Model-Driven Analytics: Connecting Data, Domain Knowledge, and Learning
Model-Driven Analytics: Connecting Data, Domain Knowledge, and Learning
Model-Driven Analytics: Connecting Data, Domain Knowledge, and Learning
Abstract—Gaining profound insights from collected data that some analysts predict it will become [1], we need
of today’s application domains like IoT, cyber-physical to process and refine data before we can get valuable
systems, health care, or the financial sector is business- insights out of it. This process of turning raw data into
critical and can create the next multi-billion dollar market.
However, analyzing these data and turning it into valuable valuable insights is referred to as data analytics. If we
insights is a huge challenge. This is often not alone due stay with the oil analogy, data analytics can be seen as
to the large volume of data but due to an incredibly the refinement process of data. It has the potential to
high domain complexity, which makes it necessary to help us to better understand our businesses, environment,
combine various extrapolation and prediction methods to physical phenomenas, bodies, health, and nearly every
understand the collected data. Model-driven analytics is
a refinement process of raw data driven by a model other aspect of our lives. However, turning collected data
reflecting deep domain understanding, connecting data, into competitive advantages remains a big challenge.
domain knowledge, and learning. Besides the scale of collected data, it is also the ever
Index Terms—Modeling techniques, Modeling and pre- increasing complexity of today’s application domains
diction, Knowledge modeling, Data models like IoT, cyber-physical systems, health care, or the
financial sector which makes gaining profound insights
I. I F DATA IS THE N EW O IL , HOW DO WE REFINE IT ? form collected data so challenging. Various methods
Today, data is generated in very large scale by a wide such as statistical metrics, machine learning (ML), and
range of sources, such as sensors, embedded devices, extrapolation models to predict physical phenomena have
social medias, and audio/video. Advances in storage to be combined with knowledge of domain experts to
technologies and their continuously falling prices allow create added value out of raw data.
to collect and store huge amounts of data for a long
time, creating entirely new markets aiming at valorizing A. The Big Data Pathology
this data. Recent studies, for example from McKin- Most of todays data analytic techniques are processing
sey [1], emphasize the tremendous importance of this data in a pipeline-based way: they first extract the data to
relatively new field by calling it the “next frontier for be analyzed from different sources, e.g., databases, social
competition”. Others even compare the value of data medias, or stream emitters, copy them into some form
for modern businesses with the value of oil, referring of usually immutable data structures, stepwise process
to data as “the new oil” [2]. However, as it is the case it, and then produce an output. By parallelising the
for crude oil, data in its raw form is not very useful. processing steps, e.g., based on the map-reduce program-
To transform crude oil into value, a long valorization ming model [3], these techniques are able to mine huge
chain, composed of heterogeneous transformation steps, amounts of data in comparatively little time and can find
needs to be applied before oil becomes the essential all kind of useful correlations. This process is depicted
energy source we all so heavily rely on. Similarly to in Figure 1 a). While this is very suitable for tasks
oil, to turn data into the multi-billion dollar business like sorting vast amounts of data, analyzing huge log
Fig. 1. Schematic working principle of a) typical pipeline-based data analytic processes compared to b) model-driven analytics
files, or mining social medias for trends (even in near anticipate what exact impacts a new value could have,
real-time) it is less suitable for analytics of domains e.g., consumption profiles, electrical loads, prediction
with complicated relationships between data where models and so forth may have to be updated. Moreover,
several different analytic techniques and models need simply storing every measured value without knowing
to be combined with domain knowledge and ML if the value is useful for later analysis further increases
to refine raw data into deep understanding [4]. For computational costs.
such analytics a pipeline-based approach has severe Self-driving cars, prominently promoted, among oth-
drawbacks and easily leads to an inefficient “blindly ers, by Google, are another example of a complex
store everything and analyze it later” approach, which analytics domain. During every ride, these cars need to
is referred to as the “big data pathology” or “big data make numerous decisions based on collected data, an
trap” [5]. understanding of the current situation, and predictions on
future outcomes. For every decision they have to antici-
B. Exemplifying Application Domains pate what might happen in terms of traffic, pedestrians,
As a first example lets consider infrastructure mon- road conditions and so forth and need to evaluate the
itoring systems. We are working in this context on effects of possible decisions before actually deciding for
a smart grid monitoring system together with Creos one. This again needs to combine data, different analytic
Luxembourg, the main electricity grid operator in the tools, such as scientific models defining physical rules
country. The goal of this work is to continuously monitor for speed, acceleration, braking distances, etc., domain
the electricity grid through measured and stored data knowledge like the meaning of road signs or crosswalks,
to detect but also predict possible failures, consumption and ML to be able to learn from previous situations.
peaks, attacks, and other potential problems in the grid. The questions is, which values have impacts in which
For instance, to avoid potential peaks, various statistical circumstances and which parts of the analytics produces
forecasts (based for example on learned consumption the output knowledge how the car has to behave in this
habits and weather conditions) have to be combined with situation?
the underlying electrical laws to anticipate the load in Another domain where complex data analytics is be-
cables and possible side-effects. Considering the high coming increasingly important is the financial industry.
volatility of live measurements in this domain, it is nearly Live simulations of trading strategies are used to predict
infeasible or at least extremely expensive to simply their chances of success and the expected profit growth.
restart the whole pipeline process for every changed As in the previous examples, this requires the combi-
value to produce a new output. However, it is difficult to nation of different analytic tools, domain knowledge,
ML, and data, e.g., real-time stock prices. For instance, knowledge, or if we knew based on expert knowledge
scientific models can represent financial theories, domain that we don’t need this data, there would be no need to
knowledge can describe complex risk models, and ML store it.
can help to forecast stock market trends. However, it 3) The data-centric approach that lies at the heart
is difficult to anticipate what impacts a change of a of todays analytics makes it difficult to anticipate the
risk model or stock value has and which parts of the effects of actions. Take load forecasting for electrical
simulation are impacted and need to be executed again. cables as an example. Classical analytics can tell us
about historical load patterns and perhaps be used to
II. D RAWBACKS OF T ODAYS P IPELINE - BASED predict the usual load of this cable during a specific
A NALYTICS time of the year. However, such techniques cannot help
We identify four main drawbacks which make us to anticipate what happens if, lets say, we have to
pipeline-based analytics for complex application do- disconnect a related cable for maintenance reasons. Such
mains less suitable. complex what-if questions need models developed by
1) For every little change in the source data the whole power grid experts describing the underlying electrical
pipeline process of extracting, copying, processing, and laws, grid topology, and so on. Moreover, to simulate
producing an output has to be redone. However, the what-if questions todays pipeline-based approaches need
produced output, i.e., the gained knowledge, in this pro- to recompute the whole output dataset based on the
gramming model is hardly used to feedback the source changed input since there is no semantic description of
data itself. This is because there is no semantic definition causes and effects.
of the output and how the output could be reused together 4) The knowledge of how to turn raw data into
with new data to create new knowledge. Neither is there valuable insights is scattered around different places,
an explicit definition of what parts of the input data led to e.g., different map-reduce functions, and is therefore
which output. The transformation steps just encode how difficult to extract and maintain. In other words, the
input data is syntactically transformed into output data. link between raw data and knowledge is hidden in the
Therefore, the output has to be completely recomputed implementation.
from scratch by restarting the pipeline process without
reusing previous results. Again, this programming model III. R EQUIREMENTS FOR L IVE A NALYTICS OF
is very suitable for tasks like transforming an input C OMPLEX D OMAINS
dataset into an output dataset, e.g., sorting, or finding All of the examples of I-B have in common that
distinct values, but is less suitable for domains with many they require to make decisions quickly —often based
logical and causal dependencies in the dataset. on very small changes in the dataset— and that
2) This makes it hard to preprocess data and instead making these decisions heavily rely on the combina-
encourages a “first save everything and analyze it later” tion of different analytic tools, data, ML, and, most
approach, since it is difficult to anticipate what data importantly, domain knowledge to correctly assess
and in which format it will be needed. Simply first the impacts of decisions. Most of todays analytics
storing and then processing all available data comes —even if extended with stream processing capabili-
with a high price and can easily lead to disproportionate ties [8]— are not well suited for operations which require
computational efforts. Let’s just think of time series to change only small parts of the dataset and need to
where huge sequences of data points needs to be stored combine various different analytic tools on these small
and analyzed, like for ocean tides, stock values, and changes. Sequential decision-making in such complex
weather data. The quantity of data being generated from domains with a high degree of uncertainty is inefficient.
these sources makes time series storage, indexing (e.g., For example, not every information in a dataset might
signature files, B-trees), and processing highly challeng- be useful for an analytics task. Some data might be
ing [6] [7]. Considering this together with the previous just completely irrelevant for certain tasks, others might
point means that we have to restart the processing be even misleading, e.g., peak values or measurement
pipeline on a continuously growing dataset, although we errors. Knowing what data is important and in which
might more and more process unused data. If data could format, requires deep knowledge and expertise of the
be inferred (with a domain rule) from already computed underlying domain.
It requires to know the causes and effects of a domain relationships between them in some way or another. This
(what-if models) to convert raw data into actionable in- is equally important for both analytics and ML tasks.
telligence or valuable knowledge. Besides the challenges However, without a shared structure both domains can’t
related to the amount of data, the particular application cross-fertilize each other.
domain knowledge, e.g., formulated as scientific models, Such shared structure can be defined with models
must be combined with raw data in order to create a in the sense of model-driven engineering, which are
sustainable refinement process. Unlike the refinement widely used to formalize and structure the knowledge of
process for oil, processing data of complex domains isn’t complex domains. Models are abstractions of a domain
sequential. The results of one processing step —gained representing its essential rules, concepts, attributes, and
knowledge— usually influences earlier steps, so that relations between them. Such models are an efficient way
a feedback loop (similar to reinforcement learning) is to tackle high domain complexity by defining the domain
necessary to understand and interpret some of the results knowledge and structure on a central place, instead of
and to efficiently reuse already extracted knowledge. The spreading it over the implementation of many functions.
refinement process of data is a continuous process
rather than sequentially storing everything and then B. How Models can drive Data Analytics
processing it. To realize such continuous refinement The rational behind model-driven analytics is to,
process, data must be connected with domain knowledge based on a domain model, continuously refine raw
and learning rules. Defining causal relationships within data into a knowledge base, by connecting domain
data, based on a deep understanding of a domain, allows knowledge, data, and learning rules. A deep under-
to anticipate consequences and causes of actions and standing of data requires the knowledge of domain ex-
to learn new causal relationships hidden in data. Such perts. We cannot just guess impacts of complex actions,
description, expressed in form of a domain model, can neither can we predict the future based on the past if
be seen as a view on raw data and can drive analytics something never happened before. But, if we know —
that continuously refines data, always reflecting the even in a simplified way— the internal logic (causality,
latest stage of the domain knowledge. This is depicted semantics) of the domain, we can combine past infor-
in Figure 1 b). mation, current observations, and domain knowledge to
predict what will happen if we take a certain action or
if a certain event would occur. If we come back to the
electricity grid example, we can hardly learn electrical
An important characteristic of the nature of knowledge laws and phenomenas by just observing raw data. How-
is the representation of relationships between things and ever, a model can describe knowledge which experts
finding these relationships is part of learning. Therefore, explored and collected over a long period. Analytic pro-
techniques to organize, store, and process data according cesses leveraging such models would be able to predict
to a structure that concretizes these relationships are impacts of actions and events. Moreover, the modelled
essential. causal relationships within data allows to refine only
the necessary parts of data instead of sequentially
A. Structuring Knowledge recalculating everything (drawback 1). For example,
Over time different languages and formalisms to rep- disconnecting an electricity cable only affects a couple
resent data and knowledge have been developed for of other cables and connected households. This could be
different purposes. For instance, relational databases inferred from a topology model and electrical laws.
are built since decades on top of relational algebra The model forms a domain view of data relevant for
that embodies relationships by means of join operators. specific analytics. Instead of blindly storing and process-
Graphs are used as a natural way to organize knowledge ing everything, intelligently filtering and preprocessing
in form of nodes and edges as computable structures. raw data based on domain expertise and anticipation of
Ontologies are another example of a formalism to define what we want to do with this data, can significantly
types, properties, and relationships between entities of reduce what we need to store and what we need to pro-
particular domains. These approaches have in common cess. This avoids the “store everything and analyze it
that they structure data by defining domain concepts and later” strategy promoted by most of todays pipeline-
based analytics (drawback 2). Moreover, it defines an These two graphs are logically connected in the sense
unified view of heterogenous data, coming potentially that the KG is the result of a refinement process of the
from various different sources, and its semantics. information contained in the PBG and the PBG is the
Beyond the sheer amount of data the complexity in source for the KG. Viewed from top to down an element
such systems comes to a great extend from complex in the KG can be composed of various PBG elements.
domain notions, the dependencies between them, and The PBG elements are interconnected to be able to
various rules to extrapolate meaning out of various solve complex learning and analytic tasks. Elements
measurements. Experts can describe their knowledge of the PBG are usually persisted in form of raw data
of actions and effects in form of models, which then and additional information, such as meta data, used for
can be used in analytics. This lays the ground for analytics and learning processes. Viewed from bottom
what-if analysis (drawback 3). to up several elements from the PBG are combined and
Moreover, these rules are defined in a central place, aggregated to reflect a part of the domain knowledge. As
together with the domain structure of data, instead of depicted in Figure 2 the refinement process of model-
being spread over the implementation of the analytic driven analytics synchronizes these two views based on
tasks (drawback 4). a model. Unlike it is the case for sequential processes,
To sum up, models can be used, based on the domain knowledge (or changes) injected via a modification of
knowledge of experts, to explicitly define the semantic of the KG is transparently mapped to the PBG, which im-
raw data, e.g., in form of domain formula, mathematical mediately reflects this modification and makes it possible
models, and learning rules. In addition, the semantic of to reuse the gained knowledge. This transparent and
data can tell us what data we need for the analytics, continuous synchronization of the PBG and KG is one of
which information we might be able to infer from the major benefits of model-driven analytics. It ensures
already stored data, and what data can be ignored. This a view (the KG) containing all the available “knowl-
allows to only store what is actually needed and also to edge” of the domain. Model-driven analytics defines a
know what knowledge (already processed data) need to transparent and continuous process of decomposing
be updated. knowledge into various analytic elements which can
help to decompose the complexity of understanding
C. Model-Driven Analytics: A Continuous Refinement as a composition of various analytic tools.
We call a model containing the essential concepts of a V. E NABLING M ODEL -D RIVEN A NALYTICS
domain and the relationships between them, “knowledge In the following we discuss a number of technologies,
graph” (KG). This graph represents the understanding of which we consider as particularly important to enable
a domain, which is locked up in domain experts’ heads model-driven analytics.
and is hidden in raw data. The model is like a view on Modeling languages: To describe a mapping between
raw data that leverages various filtering and processing raw data and domain knowledge it is necessary to ex-
steps to map raw data to conceptual knowledge. These tend the expressiveness of todays modelling languages.
abstractions are built to bridge the gap between a con- Besides describing the structure of data we also need
ceptual view and raw data. a way to describe the knowledge of domain experts.
To elicit such domain understanding out of data, dif- This includes statistical metrics, extrapolation methods,
ferent analytic tools and algorithms need to be combined complex physical phenomenas, as well as ML tech-
and enriched with knowledge of domain experts. This niques. Listing 1 shows as an example the definition
is somehow similar to the idea of deep learning where of a consumption profiler as we use it in a smart grid
different algorithms are used to model high-level abstrac- monitoring project.
tions in data, leveraging multiple processing layers with
complex structures [9]. Following the nomenclature of Listing 1. Definition of an electric consumption value profiler
knowledge graph, we call the structure which connects class ConsumptionProfiler {
with "GaussianMixture"
various analytic tools, algorithms, and learning rules with resolution "1week"
with the persistent raw data “persistent backend graph” dependency consumption: Consumption
(PBG). input "consumption | =energyConsumed"
Fig. 2. Models as the heart of knowledge refineries: models can describe the mapping of raw data into knowledge
intend to achieve with model-driven analytics. Here too, natural language. Another challenge is the integration of
models are used as higher-level abstractions to drive advanced ML techniques, like reinforcement learning,
complex processes. Crankshaw et al., [4] also identified to improve analytics. Closely linked to this are natural
the lack of semantic descriptions of input and output in interfaces enabling domain experts to interact with an
typical analytics pipelines as a problem. With Velox, they analytics system, e.g., to evaluate results of the system
propose a solution to model serving and management for for feedback loops [16].
the Spark [15] stack. Velox manages the ML lifecycle
from training on raw data to predictions that the models VIII. C ONCLUSION
inform. Like we suggest with model-driven analytics,
they leverage models to bring more semantic to the level With model-driven analytics we promote the idea to
of data and analytics. use extended domain models to define the semantic of
Model-driven analytics combines various areas of re- data in form of domain laws, mathematical formula, and
search, such as software engineering, ML, databases, big learning rules to gain new insights from raw data. It
data, modelling, and analytics. The concept of model- brings domain knowledge in form of models to the level
driven analytics is yet in an early stage and opens of data. These models are building a bridge between
many interesting research challenges. To name just a domain understanding and the actual raw data represent-
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