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1.1 General
The Indian economy enters the tenth plan with an expectation of 6% to 7% annual
growth in the GDP and consequently 7.2% to 8.0% growth in the transport sector.
These expectations place heavy demands on the already saturated road and rail
transport system which coupled with the inadequacies in the power sector could be a
major constraint in the realisation of the projected economic growth. With Airways,
Coastal Shipping and Inland Waterways being in the fringes, freight transport in
India is basically shared between Road and the Rail sectors. The road network in
India has grown from 4-lakh km. in 1951 to over 30-lakh km now – second largest
in the world.
Post independence the Railways made a flying start almost doubling the transport
output in the first 5 year Plan. There was however a perceptible slowing down from
1968 to 1980 followed by a revival in the last two decades.

1.2 Wake up Call

• Freight Traffic has grown 90 times from 5.5 BTKM in 1951 to
over 500 BTKM now.
• Passenger Traffic has grown 80 times from 23 to 1800 BPKM in
the same period.
• National and State Highways comprising only 8% of the network
carries 80% of the traffic
• Railway share of Freight Traffic has declined from 89% in 1951
to 38% now.
• Golden Quadrilateral Road Network and Induction of Multi Axle
Road Vehicles will make a serious dent
• Even heavy duty Bulk Transport may not remain the exclusive
preserve of the Railways.

1.3 Comparative Evaluation of Indian
Railways with advanced Railways;
THE world's heaviest and longest freight train runs in Australia. With a payload of
82,000 tonnes and gross load of 99,734 tonnes, the train is formed of 682 wagons,
hauled by eight 6000 HP diesel locomotives.

The 7.2- km train transfers minerals in bulk from one part of Australia to another
crossing thousands of miles of largely uninhabited and desert areas. Theoretically,
just 18 such trains are enough to carry the entire volume of about 1.5 million tonnes
of freight moved every day by the Indian Railways, which deploys 5,000 trains of
varying capacities to do the job.

A comparison of the Railway Systems in China and India makes interesting study.
In the decade 1992 to 2002 the route Km on the Chinese Railways (CR) has grown
from minus 6% to plus 14% in comparison to that of the Indian Railways (IR). The
two Railways carried almost the same volume of Passenger Traffic both in 1992 as
well as 2002. However, in respect of Freight Traffic, the volume carried by CR is
four and a half times that of India. They have achieved these results through more
efficient exploitation of track, locomotives and wagons, and by assigning lower
priority to passenger services. China has a larger proportion of double line and has
adopted automatic signalling more aggressively than India. As a result, CR operates
roughly twice the number of trains on electrified double line tracks than the Indian

The Chinese Railways are planning an investment of US $ 200 billion in the mega
plan period from 2004 to 2020, basically aimed at network expansion, doubling and
creation of dedicated Passenger and Freight Corridors. .

1. 4

Integrated Railway M odernisation Plan (2005-10) has been made which has
objective to enhance capacity, improve rail-port connectivity, higher axle load
wagons to carry bulk material and development of dedicated freight corridors, two
intercity, corridors Delhi-Patna-Howarh and Delhi – Channai to be developed to run
150 Kmph trains using latest technology high speed coaches

And running of freight train @100Kmph on the high density Golden Quadrilateral
and its diagonals connecting the four metropolitan cities.
At present predominantly running axle load on Indian railway system is 20.32
tonnes are operating. Heavier axle Loads will enable carrying more payload in one
train, which in turn improve throughput substantially.

Hence before a Heavier axle load is permitted to run, the safety of infrastructures has
to be ensured as it carries passenger traffic also.

Introduction of wagons, which can carry increased loads, is one of the answers
policy makers would look to. Integrated M odernisation Plan (2005-10) released by
Railway envisages running freight trains with axle load of 22.9 t on selected routes.
As a precursor to the ensuring heavier axle loads, Railway Board has taken decision
to run BOXN wagons with CC+8+2 loading on iron ore routes. This would result in
axle loads of the order 22.82t and TLD of 8.51t/m.

In this scenario, introduction of trains with 30t axle loads probably is not quite far
away. Incidentally, 30t axle loading happens to be heavy mineral loading standard.
Running of such heavy axle load trains on the existing track would cause very high
stresses on the track structure which would have far reaching implications on the
requirements of track components and their maintenance and life.

1.4.1 Enhance Transport Capacity

We are in Transport business. Trailing loads and operating speeds are our principal
efficiency indicators. Within the limitations of a loop length of 686 meters and the
existing and proposed Track Loading Density of 7.67 and 8.25 tonnes per meter the
options are

• Higher A xle Loads

Axle Load in tonnes 20.32 22.9 25.0 30.0

No. Of Vehicles 58 58 58 58
Trailing Load in tonnes 4831* 5410 5800 6960
Track Loading Density t/m 7.67 8.25 8.82 10.58
*With CC+2t

• Increasing number of Axles per Wagon

• 11 % higher throughput with 23t Axle Load and 20 % with 25t Axle Load
can be achieved. With introduction of 30t axle load throughput will increase
by 30% approx.
• With 25 t Axle Load Track Loading Density would need to be relaxed to 8.8
t/m and 10.58 t/m for 30t axle load.
• Rail Wear already a matter of concern and may be aggravated by higher A xle
• Higher operating speed may not be possible with higher Axle Loads.

To carry more, cost effectively Railways must raise axle load

The axle loads running on the Heavy Haul routes of American, Australian, china and
other advance Railways are ranging from 30t to 40 t. However there is major
difference in Scenario prevailing on Indian Railway as unlike the World Railways
where Heavy haul freight trains run on a dedicated Heavy Haul lines, in Indian
Railway same infrastructure has to carry both goods and passengers traffic. Golden
Quadrilateral and its two diagonals constituting 16% of Route Km (25% of running
track Km) carry 55% of passenger and 65% of Freight traffic of the I.R. and are
saturated on most lengths.

An attempt has been made in this paper to compute the stresses that would be
induced in Rail, Sleeper, Ballast and Formation due to introduction of 30 t axle loads
and the suitability or other wise of these components. M inimum track structure for
running of these heavier loads and its impact on maintenance of P.Way is also dealt
with. Implications for running 30 Tonnes axle load on dedicated freight corridor of
Indian Railways and solutions to overcome the problems are also dealt with.

1.4.2 Dedicated Freight Corridors

The Freight Corridors should be constructed with the capability of carrying 30ton
axle load Wagons (currently axle loads are limited to 20.3tonnes) in train formations
of over 14,000t (presently train loads are about 4800 tonnes) hauled by multiple
units of 4,000 to 6,000 H.P. ac/ac high tractive effort modern freight locomotives at
speeds of 100 kmph. The loop lengths should be 1500 meters or longer to permit
accommodation and crossing of train lengths of 120 wagons.
While identification of Freight Corridors could be a matter of a detailed survey, the
basic matrix could comprise:
Connecting Collieries in Eastern and Central India with Power Houses in Northern
and Western India.
Connecting Iron Ore M ines with the Steel Plants. For example Bailladila, Dalli
Rajhara-Bhilai Link and connection to Ports for Export.
Connecting Ports of Western India with the focal point in Northern India for
movement of double stack container traffic.
At present Indian railway has taken up the project of running 30 tonne axle axle load
between Deitari to Banaspani for a distance of 150 Km, which is a dedicated iron
ore route in East Coast Railway.

Fewer wagons will be needed to haul the same load, leading to lower capital cost
and possible reduction in wagon maintenance cost, fewer locomotives, lower fuel
consumption per net tonne, reduction in train wagon kilometre operated, and fewer
crew deployment entailing savings in wages. The railways in North America,
Australia, South America, South Africa and Sweden have all increased axle loads to
obtain significant savings in operating cost. These savings have been achieved
despite increased cost of maintaining tracks, greater track component damages and
shorter component lives.

The raising of the axle load from 22.5 tonnes to 30.5 tonnes yielded 40 per cent
savings in transportation cost in the US. This in turn helped the railways in that
country achieve significant reduction in operational cost of transporting containers
and introducing customised wagons to win back traffic from the roadways.

Boosting wagon productivity, that is, how to carry more per wagon, or how to
achieve higher payload per wagon, has become important for the Indian Railways in
view of the increasing threat from the various other modes of transport, particularly
roadways. Overall, the Railways now accounts for 38 per cent of the country's total
freight movement compared to more than 80 per cent half a century ago. An analysis
of the commodity-wise market share shows that between 1991-92 and 2000-01,

there was a sharp drop in the rail coefficient for cement, POL, food grains and iron
steel while it improved for coal, iron ore and fertilisers.

Also, while the drop has been significant, not so the extent of improvement. But,
then, the lower axle load presents only one problem. There are several other
problems that need to be tackled along with the raising of the average axle load.
Thus, along with higher axle load, the track load density, that is, the maximum load
permissible per metre length of track (TLD), too has to be increased. Any increase in
axle load without corresponding increase in TLD will have a marginal effect on the

The other issues that also deserve careful consideration in this connection are track
friendly bogies, smaller wheel size, and enhancement of maximum moving
dimensions (MM D).


On Indian Railway the strength of the for running various locomotives and rolling
stocks at different speeds is assessed by calculating rail stresses induced
locomotives/rolling stocks running at contemplated speed, using Civil Engg. Report
No.C-100 rail wheel contact stresses on straight and curved tracks due to axle
load combined stresses in rail head, foot, assuming rail wear of 5% are calculated on
52Kg rail and 60 K g rail.



Rail is a very important and costly component of the permanent way. Its failure will
affect safety. Therefore, the rail is treated as a continuous beam on closely spaced
elastic supports and the bending stresses are determined from the theory of Beam on
Elastic foundation (BOEF). The fact that the rail is actually supported on sleepers at
some distance apart introduces a very little error and is neglected. The maximum rail
stresses calculated for 60 Kg rails with 100 Kmph speed are as under:

S.No. Rail Section Axle Load Track Structure M aximum Rail

1 52 Kg 30 t PSC, 1660 32.15 Kg/mm2
Ballast cushion
2 60Kg 30 t PSC, 1660 27.70 Kg/mm2
Ballast cushion

Permissible Stresses 72 UTS 90UTS
19.25 (LWR) 25.25 (LWR)
It can be seen from the above that even in 60 kg Rail stresses are higher than the
permissible limit, in other words 60 kg 90 UTS Rail also not fit for 30 t axle loads.

2.1.2. Rail wheel contact Stresses

The contact between rail and wheel flange should be theoretically a point. Hertz
theory explains that in practice the elastic deformation under higher axle lad results
in deformation of steel of wheel and the rail creating an elliptical contact area. The
dimensions of contact ellipse are determined by the normal force on contact area,
while the ratio of ellipse axes a and b depends on the main curvature of the wheel
and rail profile. Inside the contact area a pressure distribution develops which in a
cross section, is shaped in the form of a semi-ellipse with highest contact pressure
occurring at centre

The concentrated load between wheel and rail causes a shear stress distribution in
railhead as shown in fig.

The contact problem is most serious in case of high wheel loads or relatively small
diameters. Eisenmann has devised a simplified formula to calculate the maximum
shear stress in rail head, which is as follow

Tmax =4.13(Q/ R)1/2

Where T max= maximum shear stress in rail head

Q= wheel load +load due on loading due to curves.
R =Wheel radius (mm)

Since problem is one of the fatigue strength, the permissible shear stress is restricted
to 30% of UTS, which works out to be 21.60Kg/mm2 for 72UTS rail and 27.00
Kg/mm2 for 90 UTS rails.
The important deviation from the above formula is that the maximum shear stress
increases with increase in axle load. It also increases with increase in curvature of

track as increase super elevation results in increase on loading of inner rail when
goods train ply on mixed traffic routes. The shear stress also increases with wearing
of wheels as the wheel radius decreases with the wear of wheel. Thus it may appear
that the problem of increase axle load can be solved with increase in wheel diameter
but this is not possible as increase in wheel diameter means less carrying capacity
because of restricted overhead clearances. Therefore only way to keep the maximum
shear stresses within permissible limits is to use the rail with higher UTS.
The contact stresses for BOY, BOB and BOXNHA wagons would be as under. The
diameter of wheel of Casnub bogie is taken as average of new wheel and worn out
i.e. (1000+925)/2=962.5 mm.

Wheel load Q Wheel load + 1 Worn wheel Contact shear

( tonnes) tonne dia.(mm) stresses Kg/mm2
15.00 16.00 962 23.82

For 72 UTS rail the maximum allowable shear stress will work out to 21.60 Kg/mm2
and for 90 UTS rail, it will be 27Kg/mm2. It there implies that 90 UTS rail will be
required for running 30 tonne axle load.


The load of the rolling stock from the rail would then be transferred to the sleeper.
It is there fore essential that the sleeper be designed to the increased axle load of 30
Tonne .on Indian Railway, the lines on which Higher A xle Load would be probably
be introduced are laid with PSC sleepers. Though these important routes are laid
predominately with 60 Kg sleepers with either 60 kg or 52 kg Rails, there still exists
long stretches of track with 52 Kg rails on 52 kg sleepers. The sleepers are laid
mostly to a density of 1540 sleepers per Km though stretches where CTR is done in
the recent past are laid to at 1660 sleepers per Km.
An attempt has been made to calculate the stresses that would be exerted on
sleepers due to the introduction of trains with30 T axle load for different
combinations of sleepers and rails. In the design of the PSC sleepers, contact
pressure between rail and sleeper at rail seat and the compressive stresses exerted by
the sleeper on the ballast bed are the most important aspects to be considered of the
several factors.

Important Design Criteria -

• Contact Pressure Between Rail & Sleeper at Rail Seat

• Compressive Stresses Exerted by Sleeper on Ballast


As an extension to the Beam on Elastic on Elastic Foundation model proposed by
Zimmerman for arriving at the stresses in the Rail, the contact pressure between rail

and sleeper is computed based on based on the principle of discretely supported rail
on springs at specified intervals. Using this principle and Dynamic Amplification
Factor because of the dynamic interaction between rail and wheel due to the speed
of train, the maximum bearing force on a single discrete rail support due to the
wheel load is obtained from the formula
• Based on Beam on Elastic Foundation M odel
Bearing Force on Sleeper –

Fmax = DAF * Pa/2 * (U/4EI)1/4

• Where DAF = Dynamic Amplification Factor, which depends on the track quality,
the train speed and a multiplication factor of slandered deviation, depending on
confidence interval.
• P =Effective Wheel Load (T)
• a =Sleeper Spacing (Cm)
• U =M odulus of Elasticity of Rail Support or Track M odulus (Kg/Cm/Cm)
• E =M odulus of Elasticity of Rail Steel (K g/Cm2)
• I =M oment of Inertia of Rail Section (Cm4)

Based on the charts developed by RDSO in their report no C-100 for different
Rolling stock based on experimentation, the speed factor for BOX wagons for a
speed of 100 Kmph comes to 1.68, However , since the wagon of 30 t Axle load
would be different with different dynamic characteristics , the dynamic effect due
to speed is also checked based on the formula proposed by Elisenmann for Dynamic
Amplification factor
• As per Eisenmann’s Formula,
• DAF = 1 + t ø {1+(V- 60)/140}
t = M ultiplication Factor Depending on Confidence Interval and
Ø = Factor Depending on Track Quality.
• For confidence t = 3, Ø =0.2 for average track quality and 100 kmph speed,
DAF works out = 1 + 3 x 0.2 {1 + (100-60)/140} = 1.78
• For 75 KM PH, DAF works out to 1.66
• Speed factor of 1.68 is adopted for computation of stresses
• In the absence of relevant data regarding the type of rolling stock and the speed
that would be permitted for the purpose of computation of stresses on sleepers
ballast and formation a speed factor of 1.68 is adopted based on the above
computed values and RDSO.
For 30 t axle loads, the effective wheel load ‘P’ would be 15t.
• The M ean Contact Pressure Between Rail and Sleeper on the most heavily
loaded sleeper would than be computed from the formula: -
óm. = (Fo + Fmax) / A
• Fo = The total pre-tensioning force of fastenings on rail support (T)
A = Effective rail support area (mm2)

For concrete sleepers with elastic rail clips, Fo works out to

=2x1, 000 =2000Kg = 2T for PSC Sleeper

“ A “ would be 0.125 X the width of the rail foot, since the width of the grooved
rubber pad used below the rail is 125mm.
For calculation purpose, it is normal to presuppose that the contact force is
distributed evenly over the contact surface area.

• The Contact pressure between rail and sleeper for 52 Kg and 60 Kg rail sections
for 52 kg or 69 kg P SC sleeper and also for sleeper spacing of 60 cm and 65 cm
computed basis on the above formulae are:

S No Rail Section Spacing Fmax(T) óm. (N/mm2)

1 52 kg 65 cm 9.0830 6.4249
2 52 kg 60 cm 8.3843 6.0199
3 60 Kg 65 cm 8.3270 5.5077
4 60 Kg 60 cm 7.6865 5.1661
5 60 Kg 43 cm 5.5086 4.0046

Permissible contact pressure between the rail and sleeper for concrete sleepers is

But as seen from computations in the above table, contact pressure value at the rail
seat for a track with 52 kg rail either on 52 kg or 60 kg sleepers would be far
excess of permissible value when 30 t axle load rolling stock is introduced.
Contact pressure are higher than the permissible value even for a track with 60 kg
rail on 60 kg sleepers at 60 cm spacing. As computed above a track with 60 kg
rail on 60 kg sleepers at 43 cm spacing only fit for running of 30 Ton axle load
rolling stock from contact pressure criterion on PSC sleeper. This poses a very
severe restriction, which would have far reaching implications and hence needs to
be examined thoroughly before introduction of 30 t axle loads.

As illustrated in the in the formula for computation of bearing force on rail

support, sleeper spacing proves to a relatively great influence on support force.
Similarly, Use of heavier rails would reduce bearing force, where as increased
support stiffness of track would result in increased bearing pressure on discrete
sleepers. In the most unfavorable case, bearing pressure may be of the same order
of magnitude as the effective wheel load ‘P’. This conclusively illustrates that
maintenance of clean ballast cushion is essential to prevent damage to sleepers and
to maintain track geometry when heavy axle load trains are introduced.

2.1.4 Stresses on Ballast bed

Ballast bed and formation are conceived as a two-layer system for the purpose of
computation of stresses. Vertical forces on the ballast bed due to wheel loads will be
considered as the determining stresses for the load bearing capacity of the layer
system. Over loading of ballast bed due to increased axle loads causes rapid
deterioration of the quality of the track when heavy axle load trains are introduced.
The compresses stresses that the sleepers exert on the ballast bed are considered
evenly distributed for the purpose of calculation. It means that the material from

which the sleeper is made plays no role. The maximum stress between the sleeper
and the ballast bed under the wheel load ‘P’ is expressed based on Zimmermann’s
theory and by applying a Dynamic Amplification Factor due the speed of the
Rolling stock as per Eisenmann’s model.

σsb = { DAF* Pa/2(U/4EI)1/4}/Asb

= Fmax/Asb
Where Asb = Contact area between sleeper and ballast bed for half sleeper (mm2)

52 Kg and 60 kg sleepers differ only in respect of the distances between inserts so as

to accommodate higher rail section and in all other respects, they are identical.
Hence, there would be no difference in ballast stresses due to the use of either
sleeper and the half sleeper contact area works out to 336,875mm2. Stresses on the
ballast bed due to the force on sleeper, competed for 52Kg and 60 Kg rail sections
and different sleeper spacing are tabulated as under:

S.No. Rail Section Sleeper Fmax (T) σsb (N/mm2)

1 52 Kg 65 cm 9.0830 0.2696
2 52 Kg 65 cm 8.3843 0.2489
3 60 Kg 65 cm 8.3270 0.2472
4 60 Kg 60 cm 7.6865 0.2282
5 60 Kg 43 cm 5.5086 0.1635

The permissible contact pressure on the ballast bed is taken as 0.50 N/mm2. As seen
from the values in the above table, for the present track structure, stresses on the
ballast bed would be whining the permissible value when 30 tonne axle load rolling
stock is introduced.
It can be gathered from the above equation that sleeper spacing and the
extent of ballast support area have an important influence on the mean stress on
ballast bed. A high value for foundation leads to high value of stress on ballast bed,
whereas heavier rail profile has a positive effect in this respect. A heavier rail profile
has a greater influence on rail stress reduction. The effect of ballast stress however,
is approximately half of the effect on the rail stress.


The loads from rolling stock are finally transferred to the formation through the
ballast cushion, where the ballast bed and the formation are conceived as a two-layer
system. Introduction of higher axle loads results in imposition of increased
compressive stresses on the formation. This would lead to faster deterioration of
track and call for more frequent maintenance schedules. The compressive strength
on formation should be always kept whinin the bearing capacity of the formation,
which depend on the modulus of elasticity of the formation apart from other geo-
technical characteristics of the soil.
The stresses transmitted to formation primarily depend upon the depth of ballast
cushion and the effective bearing length of the sleeper. From the criteria of the force

on individual sleeper due to axle load, compressive stresses on the formation are
calculated from the following formula.:

Pmax = DAF. Pa/ DL. (U/4EI)1/4

= Fmax. (2/ DL)
Where, D= Depth of ballast cushion (mm)
And L= Effective bearing length of sleeper at rail seat (mm). For PSC sleeper, ‘L’ is
taken as 1040mm.
Formation stresses for 52 Kg & 60 K g rail sections and ballast cushion of 250mm &
300mm, on account of introduction of 30t axle Load, computed based on the above
formula are tabulated below:

S.No. Rail Sleeper Fmax σsb (N/mm2) σsb (N/mm2)

Section Spacing 250 mm 300 mm
1 52 Kg 65 cm 9.0830 0.2223 0.1853
2 52 Kg 65 cm 8.3843 0.2052 0.1710
3 60 Kg 65 cm 8.3270 0.2038 0.1698
4 60 Kg 60 cm 7.6865 0.1881 0.1568
5 60 Kg 43 cm 5.5086 0.1348 0.1124

The modulus of elasticity and permissible stresses on the formation for 2 million
cycles of loading as indicated by Coenraad Esveld are reproduced below:

S.No. Classification E (N/mm 2) σ (N/mm2)

1 Poor 10 0.011
2 Poor 20 0.022
3 M oderate 50 0.055
4 Good 80 0.089
5 Good 100 0.111

Obviously, with introduction of 30 tonne axle load rolling stock, in most cases,
formation stresses would exceed the bearing capacity of the formation.

3.1.1. Increased Contact Stress & Early fatigue Failure
If the permissible stresses are exceeded there will be plastic flow of metal at contact
and development of cracks in railhead will take place. These cracks grow gradually
due to combined effect of contact stresses with the entrapment of water or lubricant
resulting is surface breaking. If allowed to grow, they have potential go subsurface
and cause a failure by combining with already present defect. Another implication is
that if the surface cracking is severe, the substantial amount ultrasonic waves
transmitted will be reflected from these surface defects making it impossible for the
rail section to be reliably inspected for full depth.
The most prominent defects with the heavy haul are Rolling Contact Fatigue defects
predominantly the Gauge Corner Fatigue.

The maximum shear stress is developed not on the contact surface but at a depth of
5-7mm below the railhead. It therefore implies that use of head hardened rails will
be effective only if such hardening increases the UTS up to the depth of 6 mm or
more from the railhead. It is interesting to know the effect of surface hardening and
lubrication in context of maximum shear stresses. If wear is not dictating the life of
rail, as on head hardened rail / lubricated rails, the maximum repetitive shear stress
will always occur at same point, thereby increasing propensity of fatigue failure and
On the other hand if the rail is allowed to wear, the point of occurrence of maximum
shear stresses will gradually shift downwards making it less prone to shear fatigue
failures or shelling. Therefore, it is paradoxical to say whether the use of head
hardened rails / lubrication of rails will actually enhance or reduce the life of rails
with heavy haul. Tests at Facility for Accelerated service Testing (FAST) have also
shown that higher wear rates of rail not only reduce surface defects but also suppress
the internal defects i.e. detail fractures and shelling.


From the analysis of bending stresses and contact stresses it may though appear that
52 Kg 90 UTS rail may suffice the requirements of increased axle load, but in
practice, the above stresses coupled with thermal stresses and residual stresses set up
cyclic stresses. From the theory of fatigue, it is evident that such cyclic stresses may
result in failure of material at a stress level lower than what would normally require
for failure.
Allan M Zarembski compared the rail life based on wear limits to rail fatigue life for
different axle loading environment and found that in lighter axle loading
environments, rail wear is dominant mode of failure while in heavier axle load
environments, the fatigue emerges as dominant replacement criterion.

Rail Fatigue Life vs Wear 136 RE Rail
AREA Bulletin No. 685, Vol 83 reports of study made by Dr. Allan.M .Zarembski
on the effects of increasing axle loads on tangent track on a continuous welded track.
Two independent studies were conducted to determine the fatigue life of rails with
different axle loads. The first study involved the study of rail defect data to obtain
the probability distribution curves. Analyses of rail defects have shown that the
probability of their occurrence is a function of tonnage (M GT) and it follows
Weibull Distribution. The cumulative defect data was found to have linear
relationship with the accumulated M GT when plotted on Weibull’s scale. The defect
datas collected from two mining railroads operating with different axle loads and
compared with those of a mixed railroad. The results have shown that heavier axle
loads have resulted in a more severe occurrence of rail defects.

Figure 8: Cumulative Probability Distribution

The second study was the analysis of the rail life under fatigue. The effect of traffic
load, calculated rail head stresses (Bending, contact, thermal and residual stresses),
material properties of rail steel were analysed using the cumulative damage fatigue
theory which postulates that every increment of stress beyond the fatigue strength of
material causes fixed amount of damage. The fatigue lives of rails were then
calculated for different types of service environment.
The study had two conclusions:
1). An increase in axle loading will result in decrease in the fatigue life of rail,
measured in terms of cumulative M GT and reduction occurs for both heavier as well
as lighter sections.
ii). When the axle loads are increased from 27.5 tonnes to 33 tonnes (corresponding
to 70 tonnes and 100 tonnes freight cars), the resulting decrease in life of rail was
found to be 40 %.
Thus under Indian Railways context, it can be said that with increase in axle load
upto 25 tonnes, 52 Kg/m, 90 UTS rail may even though be permitted from the
considerations of bending stresses and contact stresses, however, in the interest of
long term economy and from fatigue considerations, it will be more appropriate to
use a heavier section of 60 Kg/m if further increases in A xle loads are imminent.

A better solution to increase the life of the rails on Heavy Haul Routes is rail
grinding. Such grinding will remove the plastic deformation on railhead thereby
removing the surface cracks before they propagate further into rail section. It also
helps in progressively lowering the point of maximum shear stresses thereby
increasing the life of the rail and prevention of sub surface cracks due to fatigue.
Rail grinding is done primarily to
1. Shift the wheel loads from the gauge corner of running rail surface by
asymmetrical grinding pattern.
2. Prevent area of high- localised stress by grinding the corrugated profile to
confirm to wheel geometry.
3. Grinding at predetermined intervals shifts the critical internal stresses,
thereby not allowing micro cracking and subsurface failure to occur.

Rail grinding removes the plastic deformation on rail head- helps in progressively
lowering the point of maximum shear stress thereby increasing the fatigue life of
Prevent areas of high localized contact stresses by grinding the corrugated profiles
more conforming to wheel geometry, thereby distributing internal stresses more
uniformly, into the rail cross section
Grinding of rails using LORAM SX-11 rail grinder has been done on Kottavasla –
Kiramdul line, which has shown reduction in rail wheel contact stresses and
consequent failures.
On curved track with heavy haul traffic - pronounced side wear on outer rail,
gauge face corner defects
Flattering of rail head due to plastic flow of material on inner rail

The grinding not only makes the operation of heavy haul safer but also brings about
a long-term economy. It has been demonstrated on Sweden’s iron ore line, the
M alabanan, that by preventive grinding over a period of 3 years, the Rolling Contact
Fatigue defects were considerably reduced. The M almbanan is claimed to be
Western Europe’s only heavy haul line insofar as it carries fairly long trains with
relatively high axle loads of 25 tonnes and relatively high annual tonnage of about
23 GM T. The line suffered from the problem of RCF defects like stalling, shelling
and head checking. These defects were primarily observed on the high rail of curves
and in switches and were a cause of considerable concern. A preventive grinding
strategy was adopted where the rate of metal removal was about 0.20 mm across the
railhead after every 23 GM T. By adopting this preventive grinding, the cost of rail
grinding and rail decreased by more than 30 %. The principal savings came from
the purchase of rails, which declined, by two thirds over the period 1997-99, from
over 6 million crowns to about 2 million crowns, while the cost of grinding
remained constant at about 5 million crowns. Thus the Railway was not only less
expensive but also safer.

Cost of Rail, Rail grinding and total cost

Malmbanan 1997- 2000
Grinding cost
6 Rail cost
4 Total
1997 1998 1999 2000

Thus it can be concluded that the Grinding will be effective strategy both in terms of
safety and long term economy, for the heavy haul routes as it helps in prolonging the
life of costliest component of track, the rail.

3.1.3 Effect on curvature and track geometry
ORE 161 studies reports that Dynamic effects of 22.5 tonnes axle loads for
different speeds, track quality and radius of curvatures

Dynamic wheel force (D SQ) increases with increase in speed

*The lateral rail- wheel force (Ya) increases with increase in curvature and
deterioration of quality of maintenance.
*Curves with radius sharper than 400m require a greater care of track geometry with
increase in axle loads.

Poorly maintained track will have most pronounced effect, where increase in the
wheel force can be up to 22 % of axle loads for speed ranging between 60 to 100
Kmph observed

Track quality was expressed in terms of standard deviation of vertical profile and
σ <1mm very good, 1-2 mm good > 2mm moderate

Head hardened rails should be used. Extra ballast profile should be given at curves.
Lubrication of gauge faces should be done at closed intervals.

3.1.4 Effect of wheel flat

Relationship between the flat size and force is almost linear

On Indian Railways, the permitted sizes of wheel flats are 50mm for locomotives
and coaching stock and 60mm for goods stock.

Size of flat will depend on diameter of wheel (c2/8R).

No consideration for size of flat in specifications of wheel flat.

The largest loads applied to the track from vehicles are those, which arise from
irregularities on wheel such as wheel flat. ORE 161.1/RP 3 reports of the tests
carried out on flat tyres measuring the effects of speed, size, sleeper type and axle
loads. The results reveal:
I) The forces at frequencies above 500 Hz referred to as P1 forces increases
continuously with speed, while the forces at frequencies below 100 Hz, referred to
P2 forces are more of less independent of speeds. The P1 forces have bearing on
wheel rail contact stresses. This force, which causes most of damage to rails and
concrete ties, increases with increase in speeds.

ii). Increase of axle load from 20 t to 22.5 t (12.5%) caused the increased wheel flat
force of the order of 0 to 6 %. Hence if go from 22.5t to 30 t the increase in wheel
flat force will be of the order of 24%.

Studies have also revealed that movement of wheels with flats can generate
dynamic forces, as high as six times the normal static load, in extreme situations.

On Indian Railways, the effect of rail/ wheel defects and vehicle suspension, on
static wheel load, is represented by a speed factor (Rail stress calculations), which
can assume a maximum value of 1.75 for locomotives and 1.65 for wagons.

The problem assumes alarming proportions incase of thermit welds (which have
the impact strength of 7-10% of parent rail) in LWR territories, during winter
season, when the full tensile stresses are present in rail section.

Spate of weld failures due to running of flat tyres under these conditions, is not
Studies have also revealed that movement of wheels with flats can generate dynamic
forces, as high as six times the normal static load, in extreme situations. The
Dynamic forces increase with increase in speed and axle loads. On Indian Railways,
the effect of rail/ wheel defects and vehicle suspension, on static wheel load, is
represented by a speed factor, which can assume a maximum value of 1.75 for
locomotives and 1.65 for wagons. However the studies conducted by ORE shows
that the dynamic loads can increase up to 6 times static wheel load and further by
6% due increase in axle loads. Such occasional high loads may result in higher rail

stresses reducing the fatigue life of rails and causing fracture of rail/ welds in
extreme cases. The problem assumes alarming proportions in case of thermit welds
(which have the impact strength of 7-10% of parent rail) in LWR territories, during
winter season, when the full tensile stresses are present in rail section. Spate of weld
failures due to running of flat tyres under these conditions, is not uncommon.

Codal provisions of tolerances of flat wheel require to be changed. M onitoring of
flat wheels should be done closely and en route detachment of wagons with flat
wheels should be done.
The US studies revealed that the defect size more than 15% have direct implication
due to wheel flat and failure rate is more. The USFD should be carried out within
the periodicity of 8GM T so that defects of sizes more than 15% shall be detected in


With increase in axle load, there will be increase in rail/weld failures. All the AT
welds should be supported on wooden blocks and joggled fish plates should be
provided. The patrolling in rail/weld failure area should be effected so ensure safety.
The frequency of USFD testing should be increased with latest technology and
should be done in the periodicity of 8GMT.


The existing sleeper density of 1660 Nos/Km at spacing of 65 cm is not sufficient
and may have center binding and other defects due to increase in stress level.
Contact pressure is higher than the permissible value even for a track with 60 kg rail
on 60 kg sleepers at 60 cm spacing. As computed above a track with 60 kg rail on
60 kg sleepers at 43 cm spacing only fit for running of 30 Ton axle load rolling
stock from contact pressure criterion on PSC sleeper. This poses a very severe
restriction, which would have far reaching implications and hence needs to be
examined thoroughly before introduction of 30 t axle loads.

As illustrated in the formula for computation of bearing force on rail support, sleeper
spacing proves to a relatively great influence on support force. Similarly, Use of
heavier rails would reduce bearing force, where as increased support stiffness of
track would result in increased bearing pressure on discrete sleepers. In the most
unfavorable case, bearing pressure may be of the same order of magnitude as the
effective wheel load ‘P’.


M aintenance of clean ballast cushion is essential to prevent damage to sleepers

and to maintain track geometry when heavy axle load trains are introduced.

The permissible contact pressure on the ballast bed is taken as 0.50 N/mm2. As seen
from the values in the above table, for the present track structure, stresses on the
ballast bed would be whining the permissible value when 30 tonne axle load rolling
stock is introduced.

Obviously, with introduction of 30 tonne axle load rolling stock, in most cases,
formation stresses would exceed the bearing capacity of the formation. Blanketing is
to be done for whish extra cost of 10 Lac/Km will be involved.

This would necessitate provision of a blanket layer of adequate thickness to
improve the bearing capacity just beneath the ballast bed. Provision of blanketing, in
accordance with the recent guidelines issued by RDS O in June 2003 vide
Guideline No. GE: G-1, appears to be the only solution for stabilising weak
formations. It is obvious that a yielding formation will result in rapid deterioration of
track geometry, which will make it unsafe of higher axle load trains in addition
necessitating increased and frequent maintenance efforts.
o Provision of a blanket layer on running tracks under traffic, however is going
to be a difficult task due to the obvious constraints such as availability of
Engg. Time Allowance; line Blocks, restricted working space, safety
implications, difficulty in completion etc.
J P Hyslip & E T Seli, S S Smith and G R Oleoft, have reported of Ground
Penetrating Radar (GPR) being employed to assess conditions in railway track
substructure (ballast, sub ballast, and sub grade) and to produce quantitative indices
of substructure condition for use in track maintenance management efforts. GPR
surveys have been conducted on over a combined 100 miles of track, including
mainline and freight tracks. Results of these surveys have shown the ability of GPR
to distinguish between the different substructure layer conditions to determine areas
of trapped water and fouled ballast.
The railway GPR equipment is mounted on a hi-rail vehicle and includes
multiple sets of 1-GHz air launched horn antennas suspended above the track that
permit fast survey travel speeds and high resolution measurements to a depth of 4 to
6 ft (1 to 2m). The antenna configuration and surveying procedures are deployed to
reduce the influence of sleepers and rail. Antennae are located at both ends of the
sleepers as well as in the centre of the track, so the variations of conditions laterally
across the track are seen.

The GPR method requires transmitting pulses of radio energy into the subsurface and
receiving the returning pulses that have reflected off interfaces between materials with
different electromagnetic properties. Antennae are moved across an area with a
continuous series of radar pulses, giving a profile of the subsurface. Reflections of the

GPR pulse occur at boundaries in the subsurface where there is a change in the material
properties. Only a portion of the pulsed signal is reflected and the remaining part of the
pulse travels across the interface to again be reflected back to the receiver from another
interface boundary. The time the pulse takes to travel through the layer and back is
controlled by the thickness and properties of the material. The travel time between upper
and lower boundaries of a layer can be used to calculate the layer thickness employing a
known velocity.


SEJ’S will have higher impact loads resulting in pre mature failures. Design
developed by Rahi Industries should be used for higher axle loads.
There will be higher wear and tear of switches and crossings of turnouts.
Thick web switches should be used in the turnout taking out of curve. CM S crossing
should be used instead of built up crossing. M aintenance of fittings should be of
highest order.


S.Hammarlund, B. Paulsson, conducted Swedish model for prediction of
maintenance costs when increasing axle loads from 25 t to 30 t. The paper shows
that by increasing the axle load from 25t to 30t, the deterioration mechanisms on the
rails was surface fatigue (60%), engine burns etc (15%), internal defects found by
USFD (10%), actual rail and weld fractures and isolating joints (10%). Only 5% of
the rail maintenance was found to be due to wear on this part of line.
The expected increase of track maintenance cost was 3%, which is substantially
lower than the increase in axle load (20%). The possibility to reduce the
maintenance cost was suggested by doing rail grinding and better system of


Increase in the stress on the ballast bed due to increased axle loads would definitely
result in faster deterioration of track geometry quality. Though the relation is still
ambiguous, on the basis of AASHO Road Test for Road structures, it is assumed
Decrease in track quality= (Increase in stresses on ballast bed) m
Where the value of ‘m’ is generally taken between 3 & 4. Thus, a 10% higher stress
on ballast bed leads to 1.2 to 1.5 times faster reduction in track geometry quality and
consequent proportionate increase in maintenance. Introduction of 30 tonne axle
load rolling stock against the present loading of 20.32t would therefore result in the
increase of track maintenance effort 3 times.

While running 30 t axle loads, impact stresses on the ballast will increase and this
further lead to crushing of ballast. Therefore, deep screening of ballast is required at
close interval of time.

3.5.3 Findings of The AAR Panel on 100-Ton Cars
In 1981, an AAR panel of distinguished railroad engineers compared the expected
impacts on 80 tonne loading cars (20 t axle loads) on well maintained tangent track
with 60Kg rail continuous welded rail to the expected impacts of 263,000- pound
cars 9100 ton loading cars) on the same track. The panel concluded that rail life
would be 1.5 to 2.1 tonnes greater using the 80 ton cars, while tie and ballast life
would be1.0 to 1.4 times greater under traffic loads. The panel report also noted that
the impact of heavier 100-ton cars would be much greater on light rail and poorly
maintained track. However these reports were not quantified.
Findings of the Ahlf Study of 100-Ton Cars.

Robert Ahlf(1980) developed an economic Engg. M odel of maintenance of Way and

structure costs reported using class-1 railroad maintenance expenses and workload
measures ( such as gross tonne miles). He classified each M W & S cost element into
one of the three categories
1. Fixed cost
2. Cost that vary in relation to the mechanical actions of the track under load
3. Cost that vary with rail life.
The cost of ballast, sleeper and track surfacing effects were included in category 2
above. Rail deflection was used as an indicator of the mechanical action of the track
under different axle loads and track support conditioned.

Strict tolerances for the track parameters should be be kept. M aintenance inputs are
required to be increased. Use of superior materials to increase the life cycle should
be used. M echanised maintenance should be adopted. Deep screening and temping
should be done at closer interval than existing provisions.


It is required to be thoroughly checked the design of all the bridges in dedicated

routes where 30 tonne axle load is to be introduced and make necesscery design
changes as per HM LS loading. Necessary speed restrictions should be imposed on
safety considerations.
As per technical instructions no 4 (issued by M ember Engineering Sh RR Jaruhar,)
on Load carrying capacity of masonry Arch bridges, Test load application with
observation or deflection, spread and residual deflection is more appropriate with
limiting value deflection as 1.25 mm and spread as 0.38 mm as criterion. It is
considered safe for all practical purpose to allow axle loads up to 30t with 60 Kmph
speed with proper physical condition of arch being assured. Utmost, an additional
ring can help fixed proper skewback on strengthened abutment / pier. Such bridges
must be thoroughly examined.


With the increase in axle load to 30 t the schedule of inspections of officials and
supervisors needs to have re look. Definitely frequency inspections will be


Frequency has to be increased. Use of Sperry tester should be done.



The strategy for running heavy axle loads of 30 tonne should comprise of following
alternative solutions;

4.1 Up gradation of the track, bridges and

formation, to withstand the induced higher
stresses on account of introduction of heavy axle
loads wagon.

4.1.1 Design of Rail section:

The maximum bending stress in 6o Kg rail on introduction of 30 tonne axle load
works out to be 27.70 Kg/mm2 for 90 UTS rails.

Permissible Stresses are 72 UTS 90UTS

19.25 (LWR) 25.25 (LWR)

It can be seen from the above that even in 60 kg Rail stresses are higher than the
permissible limit, in other words 60 kg 90 UTS Rail also not fit for 30 t axle loads.

The contact stresses for BOY, BOB and BOXNHA wagons would be as under. The
diameter of wheel of Casnub bogie is taken as average of new wheel and worn out
i.e. (1000+925)/2=962.5 mm.

Wheel load Q Wheel load + 1 Worn wheel dia. Contact shear

(Tonnes) tonne (mm) stresses Kg/mm2
15.00 16.00 962 23.82

For 72 UTS rail the maximum allowable shear stress will work out to 21.60
Kg/mm2 and for 90 UTS rail, it will be 27K g/mm2. It therefore implies that 90 UTS
rail will be required for running 30 tonne axle load.

The world’s longest rails are now manufactured in India for a length of 120m.

With the availability of 120 m long rails, there will be drastic reduction of weld
population in Indian rail tracks (from 160 welds per track km presently to 17)
resulting enhance safety and cost reduction.


As computed above with 60 kg rail on 60 kg sleepers at 43 cm spacing only fit for
running of 30 Ton axle load rolling stock from contact pressure criterion on PSC
sleeper. The 60 Kg Rail fails in bending stress criteria and 71 kg rail suits as next
option. 71 kg rail is having foot width of 160 mm against availability of 162mm
width of M S insert. This poses a very severe restriction, which would have far
reaching implications and hence needs to be examined thoroughly before
introduction of 30 t axle loads considering difficulty involved in maintaining track
with such high density of sleepers i.e. 2326 sleepers/Km.


The contact pressure on ballast for 60 Kg sleepers at spacing of 43 cm works out to
be 0.1635 Kg/mm2. The permissible contact pressure on the ballast bed is taken as
0.50 N/mm2. For the present track structure, stresses on the ballast bed would be
within the permissible value when 30 tonne axle load rolling stock is introduced.
As per Railway Boards letter No.95/w1/Genl/0/39 dated: 9.10.96, the depth of
ballast cushion for 30t axle load is 25cm with sub ballast of 15cm for speed up to
100 Kmph. However a clean ballast cushion of 300mm may prove best solution for
running 30 t axle loads.


Obviously, with introduction of 30 tonne axle load rolling stock, in most cases,
formation stresses would exceed the bearing capacity of the formation. This would
necessitate provision of a blanket layer of adequate thickness to improve the bearing
capacity just beneath the ballast bed. Provision of blanketing, in accordance with the
recent guidelines issued by RDSO in June 2003 vide Guideline No. GE: G-1,
appears to be the only solution for stabilising weak formations. It is obvious that a
yielding formation will result in rapid deterioration of track geometry, which will
make it unsafe of higher axle load trains in addition necessitating increased and
frequent maintenance efforts.


The bridges are required to of HM LS designs for carrying 30t axle load.



5.1 Introduction of 3-axle bogie for increasing the pay

load carrying capacity, while keeping the stresses
on the track structure within permissible limits.
Increase in number of axle (3-axle bogie) is another strategy, which can be thought
of for increasing the pay Higher tare loads of the wagons running on the Indian
Railways as compared to those running on developed countries is one area where a
possible solution to the problem of running increased axle loads lie. To cite an
example of BOXN has the payload to tare ratio of 2.61. In most of heavy haul
routes, this ratio varies from 3.5 to 5. TRANSWERK, South Africa has developed
104 t gondola tippler coal wagon with a 4.2 tare ratio and 120t tippler iron ore
wagon with payload tare ratio.
These options will be apparently more beneficial compared to the resource intensive
up gradation of the track, bridges and formation, on account of introduction of heavy
axle loads wagons.

We have opted for Broad Gauge (5 feet 6 inches between rails against the standard
gauge world wide of 4 feet 8.5 inches) yet our moving dimensions are highly
restrictive. Similarly, productivity of our wagons in terms of tare to pay load ratio is
probably one of the poorest in the world. We carry 450 kg of dead weight for
moving every tonne of traffic as against 170 kg in developed countries. The wagons
should be redesigned to increase the cubic content and the load carrying capacity to
fall in line with the international norms.
No tippling for unloading should be resorted to.
Wagons should be equipped with end of train telemetry.
Coupling height should be 851 mm instead of 1105 mm at present. Lowering of
wheel diameter and coupling height substantially increases the volume available for
the payload
Bogie M ounted Electronic Brake System should be adopted.
Conforming to Liberalized M oving Dimensions

The communication system should be 880 Hz. GSM R permitting direct
communication between Driver and Guard and the Section Control.

The signalling should be Cab Signalling with 1500 meters overlap



At present Indian railway has taken up the project of running 30 tonne axle load
between Deitari to Banaspani for a distance of 150 Km, which is a dedicated iron
ore route in East Coast Railway. The track structure adopted in this project is 60 Kg
90 UTS rails on PSC-60 Kg sleepers of 1660 Nos/Km with a clean ballast cushion
of 300 mm. At curves greater than 3 deg. 60 kg head hardened rails are used.
However, the speed of the goods train is proposed as 75 KMPH. All the Bridges and
formations are designed for High M ineral Loading Standards.

1. To carry more freight, cost effectively the Indian Railway must raise axle
loads to 30 tonne.

2. From the consideration of bending stresses and contact shear stresses, even
60 kg, 90 UTS rail is not able to sustain the increased stresses due to 30
tonne axle loads. 68.5 K g AAR or 71 Kg UIC rails seems to be a realistic

3. Contact pressure between rail and sleeper would be higher than the
permissible value even on a track with 60 K g rail on 60 K g sleepers (PSC-6)
at 60 cm spacing (1660 sleepers/Km).

4. It is found that track with 60 Kg rail on 60 K g sleepers at 43 cm spacing

(2326 sleepers/Km would only be fit for running of 30 tonne axle loading
from the consideration of contact stresses. Else, P SC sleepers will require
redesigning considering the difficulties involved in maintaining a track with
such high sleeper density.

300 mm clean ballast cushion would be required for running 30 tonne axle
load and the deep screening and temping needs to be done at closer

" " #$#
% " " &! & & & $''&&

7. With the introduction of 30 Tonne axle load, in most of the cases, formation
stresses would exceed the bearing capacity of the formation. This would
necessitate provision of a blanket layer of adequate thickness as per RDSO’s
specifications for which extra cost of Rs. 10 Lac/Km will be involved. For
running 30t axle load in the existing track this will be most challenging job
due to field difficulty in carrying out the work.

8. Each bridge in the dedicated corridor should be evaluated regarding safety

vis-à-vis its physical condition and check for HM LS loading. Impose speed
restriction, if necessary particularly in arch bridges.

9. The cost of the maintenance of the track with increase in axle loads from
20.32 t to 30 t is expected to increase by 3 times depending on the formation
and track quality as per AASHO test. This is still ambiguous since Swiss
model studies shows 3% increase in maintenance cost after doing rail
grinding and lubrication.

10. M aintenance inputs are required to be increased. Rail grinding is to be

carried out at predetermined intervals. Also lubrication must be carried out

11. For running the 30t axle load in existing track increase frequency of
inspections , patrolling and U SFD testing are required. USPD should be done
in the periodicity of 8 GMT.

12. As an alternative strategy, use of wagons with high payload to tare ratio and
increased number of axles may also be considered. Wagon dimensions must
be changed with reduced wheel diameter. Signalling system requires to be


1. Esveld Coenraad, M odern Railway Tracks.

2. RDSO Guideline No. G-1, Guidelines For Earthwork in Railway Projects.
3. RDSO Civil Engg. Report No. C.55, Investigations on Determination of
Intensity of Pressure on Railway Formations- BG Tracks.
4. Eisenmann Dr. Ing. J., Vehicle- Track Panel- Ballast Stresses.
5. Harvey A.F., Sleeper Spacing and its effects on the M aximum Permissible
Axle Load.
6. M ohan M .S., Track Structure on heavy M ineral Lines.
7. International Heavy Haul Association, may 2001- Guidelines to Best
Practices for Heavy Haul Operations: wheel and Rail Interface Issues.
8. Tech. Paper No. 245: Report of Bridge Sub-Committee on track stresses,
9. Tech. Paper no.323- Stress in Rly track, by Venkatramaya, 1950
10. Tech. M onograph No. 12: Track loading fundamental by C. W. Clarke,1959.
11. Civil Engg. Report No. C-100: Dynamic augments of track loads, 1971.
12. 53rd TSC Report, 1977, Item No. 716.
13. IHHA-1997, Strategy beyond 2000. Sixth International Heavy Haul
Railway Conference Cape Town, south Africa,Pg.1155-1158.


by Ashutosh Banerji for RAILWATCH

15. Technical Report No.4, on load carrying capacity of masonry arch bridges,
By Sh. R.R. Jaruhar, M ember Engg. Rly Board.

1.00 Introduction 1
1.1 General 1
1.2 Wake up Call 1

1.3 Comparative Evaluation of India Railways with advanced Railways 2

Indian Railway has to embark upon a path of modernisation and
1.4 expansion in a big way, as per vision of PM .

1.4.1 Enhance Transport Capacity 4

1.4.2 Dedicated Freight Corridors 4-5

1.4.3 The benefit of high axle loads 4

2.0 Assessment of track structure 5

2.1.1 Design of Rail Section 5

2.1.1 Rail Stresses 5-6

2.1.2 Rail wheel contact stresses 6-7

2.1.3 Design of sleeper 7-9

2.1.4 Stress on ballast bed 9-10

2.1.5 Stress on formation 10-11

3.0 Implications and solutions for running 30t axle load on existing 12
3.1 Implication on Rail 12

3.1.1 Increased contact stress and fatigue failures 12-14

3.1.2 Rail grinding 14-15

3.1.3 Effect of curvature and track geometry. 16-17

3.1.4 Effect of flat wheel 17-19

3.1.5 Effect on Rail/Weld failure 19

3.2 Implication on sleeper 19

3.3 Implication on ballast and formation 20-21

3.4 Implications on SEJ’S and turnout 21

3.5 Implications on maintenance of track 21

3.5.1 Swedish M odel study 21

3.5.2 AASHO test 21

3.5.3 Finding of AAR panel 22

3.6 Implications on Bridges 22

3.7 Implication on inspection schedule 23

3.8 USFD testing 23

4.0 Implications and solutions for running 30t axle load on new Track. 23

4.1 Up gradation of track, bridges and formation 23

4.1.1 Design of rail. 23

4.1.2 Design of sleeper 24

4.1.3 Design of ballast bed 24

4.1.4 Design of formation 24

4.1.5 Design of formation 24

5.0 Alternative strategy, wagon modification 25

5.1 Introduction of 3 axle bogie 25

5.2 Communication inputs 26

6.0 On Going projects 26

7.0 Conclusion 26-27

8.0 References 28

! !


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