As the availability of conventional energy is on the decline, there is
need to find alternate energy sources. Majority of the state electricity departments
in our country are unable to supply the power according to the demand. The
power produced by these companies is not sufficient for domestic utilities; in such
critical situation it is very difficult to divert the energy for other public needs.
There by an alternative source must be discovered, many people propose for solar
energy, but it is going to be a costliest affair, moreover availability of solar energy
is poor particularly in rainy & winter seasons, as a result it is not dependable.
Hence an alternative cheapest method must be determined for few applications;
consequently, this project work has been taken up, which is aimed to generate
electricity from footsteps mechanism. Out of the many alternative energy
resources, this technology described in this project report is the ultimate source
of all known forms of energy. It is clear, safe, and free, does not pollute the
environment and thus will be an extremely viable alternative in the days to come.
As there is a tremendous increase in the crowd, the load applied on the footsteps
by the people, it generates nonstop energy, which can be stored and utilized to
energize the street lights. Here the concept is to convert the mechanical energy in
to electric energy.
Man has needed and used energy at an increasing rate for his sustenance and
wellbeing ever since he came on the earth a few million years ago. Primitive man
required energy primarily in the form of food. He derived this by eating plants or
animals, which he hunted. With the passage of time, man started to cultivate land
for agriculture. He added a new dimension to the use of energy by domesticating
and training animals to work for him. With further demand for energy, man began
to use the wind for sailing ships and for driving windmills, and the force of falling
water to turn water for sailing ships and for driving windmills, and the force of
falling water to turn water wheels. Till this time, it would not be wrong to say that
the sun was supplying all the energy needs of man either directly or indirectly and
that man was using only renewable sources of energy. This whole human energy
being wasted if can be made possible for utilization it will be great invention and
power producing platform will be very useful energy sources in crowded
[1] “Power Generation in automobile suspension system “by
C.Nithiyeshkumar,K.Gowtham,M.Manikandan,P. Bharathkanna, T.Manoj
In this research paper author, three methods of foot step power
generation namely piezoelectric method, rack and pinion method and fuel piston
method are compared and it was found that the rack and pinion mechanism is
more efficient with moderate cost of operation and maintenance.
[2] “Generation of Electrical Energy from Foot Step Using Rack and Pinion
Mechanism” by Md.Azhar, Zitender Rajpurohit, Abdul Saif, Nalla Abhinay,
P.Sai Chandu
In this research paper authors used regulated 5V power, 500mA power
supply. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary
of 230/12V step down transformer. A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator
including a pair of gears which convert rotational motion into linear motion. The
“pinion" engages teeth on the rack. Since the power generation using foot step
get its energy requirements from Non-renewable source of energy. There is no
need of power from external sources (mains) and there is less pollution in this
source of energy. It is very useful to the places like all roads and as well as all
kind of foot step which is used to generate the non-conventional energy like
[3] “Electrical Power Generation Using Foot Step for Urban Area Energy
Applications” by Joydev Ghosh, Amit Saha, Samir Basak, Supratim Sen.
In this research paper authors used 80 volts and 40 mA from one coil
have been generated from a prototype model as first invention. The second
invention provides 95 volts and 50 mA from one coil and this generated power
can be used to light LED array and to run DC fan after rectifying the AC or can
charge batteries. For high efficiency in the axel of the second gear, they fitted a
strong magnet vertically, so that when the gear will rotate due to human body
weight the magnet also rotate. The magnet is placed in a loop type copper coil.
When the magnet start rotating according to the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic
induction, there will be induced emf in the coil.
[4] “Power generation through step” by Vipin Kumar Yadav1, Vivek Kumar
Yadav1, Rajat Kumar1, Ajay Yadav
In this research paper authors used equipment’s with following
specification: Motor Voltage:10 volt Type: D.C. Generator, RPM:1000 rpm,
Gear 1-Mild Steel, No. of teeth:59(big gear),No. of teeth:36(small gear),Type:
Spur Gear, No. of gear used:2 Spring 1-Load bearing capacity:60-90 kg, Mild
Steel, Total displacement:5 inch, Bearing 1- Type: Ball bearing, Bearing
no.N35,Shaft 1Diameter: 15 mm- Material: Mild steel author concluded that with
these method energy conversion is simple efficient and pollution free.
The upper plate is mounted on two springs; the weight impact is converted into
electrical power with proper control unit. The spring and rack & pinion
arrangement is fixed below the foot step which is mounted on base. Spring system
is used for return mechanism of upper plate after release of load. The shaft along
with pinion is supported by end bearings. One end is connected with small belt
pulley system and on the other end a flywheel is mounted. The dc generator is
rotated with the help of this chain and sprocket arrangement. The terminal of DC
generator is connected to battery.
The complete block diagram of the footstep power generation is given
above. Only one step is inclined in certain small angle which is used to generate
the power. The pushing power is converted into electrical energy by proper
driving arrangement.
The upper plate is mounted on four springs; the weight impact is converted
into electrical power with proper control unit. The spring and rack & pinion
arrangement is fixed below the foot step which is mounted on base. Spring system
is used for return mechanism of upper plate after release of load. The shaft along
with pinion is supported by end bearings. A gear is provided there also. A gear is
coupled to the shaft. The gear wheel which is provided in shaft is coupled to the
Dynamo. The dynamo capacity used here is12V. The generator is used here is
12Volt permanent magnet DC generator. The terminal of DC generator is
connected to 12V battery. In the first step the footsteps are directly connected to
the Rack & pinion arrangement.
With the help of block diagram the working procedure is explained in step
by step manner.
Step 1: When force is applied on the plate by virtue on stamping on the plate the
force spring gets compressed.
Step 2: Due to this the rack moves vertically down.
Step 3: The pinion meshed with the rack gear results in circular motion of the
pinion gear.
Step 4: For one full compression the pinion Moves one semicircle, when the force
applied on the plate released the pinion reverses and moves another semi- circle.
Step 5: The intermediate gear with more number of teeth will rotate as a result of
motion of pinion.
Step 6: The generator attached to the intermediate will obtain the rotating motion.
Hence current is produced.
Step 7: From here the power is stored directly in 12v lead acid battery.
Step 8: So the 12v DC is connected to the inverter to convert it into 230AC.
Step 9: Now the voltage obtained is used for small applications.
Produces electricity efficiently.
It is an inexpensive source of all known forms of energy.
It does not pollute the environment.
Automatically operates the street light when the sun falls.
It can be easily maintained.
Simple construction, mature technology.
No manual work necessary during generation.
Energy available all year round.
No fuel transportation problem.
No consumption of any fossil fuel which is non-renewable source of
Reliable, Economical, Eco-Friendly.
No need of fuel input.
This is a non-conventional system.
Battery is used to store the generated power.
Periodic maintenance is required.
Care should be taken for batteries.
Railway stations.
Bus stands.
Shopping malls.
Temples, Schools & Hospitals.
Dancing floors.
Cinema theatres.
Speed breakers.
Street lighting.
Proposal for the utilization of waste energy of foot power with human
locomotion is very much relevant and important for highly populated countries
like India and China where the roads, railway stations, bus stands, temples, etc.
are all over crowded and millions of people move around the clock. This whole
human/bio-energy being wasted if can be made possible for utilization it will be
great invention and crowd energy farms will be very useful energy sources in
crowded countries. Walking across a "Crowd Farm," floor, then, will be a fun for
idle people who can improve their health by exercising in such farms with
earning. The electrical energy generated at such farms will be useful for nearby
The creation of new source of perennial environmentally acceptable, low
cost electrical energy as a replacement for energy from rapidly depleting
resources of fossil fuels is the fundamental need for the survival of mankind. We
have only about 25 years of oil reserves and 75 – 100 years of coal reserves.
Resort to measure beginning of coal in thermal electric stations to serve the
population would result in global elemental change in leading to worldwide
drought and decertification. The buzzards of nuclear electric-stations are only too
will. Now electric power beamed directly by micro-wave for orbiting satellite.
Solar power stations (S.P.S) provide a cost-effective solution even though work
on solar photo voltaic and solar thermo-electric energy sources has been
extensively pursued by many countries. Earth based solar stations suffer certain
basic limitations.
3 Springs 400₹
7 Fabrication 600₹
8 Assembly 500₹
9 Inverter 1800₹
10 Battery 800₹
Total 8900₹
“Power Generation in Automobile Suspension System” by C.Nithiyesh
Kumar,K.Gowtham, M.Manikandan, P.Bharathkanna, T.Manoj Kumar
“Power Generation Footstep” by Shiraz Afzal, Farrukh hafeez
“Power Generation from Steps” by Ramesh Raja R, Sherin Mathew
-International conference on ideas, impact & innovation, June 2017
“Electromagnetic Footstep Power Generation” by Alla Chandra Sekhar, B
Murali Kishore, T. Jogi Raju
-International Journal Of Scientific And Research Publications, June 2014