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Altered Pharmacokinetics of Halofantrine by An Antacid, Magnesium Carbonate

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European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 46 (1998) 299–303

Research paper
Altered pharmacokinetics of halofantrine by an antacid,
magnesium carbonate
Sylvester O. Aideloje a, Cyprian O. Onyeji a,*, Nicholas C. Ugwu b
Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
Faculty of Clinical Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria

Received 30 September 1997; accepted 3 March 1998


This study investigated the in vitro adsorption of halofantrine (Hf) by some antacids. Magnesium carbonate showed the highest
adsorptive effect, the extent of adsorption being up to 83%. Only 4% of Hf adsorbed by the antacid could be eluted with 0.1 M HCl
while no detectable elution occurred with water. Other antacids investigated were magnesium trisilicate and aluminium hydroxide and these
had Hf-adsorption capacities of 23 and 43%, respectively. The effect of magnesium carbonate on the bioavailability of Hf was evaluated in
seven healthy volunteers. The subjects were administered with 500 mg oral dose of Hf–HCl or the same dose of the drug in combination
with 1 g of magnesium carbonate, in a crossover fashion. Blood samples were collected at predetermined time intervals and were analysed
for Hf and its major metabolite, desbutylhalofantrine (Hfm), using high-performance liquid chromatography method. The results showed
that magnesium carbonate significantly prolonged (P , 0.05) the time to reach maximum plasma concentration (Tmax) of Hf. Also the
maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) of Hf and Hfm were significantly reduced (P , 0.05). Furthermore, there was a reduction in the
area under the curve (AUC) values of Hf and this was as high as 56% (range 1–56%). Results of this study suggest that it may not be
advisable to concomitantly administer Hf with an antacid like magnesium carbonate.  1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Keywords: Halofantrine; Magnesium carbonate; Interaction; Altered pharmacokinetics

1. Introduction gastrointestinal absorption have been demonstrated with

some drugs when co-administered with antacids [7]. On
The spread of drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum the other hand, antacids do not alter the bioavailability of
malaria has emphasised the need for alternative drugs for some other drugs [8,9]. Thus, it is apparent that the effect of
the treatment of the disease. Halofantrine (Hf) is a blood antacids on gastrointestinal drug absorption varies with the
schizonticide which is effective against both chloroquine- type or nature of the drug.
sensitive and multi-drug resistant strains of P. falciparum The systemic availability of Hf is significantly increased
[1–3]. Some malaria patients on therapy with Hf could also in the presence of food [10] but, there is no information in
have other indications like ulcer and non-ulcer dyspepsia the literature on the effect of antacids on the bioavailability
requiring treatment with antacids. Before a concomitant of the drug. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to
administration of Hf and antacids could be recommended, determine whether Hf interacts with antacids in vitro and
it would be necessary to determine whether a significant in also to evaluate the effect of the antacid on the pharmaco-
vivo interaction occurs between both compounds. The kinetics of the drug in man.
importance of such a study is underscored by the fact that
antacids have been reported to markedly reduce the bioa-
vailability of a broad range of drugs [4–6]. Also, increased 2. Materials and methods

* Corresponding author. Current address: Department of Pharmacy 2.1. In vitro adsorption and elution experiments
Research, Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT 06102, USA;
e-mail: Preliminary experiments were performed to determine

0939-6411/98/$19.00  1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

PII S0939-6411 (98 )0 0029-0
300 S.O. Aideloje et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 46 (1998) 299–303

the equilibration time for the adsorption of Hf by antacids. samples were centrifuged immediately for 15 min at
One hundred millilitre volumes of 40 mg/ml concentration 2000 × g to obtain the plasma which was transferred into
of Hf were prepared separately in 1% w/v aqueous suspen- plastic tubes and stored at −20°C until analysed.
sions of aluminium hydroxide, heavy magnesium carbonate The plasma samples were analysed for Hf and its major
and magnesium trisilicate. Flasks containing these prepara- metabolite, desbutylhalofantrine (Hfm), using a sensitive
tions were placed in a water-bath at 37.5°C and 5 ml ali- high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method
quots were taken at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 h. The recently developed in this laboratory [12]. In the method,
samples were centrifuged at 5000 rpm for 5 min and con- sample treatment involved protein precipitation with acet-
centrations of Hf in the supernatants were determined onitrile followed by extraction with hexane–diethylether
spectrophotometrically. Maximum Hf adsorption and equi- (1:1, v/v) under alkaline condition. The organic layer was
libration were found to occur after 4 h of interaction with the transferred into a tapered-end tube and evaporated to dry-
antacids. Consequently, the adsorption and elution studies ness over a stream of nitrogen at 40°C. The extract was
were carried out at 37.5°C and the antacid-Hf mixtures were reconstituted in acetonitrile–1 M HCl (90:10) and injected
allowed to equilibrate for 4 h. Other procedures adopted for onto the HPLC through a Varian manual loop valve injector
the adsorption and elution experiments have been reported fitted with a 50 ml loop. A Varian (Palo Alto, CA) model
[11]. In brief, a duplicated series of flasks containing 100 ml 5000 liquid chromatograph fitted with a fixed wavelength
of different concentrations of Hf in 1% w/v aqueous antacid (254 nm) UV detector was used. Chromatographic separa-
suspensions were prepared. The Hf concentration in the tion was achieved on a 10-mm particle size C-18 column
antacids ranged from 5 to 40 mg/ml. After equilibration, (200 × 4.6 mm i.d.) (Hewlett Packard, Avondale, PA)
the contents of the flasks were centrifuged to obtain the using a mobile phase consisting of methanol–0.05 M potas-
supernatants which were assayed spectrophotometrically sium dihydrogen phosphate (70:30, v/v) with 55 mmol/l
for Hf. The adsorption curves were generated. For the elu- perchloric acid. The pH of the mobile phase was 3.1 and
tion experiment, 100 ml of 1% w/v suspension of magne- it was pumped through the column at a flow rate of 1.3 ml/
sium carbonate with a Hf concentration of 40 mg/ml was min. The detection limits for Hf and Hfm were 2.5 and
equilibrated. Elution of the adsorbed Hf was carried out by 2.0 ng/ml, respectively. The intra- and inter-assay co-
extracting the residue left after centrifugation with 100 ml efficients of variation for both compounds were less than
of 0.1 M HCl or water. Concentrations of the extracted Hf 7% (n = 6) at plasma concentrations of 40 and 400 ng/ml.
were monitored over a 6-h period. Triplicate runs were car- The recovery of both compounds at the same concentra-
ried out. tions was not less 87%. The accuracy of the method
assessed by the deviation of the determined concentration
2.2. Subjects and drug administration from the actual concentration was less than 8% (n = 6)
for both Hf and Hfm at concentrations of 40 and 400 ng/
Seven healthy male volunteers between the ages of 24 ml.
and 31 years and weighing between 57 and 67 kg partici-
pated in this investigation after giving their informed con- 2.4. Data analysis
sent. None of the volunteers was receiving any other drugs
for at least 2 months before this study and all of them were The maximum plasma drug concentrations (Cmax) and the
non-smokers. The volunteers were not allowed to take alco- time to reach these concentrations (Tmax) were estimated by
hol or any other medications throughout the duration of the visual inspection of the concentration − time data. The area
study. The study protocol received the approval of the under the curve (AUC) up to the last determined plasma
Ethics Committee of the Obafemi Awolowo University drug concentration was obtained using the linear trapezoidal
Teaching Hospital. After an overnight fast, 500 mg of method. The extrapolated AUC was estimated from the ratio
Hf–HCl (two tablets of Halfan, Smithkline Beecham, of Ct to b, where Ct is the last determined plasma drug
Lagos, Nigeria), was administered with 100 ml of water to concentration and b is the elimination rate constant. Total
each of the seven volunteers. After a wash-out period of 2 AUC (AUCT) was the sum of the AUC up to the last deter-
months, each of these subjects again received the same dose mined concentration and the extrapolated AUC. b was
of Hf–HCl tablets concomitantly with 1 g of magnesium determined by linear regression analysis of at least three
carbonate suspended in 100 ml of water. points on the terminal elimination portion of the log con-
centration versus time profiles. The elimination half-life (T1/
2.3. Sample collection and analysis 2b) was calculated from the ratio: 0.693/b. The Wilcoxon
matched pairs signed-rank test (two-tailed) was used to
Venous blood samples (4 ml) were drawn before and at 1, evaluate the difference between pairs of data. A P-value
2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 48, 72, 168 and 336 h following admin- of ,0.05 was considered significant. Also, the difference
istration of Hf alone and Hf–antacid combination. The in the extent of Hf gastrointestinal absorption in the pre-
blood samples were collected by venipuncture from the sence and absence of the antacid was further evaluated using
forearm and were placed in heparinised tubes. The blood the confidence interval approach [13].
S.O. Aideloje et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 46 (1998) 299–303 301

at an initial drug concentration of 40 mg/ml were 23, 43 and

83% by magnesium trisilicate, aluminium hydroxide and
magnesium carbonate, respectively. It was observed from
the elution experiment that only 4% of the Hf adsorbed by
magnesium carbonate could be eluted within 6 h by 0.1 M
HCl, whereas, no detectable elution occurred with water.

3.2. In vivo studies

Mean plasma concentrations versus time profiles of Hf

and Hfm in the seven volunteers after oral administrations
of 500 mg of Hf–HCl alone, and with 1 g of magnesium
carbonate, to each of the subjects, are shown in Fig. 2. The
figures show that the antacid caused a significant decrease
(P , 0.05) in the Cmax of both Hf and Hfm. The Cmax values
of Hf were 571 ± 315 ng/ml (mean ± SD) and 294 ± 92 ng/
Fig. 1. Adsorption of different concentrations of halofantrine (Hf) by 100 ml, without and with antacid co-administration, respec-
ml of 1% w/v antacid preparations at 37.5°C. Each point is an average of
tively, while the corresponding values for Hfm were
two determinations.
305 ± 162 ng/ml and 158 ± 47 ng/ml, respectively. Also,
the Tmax of Hf was significantly prolonged (P , 0.05) by
3. Results the antacid co-administration (4.3 ± 1.3 vs. 12.9 ± 7.5 h,
without and with antacid, respectively). Tables 1 and 2
3.1. In vitro studies present the absorption and dis-position characteristics of
Hf and Hfm following oral administrations of Hf alone
The adsorption of Hf by 1% w/v antacid preparations at and Hf–antacid combination to the subjects. The mean
37.5°C is shown in Fig. 1. The percentages of Hf adsorption, AUC values of Hf and Hfm obtained after administration

Fig. 2. Mean plasma concentrations versus time profiles of halofantrine (Hf) and desbutylhalofantrine (Hfm) following oral administration of 500 mg of
Hf–HCl alone, and with 1 g of magnesium carbonate, to each of seven volunteers.
302 S.O. Aideloje et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 46 (1998) 299–303

Table 1 magnesium oxide has a higher adsorptive capacity than

Absorption and disposition characteristics of halofantrine following oral magnesium trisilicate for chloramphenicol while the reverse
administration of 500 mg dose of hydrochloride salt of the drug alone, and is the case for doxycycline [16].
with 1 g of magnesium carbonate, to each of seven volunteers Since in vitro drug adsorption by antacids do not always
Drug Volunteer Tmax (h) Cmax AUCT T1/2b (h) translate into significant in vivo interaction [17,18], it was
(ng/ml) (mg/ml per h) deemed necessary in this study to carry out an in vivo eva-
A I 6 345 30.15 87
luation of the Hf–magnesium carbonate interaction, in addi-
II 6 550 43.72 107 tion to the in vitro adsorption experiments. Magnesium
III 4 390 59.10 106 carbonate was selected for an evaluation of in vivo interac-
IV 4 420 82.76 108 tion with Hf because the antacid demonstrated the highest in
V 2 370 70.95 108 vitro adsorptive capacity, and hence, the possibility of the
VI 4 600 76.77 118
VII 4 1320 67.70 123
occurrence of a significant in vivo interaction may be com-
Mean 4.3 571 61.59 108 paratively higher than with the other antacids. However,
SD 1.3 318 17.39 11 further studies are required to definitely establish that mag-
nesium trisilicate and aluminium hydroxide have less influ-
B I 12 197 26.02 120 ence than magnesium carbonate on the pharmacokinetics of
II 6 270 31.22 137
III 6 240 33.99 122
Hf. The absorption and disposition characteristics of Hf
IV 6 300 58.99 138 obtained when the drug was administered alone (Table 1)
V 12 195 21.72 99 indicate that the Tmax, Cmax and T1/2b values of the drug are
VI 24 410 75.0 120 within the range of literature values [10,19] and they also
VII 24 445 64.74 107 demonstrate wide intersubject variability as previously
Mean 12.9 294 44.53 120
SD 7.5 92 19.63 13
reported [20]. Co-administration of magnesium carbonate
with Hf resulted in a significant decrease (P , 0.05) in
Test of * * n.s. n.s. the rate of absorption of Hf as is evident in the Tmax values
Significance which were significantly prolonged. Hf is known to have a
A, 500 mg halofantrine hydrochloride; B, 500 mg halofantrine hydrochlor-
ide plus 1 g magnesium carbonate. Table 2
*Significant difference (P , 0.05); n.s., no significant difference
Disposition characteristics of desbutylhalofantrine following oral admin-
(P . 0.05).
istration of 500 mg of halofantrine hydrochloride alone, and with 1 g of
Tmax, Cmax, T1/2b and AUCT are as defined in the text.
magnesium carbonate, to each of seven volunteers

Drug Volunteer Tmax (h) Cmax (ng/ml) AUC0–336 h

(mg/ml per h)
of Hf–antacid combination were lower (P . 0.05) than the
A I 12 160 24.09
corresponding values derived following dosing with Hf
II 12 260 16.03
alone. The values for Hf were 61.59 ± 17.39 and III 12 230 35.16
44.53 ± 19.63 (mg/ml per h), without and with antacid com- IV 24 125 34.83
bination, respectively, while the corresponding Hfm values V 12 560 20.87
were 29.89 ± 8.89 and 22.62 ± 5.30 (mg/ml per h), respec- VI 24 260 42.43
VII 6 540 35.80
tively. Further analysis of the data using the confidence
Mean 14.6 305 29.89
interval approach shows that the antacid caused a decrease SD 6.3 162 8.89
in the extent of absorption of Hf that was as low as 1% and
as high as 56%. B I 12 105 18.97
II 6 208 15.97
III 6 120 25.65
IV 12 95 25.06
4. Discussion V 12 165 14.77
VI 24 200 26.62
The in vitro adsorption of Hf by the different antacids VII 12 210 29.09
showed that magnesium carbonate exhibited the highest Mean 12.0 158 22.62
SD 5.6 47 5.30
adsorptive capacity. For a variety of other drugs, magne-
sium trisilicate appeared to possess the highest adsorptive Test of n.s. * n.s.
effect [11,14,15]. It has been demonstrated that the extent of Significance
drug adsorption by antacids depends on the structure of both
the antacid and the drug, the pH of the antacid suspension, A, 500 mg halofantrine hydrochloride; B, 500 mg halofantrine hydrochlor-
ide plus 1 g magnesium carbonate.
and the polarity of the drug in such pH [16]. Therefore, no *Significant difference (P , 0.05); n.s., no significant difference
trend can be expected to be generally obtainable in the (P . 0.05).
adsorptive capacities for drugs by antacids. For example, Tmax, Cmax and AUC are as defined in the text.
S.O. Aideloje et al. / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 46 (1998) 299–303 303

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We are grateful to Smithkline Beecham Pharmaceuticals,
Welwyn, UK, for the supply of halofantrine hydrochloride
and desbutylhalofantrine hydrochloride powders. We also
thank Smithkline Beecham, Lagos, Nigeria, for providing us
with Halfan tablets.

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