achieved. Everything that we
learned was applied in this final year project. Students can improve
the skills to make mechanical and electronic designs that very useful
after graduate and in working life after that. For the next robot
development, it is hoped that this robot can be reconstructed with
some modification to improve the abilities and to provide benefits in
future also be able to be marketed or commercialized.

[1] R. Ferna´ndez-Rodr´ıguez, V. Felieu, and A. Gonza´lez-

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[4] JadranLenari and Roth B (2006), Advances in Robot Kinematics:

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[5] Defect Identification In Pipe Lines Using Pipe Inspection Robot

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