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The successful development and implementation of a

management information system calls for a deep
understanding of the structure of MIS and the dynamics of
the enterprises. Like all other systems, MIS also has a specific
structure, which describes the framework within which various
subsystems are arranged to ensure the efficient functioning
of the system. Even though there is no standard to explain
its structure, the normal practice is to describe it in the context
of operating elements, functions, etc. MIS is a complex design
on the basis of which the other sub information systems
operate. MIS adopts a complex and multiple approach towards
its structure.
Formal and Informal Systems
MIS is the sum total of all the information processing
systems in an organization, which may be either public or
private. In public information system all the relevant persons
in the organization can have knowledge about the system
and the information is available to everyone in the
organization who has authority to access it, subject to security
measures. Private information systems are maintained by
individuals where certain pieces of information are not
available to others and there is discrimination in the file
accessing capacity of individuals in the organization. Public
and private information systems may be either formal or
informal. Formal information systems are always subject to
Structure of Management Information System 127

the rules and procedures manifested by records and other

documents and are required to comply with them. Formal
systems use officially prescribed data processing mechanism,
and access to such a system, even for updating, is possible
only through an authorized system. A formal information
system can be better described as a formally organized system
for providing information to various categories of users, aiming
at higher efficiency in their area of responsibility to achieve
the organizational objectives. Since the public formal
information system has a specific structure or design, which
is predetermined, it is also called formal structured system.
The informal information system provides information
required for the efficient functioning of the organization, but
the data processing functions is not on the basis of formally
organized and rigid procedures and records. The informal
public information system supplies information only to those
who are connected with it. In informal systems, there are no
rules or formally organized system enabling data gathering
and sharing. Moreover, there is no regularity in the flow of
such information. E-mail, telephone calls, notes on the
bulletin, etc., are examples of public informal information
system. They are also referred to as informal unstructured
systems, because they have no predetermined structure or
format. Private formal information systems comply with
specified rules and regulations given by a private individual.
The information system file maintained by a marketing
manager, to provide information only to the marketing
executives, is an example. Private informal information
systems are based on personal contacts. Thus the information
system can be represented as:

I Informal
Fig. 9.1: Information System
128 Management Information System

Information Networks
The concept was developed by Forrester, who argued
that enterprises are complex, multi-loop interconnected
systems and decisions are taken at multiple pOints in the
organizations, which generate additional information when
implemented. Information network refers to the
interconnected and interlocking network of information
generated at various pOints in an organization, information
feedback loops, etc., taken together, and describes the total
system network. It helps in controlling the physical processes
like erection of plants, production of goods, marketing of
products, etc.
According to Forrester Information Networks in an
organization can be divided into six categories such as:
materials, orders, money, personnel, capital, and information.
Each decision point in the organization provides information,
which requires a feedback loop, which enables the organization
to transform the information into action.
Activities of various levels of management (top, middle
and bottom) can be identified as strategic, tactical and
operational in nature. Based on these levels and corresponding
activities, the information requirements also change, but the
source of information remains the same. The framework of a
system can be explained with the help of modularity, which
simply means factoring the system into various modules, of
compact and manageable size. A module is a small set of
instructions applicable for individual requirements.
Sometimes, it is possible to set up common modules to meet
the common requirements of certain subsystems, it helps to
smoothen and ensure the early completion of projects.
Modules can again be divided into minor and basic modules,
to facilitate system analysis and design. Modules can be
attested or updated without causing any harm to other
modules. Thus, according to the modularity concept, a system
is viewed as a set of logically integrated modules, which are
coded and tested for their efficiency.
Extent of Integration
System is a group of interrelated subsystems.
Integration of these subsystems is required for the effective
functioning of the system. Subsystem integration is possible
Structure of Management Information System 129

by ensuring data flows throughout the system, in such a way

that data files of one subsystem are required to be accessed
by the other subsystems and the information generated by
the latter is accessed by another subsystem and so on.
Subsystems are said to be integrated when a relationship
exists among them in their functioning or when they use the
same data source for obtaining or providing information to
other subsystems, so that a linkage is established among
them. The system integration can be divided into three
categories like hierarchical, horizontal, and cross-functional.
In hierarchical system integration, either the transaction level
systems provide information to the managerial level or the
managerial level provides information to the transactional
level systems. Horizontal integration is achieved by ensuring
integration within a chain of command. For example,
information systems in a production department are arranges
in such a way that the information in one department is
transferred to another department for use as the product
moves from one department to another, for various stages of
production take place in various departments. Cross-functional
interaction facilitates integration of information systems of
various functional areas like production, personnel, and
finance. Various techniques can be adopted for ensuring
integration. A standard procedure can be developed to transfer
data from one system to another regularly. In computer,
automated responses are used in certain conditions or
situations to ensure integration.
The extent of integration is a matter of degree; since
tight integration is impractical and difficult to maintain. Data
I integration is thus achieved after considering a number of
factors like ·cost, nature of data, benefits, etc. The best way
for achieving data integration is the I,.Jse of database, which
facilitates improved data flows, timely decision-making, and
sharing of information.
Extent of Man-machine Integration
Information systems are developed to ensure the
availability of proper and timely information to the end-user.
Human beings interact with the information system in a variety
of ways, such as input provider, information accessory,
programmer,. etc. Even though the structure of MIS is silent
about the on-line user-machine interaction, it is often desirable
as the transaction can be completed immediately. Moreover
130 Management Information System

the popularity of communication technology compels the user

to adopt on-line interactive transaction processing and
decision support. In user-friendly systems, non-procedural
languages help to reduce the gap between the user and
computer systems and the users are provided with interfaces
to interact with the systems. Thus, the contact point of the
system with the end-user is referred to as an interface.
Structure of Management Information System
The structure of MIS can be described in terms of its
operating elements, decision support, managerial activity, and
organizational function.
1. Operating elements of MIS: The operational
elements of MIS are:
(a) Physical components: The physical components
of an information system include:
(i) Hardware - which refers to the physical computer
instrument and related devices performing various
functions like input, output, secondary storage, CPU
and Communication.
(ii) Software - which refers to the instructions given
to the hardware to perform various operations.
(iii) Database - which is the collection of logically
related and centrally controlled records containing
various stored data.
(iv) Procedures - which include the set of instructions
to the users, data preparation group, operating
personnel, etc.
(v) Operating personal - they may be computer
operators system analysts, programmers, data
administrators, or data preparation personnel.
(b) Processing functions: On the basis of processing
functions, information system consists of the following:
(i) Processing transactions - transaction is an activity,
which acts as the source of data. The information
system functions include the recording and
measurement of these transactions.
(ii) Maintaining master files - it involves the creation
and maintenance of master files for permanent
storage of data.
(iii) Producing reports - one of the major jobs of the
information system is to generate and provide
Structure of Management Information System 131

reports to the user at various levels of

(iv) Processing inquiries - information systems provide
responses to inquiries from various levels.
(v) Process interactive support applications-
information systems provide interactive facilities
to end-user and facilitate system planning,
analysis, and decision-making. They enable the
user to ask questions and receive immediate
(c) Output for users: The output provided by an
information system to the end-user may take any of the
following forms:
(i) Transaction documents or screen - examples are
purchase order, payroll, sales invoice, etc.
(ii) Preplanned reports containing regular contents.
(iii) Preplanned inquiry responses.
(iv) User-machine dialog results - which refers to the
way in which a user can interact with a system to
arrive at a solution.
(v) Ad hoc reports and enquiry responses - which occur
at regular intervals and receive data for analyses
whose format cannot be preplanned.
2. Decision support: One of the major roles of
managers in an organization is decision-making; and, as a
tool to the managers, the purpose of information systems is
to facilitate the decision making process. As a decision support
tool, MIS consists of two types of decisions - structured and
(a) Structured decisions (Programmable
decisions): These are well-defined, repetitive and routine
deciSions, having predetermined deciSion models or rules. It
does not mean that the decisions are automated. In simple
words, programmable decisions can be made within a
framework, specifying the steps to be adopted, in a flow chart,
decision table, or a formula. The decision model will specify
the information requirements and can be used by the lower
level personnel in the organization who do not possess
specialized knowledge or skill. Giving purchase order,
preparation of pay rolls, etc., are examples. The guidelines
and rules required for taking such decisions are made available
in the form of procedure manuals, which help the users to
132 Management Information System

understand them. The important features of these decisions

(1) These decisions can be delegated since they do
not require any specialized knowledge.
(2) Programmable decisions can be automated,
(3) The cost involved is very low when compared to
non-programmable decisions.
(b) Unstructured decisions (Non-programmable
decisions): These decisions are occasional in nature. They
have no pre-established decision models or procedures,
necessitating a new solution for each unique problem. The
information requirements cannot be predicted in advance, so
that the retrieval may be ad hoc in nature. Moreover, due to
the absence of decision rules, these decisions are subject to
human judgment, and involve very high risk. Capital budget
preparation, introduction of a new product in the market,
etc. are examples of non-programmable decisions.
3. Management Activity (Levels of Management
and Information Requirements): On the basis of
managerial activities MIS consists of three activities, such as
strategic planning, tactical planning and operational planning,
which constitute a hierarchy.

Tactical Planning and

Management Control

Operational Planning and Control

Fig. 9.2: Hierarchy of Planning

The functions of strategic planning level include the
fixation of goals, policies, general guidelines, setting up of
organizational objectives, etc., which involve long-range
considerations. Decisions made at this level are connected
with the choice of business directions, market strategy,
product mix, etc. Strategic level of management (top
management) requires aggregate, not much accurate, wide,
future-oriented and largely external information for decision
Structure of Management Information System 133

At the tactical planning level, the emphasis is on

managerial control, and it is concerned with raising and
utilization of resources effectively and effiCiently. The activities
at these levels include acquisition of resources, tactics, plant
location, new product development, establishment and
monitoring of budgets, etc. This level of management requires
information about the targets, budgets and the actuals
corresponding to the target performance, because at this stage
control measures are adopted, if the actual and targets vary
significantly. The causes for such variation are analyzed and
a report is submitted to managers of this level for controlling
activity. Management control and tactical planning level have
a medium-term planning horizon. It involves activities like
reusing of resources, structuring of works, acquisition and
training of personnel. Tactical planning is reflected in areas
like capital expenditure, budget, and three-year staffing plan.
The responsibilities of management at the operational,
planning and control levels include effective and efficient use
of resources, and the execution of the day-to-day activities
of the organization. They relate also to short-term decisions
or current decisions like pricing, production levels, stock level,
etc. The pieces of information required at this level of
management are well defined and restricted. But detailed,
historical, highly current, accurate, frequent and largely
internal information is also required at this stage for proper
Even though the three levels of management activity
can be differentiated on the, basis of the planning horizon,
the activities and information processing for these three levels
are interrelated. For instance, the inventory control at the
operational level depends on accurate processing of
transactions at the management control and tactical planning
levels, which, in turn, depend on correct summarization of
results of operations at the strategic level.
4. Organizational Functions (organizational
functions and information requirements): The structure
of MIS can also be explained in terms of organizational
functions. These functions do not have a standard
classification, The normal functions in a manufacturing
organization include, purchase, production, marketing,
personnel, finance and accounting. Each of these functions
requires unique items of information and must have a separate
134 Management Information System

information system. MIS is developed to support the functional

. subsystems of the organization. With in each functional
subsystem, there will be four levels of managerial activities,
such as trqnsaction processing, operational control,
managerial control, and strategic planning. The various
subsystems are:
Purchase Subsystem
The transactions to be processed consist of purchase
requisition, purchase orders, manufacturing orders, receiving
reports etc. The operational control level uses information
contained in the reports, like under stock items, over stock
items, vender performance, etc. Managerial control
information consists of overall comparisons between planned
and actual inventory levels, cost for purchased items, stock
outs, inventory turnover, etc. Strategic planning involves
analysis of new distribution strategies, new polices with regard
to venders and making or buying decisions.
Production Subsystem
The functions of this subsystem include planning of
production, facilities, scheduling of production activities,
engineering of product, employment and training of production
personnel, and quality control and inspection. Operational
control requires detailed reports comparing actual
performance with production schedule. Management control
requires summary reports comparing overall planned
performance with actual performance. StrategiC planning
includes alternative manufacturing approach or approach to
Marketing Subsystem
Transactions in marketing subsystem are sales orders,
promotion orders etc. The operational control of the marketing
subsystem performs hiring and training of sales force, day-
to-day scheduling of sales and promotion efforts, etc. The
managerial level compares overall performance against the
standard marketing plan. StrategiC planning considers the
problem"s of new markets and new marketing strategies. The
information required at this level relates to customer analysis,
competitor analysis, income projection, etc.
Personnel Subsystem
This subsystem is concerned with employment
requisitions, job description, training specification, personnel
Structure of Management Information System 135

data, pay rate changes, hours worked, benefits, termination

notices, etc. Operational control level requires decision
procedures for actions, such as hiring, training, termination,
etc. Management control level requires information about cost
of recruiting, composition of skills, cost of training, salary
paid, wage rates, etc. Strategic planning requires information
about alternative strategies for recruiting, salary, training,
and benefits and about retaining personnel.
Finance and Accounting subsystem
Transactions involved in finance subsystem are
processing of credit applications, sales, billing, collection
payment vouchers, cheques, journal vouchers, ledgers, stock
transfers and so on. Operational control requires information
about daily error and exception reports, records of processing
delays, records of unprocessed transactions etc. Management
control requires information on budgeted and actual resources,
cost of processing accounting data, error rates, and so forth.
Strategic planning requires information to evolve alternative
strategy to adequately finance the firm, long range tax
planning policy, systems for cost accounting and budgeting,
etc. Thus, the structure of MIS can be summarized as follows:

(b) Processing (b) Non- (b) Production

Function Programmable Subsystem

(c) Output for (c) Operational (c) Purchase

Users Planning Subsystem

(d) Personnel

(e) Finance and

Fig. 9.2: Structure of MIS
136 Management Information System

Synthesis of MIS Structure

The structure of MIS can be described in terms of
operating elements, decision support, management activity,
and organizational functions. These approaches can be
synthesized into a single MIS structure consisting of a physical
and conceptual structure.
Physical Structurf(!
The physical structure of an MIS consists of integrated
processing activities, software, hardware facilities, etc. It is
very difficult to keep all the activities, applications, programs,
etc. completely separate. The integration activity provides
various economies and use of common modules. Integration
in physical structure can be achieved by designing various
related applications as a single system, so as to simplyfy the
number of interconnections and reduce the duplication of
input. The physical structure is also influenced by the use of
common modules for many operations.
Conceptual Structure
It is defined as the federation of functional subsystems,
which is again divided into four information processing
components like transaction processing, operational control,
managerial control and strategic planning. Each functional
subsystem must have some unique data files and they are
used only by the specific functional subsystem. Certain data
files are available for general use, which are arranged into a
general database and managed by a DBMS. A common
softw(:jre also can be introduced for various subsystems. The
analytical and deCision models used by manV applications,
form the model for the information system. It can be
represented as:
Structure of Management Information System 137

Management ( Model Base
Control )
Common to
Unique to Operational many
Aplication. Control Applications.
Transaction Application
Processing ( ) Software
System Files


Common DataBase

Fig. 9.1: Model for Information System

Knowledge Work
The concept of knowledge work is involved in several
tasks and explained in terms of the knowledge possessed by
the worker. It involves the use of information derived from
the knowledge and expertise of the worker, and organizational
or outside data available to the worker. Knowledge work, in
simple words, refers to the work involving thinking,
processing, information, formulating analyses,
recommendations and procedures. The'tasks of knowledge
work involves schedules, plans descriptions, instructions,
diagnoses, memoranda, position papers, decisions, etc., which
are considered to be relative with respect to the. tasks
performed. In fact, no task in the world is free from knowledge
work. Almost all the jobs contain at least an element of
knowledge work, and the composition and amount of
knowledge work involved in different tasks vary significantly.
Fo, instance, the knowledge work involved in both decision-
making and filling gasoline in a car differ significantly.
Knowledge work can use either verbal or written inputs and
outputs. In the modern world of technological advancement,
a number of knowledg~ works are available to the users. The
different types of knowledge work are:
138 Management Information System

1. Diagnosis and problem finding,

2. Planning and decision-making,
3. Organizing and scheduling,
4. Authoring and presentation,
5. Communication,
6. System development,
7. Monitoring and control.
Technology Support for Knowledge Work
Information technology provides direct assistance and
support to knowledge work. The Significant factors contributing
to knowledge work are personal computers and
communication network, which takes together, constitute the
stepping-stones of intelligent workstations (professional work
stations). Intelligent-workstations are developed on the basis
of the concept of integration of facilities, which are of two
types, namely, functional integration and physical integration.
Functional integration is the integration of various
software support functions for knowledge work as a single
system. E-mail, word processing, data storage, access to
data banks, etc, accomplished at the same workstation are
examples of functional integration. A single interface enables
the user to access software facilities, which are functionally
integrated; he can also switch from one task to another and
come back again. For instance a user preparing a document
in word processing can check the e-mail and then go back to
the original work he has engaged in.
Physical integration involves the interactions of
hardware, software and communication facilities. The
components of physical integration are:
1. User interface allowing the user to access several
workspaces concurrently (Multi tasking),
2. Multiple Media permitting the creation and editing
of documents from different media, such as text
graphics, databases and voice,
3. Access to outside services allowing accessing of
external data banks and information providing
4. Physical interconnection in which multiple products
from multiple manufacturers can be used.
Structure of Management Information System 139

The important software support facilities for knowledge

work are:
1. Word and text processing, which allows the user to
use intelligent work stations for drafting memos,
letter, documents, etc., in place of handwriting. The
user can prepare a document in his own workstation,
and if he wants he can transfer it to the workstation
of another and order the distribution of it to a specific
mailing list.
2. Storage and retrieval of data. Workstation storage
facilities can be utilized to get access to internal
databases, external database and information
retrieval services.
3. Communication facilities, including the computer-
based message systems and voice store-and-
forward message systems, provide capabilities for
different users in different locations to work on joint
4. Decision support in intelligent work station permits
final results produced from a decision support
system to be incorporated into a report in the
prescribed format.
5. Graphics facilitate the generation of standardized
forms scheduling of applications and providing user
6. End-user application development facilities: An
intelligent workstation is a personal support facility
under the direct control of the knowledge worker. It
extends the power of the user to tailor a workstation
to his own requirements and to provide technical
support, training, etc.
Transaction Processing System (TPS)
This system is designed for processing day-to-day
transactions taking place in an organization. It involves the
use of large volume of data and helps in operational control
area of the company. The system is designed to capture data
relating to various transactions within the organization and is
well suited to highly structured routine tasks that support
operational decision-making. The output of a transaction
processing system becomes the input of Management
140 Management Information System

Information System. It refers to the traditional applications

of computers, like invoicing, billing, order entry, despatch,
delivery, stores, accounting, etc. In all these applications,
any single transaction like invoicing would need updating of
multiple data sources( data bases like accounts receivable,
order status etc.) A transaction can be said to be complete if
all the associated databases are updated. Many transaction-
processing systems also use very large databases running
on large mainframes and mini computers. They also call for
very large processing of data by hundreds of users using
equipment distributed over dozens of locations spread over a
vast geographical area. Such systems receive substantial
attention from researchers and application specialists. TPS
captures much of the information needed for programmed
Information Support Systems (ISS)
Information support systems are also known as Office
Automation Systems, and are characterized by repetitive,
short-term, input-output-oriented systems used by a number
of end-user, like clerks, typists, accountants, etc. various
accounting systems like payroll invoicing, billing inquiry, etc.,
belong to this category. Office automation systems are more
tuned to generation of information rather than to the use of
information. They generally form the basis of all other
information systems and the information generated by an
ISS forms the general database. Information support for such
systems must be simple, flexible and user-friendly. The
widespread usage of office Automation system in large system
like Railway Reservation System is an example of user-
friendliness of this type of support systems. Standardization,
application probability, data and format compatibility, etc.,
are the problems that must be resolved in Information Support
Systems. The use of standardized software for purposes like
accounting is the current development in this area. The
emergence of integrated software and bundled softwares like
MS office, Word perfect office, etc., represents the changing
profile of applications in this area. Integration with other office
aids like copying phone, fax dictation equipment, TV and other
types of projection equipment represents yet another
development that will lead to exciting application in this area,
besides DTP, Desk Top Video, Desk Top Video Conferencing,
Structure of Management Information System 141

Decision Support Systems ceSS)

Decision Support System is a set of well-defined,
integrated, user-friendly, computer-based tool that combines
internal and external data with various decision-making
models, to solve semi-structured and unstructured problems.
It is a type of system, which supports the decision-making
process, and should provide easy access to databases
containing relevant data and information. The important types
of DSS are:
1. File drawer systems allowing immediate access to
2. Data analysis systems permitting data manipulation.
3. Analysis information systems providing access to
data bases and small models.
4. Accounting models calculating the consequences of
planned actions and generating estimates of income,
balance sheet, etc.
5. Representational models estimating the
consequences of actions on the basis of various
models like simulation or risk analysis model.
6. Optimizing models providing guidelines for actions
by generating optimal solutions.
7. Suggesting models computing a specific, suggested,
structured and repetitive decision.
The important features of a DSS are:
1. It facilitates semi-structured and unstructured
decision-making by bringing together data, models
and human judgment.
2. DSS can provide decision support for several
interdependent decisions.
3. It supports a wide variety of deCision-making
4. DSS assists the decision-maker to make decisions
under dynamic business conditions.
5. Lastly, it helps the decision-maker by answering ad
hoc queries, like the number of machines to be
operated, amount of materials to be required for a
particular order, etc.
142 Management Information System

Application of a DSS
Decision problems can be divided into three categories,
such as independent, interrelated and organizational.
Independent problems are those problems, the solutions to
which are independent of the others. The purpose of such
decisions is simply to find the best solution to the specific
problem. For interrelated problems, the solutions are also
interrelated. The purpose of decisions in such a problem is to
find out the best solution to the entire set and not just to
individual problems and it requires a team effort.
Organizational problems are problems, which affect the entire
organization. Such problems also require a team effort.
Components of a DSS
The data required to solve a problem may come from
internal or external databases. Internal data are obtained by
way of TPS and MIS. External data comes from a variety of
ways such as periodicals, journals, etc., and include
government policy, economic indicators, inflation rates, etc.
The data in a DSS are managed by DBMS, Model Management
System and support tools.
Model Management System
It is the second component of a DSS, which stores and
access models that managers use to make decisions. The
important models are:
1. Statistical models: These are used to perform a
wide range of statistical functions, such as average, standard
deviation, graphical analysis, regression analysis, variance
analysis, etc.
2. Financial and Accounting models: They allow the
decision-maker to measure and access the financial implication
of various alternatives and include analysis of profit and loss,
cost-benefit analysis, investment analysis, etc. They are also
used to calculate various ratios and other measures of financial
health and performance.
3. Production models: These models are mostly used
on the shop-floor to make production related decisions, such
as the number of machine to be operated, manpower
requirements, etc.
4. Marketing models: Such models include product
pricing models, store allocation, advertising strategy, product
design models, etc.
Structure of Management Information System 143

5. Human resource models: They help the managers

to make decisions involving company personnel, job-related
issues, etc. Such models include HR, Planning, model
assessment of training needs, projecting future personnel
needs, labour negotiations, etc.
Support Tools
This is the third component of a decision support system.
It involves graphical analysis, error correction mechanism,
user interfaces, etc. Interfaces are an important support tool
because middle and top managers have neither the time nor
the inclination to learn difficult and complicated procedures;
in order to run a system. The better the interface, the greater
the chances that the users will accept the system.
Functions of a DSS
The DSS has five major functions facilitating managerial
decision-making. They are:
1. Model building: The function helps the managers
to identify and develop decision-making models, by
considering input variables and their interrelationships, model
assumptions and constraints. A model builder uses a
structured framework to identify all the variables in the
forecasting of the model, to analyse the relationship among
these variables, to identify the assumptions, if any and to
identify constraints. The system then integrates all this
information into a decision-making model, which can be
updated and modified whenever necessary.
2. What-if analysis: It involves the process of
assessing the impact of changes in model variation of these.
For example, how much is the profit if 10 per cent increase in
raw materials cost and 5 per cent reduction in,sales effected?
3. Goal seeking: It allows the decision-maker to
identify the course of action to be undertaken to achieve a
specific goal. The system addresses the question: what should
be the value of the input variables if a certain goal is to be
4. Risk analysis: It helps to calculate the risk
associated with various alternatives with the help of
probabilities and various other statistical techniques. If the
decision-maker prefers high risk; then the recommendations
of the system are likely to be high risk- oriented.
144 Management Information System

S. Graphical analysis: It is a display of data in an

easy-to-understand format, using graphs, charts, tables and
figures. It helps managers to quickly digest large volume of
data and visualize the impact of various courses of action.
Evaluation of Information Systems
The i m porta nce of info rmati on system ca n be
emphasized by the fact that much of the decision making
activity is based on information systems. Any successful
information system should consider the information needs of
managers at various levels. Information systems can be
explained in terms of operating elements, decision support,
management activity, and organizational functions. The
physical components of an information system are hardware,
software, database, procedures, and personnel. The
processing requirements include process transactions, process
inquiries, maintenance of master files, providing reports, and
processing interactive support applications. The output
provides the users with monitoring and action information.
The information requirements of an organization vary with
changes in the level of management. Even though the terms
'computer system' and 'information system' are used
synonymously, the concept of information system is very wide,
whereas the computer system provides only the technological
component of the information system.
. MIS system may be formal or informal, public or private,
'and conceptual or physical. Anthony classified the three levels
of management into strategic, tactical and operational. To be
successful, MIS must consider this classification of
management. In fact, there is a school of thought which
argues that data processing serves the need of operational
management, that MIS serves the tactical management, and
that strategic level of management cannot be supported by
information systems at all. Computers have fundamentally
changed MIS from an abstract concept to a concrete system
providing competitive advantage. The modern information
system primarily aims at organizing the ,orporate data
resource in an effective manner, for flexible, corporate, and
wide access, and at gaining from competitive advantage
accruing from the effective .use of such information system.
Structure of Management Information System 145

Short Answer Questions
1. What do you mean by information networks?
2. Distinguish between formal and informal information systems.
3. What is modularity in information system?
4. Describe the operating demerits of MIS.
S. Explain the structure of MIS on the basis of decision support.
6. Explain the information requirements of managers at different
levels of organization.
7. Discuss the structure of MIS on the basis of managerial activity.
8. Describe the information requirements of managers on the basis
of organizational function.
9. Explain structure of MIS on the basis of organizational functions.
10. Discuss the physical structure of MIS.
11. What is meant by the conceptual structure of MIS?
12. Explain the concept and meaning of knowledge work.
13. Describe the technology support and its significance in
knowledge work.
14. What are the important software support facilities for knowledge
15. Define transaction Processing System (TPS).
16. Explain Information Support System (ISS).
17. What is a Decision Support System (DSS).
18. Described the characteristics of a DSS.
19. Discuss the application of a DSS?
20. What are the components of a DSS?
21. Briefly explain the functions of a DSS.
22. What do you mean by model building?
Essay Questions
1. Describe the structure of an MIS.
2. Explain the concept of knowledge work and brings out its
3. Explain various support systems in MIS and their applications.
4. What is a DSS? Explain in detail its applications components
and functions.
5. Explain the concept of integration in information system and
bring out its need and significance.

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