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Differences in The King James Bible

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The document discusses differences between editions of the King James version Bible and arguments against those who justify changes to the original King James text.

The document discusses how defenders of apostasy have tried to justify changes to the Bible by appealing to 'good, godly men' and the idea that since translations are relatively free of error, changes can be trusted. It also discusses the concept of 'humanistic relativists'.

Some of the differences mentioned between editions include things like chapter headings and marginal notes. It is stated that out of around 24,000 variations between editions, none rejected the original Greek or Hebrew texts or intentionally departed from the words of the original translators.


In The
King James Version

Dr. Peter S. Ruckman

President, Pensacola Bible Institute
B.A., B.D., M.A., Th.M., Ph.D.
COPYRIGHT © 1983 by Peter S. Ruckman
All Rights Reserved
(PRINT) ISBN 1-58026-219-8

The Scripture quotations found herein are from the text of the
Authorized King James Version of the Bible. Any deviations
therefrom are not intentional.

P.O. Box 7135 Pensacola, FL 32534
Article One
The defenders of apostasy (Fundamentalists and
Conservatives foremost in the Laodicean church) have spent
hours of God's time and reams of God's paper trying to
justify their infidelity and trying to produce students like
themselves: humanistic relativists, whose appeal to "good,
godly men" is one alibi for sin, and the other alibi is that since
"reliable translations" are RELATIVELY free of error, you can
trust the corrections that "good, godly men" make on them.
These humanistic relativists are called "cowards" by JOHN R.
FOX because the fear of man the fear of ridicule is the "drive
shaft" behind all of their scholarship. Fox says that
Now, since these modern apostates cannot pass a simple
Bible test on what the "WORD" is (see Luke 4:4, Rom. 10:17,
Heb. 4:12, Ps. 119:105, and Isa. 59:21) or what the SCRIPTURES
are (see Acts 8:32, Matt. 22:29, Matt. 21:42, John 5:39, and
Acts 17:11), they have had to do Immelmann loops, fishtails,
and barrel rolls to get rid of the power and authority of the
AV of 1611. The last gimmick that these hucksters pulled out
of the hat was the idea that genuine updating and the
genuine revision work done on different editions of the AV
should justify the REPLACING OF ITS GREEK TEXT with the
African text of the Jesuit priests in Rome (Nestle, Aland,
Hort, Metzger, Tischendorf, etc.). Further, these incredible
oafs have tried to make the believer think that genuine
improvements in an established text in a translation (that
the Holy Spirit never ceased to HONOR once it was in print)
justify the alteration of 36,000 words in that translation to
match the RSV and NRSV of the National Council of
This is the line now being taught at Bob Jones, Maranatha,
Tennessee Temple, and Hyles-Anderson, and we have the
correspondence of at least two dozen graduates (or
teachers) from these institutions who use "different editions
of the AV" as proof that one of them (or ALL of them) must
be in ERROR. The thinking on this is that if any ONE COPY
differs from another one ANYWHERE--like the one in
Jeremiah 36:32 that does not match the first one exactly--
that this constitutes ERROR. Now, what these cowbirds are
doing is very simple; and in spite of the fact that they think
they are being very cool and subtle, they are following their
usual course of blind stupidity, for nothing is more stupid or
more blind than a Christian who thinks that he is able to
justify sin by appealing to someone else. What these oafs
want you to do is admit that there is such a thing as
admit THAT then they will lie like a dog and claim that THEIR
WORK is that TYPE of work--WHICH IT ISN'T. These types of
hypocrites never deal with FACT or FRUIT. They want you to
think that the changes THEY make can be classified with the
changes God allowed from men who stuck by the intentions
of the AV translators. They are not horses of the same color
or birds of the same feather.
Now we have held our peace for about ten years while all
of this "featherbedding" has been going on, and our
purpose in doing so was to let the apostate Fundamentalists
at Pensacola Christian College, Detroit Divinity School, Pacific
Coast, etc., dig themselves in deep--the deeper the better.
We want it established first and foremost that these men do
not believe ANY BIBLE on this earth is the word of God and
Since that is their profession, the more alibis they can muster
for denying the power and authority of the AV, the bigger
they make their grave. We feel, by now, the grave has been
well dug. It is time now to look at the "editions" of the AV.
1. In regards to the profession of the AV translators about
the power and authority of their work: "The translators little
foresaw the vast results and immeasurable influence of what
they had thus done, both for time and eternity" (Committee
on Versions to the Board of Managers, American Bible
Society, 1852).
2. In regards to the so-called 30,000 changes in the various
editions: "The English Bible as left by the translators has
come down to us UNALTERED in respect to its text" (some
commentator, p. 7 of the report, 1852).
3. In regards to the exact number of editions (which are
unknown to men like Clark, Afman, Wisdom, Neal, Custer,
Panosian, Bob Jones, III, Jack Hyles, etc.):
a. An edition in 1613 without the Apocrypha between
the Testaments.
b. An Amsterdam edition in 1644 with a preface by a
Baptist (John Canne); it was printed in Edinburgh and
London in 1696, 1698, 1701, 1762, and 1766.
c. An edition from Cambridge in 1676 with parallel
texts by Dr. Scattergood.
d. An edition in 1680 with Ussher's Chronology added.
e. An edition in 1701 under Dr. Tenison and Dr. Lloyd
with tables added to the back in an addendum by Dr.
Cumberland of Peterborough. Because of typographical
errors in this edition (not like erasing "GOD" from the verse
that dealt with the incarnation, ASV, NASV, RSV, NRSV--I Tim.
3:16), King George of England (April 24, 1724) ordered more
proofreaders at the press to insure better copies.
f. An edition at Oxford under Dr. Blaney (1767) where
the Oxford copies were carefully collated with the folio
edition of 1611, that of 1701 and two other editions. The
edition was published finally at Claredon (1769). This edition
has been regarded as the standard copy for 200 years.
4. In regards to variations: "With the exception of
typographical errors and changes required by the progress
of orthography in the English language, the text of our
present Bibles remains UNCHANGED, AND WITHOUT
TRANSLATORS" (Ibid., p. 11). "The present copies of the Bible
accord throughout with the edition of 1611."
We shall continue this series of articles further and will go
into three classes of so-called "changes" that took place
between these editions, giving the reader the notes and
words that were altered. For now, suffice it to say that by
1852 every edition of the King James Bible on the market was
the AV of 1611 as to the Greek New Testament it came from
and as to the English translation of that eclectic text. THERE
readings that are exclusively "Alexandrian" do not appear in
any editions. This segregates immediately all editions of the
AV from any edition of the ASV or the NIV or the NASV, for
these bastard translations have the Alexandrian readings of
the RSV, NEB, TEV, NRSV, and "Living Bible." This was
documented by Burgon in 1890, by Hills in 1940, and by
Ruckman in 1970. No scholar, living or dead, has ever refuted
the argument. Clark doesn't even mention any Catholic issue
in talking about versions and texts, for every Bible translated
since 1880 contained the Jesuit readings of 1582. Not even
the "New King James" escapes this Romanizing touch, as we
shall see in later articles.
In our next article we shall take up some manifest errors of
the press in printing King James Bibles. The apostate
Fundamentalist assumes, of course, that the Bible is a book
of perfect originals with no "errors of press," printing or
writing, in them, as they were "verbally inspired." NO SUCH
Article Two
In our previous article we gave the backgrounds for
complaints by the modern apostate Fundamentalists where
they deal with the so-called "30,000" changes in the AV text
of 1611 to the present editions. We cited the official
statements of the official COMMITTEE ON VERSIONS TO THE
BOARD OF MANAGERS of the American Bible Society (1852)
in regards to these matters, and we documented their
findings throughout the editions from 1611 to 1852, with the
standard edition being produced in 1769. We also called the
reader's attention to the fact that such genuine work of
"updating" and "revision" from the Bishops--Matthew--
Coverdale--Geneva--Great Bibles is not to be compared with
such modern trash as the ASV of 1901 or the NASV of 1959,
which are the corrupt translations of the RV (1884), RSV
(1952), and the NRSV (1970). The faculty members at Pacific
Coast, Maranatha, Bob Jones, and Detroit Divinity School
trust that their students will be ignorant of these matters,
and they trust that this ignorance will prevent the
"devilment" from being detected. Pro-Roman Catholic
church historians are famous for this approach (Latourette,
Dollinger, etc.)
The standard edition was proofread further in 1806, and in
1813 it was published by Eyre and Strahan and printed by
Woodfall. The final edition had punctuation revised,
alterations made in some italicized words, and alterations
made in the heads of the chapters; running titles over the
columns had to be adapted to editions of different sizes,
fuller translations were put in the margins, and new marginal
references added.
The variations are divided into three classes: manifest
errors of the TYPESETTER in the copy of 1611, manifest
typesetting problems in the 1613 edition, and other
variations from 1611.
In the first class there are such things as a capital "L" put
into LORD in Exodus 14:10. "Shall burnt them" has been
corrected to "shall burn them" in Leviticus 4:35. A woman
that "travelleth" has been altered to a "woman that
travaileth" in Isaiah 13:8 and 21:3; "Sons nor daughter" has
been altered to "sons nor daughters" in Ezekiel 14:18;
"shewed them by the prophets" has been corrected to
"hewed them by the prophets" in Hosea 6:5; "And if he
offer" has been omitted in Matthew 6:3 and has been
reinserted in the 1613 edition. "That you remember me" has
been altered to "that ye remember me" in I Corinthians 11:2.
Now here is what you are to believe if you listen to the
apostate fools who "teach Bible" at the average Christian
college, seminary or university (Kenneth Brown, MacRae, or
Newman, for example). You are to believe that such
GENUINE REVISIONS on the CORRECT TEXT are no different
than the revision work done by apostate Conservatives in
1884 and apostate Fundamentalists in 1959. You are to think
that since typographical errors in one text were corrected
and better spellings were set up for that one text, that this
gives some apostate fool the liberty to GET RID OF THE
RIGHT GREEK TEXT (the Receptus) and then get rid of THE
RIGHT ENGLISH TEXT (the AV of 1611) and give you in
exchange for it the Jesuit Rheims Greek text of 1582 (the
RSV). You are a bigger fool than the apostate fool who
taught you if you believe such a thing.
Since there never was on earth any book that contained
"verbally inspired original autographs," the modern apostate
Fundamentalist has a SANITY problem in dealing with this;
and this may account for the constant references to "pleas
for sanity" and a "sane and factual consideration" and "a
sane approach" that we find constantly popping up in
modern apostate Fundamentalist literature. You see, after
bragging about "inerrant originals only," the fools can no
longer make any profession of being "Bible believers," for
the BIBLE is a BOOK.
When a Bible believer speaks of "believing in the Bible," he
is talking about a BOOK--a Book which he has in his hands.
The faculty members at Bob Jones, Pensacola Christian
College, Hyles-Anderson, and Tennessee Temple never mean
this: they mean a Bible that doesn't exist and has NEVER
CREATED. The original autographs were never in ONE BOOK,
therefore, to prove that only they were "verbally inspired"
doesn't settle anything. It doesn't even approach the issue, if
a man prove it--which no man ever has.
It still leaves this problem: Do you have THE BIBLE? Do you
read the BIBLE? Do you believe the BIBLE? Are you a Bible
Bible believers have little or nothing to do with "original
autograph" detectives, for the original autographs were
never a Bible: ANY BIBLE. And the reason why these silly
idiots keep "beating around the bush" is because they are
not in submission to ANY BIBLE. They are professional liars.
And if that weren't enough, their alibi for sinning against the
Body of Christ is that, at times, the old nature in other "good,
godly men" got the upper hand and they picked up the lie
(Gen. 3:1) and gave it credibility.
The typographical errors of the 1613 edition were brought
right back into line with 1611. Samples of these are "we said
unto them" back to "we said unto him" (Gen. 42:31); "the
fast of the beast" back to "the fat of the beat" (Lev. 7:25);
"make their fringes" back to "make them fringes" (Num.
15:38); "thou shall kill" to "thou shalt kill" (Deut. 12:21); "thus
is Jerusalem" to "this is Jerusalem" (Ezek. 5:5); "But the
scribes" to "But their scribes" (Luke 5:30); "I praise you that"
to "I praise you not, that" (I Cor. 11:17), etc.
Thus there was not only no departure in writing from the
text of 1611, but there was a RETURN TO IT if any signs of
departure showed up in the printing press.
Now here is what you are to believe if you are stupid
enough to believe the faculty members of modern
"Conservative," "Evangelical," and "Fundamentalist"
schools. You are to believe that MAKING A SINNER OUT OF
THE BLOOD ATONEMENT (ASV, NASV, Col. 1:14) is genuine
and honest revision because it was done by honest, godly,
dedicated scholars who "reverence the scripture" just as
much (or more) than the King James translators.
This is the party line of the Alexandrian Cult.
You are deceived by Satan if you buy it or any part of it
(Gen. 3:1).
In our next article we shall go further into these matters,
since no faculty member at any school in America has dared
go into them. To the contrary, these incredible hypocrites
have simply dropped a stink bomb into the midst of Bible
believers to cause the same confusion in their minds that the
hypocrite has in his mind. The authors of confusion in
America today are right where they have been since 200
A.D.--in Christian universities. Their pet gimmick, "the
verbally inspired originals," is invented to sow discord in the
Body of Christ on matters of final authority and, as Jim
Jones, they prefer their own preferences to any "Bible."
In our next article we shall list some of the other variations
of 1613 that were revised back into their original setting
(1611) and left in that setting for 300 years.
Article Three
Readers who have taken time to read the preceding articles
carefully are now well supplied with "ammunition" to use
against modern apostate Fundamentalists like M.H. Clark,
Bob Jones, Jr., Bob Jones, III, Provan, MacRae, Farstad,
Hindson, etc., who for years have been kidding young men
into thinking that because there are VARIATIONS in the
editions of the AV since 1611, that they constitute ERROR and
prove that no single text was "inerrant." The reader may
have observed that in all editions where any revision had
been made, any edition was more accurate than ANY edition
of the ASV, NIV or NASV, even though the committees of
those corrupt Bibles succeeded in kidding their fellow
scholars into believing that their "revision intentions" were
exactly like the AV translators: which they were NOT.
The most important thing for the Bible believer to
remember in all of this is that even with typographical errors
which sometimes occur in the setting of print (the "Vinegar
Bible"--Oxford, 1717; the "Bugs" Bible, {Ps. 91:5}; the
"Treacle" Bible--Bishops, 1568; the "Wicked" Bible {Exod.
20:4}; the "Breeches" Bible--Geneva, 1760), the sum total of
all lithographical errors IN ANY EDITION OF THE AV STILL
THE ASV AND NASV, even where they don't have ONE
typographical error. The errors in the ASV and NASV and its
twin sisters (the RSV and NRSV) are, after all, deliberate and
intentional attacks on the fundamentals of the faith, and
whether these are mild attacks on the way to study the Bible
(see 2 Tim. 2:15 in the NKJV or NRSV--both Fundamentalists
and Liberals use the same perversion) or outright slams on
the character of Christ (see Matt. 5:22 in the NASV or NRSV--
both Fundamentalists and Modernists recommend the same
perversion) they amount to the same thing: conceited idiots
destroying the faith of young men in the Holy Bible. Even if
you made a King James Bible (ANY EDITION FROM ANY
YEAR) with thirty "errors" of spelling in it due to a
TYPESETTER, you would have a far more accurate and
put out since 1800, even if that edition were to come
flawless from the typesetter. An accurate typesetter setting
type for Satan (the faculty members of the "University of
Alexandria" for example) is not to be preferred over a
commercial fisherman (Peter, for example) misspelling
words due to his lack of education.
Now, we have examined typesetters' errors in 1611 and how
these were corrected in 1613. Further, we have found some
errors in the press of 1613 and noted how these were
corrected back in line with the original text of 1611 so that
today we have the 1611 text preserved without "error."
There were "other variations" from the readings of the 1611
and present copies and these variations are of the following
nature: compare "and shall cleave" with "and cleave" (Gen.
2:24); "the iniquity" with "the iniquities" (Lev. 26:40);
"instead of all the first born" with "instead of the first born"
(Num. 3:41); "upon all the people" with "upon the people"
(Judg. 16:30); "gat him up upon his mule" with "gat him
upon his mule" (2 Sam. 13:29); "unto king Solomon's table"
with "to king Solomon's table" (1 Kings 4:27); "spreadings of
the clouds" with "spreading of the clouds" (Job. 36:29); "for
I am desolate" with "I am desolate" (Ps. 25:16); "daughter of
Zion" with "daughters of Zion" (Lam. 2:10); "a great
multitude" with "a great company" (John 5:3); "no man was
found worthy" with "no man was worthy" (Rev. 5:4), etc.
Now! You are to believe that these genuine marks of
GENUINE REVISION, which the Third Person of the Godhead
allowed to take place and then HONORED THE REVISION
without a letup THROUGH 300 YEARS, are to be compared
with the ghastly perversions of the text done in 1884 (RV),
1901 (ASV), 1959 (NASV), 1952 (RSV), 1970 (NRSV), and 1979
(NIV). In spite of the fact that the ASV went bankrupt in less
than THIRTY years, the NASV went dead in less than FIFTEEN
YEARS, the RSV had to be done over in less than twenty-five
years, and the NIV has brought about as much "revival" to
the English speaking people as "Little Bo Peep," the
ministerial student is to believe that these are "revisions" in
the sense of the editions of the AV. No one but a
professional liar would even postulate such an incredible lie.
Hitler and Goebbels would not even have attempted it.
And the hypocrisy of these lying rascals does not end here.
They carry it further. They complain about the "Geneva
Bible" which the Pilgrim fathers brought over on the
Mayflower, and (using the "logic" illustrated above) they try
to talk young men out of believing the AV is the word of God
on the grounds that there are variations between it and the
Geneva Bible. To these men, "variations" constitute
CONTRADICTION and ERROR, except where they are
recommending corrupt translations that vary from the right
line of Bibles in more than 36,000 places.
Such are the ways of sin, hell, and death.
The results of God-honored, God-blessed revisions of the
original 1611 text are as follows: "That the edition of 1611,
although prepared with very great care, was not free from
TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS; and that, while most of these
were corrected in the edition of 1613, others in much greater
number were nevertheless then introduced, which HAVE
SINCE BEEN REMOVED. That the revision of Dr. Blaney made
by collating the then current editions of Oxford and
Cambridge with those of 1611 and 1701 had for its main object
ORIGINAL PURITY: and that this was successfully
The "sane" (to quote the Alexandrian Cult) and "balanced"
(to quote the Alexandrian Cult) viewpoint which all "good
men" (to quote the Alexandrian Cult) should adopt is that a
present copy of the AV, which anyone can buy anywhere--in
spite of the work of the NKJV and NASV and NIV
committees,--is a "purified text." IT IS THE CULMINATION
American translations, for none of them were translated
UNDER A KING (Ecc. 8:4) and none of them had any MOTIVE
in mind but to replace the God-honored text. Whatever may
have been "wrong" (to quote the Alexandrian Cult) with the
Bishop's Bible, Tyndale, Geneva, Matthew, or Coverdale is
rectified in the AV, and anyone who wants a pure translation
of the pure words of God (Ps. 12) can find it. THE NEW
In our fourth article we will deal with matters of
orthography, particles of exclamation, forms of the
indefinite article, proper names, compound words, capital
letters, and parentheses.
Article Four
In our previous articles we gave a series of quotations from
the Committee on Versions to the Board of Managers of the
American Bible Society in 1852 concerning the alleged "20-
30,000 changes" between the editions of the AV then
present and the "original" of 1611. As we have seen, any and
all revisions were corrections of PRESS ERRORS where the
TYPESETTER had not followed the text of 1611. These were
revised back into subsequent editions and then their
printer's errors were corrected until a pure text was arrived
OF THE AV TRANSLATORS. Thus purity of text to "restore
the originals" is sometimes a process, but it is never a
process connected with Nestle, Aland, Metzger, Hort,
Tischendorf, Tregelles, Robertson, Gregory, Afman, Price,
MacRae, Newman, Wuest, Farstad, Wisdom, Panosian,
Hindson, or Bob Jones University. It is a process undertaken
by the One who knows the "originals." His purpose in
producing a flawless text for the twentieth century had
nothing to do with copyrights, "better manuscripts,"
"scientific investigations," or book sales. His purpose was
1. A Bible in the universal language of the end-time
translated under a monarchy (Ecc. 8:4)--not a democracy.
2. A Bible coming from the place on earth where all TIME is
determined and where all LOCATIONS are determined. (They
are not determined from Palestine, Alexandria, New York,
Dallas, Fort Worth, Chicago, Rome, or Louisville.)
3. A Bible from an ISLAND NATION that could reach the
entire world and go to the moon via "ships" (ships, air ships,
spaceships, etc.)
The Bible thus produced is the Bible which any sinner can
pick up anywhere if he wants to get a copy. If he is of
another language he may settle for what the scholars call "a
reliable translation." There are many of them, but none of
them ever came by way of Hupfeld, Graf, Kennicott, DeRossi,
Walton, Fell, Mill, Lachmann, Griesbach, Hort, Scholtz,
Nestle, Aland, Farstad or Metzger.
On the twenty-fifth of March, 1848, the Board of Managers
in charge of preserving the purity of the original text of 1611
met for the purpose of further revision, and on the twenty-
eighth of April, 1850, they completed their work. This was
done to insure that the English version of 1611 was the
standard one being published in America. (Again, you are to
believe that this genuine work of revision is to be compared
with the work done by the revision committees of 1881, 1901,
1952, 1959, 1970, and 1979. You are a dishonest fool if you
think they are similar.)
1. "SHE went into the city" has been corrected from "HE
went into the city" (Ruth 3:15), which constituted no error
for BOTH OF THEM WENT INTO THE CITY, which is perfectly
apparent to anyone who can read two-syllable words. (The
silly faculty members at Bob Jones and Lynchburg who
emphasize this discrepancy simply fail to read the context of
the passage.)
2. Some copies of the AV read "till HE please" in Song of
Solomon 2:7 and others read "till SHE please." The Lord saw
fit again(!) to correct the Hebrew, for the Hebrew
manuscripts--not the verbally inspired "originals"--read
"she." But any fool could tell by looking at the text that the
Bridegroom comes to wake up his bride (Song of Sol. 2:8 and
5:2); and by exactly the same token, the Bridegroom sleeps
(Ps. 44:23; 78:65; and 59:4) until He is ready to get up and
give the "shout." (Very often the smallest amount of time
spent in the AV text of 1989 can clear up "difficulties in the
originals" that silly little Greek and Hebrew professors
wrestle with all of their lives.)
3. "Or" has been substituted for "and" in Joshua 19:2 in
some copies. As the committee has rightly stated, "The
Hebrew may in itself be taken EITHER WAY." (The believer
should put that down and grab it. One meaning of a word is
not true of English, Hebrew, or Greek in many cases.
Therefore, to talk about "verbally inspired originals"--that
you have never seen--not "possibly bearing the meaning" of
the AV text is nonsense.)
4. In regards to orthography: Compare "asswaged" with
"assuaged" (Gen. 8:1); "morter" versus "mortar" (Gen. 11:3);
"lothe" and "loathe" (Ex. 7:18); "brasen" and "brazen" (Ex.
27:4); "clift" with "cleft" (Ex. 33:22); "plaister" with "plaster"
(Lev. 14:42); "grashoppers" with "grasshoppers" (Num.
13:33); "cuckow" with "cuckoo" (Deut. 14:15); "pransings"
with "prancings" (Judg. 5:22); "stedfastly" with "steadfastly"
(Ruth 1:18); "flotes" with "floats" (2 Chron. 2:16); "sodering"
with "soldering" (Isa. 41:7); "soape" with "soap" (Jer. 2:22);
"spunge" with "sponge" (Matt. 27:48), etc.
Again, you are to believe that this genuine "updating of
archaic words" is to be put into the same bracket with the
NASV and NKJV altering Luke's style of writing (Acts
4:27,30), taking salvation slap out of the mouth of a dying
thief (Luke 23:42), covering up the sin of Bible perverters
(Rom. 1:18,21,25, II Cor. 2:17), and adopting the theology of
the National Council of Churches in the following readings (I
Peter 2:2, Gal. 5:2, and Matt. 5:22). Knowing that the young
ministerial student is not acquainted with the nature of the
AV editions, it is simply flung in his face that there are
"variations" and therefore....Therefore, he is to presume
there must be error. The errors are in the ASV and the NASV
and the RV, RSV, and NRSV as well as the TEV, NEB, NWT,
"Living Bible," and the NKJV.
5. In regards to particles of exclamation, you will find "Oh"
for "O" and vice versa (Deut. 32:29, Ps. 55:6, Job 6:2, Jer. 9:1,
6. In regards to the indefinite article, "a" has been
substituted for "an" and vice versa (Gen. 25:25, Judg. 4:21,
Joel 3:3, Isa. 25:2, Matt. 5:14, Mark 3:25, Ruth 1:12, Exod.
28:32, Exod. 19:6, Jer. 23:29, etc.)
7. In regards to proper names, "Juda" versus "Judah"
(Matt. 2:6); "Sion" versus "Zion" (Matt. 21:5); "Jona" versus
"Jonas" (John 1:42); "Sina" versus "Sinai" (Acts 7:30); etc.
You are to believe that this type of "revising" matches the
depraved perversions of the ASV and NASV committees who
followed the Greek text of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests
(Rheims, 1582) and altered the Greek text in more than 5,000
places. As we said before, you are an idiot if you believe it.
8. In regards to capital letters and words in italics, "My
spirit" versus "My Spirit" (Gen. 6:3); "most High" and "Most
High" (Ps. 21:7); "holy Spirit" and "Holy Spirit" (Isa. 63:10);
"swarms of flies" and "divers sorts of flies" (Ps. 78:45 with
Exod. 8:21,22,24; changing italics of "all to" in Judges 9:53;
"that is" in Psalm 89:34; "of thee" in Luke 1:35; "man" in John
Now, when some bifocaled serpent stands up in a
classroom at a "bastion of orthodoxy"--hosting a "Congress
of Fundamentalism"--you had better watch your step and
look "well to your going." One can see by the above that if
all of these "variations" were put together you might come
up with "20,000 changes" between 1611 and 1980, but my,
what "horrible changes"! Imagine Simon Peter writing a
"verbally inspired original copy" of II Peter after writing two
that were NOT verbally inspired, and then the Lord helping
him to straighten out his Greek grammar, since Peter had
been a commercial fisherman all his life and was not
"learned" (Acts 4:13). The first time some stupid scholar at
Alexandria compared the THREE COPIES he would decide
that none of them were inspired because they didn't
Ignorance is no respecter of persons.
There is more than "word matching" involved here, as we
shall see in our concluding article.
Article Five
In our last four articles we showed how the AV of 1989
represents a PURIFIED TEXT in the universal language of the
end time with all the background that would entitle it to be
superior to any set of Hebrew or Greek extant manuscripts.
Unlike the "originals," the AV is not handicapped BY LETTERS
the so- called "originals," the AV is in a language WHICH
MORE PEOPLE CAN UNDERSTAND than understood the
"originals" when they were written. We have learned that of
some 20,000 supposed "changes" in the AV text between
1611 and now, at least 19,000 of them had to do with the
spelling of English words that were already in the text and
correcting the mistakes of lithographers and Linotype
operators, not the translators of 1611.
In our final considerations we take a look at punctuation
changes, parentheses, and what we call "accessories to the
text"--that is, "helps" and marginal notes that have no effect
on the text. It was found that the three English copies of the
AV have a general uniformity in respect to punctuation,
especially in the frequent use of the COLON, while the
Edinburgh (Scotland) and American often prefer the
SEMICOLON and are in general more conformed to the
edition of 1611.
1. A comma has been placed after "Abraham our father" in
Romans 4:1. A colon has been placed after II Corinthians 10:8
and a period after verse 9. Some have a period after verse 8
and the colon after verses 9 and 10. Some have a colon or
comma after Hebrews 13:7 and in Oxford editions after
"slain" in Revelation 13:8 or sometimes after "Lamb."
2. Some parenthetical marks have been taken out of
Galatians 1:1, Revelation 2:9, Romans 5:13-17, Romans 11:8, II
Corinthians 12:2, etc.
3. Chapter summaries have been altered in Genesis
20,22,50; Leviticus 18; Numbers 3, 12, 14; Deuteronomy 20; I
Samuel 16; Esther 5; Isaiah 45; Zechariah 5; etc. A good
example is "The angel satisfieth the misdeeming thoughts of
Joseph" has been changed to "The angel removeth the
doubts of Joseph" (Matt. 1) and "he buildeth for him a pair
of gallows" to "he buildeth a gallows for him" (Esth. 5), etc.
4. Marginal notations: a dagger indicates the signification
of a Hebrew or Greek word and the meaning of words where
the English idiom cannot express it literally. Thus, in the
margin of Acts 12 one will find "passover" for "Easter" (think
about that!!) and "of rams' horns" has been put into the
margin as "of jubilee."
{You see, the lying faculty members at Pacific Coast,
Maranatha, etc., and John R. Rice made you think that the
Acts 12. They DID. They just gave you an advanced revelation
in addition to the accepted meaning. THEY PUT THE
NASV will put a FALSE READING in the margin (Matt. 16:18)
after PERVERTING THE TEXT (Luke 24:51,52).}
Parallel lines show alternate translations (Gen. 2; 6:14; 3:7,
etc. Explanations are given in Deut. 2:23 and Ps. 32:2 as well
as Judg. 9:53 and Heb. 4:8. Some conjectures are given in
Judg. 3:31; 11:29; 12:8; and 11:13).
Now this is the sum of the AV editions. Any one of them is
more accurate than all editions of the ASV, RV, NASV, RSV,
NRSV, and TLB combined. Any one has more power and
authority than the TEV, NEB, NKJV, Jerusalem, Rheims,
American, Weymouth and Moffat translations combined,
and any one of them, WITH ANY PRINTER'S ERROR, IS MORE
FLAWLESS FROM THE PRINTER. Naturally, any edition of the
AV (Edinburgh, London, Oxford, Nelson, Cambridge, New
York, etc.) is vastly superior to the "originals" FOR THERE
In taking the six main copies of the AV (1611, 1613, 1644,
1664, 1701, 1769, and 1850) that result in a purified Book--the
Book of all books--the number of variations recorded by the
collators does not come anywhere near the "70,000"
postulated by Bob Jones, III, in his correspondence with
Bible believers. To the contrary, according to the men that
collated the versions and dealt with them, the variations
were just under 24,000 (this includes chapter heading
changes and marginal notes) and not one of them was a
rejection of the RECEIVED GREEK TEXT of the New
Testament or the RECEIVED HEBREW TEXT of the Old
Testament. Not one of them was an INTENTIONAL
THE AV TRANSLATORS, and if we are to take the Preface of
the AV translators at face value--and what Cult member
doesn't make an issue of that in order to avoid dealing with
the text!!--we have before us genuine updating and genuine
revision in line with the Holy Spirit's purpose in preserving
and giving to us the words He intends for us to have.
If it be objected by superstitious fools like some of the
faculty members at Lynchburg, BIOLA, Pacific Coast,
Pensacola Christian, Mid-South, Pillsbury, Piedmont, etc.,
that this is an act of faith, our answer couldn't be plainer. It
takes twice as much faith to believe in "autographs" that you
have never seen in your life. A man who would take THAT
step of faith shouldn't have any trouble believing in every
word in the AV as it stands before him at this writing. At this
writing it is the Standard Edition. Octavo Reference Bible of
1852, as established by Gardiner Spring, Thomas Cock,
Samuel H. Turner, Edward Robinson, Thomas Vermilye, John
McClintock, and Richard S. Storrs, Jr.
These slick cool cats who move from one Christian college
to another--did you ever see that list of "positions" following
a man's picture in a catalogue!--destroying faith as they go
simply leave each ship as it sinks. They are probably
responsible for more damage to the Body of Christ than all
of the Catholics and liberals and Neo-Evangelicals combined;
their DEATH MINISTRIES are incalculable. Relying on
subterfuge, slander, omissions, falsification of fact, partial
presentation of material, personal gossip, half- truths, and
implications and doubts, these builders of the Bible babel
have their incomes tied up with their teaching. The poison
that Jim Jones gave his Cult followers could never match the
poison these dastardly cowards pour out in Christian
classrooms behind closed doors. Jim Jones was an amateur
alongside of Origen, Jerome, Augustine, Nestle, Hort, and
The word CULT comes from "culture." It is bred under
"controlled laboratory conditions" according to Webster.
Behind the wire fences (WE HAVE NONE HERE), the dorm
monitors (WE HAVE NONE HERE), the "demerit systems"
(WE HAVE NONE HERE), and the classes that no one can
tape (ALL BIBLE CLASSES ARE TAPED HERE), there is the cult
leader CULTIVATING the young man to follow him or his
teachers instead of the Bible and the Holy Spirit. The reason
why he accuses real Bible believers of being a cult
("Ruckmanites" is the contemporary baloney) is because he
is a god to himself and worships men like himself: CHRISTIAN
SCHOLARS. To him idolatry is BELIEVING THE BIBLE and
following those who believe it. In his stupid, muddled, and
twisted imagination the apostate has succumbed to idolatry
himself and is no more competent to say "who qualifies to
preach" than he is qualified to snag mullet.
Go by the Book. You have the Book. READ the Book,
PREACH the Book, MEMORIZE the Book, LOVE the Book,
LIVE by the Book, and DIE by the Book. The Book was given
to you by God. Don't spit in His face with a lot of claptrap
about "verbally inspired originals."

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