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Distribution of The Zeros of The Riemann Zeta Function: 1 Generalities

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Distribution of the zeros of the

Riemann Zeta function
Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah
August 19, 20041

One of the most celebrated problem of mathematics is the Riemann hypoth-

esis which states that all the non trivial zeros of the Zeta-function lie on the
critical line <(s) = 1/2. Even if this famous problem is unsolved for so long,
a lot of things are known about the zeros of ζ(s) and we expose here the most
classical related results : all the non trivial zeros lie in the critical strip, the
number of such zeros with ordinate less than T is proportional to T log T , most
zeros concentrate along the critical line σ = 1/2, there exists an infinity of zeros
on the critical line and moreover, more than two fifth of the zeros are on the
critical line.

1 Generalities
Let us recall (see section on the analytic continuation of ζ(s) in The Riemann
Zeta-function : generalities) that zeta vanishes at negative odd integers. These
zeros are called the trivial zeros of ζ(s). The functional equation
ζ(s) = χ(s)ζ(1 − s), χ(s) = 2s π s−1 sin Γ(1 − s). (1)
entails that other zeros of ζ(s) (they are called the non trivial zeros) are symetric
with respect to the critical line <(s) = 1/2 : for each non trivial zero s = σ + it,
the value s0 = 1 − σ + it is also a zero of ζ(s).

The non trivial zeros lie in the critical strip

We show that all the non trivial zeros of ζ(s) lie in the critical strip defined
by values of the complex number s such that 0 < <(s) < 1. Because of the
functional equation, it suffices to show that ζ(s) does not vanish on the closed
half plane <(s) ≥ 1.
The Euler infinite product (see The Riemann Zeta-function : generalities)
Y 1
ζ(s) = ,
1 − p−s
p prime

valid for all complex numbers s with <(s) > 1, shows that ζ(s) does not vanish
for <(s) > 1 (a convergent infinite product can not converge to zero because
its logarithm is a convergent series). Thus it suffices now to prove that ζ(s)
1 This pages are from //
Numbers, constants and computation 2

does not vanish on the line <(s) = 1. This property is in fact the key in the
proof of the prime number theorem, and Hadamard and De La Vallée Poussin
obtained this result independantly in 1896 by different mean (this problem is
in fact a first step in a determination of a zero-free region, important to obtain
good error terms in the prime number theorem). We present here the argument
of De La Vallée Poussin which is simpler to expose and more elegant, in a form
close to the presentation of [3].

The Zeta-function has no zeros on the line <(s) = 1

The starting point is the relation
3 + 4 cos φ + cos 2φ = 2(1 + cos φ)2 ≥ 0 (2)
for all values of the real number φ. The Euler infinite product writes as
 

X X 1 
ζ(s) = exp  ms
, <(s) > 1
p prime

thus for the complex number s = σ + it we have

 

X X cos(mt log p)
|ζ(s)| = exp  mσ
, σ = <(s) > 1.
p prime

This relation entails

ζ(σ)3 |ζ(σ + it)|4 |ζ(σ + 2it)|
 

X X 3 + 4 cos(mt log p) + cos(2mt log p)
= exp  
p prime

so with (2) we deduce

ζ(σ)3 |ζ(σ + it)|4 |ζ(σ + 2it)| ≥ 1, σ > 1. (3)
Now suppose that 1+it is a zero of ζ(s). Letting σ → 1, we have ζ(σ) ∼ 1/(σ−1)
and ζ(σ + it) = O(σ − 1), so that ζ(σ)3 |ζ(σ + it)|4 = O(σ − 1) thus as σ → 1, (3)
entails that |ζ(σ+2it)| tends to infinity, which is impossible since ζ(s) is analytic
around 1+2it. Thus we have proved that ζ(s) has no zeros on the line <(s) = 1.
Other proofs of this result can be found in [3].

2 Counting the number of zeros in the critical

Even if precise location of zeros are not known, a lot of results have been ob-
tained on counting the number of zeros in the critical strip. All the results in
this section are more proved and detailed in [3, Ch. 9].
Numbers, constants and computation 3

2.1 The number of zeros less than a given height

We let
θ(t) = arg π −it/2 Γ(1/4 + it/2)
S(t) = arg ζ(1/2 + it)

where the arguments are defined by continuous variation of s starting with

the value 0 at s = 2, going up vertically to s = 2 + it and then horizontally
to s = 12 + it (when there is a zero of Zeta on the segment between 12 + it
and 2 + it, S(T ) is defined by S(T + 0)). We already encountered the θ(t)
function in Numerical evaluation of the Riemann Zeta-function while defining
the Riemann-Siegel function Z(t). If N (T ) denotes the number of zeros of
ζ(σ + it) in the region 0 < σ < 1, 0 < t ≤ T , then a result in[3] states that
θ(T )
N (T ) = 1 + + S(T ),
and using the asymptotic expansion of θ(T ) (see Numerical evaluation of the
Riemann Zeta-function) we have
T T T 7 1
N (T ) = log − + + S(T ) + O . (4)
2π 2π 2π 8 T
The function S(T ) satisfies
S(T ) = O(log T ), T → +∞, (5)
which permits to say that N (T ) behaves like T /(2π) log(T /(2π)). So the zeros
of the Zeta-function become more and more dense as one goes up in the critical
strip. More precisely the height of the n-th zero (ordered in increasing values
of its ordinate) behaves like 2πn/ log n. The results above also permit to state
that the gap between the ordinates of successive zeros is bounded.

More on the function S(T )

The function S(T ) is important in local study of zeros and appears to be quite
complicated. Today, no improvement of the bound (5) is known (under the
Riemann hypothesis, we have the strongest bound S(T ) = O(log T / log log T )),
but other results have been obtained. For example, we have the bound
S(t)dt = O(log T ), (6)

which in particular, entails that the average value of S(T ) is zero. It is also
known that S(T ) is not too small, and more precisely, a result from Selberg
states that there exists a constant A > 0 for which the inequality
|S(T )| > A(log T )1/3 (log log T )−7/3
Numbers, constants and computation 4

holds for an infinity of values of T tending to infinity. Another result from

Selberg gives
S(t)2 dt ∼ T log log T,
0 2π 2
thus the average value of S(t)2 on [0, T ] is 1/(2π 2 ) log log T (this result has
latter been refined by Ghosh in 1983 who proved that |S(T )|/(log log T )1/2 has
a limiting distribution). So S(t) is, in average, tending to infinity very very
Finally a result of Titchmarsh states that the function S(T ) changes its sign
infinitly often.

2.2 The zeros off the critical line

Even if Riemann hypothesis has not been proved, it is known that the zeros of
the Zeta-function concentrate along the critical line. To precise this result, we
define, when 0 < σ < 1/2, the function N (σ, T ) as the number of zeros s = β +it
of Zeta such that β > α and 0 < t ≤ T (under the Riemann hypothesis one has
N (1/2, T ) = 0). A first result about N (σ, T ) states that for any fixed σ > 1/2,
one has
N (σ, T ) = O(T ). (7)
Since N (T ) ∼ T /(2π) log(T /(2π)), we deduce that for any δ > 0, all but an
infinitesimal proportion of the zeros lie in the strip 1/2 − δ < σ < 1/2 + δ.
There exists numerous results that improve the bound (7) in some context,
for example we have

N (σ, T ) = O(T 4σ(1−σ)+ ), forall  > 0,

N (σ, T ) = O(T 3/2−σ log5 T )
N (σ, T ) = O(T 3(1−σ)/(2−σ) log5 T ).

A result of a different kind has been obtained by Selberg, who proved

Z 1
N (σ, T )dσ = O(T ).

3 The zeros on the critical line

The Riemann hypothesis states that all non trivial zeros of ζ(s) lie on the
critical line <(s) = 1/2. Even if this has never been proved or disproved,
mathematicians succeeded in proving that there exists an infinity of non trivial
zeros on the critical line, and later, that a positive proportion of the zeros are
on the line.
Numbers, constants and computation 5

3.1 An infinity of zeros are on the critical line

Hardy was the first to prove in 1914 that an infinity of zeros are on the critical
line. Later, other mathematicians like Pólya in 1927, Landau, or Titchmarsh in
the 1930’s gave other proofs. In [3], five different proofs are given.
We sketch here the ideas under the Titchmarsh approach, which makes use
the Riemann-Siegel Z function (see The Riemann-Siegel Z-function in Numerical
evaluation of the Riemann Zeta-function), with considerations close to what is
used in numerical computations of the zeros. We recall that the Z(t) function is
purely real and satisfies |Z(t)| = |ζ(1/2 + it)|, and that Riemann-Siegel formula
for Z(t) writes as
X cos(θ(t) − t log n) t
Z(t) = 2 √ + O(t ), x= . (8)
n 2π

Titchmarsh observed that the dominant term in the sum above is obtained with
n = 1 and is cos θ(t) and thus one should expect that on average, the sign of
Z(t) would be the sign of cos θ(t). For that reason he defined tν as the solution
of θ(tν ) = νπ (we have tν ∼ 2πν/ log ν) and showed that on average, the value
of Z(tν ) is 2(−1)ν . More precisely, he proved that
Z(t2ν ) ∼ 2N, Z(t2ν+1 ) ∼ −2N (9)
ν≤N ν≤N

by showing that in the ν summation, the terms cos(θ(t2ν ) − t2ν log n)n−1/2
and cos(θ(t2ν+1 ) − t2ν+1 log n)n−1/2 of (8) for n ≥ 2 cancellate and give a
contribution of inferior order. It is now easy to prove that Z(t) has an infinity
of zeros since if not, it would keep the same sign for t large enough, thus one of
the two estimates in (9) would not be satisfied.

3.2 A finite proportion of zeros lie on the critical line

After Hardy proof that there exists an infinity of zeros on the critical line,
strongest results that estimate the minimal number of zeros on the line have been
obtained. Denoting by N0 (T ) the number of zeros of ζ(1/2 + it) for 0 < t ≤ T ,
the first strongest historical result is due to Hardy and Littlewood who proved
in 1921 that there exists a constant A > 0 for which the inequality

N0 (T ) > AT

holds for all values of T (see [3] for a proof). Selberg in 1932 improved consid-
erably this result by showing the existence of a constant A > 0 for which

N0 (T ) > AT log T

holds (the numerical value of A is Selberg proof is very small). Since N (T ) ∼

T /(2π) log T , it means that a finite proportion of the zeros lie on the critical
Numbers, constants and computation 6

line. The proof is quite complicated and is given in [3]. The most significant
result on N0 (T ) has been obtained by Conrey in 1989 (see [1]) and states that
for T large enough, one as

N0 (T ) ≥ αN (T ), α = 0.40219.

Thus more than one third of the zeros lie on the critical line.

[1] J. B. Conrey, “More than two fifths of the zeros of the Riemann zeta function
are on the critical line”, J. reine angew. Math., 399 (1989), pp. 1-26.
[2] H. M. Edwards, Riemann’s Zeta Function, Academic Press, 1974.
[3] E. C. Titchmarsh, The theory of the Riemann Zeta-function, Oxford Science
publications, second edition, revised by D. R. Heath-Brown (1986).

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