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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Pendidikan Di Hari Besar Pendidikan

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Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan di hari besar pendidikan

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

I thank God for giving the health and time to share a knowledge on this historic day, the day of national

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Indonesia is a big country, inhabited by hundreds of millions people includes islands spread widely. We
have been independent since 1945, but I think Indonesia is not yet independent in terms of education.
Although we have changed curricula almost every year, but it proved that the Indonesian education has
not been able to compete with the developed countries. We tend to fall behind and have not been able
to print a great human resources class as developed countries.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I tried to draw a line to the back, and I get the irony which is really disappointing. In this very rich
country, there are so many students drop out of school, do not have a uniform, and swim to go to
school because of the broken bridge. It is an irony in the midst of our State assets.

Statistics of school buildings damaged and have not been improved are also too much. It is happening in
the provinces that are far away from the center of government and gives continuing negative effect on
the education system in the province itself.

Of course, a child who does not get an education will have difficulties in achieving a better stAndard of
living in his future. You've seen that a lot of ignorance and poverty arise because so many crimes arising
from poverty.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Education is a major key to get a better state order. Through proper and best education, we are able to
print high-quality human resources, eradicate ignorance, and destroy poverty.

Therefore, let us together to be students and teachers that are diligent, sincere, and keep trying without
the unyielding. We are Indonesia, a rich country that should have the best education. Do not give up on
the fate of our nation today, and continues to struggle in gaining an independence education.

I would like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to convey these short useful messages.

Thank you for all the attention,

Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Arti dari Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan di hari besar pendidikan,

Assalamualaikum wr wb.

Saya bersyukur kepada Allah karena telah diberi kesehatan serta waktu berdiri untuk berbagi ilmu pada
sebuah hari bersejarah, yaitu hari pendidikan nasional.

Bapak dan ibu yang saya hormati,

Indonesia merupakan sebuah Negara besar yang dihuni oleh ratusan juta orang dengan ratusan pulau
terbentang secara luas. Kita telah merdeka sejak tahun 1945, namun saya rasa Indonesia belum
merdeka dalam hal pendidikan. Meskipun kita telah berganti kurikulum hampir setiap tahun, tetapi
terbukti bahwa pendidikan Indonesia belum mampu bersaing secara keseluruhan dengan Negara-negara
maju. Kita cenderung tertinggal dan belum mampu mencetak sumber daya manusia sekelas Negara-
negara maju.
Bapak ibu yang saya hormati,

Saya mencoba menarik sebuah garis ke belakang, dan saya mendapatkan ironi yang sungguh
mengecewakan. Di Negara yang sangat kaya ini, masih banyak siswa putus sekolah, tidak memiliki
seragam, dan berenang untuk mencapai sekolah karena jembatan rusak. Itu adalah sebuah ironi di
tengah-tengah kekayaan Negara kita.

Statistik mengenai bangunan sekolah yang rusak dan belum mengalami perbaikan juga begitu banyak.
Hal ini begitu banyak terjadi di propinsi yang berada jauh dari pusat pemerintahan dan menjadi dampak
buruk bagi sistem pendidikan di propinsi itu sendiri.

Seorang anak yang tidak mendapatkan pendidikan, tentu saja mengalami kesulitan dalam mencapai
taraf hidup yang lebih baik di masa yang akan datang. Anda telah melihat bahwa banyak kemiskinan
timbul karena kebodohan dan begitu banyak kejahatan timbul karena kemiskinan.

Bapak ibu yang saya hormati,

Pendidikan adalah sebuah kunci utama menuju tatanan Negara yang lebih baik. Melalui pendidikan yang
tepat dan menyeluruh, kita mampu mencetak sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, memberantas
kebodohan, dan menghancurkan kemiskinan.

Oleh karena itu, mari kita sama-sama menjadi siswa dan guru yang tekun, ikhlas, dan terus mencoba
tanpa pantang menyerah. Kita adalah Indonesia, sebuah Negara kaya yang seharusnya mempunyai
pendidikan terbaik. Jangan menyerah pada nasib bangsa kita saat ini, dan terus berjuang untuk
mendapatkan kemerdekaan pendidikan.

Saya mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Anda semua karena telah diberi kesempatan untuk
menyampaikan pesan berguna ini.

Terima kasih atas semua perhatiannya,

Wasalamualaikum wr wb.

Contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan moral

Assalamualaikum wr wb

I am very happy because of this chance to stand together with these great people in this podium. Let us
thank God for giving health and valuable opportunity for being here.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Have you ever seen the students smoke? Have you ever seen the students truant? Have you ever seen
the students brawl? And have you ever heard of the students that involved in free sex?

I think all will be say "yes". This means that moral attitudes of Indonesian teenagers have turned away
from the values and norms of the real the real Indonesia. Everyone involved in those bad things are
students, the young people who should have the best ethics because they have been educated through
educational institutions.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Why are all the things happen? Before you answer it, I want to express an opinion. In Indonesia, I see
the demand of academic value is so high. When the students get the higher score, parents, teachers,
and all those around the will be more proud of these achievements. It makes us all forget a really
important thing, the moral education.
Students continue to be encouraged for studying hard, but they are not given the opportunity to build a
social life, emotional intelligence, and spiritual. Every day, students are only given Mathematics, Science,
Language education, Physics, and Chemistry. All of those must be learned and memorized.

Because of too much academic material, students do not get a portion of moral education. As a result,
they are easily tempted to commit immoral acts and even criminality. They understand that the most
important is the score at the end of the test, but not includes attitudes in society.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Of course, we all very disappointed to see the moral of Indonesian students who are increasingly low
and are at the destruction. This should not be allowed to continue and must be addressed properly. It
requires the cooperation of all human parents, educators, and government in order to create the moral
intelligence decreases.

Let us create a learning system that is accompanied by moral exhortation, good behavior, and a
discipline that makes students not only have a high score, but also a good morality.

Do not give up, keep fighting, and be the noble of education.

Wassalamuaiakum wr wb.

Arti dari contoh pidato bahasa Inggris tentang pendidikan moral,

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Saya sangat bahagia karena mempunyai kesempatan berdiri berasama orang-orang hebat di mimbar ini.
Mari kita mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Allah karena telah memberikan kesehatan dan kesempatan
yang sangat berharga.
Bapak ibu yang saya hormati,

Pernahkah Anda melihat siswa yang merokok? Pernahkah Anda melihat siswa yang membolos?
Pernahkah Anda melihat siswa yang tawuran? Pernahkah Anda mendengar siswa yang terlibat seks

Saya rasa semua menjawab “ya”. Ini berarti sikap moral remaja Indonesia sudah berbelok jauh dari nilai
dan norma bangsa Indonesia yang sesungguhnya. Semua yang terlibat dalam hal buruk tersebut adalah
pelajar, seseorang yang seharusnya mempunyai etika terbaik karena mereka telah dididik melalui
institusi pendidikan.

Bapak ibu yang saya hormati,

Mengapa semua hal itu bisa terjadi? Sebelum Anda menjawabnya, saya ingin mengutarakan sebuah
pendapat. Di Indonesia, saya melihat tuntutan nilai akademik begitu tinggi. Semakin tinggi nilai siswa,
maka orang tua, guru, dan semua orang di sekelilingnya semakin bangga terhadap pencapaian tersebut.
Hal ini membuat kita semua lupa akan satu hal, yaitu pendidikan moral.

Siswa terus dipacu untuk belajar dengan rajin namun ia tidak diberikan kesempatan untuk membangun
jiwa sosial, kecerdasan emosional, dan spiritual. Setiap hari, siswa hanya diberikan Matematika, IPA, IPS,
Fisika, dan Kimia. Semua itu harus dipelajari dan dihafal.

Karena terlalu banyak diberikan materi akademik, siswa tidak mendapatkan porsi pendidikan moral.
Akibatnya, mereka mudah tergoda untuk melakukan tindakan amoral bahkan kriminalitas. Mereka
mengerti bahwa yang paling penting adalah nilai akhir di dalam ujian, dan bukan pada ilmu serta sikap di

Bapak ibu yang saya hormati,

Kita semua tentu saja sangat kecewa melihat moral siswa Indonesia yang semakin hari semakin rendah
dan berada pada kehancuran. Ini tidak boleh dibiarkan terus menerus dan harus segera dibenahi.
Diperlukan kerjasama dari semua insan baik orang tua, pendidik, dan pemerintah dalam rangka
menciptakan kecerdasan moral yang semakin menurun.

Mari kita buat sistem pembelajaran yang disertai dengan nasihat moral, perilaku moral yang baik, dan
sebuah disiplin yang membuat siswa tidak hanya mempunyai nilai tinggi, namun juga moralitas yang

Jangan menyerah saudaraku semua, tetap berjuang dan jadilah insan pendidikan yang mulia.

Wassalamuaiakum wr wb.



ُ‫علَيْك ُْم أَََ السَّالم‬ َُّ ُ‫َوبَ َركاَته‬

َ ُ‫ّللا َو َرحْ َمة‬

߉ôJysø9$# ¬! Å_Uu‘ š úüÏJn=»yèø9$# ‫علَى نَ ْست َ ِعيْنُ َوبِ ُِه‬ َ ‫ ال ُّد ْنيَا أم ْو ُِر‬٠‫ْن‬ ِ ‫صالَةُ َو‬
ُِ ‫الدي‬ َّ ‫الَ َوال‬
ُ‫س‬ َ ُِ‫األ َ ْنبِيَاءُِ ُأ َ ْش َرف‬
َّ ‫علَى مُ َوال‬
َ ‫سيِ ِد ْينَا َو ْالم ْر‬
َُ‫س ِليْن‬ َ ُ‫علَى َُو م َح َّمد‬ ْ َ ‫أَجْ َم ِعيْنَُ َوأ‬، ُ‫ أ َ َّمابَ ْعد‬:
َ ‫ص َحابِ ُِه أ ِل ُِه‬

First, let’s thanks to God Allah, and all prices to him, the Lord of the world, the creator of everything in
the universe who has given us the mercies and blessing until we can attend this meeting in this place.

Secondly, peace be upon to our prophet Muhammad, who has moved our soul from the bad character
to the good one. Who had guided us from the darkness to the lightness in this world as well as in the of

Thirdly, I’ll never forget to thank Mr. Chairman, who has given us an opportunity to deliver a speech in
front of the public. Standing in front of you all I would present my speech under the title: “LOOKING FOR

You must know that looking for science is the whole Moslem’s obligation.

Even the human kind in the world. It is called by our prophet Muhammad in this hadits

ُ‫طلَب‬ َ ‫ع ٰلى فَ ِر ْي‬

َ ‫ضةُ ْالع ِْل ُِم‬ َ ‫ل‬
ُِ ‫َومسْل َمةُ م ْسلِمُ ك‬
“The ecquisition of knowledge is a duty in cumbent on every Moslem, male and female.” (Related by

Why our prophet Muhammad obligate us to looking for science? Because science is very
important to our life. With science we can conquer the creatures in this world, like mountains, sky,
moon, sun, fier animal and the planets.

With science we can be leader of all creatures in this world, we can be the best because of our
science. If we don’t have will be like the other creatures. We will be foolish men and we do not know
anything. So we will be worse than the creatures as like my said above, that looking for science is very
important in this life, because with science we will get fortunate in the world or in the hereafter.
Therefore, who want to get fortunate in this world, they must have science of world, so that who want
to get fortunate in hereafter, they must have science of religion and do it in they life everyday. Like said
by our prophet Muhammad said:

ُ‫ن َُو ْلع ِْل ُِم بِا فَعَلَ ْي ُِه ال ُّد ْنيَا أ َ َرا َُد َم ْن‬
ُْ ‫ن َُو ْلع ِْل ُِم بِا فَعَلَ ْي ُِه األخِ َرُة َ ُأ َ َرا َُد َم‬
ُْ ‫) الحدث ( ْلع ِْل ُِم بِا فَعَلَ ْي ُِه ه َما أ َ َرا َُد َم‬

“Whosoever wants the world he should have knowledge, whosoever wants the next world hereafter he
should have knowledge, too and whosoever wants both, the world and the next world hereafter, he
should have knowledge.”

From this speech of our prophet Muhammad, we can to conclude that how the important of the science
by life of man. Because the science, Allah wants to rise man hight rank. Allah saids in holy Qur’an in
Mujadalah verses 11:

Æìsùö•tƒ ª!$# tûïÏ%©!$# (#qãZtB#uä öNä3ZÏB tûïÏ%©!$#ur (#qè?ré& zOù=Ïèø9$# ;M»y_u‘yŠ 4 (‫المجادلة‬

“Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who have knowledge to hight ranks……” (Al-
Mujadalah verses: 11)

Because the knowledge to distinguish a man and animal. Therefore, the knowledge is very important by
man of life. Allah said in holy Qur’an that the first verses was downed is verses of Al-Alaq and bigined
with IQRA’ word the mean is read. This is to indicate that reading is good method to get science, without
reading man difficult to get knowledge.

As human being, we have reason and intelligence. With this reason, we can look for science that will
make us different from animal. The other creatures like animal and plant are unable to look for science,
because they have no reason. That is why man is superior to other creatures. For example, man can
conquer all creatures in this world such as huge mountain, ginat trees, wild, animal and so on.

We can emagine, suppose if we had knowledge, will be the same as te other creatures even worse than
they are. Look at a crazy man, he is worse than animal, isn’t he? Time and place do not limit looking for
science. The holy prophet said:
ْ ‫ِلى ْال َم ْه ُِد مِ نَُ ْالع ِْل َُم أ‬
‫طلبوا‬ َُ ‫اللَّ ْه ُِد ا‬

”Seek knowledge from the cradle until the grave”

ْ ‫ْن َولَ ُْو ْالع ِْل َُم أ‬

‫طلبوا‬ ُِ ‫الصي‬
ِ ِ‫ب‬

“Seek knowledge although in Cina”

Islam ordains a long life education. As long as we are still a live, we still have obligation look for

Dear Muslims!!!

That’s all for the time being. It is hoped that you have understood my speech well. Finally, I would like
you to forgive me if I made mistakes in my speech. Thank a lot for your full attention to me. My Allah the
almighty bestow on us His unldless blessings for this faithful activity.

ُ‫علَيْك ُْم َوََ السَّالم‬ َُّ ُ‫َوبَ َركاَته‬

َ ُ‫ّللا َو َرحْ َمة‬

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