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Concrete Pavement

Rehabilitation Techniques

Robert W. Sauber
Supervising Engineer II

July 2009

Bureau of Materials

Business as usual will not
work !
Pavement Performance
Business as Usual
Will not Work !
Preventive Maintenance
Applying the right treatment… To the right pavement… At the right time…

“The planned strategy of cost effective treatments to an existing

roadway system and its appurtenances that preserves the system,
retards future deterioration, and maintains or improves the
functional condition of the system”
AASHTO’s Standing Committee on Highways
Pavement Preservation
 Purpose of Pavement Preservation :
– Extend pavement service life
– Improving ride quality
– Correcting surface defects
– Improving safety characteristics
– Lower life cycle costs
– Avoid costly reconstruction
Concrete Treatments (CPR)
– High Density Polyurethane foam
– Fly Ash/Cement grout
 Diamond Grinding
– Improved ride quality, texture & cross slope
– Reduces dynamic loads, less tire noise
 Precast & Fast Track Concrete
– Full Depth Patching: Precast,VES & LMVES
– Partial Depth Patching: Type 1 Quick Setting,
 Load Transfer Restoration
– Retrofit Dowel Bars & Crack Stitching
 Joint Resealing & Crack Sealing
– Hot Poured Rubberized Asphalt or Silicone
Concrete Pavement
Purpose of CPR Techniques
 Repair specific distress
 Prevent recurrence of distress
 Improve pavement ride quality
CPR Techniques
 Slab Stabilization/Undersealing
 Full-Depth Patching
 Partial-Depth Patching
 Retrofitting Dowel Bars
 Crack Stitching
 Diamond Grinding
 Seal Joints & Cracks
 Longitudinal Edge Drains
Fly Ash-
Ash-Cement Grout
 Fluid mixture of cement, fly ash & water
 Requires pressure injection and high speed mixer
 Flow cone used to measure consistency
 Set-up time is approximately 2 hours with 6 to 12
hours before any substantial strength gains
 Cement grouts used primarily for undersealing of
pavement joints
HDP Injection Equipment
HDP Pump and 5/8”Drill
HDP Injection
HDP Slab Jacking
Rt. I-
I-287 Slab Jacking
slab stabilization
HDP Grout
 Two component chemical grout
 Low pressure application
 Initial set-up time of 15 to 20 seconds
 90% of the compressive strength attained
within 15 minutes
 Expanding foam compacts soil
 May lift slab
Urethane Grout
 Proprietary grout with an in-place density of
approximately 4-6 pcf
 In-place compressive strength of 80 psi
(11,500 psf)
 In-place tensile strength of 90 psi (13,000
 Many different types available
Slab Jacking vs. Slab Replacement

H.D.P. vs. Replacement





H.D.P. Replacement

Tensile Strength

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Density, lbs./ft3
Hot--Pour Joint Sealants
Key Factors
 Field control of heating
– 175-200°C (350-400°F)
– Double boiler
– Agitation
– Insulated hoses
 Shape factor (filler/sealant)
 Clean and dry sidewalls!!
 Material selection, ASTM
6690 Type 2 or Type 4
Partial Depth Repairs
 Repairs deterioration in the top 1/3 of the slab.
 Generally located at joints, but can be placed anywhere
surface defects occur.

. . .
Transverse Joint Spalling
Removal of Concrete with Demolition Hammer
Repair Area after Sawing & Chipping
Compressible Joint Insert
Rt 21 TechCrete
p/d synthetic resin patch
Full Depth Slab Repair
Rt 295 South Jersey
The volume of heavy trucks is projected to
increase 3% each year over the next 20 years
Sawing Boundaries
Combine Patches!!
Pin and Chain

Torque Claw

Lateral Pressure
Self--Propelled Slab Reference
Injecting Epoxy Grout
Placement of Bond-
Bond-Breaking Board
Concrete Placement
Why Precast PCCP in NJ?
 Precast concrete has quickly become the
preferred method for intermittent full depth slab
repair, contractors and RE’s like it.
 Portland cement fast track mixtures require 6.5
hr cure, are temperature sensitive and
have questionable long term durability
 Polymer concretes are too expensive
 Some hydraulic cements perform well but
require calibrated mobile mixers and on site
strength testing
Why Precast PCCP in NJ?
 Cast in place requires on site flexural beam test
that require agency staff and equipment
 Some concrete plants don’t want to open at night
for only a few loads of concrete
 Some towns prohibit concrete plants from
operating at night
 Precast is more expensive than cast in place fast
track and cost competitive with proprietary
hydraulic cement mixtures
 Precast has better quality control because slabs are
cast in a controlled environment
NJDOT’s Experience
with Precast PCCP
 Route I-295 Burlington County (completed)
– $8.7 million total, *$2.4 M for slab repairs
– Award 9/1/06 Precast Qty 62,000 SF
 Route 21 Essex & Passaic Co. (completed)
– $9 million total, $2.3 M for precast slabs
– Letting 1/31/08 Precast Qty 44,000 SF
 Route I-280 Essex County (active)
– $21.6 million total, $2.6 M for precast slabs
– Award 6/5/08 Precast Qty 38,000 SF

 Route 42 Camden & Gloucester Co. (active)

7,400 SY @ $547 (66,600 SF)
 Route 130 Mercer & Burlington County (to
bid this year)
 Route I-295 Burlington County (to bid this
 Route I-78 Warren County (to bid this year)
 78’ 2” slab length with expansion joints
 9” thick JRCP over 12” granular subbase
 Three 12’ wide lanes each direction
 HMA shoulder pavements
 NJ is the most congested state, night work with 8
hour work window typical
Precast PCCP Benefits
 Lane can be opened to traffic immediately
after slab placement
 Slabs can be removed and reset if not seated
 Better for correcting localized subsidence
 Lower risk for opening lane on time
 Can work in cooler weather
NJDOT’s 1st precast slab project

 Superslab full and partial slab replacement

 6 pcf polyurethane grout slab stabilization
 Synthetic resin partial depth repairs
 Diamond Grinding final surface
 Productivity 2 flat bed trucks per shift, 8 panels
 FWD to measure deflection and % joint load
NJDOT’s 1st precast slab project
 Rt. I-295 in Burlington County
 Constructed in 1972
 AADT 100,000
 Traffic Operations and Contractor could not
agree on TCP for center lane
 Precast was only method deemed acceptable to
both parties
Dowel bar layout
Subbase preparation
Fine grading stone sand
Base compaction
Repair at expansion joint,
don’t install ties on both sides
NJDOT’s 2nd precast slab project
 Route 21 Essex & Passaic Counties
 MP 5.0 to 6.5 constructed in 1931
 MP 6.5 to 10 constructed in 1958
 AADT 70,000
 Pavement had been overlain with microsurfacing
twice, was removed prior to slab repairs
NJDOT’s 2nd precast slab project
 Superslab full depth repairs
 Synthetic resin (TechCrete) partial depth repair
 6 pcf polyurethane grout slab stabilization
 Diamond grinding final surface
 Productivity 2 flat bed trucks shift, 8 slabs
NJDOT’s 3rd precast slab project

 Route I-280 Essex County MP 6.2 to 13.3

 Constructed between 1966 to 1973 under various
 +/- 40 overpass structures in this segment
 AADT 120,000
 Awarded June 5, 2008
 38,000 SF of precast slab repairs
Future Needs
 Generic Specification & Details
 Best material to fill gaps at joints?
 Contractor and inspector technical knowledge of
concrete pavement construction
 Training with certification would help, currently
done for HMA construction
 Incentives/disincentives to reward good
contractors and penalize sloppy work
 Attention to detail, slab dimensioning
Load Transfer Restoration
 Diamond saw slot cutter
– Cuts multiple slots in a single
– Cuts form the edges of the slots
– Fins are removed later
– Can cut 3 or 6 slots in a single
 Modified milling machine
– Cuts multiple slots without fins
– Scarifies edges of slots
– May spall pavement surface
What is Diamond Grinding?
 Removal of thin surface layer of hardened PCC
using closely spaced diamond saw blades
 Results in smooth, level pavement surface
 Remove faulting & reduce dynamic loads
 Longitudinal texture with desirable friction
 Frequently performed in conjunction with other
CPR techniques, such as full and partial depth
repairs, retrofit dowel bars, retrofit edgedrains &
 Reseal joints
 Replace RPMs and traffic striping
What is Diamond Grinding?
Removal of thin
surface layer of
hardened PCC
using closely
spaced diamond
saw blades
Land Area


Hard Soft
Range Aggregate Aggregate
Grooves 2.25-3.75 mm 2.50-3.75 mm 2.50-3.75 mm
Land Area 1.50-3.25 mm 2.00 mm 2.50 mm
Height 1.50 mm 1.50 mm 1.50 mm

Grooves/m 164-197 174-197 164-177

Diamond Grinding
 Improves ride by removing:
– Faulting at joints
– Slab warping
– Surface deformations caused
by studded tires
– Smooth rough patches
 Restores skid resistance
 Corrects cross-slope
 Reduces tire noise
Result of Grinding
Longitudinal texture
with desirable
Advantages of Diamond Grinding
Does not raise the pavement
surface elevation
– Does not affect overhead
– Eliminates the need for
tapers at highway entrances,
exits, and side streets
– Eliminates barrier curb
Does not affect the hydraulic
capacity of curbs and gutters
Need be applied only to the
portion of the pavement where
restoration is needed
Diamond Grinding
Collect the Slurry!!!
Diamond Grinding
 Diamond grinding results in a smooth
pavement surface with desirable friction
 Significant increase in surface texture and
corresponding improvement in skid
 Results in noise reduction and reduced
dynamic loading
NJDOT’s Experience
with Rubblization
 Route I-295 Burlington & Camden County
– Contractor: RE Pierson
 Route I-78 Essex & Union Counties
– Contractor: Union Paving
 Route I-295 Gloucester County
– Contractor: RE Pierson
 All pavements were 78’ long x 12’ wide, 9” thick
JRCP over 12” granular subbase
Why Rubblization?
 Rubblization is a viable, rapid, and cost-effective
rehabilitation method for deteriorated PCC
 Rubblization is cost effective when the amount
of patching exceeds approximately 10 percent of
the project area (NJ)
 Lower Risk to Owner and Contractor
– Reduced subgrade exposure to moisture damage
Why Rubblization?
 Rubblization Saves Time
– Typical rubblization process recycles one lane mile
per day, with no material hauling
– 4X faster than breaking, excavating, hauling and
placing DGA using traditional methods
 Rubblization Saves Money
– Approximately 50% cost savings compared to
reconstruction with PCCP
– Approximately 33% cost saving compared to
reconstruction with HMA
Environmental Benefits
 Water Consumption: 41% Reduction
 Energy Consumption: 44% Reduction
 CO2 Emissions: 43% Reduction
 NOx Emissions: 26% Reduction
 PM10 Emissions: 48% Reduction
 SO2 Emissions: 40% Reduction
 CO Emissions: 38% Reduction

source: RMRC case study of a NHDOT project

NJDOT’s first project
 Rt. I-295 Burlington & Camden Counties
 One centerline mile proposed
 Borderline subgrade support
 Contractor submitted VE proposal to increase
the amount of rubblization
 Rubblization also used in removal areas
 Results exceed expectations
 Multi-Head Breaker used
Effective Structural Number for Route I-295 Northbound & Southbound Left Lanes After
Rubblization, After 3 in. Overlay, and After 14 in. Overlay

NB After Rubblization NB After 3 in. Overlay NB After 14 in. Overlay

SB After Rubblization SB After 3 in. Overlay SB After 14 in. Overlay

S N e ff

33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5
Maximum Normalized Deflections for Route I-295 Northbound & Southbound Left Lanes After
Rubblization, After 3 in. Overlay, and After 14 in. Overlay

NB After Rubblization NB After 3 in. Overlay NB After 14 in. Overlay

SB After Rubblization SB After 3 in. Overlay SB After 14 in. Overlay

D 0 (m ils )

33.6 33.7 33.8 33.9 34.0 34.1 34.2 34.3 34.4 34.5
NJDOT’s second project
 Route I-78 Union & Essex Counties
 Accelerated schedule with incentive
 Union Paving awarded bonus for early
 Full depth reconstruction areas require
undercuts, cost overruns
 Multi-Head Breaker used
 Rutgers performed PSPA testing
Route I-
I-78 Essex & Union
Route I-
I-78 Essex & Union
Route I-
I-78 Essex & Union
I-78 MP 54 Sept ‘06
Rubblized and compacted PCCP
Cross section of rubblized PCCP
Portable Seismic Property
Analyzer (PSPA) for soils
Route I-
I-78 PSPA Test Results

 Elastic modulus is evaluated from the

average velocity of surface waves
 Seismic testing is a low strain modulus,
reductions should be made to describe it as
resilient modulus
 Modulus varied between 80 and 400 ksi
 Average modulus was 217 ksi
NJDOT’s third project
 Route I-295 Gloucester County
 RE Pierson using MHB (Antigo Constr.)
 Currently under construction
 Rubblization completed in full depth
reconstruction areas
 Good results to date
Objective of Rubblization
 Eliminate reflection cracking in the HMA
overlay by the total destruction of the
existing slab action
 Slab is reduced to small pieces and
diminished to a high-strength granular
 Restoration of structural capacity is
accomplished with an HMA overlay
 Every rough, worn-out PCC pavement may not
be a candidate for rubblization with an HMA
 Evaluate the existing pavement, traffic,
subgrade, and environmental conditions
 Understand the soil and moisture conditions for
the pavement system prior to making a decision
 Most PCC pavements can be rubblized in an
appropriate manner and overlaid with HMA
Wisconsin DOT considers rubblization when
one or more of the following conditions are met:

• Greater than 20% of the concrete pavement joints

are in need of repair;
• Greater than 20% of the concrete surface has been
• Greater than 20% of the concrete slabs exhibit slab
breakup distress; and
• Greater than 20% of the project length exhibits
longitudinal joint distress greater than 4-in. wide
General Rubblization Info
 rubblized PCCP is an order of magnitude less
than a concrete slab, say 300,000 psi as
compared to 3 million psi for concrete
 rubblized modulus values are at least twice the
modulus values typically used for crushed stone
General Rubblization Info
 For thicker slabs, rubblized particles tend to be
larger and interlocked stronger, leading to a
higher modulus
 For thinner slabs on subgrade, reduced support
results in poor particle interlock leading to a
lower modulus
 No traffic (including unnecessary construction
traffic) should be allowed on the fractured
pavement surface
Rubblization Design Criteria
 AASHTO M-E Design Guide for Highways 150
ksi for PCCP 8 to 12 inches thick
 Asphalt Institute Airfield Project 2007
– Slabs 6 to 8 in. thick: Moduli from 100 to 135 ksi
– Slabs 8 to 14 in. thick: Moduli from 135 to 235 ksi
– Slabs >14 in. thick: Moduli from 235 to 400 ksi
Illinois Rubblization Guide
Rubblization Design Criteria

 5 inches recommended as a minimum overlay

thickness over rubblized PCCP
 At least two lifts of HMA are necessary to meet
grading and smoothness requirements
 The first lift must be at least 3 inches thick to
achieve compaction, lack of fine particles
hinders confinement
Rubblization Design Criteria
 Moduli of typical rubblized PCCP 100-400 ksi
compared to crushed aggregate base with a
typical range of 50-60 ksi
 Rubblized modulus (E) appears to be influenced
by slab thickness; thicker slabs tended to have
higher modulus
 Rubblized modulus related to the pre-rubblized
PCC modulus, retained modulus
 no differences in rubblized moduli between the
two types of rubblization equipment (MHB and
Rubblization Design Criteria
 Rubblized modulus is dependent on the level of
rubblization, too much can reduce the concrete to
a granular base with moduli in the 50-60 ksi
 Reinforcing steel reduces the effectiveness of
rubblization, may be minimal breakage below the
 Reinforcing steel increases both the pre and post-
rubblized modulus
General Rubblization Criteria

 Subgrade condition is crucial for success in

rubblization. Wet subgrades and/or soils with
low bearing capacity may not rubblize
 Typically no change in subgrade moduli after
 When specified, underdrains should be installed
and operational at least 14 days prior to
Multi-Head Breaker (MHB)
 MHB is a self-propelled unit with multiple drop-
hammers mounted at the rear of the machine
 hammers are set in two rows, and strike the pavement
approximately every 4.5 in
 1,200 lb - 1,500 lb hammers have variable drop heights
and variable cycling speeds
 can break pavement up to 13 ft wide in one pass
 production is approximately 1.0 lane-mi per day
 Z-pattern steel grid roller, a vibratory roller with a grid
pattern, must be used in conjunction with the MHB to
complete the breaking process
Resonant Pavement Breaker
 Resonant breaker hinders traffic flow because
the machine encroaches 3 to 5 feet on the
adjacent lane when rubblizing the centerline
 breaking pattern is approximately 8 inches wide,
and requires 18 to 20 passes to break a 12-foot
lane width
 20,000 lb wheel load and 60,000-70,000 lb
weight can damage rubblized pavement
Illustration of PCC fracturing resulting from Resonant
Resonant broken PCC pavement
Crack & Seat
 The Crack and Seat is recommended for
Jointed Plain Concrete only
 Crack spacing (18” to 36” is typical) is a
function of the overall stiffness of the
existing subbase-subgrade foundation.
 Seating of the broken slabs after cracking is
intended to re-establish support between the
base and the fractured PCC
Break and Seat
 Suitable for JRCP, steel debonding required
 Largely replaced by rubblization because of
more consistent results
 Sometimes used prior to rubblization for
thicker pavement slabs such as airports

Total Unit Weight

28,000 lbs. (12,700kg)
(approx.) Total Unit Weight (approx.) 38,000 lbs. (17,240kg)

Drum Weight W/Axle

19,000 lbs. (8618kg)
(approx.) Drum Weight W/Axle (approx.) 29,000 lbs. (13,155kg)
Towing Unit
Tractor 175-hp flywheel (approx. 130 FKW)
Required (Breaking) Tractor 200-hp flywheel (approx.
Towing Unit Required (Breaking)
150 FKW)
Towing Unit Tractor 200-hp flywheel (approx. 150
Required FKW)(4WD may be required depending on soil Tractor 200-hp flywheel (approx.
(Compaction) condition) Towing Unit Required (Compaction) 150 FKW)(4WD may be required
depending on soil condition)
Max Recommended 8 mph (13km/h) compaction, 7 mph (11km/h)
Operating Speed breaking.
8 mph (13km/h) compaction, 7
Max Recommended Operating Speed
mph (11km/h) breaking.
Blows Per Second approx. 2 @ maximum recommended speed
approx. 2 @ maximum
Breaking Force approx. 30,000 psi (206,820 kPa) Blows Per Second
recommended speed
Compaction Energy approx. 22,000 ft. lbs. (30,000 joules) per blow Breaking Force approx. 45,000 psi (314,370 kPa)

Effective Compaction approx. 33,000 ft. lbs. (44,750

7 ft (2.13 meters) includes wheel roll Compaction Energy
joules) per blow
8.5 ft (2.59 meters) includes wheel
1 to 4-feet (0.3 to 1.2-meters) depending on Effective Compaction Width
Lift Thickness roll
type of material and moisture content
1 to 5-feet (0.3 to 1.5-meters)
Tires 12.00R20 (tubeless)
Lift Thickness depending on type of material and
2 cylinders for lifting of drum to transport moisture content
Drum Hydraulics*
mode, 2250 psi (15 500 kPa) (155 bar) Tires Call
2 cylinders for lifting of drum to
1 cylinder for operation of V-Grader, 2250 psi Drum Hydraulics* transport mode, 2250 psi (15 500
(15 500 kPa) (155 bar) kPa) (155 bar)
V-Grader Hydraulics (float capability recommended)* Used to raise 1 cylinder for operation of V-
the drum off the ground, for trailering or Grader, 2250 psi (15 500 kPa) (155
V-Grader Hydraulics
operating where drum contact is not desired bar) (float capability

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