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Admin Law Outline

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CHAPTER 1 b. Government instrumentality – refers to any agency of the

INTRODUCTORY National government not integrated within the
department framework, vested with special functions or
Administrative law – embraces all the laws that control the jurisdiction by law.
administrative operations of the government
 It is endowed with some if not all corporate powers,
a. Internal administration: considers the legal aspects of administering special funds, enjoys operational autonomy,
public administration as a going concern usually through a charter.
b. External administration: refers to the legal relations  It includes regulatory agencies, institutes and GOCCs.
between administrative authorities and private interests  An instrumentality is anything used as a means or agency
 It contemplates authority of the State to delegate
Chief concern of administrative law governmental power in performing a state function

The protection of private rights, subject to the mode of exercise of Government agencies or instrumentality may either be:
administrative power and system of reliefs against administrative
action 1. Incorporated – sometimes with and other times without
capital stock, are vested by law with a juridical personality
Kinds of administrative law distinct from the Republic.

a. Statutes setting up administrative authorities Examples: National Power Corp., PPA, National Housing Authority,
b. Body of doctrines and decisions dealing with the creation, PH National Oil Company, Inc.
operation, and effect of determinations and regulations of
such administrative authorities 2. Non-incorporated – not vested with a juridical personality
c. Rules, regulations, or orders of administrative authorities distinct from the Republic, endowed by law with some if
in pursuance of the purposes for which they were created not all corporate powers.
or endowed
d. Determinations, decisions, and orders of such When the statutory term expires, its duties and functions,
administrative authorities in the settlement of assets and liabilities revert back to or is assumed by the Republic of
controversies arising in their particular fields. the PH in the absence of a law specifying other disposition.

The 1987 Administrative Code did not entirely repeal or modify the Examples: Sugar Regulatory Administration (non-incorporated
Revised Administrative Code and special legislations since what was agency, neither a GOCC but an agency under the Office of the
only repealed or modified are only those “laws, decrees, orders, President.
rules and regulations, or portions inconsistent with the Code.”
Chartered institution – any agency organized or operated under a
The two administrative codes are general laws and as between the specific charter, vested with functions relating to specific
codes and special legislation on specific subject matters, the latter constitutional policies or objectives.
prevails as an exception to the former.
It includes state universities and colleges, and the monetary
Administrative functions – those which involve the regulation and authority of the state.
control over the conducts and affair of individuals for their own
welfare and the promulgation of rules and regulations to better Administration – public officers/employees performing duties and
carry out the policy of the legislature exercise the powers in the administrative set-up of the government.

Administrative framework It refers to the aggregate of the persons in whose hand the reins of
the government are for the time being.
Government of the PH – the corporate governmental entity through
which the functions of the government are exercised which Creation and abolition of agencies
Public office – refers to the right, authority and duty created and
a. Government agencies – refers to any of the various units of conferred by law, by which, for a given period either fixed by law or
the Government. enduring at the pleasure of the appointing power, an individual is
invested with some portion of the sovereign functions of the
 It includes a department, bureau, office, instrumentality, government.
or GOCC, or a local government or district unit.
It includes administrative agencies, boards and commissions.


A public office refers to either of two (2) concepts, as a: The problems of modern society ha multiplied. Hence,
administrative agencies are established to promptly cope up with
a. Functional unit of the government (department or bureau) such problems.
b. Position held/occupied by individual persons whose
functions are defined by law or regulation. 3. Help in the regulation of ramified activities of a developing
Public office is a public trust or responsibility, and embraces the 4. Entrust to specified fields with their special knowledge,
idea of term, duration, emoluments, powers and duties. All of which, experience, and capability in dealing with the problems
taken together, constitute a public office. thereof.

Creation of a public office Classification of administrative agencies

It is created by the Constitution, by law, by an officer or tribunal 1. Offering some gratuity, grant or special privilege
delegated with power by the legislature. 2. Seeking to carry certain governmental functions
3. Performing business service for the public
Its creation is primarily a legislative function. However, there are 4. Regulating business affected with public interest
offices created by the Constitution. (Examples) 5. Seeks under the police power to regulate private business
and individuals
The legislature may decide what offices are suitable, necessary, or 6. Adjusting individual controversies due to some strong
convenient. social policy involved
7. Conduct investigations and gather evidence for information,
When in the exigencies of the government it is necessary to create recommendation or prosecution of crimes.
and define duties, the legislative department has the discretion to
determine whether additional offices shall be created, attached to CHAPTER 2
and become ex-officio duties of existing offices.
Power to reorganize includes the power to create or abolish
There is a need to allocate the different powers of the government
to prevent any concentration of power in one department.
It is usually practiced by the legislature. However, it is delegated to
Concepts to study:
the President or to another executive body.
a. Separation of powers – one branch is not to invade the
Means of delegation by authorizing reorganization
domain of the other
b. System of checks and balances – no one branch can act
without any participation or check from the other
 The process of restructuring the bureaucracy’s branches
organizational and functional set-up, making it more
Doctrine of separation of powers
viable in terms of the economy, efficiency, effectiveness
and responsive to the needs of its public clientele as
It prohibits the delegation of legislative power, vesting judicial
authorized by law
officers with non-judicial functions or investing of non-judicial
 Means by which the legislature reorganizes or abolishes
officers with judicial powers
offices, directly or indirectly, by authorizing an executive
department or agency to reorganize its office. Administrative agencies fall under the executive department.

Why Administrative Agencies Exist

Administrative agencies – government bodies charged with Granted by the legislature with the following powers: ( J A I L E )
administering or implementing particular legislation.
a. Judicial
1. Unclog court dockets b. Administrative
c. Investigatory
They lessen the burden of courts in resolving all controversies d. Legislative
e. Executive
2. Meet the growing complexities of modern society
This is an exception to the general rule of delegation of power


Two (2) most important powers of administrative officers: processes and other means essential to make its jurisdiction
1. Quasi-legislative – enables them to promulgate
implementing rules and regulations Q: Why grant government agencies judicial or quasi-judicial
2. Quasi-judicial – enables them to interpret and apply such powers?
A: So that its rules of procedure may be carried out while invoking
Powers of administrative agency liberally construed its jurisdiction. It comes with it the power to issue and promulgate
rules of procedure for the exercise of its adjudicatory powers.
In case there is no prescribed method to be followed, they may
1. To discharge their assigned duties in accordance with the adopt any reasonable method to carry out its functions.
legislative purpose or intent
2. To uphold the purpose of why the agency was created MINISTERIAL & DISCRETIONARY POWERS
including those incidentally necessary to a full
implementation of the legislative intent Ministerial duty – it is one which is clear and specific s to leave no
room for the exercise of discretion in its performance. It does not
Powers categorized require neither the exercise of official discretion or judgment.

1. Express or Implied Discretionary act – one which an officer/tribunal performs in a

2. Discretionary or Ministerial
given state of facts, in a prescribed manner, in obedience to the
3. Directory or Mandatory
mandate of legal authority, without regard to the existence of his
EXPRESS & IMPLIED POWERS own judgment, upon the propriety or impropriety of the act done

“Public officials possess powers, not rights.” Ministerial duty vs. discretionary power

It means there must be a grant of authority, whether express or Ministerial duty Discretionary power
implied, to justify any action taken by them. - one which is so clear and - by its nature, requires exercise
specific s to leave no room for of judgment
the exercise of discretion in its
A public official exercises power within the law which grants it. The
government is merely an agency through which the will of the state - officer/tribunal performs in a - law imposes a duty a public
is expressed and enforced. Its officials are agents entrusted with the given state of facts, in a officer and gives him the right to
responsibility of discharging its functions. There is no presumption prescribed manner, in decide how and when the duty
that they are empowered to act, there must be a delegation of such obedience to the mandate of shall be performed
authority. legal authority, without regard
to or the existence of his own
Constitutional officials derive their power to act in the fundamental judgment, upon the propriety of
the act done
law itself.

An administrative officer has only such powers as are expressly

Q: Why is it important to distinguish said powers?
granted to him and those necessarily implied in the exercise thereof.
A: To determine what remedy may be availed of by an aggrieved
Grant of jurisdiction & what is implied
party against non-performance of duty by the officer.
Jurisdiction to hear and decide cases – it is conferred by the
Constitution or statute. It cannot be conferred by the Rules of Court
Ministerial Discretionary
Mandamus Petition for certiorari
Jurisdiction over the subject matter – it cannot be fixed by the
parties, acquired through, or waived, enlarged or diminished by, any
act or omission Discretionary power

Jurisdiction cannot be implied from the language of the statute, in Discretion is the faculty conferred upon an official by which he may
the absence of a clear legislative intent to that effect. decide a question either way and still be right. It requires the
exercise of judgment.
The grant of judicial or quasi-judicial power to try actions carries
with it all necessary and incidental powers to employ all writs,


Q: A discretion entrusted to a public officer may not be delegated.  Consideration is given to the entire statute, its object,
Why? purpose, legislative history and consequences from
construing it with other related statutes.
A: A presumption exists that he was chosen because he was deemed
fit and competent to exercise that judgment and discretion. Test to determine nature of statute and that of power

Exception: Power to substitute another in his place has been given To ascertain the consequences that will follow in case what the
statute requires is not done or what it forbids is performed.
Discretion means sound discretion exercised not arbitrarily or
wilfully, with regards to what is right and equitable under the Errors in Exercise of Powers
circumstances and law.
“The government can do no wrong.”
Why? It only authorizes legal acts by its offices. The errors made by
It depends upon the kind of statute which granted such power. them are not errors or acts of the government.

Statutes can either be mandatory or directory. The government is not estopped by the mistakes of its officers. It
can subsequently correct the mistake or erroneous application of
Q: Why distinguish? the law. A person acquires no vested right in such a mistake.

A: What effect should be given to the mandate of a statute Note: Presumption of regularity

Mandatory statute – statute which commands either positively that CHAPTER 3

something be done or performed in a particular way, or negatively
that something be not done, leaving the person concerned no choice POWER OF CONTROL, SUPERVISION & INVESTIGATION
on the matter except to obey.
The President is considered the Chief Administrative Officer even
 It contains words of command or of prohibition. though such has not been expressly stated in the Constitution. It is
 Omission to follow renders the proceeding to which it by reason of his being Chief Executive and head of government.
relates illegal and void; violation of which makes the
decision invalid Administrative agencies/bodies that exercise administrative,
 Court or quasi-judicial tribunal has no power to distinguish investigative, rule-making and quasi-judicial powers are parts of the
between material and immaterial breach executive department.
 What the law decrees must be obeyed against pain of
sanction or declaration of nullity of what is done in Administrative powers of the President can be implied from his
disregard. executive power.

Directory statute – statute which is permissive or discretionary in Marcos vs. Manglapus

nature and merely outlines the act to be done in such a way that no
injury can result from ignoring it or that its purpose can be As provided in Art. VII, Sec.1 of the 1987 Constitution, the executive
accomplished in a manner other than that prescribed and power shall be vested in the President of the Philippines. In the
substantially the same result obtained. same article, it touches certain powers of the President.

 A statute merely operating to confer jurisdiction upon a Issue: Did the framers of the 1987 Constitution intend that the
person according to the dictates of his own judgment or President exercise those specific powers enumerated? Is it the
conscience breadth and scope of executive power?
 Non-performance will not vitiate the proceedings but will
Ruling: Such is not the case. It is inaccurate to say that the executive
still sanction the officer to discretionary or administrative
power is only the powers to enforce the laws for the President is the
head of state and head of the government and whatever powers
Q: How to determine if it’s mandatory or discretionary? inhere in such positions pertain to the office unless the Constitution
itself withholds it.
A: No universal rule or absolute test.
Although the Constitution imposes limitations, it maintains intact
The primary object: ascertain legislative intent from all the what is traditionally considered within the scope of executive
surrounding circumstances.


power. The executive power is more than the sum of specific powers Under the doctrine, all executive and administrative organizations
so enumerated. are adjuncts of the executive departments; heads of executive
departments are assistants and agents of the Chief Executive.
President’s power of control
Exception: Chief Executive is required by the Constitution or law to
This means his power to alter, modify or nullify or set aside what a act in person or the exigencies of the situation demand that he act
subordinate officer had done in the performance of his duties and to personally.
substitute his judgment of the latter. This extends to all executive
officers. The executive and administrative functions are performed through
the executive departments, and acts of their Secretaries are pre-
This power of control can be traced to Sec. 17, Art. VII of the 1987 emptively acts of the Chief Executive. Provided, it is performed and
Constitution which provides, “President shall have control of all the promulgated in the regular course of business. Provided further, it is
executive departments, bureaus and offices. He shall ensure that not disapproved or reprobated by the Chief Executive.
laws be faithfully executed.”
The acts of a department Secretary are presumed to be acts of the
The President’s power of control implies his right to interfere in the President.
exercise of such discretion vested by law in the officers of the
executive department, bureaus, or offices of the national By Authority of the President
government, as well as to ac in lieu of such officers.
The Executive Secretary or his Deputy or Assistant Executive
Araneta vs. Gatmaitan Secretary or any cabinet member who, acts and signs, “By Authority
of the President,” acts not for himself but for the President
The President issued an EO banning fishing by trawl. It is the
Secretary of Agriculture, not the President, was the official The Executive Secretary’s personality is in reality but the projection
authorized by Congress to issue rules and regulation in of that of the President. His acts are not subject to review by the
implementing such ban. courts (separation of powers), absent any showing that the
President acted with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or
Issue: Whether the President is empowered to do so excess of jurisdiction.

Ruling: Since the Secretary of Agriculture was empowered to Also, by this authority, he can modify, alter, or set aside acts or
regulate or ban fishing by trawl, the President, in the exercise of his rulings of a department secretary as he acts for and on behalf of the
power of control, can take over from such authority. President.

The President’s power of control means that it can amend, modify Limitations on the President’s control power
and even supplant entirely different set rules normally done by his
cabinet secretary, head of a bureau or agency. The power of control does not include:

Under the Constitution, all executive and administrative 1. Abolition or creation of an executive office
organizations are adjuncts (assistant or aide) of the executive 2. Suspension or removal of career executive
department. Meaning, the heads of the various executive officials/employees without due process of law
departments are assistants and agents of the chief executive 3. The setting aside, modification, or supplanting of decisions
of quasi-judicial agencies, including that of the Office of
 They act as alter egos of the President and whatever acts the President, on contested cases that have become final.
done by them in the regular course of business, are pre-
emptively acts of the Chief executive. Note: All acts of the executive and administrative office or agency,
 Heads of the executive departments occupy political other than final decisions rendered in the exercise of its
positions and hold office in an advisory capacity and adjudicatory power in contested cases, are subject to the
should be the President’s bosom confidence. President’s power of control.

Doctrine of qualified political agency General rule: An erroneous construction of a law by an

administrative or executive officer whose duty is to enforce it may
The President cannot exercise his power of control simultaneously not give rise to a vested right nor estop the government by such
hence, there is a need to delegate some to his Cabinet members. mistake. .

Exception: A person in good faith complies with what the law

requires. The principle of justice and good faith dictate operate.


General rule: The President’s power of control applies to acts of a The power of general supervision may not be interpreted that the
subordinate official and not to the official who performs the acts. President or his alter ego, such as the Secretary of Finance, to direct
the form and manner which local officials shall perform or comply
Exception: Officials who serve at his pleasure (Cabinet Secretaries) with their duties.

Ang-Angco vs. Castillo Taule vs. Santos

The President’s power of control may extend to the power to The Presidential power over local governments is limited by the
investigate, suspend or remove officers/employees who belong to Constitution to the exercise of general supervision to ensure that
the executive department if they are: the local affairs are administered according to law.

1. Presidential appointees Hence, the President cannot interfere with local governments as
2. do not belong to the classified service long as its officers act within the scope of their authority. The
Administrative Code limits its authority to merely “monitoring
This is justified under the principle that the power to remove is
compliance” by local government units of such issuances.
inherent in the power to appoint.
To monitor means “to watch, observe or check”
Note: Pending investigation of an administrative complaint against
a presidential appoint who is a career officer, the President or Supervision, Review and Control
cabinet secretary may detail said officer to any other executive
office, so long as it does not amount to an imposition of disciplinary Supervision – means overseeing or the power or authority of an
action. officer to see that their subordinate officer perform their duties.

Non-application of the President’s power of control The power of control includes the power the alter, modify or nullify
or set aside what a subordinate officer had done in the performance
The President’s power of control does not apply to reviewing, of his duties and substitute judgment.
modifying or setting aside a decision of a subordinate official in the
exercise of his quasi-judicial power after the decision has become However, in supervision, it is a lesser power than control. It does
final. not allow the superior to annul the acts of the subordinate. What he
can do only is to see to it that the subordinate performs his duties in
Why? Public interest requires that proceeds already terminated accordance with the law.
should not be altered at every step.
Review – it is a reconsideration or re-examination for purposes of
Camarines Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc. vs. Torres correction.

The rule stated above extends to a decision of the Office of the If correction is necessary, it must be done by the authority
President that has become final. It can no longer reconsider or exercising control over the subordinate or though the
modify its final decision as it has: instrumentality of the courts of justice.

1. Lost its jurisdiction The power of review is exercised to determine whether it is

2. Re-opening and modifying would amount to gross
necessary to correct the acts of the subordinate. This includes the
disregard of the rules and basic legal precept with regards
power to disapprove but it does not carry the authority to
to finality of administrative determinations.
substitute one’s own preferences over that of the subordinate.
President’s power of supervision
Scope of supervision and control (1987 Administrative Code)
Since the President is given the power of control over all executive
departments, bureaus and offices, there is an implication that he
may not have power over agencies not under the executive
However, he is given the power of supervision, which is only
overseeing or the power to see that the officials concerned perform QUASI-LEGISLATIVE POWER
their duties.
Rodriguez vs. Montinola


Legislative power – the power to make, alter and repeal laws a. Executive orders – rules of a general or permanent character
in the implementation or execution of constitutional or
statutory powers
b. Administrative orders – particular aspects of governmental
PLENARY subject to the limitations found in the Constitution operations in the pursuance of his duties as administrative
c. Proclamations – fixing a date or declaring a statute or
1. initiative and referendum condition of public moment or interest upon the existence
of which the operation of a specific law or regulation is
Initiative – propose, initiate a statute or constitutional amendment made to depend
d. Memorandum orders – matters of administrative detail
Referendum – statute passed by legislature to the ballot so that votes an enact or repeal
which concern a particular officer or office of the
the measure
government for internal administration, information or
2. increase appropriations recommended by the President for the operation of compliance
the government e. General or specific orders – capacity as Commander-in-Chief
of the AFP
Essential feature of the legislative function:
Delegation of legislative power to the Supreme Court
a. Determination of the legislative policy
b. Formulation and promulgation as a defined and binding SUPREME COURT repeal procedural laws; parts of statutes
rule of conduct
concerning procedural aspects can be
modified by the SC (rule-making powers)
Doctrine of separation of power prohibits the delegation of purely
legislative power.
Power to promulgate rules concerning the protection and
enforcement of constitutional rights, pleadings, practice and
The congress cannot relieve itself of the duty or responsibilities
procedure in all courts, the admission to the practice of law
requiring its own judgment, wisdom and patriotism by delegating
its power to other agencies.
Rule-making power
This is based on the principle that the delegated power constitutes
“No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the
not only a right but a duty to be performed.
SC as provided in this Constitution without its advice and
DELEGATION is made to:
Found in Sec. 5 (5) of Art VIII of the Constitution and Sec. 30 of Art.
1. President
2. Supreme Court VI of the Constitution
3. Local Government Unit (LGU)
Delegation of legislative power to local governments
Delegation to the President
The Constitution and legislative bodies gave LGUs:
1. Sec. 23(2) of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution
“The power to create its own sources of revenues and to levy taxes,
In times of war, the Congress may authorize the President for a fees, and charges subject to such guidelines and limitations as the
limited period to exercise powers necessary and power to carry out Congress may provide, consistent with the basic policy of local
a declared national policy. autonomy.”

2. Sec. 28 (2) of Article VI of the 1987 Constitution Local legislative power shall be exercised by:

The Congress may authorize the President to impose tariff rates, 1. Sangguniang panlalawigan: province
import and export quotas, tonnage and wharfage dues, and others 2. Sangguniang panlungsod: city
3. Sangguniang bayan: municipality
within the framework of the national development program of the
4. Sangguniang barangay: barangay
Sangguniang Barangay (Barangay)
3. Certain ordinance powers (Administrative Code of 1987)
It is the smallest legislative body.
Presidential issuances


 Review: sangguniang bayan/panlungsod which shall take circumstances privileges and duties by an
action within 30 days from submission administrative agency resulting
 Inaction: deemed approved in a decision or order which
 If inconsistent with law or city/municipal ordinance: applies to specific
returned for adjustment, amendment, or modification situations/persons or entities;
premised on a finding of facts or
(effectivity is suspended)
on a report of its inspector on
which the order is based
Sangguniang Bayan (Municipality) Rules and regulations have
general applicability to
 Affirmative vote of a majority of the members present and implement its purely
voting (quorum) administrative policies and
 Submitted to the municipal mayor: within 10 days shall functions
approve or veto. If not returned: approved An action in the form of a An action which results from
 Override the veto: 2/3 votes of all its members general rule for the future to investigation, declaration and
 Approved ordinance: to be reviewed by the sangguniang govern the public at large enforcement of liabilities asthey
panlalawigan within 30 days (action is final) stand on present or past facts
 Inaction: presumed consistent with law hence valid and under existing laws

Sangguniang Panlungsod (City)

Quasi-legislative (rule-making) power – power to make rules and
 Affirmative vote of a majority of the members present there regulations resulting in delegating legislation within the confines of
being a quorum the granting statute and the doctrine of non-delegability and
 Submitted to the city mayor within 10 days approve or veto. separability of powers
If not returned: approved
 Override the veto: 2/3 votes of all its members The rules and regulations that administrative agencies promulgate
 Approved ordinance of component city: to be reviewed by should be within the scope of the statutory authority granted by the
the sangguniang panlalawigan within 30 days legislature. It must conform and be consistent with the enabling
Sangguniang Panlalawigan (Province)
When conflict arises between the statute and an administrative
 Vote of s majority of the members present (quorum) agency, the former prevails.
 Forwarded to the governor: within 15 days approve or veto.
If not returned: approved Quasi-judicial (administrative adjudicatory) power – the power to
 Override the veto: 2/3 votes of all its members hear and determine questions of fact which the legislative policy is
to apply and to decide in accordance with the standards laid down
Prohibition of delegation of legislative power: The delegation of by the law itself.
powers STRICTLY or INHERENTLY and EXCLUSIVELY legislative.
(Examples) It exercises this power when it performs in a judicial manner an act
which is essentially of an executive or administrative nature where
Those pertaining to what the law shall be, to whom it may be the power to act is incidental to or reasonably necessary for the
applied, or what acts are necessary to effectuate the law. performance of the executive or administrative duty entrusted to it.

The power to declare lies the difference between government by In carrying out their quasi-judicial functions, the administrative
legislation and government by bureaucracy. officers or bodies are required to investigate or ascertain the
existence of facts, hold hearings, weigh evidence and draw
Quasi-legislative power vs. Quasi-judicial power conclusions from them as basis for their official action.

Distinction: character in the proceedings rather than the character of In questioning the validity or constitutionality of a rule or
the body conducting the proceedings. regulation issued by an administrative agency, a party need not
exhaust administrative remedies before going to court. –principle
Illustration: A body acting in a legislative capacity having judicial
applies only pursuant to its quasi-judicial function not to its rule-
power does not change the character of the legislative act.
making or quasi-judicial power
Doctrine of primary jurisdiction
(rule-making power) (adjudication)
Act operates in the future rather Adjudication – means a
than on past transactions and determination of rights,


This applies only where the administrative agency exercises its 2. Rule-making by the construction and interpretation of a
quasi-judicial or adjudicatory function. Hence, in cases involving statute being administered - power to interpret and
specialized disputes, the practice is to refer it to an administrative construe statutes entrusted to them for implementation
agency of special competence.
Interpretation is of three (3) kinds:
The courts will not determine a controversy which is within the
jurisdiction of the administrative tribunal. a. interpretation as an incident of the execution of a law
b. interpretation handed down by the Secretary of Justice
Objective of the doctrine: to guide the court in determining whether upon request of a government agency or official
it should refrain from exercising jurisdiction until after an c. interpretation in adversary proceedings
administrative agency has determined some question arising in the
3. Determination of facts under a delegated power as to which
proceeding before the court.
a statute shall go into effect – refers to the ascertainment
The judicial process is suspended pending referral of such issues to of facts which will form the basis for the enforcement of a
the administrative body for its view. statute


However, when it is the validity or constitutionality of a rule or
regulation issued by the administrative agency in the performance
Delegation of legislative power – refers to the grant of authority by
of its quasi-legislative function, regular courts have jurisdiction.
the legislature to administrative agencies to issue rules and
regulations concerning the law entrusted to them for
Right to notice and hearing distinguishing feature
implementation may be enforced
Quasi-legislative (rule-making) power
This delegated authority to issue rules and regulations to carry out
Issuance of rules and regulations in the exercise by an the provisions of the stature is called the power of subordinate
administrative agency of its quasi-legislative power does NOT legislation.
require notice and hearing.
The power of subordinate legislation allows administrative agencies
Quasi-judicial (administrative adjudication) power to implement broad policies laid down in a statute by “filling in” the
details which the Congress may not have the opportunity or
Adjudication of controversies requires notice and hearing or at least competence to provide. (supplementary regulations: have the force
the opportunity to be heard on the part of the affected person as a and effect of law)
prerequisite for the validity of its decision.
Q: Why does the legislature delegate its power?
Illustration: The Central Bank of the Phils. vs. Cloribel
A: Due to the following reasons –
Necessity of notice and hearing in an administrative proceeding
depends on the character of the proceeding and the circumstances a. Increasing complexity of the task of the government
b. Growing inability of the legislature to cope directly with the
myriad problems demanding its attention
General rule: Notice and hearing are not essential to the validity of c. Growth of society ramifying its activities and creation of
administrative action where the body acts in the exercise of peculiar and sophisticated problems that the legislature
executive, administrative or legislative function. cannot be expected reasonably to comprehend
d. Legislature may not have the competence to provide the
But if in a judicial or quasi-judicial matter, the acts are particular required, direct and specific solutions which are expected
and immediate rather than general and prospective, the person from its delegates who are expects in particular fields
whose rights or property may be affected by the action assigned to them

Kinds of rule-making power What cannot be delegated

Three types of rule-making powers of administrative agencies It is the delegation of powers purely legislative in nature –

1. Rule-making by reason of particular delegation of authority - a. Power to make the law, determine what the law shall be
power to issue rules and regulations which have the force and to alter or repeal it.
b. Power to declare whether or not there shall be a law to
and effect of law.
determine the purpose/policy to be achieved by the law or
to fix the limits within which the law shall operate


c. Essentials of legislative functions: determination of There is no uniform application of the standard
legislative policy and its formulation and promulgation
Whether a standard is sufficient or adequate depends upon the
What may be delegated nature of the statute involved, the issues raised, and the facts
The legislature can delegate the following:
The sufficiency of standard is determined by the power exercised
1. Discretion as to hoe the law shall be enforced and the nature of the right restricted thereby.
2. To issue rules to fill in details
3. To ascertain facts on which the law will operate As a rule, general standards are sufficient for a valid delegation of
4. To exercise police power
police power, but are inadequate as basis for a valid delegation of
5. To fix rates
the power to implement other statutes.
Note: The delegation has to pass the completeness and sufficiency
Standard fixed cannot be enlarged nor restricted.
of standard tests (Tatad vs. Secretary of the Department of Energy)
Where the law sets the standards by which the delegate may
Two tests have been developed to determine whether the
exercise delegated power, the executive or administrative agency
delegation of the power to execute laws does not involve the
concerned cannot add thereto and justify the exercise of the
abdication of the power to make the law itself.
delegated power as the basis of all such enlarged standards.
a. Completeness test – the law must be complete in all its terms
Illustration: Tatad vs. Secretary of the DOE
and conditions that when it reaches the delegate, the only
thing he will have to do is to enforce it. When standard insufficient

A statute is complete when the subject, the manner, and the extent When a statute prescribes no or inadequate standard for the
of its operation are stated in it. exercise of a delegated legislative power and the rules issued by an
administrative agency to implement the law are null and void, since
Test of completeness: whether the provision is sufficiently definite
Congress abdicated its legislative power.
and certain to enable one to know his rights and obligations –
describes what must be done, who must do it, and the scope of his Illustration: Sec. 1 of E.O. 626A
Two (2) usual issues with delegation
b. Sufficient standard test – there must be adequate guidelines
or limitations in the law to map out the boundaries of the 1. Against the delegating statute itself – refers to whether or
delegate’s authority and prevent the delegation from not the requisites of valid delegation are present
running riot. (completeness + sufficient standard) If any one is absent,
the statute making the delegation is unconstitutional
The legislature must fix the legal principles which are to control by 2. Against the exercise of the delegated power – pertains to
setting up standards or guides to indicate the extent and prescribe whether or not the rule or regulation conforms with what
the limits of the administrative agency’s discretion. the statute provides and whether the same is reasonable.
If the rule expands or restricts the statute or is unjust or
The standard may be:
unreasonable, the same is invalid.
a. Express – standard may be found within the framework of
Rules or regulations, generally.
the statute under which the act is to be performed
b. Implied – inhere in its subject matter or purpose, and a Rules and regulations are the product of subordinate legislation.
clearly defined field of action may implicitly contain the They are valid and have the force and effect of law.
criteria which must govern the action
In order to be valid, it must be germane to the objects and purposes
These tests are intended to prevent a total transference of of the law, conform to the standards that the law prescribes, must
legislative authority to the delegate. be reasonable and must be related solely to carrying into effect the
general provisions of the law.
The standard must be reasonably adequate, sufficient, and definite
for the guidance of the administrative agency and must also be The rules must not contradict the law, but must conform to the
sufficient to enable those affected to know their rights and standard it prescribes. The rules must be limited to what the law
obligations. provides.


A rule is binding on the courts so long as the procedure fixed for its See Sec. 2 of the Civil Code and Sec. 18 Book 1 of the 1987
promulgation is followed and its scope is within the statute granted Administrative Code
by the legislature, even if the courts do not agree with the policy
stated therein or its innate wisdom. Q: Why do laws have to be published?

Regulations cannot restrict nor enlarge the law The purpose is to inform the public of its contents.

Fundamental rule: implementing rules cannot add to or distract Q: What need not be published?
from the provisions of the law it is designed to implement.
Interpretative regulations and those merely internal in nature –
Administrative regulations must be in harmony with the provisions regulating only the personnel of the administrative agency (LOI)
of the law which they are intended to carry into effect. The issuance
of an administrative rule or regulation must be in harmony with the Apart from publication, it is also required that the rules and
enabling law. regulations be filed with the U.P. Law Center of the University of the
Philippines (Chapter 2 of Book VII of the 1987 Administrative Code)
If a discrepancy occurs between the basic law and an implementing
rule or regulation, the former prevails since the law cannot be Delegation to ascertain facts
broadened by a mere administrative issuance.
Congress may delegate to the agency the power to ascertain facts as
Official powers cannot be merely assumed by administrative basis to determine when a law may take into effect or whether a law
officers, nor can they be created by the courts in the exercise of may be suspended or come to an end.
their judicial functions.
This is not delegation of what the law shall be, but how the law will
Administrative regulation is intended to supplement the law hence be enforced, which is permissible.
it cannot prevail against the law itself as the Court has interpreted
To be valid, the law delegating the power must provide the
it. The delegate cannot contradict the law from which the
standard, fix the limits within which the discretion may be
regulations derive their very existence
exercised, and define the conditions therefor. Absent these
Rules must be reasonable requirements, the laws and rules issued are void, being an undue
delegation of legislative power.
Illustration: Lupangco vs. CA
Prohibition against re-delegation; exceptions
PRC issued a resolution (Res. No. 105) prohibiting the use of any
review material three days immediately preceding every Doctrine of potestas delegate non delegari protest – What has been
examination day. delegated cannot be delegated.

Why unconstitutional? Infringes the right to liberty guaranteed by The delegated power constitutes not only a right but a duty to be
the Constitution and it violates the academic freedom of schools performed by the delegate of his own judgment and not through the
intervening mind of another.
Rules constituting an offense
The further delegation would negate the duty in violation of the
Administrative bodies have the authority to issue administrative trust reposed in the delegate mandated to discharge it directly.
regulations which are penal in nature where the law itself makes
the violation of the regulation punishable. The regulations may then This rule is particularly applicable where the power is discretionary.
validly spell out the details of the offense.
Subdelegation allowed
A law which empowers an administrative agency to issue rules and
Subdelegation has been justified by sound principles of
regulations which does not provide that violation of such rules shall
organization which demand that those at the top be able to
be unlawful and punishable or even if it does, it does not prescribe
concentrate their attention upon the larger and more important
the penalty for such violation, the administrative agency has no
questions of policy and practice.
power to penalize violation of its rules and regulation. The making
of an act a crime is purely legislative, which the legislature cannot This does not prohibit the administrative agency to use the aid of
delegate. subordinates to investigate and report to him the facts, on the basis
of which the officer makes his decision.
When rules take effect


It is sufficient that the judgment and discretion finally exercised are General rule: Notice and hearing are not essential to the validity of
those of the officer authorized by law. administrative action where the administrative body acts in the
exercise of executive, administrative, or legislative functions
There is no abnegation of responsibility of the officer concerned as
long as the actual decision reaminds with and is made by said Power to fix rate cannot be re-delegated
Why? Protestas delegata non delegari protest (What has been
Delegation of rate-fixing power delegated cannot be delegated)

Rate-fixing is a power given to administrative agencies to fix the Exception: in the absence of a law authorizing it
rates which public utility companies may charge to the public.
The delegation may be sustained only if some standard for its
exercise is provided and that there is a prescribed manner of the Administrative rule vs. Administrative interpretation
exercise of the delegated power.
Q: When is a rule considered a law and when is it a mere
The statute delegating such power must be complete and must fix a interpretation of the law?
sufficient standard.
Administrative rule – as an exercise of its rule-making power
The only standard to prescribe for the guidance of the delegated by the legislature; it has the force and effect of a valid law
administrative agency is that the rate be REASONABLE and JUST. IN
the absence of an express requirement as to reasonableness, the A rule is binding on the courts as long as the procedure fixed for its
standard may be implied. promulgation is followed and its scope is within the statutory
authority granted by the legislature even when the courts are not in
In the exercise of the rate-fixing power given, the agency is limited agreement with the policy.
by the requirements of public safety, public interest, reasonable
feasibility and reasonable rates. Administrative interpretation – It renders an opinion or gives a
statement of policy; merely interprets a pre-existing law; it is
Rate fixing: quasi-legislative or quasi-judicial; when hearing merely advisory for it is the courts that finally determine what the
required law means

The function of prescribing rates may either be legislative or an Since it is merely advisory, it is the courts that finally determine
adjudicative function. what the law means. Hence, it may be set aside by the judicial
department if there is an error of law, abuse of power, lack of
Legislative function: not necessary jurisdiction or gave abuse of discretion

Q: When is it quasi-legislative? Executive construction, generally, kinds of

A: rules or rates apply to apply to all enterprises of a given kind Contemporaneous construction – construction placed upon the
throughout the PH; acts are particular and immediate; rights and statute by an executive or administrative officer called upon to
property may be affected by the action execute or administer such statute.

Juasi-judicial function: necessary; meant to apply exclusively to a It necessarily calls for the interpretation of ambiguous provisions.
particular party
Q: Why the need for such construction?
Q: When is it quasi-judicial?
A: To interpret ambiguous provisions and also they are the very first
A: it applies exclusively to a named entity and are predicated upon a officials to interpret the law, preparatory to its enforcement.
finding of facts
The interpretations are in the form of rules and regulations,
The question as to whether the issuance of a rule or order requires circulars, directives, opinions and rulings.
prior notice and hearing depends upon the nature of the power
exercised – quasi-judicial or quasi-legislative. Three (3) types of executive interpretations of the law

1. Construction by an executive or administrative officer

directly called to implement the law


It may be express or implied. It is set aside if there is an error of law, abuse of power, lack of
jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion.
Express – interpretation embodied in a circular, directive or
regulation Q: When is publication not necessary?

Implied – a practice or mode of enforcement of not applying the A: When the rules are merely interpretations of the law since it is
statute to certain situations or if applying it in a particular manner; not considered as “law”.
interpretation by usage or practice
Example: internal rules concerning the personnel of administrative
2. Construction by the Secretary of Justice in his capacity as the agency (LOI) and legal opinions
chief legal adviser of the government
Contemporaneous construction is very probably the true expression
It is in the form of opinions issued upon request of administrative of the legislative purpose especially if it is followed for a
or executive officials who enforce the law. considerable period of time. It is thus entitled to great weight and
respect by the courts in the interpretations if ambiguous provisions
In the absence of judicial ruling and reprobated by the President, of law
opinions of the Secretary of Justice are generally controlling among
administrative and executive officials of the government. Construction of rules and regulations

Note: The President or the Executive Secretary has the power to An administrative agency has the power to interpret its own rules
modify, alter or reverse the construction given by a department and such interpretation becomes part of the rules.
secretary. (by power of control over executive department)
Unless shown to be erroneous, unreasonable or arbitrary, no one is
3. Interpretation handed down in an adversary proceedings in better qualified to interpret the intent of the regulation than the
the form of a ruling by an executive officer exercising quasi- authority that issued it.
judicial power
Reasons why CC is given much weight
Interpretation of an executive officer for enforcement vs. executive
or administrative official in an adversary proceeding Q: Why is contemporaneous construction given or accorded great
Rationale: There is a distinction because the position of a public
officer, charged with the enforcement of a law, is different from the A: Because it comes from the particular branch of the government
one who must decide a dispute which has a duty to present the case called upon to implement the law thus construed. It is presumed
for the side which he represents. that the officials have familiarized themselves with all the
considerations pertinent to the meaning and purpose of the law,
Forms of interpretation and to have formed an independent, conscientious and competent
expert opinion thereon.
Administrative practice – includes any formal or informal act of the
administrative agency by which it construes, interprets, or applies Their competence, expertness, experience, and informed judgment.
the law. ( C I A).
Unless shown to be clearly erroneous, or attended by abuse of
Rules, circulars, opinions and directives are sometimes power or lack of jurisdiction or grave abuse of discretion, it is
comprehended within the term. probably the true expression of the legislative purpose especially if
it is followed for a considerable period of time.
Rule: Formal or informal interpretation or practical construction of
an ambiguous or uncertain statute or law by an executive Legislative approval of administrative construction
department or other agency is entitled to consideration and the
highest respect from the courts especially when it is long continued The legislature may, by action or inaction, approve or ratify such
and uniform or is contemporaneous with the first workings of the contemporaneous construction.
statute, etc.
Q: How is it manifested?
When an administrative agency renders an opinion or issues a
statement of policy, it merely interprets a pre-existing law; it is 1. When it re-enacts a statute previously given
merely advisory for it is the court that finally determines what the contemporaneous construction using words of similar
law means. import of the earlier law


2. Amending a prior statute without providing anything that construction, nor can they set up such error as legal obstacle
would restrict, change or nullify the previous against recovery from them what they have received thereto.
contemporaneous construction placed upon prior law.
The administrative or executive officer is only tasked to enforce the
3. Legislature appropriates money for the officer designated to law not to construe it. Also, the government is never estopped by
perform a task pursuant to an interpretation of a statute the mistake or error on the part of its agents.

4. Legislature has notice or knowledge of a construction placed Exception: The rule is not absolute in the interest of justice and fair
on the statute by an executive officer without repudiating play. (i.e. Tax cases). The principle of justice and good faith dictate
it, its silence is acquiescence equivalent to consent to and operate to create exceptions.
continue the practice; implied approval from failure to
change along standing administrative construction CHAPTER V
(ratihabito acquiparatur mandate)
Reenactment by legislature
It is the most common act of legislative approval. It is a persuasive
indication of the adoption by the legislature of the prior Quasi-judicial - the actions or discretions of public administrative
construction. officers or bodies required to investigate facts, or ascertain the
existence of facts, hold hearings, and draw conclusions from them,
To make this principle applicable, the earlier law must be reenacted as a basis for their official action, and to exercise discretion of a
not merely amended and the construction must be in the form of judicial nature
regulation to implement the law and duly published.
The function becomes similar to that of a judge when it goes further
Q: Why is this given much weight? into adjudication or the determination of rights, privileges and
duties resulting in a decision or order which applies to a specific
A: There is an agreement between the two departments of the situation.
government - the executive and legislative - to the meaning of the
law, and it devolves upon the judiciary to give it a deferential Quasi-judicial body - an organ of the government other than a
treatment. court and a legislature, which exercises adjudicative power affecting
the rights of private persons.
Q: When is contemporaneous construction disregarded?
Basic function: adjudicate claims and/or determine rights
1. When there is no ambiguity in the law
Quasi-judicial power, generally.
2. Where the construction is clearly erroneous
It is incapable of exact definition. Quasi-judicial function may refer
3. Where strong reason to the contrary exists to other than that which a court of justice performs. (i.e. Public
4. Where the court has previously given the statute a different
interpretation. Duty of public prosecutor: conduct preliminary investigation in
determining probable cause, to file an information in court and to
The duty and power to interpret the law is primarily a judicial prosecute the accused has been described as principally executive
function. It is the role of the judiciary to refine and correct the in nature.
interpretation in the context of the interactions of the three (3)
branches of the government. Judicial action – it is the adjudication of the rights of parties who
appear or are brought before the tribunal by notice or process, and
Erroneous construction creates no rights; exceptions. upon whose claims some decisions or judgment is rendered. It
implies impartiality, disinterestedness, a weighing of adverse
The doctrine of estoppel does not preclude correction by the officer claims.
himself, by his successor in office, or by the court in an appropriate
case. Exercise of judicial function: determine what the law is and what
the legal rights of the parties are with respect to a matter in
It creates no vested right on those who relied upon and followed controversy. (State ex rel. Board of Commrs. vs. Dunn)
such construction. Those who benefited from it may not prevent
correction nor excuse themselves from complying with corrected


Judicial power implies the construction of laws and the adjudication By very nature of the prosecutor’s function, he must be considered a
of legal rights. It includes the power to hear and determine a matter quasi-judicial office subject to the due process requirement of the
in the nature of a suit or action between the parties. cold neutrality of an impartial judge. (Cojuangco vs PCGG)

In the discharge of executive and legislative duties, it is necessary Quasi-adjudication vs. Quasi-legislative functions
that the exercise of discretion and judgment within that subdivision
of the sovereign power which belongs to the judiciary, or at least, Quasi-adjudication (quasi-judicial) function - the determination
which does not belong to the legislative or executive department. of rights, privileges and duties by an administrative agency
resulting in a decision or order affecting a named person and
As to what is judicial and what is not is better indicated in the becoming final and executory after the lapse of a certain period.
nature of the thing rather than its definition.
Note: This does not cover rules and regulations of general
Quasi-judicial adjudication applicability.

The resolution of controversies is the raison d’etre of courts. Q: Why distinguish a rule or regulation issued an administrative
agency in its quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial power?
Q: How do you determine whether or not an act is a discharge of
judicial or quasi-judicial function? As to notice and hearing:

A: By the nature of the act to be performed rather than the office, A. QL: not necessary
board, or body which performs it.
B. QJ: required
The essential function is accomplished by:
As to the determination of appropriate remedy against its
1. Ascertainment of all the material and relevant facts improvident exercise:
(pleadings and evidence adduced by the parties)
2. Application of the law so the controversy may be settled
authoritatively, definitely and finally (This function makes B. QJ: CA
the agency a quasi-judicial body similar to a court of
justice.) Reasons for creation of quasi-judicial agencies

The function requires:  Settlement over certain disputes and controversies falling
within the agency’s expertise
1. Previously established rules and principles
 Active intervention for matters calling for technical
2. Concrete facts (past or present) affecting determinate knowledge and speed in countless controversies which
individuals and decision whether the facts are governed cannot possibly be handled by regular courts
by the rules and principles
 As a result of the growing complexity of the modern society,
Adjudication - an agency process for the formulation of a final more administrative agencies are created to help in the
order which presupposes compliance with such requirements regulation of its ramified activities
before such final order is issued
 The need for special competence and experience which is
Quasi-judicial agencies in exercising quasi-judicial power, performs essential to the resolution of questions of complex or
the following functions: ( R A D W D) specialized character

1. Receives evidence  To help unclog the dockets and to enable the court to decide
more cases falling within its jurisdiction - special
2. Ascertain the facts therefrom knowledge, experience and capability to hear and
determine promptly disputes on technical matters or
3. Determines what the law is
essentially factual matters
4. What the legal rights of the parties are
The adjudicatory powers and functions delegated to administrative
agencies is to a limited extent only.
5. Decides the controversy and renders judgment thereon


Voluntary arbitrator a quasi-judicial officer Extent of Jurisdiction

Arbitration - the reference of a dispute to an impartial third person Judicial power - the power to hear and decide causes between the
for determination on the basis of evidence and arguments parties who have the right to sue in courts of law and equity,
presented by the parties who have bound themselves to accept the belongs to the judiciary or the courts
decision. It may be voluntary or involuntary.
An administrative body delegated with quasi-judicial power wield
a. Voluntary arbitration - referral of a dispute by the parties only such powers specifically granted by the enabling statute.
pursuant to a voluntary arbitration clause or agreement to an (strictissimi juris)
impartial third person or panel for final resolution.
The quantum of powers possessed by an administrative agency will
The voluntary arbitrator acts as a quasi-judicial officer who still be limited to that conferred expressly or by necessary or fair
determines the rights of the parties and renders decision. implication in its enabling act (implied powers).

Original jurisdiction: interpretation or implementation of the CBA, Implied powers - those which are necessarily included in, and are
company policies and other labor disputes. therefore of lesser degree than the power granted. It cannot extend
to matters not embraced nor are not incidental thereto.
His decision is appealable by petition for review to the CA within 15
days from receipt. (Rule 43 of the Revised Rules of Court) To be valid, the quasi-judicial prerogatives must be limited only
those incidental to, or in connection with,the performance of
b. Involuntary arbitration - one compelled by the government to administrative duties which do not amount to conferment of
accept the resolution of the dispute through the arbitration of a jurisdiction over a matter exclusively vested in the courts.
third party.
This refers to controversies relating to the subject matter pertaining
B. JURISDICTION to its specialization, for split jurisdiction is not favored.

It is from the Latin words “juris” and “dico”: I speak by the law Estoppel to deny jurisdiction

Jurisdiction - the power or capacity conferred by the Constitution General rule: Jursdiction over the subject matter cannot be
or by law to a court or tribunal to hear and determine certain conferred by the agreement of the parties nor can it be waived.
controversies and render judgment thereon.
It is not the privilege of a party who, to accomplish his purpose, has
It is determined by the statute in force at the time of the affirmed and invoked the jurisdiction of an agency over a particular
commencement of the action. matter to afterwards deny such jurisdiction to escape penalty or
liability imposed by the appellate agency.
It is by the nature of the action, subject matter, issues and person og
the parties. It is a settled rule that a party cannot invoke the jurisdiction of a
court to secure affirmative relief against his opponent and after
Jurisdiction of the subject matter - refers to the nature of the cause failing to obtain such relief, repudiate or question that same
of the action and of the relief sought. It is vested by law; not jurisdiction. (Garments and Textile Export Board vs. CA)
acquired by consent or acquiescence of the parties nor unilateral
assumption by a tribunal Party cannot take inconsistent positions

Jurisdiction over the person of the petitioner/plaintiff - acquired by This is whereby a party or litigant takes a different position from
the filing a complaint, petition or initiatory or appropriate pleading that which he took before an administrative body.
and payment of docket or filing fees
To allow such would sanction a procedure whereby the court would
not review, but determine and decide for the first time, a question
not raised at the administrative forum.
Jurisdiction over the person of the respondent/defendant - acquired
by the service of summon or by voluntary submission to the Rationale: Prior exhaustion of administrative remedies; to give
authority of the court or tribunal. administrative authorities the prior opportunity to decide
controversies within its competence
Summons - a writ by which a respondent is notified of the action
against him and is asked to file his answer Issues not raised in the lower court cannot be raised for the first
time on appeal.


C. ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Settled principle: administrative rules of procedure should be
construed liberally in order to promote their object and to assist the
Rules of Procedure, generally. parties in obtaining just, speedy and inexpensive determination of
their respective claims and defenses.
The Constitution empowers quasi-judicial agencies to issue their
own rules of procedure. It shall remain effective unless disapproved Rules on administrative procedure: Sec.1, Book VII of the 1987
by the Supreme Court. Even such absence of constitutional Administrative Code
provision, it has such implied power.
It applies to all agencies, except the following:
The grant of quasi-judicial power carries with it the power to
promulgate its rules of procedure for the proper exercise of its 1. Congress
adjudicative power.
2. Judiciary - Rules of Court
Where a general power is conferred or a duty enjoined, every
particular power necessary for the exercise of the one or the 3. Constitutional Commission
performance of the other is also conferred by necessary implication.
4. Military establishments in all matters relating exclusively to
The rules of procedure issued by quasi-judicial bodies must not the AFP
diminish, increase, or modify substantive rights.
5. Board of Pardons and Parole
Substantive rights (definition)
6. State universities
Substantive law - part of the law which creates, defines and
regulates rights, or which regulates rights and duties which give rise “Agency” includes any department, bureau, office, commission,
to a cause of action authority, or officer of the National Government authorized by law
or executive order to make rules, issue licenses, grant rights and
Adjective or remedial law - prescribes the method of enforcing privileges, and adjudicate cases
rights or obtaining redress for their invasion
Justiciable controversy; contested case.
Rules of Court are suppletory for any deficiency or absence of
applicable provision in a given situation For the administrative agency to adjudicate a controversy, there
must be an appropriate case involving a justiciable controversy - an
Rules subject to Supreme Court modification assertion of a right by a proper party against another who, in turn,
contests it.
All procedural rules are subject to alteration or modification by the
SC in the exercise of its constitutional rule-making power Contested case - any proceeding, including licensing, in which the
legal rights, duties and privileges asserted by specific parties (as
Case: First Lepanto Ceramics, Inc. vs. CA required by the Constitution or by law) are to be determined after
Technical rules not applicable
License - part of any agency permit, certificate, passport, clearance,
Purpose: To free administrative boards/agencies from the approval, registration, charter, membership, statutory exemption or
compulsion of technical rules so that the mere admission of matter other form of permission , or regulation of the exercise of right or
which would be deemed incompetent in judicial proceedings would privilege
not invalidate an administrative order.
Licensing - agency process involving the grant, renewal, denial,
Q: What determines the procedure to be followed? revocation, suspension, annulment, withdrawal, limitation,
amendment, modification or conditioning of license.
A: nature of the administrative bodies, character of the duties which
they are required to perform, purposes for which they are No license may be withdrawn, suspended or annulled without
organized and persons who compose them notice and hearing, except:

Leeway is given to arrive at a decision as long as the requirements 1. Willful violation of pertinent laws, rules and regulations
of due process have been complied with. They enjoy wide discretion
and it is sufficient that substantive due process requirement of 2. Public safety requires otherwise.
fairness and reasonableness be observed.
Institution of proceedings


The proceedings are instituted by the filing of a complaint or 1. the elements of litis pendentia are present
2. Final judgment in one case will amount to res judicata in the
Formal other.

A complaint is formal where it alleges the ultimate facts and prays Res judicata requires a decision on the merits by a court of
for specific reliefs. competent jurisdiction and that the decision is final and that the
two actions involve identical parties, subject matter and causes of
Q: How is a complaint verified? action

A: By an affidavit that the affiant has read the pleading and that the Pre-trial conference
allegations are true and correct of his knowledge and belief.
Before a contested case is scheduled for hearing, a pre-trial
The complaint must also be accompanied by a certificate for non- conference (formal or informal) is held among parties to the case.
forum shopping stating that:
Party - a person or agency named or admitted as a party, seeking
1. He has not commenced any action or filed any claim and entitled as of right to be admitted as a party, in any agency
involving the same issues proceeding.

2. If there is such pending action or claim, a complete Pre-trial includes the possibility of an amicable settlement,
statement of its status shall be given simplification of the issues, stipulations or admissions of facts and
of documents to avoid unnecessary proof, advisability for
3. Learned that the same action or claim has been filed or arbitration and the propriety of rendering judgment
pending: report it within five (5) days where his complaint
has been filed Default in administrative case

Informal Default - failure to file a responsive pleading, failure to appear in

any hearing, or failure to present evidence, in any of which, the
It is instituted by mere ex parte or informal application such as hearing may proceed without violating the party’s right to due
application for permits or licenses and even by mere letter sent by process.
the complainant
If a party was duly summoned, or duly notified, to appear at an
Forum Shopping administrative investigation, refuses to appear, he may be declared
in default and the investigation may proceed without his presence.
Forum shopping - the improper practice of going from one court to
There is no violation of his right to due process.
another in the hope of securing a favorable relief in one court which
another court has denied or the filing of repetitious suits or Administrative proceeding; hearing
proceedings in different courts concerning substantially the same
subject matter. Administrative proceeding involves: ( T D R )

It is the act of a party against whom an adverse judgment has been 1. Taking and evaluation of evidence
rendered in one forum, of seeking another or of instituting two or
more actions or proceedings grounded on the same cause on the 2. Determining facts based on the evidence presented
supposition that one or the other would make a favorable
disposition. 3. Rendering an order or decision supported by the facts
It is an adverse opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable
opinion in another forum, other than appeal or certiorari. Notice of hearing must be served at least five (5) days before the
date of hearing
Test to determine forum shopping
“Notice and hearing” are requirements of procedural due process.
If a party pursues the same cause of action, same issues, parties and The absence of which will render the decision null and void.
subject matter in two different fora.
Essence of procedural process: opportunity to be heard
Q: What is the test to determine whether there is a violation of
forum shopping?


Note: What the law prohibits is not the absence of previous notice To assure compliance with the requisites, the rules require that the
but the absolute absence thereof and the lack of opportunity to be quasi-judicial agency should notify the parties of the facts taken
heard. judicial notice and shall afford them the opportunity to contest it.

Hearing does not necessarily require a trial-type presentation of Hierarchy of evidence values
evidence. It may be submitted for resolution on the basis of
stipulation of facts, admission of the parties, position papers, Proof beyond reasonable doubt – the logical and inevitable result
affidavits and counter-affidavits. of the evidence on record, exclusive of any other consideration, or
moral certainty or that degree of proof which produces conviction
To be heard does not mean verbal arguments, it can be through in an unprejudiced mind; required conviction of an accused in a
written pleadings. criminal case

Q: When is trial necessary? Clear and convincing – measure or degree of proof which will
produce in mind of trier of facts a firm belief or conviction as to the
A: When facts, upon which the resolution of the case will depend, allegations to be established
are in issue (exception to the exception: waiver)
Preponderance of evidence – evidence which is of greater weight
Subpoena and contempt of court or more convincing than that which is offered in opposition to; it is
evidence which is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief
General rule: When authority is conferred by law upon an than that which is offered in opposition thereto; it means the
administrative officer/non-judicial person, committee or other weight, credit and value of the aggregate evidence on either side;
body to take testimony or evidence, such authority includes the degree of evidence required in civil cases
power to issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum and to punish
for contempt. It is also known as “greater weight of evidence” or “greater weight
of the credible evidence”
This authority applies only in the exercise of the administrative
agency’s quasi-judicial power and not its administrative or Substantial evidence – such relevant evidence as a reasonable
ministerial functions. mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, and its
absence is not shown by stressing that there is contrary evidence on
Subpoena - a process directed to a person requiring him to attend record (direct or circumstantial); it is the evidence required to
and testify at the hearing or trial of the action or at any investigation support a decision in a contested case in an administrative
conducted under the laws of the country proceeding
Subpoena duces tecum - an order to produce specified documents Delegation to receive evidence
which is issued upon application of a party by showing clear and
unequivocable proof that the documents sought to be produced Every agency shall have several qualified and competent members
contain evidence relevant and material to the issue of the bar as hearing officers necessary to hear and adjudicate
contested cases. (Sec. 24 (1), Book VII of the 1987 Administrative
Evidence Code)
The right to cross-examine witnesses implies that no hearsay The above-stated provision gives an implied grant of power to
evidence may be admitted except when the parties waive the same quasi-judicial agencies to delegate to hearing officers the reception
expressly or impliedly. of evidence.
Matters of judicial notice* have three (3) material requisites: Due to the adjudicatory function given, a quasi-judicial body may
delegate the function to receive evidence and perform acts
1. It must be one of common and general knowledge
necessary for the resolution of the factual issues falling within its
2. It must be well and authoritatively settled jurisdiction.

3. It must be known to be within the limits of the jurisdiction of The delegation made is not unconstitutional. Why?
the tribunal
The delegate merely reports the facts found and power is retained
*Judicial notice – a rule in the law of evidence that allows a fact to be introduced into by the quasi-judicial body to approve or reject the report and decide
evidence if the truth of that fact is so notorious or well-known, or so authoritatively the case.
attested, that it cannot be reasonably doubted


The rule requiring an administrative officer to exercise his own 7. The board/body should in all controversial questions and
judgment and discretion does not preclude him from utilizing the render its decision in a manner that the parties know the
aid of subordinates to investigate and report to him the facts which issues involved and the reason for the decision rendered
he is to base his decision on. It is sufficient that the judgment and
discretion finally exercised are those of the officer authorized by 8. Officer/tribunal conducting the investigation must be
law. vested with competent jurisdiction

C. DUE PROCESS IN QUASI-JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS Violation to any one of the requirements renders any judgment or
order issued null and void.
Due process consists of two (2) concepts:
Note: What due process abhors is not lack of previous notice but the
1. Substantive due process – responsiveness to the absolute lack of opportunity to be heard, since the essence of due
supremacy of reason, obedience to the dictates of justice; process is the opportunity to be heard.
arbitrariness is ruled out and unfairness avoided. It is
freedom from arbitrariness and embodiment of the Administrative due process is recognized to include:
sporting idea of fair play.
1. Right to notice (actual or constructive) of the institution of
It requires that the law itself, not merely the procedures the proceeding that may affect a person’s legal rights
by which the law would be enforced, is fair, reasonable and
just. 2. Reasonable opportunity to appear and defend his rights

2. Procedural due process – this consists of two (2) basic 3. Tribunal which gives a reasonable assurance of honesty and
rights: notice and hearing, as well as the guarantee of impartiality and competent jurisdiction
being heard by an impartial and competent tribunal.
4. A finding or decision by that tribunal supported by
It refers to the method and means by which the law is substantial evidence presented at the hearing, or at least
enforced. contained in the records or disclosed to the parties
 Non-observe to these rights will invalidate the
Q: What are the minimum requisites of due process?
1. That there be an impartial tribunal to determine the right
 A law which hears before it condemns
Due process contemplates notice and opportunity to be heard
2. Due notice and opportunity to be heard be given
before judgment is rendered, affecting one’s person or property. It is
designed to secure justice as a living reality, not to sacrifice it by
3. The procedure at the hearing must be consistent with the
paying undue homage to formality. Substance must prevail over
essentials of a fair trial
4. The proceedings be conducted in such a way that an
Cardinal primary requirements of due process, generally.
opportunity for a court to determine the applicable rules
of law and procedure were observed
1. Right to a hearing
5. Decision or ruling be supported by substantial evidence
2. Tribunal must consider the evidence presented
The rule is where an adjudicative fact is at issue, a trial-type hearing
3. Decision must have something to support itself
ought to be held. Issues of fact cannot be decided without a trial.
4. Evidence must be substantial (substantial evidence)
Cold-neutrality of an impartial judge
5. Decision must be based on the evidence presented
A critical component of due process is a hearing before an impartial
6. The tribunal must act on its own independent and disinterested tribunal.
consideration of the law and facts of the controversy
An officer must refrain from participating in reviewing any decision
rendered or concurred by him in any decision rendered or
concurred by him in another official capacity.


Impartial and competent tribunal In summary dismissal proceedings, allowance of reasonable
opportunity for respondent to answer the charges constitute the
A tribunal must be vested with competent jurisdiction and so minimum requirements of due process.
constituted to afford a person charged administratively a
reasonable guarantee of honesty and impartiality Notice and hearing in rate-fixing required

Notice and hearing If the rate-fixing applies to a particular person or entity predicated
on a finding of fact – the administrative agency exercising quasi-
The right to a hearing includes the right to present one’s case and to judicial act – demands notice and hearing.
submit evidence in support.
Whether notice and hearing in proceedings before a public service
In administrative cases, the general rule is that prior notice and commission are necessary depends upon the statutory or
hearing are necessary ONLY where the law so requires. constitutional provisions applicable and upon the nature and object
of such proceedings.
Q: How do you determine that notice and hearing is necessary then?
As a general rule, public utility must be afforded some opportunity
A: Inquiry should be made into the enabling statute which clothes to be heard as to the propriety and reasonableness of rates fixed for
an administrative agency/officer with certain duties and its services by a public service commission.
Read case: Phil. Communications Satellite Corp. vs. Alcuaz
When prior notice not required
Prior notice in issuance of ex parte or preliminary order
Where the law is silent, prior notice and hearing depends upon the
nature of the power to be exercised or the end to be achieved. General rule: Provisional reliefs (TRO and CDO) may be granted by
quasi-judicial agencies without prior notice or hearing.
Exception: In the exercise of delegated police power, prior notice
and hearing is not necessary for the validity of the action so long as This is also true in disciplinary proceedings since preventive
the aggrieved party is subsequently accorded hearing on the action suspension is not a penalty.
Opportunity to be heard
Exception to the exception: unless the applicable law so expressly
provides Even if there is notice or opportunity to be heard, there is still
violation of due process where:
Considerations of procedural due process cannot outweigh the evil
sought to be prevented by the exercise of police power. 1. There is no evidence to support the decision

What is sought to be prevented or achieved requires immediate 2. Where evidence other than that presented
action for the public good and interest. during the proceedings or disclosed in the
records was taken into account in rendering the
Examples in the exercise of police power: ruling

a. withdrawal, suspension or annulment of a 3. Where the quasi-judicial body or officer did not
license in cases of willful violation of pertinent possess the cold neutrality of an impartial judge
laws, rules and regulations or when public
security, health or safety so require. 4. Where the administrative officer or body acted
with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack
b. Abatement of a public nuisance per se or excess of jurisdiction

Nuisance per se – it constitutes a direct menace to public health or Where there is no denial of due process
safety. It may be abated summarily.
(Check other examples in the book)
1. A party who has been notified of the hearing but failed to
Notice minimum requirement in summary dismissal attend


The presence of a party in a trial is not always the essence of due Under existing laws, a party in an administrative inquiry may or
process. All that the law requires is that the parties be given notice may not be assisted by counsel, irrespective of the nature of the
of the trial and opportunity to be heard. charges and of the respondent’s capacity to represent himself.

2. Where the law does not require notice and hearing before a Q: Why is the right to counsel not imperative in administrative
certain administrative action may be undertaken, but proceedings?
makes such action subject to judicial scrutiny
A: Inquiries are conducted merely to determine whether there are
However, other requirements of due process may not be dispensed facts that merit disciplinary measures against erring public officers
with – decision must have something to support itself and the and employees, with the purpose of maintaining the dignity of the
evidence must be substantial government service.

3. Filing of motion for reconsideration and when it was The right to counsel is not indispensable to due process unless
denied, he appealed to the department secretary; filing for required by the Constitution or the law.
postponement but shield away from it
The absence of previous notice is not of itself a substantial defect.
What the law abhors is the lack of opportunity to be heard. In administrative law, decision is:

Informal proceeding proscribed The whole or any part of the final disposition (whether affirmative,
negative, or injunctive in form) of a quasi-judicial agency in any
Illustration: The party had an informal conduct of an administrative matter including licensing, rate-fixing and granting of rights and
proceeding and he was not able make a timely appeal – the decision privileges. (Sec.2 (8), Book VII, 1987 Administrative Code)
had not been validated since a void judgment could never become
final and could be attacked in any appropriate proceeding. Period to render decision: thirty (30) days following its submission

A party who has been heard on his motion for reconsideration The period is only directory. Hence, failure of the agency to decide
cannot invoke the denial of due process since it has the effect of within that period does not deprive it of jurisdiction. However, the
curing whatever irregularity has been committed in the administrative or judicial officer may be administratively liable as
proceedings. he is enjoined by the code of conduct for public officers.

It cures the defect in the lack of prior notice and hearing and The difference between a mandatory and directory provision is
assumes that the other requirements of due process have been determined on the grounds of expediency. The reason being is that,
complied with. less injury results to the general public by disregarding than
enforcing the letter of the law.
Exception: Any other requirements has not been complied with
Q: When is a case deemed submitted for decision?
 One of the cardinal requirements of due process: decision
or ruling of an administrative body must be supported by A: After both parties shall have concluded presentation of their
substantial evidence. evidence or filing of memoranda, if required.

 The decision of an administrative agency must be rendered Form of decision: Silence of the law does not excuse them from
on evidence contained in the record and disclosed to the dispensing with such requirements in writing their decisions.
party affected
Due process requires that the parties of the case be informed of
Substantial evidence as basis of decision how it is decided with an explanation of factual and legal reasons
that lead to the conclusions.
The decision must be supported by substantial evidence. Absent
this, the decision is void. Publication of decisions: It shall be the duty of the records officer of
the agency or his equivalent functionary to prepare a register or
Substantial evidence – refers to such relevant evidence as a compilation of those decisions or final orders for use by the public.
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a conclusion
or to afford a substantial basis from which the fact in issue can be Relief and Sanction
reasonably inferred
A quasi-judicial agency can grant a particular relief or impose a
Right to counsel, not a due process requirement specific sanction only where the enabling law authorizes the agency


to do so and the evidence presented or facts adduced substantially Commission – a body composed of several persons acting under
justify it. lawful authority to perform some public service; board or
committee of officials appointed and empowered to perform certain
Relief – includes the whole or part of any grant of money, acts or exercise certain jurisdiction of a public nature or service.
assistance, license, authority, privilege, exemption, exception, or
remedy; recognition of any claim, right, immunity, privilege, Final decisions not reviewable
exemption or exception; or taking of any action upon the
application or petition of any person Decisions of administrative agencies become final and executory
fifteen (15) days after a receipt of a copy by the party adversely
Sanction – includes the whole or part of a prohibition, limitation or affected unless within that period an administrative appeal or
other condition affecting the liberty of a person judicial review, if proper, has been perfected. (Sec. 15, Chapter III of
Book VII of the 1987 Administrative Code)
Promulgation of decision
Note: Their final resolution or decision also binds the Office of the
A decision of an administrative officer or agency becomes binding President even if under his supervision and control.
only after it is validly promulgated.
Administrative decisions must end as public policy demands that
A decision made and signed by a judge but promulgated after his finality be written on judicial controversies.
retirement or separation from the service is void.
Rule of non qieta movere – what has already been terminated
Promulgation – the delivery of the decision to the clerk of court for should not be disturbed.
filing and publication; it is the process by which a decision is
published, officially announced, made known to the public or Rules and regulations governing appeals to the Office of the
delivered to the clerk of court for filing, coupled with notice to the President are embodied in A.O. No. 18.
parties or their counsel.
Appeal in contested cases
Notice of decision: made personally or by registered mail addressed
to their counsel of record, if any, or to them. Appellant should comply with all the requirements for perfecting an
appeal otherwise, his appeal will be dismissed or denied due
If a party is represented by counsel, notice of the decision shall be process.
made upon the latter.
Reason: Appeal is a purely statutory right and he who avails of it
Notice to counsel is notice to client. However, notice to client does must strictly comply with all its requisites
not amount to notice to counsel. This is founded on considerations
of fair play. In the absence of any specific rules applicable to a particular agency,
the appeal should comply with Book VII of the 1987 Administrative
Decision of collegiate body, vote required. Code.

The decision of only one member is void where a quorum of two is Check book Sec. 19 to 22
required. This cannot be ratified and the collegiate body has to meet
and decide the case anew. Effect of Appeal

Their acts are official only when done by the members convened in It shall stay the decision.
session, upon the concurrence of at least a majority.
One man cannot take the place of the whole board, nor can his
decision be taken or have the effect of a decision of the board duly 1. unless otherwise provided by law
2. appellate agency directs execution pending appeal
Note: Legislative intent – views and ideas should be exchanged and
The perfection of an appeal in the manner and within the period
examined before reaching a conclusion.
prescribed by law is not only mandatory but also jurisdictional.
Ex. National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), Movie and
Decisions may be appealed to higher administrative bodies, where
Television Review Classification Board (MTRCB), Constitutional
the law or regulation so provides.


The appellant body may not pass upon errors not assigned. The doctrine of res judicata applies to decisions or orders of
However, it has broad discretionary powers to waive the lack of administrative agencies that have become final. This rule forbids the
assignment of errors and consider errors not assigned. Instances: reopening of a matter judicially determined by competent authority.

1. affecting the jurisdiction of the court over the subject Once a litigant’s rights have been adjudicated in a valid judgment by
matter a competent court, he should not be granted an unbridled license to
come back for another try.
2. evidently plain or clerical errors within the contemplation
of law Exceptions:

3. consideration of which is necessary in arriving at a just 1. When there are supervening events which make it
decision and complete resolution of the case or to serve imperative for the higher interest of justice, to modify said
the interests of justice or to avoid dispensing piecemeal judgment
2. Waived or not timely raised as a defense as would amount
4. raised in the trial court and are matters of record having to a denial of justice or a bar to the vindication of a
some bearing on the issue submitted which the parties legitimate grievance
failed to raise or the lower court ignored
3. Application would involve the sacrifice of justice to
5. determination of a question properly assigned is technicality
4. Does not operate between persons who, having been co-
Administrative review parties in the first case, are opposing parties in the second
case. Exception: individual claims in the first case were
Review – a reconsideration or re-examination of a decision or raised in issue, litigated and determined
ruling of a subordinate officer by a superior officer or higher
administrative agency Note: A judgment dismissing an action because of the pendency of
another action between the same parties and cause does not
Q: Why is the power of review necessary? operate as res judicata since the dismissal is not a judgment on the
a. To correct the acts of a subordinate

b. See to it that he performs his duties in accordance with law

Power to issue writ of execution to enforce judgment
General rule: Evidence not formally submitted during the hearing
may not be submitted for the first time on appeal. The grant to a tribunal or agency of adjudicatory power should
normally and logically be deemed to include the grant of authority
Exception: Issue not raised before and evidence of such was not to enforce or execute the judgments unless the law otherwise
presented but the issue was later on resolved and the adverse party provides.
was not allowed to present rebuttal evidence.

Presumption of legality
Presumption of legality vs. regularity
Finality of decision of appellate agency ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES
It shall be final and executory fifteen (15) days after the receipt by A. DOCTRINE OF PRIMARY JURISDICTION
the parties of a copy thereof unless a motion for reconsideration is
seasonably filed or petition for review is filed with the CA within Nature and scope
fifteen (15) days from receipt of the decision or of the denial of the
M/R. If the determination of a case requires the expertise, specialized
skills and knowledge of the proper administrative bodies because
Res judicata technical matters or intricate questions of facts are involved, then
relief must first be obtained in administrative proceeding before it
Res judicata defined can come within the proper jurisdiction of a court.


Doctrine of primary jurisdiction requires that a plaintiff should the merit, where the case falls under any of the exceptions
first seek relief in an administrative proceeding before he seeks a to the doctrine of administrative agencies.
remedy in court, even though it is within the court’s jurisdiction.
 Judicial process is suspended pending referral
 Distinctions between the two doctrines is outlined in U.S.
 Precludes prior judicial determination – behooves the vs. Western P.R. Co. (352 U.S. 59)
courts to stand aside even when they have statutory
power to proceed (Villaflor vs. CA)  Both doctrines are concerned with promoting proper
relationships between the courts and administrative
The court will not determine a controversy where: agencies charged with particular regulatory duties.

1. Question demands administrative determination requiring Non-compliance is NOT jurisdictional

special knowledge, experience, and services of the
administrative tribunal The failure to timely object amounts to a waiver, justifying the
court to proceed to conclusion.
2. Question requires determination of technical and intricate
issues of fact Doctrine of primary jurisdiction: It does not warrant a court to
arrogate unto itself the authority to resolve a controversy the
3. Where uniformity of ruling is essential to comply with the jurisdiction over which is initially lodged with an administrative
purposes of the regulatory statute administered body of special competence. (Villaflor vs. CA)

Primary jurisdiction vs. exhaustion of administrative agencies Purposes of the doctrine of primary jurisdiction

Distinction is in the application: 1. To give the administrative agency the opportunity to decide
the controversy by itself
1. Doctrine of primary jurisdiction – claim is originally
cognizable in the courts, the judicial process is suspended 2. To prevent unnecessary and premature resort to the court
pending referral of certain issues to the administrative
agency. General rule: The court cannot compel an agency to do a particular
act or to enjoin such act which is within its prerogative
This comes into play whenever enforcement of the claim
requires the resolution of issues placed within the special Exception: When in the exercise of its authority, it gravely abuses or
competence of an administrative body. exceeds its authority

The doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies in cases filed with Doctrine of primary jurisdiction not applicable (Exceptions)
the trial court, suspending the proceedings until referral to the
1. Where the administrative agency has no jurisdiction
administrative agency
2. Where the claim is substantial and that there are
The application of this doctrine does not call for the dismissal
reasonable grounds to believe that it is correct, judicial
of the case, only SUSPENSION.
intervention is allowed in order to prevent undue
Illustration: Arbitration Law (Sec. 7 of R.A. 876) harassment at the hand of ill-meaning or misinformed
administrative officials
If there is any suit or proceeding with an agreement that
arbitration shall be held, the court shall stay the action or B. DOCTRINE OF EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES
General rule: Recourse through court action cannot prosper until all
2. Doctrine of exhaustion of administrative agencies – claim is the remedies have been exhausted at the administrative level.
cognizable in the first instance by the administrative
The aggrieved party should first apply for review by a higher
agency alone; judicial interference being withheld until
administrative authority before seeking judicial relief. Otherwise,
the administrative process has run its course and the
the suit may be dismissed for prematurity or lack of cause of action.
agency action is ripe for review
Where the enabling statute indicates a procedure for administrative
This is invoked in petitions for certiorari filed with the CA,
review and a system of administrative appeal or reconsideration,
or in few instances in the trial court, resolving the case on
courts for reasons of law, comity and convenience, will not entertain


the case unless the available administrative remedies have been 6. Respondent is a department secretary who acts as an alter
resorted to and the appropriate authorities have been given ego of the President, hears the implied and assumed
opportunity to act and correct the errors committed in the approval of the latter
administrative forum.
7. Requiring the exhaustion would be unreasonable
Note: This applies only where the agency exercises judicial or quasi-
judicial function. It does not apply in the exercise of its rule-making 8. Amount to a nullification of a claim
or legislative power.
9. Subject matter is a private land in land cases or proceedings
Effect of failure to exhaust remedies
10. Rule does not provide a plain speedy and adequate remedy
It does not affect jurisdiction of the court.
11. Circumstances indicating the urgency of judicial
Only effect of non-compliance: It will deprive the complainant of a intervention
cause of action, which is a ground for a motion to dismiss
If not invoked at the proper time, the ground is deemed waived so
the court can take cognizance of the case. 1. No administrative review is provided

Note: Non-exhaustion is a ground for a motion to dismiss or a 2. Rule of qualified political agency applies
defense that may be raised in the answer. If not raised, it is deemed
Department secretary Office of the President
Rule 43: Final orders/decisions of the Office of the President in the
Rationale for the rule
exercise of its quasi-judicial powers are appealable to the CA by
petition for review on questions of fact, of law or of mixed questions
 It ensures and orderly procedure favoring preliminary
of law and fact
shifting process with matters within the competence of an
administrative agency
An appeal from the department secretary to the courts can only be
allowed by petition for certiorari (Rule 65) due to:
 The administrative process is intended to provide less
expensive and more speedy solutions to disputes
a. grave abuse of discretion mounting to lack of jurisdiction;
 It gives the administrative agency the opportunity to act
and correct errors committed in the administrative forum b. There is no plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the
ordinary course of law other than said petition
 Separation of powers
3. Issue of non-exhaustion of administrative remedies has
Administrative authorities are in a better position to resolve
been rendered moot
questions addressed to their particular expertise and that errors
committed by subordinates may be rectified by their superiors if 4. Failure of a high government official from who relief is
given a chance to do so. sought to act on the matter

Illustration: (Provided in the book) CHAPTER VII

Exceptions to the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative JUDICIAL REVIEW

agencies (Paat vs. CA (1997)
1. Violation of due process
2. Issue involved is purely a legal question
Review – a re-consideration or re-examination for purposes of
3. Administrative action is patently illegal amounting to lack correction.
or excess of jurisdiction
Judicial review – the re-examination or determination by the
4. Estoppel on the part of the administrative agency courts in the exercise of their judicial power in an appropriate case
whether the questioned act, rule or decision has been validly or
5. Irreparable injury


invalidly issued or whether it should be nullified, affirmed or Limitations, generally.
Q: When may the courts set aside decisions of administrative
The courts may determine the legality/propriety of the exercise of agencies?
discretion by the political departments of government or whether
said powers are within the limits prescribed by the Constitution. 1. Grave abuse of discretion which is equivalent to a
capricious and whimsical exercise of judgment
Purpose of Judicial Review
2. Power is exercised in an arbitrary or despotic manner
To keep the administrative agency within its jurisdiction and by reason of passion, prejudice or personal hostility
protect substantive rights of parties affected by its act, rule or amounting to an evasion of positive duty
decisions. (system of checks and balances)
3. Virtual refusal to perform the duty enjoined
Q: What is the scope or subject of judicial review?
4. To act at all in contemplation of law that there is a
A: Agency action – includes the whole or part of any agency rule, justification for the courts setting aside administrative
order, license, sanction, relief, or its equivalent or denial thereof. determination reached

It may either be: Q: When is judicial review justified?

a. Non-judicial – consists of purely administrative or 1. Denial of due process

executive acts and rules and regulations
2. Mistake of law
b. Quasi-judicial – includes final orders or decisions
rendered by the agency in the exercise of its quasi-judicial 3. Fraud, collusion or arbitrary action in admin proceeding
4. Absolutely no evidence in support of findings
Methods of judicial review
5. Such evidence is clearly, manifestly, and apparently
It varies according to statutes and the nature of the agency action insubstantial
sought to be reviewed – ordinary court action, appeal, petition for
review, petition for writ of certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus. Judicial review of rules and regulations

Mere silence of the law does not necessarily imply that judicial In considering a legislative rule, a court is free to make three (3)
review is unavailable, special civil actions may be availed of. inquiries. Whether the rule is:

The mode of review depends upon what the administrative agency 1. Within the delegated authority of the administrative
does – What is the questioned act? agency

a. Executive or administrative functions – file the appropriate 2. Reasonable

court action before the court of general jurisdiction (RTC)
3. Issued pursuant to proper procedure
b. Rule-making power – petition for certiorari and prohibition
In the case of interpretative rule, the inquiry is not into the validity
belonging to the RTC
but into the correctness or propriety of the rule. A court is free to:
Q: What is the usual remedy against a purely administrative act or
a. Give the force of law to the rule
that against the exercise of an agency’s rule-making power?
b. Opposite extreme and substitute its judgment
A: Ordinary complaint for injunction in the RTC
c. Give some intermediate degree of weight to the
Q: What is the remedy with regards to decisions of a quasi-judicial
interpretative rule
body where appeal may be taken as in ordinary civil cases?
Judicial review of administrative decisions, generally.
A: Ordinary Appeal
It is a well-recognized principle that courts have no supervisory
power over the proceedings and actions of administrative agencies


Reason: In the exercise of their powers in their specialized fields, Discretion – the power or right conferred upon the officer by a law
these agencies have acquired knowlegibility, experience and or acting officially under certain circumstances according to the
expertise, essential in the resolution of questions of complex or dictates of his own judgment and conscience and uncontrolled by
specialized nature. the judgment or conscience of others.

Because of this, strong presumption of regularity and correctness is It is faculty conferred upon the official by which he may decide the
accorded their decisions. question before him either way and still be right. In this sense, his
judgment on the matter is not subject to judicial review, even if the
Interference with administrative discretion, to be avoided. same is erroneous.

The discretion given is of such wide latitude that courts will not As a rule, the exercise of discretionary powers of the executive or
interfere unless it is apparent that is used as a shield to a fraudulent quasi-judicial officer is not subject to judicial review and this is
award. applied with strictness.

In reviewing administrative decisions, the findings of facts must be Q: What is the legal basis of this hands-off policy of the judiciary?
respected as long as they are supported by substantial evidence.
A: Separation of powers or the so-called doctrine of political
Q: What are the instances in which the administrative decision may question
be set aside? (Exceptions)
Political question – a question of policy. It refers to questions that
A: proof of grave abuse of discretion, fraud or error of law are to be decided by the people in their sovereign capacity, or in
regard to which full discretionary authority has been delegated to
Apart from the requirements of substantial evidence rule, the lack the executive branch of the government.
of which empowers the court to review findings of quasi-judicial
agencies, the following are instances: It is concerned with issues dependent on the wisdom, not legality, of
an act or measure.
a. Petition for review under Rule 43
b. Petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus under
Rule 65 President grants pardon. The determination of a violation thereof
rests exclusively in the sound judgment of the Chief Executive.
c. Petition for review to the SC under Rule 45 (Wilfredo Sumulong Torres Case)
Judicial interference in technical matters. When judicial review is allowed.
The courts are prohibited from issuing injunction or restraining A: When it concerns the validity of the exercise of discretionary
orders against administrative acts on controversies involving facts power. Whether it is within the limits prescribed by the
or exercise of discretion in technical cases. Constitution. In this case, it does not constitute a modification or
correction of the act of the President, nor does it constitute
Why? To allow such would disturb the smooth functioning of the
interference with the functions of the President.
administrative machin6ery.
In support thereof, the SC has been conferred an “expanded
But, on issues outside of this dimension and questions of law, courts
jurisdiction” to determine whether or not they have acted within
are not prevented from exercising their power to restrain or
bounds of the Constitution. This expanded judicial power covers
prohibit administrative acts
“appropriate cases, even the political question” (Sec.1, Art. VIII)
It does not apply to questions of law OR to matters which do not
Final decision beyond judicial review
involve discretionary acts or technical matters, nor to anomalies
committed by administrative officers or to non-compliance with Decisions and orders of administrative agencies, rendered pursuant
bidding requirements, for the law cannot be used as shield from to their quasi-judicial authority, have upon their finality, the force
judicial scrutiny against irregularities committed by administrative and binding effect of a final judgment within the purview of the
agencies. doctrine of res judicata.
Judicial review of presidential discretion The right to appeal is only a statutory right. It is exercised only in
the manner and in accordance with the provision of law. Failure to


so will cause the loss of the right to appeal and render the decision Review – includes the digging into the merits and unearthing errors
final. of judgment

C. PETITION FOR REVIEW UNDER RULE 43 OF RULES OF COURT Certiorari – deals exclusively with grave abuse of discretion, which
may not exist even when the decision is otherwise erroneous
Petition for review as a mode of appeal
Writ of certiorari – an extraordinary remedy
A petition for review is a mode of appeal from the decisions or final
orders of quasi-judicial agencies exercising quasi-judicial functions In a special civil action of certiorari, the Court will not engage in
filed with the CA pursuant to Sec.9 of B.P. Blg. 129 and Rule 43 of review of the facts found nor even of the law as interpreted or
the Revised Rules of Court applied unless the errors of fact or of law are so patent and gross
and prejudicial as to amount to a grave abuse of discretion or an
It includes appeals from any quasi-judicial agency in the exercise of exces de pouvoir on the part of the administrative agency
quasi-judicial functions. It involves questions of fact, of law, or
mixed questions of fact and law. Period of appeal

(Question of fact and law, defined) A: It shall be taken within 15 days from notice of the award,
judgment, final order or resolution, or from the date of its last
If a statute provides that a decision of a quasi-judicial body is publication, if publication is required by law for its effectivity or
appealable directly to the SC, if enacted without the advice and denial of petitioner’s motion for new trial or reconsideration (Sec.4)
concurrence of the latter, is not effective and the appeal must be
taken to the CA under Rule 43.

In using Rule 43, there must first be exhaustion of administrative How appeal taken
remedies and that the final order or decision has been rendered in
the exercise of its quasi-judicial function. By filing a verified petition for review in 7 legible copies with the CA
within 15 days from notice of judgment or final order or denial of a
Excluded from the coverage of Rule 43 motion for new trial or reconsideration

Decisions of the COMELEC and COA shall be appealable by means of The original copy of the petition intended for the CA shall be
petition for certiorari under Rules 64 and 65 filed with the SC indicated in the face and proof of service to the adverse party and
within thirty (30) days from notice. court or agency a quo must be attached to the original copy of said
petition. Payment of docketing and other lawful fees and deposit the
Petition for review vs. Petition for certiorari sum of P500.00 for costs shall be made to the clerk of court to the
Petition for Review (Rule 43) Petition for Certiorari (Rule 65)
It is an ordinary appeal from a It is a special civil action seeking Contents of petition
final order or decision of a to nullify or modify an order or
quasi-judicial body to the CA resolution of an administrative The petition for review shall:
after exhausting administrative agency exercising judicial or
agencies quasi-judicial functions which
1. State the full names of the parties to the case
acted without or in excess of
jurisdiction or grave abuse of
2. Concise statement of the facts and issues and the grounds
discretion amounting to lack of
jurisdiction relied upon for review
No appeal, or any plain, speedy,
and adequate remedy in the 3. Accompanied by a clearly legible duplicate original or a
ordinary course of law certified true copy of the award, judgment, final order or
resolution appealed from and other supporting papers
Filed 15 days from receipt of the Filed within 60 days from
decision or resolution denying a receipt of the questioned 4. Sworn certification against forum shopping
motion for reconsideration judgment, order or resolution
with the SC, CA, or the RTC Note: The petition shall state the specific material dates showing
Questions of fact, of law, or Questions of law that it was filed within the period fixed therein.
mixed questions of fact and law
May review errors of fact or Errors of jurisdiction Certification against forum shopping
errors of judgment


It states that petitioner has not commenced any other action All that is necessary to sustain the findings of fact is that said
involving the same issues in any other court. findings are supported by substantial evidence which is known as
the substantial evidence rule.
If there is such, he must state its status and if he should learn that a
similar action or proceeding has been filed, he undertakes to  A limitation upon the scope of judicial review in
promptly inform the aforesaid courts and other tribunal or agency administrative cases
within 5 days therefrom.
 Courts are not supposed to reassess the evidence,
The certification should be executed by the petitioner himself, and determine its preponderance on either side and substitute
not by his counsel, the latter’s signing not being sufficient. its own findings for those of the administrative agency

Effect of failure to comply with requirements Rule: Findings of fact of administrative agencies are entitled to great
weight, if not finality, if supported by substantial evidence, or
It shall be a sufficient ground for the dismissal of the petition. negatively stated if the findings are not shown to be unsupported by
What if petitioner filed a petition for certiorari instead of a petition
for review? Dismissal of the petition is warranted Executive decisions are conclusive on questions of fact and not
subject to review by the courts in the absence of fraud, imposition
Substantial compliance with the requirements is sufficient. Hence, a
or mistake other than error of judgment in estimating the value or
petition which substantially complies with the requirements of Rule
effect of evidence.
43 should be given due course.
Exceptions to substantial evidence rule
The rules must be interpreted and applied to attain, not defeat, the
ultimate purpose of all rules of procedure, which is to achieve 1. Factual findings of the administrative agency and
substantial justice as expeditiously as possible the initial fact-finding agency are conflicting;

Action on petition 2. Findings are grounded entirely on speculation,

surmises, or conjectures;
CA may require the respondent to file a comment on the petition
within 10 days from notice or dismiss the petition if it is patently 3. Inference made by the quasi-judicial agency from
without merit, prosecuted manifestly for delay, or that the questions its findings of fact is manifestly mistaken, absurd,
raised are too unsubstantial for consideration or impossible;

Contents of comment 4. Grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation of

1. Point out insufficiencies or inaccuracies in petitioner’s
statements of facts and issues 5. Administrative agency, in making its findings,
goes beyond the issues of the case, and such
2. State the reason why the petition should be denied or
findings are contrary to the admission of the
Due course
6. Judgment of the administrative agency is
premised on a misapprehension of facts
If upon filing of the comment or other pleading or documents, the
CA finds prima facie that the court or agency concerned has
7. Administrative agency failed to notice certain
committed errors of fact or law that would warrant reversal or
relevant facts which, if properly considered, will
modification of the award, judgment, final order or resolution
justify a different conclusion;
sought to be reviewed, it may give due course to the petition.
Otherwise, it shall be dismissed. 8. Findings of facts are themselves conflicting;

The findings of fact of the court or agency, when supported by 9. Findings are conclusions without citation of the
substantial evidence, shall be binding on the CA. specific evidence on which they are based; and

Substantial evidence rule; findings are generally binding. 10. Findings are premised on the absence of
evidence but such findings are contradicted by
the evidence on record


Acts without jurisdiction – tribunal, board or officer exercising is alleged in a verified petition in the proper court to have acted
judicial or quasi-judicial functions does not have the authority without or in excess of jurisdiction or with grave abuse of
conferred by law to hear and decide the case discretion, there being no appeal, nor any plain, speedy and
adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law for the purpose of
Excess of jurisdiction – has the legal power to decide the case but annulling or modifying the proceeding.
oversteps his authority
 Sole office of the writ of certiorari: correction of errors of
Grave abuse of discretion – acts in a capricious, whimsical, jurisdiction
arbitrary or despotic manner in the exercise of his judgment
amounting to lack of jurisdiction  Questions of fact cannot be raised in an original action for
certiorari; only established or admitted facts can be
Transmittal of record considered

Within fifteen (15) days from notice that the petition has been given Error of jurisdiction – one where the act complained of was issued
due course, the CA may require the court or agency concerned to by the
transmit the original or a legible certified true copy of the entire
record of the proceeding under review. (Sec.11)

Effect of appeal; execution pending appeal

The appeal shall not stay the award, judgment, final order or
resolution sought to be reviewed unless the CA shall direct
otherwise upon such terms as it may deem just. (Sec.12 of Rule 43)

This provision does not allow execution pending appeal unless the
applicable law so provides, and even when the law authorizes
execution pending appeal, the CA may stay the execution upon such
terms as it may deem just.

General rule: Judgments by lower courts or quasi-judicial tribunals

or agencies become executory only after they shall become final and

Exception: Execution pending appeal of a decision is allowed only

where the law so provides (e.g. CSC under the Administrative Code,
Office of the President under the LGC)

Submission for decision

If the petition is given due course, the CA may set the case for oral
argument or require the parties to submit memoranda within a
period of fifteen (15) days from notice. The case shall be deemed
submitted for decision upon the filing of the last pleading or
memorandum required by these Rules or by the CA (Sec. 13)

The decision or final resolution of the CA is appealable to the SC by

petition for review in accordance with Rule 45 of the Revised
Rules of Court



Petition for certiorari, generally.

Certiorari – a special civil action directed against any tribunal,

board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions which


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