Exercise: An Essential Evidence-Based Medicine: Perspective
Exercise: An Essential Evidence-Based Medicine: Perspective
Exercise: An Essential Evidence-Based Medicine: Perspective
he Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games are personal experiences of physical activity and exercise. It
a celebration of sporting excellence. Over 4000 has been consistently shown that physically active
elite athletes from 70 countries will compete in clinicians are more likely to provide physical activity
18 sports and seven para-sports. The extraordinary counselling to their patients. A systematic review found
performances of these athletes will be the culmination that physicians and nurses with higher physical activity
of long term dedicated training programs. Many of the levels and positive attitudes towards physical activity
next generation of elite Australian sportsmen and women were more likely to promote physical activity to patients.7
will be inspired by these athletes and para-athletes and Lobelo and de Quevedo reported that physically active
will passionately commit to specialised training and physicians and other health care providers are 1.4 to
exercise regimes to pursue their sporting dreams. Sadly, 5.7 times more likely to provide physical activity
there is no evidence, at a population level, that spectators counselling to their patients.8 Similarly, medical students
enjoying the performances of highly trained athletes who regularly engage in vigorous exercise have a more
will increase their own physical activity and exercise positive attitude to counselling future patients about
patterns long term.1 exercise. This has been reported for medical students in
Australia,9 Canada10 and the United States.11 Conversely,
Evidenceepractice gap medical students who do not meet the minimum
physical activity guidelines tend to place a lower value on
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading cause of morbidity physical activity and exercise prescription to patients.
and mortality worldwide.2 Regular physical activity is Worryingly, physical activity levels tend to decrease
highly beneficial for the primary, secondary and tertiary during medical training and through residency.11
management of many common chronic conditions. There is
considerable evidence for the benefits of physical activity Institution-based studies (in university medical schools
for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and health care facilities) have been conducted to
musculoskeletal conditions, some cancers, mental health encourage medical students and physicians to increase
and dementia.3 Yet there remains a large evidenceepractice their personal physical activity levels.12,13 These
gap between physicians’ knowledge of the contribution interventions had good voluntary participation rates
of physical inactivity to chronic disease and routine given they were additional activities for already busy
effective assessment and prescription of physical activity. students and clinicians. Physical activity increased in the
intervention groups compared with the controls, with
Twenty of the non-pharmacological treatments listed in improvements in quality of life, burnout, blood pressure
the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. All
(RACGP) Handbook of non-drug interventions recommend interventions were relatively low cost to the institutions
evidence-based exercise interventions.4 For some chronic and medical students reported improved confidence
conditions, specific exercise prescription is at least as in physical activity counselling.
effective as drug therapy, such as for the prevention of
type 2 diabetes and the treatment of depression.4 The need for training
Australia’s success in reducing smoking rates provides an
interesting benchmark for addressing physical inactivity. One of the major barriers, identified by clinicians, to
Physicians routinely ask patients about smoking and prescribing physical activity and specific exercise for
record smoking status, in accordance with the RACGP patients, is a lack of undergraduate training at medical
smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity schools. In the United Kingdom, students tend to
guidelines.5 Patients who smoke are given smoking underestimate the risks of physical inactivity and be less
cessation advice and are either assisted with behaviour aware of the physical activity guidelines (compared with
other lifestyle behaviours such as alcohol consumption).
2 April 2018
Peter Friis depth, and simple evidence-based behaviour Schools Council warning that the lack of training at UK
modification techniques are not routinely used.6 medical schools about the impact of physical activity on
University of
Queensland, health resulted in most doctors being ill-equipped to
Brisbane, QLD. Physician exercise behaviour and tackle physical inactivity. They called for “the
anita.green@ exercise prescription introduction of evidence-based lifestyle education,
uqhealthcare.org.au including basic training in nutrition and the impact of
242 Clinician attitudes and willingness towards physical physical activity on health and chronic disease into all
doi: 10.5694/mja18.00033 activity prescription appear to be heavily influenced by medical curricula”. In addition, they suggested that “all of
Britain’s 250 000 doctors should also receive the same
Key recommendations for assessment and
education and training”.15
prescription of physical activity and exercise
Programs that have the best evidence for demonstrated as medicine
improvements in medical student knowledge, skills and Physicians should view physical inactivity as a major
confidence in prescribing physical activity and exercise modifiable risk factor for chronic disease.
include the following components: opportunities for All clinicians should routinely assess and advise their
students to address their own physical activity behaviour; patients regarding physical activity, aiming for at least
opportunities to practice physical activity counselling in 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity
either simulated encounters or with patients; and per week.
integration of physical activity counselling into existing Exercise is an effective evidence-based medicine. All
clinicians should consider if a specific exercise prescription
programs that address behaviour change.16
is required for their patient’s specific condition, and
In 2016, the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise prescribe or refer.
Medicine published a position statement on physical Physicians should unequivocally incorporate physical
activity prescription,17 which has been endorsed by the activity into their own daily routine, for their own health
benefit, and to become an exercise role model, more
Australasian College of Sports and Exercise Physicians confident in prescribing exercise to their patients. u
and Sports Doctors Australia. The statement provides an
evidence-based, best practice guide for sport and exercise
medicine physicians and primary care physicians, and
emphasises the vital role that physicians need to play. conditions (such as osteoarthritis, some cancers, etc). The
Physicians should ask about physical activity at each list of conditions with proven benefit for targeted exercise
consultation, just as they do for other chronic disease risk as therapy continues to increase. Undergraduate,
factors such as smoking or alcohol consumption. Patients postgraduate and continuing professional education
who achieve 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous needs to incorporate this. Physicians who do not currently
physical activity per week have a risk reduction of feel confident in exercise prescription for specific
25e50% for most major chronic diseases. For physically conditions should refer to skilled allied health
inactive patients, brief advice, including a written exercise practitioners, including accredited exercise physiologists
prescription, should be given. If more time is available or and physiotherapists.
can be negotiated with a return visit, motivational
interviewing techniques can be used as for any other Conclusion
health behaviour intervention. Goals need to be specific
and patient progress followed on a regular basis. The benefits of physical activity for the prevention
Physicians can apply the 5As approach: and treatment of many chronic diseases is well
established. For some chronic conditions, structured
Ask — about physical activity at every consultation. exercise interventions are at least as effective as
Assess — days per week and minutes per day of at drug therapy.
least moderate physical activity.
Physically active physicians and medical students are
Advise — gradual increase to achieve at least 150 more likely to prescribe exercise to their patients.
minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity Medical schools, health care facilities and professional
per week. bodies should provide opportunities and supported
Assist — written specific exercise prescription. programs to increase and maintain the physical activity
Arrange — referral (if needed) and follow-up. of clinicians and medical students. The lack of
undergraduate and post graduate training in physical
Healthy patients can safely be advised to gradually activity and exercise prescription must be addressed in
increase their physical activity towards the 150 minutes order to increase the knowledge, confidence and skills
per week goal. Patients with stable asymptomatic chronic of physicians in prescribing exercise as medicine to
disease can also safely be encouraged to gradually their patients (Box).
increase their physical activity. Patients considered to be Competing interests: Anita Green is Chief Medical Officer of the Gold Coast 2018
at higher risk (unstable or multiple chronic conditions) Commonwealth Games.
should be referred to a sports and exercise physician or
Provenance: Commissioned; externally peer reviewed. n
their relevant specialist physician.
ª 2018 AMPCo Pty Ltd. Produced with Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Exercise is an effective evidence-based medicine. Specific
MJA 208 (6)
exercise regimens should be prescribed for specific References are available online at www.mja.com.au.
2 April 2018
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