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Research Article

Published: 30 Apr, 2018

Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Forecast

The Effect of Spiritual Care Based on Sound Heart Model
on Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients
Mazandarani HK1, Asadzandi M2,3,4,5*, Saffari M6,7 and Khaghanizadeh M8
Critical Care Nursing, Student of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Nursing Faculty, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
Faculty Member of Quran, Hadith and Medicine Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran
Faculty Member of Spiritual Health of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Iran
Founding Member of Spiritual Health Research Center, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom, Iran
Associate Professor, Health Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Health Education Department, School of Health, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Associate Professor of Behavioral Sciences Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran

Background and Objective: Depression, anxiety and its consequences: frustration, mitigation of
effort, as spiritual distress decreases quality of life in hemodialysis patients that requires spiritual
care. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of spiritual care, "based on the Sound heart
model," on the quality of life in hemodialysis patients.
Methods: In a semi-experimental study, 32 outpatients under hemodialysis were selected. In
educational support system, spiritual counseling was done based on the model. Intervention with
emphasis on improving the four-person relationships with God, self, people and nature was done.
The purpose of spiritual counseling was: creating optimism, hope and courage to face the crisis of
disease, spiritual self-awareness, development of social communication with love and forgiveness,
OPEN ACCESS enjoyment of nature. Training spiritual skills in eight individual sessions was conducted by
presenting a booklet. The SF36 quality of life questionnaire was completed before the intervention,
after completing the consultation and three months later by the patients. The trend analysis was
Minoo Asadzandi, Assistant Professor, done by repeated measures analysis of variance.
Department of Anesthesiology, Nursing
Results: The mean (SD) age of the participants was 57.75 (12.56) and 62.5% of the samples were
Faculty, Baqiyatallah University of
male. The quality of life score before intervention was 46.36 (14.98) and three months after the
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
intervention, increased to 61.36 (13.16), there was a significant difference between the repeated
(001/0 p<) measures using ANOVA
Received Date: 29 Mar 2018
Accepted Date: 27 Apr 2018 Conclusion: Spiritual counseling was able to provide self-efficacy, self-control and daily self-
Published Date: 30 Apr 2018 calculation in patients. Sound heart model can be used to improve the quality of life in hemodialysis
Citation: Mazandarani HK, Asadzandi
M, Saffari M, Khaghanizadeh M. The Keywords: Quality of life; Kidney dialysis; Spiritual care
Effect of Spiritual Care Based on
Sound Heart Model on Quality of Life Knowledge Translation (KT)
in Hemodialysis Patients. J Psychiatry “What is already known in this topic?” Existing studies have not used a care model. Researchers
Behav Health Forecast. 2018; 1(1): only have used a few religious concepts or Richard Bergin's interventions based on the Christianity
1006. beliefs by trying to adapt to the culture of Iranian Muslim patients.
Copyright © 2018 Asadzandi M. This is "This article adds to the previously known knowledge" This study, while presenting a
an open access article distributed under systematic method of care based on the spiritual care model of Sound heart in Islamic paradigm
the Creative Commons Attribution and with harmony with the beliefs of Muslim patients, teaches community-based care using an
License, which permits unrestricted implementation algorithm.
use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original work
is properly cited. Hemodialysis is one of the most successful and commonly used methods for kidney replacement

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Asadzandi M, et al., Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Forecast

in controlling chronic renal failure in the world and in Iran, which patient and his family with a family-centered approach [36]. The
is essential for the continuation of life with this life-threatening model provides the possibility of establishing meaningful relationship
illness [1]. Studies in 2014 showed that approximately 89% of the with God by faith. With creating self-awareness (understanding the
662.2 million world's dialysis patients and 94% of the 27,457 Iranian person's thoughts, intentions and emotional states), benefiting from
dialysis patients, were hemodialysis patients [2]. This treatment is nature and communicating effectively with family and friends [37]
still the most important treatment for chronic renal failure, which and creating a social-spiritual support network, for emotionally
results in more patients surviving, but is considered as a source of adaptation to illness [38]. So the aim of this study was to investigate”
stress [3]. Hemodialysis results in: a feeling of dependence on the the effect of spiritual care based on the Sound Heart model on the
device, a change in lifestyle, a reduction in the ability to play social quality of life of hemodialysis patients”.
roles, an increase in the cost of health services, and a decrease in the
quality of life of patients [4,5]. Hemodialysis also causes problems for
Materials and Methods
patients such as: digestive complications, reproductive problems, skin This study was conducted in a semi-experimental study, one
problems, lack of focus, Irritability, boredom, sleep disorders, restless group, before and after, at Baqiyatallah Hospital in Tehran in 1395.
leg syndrome [6-8] and psychiatric disorders such as: depression and The sample size was calculated 32, using standard deviation and
anxiety [9,10]. In the last decade, a 46% prevalence of depression has mean value obtained from Rahimi’s study [39], with a 20% drop, the
been reported in hemodialysis patients [11,12], which has led to: an probability of the first type error is 0.05 and the test power equal to
increase in fatigue, decreased physical activity and patients' quality of 80%. At first 38 patients were selected according to Inclusion criteria.
life [13-15]. (Adult patients, over 18 years, were able to complete questionnaires,
Persian language, having a history of six months of dialysis, at least
Quality of life is person's perception, from feeling of hope, life
twice a week for dialysis). During the study, 6 patients were excluded
satisfaction, physical, mental, social, and family health [16], which is
according to exclusion criteria (illness leads to hospitalization, loss of
directly affected by stress and mental health status [17]. The neglect
self-care capacity, death, and transfer to another center for dialysis
of quality of life leads to frustration, lack of motivation for efforts and
or kidney transplantation). Eventually, 32 patients formed the study
reduction of economic, cultural and health activities of an individual
volume. After receiving the Code of Ethics Committee and Clinical
[18]. Over time, with a significant change, hemodialysis patients
Practice Code, the researcher referred to the hemodialysis department
develop a decline in quality of life [19]. There is a positive relationship
of Baqiyatallah Hospital. According to patients' demographic data
between depression and pain with a decrease in quality of life [14,20]
and inclusion criteria, samples were selected as available. After
and a significant relationship between symptoms of insomnia and the
explaining the method of research and obtaining informed written
psychological dimension of quality of life [21]. Depression requires
consent, the questionnaires were completed before the intervention
care because it reduces adherence to treatment and increases clinical
by the patients.
mortality [22,23]. Spiritual care, is an essential component of nursing
practice, which determines how people respond to their illness, it is The demographic questionnaire (12 questions) included:
the most important contributor to achieving a balance in maintaining gender, age, marital status, occupation, education, history of kidney
health and coping with illness [24]. Using religion for communication transplantation, history of surgery and disease, vascular access,
with God [25] and spiritual interventions while helping patients to history of dialysis, number of dialysis, and duration of dialysis. The
cope with the biological challenges of disease [26]. It has a positive SF-36 quality of life questionnaire assesses the quality of life in eight
effect on patients' longevity [27] and improve hemodialysis patients' areas: Physical function (10 questions) and body pain (2 questions)
health [28,29]. Spiritual care by decreasing depression and anxiety of and general health (5 questions) physical activity limitations (4
patients improves their quality of life [30,31]. questions) psychological limitations (3 questions) social functions (2
questions) energy domains (4 questions) and having a good feeling
In educational and support system, one of the most important
(5 questions). These eight domains form two physical and mental
psychological interventions in hemodialysis patients is psychosocial
components. The physical component includes: physical activity
spiritual support and counseling [32]. Spiritual counseling is a
areas, functional limitations due to physical problems, body pain.
treatment and intervention based on the potential power of faith and
The mental component includes: having a good feeling, limiting
spirituality, in the direction of healing and recovery [33] which as a
emotional and social performance. Energy and public health are
complementary method, improves the quality of life of patients [34].
common in both areas. Questions are rated Likert (1 to 5). Each of
The "Spiritual Care Model of Sound Heart", based on the religious
these dimensions has 100 points. A high score reflects a better quality
spirituality of the Abrahamic religions, emphasizes self-care and
of life. The validity and reliability of SF36 quality of life questionnaire
home care in educational and support system. The goal of spiritual
have been confirmed in studies both inside and outside Iran. The
care in model is to achieve a healthy spirit or Sound heart (a calm
validity and reliability of the Persian translation of this questionnaire
and safe soul, full of trust, love, hope, joy, security, satisfaction of
were approved by Mont Azeri et al. In 2005 and Cronbach's alpha was
fate, pleasure, patience, happiness, optimism, without fear and future
reported 0.65 [40].
anxiety, as well as regret and sorrow) by development and correction
of the four dimensions of human communication (with God, others, The intervention included: nine spiritual counseling sessions, 15
Self and nature). The model uses the assistance and participation of to 45 minutes, individually, during dialysis once a week, with emphasis
the patient and his family in care [35]. Regarding the necessity of on improving the four-person relationships with God, self, people and
community-based care, it acts in harmony with the values and beliefs nature. The purpose of spiritual counseling was: creating optimism,
the followers of the Abrahamic religions, including Muslim patients. hope and courage to face the crisis of disease, spiritual self-awareness,
For outpatients, provides counseling and spiritual skills training in development of social communication with love and forgiveness,
an educational support system. It considers the values and interests enjoyment of nature. Training spiritual skills in individual sessions
of patients to choose the method of spiritual care and supports the was conducted by presenting a booklet. After completing the training

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Asadzandi M, et al., Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Forecast

Table 1: Comparison Quality of life (SF36) questionnaires in participants.

Level Posttest 2
Statistical test
Pre-test mean (SD) Posttest 1 mean (SD) (Three months later)
Variable mean (SD)
F: 7.27
Physical functioning 51.87(27.52) 59.53(24.96) 62.96(23.48)
Role limitations – physical 31025(37.52) 38.28 (38.93) 78.12 (36.33)
Pain 44.45(21.42) 45.46 (17.49) 40.07 (15.44)
General health 41.09 (18.21) 43.43 (14.55) 42.34 (13.43)
Emotional well-being 54.50 (26.27) 62.00 (19.30) 67.00 (19.27)
Role limitations - emotional 48.95 (39.98) 61.45 (31.80) 87.50 (27.75)
Social function 55.46 (21.98) 57.81 (16.11) 56.64 (13.46)
Energy/fatigue 43.28 (20.14) 51.87 (15.33) 56.09 (17.02)
Quality of life (SF36) 46.36 (14.98) 52.48 (9.71) 61.34 (13.16)

sessions and three months later, the quality of life questionnaire was of human communication (with God, others, self, and creation) by
completed by the patients. To investigate the normal distribution of applying the skills of faith therapy (prayer, remembrance of God,
quantitative variables, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. The healing touch with healing worship, trust, tolerance, and resort) to
data obtained from the questionnaires were analyzed using SPSS24 create the courage to face disease crisis, future optimism and hope.
software and repeated measures (RMANOVA) by using ANOVA The skill of daily checking and recording of emotional states (self-
test. The significance level in this study was less than 0.05. calculation) for creating self-spiritual awareness. Recommending
forgiveness, charity, goodness to develop relationships with people.
Findings And use of the blessings of the creation world (looking at the water
The demographic characteristics of the sample, were as follows: and trees, listening to the song of birds, using bright and joyous
62.5% male, 84.4%, married persons, 50% of retired, 1.3% of illiterate, colors, Kindness to animals, growing plants, Perfume use) to develop
81.2% did not have kidney transplants. After spiritual counseling and a relationship with nature [47].
also three months later, the statistical analysis showed a significant
The use of Richard Bergin's spiritual interventions, without any
difference (P<0.001). The mean (standard deviation) of the total
change, in the study of Ghahari et al. in Iran, had no significant effect
quality of life questionnaire before the intervention was 46.36 (14.98)
on the stress, anxiety and depression of women with cancer [48].
and 61.34 (13.16) three months later. Comparison of the domains
The sound heart model Emphasizes community-based care and is in
of the SF36 quality of life questionnaire was found: physical activity,
harmony with the religious culture of the Muslim people of the world
physical activity, feeling good, feeling and fatigue were significantly
and followers of the Abrahamic religions.
different. But in other areas, there was no significant statistical
difference (Table 1). Spiritual Care and Strengthening Family Relationships in Kim's
Study, increased Coping and Welfare among family caregivers of
Discussion Alzheimer's Patients [49]. The sound heart model also looks at the
The findings of this study showed that after spiritual counseling home as a place to create a sense of security and relaxation in the
based on Sound heart model, quality of life in hemodialysis patients patient. Emphasizes the strengthening of family relationships, the
was increased. Quality of life in hemodialysis patients was reported participation and support of family members in patient care and is
low in the study of Taheri et al. in Iran in 2010 [41] and Vigan et consistent with this study. Momeni performed spiritual care program
al. 2012-2013 at the Sylvanus Olympio University Hospital in Lomé, for three days based on the needs of the patient with the help of a
Togo [42] just like patients in this study. clergyman and a family member and reduced the anxiety of patients
with ischemic heart disease [50]. Sound heart model emphasizes
Bormann [43] Kim and Spillers [44] used the Richards & Bergin
on teamwork with the help of doctor, nurse, cleric, psychologist
spiritual interventions, include: praying for patients, encouraging
and family member for spiritual counseling. But in this study, the
patients to pray, discussing divine issues, using the Bible in the
investigator performed all stages of spiritual care alone.
treatment, using techniques of relaxation and imaging, persuading
the patient for forgiveness and sacrifice, helping the patient to be in The frequency of anxiety and depression in hemodialysis patients
harmony with spiritual values, self-disclosure of ideas, expression of in the study of El Filali et al. in the Northeast of Morocco Dialysis
spiritual experience, consultation with Priest. In Iran Mahdavi [45] Center in 2015 revealed the importance of psychiatric care [51].
Rehāni [46] used group spiritual care with the Richards & Bergin Aqajani used religious concepts such as: patience and amnesty to
spiritual education package, which was co-sponsored by religious conduct spiritual counseling and could reduce the anxiety and
experts and professors, with Iran's culture and Islam. They provided depression of hemodialysis patients [52]. Morasaie in counseling with
spiritual care with emphasizes on trust, resort, patience, charity, spiritual approach, succeeded in promoting hope in hemodialysis
mention, prayer. That is consistent with this research in the areas patients [53]. Bam dad had a significant effect on improving the
of: prayer and mention, pardon and forgiveness and speaking about spiritual health of patients by listening and instilling hope during
divine destiny and self-disclosure of ideas. Spiritual interventions in hospitalization [54]. In these studies, a model of spiritual care was
this study include: strengthening and correction of the four dimensions not used while this study was conducted based on a care model and

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